10 Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

Published on march 15, 2017 at 12:01 am by ethan jacobs in lists , news.

Why should we care about problem solving activities for high school students ?  What’s the fastest way to get to and from work? How can I complete a task more efficiently? What should I have for lunch today? No matter the size, scale, or ramifications, we all encounter scenarios every day that require the very best of our decision-making abilities. The approaches that we employ to solve these problems can be every bit as diverse as the problems themselves.

Sometimes we crowdsource, other times we decide using trial and error, and in a pinch, we solicit the unerring wisdom of Siri. What happens though, when there simply is no collection of experts to whom we can appeal and we’re devoid of the familiar technology that helps make our decisions for us? Computers do an excellent job of automating processes, but are incapable of the initial pattern recognition required to identify the most efficient solution available. What’s more, in a time crunch, trial and error won’t stand you in good stead; you’ll have to decide in an instant. This need for self-reliance in decision-making scenarios makes critical thinking, the ability to use facts, knowledge and data to successfully solve problems,​ absolutely indispensable. This is further reflected by the ​ recent trend​  of rapid growth in demand across industries that seek talent with considerable problem-solving abilities, as well as the increased use of problem solving activities ​in the workplace​ to continue employee development.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

Marijus Auruskevicius/Shutterstock.com

In order to best set the next generation up for success in this regard, it’s critical to begin fostering these skills from an early age. Beginning in high school or earlier, problem solving enables students to apply what they’ve learned as opposed to merely recalling information that they have been spoonfed, equipping them with an arsenal of tools and approaches to tackle issues that may have previously seemed uni-dimensional. This ability, in turn, transforms the rigors of academic learning into that something that’s applicable at a professional level, simultaneously silencing the familiar “when will I ever use this?” chorus to which educators have become so accustomed. Whether carried out in individual or group settings, problem solving activities help students develop critical skills such as leadership, teamwork, creativity, persistence, and incremental improvement through repetition.

And if you are looking for more brain thinking activities we have a similar read –  10 Best Team Building Problem Solving Activities .

In addition to discovering new, useful techniques with which to tackle problems, students that are immersed in problem solving endeavors learn effective ways to present their findings once all is said and done, providing them with valuable written and oral skills in addition to those included in the aforementioned list. In short, when teachers​ present students with problems and task them with finding a solution, teachers can ensure that their students are prepared for challenges that they will encounter after graduation. We searched the web looking for the best problem solving games, and took the  recommendations from various sources, such as Concordia , and  Stanford  to name a few. Here is a list of 10 problem solving activities for high school students to help them sharpen their skills.

10. Protto: Problem Lotto

Played individually, or with partners, this competitive game involves creative thinking and teaches students that problems often have more than one solution, and that sometimes one solution can be used for more multiple problems.

Overview: Students divide one sheet of paper into four quadrants by drawing one vertical and horizontal line. Each quadrant represents a problem that the students have selected from a designated list of problems. The teacher may randomly draw cards or have students draw blindly from a set of cards that have solutions printed on them. If a solution fits a problem listed in one of the students’ quadrants, they may write the solution in that quadrant. If the solution fits for more than one problem quadrant, the student may write it in each quadrant where it applies. The first student to fill out all four quadrants and shout ‘Protto!’ is the winner. The teacher serves as the games judge. And now, let’s see what else we have in our list of problem solving activities for high school students.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

9.​ ​Pulling Pockets

The next one in our list of problem solving activities for high school students is played with an entire class divided into teams of equal size, this activity targets students’ ability to think quickly, cooperate, and collaborate to come up with as lengthy a list as possible. Using “pockets” (anything that can be closed, such as a bag, jar, envelope, etc.) that contain problem scenarios within them (on a slip of paper or card), teams compete by taking turns providing viable solutions to the problem contained in the pocket over a 60-second span. For example, if a pocket’s problem is “I forgot my homework,” each team, starting with the team that selected the pocket, will provide a solution to the forgotten homework problem. A panel of independent judges will decide whether a proposed solution is viable. The round ends when the 60 seconds ends or when no more new solutions can be produced.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students


8. Solution Bee

Played with an entire class divided into teams, this game is similar to a spelling bee with respect to its round-by-round guessing elements, and encourages students to broaden their innovative thinking capabilities. Although it certainly has elements of luck, this activity also relies heavily on creativity. One at a time, students blindly select one card from a fanned deck that the teacher is holding. On the card that the student picks will be a problem, which the teacher will read aloud, as well as a solution to that problem, which is meant to be kept secret. The competing teams will take turns guessing the ‘best’ solution to the problem read by the teacher until one side guesses the correct answer and earns a point for their team. The process is then repeated with another student selecting a new card. A follow-up discussion can be had among the students after each round about whether the written solution actually represents the best method of solving the problem.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

7.​ ​Brainstorm Bonanza

This problem-solving activity that ranks 7th in our list of problem solving activities for high school students is applicable across all academic disciplines and is a great way to help students further develop their understanding of a particular topic. For example, if a literature class is discussing a book, which was not a resounding success, or was poorly-received by readers, students may brainstorm ways that the author could have created a more effective piece. The brainstorming process can take place individually or in groups, using paper or a whiteboard.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

Copyright: jezper / 123RF Stock Photo

6. Group Therapy

A class can collaborate to design and decorate a locked box with a slot cut into it at the top. Into this box, students can anonymously jot down and submit problems that they may be having in their lives, be they in your class, another class, or entirely outside of school that they are having trouble solving on their own. Every now and again, a student or teacher can draw a problem slip from the box, read it to the class, and solicit suggestions from everyone. The entire class can brainstorm solutions and discuss their merit as a group.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

5. Survivor Scenarios

Create an imagined circumstance that involves students working together in order to survive. One such scenario might involve being trapped in a remote area, such as a mountain range, with limited supplies and no way of communicating with the outside world. Students must prioritize the items that they have at their disposal, and discuss how they will use one another’s strengths and weaknesses to gather necessary resources and establish lodging to survive an indefinite period of isolation until help is able to arrive and rescue them. More ideas for problem solving activities for high school students are coming, just click on Next.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students


4. Moral Dilemma

We are continuing with the number 4 in our list of problem solving activities for high school students – brainstorm a number of issues with potential moral grey areas that your students might face on a day-to-day basis, jot them down and place them in some kind of container. Draw a scenario from time to time and present the issue to the students to promote brainstorming of potential solutions and discussion of solution merits. One such dilemma might involve life-saving: Two people are trapped in a car hanging on the edge of a cliff. Pulling one person from the car will cause a weight imbalance that causes the car to fall off of the edge of the cliff. You must save one person, or the car will fall and both will die. Who will you save?

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students


3.  Amoeba

We are continuing our list of problem solving activities for high school students with “Amoeba” that is a straightforward activity that can serve as a trust exercise, warm-up, or group problem-solving activity. It involves movement, and is a great way of breaking the ice. Using a large rope or some form of webbing, create a loop and place it on the floor. Have all students step into the enclosed loop and pick it up at waist level so that it encloses everyone. Tell students that they may not drop the rope and must collectively move to a given point in the room. The smaller or tighter the loop, the more difficult the activity becomes, and the more teamwork is required. Obstacles can be added at the teacher’s discretion to make the activity particularly difficult. Once the activity has concluded, debriefing discussions about working as a team, considering the needs of others, and effectively communicating can be held.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

2. ​ Quarto

This two-player logic game ranks second in our list of problem solving activities for high school students. It closely-resembles Connect Four, and uses a 4×4 board and 16 different pieces with no two pieces that are exactly alike. The pieces are either dark, light, tall, short, square, rounded, hollow, or solid. The objective of the game is to form a line in which all pieces have something in common (i.e. a line of all dark pieces, a line of all short pieces, etc.). The trick to this game is that there is a pick your poison element involved in that a player’s opponent has to pick the piece that the player must use on each turn, rather than the player getting to choose their own piece.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students


1. What can you do with ______?

Bring in a collection of everyday household items and select one to present to the class. Allow students to examine the item closely and determine the various functions that the item could perform, encouraging innovation, creativity and in-class discussion. Students may be given a defined period of time in which to brainstorm and write down the uses that they have thought of. For example, if a crate is brought in, students might suggest functions such as: ​carrying vessel; flower bed/ pot; chair/ seating device; book rack, etc. Points may be awarded for the most creative answers.

Problem Solving Activities for High School Students


 The importance of using critical thinking skills on a day-to-day basis will only continue to grow over time.  Trying out these problem solving activities for high school students in your next class is a sure-fire way to sharpen your students’ skills in a way that’s sure to keep everyone engaged.

Slideshow List XFinance Survivor Scenarios Problem Lotto group activity Quarto critical thinking game amoeba problem solving activity activities to improve creativity Protto critical thinking exercise What can you do with this activity Group Therapy brainstorming exercise activities to improve teamwork skills Solution Bee critical thinking exercise Pulling Pockets problem solving activity Moral Dilemma critical thinking exercises Brainstorm Bonanza critical thinking activity 10 Best Team Building Problem Solving Activities brainstorming activities for high school students problem solving activities for high school students critical thinking exercises for high school students 10 Problem Solving Activities for High School Students activities to improve persistence in high school students Show more... Show less

fun problem solving activities for high school students


10 Problem-Solving Scenarios for High School Students

It is certainly common to come across difficult situations including forgetting an assignment at home or overusing your phone only to miss an important project deadline. We are always surrounded by little difficulties that might become bigger problems if not addressed appropriately.

Whether it is saving your friend from the addiction to social media platforms or communicating your personal boundaries to relatives, problem-solving skills are one of the important skills you need to acquire throughout the journey of life.

Do you think these skills are in-built with other high school students? Certainly not.

It takes innovative learning methodologies just like problem-solving scenarios that help you immerse in the subject matter with precision. With problem-solving scenarios, you come across a range of problems that help you build critical thinking skills, logical reasoning, and analytical techniques.

The article will take you through scenarios that are a combination of various problems that need to be addressed strategically and carefully. As you read ahead, make sure to brainstorm solutions and choose the best one that fits the scenario. 

Helpful scenarios to build a problem-solving attitude in high schoolers

Learning through scenarios helps students look at situations from a completely analytical perspective. Problem-solving scenarios offer a combination of various situations that test the thinking skills and growth mindset of high school students. The below-mentioned scenarios are perfect for implementing problem-solving skills simply by allowing open discussions and contributions by students.

1. Uninvited Guests

Uninvited Guests

You have arranged a party at your home after successfully winning the competition at the Science Fair. You invite everyone involved in the project however, one of your friends brings his cousin’s brother along. However, you have limited soft drink cans considering the number of invited people. How would you manage this situation without making anyone feel left out?

2. Communication Issues

Communication Issues

A new teacher has joined the high school to teach about environmental conservation. She often involves students in different agriculture activities and workshops. However, one of your friends, John, is not able to understand the subject matter. He is unable to communicate his doubts to the teachers. How would you motivate him to talk to the teacher without the fear of judgment?

3. Friendship or Personal Choice?

Friendship or Personal Choice?

The history teacher announced an exciting assignment opportunity that helps you explore ancient civilizations. You and your friend are pretty interested in doing the project as a team. One of your other friends, Jason, wants to join the team with limited knowledge and interest in the topic. Would you respect the friendship or deny him so you can score better on the assignment?

4. Peer Pressure 

Peer Pressure 

It is common for high schoolers to follow what their friends do. However, lately, your friends have discovered different ways of showing off their skills. While they do all the fun things, there are certain activities you are not interested in doing. It often puts you in trouble whether to go with friends or take a stand for what is right. Would you take the help of peer mentoring activities in school or try to initiate a direct conversation with them?

5. Team Building 

Team Building

Mr. Jason, the science teacher, assigns different projects and forms teams with random classmates. There are 7 people in each team who need to work towards project completion. As the group starts working, you notice that some members do not contribute at all. How will you ensure that everyone participates and coordinates with the team members?

6. Conflict Resolution 

The drama club and the English club are famous clubs in the school. Both clubs organize various events for the students. This time, both clubs have a tiff because of the event venue. Both clubs need the same auditorium for the venue on the same date. How would you mediate to solve the issue and even make sure that club members are on good terms with each other? 

7. Stress Management 

Stress Management

Your school often conducts different activities or asks students stress survey questions to ensure their happiness and well-being. However, one of your friends always misses them. He gets frustrated and seems stressed throughout the day. What would you do to ensure that your friend gets his issue acknowledged by teachers?

8. Time Management 

Time Management 

Your friend is always enthusiastic about new competitions in high school. He is running here and there to enroll and get certificates. In this case, he often misses important lectures and activities in class. Moreover, his parents complain that he misses swimming class too. How would you explain to him the importance of prioritizing and setting goals to solve this issue?

9. Educational Resources 

You and your friends are avid readers and often take advice from books. While most must-read books for bibliophiles are read by you, it is important to now look for other books. However, you witness that the school library lacks other important books on philosophy and the non-fiction category. How would you escalate this issue to the higher authorities by addressing the needs of students?

10. Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Finance is an important factor and that is why your parents help you plan your pocket money and budgeting. Off lately, they have stopped doing so considering that you can manage on your own. However, after a few months, you have started spending more on games and high-end school supplies. You realize that your spending habits are leading to loss of money and reduced savings. How shall you overcome this situation?

Wrapping Up 

Involving students in different learning practices and innovative ways inspires them to think out of the box and make use of imagination skills. With the usage of different problem-solving scenarios, high school students get an opportunity to delve into realistic examples and consequences of different incidents.

Such scenarios offer an excellent way to promote understanding, critical thinking skills and enhance creativity. Ensure to use different activities and games for creating a comprehensive learning environment.

fun problem solving activities for high school students

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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Kids' Coding Corner | Create & Learn

15 Problem-Solving Activities for Kids & Teens: Critical Thinking

Create & Learn Team

What is one of the most important skills all students must learn? Is it math or coding? Reading? Writing? While all these skills are indeed vital to success, the one skill that underlines all disciplines is problem solving. All lines of work need great problem solvers to find tomorrow’s solutions, and students of any age can be honing their problem-solving skills. Check out some of these fun problem-solving activities for kids and teens below!

Problem-solving activities for elementary school kids (ages 5-10)

From traditional paper-and-pencil activities to online tools, below are some great activities for kids ages 5-10.

1. Coding Courses for Kids

It’s never too early to start learning the foundational concepts of computer programming! There are a number of courses appropriate for young students to start building their problem solving skills, including the award-winning Scratch Ninja course . For the uninitiated, Scratch is a user-friendly colorful drag-and-drop coding tool developed by MIT for making awesome games and animations while learning important coding logic. Or, for students who are visual learners, try a Minecraft Redstone Engineering course to find out how to build awesome inventions! There are many free coding classes to start with, to find your child's interests.

2. Tower Building

Turns out that kindergartners might be better engineers than grownups (at least according to this experiment)! The challenge was as follows: given 20 pieces of spaghetti, a yard of tape, and a yard of string, build the tallest possible tower that can support 1 marshmallow on top. After various groups of people tried it from Stanford and other universities, kindergartners ended up beating them for creating the tallest tower. Challenge your student to see how tall they can make their tower too!

3. Crosswords

Whether taken out of the newspaper or off of the web, crosswords are a useful logic puzzle for kids to work on. Crosswords encourage students to use context clues, as well as their reasoning skills by eliminating possible options as they progress. Plus, it’s easy to vary the difficulty of the puzzles, as well as find fun, themed crosswords for different holidays! There's even a Thanksgiving crossword for your student to try.

4. Jigsaw Puzzles

There’s nothing like a good, ole’ fashioned puzzle to challenge the mind. Each person takes a different approach to puzzle solving, whether they organize their pieces first, find all the corners, or do something totally different. Exploring different strategies for solving puzzles is an effective introduction to independently creating strategies for problem solving. This is a solid choice for students who are visual learners.

An age-old classic, LEGOs are a fantastic way to combine creative skills with problem solving. Students need to follow sequential steps and visualize to create their LEGO designs. It’s even better when students go beyond the kit instructions to create their own LEGO build, as students will have to learn to utilize limited resources while coming up with a structured plan for designing their idea. LEGO Mindstorms is a popular starting point.

Problem-solving activities for middle school tweens (ages 11-13)

Middle schoolers (ages 11-13) will want to be challenged more with their activities, and these are some effective activities for encouraging growth.

6. Middle School Coding Courses

By the time they reach middle school, students will be ready to take on more advanced coding concepts, regardless of their prior coding experience. For those who have no prior coding experience, the Accelerated Scratch course is an excellent option, as it will introduce students to basic coding concepts while allowing them to make their games and animations. Students with some prior coding experience may want to try the Minecraft Code to Mod course, builds upon basic coding concepts like loops, conditionals, and more while building students' creativity and critical thinking.

7. Birthday Ordering

An activity commonly done at summer camps, the silent birthday lineup is an excellent problem-solving activity for groups. The goal is for students to line up in chronological order based on their birthdays, without talking at all. Working in total science requires students to think outside the box to accomplish their goal, and to prioritize teamwork. Try timing the students to see how quickly they can get it done, then let them reflect on the activity afterwards to see what strategies worked and what didn’t.

8. Event Planning

Have students plan their own event, like a fundraiser, a social, or a competition for their coding club . This will require students to collaborate by delegating tasks, coordinating supplies, budgeting, and more. Even planning something as simple as a pizza party still requires some logistical planning, and students will benefit from struggling through the process. Plus, they can get to enjoy the results of their work when the event finally arrives!

Arduino circuit boards are an excellent choice for children interested in engineering. Because Arduino is widely-popular, there are countless tutorials demonstrating its capabilities, such as creating a controller, custom RGB lighting, robotics, or more. Once students learn the basics, they can use Arduino boards to come up with creative solutions to their own problems. This is an excellent idea for highly-motivated kids who like to work by themselves.

Sudoku is an excellent number puzzle and a great problem-solving exercise. It requires students to evaluate multiple possible options as they try to fill in the puzzles, so students need to be able to create an organized approach to be successful. There are various difficulty levels for sudoku, so students can start easy, then advance as they become proficient at solving the puzzles.

Problem-solving activities for high school teens (ages 14+)

High school (14+) is a good time to incorporate group work into the activities, as students will need to learn to work collaboratively for their future in college and beyond.

11. Coding for Teens

Once reaching high school age, students are ready to tackle the complexities of text-based coding. This is where students can focus on their interests, whether it be web design , AI, app design , and more. Create & Learn’s Python for AI course is a good option, as Python is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world. Students interested in game design might try the Roblox Studio course , which teaches students how to program their own Roblox games (or try the Beginner Roblox Game Coding course if they have limited previous coding experience.)

12. Robotics Club

Many different school programs offer robotics teams and robotics competitions , using tools such as VEX robotics . Robotics is a great way to combine computer science, mechanical engineering, and problem-solving skills. If there is no robotics team at your student’s school, consider trying a robotics kit such as the Makeblock mBot Ranger .

13. Egg Drop

This classic experiment is a lot of fun for students, and makes for a good competition as well. Students must build some sort of structure that will prevent an egg from breaking when dropped from a certain height (like the top of a staircase). It works best when students are restricted with the resources they can use; for instance, define a “ budget ” for parts that they can’t exceed, or give everyone the same materials to work with .

14. Debate Club

Whether deciding public policy or the best ice cream place in town, having the ability to engage in meaningful debate is critical. Debate forces students to self-analyze, listen, and think critically before making decisions. These skills benefit students’ futures by making them strong, independent thinkers. Check out these speech and debate competitions . And here are some tips for starting a debate club .

15. Science Fair

Science fairs pose an excellent opportunity for exploring the scientific method, both through creating personal projects and checking out other students’ presentations. By encouraging students to come up with their own projects, they must identify some question or problem and find a way to solve it. This can be the most challenging kind of problem-solving, as it requires the student to take initiative in finding their own ideas, but also can be the most rewarding. Try the Google Science Fair Competition .

Enjoy problem-solving activities for kids

And there you have it: problem-solving activities for students from elementary through high school age. Of course, there are many more ways to build critical-thinking abilities like problem-solving. For more ideas, check this list of awesome after-school enrichment activities !

Written by Create & Learn instructor Dominic Occhietti. Dominic is a graduate of Michigan State University, where he studied music performance and computer science. He thoroughly enjoys teaching, whether that be coding classes, French horn lessons, or even downhill skiing lessons!

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Engaging activities for high school students.

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Student engagement strategies and active learning are key to learners bringing their best selves to the classroom. It’s important to use diverse fun activities in your lesson plan to maintain active learning. We’re here to help you make sure you don’t run out of ideas. Check out our engaging activities for high school students:

Here are 5 icebreakers to start the lesson

Have a daily riddle that the class solves before the lesson starts. They can break into small groups to brainstorm or call out answers for the whiteboard. Check out a collated list here to help you with riddle ideas.

Foster the habit of writing by giving a visual stimulus, such as an interesting photo, and asking your students to write something about it. Use this image generator to inspire the entire class and give them specific parameters about what you want to explore. Do this every day to develop their writing skills.

3. Discussion

Add all the questions you want to cover with your students to this editable spin wheel and give it a spin to start the class discussion.

4. Flash fiction

Flash fiction is about broad storytelling. Give your students a challenge to write a 6-word story. They can use any topic but stick to the parameters to introduce an idea, plot, and character. There are some fantastic examples here to get those creative juices flowing.

5. Human knot

This is a physical and fun activity to develop problem-solving skills. Ask the students to stand in a circle and join hands with two random people in the circle. This creates a human knot, and the goal is to untangle it. Make it competitive with larger groups by dividing students into smaller groups or pairs and seeing who can get untangled the fastest using those critical thinking skills!

10 Classroom activities to engage students

Now that everyone has warmed up review the below teaching strategies to spice up some learning activities with these ideas.

1. Host a Jeopardy quiz!

If you’re a fan of the tv show then put that fandom to good use and host a quiz on the topic you’re studying. This activity is ideal for when high school students need to get ready for a big test. Studies have shown that students that are quizzed are more successful. They can revise with index cards so they are really familiar with the topic beforehand. Divide the class up into two teams and draw a Jeopardy-style game on the board with titles based on the topics that will be covered in the test and quiz. Just like in the television show, each category should have points for each level of question. Keep it simple with 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25-point question levels. Give each team a buzzer from a board game or a bell for answering. The teams should consult with each other before buzzing in with an answer.

2. Play Guess Who

Learning who is who from history can get overwhelming so use this teaching strategy to help. Put those problem-solving skills to good use in history class (or others!). Describe a time, place, or person from history with only three clues. The entire class has to try to figure out who or what you are referring to, then race to the whiteboard to write the answer. The students can use their history books or clues around the room if they need to.

3. Journalling

Develop creative writing skills by asking each student to write a journal entry from someone else’s perspective. There are many famous diarists who provide key insight into life through history. You could allocate a different diary entry for each student and then ask them to read it in front of the class. For example, if studying the civil war you could allocate students to write as if they were soldiers, civilians, politicians, etc.

4. Entry tickets …and exit tickets

Put a stack of index cards next to your classroom door and write a question on the board. When your students come into class, hand out index cards, write down an answer to the question and hand it in —as their “entry ticket” to class.

The question should be something related to the day’s lesson, like “after last night’s homework assignment, what do you think about X?” or “after studying the material for today’s class, what are some areas you still need clarification on?”

Not only does this activity get your students engaged and interacting from the minute they walk into the classroom, but it also gives you valuable insights you can use to guide the day’s lesson plan.

When your students are getting ready to leave for the day, have them do the same thing—just with exit tickets (use Kami’s templates).

The same concept applies. Ask them a question about the day’s lesson, any questions they might have, or overall feedback—then collect their ticket before they head home. Reviewing their exit tickets will help you figure out where to adjust your lesson plan for the following day.

5. Brainstorming

Group brainstorming sessions are a great way to bring your students together to engage with whatever they’re learning. Instead of thinking about the topic alone at their desk, they get to expand their ideas with other students in small groups, which will help them be more engaged and gain a new perspective on the lesson. This is a fun way to develop helpful skills for high school students, especially around class discussion. Use Kami’s brainstorming worksheets for this activity idea.

6. Debate-style activity

Most students will have a view of what you’re learning. Use this to your advantage and create a school activity of debating the merits or detractions of whatever you are learning about. This is a good way to engage critical thinking skills as the best debaters will anticipate what the other person might say and be prepared. Get them to write down their main points on pieces of paper ahead so they can practice and be prepared for the debate. This can be done in front of the whole class and you can change the debaters each week.

7. Thumbs up / thumbs down

Thumbs up / thumbs down is a hands-on fun way to monitor if your students are following a story. Tell students to put their thumbs up if they agree with a statement or to put their thumbs down if they disagree. When students have a low energy level (maybe right after lunch?) Stand Up/Sit Down may be a better alternative.

8. Create a video lesson plan

Social media is a part of students’ lives, and those skills in making videos can be really helpful. Flip the tables and ask the students to put together a lesson on the specific topic. Ask the students to put together a video, and perhaps instigate a challenge to include certain vocabulary words you’re written on the whiteboard. This is a fun hands-on activity that could produce some great learning resources.

9. Think pair share

Think pair share can be used for a variety of topics; math problems, science processes, and reading. If you ask an open-ended question ask the students to think about it, then put them into small groups and let them discuss. Then ask all the students to contribute to the classroom discussion and share their thoughts in front of the class.

10. Roll the dice

High school students really respond to their learning when they feel engaged and part of it. Why not write down all the activities that you might have planned and number them? Then ask a student to roll the dice. Whatever number they roll is the activity you do for that lesson. You provide students with some potential impact on how they learn.

Student engagement strategies are a fun way to get the students learning and keep them engaged as their attention span might wane through the day (as might yours). It’s great to have lots of varied ways to engage the brain, body, and spirit. Please let us know on socials how you get on!

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5 Problem-Solving Activities for the Classroom

Problem-solving skills are necessary in all areas of life, and classroom problem solving activities can be a great way to get students prepped and ready to solve real problems in real life scenarios. Whether in school, work or in their social relationships, the ability to critically analyze a problem, map out all its elements and then prepare a workable solution is one of the most valuable skills one can acquire in life.

Educating your students about problem solving skills from an early age in school can be facilitated through classroom problem solving activities. Such endeavors encourage cognitive as well as social development, and can equip students with the tools they’ll need to address and solve problems throughout the rest of their lives. Here are five classroom problem solving activities your students are sure to benefit from as well as enjoy doing:

1. Brainstorm bonanza

Having your students create lists related to whatever you are currently studying can be a great way to help them to enrich their understanding of a topic while learning to problem-solve. For example, if you are studying a historical, current or fictional event that did not turn out favorably, have your students brainstorm ways that the protagonist or participants could have created a different, more positive outcome. They can brainstorm on paper individually or on a chalkboard or white board in front of the class.

2. Problem-solving as a group

Have your students create and decorate a medium-sized box with a slot in the top. Label the box “The Problem-Solving Box.” Invite students to anonymously write down and submit any problem or issue they might be having at school or at home, ones that they can’t seem to figure out on their own. Once or twice a week, have a student draw one of the items from the box and read it aloud. Then have the class as a group figure out the ideal way the student can address the issue and hopefully solve it.

3. Clue me in

This fun detective game encourages problem-solving, critical thinking and cognitive development. Collect a number of items that are associated with a specific profession, social trend, place, public figure, historical event, animal, etc. Assemble actual items (or pictures of items) that are commonly associated with the target answer. Place them all in a bag (five-10 clues should be sufficient.) Then have a student reach into the bag and one by one pull out clues. Choose a minimum number of clues they must draw out before making their first guess (two- three). After this, the student must venture a guess after each clue pulled until they guess correctly. See how quickly the student is able to solve the riddle.

4. Survivor scenarios

Create a pretend scenario for students that requires them to think creatively to make it through. An example might be getting stranded on an island, knowing that help will not arrive for three days. The group has a limited amount of food and water and must create shelter from items around the island. Encourage working together as a group and hearing out every child that has an idea about how to make it through the three days as safely and comfortably as possible.

5. Moral dilemma

Create a number of possible moral dilemmas your students might encounter in life, write them down, and place each item folded up in a bowl or bag. Some of the items might include things like, “I saw a good friend of mine shoplifting. What should I do?” or “The cashier gave me an extra $1.50 in change after I bought candy at the store. What should I do?” Have each student draw an item from the bag one by one, read it aloud, then tell the class their answer on the spot as to how they would handle the situation.

Classroom problem solving activities need not be dull and routine. Ideally, the problem solving activities you give your students will engage their senses and be genuinely fun to do. The activities and lessons learned will leave an impression on each child, increasing the likelihood that they will take the lesson forward into their everyday lives.

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></center></p><ul><li>Tips for School</li></ul><h2>High School Problem-Solving: 6 Activities That Work</h2><p><center><img style=

  • March 29, 2023

Problem-Solving Activities for High School Students

Table of contents:.

Problem-solving activities are a great way to engage high school students in critical thinking. These activities can range from simple puzzles and games to complex group projects and challenges. They help students develop important skills such as communication, creativity, and decision-making. By participating in problem-solving activities, high school students can learn to approach problems in a structured and systematic way and to work effectively with others to find solutions.

The Importance of Problem-Solving Activities for High School Students

Problem-solving is a crucial skill for high school students to develop because it prepares them for the challenges they will face in their personal and professional lives. By engaging kids in problem-solving activities as early as possible, they learn to approach problems in a structured and systematic way and to work effectively with others to find solutions.

The benefits of problem-solving activities for high school students are numerous. These activities help students develop critical thinking skills , which are essential for making informed decisions and solving complex problems. Group problem-solving activities also promote engagement and collaboration, as students work together to find solutions to challenges. By participating in problem-solving activities, high school students can improve their decision-making abilities and become more confident and independent thinkers.

Ideas for Problem-Solving Activities

Here is a list of different types of problem-solving activities that teachers and schools can use to promote problem-solving, collaboration, creative and critical thinking, decision-making, and communication skills among students:

  • Escape room puzzle challenges: These challenges involve students working together to solve a series of puzzles in order to “escape” from a simulated scenario.
  • Brainstorming sessions: In these sessions, students work together to generate ideas and solutions to a given problem.
  • Debates: Debates involve students arguing for or against a given topic. This activity promotes communication and decision-making.
  • Role-play simulations: In these simulations, students take on different roles and work together to solve a simulated problem.
  • Creative problem-solving tasks: These tasks involve students using their creativity to find solutions to problems.
  • Collaborative project-based learning: In this approach, students work together on a project that involves solving a complex problem.

Another way to develop problem-solving skills is by using technology . However, it remains important to be aware of the negative influences of technology on child development. Therefore, it’s crucial to set some rules for technology at home . You can also use a parental control app like Safes to protect your child from online harm. With features like app monitoring and web filter, you can monitor their app and internet usage. You can download Safes for iOS , Android , Windows , and MacOS .

students solving a maze on paper

Tips for Teachers and Schools

Here are some tips on how teachers and schools can use problem-solving activities effectively to promote high school students’ problem-solving skills:

  • Encourage teamwork: Problem-solving activities are most effective when students work together to find solutions. Teachers can encourage collaboration by assigning students to work in groups and by providing opportunities for students to share their ideas and solutions with one another.
  • Offer feedback and encouragement: Teachers can help students develop their problem-solving skills by providing feedback on their performance and by offering encouragement and support. This can help students feel more confident in their abilities and more motivated to continue improving.
  • Use real-world problems and scenarios: Problem-solving activities are most engaging when they involve real-world problems and scenarios that students can relate to. Teachers can incorporate current events, local issues, or other relevant topics into their problem-solving activities to make them more meaningful and engaging for students.
  • Incorporate a variety of activities to keep students engaged: To keep students engaged and motivated, teachers can incorporate a variety of different problem-solving activities into their lesson plans. This can include puzzles, games, debates, simulations, case studies, and more.

By following these tips, teachers and schools can use problem-solving activities effectively to promote high school students’ problem-solving skills. If you want to use technology but are wary of the negative effects, you can use Safes School . With the great collection of features, you can monitor what your students are doing online and even block inappropriate content.

students holding multiple scientific prototypes

In summary, problem-solving skills are crucial for high school students to develop as they prepare for academic and professional success. By engaging in problem-solving activities students can improve their critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. Teachers and schools can effectively promote problem-solving skills among their students by incorporating these activities into their curriculum. By doing so, they can help prepare their students for the challenges they will face in college and in the workforce.

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Download Safes Kids for Chrombook

  • Install the Safes Kids app on your Chromebook from Google Play.  
  • Pair Safes Kids with parent app. Follow the instructions in the app to pair your child’s device with your parent device.  
  • Add the Safe Kids Chrome extension . Open Chrome and go to the Chrome Web Store .  
  • Navigate to the Manage extensions page. Click the three dots in the top right corner of Chrome and select “Extensions”>”Manage Extensions”>”Details”
  • Turn on “Allow in incognito mode” This will allow the Safe Kids extension to work in incognito mode, which is important if your child uses incognito mode to try to bypass the parental controls.
  • Select Safes extension and follow on-screen instruction

Download Safes Kids for Android

Download the Android Kid’s app directly to get the full features!

Download Safes Kids App on Play Store

Safe Kids is available on the Google Play Store, but if you download it directly from our website, you will get access to Call and SMS monitoring feature , You can monitor the phone calls of your child’s device, as well as the contacts and messages they have sent and received, including those containing inappropriate content.

fun problem solving activities for high school students

Home » Tips for Teachers » 13 Effective Brain Breaks for High School Students to Help them Refresh and Recharge

13 Effective Brain Breaks for High School Students to Help them Refresh and Recharge

With my years of teaching experience, I’ve realized the importance of incorporating brain breaks for high school students into the classroom routine. Just as adults occasionally need a day off for a mental reset, high school students also benefit greatly from regular brain breaks. Recognizing this need is crucial, especially considering that high school can be one of the most challenging periods in a person’s life. You most likely can think back and remember what it was like to be in high school. The repetition of lectures, notetaking, presentations, and exams was daunting.

Brain Breaks for High School

From my personal experience, high school years were challenging, and I was eager to leave them behind. This motivated me not to let my students feel the same way. I wanted them to enjoy their time at school by incorporating periods for relaxation and fun, which inspired me to write this article. The aim is for other teachers to read this and decide to include these breaks in their curriculum, offering students globally a more enjoyable experience than ours. By adding this small gesture to our lesson plans, I believe we can significantly enhance the mental health and well-being of future generations.

Brain breaks in our high school library pic.twitter.com/uDvRWJ7pmf — Krista Berger (@NBHSLibrarian) December 18, 2023

After reading this article, you will officially know:

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  • And several fun brain break activities for high school students →

In my classes over the years, I have tried out many different brain break activities to see what works best. Certain activities worked better for some of my classes, while others worked better for other classes. It is all about your students and their preferences, which is why my advice is to try out different ones.

Below, I will tell you about 13 different brain break activities that I recommend starting with…

1. Activity Pages

Materials needed: Printable activity sheets (crosswords, word searches, sudoku, coloring pages): pens, pencils, or crayons.

Difficulty level: Low

Developmental benefits: Enhances problem-solving and pattern recognition through puzzles; coloring and creative tasks boost imagination.

Activity Pages

Activity Pages, a low-difficulty brain break for high school students, include a range of printable sheets like crosswords, word searches, sudoku, and coloring pages. Designed to be approachable and engaging, these activities cater to a wide range of interests and skill levels, ensuring that every student can participate and benefit. The primary advantage of this brain break lies in its cognitive benefits. The puzzles and problem-solving activities like crosswords and sudoku enhance students’ analytical skills, problem-solving capabilities, and pattern recognition.

On the other hand, coloring pages and creative tasks offer a different kind of benefit by boosting imagination and artistic expression. This allows students a moment of creative freedom and personal expression, providing a much-needed mental break from the structured academic environment. Overall, “Activity Pages” offer a balanced mix of intellectual stimulation and creative exploration, making them an excellent brain break choice for high school students.

If you’re not familiar with solving sudoku puzzles yet, take a look at this video. It offers a comprehensive guide to help you get started.

2. Would You Rather Game

Materials needed: A list of “Would You Rather” questions, a whiteboard or notepad for noting down scenarios

Developmental benefits: Encourages communication and understanding of diverse perspectives; stimulates critical thinking and decision-making.

Would You Rather Game

Playing Would You Rather as a brain break is an ideal, low-difficulty activity for high school students. It requires just a list of questions and optionally a whiteboard or notepad for noting down scenarios. This game is not only popular and enjoyable but also beneficial in several ways. It encourages students to engage in communication and understand diverse perspectives. As they come up with and answer various scenarios, they actively participate in stimulating discussions that foster critical thinking and decision-making skills.

This interactive game gets everyone thinking and laughing, creating a lively and positive atmosphere. It’s a great way for students to take a break from academic learning, relax, and bond with their peers over fun and thought-provoking questions. The simplicity and flexibility of the game make it easy to adapt to any classroom environment, ensuring that every student can have a good time and benefit from this engaging brain break.

Need ideas for questions? Check out this video for a selection of Would You Rather game questions you can use.

3. Quiet Ball Activity

Materials needed: A soft ball (like a foam or beach ball) that is easy to catch and throw.

Developmental benefits: Promotes teamwork and understanding of group dynamics; enhances focus and self-control.

Quiet Ball Activity

The Quiet Ball Activity requires only a soft ball, such as a foam or beach ball, that is easy to catch and throw, making it a low-difficulty but engaging activity. The essence of this game lies in its combination of physical activity and the challenge of maintaining silence. Students are tasked with tossing the ball to each other quietly, with the primary objective of keeping the noise level to a minimum. Talking, throwing the ball too hard, or dropping it results in elimination from the game, and the last person standing is declared the winner.

This activity not only promotes teamwork and an understanding of group dynamics but also significantly enhances focus and self-control among students. It encourages them to be mindful of their actions and their impact on their peers, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and concentration. Overall, Quiet Ball is a fun and inclusive way to break the monotony of the classroom, providing a refreshing change that benefits both the mind and the body.

Here’s a demonstration of students engaging in the Quiet Ball activity.

4. The Atom Game

Materials needed: No specific materials are required, just open space for students to move around.

Developmental benefits: Encourages movement and agility, and teaches quick collaboration and adaptability in group settings.

The Atom Game

The Atom Game is an energetic and versatile brain break suitable for high school students of all ages. The game involves students moving around the room in various imaginative ways, such as mimicking an animal, a famous person, or a detective. This movement component not only adds an element of fun but also encourages physical activity and creative expression. The core of the game is when the teacher shouts a number along with the word ‘atom’, for instance, “Atom Five.” Upon hearing this, students must quickly form groups corresponding to the called number. Those who are unable to join a group are out of the game.

This aspect of the game tests students’ quick thinking and agility, as well as their ability to cooperate under pressure. It’s a great way to break up the monotony of a typical school day, injecting a burst of energy and excitement into the classroom. Additionally, it enhances students’ social skills and group dynamics understanding, as they must rapidly organize themselves into groups, fostering a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

If you’re new to this game, check out this video which demonstrates how to play the Atom Game.

5. Order Game

Materials needed: No specific materials are required, just open space for students to line up.

Developmental benefits: Promotes organizational skills and quick thinking; encourages interaction and cooperation.

Order Game

The Order Game is a swift and engaging brain break suitable for high school students, requiring minimal setup and no specific materials apart from some open space. It’s a low-difficulty activity that significantly enhances organizational skills and quick thinking. In this game, students are instructed to form a line based on a specific criterion, such as alphabetical order of their first or last names, the month and day of their birthdays, or their height. This seemingly simple task encourages students to interact and cooperate, fostering social skills and teamwork.

It’s an excellent way for students to learn more about their peers while engaging in a light-hearted competition. The game also prompts students to think on their feet and make quick decisions, enhancing their cognitive agility. Besides, it’s a great way to break the routine of a typical classroom setting, providing a refreshing and enjoyable interlude that helps refocus their minds for subsequent learning activities. Overall, the Order Game is a fun and beneficial brain break, promoting both social interaction and cognitive development.

Check out this video for a demonstration of how to play this game.

6. Four Corners

Materials needed: Signs or labels for each of the four corners of the room, indicating different answer choices.

Developmental benefits: Encourages decision-making and assertiveness; involves moderate physical activity through movement to different corners.

Four Corners

Four Corners is a simple and dynamic brain break activity designed for high school students. The game requires only signs or labels for each of the room’s four corners, representing different answer choices. With a low difficulty level, it’s an accessible activity for all students. The essence of Four Corners lies in its ability to promote decision-making and assertiveness. In this game, the teacher poses questions, each with four possible answers. Students must then move to the corner of the room that corresponds to their chosen answer.

It’s an excellent way for students to express their opinions and preferences in a non-verbal manner, fostering a sense of individuality and confidence. Additionally, the movement involved in transitioning between corners offers a welcome physical break from sitting. This activity not only energizes students but also encourages interaction and light-hearted competition, making it an effective way to re-energize and refocus students for subsequent classroom tasks.

Watch this video to see a demonstration of how to play this game.

7. Back Writing Activity

Materials needed: Paper and pens if writing is to be done on paper, no materials needed if writing is done imaginatively with fingers.

Developmental benefits: Enhances sensory perception and communication skills; builds trust and understanding between pairs.

Back Writing Activity

The Back Writing Activity is a simple, engaging brain break for high school students, designed to enhance sensory perception and communication skills. Depending on the preferred method, this activity may require paper and pens, or no materials at all if the writing is done imaginatively with fingers. In this activity, students pair up, and one member of each pair receives a secret word unknown to the other. The task is for the student to ‘write’ this word on their partner’s back, either by using a pen and paper or by tracing the letters with their finger. The partner then attempts to guess the word based solely on the sensation of the letters being formed.

This brain break not only builds trust and understanding between pairs but also challenges students to communicate in a non-verbal, tactile way. It’s an innovative approach to fostering interpersonal connections and enhancing sensory awareness, making it a valuable and enjoyable break from the usual classroom activities.

Take a look at the following video to learn more about this activity.

8. Card Tricks

Materials needed: A deck of playing cards.

Difficulty level: Medium

Developmental benefits: Improves memory and concentration; develops fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Card Tricks

Card tricks can be an engaging and intellectually stimulating brain break designed for high school students. Requiring only a deck of playing cards, this activity falls under a medium difficulty level, making it accessible yet challenging enough to captivate students’ interest. The primary objective of this activity is not just entertainment but also to enhance cognitive abilities and dexterity. As students delve into learning and performing various card tricks, they inadvertently improve their memory and concentration. This is due to the need to remember sequences and patterns, a fundamental aspect of most card tricks.

Additionally, mastering these tricks necessitates fine motor skills and precise hand-eye coordination, fostering the development of these crucial physical skills. Whether performed individually or in small groups, this brain break offers a unique combination of mental and physical engagement. It encourages students to step away from their routine academic work, relax, and immerse themselves in an activity that is both fun and beneficial for their cognitive and motor skill development.

For a selection of card tricks to learn, take a look at the video provided below. This is a collection of 8 tricks that are simple enough for anyone to learn and perform.

9. Dance and Music Party

Materials needed: Speakers or a sound system.

Developmental benefits: Promotes physical activity and coordination; boosts mood and provides a fun, stress-relieving outlet.

Dance and Music Party

The dance and music party is a dynamic and engaging brain break for high school students, requiring only a sound system or speakers. Classified as medium difficulty, it’s an activity that promotes physical movement and coordination, while also serving as a lively and enjoyable stress reliever. During this break, students are encouraged to let loose, sing along, and showcase their dance moves, creating an atmosphere of fun and relaxation. It’s an excellent opportunity for them to mingle and interact in a less formal setting, offering a much-needed diversion from the usual classroom routine.

This activity not only uplifts the mood but also provides a healthy outlet for energy and creativity. It’s particularly effective in breaking the monotony of academic sessions, reenergizing students, and fostering a sense of community and camaraderie in the classroom. Overall, the Dance and Music Party is a perfect blend of physical activity, fun, and social interaction, making it a great choice for a brain break in high school settings.

Disney songs are universally loved. Here’s a compilation that’s perfect for this brain break.

10. Rhythm Activity

Materials needed: No specific materials are required. Optionally, you can use musical instruments or clapping as part of the rhythm.

Developmental benefits: Develops listening skills and pattern recognition; promotes unity and cooperation in a group setting.

Rhythm Activity

The Rhythm Activity is a medium-difficulty brain break that is perfect for high school students. It’s akin to a musical version of Simon Says, where one student initiates a rhythm, and the rest of the class follows, each adding their twist to it. This exercise not only develops listening skills and pattern recognition but also fosters unity and cooperation. As students focus on maintaining and building upon the rhythm, they learn to work harmoniously in a group setting, synchronizing their actions with others.

The challenge of not missing a beat keeps the activity engaging and tests their concentration and rhythmic skills. This brain break offers a creative and interactive way to re-energize the classroom atmosphere, encouraging students to engage in a collective musical experience that promotes teamwork and a sense of community. It’s an enjoyable and educational interlude from academic work, perfect for refreshing students’ minds and bodies.

Alternatively, you can play the classic game of Simon Says. Check out this video for more information.

11. Figure Eight Game

Developmental benefits: Encourages physical movement and coordination; promotes spatial awareness and quick decision-making.

Figure Eight Game

The Figure Eight Game is an enjoyable and energetic brain break, ideal for high school students looking to expend some energy and improve their physical coordination. This medium-difficulty activity doesn’t require any specific materials, just a sufficient open space for students to move around freely. The game involves students moving in a figure-eight pattern, an activity that is not only a lot of fun but also beneficial in several ways.

It promotes physical movement, crucial for students who spend much of their day seated, and enhances coordination as they navigate the complex figure-eight path. Additionally, this activity aids in developing spatial awareness and quick decision-making skills, as students need to be mindful of their surroundings and adjust their movements accordingly. The Figure Eight Game is an excellent way to channel students’ natural energy into a productive and engaging activity, breaking the routine of classroom learning and providing a refreshing physical and mental break.

Check out a classroom participating in the figure eight-game by watching David Sladkey’s YouTube video below.

12. Relay Race

Materials needed: Objects to be collected or interacted with during the race (like flowers, leaves, sticks, etc., depending on the nature of the race).

Difficulty level: High

Developmental benefits: Highly physical, promoting fitness and coordination; enhances teamwork and competitive spirit.

Relay Race

Relay races offer a highly physical and engaging brain break for high school students, suitable for outdoor settings. This activity requires various objects that teams must collect or interact with during the race, such as flowers, leaves, sticks, rocks, and grass. With a high difficulty level, relay races are not just about running; they incorporate elements of strategy and coordination, making them an excellent tool for promoting fitness and teamwork. In this brain break, students are divided into teams and compete in a relay-style race, where each team member contributes to the collective goal of gathering specific objects.

This format enhances teamwork and nurtures a competitive spirit, as students learn to work together effectively to achieve a common objective. The physical nature of the activity provides a vigorous workout, helping to improve overall fitness and coordination. Additionally, relay races offer a fun and exhilarating way to break the monotony of classroom learning, revitalizing students and fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

Take a look at this video featuring students engaging in various versions of relay races.

13. Short Full-Body Workout

Materials needed: A workout video or a set of exercise instructions.

Developmental benefits: Enhances overall fitness, strength, and endurance; releases endorphins, improving mood and reducing stress.

Short Full-Body Workout

A short full-body workout is an excellent brain break for high school students, combining physical exertion with mental refreshment. This high-difficulty activity requires only a workout video or a set of exercise instructions, making it accessible and easy to implement. The workout typically involves a series of exercises targeting various muscle groups, ensuring a comprehensive fitness routine. Engaging in this kind of physical activity not only enhances overall fitness, strength, and endurance but also has significant mental health benefits. As students perform the exercises, their bodies release endorphins, natural mood lifters that can reduce stress and elevate feelings of happiness.

This break is especially beneficial in a school environment, where students often sit for extended periods. A full-body workout provides a much-needed physical outlet, helping students to re-energize and refocus for subsequent academic tasks. Additionally, it instills the importance of regular exercise, encouraging healthy lifestyle habits among young adults. Overall, this brain break offers a powerful combination of physical health and mental well-being benefits.

Students can participate in a series of workout moves designed to energize and invigorate by following this exercise video.

It is important to remember that sometimes your students may just be having an “off” day where they are not fully present. It is quite normal as adults have these days as well. When this happens, my advice is to make use of your camera for recording lectures. These gadgets are perfect because your students can go back and listen to your lecture if they are unable to be there or have a hard time paying attention.

What is a brain break?

Brain breaks are just as they sound, a break for your brain. Every individual can use a break from time to time, especially your students who are bombarded with tests, homework, and projects. If you notice that your students have done so well with studying and turning in their homework, why not give them a brain break every so often? It really can make a difference as breaks typically help students refocus and gain motivation.

With students having lots of energy, scheduling breaks will help them get some of their wiggles out and have some fun. In 2016, it was proven by psychologist, Karrie Godwin, and her researchers that brain breaks not only give students a moment of downtime but also “increase their productivity and provide them with opportunities to develop creativity and social skills.” According to the study that was conducted by this team, brain breaks also “decrease stress, boost brain function, and are an essential part of learning.” You can read more about the results of the research.

Our brain needs rest

You can give your students a brain break by letting them do an activity of their choosing for a certain amount of time, or you can plan a learning activity that will still get them thinking and using different parts of their brain. I recommend doing both often to switch things up. Brain breaks are wonderful because they motivate other parts of the brain while giving the other parts time to rest and refocus. By routinely incorporating these activities into your classes, you will give your students the opportunity to improve their mood, memory, and attention. It is also important to note that you do not always have to play a game or do an activity to give your students a brain break. Stretching, moving around the room, or singing a simple song will also give them a moment to re-energize their brains.

If you are looking for an activity to do during a brain break, check out Mind Oddities’ YouTube video. In the video, you will be shown 12 illusions that will test your brain. These are fun and intriguing activities you can try with your students that will give them a break as well as exercise their brains.

During a brain break, using objects in the classroom to get your students’ minds off the books and lectures is a great idea. I recommend doing this by using your interactive whiteboard, which is a fun tool that can do so much. If you would like to learn more about interactive whiteboards and see which one would be best for your classroom, read my other article by clicking here .

Benefits of High School Brain Breaks

Research shows the positivity of brain breaks in the classroom. In fact, the positive benefits impact students of all ages. Some of the changes that you may see after enforcing break breaks in your classes include great behavior, better productivity, enhanced creative thinking and problem-solving skills, and more comprehension.

Even high school students enjoy @GoNoodle for brain breaks! ? @fortheluvoflang @YOUR_WCHS pic.twitter.com/YAvbXFyAtf — Christa Rinehold (@crinehold) September 16, 2019

fun problem solving activities for high school students

Save Our Schools March

Engaging Problem Solving Activities For High School Students

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In today’s world, strong problem solving skills are more important than ever before. Employers highly value candidates who can think critically and creatively to overcome challenges. If you’re looking for ways to sharpen your high school student’s problem solving abilities, you’ve come to the right place.

Here’s a quick overview of the top problem solving activities we’ll cover in this guide: group challenges like escape rooms, individual logic puzzles and riddles, project-based learning through coding and engineering tasks, and conversational problem solving through Socratic seminars.

Group Challenges and Escape Rooms

Engaging high school students in problem-solving activities is crucial for their cognitive development and critical thinking skills. One popular and effective approach is through group challenges and escape rooms.

These activities not only promote teamwork and collaboration but also provide an exciting and immersive learning experience.

What Are Escape Rooms and Why Are They Effective?

Escape rooms are physical adventure games where participants are “locked” in a room and must solve puzzles and find clues to escape within a set time limit. These rooms are designed to challenge participants’ problem-solving abilities, logical thinking, and decision-making skills.

            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by NoWayOut Premium Escape Rooms (@nowayout_dubai)

The immersive nature of escape rooms creates an exciting and high-stakes environment that motivates students to think creatively and work together as a team.

Research has shown that escape rooms are highly effective in improving students’ problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

According to a study from BMC Medical Education , escape rooms improve student engagement and learning. This activity can increase motivation and enhance teamwork skills.

The challenging and interactive nature of escape rooms makes them a valuable tool for engaging high school students in problem-solving activities.

Tips for Creating Your Own Escape Room

If you want to create your own escape room for high school students, here are some tips to make it a memorable and effective experience:

  • Theme and Storyline: Choose an engaging theme or storyline that will capture the students’ interest and make the experience more immersive.
  • Puzzles and Challenges: Design a variety of puzzles and challenges that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork to solve.
  • Time Limit: Set a reasonable time limit to create a sense of urgency and keep the students engaged throughout the activity.
  • Feedback and Reflection: Provide feedback and encourage students to reflect on their problem-solving strategies and teamwork skills after completing the escape room.

Other Group Challenges and Problem Solving Activities

In addition to escape rooms, there are various other group challenges and problem-solving activities that can be implemented in high school settings . These activities can range from outdoor team-building exercises to classroom-based problem-solving tasks.

Outdoor activities such as scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, and ropes courses can foster teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Classroom-based activities like brainstorming sessions, case studies, and simulation games can also provide opportunities for students to think critically and solve complex problems.

It is important for educators to select activities that align with the learning objectives and interests of their students. By incorporating these engaging group challenges and problem-solving activities into high school curricula, educators can empower their students to develop essential skills that will benefit them in their academic and professional lives.

Individual Logic Puzzles and Riddles

Benefits of logic puzzles.

Logic puzzles are a great way to engage high school students in problem-solving activities. These puzzles require students to think critically, analyze information, and use deductive reasoning to find solutions.

They help develop cognitive skills such as logical thinking, attention to detail, and problem-solving abilities. By solving these puzzles individually, students also learn to work independently and trust their own reasoning abilities.

According to Psychology Today , logic puzzles can improve memory, enhance problem-solving skills, and boost overall brain health. They provide mental stimulation and challenge students to think outside the box.

Moreover, logic puzzles are a fun and engaging way to learn, making the learning process enjoyable and captivating for high school students.

Examples of Engaging Logic Puzzles

There are various types of logic puzzles and riddles that high school students can enjoy. Here are a few examples:

  • Grid-based puzzles: These puzzles require students to fill in a grid by using clues to determine the correct arrangement of elements. Sudoku is a popular example of a grid-based logic puzzle.
  • Number series puzzles: In these puzzles, students need to find the missing number or the pattern in a given series of numbers. This helps develop numerical reasoning and pattern recognition skills.
  • Mystery riddles: These riddles present a scenario or a problem that students need to solve by using logic and deduction. They often involve a crime or a mysterious situation that requires careful analysis to find the solution.

These examples are just a starting point, and there are countless logic puzzles and riddles available online or in puzzle books that can keep high school students engaged and challenged.

Tips for Using Riddles and Brain Teasers

When using riddles and brain teasers as problem-solving activities, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

  • Start with easier puzzles: Begin with puzzles that are relatively easy to solve, and gradually increase the difficulty level. This allows students to build confidence and develop their problem-solving skills.
  • Encourage collaboration: While individual puzzles are beneficial, group activities can foster teamwork and collaboration. Consider incorporating group discussions or competitions to promote collaboration and peer learning.
  • Provide hints and guidance: If students get stuck, offer hints or guidance to help them move forward. This prevents frustration and keeps the learning process enjoyable.
  • Reflect on the solution: After solving a puzzle, encourage students to reflect on the problem-solving process. Discuss the strategies they used, the challenges they faced, and the lessons they learned. This promotes metacognition and helps students improve their problem-solving skills.

By incorporating individual logic puzzles and riddles into problem-solving activities, high school students can have a great time while developing essential cognitive skills and enhancing their ability to think critically and analytically.

Project-Based Learning Through STEM

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an effective teaching method that encourages students to actively engage in real-world problem-solving . When combined with the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), it creates a powerful learning experience for high school students.

PBL through STEM not only helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, but also fosters creativity, collaboration, and communication abilities.
            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by SOAR STEM Schools (@soarstemschools)

Coding Challenges

Coding challenges are an excellent way to introduce high school students to the world of computer programming. These challenges allow students to apply their logical thinking and problem-solving skills to create programs or solve coding problems.

Online platforms like Codecademy provide a wide range of coding challenges and tutorials for students to enhance their coding abilities. These challenges can be related to creating games, building websites, or developing mobile applications.

By engaging in coding challenges, students not only learn coding languages but also gain an understanding of the importance of computational thinking in today’s technology-driven world.

Engineering and Design Thinking Projects

Engineering and design thinking projects involve hands-on activities that allow high school students to apply their knowledge of engineering principles and design concepts. These projects can range from building simple structures using everyday materials to constructing complex machines and systems.

Websites like TeachEngineering provide a plethora of project ideas and resources for educators and students. By engaging in these projects, students learn to think critically, analyze problems, and develop innovative solutions.

They also develop essential skills such as teamwork, communication, and time management.

Science Investigation and Experiments

Science investigation and experiments are fundamental to STEM education as they enable high school students to explore scientific concepts through hands-on experiences. These activities involve formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results.

Websites like Science Buddies offer a vast collection of science project ideas and resources for students of all ages. By engaging in scientific investigations and experiments, students not only deepen their understanding of scientific concepts but also develop skills such as observation, data analysis, and critical thinking .

Socratic Seminars

Socratic Seminars are a valuable tool for engaging high school students in problem-solving activities. Originating from the Socratic method of teaching, these seminars encourage students to think critically and engage in thoughtful discussions.

The goal of a Socratic Seminar is to delve deeper into a particular topic or text by asking open-ended questions and encouraging students to analyze and evaluate different perspectives. This method promotes active listening, respectful dialogue, and the development of critical thinking skills.
            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Gloucester City High School (@gloucester_highschool_lions)

One of the key aspects of a successful Socratic Seminar is the preparation of thought-provoking discussion questions. These questions should be open-ended and encourage students to think deeply about the topic being discussed.

A well-prepared question can spark lively and insightful conversations, allowing students to explore different viewpoints and develop their own ideas. It is important for the facilitator or teacher to carefully select questions that will challenge the students and promote critical thinking.

When preparing discussion questions for a Socratic Seminar, it can be helpful to consider the following:

  • What are the main themes or concepts that you want students to explore?
  • How can you frame questions that will encourage students to analyze and evaluate different perspectives?
  • Are there any current events or real-life examples that can be incorporated into the discussion?
During a Socratic Seminar, the facilitator plays a crucial role in guiding the conversation and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to participate. The facilitator should create a safe and inclusive environment where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions.

It is important to establish ground rules for respectful dialogue, such as using evidence to support arguments and actively listening to others.

The facilitator can also help steer the conversation by asking follow-up questions, summarizing key points, and encouraging students to elaborate on their ideas. By actively listening and responding to student contributions, the facilitator can foster a dynamic and engaging discussion that encourages problem-solving and critical thinking.

Socratic Seminars are a powerful tool for engaging high school students in problem-solving activities. By promoting critical thinking, active listening, and respectful dialogue, these seminars provide an opportunity for students to develop their analytical skills and engage in meaningful conversations.

Whether discussing a literary text or a current event, Socratic Seminars offer a platform for students to explore complex issues and find innovative solutions.

Problem solving abilities will serve students well both in academics and in life after school. The activities discussed give teens a chance to flex their critical thinking muscles in a hands-on, engaging way.

Group challenges teach teamwork and collaboration skills, while individual puzzles help sharpen logic and reasoning. Real-world projects allow students to creatively apply STEM concepts, and seminars provide conversational problem solving practice.

The next time your high schooler seems bored or disengaged, try one of these stimulating problem solving activities! With consistent practice, teens will develop stronger skills to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

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Maria Sanchez is the founder of the Save Our Schools March blog. As a former teacher and parent, she is passionate about equitable access to quality public education. Maria created the blog to build awareness around education issues and solutions after organizing a local march for public schools.

With a Master's in Education, Maria taught high school English before leaving her career to raise a family. As a parent, she became concerned about underfunded schools and over-testing. These experiences drove Maria to become an education advocate.

On the blog, Maria provides resources and policy insights from the dual perspective of an informed parent and former teacher. She aims to inspire others to join the movement for quality, equitable public education. Maria lives with her family in [city, state].

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16 Powerful STEM Activities for High School Students

By: Author Charlene Hess

Posted on Last updated: February 2, 2024

high school student enjoying a STEM activity with test tubes

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stem activities for high school

You might think that STEM activities for high school students are difficult to come by, but if you’re willing to look a little deeper, there are plenty of fun STEM activities and projects for you to choose from.

Is your teen interested in STEM and looking for ways to explore, experiment, and build at home?

You don’t need an engineering lab of fancy equipment to experiment with engineering and science at home. All you need are some simple materials and a little time to explore!

Trust me – you definitely want to engage your teens in STEM lesson plans. Or perhaps even a full-on STEM curriculum . Let’s take a look at the activities I love to use!

Scientific Method Worksheets – Free Download

preview of the free scientific method worksheets

Before you move on, we’ve got some free scientific method worksheets for you to download and enjoy. These printable worksheets are useful for any science experiment, science project, STEM challenge, or STEM projects your students might be engaging in.

Turn every science project and STEAM activity into a thought-provoking STEM challenge. Plus give left brain and right brain kiddos alike a chance to utilize their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Get yours now!

Fun and Educational STEM Activities for High School Students

Here are some excellent STEM activities for high school students that you can try today.

And of course they are appropriate for mature middle school students as well, should you so choose.

1. DIY Electric Pencil Sharpener

Electric Pencil Sharpener Kit

Learn how to build your own electric pencil sharpener with this project kit from KiwiCo. Designed for ages 12 and up, this design kit comes with everything you need to construct the core, add the battery, and wire your sharpener up.

Put your engineering skills to the test and create something you’ll really use – an electric pencil sharpener of your own design!

With step-by-step instructions, you can construct the core, power it up, and wire everything together.

Then explore how far technology has come – from exploring the story behind its invention to discovering fascinating features like limit switches which automatically turn on when they sense that a pencil is in place! Unleash all your creative potential with this fun project.

You can get the Electric Pencil Sharpener project kit from KiwiCo by clicking this link.

Want to learn more about KiwiCo? Check out this article.

2. Homemade Archery Bow

Does your teen love Hunger Games or Lord of the Rings ? If so, there is a good chance they’re interested in archery.  

With a half-inch PVC pipe, an inexpensive heat gun, a handsaw, and some polypropylene string, you and your teen have all the craft supplies you need to make a fully-functional bow at home. You will plan out the shape and grip, measure, and cut. In about an hour, your child will have a light-weight, custom-built archery bow.

Mxessua 45

Mxessua 45" Bow and Arrows Set for Teens Recurve Archery Beginner Gift Longbow Kit 9 Arrows, 4 Target Face for Backyard Game

  • Ideal Gift: This is the best gifts for children and teens. Archery teaches concentration and increase patience and self discipline. It can promote hand-eye coordination and targeting. Enjoy outdoor backyard activities with your children with this bow and arrows set.
  • Strong And Sturdy With Perfect Design: Easy to assemble design. Fiberglass arrow gives durability. Ambidextrous reinforced handle for both right and left handed boy and girl, soft-touch grip for excellent handling.
  • Archery Bow: 44.3 inches overall length with 22 - 24 inch draw length and 16-20 lb draw weight. Recommended user's age: 10 years old or More than 10 years old.
  • Safety First: non-sharp arrow tips, finger saver attached to the bowstring, and arm guards in the bow set will keep your kids safe while shooting. Wear and use instructions are in the user manual.
  • Included :1 * Bow, 9 * Safety Fiberglass Arrows, 4 * Target Faces Paper, 1 * Arm Guard, 1 * Arrows Quiver, 1* Pin Sight , 1* User Manua

Of course, you’ll also want to have a conversation about archery safety and boundaries for use. But there’s no doubt your young engineer will get a kick out of the project.

You can find full information on how to make a homemade bow out of PVC pipe here. This is a wonderful STEM challenge that teens and educators alike will remember for years.

3. Multi-Colored Fire

Have your high schoolers ever made multi-colored fire? Teenagers love fire and what better way to allow them to combine adventure with education than by enjoying a multi-colored flames science experiment?

In this dragon-themed STEM activity, high schoolers will get to experiment with various chemical elements as they determine what color of flame each element will create. This science activity opens up a fun discussion on chemical reactions, physical reactions, and of course, fire.

high school students enjoyin STEM activities

Learn more about this fun dragon fire science experiment now! Trust me – this will be a STEM activity your high schoolers will not soon forget.

4. Aquaponics Project

If your high school student is interested in biology and the environment, consider helping them build a miniature ecosystem at home.

Aquaponics combines a hydroponic indoor garden with a fish aquarium. This is a wonderful STEM activity for high school students, combining tech, engineering, and earth science which of course makes it one of the best real-world science activities on this list.

VIVOSUN 3-Gallon Aquaponic Fish Tank, Hydroponic Cleaning Tank for Freshwater Fish to Feed Plants and Plants Clean Tank, Additional Thermostat, Flow Pump, and Ceramsite Included

VIVOSUN 3-Gallon Aquaponic Fish Tank, Hydroponic Cleaning Tank for Freshwater Fish to Feed Plants and Plants Clean Tank, Additional Thermostat, Flow Pump, and Ceramsite Included

  • Aquaponics Ecosystem: Our VIVOSUN aquaponic fish tank is a magical system of symbiosis wherein fish, vegetables, and microbes work together to benefit each other; Microbes break fish dung down into nutrients which fuel the growth of the plants on top, and the plants clean the water for the fish to swim in
  • Siphon Oxygen Supply & Thermostat Equipped: The tank comes equipped with a siphon system and a water level at the top of the tank keeps the water in a tidal-like fluctuation which not only keeps the plants roots immersed, but also keeps them regularly oxygenated; A natural oxygen supply circles every 2 minutes, offering your lovely fish a more natural existence; The included thermometer reads water temperature instantly, helping maintain a constant comfortable environment
  • Self-Cleaning Function: The hydroponic system helps make dirty water clean; The mini pump draws dirty water into the tray on the top, the fish waste in the water is converted into plant fertilizer, and then the filtered clean water is returned into the tank for the fish
  • Suitable for Various Hydroponic Plants: Our VIVOSUN fish tank aquarium is suitable for use with over 150 hydroponic vegetables and plants, like green dill, asparagus, pocket coconut, mint, basil, and rosemary, to name a few; A great gift for foodies and aquaponic grow lovers
  • Value Pack Includes Compatible Aquarium Heater and More: The complete pack includes 1x fish tank, 1x transparent tube, 1x aquarium cover, 1x siphon cover, 1x connecting adaptor, 1x flow pump, 1x pack of ceramsite, 1x pack of white stones, 1x additional thermostat, and 1x color manual; Suitable for the VIVOSUN 50W submersible heater which can provide consistent heating for your aquatic creatures

To begin, you and your student will plan together what fish and plants will thrive in the space available. Next, you assemble the main components: a tank, pump and filter system, grow-bed, and light. Once everything’s built, you can add plants and gilled friends.

An aquaponics project will provide both a construction activity and ongoing care and maintenance opportunities for your STEM-focused youngster.

We have plenty more information and resources on classroom aquaponics as a fun and educational science activity.

5. Soda Mentos Rocket

No matter the high schooler, they will love the idea of a little at-home combustion.

This activity is a fun, safe way to engage in rocket propulsion. Plus, they’ll learn something in the process. This STEM activity will teach your high school student about chemical reactions and physics. It lets you get outside and work with simple tools and materials.

Besides soda and a roll of Mentos mints, you will need two 2-liter bottles, a small length of PVC pipe, a single adapter, a ball valve, and some epoxy glue. The only tools are a saw and some sandpaper. You can buy everything at Lowes for less than twenty dollars.

4M Water Rocket Kit, DIY Science Space Stem Toys, For Boys & Girls Ages 8+

4M Water Rocket Kit, DIY Science Space Stem Toys, For Boys &amp; Girls Ages 8+

  • Pump not included.
  • Kit contains 1 plastic bottle, 4 fins (One for spare), 1 fin support, 1 bung, 1 bung connector, 1 pump connector, 1 extension plastic pipe and detailed instruction.
  • Recommended for children ages 14+
  • Construct your own rocket
  • See how the rocket flies, Blasts over 30 feet
  • Mechanics kits are innovative, inspiring and full of action
  • Kit includes all required parts and instructions
  • Educational kit that demonstrates a science principle

From there, you and your teen can create your two-chamber rocket setup at home. In the process, your student will learn how acidic and base elements combine to produce carbon dioxide and what happens when that gas builds up.

Be sure to make a video of the explosive results! The full step-by-step guide for this DIY soda bottle rocket STEM project is here. This is a STEM challenge that combines science experiments with engineering challenges. You could even throw in some technology if your teen was ambitious enough.

6. Edible DNA Model

High schoolers, even those with a strong interest in STEM, sometimes find genetics abstract and difficult to grasp. The terminology and rules governing DNA can seem impenetrable.

One surefire way for you to enliven DNA learning in life science is with a three-dimensional visual aid. Even better, you can construct it from your child’s favorite sweet treats and enjoy an edible science experiment .

As you may or may not remember, there are four nitrogen bases that sequence to form a unique DNA strand: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine. They arrange according to certain rules.

Two teenage boys enjoying some STEM activities for high school students

Use Twizzlers (or Red Vines, if you prefer) as the phosphate backbone of the strand, and either gumdrops or colored marshmallows as the nitrogen bases. You can even have younger siblings sort the colors!

From there, using a DNA strand plan coded to the candy colors, your student forms base pairings on toothpicks. Once all the pairings are set and sequenced, you can spear them in a “ladder” formation with the Twizzlers. With one twist, you’ll have a lovely, tasty double helix DNA strand.

You can find all the DIY edible DNA project details here. Enjoy this life science STEM activity in your homeschool or in a public school setting.

7. Bath Bombs

Have your teens ever made homemade bath bombs?

This STEM experiment is great for showcasing chemistry at its finest. Work with chemical reactions, learn about citric acid (C₆H₈O₇), baking soda (NaHCO₃), and how they react when they combine (3NaHCO3 + C6H8O7 → C6H5Na3O7 + 3CO2 + 3H2O).

Learn about catalysts and why they are important. You could even take this adventure further and dive into teenaged entrepreneurship!

It’s all very complicated and extremely fascinating.

Plus when you’re done, you’ll have some fun bath bombs to enjoy! Go enjoy your own DIY bath bomb science experiment now!

8. Crystal Egg Geodes

Growing salt or Borax crystals on pipe cleaners might be too juvenile for high school teens, but have your students ever grown crystals inside of eggshells?

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Hobby Rock Tumbler Kit - Rock Polisher for Kids & Adults, Noise-Reduced Barrel, Grit, 2 Pounds Jasper & Gemstone, New GemFoam for a Shiny Finish, Cool Toys, Great STEM Hobby Kit

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Hobby Rock Tumbler Kit - Rock Polisher for Kids &amp; Adults, Noise-Reduced Barrel, Grit, 2 Pounds Jasper &amp; Gemstone, New GemFoam for a Shiny Finish, Cool Toys, Great STEM Hobby Kit

  • CREATE YOUR OWN GEMSTONES - Make any stone sparkle and polish everyday rocks into dazzling gemstones! This rock polisher kit makes it fun and easy to turn rough rocks into beautifully polished gemstones, thanks to its simple operation and durable design.
  • A TUMBLER THAT'S MADE TO LAST Our high-quality tumblers are made with a durable motor thats designed to last for years. The leakproof rubber barrel reduces sound, making it 75% quieter than other plastic models. Makes an excellent STEM gift or activity for girls and boys.
  • ALL-IN-ONE TUMBLING KIT - This complete kit has everything you need to create polished gemstones. In addition to the tumbler, four polishing grits, sifter, and rough gemstones, this bundle includes refill packs with 1lb each of rough gemstones and rough jasper. Learn all about the gemstones in your kit with the detailed, full-color learning guide.
  • EASY TO USE Simple instructions and one-touch settings make rock tumbling fun and easy. Control the number of days for each tumbling cycle with the one-touch timer and automatic shutoff feature, so you can set it and forget it. This is a great gift for kids!
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED The National Geographic STEM series provides kids high-quality educational toys that are a whole lot of fun! If your experience is anything less than extraordinary, let us know so we can make it right for you.

This STEM activity combines the simplicity of crystal growing with the complexity and delicacy of eggs. Eggs are very fragile and your students will have to use extreme patience in order to get every scrap of the membrane off of the eggshells.

Once that is done, they will have to pay close attention to the clock so they catch their crystal egg geodes before the crystals cement the eggshells to the bottom of the jar.

This is a project that combines science, engineering, art, and even a little bit of math. Perfect for some high school STEM fun! Take a closer look at crystal egg geodes now!

9. The Science of Cookies

High school students are plenty old enough to be able to invent their very own chocolate chip recipe. This is a fun STEM activity that will really test their knowledge of chemistry, science, and baking.

But first, they must learn how each ingredient in a cookie recipe reacts with each other and how they affect an overall recipe. Learn the science of cookies with this fun STEM activity for high school students and then challenge your students to write their very own recipe.

10. Edible Stained Glass

Do your teens have a passion for art? Are you looking for a STEM activity that is appropriate for high schoolers but still easy and tons of fun? What about edible stained glass?

This is one of our favorite STEM project ideas.

Professional 16 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tool Set with Carrying Case, Lead Came Kit for Beginner with Cutters, Pliers, Square, Hammer, Fid, Safety Glass, etc.

Professional 16 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tool Set with Carrying Case, Lead Came Kit for Beginner with Cutters, Pliers, Square, Hammer, Fid, Safety Glass, etc.

  • Sales Now: Limited time offer!Use tools to accurately score, break and smooth edges on glass pieces.
  • Totally 16 pieces hand tools, great for glass art and stained glass work.
  • Includes 3 mixed pliers, 4 mixed styles glass cutters, cutting square, glazing hammer, fid, small suction cup, lead vise came, safety glasses and protective gloves.
  • Come with a free carrying case,can be taken anytime, anywhere. Note: This tool kit has two different packages and we will send it at random.
  • A low-cost way for beginners to get started in glass or for experts to get more essential tools at a bargain price.

When your kids enjoy an edible stained glass STEAM activity, they will get to experiment with chemistry while making (or melting) their hard candy. They will work with geometry while making their stained glass templates and determining how much of each colored candy they will need.

Students can take this project further by researching how glass is made or the history of stained glass through time. Use this project in math class, art history class, or just as a fun, hands-on STEAM activity. Your students will love it.

Learn more about edible stained glass now.

11. Dry Ice Experiments

Let your teens experiment with dry ice! First, have your students build their own smoking dragons. This is a simple way to introduce them to the basics of dry ice.

Then, when they’ve mastered that (which should be simple at this age), let them see if they can make a contraption that blows bubbles out of dry ice. This is a STEM fun activity your high school students are not likely to forget. Go read more about smoking dragons and dry ice experiments now.

12. Dragon Paper Airplanes

Can your students take a regular paper airplane concept and transform it into a dragon-shaped piece of origami that flies? High school students will enjoy making dragon paper airplanes and learning the history of this Japanese art form.

POWERUP 4.0 The Next-Generation Smartphone RC Controlled Paper Airplane Kit. Easy to Fly with Autopilot & Gyro Stabilizer. For Hobbyists, Pilots, Tinkerers. STEM Ready with DIY Modular Kit

POWERUP 4.0 The Next-Generation Smartphone RC Controlled Paper Airplane Kit. Easy to Fly with Autopilot &amp; Gyro Stabilizer. For Hobbyists, Pilots, Tinkerers. STEM Ready with DIY Modular Kit

  • PILOTED FLIGHT - Grab a sheet of paper, fold it, and go! Instantly put yourself in the cockpit of an amazing smartphone controlled paper airplane that does high speed tricks. The bluetooth module, which includes autopilot control, connects to your phone so you can experience the sensation of flying countless paper, foam, and even Balsa Wood airplane models.
  • INCREDIBLE STABILITY - Loops, Barrel Rolls, & Hammerheads are achieved with the special Acro Mode! Your paper planes onboard computer automatically calibrates your paper airplane for imperfect weather with a built-in launch assist and wind stabilizer. Now hobbyists, tinkerers, or students can become the flight controller!
  • RAPID CHARGING - A 30 minute quick charge gives you 10 minutes of flight time along with an incredible range of up to 230ft! Traveling up to 20mph, your plane will spend less time on the tarmac and more time in the air. Simply connect the included micro USB cable to a charging port and plot out your next journey.
  • STEM READY - Experience the aerodynamic forces that make flight possible through various wing configurations. Lift, drag, thrust, and gravity are learned first hand. Purchase the Night-Flight Kit and Accessory Kit to see how different parts create a new experience. Great for an outdoor class or exploration together with family.
  • DURABLE - A near indestructible heavy duty carbon fiber body includes a nylon reinforced nose and motor mount. The POWERUP 4.0 paper airplane set is designed to withstand bumps, bangs, and even an unexpected crash. If your paper plane flies out of range, the onboard computer will safely land itself! Includes a one year warranty.

Take the learning even further by having your teens get into some data statistics, graphing, and charting. They can even experiment with making graphs and charts in a computer software such as Excel or something similar and you’ve got a full-on high school-appropriate STEM activity on your hands!

13. Regrowing Kitchen Scraps

This activity focuses on regrowing food from kitchen scraps. Your teens will be able to learn about sexual vs asexual reproduction in plants. Did you know there are several kinds of asexual reproduction? What method do onions and lettuce plants follow?

Your teens will be able to tell you all about the 4 methods of plant reproduction by the end of this earth science activity. Plus they’ll have some applicable life skills that will keep them in delicious and healthy food for the rest of their lives! It’s a win-win! Go learn more about regrowing food from kitchen scraps now .

14. Paper Mache Dragons

Have you ever made paper mache with your students? Making paper mache is a great example of a fun STEM project idea for middle schoolers and high schoolers alike.

Kids can learn to think like an engineer while also solving a multitude of problems and getting very messy. This is a multi-day project, making it perfect for older students such as middle schoolers and high schoolers.

Go learn how to make your very own paper mache dragon now!

15. DIY Composting Bin

Composting is a great way to reduce your waste and help the environment.

Did you know that you can do a composting STEM project with your teenager? It’s easy, and it’s a fun way to learn about science and recycling.

These DIY composting bin instructions will walk you and your students through the science behind a compost bin, how to build a successful composting bin, and how to keep the learning going for many weeks and months to come! This is a STEM project your high school won’t soon forget.

16. Saltwater Electrical Current

This one requires closer supervision, but it’s an excellent opportunity to learn about electrical currents.

For this activity, you need a light bulb and socket, plus some four pieces of insulated copper wire. You can find these at any hardware store. Most of the other items are probably already in your house: a plastic food storage tub, popsicle sticks, aluminum foil, a 9V battery, and electrical tape.

Attach a wire to each diode on the battery and each screw on the socket. Connect one diode wire to one screw, then tape the other two wires to popsicle sticks wrapped in foil. Touching these foil electrodes will close the circuit and light up the bulb.

Then, submerge the electrodes in water in the plastic tub, and add salt. Guess what? The bulb lights up!

This STEM activity will demonstrate to high school students how a closed circuit works and how sodium ions transmit electricity. Pretty cool!

Everything you need for this DIY saltwater electrical current activity is here. This activity brings problem-solving and critical thinking into the mix in addition to other STEM education lessons.

There is no need for your child to leave STEM exploration and experimentation behind when they aren’t at school. With these STEM activities for high school students, you can bring that scientific curiosity home!

The Benefits of High School STEM Activities

By doing STEM activities, students learn a number of important hard and soft skills they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

These activities offer more than just an opportunity to explore scientific concepts; they equip students with essential skills and attributes that are increasingly crucial in our technologically driven world.

  • Hands-On Learning: STEM activities provide a hands-on approach to learning, allowing students to move beyond theoretical knowledge and experience the practical application of STEM concepts. .
  • Problem-Solving Skills: STEM activities inherently involve problem-solving. Students learn to analyze complex issues, break them down into manageable components, and develop creative solutions. These skills can go a long way in helping them navigate real-world situations.
  • Critical Thinking: STEM activities encourage critical thinking by fostering inquiry and exploration. Students learn to ask questions, gather and evaluate evidence, and make informed decisions.
  • Collaboration: STEM activities often involve teamwork . Students work together on projects, learning to communicate and collaborate with one another effectively.
  • Creativity: STEM activities encourage creative thinking by challenging students to think outside the box to make their experiments work.
  • Career Readiness: High school STEM activities offer a way to get kids ready for the future. Exploring STEM topics in high school will give them an edge when they enter college or the workforce.

Monthly STEM Project Ideas Sent to Your Inbox

For more fun, hands-on experiments and captivating high school STEM activities (and projects for all age groups), check out our  STEM Made Easy Digital Subscription .

Every month, carefully curated STEM activity blueprints and a collection of accompanying worksheets and resources will arrive in your inbox, helping you create fun-filled learning tasks in no time at all and ensuring you always have activities and projects lined up.

Inspire, Create, Discover: Expertly Curated STEM Projects!

16 Powerful STEM Activities for High School Students 1

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More STEM Resources for High School Students

  • The Ultimate Collection of STEM Activities
  • Quick STEM Activities
  • More STEM Activities for Teenagers
  • Educational Board Games Collection
  • Homeschool STEM Curriculum
  • Valentine’s STEM Activities
  • The Best Online STEM Classes for Kids
  • The Benefits of STEM Education
  • Pi Day Activities
  • DIY Anemometer STEM Activity
  • Ocean Zones in a Jar Project
  • DIY Jack in the Box STEM Project
  • STEM Night Activities
  • LEGO STEM Activities
  • Recent Posts

Charlene Hess

  • Toothpick Bridge STEM Challenge For Kids - May 20, 2024
  • Free Printable Road Trip Planner - May 14, 2024
  • Memorial Day Writing Prompts and Drawing Prompts - May 13, 2024

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Tuesday 5th of October 2021

These are awesome ideas! I can't wait to pick one of these STEM activities out and satisfy my nerdy loves.

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20 Best Math Puzzles to Engage and Challenge Your Students

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Written by Maria Kampen

Reviewed by Joshua Prieur, Ed.D.

Solve the hardest puzzle

Use Prodigy Math to boost engagement, offer differentiated instruction and help students enjoy math.

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1. Math crossword puzzles

2. math problem search, 3. math riddles.

It’s time for math class, and your students are bored.

It might sound harsh, but it’s true -- less than half of 8th grade students report being engaged at school according to this Gallup survey , and engagement levels only drop as students get older.

Math puzzles are one of the best -- and oldest -- ways to encourage student engagement. Brain teasers, logic puzzles and math riddles give students challenges that encourage problem-solving and logical thinking. They can be used in classroom gamification , and to inspire students to tackle problems they might have previously seen as too difficult.

Math puzzles for kids

Math crossword puzzles

Puzzles to Print

Take a crossword, and make it math: that’s the basic concept behind this highly adaptable math challenge. Instead of words, students use numbers to complete the vertical and horizontal strips. Math crossword puzzles can be adapted to teach concepts like money, addition, or rounding numbers. Solutions can be the products of equations or numbers given by clues.

Have students practice their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills by searching for hidden math equations in a word search-style puzzle . It can be adapted to any skill you want students to practice, and promotes a solid understanding of basic math facts.

My PreCalc students love riddles... can you figure out where the other dollar went?? #MathRiddles pic.twitter.com/BclqW9nq98 — Rachel Frasier (@MsFrasierMHS) January 8, 2019

Do your students love word problems ? Try giving them some math riddles that combine critical thinking with basic math skills. Put one up on the board for students to think about before class begins, or hand them out as extra practice after they’ve finished their work.

Prodigy is an engaging, game-based platform that turns math into an adventure! While it’s not a math puzzle in the traditional sense, Prodigy uses many of the same principles to develop critical thinking skills and mathematical fluency.

Students complete standards-aligned math questions to earn coins, collect pets and go on quests. Teachers can deliver differentiated math content to each student, prep for standardized tests and easily analyze student achievement data with a free account.

See how it works below!



is a “grid-based numerical puzzle” that looks like a combined number cross and sudoku grid. Invented in 2004 by a famous Japanese math instructor named Tetsuya Miyamoto, it is featured daily in The New York Times and other newspapers. It challenges students to practice their basic math skills while they apply logic and critical thinking skills to the problem.

6. Pre-algebraic puzzles

Pre-algebraic puzzles use fun substitutions to get students ready to perform basic functions and encourage them to build problem-solving skills. They promote abstract reasoning and challenge students to think critically about the problems in front of them. As an added bonus, students who suffer from math anxiety might find the lack of complicated equations reassuring, and be more willing to attempt a solution.

7. Domino puzzle board

Domino puzzle board

Games 4 Gains

There are hundreds of ways to use dominoes in your math classroom, but this puzzle gives students a chance to practice addition and multiplication in a fun, hands-on way. You can have students work alone or in pairs to complete the puzzle.


This online game and app challenges players to slide numbered tiles around a grid until they reach 2048. It’s super fun and not as easy as it sounds, so consider sending it home with students or assigning it after the rest of the lesson is over. It encourages students to think strategically about their next move, and it’s a great tool for learning about exponents.


Math in English

Kakuro , also called “Cross Sums,” is another mathematical crossword puzzle. Players must use the numbers one through nine to reach “clues” on the outside of the row. Decrease the size of the grid to make it easier for younger players, or keep it as is for students who need a challenge. Students can combine addition and critical thinking and develop multiple skills with one fun challenge.

10. Magic square

Magic square

Magic squares have been around for thousands of years, and were introduced to Western civilization by translated Arabic texts during the Renaissance. While magic squares can be a variety of sizes, the three by three grid is the smallest possible version and is the most accessible for young students.

This is also a great math puzzle to try if your students are tactile learners. Using recycled bottle caps, label each with a number from one to nine. Have your students arrange them in a three by three square so that the sum of any three caps in a line (horizontally, vertically and diagonally) equals 15.

11. Perimeter magic triangle

This activity uses the same materials and concept as the magic square, but asks students to arrange the numbers one to six in a triangle where all three sides equal the same number. There are a few different solutions to this puzzle, so encourage students to see how many they can find.

Sudoku is an excellent after-lesson activity that encourages logical thinking and problem solving. You’ve probably already played this classic puzzle, and it’s a great choice for your students. Sudoku puzzles appear in newspapers around the world every day, and there are hundreds of online resources that generate puzzles based on difficulty.

13. Flexagon

There’s a pretty good chance that by now, fidget spinners have infiltrated your classroom. If you want to counter that invasion, consider challenging your students to create flexagons. Flexagons are paper-folded objects that can be transformed into different shapes through pinching and folding, and will keep wandering fingers busy and focused on the wonders of geometry.

14. Turn the fish

Turn the fish

This puzzle seems simple, but it just might stump your students. After setting up sticks in the required order, challenge them to make the fish swim in the other direction -- by moving just three matchsticks.

15. Join the dots

Join the dots

Cool Math 4 Kids

This puzzle challenges students to connect all the dots in a three by three grid using only four straight lines. While it may sound easy, chances are that it will take your class a while to come up with the solution. (Hint: it requires some “out of the box” thinking.)

16. Brain teasers

While they don’t always deal directly with math skills, brain teasers can be important tools in the development of a child’s critical thinking skills. Incorporate brain teasers into a classroom discussion, or use them as math journal prompts and challenge students to explain their thinking.

Bonus: For a discussion on probability introduce an older class to the Monty Hall Problem, one of the most controversial math logic problems of all time.

17. Tower of Hanoi

This interactive logic puzzle was invented by a French mathematician named Edouard Lucas in 1883. It even comes with an origin story: According to legend, there is a temple with three posts and 64 golden disks.

Priests move these disks in accordance with the rules of the game, in order to fulfill a prophecy that claims the world will end with the last move of the puzzle. But not to worry -- it’s going to take the priests about 585 billion years to finish, so you’ll be able to fit in the rest of your math class.

Starting with three disks stacked on top of each other, students must move all of the disks from the first to the third pole without stacking a larger disk on top of a smaller one. Older students can even learn about the functions behind the solution: the minimum number of moves can be expressed by the equation 2n-1, where n is the number of disks.

18. Tangram


Tangram puzzles -- which originated in China and were brought to Europe during the early 19th century through trade routes -- use seven flat, geometric shapes to make silhouettes. While Tangrams are usually made out of wood, you can make sets for your class out of colored construction paper or felt.

Tangrams are an excellent tool for learners who enjoy being able to manipulate their work, and there are thousands of published problems to keep your students busy.


Similar to Sudoku, Str8ts challenges players to use their logic skills to place numbers in blank squares. The numbers might be consecutive, but can appear in any order. For example, a row could be filled with 5, 7, 4, 6 and 8 . This puzzle is better suited to older students, and can be used as a before-class or after-lesson activity to reinforce essential logic skills.

20. Mobius band

Is it magic? Is it geometry? Your students will be so amazed they might have a hard time figuring it out. Have them model the problem with strips of paper and see for themselves how it works in real life. With older students, use mobius bands to talk about geometry and surface area.

Why use math puzzles to teach?

Math puzzles encourage critical thinking.

Critical thinking and logic skills are important for all careers, not just STEM-related ones. Puzzles challenge students to understand structure and apply logical thinking skills to new problems.

A study from the Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education found that puzzles “develop logical thinking, combinatorial abilities, strengthen the capacity of abstract thinking and operating with spatial images, instill critical thinking and develop mathematical memory.”

All these skills allow young students to build a foundation of skills they’ll draw on for the rest of their lives, no matter what kind of post-secondary route they pursue.

They help build math fluency

Math games can help students build a basic understanding of essential math concepts, and as another study shows, can also help them retain concepts longer .

In the study, early elementary students gradually moved from using the “counting” part of their brains to complete math problems to the “remembering” part that adults use, suggesting math puzzles and repeated problems can help build the essential skill of math fluency .

Many of the math puzzles above allow students to practice essential addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills, while advanced or modified problems can be used to introduce pre-algebraic concepts and advanced logic skills.

Math puzzles connect to existing curricula

No matter what curriculum you’re using, there’s a good chance it emphasizes problem-solving, critique and abstract thinking. This is especially true of Common Core math and similar curricula.

fun problem solving activities for high school students

How Math Skills Impact Student Development

Math puzzles allow students to develop foundational skills in a number of key areas, and can influence how students approach math practically and abstractly. You can also tie them into strategies like active learning and differentiated instruction.

Instead of just teaching facts and formulas, math puzzles allow you to connect directly with core standards in the curriculum. You can also use them to provide a valuable starting point for measuring how well students are developing their critical thinking and abstract reasoning skills.

Tips for using math puzzles in the classroom

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sarah Werstuik (@teach.plan.love)

Now that you’ve got some great math puzzles, it might be tricky to figure out how to best incorporate them into your classroom. Here are some suggestions for making the most of your lesson time:

Make sure the puzzles are the right level for your class

If the problems are too easy, students will get bored and disengage from the lesson. However, if the problems are too difficult to solve, there’s a good chance they’ll get frustrated and give up early.

There’s a time and a place

While fun math puzzles are a great way to engage your students in developing critical thinking skills, they’re not a tool for teaching important math concepts. Instead, use them to reinforce the concepts they’ve already learned.

Kitty Rutherford , a Mathematics Consultant in North Carolina, emphasizes that math puzzles and games shouldn’t be based solely on mental math skills , but on “conceptual understanding” that builds fluency over time. Math puzzles help build the essential balance between thinking and remembering.

Give them space to figure it out

Rachel Keen , from the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia, conducted a study about problem-solving skills in preschoolers. She found that “playful, exploratory learning leads to more creative and flexible use of materials than does explicit training from an adult.”

Give your students space to struggle with a problem and apply their own solutions before jumping in to help them. If the problem is grade-appropriate and solvable, students will learn more from applying their own reasoning to it than just watching you solve it for them.

Model puzzles for your students

Use problems like the mobius strip to awe and amaze your students before drawing them into a larger discussion about the mathematical concept that it represents. If possible, make math puzzles physical using recycled craft supplies or modular tools.

Afterward, have a class discussion or put up math journal prompts. What methods did your students try? What tools did they use? What worked and what didn’t? Having students explicitly state how they got to their solution (or even where they got stuck) challenges them to examine their process and draw conclusions from their experience.

Final thoughts on math puzzles

Be aware that it might take a while to get all your students on board -- they could be hesitant about approaching unfamiliar problems or stuck in the unenthusiasm that math class often brings. Consider creating a weekly leaderboard in your classroom for the students that complete the most puzzles, or work through a few as a class before sending students off on their own.

Instead of yawns and bored stares , get ready to see eager participants and thoughtful concentration. Whether you choose to use them as an after-class bonus, a first day of school activity or as part of a targeted lesson plan, math puzzles will delight your students while also allowing them to develop critical skills that they’ll use for the rest of their lives.

What are you waiting for? Get puzzling!


11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

52 Critical Thinking Flashcards for Problem Solving

Critical thinking activities encourage individuals to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to develop informed opinions and make reasoned decisions. Engaging in such exercises cultivates intellectual agility, fostering a deeper understanding of complex issues and honing problem-solving skills for navigating an increasingly intricate world. Through critical thinking, individuals empower themselves to challenge assumptions, uncover biases, and constructively contribute to discourse, thereby enriching both personal growth and societal progress.

Critical thinking serves as the cornerstone of effective problem-solving, enabling individuals to dissect challenges, explore diverse perspectives, and devise innovative solutions grounded in logic and evidence. For engaging problem solving activities, read our article problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest.

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a 21st-century skill that enables a person to think rationally and logically in order to reach a plausible conclusion. A critical thinker assesses facts and figures and data objectively and determines what to believe and what not to believe. Critical thinking skills empower a person to decipher complex problems and make impartial and better decisions based on effective information.

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Critical thinking skills cultivate habits of mind such as strategic thinking, skepticism, discerning fallacy from the facts, asking good questions and probing deep into the issues to find the truth.

Importance of Acquiring Critical Thinking Skills

Acquiring critical thinking skills was never as valuable as it is today because of the prevalence of the modern knowledge economy. Today, information and technology are the driving forces behind the global economy. To keep pace with ever-changing technology and new inventions, one has to be flexible enough to embrace changes swiftly.

Read our article: How to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in Students? Creative Strategies and Real-World Examples

Today critical thinking skills are one of the most sought-after skills by the companies. In fact, critical thinking skills are paramount not only for active learning and academic achievement but also for the professional career of the students. The lack of critical thinking skills catalyzes memorization of the topics without a deeper insight, egocentrism, closed-mindedness, reduced student interest in the classroom and not being able to make timely and better decisions.

Benefits of Critical Thinking Skills in Education

Certain strategies are more eloquent than others in teaching students how to think critically. Encouraging critical thinking in the class is indispensable for the learning and growth of the students. In this way, we can raise a generation of innovators and thinkers rather than followers. Some of the benefits offered by thinking critically in the classroom are given below:

  • It allows a student to decipher problems and think through the situations in a disciplined and systematic manner
  • Through a critical thinking ability, a student can comprehend the logical correlation between distinct ideas
  • The student is able to rethink and re-justify his beliefs and ideas based on facts and figures
  • Critical thinking skills make the students curious about things around them
  • A student who is a critical thinker is creative and always strives to come up with out of the box solutions to intricate problems
  • Critical thinking skills assist in the enhanced student learning experience in the classroom and prepares the students for lifelong learning and success
  • The critical thinking process is the foundation of new discoveries and inventions in the world of science and technology
  • The ability to think critically allows the students to think intellectually and enhances their presentation skills, hence they can convey their ideas and thoughts in a logical and convincing manner
  • Critical thinking skills make students a terrific communicator because they have logical reasons behind their ideas

Critical Thinking Lessons and Activities

11 Activities that Promote Critical Thinking in the Class

We have compiled a list of 11 activities that will facilitate you to promote critical thinking abilities in the students. We have also covered problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest in our another article. Click here to read it.

1. Worst Case Scenario

Divide students into teams and introduce each team with a hypothetical challenging scenario. Allocate minimum resources and time to each team and ask them to reach a viable conclusion using those resources. The scenarios can include situations like stranded on an island or stuck in a forest. Students will come up with creative solutions to come out from the imaginary problematic situation they are encountering. Besides encouraging students to think critically, this activity will enhance teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills of the students.

Read our article: 10 Innovative Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom

2. If You Build It

It is a very flexible game that allows students to think creatively. To start this activity, divide students into groups. Give each group a limited amount of resources such as pipe cleaners, blocks, and marshmallows etc. Every group is supposed to use these resources and construct a certain item such as building, tower or a bridge in a limited time. You can use a variety of materials in the classroom to challenge the students. This activity is helpful in promoting teamwork and creative skills among the students.

It is also one of the classics which can be used in the classroom to encourage critical thinking. Print pictures of objects, animals or concepts and start by telling a unique story about the printed picture. The next student is supposed to continue the story and pass the picture to the other student and so on.

4. Keeping it Real

In this activity, you can ask students to identify a real-world problem in their schools, community or city. After the problem is recognized, students should work in teams to come up with the best possible outcome of that problem.

5. Save the Egg

Make groups of three or four in the class. Ask them to drop an egg from a certain height and think of creative ideas to save the egg from breaking. Students can come up with diverse ideas to conserve the egg like a soft-landing material or any other device. Remember that this activity can get chaotic, so select the area in the school that can be cleaned easily afterward and where there are no chances of damaging the school property.

6. Start a Debate

In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science. Encourage students to participate in the debate by expressing their views and ideas on the topic. Conclude the debate with a viable solution or fresh ideas generated during the activity through brainstorming.

7. Create and Invent

This project-based learning activity is best for teaching in the engineering class. Divide students into groups. Present a problem to the students and ask them to build a model or simulate a product using computer animations or graphics that will solve the problem. After students are done with building models, each group is supposed to explain their proposed product to the rest of the class. The primary objective of this activity is to promote creative thinking and problem-solving skills among the students.

8. Select from Alternatives

This activity can be used in computer science, engineering or any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) classes. Introduce a variety of alternatives such as different formulas for solving the same problem, different computer codes, product designs or distinct explanations of the same topic.

Form groups in the class and ask them to select the best alternative. Each group will then explain its chosen alternative to the rest of the class with reasonable justification of its preference. During the process, the rest of the class can participate by asking questions from the group. This activity is very helpful in nurturing logical thinking and analytical skills among the students.

9. Reading and Critiquing

Present an article from a journal related to any topic that you are teaching. Ask the students to read the article critically and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the article. Students can write about what they think about the article, any misleading statement or biases of the author and critique it by using their own judgments.

In this way, students can challenge the fallacies and rationality of judgments in the article. Hence, they can use their own thinking to come up with novel ideas pertaining to the topic.

10. Think Pair Share

In this activity, students will come up with their own questions. Make pairs or groups in the class and ask the students to discuss the questions together. The activity will be useful if the teacher gives students a topic on which the question should be based.

For example, if the teacher is teaching biology, the questions of the students can be based on reverse osmosis, human heart, respiratory system and so on. This activity drives student engagement and supports higher-order thinking skills among students.

11. Big Paper – Silent Conversation

Silence is a great way to slow down thinking and promote deep reflection on any subject. Present a driving question to the students and divide them into groups. The students will discuss the question with their teammates and brainstorm their ideas on a big paper. After reflection and discussion, students can write their findings in silence. This is a great learning activity for students who are introverts and love to ruminate silently rather than thinking aloud.

Finally, for students with critical thinking, you can go to GS-JJ.co m to customize exclusive rewards, which not only enlivens the classroom, but also promotes the development and training of students for critical thinking.

Read our next article: 10 Innovative Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom

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Thanks for the great article! Especially with the post-pandemic learning gap, these critical thinking skills are essential! It’s also important to teach them a growth mindset. If you are interested in that, please check out The Teachers’ Blog!

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43 Awesome Team-Building Activities for Kids

Build trust and community in your classroom.

Collage of team building activities, including balloon bat and a STEM challenge

Looking for great ways to help students learn to work together, listen carefully, communicate clearly, and think creatively? Try some of these awesome team-building activities for kids. They’re a super way to give your students the chance to get to know one another, build trust as a community, and, best of all, have fun!

1. Seeing Spots

Three children's foreheads, each with a different colored stick on dot in the center as an example of team building activities for kids.

The Teacher Dish: Brain Break Dots via theteacherdish.blogspot.com

For this activity, you’ll place a colored sticker dot (blue, red, green, or yellow) on each student’s forehead without them knowing what color it is. When the game begins, each “team” of students (with the same color) must find each other— without speaking. This is a wonderful team-building activity because it encourages non-verbal communication and cooperation.

2. Elbow Pass

Looking for team-building activities for kindergarten kids? This silly activity helps them make new friends and learn to work together. Not only do they get to work on hand-eye coordination, they are looking each other in the eye and having a laugh together.

3. Common Thread

Colorful team banners made by students as an example of team building activities for kids.

Fun 365/Team-Building Banner via fun365.orientaltrading.com

Divide students into groups of four and have them sit together in these small groups. Give each group five minutes to chat among themselves and find something they all have in common. It could be that they all play soccer, or pizza is their favorite dinner, or they each have a kitten. Whatever the common thread, the conversation will help them get to know one another better. Check in with the groups after five minutes to see if they need more time. After each group has come up with their common element, have them work together to create a flag that represents it.

4. Fingertip Hula-Hoop

There are quite a few team-building activities for kids that use Hula-Hoops. In this game, your students stand in a circle and raise their arms with only their index fingers extended. Place a Hula-Hoop so that it rests on the tips of the children’s fingers. Tell the students they must maintain a fingertip on the Hula-Hoop at all times, but they are not allowed to hook their finger around it or otherwise hold the hoop; the hoop must simply rest on the tips of their fingers. The challenge is for the children to lower the hoop to the ground without dropping it. To make this more challenging, you can place communication constraints on the children—no talking or limited talking, for example. Watch the video for a demonstration.

5. Four-Way Tug-of-War

This classic outdoor activity is double the fun of the traditional tug-of-war. Tie two long jump ropes together at their center points, creating an X shape. Tie a bandanna around the center point. Next, use cones to form a circle that fits around the X. Form four equal teams, and have each team stand at one of the four ends of the ropes. At your signal, each team begins pulling. The objective is to be the first team to pull the others in their direction far enough for the bandanna to cross to the outside of the circle of cones. Students who feel nervous about participating can serve as referees who make sure everyone is safe.

6. Hot Seat

This fun game is a lot like the game show Password . Split your class into two teams and have them sit together in teams facing the whiteboard or chalkboard. Then take an empty chair—one for each team—and put it at the front of the class, facing the team members. These chairs are the “hot seats.” Choose one representative from each team to come up and sit in the “hot seat,” facing their teammates with their back to the board.

Flash images one at a time on the screen behind the people in the hot seat. Taking turns, each team will offer one clue to their representative. If they guess the image correctly, their team gets one point. If not, it’s the other team’s turn to help their representative. Continue until one of the representatives gets the image correct. Then switch out students in the hot seat and continue.

7. Classification

Young students sorting objects found on a nature walk into red plastic bins as an example of team building activities for kids.

Inspiration Laboratories/Classification Practice via inspirationlaboratories.com

For this activity, prepare a tray with 20 unrelated items—for instance, a spool of thread, an eraser, a juice box, etc. Alternatively, create a document with 20 images of items to put up on the screen. Divide your class into even groups. Set a timer and have each group divide the 20 items into four categories that make sense to them. For example, they may put an earring, a glove, a headset, a sock, and a smile into the category “things you wear.” Have groups work quietly so that their ideas are kept secret. When each group is finished, give each one time to present their categories and their rationale behind each category.

8. Yes, No, Stand Up

The version of the game above is designed specifically to help English-language learners, but it can also be used as a good “get to know you” game for younger kids. Prepare a list of yes or no questions to ask your students. For example, do you like chocolate? Is your favorite color blue? If their answer is yes, the student stands up. If their answer is no, they sit down. Pause between questions to give students time to look around and find students they have answers in common with.

9. Balloon Battle

Two boys batting balloons with pool noodles as an example of team building activities for kids.

Happy Mom Hacks/Balloon Games via happymomhacks.com

This fun game teams students up as they try to bat a balloon over each other’s goal line. Divide students into two teams. Each team will have five players on the field at one time. Periodically blow a whistle to have students substitute in so that everyone gets a chance to play. The first team to score 10 points wins. For more fun balloon games check out Happy Mom Hacks .

10. Move On, Look Back

This hopping game will crack your students up. Start with students in a circle with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. When you say “Move on,” students will take one hop forward together. When you say “Look back,” students will take one hop backward together. And when you say “Forever alone” (or any other phrase you’d like, such as “180” or “Turn around”), students will turn 180 degrees and place their hands on the shoulder of the person who was behind them.

11. Birthday Line-Up

Did you know there are team-building activities for kids that can help teach students how to line up? It may take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the age of your students, so plan accordingly. The objective is to have students line up in order of their birthdays—January 1 through December 31. To do this, they will need to know the order in which the months fall as well as their own birthday. They will also need to talk with one another in order to figure out who goes in front of whom. To make it super challenging, tell them they must do it without speaking at all, only using hand signals. Other ways to line up include by height, alphabetically, or by foot size.

12. The Perfect Square

This activity requires strong verbal communication and cooperation. All you need is a long rope with the ends tied together and something to serve as blindfolds for students, such as bandannas or fabric strips. Have students stand in a circle holding the rope in front of them. Signal them to put their blindfolds on and set the rope on the ground in front of them. Ask students to turn and walk a short distance away from the circle. Assign a partner to any students who may need help. Finally, have everyone come back to the rope and try to form a perfect square with their blindfolds on. Set a time limit to make it more challenging.

13. Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

If you have a large space for kids to do team-building activities, try this one. Divide students into two teams. Before you begin, stake out the boundaries and position a home base at either end for each team. For each round, each team must confer and decide whether they will be rock, paper, or scissors. Have the two teams line up facing each other, and on your signal, have all players flash Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot! The kids on the losing team must run back to their base before they are tagged by one of the kids on the winning team.

14. Flip-the-Tarp Challenge

Looking for creative-thinking team-building games and activities for kids? Divide students into two teams. One team will do the challenge first while the other team watches, then they will switch places. Have all members of the team stand on a flat bedsheet, tarp, or blanket (kids should fill up all but about a quarter of the space). Challenge the team to flip over the sheet/tarp so that they are standing on the other side of the sheet/tarp without stepping off or touching the ground.

15. “Get To Know You” Balloons

Kids sitting at their desks in a classroom, each with a balloon in front of them, as an example of team-building activities for kids.

Beth Smith/ABC Scavenger Hunt via darlingtonschool.org

Give each student an empty balloon and a slip of paper. Ask them to write a get-to-know-you question on their paper, such as How many brothers and sisters do you have? Do you have any pets? What’s one fun thing you did this summer? Next, have them put their question inside the balloon, blow it up, and tie the end.

When everyone is ready, have them gather on the rug and, on your signal, toss their balloon up in the air. Give them a couple of minutes to bat the balloons around, then call stop . Have each student grab one balloon and come sit in a circle. Go around the circle and, one at a time, have students pop their balloon, read the question inside, and answer the question. This is one of those team-building activities for kids that they will always remember.

And to help your students remember each others’ names, try these 30 Fun Name Games To Try With Your New Class .

16. Hot and Cold

Form groups of three to five students. One person from each group (the finder) steps out of the classroom. The rest of the group picks an object (for instance, the pencil sharpener) in the classroom for the finder to find. When the finder comes back in, they begin walking around the classroom in search of the object. The others guide the finder by saying “hot” or “cold” to lead them in the right direction. If the finder is far away from the object, the group will say “cold.” When the finder gets close, the group will say “hot” until the finder picks the correct object. Variation: Instead of saying “hot” and “cold,” have students applaud softly for cold and applaud vigorously for hot.

17. Marshmallow-and-Toothpick Challenge

Divide students into groups of equal numbers. Pass out an equal number of marshmallows and wooden toothpicks to each group. Challenge the groups to create the tallest, largest, or most creative structure in a set amount of time, each member taking turns doing the actual building. Afterward, have each group describe what they made.

18. Art Reproduction Puzzle

Middle school students putting a puzzle together on a table as an example of team building activities for kids.

The Teaching Distillery/Puzzles via theteachingdistillery.com

Divide students into groups of six or eight (or larger if you want to make the task more difficult). Provide each team with an image and blank pieces of white card stock, one per team member. First, each team must cut up the image into the same number of pieces as there are group members. Then, each player will take one of the pieces of the image and reproduce it onto their blank piece of card stock with pencils, colored pencils, or markers. (If the team cuts the image into irregularly shaped pieces, each team member must then cut their blank paper into the same shape.) When every team has created the pieces of their puzzle, they will switch pieces with another team. The team will work together to solve the puzzle.

19. Hula-Hoop Pass

This activity helps kids work on listening, coordinating, and strategizing skills. It works best with smaller students. Have your students stand in a big circle. Place a Hula-Hoop on one student’s arm and have them join hands with the student next to them. Ask all the other students to join hands to close up the circle. The objective of the game is to pass the Hula-Hoop all the way around the circle without unclasping hands. Students will have to figure out how to maneuver their bodies all the way through the hoop to pass it on.

20. Bumpity-ump-bump-bump

Children in a circle playing bumpity ump bump bump.

Playworks/Bumpity Bump Bump via playworks.org

This is a fun name game that requires quick thinking! Students stand in a large circle. One student comes to the middle. That student walks around the inside of the circle, stops in front of one person, and gives them a direction. There are four choices: Left = say the name of the person to the left; right = say the name of the person on the right; it = say the name of the person who is it; or self = say one’s own name. After you give the student the direction, the designated person says “bumpity-ump-bump-bump!” out loud. The student who was given the direction races to say the name of the correct person before the student finishes the phrase. If they can’t, they’re the next person on the inside of the circle.

In this challenging trust-building activity, blindfolded students line up with their hands on each others’ shoulders. A person without a blindfold takes the end position. The object of the activity is for the sighted person to guide the non-sighted students without verbal communication to collect various soft objects scattered on the floor. Once the lead person finds an object, they must deposit it in a bucket. Extra challenge: Students must keep their hands on each others’ shoulders at all times.

22. No-Hands Cup-Stacking Challenge

Students gathered around a table, forming a pyramid of green paper cups using only strings as an example of team building activities for kids.

Nick Cornwell/Stacking Cup Challenge via nickcornwell.weebly.com

If you’re looking for hands-on team-building games and activities that work for groups of kids, try this challenge. It’s an exercise in patience and perseverance, not to mention a total blast! Decide how many students you want in each group and tie that number of strings to a single rubber band, making one for each group. Each person in the group holds on to one of the strings attached to the rubber band, and, as a group, they use this device to pick up the cups (by expanding and contracting the rubber band) and place them on top of each other in order to build a pyramid. See detailed instructions here .

23. Mini Cup-Stacking Challenge

And for younger students, this simplified version of the game allows kids to partner up one-on-one. Using just a few pipe cleaners and a rubber band, each student can take a hold and work together to create a stack.

24. Body Parts

students facing each other in a squat position with their heads touching and their hands on their shoulders as an example of team building activities for kids.

Karl Bastian/Head, Shoulders, Knees, Cup via kidologist.com

Students face off head-to-head in a squat position with a plastic cup on the ground between them. The leader calls out body parts and the players have to move their hands to that spot—head, knees, toes, eyes, nose, etc. But when they say “Cup!” the pair each tries to grab the cup. If they grab it, they remain in the game. The other player is “out” for the rest of the round.

Also, if a student touches the cup when “Cup!” was not called, they are immediately out! So they need to listen carefully as the leader attempts to trick them into lunging toward to the cup.

25. Human Alphabet

Students lying on the floor forming the letter

Nadine Silverthornes/Alphabet Game via todaysparent.com

If you have a large open space for your team-building games and activities, try this idea. Have students spread out and guide them through a few rounds of forming letters with their bodies. For instance, “Use your body to make a T. … Now make an O!”

Next, call out a simple short word, such as “so” or “dog.” Students will have to team up to form the word, with each student using their body to form one of the letters. Start with two-letter words, then three, then four. If students want more of a challenge, come up with a phrase that will take the whole class to complete.

26. Caterpillar

Divide students into groups of four. Lay out four Hula-Hoops per group and have one student stand in the center of each one to form teams of “caterpillars.” Line all of the teams up at the end of a field or large open space. Set out four or five objects in front of the lines, such as cones, foam blocks, or balls.

The goal of the game is to collect as many objects as possible by moving the caterpillar forward. To move forward, the last player in line steps into the hoop with the player in front of them, picks up their empty hoop, and passes it overhead to the front of the line. The front player then places the hoop on the ground in front of them and steps into it. Every player then shifts forward, moving the caterpillar. Only the front player may pick up objects, but it is the team’s job to carry the collected objects throughout the game. The game ends when there are no more objects on the ground.

27. Shrinking Vessel

For this activity, you will need a few jump ropes. Divide students into groups of six or eight. Have each group make a circle with their jump rope (their “lifeboat”) on the ground so that the ends are touching. Now have all the members of each group get into their lifeboat. This should be easy the first time. Then have all players get out and reduce the size of their circle by one foot. Again, all players need to get into the boat. Repeat this process, making the lifeboat smaller and smaller while you watch your students come up with creative solutions for making sure that everyone fits safely inside their boat.

28. Pretzel, Unpretzel

students holding hands twisted up into a human pretzel

Susan Box Mann/The Human Knot Game via icebreakerideas.com

This is one of the all-time favorite team-building activities for kids. Divide your class in half and have each group choose one pretzel maker and two unpretzelers. Direct the unpretzelers to turn their backs. Have the rest of the students in each group form a circle and hold hands. Now, have the pretzel maker direct the students (with words only) to twist around, step over, and duck under each others’ arms to form a human pretzel. Once they are sufficiently twisted, call the unpretzelers over and have them try to direct the students (with words only) in order to untangle them. Students cannot drop their hands at any time. The first team that successfully unpretzels their group wins.

29. Zip, Zap, Boing!

This super-lively circle game involves three actions—zip, zap, and boing. Zip directs play in one direction around the circle. Boing reverses the direction of play. And zap passes play to the opposite side of the circle. See the video above for a full demonstration. A couple of rules: Boing cannot be performed when someone passes the signal using zap. And zap cannot be passed to the person standing right next to you.

30. Spiderweb

Students connected by a web of yarn sitting in a circle on the rug

Heather Lynne/Would You Rather Web at raisingmemories.com

This team-building game will teach your students that even though they may be different in many ways, they are still connected to one another. Gather in a circle, standing or sitting. The game begins when the first person, holding a large ball of twine, tells the group a funny or embarrassing story about themselves.

Once they finish, they hold on to the end of the twine and throw the ball to someone else in the circle. Play continues until the twine has been passed to each person. The end result will produce a “spiderweb” out of the twine, connecting each student to all of the others.

31. Team Tic-Tac-Toe

This fun and active version of the old-fashioned game gets kids revved up about working as a team. Hula-Hoops are placed in the shape of a tic-tac-toe frame. Then students divide into teams and the race begins! One student from each team runs to the frame and drops a bean bag in a spot. They return and tag the next runner, who does the same thing. Play continues until one team achieves a tic-tac-toe!

32. Newspaper Fashion Show

three girls modeling outfits made from newspaper

Andrea and Rachel/Newspaper Fashion via mommylessons101.com

This is a great way to incorporate upcycling into your team-building games and activities. Divide students into groups of five or six, then give them a stack of newspapers, tape, and scissors. Set a timer and ask them to create the most fashionable outfit using only the supplies given. When time is up, have each group designate a model for the outfit, and have the group share information about the outfit. Once everyone shares, put on some rocking music and have a mini fashion show.

33. Back-to-Back Drawing


Need team-building games and activities that build communication skills? Ask students to pair up and sit back-to-back with their partner. Give one student a blank piece of paper and a pen or a marker. Give the other student a piece of paper with a simple drawing on it. The kid who receives the illustration will verbally describe the drawing to their partner. The other kid must draw the illustration by listening to the verbal instructions alone.

34. Changing Tableau

Ask for five or six volunteers to come up to the front of the class. Divide the rest of the students into two teams and have them sit together. Have the students up front arrange themselves into a tableau. Give the two teams a short time to observe the tableau, trying to memorize their physical arrangement.

After a couple of minutes, ask every person on both teams to face away from the team up front. The tableau team will decide on one thing to change about the tableau. When they are rearranged, the teams can turn around and try to figure out what changed. The first team to spot the difference gets a point. Continue play until one team receives 10 points.

35. Straw Challenge

Students huddled together doing a team building exercise

Georgia Teen Institute/Straw Challenge via https://guidegti.wordpress.com

If you’re looking for team-building games and activities for kids that require coordination and cooperation, try this one. Have your students form a large circle and give each one a plastic straw. The objective of the challenge is to balance each straw between one person’s right pointer finger with the left pointer finger of the person next to them. Try making some movements such as rotating the circle to the left or right, raising one foot, etc. The challenge is to keep the connection of straws intact.

36. Group Juggle

Have students circle up and make sure you have a supply of small plastic balls at the ready. Start by tossing one ball from person to person in the circle. After a minute, add in another ball. Instruct students to mindfully toss the ball, avoiding a collision. After another minute, add in another ball. Continue adding balls each minute to see how many balls your students can successfully juggle.

37. Hula-Hoop Ring Toss

Team members take turns tossing a Hula-Hoop over colored cones. Each color has a different point value. This game also incorporates math practice when adding your team’s score.

38. Great Chain Race

colorful plastic rings joined together into long chains by color on a white floor

Jennifer/Paper Chain STEM Challenge via themathchick.net

For this team-building activity, students split up into groups of three or four. Each group gets one sheet of paper (a different color for each group), one pair of scissors, and one glue stick. The teams then cut their paper to make a paper chain that’s as long as possible—they might choose to make many skinny rings or cut up small rings to get as many rings from their paper as possible. In the end, lay out the paper chains the kids created and see whose is the longest.

39. Team Pen

Working together, students try to create a drawing. Attach strings to a marker, however many you’d like. Have students each take one end and gather around a table. Together, they will need to communicate in order to manipulate the pen and draw the required image.

40. Knee Relay

This raucous activity will have your students rolling on the floor with laughter. Using only their knees, players must take turns picking up oranges one at a time from the ground and transfer them to a hoop across the room. The team to transfer the most oranges in 60 seconds wins. Plus, you’ll have a juicy snack for everyone when you’re done.

41. Human Caterpillar Activity

Students will work together to move a circle made of newspapers across the room. Before you begin, use strong tape to connect the sections of newspaper into a loop. To begin, students will step inside and move their feet and hands to help move the loop in the direction of the finish line, as shown in the video. The challenge is keeping pace with the students in front of them. The first team that is able to navigate their caterpillar to the finish line first is the winner.

42. Blind Minefield

Looking for obstacle course team-building activities for kids? This fun and challenging activity requires communication, listening skills, and trust. Students will navigate through an obstacle course while blindfolded with the help of a partner who will call out directions. If the blindfolded student touches any of the objects in the minefield, their turn is over and another pair gives it a try. The team with the most players to make it through without touching any hazards wins.

43. Paper Tower

Using creative problem-solving skills, each team of students must build the tallest tower possible with 20 sheets of plain computer paper. The tower must be stable enough to be measured. This activity is not only a great team-building activity, it’s a lot of fun!

Do you have favorite go-to team-building activities for kids? Come share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook !

For more great ideas, check out  45 of the best cooperative games to promote camaraderie and healthy competition ..

Teaching 21st-century learners involves more than academics. These team-building activities for kids gives them the skills they need!


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  • Teaching Tips

21 Team Building Activities for Students [Plus: Free List of 45+ Activities]

Creating connections in your classroom will ensure your students are engaged. Use these team-building activities to lay a solid foundation for learning.

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Top Hat Staff

21 Team Building Activities for Students [Plus: Free List of 45+ Activities]

Team building isn’t just for the corporate workplace — it can also be used in the classroom to encourage collaboration, problem-solving and decision-making. And it doesn’t have to involve awkward activities such as a ‘trust fall.’ Engaging, relevant team-building activities for students can energize your classroom and take learning to a new level.

By accomplishing group tasks, students learn to listen, trust and support each other, while developing life skills such as communication and collaboration—skills that can’t be learned from a textbook, interactive or not. Learning to get along with peers, for example, isn’t something you can pick up through memorization.

Sara Keinath, Youth Leadership Educator at Michigan State University explains the value of team-building activities for students: “Guiding group members through intentional games can help them improve their communication skills with each other, which will transfer to their work or club projects later. Many team-building activities incorporate such skills as active listening, questioning assumptions, giving clear directions, problem-solving or learning how to ask effective questions.”

Facilitate your team-building games and activities for students over the course of a semester (rather than a one-off event). Here are 21 examples of fun team-building activities for students you can use in the classroom that won’t make everyone cringe.

Help your college students connect and collaborate. Download 45+ Team-Building Activities for College Courses and build community in any classroom.

Table of Contents

Fun leadership activities for college students.

  • Group activities for in-person classes

Community-building activities for college students

Adding some fun and levity to your classroom helps your students build informal connections with peers.

1) Pub quiz

Group size: Groups of 3–7 students 

Course type: Online (synchronous), in-person

You don’t need to hang out in an actual pub for this team-building activity; the idea is to mimic a trivia pub night, fostering teamwork in a fun environment by encouraging participants to work towards a common goal. For online courses, instructors can make use of Zoom rooms to organize teams or groups. The ‘host’ asks a multiple-choice trivia question, and teams are given 60 seconds to discuss and agree upon an answer. You can use generic quiz questions (from the board game Trivial Pursuit, for example), or you could relate questions back to the course material. The team with the most points wins (consider giving bonus marks on a recent quiz as a prize).

2) Idea building blocks

Group size: Groups of 5–10 students

Course type: In-person

Divide the class into teams and present them with a problem related to your course material. One team member writes down a solution and passes the sheets of paper along to the next team member, who builds upon that idea and then passes it along to the rest of the team. The paper is passed around until each team member has added to the original solution. When their time is up, a spokesperson can present their ultimate solution to the rest of the group or to the class. This activity helps develop students’ problem-solving and collaboration skills, with learners working towards a common goal.

3) Spaghetti tower

Group size: Groups of 3–10 students

Divide students into teams and provide them with ‘building’ materials, such as dry spaghetti, marshmallows, string and tape. Set a time limit for designing and building a spaghetti tower (one that’s structurally sound, of course). When their time is up, the tallest freestanding tower wins. Prizes can range from bonus points on a recent assignment to a short extension for their next paper or report. There are several variations on this, such as building a pyramid with paper cups, but the idea is to promote communication and collaboration in a leadership exercise—and provide a little incentive as well.

4) Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts aren’t just for kids. While this icebreaker game requires some preparation, it encourages students to be collaborative: planning a strategy, dividing up tasks and communicating progress. Split your students into teams and give them a time limit to find as many items as possible on a list you’ve provided. You can make this more challenging by offering clues or riddles rather than the names of items.

5) Newspaper fashion show

Group size: Groups of 6–8 students

While this team-building game is ideal for art and design students, it can be used in any classroom to get learners out of their comfort zones and allow for team bonding. Divide students into teams of six to eight, and supply them with newspaper, tape and scissors. Participants are given a time limit to design and create an item of clothing out of a newspaper, which requires group brainstorming and delegation of tasks. Bonus points if their article somehow relates to your course material. One person in the group could ‘model’ the finished product when their time is up.

Group activities for online and in-person classes

These activities are also great as icebreakers or retreat exercises.

6) Shark Tank

Split students into small groups and have them develop a product, logo, brand name and marketing strategy before presenting their idea to a panel of ‘sharks’ (those who will judge their ideas). Once each group has presented, the ‘sharks’ all vote on their favorite project with the winner getting a special certificate or an extension on their latest assignment. This activity gives students the opportunity to exercise creative thinking and work on presentation and public speaking skills.  

7) Pipeline

Group size: Groups of 3–5 students 

Teams are given the task of carrying a marble or ball from a start line to a finish line, without it ever touching the floor—or students’ hands. Here’s how it works: Each team member is given a PVC pipe (though they could also use paper and tape, or paper towel rolls). Allow five minutes of planning time, so teams can strategize how they will transport the object as a group; if it falls to the floor, they must start over. This helps to promote problem-solving, communication and great teamwork.

8) Classify this

Group size: Groups of 3–5 students

Arrange random objects on your desk—anything from paper clips to an umbrella to jewelry (aim for about 25 objects in total). Teams of students must then categorize these objects on a piece of paper or sticky note, even when no obvious connections exist. You can decide on the number of categories they must fit the object into or let each team decide. When their time is up, a participant from each group presents their list and explains the logic behind it. This team-building exercise helps students think outside the box.

9) Goodie bag skits

This might take some students out of their comfort zone but it encourages teamwork and collaboration. Divide the class into teams of up to ten people and provide each team with a ‘goodie bag’ filled with random items. Set a time limit (five-to-ten minutes) for each group to create a short skit tied to course content, based on the items in the bag. Teams then present their skits, and a group vote can be held to declare the winner. Winners can get bonus points for their grade on this activity or their in-class participation grade at the end of the school year.

10) Deserted island

Course type: Online (synchronous or asynchronous), in-person

In this icebreaker, small groups of students imagine they’re stranded on a deserted island. This activity can help students build on their leadership skills. After dividing students into teams, provide them with a list of items for survival. Students must prioritize and rank those items—first on their own, and then as a group. Not only does this test their problem-solving skills, but it also helps them differentiate between the needs of the individual and the needs of the collective. 

11) Think-pair-repair

Group size: 20 students (minimum)

Change up your usual think-pair-share activities by posing an open-ended question to your class and asking students to come up with their best answer. Next, pair peers up and encourage them to agree on a response. Combine two pairs and have a group of four accomplish the same task. Continue until half the class goes head-to-head with the other half, defending their stance. This way, students benefit from hearing their peers’ perspectives, as well as getting to practice their debate skills. If your students are online, breakout rooms on Zoom or Microsoft Teams allow you to replicate this experience with virtual team-building. 

12) Why am I here?

Group size: 15–20 students (maximum)

Have students draw a picture that represents why they enrolled in your course. Encourage them to think beyond the fact that they may need your course credit to graduate. They could think about wanting to learn more about your field or simply that their friends were enrolled in your class, too. After five minutes, have students share their picture with the larger group if they’re comfortable—a fun way to help students feel like part of one interconnected community, particularly in the back-to-school season.

→ Download Now: 45+ Team-Building Activities

13) Improv games

Group size: 20 students (minimum )

Improvisational (improv) games encourage students to think quickly and step outside their comfort zone to connect with their peers. Here are a few examples: Pair up students and ask them to figure out the most unexpected things they share in common (this can also be done online in breakout rooms). Or challenge your students to count to 20 as a group with one person saying each number—but no one is assigned a number, and if two people talk at the same time, everyone starts again at one. 

There are literally dozens of in-school activities for college students that can be used in the classroom—you can even ask students to create their own. By incorporating group activities into your teaching, you’re providing students with an opportunity to learn essential life skills they’ll carry with them long after they graduate.

14) Socratic seminar

Ask students to prepare for a discussion by reviewing a course reading or group of texts and coming up with a few higher-order discussion questions about the text. In class, pose an introductory, open-ended question. From there, students continue the conversation, prompting one another to support their claims with evidence from previous course concepts or texts. There doesn’t need to be a particular order to how students speak, but they are encouraged to respectfully share the floor with their peers.

15) Concentric circles

Group size: 20 students (maximum)

Students form two circles: an inner circle and an outer circle. Each student on the inside is paired with a student on the outside; they face each other. Pose a question to the whole group and have pairs discuss their responses with each other. After three-to-five minutes, have students on the outside circle move one space to the right so they are standing in front of the next student. Pose a new question, and the process is repeated, exposing students to the different perspectives of their entire team.

16) Absurd questions

Group size: Groups of 5 students

Course type: Online (synchronous or asynchronous), blended, in-person

Pose a fantastical, outrageous or fictitious statement to the entire group. Statements can be tailored to your discipline such as “what if everyone lived to 150” for a developmental class or “what if there was no such thing as evolution” for a biology class. Students are asked to develop as many answers to the question as they can by considering all political, social, economical and psychological angles. They can then share the answers out loud or, if you’re teaching remotely, on a discussion board, which is a great option for introverts as well.

17) This or that

This activity allows students to see where their peers stand on a variety of different topics and issues. Instructors should distribute a list of provocative statements before class, allowing students to read ahead. Then, they can ask students to indicate whether they agree, disagree or are neutral on the topic in advance, using an online discussion thread or Google Doc. In class, use another discussion thread or live chat to have students of differing opinions share their views. After a few minutes, encourage one or two members in each group to defend their position amongst a new group of students. Ask students to repeat this process for several rounds to help familiarize themselves with a variety of standpoints.

18) Snowball discussions    

Group size: Groups of 2–4 students

Assign students a case study or reading to discuss with a partner, then have them share their thoughts with the larger group. Use breakout rooms in Zoom and randomly assign students in pairs with a discussion question. After a few minutes, combine rooms to form groups of four. After another five minutes, combine groups of four to become a larger group of eight—and so on until the whole class is back together again.

19) Make it personal

Group size: Groups of 2–8 students

After you’ve covered a topic or concept in your lecture, divide students into small discussion groups (or breakout rooms online). Ask the groups questions like “How did this impact your prior knowledge of the topic?” or “What was your initial reaction to this source/article/fact?” to encourage students to reflect on their personal connections to the course concepts they are learning, which is particularly beneficial to educators around the first day of school.

20) Synthesis

Course type: Online (synchronous), in-person 

This discussion activity can help students connect course concepts by leaning on prior knowledge and other learning experiences. Consider asking questions such as “How can this idea be combined with ________ to create a more complete or comprehensive understanding of _________?” Then, students can discuss these questions in their small teams (or online breakout room) in order to learn more about one another’s experiences inside and outside the classroom. 

21) Gallery walk

Start by setting up stations or posters in a few locations around the classroom (like on the walls or on tables). For online classes, students can complete this activity in breakout rooms. Divide students into small groups and have them rotate between each station together, performing some kind of task like sorting their observations into categories. Ask them to write down a list of questions about the source material they are viewing or respond to a discussion prompt related to the course material to generate conversation.

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Top 50 problem solving activities, games & puzzles for remote teams

Blockchain and Crypto / March 6, 2022 by admin

Here is a list of the top 50 problem solving activities, games & puzzles best suited for remote teams. Read on!

What are problem solving activities?

The success of a company or organization depends heavily on the managers’ ability to help workers develop their problem solving skills. Problem solving activities that address areas such as teamwork and cooperation, adaptability or reinforcement of decision-making strategies help.

All processes of problem solving begin with the identification of the problem. The team will then evaluate the possible course of action and select the best way to tackle it. This needs a profound understanding of your team and its core strengths.

Not only among corporates, but problem solving activities find their use in educational settings as well. Students who are good at solving problems will become much more successful than those who are not. Remote work and education are on the rise.

Enabling smooth interpersonal communication to solve problems can become a task in these situations. However, engaging all the people concerned in problem solving activities before shifting to the remote space can ease the process.

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Key skills evaluated in problem solving activities

Problem solving skills refer to the necessary thinking skills that an individual or group uses when met with a challenge. Many issues require the use of several skills; others are easy and may require only one or two skills. These are some skills that help to solve problems,

  • Communication skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Analytical thinking
  • Negotiation skills
  • Logical reasoning
  • Persistence
  • Lateral thinking

Problem solving skill examples

Several problems occur at the workplace. Problem solving skills can be technical problems that occur on websites or apps or addressing client concerns. Problems could be simple or complex. Business managers spend time and resources to solve problems.

They encourage their team to improve their analytical and logical abilities. Common issues in companies can be exploding data or changing technology, or financial management.

Did you know? Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in problem solving!

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Problem solving scenarios

Many problem solving scenarios occur at work. The basis to solve any problem is to evaluate and arrive at a solution. Analytical skill or problem solving ability is a skill many employers evaluate while hiring candidates.

Strong problem solving skills can be an asset to any organization. Organizations organize problem and solution activities to improve the problem solving abilities in the workplace.

1. Decision making games

Businesses are looking for new and innovative ways to stimulate their staff. Decision making games help employees to learn new skills and work effectively as a team. Decision making activities help to improve the creative problem solving and decision-making skills of the team. Here are some best Decision-making games,

1. Dumb Idea first – This game gives a hypothetical problem that could occur in your company. Ask each manager to think of the dumbest solution to the problem. After compiling the list of the ideas, the team reviews them.

You have a brainstorming session to make the “dumb ideas” feasible. This problem solving exercise underlines the importance of out-of-box thinking.

Benefits: Decision-making skill

Time duration: 10 to 15 minutes

Team size: 2 to more team managers

Material: Paper and pencil

2. Egg Drop Idea – The objective of the game is to build a container to protect the egg when dropped from a specified height using the material provided. Each team nominates a presenter who explains why the egg will survive the fall.

Once they have presented the idea, the team drops the egg to check if the idea has worked. Egg drop pyramid activities like the marshmallow challenge help teams to think on their feet.

Benefit: Decision-making skill and is a top problem solving skill example

Time duration: 15 – 30 minutes

Team size: 6 or more

Material: A cartoon of eggs, aprons to protect clothes, material for packing (cardboard, tape, elastics, plastic straws, etc.), material to clean up.


  • Every team gets an egg and should choose from the building materials. 
  • Grant everyone 20-30 minutes to build an egg carrier and guard against breaking. 
  • Remove each egg carrier from a ledge (that is, over a balcony) to see which carrier prevents it from cracking. 
  • If several eggs survive, continue to heighten until only one egg remains.

3. Dog, Rice, and Chicken – The dog, rice, and chicken game can be fun decision-making activities for adults. In this game, one team member plays the farmer, and the other team members are villagers who advise him. The farmer has to take three items chicken, dog, and rice across the river by boat.

There are the following constraints:- only one item can be carried on the boat. He cannot leave the chicken and dog alone because the dog will eat the chicken. He cannot leave the chicken alone with the rice because the chicken will eat the rice grains.

Benefit: creative problem solving examples that are applicable at work.

Time duration: 10-15 minutes.

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2. Teambuilding puzzle

Team building exercises are fun and creative ways to get your team to work together and improve problem solving skills.

1. Lost at Sea – In this game, you and your friends have chattered a yacht to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. Since you do not have any navigation experience, you hire a captain and a two-person crew. Unfortunately, the crew and captain die when a fire breaks out on the yacht.

The yacht is severally damaged and is sinking. You and your friends have managed to save 15 items and a lifeboat. Your task is to rank the 15 items while you are waiting to be rescued. The activity lost at sea team building underlines the importance of problem solving skills in the workplace.

Benefits: Team building exercise and interaction

Time duration: 30 to 40 minutes

Team size: 4 to 6

Material: Lost in sea ranking for interaction chart for each member

2. Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower – The marshmallow team-building activities have the goal of building the tallest tower as quickly as possible. To make the task more challenging the marshmallow is placed at the top of the tower. This is a fun puzzle activity for team building.

Benefit: Teambuilding puzzle

Time duration: 30 minutes

Material required: 20 sticks on raw uncooked spaghetti, a marshmallow, masking thread, and yarn of thread.

3. Go for Gold – This is an example of a marshmallow challenge similar to activities. The objective of this exercise is to create a structure using pipes, rubber tubing, and cardboard to carry a marble from point A to point B using gravity.

Benefit: team building problem solving scenario examples

Team size: Minimum 6 persons

Material required: Each member has different material

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3. Work Problem Solving

Work problem solving activities help to use the skills you used in problem solving activities in your workplace.

1. Create your own – this game aims to create a brand new problem solving activity for the organization. The team can brainstorm for 1 hour. After one hour each team has to give a presentation about their activity outlining the key benefits.

Benefit: Understanding the problem solving process. Build creativity, improve negotiation, and Decision-making skills

  • When the participants arrive, you declare that they will create an original problem solving activity on their own, rather than spending an hour on an existing problem solving team-building exercise. 
  • Divide members into teams and encourage them to develop a new problem solving team-building exercise that will fit well with the organization. The activity should not be one they have engaged in or heard of before.
  • Every team has to show their new activity to everyone else after an hour and outline the main benefits.

2. Shrinking Vessel – make a shape on the floor using a rope where all the team members can fit. Reduce the size every 10 -15 minutes. The real challenge for the team is figuring out how to work together and keep everyone together.

Benefits: Adaptability and cognitive diversity

Material: Rope and large room

  • Place on the floor a big circle of rope. Position your whole team inside the circle. 
  • Lessen the circle size steadily. When it gets smaller, advise the team to keep the entire team inside the circle. Nobody must move out of the loop. See how small you can make the area until it cannot remain inside.

3. Legoman – the team is divided into groups of two or more people. Select an impartial individual who will make a structure in 10 minutes. Each team will compete to recreate it in fifteen minutes. Only one person is allowed to see the structure. They need to communicate vital parameters like color, shape, and size.

Benefits: Communication

Tools: Lego

4. What Would X Do – This problem solving activity stimulates teams to think of new ideas.

  • Benefits: Instant problem solving
  • Time Duration: 10-15 minutes
  • Materials Required: N/A
  • Let every team pretend to be someone famous. 
  • Every team needs to address the issue as if they were a famous person. Which are the choices they would consider? How will they do this? 
  • It helps all to consider options they may not have initially thought of.

Tip: Before you decide, a problem is worth solving, weigh the risks of solving it versus not solving it. 

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4. Team building riddles

Team building riddles are a great way to show the team group problem solving is usually more effective.

1. Barter puzzle – the team is broken into groups. Give each team a different jigsaw puzzle to solve. The groups have to complete the puzzle at the same time. The twist in the game is that some pieces of their puzzle belong to other puzzles.

The goal is to complete the puzzle before the other teams. Each group has to come with their method to convince other teams to handover the pieces they need, either by bartering pieces or donating time to the other teams. This puzzle piece team-building activity helps teams to collaborate.

Benefit: Team building and negotiating.

Material: Jigsaw puzzle for each team

Time: 30 minutes

2. Scavenger Hunt – in this game, each team has a list of the article to locate and bring back. The goal of the game is to finish the assigned list first. In the scavenger hunt, the team has a time limit to make the game more challenging. You have the flexibility of having the hunt outside or within the premises. The team-building puzzle game helps the team to look for creative solutions.

3. Escape – the goal is to solve clues and find the key to unlock the door in a limited time. Hide the key and a list of clues around the room. The team has 30 to 60 minutes to figure out the clues and unlock the door.

Benefit: Team building exercise

Material: Rope, key, lockable room, 5 to 10 puzzles

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5. Work together problems

Work together on problems helps to underline the need to collaborate while solving issues at work. Group challenge activities help the team work well together.

1. Bonding belt – each group is divided into 5 to 6 participants, who are bound together with rope or tape so that their movements are limited. The team has to reach from point A to point B, and the time is recorded. The teams collaborate to beat their previous score.

Benefits: Helps the team to collaborate and skills for problem solving scenario/

Time: 20 to 30 minutes

Material: Cling film, belt, or rope

2. Scramble puzzle – the team members with blindfolds sit in a circle with the puzzle. The teammate without the blindfold sits outside the circle, with their back to the group. The blindfolded group tries to assemble the pieces of the puzzle. The outsider who has the same puzzle gives the team instructions to solve it.

Benefits: trust, leadership, and communication

Material: Preschool-level puzzles and blindfolds.

3. Flip it over – this is a classic work-together problem. In this game, 6 to 8 participants stand together on a blanket/towel/tarp. The challenge is to flip over the blanket or reverse it. The rule is that none of the participants can leave the blanket.

Benefit: Work together exercise

Duration: 30 minutes

Material: Blanket

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6. Team building survival games

Team building survival games helps to fine-tune problem solving scenarios that may occur at work. The activities encourage creative problem solving and decision making.

1. Stranded – Stranded helps in building effective communication. In this setting, the team is stranded in an office. The rooms will be locked, and doors and windows cannot be broken down. The team is asked to make a list of 10 items that they need to survive.

They need to rank items in the order of their importance. The team has to agree on the items and the order. Stranded is one of several popular survival team-building exercises.

Benefit: Team building and Decision-making exercises

  • Your team is stuck inside the building. Doors are closed, so there is no option to kick down the doors or smash the windows.
  • Grant the team 30 minutes to determine what ten things they need to thrive in the office and list them in order of importance.
  • The goal of the game is to get everyone to agree in 30 minutes about the ten things and their ranking.

2. Minefield – you randomly place items around the room or hallway and there is no clear path from one end of the room to another. The team is divided into pairs. One team member is blindfolded, and the other team member is the guide.

The guide navigates the blindfolded person across the minefield. The two partners cannot touch. This survival team-building activity underlines the need for clear communication.

Benefits: Communication and collaborative problem solving

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Material: Blindfold, empty room or hallway, and collection of random items.

3. Frostbite – in this survival scenario team-building exercise the team is trapped in Siberia. Each team has to elect a team captain. The team has to build a storm shelter with the material provided.

The twist in the game is the team captains cannot help physically since they have frostbite. Other team members are suffering snow blindness and are blindfolded. The electric fan will be turned on in 30 minutes to see if the shelter built will survive the storm.

Benefit: Leadership, skills action plan, and team building survival games

Team size: 4 to 5 members

Material: An electric fan, blindfold, simple building materials like cardboard paper, rubber bands, toothpicks, masking tape, straws, sticky notes, etc.

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7. Group decision making games

Group decision making games help encourage creative problem solving and decision making at work. Here is a bunch of group decision making games

1. Reverse Pyramid – the team members stand in a pyramid shape. The next step is to flip the base and apex of the pyramid. The limiting factor in only three persons can move.

Benefits: Group Decision-making and collaboration

2. Tower of Hanoi – in this game, there are three towers/posts/rods with 5 or more discs arranged conical shape with the smallest shape at the top. The objective of the game is to move the entire stack to another location retaining the shape. Some conditions of the games are only one disc can be moved at a time. Only the top disc can be moved. Another rule of the game is larger disc cannot be put on a smaller disc.

Benefits: This team-building exercise helps problem solving within the participants.

3. Human Knot – the team stands in a circle every person holds hands with a person not standing next to them. When everyone is cross-connected, the aim is to untangle the structure without letting go of anybody’s hand.

Benefit: group problem solving

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8. Funny problem solving games

We need to solve problems for personal and professional lives. Funny problem solving exercises are a light way. Funny problem solving can help reduce stress levels.

1. Pencil drop – in the pencil drop challenge, one end of the pencil is tied to a pencil and the other is tied around the waist of a team member. The other team member puts the pencil into the bottle placed below. The participants are not allowed to use their hands.

Benefit: Team bonding

Team size: 2 members each

Material: Some pencil and bottle

2. Blind drawing – this game requires two players to sit back to back. One participant describes an image in front of them without giving stating anything obvious. The other participant needs to draw it using the description. The outcome can be fun.

3. Be the character – in this activity, you pretend to be an imaginary character while trying to solve a problem. This game gives a unique perspective on your solution and whether the solution is feasible for other members.

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9. Group problem solving activities for adults

Group problem solving activities are very efficient, especially for adults. These can be used in any setting to enhance problem solving skills. 

1. Human Knots

  • Benefits: Communication skills, collaboration
  • Time Duration: 10 – 15 minutes.

This is one of the most straightforward group problem solving activities that can be done with any group. It facilitates communication and critical thinking in the face of a challenging and complex question. Various group members will possibly suggest a variety of solutions, and each will need to be reviewed and adopted by the organization as a whole.

  • Have the group stand in a small circle (make several circles when you are a larger group). Every person in the loop will hold the hands of 2 other people who are not directly next to them. That would make a messy crossed arms knot.
  • Ask the group to disentangle themselves without moving their hands at any point in time. They may be unable to disentangle completely to form a circle again. Still, they would have begun to work together to solve the problem by the end of the activity.

2. Frostbite 

  • Benefits: Leadership, decision-making, trust, adaptability
  • Time Duration: 30 minutes.
  • Materials Required: An electric fan, blindfold, simple building materials like cardboard paper, rubber bands, toothpicks, masking tape, straws, sticky notes, etc.

Your group is trapped in the barren deserts of Siberia, and a sudden winter storm is approaching. You have to create a shelter with only the materials in hand that can survive the storm’s harsh winds. The leader of your expedition was afflicted with frostbite in both hands, sadly, and all the others experience severe snow blindness.

  • Divide the group into clusters of 4-5. Every group will have to elect a chief. 
  • Group leaders are not allowed to use their hands to support the group in any way, and group members should be blindfolded during the exercise. 
  • The groups have 30 minutes to build a small tent structure that can withstand the wind from the fan’s highest location. 

3. Dumbest Idea First

  • Benefits: Critical thinking, creative problem solving, quick problem solving
  • Time Duration: 15 – 20 minutes
  • Materials Required: Pen or pencil, a piece of paper.

Dumbest Idea First is one of the most creative problem solving activities for groups. This can encourage your creativity by thinking out of the box and lead you to ideas that would typically sound too insane to work. You can broaden the possibilities by looking at these crazy solutions first, and find potential alternatives that might not be as obvious.

  • Present your team with a question. It could be a real-world dilemma facing the group, or it could be a created scenario. For example, your company attempts to beat a rival to win a high-paying customer contract, but the customer bends to your competitors. You have a short period before they make the final decision to change their mind.
  • With the given question, advise your group to come up with the dumbest ideas to tackle the issue. Anything can be written down. 
  • After each person has put forward a few ideas, go through the list, and analyze each plan to see which are the most feasible. List them from the highest level of feasibility to the lowest level.  

4. Wool Web 

  • Benefits: Leadership, communication
  • Time Duration: 30 minutes
  • Materials Required: Some balls of yarn.

As hard as replicating the magnitude of the real-world problems is, that is no excuse not to try! Wool web creates a dilemma that appears complicated at first, but groups will learn to break down complicated challenges into solvable problems one move at a time.

This happens by using the right strategy and working together. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most stimulating problem solving activities for adults.

  • Split the group into similarly large teams. Every time, it receives a yarn ball. 
  • Tell each team to turn the yarn ball into a vast web. Give them around 5-10 minutes to do this. When done, rotate all the teams so that every team is on a yarn web they have not set up. 
  • Every group must choose one person to untangle the web. That individual would be blindfolded and be guided by the rest of the team on how to unwind the web using only verbal instructions. The first team to achieve it wins the game.

5. Tallest Tower 

  • Benefits: Creative thinking, collaboration
  • Materials Required: 1 bag of marshmallows, one packet of uncooked spaghetti.

Simple building projects can help group members create strategies to overcome box issues. Tallest Tower is another one of the most creative problem solving activities. Groups will compete with only two materials to make the tallest tower in a fixed period.

  • Divide the group into two, which have an equal number of players. Provide 20 – 30 uncooked spaghetti noodles and 3-4 marshmallows to every team. 
  • Groups must compete in the provided period to build the tallest tower using only the materials supplied. A marshmallow has to be set at the top of the tower.

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10. Problem solving activities for students

Below is a bunch of problem solving activities for students and kids,

1. Brainstorm Bonanza – Brainstorm Bonanza is one of the best problem solving activities for students. As a teacher, making your students create lists relevant to something you are teaching at the moment can be a fantastic way to help them expand their knowledge of a subject when learning to solve problems.

  • Benefits: Problem solving
  • Materials Required: Pen and paper

1. If you are discussing a real, current, or fictional occurrence that did not work out well, let your students imagine ways that the protagonist or participants might have produced a better, more favorable result.

2. They can brainstorm independently or in groups. 

2. Clue Me In – this is one of the most enjoyable problem solving games. It facilitates logical thinking and cognitive development.

  • Benefits: Cognitive development, logical thinking
  • Time Duration: 20 minutes
  • Materials Required: A bag, clues, items as necessary
  • Select a collection of things relating to a specific occupation, social phenomenon, historical incident, object, etc.
  • Assemble individual objects (or pictures of things) commonly linked to the target response.
  • Place all of them in a bag (five-10 clues ought to be enough).
  • Then, have a student reach into the bag and take out clues one by one.
  • Select a minimum number of clues to draw before they make their first guess (two-three).
  • After that, the student should guess, pulling each clue until they think it is right.
  • See how quickly the student can solve the riddle.

3. Survivor Scenario – Create a hypothetical situation that allows students to think creatively to make it through. One example may be being stuck on an island, realizing that three days of help would not come.

The community has a small amount of food and water and has to establish shelter from the island’s objects. This would undoubtedly be one of the fascinating problem solving activities for students.

  • Benefits: Logical thinking, collaboration
  • Encourage working together as a group.
  • Listen to each student who has an idea about making it safe and secure across the three days.

4. Moral Dilemmas – Create several potential moral dilemmas that your students can face in life, write down, and place each object in a bowl or container. These things may include items like, “I’ve seen a good friend of mine shoplifting. What is it that I would do?” or “The cashier gave me an additional $1.50 in change after I purchased candy from the shop. What is it that I would do?”

  • Benefits: Logical thinking
  • Time Duration: 5 minutes per student
  • Materials Required: Container, bits of paper with moral dilemmas written
  • Ask every student to draw an item from the bag one after the other and read it aloud. 
  • They must then tell the class the response on the spot as to how they would handle the situation.

5. Problem solving box – this is an activity that will help on both cognitive and emotional levels for students. 

  • Benefits: Logical thinking, decision making
  • Materials Required: Box, paper, pen
  • Have your students design and decorate a medium-sized box with a top slot. Name it as the “Problem Solving Box.”
  • Invite students to write down anonymously and apply any concerns or problems they may have at school or at home, which they do not appear to be able to work out on their own.
  • Let a student draw one of the things from the box once or twice a week, and read it aloud.
  • Finally, as a group, let the class work out the best way students can approach the problem and eventually solve it.

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11. Problem solving activities for kids

Below is a bunch of problem solving activities for kids,

1. Puzzle-solving – Solving puzzles is one of the best problem solving activities for kids out there. Essentially, every puzzle is a big collection of muddled-up items to figure out and bring back together again.

Kids must be introduced to puzzles with regularity. These are useful for improving skills in reasoning. The best kinds to choose from are wooden puzzles with a wooden frame. They last long, and the structure serves as the foundation to direct children during construction. 

  • Benefits: Reasoning skills
  • Time Duration: Varies
  • Materials Required: Puzzles according to the age level


  • Show the kids a demo of how a particular puzzle can be solved. 
  • Then, let them choose a puzzle of their liking from the available choices. 
  • Ask them to solve their chosen puzzles. 

2. Memory Games – Memory games will improve memory and attention to detail for your child. 

  • Benefits: Attention to detail
  • Materials Required: Matching pairs of images
  • Using matching pairs of images and turn them all face down, shuffled, on a table.
  • Take turns to pick any two cards, and face them on the table.
  • You hold the cards if you turn over a similar pair, and if the pair does not match, turn the cards over before it is your turn to try again. 
  • A teacher/parent must encourage the kids to concentrate on where the pictures are, and seek to find a matching pair on each turn.

3. Building games – Construction toys like building blocks, wooden blocks, or legos should be a staple in a kid’s home every day. Playing with them is one of the most fun problem solving activities for kids. Anything that your child builds is a challenge as it involves thinking about what to create and how to put together the parts to get a workable and usable design. 

  • Benefits: Decision making
  • Materials Required: Construction toys.

1. Let your child build a challenge openly and often, and ask him/her to build a particular structure, with conditions. For instance:

  • Create two towers with a bridge that connects them.  
  • Create a creature that stands alone and has three arms.

2. Observe how your child uses trial-and-error before finding a way to bring the idea into motion.

4. Tic-Tac-Toe – this is an excellent game for teaching decision-making skills. It encourages kids to think before they act and weigh the potential consequences. 

  • Materials Required: Pencil, paper
  • Draw a simple tic-tac-toe table on paper or chalkboard.
  • Take turns to add a nought or a cross to the table to see who is the first to make a line of three.
  • Your kid will likely catch on in no time before placing their symbol and start thinking carefully.
  • Coloured counters or different items can be used to play this game as well.

5. Building a Maze – This activity is fun and fits for any age. It will also be a lot more enjoyable than doing a maze in an activity book, particularly for younger kids. 

  • Materials Required: Chalk
  • Draw a big maze with jumbo chalk on the paving. Make passages, including one or two, which end in an impasse. Teach your kid how to get out of it.  
  • Make the maze more complicated and add more dead-end passages as your child gets better at figuring out a path and finding the way out.

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What is a problem solving process?

When a team or person faces an issue or obstacle, it can be tempting to quickly track a potential solution and set up a fast fix. This could happen without understanding the complexity of the problem and pursuing a systematic approach to seeking a solution.

The attempts to address issues or obstacles may become unstructured and frustrating without a consistent method. End-to-end processes for problem solving offer a mechanism for a community to tackle any size or nature, and see results. Problem solving activities for adults, kids, and students can help make the problem solving process very useful.

Army problem solving process

There are 7 steps to problem solving army model,

  • Recognize and define the problem – The first step army problem solving process is defining the problem precisely and determining the root cause.
  • Gather facts and make assumptions – You need to gather all information you have at your disposal. Common resources for information may be documentation and policies. Assumptions are unsubstantiated facts. Use facts rather than assumptions when you need to analyze the scope of the problem.
  • Generate alternatives – One of the key steps in military problem solving is finding ways to solve the problem. Ideally, it best to have multiple approaches to solve the problem. Take input from peers and subordinates if possible.
  • Analyze possible solutions – Analyze each possible solution with advantages and disadvantages. You evaluate each solution according to screening and feasibility criteria. Reject the solution when it fails in the screening process.
  • Compare Alternatives – Another crucial step in the army problem solving model is to evaluate alternatives for cost and benefits. You need to consider your experience and immediate future. Tabulating each solution with the pros and cons will help clear the picture.
  • Make an executive your decision – Make a decision and prepare an action plan, and put it in motion.
  • Assess the result – You need to monitor the implementation of the plan and modify it if required. Establishing critical steps and milestones will help to ensure success.

Army problem solving games

  • Capture the flag – the game helps in team building and army problem solving. Two teams compete against one another to retrieve a flag or object from the opposing team camp base and get into their camp base. This game is flexible, and ground rules need to be set before the game starts.
  • Paintball – Paintball is a fun military problem solving activity. You can have many modifications and variations of the paintball game. The aim is to fire paint pellets at the opposing team. Laser tag is another variation of the game.
  • Firing blind – Firing blind is a game where each team has a large number of water balloons. At the other end of the field has to hit the target is protected by a tarp from direct firing. The team has to hit the target that is covered. One team member acts as the observer and directs the team to hit the target with the water balloons.

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Obstacles to problem solving

Problem solving can take time and patience, one of the best ways to solve any problem is pausing and evaluating the problem. Obstacles to problem solving are,

  • Misdiagnosis – Misdiagnosis is a common problem can occur due to preconceived idea, biases or judgments. Defining and having a concrete understanding of the problem is the first step in the problem solving activity. This can be difficult. If you are not careful, you may spend your time and resources solving the wrong problem and finding the wrong solution.
  • Communication bias – Communication barriers are caused when we are unable to explain the problem to the team, or presuming we know more than everyone else. Everyone on the team must be on the same page. You may need to acknowledge you have a limited understanding of the problem.
  • Solution bias – A common obstacle in problem solving is thinking there may be a universal solution or thinking the same solution can solve multiple problems. You need to evaluate a problem independently than try to force-fit a solution that worked previously.
  • Cognitive bias – One of the barriers to finding an effective solution is cognitive bias, or the tendency to jump to conclusions. To find solutions fast firms often end up with an irrelevant solution. This may cause more problems down the line.
  • Lack of empathy – Every problem is associated with human emotions or abilities. It is important to identify and recognize people affected by the problem or it will be difficult to find a solution that will solve help.

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Famous virtual problem solving software

Traditionally watercoolers chat is a great way to bring people together and help team members interact with one another. A virtual water cooler has a similar concept where people interact in a similar virtual setting or a dedicated virtual room. It allows remote teams to bond. Software that offers virtual water coolers services,

  • unremot.com – provides users with a unique water cooler experience. The app provides unique solutions to remote teams.
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Informal Whatsapp group
  • Donut over slack channels

fun problem solving activities for high school students

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Planning for the Future: Career Exploration Activities for High School Students

High angle view of a diverse group of young adults seated around table

Career education has always been an important part of the high school curriculum — especially since students’ understanding of potential career paths can drastically affect the decisions they make. It’s one of the reasons why high school (and increasingly middle school!) is the prime time for educators to educate students about potential pathways after graduation. Keep reading for meaningful career exploration activities that will help students discover their interests, skills, and passions, and guide them towards fulfilling and successful careers and occupations.

Career Exploration Activities and Ideas to Help High Schoolers Plan for their Futures

Here are a few ideas for career exploration that educators, counselors, and parents can use to help students plan for life after graduation.

Facilitate a self-reflection activity

Before high schoolers can even begin to explore potential career paths, they must first gain a deeper understanding of themselves. Through self-reflection activities — like personality assessments and writing prompts — you can encourage students to reflect on their academic passions, values, personal strengths and weaknesses, and lifestyle goals. This helps students begin to identify what’s most important to them, and start thinking about potential career paths that are most aligned with their values, strengths, and visions for the future.

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Career Readiness: Soft Skill Reflection Task Cards by The Career Ready Teacher Grades: 7-12

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Career Scenarios | Personality Traits and Interest Assessment by The Transition Teacher Grades: 9-12 | Special Education

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Career Exploration Worksheets with Career Interest Survey & Personality Test by Jenn Liu — Engaging to Empower Grades: 8-12

Encourage students to do an inventory of their interests

Career surveys and inventories are assessment tools that are designed to help students identify potential career paths that are aligned with their interests. Try one of these resources to facilitate meaningful discussions with students about their interests, and to help empower them to make informed decisions about their future.

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Career Cluster Interest Inventory Survey PLUS Career Exploration Assignment by School Counseling Essentials Grades: 6-12

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Career Interest Symbol Supported Student Survey by Adulting Made Easy aka SpedAdulting Grades: 6-12 | Special Education

Assign a career research project for in-depth investigation

After some initial research reflection, the next step is for students to begin exploring specific careers or occupations in more depth. Through career research projects, students can investigate potential opportunities and learn more about job responsibilities, required qualifications, salary expectations, positives and negatives, and growth opportunities. 

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Career Exploration & Research for Google Drive™ by College Counselor Studio Grades: 9-12

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Future College and Future Career Research Paper Bundle by The Daring English Teacher Grades: 7-12

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Introduction to Design: Middle, High School Art & Design Career Research Project by Look Between the Lines Grades: 6-12

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Business, Management, & Administration Career Cluster Research Digital Activity by Business Education with Denise Leigh Grades: 9-12

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Career Exploration Worksheets for STEM Jobs Research Project by Meredith Anderson – Momgineer STEM Activities Grades 6-10

Play a career exploration game in class

Through career exploration games, students can explore different career options and industries in a fun, engaging way. You can incorporate quizzes and decision-making activities to help students understand the skills, qualifications, and paths associated with different careers. These resources can provide students with hands-on experiences that are sure to spark curiosity, facilitate discussion, and inspire informed career choices.

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Career Exploration Game Job Salaries Fun Activity by Career And Employment Prep Grades: 6-12

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Career Card Grab Game for High School Career Development by The Counselor Clique Grades: 9-12

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Career Exploration Activity Game – Middle and High School Occupations by Informed Decisions Grades: 6-12

Discover more activities for career and technical education on TPT.

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  1. 10 Problem Solving Activities for High School Students

    2. Quarto. This two-player logic game ranks second in our list of problem solving activities for high school students. It closely-resembles Connect Four, and uses a 4×4 board and 16 different ...

  2. 10 Problem-Solving Scenarios for High School Students

    The below-mentioned scenarios are perfect for implementing problem-solving skills simply by allowing open discussions and contributions by students. 1. Uninvited Guests. You have arranged a party at your home after successfully winning the competition at the Science Fair. You invite everyone involved in the project however, one of your friends ...

  3. 17 Fun Problem Solving Activities & Games [for Kids ...

    For this problem solving activity for older kids or teens, you will need four 2×6 boards. Divide your group into two teams with an equal number of children on each team. Place two of the four boards end to end on the ground or floor. Set the other two parallel to the first two about two or three feet apart.

  4. 15 Fun Problem-Solving Activities for Kids & Teens

    Problem-solving activities for high school teens (ages 14+) High school (14+) is a good time to incorporate group work into the activities, as students will need to learn to work collaboratively for their future in college and beyond. 11. Coding for Teens. Once reaching high school age, students are ready to tackle the complexities of text ...

  5. Engaging Activities for High School Students

    There are some fantastic examples here to get those creative juices flowing. 5. Human knot. This is a physical and fun activity to develop problem-solving skills. Ask the students to stand in a circle and join hands with two random people in the circle. This creates a human knot, and the goal is to untangle it.

  6. Engaging Problem-Solving Activities That Spark Student Interest

    Discuss lessons learned and the importance of problem-solving skills. This is one of the problem solving activities that can create a simulated environmental crisis scenario, fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in students. 5. Mathematical Escape Puzzle: Crack the Code.

  7. 5 Problem-Solving Activities for the Classroom

    2. Problem-solving as a group. Have your students create and decorate a medium-sized box with a slot in the top. Label the box "The Problem-Solving Box.". Invite students to anonymously write down and submit any problem or issue they might be having at school or at home, ones that they can't seem to figure out on their own.

  8. Games for Building Critical-Thinking Skills

    Zoombinis. Classic logic puzzler gets a beautiful new look. Bottom Line: Promote powerful thinking skills, resilience, and decision-making through purely fun gameplay that will keep students begging for more. Grades: 3-8. Price: Paid. Get it now. See full review.

  9. Riddles for High School Students To Share in the Classroom

    100+ Clever Riddles for High School Students. Encourage creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Good riddles can leave high school students both stumped and laughing. Trying to solve them and find the answer encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It's also a lot of fun!

  10. PDF 50+ STEM activities for any secondary classroom

    Students can draw a scale plan of the spacecraft and either draw the seats in or create, to scale, seat templates. The latter will allow students to try different layouts. Suggested Materials Paper; pencils; compass; scissors. Based on Olympic sports, this collection of activities uses a full range of mathematical problem solving skills. Cotton ...

  11. 11+ Engineering Challenges for High School

    The 11+ engineering design projects below offer high school students a blend of complexity, real-world science, and problem solving. As they create solutions, they will use the engineering design process to innovate, build, troubleshoot, and iterate. Many of these challenges use simple materials (like paper and recycled cardboard), which makes ...

  12. PDF 81 Fresh & Fun Critical-Thinking Activities

    3. Ask students questions to assess their understanding of the problem. 4. Welcome different strategies for solving the problem. Encourage divergent thinking. 5. Observe children as they work in order monitor their problem-solving skills. 6. Give helpful hints to those children who are having difficulty finding ways to approach the problem. 7.

  13. High School Problem-Solving: 6 Activities That Work

    Debates: Debates involve students arguing for or against a given topic. This activity promotes communication and decision-making. Role-play simulations: In these simulations, students take on different roles and work together to solve a simulated problem. Creative problem-solving tasks: These tasks involve students using their creativity to ...

  14. 13 Fun and Engaging Brain Breaks for High School Students

    Below, I will tell you about 13 different brain break activities that I recommend starting with… 1. Activity Pages. Materials needed: Printable activity sheets (crosswords, word searches, sudoku, coloring pages): pens, pencils, or crayons. Difficulty level: Low Developmental benefits: Enhances problem-solving and pattern recognition through puzzles; coloring and creative tasks boost imagination.

  15. Engaging Problem Solving Activities For High School Students

    Puzzles and Challenges: Design a variety of puzzles and challenges that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork to solve. Time Limit: Set a reasonable time limit to create a sense of urgency and keep the students engaged throughout the activity. Feedback and Reflection: Provide feedback and encourage students to reflect on ...

  16. Cognitive Activities For High School: Discussions, Research

    Stimulate critical thinking with a variety of cognitive activities that have been specifically designed for high school students. These activities are designed to enhance problem-solving and creative thinking skills, all while making learning enjoyable. Let's dive right in and discover 22 creative cognitive activities that will engage and challenge your high school students! 1. Socratic …

  17. 16 Powerful STEM Activities for High School Students

    4. Aquaponics Project. If your high school student is interested in biology and the environment, consider helping them build a miniature ecosystem at home. Aquaponics combines a hydroponic indoor garden with a fish aquarium. This is a wonderful STEM activity for high school students, combining tech, engineering, and earth science which of ...

  18. 20 Best Math Puzzles to Engage and Challenge Your Students

    It challenges students to practice their basic math skills while they apply logic and critical thinking skills to the problem. 6. Pre-algebraic puzzles. Pre-algebraic puzzles use fun substitutions to get students ready to perform basic functions and encourage them to build problem-solving skills. They promote abstract reasoning and challenge ...

  19. 11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

    6. Start a Debate. In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science.

  20. Free Printable Brain Teasers and Puzzles with Answers

    Problem-Solving Skills: Head scratchers help students develop problem-solving skills, which are valuable both in and outside the classroom. These skills are transferable to real-life situations and future academic challenges. Collaboration: Some brain teasers can be solved collaboratively, fostering teamwork and social interaction among ...

  21. 43 Best Team-Building Games and Activities for the Classroom

    6. Hot Seat. This fun game is a lot like the game show Password. Split your class into two teams and have them sit together in teams facing the whiteboard or chalkboard. Then take an empty chair—one for each team—and put it at the front of the class, facing the team members. These chairs are the "hot seats.".

  22. 15 Best Game Websites for School to Play Games

    These 15 Best Game Websites for School to Play Games offer an engaging blend of entertainment and learning, providing students with opportunities to enhance problem solving skills, creativity, and more. From game sites to free educational options, discover ideal gaming platforms to make the most of your school's free time. 1.

  23. 21 Team-Building Activities for Students

    1) Pub quiz. Group size:Groups of 3-7 students. Course type:Online (synchronous), in-person. You don't need to hang out in an actual pub for this team-building activity; the idea is to mimic a trivia pub night, fostering teamwork in a fun environment by encouraging participants to work towards a common goal.

  24. Top 50 problem solving activities, games & puzzles for remote teams

    2. Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower - The marshmallow team-building activities have the goal of building the tallest tower as quickly as possible. To make the task more challenging the marshmallow is placed at the top of the tower. This is a fun puzzle activity for team building. Benefit: Teambuilding puzzle.

  25. Planning for the Future: Career Exploration Activities for High School

    It's one of the reasons why high school (and increasingly middle school!) is the prime time for educators to educate students about potential pathways after graduation. Keep reading for meaningful career exploration activities that will help students discover their interests, skills, and passions, and guide them towards fulfilling and ...