Cover Letter Greeting: 20 Examples

What is a cover letter greeting.

A cover letter greeting is the opening line that addresses the hiring manager or recruiter who is reviewing your application. It is usually the first thing they read and sets the tone for the rest of your cover letter. A cover letter greeting should be professional, respectful, and tailored to the specific company and job you are applying for.

A strong cover letter greeting is important because it can make a lasting impression on the hiring manager or recruiter. It shows that you have done your research on the company and are genuinely interested in the job. A strong cover letter greeting can also help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of getting an interview. It sets the tone for the rest of your cover letter and can make a positive first impression that can carry throughout the entire application process.

Why a Strong Cover Letter Greeting Matters

A strong cover letter greeting matters for several reasons.

First, it helps you stand out from the competition. When hiring managers or recruiters are reviewing hundreds of applications, a personalized and well-written greeting can catch their attention and make them more interested in reading the rest of your cover letter.

Second, a strong cover letter greeting shows interest and research in the company. It demonstrates that you have taken the time to learn about the company and the job you are applying for, and that you are genuinely interested in working there. This can make a positive impression and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Finally, a strong cover letter greeting sets a positive tone for the rest of the cover letter. It can make the hiring manager or recruiter more receptive to the information you are presenting and create a positive impression of you as a candidate.

Overall, a strong cover letter greeting is an important part of your application that can make a big difference in your job search.

Tips for Writing a Strong Cover Letter Greeting

When it comes to writing a cover letter greeting, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure that you make a great first impression. Here are some tips for writing a strong cover letter greeting:

Use the hiring manager's name if possible

If you have access to the name of the hiring manager, it's always best to use it. This shows that you've done your research and taken the time to personalize your cover letter. It also helps to create a connection between you and the hiring manager right from the start.

Use a general salutation if you don't know the name

If you don't know the name of the hiring manager, it's still important to address your cover letter to someone specific. In this case, you can use a general salutation such as "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear Recruiter." Avoid using generic greetings like "To Whom It May Concern" as they can come across as impersonal and lazy.

Be professional and respectful

No matter who you're addressing in your cover letter greeting, it's important to be professional and respectful. This means using appropriate titles and avoiding informal language or slang. Your cover letter is a representation of you and your professionalism, so make sure that your greeting reflects that.

Keep it short and to the point

Your cover letter greeting should be brief and to the point. It's important to grab the reader's attention right away, but you don't want to take up too much space or waste their time. Aim for a greeting that is no more than one or two sentences long.

20 Cover Letter Greeting Examples

When addressing the hiring manager directly, using their name can make a great impression. It shows that you took the time to research and personalize your cover letter. Here are some examples:

  • Greeting: Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Strengths: This greeting is tailored to the specific recipient, which is always a good idea. It also uses the hiring manager's name, which shows respect.
  • Weaknesses: This greeting is a bit formal, which may not be appropriate for all companies.
  • Greeting: Dear [Company Name] Recruiter,
  • Strengths: This greeting is general, but it's still professional and respectful. It's also a good idea to use the company name in the greeting, as this shows that you've done your research.
  • Weaknesses: This greeting doesn't use the hiring manager's name, which could be seen as a missed opportunity.
  • Greeting: Dear [Job Title] Hiring Manager,
  • Strengths: This greeting is specific to the job you're applying for, which is a good way to show that you're interested in the position. It also uses the hiring manager's title, which shows respect.
  • Greeting: Dear [Department Name] Team,
  • Strengths: This greeting is general, but it's still professional and respectful. It's also a good idea to use the department name in the greeting, as this shows that you're familiar with the company's structure.
  • Weaknesses: This greeting doesn't use the hiring manager's name or title, which could be seen as a missed opportunity.
  • Greeting: Hello [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Strengths: This greeting is informal, but it's still professional and respectful. It's also a good way to show that you're friendly and approachable.
  • Weaknesses: This greeting may not be appropriate for all companies, especially those that are more formal.
  • Greeting: Good morning [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Strengths: This greeting is informal, but it's still professional and respectful. It's also a good way to show that you're aware of the time of day.
  • Greeting: Nice to meet you, [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Strengths: This greeting is informal, but it's still professional and respectful. It's also a good way to show that you're excited about the opportunity.
  • Greeting: Greetings [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Greeting: Hi [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Greeting: Hi there, [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Greeting: Howdy [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Weaknesses: This greeting may not be appropriate for all companies, especially those that are more formal. The greeting should be clear, concise, and polite. It should also be tailored to the specific recipient. If you know the name of the hiring manager, use it. If you don't, you can use a general salutation, such as "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Company Name] Recruiter."
  • Greeting: It's a pleasure to meet you, [Hiring Manager's Name],
  • Greeting: To Whom It May Concern,
  • Strengths: This greeting is general, but it's still professional and respectful. It's also a good way to show that you're not sure who the hiring manager is.
  • Greeting: Dear Sir or Madam,
  • Weaknesses: This greeting is a bit outdated and may not be appropriate for all companies.
  • Greeting: Gentlemen,
  • Strengths: This greeting is traditional and respectful. It's also a good way to show that you're addressing a group of men.
  • Weaknesses: This greeting is outdated and may not be appropriate for all companies.
  • Greeting: Ladies,
  • Strengths: This greeting is traditional and respectful. It's also a good way to show that you're addressing a group of women.
  • Greeting: Dear Hiring Team,
  • Strengths: This greeting is general, but it's still professional and respectful. It's also a good way to show that you're addressing the entire hiring team.
  • Greeting: Dear [Hiring Manager's Title],
  • Strengths: This greeting is specific to the hiring manager's title, which shows respect. It's also a good way to show that you've done your research.
  • Greeting: Dear [Hiring Manager's First Name],
  • Strengths: This greeting is specific to the hiring manager's first name, which shows familiarity. It's also a good way to show that you've done your research.
  • Greeting: Dear [Hiring Manager's First Name][hiring manager's last name],
  • Strengths: This greeting is specific to the hiring manager's first and last name, which shows familiarity. It's also a good way to show that you've done your research.

A strong cover letter greeting can make a big difference in getting noticed by potential employers. By using the tips outlined in this article, you can create a greeting that shows your interest and sets a positive tone for the rest of your cover letter. Remember to be professional, respectful, and keep it concise. Take the time to research the company and hiring manager to address them by name when possible. By following these tips, you can improve your chances of standing out and landing your dream job.

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Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong

11 min read · Updated on April 24, 2024

Jen David

Greet your future employer professionally with these cover letter salutations

Cover letters – some recruiters love them; some recruiters hate them. Unfortunately, you'll rarely know which type of recruiter you're contacting, so the safest bet is always to send one, just in case. 

The aim of a cover letter is to make the reader want to find out more about you, so in this article, we're looking at starting strong. 

Which are the best cover letter salutations to make a great first impression?

What is a cover letter salutation?

When we say “salutation,” we mean the opening line of the letter where you greet the person you're writing to. For example, when you write to thank your aunt for the jumper she knitted for Christmas, you might use “Dear Aunt Betty” as your salutation. These days, the salutation may refer to the opening of an email as much as to the opening of a handwritten or printed letter. 

While cover letter salutations generally refer to the opening line of your epistle, some people also refer to the sign-off as a salutation as well, so we'll look at that at the end of the article. 

Considerations when choosing cover letter salutations

A cover letter is a formal business document that you use to try to make yourself more memorable. Remember, though, you want to be remembered for the right reasons and not the wrong ones! 

Starting your letter “Yo!” or “Hey” doesn't convey the impression of a competent professional who knows the unspoken rules of office writing etiquette. 

While not everyone is a natural writer, relying instead on personality, speech, and body language, cover letters depend very much on the written word. In fact, a cover letter, along with your resume, is part of your personal sales brochure. You need to choose the right words to sell yourself effectively. 

Stick to these guidelines, and you can't go far wrong.

Keep it formal and professional

Your tone should be aligned with the tone you'd use when speaking to a teacher, religious leader, or grandma, not the tone you'd use with your mates or kid brother. This is the first impression you'll make on your potential employer, so it's important to show that you can communicate professionally , with respect, and in line with workplace norms. 

Personalize wherever possible

Bonus points if you know, or can find out, the name of the person who will be reading the letter. If you can address them by name, you're instantly showing that you've made the effort, done your research, and have taken the time to write a personalized letter rather than firing the same one off to multiple vacancies. 

Always use a salutation

Even if you can't find out the recipient's name, never leave the greeting line blank. It conveys the impression of someone who lacks attention to detail or is just plain lazy. Not a great impression to create on someone you need to impress! 

This doesn't just apply to the cover letter salutation but to the entire document. Punctuation is important as it enables your reader to accurately interpret your meaning. Use capital letters for names and add a comma after the salutation. Get a trusted friend or family member to check over your letter when it's written to help you give it the polish it needs. 

Options for cover letter salutations

Let's take a look at some different salutations you could use on your cover letter. 

Dear Mr Donnelly 

Addressing the hiring manager by name is the ideal option. If it's not given in the job posting or provided by the person connecting you, it's fine to resort to good old Google. You may find their name on the company website or be able to track them down on LinkedIn. It's also perfectly acceptable to contact the company directly and ask them who you should address your application to.

If you're lucky enough to know the name of the hiring manager, you should always use it in the cover letter salutation. Bear these considerations in mind, though: 

Double and triple check the spelling – even the most common names sometimes have unconventional spellings 

Default to “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss” plus their surname and use the generic “Ms” if you're not sure whether “Mrs” or “Miss” would be most appropriate

Reflect the gender-neutral title “Mx” if that's what you find online or on the job advert

Dear Doctor Foster

If the recipient has a professional title, it's recommended you use that instead of “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss.” Examples could include “Dear Professor Dumbledore,” “Dear General Eisenhower,” or “Dear Doctor House.” 

While the formal “Dear Ms Farrell” is the preferred and most formal option, if you only have the hiring manager's first name, it's perfectly acceptable to use it to open the letter. Again, check the spelling. A slightly less formal salutation here isn't a reason to take a less formal tone throughout the rest of the letter, however. This is a suitable salutation for a job application email, as you can get away with a slightly more relaxed approach in an email.

Dear HR team

If you need a greeting for a cover letter to an unknown recipient, this is a popular option. It's not ideal, but your letter is likely to be forwarded to the right department at least. If you can't find the name of the hiring manager, this is a viable Plan B. 

Dear hiring manager

This is an alternative cover letter greeting when you have no name available. It's better than leaving a blank space, but it's far from warm and personal. Additionally, your letter may not find its way to the right person if the company has different teams hiring for different roles. Try to avoid this unless you've run out of other options.

Dear Sir / Madam

This cover letter salutation is falling out of favor. It's not just impersonal; it doesn't even address a specific team or department. Still, it's better than an overly casual greeting or a blank space. 

How NOT to address a cover letter

As we've already said, there are some greetings that are just too informal to use as cover letter salutations. There are others, however, that tread a very fine line. We'd advise avoiding these openings, as they're either too colloquial or too stuffy. 

To whom it may concern

We're not in the 19th century anymore. Trim your whiskers and relegate this stuffy greeting to history, it's too impersonal even for the most uptight offices. 

Using “dear” on its own, with no name or further greeting attached, gives the wrong vibe. It sounds like a combination of your old aunt, someone unfamiliar with the English language, and someone who's forgotten to fill in a blank on their template. Literally, anything is better than nothing after the word “dear.”

Hi, hello, hi there!

While these cover letter salutations certainly aren't stuffy or over-formal, they fall too far in the other direction. They're friendly and casual but too much for an initial introduction. Save these for the interview. 

Expert tip: Read this article to find out more about cover letter mistakes to avoid: 10 of the Worst Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid  

Cover letter closing salutations

How you end is just as important as how you begin. After all, you want to end on a high! Before you come to an abrupt end, you'll want to do both of these things: 

Thank the reader for their time and consideration 

Add a call to action, for example, directing them to look at your resume or give you a call

Cover letter salutations to close 

You've started strong and used the body of the email to convince the hiring manager that you're the ideal candidate for the role. Now, it's time to choose your sign-off. 

Yours sincerely, yours truly

These two phrases should be your go-to sign-offs for a formal business letter. If you've started your letter with the recipient's name, choose sincerely; otherwise, choose truly. 

Best regards, kind regards, regards

These are all acceptable closing phrases but better suited to an email than a full letter. They veer towards the casual and aren't generally considered the best letter-writing etiquette. 


This is a polite way of signing off a letter, although not especially conventional or formal. While it's better than no closing at all, it would be wiser to choose a more formal option. 

How NOT to sign off a cover letter 

Just as there are ways not to start a cover letter, there are ways not to sign off. 

Well, it's polite but way too informal. “Thank you” would be better, but a line within the body of the letter saying that you appreciate the time they take to consider your application would be best. 

Just no. You're not taking leave of a friend you've just dropped in on; you're addressing your potential future employer. A more formal and respectful tone is needed. 

However you choose to end your cover letter, remember to finish with your name – and leave space above to sign it if you intend to print it out.

Cover letter examples

Below you'll find two cover letter examples with strong salutations, one a traditional letter and one an email, that you can use for inspiration. 

Traditional cover letter example

Dear Ms Searle, 

Re: Sales Manager vacancy 

Having seen your advertisement for a Sales Manager on LinkedIn, I would like to outline my professional experience and strong track record. I believe I can make a very significant contribution to Acme Corp.

In addition to extensive experience in a sales environment, I also have a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and a proven ability to meet targets. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I am a natural people person, communicating effectively with a diverse range of people and demonstrating excellent negotiation and influencing skills. My leadership abilities mean that I am able to successfully engage and motivate teams – my current team has surpassed its Q1 targets by 23%. 

I am driven, ambitious, and keen to progress my career in a growing and innovative business such as Acme Corp. I am confident that my strong work ethic, combined with my sales results and integrity, will enable me to play a key role in your success. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration. 

Yours sincerely,

Email cover letter example 

Dear Liz, 

Re: Assistant Security Manager vacancy (ref: 12345)

Having read your advertisement for an Assistant Security Manager with interest, I am writing to outline my extensive professional experience. I believe that I possess the talents necessary to make a positive contribution to your hotel.    

I have a comprehensive understanding of security and a commitment to exceptional service. As a Police Officer, I led teams of up to 6 personnel, overseeing security patrols and managing performance. Colleagues would recommend me for my ability to build and motivate teams to achieve exceptionally high standards and positive outcomes. 

As a manager, I take pride in providing training and development opportunities across the team to improve individual skill levels and ensure the achievement of organizational objectives.

The position at Acme Hotel is particularly appealing to me as I believe it will make the best possible use of my security and leadership skills whilst providing opportunities for further development. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, 

Choose the right cover letter salutations to set the right tone

As you can see, there are several options for opening and closing a cover letter. Make sure you choose one that is professional, has the right amount of formality, and shows you understand corporate communication. 

At TopResume, we create impactful resumes that land jobs. If you need help with your cover letter, we can do that, too! Why not contact us for a strong start on your journey towards a new career? 

Recommended reading: 

Resume vs Cover Letter: How They're Different

What is the perfect cover letter length?

How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

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How to Write a General Cover Letter (w/ Templates & Tips!)

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You're on the hunt for a job, and your resume is all set.

It's the perfect summary of your professional journey so far, and you’re hoping it will land you at least one of the gigs you’re applying to.

There's just one thing left - you need to write a cover letter that fits your resume like a glove.

And, as you’re applying for several positions, you likely don’t want to start your cover letter from scratch every time. Instead, you’d rather learn how to write a general cover letter that you can tweak to fit many applications.

Well, we’re here to help you learn how to do just that.

In this article, we're going to cover:

  • What Is a General Cover Letter
  • How to Write a General Cover Letter
  • General Cover Letter Examples

...and more!

Let's get started.

What is a General Cover Letter?

A general cover letter is a flexible document that’s designed to accompany your CV or resume during a job application.

Unlike a regular cover letter, a general cover letter isn’t tailored to one job.

You can personalize general cover letters without being too specific about a position and easily adapt them to suit applications for different professions and industries.

The structure of a general cover letter makes it more versatile because it includes placeholders (or ‘blanks’) that you can easily swap out for job-specific details.

For example, your general cover letter could have a blank where the company’s name or the specific industry would be written, so you can quickly modify it before sending it out with different job applications.

General cover letters allow you to strike a balance between broad appeal and leaving room for a touch of customization, so you don’t have to struggle against writer’s block every time you try to write a new cover letter during your job hunt .

Still haven’t finished your resume? Check out our full guide on how to make a resume !

General Vs Generic Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter that can be used for different job applications might make you think you should write a generic cover letter.

But there’s a huge difference between writing a general cover letter and a generic cover letter.

A general cover letter is adaptable, and you can customize it to apply for different jobs and industries. The key to a general cover letter is that it has parts that you can easily change, such as the industry you’re applying to or the title of the job you’re after.

These gaps let you quickly tailor each cover letter to the specific position you want. They also manage to show employers that you've thought about how you would fit into their company without having to write a cover letter from scratch.

A generic cover letter, on the other hand, is a cover letter that’s the same for every job application.

Generic cover letters don’t change to match different jobs or companies. Because they aren’t tailored, they rarely impress hiring managers or show them why you’d be a good match for the job.

While generic cover letters are a one-and-done job, they’re not a particularly well-done job at all. Generic cover letters come off as impersonal and forgettable, so we recommend steering clear of them during your job search and instead going for a general cover letter that you can tailor.

Want a Standout Cover Letter? Use a Template!

Making sure your cover letter leaves a good impression on the hiring manager can feel overwhelming.

You have to carefully adjust the layout, tweak the page margins, set the line spacing, choose the most appropriate font, and make sure your text never spills over to page two.

Well, it doesn’t have to be that hard.

Just try one of our cover letter templates !

Each of our templates is made in collaboration with leading HR specialists to make sure your application is industry-friendly 

and stylish. You can even use our resume templates and pick a cover letter template for a matching set.

general cover letter templates

When Should You Use a General Cover Letter?

There are a few cases when you can use a general cover letter as opposed to a uniquely tailored cover letter for each job application.

These include:

#1. When You’re Applying for More Than One Position

If you’re applying for more than one position with the same employer, a general cover letter can help you showcase your interest in contributing to the company in various roles.

In this case, instead of writing a cover letter to fill in the blanks for separate job applications, you should aim for a single, thorough general cover letter that’s tailored to the different positions in the same company you’re applying for.

You can use your general cover letter to communicate your adaptability and enthusiasm for being part of the organization, not just filling a specific position, which can be a great angle for an entry-level cover letter .

Unlike a regular cover letter, which you tailor to the exact position you’re applying for, a general cover letter allows you to highlight skills and experiences that are relevant across all the roles you’re targeting. Use it to emphasize your overall potential as an asset to the company and demonstrate your ability to fit into multiple teams or projects.

Since you’re not focusing on a specific job, your general cover letter should instead show the employer how your personal and professional values align with those of the company regardless of the specific position. Focusing on your broad compatibility with the employer positions you as a valuable candidate.

#2. When You’re Attending a Job Fair

At a job fair, your goal is to present yourself as a good candidate to multiple employers.

In a dynamic setting like this, you have to interact with various companies, so a general cover letter can help you quickly adapt your approach to each potential employer you meet. If you do it right, you can highlight skills and experiences that are applicable across different industries.

A general cover letter also helps you make a strong first impression. Job fairs see their share of resumes, but having a cover letter ready to go puts you one step ahead of other candidates vying for the same job.

Instead of tailoring a cover letter for each company you might be interested in, you can focus on customizing key sections that are relevant to specific jobs or industries. For example, if you’re looking for a job as an accountant , you can easily write a general accountant cover letter and make minimal changes before applying for another job.

This can save you valuable time, and it lets you engage with more hiring managers at the job fair, so you can cast a wider net.

Not sure what to do at your first networking event? Check out these 75+ questions you can use at networking events to help break the ice.

#3. When You’re Applying Through a Referral

If you’re using your professional network to find your next job, a general cover letter can come in handy.

Applying for a job through a referral often means you don’t have a job ad to reference. So, when writing your cover letter, you should focus on your most impressive skills and relevant professional experiences.

Next, it’s time to remove all those blanks and placeholders and add details that will make the hiring manager notice your application.

The more you know about the company, the better. Researching the employer means that even if you don’t know the exact details of the job, you can still highlight what makes you a great candidate for the company in general.

Take the time to also mention your connection with the person who referred you. This can add a personal touch and show that someone who’s already part of the company thinks highly of you.

Trying to write a cover letter for your first internship ? Check out our detailed guide to learn how!

General Cover Letter Text Template

If you’re not sure how to write a general cover letter from scratch, there’s no need to worry. You can borrow our very own general cover letter text template!

Just copy and paste our free cover letter text template into the cover letter builder, and swap out the variables for your details.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Professional Title]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Location]

[Your LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)]

[Your Personal Website URL (optional)]

[Recipient's Name, e.g., Jane Doe],

[Recipient's Position, e.g., Hiring Manager]

[Company Name, e.g., ABC Corporation]

[Company Address]

[City, State/Country]

Dear [Recipient's Full Name],

As a seasoned [Your Profession] with [Number of Years of Experience] years of industry experience, I am eager to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With my experience in [Your Industry/Sector] and the successes I've achieved throughout my education and career, I believe I can bring unique value and creativity to your team.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I've taken the lead on more than [Number of Projects/Assignments] projects, some valued up to $[Highest Project Value]. I pride myself on consistently exceeding client expectations and have successfully [Mention a Key Achievement] in just a [Amount of Time] through [Skill] and [Skill].

I've collaborated with various professionals, such as [List Roles], ensuring that all [projects/tasks] meet [relevant standards or objectives]. This hands-on experience, coupled with my dedication to understanding each [client's/customer's] vision, has equipped me to navigate and deliver on complex projects.

My key strengths include:

  • Improving [Achievement] by [%] over [Amount of Time] which resulted in [Quantified Result].
  • Optimizing [Work Process/Responsibility] which saved [Previous Employer] [Amount of Time/Budget/Other Metric] over [Weeks/Months/Years].
  • Spearheading team of [Number of People] to [Task] and achieving [Quantified Result].

Alongside this letter, I've attached my resume. My educational background, a [Your Degree] with a concentration in [Your Specialization], complements the practical skills that I'm particularly eager to share with [Company Name].

I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to [Something Notable About the Company or Its Mission]. I'd be grateful for the chance to delve deeper into how my expertise aligns with your needs.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Steps to Writing a General Cover Letter

Now that you’ve seen what a general cover letter looks like, it’s time to write your own.

Just follow these steps, and you’ll be done in no time:

#1. Add Contact Information

At the top of your cover letter, you should include all the information required for the hiring manager to reach you.

This includes:

  • Full Name. We recommend you bold your name and place it at the top of the page.
  • Professional Job Title. If you’re applying for more than one job, you might have to swap this out regularly. Make sure it matches the specific position you're applying for.
  • Email Address. Include a professional and straightforward email address, preferably a version of your first and last name. (E.g.: [email protected], not [email protected])
  • Phone Number. Make sure there are no typos in your phone number, so the hiring manager can easily contact you.
  • Location. Typically, your city and state/country are enough information. But if you're looking for remote work or are willing to relocate, make sure to specify that somewhere.
  • Relevant Links (optional). Feel free to add links to any relevant websites or social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn profile, GitHub, or an online portfolio.

Except for the job title, you don’t need to change your contact information between applications. But you also need to add the hiring manager’s contact information.

Customize this for each cover letter you plan to send:

  • Company Name. Always include the name of the company you're applying for.
  • Hiring Manager's Name. If possible, find the name of the hiring manager for the job you're interested in.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. The hiring managers for different companies will likely have different roles. Some will be head of the department you want to join, while others will be part of the HR team. If you want one less thing to swap out, you can simply keep the job title of the hiring manager in your cover letter as “Hiring Manager.”
  • Location. The general location of the company, such as the city and state/country, is enough. We don’t recommend going into more detail for your general cover letter.
  • Date of Writing (optional). Including the date you wrote your cover letter can add an extra professional touch to your application, so it’s something to consider.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Even in your general cover letter, you should skip the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern.”

Instead, give your cover letter a more personalized greeting. If possible, address the hiring manager by name .

You might need to do some research for that. Check the job ad, company website, or LinkedIn page to find out who’s hiring for the role you want. Then, just swap out your placeholder for their full name.

However, you might not have the time to do that. If you’re at a job fair or you just can’t find the name of the hiring manager, you don’t have to worry.

It’s perfectly acceptable to address your cover letter as “Dear Hiring Manager” or even address the company as a whole, like “Dear Company X.”

Take your cover letter to the next level by using these 21+ cover letter tips !

#3. Start with a Strong Opening

Hiring managers tend to skim through cover letters before deciding if they’re worth reading, so your general cover letter should always have an eye-catching opening paragraph.

You should start your cover letter by introducing who you are and why you’re interested in the specific position. Then, mention an impressive achievement or crucial skill that shows you would be an ideal candidate for the role.

We recommend shortlisting several of your most impressive skills and achievements and swapping them out for each other depending on what best matches the specific job you’re tailoring your cover letter for.

Just remember to keep your opening paragraph short and sweet. You’ll have the opportunity to give the hiring manager more details later.

#4. Use the Body for Details

When writing a general cover letter, you might have a hard time figuring out how to craft the body.

This is where all the details about you as a candidate and what you know about the company should go.

But don’t worry! All you need to do is follow these tips:

  • Explain what you can do for the employer. Talk about your most impressive skills and how you can use them to contribute to the company’s work.
  • Mention what you like about the job or industry. Focus on what you enjoy about the specific job or industry you’re aiming for.
  • Be enthusiastic about joining their team. Express genuine enthusiasm about joining their team, as well as confidence that you can make a meaningful contribution.
  • Use proactive language. Swap out cliche phrases for eye-catching action verbs and power words to make your cover letter pop.

Depending on how much time you have, you can research each employer in-depth and provide more details that show why you’re the best candidate according to each of these points.

Need more inspiration? Check out dozens of cover letter examples for different professions !

#5. Conclude It Professionally

Once you write the main body of your general cover letter, all you have to do is prepare a conclusion.

The end of your cover letter should leave the hiring manager confident that you’re the right person for the job.

You can do that by either summarizing your main selling points, like your top skills and most impressive achievements or by reminding them how you believe you can contribute to the company.

We recommend leaving a portion of your conclusion blank so you can tailor it for the specific job you’re applying for and leave the best impression possible on the hiring manager.

Next, include a call to action. This can be a polite prompt for the hiring manager to reach out to you and discuss your application or arrange an interview.

There’s no need to personalize your call to action—it can be simple and universal across all your applications. Finally, include a professional closing line and sign your name underneath to seal the deal on your cover letter.

Here’s an example:

I look forward to discussing how I may contribute to your business, so please don’t hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Cameron Pearson

general cover letter structure

General Cover Letter FAQs

Still have some questions about general cover letters? Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions below!

#1. Is a generic cover letter okay?

You should never send a generic cover letter with your job application.

Generic cover letters don’t have any personalization that can show your genuine interest in the specific job or company. In fact, they come across as impersonal and show a lack of effort , which can make hiring managers reject your job application altogether.

You should always tailor your cover letter for each job so you can highlight the relevant skills and professional experiences that will impress the employer. This shows that you've done your homework” and that you’re genuinely enthusiastic about the position.

Even a slightly customized general cover letter is always going to be better than a generic cover letter.

Your general cover letter should still address the employer's needs and make a strong case for your application. It's your best tool for making a memorable first impression, and that’s something a generic cover letter simply won’t help you achieve.

#2. Should a cover letter be simple?

Yes, as a rule, cover letters should be kept simple.

The main focus of any cover letter should be its content. Make sure you keep your formatting clean , with an easy-to-read font and plenty of white space, so the hiring manager can quickly find the essential information.

If you’re applying for a more traditional industry, like law or finance , we recommend sticking to a minimalistic cover letter template. Bold colors or flashy fonts just don’t match those professions.

However, if you’re applying to an industry where creativity is valued, such as graphic design , you can try a more customized template. A strategically placed pop of color could make your cover letter stand out.

#3. How do you format a general cover letter?

A general cover letter is structured with blanks and placeholder information that you can easily swap out depending on the job application.

Make sure you include a place for the hiring manager’s contact information, the company’s name, the date of writing, and the title of the specific position you’re applying for.

Keep the text of your general cover letter separated into neat paragraphs so you can find and swap out the placeholders quickly and the hiring manager can easily navigate and read it later.

#4. Do employers read cover letters?

Yes, employers do read cover letters.

Regardless of whether the job ad explicitly asks for one, you should always submit a cover letter .

Once the hiring manager goes through the initial resume screening, they might use cover letters to decide among candidates they’re on the fence about.

That said, hiring managers might not read the entire cover letter in detail immediately, which is why your opening paragraph is crucial. You want to make sure to catch their attention right off the bat, so they want to read more about you.

If they skim through your cover letter and don’t see any relevant keywords or qualifications, they might skip your cover letter, and your application could get tossed in the ‘no’ pile.

#5. How long should a general cover letter be?

Your general cover letter can range from a half-page to one full page. On average, a cover letter should always be between 250 and 400 words .

The cover letter is your first chance to communicate who you are to the hiring manager and why you’re the right candidate for the job, using your own words. If you don’t consider the standard cover letter length, you could leave the hiring manager with a bad impression.

A good cover letter gets your point across quickly without delving into too many details the hiring manager could get lost in. If you go over the recommended length, the hiring manager might never actually bother reading your cover letter at all.

Key Takeaways

And you’ve made it to the end of our article!

Now you know all there is to know about writing a general cover letter. Hopefully, you feel confident about writing the perfect cover letter and landing your dream job!

But before we go, let’s quickly recap our main points:

  • General cover letters can usually be applied to different job openings, industries, and employers with minimal tailoring. We recommend writing one template with placeholders or blanks that you can swap out for details as necessary.
  • A general cover letter doesn’t need as much tailoring as writing a cover letter from scratch, but you should still put effort into it. Sending the same generic text to every employer is a huge mistake that could cost you a job opportunity.
  • Formatting your general cover letter can be time-consuming. Instead of spending valuable time on the layout, consider using one of our cover letter templates instead.
  • You’re most likely to need a general cover letter when applying for more than one job at the same company when applying for a job through a referral, or during a job fair.

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Eight Cover Letter Greetings for Every Situation

Caroline Forsey

Published: May 26, 2021

When you’re trying to make a good first impression, a greeting is critical. Saying “Yo, what’s up” to your new employer will evoke a different, likely more negative reaction than, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” 

job applicant writing a cover letter and using a personalized greeting

A cover letter greeting is just as important as your first in-person salutation. It’s a chance to demonstrate professionalism and even effort — for instance, addressing your hiring manager by first and last name shows you did your research. 

Here, we'll explore the best cover letter greetings you can use to ensure your cover letter is well-received.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Cover Letter Salutation and Greeting Examples

Sometimes job listings let you know who will be in charge of your application process, but sometimes they don’t. Let’s go over how to address your cover letters for either situation. Please note that it’s always important to capitalize the nouns for all of your greetings.

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [name of team or department you’re applying for a position in],
  • Dear [company name] Recruiter,
  • To the [name of team you are applying for a position in] Department,
  • Dear [title of the person you would report to],
  • Dear [position title] Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [hiring manager, recruiter, or name of point of contact],
  • Dear Human Resources Manager.

Below we’ll go over an example of how to start a cover letter greeting when you have the name of the hiring manager, recruiter, or point of contact for your application process.

How To Start a Cover Letter Greeting

1. use "hello," or "dear," followed by their first and last name..

If the job description includes the hiring manager's name, or if you've managed to figure it out through research (which we’ll cover below), an easy greeting uses a full name with a "Dear" or "Hello" before it. Additionally, this helps prevent the possibility of misgendering someone that can come from using “Dear Ms./Mr.”

2. Include their title if possible.

If you're writing to a hiring manager with a title like "Dr." or "Professor,” include it in your greeting. It will demonstrate a level of respect and that you’ve done your research. It’s also non-gender specific, again reducing the likelihood of misgendering. 

For instance, you might start your cover letter like this — "Dear Dr. Grace [Insert Last Name]."

3. If you don't know their name, you can still make it specific.

If you've done your research and can't find a specific person hiring for the role, it's likely because the company has a team assembled to delegate the hiring responsibilities. To address a letter to a team, figure out the department or group in which the role falls. Then, follow this formula — "Dear [Department] Hiring Team.”

For instance, if you're applying for a role within Customer Service, you might say, "Dear Customer Service Hiring Committee," or "Dear Customer Service Hiring Team." 

However, it’s worth putting in the effort to research who the hiring manager may be, as the information can sometimes be easy to find.

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

A customized greeting goes a long way towards helping your cover letter stand out in a sea of "To Whom It May Concern." Let’s go over what you can do to uncover who the hiring manager or person responsible for the application process may be. 

Find Recruiters on Company Website

An easy way to try and find the direct responsible individual is by visiting the company website and looking for an “About Us” tab. Some businesses list names of people who work there, and you can browse through the list to see if you can find the recruiter for your position or relevant department.

Find Recruiters on LinkedIn

Some companies have such big teams that each department has its own recruiter or hiring manager. LinkedIn can come in handy here, as you can use the “People” tab to search for keywords like “hiring manager + department you’re applying to,” or “department you’re applying to + recruiter” to figure out who the direct responsible individual is for different departments. 

Find Recruiters on Twitter

Twitter is also a great social media tool for identifying recruiters or hiring managers. You can search through keywords related to the business you’re hoping to work for and browse through profiles to see what you can find. Most professionals using Twitter have some description of their job position in their bio, so you should be able to identify them when you see them. 

You can also search on Twitter for the position title you’re applying for to see if a recruiter has Tweeted a link on their profile. 

If you’ve done all your research and you can’t find a hiring manager to address your letter to, and you weren’t given a name in the application process, there are still some alternatives:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [name of team or department you’re applying for a position in]
  • Dear [position title] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Human Resources Manager

To Whom It May Concern is an often recommended option, but most would say that you shy away from it as it is considered a more outdated and less personalized greeting than others on this list. It would be safe to consider using it as a last resort option.

At the end of the day, when writing your cover letter , your ultimate goal is to make a good impression. If you’re able to find the name of the recruiter or hiring manager, use their name, but if not, any of the recommended greetings in this post will do.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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