Abortion Research Paper: Example, Outline, & Topics

The long-standing debate surrounding abortion has many opponents and advocates. Groups known as Pro-Choice and Pro-Life argue which approach is better, with no easy solution in sight. This ethical complexity is what makes abortion a popular topic for argumentative writing. As a student, you need to tackle it appropriately.

The picture shows statistics regarding the legal status of abortion.

If this task sounds daunting, read this guide by our custom-writing experts to get excellent writing tips on handling this assignment. You will also find here:

  • abortion topics and prompts,
  • a research paper outline,
  • a free essay sample.
  • 🤔 Why Is Abortion a Good Topic?
  • ☑️ Research Paper Prompts
  • 👨‍⚕️ Abortion Research Questions
  • 📚 Research Topics
  • 🔬 Before You Start
  • ✍️ Step-by-Step Writing Guide

📋 Abortion Research Paper Example

🔍 references, 🤔 why is abortion a good research topic.

Abortion studies are a vast area of research and analysis. It touches upon numerous domains of life, such as politics, medicine, religion, ethics, and human rights perspectives.

Like gun control or euthanasia, the abortion debate offers no evident answers to what kind of regulation is preferable. According to a recent survey, 61% of US adults are in favor of abortion , while 37% think it should be illegal. The arguments from both sides make sense, and there is no “yes-no” solution.

All this makes investigating the abortion debate a valuable exercise to hone your critical analysis skills. It will teach you to back up your claims with sound evidence while giving credit to counterarguments. Besides, expanding the body of abortion research is beneficial for the American community and women’s rights.

☑️ Abortion Research Paper Prompts

The first step to writing a successful paper is choosing an appropriate topic. Abortion is surrounded by numerous legal, medical, ethical, and social debates. That’s why the choice of ideas is virtually endless.

Don’t know where to start? Check out the prompts and creative titles below.

Should Abortion Be Legal: Research Paper Prompt 

You can approach this question from several perspectives. For example, propose a new legal framework for regulating eligibility for abortion. Some states allow the procedure under certain circumstances, such as a threat to a woman’s health. Should it be made legal in less extreme situations, too?

Anti-Abortion Research Paper Prompt

The legal status of abortions is still disputed in many countries. The procedure’s most ardent opponents are Catholic religious groups. In an anti-abortion paper, you may list ethical or faith-based claims. Focus on the right-to-life arguments and give scientific evidence regarding embryo’s rights.

Abortion and Embryonic Stem Cell Research Prompt   

Stem cell research is a dubious issue that faces strong opposition from ethical and religious activists. Here are some great ideas for an essay on this topic:

  • Start by explaining what stem cells are.
  • Outline the arguments for and against their use in research.
  • Link this discussion to the status of abortion.

Abortion Law Research Paper Prompt

If you get an abortion-related assignment in your Legal Studies class, it’s better to take a legislative approach to this issue. Here’s what you can do:

  • Study the evolution of abortion laws in the US or other countries.
  • Pinpoint legal gaps.
  • Focus on the laws’ strengths and weaknesses.

Abortion Breast Cancer Research Prompt

Increasing research evidence shows the link between abortion and breast cancer development . Find scholarly articles proving or refuting this idea and formulate a strong argument on this subject. Argue it with credible external evidence.

Abortion Ethics Research Paper Prompt 

Here, you can focus on the significance of the discussion’s ethical dimension. People who are against abortion often cite the ethics of killing an embryo. You can discuss this issue by quoting famous thinkers and the latest medical research. Be sure to support your argument with sound evidence.

👨‍⚕️ Questions about Abortion for Research Paper

  • How does technology reframe the abortion debate?
  • Is there new ethics of abortion in the 21 st century?
  • How did the abortion debate progress before the Roe v. Wade decision?  
  • How is the abortion debate currently being shaped on social media? 
  • How do abortion rights advocates conceptualize the meaning of life?  
  • Can the abortion debate be called a culture war?
  • What are women’s constitutional abortion rights?
  • How does abortion reshape the concept of a person?
  • How does the abortion debate fit in the post-Socialist transition framework of the European community?  
  • Where does the abortion debate stand in the politics of sexuality?  

📚 Abortion Topics for Research Paper

  • The changing legal rhetoric of abortion in the US.
  • Constructing abortion as a legal problem.
  • Regendering of the US’ abortion problem.
  • Evolution of public attitudes to abortion in the US.
  • Choice vs. coercion in the abortion debate.
  • Abortion and sin in Catholicism.
  • Artificial wombs as an innovative solution to the abortion debate.
  • Religious belief vs. reason in the abortion debate.
  • Introduction of pregnant women’s perspectives into the abortion debate: dealing with fetal abnormalities.
  • The role of ultrasound images in the evolution of women’s abortion intentions.

🔬 Research Papers on Abortions: Before You Start

Before discussing how to write an abortion paper, let’s focus on the pre-writing steps necessary for a stellar work. Here are the main points to consider.

The picture explains the difference between qualitative and quantitative research design.

Abortion Research Design 

Before you start exploring your topic, you need to choose between a qualitative and quantitative research design:

💬 Qualitative studies focus on words and present the attitudes and subjective meanings assigned to the concept of abortion by respondents.

🧪 Quantitative studies , in turn, focus on numbers and statistics. They analyze objective evidence and avoid subjective interpretations.  

Pick a research design based on your research skills and the data you’re planning to analyze:

  • If you plan to gain insight into people’s opinions, attitudes, and life experiences related to abortion, it’s better to go for an interview and qualitative analysis.
  • If you have a survey and want to focus on descriptive statistics, it’s better to stick to quantitative methods .

Abortion Research Paper Outline Format

Next, it’s time to choose the format of your paper’s outline. As a rule, students use one of the 3 approaches:

Format Example

It’s a high-school standard format for outlining. It uses Roman numerals as the higher-order classification. Next come the capital letters A-Z, and Arabic numbers mark the third level. 

I. Background

II. Moral arguments

A. Fetus’s personhood

1. Opponents

2. Proponents 

While the alphanumeric outline may use keywords and phrases, this format contains only complete sentences to describe the essay’s contents. This approach saves time during the writing phase, as the ideas from the outline can serve as topic sentences.   

I. Abortion is a morally complex issue.

II. We need to evaluate moral arguments from both sides.

A. The first moral issue is the personhood of a fetus.

1. Proponents argue the fetus is no more than a collection of cells.

2. Opponents of abortion try to assign personhood as soon as possible. 

This outline type uses decimals for classification order. If you use it, your first main point will be marked as 1, with its subheadings marked as 1.1, 1.2, and so on. Lower-rank subheadings can be marked as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3.  

1. Background

2. Moral arguments

2.1 Fetus’s personhood

2.1.1 Opponents

2.1.2 Proponents  

You can learn more about these formats from our article on how to write an outline .

Choosing Headings & Subheadings

A strong title can save your paper, while a poor one can immediately kill the readers’ interest. That’s why we recommend you not to underestimate the importance of formulating an attention-grabbing, exciting heading for your text.

Here are our best tips to make your title and subheadings effective:

  • A good title needs to be brief. It’s up to 5 words, as a rule. Subheadings can be longer, as they give a more extended explanation of the content.
  • Don’t be redundant. Make sure the subheadings are not duplicating each other.
  • Mind the format. For instance, if your paper is in the APA format, you need to use proper font size and indentation. No numbering of headings and subheadings is necessary as in the outline. Ensure the reader understands the hierarchy with the help of heading level distinctions.

Components of an Effective Outline

According to academic writing conventions, a good outline should follow 4 essential principles:

  • Parallelism . All components of your outline need to have a similar grammatical structure. For example, if you choose infinitives to denote actions, stick to them and don’t mix them with nouns and gerunds.
  • Coordination . Divide your work into chunks with equal importance. This way, you will allocate as much weight to one point as to all the others. Your outline’s sections of similar hierarchy should have equal significance.
  • Subordination . The subheadings contained within one heading of a higher order should all be connected to the paper’s title.
  • Division . The minimum number of subheadings in each outline heading should be 2. If you have only one point under a heading, it’s worth adding another one.

Use this list of principles as a cheat sheet while creating your outline, and you’re sure to end up with well-organized and structured research!

Abortion Research Paper Outline Example

To recap and illustrate everything we’ve just discussed, let’s have a look at this sample abortion outline. We’ve made it in the decimal format following all effective outlining principles—check it out!

  • History of abortion laws in the USA.
  • Problem: recent legal changes challenge Roe vs. Wade .
  • Thesis statement: the right to abortion should be preserved as a constitutional right
  • The fundamental human right to decide what to do with their body.
  • Legal abortions are safer.
  • Fetuses don’t feel pain at the early stages of development.
  • Abortion is murder.
  • Fetuses are unborn people who feel pain at later stages.
  • Abortion causes lifelong psychological trauma for the woman.
  • Roe vs. Wade is a pro-choice case.
  • The constitutional right to privacy and bodily integrity.
  • Conclusion.

✍️ Abortion Research Paper: How to Write

Now, let’s proceed to write the paper itself. We will cover all the steps, starting with introduction writing rules and ending with the body and conclusion essentials.

Abortion Introduction: Research Paper Tips  

When you begin writing an abortion paper, it’s vital to introduce the reader to the debate and key terminology. Start by describing a broader issue and steadily narrow the argument to the scope of your paper. The intro typically contains the key figures or facts that would show your topic’s significance.

For example, suppose you plan to discuss the ethical side of abortion. In this case, it’s better to structure the paper like this:

  • Start by outlining the issue of abortion as a whole.
  • Introduce the arguments of pro-choice advocates, saying that this side of the debate focuses on the woman’s right to remove the fetus from her body or leave it.
  • Cite the latest research evidence about fetuses as living organisms, proceeding to debate abortion ethics.
  • End your introduction with a concise thesis statement .

The picture shows parts of an introduction in an abortion research paper.

Thesis on Abortion for a Research Paper

The final part of your introduction is a thesis—a single claim that formulates your paper’s main idea. Experienced readers and college professors often focus on the thesis statement’s quality to decide whether the text is worth reading further. So, make sure you dedicate enough effort to formulate the abortion research paper thesis well!

Don’t know how to do it? These pro tips will surely help you write a great thesis:

Self-evident statements are difficult to argue, so it’s better to avoid them.
The thesis statement usually serves as the readers’ roadmap through the body of your text. That’s why it includes the arguments you will use to prove your point.
The thesis statement shouldn’t cause confusion. Instead, it’s meant to communicate your point clearly.  

Abortion Research Paper Body

Now, it’s time to proceed to the main body of your paper. It should expand on the main idea in more detail, explaining the details and weighing the evidence for and against your argument.

The secret of effective writing is to go paragraph by paragraph . Your essay’s body will have around 2-5 of them, and the quality of each one determines the value of the whole text.

Here are the 4 easy steps that can help you excel in writing the main part of your essay:

  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence. It functions as a mini-thesis statement and communicates the paragraph’s main idea.
  • Then, expand it with additional facts and evidence. It’s better to back that information with external sources, showing that it’s not your guesswork. Make sure you properly analyze the citations and show how they fit into your broader research.
  • A paragraph should end with a concise wrap-up. Write a concluding sentence restating the topic sentence or a transition linking to the next section.

Research Papers on Abortions: Conclusion

The conclusion of an abortion paper also plays a major role in the overall impression that your paper will produce. So, how do you make it interesting?

Instead of simply restating the thesis and enumerating your points, it’s better to do the following:

  • Focus on the broader implications of the issue you’ve just discussed.
  • Mention your study’s limitations and point out some directions for further research.
  • It’s also a good idea to include a call to action , which can help create a sense of urgency in the readers.

Abortion Articles for Research Paper & Other Sources

Every research paper ends with “works cited” or a reference page enumerating the sources used for the assignment. A rule of thumb is to cite credible, authoritative publications from governmental organizations and NGOs and academic articles from peer-reviewed journals. These sources will make your research more competent and professional, supporting your viewpoint with objective scientific information.

Here are some databases that can supply top-quality data to back the abortion-related claims in a research paper:

🌐 A simple-to-use, comprehensive database with peer-reviewed scholarly articles and publications.
🌐 A huge portfolio of 900+ journals covering over 1 million scientific articles.
🌐 A biomedical repository with 34+ million publications, most of which are available in open access.
🌐 A collection of reputable sources offering medical news and extensive clinical trial coverage.
🌐 A US-wide professional association of abortion providers, educating citizens on abortion issues.
🌐 A civil activist group with 4+ million members advocating the Americans’ right to reproductive freedom.
🌐 Another activist group that has been advocating for the ban of abortion since 1968. Its official website contains numerous educational resources, law compilations, and help resources for pregnant women.

Feel free to check these databases for studies related to your subject. It’s best to conduct preliminary research to see whether your topic has enough supporting evidence. Also, make sure there are plenty of new studies to back your arguments! Abortion is a fast-changing field of research, so it’s best only to use publications no more than 5 years old.

To learn more about credible research sources, check out our guide on choosing reliable websites .

We’ve taught you all you need to write a well-researched and thoughtful abortion paper. Finally, we want to give you an example of an essay on the topic “ Should Abortion Rights Be Preserved? ” Check it out to gain inspiration.

Women’s abortion rights in the US are surrounded by debate. Being legal and constitutional since the 1973 decision in , abortion has faced much legal turmoil in the past couple of years. The fight for fetus rights has been productive, culminating in the overturning of the ruling in 2022. Thus, amid the 21 -century scientific and technological advancements, women’s rights to privacy and the freedom to choose what to do with their bodies have been thrown over half a century back.
This paper argues that the right to abortion should be preserved as it allows women to have control over their bodies and prevents unwanted childbirth and child neglect.
The main problem with the pro-life debate is that it does not respect women’s role as life granters. Female bodies possess the power of giving life, but this power should be exercised at the women’s distraction, not as her social obligation or civil duty (Gibson, 2022). Following the law in deciding to leave a child or have an abortion is a non-democratic practice, giving no voice to women and making them captives of their fertility.
Another issue with anti-abortion rhetoric is that it primarily focuses on the fetus as a person at risk. However, pro-life advocates neglect the miserable life of an unwanted child that a woman gave birth to against her will. Jones et al. (2020) found that unwanted children become frequent victims of domestic violence, abuse, and neglect. Besides, abortion restrictions can worsen the socio-economic conditions of many families that cannot afford another child but have to give birth to it under the law (Mitchell, 2019). Thus, it is evident that focusing on the fetus’s life removes the quality of the future child’s life, often making the preserved life miserable.
Summing up the presented evidence, it’s important to note that the right to abortion should be preserved as women’s individual freedom to do what they want with their bodies. Laws banning abortion open a slippery path of unsafe, illegal practices that women will resort to, unwilling to sacrifice their bodies and lives for the sake of unwanted children. The new law also elevates the danger of child abandonment, abuse, and neglect. Therefore, abortion legislation should be softened to incorporate both perspectives and allow greater flexibility for women.

Now you know all the details of abortion paper writing. Use our tips to choose a topic, develop sound arguments, and impress your professor with a stellar piece on this debatable subject!

❓ Abortion Research Paper FAQs

  • First, you need to pick a debatable topic about abortion and develop a thesis statement on that subject.
  • Next, choose the arguments to support your claim and use external evidence to back them up.
  • End the paper with a concise wrap-up.
  • Begin your introduction with a catchy fact or shocking statistics on the issue of abortion.
  • Ask a rhetorical question to boost your readers’ interest.
  • Cite a famous person’s words about the pros and cons of legal abortion.

To compose a strong opening for your abortion essay, make sure to provide some background and context for further discussion. Explain why the debate about abortions is so acute and what the roots of the problem are.

There are many interesting topics related to abortion, spanning the areas of sociology, ethics, and medicine. You can focus on the progression of the abortion debate along with civil rights or discuss abortion from a feminist perspective.

You can choose between qualitative and quantitative approaches for your abortion research. Hold a survey among women and report the findings of your qualitative study in a short report. Or, you can measure factual information in numbers and conduct quantitative research.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Research Paper: Grammarly
  • Scholarly Articles on Abortion: Gale
  • Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion Worldwide: Guttmacher Institute
  • Why Abortion Should Be Legal: News 24
  • Pro and Con: Abortion: Britannica
  • Organizing Academic Research Papers: The Introduction: Sacred Heart University
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper: Steps and Examples: Research.com
  • Abortion: American Psychological Association
  • Writing a Research Paper: University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Writing a Research Paper: Purdue University
  • A Process Approach to Writing Research Papers: University of California, Berkeley
  • What Is Qualitative vs. Quantitative Study?: Grand Canyon University
  • Decimal Outlines: Texas A&M University
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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 50 Abortion Essay Topics: Researching Abortion-Related Subjects

50 Abortion Essay Topics: Researching Abortion-Related Subjects

abortion essay topics

Abortion remains a contentious social and political issue, with deeply held beliefs and strong emotions shaping the debate. It is a topic that has been at the forefront of public discourse for decades, sparking heated arguments and evoking a range of perspectives from individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide.

The complexity of abortion stems from its intersection with fundamental human rights, ethical principles, and societal norms. It raises questions about the sanctity of life, individual autonomy, gender equality, and public health, making it a challenging yet critically important subject to explore and analyze.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the significance of choosing the right abortion essay topics and abortion title ideas , offering valuable insights and practical advice for students navigating this challenging yet rewarding endeavor. By understanding the multifaceted nature of abortion and its far-reaching implications, students can make informed decisions about their topic selection, setting themselves up for success in producing well-researched, insightful, and impactful essays.

Choosing the Right Abortion Essay Topic

For students who are tasked with writing an essay on abortion, choosing the right topic is essential. A well-chosen topic can be the difference between a well-researched, insightful, and impactful piece of writing and a superficial, uninspired, and forgettable one.

This guide delves into the significance of selecting the right abortion essay topic, providing valuable insights for students embarking on this challenging yet rewarding endeavor. By understanding the multifaceted nature of abortion and its far-reaching implications, students can identify topics that align with their interests, research capabilities, and the overall objectives of their essays.

Abortion remains a contentious social and political issue, with deeply held beliefs and strong emotions shaping the debate on abortion topics . It is a topic that has been at the forefront of public discourse for decades, sparking heated arguments and evoking a range of perspectives from individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide.

List of Abortion Argumentative Essay Topics

Abortion argumentative essay topics typically revolve around the ethical, legal, and societal aspects of this controversial issue. These topics often involve debates and discussions, requiring students to present well-reasoned arguments supported by evidence and persuasive language.

  • The Bodily Autonomy vs. Fetal Rights Debate: A Balancing Act
  • Exploring Abortion Rights: An Argumentative Analysis
  • Gender Equality and Reproductive Freedom in the Abortion Debate
  • Considering Abortion as a Human Right
  • The Impact of Abortion Stigma on Women's Mental Health
  • Abortion: A Controversial Issue
  • Persuasive Speech Outline on Abortion
  • Laughing Matters: Satire and the Abortion Debate
  • Abortion Is Bad
  • Discussion on Whether Abortion is a Crime
  • Abortion Restrictions and Women's Economic Opportunity
  • Government Intervention in Abortion Regulation
  • Religion, Morality, and Abortion Attitudes
  • Parental Notification and Consent Laws
  • A Persuasive Paper on the Issue of Abortion

Ethical Considerations: Abortion raises profound ethical questions about the sanctity of life, personhood, and individual choice. Students can explore these ethical dilemmas by examining the moral implications of abortion, the rights of the unborn, and the role of personal conscience in decision-making.

Legal Aspects: The legal landscape surrounding abortion is constantly evolving, with varying regulations and restrictions across different jurisdictions. Students can delve into the legal aspects of abortion by analyzing the impact of laws and policies on access, safety, and the well-being of women.

Societal Impact: Abortion has a significant impact on society, influencing public health, gender equality, and social justice. Students can explore the societal implications of abortion by examining its impact on maternal health, reproductive rights, and the lives of marginalized communities.

Effective Abortion Topics for Research Paper

Research papers on abortion demand a more in-depth and comprehensive approach, requiring students to delve into historical, medical, and international perspectives on this multifaceted issue.

Medical Perspectives: The medical aspects of abortion encompass a wide range of topics, from advancements in abortion procedures to the health and safety of women undergoing the procedure. Students can explore medical perspectives by examining the evolution of abortion techniques, the impact of medical interventions on maternal health, and the role of healthcare providers in the abortion debate.

Historical Analysis: Abortion has a long and complex history, with changing attitudes, practices, and laws across different eras. Students can engage in historical analysis by examining the evolution of abortion practices in ancient civilizations, tracing the legal developments surrounding abortion, and exploring the shifting social attitudes towards abortion throughout history.

International Comparisons: Abortion laws and regulations vary widely across different countries, leading to diverse experiences and outcomes. Students can make international comparisons by examining abortion access and restrictions in different regions, analyzing the impact of varying legal frameworks on women's health and rights, and identifying best practices in abortion policies.

List of Abortion Research Paper Topics

  • The Socioeconomic Factors and Racial Disparities Shaping Abortion Access
  • Ethical and Social Implications of Emerging Abortion Technologies
  • Abortion Stigma and Women's Mental Health
  • Telemedicine and Abortion Access in Rural Areas
  • International Human Rights and Abortion Access
  • Reproductive Justice and Other Social Justice Issues
  • Men's Role in Abortion Decision-Making
  • Abortion Restrictions and Social Disparities
  • Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Abortion Access
  • Alternative Approaches to Abortion Regulation
  • Political Ideology and Abortion Policy Debates
  • Public Health Campaigns for Informed Abortion Decisions
  • Abortion Services in Conflict-Affected Areas
  • Healthcare Providers and Medical Ethics of Abortion
  • International Cooperation on Abortion Policies

By exploring these topics and subtopics for abortion essays , students can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of the abortion debate and choose a specific focus that aligns with their interests and research objectives.

Choosing Abortion Research Paper Topics

When selecting research paper topics on abortion, it is essential to consider factors such as research feasibility, availability of credible sources, and the potential for original contributions.

Abortion is a complex and multifaceted issue that intersects with various aspects of society and individual lives. By broadening the scope of abortion-related topics, students can explore a wider range of perspectives and insights.

  • Abortion Social Issue
  • Exploring the Complexity of Abortion: Historical, Medical and Personal Perspectives
  • Abortion: A Comprehensive Research
  • An Examination of Abortion and its Health Implications on Women
  • Abortion Introduction
  • Comparative Analysis of Abortion Laws Worldwide
  • Historical Evolution of Abortion Rights and Practices
  • Impact of Abortion on Public Health and Maternal Mortality
  • Abortion Funding and Access to Reproductive Healthcare
  • Role of Misinformation and Myths in Abortion Debates
  • International Perspectives on Abortion and Reproductive Freedom
  • Abortion and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Abortion and Gender Equality in the Global Context
  • Abortion and Human Rights: A Legal and Ethical Analysis
  • Religious and Cultural Influences on Abortion Perceptions
  • Abortion and Social Justice: Addressing Disparities and Marginalization
  • Anti-abortion and Pro-choice Movements: Comparative Analysis and Impact
  • Impact of Technological Advancements on Abortion Procedures and Access
  • Ethical Considerations of New Abortion Technologies and Surrogacy
  • Role of Advocacy and Activism in Shaping Abortion Policy and Practice
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Abortion Policy Interventions

Navigating the complex landscape of abortion-related topics can be a daunting task, but it also offers an opportunity for students to delve into a range of compelling issues and perspectives. By choosing the right topic, students can produce well-researched, insightful, and impactful essays that contribute to the ongoing dialogue on this important subject.

The 50 abortion essay ideas presented in this guide provide a starting point for exploring the intricacies of abortion and its far-reaching implications. Whether students are interested in argumentative essays that engage in ethical, legal, or societal debates or research papers that delve into medical, historical, or international perspectives, this collection offers a wealth of potential topics to ignite their curiosity and challenge their thinking.

Persuasive Essay Topics College

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Abortion bans and their impacts: A view from the United States

Laura j. frye.

1 Gynuity Health Projects, New York, NY, USA

Beverly Winikoff

A retrospective study of abortion facilities in and around Texas by White et al. 1 and a spatial analysis by Rader et al. 2 are combined to illustrate the detrimental effects of abortion bans enacted in the United States.

Abortion restrictions have been introduced in various forms across many states for years, but since June 2022, when the right to abortion was no longer federally protected, we have seen a rapid increase in these restrictions. We are just starting to quantify and qualify their effects. Two recent studies published in JAMA offer early indications of the effects of draconian bans.

In “Association of Texas’ 2021 Ban on Abortion in Early Pregnancy with the Number of Facility-Based Abortion in Texas and Surrounding States,” White et al. used a large dataset containing information before and after the passage of SB8 in September 2021. 1 This bill banned most abortions after 6 weeks in the state of Texas. The data presented in this article allow for a careful examination of the law’s effects, and the authors paint a picture of how rapidly destabilizing such bans can be. The study clearly shows that, in the immediate aftermath of SB8’s implementation, there was both an absolute drop in documented abortions and a shift in the location of abortions as Texans went to neighboring states for medical care.

The paper explicitly examines abortions after 12 weeks as an important indicator of change, not because of the small decrease in safety and efficacy with increasing gestational durations, but rather because of the major increase in burdens to affected individuals (cost, time, travel) and to clinics (resources, scheduling) with gestations beyond this point.

A clearer and more detailed sense of how these patient travel dynamics play out can be found in the “Estimated Travel Time and Spatial Access to Abortion Facilities in the US Before and After the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Decision” by Rader et al., which uses simulation and spatial analysis to measure changes in surface travel time to the closest abortion facility before and after the June 2022 Dobbs decision. 2

The average travel time to reach the nearest abortion facility significantly increased in the simulated post-Dobbs world, and, while the median change from 11 to 17 min is not jaw dropping, the spread of the data and the extremes of the curve are where the biggest problems lie. The authors show a doubling of the number of individuals who must travel more than 60 min to access abortion care. Then, through sensitivity analyses on geographic heterogeneity, they illustrate some of the extreme increases in travel time for people in the South, as in Texas, with a mean increase of over 7 h.

While the White paper notes that their data did not include individual-level demographic information (and thus was not able to explore the disparate effects of the ban on various subpopulations), the Raden paper is able to shed some light on the disproportionate impacts of abortion restrictions by use of census data. The latter paper shows that longer travel times occur more frequently in populations without insurance, with lower incomes, and who are racial and ethnic minorities. Documentation of these effects is important for advocacy, policy change, and resource allocation.

The White et al. paper wisely uses care in describing the data they have as “documented facility-based abortions,” acknowledging the now-frequent practice of non-facility-based self-managed abortion with pills. Similarly, Rader et al. note that their data are predicated on the idea of traveling to a physical facility and do not account for the mailing of pills to a person’s home. The TelAbortion study from 2016 to 2021 provided evidence on the safety and efficacy of direct-to-patient telemedicine abortion with mailing of pills, 3 , 4 and the FDA now allows for this method of abortion pill provision. We also know that self-managed abortion can be a safe and effective option 5 and is currently common in the United States. 6 , 7 There is increasing interest in determining its role in the care landscape. 8 , 9 , 10 Moving forward, it would be beneficial to see more information on how remote provision of care and self-management play into the dynamics illustrated in these articles.

These two papers, used together, can help prepare clinics in protective states for the influx of affected individuals as additional oppressive laws are passed in other states. The lessons documented only grow in relevance as the map of the United States darkens with more and more states passing restrictive abortion laws. We can use these data both to decry the negative and disproportionate effect of these bans and to call for action to prepare receiving clinics in protective states as they take on the care of more people who are denied medical services in their home states.

Declaration of interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

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Abortion in america after roe: an examination of the impact of dobbs v. jackson women’s health organization on women’s reproductive health access.

Natalie Maria Caffrey Follow

Date of Award

Spring 5-12-2023

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Public Policy and Law

First Advisor

Professor Adrienne Fulco

Second Advisor

Professor Glenn Falk

This thesis will examine the limitations in access to abortion and other necessary reproductive healthcare in states that are hostile to abortion rights, as well as discuss the ongoing litigation within those states between pro-choice and pro-life advocates. After analyzing the legal landscape and the different abortion laws within these states, this thesis will focus on the practical consequences of Dobbs on women’s lives, with particular attention to its impact on women of color and poor women in states with the most restrictive laws. The effect of these restrictive laws on poor women will be felt disproportionately due to their lack of ability to travel to obtain care from other states that might offer abortion services. And even if these women find a way to obtain access to abortions, there is now the real possibility of criminal prosecution for those who seek or assist women who obtain abortions post- Dobbs . To compound the problem, the Court made clear in Dobbs that its decision to revisit the privacy rights issue signals the possibility of new limitations on protections previously taken for granted in the areas of In vitro fertilization, birth control, emergency contraception, and other civil rights such as gay marriage. Finally, this thesis will examine the political and legal efforts of liberal states, private companies, and grassroots organizations attempting to mitigate Dobbs ’s effects. These pro-choice actors have, to some extent, joined forces to protect access for women in the United States through protective legislation and expanding access in all facets of reproductive healthcare, particularly for minority women who will be disproportionately affected by abortion bans in conservative states. The current efforts to mitigate the legal and medical implications of Dobbs will determine the future of women’s rights in America, not only regarding abortion but more broadly in terms of adequate reproductive care access.

Senior thesis completed at Trinity College, Hartford CT for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy & Law.

Recommended Citation

Caffrey, Natalie Maria, "Abortion in America After Roe: An Examination of the Impact of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on Women’s Reproductive Health Access". Senior Theses, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 2023. Trinity College Digital Repository, https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/theses/1033

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Background Reading:

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Most current background reading 

  • Issues and Controversies: Should Women in the United States Have Access to Abortion? June 2022 article (written after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade) that explores both sides of the abortion debate.
  • Access World News: Abortion The most recent news and opinion on abortion from US newspapers.

More sources for background information

  • CQ Researcher Online This link opens in a new window Original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Check the dates of results to be sure they are sufficiently current.
  • Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window Authoritative background reading from specialized encyclopedias (a year or more old, so not good for the latest developments).
  • Gale In Context: Global Issues This link opens in a new window Best database for exploring the topic from a global point of view.

Choose the questions below that you find most interesting or appropriate for your assignment.

  • Why is abortion such a controversial issue?
  • What are the medical arguments for and against abortion?
  • What are the religious arguments for and against abortion?
  • What are the political arguments for and against abortion?
  • What are the cultural arguments for and against abortion?
  • What is the history of laws concerning abortion?
  • What are the current laws about abortion?
  • How are those who oppose access to abortion trying to affect change?
  • How are those who support access to abortion trying to affect change?
  • Based on what I have learned from my research, what do I think about the issue of abortion?
  • State-by-State Abortion Laws Updated regularly by the Guttmacher Institute
  • What the Data Says About Abortion in the U.S. From the Pew Research Center in March of 2024, a look at the most recent available data about abortion from sources other than public opinion surveys.

Latest News on Abortion from Google News

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  • Facts on File Databases This link opens in a new window Facts on File databases include: Issues & Controversies , Issues & Controversies in History , Today's Science , and World News Digest .
  • MEDLINE Complete This link opens in a new window This database provides access to top-tier biomedical and health journals, making it an essential resource for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health, and health policy development.
  • Access World News This link opens in a new window Search the full-text of editions of record for local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of key international sources. This is your source for The Modesto Bee from January 1989 to the present. Also includes in-depth special reports and hot topics from around the country. To access The Modesto Bee , limit your search to that publication. more... less... Watch this short video to learn how to find The Modesto Bee .

Browse Featured Web Sites:

  • American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists Medical information and anti-abortion rights advocacy.
  • American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Use the key term "abortion" in the search box on this site for links to reports and statistics.
  • Guttmacher Institute Statistics and policy papers with a world-wide focus from a "research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide."
  • NARAL Pro-Choice America This group advocates for pro-abortion rights legislation. Current information abortion laws in the U.S.
  • National Right to Life Committee This group advocates for anti-abortion rights legislation in the U.S.

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How to Write Abortion Research Paper Homework?

Jason Burrey

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abortion research paper thesis

Looking for easy tips on how to write a research paper on abortion? We’ve got you covered!

Abortion is probably the most controversial subject in modern society. It includes a number of complex questions concerning ethical, moral, legal, medical, philosophical, and religious issues related to the deliberate ending of pregnancy before normal childbirth.

Public opinions are polarized; they have strong feelings for or against this subject. That’s why writing a good abortion research paper with work cited requires in-depth research of existing literature. Students have to find a decent amount of relevant arguments (statistics, facts) about positive and negative aspects of the problem and create a convincing piece.

Abortion research paper specifics

Abortion research paper is a piece of academic writing based on original research performed by a writer. The author’s task is to analyze and interpret research findings on a particular topic.

Although research paper assignments may vary widely, there are two common types – analytical and argumentative.

  • In argumentative essay students have to establish their position in a thesis statement and convince their audience to adopt this point of view.
  • In analytical essay students state a research question, take a neutral stance on a topic, presenting information in a form of well-supported critical analysis without persuading the audience to adopt any particular point of view.

Thorough writing a college research paper on the subject is critical – it can help students develop their own opinions and build a strong argument.

Research paper on abortion: writing hints & tips

Abortion is among political and moral issues on which Americans are genuinely split. Their opinions on this controversial issue remain unchanged since 1995. There are two primary moral and legal questions related to the abortion debate, which divides public opinion for generations:

  • Are abortions morally wrong?
  • Should they be legal or banned?

Although these questions seem straightforward, they are more complex than students think. There are two separate camps. People who favor the “pro-choice” stance support the right of women to choose whether she carries a pregnancy to term or not. They think that abortions are acceptable.

People who take the strict religious “pro-life” stance think that abortions are always wrong because the fetus has rights and we should treat it the same way as any other human being.

If you have to write an argumentative research paper, you must choose either “pro-life” or “pro-choice” stance and develop a convincing argument to persuade readers.

If your research paper is analytical, you should examine both sides of the issue, evaluate the most important arguments, provide a balanced overview of both approaches, analyzing their weak and strong points.

Religion plays a great role in the debate but there are a lot of non-religious issues. Here are the most important ethical and legal issues, involving the rights of women and the rights of a fetus.

  • Is fetus a human being and does it have the basic legal right to live?
  • Does life begin at conception?
  • Should we consider the fetus a separate being or is it a part of its mother?
  • Does the fetus’ right to life have a priority over the woman’s right to control her body?
  • Under what circumstances is it acceptable to terminate the fetus’ life?
  • Can the removing of a fetus be considered as a murder?
  • Is it better to abort an unwanted child or allow it to be neglected by parents?
  • Can adoption be alternative to termination of pregnancy?
  • Is it possible to find a balance between the rights of a mother and those of a fetus?

A lot of arguments in favor of this procedure are based on respect for women’s reproductive rights.

“Pro-choice” camp argues that a woman is a person with her own rights and not a fetus’ carrier.

They say that governmental or religious authorities shouldn’t limit a woman’s right to control her own body. Besides, the fetus can’t be regarded as a separate entity because it can’t exist outside a woman’s womb.

Opponents of this procedure speak about respect for all forms of life, fetus’ right to life, and argue that it is actually the kill of an innocent human being.

abortion research paper thesis

Best abortion research paper topics

The first step in writing a research paper is selecting a good manageable topic that interests you and defining a research question or a thesis statement.

Wondering where to find powerful abortion research paper topics? Here is a short list of interesting ideas. Feel free to pick any of them for creating your own writings. You may also use them as a source of inspiration and further research of a specific issue.

  • Impact of legalizing abortions on the birth rate.
  • How terminations of pregnancies are regulated around the world.
  • How termination of pregnancy is considered within moral terms.
  • Analyze regional differences in Americans’ attitude to termination of pregnancy.
  • Examine the generation gap in abortion support.
  • Feminist beliefs and abortion rights supporters.
  • What is the future of abortion politics?
  • Give an overview of the legislation on the termination of pregnancies around the world.
  • The medical complications of pregnancy termination.
  • Discuss the abortion debate and human rights.
  • How having an abortion affects a woman’s life.
  • Will the abortion debate ever end?
  • How can we reduce the demand for termination of pregnancy?
  • Moral aspects of pregnancy termination.
  • Legal aspects of the abortion conflict.
  • Should termination of pregnancy be treated as a health issue?
  • Electoral politics and termination of pregnancy.
  • Is the termination of pregnancy a human issue or a gender issue?
  • Philosophical aspects of the abortion debate.
  • Liberal views on the termination of pregnancy.
  • Abortion demographics: race, poverty, and choice.
  • Why does the public support for legal termination of pregnancy remains high?
  • Should men be allowed to discuss the termination of pregnancy?
  • Is the abortion a “women’s only” issue?
  • Woman’s mental health after abortion.

How to write an abortion research paper outline?

Now let’s discuss how to write an abortion research paper outline. First, you have to write a thesis statement that summarizes the main point of your paper and outlines supporting points. The thesis will help you organize your structure and ensure that you stay focused while working on your project. Make a thesis statement strong, specific, and arguable.

After defining the thesis statement, you need to brainstorm ideas that are supporting the thesis in the best way. When it comes to the level of detail in an outline, you should take into account the length of a college project. You should choose the most suitable subtopics and arrange them logically. Decide which order is the most effective in arguing your thesis. Your paper should include at least 3 parts: an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Have a look at simple abortion research paper outline example .


  • Hook sentence
  • Thesis statement
  • Transition to Main Body
  • History of abortion
  • Abortion demographics in countries where it is legal
  • Impact of legal termination of pregnancy on women’s life and health
  • Negative consequences of illegal termination of pregnancy
  • What measures should be taken to reduce the number of abortions?
  • Transition to Conclusion
  • Unexpected twist or a final argument
  • Food for thought

Academic writing is very challenging, especially if it involves complex controversial topics . Writing an abortion research paper is a time-consuming and arduous task, which involves a lot of researching, reading, writing, revising, rewriting, editing, and proofreading. Make sure you are ready to create several drafts and then improve the content and style to make your paper perfect.

We hope that our quick tips will help you get started. But if you are new to academic writing, a good idea is to find well-written abortion research paper examples. Read and analyze them to have a better idea about proper paper structure, academic writing style, references, and different approaches to organizing thoughts.

How about we take care of your abortion research paper, while you enjoy your free time? Several clicks and we’re on!

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Key facts about the abortion debate in America

A woman receives medication to terminate her pregnancy at a reproductive health clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on June 23, 2022, the day before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which had guaranteed a constitutional right to an abortion for nearly 50 years.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2022 ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade – the decision that had guaranteed a constitutional right to an abortion for nearly 50 years – has shifted the legal battle over abortion to the states, with some prohibiting the procedure and others moving to safeguard it.

As the nation’s post-Roe chapter begins, here are key facts about Americans’ views on abortion, based on two Pew Research Center polls: one conducted from June 25-July 4 , just after this year’s high court ruling, and one conducted in March , before an earlier leaked draft of the opinion became public.

This analysis primarily draws from two Pew Research Center surveys, one surveying 10,441 U.S. adults conducted March 7-13, 2022, and another surveying 6,174 U.S. adults conducted June 27-July 4, 2022. Here are the questions used for the March survey , along with responses, and the questions used for the survey from June and July , along with responses.

Everyone who took part in these surveys is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories.  Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

A majority of the U.S. public disapproves of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. About six-in-ten adults (57%) disapprove of the court’s decision that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee a right to abortion and that abortion laws can be set by states, including 43% who strongly disapprove, according to the summer survey. About four-in-ten (41%) approve, including 25% who strongly approve.

A bar chart showing that the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade draws more strong disapproval among Democrats than strong approval among Republicans

About eight-in-ten Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (82%) disapprove of the court’s decision, including nearly two-thirds (66%) who strongly disapprove. Most Republicans and GOP leaners (70%) approve , including 48% who strongly approve.

Most women (62%) disapprove of the decision to end the federal right to an abortion. More than twice as many women strongly disapprove of the court’s decision (47%) as strongly approve of it (21%). Opinion among men is more divided: 52% disapprove (37% strongly), while 47% approve (28% strongly).

About six-in-ten Americans (62%) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to the summer survey – little changed since the March survey conducted just before the ruling. That includes 29% of Americans who say it should be legal in all cases and 33% who say it should be legal in most cases. About a third of U.S. adults (36%) say abortion should be illegal in all (8%) or most (28%) cases.

A line graph showing public views of abortion from 1995-2022

Generally, Americans’ views of whether abortion should be legal remained relatively unchanged in the past few years , though support fluctuated somewhat in previous decades.

Relatively few Americans take an absolutist view on the legality of abortion – either supporting or opposing it at all times, regardless of circumstances. The March survey found that support or opposition to abortion varies substantially depending on such circumstances as when an abortion takes place during a pregnancy, whether the pregnancy is life-threatening or whether a baby would have severe health problems.

While Republicans’ and Democrats’ views on the legality of abortion have long differed, the 46 percentage point partisan gap today is considerably larger than it was in the recent past, according to the survey conducted after the court’s ruling. The wider gap has been largely driven by Democrats: Today, 84% of Democrats say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, up from 72% in 2016 and 63% in 2007. Republicans’ views have shown far less change over time: Currently, 38% of Republicans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, nearly identical to the 39% who said this in 2007.

A line graph showing that the partisan gap in views of whether abortion should be legal remains wide

However, the partisan divisions over whether abortion should generally be legal tell only part of the story. According to the March survey, sizable shares of Democrats favor restrictions on abortion under certain circumstances, while majorities of Republicans favor abortion being legal in some situations , such as in cases of rape or when the pregnancy is life-threatening.

There are wide religious divides in views of whether abortion should be legal , the summer survey found. An overwhelming share of religiously unaffiliated adults (83%) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do six-in-ten Catholics. Protestants are divided in their views: 48% say it should be legal in all or most cases, while 50% say it should be illegal in all or most cases. Majorities of Black Protestants (71%) and White non-evangelical Protestants (61%) take the position that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while about three-quarters of White evangelicals (73%) say it should be illegal in all (20%) or most cases (53%).

A bar chart showing that there are deep religious divisions in views of abortion

In the March survey, 72% of White evangelicals said that the statement “human life begins at conception, so a fetus is a person with rights” reflected their views extremely or very well . That’s much greater than the share of White non-evangelical Protestants (32%), Black Protestants (38%) and Catholics (44%) who said the same. Overall, 38% of Americans said that statement matched their views extremely or very well.

Catholics, meanwhile, are divided along religious and political lines in their attitudes about abortion, according to the same survey. Catholics who attend Mass regularly are among the country’s strongest opponents of abortion being legal, and they are also more likely than those who attend less frequently to believe that life begins at conception and that a fetus has rights. Catholic Republicans, meanwhile, are far more conservative on a range of abortion questions than are Catholic Democrats.

Women (66%) are more likely than men (57%) to say abortion should be legal in most or all cases, according to the survey conducted after the court’s ruling.

More than half of U.S. adults – including 60% of women and 51% of men – said in March that women should have a greater say than men in setting abortion policy . Just 3% of U.S. adults said men should have more influence over abortion policy than women, with the remainder (39%) saying women and men should have equal say.

The March survey also found that by some measures, women report being closer to the abortion issue than men . For example, women were more likely than men to say they had given “a lot” of thought to issues around abortion prior to taking the survey (40% vs. 30%). They were also considerably more likely than men to say they personally knew someone (such as a close friend, family member or themselves) who had had an abortion (66% vs. 51%) – a gender gap that was evident across age groups, political parties and religious groups.

Relatively few Americans view the morality of abortion in stark terms , the March survey found. Overall, just 7% of all U.S. adults say having an abortion is morally acceptable in all cases, and 13% say it is morally wrong in all cases. A third say that having an abortion is morally wrong in most cases, while about a quarter (24%) say it is morally acceptable in most cases. An additional 21% do not consider having an abortion a moral issue.

A table showing that there are wide religious and partisan differences in views of the morality of abortion

Among Republicans, most (68%) say that having an abortion is morally wrong either in most (48%) or all cases (20%). Only about three-in-ten Democrats (29%) hold a similar view. Instead, about four-in-ten Democrats say having an abortion is morally  acceptable  in most (32%) or all (11%) cases, while an additional 28% say it is not a moral issue. 

White evangelical Protestants overwhelmingly say having an abortion is morally wrong in most (51%) or all cases (30%). A slim majority of Catholics (53%) also view having an abortion as morally wrong, but many also say it is morally acceptable in most (24%) or all cases (4%), or that it is not a moral issue (17%). Among religiously unaffiliated Americans, about three-quarters see having an abortion as morally acceptable (45%) or not a moral issue (32%).

  • Religion & Abortion

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Carrie Blazina is a former digital producer at Pew Research Center .

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Support for legal abortion is widespread in many places, especially in europe, public opinion on abortion, americans overwhelmingly say access to ivf is a good thing, broad public support for legal abortion persists 2 years after dobbs, most popular.

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Important conclusions from abortion studies

  • PMID: 12287992

In general, it can be concluded that the initiative on the determinants and consequences of induced abortion has shown some important patterns. For example, induced abortion is not restricted to adolescents but occurs also within marriage to limit family size. Induced abortion is prevalent both where family planning services are available and contraceptive prevalence is high as well as where family planning is not common, but for different reasons. In the former, motivation to limit family size is high and women would use any option if contraception fails or an unwanted pregnancy occurs. In the latter case, induced abortion forms part of a mix of incipient fertility regulation alternatives, most of which are traditional and of little effectiveness but including some use or improper use of modern methods. Few abortion seekers, and among them even fewer adolescents, were using a modern contraceptive at the time the pregnancy started. High use of traditional methods in some countries leads to abortion as women/couples fail to follow proper instructions with regards to the safe period. Unsafe clandestine abortions are more likely to be sought by poorer women and by adolescents. The findings of this research are increasingly being used to question the legal status of abortion in countries where the law is restrictive, or to strengthen family planning efforts in order to reduce abortion incidence.

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  • "Common sense" abortion assumption supported. [No authors listed] [No authors listed] Popline. 1997 Jan-Feb;19:3, 4. Popline. 1997. PMID: 12293001
  • Preventing unsafe abortion and limiting its consequences: what can be done? Misago C. Misago C. Kangaroo. 1994 Dec;3(2):172-7. Kangaroo. 1994. PMID: 12319582
  • [Family planning--the role of general practitioner in abortion prophylaxis]. Skrzypulec V, Drosdzol A, Nowosielski K, Rozmus-Warcholińska W, Walaszek A, Piela B, Zdun D. Skrzypulec V, et al. Wiad Lek. 2004;57 Suppl 1:290-4. Wiad Lek. 2004. PMID: 15884260 Review. Polish.
  • Unwanted pregnancy--medical and ethical dimensions. Ravindran J. Ravindran J. Med J Malaysia. 2003 Mar;58 Suppl A:23-35. Med J Malaysia. 2003. PMID: 14556348 Review.
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  • Thesis Research

Abortion final thesis

  • September 2019
  • Thesis for: degree

Hamze ALI Abdillahi at Medical lecturer.

  • Medical lecturer.

Abstract and Figures

This figure above shows the respondents number of children that 34 of the respondents has no children so it's 42.5% and 14 of the respondents have a children b/w 1-3 so it's 17.5% of the respondent, finally 18 and 12 of the respondents have a children above 6 and children b/w 4-6 which is equivalent 22.5% and 15% of respondents respectively.

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  1. Research Paper on Abortion

    abortion research paper thesis

  2. Abortion Research Paper

    abortion research paper thesis

  3. Abortion Argumentative Essay Outline

    abortion research paper thesis

  4. Argumentative Essay on Pros and Cons of Abortion

    abortion research paper thesis

  5. 🏷️ Abortion paper outline. How To Write An Argumentative Abortion Essay

    abortion research paper thesis

  6. Position-paper-abortion-final-version-26 5-20

    abortion research paper thesis


  1. Thesis Statement for Abortion: [Essay Example], 515 words

    Thesis Statement for Abortion. Abortion is a highly controversial and debated topic in today's society, and it is a matter of personal choice and moral beliefs. The debate over abortion has been ongoing for many years, and it has raised important ethical, legal, and medical issues. While some argue that abortion is a woman's right to choose ...

  2. A research on abortion: ethics, legislation and socio-medical outcomes

    Abstract. This article presents a research study on abortion from a theoretical and empirical point of view. The theoretical part is based on the method of social documents analysis, and presents a complex perspective on abortion, highlighting items of medical, ethical, moral, religious, social, economic and legal elements.

  3. Abortion Research Paper: Example, Outline, & Topics

    Thesis on Abortion for a Research Paper . The final part of your introduction is a thesis—a single claim that formulates your paper's main idea. Experienced readers and college professors often focus on the thesis statement's quality to decide whether the text is worth reading further. So, make sure you dedicate enough effort to formulate ...

  4. Abortion Care in the United States

    Abortion services are a vital component of reproductive health care. Since the Supreme Court's 2022 ruling in Dobbs v.Jackson Women's Health Organization, access to abortion services has been increasingly restricted in the United States. Jung and colleagues review current practice and evidence on medication abortion, procedural abortion, and associated reproductive health care, as well as ...

  5. 50 Abortion Essay Topics for In-Depth Discussion by

    Abortion argumentative essay topics typically revolve around the ethical, legal, and societal aspects of this controversial issue. These topics often involve debates and discussions, requiring students to present well-reasoned arguments supported by evidence and persuasive language. The Bodily Autonomy vs. Fetal Rights Debate: A Balancing Act.

  6. PDF Women's Rights and Unborn Life: The Development of Pro-Choice and Pro

    Wade decision legalized abortion in the Unites States, the debate over abortion has been a prominent feature of the American political landscape. While much research has investigated the difference between pro-choice and pro-life activists' political and moral beliefs, this thesis investigates the role these activists' childhood

  7. Abortion bans and their impacts: A view from the United States

    In "Association of Texas' 2021 Ban on Abortion in Early Pregnancy with the Number of Facility-Based Abortion in Texas and Surrounding States," White et al. used a large dataset containing information before and after the passage of SB8 in September 2021. 1 This bill banned most abortions after 6 weeks in the state of Texas.

  8. The Ethical Dilemma of Abortion

    Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East 10 The Ethical Dilemma of Abortion Christina M. Robinson Ange Cooksey, Mentor Abstract This paper discusses the extremely complex and important topic and dilemma of abortion. Specifically, that the pro-life versus pro-choice dilemma is an imperative one that continues to cause ethical tensions

  9. Access to safe abortion is a fundamental human right

    Abortion is a common medical or surgical intervention used to terminate pregnancy. Although a controversial and widely debated topic, approximately 73 million induced abortions occur worldwide each year, with 29% of all pregnancies and over 60% of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion. Abortions are considered safe if they are carried out using a method recommended by WHO, appropriate to ...

  10. Focus on Abortion: Introduction

    de comprehensive abortion care. Taken together, the articles and other content found in IPSRH: Focus on Abortion point to the progress that has been made in the study of, access to and provision of abortion worldwide—and to the critica. need to make further progress. We hope you find this supplement to be informative, hought-provoki.

  11. "Abortion in America After Roe: An Examination of the Impact of Dobbs v

    This thesis will examine the limitations in access to abortion and other necessary reproductive healthcare in states that are hostile to abortion rights, as well as discuss the ongoing litigation within those states between pro-choice and pro-life advocates. After analyzing the legal landscape and the different abortion laws within these states, this thesis will focus on the practical ...

  12. Argument Structure

    Such a paper might look very different since the argument rests on one main issue. In this case, an outline might look like this: Introduction: introduce the issue . Thesis: Abortion should be illegal because whatever arguments the pro-choice side can make, it does not matter when we are discussing the life of a human being. Abortion is murder.

  13. Abortion Research

    Background Reading: It's important to begin your research learning something about your subject; in fact, you won't be able to create a focused, manageable thesis unless you already know something about your topic. This step is important so that you will: Begin building your core knowledge about your topic. Be able to put your topic in context.

  14. The Sociology of Women's Abortion Experiences: Recent Research and

    abortion experiences, this paper explores the recent literature and identifies three key th ematic. areas: the context of abort ion; reasons and decision-making; and abortion st igma. It then goes ...

  15. (PDF) Examining Public Opinion about Abortion: A Mixed‐Methods

    Other abortion-related variables such as considering abortion for oneself or partner (2%) (Jelen, Damore and Lamatsch, 2002; Wilcox and Riches 2002), which was placed into the " other ...

  16. The "abortion imaginary": Shared perceptions and personal ...

    Existing scholarship on abortion attitudes spans the "worldviews" and mobilizing tactics of activists [e.g., (3, 8, 9)]; dominant political and cultural messaging [e.g., (10-13)]; and how everyday Americans' views on legality correlate with personal demographic characteristics [e.g., (14, 15), see also ()].We add to this important work the concept of an abortion imaginary: a set of ...

  17. How to Write Abortion Research Paper Homework?

    Abortion research paper is a piece of academic writing based on original research performed by a writer. The author's task is to analyze and interpret research findings on a particular topic. Although research paper assignments may vary widely, there are two common types - analytical and argumentative. In argumentative essay students have ...

  18. The abortion and mental health controversy: A comprehensive literature

    The abortion and mental health controversy is driven by two different perspectives regarding how best to interpret accepted facts. When interpreting the data, abortion and mental health proponents are inclined to emphasize risks associated with abortion, whereas abortion and mental health minimalists emphasize pre-existing risk factors as the primary explanation for the correlations with more ...

  19. Key facts about abortion views in the U.S.

    Women (66%) are more likely than men (57%) to say abortion should be legal in most or all cases, according to the survey conducted after the court's ruling. More than half of U.S. adults - including 60% of women and 51% of men - said in March that women should have a greater say than men in setting abortion policy.

  20. Smith Scholarworks

    Smith Scholarworks

  21. Important conclusions from abortion studies

    Abstract. In general, it can be concluded that the initiative on the determinants and consequences of induced abortion has shown some important patterns. For example, induced abortion is not restricted to adolescents but occurs also within marriage to limit family size. Induced abortion is prevalent both where family planning services are ...

  22. (PDF) Abortion final thesis

    Abortion final thesis. September 2019 ... This paper examines factors that contributed to rapid, successful implementation of legal abortion in this mountainous republic, including deliberate ...

  23. Thesis Statement On Abortion

    Thesis Statement On Abortion. 394 Words2 Pages. Thesis Statement: Abortion has been a major topic throughout the years, there has been much debate between pro-choice and pro-life but if people can come together to reach comprises it could help society make positive progress. There are many different views and opinions on abortion in today's ...