measles update

Sep 19, 2009

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Measles is an important childhood infection prevalent all over the world, an effective vaccination can reduce the spread of infection and controls the morbidity and mortality

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MEASLESupdate Dr.T.V.Rao MD

Early History of Measles • Reports of measles go back to at least 700, however, the first scientific description of the disease and its distinction from smallpox attributed to the Muslim physician Ibn Razi(Rhazes) 860-932 who published a book entitled "Smallpox and Measles" (in Arabic: Kitab fi al-jadari wa-al-hasbah).

Serious disease as PerWHO. • It remains a leading cause of death among young children globally, despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine. An estimated 197 000 people died from measles in 2007, mostly children under the age of five

Measles - Parmyxoviridae • Measles is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus, specifically a Paramyxoviruses of the genus Morbillivirus Morbilliviruses, like other paramyxoviruses, are enveloped, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA viruses.

Measles Virus • The measles virus is a spherical, nonsegmented, single-stranded RNA virus in the Morbillivirus family, closely related to the rinderpest and canine distemper viruses.  It contains six structural proteins, three that are complexed to the RNA and three that are associated with the viral membrane envelope.

Fusion Protein • The F (fusion) protein is responsible for fusion of virus and host cell membranes, viral penetration and hemolysis.  The H (hemagglutinin) protein is responsible for adsorption of the virus to cells.  • There is only one serotype of Measles virus and no subtypes have yet been recognized

Measles • More than 20 million people worldwide are affected by measles each year. Measles outbreaks are common in many areas, including Europe. For many U.S. travellers and expatriates, the risk for exposure to measles can be high, but the illness can be prevented by a measles-containing vaccine

Measles spread by RespiratoryRoute • Measles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious—90% of people without immunity sharing a house with an infected person will catch it. The infection has an average incubation period of 14 days (range 6-19 days) and infectivity lasts from 2-4 days prior to 2-5 days following the onset of the rash.

Measles threat to Devloping World • In developing countries, measles affects 30 million children a year and causes 1 million deaths. Measles causes 15,000-60,000 cases of blindness per year.

Global Epidemiology • Approximately 30 million measles cases are reported annually. Most reported cases are from Africa. In 1998, the cases of measles per 100,000 total population reported to the World Health Organization was 1.6 in the Americas, 8.2 in Europe, 11.1 in the Eastern Mediterranean region, 4.2 in South East Asia, 5.0 in the Western Pacific region, and 61.7 in Africa. Only 187 confirmed cases were reported in the Western Hemisphere (mainly in Venezuela, Mexico, and the United States)

Measles a Childhood Infection • Age-specific attack rates may be highest in susceptible infants younger than 12 months, school-aged children, or young adults, depending on local immunization practices and incidence of the disease.

Prominent features and complications in Measles

Patients on Physical examination • Patients tend to appear moderately ill and uncomfortable because of their viral prodromal symptoms. • The Koplik spots are 1-2 mm, blue-gray macules on an eythematous base. • The measles rash is a Maculopapular eythematous rash that involves the palms and soles. • Lesion density is greatest above the shoulders, where macular lesions may coalesce

A rash is leading manifestations • Typically begins at the hairline and spreads caudally over the next 3 days as the prodromal symptoms resolve. • The rash lasts 4-6 days and then fades from the head downward. • Desquamation may be present but is generally not severe. • Complete recovery from the illness generally occurs within 7-10 days from the onset of the rash

Rash is a Prominent Feature

Risk factors for infection • Children with immunodeficiency due to HIV or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), leukemia, alkylating agents, or corticosteroid therapy, regardless of immunization status • Travel to areas where measles is endemic or contact with travellers to endemic areas • Infants who lose passive antibody prior to the age of routine immunization

Spread of Virus • The highly contagious virus is spread by coughing and sneezing, close personal contact or direct contact with infected nasal or throat secretion

Early Symptoms in Measles • The incubation period from exposure to onset of symptoms ranges from 8-12 days. The prodromal phase is marked by malaise, fever, anorexia, and conjunctivitis, cough, and coryza (the "3 Cs"). The entire course of uncomplicated measles, from late prodrome to resolution of fever and rash, is 7-10 days. Cough may be the final symptom to appear

Beginning of Illness in Measles • Approximately 10 days after the initial exposure to the virus, the classic viral prodrome occurs. • Fever • Non-productive cough • Coryza • Conjunctivitis • Additional prodromal symptoms may include malaise, myalgias, photophobia, and periorbital oedema.

Koplik Spots leading clue to Measles • With in 2-3 days, the pathognomonic Koplik spots typically arise on the buccal, gingival, and labial mucosa

Risk factors for severe measles • Malnutrition • Underlying immunodeficiency • Pregnancy • Vitamin A deficiency

Mortality Rate in Measles • The mortality rate associated with uncomplicated measles in immunocompetent, well nourished children is low but raises rapidly with malnourishment (marked in African children ), in immunocompromised, and to lesser extent with age.

Measles is highly contagiousDisease • Patients are contagious from 1-2 days before onset of symptoms. Healthy children are also contagious during the period from 3-5 days before the appearance of the rash to 4 days after the onset of rash. On the other hand, immunocompromised individuals can be contagious during the duration of the illness.

Modified Measles • Modified measles occurs in children who have received serum immunoglobulin after their exposure to measles. The measles symptom complex may still occur, but the incubation period is as long as 21 days, with the same symptoms as measles but milder.

Atypical Measles • When they are exposed to the measles virus, a mild or nonexistent prodrome of fever, headache, abdominal pain, and myalgias precedes a rash that begins on the hands and feet and spreads centrally. • The rash is most prominent in the body creases and may be macular, hemorrhagic vesicles, petechial, or urticarial. • Complications may include pneumonia, pleural effusion, hilar lymphadenopathy, Hepatosplenomegaly, hyperesthesia, or paresthesia. • Atypical measles occurs in individuals who were previously immunized with the killed measles vaccine between 1963 and 1967 and who have incomplete immunity.

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitisSSPE • SSPE is a neurodegenerative disease caused by persistent infection of the brain by an altered form of the measles virus. Neither the biology underlying the viral persistence nor the triggering mechanism for viral reactivation is well understood. In most cases, infected children remain symptom-free for 6-15 years after acute measles infection[

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis • Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a rare chronic, progressive encephalitis that affects primarily children and young adults, caused by a persistent infection of immune resistant measles virus (which can be a result of a mutation of the virus itself). 1 in 100,000 people infected with measles develop SSPE. SSPE is 'incurable' but the condition can be managed by medication if treatment is started at an early stage. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Clinical Presentation of SSPE • Characterized by a history of primary measles infection usually before the age of 2 years, followed by several asymptomatic years (6–15 on average), and then gradual, progressive psycho neurological deterioration, consisting of personality change, seizures, myoclonus, ataxia, photosensitivity, ocular abnormalities, spasticity, and coma. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

The Progress of SSPE • The initial symptoms of SSPE usually involve regressive changes in intellect and personality. Within several months, the psychological symptoms are compounded by neurological ones, most often consisting of myoclonic jerks. A relentless mental and motor deterioration then ensues, culminating in extreme neurologic dysfunction and death within several years of the onset of symptoms. Our patient's clinical course reflected this typical natural history. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Diagnosis of Measles • Most cases of Measles are diagnosed clinically, usually in patient’s home or in General practice • Direct Virological confirmation is difficult in most of the Devloping countreis • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Diagnosis by Microscopy • Production of multinucleate giant cells with inclusion bodies is path gnomonic for measles. During the prodromal phase, such cells are detectable in the NPS (nasopharyngeal secretions). This is more rapid and practical than virus isolation Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Diagnosis with Immunofluorescence Direct and indirect immunofluorescence have been used extensively to demonstrate MV antigens in cells from NPS specimens. This technique can also be applied to the urine as such cells may be present in the urine 2 to 5 days after the appearance of the rash Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Diagnosis by Viral Isolation • Measles virus can be isolated form a variety of sources, e.g. throat or conjunctival washings, sputum, urinary sediment cells and lymphocytes. Primary human kidney (HEK) cells are the best, although primary monkey kidney can be used as well. Continuous cell lines such as Vero cells can also be used although they are not as efficient as primary cell lines • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Diagnosis bySerology • Diagnosis of measles infection can be made if the antibody titres rise by 4 fold between the acute and the convalescent phase or if measles-specific IgM is found. The methods that can be used include HAI, CF, neutralization and ELISA tests. Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Diagnosis of SSPE • The presence of measles specific antibodies in the CSF is the most reliable means of laboratory diagnosis of SSPE. Demonstration of MV-specific antibodies in the CSF may be sufficient with, if necessary, demonstration of MV-specific restricted heterogeneity by isoelectric focusing • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Other Diseases associated with Measles • The virus has been liked with Multiple sclerosis, Paget’s disease of bone and Crohn’s disease • In all the cases tubular structures resembling measles nucelocapsids have been seen by thin section electron microscopy and immunofluorescence methods are used for demonostration of Measles antigens in Biopsy material. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Epidemiological Trends • Measles epidemics occur every 2 year in developed countreis in the absence of widespread use of vaccine • Poverty and overcrowding increases epidemics

Tropics and Measles • In tropical areas particular in Africa children under 1 year of age suffer more attacks, and mortality rate increases • Malnutrition is a major contributing factor. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Treatment • Severe complications from measles can be avoided though supportive care that ensures good nutrition, adequate fluid intake and treatment of dehydration with WHO-recommended oral rehydration solution (to replace fluids and other essential elements lost from diarrhoea or vomiting). Antibiotics should be prescribed to treat eye and ear infections, and pneumonia. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Treatment options in Developing Countreis • All children in developing countries diagnosed with measles should receive two doses of vitamin A supplements, given 24 hours apart. This can help prevent eye damage and blindness. Vitamin A supplements have been shown to reduce the number of deaths from measles by50%.

VACCINATION • The Vaccines are Live attenuated containing Edmonston B or Schwartz strains which will give seroconversion rate of 90%. • The immunity produce may be life long. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Measles Vaccine is cheap and Effective • The measles vaccine (in use for 40 years) is safe, effective and inexpensive. It costs less than one US dollar to immunize a child against measles. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

Measles vaccine is givenasMMR Vaccine • The measles vaccine is often incorporated with rubella and/or mumps vaccines in countries where these illnesses are problems. It is equally effective in the single or combined form • The combination proved to be effective and safe

Two doses of Measles Vaccine • Continued progress depends on ensuring that all children receive two doses of measles vaccine including one dose by their first birthday, strengthening disease surveillance systems, and providing effective treatment for measles.

Changing trends for a Booster Dose • In 2007, about 82% of the world's children received one dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday through routine health services, up from 72% in 2000. (Two doses of the vaccine are recommended to ensure immunity, as about 15% of vaccinated children fail to develop immunity from the first dose.) • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

AutismandVaccination • In UK vaccine uptake has fallen recently due to fear over its safety, particularly as cause of Autism. • These fears have now been confirmed as Unsubstantiated.

CDC disproves Autism Theory • The official perspective of the CDC is that there is no proven connection between live-virus vaccines and autism. • Neither the CDC nor proponents of the vaccine theories think that parents should avoid vaccines. Clearly, vaccines have saved untold lives, and will continue to do so.

Strong routine immunization: for children by their first birthday. A 'second opportunity' for measles immunization through mass vaccination campaigns, to ensure that all children receive at least one dose. Effective surveillance in all countries to quickly recognize and respond to measles outbreaks. Better treatment of measles cases, to include vitamin A supplements, antibiotics if needed, and supportive care that prevents complications. Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series WHOandUNICEFare collaborating

Global Initiatives • The Measles Initiative - a collaborative effort of WHO, UNICEF, the American Red Cross, the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and the United Nations Foundation - and other public and private partners play key roles in advancing the global measles strategy

Measles mortality reduction: a successful initiative • Measles deaths worldwide fell by 74% between 2000 and 2007, from an estimated 750 000 to 197 000. In addition, the Eastern Mediterranean region has cut measles deaths by a remarkable 90% — from an estimated 96 000 to 10 000 — during the same period, thus achieving the United Nations goal to reduce measles deaths by 90% by 2010, three years early. • Doctortvrao’s ‘e’ learning series

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Measles is an important communicable disease prevalent even in developed countries , effective vaccination continues to be optimal goal in achieving the desired goal

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Measles and Measles Vaccine

Measles and Measles Vaccine

Measles. Highly contagious viral illnessFirst described in 7th centuryNear universal infection of childhood in prevaccination eraCommon and often fatal in developing areas. ConditionDiarrheaOtitis mediaPneumoniaEncephalitisHospitalizationDeath. Percent reported8760.1180.2. Measles Com

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Measles and Measles Vaccine

Measles. Highly contagious viral illness First described in 7th century Near universal infection of childhood in prevaccination era Frequent and often fatal in developing areas. Paramyxovirus (RNA)One antigenic typeHemagglutinin important surface antigenRapidly inactivated by heat and light

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Measles. Highly contagious viral illness First described in 7th century Near universal infection of childhood in prevaccination era Common and often fatal in developing areas Paramyxovirus (RNA) Rapidly inactivated by heat and light. Measles Pathogenesis. Respiratory transmission of virus

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Measles. 30-40 million cases a year worldwide 750,000 deaths (WHO 2002) – half in Africa Accounts for about half of all vaccine preventable deaths. Measles. Morbillivirus of Paramyxovirus family Transmission through fine and large droplets Incubation 7-18 days

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Measles . BIO 062 Presentation Austin Cromer. The discovery of Measles can be found in the works of a Persian Physician . http:// /people/594/000114252/. Thomas Peebles was the first to isolate the Measles virus in 1954.

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Measles. Kei Kurosu. In much of the world, measles is still a deadly disease. Preventing Measles costs less than 1 US dollar. Measles Fact Sheet . World Health Organization. 02 Nov. 2010 . Outline. What is Measles?

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MEASLES. By Ridhima Raman. SYMTOMS. The symptoms of measles usually begin to develop about 7-11 days after the person first becomes infected. The first symptoms are normally similar to a bad cold: fever, runny nose, sore throat and a cough.

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Measles. By Emma Butler, Nadia Douglas, Brian Fay, Sive Finlay, Sara Kinsman, Chris Mulvey , Sarah McGrath, Siobhán Regan. What is Measles?. An infection of the respiratory system Caused by the Morbillivirus Transmitted through respiration

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Measles. Eric Schwender Wade Hall. Transmitting of Measles. Measles is an infectious disease. Therefore, it can be spread easily from one patient to the next. Sneezing Direct Contact Water droplets on nose and mouth of contaminated person (New York Times, 2013). Symptoms.

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Measles and Measles Vaccine. Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Revised May 2009. Measles. Highly contagious viral illness First described in 7th century

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Measles and Measles Vaccine

Measles and Measles Vaccine. Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Revised March 2008. Note to presenters:

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MEASLES. RUBEOLA OR MORBILLI. DEFINITION. Measles is an acute highly contagious viral disease caused by measles virus.It is characterized by fever,URT catarrhal inflamation, koplik’s spots and ulemaculopaps.

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Measles (Rubeola)

Measles is one of the most contagious diseases and can be dangerous in babies and young children. The best protection against measles is the MMR vaccine.

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Measles Virus

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Our creatively crafted Measles Virus PPT template is the best pick to demonstrate how this acute and highly contagious virus spreads from an infected person to another. Healthcare professionals and medical practitioners can use this 100% customizable set to illustrate the signs and symptoms of this disease.

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Inclusions of the PPT

  • An overview of the measles virus has been given comprehensively.
  • A circular diagram shows the morbillivirus for easy understanding.
  • A female infographic portrays the symptoms of measles precisely.
  • The steps on how this virus spreads have been depicted through a hexagon.
  • The treatment for measles has been represented via a listicle clearly and concisely.
  • A male infographic incorporated with self-explanatory icons showcases symptoms.

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 Presentation with measles - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of measles virus - close up image backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of close up image of a little boy's body suffering severe urticaria nettle rash

 Presentation with measles - Cool new PPT theme with measles virus - little sick girl is sitting backdrop and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme with little sick girl is sitting near the bed

 Presentation with measles - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of measles virus - little sick girl is sitting backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of little sick girl is sitting near the bed

 Presentation with measles - PPT theme featuring measles - sick cute girl is measuring background and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme featuring sick cute girl is measuring the temperature background

 Presentation with measles - Slides enhanced with measles virus - liitle sick girl comes background and a red colored foreground

Slides enhanced with liitle sick girl comes to her parents background

 Presentation with measles - Beautiful slides featuring measles virus - little sick girl is sitting backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Slides featuring little sick girl is sitting near the bed

 Presentation with measles - Slides consisting of measles - sick cute girl is measuring background and a ocean colored foreground

Slides consisting of sick cute girl is measuring the temperature

 Presentation with measles - PPT theme having measles - mother nursing sick child background and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme having mother nursing sick child

 Presentation with measles - Theme with measles virus - little sick girl is sitting background and a seafoam green colored foreground

Theme with little sick girl is sitting near the bed background

 Presentation with measles - Presentation theme featuring measles virus - portrait of young boy suffering background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring portrait of young boy suffering from chickenpox

 Presentation with measles - Amazing theme having measles - mother measures the temperature backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Theme having mother measures the temperature of her sick daughter

 Presentation with measles - PPT layouts consisting of measles - sick cute girl is measuring background and a ocean colored foreground

PPT layouts consisting of sick cute girl is measuring the temperature

 Presentation with measles - Audience pleasing theme consisting of measles - sick cute girl is measuring backdrop and a navy blue colored foreground

Theme consisting of sick cute girl is measuring the temperature

 Presentation with measles - PPT theme having measles-text-on-medical-background background and a black colored foreground

PPT theme having measles text on medical background with pills and syringes concept of human disease

 Presentation with measles - Presentation theme featuring measles - mother is holding tight background and a sky blue colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring mother is holding tight a sick girl

 Presentation with measles - Colorful presentation theme enhanced with mouth suffering from measles backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with woman with thermometer in mouth suffering from measles

 Presentation with measles - Amazing PPT theme having stop measles written on hand backdrop and a white colored foreground

PPT theme having stop measles written on hand with yellow background

 Presentation with measles - Presentation theme having stop measles written on hand background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme having stop measles written on hand isolated on white background

 Presentation with measles - Presentation theme having lipstick painted face pretending measles background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme having child sister girls mischief with mother lipstick painted face pretending measles

 Presentation with measles - Audience pleasing PPT theme consisting of tablet computer with measles backdrop and a gray colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of closeup of a doctor holding a tablet computer with measles vaccinations on the screen horizontal format over a light to dark gray background man is unrecognizable

 Presentation with measles - Colorful PPT layouts enhanced with measles - urticaria on face close up backdrop and a coral colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with urticaria on face close up

 Presentation with measles - Presentation theme with exhibition - empty white gallery interior background and a light gray colored foreground

Presentation theme with girl suffers chickenpox

 Presentation with measles - Presentation design having alabama hills are a range of hills and rock formations near the eastern slope of the sierra nevada mountains in the owens valley west of lone pine in inyo county california background and a dark gray colored foreground

Presentation design having close up image of a little cute boy sleeping in his bed suffering severe urticaria netlte rash

 Presentation with measles - Colorful presentation enhanced with measles virus - close up image backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation enhanced with close up image of a little cute boy sleeping in his bed suffering severe urticaria netlte rash

 Presentation with measles - Amazing PPT theme having measles virus - concept or conceptual children vaccination backdrop and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme having concept or conceptual children vaccination or viral prevention abstract word cloud in hand isolated on background

 Presentation with measles - Presentation with measles-viral-infection-that-causes background and a ocean colored foreground

Presentation with measles - viral infection that causes fever rash and respiratory symptoms

 Presentation with measles - Slide set having young woman suffering from measles background and a  colored foreground

Slide set having portrait of an young woman suffering from measles

 Presentation with measles - Presentation theme having measles - urticaria on face background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme having urticaria on face

 Presentation with measles - PPT theme having mouth suffering from measles background and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme having woman with thermometer in mouth suffering from measles

More measles presentation templates.


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  1. Slide Show: The Facts on Measles

    measles ppt presentation free download

  2. Measles

    measles ppt presentation free download

  3. Measles Cases On The Rise: Parents Know These Symptoms

    measles ppt presentation free download

  4. Measles (Rubeola)

    measles ppt presentation free download

  5. Measles

    measles ppt presentation free download

  6. Measles Infographic With Children Boy Characters Representing Symptoms

    measles ppt presentation free download


  1. Case Presentation On Measles (child health nursing +Medical-Surgical nursing)


  1. PPT

    Early Symptoms in Measles • The incubation period from exposure to onset of symptoms ranges from 8-12 days. The prodromal phase is marked by malaise, fever, anorexia, and conjunctivitis, cough, and coryza (the "3 Cs"). The entire course of uncomplicated measles, from late prodrome to resolution of fever and rash, is 7-10 days.

  2. PDF An Introduction to Measles

    Measles virus lives in the nose and throat of an infected person. If other people breathe the contaminated air or touch a contaminated surface, then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth, they can become infected. Infected people can spread measles 4 days before they get the rash through 4 days after it appears.

  3. PDF Measles Clinical Presentation, Epidemiology, and Prevention

    Measles. An acute, febrile rash illness caused by the measles virus. Transmitted by direct contact with infectious droplets or airborne route. Measles is highly contagious. 90% of susceptible household contacts will develop illness. Ro (the number of people who are infected by a single case) is estimated to be 12-16 in an unvaccinated population.


    Vaccine Associated "Measles". MMR is live vaccine Live vaccines can cause "look-alike" rashes ~5% of vaccinees will get transient measles rash ~7 to 10 days after vaccination rash similar to measles appears. Fever following MMR in 5-15% (to 103 or >) Occurs 7-12 days after vaccination Lasts 1-2 days.

  5. PDF We Must Maintain Measles Elimination in the United States ...

    Free continuing education is offered for this webinar. Instructions on how to earn continuing education will be provided at the end of the call. ... Identify the clinical presentation of measles and other causes of febrile rash illness which may mimic measles. 2. Diagnose measles infection with appropriate laboratory diagnostics.

  6. PDF Measles 2015: Situational Update, Clinical Guidance, and ...

    Suspected Measles: Diagnosis, Response and Treatment. Treat children with severe measles (e.g. hospitalized) with vitamin A. Administer vitamin A immediately on diagnosis and repeat the next day. The recommended age-specific daily doses are. 50 000 IU for infants aged <6 months. 100 000 IU for infants aged 6-11 months.

  7. PDF Emergency Preparedness and Response

    Emergency Preparedness and Response | CDC

  8. Measles Breakthrough

    This fun and creative template will help you easily illustrate important information about measles, making it easier for medical professionals to discuss and educate patients. With fun illustrations, this medical template is perfect for healthcare presentations or lectures. You can quickly create stunning visuals to communicate measles-related ...

  9. Measles

    Measles BIO 062 Presentation Austin Cromer. The discovery of Measles can be found in the works of a Persian Physician MEASLES Katie Townes, MD UMass Medical School and HEARTT Emmanuel Okoh, MD Acting Director of Pediatrics, JFKMC and HEARTT Adapted from a lecture by Rick.

  10. Measles Presentation by CCPF Microbiology on Prezi

    Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs. 1 out of 20 children with measles gets pneumonia. Encephalitis is the swelling of the brain. 1 out of 1,000 children with measles will develop encephalitis. Measles may cause pregnant woman to give birth prematurely, or have a low-birth-weight baby. "Measles.".

  11. Measles Resources

    Download, print, and share free measles resources. Skip directly to site content Skip directly to search. An official website of the United States government. ... Explore, download, and print CDC's free communications and public health resources about measles and the MMR vaccine. Use the graphics on your social media channels or websites.

  12. PDF Measles, Mumps, and Rubella

    Nasopharynx is primary site of infection. Incubation period is 10-12 days. Prodrome is 2-4 days. 3 Cs - cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis. Stepwise increase in fever up to 103°F-105°F. Koplik spots. Rash occurs 2-4 days after prodrome, 14 days after exposure, and persists 5-6 days. Begins on face and upper neck.

  13. Measles powerpoint template

    Measles is spread through direct contact with or inhalation of the secretions of an infected person's nose or mouth. Signs and Symptoms Signs and symptoms of measles begin 7 to 10 days after infection has first entered the body The first symptom is a high fever along with runny rose, and irritability, drowsiness and red eyes 3 to 7 days after ...

  14. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    Over 20 million cases of measles have been prevented since the start of measles vaccination in the UK. Over 4,500 lives have been saved as a result (81 lives per year) * source is UKHSA blog. MMR vaccination is free on the NHS with the first dose being offered when a child is one and the second at 3 years and 4 months old.

  15. Measles Transmission in Children Presentation

    Download the "Measles Transmission in Children" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. It's key to take care of yourself and of those around you. By learning about various illnesses and how they are spread, people can get a better understanding of them and make informed decisions about eating, exercise, and seeking medical attention ...

  16. Measles Prezi by Claire Donovan on Prezi

    The measles vaccination (MMR) resulted in a 75% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2013 worldwide. Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available. During 2000-2013, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 15.6 million deaths.

  17. Measles Virus PowerPoint Template

    Slide Formats. 16:9. 4:3. Our creatively crafted Measles Virus PPT template is the best pick to demonstrate how this acute and highly contagious virus spreads from an infected person to another. Healthcare professionals and medical practitioners can use this 100% customizable set to illustrate the signs and symptoms of this disease.

  18. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    What are the "Measles"? 1. Measles is a highly contagious, acute viral illness. 2. It begins with a fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis (pink eye), lasting 2-4 days prior to rash onset. 3. Affects the respiratory and immune system. 4. NO treatment. 5. Survival rate is good.

  19. 29 Best Measles-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

    29 Best Measles-Themed Templates. CrystalGraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 29 best measles templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text.

  20. PDF Measles Fact Sheet

    Measles typically begins with high fever (may spike to more than 104°F), cough, runny nose (coryza) and red, watery eyes (conjunctivitis). 2 to 3 days after symptoms begin, tiny white spots (Koplik's spots) may appear inside the mouth. 3 to 5 days after symptoms begin, a rash breaks out. It usually begins as flat red spots that appear on the ...

  21. How To Get Free Access To Microsoft PowerPoint

    Unlike the individual Microsoft apps that you need to buy from the Microsoft Store, this one is free to download and use. Here's how to get free PowerPoint on the Microsoft 365 (Office) app ...