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I loved Cape Town so much I couldn’t leave

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Cape Town visit

Somehow I missed the memo that Cape Town is the coolest city ever!

So when I stumbled off the plane from Durban, hungover as hell, I was pleasantly surprised and immediately blown away by this sprawling metropolis at the edge of the world. Holy shit Cape Town, South Africa is all kinds of pretty!

A country girl at heart, I am not usually a fan of big cities but when there are plenty of green places and designed in a way that makes me feel like I’m not in a city, I’m a fan. Cape Town luckily ticks all those boxes, and even reminded me a bit of Wellington, New Zealand where I used to live. Just with more crazy wildlife.

Cape Town visit

It spreads out all along a wild and beautiful coastline with sandy white beaches, cute little surf suburbs with the iconic Table Mountain looming above you in the background.

Downtown Cape Town is beautiful, and the harbor area is one of the nicest I’ve seen with amazing shopping OOPS. It doesn’t take a lot to understand why the most expensive real estate in Africa is here.

On my first trip over to South Africa , Cape Town was the first stop after a long conference in Durban. And trust me, I was basically sobbing when we had to leave after only 3 days. Couldn’t I just stay here the whole time?

Cape Town visit

As my time in Africa was drawing to a close, I made a hasty decision outside a market in Joburg. I wasn’t ready to leave. Have you guys ever felt that way about a place?

So I did the only sensible thing, rang the agent that booked my tickets and changed my flights giving myself an extra week and a half in Africa. First I headed out to Phinda , an amazing safari reserve, and then booked myself a ticket back to Cape Town.

Sometimes you have to listen to that inner voice when you love a place so much and can’t bear to leave. And ok, I’ll admit I’m lucky in that I had a pretty flexible schedule at the time and was able to do this. Wahoo internet jobs!

Cape Town visit

Luckily I was able to time my return to Cape Town when my friends Hecktic Travels were in town on a stopover on their way to Namibia.

Cue long dinners, cocktails in Camps Bay, road trips and photo sessions, plus lots and lots of coffee and catch ups. While Cape Town certainly has heaps of things to do, I found myself just enjoying being there, going for walks and exploring. It’s a great city just to be in, not necessarily be busy in.

Here is my little introduction to this glorious city with 10 things that helped make me fall in love with Cape Town.

Cape Town visit

1. Table Mountain

It’s no secret, I love mountains so to be a really cool and fun hip city with an amazing mountain backdrop, is definitely the best of both worlds. With straight cliffs and a long flat summit, it didn’t take long to understand its name.

We headed up first thing in the morning back through the winding streets leading to the base of the cableway, the easiest way to get to the top. There was beautiful mist layering over the town giving a great ephemeral feel to the start of the day.

As we walked out on top, I promptly lost my shit when I spotted a dassie for the first time. A fat little groundhog looking animal, it is adorable and I spent the next 20 minutes taking photos of them instead of admiring the view. Typical.

Cape Town visit

2. Dinner with a local family

For me, this was probably one of my favorite parts of our time in Cape Town.

Hosted dinners with local families is now a popular way to get to know the city.  When you are visiting a place for only a few days, it’s often quite hard to find opportunities to get to know the locals and get a glimpse into what life is really like there.

We were kindly invited to the home of a local musician who not only treated us to an amazing traditional dinner with his wife, but also rocked out with us all evening to the most beautiful music.

Cape Town visit

3. Staying at the One & Only Cape Town

It’s not every day that I get to stay in a 6 star hotel! Holy moley! If they only knew what I was really like, would they have let me in?

The One & Only Cape Town is part of the One & Only resort chain, and their South Africa property doesn’t fail to impress.

The biggest coziest bed ever complete with a pillow menu, great internet, a huge bathtub and an espresso machine – what more could I want?

Cape Town visit

I pretty much live in hotels with my job, and getting to stay in places like this is definitely a perk that comes with being a professional travel blogger.

At the risk of sounding snobby, while it was an amazing property, I didn’t feel like 6 stars to me until the first breakfast when I discovered not only champagne and oysters, order off the menu, any coffee you want, and oh, the crispy bacon or grilled bacon station.

Yes, 6 stars or sure!

Cape Town visit

4. Penguins on the beach!

My oh my! You guys know how much of a #BirdNerd I am, so when I first started researching Cape Town and realized there was a beach nearby home to a colony of penguins, I knew I had to make it happen!

Boulders Beach is near Simon’s Town is home to a colony of Africa Penguins, and they are adorable!

Cape Town visit

And luck was on my side because not only was the beautiful beach covered in penguins, there were fluffy molting babies everywhere! There is a god and he heard my prayers!

Show me the penguin babies!

I’m not going to lie, I loved it so much I went twice!

Cape Town visit

All the amazing seafood, all the time, nuff said.

Cape Town visit

6. Saturday Market

Another reason I was so happy to come back to Cape Town was that it gave me the opportunity to meet up with a few of you guys. I got an email from a kiwi expat living over in Cape Town who had spent a lot of time in Wanaka so it was a great opportunity to see the side of the city I probably wouldn’t have known about and hang out with a local.

The Oranjezicht City Farmer’s Market is super cute and in a beautiful part of town. Even though it drizzled the whole time, there were tents everywhere and so much delicious food and coffee, you hardly noticed.

This market has an amazing story – it was meant to be shut down before it was saved at the last minute and now takes place on the premier’s own gardens in Cape Town, which means its setting couldn’t be more picturesque.

Cape Town visit

7. Cape of Good Hope

I met up with the Hecks who rented a car and we hit the road for the day. First stop – back to the penguins obviously.

From there we headed to the Cape of Good Hope to live out our elementary school geography dreams. Nothing like finally laying eyes on a place you’ve heard about your whole lives, right guys?

Did I mention there are wild ostriches there? And baboons.

Run for your lives!

Cape Town visit

8. Chapman’s Peak Drive

On the way back to the city from the Cape Peninsula in the moody late afternoon light, we decided to take in the beautiful Chapman’s Peak Drive on the west coast.

I love a good road trip with friends!

And holy crap did this road not disappoint!

Cape Town visit

The 9km of road connecting Noordhoek and Hout Bay is pretty stunning.

Picture huge cliffs dropping down to the turquoise sea and crazy bends and turns with more lookouts and views than you could ever hope for. Don’t forget your camera.

As we turned the corner to head back to Cape Town, the sun began to shine through the peaks lighting up the houses below and creating those beams of light that I am obsessed with. What a way to close the trip!

Cape Town visit

9. Sunsquare Cape Town

I also wanted to mention on my second trip back to Cape Town I had to forgo the 6 star hotel for something more in my range and budget, the Sunsquare Cape Town .

Near the Gardens area of Cape Town, it’s in a really cool part of town with an amazing breakfast.

Cape Town visit

10. Sunset cruise

The perfect introduction to Cape Town is a sunset cruise in the harbor accompanied by a few breaching whales and champagne.

Sigh, Cape Town, you rock!

Have you ever felt this way about a place? Ever been to Cape Town? Ever changed your flights so that you didn’t have to leave a place?

Cape Town visit

Many thanks to V isit South Africa and Cape Town Tourism for hosting me in Cape Town. Like always, I’m keeping it real – all opinions are my own, like you could expect anything less from me. 

About the author.

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85 Comments on “ I loved Cape Town so much I couldn’t leave ”

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So nice, your Pictures made me want to go there RIGHT now ! 😉

Yay love that!

I am single

I heard so many great things about South Africa and Cape Town and dinner with a local family is definitely something I want to try one day! The penguins are so adorable 😀

Such a good way to experience the place!

As always, fab post! I love the idea of joining a dinner with locals – looked fun and a great way to mix with the locals! 🙂

Also…how on earth did you manage to get the cutest penguin pics?!

haha I made everyone wait while I took about 1000 shots of them haha

Love the photos! Cape Town is a magical city, and I’m in the same boat… not a city person either. I spent two months in Africa last year, visiting several places and I had a really hard time leaving at the end.

It’s magical, isn’t it?

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‘My favourite place in South Africa’

Justin Bonello says the Karoo has seduced him. This snap was taken at the Gariep Dam.

Justin Bonello says the Karoo has seduced him. This snap was taken at the Gariep Dam.

Published Sep 29, 2015

Johannesburg - Dubbed the Bush-Cook Guru, Justin Bonello can be seen in the fourth season of Ultimate Braai Master on e.tv.

First holiday memory?

Travelling through the Transkei to Coffee Bay and Hole in the Wall in the back of my dad’s Cruiser and, strangely enough, I have a distinct memory of jumping on a trampoline – I can’t recall exactly where it was, but that one seems to have stuck with me 40-odd years later.

Favourite place in South Africa?

It has to be the Wild Coast. I love the big wide open spaces and the fact that you can get out of the stimulation pollution and be out of contact from the chaotic rat race of the city.

Best holiday?

My favourite holidays have always been on the Wild Coast – my favourite place in South Africa. I have a secret spot on the Transkei Coast that I go to every year to de-stress, find myself and spend time with my family.

What have you learnt from your travels?

There are three cardinal rules: be open, be honest, and be humble – that way you open yourself up to all the experiences that you can have on the open road.

Ideal travelling companion?

I have to say the wife and kids. When I first met my wife, 10-odd years ago, the first thing we did to get to know each other was to do a 10-day road trip. While filming the fourth season of Ultimate Braai Master this year, I took my wife and kids along for the journey. It was amazing to see my children’s evolution through the spaces we were going into and, two months later, they’re still talking about the journey – where they were, the hot springs and so on. Michael Palin puts it aptly when he says that the only bug you want to get when you travel is the travel bug and … once you’ve been bitten it’s all that you want to do.

Beach bum, culture vulture or adrenalin junkie?

I would have to say beach bum/adrenalin junkie. I’m not so keen on the culture side of it. I love being out in the open spaces of the great outdoors, fishing on the rocks, jumping off cliffs – that kind of thing gets me going.

Greatest travel luxury?

I would have to say that it’s my portable Bluetooth speaker that hooks up to my phone. More often than not, music makes the whole experience of travel that much richer and special – another essential travel companion.

Holiday reading?

At the moment I’m reading At Home by Bill Bryson. It’s quite interesting to delve into how we evolved from living in caves to a predominantly home dwelling species, but there’s a question that I’m interested in finding the answer to: 100 to 200 years ago there were three spices we put on the table – salt and pepper are the obvious ones, but there’s no reference to what the third spice was and that intrigues me. What was the third spice tables in Europe had to have?

Which country, town or city has seduced you?

Earlier this year, I was fortunate to travel to India and I fell in love with the people, the culture, the macro economy and the visual vibrancy. In my backyard it would have to be the Karoo.

Worst travel experience?

On that same trip to India, during the layover in Dubai, we were so exhausted that I left R50 000 worth of equipment at a restaurant and it disappeared.

l Dubbed the Bush-Cook Guru, Justin Bonello can be seen in the fourth season of Ultimate Braai Master on e.tv.

Saturday Star

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South Africa – some of my favourite places to visit

One of the advantages of my job (I can work from anywhere as long as there is internet access), is that it gives me the freedom to explore my beautiful country.

South Africa:

South Africa, found at the Southern tip of Africa, is a diverse and beautiful country. South Africa is a new democracy having come out of apartheid. South Africa’s first democratic elections were held in 1994. Approximately 12 million tourists visit South Africa yearly.

my favourite place in south africa essay

  • South Africa is the only country in the world to have hosted the Rugby, Cricket and Soccer World Cups
  • South Africa has deserts, wetlands, grasslands, bush, subtropical forests, mountains and escarpments.
  • South Africa has eleven official languages
  • South Africa is home to the oldest meteor crater in the world.  The Vredefort Dome in a town called Parys is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • South Africa has three capital cities: Pretoria is the Executive Capital, Cape Town the Legislative Capital and Bloemfontein the judicial Capital.
  • South Africa is the second largest producer of fruit
  • South Africa converts coal to oil which in turn is used to create petroleum, amongst other products.

Having recently moved back to South Africa after a few years in Europe and the Middle East, I’ve been doing some exploring, and these are some of my favourite places I have recently visited.

  The Kruger National Park

It is a common misconception that animals roam freely in South Africa. While insects, spiders, frogs, etc abound, and the odd snake might cross your path, most of South Africa’s wildlife are housed in private or national game parks. The largest of these is the Kruger National Park .

Here are some of my experiences in the Kruger National Park :

Baobab tree #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/zwwDX5ytcT — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) November 15, 2015
Elephant spooked at a waterhole #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/Wh2H6bnSZQ — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) November 15, 2015
#KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/4Myuwc3haT — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 7, 2016
Highlight of the day so far #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/Q6kCdfYC0R — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 7, 2016
Lion at a fresh zebra kill with vultures swooping in #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/eKH8TUJ7ZZ — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) November 15, 2015
Lion moving its kill to the shade and away from the vultures #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/YHBIWzrJE5 — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) November 15, 2015
Warthog #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/lCRWcKQusa — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 7, 2016
#KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/0vUqAOpIZY — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 7, 2016
Giraffe on the move #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/qavFFczJNb — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) November 13, 2015
Africa can be cruel. A pair of hyena with their dead offspring #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/5gE7AfgpnG — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 7, 2016
Kudu using its horns to bend branches down to within its reach #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/M3E6XtF37z — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 7, 2016
She was a gentle giant. We spend about an hour following her on the road until she made way. #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/o1haoGmQmk — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) November 12, 2015
The gentle giant. #KrugerEdublogs pic.twitter.com/QxyRjJtH4A — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) November 12, 2015

Hogsback is a small holiday town situated at the top of a mountain, and consists of approximately 370 permanent residents.

Beside the numerous restaurants, forest walks and adventure activities like mountain biking, abseiling horse-riding, the real reason I enjoy Hogsback is the atmosphere. There is something spiritual about Hogsback, especially on the days when the mist is not rolling through the dense forest.

Urban legend has it that J.R.R. Tolkien lived in Hogsback and based his Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books on this misty mountain, but what is probably more of an accurate story is that Tolkien’s nanny came from Hogsback and fed him tales from this mountain gem.

Breezing through Hogsback https://t.co/yz9mcAMLMc — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 25, 2016
View from the office today. #ILoveMyCountry pic.twitter.com/yHdWMbQMDQ — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) July 31, 2016
Butterfly Bistro, Hogsback, for breakfast pic.twitter.com/P68Y2cQGBP — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 14, 2016
Another horrible day in Africa – Hogsback, The Edge pic.twitter.com/38ggojCmA4 — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) July 29, 2016
Winding Lane, on the way to lunch with @maggiev pic.twitter.com/DBGmgvM6mi — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) May 8, 2016

Cape St. Francis

Cape St. Francis is a little gem of a coastal holiday town that I have taken to visiting most weekends. Squeezed between a protected indigenous reserve and the warm Indian Ocean, this small town not only offers the freshest of coastal air, but also diverse walking trails.

A 30 km drive lands me in paradise.

@mgraffin @suewaters @brettelockyer Was still an amazing walk though pic.twitter.com/soZJ9aJ7pG — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) October 6, 2016
So honoured to experience this #ILoveMyCountry @suewaters @mgraffin @brettelockyer pic.twitter.com/LFSwPbNUkG — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) October 13, 2016
More wildlife on the walk today @suewaters @mgraffin @brettelockyer #ILoveMyCountry pic.twitter.com/ZZpQsBWqEg — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) October 17, 2016
A jellyfish washed up today being eaten by sea snails #ILoveMyCountry @suewaters @mgraffin @brettelockyer pic.twitter.com/husnnVDHat — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) October 25, 2016
A tad windy for the beach me thinks 😉 @suewaters @brettelockyer @mgraffin pic.twitter.com/5wVi6WwZ3F — Eugene Brown (@Edublogs_Eugene) October 4, 2016

Write a post on some fun facts about your country.

In your post, include links to where you researched and some images with attribution. You might also want to a collage of images or a slideshow you have created.

Activity 2:

Write a post that shares some of the favorite places you have visited in your country.

In your post, include information that people from other countries mightn’t know and some images.  Remember to include image attribution if you don’t use your own photos.

Activity 3:

Visit at least 5 blogs from countries other than your own. Leave a comment on a post at each blog to ask them questions about their country.

Now write your own post including the comment you have left and linking to each post you commented on.

Activity 4 (Class Activity)

This activity is for classes that have a class twitter account.

Here are some activities for those that would like to share on Twitter:

  • Tweet, with the hashtag #ILoveMyCountry , some of the things you love about your country. These could be food, places, culture, basically anything.
  • Tweet, with the hashtag #ILoveMyCountry ,, some photos of what you love about your country.   These could be food, places, culture, basically anything.
  • Tweet, with the hashtag #ILoveMyCountry ,, some random facts about your country.
  • Check out the hashtag #ILoveMyCountry ,, and use this as a way to connect with other classes to ask questions about their countries.

Leave your class twitter username as a comment on this post so I can check out your tweets to learn more about your country.

124 thoughts on “ South Africa – some of my favourite places to visit ”

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Hi Eugene, I’m from the student blogging challenge and was really interested by your post because My dad’s side is South African. My dad,aunty and grandparents own a house in a private game reserve at the bottom of the Kruger National park. I went there in year two and loved seeing all the animals.

Check out my blog http://aliceb23.edublogs.org/

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Your dad’s side of the family lives in a beautiful part of South Africa.

I had a look at your blog and it looks really good! I also enjoy your writing style as it is easy to read.

Eugene Brown Account Manager Edublogs | CampusPress @Edublogs_Eugene

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Hi Alice. I’ve got South African blood too. My dad is from Durban, somewhere near Whiteriver? Not too sure. my mum is from Joburg. My dad grew up on a farm, but then moved here (England). Did you see? The Springboks lost by 2 points to England! Sad Sad.I wonder if anyone here (Page)supports the Springboks?(Of course!)

Also, check out my blog! Sorry http://tntdiamondpigs.edublogs.org/ KmikeA

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Hello, South Africa sounds so cool! I’ve learnt a lot from your website! Thank you for posting.

Thanks you for your kind words about South Africa and the website.

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Mr. Brown, I really like the twitter activity for the class! I have a Twitter question, though. If we use images from another source for a tweet, should we give attribution to the image in our tweets? Including a URL or even a website would use up many of the allotted characters in a tweet.

Can you advise? I want to be sure I have my students do this correctly.

Thank you for the positive feedback about the Twitter activity.

As a general rule, it is always better to reference images that are not your own. But why do you not take your own pictures of what you love about your country?

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South Africa sounds really interesting. Great blog. Check out my post URL: http://lillianvgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/02/my-country-2/

Thank you for the kind words regarding this blog.

I went to look at your post URL. but your post is not published. Please publish your post so we can see it.

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Hi Mr. Eugene,

I love your post about South Africa! My dad went there and promised to take us too for vacation! I tweeted about my country too (I’m from Ghana, Kenya and Lebanon but I chose Kenya). Please take a look at it! My username is @jzoobs_802

Thank you for your kind words and sharing your country on your twitter. You have travelled a lot, and I hope you get to see South Africa.

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Hi Eugene, I’m also in the student blogging challenge. I think your post is really interesting to read and it shows some amazing things about South Africa. I never knew about The Kruger National Park, but your pictures show that it looks incredible and I really want to go there to see the animals and the natural beauty of South Africa.

Thank you for your comment, and I do hope you get to come to visit South Africa.

Did you write a blog post or share a tweet about your country? If so, please share it by replying to this comment.

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Hi Eugene, You have put a lot of hard work and effort into your South Africa Virtual Tour. The videos and photos of the animals were really interesting. I now know a lot about Africa- It’s animals, cities and places. Your Virtual Tour was great! Check out my blog: http://laran23.edublogs.org Lara

Thank you for the kind words and for sharing this post on your blog post.

I hope you don’t mind,but I made the link to this blog ‘clickable’ to show you how it is done. You can read more on how to do this here – http://help.edublogs.org/how-to-insert-links-in-your-post/

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Before I read your blog, I knew so little about South Africa. I can tell that you put a lot of effort into writing this blog post and I liked how you included images and videos of the animals. There were some things that I didn’t know about, like for example the The Kruger National Park. I am happy to say that your blog was very interesting and thank you for sharing. Please check out my at: https://muhjahmadarati.wordpress.com/

Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your blog with me. As a former math teacher, I really enjoyed your post about square roots.

I gave you the wrong link to my blog post. Sorry about the inconvenience. Please visit: https://muhjahmadarati.wordpress.com/2016/10/31/the-journey-awaits/

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Hello! I really loved your post! Your pictures looked great! What’s your favorite animal from Africa? I made a post on my blog about cool places to visit in my country and you could check it out if you want! http://katherinebgms23.edublogs.org/

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I have to say that my favourite animal would have to be the African Elephant.

I see you have a wildlife reserve in South Dakota. I must visit it one day. What is your favourite animal?

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Hello Eugene! South Africa seems to be very fun and I wouldn’t mind actually to travel there to check it out! It’s cool that you capture the scene and post it on Twitter, that is very neat in all honesty.

Thank you Max

I try to capture and share as much as I can about my country via Twitter. Embedding tweets in a blog page is really easy. Have you tried it?

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Hi Eugene, I am the teacher of Lara (who commented on your blog). She was a little concerned that you could alter her blogpost by going into her dashboard. We speak a lot about online safety at school and when she saw a message to say that you had “control of her dashboard and she was locked out” she was concerned. Now that I have read your reply to her here, I will assure her on Monday that all is well. Her reaction was to delete her post and talk to me about it, so I commended her for being cautious.

I am assuming that you can get into her dashboard because your work for edublogs. Not sure if other students have had the same concern.

Thanks for your involvement with the student blogging challenge – all my students are enjoying it and participating actively.

Hi “pruthomas”

Thank you for the feedback and for participating in the Student Challenge.

We try be as hands-on as we can in helping teachers and students at Edublogs. Please apologise from me to Lara for giving her and scare, and congratulate her on her response.

Well done on the level of blogging with your students!

Thanks Eugene, I’ll let Lara know.

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I live in Australia, did you know that you can see the Great Barrier Reef (which is in Australia) from space! I loved your virtual tour, I have always wanted to go to South Africa! I learnt so much about all the animals. What is your favorite African animal? I love Elephants. Your photographs are amazing! You are so great at photography! Thank you for sharing all the great moments of your trip.

This is the URL to my blog: http://siennas23.edublogs.org From Sienna

My favourite animal is definitely the African Elephant. What is your favourite animal? I hope to visit Australia one day soon.

I really enjoyed your Drum-a-phone. It is a very inventive idea

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I made a blog with some of my favorite places I’ve been to in America! Check it out at: http://annabgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/01/favorite-places-in-my-country/

Thank you for sharing your blog with me. Hopefully I will visit America again one day.

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I like visiting places in America. Here is my blogging link, http://guymgms23.edublogs.org/?s=first

Thank you for sharing your blog with me.

I have been to Orlando Florida and really enjoyed it there.

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Check out my blog at http://seanlgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/02/united-states-of-america-fun-facts/

I really enjoyed your blog. The fun facts were rally interesting!

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I would love to visit south Africa! My (class)twitter is @techkids5. I really like the pictures and videos in your blog post.

Check out my blog: https://techkidphilip.edublogs.org/

Thank you for sharing your Class twitter account. I followed it and hope to learn a lot about what your Class does.

Your sentence with no words on your blog was very clever!

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I love the facts about South Africa I love how you set it up. And I also like how you told them in a interesting way.

I did not know that South Africa has 11 official languages. Thats cool! My favorite animal in Africa is a elephant. Whats your favorite animal in Africa?

I forget to leave a URL here it is… http://techkidemilymbs.edublogs.org/

Thank you for the kind words about my blog.

The African Elephant is definitely my favourite animal too.

I really enjoyed your blog, and see that you love dolphins too. I will try take some pictures of dolphins to share.

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I loved all the videos and pictures, but how did you get so close to all these animals. Here is the link to my blog, hope you visit http://techkidben.edublogs.org/ Thanks

I really enjoyed your blog too. I see you like ice hockey. I watched a few games while I was living in Norway. It’s a great sport.

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I did activity number 2, check it out at http://zacharypgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/activity-2/

Thank you for sharing your blog. I have visited Florida too and really enjoyed it there.

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Check out my blog about Russia.

Wow, living in Russia must have been really interesting! Thank you for sharing your blog.

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Here are some of my favorite places that I have visited in my country the USA. Check out my blog at http://aidanmgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/02/favorite-places/

As a Geography teacher I would love to visit Glacier National Park and see the geysers in Yellowstone National Park.

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Hello! That was really interesting blog! I want to go south Africa once. Please read my blog!

Thank you for your kind words about my blog and for sharing your blog with me.

I also really enjoy watching a good movie.

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I really like learning about South Africa. I like all the pictures. Check out my post my URL is http://lilybgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/03/places-ive-been/

Your uncle’s farm sounds like a great place to visit. What does your uncle farm?

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I really enjoyed learning about South Africa. Here is some information about my country http://alexhgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/02/fun-facts-about-the-usa/

Thank you for sharing your fun facts. Which fun fact is your favourite?

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I really enjoyed the vids you can learn about country cheak out my blog at http://calliewgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/favorite-place-in-the-u-s-a/

Florida is one of my favourite places I’ve visit too. I have not been to Tampa though, and will make a point of visiting Tampa the next time I’m in Florida.

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Here is 10 facts about the U.S.A


Thank you for sharing your fun fact about the USA. It must be really cold walking to work in Alaska.

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i love my country for hunting and fishing oh ya and here is are class twitter @techkids5

Thank you for sharing your class twitter account; I followed it.

Please share your blog with me too.

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I really like your blog and I also like all of the pictures and videos that you have, also I think that South Africa sound pretty cool. I like the Giraffe that you took a picture of.

Here is the URL to my blog: http://techkidcharlotte.edublogs.org/

Hi Charlotte

Thank you you kind words about South Africa and for sharing your blog. Bugs looks really cute. Is he your dog?

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I enjoyed doing one of the challenges for this week. I got to learn some really cool facts about my country, check out my list. http://mallorygms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/the-united-states-of-america-fun-facts/

Thank you for sharing your blog. I really enjoyed the fun facts.

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South Africa sounds very cool! c

I meant come see my post at: http://carleegms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/my-vacation-sweet-spots/

I have friends in Iowa, and need to visit them soon.

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I think it’s cool how you live in South Africa! What’s it like? Check out my post: https://sadiegms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/activity-two-from-eugenes-class/

I have lived in a few countries, and South Africa is my favourite place to live.

Thank you for sharing your blog. This is the first time I have heard about Hilton Head. It looks like an amazing place to visit.

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Hi Eugene That is a good blog can you check my blog I think you will like it!

Thank you for your kind words about my blog.

One of the places on my list of places to visit is New York.Hopefully I can visit New York soon.

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Kruger National Park sounds amzaing! If I have the chance as an adult, I would so go there! Is Kruger your favorite National Park in Africa? My Class Twitter: @techkids5 My blog URL: http://techkidkhan.edublogs.org/ My Class blog URL: http://betechkids.edublogs.org/ This is so cool!

We have lots of wildlife parks in South Africa, and Kruger is definitely one of my favourite.

I see your passion is cooking. What is your favourite meal to cook?

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Thanks for everything so try to visit my site https://nathanwgms23.edublogs.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=43&action=edit

Thank you for sharing your blog.

I would love to visit Alabama for the food and music.

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I liked how you used a lot of animal pictures.And how you put some maps so people know where the place is that your talking about. have you evey traveled out side of your home state?

The Kruger National Park is outside of my home State. In South Africa we call States, Provinces. We have 9 provinces and I have visited them all, except for one.

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Hi Eugene, I really liked your blog because of all the videos and pictures of Africa. I have a question though, does it rain a lot there? Remember to look at my blog post about your topic!-> http://afascinatingblogbytravis.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/sbc4-my-country/

South Africa is a big country with very diverse weather. Some areas are very dray, while other areas are very wet. It snows in Hogsback and other mountain areas.

I responded to activity two. Here is a link to the post: http://afascinatingblogbytaylor.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/catalina-island-sbc4-2/ Enjoy!

Thank you for sharing your blog. Lake Tahoe looks really cold. Murtle Beach looks really fun too.

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Hi, I am hoping that you can check out my blog on my country http://peytonngms23.edublogs.org/ (sorry it said Kentucky)

Thank you for sharing your blog with me. Florida is also one of my favourite places to visit.

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look at my blog i think you will like it http://spencergms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/07/my-fav-place/

Thank you for sharing Ohio with me.

South Africa is a very dry country, but we sometimes have floods too.

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Hello Eugene! I really love your blog and how you talk about your adventures in South Africa. I wish I could visit there someday because I want to see the fascinating animals that live there. What’s your favorite place to visit in South Africa? And what’s your favorite animal? Leave a comment on my blog: http://afascinatingblogbykiana.edublogs.org

And I also did your activity 1 on facts about my country, the U.S. If you want to check it out here it the link to the blog post: http://afascinatingblogbykiana.edublogs.org/2016/11/05/fun-facts-about-my-country-sbc4/

Hopefully you will visit South Africa one day.

My favourite animal is definitely the African Elephant. My best places to visit are along the coastline.

Thank you for sharing fun facts about the USA.

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love the videos I wish we had more wildlife here in Kentucky, make sure you visit my page at https://johnlgms23.edublogs.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=35&action=edit

Thank you for sharing your blog with me. The Bean looks really interesting.

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Hello Mr. Eugene! It’s a pleasure to read your blog. It is full of fantastic information.

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Lisbon is the largest city in an area of 100,05km2. It has about 552700 thousand habitants within its area, and its urban area extends beyond its “borders” and has 2.7 million people. Lisbon has several places where we can stroll, for example, on the river bank which has lots of restaurants and cafés where we can go to enjoy the day; we can also go to the Lisbon Oceanarium, the Castle of São Jorge connecting the low and High Lisbon, the Chiado, Belém, which is also very famous for their custard cakes, also for the Belém Tower and the Belém Cultural Centre. The city is very big,so you can not to walk all the time, only if you want to, but we can travel by tuk-tuk, which is great fun, by tram which is also very funny and by car, but it’s not so fun. Along the coast between Lisbon and Cascais there are many extremely popular beaches to the residents of Lisbon.

I hope you come to Portugal and visit. Best wishes

Hi Patricia

I have friends in Portugal and would love to visit them. Nazaré in Portugal have the largest waves every to be surfed. I would love to visit there too – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgDtRmSCxBg

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I loved watching your videos and exploring your pictures about South Africa. Here is a link to my blog about fun facts on the United States, I hope you visit it. http://amberwgms23.edublogs.org/2016/11/04/fun-facts-about-the-united-states-of-america/

Do you know why Christmas was made illegal in the USA?

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I live i the united states sometimes called the U.S.A.. I have lived there my whole life. On July 4, 1776 The deceleration of independence was issued. The first person to walk on the moon was an american named, Neil Armstrong. I am very proud of my country and from these few facts I hope you just learned a little bit more about the U.S.A..

Thank you for sharing information about the USA. If you have a blog, can you share a link to it here?

Florida is also one of my favourite places I have visited. Thank you for sharing your blog.

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Hello, Mr.Eugene! I became quite interested in your blog. It is full of lots of interesting material for my classes.

Porto is situated along the Douro river estuary in Northern Portugal and it is the second largest city in Portugal after Lisbon and one of the major urban areas of the Iberian Peninsula. This Portuguese city is one of the oldest European centres, and its historical core was proclaimed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, in 1996. In Porto, you can find beautiful monuments such as Clérigos Tower, Church of São Francisco and Porto Cathedral. One of Portugal’s internationally famous exports is port wine. Typical dishes from this city are Tripas à Moda do Porto and Francesinha (exactly Frenchy).

I hope you appreciate my post.

Best wishes

Than you for your kind words and sharing information about your country. Please share a link to your blog here so I can visit your site.

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Hello Mr. Eugene!

Sintra is a town on the Estoril Coast, Lisbon and Sintra are ideal places to visit. It’s one of the most delightful places to go because of the wide range of green, especially in the Serra de Sintra. Sintra is not only beautiful because of the Sintra Mountain. It’s also has priceless archaeological remains especially from the Roman period. This Portuguese city was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995. Sintra’s abundant architectural and historical attractions include Pena National Palace, Sintra National Palace, Quinta de Regaleira, Monserrate Palace, Castle of the Moors, and Seteais Palace.

I hope you appreciate my post. Best wishes

Your town sounds really interesting. I hope to visit Portugal one day.

Please share a link to your blog here.

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Hello Mr. Eugene! It’s a pleasure to read your blog. It’s full of interesting information.

I’m from Portugal and my favourite place in Portugal is Braga. Braga is a city on the northwest Portugal that was the European Youth Capital in 2012. The name Braga comes from the Romans (Bracara Augusta). It’s situated between the Rivers Douro and Minho and it’s a very environmental friendly region. Braga is full of historical and religious monuments and buildings. The most important monument is called Bom Jesus de Braga; it’s a worldwide known monument consisting of a very big and beautiful church and a huge stairway. This monument was dedicated to the Holy Cross and rebuilt in the 15th Century.

I hope you appreciate my post. Best wishes Beatriz

Thank you for the kind words and visiting my blog.

Braga sounds like an interesting place with lots f history. Hopefully I will visit it one day.

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HI Mr. Eugine! I became quite interested in your blog. Portugal is a republic, with 92.212 km2 and 10.341.330 (83rd) which also includes the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira. It Is on Iberian Peninsula, southwestern Europe. The capital is Lisbon and the official language is Portuguese. Lisbon is my favourite city in Portugal. This beautiful city is the capital of Portugal It is on the river bank of Tagus (the large river in Portugal). Lisbon is the city with more population in Portugal: it has 547 733 inhabitants because it is a huge city. It is the most important city due to financial, commercial, artistic and educational aspects in Portugal and has a lot of interesting tourist attractions with million years. I hope you appreciate my post!

Thank you for sharing some information about Portugal. I didn’t know Lisbon was situated on the banks of a river.

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I really like your blog and I also like all of the pictures and videos about South Africa. Let me share with you some facts about my country Portugal:

1 Our country was born of a family fight between mother and son.

2 We are one of the oldest nations in Europe.

3 We are the country with the oldest borders in Europe.

4 We divided the world in two, with Spain.

5 The Portuguese empire lasted six centuries. It was the longest global empire in history.

6 We have the world´s oldest alliance in force, and we still take it seriously

7 The second city with more Portuguese is outside Portugal is in Paris.

8 There are more Portuguese natives outside Portugal than in Portugal itself.

9 We abolished slavery in 1751, more than a century before the United States

10 Portugal was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty

11 Ambassador Sousa Mendes saved more Jews than Oscar Schindler

12 During World War II Cascais (a city of Portugal near Lisbon), had more kings without a throne than it had five-star hotels

13 Portugal was in Macau, China, for over 446 years.

14 We are the only country to have taken an amateur team to the rugby world cup.

15 Portugal are the new champions of Europe in football.

16 The oldest bookshop in the world is in Portugal.

Best regards

Pedro Cirilo

Thank you for the fun facts about Portugal I learned a lot from what you shared.

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Hello Mr. Eugene,

I’m a student Portuguese and my favourite place in Portugal is Oporto. Oporto is a city situated in the north of the country, Portugal and has a area of 45Km. The population is about the 240 000 people. Some say that  Oporto is considered to be very similar to Lisbon. Oporto has many beautiful places such as  Torre dos Clèricos, Ponte D.Luìs and Torre Das Carmelitas and many more

Thank you for sharing Portugal with me.

In South Africa we have about 300 000 Portuguese people here – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_South_African .

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Hello Eugene!

I’m the English teacher of Beatriz, Diogo, Patrícia, Pedro, Rita and Soraia from Portugal. As perhaps you know already,they learn English as a second foreign language.So it’s quite important for them to write to you.This helps them a lot with writing skillls! They don’t have their own blog, because, this school year, I decided to join this SBC as a first class experience. However, we have a class blog! I share the link: : http://englishclassspg.blogspot.pt/p/student-blogging-challenge.html

Feel free to give your opinion about it: it will certainly mean a lot to everyone! Your blog is amazing and when I showed it to the class, they became quite interested in choosing one of the activites there.

Hope you enjoy to know more about our country! Thanks for sharing some facts about South Africa!

Thank you to you and your students for visiting my blog,and thank you for sharing your blogging approach with me.

I must congratulate yo and the standard of English of your students. It is very high. And thank you for your kind words about my blog. I developed it to teach from and am glad to see that it is still being used even though I am no longer in the Classroom.

Thank you for sharing your blog. I will follow your student’s progress closely, and hopefully visit your school one day. Portugal is one of the countries I would love to visit.

Thank you for your kind words! It will be a pleasure to receive you in our school! Portugal is worthwhile visiting and its becoming one of tourists favourite European countries to spend their holidays!

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Hello, Mr. Eugene,

I chose activity two for this week. South Africa sounds like an amazing place. This is added to my already long travel wish-list. Here is the link to my post: http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/2016/11/09/sbc-week-4-south-africa-some-of-my-favorite-places-to-visit-activity-2/

~Angela http://hmsangela.edublogs.org/

It is always good to have a wish-list, and I’m glad to hear South Africa is on your wish-list.

I really enjoy your writing style on your blog. It is a very relaxed writing style, and flows very well; and there is good use of humour. Wow, you saw Broadway shows. That must have been amazing!

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Hi Eugene! A portuguese comment…

Adorei o teu post e todas as fotografias! Definitivamente levamos a querer conhecer esta maravilhosa África do Sul. Fico ansiosa a aguardar pelas tuas próximas viagens.

Beijinhos Catarina

Hi Catarina

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Hi Eugene, It is really interesting that you come from South Africa, I went there and I really loved it. Where is your favorite place in South Africa? If IT interests you, you can check out my account.

South Africa is truly a great place. I am glad you got to visit my country.

Thank you for sharing your blog with me. I hope your dream of becoming a professional soccer player comes true.

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dear Mr. Eugene, I live in Honolulu Hawaii. I go to hongwanji mission school. We have an underground tunnel. I would really like to visit South America it sound very fun. Come and check out my blog at http://hmsjena.edublogs.org Aloha. Jena

Wow, Hawaii! I would love to visit Hawaii.

Thank you for sharing your blog with me. I agree with you, waffles are better 🙂

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i really liked your blog about South Africa. It is good to see you take pride in where you live in and what you are interested in. I myself am i big fan of Africa and its animals so i found this very entertaining.

Thank you for your comment. I am glad the pride for my country came through, as I love my country.

Thank you for sharing your blog with me. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving break.

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Hi Mr. Eugene

I really enjoyed reading about South Africa. There are so many different kinds of plants and animals. I live on the island of O’ahu. There aren’t so many “wild animals” as there is in South Africa. It is very humid and hot here. There is A LOT of rainfall. Almost everything on our island is green. I really enjoyed reading about your country. Your posts show that you take pride into it. Come check out my blog! http://hmsraya.edublogs.org/

Thank you for sharing your blog with me, and for your kind words about South Africa.

O’ahu sounds amazing! I googled O’ahu and have decided it’ one of the places I need to visit.

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Hi Eugene Brown,

I responded to ‘Activity #1’ question. You should check it out at HMSReyn’s Blog . From, Reyn

Thank you for sharing your blog and visiting my site.

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South africa’s top 10 incredible attractions.

A A sk anyone and they’ll tell you, South Africa boasts amazing tourist attractions that are worth visiting more than once. But where does one even start? Here’s a list of top 10 attractions that you should tick off your “to-do” list.

1) Table Mountain

my favourite place in south africa essay

S S itting at 1,085m above sea level, you’re guaranteed incredible sunset views of Cape Town and surrounds on the new 7 Wonders of the World – the magnificent Table Mountain . Sprawling with indigenous plants such as the Protea and wildlife including adorable Dassies (rock badgers), Table Mountain is the ideal spot to witness nature at its best. Get a bird’s eye view of the city below from the Table Mountain Cable Way .

2) Cradle of Mankind

my favourite place in south africa essay

I I magine what life was like in South Africa millions of years ago. Now you can when you visit the Cradle of Mankind in Gauteng, just northwest of Johannesburg. This World Heritage Site is a treasure trove of fossilised history, and home to the remains of our ancestors – the Hominids. Go back in time and discover an ancient world of dinosaur fossils, hominid skeletons and evidence of their existence at the Maropeng Visitor Centre and the Sterkfontein Caves.

3) Robben Island

my favourite place in south africa essay

O O f course, a visit to the Cape Town (The Mother City) is not complete without a boat trip to Robben Island . One can almost feel the spirit of legendary Tata Madiba - Nelson Mandela on the island, where he spent 27 years in incarceration. Take a tour of his former prison cell and learn more about his years spent on the island with other struggle fighters.

4) The Cape Winelands

my favourite place in south africa essay

W W ho doesn’t like to swirl and sip delicious and award-winning wines? Even if you’re not a wine connoisseur, everyone can appreciate a good glass of wine. There’s no doubt South Africa, particularly the Western Cape is gateway to incredible wines that’s made in centuries old vineyards across the province. From Stellenbosch to Franschoek , drive along the wine route and enjoy wine tasting along with food pairing to tickle your palate.

5) The Drakensberg Mountains

my favourite place in south africa essay

R R eaching a whopping 3482 metres above sea level, the Drakensberg Mountains covers a distance of over 1000 kilometres. Thabana Ntlenyana is its highest peak and can be found around the area bordering Lesotho.

6) The Kruger National Park

my favourite place in south africa essay

E E xpect to see the 'King of the Jungle' in its natural domain, ruling over the savannah... and the roads. The Kruger National Park is a gateway into the wild, where visitors get to see the Big Five including lions and other fierce cats in their prime. 

my favourite place in south africa essay

F F rom the former home of legendary Nelson and Winnie Mandela to other prominent struggle fighters who fought for equality during apartheid, visit Soweto to get a real sense of South Africa’s past and an in-depth look into the lives of those who once lived there. Go on a Sowetan tour, including a visit to nearby taverns to enjoy local beer, braai (barbeque) and experience the vibe of the township.

8) Blyde River Canyon

my favourite place in south africa essay

T T ravelling to Mpumalanga requires a stopover at the Blyde River Canyon . There’s so much to see at this incredible part of the province, including God’s Window – an attraction that will greet you with sweeping views of the valley below.

9) Sun City Resort

my favourite place in south africa essay

I I n 1979 the Sun City Resort was built and houses the Valley of Waves. It’s situated along the border of the Pilanesberg National Park and is known for its casino entertainment, water theme park and renowned for its safari adventures.

10) Golden Gate Highlands National Park

my favourite place in south africa essay

S S ituated in the enchanting Golden Gate National Park in the heart of the Free State and at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountains , it's the perfect place to find South Africa and yourself.

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The BMW International Open has made us excited for the BMW Golf Cup World Final to be hosted in SA. We caught up wi… https://t.co/XiU3waBo1T

Always a pleasure partnering with local businesses to promote SA on the global stage. Warren Weitsz, Co-Founder of… https://t.co/YRxoX6Jdtx

To say the players are bringing their A-game is an under statement! Round 2 has given us many unforgettable moments… https://t.co/4bBdAuXMUL

"...Patrons have been keen and interested in engaging on where the best fairways in SA are. Paired with some of our… https://t.co/tIoXM2uUrh

Our stand at the BMW International Open has been drawing a lot of attention – and rightfully so! “We are proud and… https://t.co/ulYSTje4CB

Clear skies, rolling greens, supportive crowds – the conditions couldn’t be better for a day at Golfclub München Ei… https://t.co/3TMmUxsN0m

What happens when an amateur and pro hit the fairway together? Find out in the Pro-Am Tournament, where 3 amateurs… https://t.co/hkvHUw0H0E

Ready to get into the swing of things? The Pro-Am Tournament of the 2023 BMW International Open starts today in Mün… https://t.co/WqLU7FshdH

South Africa has many exquisite golf courses. As we gear up for The BMW International Open in Germany, we hope to s… https://t.co/vTFwgOa78W

South African Tourism will be showcasing our beautiful country's offerings in Germany! We have so much to offer glo… https://t.co/O1m4yVy491

#DidYouKnow South Africa has produced some of the top golfers in the world. As we gear up for the BMW International… https://t.co/E1GsW6z1Fy

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What does golf, South Africa, BMW and Germany have in common? The 34th staging of the BMW International Open in Ger… https://t.co/YdvuWOjs8O

Golf was first played in South Africa in 1885, in Cape Town. Now we are taking our love of golf to the world, as we… https://t.co/dXc5uIyGxI

RT @PublicSectorMan: Today marks 47 years since the youth uprising of 16 June 1976. Deputy President Paul Mashatile will lead the commemor…

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A dynamic collaboration between SA Tourism and the iconic BMW Group is set to supercharge the country’s efforts tow… https://t.co/JhLDwHlLix

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my favourite place in south africa essay

7 Reasons to remind us why South Africa is the most beautiful country in the world

Amidst its challenges it is sometimes easy to forget that South Africa has the prestigious reputation of being the most beautiful country in the world. An article by Buzzfeed said this about South Africa, ‘ Unsurpassed wildlife and mountains, whales and waterfalls, architecture and antiquity, the world’s most beautiful city, and the world’s most stunning Spring, plus a host of natural treasures make South Africa “The Most Beautiful Country In The World”, and a must-see traveller’s dream .”  Even when making an impact through the projects we do and the smiles we get to see we sometimes forget the amazing country that so many tourists experience. A country we sometimes fail to appreciate. In this blog post we take a step back and remember 7 things that make South Africa the most special country in the world.

  • It is full of beauty, both natural and man-made. Cape Town as a whole encompasses both of these, with the amazing oceans and views as well as the gorgeous architecture and culture.
  • Our coastal drives are above the rest . Chapman’s Peak and the Garden Route are a sight to behold, one that every South African needs to see at least once in their lifetime.
  • Our diverse ecosystems and wildlife. Much of our wildlife can be see in our national parks, which protect them and aid in maintaining their ecosystems. Not only is South Africa home to the Big Five and number of endangered animals, such as the African Wild Dog and the Pangolin, but we also have a superb variety of marine life as well. Where else in the world could you view a whale from the shore and an elephant grazing with its herd?
  • Our diverse floral kingdom . Even though there are number of alien plant species in South Africa, there are also numerous indigenous plant species. Our plant kingdom is diverse and home to incredible flowers, such as the King Protea.
  • Our unique mountains and what they hold . Our most famous mountain is Table Mountain, named as one of the new 7 wonders of nature, but there’s more. The Drakensberg holds its own beauty, such as the Amphitheatre, and the Swartberg displays technicoloured sandstone cliffs and houses the Kango Caves, one of the most astonishing cave systems in the world. Our country is full of history and a lot of it has come from the earth, where we have found fossils and minerals that expand our knowledge.
  • We are one of the world’s most colourful countries . Our flag and our people are not only the only reason we should be called “The Rainbow Nation”. In Spring, there are thousands of different types of flowers that bloom, transforming  the harshest environments, such as Namaqualand into beautiful, natural gardens.
  • Our sunsets are truly spectacular . No matter where you are in South Africa, our skies share the same beautiful hues and colours of sunset, reminding us that we are in Africa and that our country is beautiful.

With all of this being said, each person sees South Africa differently but we all call it home. So what do you find beautiful about our country?

113 responses to “7 Reasons to remind us why South Africa is the most beautiful country in the world”

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South Africa has the same Human Development Index ranking as Palestine, India, and Egypt. Yet, it’s cities manage to look so good that I can compare them to ones in Australia and the United States. This is proof that you don’t need to achieve Western European levels of wealth to have pretty looking cities and in it, houses and shops that don’t look bad but on the contrary.

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I’m completely blown away by all the good positive messages from all you guys, it has changed my outlook. We all need to spare a thought for the people in this country who live in terrible conditions and have no hope of anything better, we need to do what ever is possible to pick up and help someone who needs it. Even the smallest gesture goes along way, do ten good deeds and when one comes back to you do another ten, this will pick you up as a south african and help others who struggle to survive.

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here in SA we have the most beautiful wild animals and many friendly people that can put you through onto what you are looking for.we have many tourist here in CAPE TOWN in Table Mountain, Water Front e.t.c

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Die without visiting other contries,I’m cool with that becoz my mzanzi rockz.#thers no such place lyk afrika borwa I’m Nicholas Gran Mokoena

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Indeed our country is beautiful together with the people that live in it.We have been given democracy since 1994 and people have been given houses (RDP) regarding education we have exemption for junior face (primary education).It will take me the whole day is i can talk about our country.We thank our leaders who fought for the feredom we are in at the moment.Phambili ngo mzalabazo phambili!

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Came here as a young girl in 1959 – went back to the UK and applied for immediate emigration. Never, ever wanted to return to Europe. Encourage visits from family/ex-school mates and they arrive a little scared on the first visit, our ridiculously bad press – but they often return every year. Yeah! I have visited all continents – enjoyed them – but kissed the ground when I arrived back at ORT. Definitely the friendliest people in the world. We will sort out all problems. Please help to uplift those less fortunate than yourselves.

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I really believe we are the most beautiful country in the world.The country has an amazing wild animals and the fact that we are a diverse country. basically our nature is too beautiful. lets pray to God to help us do away with tribalism , racism and afrifobia. we are what we are and what we have because of other nations , South Africa alone cannot stand and develop itself, lets learn to appreciate non- south Africans. God bless you

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On a positive note re our beautiful South Africa: During work-travels and holidays, I’ve seen everything from rugged mountains in North-west and Cape, fantastic red sunsets in the dusty plains, blue seas rippled by fresh coastal breezes, icy cold snowstorm in Drakensberg (brrr!!) 🙂 Busy scanning all the best 35mm prints & slides to keep the photographic memories. By nature a genial person, I don’t tolerate racism, racial hatred or xenophobia. When working in the rural areas of Nongomna, KZN, found people very friendly and helpful. Same when working in Mali, West Africa, where hardly anybody has TV or newspapers. Respect earns respect. Just ignore hatred – it will get bored and fade away.

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Indeed SA is bleesed country weather its awesome

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indeed south africa is blessed

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SA is A WORLD IN ONCE COUNTRY Check this out – we get racial slurs and racial FB comments and even a fight in SPUR etc. But, when we heard of the one month old baby went ‘missing’ in Dbn – we all (races) got angry and threw our toys out off the cot. We rallied we prayed . . . We have a LOVE/HATE relationship – but LOVE always come first. Enjoy SA while you have the strength and cash . . .

Politicians just to your best neh!

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I just realized recently what a protective country this is about its own people/citizens when one of the oversaes wanted to come but was making hate speeches about some of the people that we live with as a result he was not allowed to enter the country simply to protect their people. I just love the diversity of this country and how we embrace each other as different cultures. As for me, I believe this is the most powerful country ever but not yet seen cause if there had to break a world war-Chinese, Indians,Nigerians,Zimbabweans,Africans, Whites etc,we’ll all stand together to protect each other as we’ve become one big family. am proudly South African,

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Well written positive article for a change! Me and my wife recently visited Los Angeles, USa, and said we’ll never complain again about South Africa…..Holywood was dirty and some of the roads in LA looked worse than those in Joburg..Some streets were so dirty (Were the Stars are) ..Not to mention the homeless people..We once again realized, yes we do have our challenges, but we are not alone, and we have much to be grateful for..It was so refreshing to come home!

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I love your points guys that’s true this country is very special indeed…

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Is the place suitable for living for some years there ?? willing to visit before move at least to know some friends and finding some good location … whats your recommendation guys . how long which locations to visit thanks

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I fully agree that we live in a beautiful country with unequalled biodiversity. However, to say that we live in the most beautiful country in the world ? There are several more beautiful than SA. Independent surveys don’t even place us amongst the top twenty. Beauty is also a matter of opinion.

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well indeed a lot has been said about our beautiful country and it is true and correct what a lovely country with a democratic human rights to accommodate everybody from everywhere I like it indeed it is a place to call home thank u everybody.

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Colors on our S.A flag, multiple languages, friendly people, landscapes, i can carry on. These are just a few things that makes our country different, a home indeed. As one of our leaders once said in short “i am an Afrikan” – but not ‘cos of the language i speak, but of course this being our land. In all of our 11 languages i say to all S. Africans “God bless Afrika”.

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True that Sthembiso and the Fact that there are no wars happening in the country like in Afghanistan(No offence) is something really to cherish about in South Africa. Till this day i thank God for making me part of this amazing country #LoveSA

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Well said. i personally love our weather patterns, I feel we have the best weather patterns across our cuntry that are the best in the world. I hope we can unite in all races, ethnic groups and make it the 8th reason why SA is the best in the world.

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The diversity of our is in a class of its own when it comes to the production of super humans that stand out in the world .We have geneticlly the most perfect human in the form of Jean Phillis Wolmarans who gave life to 7 perfect children 5 girls 2boys she comes from n family of 7. 5 girls 2 boys and her mother came from n family of 7 .5 girls 2 boys.Then the list continous to name a few Elon Musk .Gary Player Mark Shuttelworth to name a few.

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the beauty of our country, diversity & culture. i love SA.

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When flying over the country from the Indian Ocean it starts bring flat at the coastal areas and you get the first mountains facing the sea. After that you again get more or less a flat plain before you get to the Drakensberg mountains. After these mountains you get the very flat area of the Free State. Thereafter you see the whitish hills which shows you the mines. The Free State area is green and the rivers show a snake like picture. The Drakensberg show cliffs, vegetation, forests on the sea facing side. The flat plain shows forest patches and vegetation with lots of river gorges. The montains facing the sea are covered by forests while the seaside flat area is green with grass and is interfered by estuaries. The sea is holding the country to be in its place. This country is beautiful explore it on land and in the air.

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Thank you Harold! I love the way that you have explained the beauty of South Africa from the sky!

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Whoow, thank you all beautiful people of my South Africa with all these awsome comments that you have made, I love South Africa with its rainbow nation of diverse people, diverse natural vegitation, animals, natiral resources , mountains with different heights, sorounded with beautiful coastal lines, beautiful beaches and nice developments in most areas. The country that does not experience any major natural disasters like other countries in the world. Most peole in the world are currently visiting South Africa because of its beauty. Lets focus on retaining, protecting and increasing what God has given us as people of South Africa, Thank all and God Bless

Thank you Mthimkulu!

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WOW!, thank you for such a beautiful article, 🙂 i am sold and want to experience all the things you mentioned, i am n=more in to trees and water, last year i visited Capetown for the first time and i was blown away by the Mountains i saw the karoo omg… the ocean and the beautiful table mountain. i love nature and i want to get to know South Africa before exploring other beautiful places. Thank you for this beautiful artistic piece 🙂 I recently fell inlove with a beautiful tree at Wits university. that tree is very beautiful and strong, lol… it looks like its not going anywhere 🙂

Thank you so much Tsholofelo! I am so happy to hear that you have fallen in love with South Africa!! 🙂

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When you see the beaming faces of our brothers and sisters in this country, you know you live in the best country in the world

Thank you Steve, very well said!

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We HAVE to instill this pride and patrionism into our children as so many see the “grass is greener” on the other side. in addition to our beautiful nature,we also have open wide roads for travellers and friendly smiles where ever you go. Celebrating diversity is important but let us not forget that our different cultures have all contributed to this beautiful country – let us not minimize some groups in order to create universal group. This is enusure that everyone feels welcome and a happy person is a person who will give their own time and money to preserve the area they live in.

Thank you Natashia! You are clearly proudly South African and I applaud you for it.

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i love soutaffrica

Thank you Kashif!

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this reminds me of the former president Thabo Mbeki of his famous speech of “I am an African ” which shows the rivers, mountains, seas and the wonderful people that we have in this country that no other country have !!!

Thank you Sakie!

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Indeed a great country which produced great scholars, leaders, sports heroes/heroines, artists, thinkers and purely just versatile people who can do whatever to inspire all of us despite any odds/challenges/difficulties they may face in their journey of self discovery. I thank God for being a South Africa,

Thank you Themba. You have made some very true points.

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thank you so much guy you all have really good points

It’s a pleasure Marti.

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While Melbourne may be the most “livable city”, I found that it had non of the vibe & pulse that is Africa & South Africa. This place we call home is truly unique and most beautiful. Our Creator has excelled in all His creations; with S.A. definitely not being the least. When I flew back over Cape Town my heart sang…my pulse quickened…at the sight of Table Mountain and the warmth of her family & friends. I am home!!!

Thank you Leona!

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Thank you Loyiso.

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Thank you Lesa for reminding us of what we have

It’s an absolute pleasure, Adam!

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Yes ,the country is a beautiful gift,the challenge is to keep it that way,through sustainable lifestyles,and remember it can take one person to change the world,be the positive change needed.The trouble is we get agitated quickly and start to focus on those who come with hate speeches etc,let those who are not positive learn from positive deeds of the rainbow nation!

Thank you, Elizabeth! We need to focus on the positive and try to live sustainability in order to care for our beautiful country.

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I have been around the world 4 times already…No place as wonderful as South Africa to me. the rest of the world holds some awe but that’s short lived. We are a fortunate nation..

Thank you! We are a very fortunate nation indeed!

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I interact a lot with the private and public sector in South Africa and have traveled to some very beautiful countries, not much though to make a substantive judgement. BUT I must confess the hospitality, the warmth and humaneness of the South African citizens is what sets it apart from that which I have visited. The people compliment the character of the county, its hills and its valleys, its oceans and the animals. The Bill of rights and the human rights record of the country since the advent of democracy sets the tone for the character of its people. South Africa! an amazing grace!!

Thank you so much for saying that, Logan. As South Africans, I think it important for us to be welcoming and warm towards all.

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Recently discovered the beauty of the Midlands Meander in KZN. Wow…

It is little treasures like the Midlands Meander that make our country all the more special. Thank you for sharing, Nhlanhla.

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This is very impressive and something we should be very proud of. Lesa: is there some international rating system that is used to rate the beauty of countries which indicate that indeed we are the most beautiful country in the world or it is a personal point of view that brought you to this conclusion to say we are the most beautiful country in the world. If there is can you please share it with us as some of us have never travelled through out the world and rate our country, but we will appreciate to know what the system is called and how to access it so see which country is second and which is the least beautiful in the world

Hi Phumudzo. Thank you for your comment. This is a personal opinion of mine that we live in the, if not one of the most, beautiful countries in the world. I have been blessed to have been able to travel to many countries and to have even lived overseas and, from what I have seen, South Africa has some of the most extraordinary natural beauty, as well as cultural. Thank you for your interest and I hope that I have answered your question.

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i agre with you lesa, South of Africa is the best country to be, its nature is different from that of other country’s, i am telling you i enjoy having some fresh air from the mountains at moletjie where i stay, the natural melodi there is refreshing, the view of the villages, lakes there, i mean we are rich naturally thats why, jan van reberg, had this great expirience here, loved it and end up staying for longer, now this beautiful land of our must be conserved so that we will have an ever lasting natural experience.

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Indeed we are blessed with this beatiful country, all we have to do is to take care of it.

That is very true, Zamani. Together, we can look after it.

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This is really true , i’m come from bangladesh but i stay in south africa really it is very nice country in the world …

Thank you so much Milo. I’m glad you are enjoying staying in South Africa.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Let us work towards a South Africa in which all of its population may be able to see its natural beauty!

That is very true, Jeff, and it is a goal that we need to strive towards.

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I have been around in almost all the provinces and would like to stress that South Africa is one of the best country in the world.

Thank you Sipho. We are very lucky to be able to call South Africa home.

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Has anyone of you been to the most livable city in the world ? Melbourne,Australia ?

Hi Marcs, I have been to Melbourne before, as well as a couple of other cities in Australia. Melbourne, in particular, is a beautiful city filled with lovely and friendly people.

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Guys, I am so gratefully to hear the comments about our beautiful country. I am glad that we don’t call our country ” Christian country or muslam country. etc’ but we call South Africa because it belongs to all who live in it regardless of gender, race and beliefs .We have eleven officially languages which we all respect and try by all means to learn them. Lets learn from each other and keep our country as it is for the generation to come to come. love you all south Africans.

Very well said, Mishack. Learning from each other and respecting each others culture is important, as it helps us grow as a nation.

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9 provinces 11 languages 12 cities Exquisite cuisine,grand architecture,sleek cars,first world lifestyle,world class safaris,beautiful people,blooming history and chief of AFRICA!!!!!!!Can’t touch this…..

So true, Lincoln. Thank you for insight on our beautiful country.

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Indeed, South Africa is the greatest and most beautiful country you’ll ever find. People are so friendly and caring……Love it

Thank you Thembeka. That is very true.

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All honour to our Living God

I’m sure you would love South Africa Oluwafemi.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Zwi!

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Just wish am gona join you guys soon there!

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How I miss it, living in a tropical island in Indonesia its just not home.

Living on a tropical island sounds like a fun adventure Donovan, but it is true that if South Africa is your home, there is no place like it.

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It is by his Grace and love that we are livining in a beautiful healthy country as south Africa, that is fertile with Mountains, Oceans, Nature, Gold and Minerals and as well as the beautiful weather condition we have. Let us cherish and love our country.

Thank you Kim, our country needs to be cherished and cared for, in order for its beauty to remain.

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Very true, thank you for high lighting all the beauty our country, I’m sure if we look we will find beauty in all of creation around us. Negative thoughts breeds a negative outlook on life, lets focus on the good and you will find yourself in a better state of mind.

It is my pleasure to be able to share my thoughts, Nyx, and you are right about positive thoughts leading to a better state of mind. Thank you.

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Thanks God for giving/allocating us in such a beautiful place like this, so now it on our hands to fight for peace in our land. Woooow come to Port St Johns you will see what we call beauty of the nature.

Thank you so much Sandiso. We have been gifted with beautiful country and need to protect it for future generations.

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we thank god for the beautiful nature we have apart from crime,poverty and other economic issues our country is the most peaceful one

Thank you, Anna. Unfortunately, we see those issues daily but to see the beauty through all of it is what makes living in South Africa so special.

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wow indeed our country is beautifull, we all should be greatfull and stop focusing on negative things.

Thank you Anele, I couldn’t agree more with you. We should try to focus on the positives in life everyday, even though somedays are harder than others.

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Agree with you 100% Lesa regarding crime as you can see that we do have people coming from other countries and commit crime here whereas we can’t go to theirs and do as we want since we are rainbow nation, but we are truely blessed.

We are truly blessed to have this country and all of its natural beauty to call home. Thank you Simon.

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South Africa’s peaceful and stable transition to democracy, universally recognized as one of the major achievements of the 20th Century, is not a coincidence or a mere short-term success: the realities in South Africa, which made this miraculous transition possible, are still in place and guarantee future stability. Political stability is the key to investor confidence, especially in today’s world. It is, therefore, essential to take a closer look at those factors, external and internal, which are guaranteeing continued political stability in South Africa.

That is true, Waqas. Thank you.

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It is true we are very blessed, let us cherish our beautiful country and not focus on the negative that way we can be happy people

Thank you Victor. We need more happiness, and focusing on negatives things takes that away from us.

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All true but crime is going to ruin this

You make a fair point Dudley, but, unfortunately, crime is a battle that we face anywhere in the world. We can appreciate South Africa for its natural beauty and be thankful that this is the country that many of us get to call home.

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We give God all the glory for blessing us with such magnificent piece of artistry like South Africa!

We are all very blessed to live in our beautiful country. Thank you Molefi.

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Well KUJANI ,YEBO , i would like to thank South Africa for the peacefull enviroment it has provided to me and my family , The protection of its nature and the traditional sanctuaries , i appreciate the wonderfull work of the Creator , Since am A strong traditional healer by nature . I like exploring in the wild looking for muthi and herbs and my studies . I really found work to be easy here and i recommend all those who have visited South Africa to do so . Yours sincerely Omar , +27839662696

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beautiful country indeed, lets us fight rhino poaching with intergrity because is killing one of the big five, whereas 80% of population is in S A. Let us protects the protected species of animalie and plantae, leave politics behind

Thank you so much Moshiti. We do need to care and protect our beautiful, unique nature.

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Thank you Moshiti. I agree with you

I can even die without visit other countries because my mzansi rockz.

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definitely the fact that we don’t struggle with the extreme natural disaster such as Tsunami’s and earthquakes. Great reason to love and preserve South Africa.

I didn’t think about that, but it is a very true fact. Thank you Fezile.

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Excellent article. We focus too much on negative things and forget how blessed we are as a country. Ours is a truly beautiful country and the weather is awesome.

Thank you Xolani! Couldn’t agree more about everything, especially the weather.

indeed south africa is blessed and the weather is awesome!!!

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The diversity unequaled by any other country – our wildlife, our plant kingdom, our marine life, our scenery (from white beaches, across coastal forest, through green rolling hills, over craggy mountains, between giant desert sand dunes, endless plains and then to gaze in awe from God’s Window), the multitude of outdoor sports, the wonderful mild weather all year round and above all the diversity of our people, living diverse lives in diverse homes making us truly a Rainbow Nation.

That is so true and you make some wonderful points! Thank you so much Rodney.

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South Africa is Truly an Amazing Country – Speech Examples

South Africa is Truly an Amazing Country - Speech Examples

This page is dedicated to showcasing some inspiring speech examples that highlight the remarkable aspects of this amazing country called South Africa. From its diverse culture and rich history to its stunning landscapes and unique wildlife, South Africa has something for everyone. We invite you to explore these speeches, and hope they inspire you to learn more about this incredible nation.

Our first speech example delves into the immense cultural diversity found in South Africa, its breathtaking natural beauty, and the nation’s inspiring journey towards democracy.

The second speech focuses on the warmth and resilience of South Africa’s people, its awe-inspiring landscapes, storied history, and the country’s incredible wildlife.

Finally, the third speech emphasizes the vibrant cities, commitment to conservation and sustainable tourism, the world-class wine industry, and the country’s role in the global fight for human rights.

We hope these South Africa is Truly an Amazing Country speech examples provide you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for this remarkable nation. As you explore the speeches, we encourage you to share your own experiences and thoughts about South Africa in the comments section below. Together, let’s celebrate the beauty, resilience, and spirit of this extraordinary country.

Speech Example 1: South Africa is Truly an Amazing Country

Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you to share my experiences and appreciation for the beautiful country of South Africa. This nation is not only rich in its diverse cultural heritage, but it is also blessed with breathtaking landscapes and remarkable wildlife.

The first aspect that makes South Africa stand out is its immense cultural diversity. With eleven official languages and numerous ethnic groups, the nation has become a melting pot of unique traditions, customs, and cuisines. This vast diversity fosters a spirit of unity and understanding, as people from all walks of life come together to celebrate their heritage.

Another exceptional feature of South Africa is its stunning natural beauty. From the towering Table Mountain in Cape Town to the lush greenery of the Garden Route, this country offers a visual feast for the eyes. Furthermore, South Africa is home to the world-renowned Kruger National Park, where visitors can witness the Big Five and other incredible wildlife in their natural habitat.

Lastly, let’s not forget South Africa’s inspiring journey towards democracy. This nation has overcome the dark shadows of apartheid to become a beacon of hope and an example of progress. Today, South Africa is a thriving nation, committed to equality and justice for all its citizens.

Speech Example 2: South Africa is Truly an Amazing Country

Dear friends and colleagues, I am delighted to talk about a country that has captured my heart – South Africa. Its vibrant people, picturesque landscapes, and fascinating history make it a truly amazing place to visit and learn from.

Firstly, South Africa’s people are among the warmest and most welcoming you will ever encounter. Despite the challenges they have faced, the people of this nation display unwavering resilience and optimism. Their willingness to share their stories, music, and dance is a testament to their strength and character.

In addition to its remarkable people, South Africa is also home to some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes on earth. The dramatic Drakensberg Mountains, the golden beaches of Durban, and the endless rolling hills of the Eastern Cape are just a few examples of the country’s natural splendor. These landscapes provide a sense of serenity and tranquility, and serve as the perfect backdrop for adventure-seekers and nature-lovers alike.

South Africa’s storied history is yet another factor that makes it such an amazing country. The nation has a rich and complex past, dating back to the ancient San and KhoiKhoi people. This heritage can be explored through the many museums, historical sites, and cultural villages found throughout the country.

Finally, South Africa’s incredible wildlife is something that cannot be overlooked. The country boasts an abundance of flora and fauna, including the iconic African elephant, lion, and rhinoceros. The opportunity to observe these majestic creatures in their natural environment is an experience that will undoubtedly leave you in awe.

Speech Example 3: South Africa is Truly an Amazing Country

Esteemed guests, it is an honor to speak to you about a country that holds a special place in my heart – South Africa. From its vibrant cities to its diverse ecosystems, this nation truly has something for everyone.

One cannot discuss South Africa without mentioning its thriving cities, such as Johannesburg and Cape Town. These urban centers offer a perfect blend of modernity and tradition, showcasing world-class architecture alongside historical landmarks. As cultural hubs, these cities also provide a platform for local artists and musicians to share their talents with the world.

Another aspect of South Africa that deserves recognition is its commitment to conservation and sustainable tourism. The country boasts numerous national parks and reserves, where travelers can experience its unique ecosystems while supporting local communities and environmental initiatives. This dedication to preserving the natural world is commendable and sets an example for other nations to follow.

South Africa’s wine industry is yet another reason to celebrate this amazing country.

With a wine-making history that dates back over 350 years, the country’s fertile valleys and ideal climate have produced some of the finest wines in the world. Wine enthusiasts can explore the picturesque Cape Winelands, home to renowned estates like Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, and enjoy the exquisite flavors and aromas that South African wines have to offer.

Lastly, South Africa’s role in the global fight for human rights is truly inspiring. The country’s struggle against apartheid, led by visionaries like Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, has left an indelible mark on history. This journey towards freedom and equality has made South Africa a symbol of hope and perseverance, and serves as a reminder that change is possible when people come together for a common cause.

South Africa is truly an amazing country with its diverse culture, breathtaking landscapes, fascinating history, and commendable commitment to both conservation and human rights. These speech examples only scratch the surface of what this incredible nation has to offer, and I encourage everyone to experience the beauty and resilience of South Africa firsthand.

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

17 Absolute Best Places to Visit in South Africa (+Map & Tips)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: February 19, 2024

17 Absolute Best Places to Visit in South Africa (+Map & Tips)

If you are reading this because you searched for the best places to visit in South Africa , then it probably means that you already know that South Africa is one of the most remarkable countries in the world and that you are considering a trip there.

Go for it! South Africa is one of the most beautiful destinations you’ll ever visit!

South Africa is so special and unique that it’s often called The World in One Country . And so it is! S-A is like a perfect mix of the very best of the entire world in one place. At the same time, it’s like no other place on Earth…

In this article, you can find a list of the very best places to see in South Africa. 17 incredible destinations in South Africa that are worth a trip from the other side of the world. Find out!

Disclosure:  This article is sponsored by South African Tourism . It’s not a secret that South Africa is our absolute favorite country in the world, so we are really excited to be working with them to inspire you to discover this incredible country. All opinions and enthusiasm about South Africa are, of course, our own.

We fell in love with South Africa the first time we visited it many years ago and I’m sure you’ll feel the same way too. It’s a place that captures your heart forever.

Main tourist attractions and best things to do in South Africa

Below, you can find the list of the  most amazing places you should visit in South Africa .

This is in no way a complete list, but it should give you a good idea of what to expect and where to go when visiting for the first time. It’s the list of the very best things to do and places to see in South Africa .

I ranked this list by putting my own favorites on top. So if you are limited in time, I suggest that you start with the top of the list and work your way down. At the bottom of this article, you can also find the map indicating all the main tourist attractions in South Africa mentioned in this post. Find out!

Most beautiful places in South Africa - ultimate list

TIP: If you are not sure how to plan your trip, please check our South Africa 2 week itinerary that covers most of the must-see places in South Africa. Please note that it’s a very complete itinerary, but it doesn’t leave much extra time to explore deeper.

If you want to visit every place from this list, you’ll need at least 3 weeks and it will be rushed. If you want to see all the best places in South Africa mentioned in this article AND have some time to explore somewhat deeper, you’ll probably need at least a month…

These are the best places to visit in South Africa:

1. Cape Town

If there is one place you absolutely have to see in South Africa, it’s Cape Town . It was the oldest European establishment in South Africa (1652) and is therefore often referred to as the Mother City.

It’s difficult to describe in just a few words what Cape Town is all about. You really have to experience it in order to be able to appreciate the mingle of African and European cultures, a mix of tradition and modern, and the unique blend of city life and nature…

If South Africa is the world in one country, then Cape Town is the world in one city. Absolutely not to be missed when visiting South Africa!

Here are some of the main places you have to see in Cape Town : Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, Table Mountain, Signal Hill & Lion’s Head, Robben Island, Bo-Kaap area, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Two Oceans Aquarium, and also the city center with its local markets, shops, restaurants, and museums.

TIP:  If the gondola to the top of Table Mountain is open, go there first. It often gets closed due to high winds, so don’t leave it for the last day.

Cape Town is a must in any South African trip itinerary

2. Cape Peninsula

Together with Cape Town, Cape Peninsula  is one of the most impressive regions of South Africa. This is one of those places that you really don’t want to miss!

The absolute highlights of the Cape Peninsula include Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point and the stunning 12 Apostles   coastline from Camps Bay to Hout Bay and further south along Chapman’s Peak Drive .

Not to be missed is Simon’s Town with Boulder’s Beach penguin colony (yes, you can see wild penguins in South Africa!) and also an ocean walkway from  Muizenberg to Kalk Bay via St. James beach is really nice. Groot Constantia wine region in Cape Peninsula has spectacular scenery and some of the best wines in South Africa.

Also, in Hout Bay you can take a boat to see a seal colony – it’s called Duiker Island , but most people just refer to it as Hout Bay Seal Island. This is a very popular tourist attraction, so you may want to book in advance. For a more unique experience, you can even go snorkeling with the seals .

TIP: One day is hardly enough to see the highlights of Cape Peninsula. So if you can, try to spend at least a few days in this area. I recommend at least a week for Cape Town and Cape Peninsula, with 3-4 days being an absolute minimum.

Cape Peninsula is a wonderful place that you really have to visit in South Africa

3. The Garden Route

Another absolutely amazing region, the Garden Route is one of those places you really have to see in South Africa as well. This +-200km stretch between Mossel Bay and Stormsrivier is one of the most scenic routes in the world, but you have to take the time in order to truly appreciate it.

You could drive the Garden Route in just half a day, but you won’t see much just by sitting in the car. So ideally you take at least a couple of days to explore this area. 

Some of the nicest places along the Garden Route are Storms River and Tsitsikamma National Park , Robberg Nature Reserve , Plettenberg Bay , the whole area around Knysna (don’t miss the Heads and the Featherbed Private Nature Reserve!), Wilderness , and the beautiful coastline along the entire route.

Oudtshoorn , famous for its ostrich farms and Cango Caves , is a bit out of the way from the rest, but it’s also considered as part of the Garden Route. Well worth a visit.

TIP: If you are traveling with kids or if you just love wildlife, don’t miss Monkeyland and Birds of Eden   (both just next to each other). Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve is a great place for a family-friendly safari along the Garden Route and Knysna Elephant Park is one of the best ethical places to interact with elephants in South Africa. 

Tsitsikamma National Park along the Garden Route - beautiful region to visit in South Africa

4. Kruger National Park

Without any doubt, Kruger National Park is one of the best-known places to visit in South Africa. If you want the best wildlife safari experience in South Africa, then Kruger NP is definitely the place to be.

Kruger is the oldest and also the biggest National Park in South Africa. To give you an idea, with 2,000,000 hectares (20,000 km 2 ), it’s about the size of Israel or the state of New Jersey. In other words, Kruger NP is huge! Ideally, you plan to spend at least 2-3 days in Kruger NP and make several game drives.

Hundreds of animal species call Kruger home and it’s also the best place to see the Big 5 in South Africa. The Big 5 refers to five most difficult African animals to hunt on foot: lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and Cape buffalo. Hunting is really not cool anymore, but this term is widely used as a sort of ‘5 must-see African animals’ list.

There are 101 ways to explore Kruger National Park. You can opt for one of the many luxury lodges and private safari rides , organized day tours , or you can drive and explore Kruger NP with your own car. No matter which way you choose to explore Kruger National Park, it’s a place that you really must see in South Africa!

If you have never been on a safari before, please check our ultimate guide to safari in Africa .

TIP: Combine a visit to Kruger National Park with the nearby Panorama Route and Blyde River Canyon (see below).

Visiting Kruger National Park is one of the best things to do in South Africa

5. Blyde River Canyon & Panorama Route

Blyde River Canyon is one of the most beautiful natural landmarks of South Africa. It’s also one of the largest canyons in the world.  Due to its proximity to several main entrances of Kruger National Park, Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve and the whole Panorama Route make a very popular day trip in the area.

Together with Kruger NP, Blyde River Canyon is one of the most popular tourist attractions in northern South Africa.

Start your day with breakfast at the famous Harrie’s Pancakes in Graskop . Then head north to the Pinnacle , God’s Window , and Wonder View . Further highlights of the Panorama Route include Lisbon Falls and Berlin Falls , also  Bourke’s Luck Potholes , and Lowveld viewpoint . But the most impressive of them all is the Three Rondavels viewpoint . The scenery here is simply spectacular!

Three Rondavels was one of the first places we visited just after arrival in South Africa and that image stayed with us forever. It was here that we fell in love with this amazingly diverse country and realized that it has so much more to offer than we ever imagined… Don’t miss if you are visiting Kruger NP and have a day to spare!

If you have more time, you can also consider a visit to the Echo Caves  or a small museum-town called Pilgrim’s Rest.

Blyde River Canyon and Panorama Route - one of the best places to see in South Africa

6. Hermanus

Hermanus is my husband’s favorite place in South Africa, one we always wish we had stayed longer at…

The town itself isn’t that special, but its coastline is second to none! Grab a picnic and explore the beautiful coastal walking path. The bay near Hermanus is known as the best place to see whales and dolphins in South Africa and it definitely lives up to its reputation!

You can take a whale watching boat tour and get really close to these majestic animals, but you can usually also see them from ashore. Both experiences are very different and each special in their own way. I really recommend both – taking the boat tour and also walking the coastal route in Hermanus and watching whales and dolphins from the shore.

Please note that whales are not always around. The best time to see whales in Hermanus is between June and December, but some years they arrive earlier or leave later, so you just never know. 

We have been on many whale-watching tours all over the world, but nowhere did we see so many whales from so close by as in Hermanus. There were tens of whales just meters away from our boat… We also saw hundreds of dolphins while walking along the coast. It sure is one of the best places to go whale – and dolphin-watching in the world.

TIP: Nearby Gansbaai is also a beautiful place with a stunning coastline and a good chance to see the whales. It’s not as well known and therefore much less visited than Hermanus, but it’s a perfect place to visit for those who have more time in the area and looking to discover some off-beat hidden gems.

Hermanus is one of the top places to see in South Africa

7. South Africa Wine Region: Stellenbosch and Franschhoek

South Africa has become world-famous for its wines and the best region to see the wineries and taste some wines is the beautiful area between  Stellenbosch, Paarl, and Franschhoek.

This wine region is just a short drive from Cape Town and is therefore really easy to visit, even if you only have limited time in South Africa.

Stellenbosch and Paarl are bigger towns and I’m not sure if they are worth a visit, but the nearby wineries and the surrounding scenery is a must. We loved the quaint little Franschhoek town with its white buildings, hilly landscapes, and a very cozy atmosphere. Such a beautiful region – a place you have to see in South Africa!

TIP: Don’t drink and drive! If you are staying in Cape Town, you can visit the wine region with an organized day tour. Here is one of the best-rated and most complete wine region tours from Cape Town  that I was able to find. 

Franschhoek - Stellenbosch wineries region in South Africa

8. Cape Agulhas – Southernmost Tip Of Africa

Cape Agulhas, the Southernmost place in Africa , is so far from every other landmark in South Africa and main tourist routes that it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. But what a beautiful and unique place it is!

Standing at this point where two oceans meet you truly feel like you’ve reached the end of the world…

The best way to visit Cape Agulhas is by making a stop there on your way from Cape Town to the Garden Route (or vice versa). We once did it in a day, just stopping there when driving from Knysna to Cape Town, but it was a really long drive.

TIP: I suggest that you break the drive and either stay in Cape Agulhas or in the area around Hermanus or Gansbaai for one night.

Cape Agulhas - one of the best places to see in South Africa

9. Drakensberg

Another wonderful region a bit off the beaten tourist path in South Africa is the Drakensberg mountains . The Dragon Mountain is a +-200km mountain range between the Kingdom of Lesotho and KwaZulu Natal province in South Africa, a few hours drive from Durban. 

The region is known for its incredible vistas, countless waterfalls, mountain streams, rock pools, caves, and tranquil scenery pretty much undisturbed by human development. The Drakensberg is the highest mountain range in South Africa and if you visit here in the winter (July) as we did, be prepared for the freezing cold temperatures at night.

Theoretically, you could visit the Drakensberg region just for a day, but ideally, you spend at least a couple of days here. There is a wide range of outdoor activities available, such as hiking or golf to mention just a few…

TIP: If you stay close to the Underberg area (we stayed at this hotel ), you can pop over the border and visit Lesotho for a day ( day tours are available too). 

Drakensberg mountain range is one of the most beautiful regions in South Africa

10. Addo Elephant National Park

If you are looking for a malaria-free family-friendly safari experience in Africa, Addo Elephant National Park is one of the very best places to do that.

South Africa’s third-largest National Park is located in the southern part of the country, close to Port Elizabeth and just a few hours drive from the Garden Route.

As the name suggests, Addo Elephant NP is a perfect place to see wild elephants. This park is home to over 600 elephants and they are all around. Many other African animals live here as well and if you are really lucky, you may even get to spot The Big 5…

TIP: You can easily explore the park on a self-drive safari. But – as always – a guided open-jeep safari tour will give you a very different experience. If you come here for a few days and have your own car, I suggest you do both – visit the park on your own but also book at least one safari ride.

Addo Elephant National Park offers one of the best safari experiences in South Africa

11. iSimangaliso Wetland Park

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, iSimangaliso Wetland Park has a lot to more to offer than it looks at first sight. It’s not that widely known and definitely not one of the main tourist attractions in South Africa, but it’s well worth a trip.

iSimangaliso Wetland Park has it all: beautiful scenery, unique landscapes, white-sand beaches, snorkeling, diving, and lots of wildlife. You can expect to see rhino, zebra, buffalo, troop baboons, wildebeest, and even elephants, to name just a few…

One of the main reasons tourists visit this area is to see hippos in the wild. iSimangaliso Wetland Park is a paradise for water-loving animals and is, therefore, one of the best places to see hippos and crocodiles in South Africa .

TIP: You can visit the park by car, but if you really want to get close to the hippos and the crocodiles in a safe way, it’s best to book St. Lucia estuary boat tour . The boat tour takes just two hours, so you can spend the rest of the time self-driving and exploring the park.

iSimangaliso Wetland Park is one of the best places to see hippos in South Africa

12. Pilanesberg National Park

Just over 2 hours drive from Johannesburg, Pilanesberg National Park is probably one of the easiest and best-accessible places for a wildlife safari in South Africa.

Pilanesberg Game Reserve is set in an extinct volcanic crater, where the soil is rich with grasslands, perfect for wildlife. A man-made lake, Mankwe Dam, is used as a drinking waterhole – a perfect place to see African animals.

Wildlife here includes zebras, lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and many other species. Because the park is rather small, it’s quite easy to find the animals, even if you come here just for a few hours.

TIP: You can visit Pilanesberg National Park  as a day trip from Johannesburg , but if you have some time to spare, stay a few days. If you like places like Las Vegas in the US , don’t miss the nearby  Sun City with entertainment for young and old.

From luxury resorts and casinos, waterparks and golfing, to outdoor activities, wildlife viewing, and even hot air balloon safari – this area truly has it all.

Hot air balloon above Pilanesberg National Park in South Africa

13. Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park

One can never have too many safari experiences in Africa, right? So if you are visiting St.Lucia/Durban area, then I really recommend a day trip to  Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park .

This park is not as well known as Kruger and the other National Parks mentioned above, but it’s just as beautiful and offers amazing wildlife viewing. Africa’s Big 5 live here and, of course, many other animals.

TIP: You can visit this park on a self-drive safari or take a guided safari tour from Durban . If you want to make the best of your short time, you can also opt for a tour that combines Hluhluwe and iSimangaliso Wetlands, mentioned above.

Rhinos in Hluhluwe–iMfolozi Park in South Africa

14. West Coast National Park

Just an hour drive north of Cape Town, West Coast National Park is the locals’ favorite, so if you come in a warm season, expect it to be busy. This park has beautiful beaches, stunning coastlines, scenic hiking trails, wildlife, and lots of wildflowers.

Springtime (August – September) is the best time to see the flowers and the park might be even busier than usual. 

West Coast National Park is considered a real jewel. It’s not a must-see in South Africa if you are short on time, but if you are staying in Cape Town and have a day to spare, definitely check it out!

TIP: There aren’t many facilities here; it’s all about nature. So if you come for a day, make sure to bring some food and plenty of water. 

West Coast National Park - one of the nicest places to visit in South Africa

Durban is considered one of the cities that you should see in South Africa. We found that there were better ways to spend our time in South Africa than visiting its cities… so we didn’t stay in Durban longer than necessary. Just in case you wonder, Cape Town is a whole other story, one city you have to see.

Nevertheless, if you are traveling in this area, you shouldn’t miss Durban. One of the best things to do here is go to the beach and stroll the Golden Mile , visit UShaka Marine World  or Durban Botanic Gardens .

Durban is also a good base for a day trip to the earlier mentioned Hluhluwe-iMfolozi NP and iSimangaliso Wetland Park, and also to the Drakensberg mountains. A really interesting thing to do in Durban is also this Shakaland and Zulu culture day trip .

TIP: If you are short on time, fly from Durban to Port Elizabeth or Cape Town – it will save you lots of driving. 

Durban UShaka Pier in South Africa

16. Johannesburg

The largest city in South Africa, Johannesburg’s history goes back to the 19th century. It’s hard to believe that this bustling city with a population of 1 million started as a gold-mining settlement.

If you want to learn about South Africa’s long part to democracy, then don’t miss Soweto township ( go with a guide! ) which was once home to Nelson Mandela and also Desmond Tutu. 

Must-see in Johannesburg is the Apartheid Museum and Constitution Hill , a former prison complex. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and tens of thousands of others were imprisoned here at some point in South Africa’s turbulent history…

Johannesburg - one of the main cities to visit in South Africa

17. Namaqua National Park & Namaqualand

Namaqualand and Namaqua National Park , close to the Namibian border, are so far from all the other tourist attractions in South Africa that you’ll hardly ever see it mentioned as one of the best places to visit in the country. It’s actually more of a hidden gem of South Africa.

Come spring and the dusty valleys are transformed into a magical wildflower wonderland. The whole area is covered in colorful flower carpet, attracting local visitors and international tourists alike.

If you are visiting South Africa in August-September and feel like getting off the beaten path, you may want to include this unique region in your itinerary.

Namaqua National Park and Namaqualand - one of the best places to visit in South Africa in spring

Best places to visit in South Africa on the map

In order to help you plan your trip to South Africa and visit as many of the highlands as possible, I created this map indicating all the places mentioned in this article. This way you can get a better idea of where everything is located and plan accordingly.

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

So, this is our list of the most beautiful and trip-worthy places to visit in South Africa . If you are wondering where to go and what to see in South Africa, now you should have a much better idea.

South Africa Travel FAQ

Here are some of the popular questions our readers ask about visiting South Africa:

South Africa is a year-round destination and every season has something to offer. The best time to see wildlife in Kruger National Park is the dry season between May and October. Whereas the best time to visit Cape Town and the Garden Route is between September – November and from March to May.

South Africa is huge and there are so many beautiful places to see. But if you have to choose just one area to visit, we recommend Cape Town and Cape Peninsula.

South Africa is not the safest place to visit in the world and the crime rate is quite high. That being said, if you are cautious, aware of your surroundings, and do not take unnecessary risks, crime against tourists is really not that common. We visited South Africa several times, also with kids, and we never experienced any problems.

No, South Africa is not an expensive destination. The biggest cost or the trip is the flight to get there. Accommodation, food, and activities are quite cheap in South Africa. But – as everywhere in the world – a lot depends on the choices you make and mostly on the accommodations that you choose.

2 weeks is the minimum time if you want to see the most beautiful places of South Africa. If you have about 10 days, spend 3 days in Kruger NP and fly to the south of the country for the rest of the trip. If you have 1 week or less, it’s best to concentrate on just one area – either Kruger NP and surroundings or Cape Peninsula and the Garden Route.

TIP: When planning a trip to South Africa, make sure to also check our South Africa itinerary . It contains most of the highlights of South Africa from this list and shows you how to see all the best places in just two weeks. Check it out – it will help you plan a trip of a lifetime!

And if you are traveling with a family, check out this guide for more info on what to expect and where to go when visiting South Africa with kids .

If you found this post helpful, don’t forget to bookmark it and share it with your friends. Are you on Pinterest? Pin these images!

Best places to see and things to do in South Africa

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Sunday 30th of October 2022

Hi, South African here living in Jhb. A must is Oribi Gorge Southern KWAZULU-NATAL, if planning a Durban trip. I love traveling my country as well as other African countries.

We just got back this September from a road trip to Etosha National Park, Namibia. As always we absolutely loved it.

Sunday 6th of November 2022

Thanks for the additional tip and happy travels, Vennie!

Sunday 18th of September 2022

This is so helpful! I will definitely go to South Africa someday. Thank you so much!

Monday 19th of September 2022

Glad to hear that. Hope you can visit South Africa one day - it's a wonderful country!

Wednesday 4th of May 2022

Thanks Jurga! This is a great source of information. Just planning a three week trip to South Africa for December 2022. My first trip to South Africa since 1991. You've given me plenty of ideas for my itinerary.

Oh, lucky you! We're also contemplating another trip to S-A soon. Good luck with the planning and have a great trip! PS We also have a guide with a sample 2-week South Africa itinerary - check it out. You could build on it if you want to visit all these places and add more since you have 3 weeks.

Tuesday 22nd of March 2022

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful informative information on the blog. I have read your other posts which are all really informative for any traveler before arriving South Africa.

Wednesday 23rd of March 2022

Glad to hear you found our guides useful. Happy travels!

Thursday 10th of February 2022

The end of this month I am going to travel to South Africa by myself. I am 21 years old and I am from the Netherlands. The first 2 weeks I am going to work at an Baboon orphanage center in Phalaborwa, which is next to the Kruger National Park. In these two weeks I will have some free time to visit the Kruger Park on a safari. After the two weeks I have 4 weeks to travel by myself to see other beautiful places in South Africa, and stay in hostels etc. My idea is to take a flight after the two weeks from Hoedspruit airport to Durban or Kaapstad, and then stay there for a while and see other nice places. Do you guys have any tips for my journey?

Kind regards,

Friday 11th of February 2022

Hi Jesse, this sounds like an amazing experience for you! With 4 weeks to travel in South Africa (and already having seen Kruger before), you can see a lot. Durban - Drakensbergen area is nice, but I'd definitely try to spend more time in the south - the Garden Route, Cape Town, etc. If you are not renting a car, it will be a bit more difficult to explore outside the cities, but you can find a lot to do in/near them too. If you choose just one place, then Cape Town is really the best option. And you can also take some tours if there are some places you absolutely want to see and can't easily get to on your own. Hope this helps a bit. Have a great time in South Africa!

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Descriptive Essay: My Country South Africa

South Africa is a country situated on the most southern tip of Africa cradled by the icy Atlantic Ocean on the west and the warm Indian Ocean on the south and east. The southernmost tip jutting out into the ocean is called Cape Aghulhas (Cape of Needles) and separates these two great oceans. To the north are Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe. South Africa encircles the independent kingdoms of Swaziland and Lesotho.

The 11 official languages are Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tswana, Tonga, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. The three most spoken first languages are Zulu (22.7%), Xhosa (16%) and Afrikaans (13.5%). English is the language of commerce and science and is the first language of 9.6% South Africans. There are also semi-official and unofficial languages.

The unofficial languages of the Khoikhoi and San are in grave danger of extinction. They are the aboriginal peoples of South Africa and are physically distinct with an ancient culture founded on hunter-gatherer societies.

The country is made up of nine provinces Western Cape, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, North West, Limpopo, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumulanga and Free State. The main cities are Durban (coastal Kwazulu-Natal), Johannesburg (inland Gauteng), Cape Town (coastal Western Cape) and Pretoria (inland northern Gauteng).

Population and Size

South Africa takes up four percent of Africa’s landmass i.e. 1 221 040 square kilometers making it three times bigger than Texas and five times bigger than Britain. This area is populated by about 52 million people.

Our first peoples were the San and Khoikhoi established for thousands of years before the arrival of the Bantu-speaking tribes who were established hundreds of years before the Europeans. The Europeans were sent by the Dutch East India Company and arrived at the Cape in 1652 to build a fort and start a garden for ships on the eastern trading route. Eventually, this route also brought slaves to the Cape until slaves were freed in 1833.

The Afrikaans speaking Boers, descended mainly from Europeans, trekked north and east to establish the Boer republics of Orange Free State and Transvaal. They did not want to be under British rule. After diamonds were discovered in 1867, and gold in 1876, a war broke out between Boers and British. In 1902, the Boers were defeated and in 1910 South Africa became a Union of 2 British and 2 Boer colonies.

The ANC was founded in 1912 but in 1936 black South Africans were expunged from the voter rolls. In 1950, more than 1 million black South Africans were forced from cities to rural areas and poverty.

In 1961, South Africa became a republic under the white supremacist Nationalists and the country was gradually weakened by internal black opposition and international boycotts. In 1990, this led to de Klerk releasing Mandela from 27 years in prison. In a 1992 referendum, white South Africans voted to support de Klerk’s negotiations and in 1994 the ANC won the first democratic election and Mandela became president on 10 May.

My country has experienced a tragic history but today, all South Africans strive equally for a better future and to maintain democratic values e.g. the country is united in preventing current President Zuma from restricting freedom of speech. Our biggest challenge is reducing poverty but this is possible due to tourism, mineral wealth and Johannesburg being the thriving power-house of business on the African continent.

http://www.edusouthafrica.com/south-africa.html http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0107983.html http://www.factmonster.com/country/profiles/south-africa.html http://www.southafrica.info/about/history/521109.htm#.UzKlhqiSzxI

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Descriptive Essay on My Favourite Place

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my favourite place in south africa essay

Johnny Africa

Top 15 Things To Do In South Africa: My Favorite Country


  • Last Updated On: December 24, 2023

South Africa is one of my favorite countries in the world. I lived there for many years and traveled extensively around the country so I know what I’m talking about when it come down to writing a list of the top things to do in the country.

This list is meant to summarize countless months and years of traveling through the Rainbow nation. It’s purpose is to give you a small flavor of what South Africa has to offer and hopefully induces a little bit of FOMO for you to start planning your trip. Whether you’re planning a two week trip to South Africa or a South African honeymoon in conjunction with Zanzibar , this post will help you all along the way.

1. Climb Lion’s Head in Cape Town

Of all the things to do in Cape Town , Lion’s head is my favorite. Shortly after hiking Table Mountain , we were aiming to go to Cape Point midday but the traffic was so horrible that we turned around and went back to our hotel in Camps Bay. A short nap later, I decided we needed to climb Lion’s Head as well so to get both mountains in. Climbing both Table Mountain and Lion’s Head in the same day is not for the feint of heart and most people thought we were crazy to do it.

Climbing Lion's Head

But we did it anyway! Compared to the first time I climbed this, I was not hungover, and I wore proper shoes which made it much easier to climb. I wasn’t winded at any point and I think this is one of the best hikes I’ve ever done.

Lion's head cape town south africa

To get to Lion’s Head, simply drive on the road towards Signal Hill and the base of Lion’s Head will be located before you reach it. There is parking all on the side of the road and you’ll know where the entrance is just by the row of cars parked.

Hiking lion's head cape town

The hike up Lion’s Head is much easier physically than Table Mountain. Not only is it a shorter hike but it zig zag’s around the mountain whereas Table Mountain is a straight shot up. Lion’s Head is also a more fun hike in my opinion as there are some very minor rock climbing (chains and ladders) aspect to it!

Lion's head climb Cape Town

All in all, the hike will take about 45 minutes to 1 hour. When you’re at the top, you’ll see many other hikers soaking up the views. There are no bars and no restaurants here, it’s completely untamed which I absolutely loved. During the summer months, the top can be quite packed but can you blame people for appreciating such stunning views?

On Lion's Head with a view

To make it even more enjoyable, make sure to take some beers, or a bottle of wine from perhaps a previous day of wine tasting in Stellenbosch with you to enjoy at the top with incredible views of the Atlantic ocean and Cape Town’s city centre. I didn’t do this the first time and got serious FOMO by seeing all my fellow hikers cracking open beers and wine bottles. Fewer places in the world offer nicer views than Lion’s Head!

Can't beat having sundowners on Lion's Head!

I’d highly recommend this to anyone that wants to do something active in Cape Town, likes amazing views, or want to get actively romantic with their significant others like my friends did on their honeymoon!

2. Cape Point Day Trip

If there’s one thing I tell my people not to miss when visiting Cape Town is a day trip to the absolutely stunning Cape Point. Cape Point is home to the famous Cape Point lighthouse as well as the Cape of Good Hope where the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet. It is not the southern most point of South Africa, that honor goes to Cape Aghulas but that is a 3 hour drive from Cape Town.

View of Cape point

Cape Point, along with visiting Boulders beach home to the African penguin colony, Muizenberg beach, and the Chapman’s peak drive make for the absolute perfect day trip from Cape Town. If this sounds like something you’re keen to do, then all you’ll need to know about planning the day will be in this post!

The famous Penguin colony of Boulder's beach!

If you’re staying in Cape Town, make sure to also read my Ultimate Cape Town Travel guide for insider tips on what to do and see in the mother city.

A Day Trip Itinerary for Cape Point from Cape Town

So now that you’re keen and ready for visiting Cape Point, this is how I would arrange the day. This is of course really only applicable if you’re self-driving or you have a private driver taking you around. If you go on an organized tour, then you’ll follow whatever schedule they’ve laid out for you.

9:00am – Leave Cape Town and drive towards Hout Bay

10:00am – Enjoy fish and chips at Snoeckies, enjoy Hout Bay beach

11:00am – Drive along Chapman’s Peak until you reach Boulder’s Beach

11:30am – Visit the penguins at Boulder’s Beach

1:30pm – Arrive at Cape Point, walk or take funicalar to the top of the lighthouse

3:00pm – Leave Cape Point and drive to Muizenberg Beach to look at the iconic colorful houses

5:00pm – Leave Muizenberg Beach back to Cape Town

6:00pm – Arrive in Cape Town.

Booking an organized tour

If you’re not keen for driving, then rest assured, there are many tours you can book that will take you to most of these places. This is what I do when I plan honeymoons for my readers to the Rainbow Nation as most honeymooners aren’t keen to drive on the other side of the road. If you are keen for driving, rest assured that the roads around Cape Town are in perfect condition and the traffic is pleasant.

On Viator, I normally book this tour for my readers as it visits all the main sights I’ve listed below, as well as a wine farm in Constantia. It is a bit rushed for my liking but it is a fair price for what it is.

Alternatively, you could just book a private driver for the day and tell them to make all the stops listed on this post. They may even have more insider tips than me and take you to cool spots I’ve never heard of before! My preferred tour with be the small group Instagram Cape Point tour that visits all the places that I highlight on this itinerary and in a small group setting.

3. Visit Table Mountain

No trip to South Africa is complete without a visit to Cape Town and no trip to Cape Town is complete without a visit to the world famous Table Mountain.

One the absolute best things to do in Cape Town and undoubtedly one of its top attractions, Table Mountain was recently voted as one of the new wonders of the world. It’s not hard to see why. Its impossibly flat peak is visible from all of the surrounding area and is perhaps the most iconic landmark in Cape Town. Sandwiched between Devils Peak and Lions Head, Table Mountain stands 1km above sea level. It is also one of one of the oldest mountains in the world being hundreds of millions of years older than even the Himalayas.

Then there are the views. Panoramic views of Cape Town, all the way down to Cape Point can be seen from its peak allowing for breathtaking photos.

Table Mountain seen from Lions Head.

Cable car up Table Mountain

Unlike Lion’s Head, which can only be hiked, there is the incredibly popular table mountain cable cars that will take people straight to the top. Two cars, holding 60 people a piece go up and down this thing and it’s only a short 7 minute ride. However, during high season on ANY nice day, the line for this place is ridiculous. I came once before , with the intention of using the cable car but the line was 3 hours so we gave up and went to Lion’s Head instead.

The line to get on the cable car. Left and ride sides are both lines!

The second time, I was determined to use this damn thing to get to the top. We came here at 8am, thinking we’d be early enough to avoid the lines but not a chance. Even at 8am, the line was 2 hours.

We had some friends wanting to hike up the mountain which I wasn’t against, and after discovering the long line, I was all for hiking. Also, the hike takes the same amount of time so screw it, hiking up we go. The cost for the cable car if you’re willing to wait is 210R round trip. Tickets can also be purchased ahead of time online , but you still need to wait in line.

Cable Car table mountain cape town

Note that the second time I visited was during New Years so naturally you’ll see a spike in tourism. It’s not always so packed, but you should always plan for a crowd in the summer months.

Hiking Table Mountain

The hike up iconic Table Mountain is no joke. It’s physically more demanding than the Lion’s Head hike and far less fun. It is, to sum it up, just non-stop stair-master. The hiking trail is very structured, and consists of thousands of rocky steps. The hike starts from the Plattekip entrance, about 1km down from the cable car.

The signs here say it’ll take 2.5 hours to hike to the top, but if you’re in decent shape, which I’d consider myself to be in, it should take no more than 2 hours.

Making our way to the top!

With a few breaks in between, we completed the hike in 1.5 hours. They also recommend 2 liters of water for the hike, I think that’s a little ridiculous. 0.5-1 liter should be plenty because you don’t want to weigh yourself down.

The hike was taxing, but we took about 5 short breaks (1-2 min), and we were up before we knew it. There were some crazy people that more or less ran up the mountain and did it in an hour. I’d also recommend doing this hike in the morning or before sunset so to avoid the heat.

A Table Mountain hike is definitely something every serious hiker should do but if you are limited on time, go to Lion’s Head instead.

lions head from table mountain cape town

After 1.5 hours, we’re finally at the top, and what a gratifying feeling it is. The top of the mountain is huge and you have to walk to the edges in order to have a view. There are many viewing points and I’ve yet to find the ultimate picture spot but I’m sure I will be back. There is a restaurant/cafe up here that serves food, and beverages, including alcoholic ones to celebrate the climb! We stayed up here for about 1 hour to have some drinks and take our pictures. We took the cable car down as we had enough to hike for the day. The line was much shorter to get down.

Table Mountain views

4. Visiting the Apartheid Museum

If you’re visiting in Johannesburg or just stopping in for a day or two before your safari, a visit to the Apartheid Museum is a must. Like the Jim Crow era of the United States, Apartheid was a dark and grim period of South Africa’s past where non-white races were systematically discriminated against according to official Government policy.

Life during this time for Blacks and other non-white ethnicities were terrible to say the least. This era lasted for many decades and only officially ended in 1994 with the democratic election of Nelson Mandela. This museum is very well constructed offering a glimpse into the life of the not so distant past and a reminder of how stark the differences are between now and just a few decades ago.

Apartheid museum south africa

It’s common to combine a visit to the Apartheid museum with a tour of the Soweto township, which is the largest township in South Africa. Townships were the ghettos that blacks were forced to live in during Apartheid. Nowadays, Soweto is quickly gentrifying and has become a vibrant cultural center of the Black South African community.

my favourite place in south africa essay

5. Go Wine Tasting In the Most Beautiful Vineyards In the World

The wine region of the Western Cape is in my opinion, the most underrated wine region of the world. It’s not undiscovered by any means, but it is lost in the shadows of places like France, Italy, Mendoza, and Napa Valley. I can safely say that Cape Town’s wine region is more stunning than all of the aforementioned, not to mention a hell of a lot cheaper with wine tastings that average R50.

For those visiting South Africa , a visit to the wine region is an absolute must to sample delicious South African wine. I’ve visited many more wine farms than what I will list below so make sure to read about all of the wine farms I’ve visited in Cape Town.

Delaire Graff

While I’d  highly recommend a few nights stay in the fabulous wine country, not everyone has the time so I’ve come up with the ultimate one to two day wine tour for those looking to do day trips from Cape Town . Although I’d like to think I’m a sommelier at heart, I am mostly just an amateur that likes to drink wine.

Almost all the wine I’ve had during my time in South Africa is great, I’m just focused on which wineries (they’re called wine farms in South Africa), are the most stunning and picturesque.

6. Road Trip Through the Garden Route

Without a doubt, one of the best road trips in the world is in the Garden Route of South Africa . This 1,000km stretch of coastline stretching from Cape Town to Plettenberg Bay is jam packed with incredible beaches, hikes, views, animals, and more.

Wildeness Beach South AFrica

Famous destinations like Plettenberg Bay, Knysna, George, Wilderness, Tsitsikama National Park, and more are just a few of the destinations you can plan for when doing this trip. You’ll can rent a car from Cape Town and drive at your own pace towards George or Plettenberg Bay where you can either drop the car off and continue somewhere else or return to Cape Town.

I would recommend at least 5 days driving this route as there are so many amazing stops along the way.

7. Go on a world famous safari

No trip to South Africa is complete without a world famous safari in one of the many national parks of South Africa.

The Kruger National Park is the flagship of the South African parks, and in my opinion, probably the easiest accessed, most budget friendly safari option with the widest variety of wildlife you will find anywhere in Africa.

The park itself contains hundreds of thousands of creatures, made up of over seven hundred species of birds, mammals and reptiles, as well as containing archaeological, historic and cultural treasures. I visited the Kruger many times , and it makes for an easy trip for those visiting from out of the country, or those living in Joburg.

white rhinos swaziland

Located in a summer rainfall area, the park can be very hot and humid at this time, and daytime temperatures from October to March can range from mid twenties up to into the forties, nights in winter can drop to single figures but daytime temperatures are mostly perfect, sunny and low to mid twenties.

This makes the park suitable to visit all year round, with varying temperatures throughout due its vast size and number of eco systems. I’ve been to many game parks all around Africa and I always recommend the Kruger for the beginners as it has something for everyone. However, I still think the most picturesque and “elite” safaris are in East Africa , particularly in the Serengeti and Masai Mara.

8. Drakensberg Hiking

Hiking the Drakensberg Valley of South Africa is a truly unforgettable experience. The Drakensberg Mountains, also known as the Dragon Mountains, are located in the eastern part of the country and stretch for over 1,000 kilometers. The valley is situated in the heart of the mountain range and is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts.


The Drakensberg Valley offers some of the most breathtaking scenery in all of South Africa. The rugged peaks, deep gorges, and rolling hills are a sight to behold. The valley is also home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including rare species such as the Bearded Vulture, which can be seen soaring overhead.

One of the most popular hiking trails in the Drakensberg Valley is the Amphitheatre trail. This trail takes hikers on a 4-5 hour journey through some of the most stunning scenery in the region. The trail leads to the top of the Amphitheatre, a natural amphitheater-like formation that offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

royal natal national park in south africa

Another popular hiking trail in the Drakensberg Valley is the Tugela Gorge trail. This trail takes hikers on a 5-6 hour journey through a deep gorge, past cascading waterfalls, and through dense forests. The trail leads to the Tugela Falls, the second-highest waterfall in the world, which drops 948 meters from the top of the Drakensberg Mountains.

The Drakensberg Valley is also home to a number of unique rock art sites. The San people, who lived in the region thousands of years ago, left behind a rich legacy of rock art. These sites are well-preserved and offer a fascinating glimpse into the lives of these ancient people.

9. Blyde River Canyon

Blyde River  Canyon in Mpumalanga offers some superb climbing on quartzite mesas, and  Waterval Boven  has over 700 routes on orange quartzite. This is South Africa’s premier sport climbing destination, with routes for every level and taste.


10. Cave exploring in Oudtshoorn

The Cango Caves are well known throughout South Africa and is a hugely popular destination for the locals and foreign tourists alike. We came here the morning after the Ostrich riding and it was packed.

There are two tours you can here, “The standard tour” , and “Adventure Tour”. Naturally, being the adventurous type that we are, we straight away book the Adventure tour. It lasts about 1.5-2 hours depending on how many people are on the trip and because it was peak season, this place was packed.

No matter the tour type, standard or adventure, both will let you admire the beauty of the caves.

Both tours started at the same time with a tour guide giving us some history and facts about the caves before we split up into our separate tours with another tour guide. Ok, word to the wise, the adventure tour is REALLY adventurous. We didn’t know what to expect when we bought the tour but holy shit, this was quite the surprise for us.

We ended up climbing through the narrowest crevices, climbing up a cave version of a chimney, getting on our stomachs to climb through tight area and many other things. I thought it was very fun but if you’re claustrophobic at all, this is likely not the tour for you. It would have been far more fun if there were less people so we could do the activities quicker.

11. Whale Watching in Hermanus

Hermanus is a quaint seaside town about 1.5 hours east of Cape Town that is famous for its whale watching. During the winter months between June and October, Southern Right whales routinely come visit this part of the country.

There are multiple daily departures on whale watching expeditions to see these amazing animals. Also, Hermanus is just an amazing little town with some incredible scenery, and beaches. It is one of the top destinations in the world to kitesurf.

Hermanus Sunset

12. Eat Oysters in Knysna

If Oysters are your thing, then there is no better place to eat oysters than in Knysna. Knysna, located on the Garden Route in South Africa, is known for its stunning natural beauty and abundant seafood. One of the delicacies that visitors must try while in Knysna is the fresh oysters that are harvested from the local estuary.

high angle view of knysna lighthouse hotel and villas in south africa

The Knysna oyster, also known as the Eastern Cape oyster, is prized for its delicious flavor and plump meat. These oysters are grown in the estuary of the Knysna Lagoon, which provides a unique mix of fresh and saltwater that creates an ideal environment for oyster cultivation.

my favourite place in south africa essay

Visitors to Knysna can enjoy oysters in a variety of ways, from raw and freshly shucked to grilled or baked. The local restaurants offer a variety of dishes that feature these delectable shellfish, including oyster platters, seafood buffets, and even oyster shooters.

my favourite place in south africa essay

One of the best places to try oysters in Knysna is the Knysna Oyster Company, located on the banks of the estuary. Here, visitors can watch as the oysters are harvested and shucked right before their eyes, ensuring the freshest possible taste experience. If you’re in Knysna in the winter months, particularly around June and July, there is the annual oyster festival of Knysna where you can revel in a festive atmosphere as the freshest catch of oysters come through.

13. Venture to the Wild Coast of South Africa

The Wild Coast, also known as the Transkei, is a rugged and unspoiled stretch of coastline that runs from East London to Port Edward. It is a place of stunning natural beauty, diverse cultures, and fascinating history.

my favourite place in south africa essay

The journey along the Wild Coast is an experience in itself. The road winds its way through small rural towns and remote villages, passing by pristine beaches, rolling hills, and rocky cliffs. It is a journey that is best taken at a leisurely pace, allowing ample time to explore and take in the sights and sounds of this unique part of the world.

One of the highlights of the Wild Coast is the traditional Xhosa villages that dot the landscape. These villages offer visitors a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Xhosa people, including their traditional dress, music, and dance. Visitors can also learn about the Xhosa tradition of sangomas, or traditional healers, who play an important role in the local community.

my favourite place in south africa essay

The Wild Coast is also home to a number of nature reserves and parks, including the Mkambati Nature Reserve and the Dwesa-Cwebe Nature Reserve. These reserves offer visitors the chance to explore the stunning natural beauty of the region, including lush forests, pristine rivers, and diverse wildlife.

my favourite place in south africa essay

In addition to the natural and cultural attractions, the Wild Coast is also home to a number of adventure activities. Visitors can go hiking, kayaking, surfing, and even horseback riding along the coast. The waves along the Wild Coast are renowned for their size and power, making it a popular destination for surfers from around the world.

14. Scuba diving in Sodwana Bay

Located on the east coast of South Africa, Sodwana Bay is known for its crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and diverse marine life.

my favourite place in south africa essay

The bay is home to over 1,200 species of fish and is considered one of the top diving destinations in the world. The warm waters of the Indian Ocean, combined with the abundance of marine life and stunning underwater topography, make Sodwana Bay a must-visit destination for any scuba diving enthusiast.

Divers can explore a variety of dive sites in the bay, ranging from shallow coral gardens to deep underwater canyons. The Two Mile Reef is one of the most popular dive sites in Sodwana Bay, featuring a vast array of colorful coral formations, schools of tropical fish, and even the occasional shark sighting.

my favourite place in south africa essay

Other popular dive sites in Sodwana Bay include the Cathedral, a deep dive site that features a large coral archway and resident potato bass, and the Pinnacles, a series of towering rock formations that are home to a variety of pelagic fish species.

In addition to the diverse marine life and stunning underwater landscapes, Sodwana Bay is also known for its eco-friendly approach to diving. The local dive operators and conservation organizations are dedicated to protecting the marine environment and promoting sustainable diving practices.

15. Jump off the highest Bungy bridge in the world

If you’re planning to visit the Garden Route, absolutely make a stop outside of Plettenberg at the world famous Bloukrans bridge . This is the highest bungy bridge in the world at 220 meters high. I’ve been here on two occasions and it is an absolute thrill each time to jump off this huge bridge.

bloukrans bungee bridge

Make sure to make a reservation on their website before showing up as it can get busy. If you’re not keen to jump, there is a bar where you can watch people jumping to their deaths over a nice pint of beer.

List of my South Africa posts

Before I start the list, make sure to check out all my South Africa related posts in one place for you to read!

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Why Da Nang Is The Rising Star Of Digital Nomad Destinations

Virgin Active Cape town

Best Gyms And Fitness Clubs In Cape Town

Table Mountain view from Lion's Head sunrise hike in Cape Town

Why Cape Town Is The Ultimate Digital Nomad Destination

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The Best Cafes To Work From In Cape Town (2024)

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The Best Cafes In Cape Town, South Africa (2024)

Maidens cove Cape Town

A Perfect Cape Town Itinerary: Three Days, Five Days, 1 Week

Cape Town helicopter tour south africa

  • 26 Amazing Things To Do In Cape Town, South Africa

Nedile Lodge safari South Africa Welgevonden

Hotel Review: Nedile Game Lodge, South Africa

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Houghton Views Review: The Perfect Camps Bay, Cape Town Hotel

Clouds Estate

The Ultimate Review For Clouds Estate Wine Estate, Stellenbosch

Muizenberg beach. Beautiful cape town

Cape Point, Boulder’s Beach & Muizenberg: The Ultimate Day Trip Itinerary From Cape Town

De Zeven view stellenbosch wine farm cape town

De Zeven Hotel Review: Paradise in Stellenbosch

Beautiful Nedile Lodge

  • The Perfect South Africa and Victoria Falls Travel And Honeymoon Itinerary

Mhondoro elephants drinking from the pool safari

  • The Perfect South Africa And Zanzibar Honeymoon Itinerary

Molenvliet at sunset

The Perfect Cape Town, Garden Route, Safari, and Mauritius Honeymoon Itinerary

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  • The Perfect South Africa Honeymoon Itinerary And Guide

mafadi peak lesotho hike

Best Hikes in Southern Africa

Cape Town panoramic

  • The Ultimate Cape Town Travel Guide

Morgenster wine farm views

The Perfect One Day Itinerary For Cape Town’s Wine Region – Stellenbosch

Cape town sunset maidens cove clifton camps bay

  • The Perfect One Week, Two Week, and Three Week Travel Itinerary For South Africa

table mountain with clouds

Is It Safe To Travel To South Africa?

Sunset in Isalo Madagascar

  • The Best Of Johnny Africa – Top Moments Traveling Through Africa

Orlando Towers Soweto

Guide To Visiting The Soweto Township, South Africa

Garden route roadtrip part 4: cape town new years travel guide.

my favourite place in south africa essay

Garden Route Roadtrip Part 3: Oudtshoorn to Hermanus

Robberg Mountains PLetenberg

Garden Route Roadtrip Part 2: Addo to Plettenberg Bay

my favourite place in south africa essay

Garden Route Road Trip Itinerary Part 1: Intro and Addo Elephant Park

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Ultimate Guide To Bungy Jumping At Bloukrans Bridge

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48 Hours in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

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A Weekend at Thandeka Lodge

72 hours in kruger national park, south africa, continue reading on my blog.

  • The Best Gyms And Fitness Clubs In Athens, Greece
  • Why I Love Living in Singapore: Expat Life In The Lion City
  • Cape Town Hiking: Ultimate Guide To Table Mountain And Lion’s Head
  • The Perfect Fiji Honeymoon Itinerary: One To Two Weeks
  • Island Hopping In The Yasawas: Fiji’s True Island Paradise
  • Diving the Rainbow Reef And Great White Wall in Taveuni, Fiji

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20 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in South Africa

Written by Becca Blond and Karen Hastings Updated Jul 13, 2022

South Africa, officially known as the Republic of South Africa, is a great place to visit for a first-time safari. One of the country's main attractions is the African scenery: golden savannah, great gaping gorges, and hauntingly beautiful deserts, as well as an awe-inspiring cast of African creatures – and, as a bonus – all the creature comforts.

Giraffes in Kruger National Park at sunset

Apart from the big-name game parks of Kruger and the Kgalagadi (Kalahari) Transfrontier Park, South Africa is home to some of the world's most luxurious private game reserves and lodges . Wildlife lovers come here from all corners of the globe in search of the "Big Five": lion, buffalo, leopard, rhino, and elephant, and often they find it, and so much more.

Exploring coral reefs and dragon-backed mountain ranges, white-water rafting, and enjoying golden beaches lapped by legendary surf breaks are some of the most popular things to do in South Africa.

Traveling around this vast land and touring the vibrant cities, you can learn about the nation's turbulent history – in Cape Town, one of the world's most beautiful cities; in Durban, a melting pot of cultures and cuisines; at the poignant museums and galleries in Johannesburg; and in Soweto, birthplace of Nelson Mandela, who helped birth democracy here.

Discover the best places to visit in this diverse nation with our list of the top tourist attractions in South Africa.

Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces

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Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces

Kruger National Park is one of the best game reserves in Africa , and one of the oldest in South Africa. If you're a wildlife lover, this famous park definitely needs to be on your South Africa itinerary.

The park lies about a 3.5- to 4.5-hour drive from Johannesburg and offers visitors the chance to see the "Big Five": lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, and rhino, as well as an astounding diversity of other wildlife. It's also home to San (bushman) rock paintings and archaeological sites.

You can explore Kruger National Park on the large network of sealed roads; organize a walking safari; or soar over the vast grasslands, gallery forests, and river systems in a hot air balloon.

One of the best things about Kruger National Park is that the accommodation caters to all budgets – you can stay in basic campsites, book a thatched bungalow, or relax in a luxury lodge.

Cape Town, Western Cape

Cape Town, South Africa is one of the planet's most breathtaking cities . Nature surrounds this multicultural city, which nuzzles between a rugged range of mountains and the sea.

One of the top things to do in Cape Town is visit Table Mountain, the flat-topped peak presiding over the city. For a spectacular overview, hike to the summit , or glide up on the cableway. The hour-long hike up Lion's Head also provides panoramic city vistas.

On Table Mountain's eastern slopes, the magnificent Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens lie within a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Cape Town's coast is also full of natural wonders. Strolling along the waterfront boardwalk, you might see whales spouting from the harbor. Penguins waddle along the golden beaches in False Bay, and south of the city, Cape Point is home to abundant wildlife and diverse botanical beauty.

Cape Town is also known for its beautiful boulder-flanked beaches. Camp's Bay is a favorite, with plenty of chic shops and cafés nearby .

Cape Town residents love their coast so much that at sunset, they stake a spot along spectacular Chapman's Peak Drive to toast the sunset in a dusk ritual known as "sundowners." Celebrating nature's beauty in this way is one of the unique things to do in South Africa, and something you might encounter on your travels at various locations around the country.

Another one of Cape Town's top tourist attractions to visit the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront , reminiscent of Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. Here, you can shop, dine, and enjoy the many entertainment venues, including Two Ocean's Aquarium .

Aloes blooming at the Garden Route National Park

Along the country's southeast coast, the Garden Route runs for about 200 kilometers through some of South Africa's most breathtaking coastal scenery. The route stretches along the Indian Ocean from Mossel Bay , in the Western Cape , to the Storms River, in the Eastern Cape .

This popular driving route passes through rolling green hills, pretty coastal towns, lagoons, lakes, and coastal cliffs. Highlights of the Garden Route include the charming town of Knysna , snuggled between dense forests and a sparkling lagoon ; the beautiful Garden Route National Park, with its gorges, tidal pools, and thick forests; Oudtshoorn's ostrich farms and Cango Caves ; and the seal colony of the Robberg Nature Reserve in Plettenberg Bay.

Adventures along the way run the gamut, from elephant experiences and whale watching trips to bungee jumping and tree canopy tours.

Black-maned lion in the Kgalagadi (Kalahari) Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape

A merger of South Africa's Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and Botswana's Gemsbok National Park , the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is one of the largest wilderness areas in the world .

Established in 2000, it is Africa's first officially declared transfrontier park and one of the top places to visit in South Africa's Northern Cape . Gnarled camel thorn trees, red sands, golden grasslands, and deep blue skies provide a bold backdrop for photographs and game viewing.

Among the huge diversity of wildlife, this vast conservation area is home to the famous black-maned Kalahari lion; stately gemsbok, with their V-shaped horns; the sprawling nests of sociable weavers; meerkats; and many birds of prey.

Other predators such as leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas are also found here. Four-wheel drive vehicles are recommended for some of the minor rugged roads or for those venturing into Botswana.

Stellenbosch, Western Cape

Stellenbosch is one of the most picturesque towns in South Africa. A mosaic of farms, old oak trees, and white-washed Cape Dutch dwellings, it's one of the best preserved towns from the era of the Dutch East India Company.

Today, it's a university town, with a vibrant feel and fantastic scenery. Foodies will love it here. Stellenbosch is home to some of South Africa's best restaurants, as well as many sidewalk cafés.

History buffs can take a walk back in time at The Stellenbosch Village Museum , a group of four restored houses and gardens dating from 1709 to 1850. Rupert Museum displays important works by South African artists, and strolling around the Botanic Garden at the University of Stellenbosch is another top thing to do here.

In the surrounding area, nature buffs can hike and bike on the wilderness trails in the breathtaking Jonkershoek Nature Reserve .

The Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal

The spectacular Drakensberg, meaning "Dragon Mountains," is one of the top places to visit in KwaZulu-Natal and a popular vacation destination for South Africans. It's also home to the country's highest peaks.

The region encompasses the World Heritage-listed uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park , a region of jaw-dropping beauty, with jagged basalt buttresses and San rock art, and Royal Natal National Park , home to the awe-inspiring Amphitheatre, a magnificent cliff face and source of South Africa's main rivers.

The Giant's Castle Game Reserve in the region protects large herds of eland. Dense forests flourish in the sheltered valleys, and the area is home to more than 800 different species of flowering plants, as well as a rich diversity of wildlife.

In the summer, the mountain landscapes are lush and fertile, with gushing waterfalls and crystal-clear streams. In the winter, snow cloaks the dramatic peaks.

Visitors flock here to hike and bike the scenic mountain trails, fish for trout , rock climb, abseil, parasail, and raft the waters of the fast-flowing rivers. Hot air balloon rides are a great way to appreciate the dramatic topography.

African wild dogs, Pilanesberg National Park

Are you short on time but want to see Africa's Big 5? Pilanesberg National Park is home to prolific wildlife and a dazzling diversity of birds about 2.5 hours away from Johannesburg and Pretoria . Easily accessible from these major cities, it makes a great day trip or multi-day stay. It's much smaller than massive Kruger National Park but as a consequence, it has a higher concentration of game.

Pilanesberg lies in a transition zone, between the parched Kalahari Desert and the rain-soaked lowveld, which means you can see a rich variety of animals here. Besides most of the Big 5 (elephant, rhino, leopard, lion, and buffalo), you have the chance to spot African wild dogs, herds of zebra, the magnificent sable and roan antelope, giraffes, and more than 350 species of birds.

Accommodation caters to different budgets. Choose from permanent safari tents, self-catering units, bed and breakfasts, or luxury guest lodges.

Best of all, this park is malaria free , making it a great choice for family safaris.

Official site: https://www.pilanesbergnationalpark.org/

iSimangaliso Wetland Park, KwaZulu-Natal

iSimangaliso means "miracle and wonder" in the Zulu language, and it's a fitting name for this World Heritage Area , home to Africa's largest estuarine system. Formerly the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park, iSimangaliso lies on the northeastern coast of Kwazulu Natal and connects eight interwoven ecosystems, including coral reefs, croc-filled rivers, lakes, towering coastal dunes, swamplands, and savanna.

Not surprisingly, the area supports an incredible variety of wildlife. More than 526 species of birds inhabit the reserve, as well as leatherback and loggerhead turtles, leopards, rhinos, and Africa's highest concentration of hippos and crocodiles.

This unique wilderness area offers you the chance to combine a classic safari experience with coastal adventures in the marine reserve, such as kayaking, fishing, diving, and snorkeling.

Official site: http://isimangaliso.com/

Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve, Mpumalanga

Beautiful Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve (also called Motlatse River Canyon) is a favorite stop on the drive between Johannesburg and Kruger National Park. The park is home to Africa's second largest canyon, as well as a rich diversity of wildlife and plants. Lush subtropical foliage, waterfalls, glistening rivers, and lichen-covered rock formations create a striking canvas of color and texture.

Game viewing can be particularly rewarding, with all the common species of South African primates and many hippos and crocodiles.

The best way to explore this spectacular park is via the scenic driving routes or by hiking the extensive trails. Panoramic viewpoints include Three Rondavels and the aptly named God's Window .

Boat trips and whitewater rafting are also available on the rivers.

Robben Island, Western Cape

In Table Bay, World-Heritage-listed Robben Island is a haunting reminder of the horrors of apartheid. Nelson Mandela spent 18 years imprisoned in a tiny cell here along with other political dissidents and social misfits.

Perhaps the best part about this experience is that ex-prisoners are usually the guides, sharing poignant first-hand accounts of the atrocities they endured.

Tours to the island begin with multimedia exhibits in the museum at the Nelson Mandela Gateway in the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront. Sightseers then board boats to Robben Island, often braving rough swells on the 30- to 45-minute ride. Be sure to book early, as the tours can fill up fast.

Durban's Golden Mile, KwaZulu-Natal

The sweeping waterfront promenade called the Golden Mile is a legendary Durban tourist attraction and a great starting point for a tour of the city. Long blond beaches lure swimmers, surfers, and anglers, while the bustling promenade feels like Miami Beach with its high-rise hotels, shops, restaurants, and flashy entertainment complexes.

You can stroll along the promenade or rent a bike or Segway. Besides the beach scene, top attractions along this stretch include uShaka Marine World , a wonderland of sea-themed attractions; Moses Mabhida Stadium ; and Mini Town , a tiny replica of Durban with a miniature rail network, airport, and harbor scene.

Leopard in Sabi Sands

For one of South Africa's most luxurious safari experiences pay a visit to Sabi Sands Game Reserve, which is adjacent to Kruger National Park .

The private reserve hosts dozens of top-end lodges, including Singita Sabi Sand. The five-star lodge has three types of sleeping experiences on 45,00 acres of land and is known for its frequent leopard sightings. The different lodging options at Singita Sabi Sand include Singita Boulders Lodge , Singita Ebony Lodge , and Singita Castleton .

One of the perks of staying in a private reserve versus the national park is the ability for game drives to get closer to the animals because they don't have to stick to designated roads. The animals themselves can roam freely between Kruger and Sabi Sands, and the lodges here all employ expert guides and trackers to take guests into the heat of the action, be this watching a pride of lions on the hunt or getting up close to a rhino.

Boulders Penguin Colony in Simon's Town

If you have a love of penguins, then you'll want to head to Simon's Town, about an hour from Cape Town . Here, you'll find three pretty beaches that are home to the Boulders Penguin Colony. The colony of charismatic black-and-white endangered African penguins is about 2,000 strong.

You'll find the birds lounging on the sand and surrounding granite boulders, as well as taking a dip in the bay. The water here is very clear and calm and because the boulders shelter it from winds and currents, it is also a good swimming spot if you can brave the icy temps of the water.

To enter the beach area where the penguins are, you'll need to pay a conservation fee to the Table Mountain National Marine Protected Area , which helps preserve their habitat. The best penguin viewing sites are seen from a boardwalk at Foxy Beach .

After getting your fill of penguins, head into Simon's Town for lunch. The town is also home to South Africa'a largest naval base.

Coffee Bay, Wild Coast, South Africa

Some of South Africa's most beautiful coastline runs between East London and Chintsa in the Eastern Cape. Known as the Wild Coast, the landscape here is a mesmerizing melange of craggy cliffs, deep blue ocean, gold sand, green hills, and subtropical forests.

The ancestral home of the Xhosa people, whose villages still cover the hillsides, this region was part of the Transkei during the apartheid era and was one of four territories declared independent from South Africa at the time. After apartheid ended, it joined the Eastern Cape province in 1994.

Today you can drive the route, which is a similar concept to the Garden Route, with small towns like Port St. Johns , Coffee Bay , and Chintsa strung out along the highway and serving as anchors for further exploration. The best way to experience the Wild Coast, however, is either with a 4WD vehicle that lets you get off the pavement, or via foot. Many of the local villages are connected by walking tracks.

Popular activities include surfing, horseback riding, and looking for animals in Inkwenkwezi Private Game Reserve . Hole in the Wall, which is a natural arch that has been carved by the omnipresent and furious ocean, is another must-see.

Chintsa, which is at the very edge of the route, is our favorite place to stay. Surrounded by rolling green hills and forests, it has a beautiful stretch of beach backed by windswept dunes, a handful of small hotels, and a few restaurants in the two villages on either side of the Chintsa River.

Addo Elephant National Park

South Africa's third largest national park, Addo Elephant National Park was founded in 1931 in an effort to save the country's last 11 bush elephants from extinction. Located in the Eastern Cape around 72 kilometers north of Port Elizabeth , it is home to more than 600 elephants today.

The ecosystem of this national park, which stretches from the Karoo to the coast, is also intriguing. And besides elephants, the park is home to large breeding populations of African penguins and Cape gannets .

The park is also home to two offshore islands, and claims it is the only national park on the planet to protect the Big 7, which counts great white sharks and southern right whales along with the traditional Big 5 (elephant, lion, leopard, rhino, and Cape buffalo).

Book a guided day or night game drive to hopefully see all these animals, as well as lots of bird species, zebras, antelope, and nocturnal creatures, from bush pigs to porcupines. You can also participate in horseback riding safaris and even hikes. Many people visit just for a day, but if you want to stay overnight, you can reserve accommodation in huts or a two-story cottage.

Official site: http://www.sanparks.org/parks/addo/default.php

White rhino in the Madikwe Game Reserve

Less well known and crowded than many of South Africa's top parks, Madikwe Game Reserve is located in the North West Province near the border with Botswana . The park is located at the edge of the Kalahari Desert and features beautiful scenery. It is also teeming with animals.

South Africa's fifth largest reserve, the park is just a four-hour drive north from Johannesburg and also accessible by bush plane.

There are a number of safari lodges inside its fences, ranging from mid-range to ultra luxe, like Jamala Madikwe . All offer opportunities to see the Big 5, along with rarer animals like the African wild dog. There are less than 5,000 wild dogs left in the wild, but Madikwe has a good-sized pack that can often be spotted on wildlife drives.

Surfer at Jeffreys Bay

Surfers flock to Jeffreys Bay between May and September to try to hang 10 at South Africa's most famous break, Supertubes. J-Bay, as the town is often referred to, is one of the top surfing spots in the world and hosts major competitions.

The right-hand point break can run for more than 300 meters during a good swell. It is known not only for its length and fast tubing formation (hence the name) but also for its consistency.

Jefferys Bay is in the Eastern Cape, about 77 kilometers southwest of Port Elizabeth . In summer, between December and February, when the winds die down and the Indian Ocean waters warm up, the beach here is also great for swimming and body boarding.

J-Bay is a top vacation spot in summer for South Africans, who come to relax on the beach, dine on fresh fish and stay in one of many hotels, guesthouses, or hostels around the laid-back town.

The southernmost tip of the African Continent at Cape Agulhas

Cape Agulhas marks the African continent's southernmost point and is where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet .

It is often overlooked for a visit to Cape Point, which is closer to Cape Town and has a more dramatic coastline. That said, Cape Point is South Africa's most southwesterly point, but to say you've stood at the very tip of Africa, you'll need to make the 220-kilometer drive from the Mother City to Cape Agulhas.

The place where the two oceans meet is marked only by a small cobalt blue sign and is well worth a photo for the bucket list tick off. Translated to mean "Cape of Needles," the name's exact origin is still unknown. Some say it references the Portuguese navigators' compass needles that pointed due north here. Others say it was named for the needle-sharp reefs off the coastline here.

Also in the vicinity is South Africa's second oldest lighthouse. It was built in 1848 and today serves as a museum.

Johannesburg and Pretoria, Gauteng

Johannesburg, also known as Jo'burg, is the largest city in South Africa by population and a gateway for many travelers on safari. Named the "City of Gold" for its rich deposits of the precious metal, it's also the economic engine and vibrant heart of the country.

Top things to do in Johannesburg include visiting the Apartheid Museum, a poignant look at the oppression of apartheid to the birth of democracy; Constitution Hill; and Gold Reef City, which traces the region's history through mining-themed attractions.

If Johannesburg is the heart of South Africa, the shanty towns of Soweto , are its soul. An abbreviation for "southwestern townships," Soweto birthed the freedom movement, which created South Africa's new democratic constitution. One of the popular things to do in Johannesburg is take a guided tour of the townships, which often includes a visit to the Mandela House , now a national monument.

Close in distance, but a world away in feel, Pretoria is the administrative capital of South Africa. It's a city of parks and gardens, and home to popular attractions like the Voortrekker Monument and Heritage Site and the highly-lauded Freedom Park .

Cage Dive with Great White Sharks

Climb into a thick iron cage, plunge into the ocean, and come face-to-face with a great white shark. Believe it or not, this is one of South Africa's top attractions – for thrill seekers. The sport has become so popular that new tour operators keep sprouting up every year.

The best time to try the dive is April through October, but great whites swim these waters throughout the year thanks to healthy populations of seals and fish.

Cape Town tour operators organize shark cage dives to areas such as Simon's Town , Seal Island , Dyer Island , Mossel Bay, and Gansbaai, the self-proclaimed "Great White Shark Capital of the World." Trips can also be arranged out of Durban and Rocky Bay .

Since divers are enclosed in the custom-designed cages, no diving certification is required. For a little less excitement, it's also possible to watch the action from the boat.

South Africa offers plenty of things to do in every season. If you're wondering about the best time to visit South Africa, it mainly depends on your preferred activities. Game viewing in the national parks is best in the dry winter months, from June through September. Winter is also the best time for whale watching , and if you're a surfer , big swells roll in along the coast during this time of year.

Sightseeing in the cities and along the coast is wonderful all year-round, though winters can be a little chilly – especially in the south of the country. If you plan to explore Cape Town and the Garden Route, summer (December through February) is the best time to go. This is also the best time to soak up the sun on South Africa's beautiful beaches.

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Kruger National Park

- a different side to my south africa -.

commended star essay

Commended Entry: Kruger National Park essay by Sheridan Kuhn from South Africa

This article was submitted in the Kids World Travel Guide Essay Competition 2023 in the Junior Category 8 - 11 years.

wild dog essay

I went to Kruger National Park in South Africa in August this year. I went with my family and friends for our family camping trip for 10 days. I would like to share with you my trip to the Kruger National Park and how different it is to my home - a small farm town on the east coast of South Africa.

When I arrived in Kruger Park, I was taken aback because it was so dry and yellow. I come from KwaZulu-Natal, so it is very green and near our farm I am surrounded by gorges and rivers. Kruger Park is only green by the Crocodile River, and we drove along this for a while from our camp, Berg-en-Dal. I soon found out that Kruger Park has lots of thorn trees which was new for me, and there are also a lot of thorns on the ground - I found this out the hard way! There are short trees with few leaves, which was new too because by us the trees are tall and leafy. Kruger has very red and soft sand which gets hot quickly. I know, I burnt my feet. Here at my home, we have yellow soil with small stones.

The first animal we saw was the Impala antelope. Kruger Park has so many different types of animals. I think God blessed us for we saw the South African Big 5 in 2 days - the lion, rhinoceros, leopard, buffalo and elephant - and the cheetah on the third day. I thought that was amazing. We were driving to our next camp, Satara, when I saw a Nile Crocodile. We also saw a few other reptiles like the rhombic puffadder and Southern Agama. A dream come true was to see the African wild dog in the wild. I had seen a wild dog before, but it was in a small enclosure at a rehabilitation center. I have always loved the African wild dog because they are shy, beautiful and smart.

In the first few days we saw most things we wanted, which was a wonderful surprise for me, so we decided to look for birds. Kruger Park is well known for its birds. We looked and saw some that we see at home and saw a lot that I have never seen before like the Saddled-billed Stork, Lilac-Breasted roller, Southern Ground-Hornbill. Most of the birds that live in Kruger are birds that love dry grass and can live with little water. Birds near us need lots of water. We saw the Cori Bustard more than once and my brother and his friend went crazy when we saw it.

Now I know what a big part of South Africa looks like (I did think it was greener), I think people must go to the Kruger National Park if they are looking for new animals and an adventure.

Commended star essay

Congratulations on your essay about Kruger National Park, Sheridan! This is must have been such a wonderful family trip. I trust you and your brothers have many fabulous stories to share!

Sheridan Kuhn is homeschooled and lives in KwaZulu-Natal/ South Africa. English is her first language.

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Essay on My Favorite Place

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favorite Place in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favorite Place

My happy beach.

My favorite place is the beach by my grandma’s house. It’s peaceful, with soft sand and gentle waves. The sun feels warm, and the water is cool. I love building sandcastles and finding seashells.

Fun with Family

When I visit, my family and I play games. We laugh a lot and enjoy picnics. The beach brings us together. It’s where I feel the happiest.

Beautiful Sunsets

In the evening, the sky turns orange and pink. Watching the sunset, I feel calm. The beach is my favorite spot to relax and dream.

250 Words Essay on My Favorite Place

My favorite place.

Everyone has a spot they love more than any other place. For me, it is the beach near my home. This is not just any beach; it is the one where I have spent countless hours since I was very young.

The Beauty of the Beach

Fun activities.

At the beach, there is so much fun to be had. I can build sandcastles or search for shells and smooth stones. Sometimes, I play with my friends, running and laughing along the water’s edge. We also enjoy flying kites when the wind is just right.

Peaceful Moments

What I love most about the beach is the peace it gives me. Early in the morning, I watch the sunrise, painting the sky with colors like orange and pink. In these quiet moments, I feel happy and calm.

A Place for Everyone

My beach is a place for everyone. Families come to relax, friends come to play, and some people come alone to think. No matter who you are, the beach welcomes you with open arms.

This beach, with its beauty, fun, and peace, is my favorite place in the whole world. It is where I can laugh, play, and be still, all in one day.

500 Words Essay on My Favorite Place

Introduction to my favorite place.

Everyone has a place they hold dear to their heart. It could be a bustling city, a quiet park, or a cozy room. For me, it is the beach. The beach is my favorite place because it is where I feel calm, happy, and free. The sound of waves, the feel of sand under my feet, and the sight of the endless ocean make me feel like I am part of something big and beautiful.

There is so much to do at the beach. I love to swim in the waves and feel the water around me. It’s like playing in the world’s biggest swimming pool! When I’m not in the water, I might play volleyball with friends or fly a kite. The breeze is perfect for kites, and it’s so much fun to see them soar high in the sky. Even a simple walk along the shore is special because I never know what I might find.

Relaxation and Peace

The beach is also a place where I can relax. I can sit on the sand and read a book or just close my eyes and listen to the sounds. The waves crashing on the shore sound like music to me. It’s peaceful and helps me forget about any worries. Sometimes, I even take a nap under the sun, and it’s the best sleep I ever get.

The Magic of Sunsets

In conclusion, the beach is my favorite place because it is full of life, beauty, and peace. It’s a place where I can play, relax, and enjoy the wonders of nature. Every visit to the beach leaves me with happy memories and a feeling of joy. It’s a special part of the world that I love very much, and I hope to keep going there for many years to come.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Essay on My Favourite Place – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on My Favourite Place

Essay on My Favourite Place: Everyone has a special place that holds a special meaning in their heart. For me, that place is my grandmother’s house. It’s not just a physical location, but a sanctuary of love, warmth, and comfort. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons why my grandmother’s house is my favourite place, exploring the memories, emotions, and experiences that make it so special to me. Join me on this journey as I recount the magic of my favourite place.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Place Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing your favourite place and explaining why it holds a special significance for you. You can mention how often you visit this place and what makes it unique.

2. Descriptive details: Use vivid descriptions to paint a picture of your favourite place for the reader. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings that you experience when you are there. This will help the reader understand why this place is so special to you.

3. Personal connection: Explain why this place is your favourite and what it means to you. You can talk about the memories you have made there, the emotions you feel when you are there, or the sense of peace and happiness it brings you.

4. Historical or cultural significance: If your favourite place has a historical or cultural significance, be sure to mention it in your essay. Explain why this aspect of the place is important to you and how it adds to your enjoyment of it.

5. Compare and contrast: You can also compare your favourite place to other places you have visited or experiences you have had. This can help the reader understand what sets this place apart and why it is your favourite.

6. Conclusion: Wrap up your essay by summarizing why this place is so special to you and reiterating the reasons why it holds a special place in your heart. You can also mention any future plans you have to visit this place again or how you hope to share it with others.

7. Proofread and revise: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors. You can also revise it to ensure that your ideas are clearly presented and that your essay flows smoothly from beginning to end.

By following these writing tips, you can create a compelling and engaging essay on your favourite place that will captivate your readers and leave a lasting impression.

Essay on My Favourite Place in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My favourite place is a secluded beach on the coast, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 2. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is incredibly calming and soothing. 3. The soft sand beneath my feet and the warm sun on my skin make me feel at peace. 4. The crystal-clear water is perfect for swimming and snorkeling, allowing me to explore the underwater world. 5. The stunning sunsets over the horizon are a sight to behold, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and pink. 6. The beach is surrounded by lush greenery and towering palm trees, creating a tropical paradise. 7. I love to relax in a hammock under the shade of a palm tree, reading a book or simply enjoying the serenity of the surroundings. 8. The beach is a haven for wildlife, with dolphins, sea turtles, and colorful fish often spotted in the waters. 9. I enjoy taking long walks along the shoreline, collecting seashells and watching the seabirds soar overhead. 10. This beach holds a special place in my heart, as it is where I can truly unwind and reconnect with nature.

Sample Essay on My Favourite Place in 100-180 Words

My favorite place is the beach. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the feeling of the warm sand between my toes, and the salty sea breeze all combine to create a sense of peace and relaxation that I can’t find anywhere else.

I love spending hours lounging on the beach, reading a book, or simply watching the sunset over the horizon. The beach is my escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a place where I can unwind and recharge.

Whether I’m swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles with my family, or simply taking a leisurely stroll along the shore, the beach always brings me a sense of joy and contentment. It’s a place where I can forget about my worries and just be in the moment.

In conclusion, the beach is my favorite place because it allows me to connect with nature, relax, and find peace in the beauty of the world around me.

Short Essay on My Favourite Place in 200-500 Words

My favorite place in the world is my grandparents’ house in the countryside. It is a small, cozy cottage surrounded by lush green fields and towering trees. The moment I step foot on their property, I am overcome with a sense of peace and tranquility that I cannot find anywhere else.

The house itself is a quaint little building with a thatched roof and a charming front porch. Inside, the walls are adorned with family photos and knick-knacks collected over the years. The furniture is well-worn and comfortable, inviting me to sink into its cushions and relax.

One of my favorite things about my grandparents’ house is the sprawling garden that surrounds it. My grandmother has a green thumb and has cultivated a beautiful array of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. I love wandering through the garden, admiring the vibrant colors and sweet scents that fill the air.

Another highlight of my visits to my grandparents’ house is the delicious home-cooked meals that my grandmother prepares. She is an incredible cook and always has a feast waiting for me when I arrive. From hearty stews to freshly baked pies, every meal is a culinary delight that I look forward to.

But perhaps the best part of my time at my grandparents’ house is the quality time I get to spend with them. We sit on the porch swing and chat for hours, reminiscing about the past and sharing stories about our lives. My grandparents are a source of wisdom and comfort, and I cherish the moments I get to spend with them.

In the evenings, we gather around the fireplace and play board games or watch old movies. The crackling of the fire and the warmth of their presence make me feel safe and content. As I drift off to sleep in my cozy bed, I am filled with gratitude for the love and care that my grandparents provide.

My grandparents’ house is more than just a physical place; it is a sanctuary for my soul. It is where I can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with myself and my loved ones. The memories I have made there will stay with me forever, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for that little cottage in the countryside.

Essay on My Favourite Place in 1000-1500 Words

My Favourite Place

There are many places in this world that hold a special place in my heart, but if I had to choose just one as my favourite, it would have to be the small coastal town of Byron Bay in Australia. This picturesque town has captured my heart with its stunning beaches, laid-back atmosphere, and vibrant community. Every time I visit Byron Bay, I feel a sense of peace and contentment that I have never experienced anywhere else.

One of the main reasons why Byron Bay is my favourite place is its breathtaking natural beauty. The town is nestled between lush rainforests and pristine beaches, creating a stunning backdrop for every moment spent there. The crystal-clear waters of the ocean sparkle in the sunlight, inviting visitors to take a dip and cool off from the heat. The golden sands stretch for miles, providing the perfect spot for sunbathing, picnicking, or simply taking a leisurely stroll along the shore.

One of my favourite activities in Byron Bay is watching the sunrise over the ocean. There is something truly magical about witnessing the first light of day as it paints the sky in a myriad of colours, casting a warm glow over the water and the beach. The peacefulness of the early morning hours, combined with the beauty of the natural surroundings, creates a sense of tranquillity that is hard to find elsewhere.

Another reason why Byron Bay holds a special place in my heart is its laid-back atmosphere. The town has a relaxed vibe that is infectious, making it easy to unwind and let go of the stresses of everyday life. The locals are friendly and welcoming, always ready to strike up a conversation or offer a helping hand to visitors. There is a sense of community in Byron Bay that is rare to find in today’s fast-paced world, and it is this sense of belonging that keeps drawing me back to this special place.

One of my favourite things to do in Byron Bay is to explore the town on foot. The streets are lined with charming cafes, boutique shops, and art galleries, each offering a unique glimpse into the local culture and creativity. I love wandering through the colourful markets, sampling fresh produce and handmade crafts, and chatting with the artisans and vendors who call Byron Bay home. There is a sense of authenticity and passion in everything that is created and sold in this town, and it is a joy to support the local businesses and artists who make Byron Bay such a vibrant and thriving community.

One of the highlights of my visits to Byron Bay is the food scene. The town is a foodie’s paradise, with a wide range of restaurants, cafes, and food trucks serving up delicious and innovative dishes from around the world. Whether I am craving fresh seafood, gourmet burgers, or vegan fare, I can always find something to satisfy my taste buds in Byron Bay. The farm-to-table movement is strong in this town, with many eateries sourcing their ingredients locally and supporting sustainable and ethical practices. Every meal in Byron Bay is a culinary adventure, and I love trying new flavours and dishes that I can’t find anywhere else.

In addition to its natural beauty, laid-back atmosphere, and vibrant community, Byron Bay also holds a special place in my heart because of the memories I have made there. I have visited this town numerous times over the years, each time creating new and unforgettable experiences that I will cherish forever. From watching the annual whale migration from the lighthouse, to surfing the waves at sunrise, to dancing under the stars at the local music festival, Byron Bay has provided me with countless moments of joy, laughter, and connection.

One of my most treasured memories of Byron Bay is the time I spent volunteering at a local animal sanctuary. I had the opportunity to care for rescued wildlife, including koalas, kangaroos, and birds, and to learn about the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship. It was a humbling and eye-opening experience that deepened my love and appreciation for the natural world, and it is something that I will always hold close to my heart.

In conclusion, Byron Bay is my favourite place in the world because of its stunning natural beauty, laid-back atmosphere, vibrant community, and the memories I have made there. Every time I visit this town, I am reminded of the beauty and wonder of the world around us, and I am filled with a sense of gratitude and awe for the incredible experiences that life has to offer. Byron Bay is more than just a destination; it is a sanctuary for the soul, a place where I can truly be myself and connect with the world in a meaningful and profound way. I am grateful for the moments I have spent in Byron Bay, and I look forward to many more adventures and memories in this special place in the years to come.

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You’re My Favourite Place

my favourite place in south africa essay

Directed by Jahmil X.T. Qubeka

South Africa 2022, 90 min

Jahmil X.T. Qubeka’s latest film gives voice to marginalized and disenfranchised youth in South Africa today who are struggling with issues of identity, sexuality and gender-based violence while trying to figure out their place in an ever-changing world. The film chronicles the journey of four friends, each with personal traumas and uncertain futures, who on the last day of their high school career, embark on a road trip to a legendary Xhosa ancestors portal. A blend of 1980s genre tropes, this coming-of-age film not only explores the depths of teen angst, but also captures the unquenchable zest and promise of youth.

In English and Xhosa with English subtitles.

Saturday, February 4, 2023 | 7:00pm This film will be viewed online Add to Google Calendar »

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Saturday, February 4, 2023 | 7:00pm PCC Cascade Add to Google Calendar »

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