2015 History Dept. Ph.D Candidates

Graduate Students

Learn more about our  students' research interests and dissertation projects.


Ph.D. Program

Stanford Ph.D. Program in History aims to train world-class scholars.

Every year we admit 10-12 promising students  from a large pool of highly selective applicants. Our small cohort size allows more individual work with faculty than most graduate programs in the United States and also enables funding in one form or another available to members of each cohort.

Fields of Study

Our graduate students may specialize in 14 distinct subfields: Africa, Britain, Early Modern Europe, East Asia, Jewish History, Latin America, Medieval Europe, Modern Europe,  Ottoman Empire and Middle East, Russia/Eastern Europe, Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine, South Asia, Transnational, International, and Global History, and United States. Explore each field and their affiliates . 

The department expects most graduate students to spend no less than four and no more than six years completing the work for the Ph.D. degree. Individual students' time to degree will vary with the strength of their undergraduate preparation as well as with the particular language and research requirements of their respective Major fields.

Expectations and Degree Requirements

We expect that most graduate students will spend no less than four and no more than six years toward completing their Ph.D. Individual students' time-to-degree vary with the strength of their undergraduate preparation as well as with the particular language and research requirements of their respective subfield.

All History Ph.D. students are expected to satisfy the following degree requirements:

  • Teaching: Students who enter on the Department Fellowship are required to complete 4 quarters of teaching experience by the end of their third year. Teaching experience includes teaching assistantships and teaching a Sources and Methods course on their own.
  • Candidacy : Students apply for candidacy to the PhD program by the end of their second year in the program.
  • Orals:  The University Orals Examination is typically taken at the beginning of the 3rd year in the program.
  • Languages: Language requirements vary depending on the field of study.
  • Residency Requirement : The University requi res  135 units of full-tuition residency  for PhD students. After that, students should have completed all course work and must request Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) status. 

Browse the Ph.D. Handbook to learn more .

The History Department offers 5 years of financial support to PhD students.  No funding is offered for the co-terminal and terminal M.A. programs. A sample Ph.D. funding package is as follows:  

  • 1st year: 3 quarters fellowship stipend and 1 summer stipend 
  • 2nd year: 2 quarters TAships, 1 quarter fellowship stipend, and 1 summer stipend 
  • 3rd year: 2 quarters TAships, 1 quarter fellowship, and 1 summer stipend 
  • 4th year: 3 quarters fellowship stipends and 1 summer stipend 
  • 5th year: 3 quarters fellowship stipends and 1 summer stipend

Knight-Hennessy Scholars

Join dozens of  Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences students  who gain valuable leadership skills in a multidisciplinary, multicultural community as  Knight-Hennessy Scholars  (KHS). KHS admits up to 100 select applicants each year from across Stanford’s seven graduate schools, and delivers engaging experiences that prepare them to be visionary, courageous, and collaborative leaders ready to address complex global challenges. As a scholar, you join a distinguished cohort, participate in up to three years of leadership programming, and receive full funding for up to three years of your studies at Stanford. candidates of any country may apply. KHS applicants must have earned their first undergraduate degree within the last seven years, and must apply to both a Stanford graduate program and to KHS. Stanford PhD students may also apply to KHS during their first year of PhD enrollment. If you aspire to be a leader in your field, we invite you to apply. The KHS application deadline is October 9, 2024. Learn more about  KHS admission .

How to Apply

Admission to the History Graduate Programs are for Autumn quarter only.  Interested applicants can online at  https://gradadmissions.stanford.edu/apply/apply-now and submit the following documents: 

  • Statement of Purpose (included in Application)
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  •  Transcripts are required from all prior college level schools attended for at least one year.  A scanned copy of the official transcript is submitted as part of the online application.  Please do not mail transcripts to the department.   We will ask only the admitted students to submit actual copies of official transcripts.
  • 1 Writing Sample on a historic topic (10-25 pages; sent via  Stanford's online application system  only)
  • The GRE exam is not required for the autumn 2025 admission cycle
  • TOEFL for all international applicants (whose primary language is not English) sent via ETS. Our University code is 4704.
  • TOEFL Exemptions and Waiver information
  • Application Fee Waiver
  • The department is not able to provide fee waivers. Please see the link above for the available fee waivers and how to submit a request. Requests are due 2 weeks before the application deadline.

The Department of History welcomes graduate applications from individuals with a broad range of life experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds who would contribute to our community of scholars. Review of applications is holistic and individualized, considering each applicant’s academic record and accomplishments, letters of recommendation, and admissions essays in order to understand how an applicant’s life experiences have shaped their past and potential contributions to their field.

The Department of History also recognizes that the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June 2023 about the consideration of certain types of demographic information as part of an admission review. All applications submitted during upcoming application cycles will be reviewed in conformance with that decision.

Application deadline for Autumn 2025-26 is Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 11:59pm EST . This is a hard -not a postmark- deadline. 

All application material is available online. No information is sent via snail mail. Interested applicants are invited to view a Guide to Graduate Admissions at  https://gradadmissions.stanford.edu/ . 


Please contact  Arthur Palmon  (Assistant Director of Student Services).

Department Bookshelf

Browse the most recent publications from our faculty members.

phd after ma history

Italian Fascism in Rhodes and the Dodecanese Islands, 1922–44

phd after ma history

A World Made by Travel: The Digital Grand Tour

phd after ma history

The Chinese Computer: A Global History of the Information Age

phd after ma history

In the Shadow of Liberty: The Invisible History of Immigrant Detention in the United States

phd after ma history

Uncertain Past Time: Empire, Republic, and Politics | Belirsiz Geçmiş Zaman: İmparatorluk, Cumhuriyet Ve Siyaset

Department of History

Ph.d. programs.

The Department of History’s doctoral degree program seeks to train talented historians for careers in scholarship, teaching, and beyond the academy. The department typically accepts 22 Ph.D. students per year. Additional students are enrolled through various combined programs and through HSHM.  All admitted Ph.D. students receive a  full  financial aid package  from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 

History of Science and Medicine

The  Program in the History of Science and Medicine  (HSHM)  is a semi-autonomous graduate track within the Department of History. HSHM students receive degrees in History, with a concentration in the History of Science and Medicine.  There is a separate admissions process for students interested in the History of Science and Medicine. For more information, please see the  HSHM website . 

Combined Doctoral Programs

Joint ph.d. programs.

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Note that the GRE is now optional for our graduate admission process.  

Admissions process for the history phd:.

Each year the department receives nearly 400 applications to the doctoral program and offers admission to about 6% of applicants . The typical incoming class size is 16 students.

The admissions process is extremely competitive , but if you are serious about pursuing a PhD in history, you are encouraged to apply.

Successful applications have shared many of the following characteristics:

Statement of purpose that makes clear why the applicant wants to study history in graduate school, and why the applicant wants to study at Harvard. This statement often illustrates the applicant’s research interests and notes potential advisors Three strong letters of reference from people who know the applicant’s writing Personal Statement that shares how the applicant’s experiences or activities will contribute to the school’s mission to attract a diverse and dynamic community. (Should not exceed 500 words.) Writing sample of remarkable quality that asks historical questions Fluent or nearly fluent in English Reading ability in two languages other than English Strong undergraduate , and, if applicable, graduate record , with excellent marks in history courses

Follow the link for more information about applying to the  History Department PhD program

Harvard Griffin GSAS does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry or any other protected classification.

  • Undergraduate Program
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  • Program Rules & Requirements
  • Financial Aid & Fellowships
  • Graduate Program Workshops
  • Library Privileges

PhD Program

The Department of History offers doctoral degrees in African, American, Asian, and European history. The PhD program is distinguished by the strength of its faculty and by its commitment to training students broadly and as a community. Through guided steps of coursework, preparation for the comprehensive oral examination, archival research, and dissertation writing, students learn to develop and execute original research designs leading to scholarly publications that make original and important contributions to the historical discipline. At the same time, the department also prepares students to become the next generation of effective history teachers, able to instruct on a wide range of topics. To that end, all incoming doctoral students together take a core of classes in African, American, and European historiographies to learn about histories and methodologies outside their chosen field. PhD students also serve as Teaching Fellows in a wide range of lecture courses, acquiring professional and pedagogical skills under the guidance of faculty mentors. The department’s graduates have become professors at research universities, colleges, and community colleges, and staff members at research libraries, museums, and archives.

There are six components to the PhD program. In the first two years, students are asked to complete their coursework : specific courses, major research papers, and language examinations. By the end of their third year, students must pass a qualifying oral examination and submit a dissertation prospectus . After they have completed their dissertation, they engage in a dissertation defense .

See the below for a general timeline of these requirements. For more information about each, see the following pages:

PhD Coursework

Phd qualifying exam, abd (“all but dissertation”), academic progress timeline, end of first year.

Students begin their coursework towards the PhD. Coursework refers to the work undertaken by doctoral students before taking their oral exams. It includes the required courses, original research papers, and certification of language proficiency as described below. See PhD Coursework for more information.

1) Take and pass 8 approved courses, four of which must include the following:

  • GRS HI 800: European Historiography
  • GRS HI 850: American Historiography
  • GRS HI 870: African Historiography
  • GRS HI 801: The Historian’s Craft

2) Take and pass a research seminar that results in the production of a major research paper of 25-40 pages. The paper should examine a topic approved by the course instructor as well as the student’s main advisor. HI801 can serve as this research seminar.

3) Pass at least one foreign language exam. This can be accomplished in one of three ways:

  • Complete an exam given by faculty members in the history department who specialize in your language of choice. Language exams are normally administered during the semester.
  • Complete a language reading course numbered 621 through the Graduate School. Please note that these courses may not be taken for credit toward the doctorate.
  • Students who have passed a reading examination at another accredited graduate school can petition the Director of Graduate Studies to waive the departmental requirement.

End of Second Year

1) Take and pass 8 more courses. These courses may take any of the following three forms:

  • Courses offered at Boston University numbered 500 and above.
  • Approved courses offered within the Boston Consortium
  • Directed Reading Seminar
  • Directed Research Seminar

2) These 8 courses must include another research seminar that results in the production of a second major research paper of 25-40 pages.

3) Pass a second foreign language exam through one of the three methods described above.

4) Begin preparing for the oral qualifying exams.

  • Select a major and a minor field.
  • Create an orals committee consisting of four examining faculty in the chosen fields.
  • Create reading lists for the minor field and each area of the major field in consultation with the individual examiners.

By the End of Third Year

1) Take and pass qualifying oral exams. See the PhD Qualifying Exam Page for more information.

  • Before taking the exam, students must have completed their coursework as well as both research papers and language requirements.
  • Before taking the exam, students must submit the PhD Qualifying Oral Examination Approval Form to the department.

2) Students who have completed all coursework and qualifying exams are considered ABD (“All But Dissertation”). See the ABD page for more information.

3) Submit the dissertation prospectus for approval by the first and second reader. Once approved, the student must submit the Dissertation Prospectus Approval Form .

4) Research and apply for grants to fund archival research.

Fourth Year and Beyond

1) Apply for grants and fellowships.

2) Conduct archival research.

3) Write up the dissertation.

4) Complete four semesters of HI 900: Dissertation Workshop, and present annually on research.

5) Complete the dissertation.

  • BU GRS Dissertation and Graduation Procedures
  • Manuscript Preparation Guide

6) File a GRS Intent to Graduate Form for the Doctoral Degree.

Please note that PhD candidacy (and thus financial support) expires on its fifth anniversary – that is, five years after taking orals. When students are entering their seventh year, and anticipate needing more time to complete degree requirements, they can submit a petition to the Graduate School for an extension.

Further Program Requirements

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Department of History offer all PhD students who maintain satisfactory academic progress five years of guaranteed full funding. Funding is restricted to students in the PhD program. This support will primarily be in the form of teaching fellowships; non-service fellowships are offered the first full year and the fifth year with an approved Dissertation Prospectus. There are also internal grants available aimed at supporting research during the summer or academic year. Graduate students are also strongly encouraged to apply for external funding for their research priorities. For more details regarding funding, see the Financial Assistance page and the Graduate Student Resources page .

Academic Advisors

All entering students are referred to an appropriate member of the faculty for advising. They can and should also consult the Director of Graduate Studies in matters concerning their intellectual and professional development. Students may change advisors at any time should the student’s intellectual interests change. Normally, the faculty advisor sits on the qualifying examination committee and serves as first reader for the dissertation.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

The Graduate School of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of History guarantee five full years (12 months each) of financial support for Ph.D. students who maintain satisfactory academic progress. This support will be primarily be in the form of teaching fellowships; non-service fellowships are offered the first full year. Only those students who are making satisfactory and sustained progress toward the completion of their degree within the specified time periods will be awarded financial support.

The Department of History is committed to ensuring that all PhD students fulfill their requirements in a timely and successful manner. Note that financial aid is linked to continued academic progress. The Director of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the Department Chair and the student’s advisor, will normally award financial aid only to those students who are making satisfactory and sustained progress toward the completion of their degree within specified time periods.

In the Department of History, making Satisfactory Academic Progress toward the doctorate is defined as:

  • Earning no more than two failing grades in their coursework. History defines a grade of B- or lower as a failing grade. The Department regards any incomplete grade (I) older than 12 months and any withdrawal (W) as a failing grade.
  • Maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or higher .
  • PhD students who do not meet these standards over two semesters – who fail two courses or whose GPA falls below 3.0 – will be placed on academic probation . This status automatically triggers a conversation with the student, their advisor, and the DGS about past performance and how best to improve that performance going forward. PhD students who remain on academic probation risk withdrawal of their funding.
  • Taking and passing qualifying exams by the end of their third year.
  • Submitting and receiving approval for a dissertation prospectus within 12 months of their qualifying exams.

PhD Student Self Assessment

UMD UMD History Logo White

Organized in the 1920s, the Master of Arts (MA) in History program at the University of Maryland provides broad and intensive instruction in bibliography, research, and writing in various fields of historical study.

Additional Information

  • Forms and Resources
  • Funding and Awards
  • Graduate 
  • Graduate Admissions

Graduate Placement

  • People (Department Directory)

History MA Program Overview

The History MA degree may constitute a step toward Doctoral  (PhD) research or preparation for a variety of other fields, such as archives administration, museum scholarship and exhibitions, public history, primary or secondary school teaching, law, or international relations.

Admission to the Master of Arts (MA) program is offered to highly qualified applicants holding at least a Bachelor's (BA) degree, normally in History or a related discipline. Application and admissions procedures are described on the department's website.

The MA degree program requires a total of thirty (30) semester hours of coursework and research credits and the submission of one or two (1 or 2) original research papers. In addition, MA students must successfully defend a thesis or pass a written examination (the non-thesis option).

The anticipated period for completion is two (2) years of full-time study. The degree must be completed in no more than five (5) years.

General Requirements :

General program requirements are coursework and either the degree-by-thesis option or the degree-by-examination option

About the History MA

Course requirements.

All MA students must complete a minimum of 30 credits. The mandatory course requirements are as follows:

  • History and Contemporary Theory (HIST 601; 3 credits)
  • 608J-K (East Asia)
  • 608G-I (Latin America)
  • 606F (Science and Technology)
  • 608E (Women's and Gender History)
  • 608D (Middle East)
  • 608C (Modern Europe)
  • 608A-B (United States)
  • Equivalent seminars in other fields
  • Research Seminar (HIST 8XX; 3 credits)

There is no general language requirement for the MA degree, but certain fields may require demonstrated language competency and/or special skills. 

All MA students must take at least 12 credits in a “major field” within history, including at least 3 credits of general seminar in that field and at least 3 credits of Research seminar in that field.  In certain fields, students may take more than one General Seminar in that field. Often students take Research Seminars as independent study courses with faculty in their fields.  Typically students take other readings courses in their fields or in other fields that interest them.

Special Notes

  • Courses completed during previous post-baccalaureate degree programs, for example an MA, at other institutions or as an "advanced special student" at the University of Maryland may be considered to satisfy course requirements.
  • Requests for course requirement waivers, equivalency, and credit transfers should be directed to the Director of Graduate Studies. A request must include the course syllabus and transcripts showing the final grade. The endorsement of the advisor is typically sought.
  • Up to 9 credit hours of major and minor field readings courses may be taken at the 400 level.   Students seeking to take a 400 level course for graduate credit should consult the instructor of record to discuss course expectations before registering.


The degree-by-thesis option addresses the needs of two types of students. First, it offers students who are taking the MA as a terminal degree the opportunity to master historical scholarship and historiography, while also pursuing an intensive, original research project. Second, the thesis option can help students assess their aptitude for research and writing at the doctoral (PhD) level.

Students who opt for the degree-by-thesis must complete at least twelve credit hours in one of the approved major fields (see Graduate Research Fields ). Three to nine of these credit hours must be in the appropriate General Seminar(s) and an additional three must be in 800-level research seminars. The students take an additional six hours of HIST 799 (Master's Thesis Research).

In consultation with the advisor, the student develops an original research project that will require substantive analysis of primary materials, in addition to full engagement with the existing relevant scholarship. Archival and bibliographic research may last several months and be conducted in the College Park region or farther away. Writing may take an additional several months.  Typically the MA thesis is 60-80 pages long. 

All thesis research, including oral history research, must be conducted in accordance with University of Maryland rules as well as professional and legal standards. In some instances, MA students might be required to submit a précis of the thesis or other materials to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the University of Maryland or another institution. In Spring 2006, the campus IRB issued a finding that oral history does not enjoy a blanket exclusion from IRB review. It is, therefore, essential that all research projects involving oral history and other forms of research that fall under human subjects research protocols be cleared by the IRB.

In an open oral defense of the thesis, normally lasting not longer than two hours, the student must obtain approval by a majority of a Thesis Examining Committee consisting of at least three members of the Graduate Faculty, chosen by the Director of Graduate Studies in consultation with the student's advisor. The advisor chairs the committee. At the conclusion of the oral defense, the committee will determine whether the thesis is satisfactory as submitted or if revisions must be undertaken before the thesis will be officially accepted. If the student has expressed the desire to continue on to the Doctoral (PhD) program at UMD, the thesis committee will also make a recommendation to the Graduate Committee about the student's admission to the PhD program.

There is no minor field requirement or comprehensive examination for students who select the degree-by-thesis option.


The degree-by-examination (a.k.a. "non-thesis") option likewise addresses the needs of two types of students. For students seeking a terminal-degree M., the option offers a flexible mixture of course work and research seminars, affording the opportunity both to attain a broad general understanding of historical scholarship and to pursue original research. For students who wish to pursue the PhD degree at Maryland or elsewhere, the option prepares students for various aspects of a Doctoral program, including reading courses and seminars in a major field, comprehensive examinations, and advanced research and writing.

Students who opt for the degree-by-examination must complete at least 12 credit hours in one of the approved major fields (see Graduate Research Fields ). Three to nine of these credit hours must be in the appropriate General Seminar(s) and an additional six must be in 800-level research seminars.

Students who opt for the degree-by-examination must pass a four-hour, written examination based on the student's coursework and/or a set of readings devised by the student in consultation with the advisor. Typically the reading list for the MA comprehensive exam is around 50 books.  It is the expectation that MA non-thesis students take the examination in the fourth semester of full-time study.

At or about the time that the student registers for graduation, the degree-by-examination student will present two 800-level research papers to the MA examining committee for its approval. The examining committee will review the papers, the MA examination, and the student's entire record in the MA program to make a final determination for degree conferral. If the student has expressed the desire to continue on to the Doctoral (PhD) program at Maryland, the committee will also make a recommendation to the Graduate Committee about the student's admission to the PhD program.

Guidelines for Master of Arts (MA) Degree Examinations

All written examinations are administered twice a year, in October and April.

The examination committee consists of three members of the graduate faculty, typically all members of the history faculty. The student's advisor chairs the examination committee. The Director of Graduate Studies designates the other committee members, in consultation with the advisor and the student. Each committee member may contribute questions for the examination.

The examination will be graded pass (P) or fail (F).

Students should consult their advisors and the Director of Graduate Studies for additional guidelines on the expectations for and the grading of examinations.

Students who do not pass on the first attempt may retake the examination without prior approval. After a second failure, the student must petition for re-examination.

Petition for Re-Examination

In the case of failure of a written examination (Degree-by-Examination option only) or a language examination, the student may petition the Graduate Committee to take the examination a second time. If the petition is approved, the student must retake the examination when it is next offered.

Advising and Committees

Each student admitted to the MA program will select an advisor in history who is a member of the graduate faculty and whose intellectual interests are compatible with the student's plan of study. All graduate students are required to choose an advisor by November 1 of their first semester. If they do not choose an advisor by that date, the DGS will appoint one for them. The faculty advisor is responsible for advising the student, approving course selection each semester, monitoring the student's progress, and informing the student of the nature and timing of examinations and other evaluations. The advisor, in consultation with the student, will be responsible for constituting the advisory, thesis, and examination committees. The advisor will also represent the student to the Graduate Committee, as appropriate.

The advisory committee, to be constituted no later than the spring semester of the first year of study, consists of the student's advisor and two faculty members in appropriate fields, chosen by the Director of Graduate Studies in consultation with the student and the advisor.  At the conclusion of the first year of study, all students will make available to the advisory committee a transcript of coursework and major written work completed during the first year. The Director of Graduate Studies will provide the advisory committee with additional relevant information, such as teaching assistantship evaluations. Upon review of the appropriate materials, the advisory committee will then recommend to the Graduate Committee continuation, modification, or, as appropriate, termination of the student's program.

After the first year of study, the advisory committee may convene to discuss progress-to-degree. The advisor has primary responsibility for determining the need for an advisory committee review, but a student has the right to request formal review.

The advisory committee ordinarily serves as the MA thesis or examination committee, but substitutions are possible, provided that all members of the MA thesis or examination committee are members of the Graduate Faculty and that the student's advisor serves as the committee chair.

MA students may change advisors at any moment of their studies, registering the change with the Director of Graduate Studies.

A change of advisor or of the composition of the advisory committee must be recorded in the student's electronic file.

Registration and Degree Progress

Continuous Registration

All graduate students must register for courses and pay associated tuition and fees each semester, not including summer and winter sessions, until the degree is awarded.

Master of Arts (MA) students who will be away from the University for up to one year may request a waiver of continuous registration and its associated tuition and fees. Waivers shall be granted only if the student is making satisfactory progress toward the degree and can complete the degree requirements within the required time limits. Interruptions in continuous registration cannot be used to justify an extension to time-to-degree requirements.

The Graduate School makes available an official Leave-of-Absence for Childbearing, Adoption, Illness, and Dependent Care. The Dean of the Graduate School must approve the leave. The time-to-degree clock is suspended during an approved leave-of-absence.

Additional information on Continuous Registration and Leave-of-Absence policies is published online in the Graduate Catalog .


Whether a full- or part-time student, all students admitted to the Master of Arts (MA) program must complete all degree requirements within five (5) years from initial enrollment.


All students in the MA program will be expected to demonstrate steady progress towards the completion of degree requirements. At a minimum, the Graduate School requires students to maintain a B average in all graduate courses. However, the Department of History expects a higher level of performance.

Failure to make satisfactory progress-to-degree or to maintain the expected grade point average (GPA) may result in the suspension or loss of departmental funding, the denial of a petition for extensions, and, in extreme cases, a recommendation for dismissal.

Extensions and Waivers

The Graduate Committee will consider petitions for waivers to departmental guidelines. Petitions for waivers to Graduate School requirements must be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School, using the appropriate form. In most instances, the petitioning student will be required to provide a rationale for the waiver request, and, as appropriate, a convincing plan of study. The advice of the student's advisor may be sought. The advisor will be required to endorse any waiver request that involves extensions to overall time-to-degree as well as the major benchmarks of progress-to-degree.

All petitions should be directed to the Director of Graduate Studies. The Director of Graduate Studies, and in some cases the Dean of the Graduate School, will notify the student of his/her disposition of petitions for extensions.

 Learn more about the career and life paths of our alumni.

Additional Resources

  • Graduate Forms and Resources
  • Graduate Funding and Awards

Graduate Coordinator, History

2131 Francis Scott Key Hall College Park MD, 20742

PhD in History

Offered through a formal collaboration among the history departments of UMass Amherst and Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges, the graduate program in history allows for broad grounding as well as deep specialization. You’ll select a major area of concentration—generally defined by a time and place (e.g., the United States before the Civil War)—and pursue study in two additional fields that explore other parts of the world and/or thematic areas like public history, cultural history, and political history. This program is particularly suited to those with interests in women’s history, public history, Latin American history, the history of the United States, European history, the history of science and technology, and the history of the Pacific world.

Application information & deadlines

January 2, 2024.

Develop a deep specialization in your field through a concentration and two subfields.

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  • MA Programs
  • Prospective Students
  • PhD History

The University of Chicago has several programs if you want a masters degree or need more training to make a successful application to a doctoral program. The innovative one-year  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences  encourages graduate work with History faculty within a context of interdisciplinary social-science training, individualized curriculum, and intensive counseling for subsequent employment or further study. Other MA programs in  International Relations  and the  Center for Middle Eastern Studies  welcome applicants who have a specific regional focus in mind. There are also joint degree programs available for those interested in history and the social sciences but who also want to earn degrees in law, public policy, or business.

Admissions : Apply through the  Division of the Social Sciences . 

Campus Visits : The University offer  graduate tours  throughout the year that are led by graduate students

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The Society for Military History

Graduate Programs in Military History - Listed by Degree

  • American Public University System
  • Arizona State University
  • Austin Peay State University
  • Chapman University
  • The Citadel
  • Columbia College
  • East Carolina University
  • East Tennessee State University
  • General Gutiérrez Mellado University Institute
  • Georgia Southern University
  • Hawaii Pacific University
  • Lancaster University
  • Maynooth University
  • Norwich University
  • Sam Houston State University
  • San Diego State University
  • Southern New Hampshire University
  • Texas A&M University - Central Texas
  • University of Indianapolis
  • University of West Georgia
  • Western Illinois University
  • University of Texas at El Paso
  • University of Wolverhampton
  • Wright State University
  • Australian National University
  • University of Birmingham
  • Brunel University
  • Duke University
  • George Mason University
  • George Washington University
  • Kansas State University
  • University of Kent
  • King's College London
  • The Ohio State University
  • Ohio University
  • Royal Military College of Canada
  • Scottish Centre for War Studies
  • Temple University
  • Texas A&M University
  • Texas Christian University
  • Texas Tech University
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Houston
  • University of Kansas
  • University of New Brunswick
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • University of North Texas
  • University of Salford
  • University of Southern Mississippi
  • University of Tennessee
  • University of Wales Swansea
  • University of Wisconsin

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Fields include ancient, medieval, early modern, and modern Europe (including Britain, Russia, and Eastern Europe), United States, Latin America, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Jewish history; and diplomatic, environmental, ethnic, intellectual, labor, military, political, religious, social, and women’s history, as well as the history of science and medicine (see also the program page for History of Science and Medicine).

  • Programs of Study
  • PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
  • Combined PhD
  • MA - Master of Arts
  • Department of History

Lauren Benton

Director of Graduate Studies

Marcy Kaufman

Departmental Registrar

Admission Requirements

Standardized testing requirements.

GRE is not accepted.

Program-Specific Application Requirements

A writing sample and a book review are required by this program. 

English Language Requirement

TOEFL iBT or IELTS Academic is required of most applicants whose native language is not English.

You may be exempt from this requirement if you have received (or will receive) an undergraduate degree from a college or university where English is the primary language of instruction, and if you have studied in residence at that institution for at least three years.

Combined Degree Program Application Deadline

*The deadline to submit an application to a combined program is always the earlier deadline of the two individual programs, or December 15, whichever comes first.

Academic Information

Combined phd information.

History offers a combined PhD in conjunction with African American Studies and Classics .

Program Advising Guidelines

GSAS Advising Guidelines

Academic Resources

Academic calendar.

The Graduate School's academic calendar lists important dates and deadlines related to coursework, registration, financial processes, and milestone events such as graduation.

Featured Resource

Registration Information and Dates


Students must register every term in which they are enrolled in the Graduate School. Registration for a given term takes place the semester prior, and so it's important to stay on top of your academic plan. The University Registrar's Office oversees the systems that students use to register. Instructions about how to use those systems and the dates during which registration occurs can be found on their registration website.

Financial Information

Phd stipend & funding.

PhD students at Yale are normally full-funded for a minimum of five years. During that time, our students receive a twelve-month stipend to cover living expenses and a fellowship that covers the full cost of tuition and student healthcare.

  • PhD Student Funding Overview
  • Graduate Financial Aid Office
  • PhD Stipends
  • Health Award
  • Tuition and Fees

Master's Funding

While Master's programs are not generally funded, there are resources available to students to help navigate financial responsibilities during graduate school.

  • Master's Student Funding Overview
  • Yale Student Grants Database
  • Student Employment
  • Loans for US Citizens
  • Loans for Non-US Citizens

Alumni Insights

Below you will find alumni placement data for our departments and programs.

History | Home

Apply to the Program

Admission Deadline for Fall 2024: 

January 5th, 2024

How to apply.

To apply, you must complete the  University of Arizona Graduate College online application . Follow these steps:

Admission Requirements

M.a. program.

Applicants for the M.A. program must have completed the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree with a major in history or a related discipline before beginning graduate study.  Students without a background in history are advised to take courses on a non-degree basis before applying. 

Ph.D. Program

You must have completed an M.A. in history or a related discipline. Students interested in our Ph.D. program who have not yet completed (or who are not in the process of completing) a master's degree should apply to our M.A. program. 

Application Checklist

Statement of purpose.

Include a statement of purpose (2-5 pages) describing your goals and objectives for pursuing this graduate degree, including career plans. Indicate the field of study, specific topics and/or theoretical approaches, and faculty members with whom you'd like to work.

Letters of Recommendation

You'll need three letters of recommendation. Enter contact information for your referees in the online application. Your referees will be contacted directly by the University of Arizona.


Transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attended or are currently attending are required. Unofficial transcripts must be uploaded with your application. You must submit official transcripts , later on, before you can be officially admitted by the Graduate College.

Curriculum Vitae

You will be asked to outline your education, scholarship, employment, and academic achievements in the Supplemental Questions section of the application.

Writing Sample

Submit a sample of written work that demonstrates your ability to conduct historical research and/or your ability to analyze critically the work of other historians. 

The GRE is no longer required by the Department of History.  New applicants are not required to submit GRE scores.

English Language Proficiency (International Applicants)

Self-report your Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores. Official scores must also be submitted via ETS to the Graduate College (Institution Code is 4832). TOEFL score must be dated within 2 years of enrollment.

Applicants will not be admitted unless they achieve a minimum TOEFL score of 550 paper based (PB) or 79 internet based (iBT); or an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) composite score of 7 (no subject area below a 6).

See Graduate College requirements for international students .

Doctor of Philosophy in History of Ideas

Program description.

The PhD in History of Ideas degree program is designed primarily for individuals who wish to conduct advanced research and to teach at the college level, but it is open to qualified candidates who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills.

The program focuses on the study of history and philosophy, and especially the intersection of the two. Though students will choose an emphasis in either history or philosophy, their studies will be made in the context of both.

Besides coursework in history and philosophy, students may take seminars in literature, visual and performing arts and cognate disciplines.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek positions such as: teacher/educator, researcher, historical site/museum curator, public history administrator, public policy administrator, archivist, writer and manager for public and private historical organizations. Career settings may include higher education, non-profits, cultural and historical organizations, government agencies, international development organizations, museums and archives, business/corporate entities and independent consulting.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Visit the  Apply Now  webpage to begin the application process.  

Applicants to the Doctoral degree program should have:  

Deadline:  The application deadline is January 15. All applications completed by the deadline will be reviewed for admission. Applications submitted or completed after January 15 may be reviewed for admission only if spaces remain within the upcoming cohort and will be reviewed in order by the date the application file became complete.

Contact Information

Dr. Eric Schlereth Associate Professor and Program Head Phone: 972-883-2168 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Advising Pia K. Jakobsson Phone: 972-883-4706 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Admissions Phone: 972-883-6176 Email: [email protected] Request Bass School Graduate Program Information

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology The University of Texas at Dallas, JO31 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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PhD Program

The UCLA Department of Art History offers a two-stage graduate program toward the PhD. Students are not admitted for a terminal master’s (MA) degree. The MA is awarded in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD and is granted with the successful completion of the first stage of the program, typically at the end of the second year, 6th quarter, in residence. Normative time to degree for the PhD is seven years from the term of admission. For students entering with a MA in hand, the normative time to degree is five years from the term of admission.

All students are required to complete the M.A. requirements in the department. The Graduate Review Committee may waive the M.A. requirements, at the time of admission, for students matriculating with a M.A. degree in Art History or adjacent discipline from another institution. Following Academic Senate policy on duplication of degrees, a student who enters the program with a M.A. degree in Art History from another institution is not eligible to receive a second M.A. degree in Art History from UCLA.

Please see here for the official UCLA Art History Graduate Program Requirements published on the Graduate Division website.

Toward the MA

Requirements for the MA

* Typically the above requirements are completed within the first two years of study (6 quarters).

Distribution of Coursework

The nine required courses must include at least two courses from Group A and two courses from Group B noted below.

Greek and Roman
Latin American
Medieval & Byzantine
Renaissance & Baroque

Ancient Americas/ Pre-Columbian
South & Southeast Asian

Qualifying Paper for the MA

Completion of the MA

Toward the PhD

Upon the completion of the MA or starting with a MA from another institution, the student begins the PhD program having chosen a major field of study within art history, often known at the time of application. By the end of the second quarter of residence at the PhD stage, the student also selects a minor field, which may be outside the department (e.g. Architecture, History, Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Archaeology, etc.). The major and minor advisors are responsible for the student’s course of study and completion of requirements within the selected field. Graduate Review Committee must approve any change of advisor(s) or the major and minor fields.

Requirements for the PhD

Greek and Roman
Latin American
Medieval & Byzantine
Renaissance & BaroqueAfrican
Ancient Americas/Pre-Columbian
South & Southeast Asian

Written Comprehensive Examinations

Doctoral Committee

Dissertation Prospectus and Oral Qualifying Examination

Dissertation and Final Oral Examination (if required)

Language Requirements

The completion of the PhD requires reading knowledge of a minimum of two foreign languages relevant to the student’s field of study (more than two may be required in some cases and must be determined in consultation with the faculty advisor). Applicants are expected to already possess reading proficiency in at least one of the two languages for which they will be responsible. New students shall sit for at least one language exam upon arrival at UCLA.

Students at the MA stage are expected to satisfy their first foreign language requirement by the end of the 3rd quarter in residence. It is highly recommended that they complete the second language requirement by the end of the 6th quarter in residence.

Students at the PhD stage are expected to satisfy their second foreign language requirement by the end of the 1st quarter and any additional languages by the end of the 3rd quarter in residence (or in consultation with the major advisor).

Fulfilling the Language Requirement

Option 1: Pass the Departmental Foreign Language Exam.

The language exam consists of translation of a text of 300-700 words chosen by the examiner to be translated into English in three hours (use of a non-electronic dictionary is allowed). Specific qualities of the language and expected level of proficiency in the field will impact the choice and length of the selected text. The Department expects accurate rendition in English rather than a strict translation, word for word, and values the quality of the translation over the completion of the exam.

Language exams are scheduled four times a year, approximately three weeks prior to finals week during the regular academic quarters. Entering students must sit for the first language exam in the first week of the fall quarter. Exam results will be sent out by email within three weeks of the exam date. If feedback on the exam is desired after the results have been announced, students are welcome to contact the examiner. If a student fails the exam and wants to appeal, he or she should contact the Chair of the Language Committee or Director of Graduate Studies.

Option 2: Complete UCLA courses  French 6, German 6, Italian 6, Spanish 25, or other relevant language classes with a minimum grade of “B”.

The following is a general guideline for language requirements in relation to specific fields of study. The final selection and number of languages is to be determined in consultation with the primary advisor.

African Indigenous African languages, Arabic, French, German, Portuguese Ancient/Mediterranean/Near East Akkadian, Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Latin Chinese/Korean/Japanese Two East Asian languages, for pre-modern studies additionally literary Chinese or Japanese Byzantine/Western Medieval French, German, Greek, Latin, Italian, Slavic Languages, Turkish, Spanish Indigenous Americas One European language, one indigenous language (e.g., Quechua, Nahuatl, Maya), one other language (depending on topic) Islamic Arabic, Turkish/Ottoman, Persian, French, German Latin America Spanish (mandatory), French, German, Portuguese Modern & Contemporary Europe & America French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian Renaissance/Baroque/Early Modern Italian, French, Spanish, German, Latin, Dutch, Slavic Languages, Latin and/or Greek (depending on topic) South Asia Sanskrit, Hindi/Urdu, Persian Southeast Asia Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian



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Career Options after M.A. History

Updated On: March 28, 2022 11:40 am IST

Some of the best job openings/career options for M.A. History graduates are listed in this article. The detailed career options, jobs, salary, and other important detailed information is mentioned below.

List of Career Options after M.A. History

M.a. history job profiles, salary packages after m.a. history, top colleges for m.a. history.

Career Options after M.A. History

M.A in History is a two-year undergraduate degree program that studies certain periods in the history of particular or popular cultures. Those pursuing the M.A. in History are qualified for many jobs in the arts, sociology, humanities, and psychology, both in India and abroad. There are several jobs available, including Lecturer, Professor, School Teacher, Private Tutor, Education Consultant, Education Counsellor, Vice Principal, Program Manager, Assistant Editor, Administrative Assistant, etc.

M.A. History Course Highlights



Master of Arts in History


2 Years

Age Limit

No age limit

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must be holding a bachelor’s degree ( ) with at least 50% marks secured in any stream from a recognized institution.

Average Fees Incurred

INR 5K - 1 LPA

Average Salary Offered


Job Roles

Lecturer, Professor, School Teacher, Private Tutor, Education, Consultant, Education Counsellor, Vice Principal, Program Manager, Assistant Editor, Administrative Assistant

Students who complete the M.A. History course can go into various careers such as tourism, journalism, State Departments, Archeological Survey of India, museums, law, and the civil service where they may work as professors, archivists, heritage managers, museum educators, senior administrative officials, and archaeologists and historians.

The most obvious career option for an M.A. History graduate is teaching. In addition, A lecturer or an assistant professor can be appointed in any college. Besides these, it is never too late to start your own business and become your own boss, for which you need an entrepreneurial mindset and passion to succeed.

M.A. History graduates can pursue excellent careers in a variety of reputed private and public organizations in India and abroad. The following are some of the best job openings for M.A. in History Freshers:

Various job profiles description in detail are mentioned below:


Archivists collect, preserve, and manage information about the past. The job also involves handling inquiries and organizing events and exhibitions.

Museum Education Officer

An Education Officer at a museum creates educational programs for children of all ages. In his role at the museum, he establishes relationships with schools and colleges to bring people into the museum and promote its heritage

Civil Service Administrator

As a result of having several departments and roles, this is a very broad job that includes many tasks. As managers, they are responsible for managing staff and customers, analyzing tons of data and policies, and preparing reports.

Historical Research Assistant

A historical research assistant assists his/her superior with historical research and other tasks.

Social Worker

Social workers help individuals and their families cope with difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people, including children and adults, are protected from harm. They are responsible for improving people’s lives. Their role is to maintain professional relationships and act as guides and advocates.

Tourist Guide

A tourist guide is a member of the hospitality and travel industry who shows people around places of interest. In addition to guided tours of historic sites and museums, tour guides may take groups and individuals on outdoor excursions.


Archaeologists store recovered artifacts after they retrieve them from the field by sorting, cataloging, and washing them. In addition to analyzing individual artifacts, they may sort them into groups to determine patterns. For instance, the oyster shells are weighed together or the nails are counted together and considered together.

Content Writer

Writers of content create relevant content for websites, blogs, articles, white papers, product descriptions, and social media platforms. A specialist creates content specifically designed to capture the attention of a particular audience.


A journalist writes, edits, proofreads, and files news stories, features, and articles. In addition to television and radio, their pieces appear in magazines, journals, and newspapers, both in print and online. National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) certification is usually required for many jobs.


Library librarians organize library databases and help patrons locate library materials and resources. The responsibilities of librarians vary by the library they work for. Large libraries usually have librarians who specialize in specific areas, such as administration, information technology, or children's books.

Also Read: B.A. Archaeology vs B.A. History

Students of history are highly analytical and have the capability to process large quantities of data. They are well-recognized in the marketplace for this skill. People are increasingly aware of historical monuments and their importance, and this can provide a backhand to historians as it increases their employment opportunities. History masters are in high demand as more museums and historical sites are coming into existence.

However, ASI always offers deserving historians a little something and there is good money in this profession.

M.A. in History salary in public and private sectors in India of various reputed organizations is around INR 2,00,000 – INR 10,00,000 PA.

INR  1.6L

Content Writer

INR  40K

INR  70K

Administrative Officer

INR  66K



Salary Packages for Top Government Companies

Here are the salary packages for top government companies for M.A. History graduates tabulated below:

Central Intelligence Agency



National Institute of Mental Health and NeuroScience

Research Associate


Central Government



Salary Packages for Top Private Companies

Here are the salary packages for top private companies for M.A. History graduates tabulated below:

Dhirubhai Ambani International School

History Teacher


Hindustan Times






Here is the list of top colleges for M.A. History (private and government) tabulated below:

New Delhi

New Delhi










Integral University




Annamalai Nagar


The students opting for the M.A. History course for the academic session of 2022-2023 can refer to this article and keep a check on this page for further updates and date releases. If you have any questions, visit our QnA section and feel free to write your queries to us.

For further news/articles and updates related to M.A. History, stay tuned to CollegeDekho !

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Department of History

Guidelines for 5th Year MA and Open Graduate Education History MA.

The terminal MA in History is suspended as of winter 2018-19.

The History MA program is offered for applicants in the Fifth-Year Master's and Open Graduate Education programs. It is designed to be intellectually rigorous yet also flexible enough to permit students to adapt it to a variety of professional contexts and goals. The intellectual rigor is achieved through MA-specific coursework and its combination with PhD seminars. The flexibility is achieved through a choice of one of two tracks.

Professional Track

Professional Track   incorporates two “skills” courses (for example, in writing, language, computer science, design, or public history) that will help students meet individual professional goals.

Academic Track

Academic Track   is designed to prepare students to continue work at the PhD level. It replaces one of the “skills” courses with a research credit in the spring for which the student will produce an article-length research paper. In choosing the other “skills” course, a student on this track might select a language course or another PhD seminar, as appropriate.

A standard MA curriculum is 8 credits. 5th year MA students may apply up to two undergraduate courses toward this curriculum. Open Graduate Education students may double count up to two courses from their other degree program. Please consult the DGS on course planning. Course distribution for the overall eight credits is as follows:

Number of Courses Level Number of Credits
1 2000 level course (Ph.D. Colloquium by petition only) 1
3 2000-level courses 3
2 1000- or 2000-level courses 2
2 1000-level skills courses outside History, chosen in consultation with the History DGS OR 1 research credit for MA paper + 1 1000-level skills course, chosen in consultation with the History DGS, typically either a language course or an additional PhD seminar 2

5th Year MA

The 5th year MA is designed to be completed in one year. Open Graduate Education MA degrees can be pursued more gradually. Each student will plan an individual curriculum in consultation with the DGS; for a yearlong program, eight credits are typically distributed as follows:

Seminars should be taken with at least two different instructors. All courses must be completed with grades of B or better for the student to receive graduate credit. There is no foreign language requirement for the master's degree.

Jennifer Lambe

Jennifer Lambe

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The Portal for Public History. Please read the rules before participating, as we remove all comments which break the rules. Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed.

MA or PhD in history?

I applied to several graduate programs for history and now have to decide which program to attend. The two schools I am interested in attending are both in the same state, as my spouse wants to live there. I am attending grad school through a program offered by my employer so I will continue to receive my salary and my tuition is covered. Their only requirement is that I earn the MA.

My dilemma lies in the programs I was admitted for. My “top choice” school admitted me for an MA, and my second choice for a PhD. My concern is the ranking of the programs (I am basing this information solely on the history rankings provided by US News, if this is a false assumption please let me know). The school that has admitted me for the MA is ranked 11th and the school offering me a PhD is 67th. Both of my potential advisers are awesome so no concerns there. The location of the MA school is a lot more desirable for us but we are not against moving to the PhD school.

This may be my only opportunity to attend grad school so I want to make the most of it, bottom line is I would love to get the PhD. If I go for the MA I may never have the opportunity to go back for the PhD due to life/family commitments. I know the job market for historians is bleak at best and the university ranking carries a lot of weight when applying for jobs. I will have some flexibility when looking for employment as I will have a pension from my current job, it is not enough to retire for good though. I would love to teach history as a second career.

My first thought is that the PhD will give me more options for employment in the future versus the MA. I am concerned that the ranking of the program will limit my opportunities and I will be stuck based on the university name on the top of my diploma.

If I attend the MA school I can reapply for their PhD program and roll the dice on getting accepted next year, but I’ll only have 1 chance.

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or advice from the community.

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Parrots Island, Mingan Archipelago in Quebec

MA in History

Students gather around historical maps in the McMaster Library

Students in our History MA Program study the full range of approaches to history, from political and economic through social and intellectual. We pride ourselves on covering the standard geographic areas and chronological divisions of the Western world and beyond.

Alex Piccini

I strongly believe that a foundation in the Humanities helps develop the strong leaders, thinkers, and doers we need in the future.

Alex Piccini '16

Honours History

Nichole Fanara

To think critically about the world is a skill far more valued in the workplace than you can imagine.

Nichole Fanara '14

Combined Honours in English and History

Stephanie Carpenter

My program at McMaster taught me a breadth of skills beyond what you see on the surface from a history degree.

Stephanie Carpenter '05

Honours BA in History with a Minor in English


Downward facing arrow in black circle

Admission Requirements

Admission to the program requires, subject to the general regulations of the School of Graduate Studies, an Honours BA in history or in history and another subject, with at least a B+ standing. Potential applicants with a BA Honours degree in a closely related discipline should consult with the Graduate Studies Chair or the Chair of the Department.

Application Process

Completed applications consisting of the following:

Program Timelines

The MA program is a 12-month program which may be pursued either by courses and project or by courses and thesis. Candidates electing to follow the first route will complete 6 half courses of reading and research seminars, one of which is Historiography, plus the MA project course, History 797*, a major research paper based on one of the seminars taken earlier in the year. Candidates choosing the MA by thesis route will complete 4 half courses of reading and research seminars, one of which is Historiography, and a thesis.

Candidates for the MA degree normally complete degree requirements in one calendar year of continuous work. Candidates must obtain at least a B- standing in all seminars. Only graduate seminars (courses numbered 700) may be counted for graduate credits. Failure on any course in the MA program may result in  the student being  asked to withdraw from the MA program.

Tuition & Program Fees

Visit Graduate Studies to learn more about tuition, supplementary fees and everything you need to know about being paid as a Teaching or Research Assistant. Tuition fees are assessed on a term by term basis, depending on the number of courses a student takes or if they are paying by term. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is tuition?

For the 2023-2024 academic year, tuition fees are as follows:

Master of Arts, History $2,102.40 per term $5,698.74 per term
PhD $2,102.40 per term $2,102.40 per term

Please note, these costs are exclusive of supplementary fees and are subject to change on an annual basis.

When is tuition due?

Tuition is usually due in mid-September.  Dates will change on an annual basis and will be communicated via departmental communication channels.

What does the course load look like for an MA student?

MA students in the Department of History are required to take 3 level-700 courses in the fall and winter terms.  Each class is approximately 3 hours in length based on course offerings and student interest.  Courses are offered one day per week.   Unless otherwise specified, courses are offered in-person and students are expected to be present in class on campus.  Course scheduling and registration takes place in the spring/summer.

Does the Department require scholarly work?

Both the MA and the PhD require completion of the supplemental application, which can be found on the respective application websites.  The PhD application requires a writing sample.

How is graduate funding decided?  Is it guaranteed?

Within the Department of History, there is a graduate committee which is composed of History faculty members.  For MA students, each individual faculty member reviews the applications and ranks the students.  Each student receives an average ranking.  The student’s GPA is then used as a further ranking tool to determine graduate scholarships.  The application and the student’s GPA has equal weighting in determining their final rank.  Top students are likely, but not guaranteed, to receive scholarship funding.  In addition to scholarship funding, there are multiple teaching assistant positions which offer students an opportunity to study and work. No funding is guaranteed and is subject to change on an annual basis.

For PhD students, minimum funding is guaranteed.  As of September 1, 2023, all full-time PhD students admitted to the program are guaranteed a minimum of $17,500 which may be composed of multiple different sources of funding.  This is guaranteed for 4 years.

Does the department offer any scholarships?

The department offers the following internal scholarships for graduate students:

The Richard A. Rempel Graduate Scholarship in History Established in the year 2000 by family, friends and colleagues, to honour Richard A. Rempel’s contribution to graduate supervision in the MA and PhD programmes in History. To be awarded annually by the School of Graduate Studies to a currently registered MA or PhD student upon the recommendation of the Department of History. $1,000
The United Empire Loyalists (Hamilton Branch) Fund Established in 2004 by the United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada (Hamilton Branch) to support research in Canadian History.  The award to be made by the School of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Department of History to a graduate student conducting archival research in Canadian History for the period 1750 to 1850. $1,000
The Wilhelm Eisenbichler Scholarship Established in 2023 by Konrad Eisenbichler, HBA (Class of ’73), MA (Class of ’74) to honour his brother, Wilhelm Eisenbichler, HBA (Class of ’75), MA (Class of ’76) and to recognize their shared passion for the study and enjoyment of Italian culture, and to encourage others in this field. To be awarded by the School of Graduate Studies, on the recommendation of the Department of History to a graduate student in the Department of History who is studying or conducting research in Italian, Italian-Canadian, or Early Modern European History and demonstrates academic excellence. $2,000
The R.H. Johnston Scholarship The Robert H. Johnston Graduate Scholarship was established in year 2005 to honour the memory of Robert H. Johnston, historian of Russia, and normally to be awarded to an incoming PhD student in Twentieth Century European history. To be awarded by the School of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the department of History. $2,500

Is it necessary to consult a potential supervisor?

For an MA student, you will connect with a potential supervisor by the end of your first term.

For a PhD student, it is highly recommended that you consult with a potential supervisor before applying into the program.  Supervision requires a heavy commitment from faculty members, and some faculty members may not be able to provide the necessary support required.  The department cannot guarantee a supervisor for incoming PhD students.

Can the application fee be waived?

No, the fee is mandatory to apply into the program.

How are my international grades calculated?

The university uses the Ontario University Registrars’ Association guides to calculating international grades.  These vary from country to country.  If you are interested, you may reach out to [email protected] for clarification.

What testing is required if English is not my first language?  What is the minimum score required?

Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to provide an official record of the Test of English as a Foreign Language. A minimum TOEFL score of 92 (iBT), 580 on the regular test and a score of 237 on the computerized test are required. If you are submitting the IELTS test, a minimum score of 7 is required.

Faculty Scholarship Adjustments Guidelines

The McMaster Graduate Scholarship (MGS) is the most common form of scholarship support available to graduate students in our program. The MGS ensures that students receive a guaranteed minimum level of scholarship support. Adjustments to the MGS will depend on other available scholarships.

The Faculty of Humanities Adjustments guidelines policy is available for review.


Apply to an MA Program in History

Banner of graduate supervisors


Research your passion in History with supervision from our world-class faculty.


2024-2025 Graduate Courses Term 1 Seminars (September – December 2024)

HISTORY 725 Canadian Environmental History HISTORY 728 American Foreign Relations HISTORY 741 Historiography HISTORY 770 Sex, Health, Gender Colonial

HISTORY 790 MA Independent Study HISTORY 798A Phd Spec Reading Course

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HISTORY 742 Applied History HISTORY 745 Canada’s Racial State HISTORY 754 Social and Environmental History of Modern America HISTORY 767 War and Society in East Asian History HISTORY 790 MA Independent Study HISTORY 798B Phd Spec Reading Course

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Scope of MA in History: Top Ranking Jobs For Freshers & Experienced

Scope of MA in History: Top Ranking Jobs For Freshers & Experienced

If the past intrigues you and you are keen to learn how past civilizations and events have shaped our present, History is the right career choice. History is a multifaceted and versatile discipline that will increase your social and cultural understanding and awareness of the world around us. 

Most students choose History as their specialization course out of sheer passion and interest. A Master of Arts (M.A.) in History is a two-year postgraduate degree in the field of Humanities. This course focuses on the events, stories, and narratives of historical societies, people, and cultures of nations across the world.

It includes a wide range of historical matters, including Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India, Indian Government & Politics, World History, Literature, Capitalism, Liberalism, and much more. Thus, students learn about the major historical events of ancient and contemporary India while also knowing the events that shaped World History.  

Although the scope of M.A. History may not be as tangible and expansive as other educational fields like Medicine, Engineering, Geography, or an MBA degree, it has plenty to offer. By obtaining an M.A. degree in History, you acquire a wide range of transferable skills, such as the ability to conduct detailed research and think critically and a robust knowledge of political, social, cultural, and economic connections among local, national, and international communities.

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Since these skills are relevant and intertwined to many disciplines, an M.A. in History will lead to diverse employment prospects with commendable salary packages.  

M.A. in History: Scope and Employment Opportunities

History graduates usually find plenty of lucrative career positions in both government and private sectors. Some of the most promising government job arenas are museums, libraries, archives, tourism, heritage consultancy & planning, and foreign affairs departments. Apart from this, History majors can also opt for Academia, Law, Journalism, Politics, Civil Services, and Public Relations. 

Here are five areas that prove the scope of M.A. History is rich and varied:

1. Archeology 

Archaeology is a highly research-oriented field of study. Archaeologists are experts who investigate the different facets of human, cultural, and material development. They excavate and unearth things of historical importance like coins, inscriptions, monuments, etc., and analyze them to find out which period they belong to, their purpose, how they were used, and so on.

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is responsible for maintaining heritage buildings, museums, sites, and historical research institutions. So, for an aspiring Archeologist, ASI is the ideal employment institution.

2. Museology 

As the name suggests, Museology refers to the study of museums. A Museologist studies and investigates the History of museums, their societal importance, and the activities they propagated. This branch of study will teach you how to curate and preserve a museum.

Furthermore, Museologists perform detailed documentation work concerning artifacts and museum management. They work in museums, heritage galleries, and also in various non-governmental organizations.

3. Academia

The teaching profession is the best career choice for History graduates who want to educate the next generation and infuse their knowledge back to the society. This is undoubtedly one of the most respectable jobs.

As a History teacher, you can work in schools, colleges, universities, and online learning institutions. A B.Ed degree is necessary for the school level, whereas for colleges/universities, you must pass the UGC NET exam.

4. Research

Research is another excellent fit for History graduates. As a researcher, you will learn to understand past civilizations and societies’ History by studying, examining, and interpreting evidence (texts, pictures, paintings, maps, physical remains of historical sites, etc.).

Researchers find well-paying jobs in historical research organizations like the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) and the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR).

5. Civil Services

History makes up a crucial part of the prelims and main exams of the Indian Civil Services. Naturally, if you are a History major, you will possess in-depth knowledge of Historical events, dates, and concepts.

This will be a significant help when you appear for the Civil Services exams. If you clear the Civil Services exams, you will join the ranks of the most prestigious and respectable officers in the country. 

Top Ranking Jobs for M.A. History Candidates

1. historian.

Historians are academics, and researchers rolled into one. They mainly deal with studying the events of the past. Historians research, analyze, and interpret historical events and write their inferences about them.

They collect data from libraries, archives, and artifacts, determining the authenticity and importance of historical data, translate historical documents into human languages, preserve artifacts and documents in museums, and publish their writings in academic journals. 

The average yearly salary of Historians in India is ₹927,828 LPA.

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2. Archivist

Archivists are primarily responsible for acquiring, curating, and managing a permanent collection of documents, artifacts, other materials of historical and cultural importance. Their archive generally includes historic books, papers, maps, photographs, prints, films, videotapes, and computer-generated records.

In essence, Archivists preserve the past for the present and future generations of learners, researchers, and the general public. Apart from this, Archivists liaise with donors and depositors of archives and maintain computer-aided search systems.

The national average salary of Archivists in India is ₹563,928 LPA.

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Also Read:  Highest Paying Jobs in Arts Field

Curators take on a managerial role in museums, art galleries, or heritage centers. They develop collections of valuable exhibits such as artworks, paintings, sculptures, scriptures, etc. Curators organize events like exhibitions, conferences, and audio-visual presentations to display their collections.

They buy exhibits, negotiate the prices of objects, arrange for restoration of artifacts, maintain records and catalog acquisitions, and raise funds and grants for museums/art galleries.

The average annual salary of a Curator in India is ₹420,000 LPA. It can go as high as ₹13.8 LPA .

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4. Archeologist 

Archaeologists study human civilizations to find out how they impacted the present world. They inspect and examining historical artifacts, ranging from prehistoric tools and objects to monuments and buildings. Their prime duty is to recover and analyze the remains extracted from excavation sites.

Archaeologists’ job demands that they travel extensively within the country and globally to find pieces of historical significance. According to their specialization, they can also settle for tenured academic positions like lecturers, professors, conservators, and museum curators.

In India, entry-level Archeologists earn around ₹2.5-3.5 LPA, while experienced Archeologists earn annual salary packages ranging between ₹5- 8 LPA.

5. History Teacher / Professor

While History Teachers work in schools, Professors teach at colleges and universities. School teachers are responsible for imparting foundational History knowledge to students. They teach students about the important historical events in brevity, prepare lesson plans, grade papers, develop class activities schedule, and accompany students on field trips to historical sites.

History Professors teach specialized and advanced history courses to students in their undergraduate/postgraduate degree programs. They offer lectures on different historical periods, events, theories, etc., and write detailed research papers, articles, and books. 

A high school History Teacher’s average salary is ₹303,734 LPA, and that of a History Professor in India is ₹1,011,304 LPA.

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6. Librarian

Academic Librarians collect, organize, manage, and issue library resources, including books, magazines, journals, films, and audio files. They usually work in educational institutions, public libraries, and museums.

Librarians select, classify, and catalog library resources, manage and train library staff, manage library budgets, assist users in finding their desired resources, maintain library records, and determine library equipment requirements.

  The average salary of a Librarian in India is ₹248,462 LPA. 

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Must Read:  Top Highest Paying Jobs

Students who pursue History as their postgraduate specialization are introduced to the rich and intriguing History of their country and World History. The best part about studying History is that it helps build your critical analytical skills and investigative abilities.

As a History graduate, you can choose some of the most unconventional career paths and carve out a specific niche for yourself. 

We hope this helps! 


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The main benefit of studying history is that it gives you a better understanding of the major events that have shaped the world today. It also helps you appreciate the cultures and heritage of the different countries. While pursuing a Master’s degree in history, Indian history is one of the main subjects in higher level studies. It gives a better understanding of the Indian subcontinent, because Indian history is bursting with colorful events and interesting characters. It gives greater appreciation for the Indian people and culture, and gains an understanding of the historical roots of present day India.

The highest paid job after pursuing a degree in history is being an historian with a salary of 11.8 lakhs per annum. It offers a high package compared to the job in the academics sector. The other fields in which history graduates can get a job in the civil services. It is a really competitive field but offers a huge variety of roles and jobs. They can also become an archeologist, a museum manager, a guide, and a professor, the roles of which offer approximately 5-8 lakhs per annum. Working in the archeology sector is a government job and demands practical application of theoretical knowledge in history.

A government job can offer a number of different benefits. One of the biggest is financial security. A government job can provide income stability and the ability to support yourself and your family with a full-time job. Working with the government has several benefits like better career opportunities, better education, and a stage to make a name for yourself. A government job can also provide certain responsibilities that help build your resume and show you can be responsible and dependable.

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Doctor of Philosophy in History Top Colleges, Admission, Syllabus, Books, Jobs and Scope 2024

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Sushil Pandey

Senior Content Specialist

PhD History or Doctor of Philosophy in History is a 3 years full-time doctorate course which is the study of written events and records of humanity. It explains a broad view of social, cultural, religious, political, and economic developments from the prehistoric times. It grants students to study some of the world's most historical people, events, and cultures. The minimum duration of this program is three years and the maximum duration is five years.

This PhD History program focused on providing knowledge in advanced studies in history in depth. Coursework covers the areas of political study, gender & sexuality, and training imparts knowledge in vast areas. The program is designed for students to develop skills in conducting research work in original and equips them with varied methodologies. The training offers an intensive course and introduces them to theoretical aspects of history and historical practice.

Admission to the PhD History course is based on an entrance test followed by an interview conducted by the various Universities. Candidates who have UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF), UGC-NET (including JRF), SLET, GATE, teacher fellowship holder or have passed M.Phil. The program is exempted from the Entrance Test but is required to appear for the Interview.

To be eligible for undertaking the study of PhD History, candidates must be a qualified graduate with History as their Honors subject. Candidates having passed the postgraduate level are also eligible for this extensive study.

Table of Content

PhD History: Course Highlights

Phd history: what is it about.

2.1   Why Study?

PhD History Admission Process

3.1  Eligibility

3.2  Entrance Exam

PhD History Top Colleges

4.1   College Comparison

PhD History Syllabus

5.1   Books

7.1   Future Scope

Course Level Doctorate
Full-Form Doctor of Philosophy in History
Duration 3 years
Examination Type Semester-based
Eligibility Master’s Degree with a minimum of 55%
Admission process Merit-based / Entrance Examination
Course Fee INR 5,000 – 1 Lakh
Average Salary INR 2 – 12 LPA
Top Recruiting Companies CACTUS communications private ltd, Edison education, FIITJEE ltd, Accenture private ltd, IPE global limited
Job Positions Tutor, Researcher, History teacher, Corporate historian, Historical Writer, etc.
Area of Employment Museums, art galleries, historical sites, national parks, archaeological survey of India

History is the study of the past with primary attention to the activities of human beings over time. PhD History is an extensive academic degree awarded by many universities for hardcore research in any specific piece or detailed information of history.

PHD History Subjects

Why Study PhD History?

Students who want to know about research and analyze historical facts and data in great depth are a good suit for the course. They also possess qualities like the capacity to think objectively and approach problems and new situations with an open mind. Candidates also should possess the ability to construct an argument and communicate findings in a clear and persuasive manner, both orally and in writing.

Some of the popular reasons why PhD History must be pursued is as follows:

These top schools providing this doctoral program are unique in multiple ways, such as the areas of study offered, applicant requirements, and more. The PhD History program has an average annual course fee which ranges between INR 4,000 - 3 Lakhs depending upon the institute offering the course.

PhD History graduates can choose their profession as professors or lecturers in schools, colleges, universities after completion of this course or they can join any historical group who carry out research and publish their works on a global scale and they also can continue personal research if they intend to. The average annual salary offered for the PhD program ranges between INR 2 - 12 lakhs depending upon the candidate’s expertise in the field.

Most colleges and institutes offering PhD History courses admit students based on the graduate degree level examination marks. However, there are some institutes which do conduct entrance examinations to judge a candidate’s capability.

The following are the two major pathways through which PhD History admissions takes place:

Entrance Exams

When the Entrance Exam results will be out then colleges may further conduct a Personal Interview Round of the qualified candidates to know their interest in the course, skills, and career.

PhD History Eligibility

The common PhD History eligibility criteria to be successfully admitted into a college offering this course is as follows:

The above-stated eligibility criteria are the basic eligibility criteria. Each college will have its criterion on which prospective candidates are judged.

PhD History Entrance Exam

Some colleges that offer PhD History programs require their candidates to sit for an entrance examination.

Listed below are some of the popular PhD History entrance exams.

How to Prepare for a PhD History Entrance Exams?

Students should consider buying study material and practice material of Ph.D. (History) entrance exams so that they prepare well for the same.

How to get admission in a good PhD History college?

To get admission in top PhD History colleges, the following points must be kept in mind:

The table below shows the best PhD History colleges   and universities that offer the course in a full-time mode.

Name of College Location Average Annual Fees Average Placement Package
Varanasi INR 8,368 INR 4 Lakhs
Hyderabad INR 9,940 INR 6 Lakhs
Kolkata INR 4,400 INR 5.50 Lakhs
New Delhi INR 20,000 INR 5 Lakhs
Chennai INR 9,285 INR 4 Lakhs
Mysore INR 11,000 INR 8 Lakhs
Chennai INR 10,970 INR 6.25 Lakhs
Jaipur INR 1,44,000 INR 7.50 Lakhs
Varanasi INR 46,815 INR 6.50 Lakhs
Bhubaneswar INR 9,500 INR 3 Lakhs

PhD History College Comparison

The tabulation below shows the comparison made among the three top PhD History Colleges in India.

Parameters Banaras Hindu University Loyola College
Overview This University is a public university from Varanasi is one of the oldest universities in the country. It is one of the best colleges to pursue a PhD program. Loyola College was established in 1925, it has students from around the country. Its PhD program is highly ranked among other bachelors of education programs.
NIRF Ranking 3 6
Average Annual Fees INR 8,368 INR 9,285
Average Placement Offered INR 4 Lakhs INR 4.50 Lakhs
Top Recruiting Companies  Infosys, Coal India, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, Pantaloon, Visa Steel, FINO, Ansal API, etc. Amazon, TCS. Wipro, Syntel, Stratagem, etc.

PhD History colleges: Average Fees & Salary

Source: College Websites

Although the PhD History course curriculum varies from college to college, it mostly consists of some common foundation courses that students can select based on his/her interests.

The table below shows common subjects that are included in the structured PhD History syllabus and subjects included in it:

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Readings in trends in the historiography I Readings in trends in the historiography II Readings in trends in the historiography III
Research Methodology I Research methodology II Research Methodology III
Themes in early Indian history I Themes in early Indian history II Themes in early Indian history III
Aspects of social-economic historical of medieval India I Aspects of social-economic historical of medieval India II Aspects of social-economic historical of medieval India III
Debates in Modern Indian History I Debates in modern Indian History II Debates in Modern Indian History III
Language  Language  Language 

PhD History Books

Tabulated below are some of the PhD History subject books that can help students to have a broader and better understanding of the course. The books mentioned below will also help the students in cracking various PhD History exams.

Name of the Book Author
Indian History Krishna Reddy
Modern India Sumit Sarkar
Medieval India Satish Chandra
India’s struggle for Independence Bipan Chandra
The Wonder that was India A.L. Basham

PhD History Course Comparison

PhD History vs. PhD Ancient History

Both PhD History and PhD Ancient History   have a bright future in the field of research and analyze historical facts and data. There are many colleges in India who prefer both of the courses in their academic structure.

Check the table below for more comparative details:

Parameters PhD History PhD Ancient History
Full-Form Doctor of Philosophy, History Doctor of Philosophy, Ancient History
Duration 3 years 3 years
Eligibility Master’s Degree with a minimum of 55% Post-graduation
Exam Type Semester-based Semester-based
Admission process Merit-based / Entrance Examination Merit-based / Entrance Examination
Job Profiles Tutor, Researcher, History teacher, Corporate historian, Historical Writer, etc. Curriculum Design Consultant, Archaeologist, Editor, Associate Lecturer, Subject Matter Expert, Data History Analyst, Historian Researcher, Junior Research Fellow, etc.
Area of Employment Museums, art galleries, historical sites, national parks, archaeological survey of India Civil services, Media and Press, Educational institutions, Research Labs, Govt. research, Museums, etc.
Average Fees INR 5,000 - 1,00,000 INR 4,000 - 1,00,000
Average Salary INR 2 – 12 LPA INR 3 – 10 LPA

PhD History Vs PhD Ancient History

The eligibility and admission criteria for both these degrees are the same. In terms of Career and Salary, both PhD History and PhD Ancient History have great career prospects and job opportunities, and individuals can earn an average salary of around INR 2-12 LPA or more in some cases depending upon candidate's skills, knowledge, and experience.

PhD History Job Prospects and Career Options

In India, PhD History is one of the top career choices in Arts made by students who opt to research and analyze historical facts and data. There are lots of job opportunities available in India as well as in foreign countries for History graduates.

The table below shows some of the most common PhD History job profiles and career prospects after completing the course is as follows:

Job profile Job Description Average Annual Salary
History Teacher These professionals develop student’s knowledge of historical events and social science at the middle school, high school, and post-secondary schools. They are also responsible for overseeing, supervising, assessing student’s performance, and work as officials. INR 5 Lakhs
Researcher They interact with team managers and verify that all projects and tasks are on schedule. Researchers gather information but that varies by industry and project need. They are preparing tenders for research contacts and also identifying and advising about possible strategies. INR 5.45 Lakhs
Historical Writer They do gather information from various sources including archives, books, and architects. They will analyze and interpret historical information to determine its authenticity and significance. INR 7.5 Lakhs
Corporate Historian Corporate historians communicate with other historians, archivists, and those requesting the research. They organize interviews with filed specialists to know the project results. They also prepare the data and interpret its significance. INR 6.25 Lakhs
Tutor They conduct tutoring schedules for students in their homes, libraries, or schools as well as schedule appointments with students or their parents. They will monitor students' behavior and performance in academic environments. INR 3 Lakhs

PhD History Salary Trends

Source: Payscale

PhD History Future Scope

Students having a PhD History are importantly serving the education industry and due to the laws of UGC one position of Head of Department is always secured for Ph.D holders only.

Ques. What are the top colleges for PhD History?

Ans. The top institutes and colleges for PhD History are Banaras Hindu University, University of Madras, Loyola College, Utkal University, IIT BHU, among others.

Ques. What are the subjects in PhD History?

Ans. Some of the subjects taught in PhD History are Indian history, ancient history, modern India, etc.

Ques. Which job profiles are available for a PhD History?

Ans. Students of PhD History can work as a Tutor, Researcher, History teacher, corporate historian, Historical Writer, Researcher, etc.

Ques. What is the annual average tuition fee charged for the PhD History program?

Ans. The annual average tuition fee at the top PhD History colleges is between INR 5,000 to INR 3 Lakh.

Ques. What is the scope after PhD History?

Ans. Students can choose a wide range of opportunities in varied sectors across the globe in educational institutions, libraries, archives, archaeological department’s museums.

Ques. What is the average salary in PhD Mathematics?

Ans. The salary ranges from INR 2 – 12 LPA as per the job profile.

Ques. What are the areas of employment in the PhD History field?

Ans. Several areas of employment are there such as students can work at Museums, art galleries, historical sites, national parks, archaeological surveys of India.

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    The innovative one-year Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences encourages graduate work with History faculty within a context of interdisciplinary social-science training, individualized curriculum, and intensive counseling for subsequent employment or further study. Other MA programs in International Relations and the Center for Middle ...

  13. MA and PhD Programs

    The Society for Military History. Graduate Programs in Military History - Listed by Degree. MA-only granting Institutions. American Public University System. Arizona State University. Austin Peay State University. Chapman University. The Citadel. Columbia College.

  14. History

    Fields include ancient, medieval, early modern, and modern Europe (including Britain, Russia, and Eastern Europe), United States, Latin America, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Jewish history; and diplomatic, environmental, ethnic, intellectual, labor, military, political, religious, social, and women's history, as well as the history of science and medicine (see also the ...

  15. Apply to the Program

    M.A. Program Applicants for the M.A. program must have completed the equivalent of a bachelor's degree with a major in history or a related discipline before beginning graduate study. Students without a background in history are advised to take courses on a non-degree basis before applying.

  16. Doctor of Philosophy in History of Ideas

    Program Description. The PhD in History of Ideas degree program is designed primarily for individuals who wish to conduct advanced research and to teach at the college level, but it is open to qualified candidates who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills. The program focuses on the study of history and philosophy, and especially the ...

  17. PhD Program

    The UCLA Department of Art History offers a two-stage graduate program toward the PhD. Students are not admitted for a terminal master's (MA) degree. The MA is awarded in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD and is granted with the successful completion of the first stage of the program, typically at the end of the second year ...

  18. Career Options after M.A. History

    List of Career Options after M.A. History. Students who complete the M.A. History course can go into various careers such as tourism, journalism, State Departments, Archeological Survey of India, museums, law, and the civil service where they may work as professors, archivists, heritage managers, museum educators, senior administrative ...

  19. MA Program

    The History MA program is offered for applicants in the Fifth-Year Master's and Open Graduate Education programs. It is designed to be intellectually rigorous yet also flexible enough to permit students to adapt it to a variety of professional contexts and goals. The intellectual rigor is achieved through MA-specific coursework and its combination with PhD seminars. The flexibility is achieved ...

  20. MA or PhD in history? : r/AskHistorians

    MA or PhD in history? I applied to several graduate programs for history and now have to decide which program to attend. The two schools I am interested in attending are both in the same state, as my spouse wants to live there.

  21. MA in History

    Our History MA Programs offer students the opportunity to intensively study a range of approaches to history. Learn about an MA in History.

  22. Scope of MA in History: Top Ranking Jobs For Freshers ...

    A Master of Arts (M.A.) in History is a two-year postgraduate degree in the field of Humanities. This course focuses on the events, stories, and narratives of historical societies, people, and cultures of nations across the world. It includes a wide range of historical matters, including Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India, Indian ...

  23. PhD History Course, Admission, Fees, Eligibility, Entrance Exams

    PhD History or Doctor of Philosophy in History is a 3 years full-time doctorate course which is the study of written events and records of humanity. It explains a broad view of social, cultural, religious, political, and economic developments from the prehistoric times. It grants students to study some of the world's most historical people, events, and cultures. The minimum duration of this ...