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PhD Salaries and Lifetime Earnings

PhDs employed across job sectors show impressive earning potential:

“…[T]here is strong evidence that advanced education levels continue to be associated with higher salaries. A study by the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce showed that across the fields examined, individuals with a graduate degree earned an average of 38.3% more than those with a bachelor’s degree in the same field. The expected lifetime earnings for someone without a high school degree is $973,000; with a high school diploma, $1.3 million; with a bachelor’s degree, $2.3 million; with a master’s degree, $2.7 million; and with a doctoral degree (excluding professional degrees), $3.3 million. Other data indicate that the overall unemployment rate for individuals who hold graduate degrees is far lower than for those who hold just an undergraduate degree.” - Pathways Through Graduate School and Into Careers , Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) and Educational Testing Service (ETS), pg. 3.

Average salaries by educational level and degree (data from the US Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2009-2011, courtesy of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce):

















































































































































The Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports higher earnings and lower unemployment rates for doctoral degree holders in comparison to those with master’s and bachelor’s degrees:

According to national studies, more education translates not only to higher earnings, but also higher levels of job success and job satisfaction:

“Educational attainment – the number of years a person spends in school – strongly predicts adult earnings, and also predicts health and civic engagement. Moreover, individuals with higher levels of education appear to gain more knowledge and skills on the job than do those with lower levels of education and they are able, to some extent, to transfer what they learn across occupations.” - Education for Life and Work (2012), National Research Council of the National Academies, pg. 66.

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Top 10 Highest Paying PhD Degrees in 2024

Chriselle Sy

The highest possible degree you can get in any field is a doctorate or a PhD. Obtaining a doctoral degree can help to greatly further your career, but unfortunately, PhDs aren’t always that easy to earn. The average time a doctoral candidate spends to receive their PhD is anywhere from seven to ten years, and during this time, it also becomes a balancing act.

However, if you manage to earn your PhD, you stand to increase your salary by a significant amount. Chances are, you might also find more opportunities in the future.

The best doctorate degrees are always the ones that you’re passionate about. But, if you find yourself asking, “what should I get my PhD in?,” this list of the highest paying PhDs might just help you out if you’re looking to have a lucrative career.

Looking to get a master’s instead? Check out: Highest Paying Master’s Degrees You Can Get in 2024

Table of Contents

What’s the Best PhD to Get?

If you’re trying to figure out the best-paid PhD, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 fields with the highest earning potential.

Here are some quick facts:

  • The PhD with the highest mid-career salary is in Chemical Engineering , with an average salary of $146,000 . This field also has a pretty good early career, with the average salary sitting at $96,100 .
  • When it comes to the highest early career earnings, a PhD in Computer Science  is your best bet since the average salary is $118,000 . This field also has one of the highest $145,000 .

It’s worth noting that your earning potential in any given field can also depend on your location. For example, a doctorate in computer science might earn you more money in San Francisco or other similar tech hubs. The best PhD degrees, at least for earning potential, can depend on where you intend to work.

Here are the best PhD degrees by salary, ranked from lowest to highest.

Here are the best PhD degrees by salary, ranked from lowest to highest.

Of course, the best doctorate degree for you depends on your particular situation. When answering the question “what should I get my PhD in?,” consider your preferences and interests as well as what you want to do in the future.

Top 10 Highest Paying PhD Degrees

The salary figures of the highest-paid PhD degrees depicted in this article were taken from PayScale and BLS.gov , based on data of those with PhDs.

10) Statistics

Salary in Early Career: $105,000

Salary in Mid Career: $131,000

BLS 2020-2030 Job Growth Outlook: 33%, much faster than average

Statisticians collect and analyze data via various statistical methods. They help various businesses, organizations, and even the healthcare industry collect and interpret data so they can solve problems, strategize, and plan ahead.

If you want a career as a statistician, you’ll need to have an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree at a minimum. Having a PhD in Statistics can help increase your earning potential by giving you an advantage over your peers.

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) has the job outlook for mathematicians and statisticians growing by a projected 33% rate throughout 2020-2030. According to their website , this is a much faster growth rate than the average growth other fields are experiencing. It appears that statistics  qualifies for the most in-demand PhD degree — on this list, at least. Therefore we can suggest it as the best PhD for jobs, since it’ll be pretty easy to find one once you graduate.

9) Biomedical Engineering

Salary in Early Career: $88,100

Salary in Mid Career: $133,000

BLS 2020-2030 Job Growth Outlook: 6%, on the low end of average

In simple terms, biomedical engineering is the fusion of engineering, medicine, and biology. In particular, in this field, problem-solving techniques and principles used by engineering are applied to the fields of biology and medicine for healthcare. It’s an interdisciplinary field that is growing in popularity over time.

Biomedical engineering is continually evolving thanks to the constant pursuit of knowledge. Because of this, the field continues to grow and can always use people who know theory and are well versed in the life sciences.

Getting a PhD in this field can open up opportunities for you in a variety of areas. You can work in research, at universities, in manufacturing, and even in hospitals. A doctorate is required if you want to work in research or at universities.

The BLS  states that jobs in the biomedical engineering field are projected to grow at a 6% rate over the following seven years.

Salary in Early Career: $93,700

BLS 2020-2030 Job Growth Outlook: 7%, about average

If you’re interested in becoming a physicist, you’ll definitely need a PhD . Most careers for physicists, particularly in research and academia, require you to have a doctoral degree in the field. You can become a research advisor, a physics professor, a (lead) physicist, or a researcher.

According to the BLS , the job outlook for physicists is looking good. The projections are positive, sitting at a 7% increase until 2024, and this rate is on par with the average national growth rate for most occupations.

7) Engineering

Salary in Early Career: $93,600

Salary in Mid Career: $137,000

The world always needs engineers. However, a doctoral degree is not always necessary if you want to work as an engineer — unless, of course, you want to work in research. Research opportunities in the engineering field are only given to PhD candidates or graduates.

You can choose to go for a general track or a specialty such as materials science, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, and chemical engineering. If you have a PhD in engineering , you can take positions like project manager, engineering director, and specialty positions like aerospace engineer or chemical engineer.

6) Physical Chemistry

Salary in Early Career: $73,600

Salary in Mid Career: $138,000

Although the early career salary for PhD graduates of physical chemistry is one of the lowest on this list, it ramps up and is one of the highest-earning on this list in the mid-career.

But what exactly is physical chemistry?

Physical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that applies the theories and techniques of physics to chemical systems (or the study thereof). It’s the study of the behavior of matter on the atomic and molecular levels. Alongside this, physical chemistry is also the study of chemical reactions.

As a physical chemist, you’ll most likely work in labs and research facilities. These research opportunities are awarded only to those with PhDs, and a PhD can also open the door for even more lucrative careers in high-tech or materials science.

The job growth and outlook for physical chemists are below average. However, the average annual wage makes it one of the most profitable ones.

5) Pharmacology

Salary in Early Career: $75,400

Salary in Mid Career: $141,000

BLS 2020-2030 Job Growth Outlook: -2% decline

Pharmacology is the study of drugs and drug actions, or how drugs work within the body. It’s a branch of biology, medicine, and the pharmaceutical sciences. Having a PhD in pharmacology can help you find careers in research.

PhD programs  in this field often build upon other areas, such as biochemistry, molecular bio, cell bio, physiology, and neuroscience. Depending on the track you choose, you can become a researcher in a particular field.

Pharmacology can also lead you to a career as a pharmacist.

The average early career wages for pharmacists are low because it can depend on location or position. For example, pharmacists who work at grocery stores or drug stores often earn less than their entry-level researcher counterparts.

Unfortunately, the current rate of growth for this field is -2%  from 2020-2030. So while there will still be opportunities, it may be harder to find a job.

4) Electrical Engineering

Salary in Early Career: $103,000

Salary in Mid Career: $144,000

If you have a PhD in electrical engineering, you stand to earn quite a good amount of money. Electrical engineering has one of the highest average early-career salaries and one of the highest mid-career to boot.

Electrical Engineering is the application and study of mathematics  and physics combined with electromagnetism, electronics, and electricity. This discipline deals with the research and design of systems, equipment, and devices that use electricity. The results of electrical engineering are seen in day-to-day life. The advances humanity has made in the field have resulted in modern-day staples like the radio and the television.

A doctorate in engineering can help you go into research. If you are more of an idea generator, you can pursue a career in invention and product development. This discipline had plenty of opportunities in various fields such as transportation, computing, manufacturing, and aviation.

3) Computer Science

Salary in Early Career: $118,000

Salary in Mid Career: $145,000

BLS 2020-2030 Job Growth Outlook: 22%, much faster than average

Computer Science is one of the highest-paying fields, both in early and mid-career salary averages. A doctorate in this field allows graduates to become experts in certain computer science subfields. If you want to get a PhD in this field, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree or a master’s in computer science .

If you choose to research in this field, you’ll need a doctorate to qualify for research opportunities. You can also find non-academic careers as an information research scientist, a hardware engineer, programming, and even robotics. It truly comes as no surprise that Computer Science is one of the best-paid PhD programs considering technology continues to progress over the years.

The job outlook for this field is expected to grow by 22%  until 2030, making it one of the best and most in-demand PhDs on this list

2) Organic Chemistry

Salary in Early Career: $83,400

Salary in Mid Career: $146,000

Organic chemistry shares a spot with #1 for the highest-paying PhD, at least for mid-career salaries. However, early wages are lower, which earns this field its #2 spot on this list.

If you want to pursue a career in organic chemistry, earning a PhD in this field can get you a research position, and you may even find yourself leading a research team. However, to qualify for advanced research positions, you’ll need a PhD in the field from an accredited institution whose programs are approved by the ACS or the American Chemical Society.

You may also find jobs in academia as a professor.

1) Chemical Engineering

Salary in Early Career: $96,100

BLS 2020-2030 Job Growth Outlook: 9%, on the high end of average

Sitting at number one on this list is chemical engineering. This branch of engineering combines various fields into one, and you’ll see physics, chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, and math . This interdisciplinary field helps solve problems related to fuel, food, chemicals, or drugs.

If you earn a PhD in chemical engineering, you may find yourself prepared with expert-level knowledge of the current research findings, practices, and the core fundamentals of the field. After you graduate, you may find opportunities in research and academia and find jobs in areas like biotechnology.

Paying for Your PhD

One obstacle that many doctoral candidates run into is the cost of earning a PhD. If you find yourself wondering how you can afford to pay for your PhD, there are a few common ways you can ease the financial load.

  • Student loans  – Many PhD candidates take out student loans to help them afford the tuition and living expenses while working on their doctorate full (or even part) time. You can choose to take out a loan for the full tuition plus living costs, or you can take a smaller loan to cover only a part of the expenses.
  • Scholarships, grants, and fellowships  – Savvy PhD candidates seek out scholarships, grants, and fellowship opportunities to help them pay off their tuition and living expenses more easily.

Related: Graduate School Scholarships Guide

  • Seek financial support from your employer – Some employers help support their employees’ education by offering partial or full scholarships as they seek higher education. This option may not always be possible, of course, as it depends on the field you are pursuing and whether it has any relation to your current place of employment.
  • Teach where you are studying  – One of the most common ways doctoral students earn extra financial support for their studies is through teaching — particularly at the school in which they are studying. Teaching can help students cut down on tuition costs as many educational institutions may offer lower rates for their studies. Some colleges and universities will even offer teaching assistant positions that offer flexibility and enough compensation to cover part of the tuition costs.

Already decided on going to grad school? Here’s everything you need to apply .

Frequently Asked Questions

Which phd has the highest salary.

According to this list of the highest paying PhD degrees, the current most lucrative PhD is Organic Chemistry.

Can PhDs make a lot of money?

Yes, but the road there can be long and winding. There are also many factors that can affect how much you earn, such as your location, industry, position, and even your employer. Additionally, “a lot of money” is relative — what do you consider a lot of money? It may benefit you to check out salary information on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website or on websites like PayScale or Salary.com. Check if the average earnings meet your expectations before making your decision on your PhD.

Is a PhD worth it for salary increases?

The BLS says that in 2020, those with a PhD earned median weekly salaries more than 20%  more than those with just a bachelor’s degree. It can depend on the field and the position, but this does appear to be the case generally. Data also shows that doctorate holders can earn significantly more over their lifetimes. For example, male PhDs earn as much as $1.5 million more  compared to high school graduates. Female PhDs earn $1.1 million more on average.

Do PhDs get paid more than master’s degree holders?

Yes. According to the World Education Services ( WES ), doctorate holders do earn more than those with master’s degrees. However, how much more they earn depends on their field. For example, engineering PhDs only earn 7% more than master’s degree holders in the field. However, in the field of psychology, you can earn up to 33% more if you have a PhD rather than a master’s.

Does job location matter when considering the highest paying doctorate degrees?

In any form of employment, your location matters. In fact, aside from your field or line of work, your location may be the next biggest determinant of your salary. The same is true even if you don’t have a PhD. For example, if you work in the field of information technology or computer science, you’ll most likely have a higher salary in places like San Francisco or Seattle.

You’ll likely find plenty of PhDs in some of the most lucrative industries in a certain city or state. IT and Computer Science PhD holders will often find the highest-paying opportunities in tech hubs  around the country. Geologists will find the highest-paying work in areas rich in natural resources. Researchers, on the other hand, will likely find the best-paying work in areas with research universities and institutions.

Many of the highest-earning jobs for PhDs are located in cities or states where their specific industry is highly supported.

Are there any degrees higher than a PhD?

Nope! The PhD, also known as the doctorate or doctoral degree, is the highest possible academic degree you can earn. PhDs are specialized degrees often earned through research. They demonstrate an extremely high level of understanding of the subject and expertise in your field. A lot of people who earn their PhD usually go on to stay in academia to teach or continue their research.

Choosing the Best Doctoral Degrees

It’s not always about answering the question, “What’s the highest paying PhD?” In the end, choosing the best doctoral degree for you comes down to a matter of preference and interest.

Earning a PhD is seldom easy — but with hard work, you can set yourself up for a bright future ahead with a lucrative yet fulfilling career.

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Chriselle Sy

Chriselle has been a passionate professional content writer for over 10 years. She writes educational content for The Grad Cafe, Productivity Spot, The College Monk, and other digital publications.  When she isn't busy writing, she spends her time streaming video games and learning new skills.

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PhD, Professor, and Postdoc Salaries in the United States

The United States is home to several of the world’s best universities making it a top destination for international researchers. Here’s a breakdown of the most common American job titles and their associated average annual salaries. All salary statistics in this article are in American Dollars (USD) and are pre-tax.

PhD Student

A Master’s degree is not always required to do a PhD in the US. Several top universities offer direct entry PhD programs. An American PhD begins with two to three years of coursework in order to pass qualifying exams. During this time doctoral students are able to develop their research interests and hone in on their thesis topic. They will then write a thesis proposal which must be approved before they can start their dissertation. Most programs require PhD students to gain two to three years of teaching experience as well, either by leading their own class or as teaching assistants for a professor. It takes an average of six years to earn a PhD in the US.

Unlike some European countries, there is no mandated minimum salary or national salary scale for PhD students in the US. PhD students ear n between $ 15,000 and $30,000 a year depending on their institution, field of study, and location. This stipend can be tax-free (if it is a fellowship award) or taxable (if it is a salary e.g from a teaching position). American PhD students are usually only paid for nine months of the year but many programs offer summer funding opportunities. A PhD funding package will also include a full or partial tuition waiver.

After earning a PhD, many researchers go on to a postdoc. A postdoc is a continuation of the researcher’s training that allows them to further specialize in a particular field and learn new techniques. Postdoc positions are usually two to three years and it is not unusual to do more than one postdoc. There is no limit on the number of years you can be a postdoc in the US. The average salary (2023 ) for postdocs in the US is $61,143 per year.

A lecturer is a non-tenure-track teaching position. They often have a higher teaching load than tenure track-faculty and no research obligations. These positions are more common in the humanities or as foreign language instructors. Lecturers hold advanced degrees, though not always PhDs. The average salary for a full time lecturer in 2021-2022 according to the American Association of University Professors was $69,499.

Assistant Professor

This is the start of the tenure track. An assistant professor is responsible for teaching, research, and service to the institution (committee membership). Assistant professors typically teach two to four courses per semester while also supervising graduate students. They are also expected to be active researchers and publish books, monographs, papers, and journal articles to meet their tenure requirements. The average salary for assistant professors in 2021-2022 was $85,063 according to the American Association of University Professors . 

Associate Professor

An assistant professor who has been granted tenure is then promoted to an associate professor. An associate professor often has a national reputation and is involved in service activities beyond their university. The average salary for associate professors in 2021-2022 was $97,734 according to the American Association of University Professors . 

This is the final destination of the tenure track. Five to seven years after receiving tenure, associate professors go through another review. If they are successful, they are promoted to the rank of professor (sometimes called full professor). Professors usually have a record of accomplishment that has established them as an international or national leader in their field. The average salary for professors in 2021-2022 according to the American Association of University Professors was $143,823. 

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  • Tenure Track 35

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How PhD Students Get Paid

PhD students conduct research medical laboratory

The most common questions (and biggest misconceptions) about getting a PhD revolve around money. Maybe you’ve heard that PhD students get paid just to study, or maybe you’ve even heard that PhD students don’t get paid at all.

It makes sense — how you make money as a PhD student is different from most other career routes, and the process can be highly variable depending on your school, discipline and research interests. 

D o PhD students get paid?

Most of the time the answer is yes. PhD programs that don’t offer some form of compensation, like stipends, tuition remission or assistantships, are rare but they do exist. On the other hand, some programs, like a PhD in Economics , are so competitive that unpaid programs are virtually unheard of. 

To help you gain a better understanding of PhD funding and decide if getting a PhD is worth it for you, here are some of the most common examples of how PhD students are paid. 

PhD Stipends

Most PhD programs expect students to study full-time. In exchange, they’re usually offered a stipend — a fixed sum of money paid as a salary — to cover the cost of housing and other living expenses. How much you get as a stipend depends on your university, but a range for the average PhD stipend is usually between $20,000 - $30,000 per year.  

In some cases, your stipend will be contingent upon an assistantship.


A PhD assistantship usually falls into one of two categories: research or teaching. 

For research assistantships , faculty generally determine who and how many assistants they need to complete their research and provide funding for those assistants through their own research grants from outside organizations. 

A teaching assistantship is usually arranged through your university and involves teaching an undergraduate or other class. Assistantships allow graduate students to gain valuable experience leading a classroom, and helps to balance out the university’s stipend costs. 


Fellowships provide financial support for PhD students, usually without the teaching or research requirement of an assistantship. The requirements and conditions vary depending on the discipline, but fellowships are generally merit based and can be highly competitive. Fellowships usually cover at least the cost of your PhD tuition , but some may even pay for scholarly extracurricular activities, like trips, projects or presentations. 

Fellowships can be offered through your university or department as well as outside sources. 

Part-time Employment

PhD candidates don’t commonly have additional employment during their course of study, but it is possible depending on your discipline and the rigor of your program. Flexible, low-demand jobs like freelance writing or tutoring can be a natural fit for many PhD students, and might be flexible enough to balance along with your coursework. 

All in all, it’s fair to say that though the form of payment may be unfamiliar, PhD students do in fact get paid. But keep in mind that while most PhD programs offer some kind of funding for students, it’s not guaranteed. 

Want to know more about how to pay for a PhD ? Explore our Guide to Choosing and Applying for PhD Programs . 

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doctoral degrees at SMU, and how you can choose the right program and thrive in it, in our Guide to Getting a PhD.

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M.D.-Ph.D. and M.D. Degrees, Salaries and What They Really Cost

Whether you're obtaining a Ph.D. or an M.D. degree in medicine, it is no easy undertaking . Years of intensive study, research and internships yield a degree that not only allows you to put those two little letters in front of your name, but usually comes with an impressive starting salary as well. However, what is the difference between an M.D.-Ph.D. and an M.D.?

The difference between the degrees

Before you compare salaries, you should understand the difference between the degrees themselves. Someone who receives an M.D. is licensed to practice medicine and participate in patient care. Someone who receives an M.D.-Ph.D. works in research and development, such as biomedical research, immunology or biochemistry, etc., but can also practice clinical medicine. A nonmedical Ph.D. can be in just about any subject, including the sciences, and varies as widely in cost and salary as it does in subject matter. For the purposes of this cost and salary comparison, we'll stick to M.D.-Ph.D.'s and M.D.'s.

You also must make sure you compare apples to apples. Before taking salary into consideration, measure other factors, such as the cost of each degree and subsequent school debt , living expenses, and potential stipends and funding offered.

According to the AAMC, the average cost of four years of medical school is $228,006 (that's averaging together public vs. private schools and resident vs. nonresident). Of course, that's not taking into consideration the cost of living and other expenses, which will vary depending on where you go to school, for example, New York City, N.Y. vs. Bloomington, Ind.

While physicians shoulder some of the highest school debt of any profession, they also enjoy some of the highest salaries, which is helpful when they are making mortgage-sized payments for their school loans. The national average for annual physicians' salaries in the U.S. is $209,044. However, not all costs to train a medical doctor fall on the medical student. The costs that a university and society expend on each medical student are fairly exorbitant as training excellent medical professionals is highly valued in this country.

While students pay for medical school, the university hospital foots the bill for the student's residency, which includes expenses such as hospital call rooms, administrative costs and salaries for the student and supervising faculty. For specialties that take longer to train for, the costs are in excess of $1,000,000. Where tax paying citizens come in is that most university hospitals receive federal funding, some of which is used to pay for students' residencies.

M.D.-Ph.D. costs

Falling into the category of medical scientists, M.D.-Ph.D. recipients are trained in both clinical medicine and research. This type of dual degree is ideal for conducting clinical trials, as both intensive research skills and patient care involvement are required. Because this is a dual degree, the time it takes to complete it is considerably longer than the four years for just medical school. An M.D.-Ph.D. typically takes seven to eight years to complete due to the student having to attend both medical and graduate schools.

The major difference between an M.D. and an M.D.-Ph.D. is the cost of tuition. While medical school tuition and costs will run well into six figures over four years, M.D.-Ph.D. students will find that their costs are largely reduced or even eliminated through waivers and stipends.₁ The National Institute of General Medical Sciences currently funds forty-nine M.D.-Ph.D. programs through the Medical Scientist Training Program. 2

Many universities also offer full funding to M.D.-Ph.D. candidates as they leverage the exorbitant cost of educating these students against the expected scientific breakthroughs and accomplishments they'll make in the medical field. The state of health care and the increasing need to study and treat numerous diseases affecting the population have contributed to a faster than average job growth rate for medical scientists. 3

Salary is a different story, as it's very dependent on what type of work the M.D.-Ph.D. pursues. Working in just the scientific research field will yield a median annual salary of $91,510, considerably less than the mid-six-figure salaries of practicing physicians; however, those who practice medicine as well as medical research will see their salaries increase accordingly.

The application process

Both degrees carry a high level of competitiveness, and the application process can be an intensive one. There are no test-optional choices here. MCATHs are a given requirement , so start preparing as soon as you've made the decision to apply to these programs.

Submitting a strong and effective statement of purpose , personal statement and letters of recommendation are critical to getting that coveted acceptance letter from your choice schools. It’s important to keep track of what you've submitted and when, as well as deadlines and communications with program recruiters or advisors.

Choosing your path

Entering the medical field, in any capacity, is a noble and stressfully intensive undertaking. However, the effect you'll have on patients' lives or future treatments and cures for diseases makes the investment of the student, university and government well worth it. Once you've decided which medical career path you want to take, your options will become clearer.

1 MD PhD vs MD: Which is best for you? | BeMo ® (bemoacademicconsulting.com)

2 Medical Scientist Training Program (nih.gov)

3 Medical Scientists: Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov)

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  • Student Loans

How To Pay For A Ph.D.

Kat Tretina

Fact Checked

Updated: Jan 25, 2024, 12:13pm

How To Pay For A Ph.D.

If your heart is set on earning a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, you’ll join an elite club. In the United States, only 4.9 million people—about 2% of adults—hold a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree.

A Ph.D. can lead to a significantly higher salary. According to The College Board, the median earnings for those with doctoral degrees was $120,700, 38% more than the median for those with master’s degrees.

However, earning a Ph.D. can be an expensive endeavor. To avoid racking up too much debt, learn how to pay for a doctorate with grants, scholarships and other sources of financial aid.

What Does a Ph.D. Cost?

If your goal is to earn a Ph.D., be prepared for a significant investment of both time and money. Depending on the type of university you choose and your program, a Ph.D. usually takes three to five years to complete. If you attend school part-time, it can take even longer.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), tuition and fees cost, on average, $20,513 for the 2021-2022 academic year, so you’ll spend anywhere from $61,539 to $102,565 to complete a Ph.D. program. In addition, you’ll need to account for about $16,000 to $20,000 per year in added costs, such as room and board, supplies and other fees.

That total is on top of what you spent on a bachelor’s and master’s degree, so your education will likely cost well into the six figures. With such a high cost, it’s no surprise that many Ph.D. earners have substantial student loan balances.

7 Ways To Pay For a Ph.D.

Ph.D. costs can be significant, but a variety of financial aid opportunities can make the price tag more manageable. Paying for a Ph.D. is possible using the following options:

1. Fully Funded Ph.D. Programs

Fully funded Ph.D. programs typically cover the cost of tuition and fees, and they also provide a monthly stipend for living expenses and health insurance. Some examples of fully funded Ph.D. programs include:

  • Boston University . Attendees of Boston University’s Charles River Campus can take advantage of a fully funded model. The program includes 100% tuition coverage, a health insurance credit and a living expense stipend. Depending on your program, the stipend ranges from $27,318 to $40,977 per year.
  • Duke University . At Duke University, Ph.D. students are guaranteed five years of tuition and living stipends and up to six years of full health and dental insurance coverage. The amount of financial support varies by program and stipend amounts range from $2,538 to $3,217 per month.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management . MIT’s fully funded Ph.D. program covers students for up to five years. The program pays for the full cost of tuition and provides students with a monthly stipend of $4,497, student medical insurance and a new laptop. Students also receive up to $4,500 for travel and conferences.

Not all universities offer fully funded Ph.D. programs, and existing programs are highly competitive. For example, the Stanford University Department of Political Science Ph.D. program selects 12 to 15 students per year.

2. Ph.D. Fellowship Programs

A fellowship program provides students with financial support so they can focus on their academic work. Issued based on the student’s academic merit or research achievements, fellowships may or may not have a service requirement attached.

Fellowships can come from universities, nonprofit organizations or government agencies. For example:

  • American Psychological Association (APA) Doctoral Fellowship in Health and Substance Abuse Services . The APA fellowship is for full-time doctoral students who are committed to working in behavioral health. It provides up to three years of financial support, and the stipend amounts vary by year and program.
  • Cornell Fellowship . Cornell University operates several fellowship programs. The Cornell Fellowship pays for one academic year of tuition, fees, health insurance and a stipend.
  • U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program . The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program is a five-year fellowship that gives students three years of financial support. The fellowship includes an annual stipend of $37,000 and pays up to $16,000 per year in tuition and fees.

You can search for fellowship opportunities through the ProFellow database .

3. Doctoral Scholarships

Scholarships are available to Ph.D. students, and these merit-based awards can come from nonprofit organizations, private companies, states and government agencies. The award amounts vary, ranging from smaller awards that may only cover incidental expenses to more substantial awards of $20,000. For example:

  • Accounting Doctoral Scholars Program . Certified public accountants (CPAs) intending to earn a Ph.D. in accounting can qualify for up to $20,000 through the Accounting Doctoral Scholars Program.
  • American Library Association (ALA) Century Scholarship . The ALA Century Scholarship gives up to $2,500 to library school students with disabilities pursuing a doctoral degree.
  • Washington State American Indian Endowed Scholarship . In Washington, Native American students can receive $500 to $2,500 to pay for their education at an eligible school within the state.

You can search for additional scholarship opportunities with tools like FastWeb or Scholarships.com .

4. Ph.D. Grants

Unlike scholarships, grants are usually awarded based on the student’s financial need. Ph.D. grants can be issued by states and nonprofit organizations. For example:

  • José Martí Scholarship Challenge Grant Fund . This grant, issued to Hispanic students in Florida, is both need-based and merit-based. Eligible recipients can receive up to $2,000 per year.
  • Organization For Autism Research Graduate Research Grant . Doctoral candidates conducting autism research can qualify for a grant of $2,000.
  • Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program . Virginia residents attending an eligible university can receive between $5,000 and $12,500 per year in financial assistance.

You can find Ph.D. grant opportunities through your state education agency or CareerOneStop .

5. Employer Reimbursement

If you’re currently working full- or part-time, your employer may be willing to help with some of your education expenses. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 48% of employers offer tuition assistance or reimbursement benefits.

Contact your human resources department to find out if tuition reimbursement is available and what you need to do to qualify for the benefit.

6. Federal Student Loans

Depending on the other financial aid you qualify for, you may need to borrow some money to cover your remaining expenses. Federal student loans are a good starting point since they have more borrower protections than other options, and you may qualify for loan forgiveness later on based on your employment.

Ph.D. students may qualify for either direct unsubsidized loans or grad PLUS loans. Unsubsidized loans have lower interest rates but have annual and aggregate borrowing maximums that your program may exceed. If that’s the case, you can use grad PLUS loans to pay for your remaining expenses.

  Direct Unsubsidized (Graduate or Professional) Grad PLUS

To apply for federal loans, fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and contact your university’s financial aid department.

7. Private Student Loans

If you aren’t eligible for federal loans or need to borrow more than the federal limits allow, private student loans are another way to pay for your Ph.D. Private loans come from banks, credit unions and other lenders, and your loan eligibility is based on your credit, income and whether you have a co-signer (someone who agrees to repay the loan if you miss payments).

If you have excellent credit, you could qualify for private loans with lower rates than you’d get with federal loans, and private student loans can have terms as long as 20 years.

If you decide to take out a private loan, compare quotes from several lenders offering loans for Ph.D. programs. Consider the rates, terms and overall repayment costs to find the best loan option.

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For the past seven years, Kat has been helping people make the best financial decisions for their unique situations, whether they're looking for the right insurance policies or trying to pay down debt. Kat has expertise in insurance and student loans, and she holds certifications in student loan and financial education counseling.

What is a PhD? Information to help you get started and plan for graduation

Find out what a PhD or doctoral degree is and everything else you need to know before starting or planning your higher education

PhD degree certificate and research notes with a graduation cap to know what is a phd

If you are passionate about a subject and want to settle down with a higher education degree or well-paying jobs in the field, you have come to the right place to find out what it is and how to plan your doctoral studies.

To get motivated, take a look at the latest PhD openings in the world and apply.

This comprehensive guide will help you briefly understand what a PhD is, enable you to make a solid decision about pursuing the PhD program, and prepare you for life afterwards.

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. Nobel laureate Marie Curie

What is a PhD?

PhD is the highest degree one can earn. But you know, not all the PhD you have seen are not same. Explore what it is, how to get, and benefits of PhD degree. Lets start!

What does PhD stands for?

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. It can be earned in many fields of study, including science, humanities, and social sciences. A PhD program typically involves several years of coursework, research, and the completion of a dissertation or thesis.

It is the degree given to anyone who meets the requirements set by the Committee of Members. The PhD full form is Doctorate in Philosophy , or PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil for short. 

Doctoral degree holders address themselves by putting “Dr.” or “Dr.” before their name as a prefix (pre-nominal letter) or by putting the letters PhD, Ph.D., or D.Phil. after their name as a suffix (post-nominal letter).

Definition of a PhD and what it means

A PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic degree one can earn. It is a research degree that focuses on original, independent research and the development of new knowledge in a particular field. A PhD degree is designed to prepare students to become experts in their field and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge through their research.

The difference between a PhD and other degrees

Although the Ph.D. is often confused with other doctoral degrees such as MD or JD, there are important differences. A PhD is a research degree, while other PhDs focus on professional practice. For example, a MD is a doctor of medicine, while a JD is a doctor of law. These degrees prepare students for careers in medicine and law, respectively, while a PhD is focused on careers in academia or research.

The history and evolution of the PhD

The PhD has a long and rich history, dating back to the Middle Ages in Europe. Originally it was a degree in theology, but over time it has been extended to other disciplines. The modern doctorate as we know it today was developed in Germany in the 19th century and quickly spread to other countries around the world.

Understanding the definition and history of the doctorate will give you a solid foundation as you set out to earn your degree. In the next section, we’ll go over the different types of doctoral degrees that exist.

Types of PhD Degrees

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X

There are several types of PhD degrees, each with its own unique characteristics and requirements. The list of PhD degrees are:

  • Traditional PhD programs :  These programs are the most common type of PhD program and typically require 3-5 years of study. Students in traditional PhD programs conduct original research and write a dissertation on their findings.
  • Professional Doctorate programs : These programs are designed for professionals who want to further their knowledge and skills in their field. Professional doctorate programs include degrees such as Doctor of Education (EdD) and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).
  • Joint or Dual Degree programs : These programs allow students to earn two degrees simultaneously, such as a PhD and a Master of Business Administration (MBA).
  • Online PhD programs : Online PhD programs provide flexibility for students who need to balance their studies with work or family obligations. These programs often have the same requirements as traditional PhD programs, but students complete coursework and research online.
  • Honorary Doctorate degrees : Honorary doctorate degrees are awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to their field or society, but have not completed the traditional academic requirements for a PhD. These degrees are often awarded by universities as a way to recognize exceptional achievements.

Professor handshaking a PhD graduate student on graduation ceremony

Qualifications for Joining a PhD Program

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. Albert Einstein

If you’re interested in pursuing a PhD program, it’s essential to know the qualifications you need to meet to apply. Here are the main qualifications you’ll need to consider.

Educational Qualifications

Generally, a master’s degree is required for admission to a PhD program. Some programs may accept exceptional students with only a bachelor’s degree, but they may be required to take additional courses.

Research Experience

Research experience can be a significant factor in the admission decision. Relevant experience can include research conducted during your undergraduate or graduate studies, research assistantships, internships, or independent research projects.

Personal Qualities

Admission committees will also consider personal qualities, such as motivation, determination, and ability to work independently. Other essential personal qualities may include intellectual curiosity, creativity, communication skills, and critical thinking skills.

Applicants may be required to submit letters of recommendation, essays, and other application materials. Admissions committees use these materials to evaluate applicants’ qualifications and suitability for the program.

Skills Required to Qualify for a PhD Program

To be successful in a PhD program, you need to have a variety of skills that will enable you to navigate the academic landscape and conduct your research effectively. Here are some essential skills you’ll need to qualify for a PhD program:

Skills required for PhD admission

Research skills

A PhD is all about conducting original research, so you need to have strong research skills. This includes the ability to gather and analyze data, interpret research findings, and identify gaps in existing research.

Analytical skills

In addition to research skills, you’ll need strong analytical skills. This involves the ability to think critically and logically, to identify patterns and trends in data, and to draw valid conclusions from your research.

Writing skills

Writing is a critical part of any PhD program, and you’ll need to be able to communicate your research findings effectively through various forms of academic writing, such as journal articles, conference papers, and your dissertation.

Time management skills

PhD programs are rigorous and demanding, and you’ll need excellent time management skills to balance your coursework, research, and other obligations. This involves setting priorities, managing your time effectively, and staying organized.

To summarize, to be successful in a PhD program, you’ll need strong research, analytical, writing, and time management skills. By developing these skills, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the academic landscape, conduct your research effectively, and achieve your academic and career goals.

The research is about discovering answers to questions, but it is also about discovering what questions need to be asked. Derek Bok

Benefits of Earning a Doctoral degree

Pursuing a PhD can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it’s not just the degree itself that offers benefits. Here are some of the advantages you can expect from earning a PhD:

Career opportunities and salary potential

Earning a PhD can lead to numerous career opportunities in academia, research, and industry, which often require a PhD degree. Having a PhD can also result in higher salaries and job security, and can help candidates stand out when applying for jobs. PhD holders are sought after by many industries, leading to potential career advancement and increased salary. The average salary for PhD holders is typically higher than those with other degrees.

Successful PhD holder with lot of potential skills

Development of research and critical thinking skills

Earning a PhD requires you to engage in independent research and critical thinking, which can help you develop a range of skills that are highly valued in many different professions. You’ll learn how to analyze complex problems, design experiments, and interpret data, skills that can be applied to a wide range of fields. Additionally, you’ll learn how to communicate your findings effectively, both in writing and through presentations, a valuable skill in many different careers.  These skills can make you a more attractive candidate for jobs in any industry.

Opportunities to make meaningful contributions to your field

PhD programs are designed to push the boundaries of knowledge in a specific field. As a PhD holder, you will have the opportunity to make significant contributions to your area of expertise, whether through original research, publications, or teaching. These contributions can have a lasting impact on your field and help shape the direction of future research.

Personal growth and fulfillment

Earning a PhD can be a deeply rewarding experience, allowing you to pursue your passion for a subject and make a meaningful contribution to society. It can also help you develop as a person, increasing your self-confidence, improving your communication skills, and teaching you to be a more effective leader. Moreover, completing a PhD program is a significant accomplishment that can give you a sense of pride and fulfillment that lasts a lifetime.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela

Requirements for Earning a PhD

Earning a PhD is a challenging but rewarding experience that requires dedication and hard work. In this section, we will explore the requirements for earning a PhD, including coursework and research requirements, dissertation requirements, and defense requirements.

Coursework and Research Requirements

To earn a PhD, you must first complete a significant amount of coursework in your chosen field of study.

So, What is the PhD coursework?

The coursework typically includes advanced classes in your field and research methods. You will also have to complete a research project as part of your coursework, which will give you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in your area of study. The research project may be completed individually or as part of a research team.

Dissertation Requirements

The dissertation is the most important part of earning a PhD, and it represents the culmination of your years of hard work and dedication. The dissertation is an original research project that contributes to the body of knowledge in your field. It typically takes several years to complete and involves conducting research, analyzing data, and writing a lengthy document that presents your findings. The dissertation must be defended before a committee of experts in your field.

Defense Requirements

The defense is the final step in earning a PhD and involves presenting and defending your dissertation to a committee of experts in your field. The defense is an oral examination in which you present your research findings and defend your conclusions. The committee will ask you questions about your research and may challenge your findings. If you successfully defend your dissertation, you will earn your PhD.

PhD student in the presentation session

Preparation Procedures

You can check our blog article “ 15 factors to consider – ultimate guide to choose a best PhD program ” to get an idea about the various options available to you when selecting a PhD program.

Identifying a research question or topic

The first step in preparing for a PhD program is identifying a research question or topic that interests you. This should be an area that you are passionate about and want to explore in depth. Conducting preliminary research on your chosen topic can help you determine whether it is a viable area for a PhD dissertation.

Finding a supervisor, mentor or advisor

Once you have identified your research question or topic, the next step is to find a supervisor, mentor, or advisor who has expertise in that area. This person will provide guidance throughout your PhD program, helping you to develop your research skills and providing feedback on your dissertation. You can find potential supervisors through university websites, research institutes, or professional associations in your field.

Writing a research proposal

A research proposal is a document that outlines your research question or topic, your proposed methodology, and the significance of your research. It is an important step in the PhD application process, as it demonstrates your research skills and helps you to communicate your ideas effectively. Your potential supervisor can provide guidance on how to structure your proposal and what information to include.

Applying for funding

PhD programs can be expensive, and many students rely on funding to cover their tuition, fees, and living expenses. There are a variety of funding options available, including scholarships, grants, and fellowships. You can find funding opportunities through university websites, professional associations, and government agencies.

Including the steps mentioned above in your preparation process can help you in getting closer to your dream of earning a PhD. 

Young PhD aspirant looking for doctoral vacancies in internet

Finding PhD Positions

Once you’ve decided to pursue a PhD, the next step is to find a program or institution that fits your interests and goals. This section outlines some of the best ways to find PhD positions.

Researching programs and institutions

Find list of open PhD Vacancies and Positions

Start by researching different programs and institutions that offer PhD programs in your field of interest. Look for information on their faculty, curriculum, and research opportunities. Check out their websites, attend online information sessions, and read reviews and rankings from reputable sources to get a sense of the quality of their programs.

Networking with professionals in your field

Networking is an important part of finding a PhD position. Attend conferences and seminars in your field, join professional organizations, and connect with experts in your field on social media platforms like LinkedIn. You can also reach out to alumni from the programs you’re interested in to get their perspective on the program and its strengths and weaknesses.

Consulting with your academic advisor

Your academic advisor can also be a great resource for finding PhD positions. They may have connections with professors or institutions that could be a good fit for you. They can also help you prepare your application materials and provide guidance on the application process.

Applying to programs and positions

Once you’ve identified programs or positions that interest you, it’s time to start the application process. Make sure to carefully review the requirements and deadlines for each program, and tailor your application materials to each institution. Be sure to highlight your research experience, academic achievements, and other relevant qualifications in your application materials.

PhD Positions, Jobs, vacancies around the world, Universities

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet. Bobby Unser

Application Procedures

If you’ve decided to pursue a PhD, the application process can seem overwhelming. However, with proper planning and organization, the process can be manageable. This section outlines the various aspects of the application process to help you prepare and navigate the process with ease.

Application deadlines and requirements

Each program and institution has its own application deadline and requirements. Before applying, it is important to research and familiarize yourself with the application process of each institution you are considering. Start the process early and plan accordingly to ensure that you submit all required documents on time.

Admission tests and examinations

Some PhD programs require standardized tests such as the GRE, GMAT, or MCAT as part of the application process. These tests assess your academic readiness for a PhD program. Be sure to check with each institution to see if they require any specific admission tests and prepare accordingly.

Interviews and application review process

Some programs require an interview with the applicant to assess their suitability for the program. The interview may be conducted in person or virtually. The application review process can take several weeks to several months. During this process, the admission committee evaluates the applicant’s qualifications, academic record, and suitability for the program.

To increase your chances of success in the application process, it is important to start early, do your research, and seek advice from faculty or advisors in your field. Additionally, be sure to prepare well for admission tests and interviews.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill

What to Know About PhD Student Life?

As a PhD student, life can be both rewarding and challenging that requires dedication and discipline. In this section, we’ll discuss what you can expect from PhD student life and provide tips for managing the academic and personal demands of this journey.

Academic Demands

PhD programs are rigorous and demanding, requiring a significant amount of coursework and research. Time management is key to success, and it’s important to prioritize tasks and stay organized. Establishing a routine can be helpful in balancing coursework, research, and personal life. It’s also important to stay engaged with your field of study by attending seminars, lectures, and workshops.

Personal Demands

PhD programs can be emotionally taxing, and it’s important to prioritize self-care. Taking breaks, getting enough sleep, and maintaining healthy habits are essential to staying motivated and focused. Developing a support system with peers, faculty members, and family and friends can also be helpful during challenging times.

Time Management Tips

  • Create a schedule and prioritize tasks
  • Take breaks and practice self-care
  • Learn to say “no” to activities that don’t align with your goals
  • Stay organized by using tools such as calendars and to-do lists

Opportunities for Networking and Professional Development

Pursuing a PhD offers opportunities to attend conferences, present research, and participate in workshops and seminars. This can help you build valuable connections, gain feedback on your work, and stay up-to-date on the latest research in your area of expertise.

To take advantage of these opportunities, you should consider attending academic conferences and participating in workshops and seminars. Your academic advisor can also help you identify potential networking opportunities and guide you on how to present your research effectively.

PhD researcher presenting research outcome in conference (1)

Semester Fees

One of the biggest concerns for students pursuing a PhD program is the cost of tuition fees. The tuition fees for a PhD program can vary widely depending on the institution, the program, and the location. It is important for prospective students to research and understand the fees associated with the program before applying.

Tuition fees for a PhD program can be expensive, but there are several funding options available to help students pay for their education. Many universities offer scholarships, fellowships, and grants to qualified students. These funding options can help cover tuition fees, living expenses, and research expenses.

In addition to university funding, there are several external funding options available for PhD students. These include government grants, private scholarships, and research grants. It is important to research and apply for these funding options early to increase the chances of receiving financial assistance.

Overall, while the cost of tuition fees for a PhD program can be high, there are several funding options available to help students pay for their education. Prospective students should research and understand the funding options available to them to make an informed decision about pursuing a PhD program.

Salary or Stipend Availability for PhD Students

One of the benefits of pursuing a PhD is the opportunity to receive a salary or stipend during your studies. Many universities and research institutions offer financial support to PhD students in the form of stipends, fellowships, or research assistantships. These can cover the cost of tuition and living expenses, allowing students to focus on their studies without the financial burden.

The amount of funding available can vary widely depending on the field of study, the institution, and the country. In some cases, funding may be limited or competitive, so it’s important to research and apply for funding opportunities early in the application process.

It’s worth noting that in some countries, such as the United States, PhD students may be required to work as teaching or research assistants in order to receive their stipend. This can provide valuable experience in teaching or research, but it also means that students must balance their coursework with their work responsibilities.

Overall, the availability of salary or stipend options can make pursuing a PhD a more feasible option for students who may not have the financial means to do so otherwise.

scholarship funding support for phd graduate

Duration of PhD Studies

A PhD program is a significant investment of time and resources, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of the typical length of the program and the factors that can affect its duration.

Typical Length of a PhD Program

  • The length of a PhD program can vary depending on the field of study, the specific program, and the individual student’s progress.
  • In general, most PhD programs take between 4-6 years to complete.
  • However, some programs can take as little as 3 years or as long as 8 years to complete.

Factors that Affect the Duration of a PhD Program

  • Research topic : Some research topics are more complex and time-consuming than others, which can affect the duration of the program.
  • Advisor/Supervisor : Having a supportive and helpful advisor can make a significant difference in the speed of progress and completion of the program.
  • Funding : Availability of funding can affect the ability to dedicate more time to research.
  • Personal circumstances : Life events, such as marriage, family, and job commitments, can affect the time and energy available to devote to the program.

If you have any additional questions or concerns about the duration of a PhD program, reach out to the program advisor or faculty members for more information.

Job Prospects after PhD Graduation

After completing a PhD, you may be wondering about the career opportunities that are available to you. Fortunately, there are many career paths that value and require a PhD. Here are some career options that may interest you:

Academic Careers

Many PhD graduates pursue careers in academia, working as professors, researchers, and lecturers in universities and colleges. These positions require a strong research background and excellent communication skills. Teaching and research positions can be highly competitive, but they offer opportunities for professional growth and intellectual challenge.

Industry Careers

PhD graduates are also highly sought after in various industries, such as healthcare, biotech, and finance. Many industries need highly skilled individuals to conduct research, develop new products, and design new technologies. PhD graduates with expertise in a particular field can bring valuable knowledge and experience to these industries.

Government and Non-Profit Careers

PhD graduates can also find fulfilling careers in government and non-profit organizations, such as think tanks, research institutes, and NGOs. These organizations need professionals who can conduct research, analyze data, and develop policy recommendations. Many government and non-profit careers offer opportunities for work-life balance and a sense of purpose.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

In conclusion, pursuing a PhD is a challenging but rewarding journey that can lead to exciting career opportunities. It requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for research and innovation. We hope that this guide has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of what a PhD is, the benefits and challenges of pursuing one, and the different factors to consider before applying for a program.

We would love to hear from you about your thoughts on this guide. Have you pursued or considered pursuing a PhD? What aspects of it appeal to you the most, and what challenges do you anticipate? 

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends and colleagues who might find it helpful. 

Thank you for reading!

What is the difference between a PhD and a professional doctorate?

A PhD is a research-focused degree that requires the completion of a dissertation. A professional doctorate, such as a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or a Doctor of Education (EdD), is designed for practitioners who want to advance their skills and knowledge in their field.

How long does it take to complete a PhD program?

It usually takes between 3 and 7 years to complete a PhD. The length of a PhD program varies depending on the field and the progress of the individual student.

What is the cost of a PhD program?

The cost of a PhD program varies by institution and field of study. It is important to research funding opportunities such as scholarships, grants, and assistantships to cover the cost of tuition and living expenses.

What kind of career opportunities are available to PhD graduates?

PhD graduates can pursue a variety of career paths, including academia, research, industry, and government. They can work as professors, researchers, consultants, and managers, among others.

Can I complete a PhD program in 3 years?

Yes, it is possible to complete a PhD program in less time than usual, but it often requires extraordinary dedication, concentration, and hard work.

Can I take longer than 7 years to complete a PhD program?

Yes, it is not uncommon for students to take longer than the usual time to complete a PhD program, especially if they have significant life events or challenges.

Are PhD graduates in demand in the job market?

Yes, PhD graduates are highly valued in various fields such as academia, industry, government and non-profit organizations.

What skills do doctoral graduates bring to the job market?

PhD graduates bring advanced research skills, critical thinking skills, and specialized knowledge in a particular field to the job market.

Can PhD graduates find jobs outside of academia?

PhD graduates can find work in a variety of industries and sectors, including healthcare, biotechnology, finance, and government.

Is PhD degree the highest degree?

Yes, the doctorate is the highest academic degree that can be earned through study. There are other professional degrees that can be earned based on contribution to society or the field, such as the Doctor of Science (DSc).

Can I get a PhD without having a master's?

Yes, you can join PhD programs even if you don't have a master's degree. But you have to take more classes and get credits to complete PhD graduation. This is referred to as an MS-PhD combined program, which is offered by a number of universities.

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Ph.D Jobs: Jobs, Scope, Careers, Government Jobs

phd full form salary

Ahana Bhaduri

Content Writer

As per All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE) report from 2019, the number of PhD degrees awarded has increased by 60% in the last five years. The total admission increased from 1,24,451 to 2,02,5520 in 2019-20. It was also revealed that more than 2.02 lakh students enrolled for PhD programs. 

PhD also known as Doctor of Philosophy is one of the highest degrees awarded to a candidate who wants to pursue a career in research related fields. The duration of the course is usually 3 - 6 years. In order to get admission for any  PhD courses , candidates must possess a masters degree in any discipline. However, it is advisable that the candidate must pursue a doctorate according to the course pursued in Masters. 

PhD Admissions  are usually done on the basis of entrance exams such as CSIR UGC NET, IIT JAM, NPAT amongst the top of them. Candidates willing to pursue  PhD in Engineering  courses have to clear the  GATE exam . Candidates can also choose the specialization in which they want to conduct research according to their interest and knowledge.

Post completion of a PhD course, there are many opportunities open to the candidates in both the sectors private as well as government. Candidates can land a high paying job depending on their specialization such as Research Scientist, Associate professor, Economists, Historians, etc. Candidates can expect a starting salary of INR 6 LPA. The highest salary can go up depending upon the experience, knowledge, skills etc. 

Table of Content

  • Jobs After Phd

2.1 Private Jobs

2.2 Government Jobs

  • Jobs for Phd Freshers

Ph.D Jobs: Specialization wise

4.1 Ph.D Jobs : computer Science

4.2   Ph.D jobs : Chemistry

4.3   Ph.D Jobs: Legal Studies

4.4   Ph.D Jobs : Economics

Ph.D Jobs in India

  • Ph.D: Salary

Getting a Doctorate degree within the chosen area of specialization opens many doors for the candidates in terms of job opportunities. Over the period of time, the opportunities have become very vast. PhD graduates decide whether they want to go for a start-up, gain experience and return to academics where their knowledge and skills can be put to use in an excellent way. Tabulated below are some of the top job profiles of Ph.D along with salary package, 

Job Profile Description Average Annual Salary
Scientific Writer A Scientific Writer is one who researches and analyzes the report on news and trends in the field of science. These scientific writers can be employed in investigation, scientific journals, write and publish articles, press releases, website content etc. 7.53 L
Associate Professors are one who are employed at universities/colleges and are responsible for teaching students and providing them with study material and notes. 4.00 L
Research Assistant A Research Assistant is responsible for conducting research studies on a certain topic and collects all relevant study material related to it. 3.10 L
Chief Research Manager A Chief Research Manager is responsible for supervising research projects, tracking the progress of those projects, and suggesting new methods and findings within the research. 10.00 L
A Lecturer is a Ph.D. holding educator who is responsible for guiding the students on subject matters and through their project research. 7.8 L
Senior Consultant A Senior Consultant leads certain projects and client meetings while working on a product and its development. 14.10 L
Research Associate A Research Associate is responsible for collecting and analyzing research data and presenting them in a report for further evaluation. 3.80 L

Jobs After Ph.D: Sector Wise

Ph.D. holders are not only employed in the private sector but also the public sector. Post getting a doctorate degree, candidates have multiple areas to explore such as chemical or pharmaceutical companies, oil and gas industry, research industry, NGOs etc. The salary structure also varies in both private as well as government sectors. Discussed below are some of the top job profiles in Private as well as public sector ,

Jobs After Ph.D: Private Jobs

Jobs in the private sector are dependent on the specialization. PHd candidates can get multiple opportunities in the private sector as they are employed in almost all the sectors but their recruitment depends on which area they have their specialization. Some of the top recruiters in the private sector are Deloitte, Infosys, Google, Microsoft , private universities etc. The average salary is around INR 6.20 LPA. Some of the top job profiles are listed below for your reference, 

Job Profile Description Average Annual Salary
Professor A Professor teaches students at the college/university level and provides them study material and guidance through their project work. 7.8 L
Corporate Lawyer Corporate Lawyers are responsible for checking the legality of commercial transactions and represent their clients in court. 6.7 L
Computer Engineer A Computer Engineer is responsible for the maintenance and management of computers and computer-related softwares ensuring data security. 2.4 L

Jobs After Ph.D: Government Jobs

There are a plethora of opportunities in the government sector for PhD candidates and the salary structure is also high as compared to the private sector. Candidates can be employed in Hindustan Petroleum, GAIL, SAIL, government universities, Defense Research and Development Organizations etc. The average salary of a PhD candidate in the government sector is around INR 6.50 LPA. Tabulated below are some of the top job profiles in India in government sector, 

Job Profile Description Average Annual Salary
Professor A Professor is responsible for teaching students at the college/university level and providing them study material and guidance through their project work. 7.8 L
Public Prosecutor Public prosecutors are responsible for acting in public interest and act on behalf of the state to carry out justice against a criminal sanction while keeping in mind the rights of the individual. 6.5 L
Researcher A Researcher is responsible for collecting and analyzing data related to a certain topic and note down these findings in a well drafted research paper. 3.10 L
Computer Engineer A Computer Engineer is responsible for the maintenance and management of computers and computer-related softwares ensuring data security. 2.4 L

Jobs After Phd for Freshers

Candidates can be employed even while pursuing Phd or post completing PhD from a respectable college. The job opportunities are very wide and stretched. Candidates after completing PhD can be employed as scientific writer, Assistant Manager, Research Assistant etc. Candidates can also work in research and Development organizations who look for fresh PhD candidates. The salary is comparatively higher in Industrial Research and development. The starting salary of a PhD Candidate is around INR 6.50 LPA. Some of the top job profiles in India are listed below for your reference, 

Job Profile Average Annual Salary
Assistant Professor 4.00 L
Research Assistant 3.10 L
Computer Engineer 2.40 L
Legal Assistant 3.96 L
Consultant 8.00 L
Research Scientist 7.56 L
Senior Writer 12.69 L

Jobs for PhD candidates also depend on Specialization in which the candidates have completed their research and doctorate degree. PhD offers many specializations that have different job profiles such as PhD in Management, PhD in Arts, PhD in Engineering, PhD medical, PhD legal studies etc. Let's discuss the job profiles based on specialization, 

Ph.D Computer Science Jobs

PhD in Computer Science is a 3 year doctorate program in computer science and its application. This course studies Research methodology, Data mining, machine learning, rough set theory etc. PhD in computer science have many job opportunities to offer such as software Engineer, Application Developer, Application Analyst and many more. Some of the top profiles in Computer Science are mentioned below,

Job Profile Average Annual Salary
Professor 6.38 L
5.20 L
5.00 L
2.86 L

PhD Chemistry Jobs

PhD Chemistry is a 3 year doctorate program providing detailed academic study and research. This program can be stretched to 6 years. This course will give candidates detailed knowledge about different principles of thermodynamics, advanced levels of organic and inorganic chemistry, etc. Candidates have multiple opportunities to explore such as in chemical research centers, industries, forensic labs, food packaging, processing firms etc. Some of the top PhD Chemistry profiles are tabulated below.

Job Profile Average Annual Salary
Chemical Researcher 6.90 L
Junior Scientist 8.70 L
Forensic Chemist 5.40 L
Medical technologist 4.28 L

PhD Legal Studies Jobs

PhD in legal Studies is a 3 year doctorate program which can be extended for a period up to 6 years. This course basically involves research and theoretical approach to law in India. They are further classified on the type of law which can be chosen according to the interest of the candidate. This course offers wide opportunities in the private as well as public sector including litigation, Judiciary, lectureship etc. Some of the top profiles are provided below for your reference.

Job Profile Average Annual Salary
Professor 6.66 L
Corporate Lawyer 6.70 L
Public Prosecutor 6.50 L
Legal Consultant 7.00 L

Ph.D Economics Jobs

PhD in Economics is a 3 to 5 year doctorate program that the candidate can pursue after post graduation. The major areas covered in this program are Agricultural economics, Financial economics, business economics, banking economics etc. Some of the top recruiters hiring PhD economics candidates are Bank of India, Bharat petroleum, Goldman sachs, etc. 

Job Profile Average Annual Salary
Banker 2.90 L
Professor 3.80 L
Economists 7.17 L
Financial Managers 11.01 L

Ph.D. offers many job opportunities in India in both the public and private sector. Candidates have multiple opportunities to explore. Most of the PhD candidates go for lectureship or in research and development facilities, litigation, Scientific research etc. Some of the top Profiles are discussed below for your reference, 

Job Profile Average Annual Salary
Assistant Professor 4.00 L
Associate Professor 7.80 L
Research Manager 10.00 L
Banker 2.90 L
Historian 11.79 L
Economist 7.17 L
Nutritionist 3.80 L
Lawyer 6.70 L
Consultant 8.00 L

Ph.D Jobs: Salary

According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a PhD candidate is around INR 6.80 L. The Starting salary is around INR 6 LPA while the highest can go up to INR 30 LPA. The salary also depends on the area of specialization which might vary as some of the most high paying Phd are legal, Economics, biotechnology, etc. Some of the top profiles are mentioned below for your reference.

Job Role Average Annual Salary
Assistant Professor 4.00 L
Associate Professor 7.80 L
Research Assistant 3.10 L
Research Manager 9.80 L
Banker 8.20 L
Financial Manager 10.23 L
Economist 7.17 L
Historian 5.50 L
Computer Engineer 6.51 L
Lawyer 4.45 L

Ph.D Jobs: FAQs

Ques. What is Ph.D?

Ans.  A Ph.D is a doctoral research degree that might take 4-5 years to complete and is awarded to those candidates who have conducted successful research in their field. This is referred to as the highest academic degree.

Ques. What are the career prospects of Ph.D ?

Ans.  There are career options after Ph.D:

  • Associate Professor
  • Guest Lecturer
  • Assistant Researcher

Ques. What are the skills required to become a Ph.D. graduate?

Ans.  The skills required to become a Ph.D. graduate are:

  • Attention to detail
  • Self-management 
  • Analysis and problem-solving
  • Information Management

Ques. Who are the top recruiters for Ph.D graduates?

Ans.  Some of the top recruiters for Ph.D graduates are:

  • Colleges/Universities
  • Research institutes
  • Inter-school
  • Government Jobs

Ques. Is there any internship required to become a Professor?

Ans.  No, there is no internship required to become a Professor. 

Ques. Can a student with Ph.D. in Economics become an IAS Officer ?

Ans.  Yes, students from any background can aspire to become an IAS Officer irrespective of their stream. 

Ques. Can one pursue Ph.D from distance learning?

Ans.  Yes almost every college in India provides Ph.D from distance learning.

Ques. What is the highest salary of a Ph.D. graduate?

Ans.  The highest salary of a Ph.D. graduate can be around INR 24-26 LPA.

Ques. What do professors do?

Ans.  A professor is responsible for:

  • Teaching college/university students
  • Disseminating study material
  • Guiding students through their project work
  • Conducting research work

Ques. What is the highest salary of a Researcher?

Ans.  The highest salary of a Researcher in India is around INR 20 LPA. 

Ph.D. : 44 answered questions

Ques. are master's degrees from ignou acceptable for admission into ph.d courses in top universities.

● Top Answer By Anumita Mukharjee on 28 Apr 22

Ques. Is a Phd from IGNOU worth it/valuable?

● Top Answer By Srabani Guha on 24 Jul 23

Ques. How is the Direct PhD program of IIT Madras?

● Top Answer By Arati Sinha on 29 Mar 23

Ques. What is the value of a Ph.D. degree from IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Karuna Nair on 13 Mar 23

Ques. Why do some students in IIT Bombay leave high-paying jobs and join grad schools for PhD?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 23 Mar 23

Ques. What is the placement scenario after PhD in IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 17 Mar 23

Ques. Is a PhD from IGNOU valid?

● Top Answer By Pankaj Kumar on 18 Oct 22

Ques. What is the placement record of MSc applied statistics students of IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Poornima Sahoo on 18 Mar 23

Ques. How difficult is it to get a PhD from IISc Bangalore?

● Top Answer By Bidita Ghose on 14 Jul 23

Ques. Which would be better, IIT Delhi or an average US university for a PhD?

● Top Answer By Aditi Banerjee on 03 Apr 23

Ph.D. (Chemistry)

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IIMV - Indian Institute of Management

IIMV - Indian Institute of Management

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

IIM Jammu Indian Institute of Management

IIM Jammu Indian Institute of Management

PSG Institute of Management - [PSGIM]

PSG Institute of Management - [PSGIM]

Krea University

Krea University

Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management - [IISWBM]

Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management - [IISWBM]

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Bharathidasan Institute of Management - [BIM]

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PhD Course - Doctor of Philosophy

  • Admission Process
  • PhD Colleges

PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is an advanced doctorate-level course and the students are able to complete this course usually between 3-6 years. As per regulations, one can be awarded a PhD degree within 3 years of registration but it usually takes longer and it also depends on areas of research. PhD can be pursued in a wide range of subjects such as law, engineering, medicine, communication, mathematics, chemistry, anthropology, social sciences and many more. To enroll for a PhD program, candidates need a master’s degree and must clear entrance exams like CSIR UGC NET or JNUEE or the entrance examinations conducted by respective colleges or universities where students want to enroll for. PhD is offered by almost all the renowned institutions such as IITs, Jadavpur University, Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University. 

  • PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Course

PhD course, or Doctor of Philosophy course, is a doctorate-level course that can take 3–6 years to complete, but can be completed in 5–6 years. The course can cover a variety of subjects, including law, engineering, migration studies, medicine, anthropology, and physics. To get admission to a PhD course , candidates must hold a master's degree. Further, PhD entrance exams like the CSIR UGC NET, UGC-NET, JNUEE, and others are used in India to grant admission to PhD courses. Among the top PhD colleges that offer admission to the course are IIT Kanpur, Jadavpur University, Chandigarh University, IIT BHU, Jawaharlal Nehru University, IIT Gandhinagar, and others.

PhD syllabuses vary depending on the subject chosen by the candidate for research; however, the every PhD syllabus is designed to encourage students to conduct research. PhD subjects include the Formulation and Investigation of multiple theses, including Western Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Indian Philosophical Studies, etc. as well as guaranteeing the safe and well-resourced completion of projects and the development of theses from research. 

Candidates could previously pursue PhD courses through distance education; however, a UGC circular issued in 2017 stated that a PhD course pursued through distance education would no longer be recognised. PhD fellowships are usually granted to candidates who have passed entrance exams such as GATE, JEST, UGC NET, and others while pursuing their PhD. Furthermore, academic institutions such as IGNOU and Delhi University (DU) provide fellowships to PhD students who are enrolled full-time. Candidates may pursue a PhD course in any field of interest. PhD candidates must choose one or more topics, conduct extensive research on them, and respond to any questions that arise. 

PhD candidates conduct original research and write original theses on a given topic. In addition to their research, students participate in extracurricular activities, attend seminars, and give presentations. Candidates with a PhD have more career options in fields such as Research, Education, Literature, Civil Service, Politics, Communications, Human Resources, Advertising, and so on.

PhD graduates in the academic sector, can pursue PhD jobs such as Research Assistants, Assistant Professors, and Scientific Writers/Editors.  PhD candidates are employed by a variety of industries, including Academic Institutions/Universities, both privately funded and government institutions. They can also work in government offices as Policy Analysts or Data Scientists. Lastly, candidates can expect to earn a PhD salary ranging between INR 8 - 10 LPA.

Table of Contents

Phd latest updates 2024, phd (doctor of philosophy) course details: highlights, what is the difference between phd and doctorate, why choose a phd degree, phd course entrance exams, phd admission process in india, direct phd admission process without entrance exam, types of phd programs, top phd (doctor of philosophy) courses in different streams, types of phd research scholars, phd fee in india, phd syllabus & subjects, phd course structure, top ranked phd colleges in india, top private phd colleges in india, top government phd colleges in india, phd scholarships offered, sponsored phd programs, career options after phd (doctor of philosophy) degree, what is an online phd (doctor of philosophy) degree, faqs about phd.

Here are the most latest updates about PhD:

  • The GATE 2024 Exam will take place on February 3, 4, 10, and 11, 2024. 
  • JEE Main Result 2024 for Session 1 will be released on February 12, 2024.
  • Furthermore, the JEE Main Session 2 exam will be held between April 1 and April 15, 2024, with the results announced on April 25, 2024. 
  • The WBJEE exam date for 2024 has been announced. WBJEE 2024 will be held on April 28, 2024, as a pen-and-paper test. 
  • The first phase of the AEEE exam is over. The AEEE phase 1 results will be available by February 10. 
  • The second phase of AEEE 2024 is scheduled for May 10–14, 2024. 
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham will accept the AEEE application form 2024 for Phase 2 until the end of April 2024. 
  • The OJEE application form 2024 has been released, and the deadline for submitting it is March 15, 2024.

The major highlights of the PhD course are listed in the table below. 

Course LevelDoctorate 
Full-formDoctor of Philosophy
PhD Course Duration3 - 5 years (maximum up to 6 years)
Examination TypeSemester wise 
PhD Eligibility Criteria

·        Post graduation with minimum 55% marks

·        Through Fellowship: Masters in relevant discipline with minimum 55% marks and cleared National level fellowship examination.

·        Research Entrance Test: Masters in relevant discipline with minimum 55% marks and cleared RET conducted by the university.

PhD Admission processEntrance Exam followed by Personal Interview 
PhD Top UniversitiesJamia Millia Islamia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University, Banaras Hindu University, etc.
PhD Course FeeINR 50K - INR 6 LPA
PhD Employment AreaGovernment Departments, Research Institutes, Academic Institutions, Colleges and Universities, etc.
PhD Job PositionsAssistant Professor, Associate Professor, Research Advisor, Research Consultant, etc.
Average PhD SalaryINR 5 - INR 10 LPA
Top PhD RecruitersKPMG, Google, Apple, IBM, CITI bank, BP, Black rock, Aecom, AMEC, Atkins, EDF Energy, NHS, GSK, Barclays, etc.

A PhD is not the same as a Doctorate. They, on the other hand, confuse people. The difference between PhD and Doctorate is tabulated below.

The terms "PhD" and "doctorate" are frequently used interchangeably, as a PhD is a specific type of doctorate that is commonly awarded in a variety of subjects around the world. Apart from the PhD, there are other specialised or professional doctorate degrees available. In essence, all PhDs are doctorates, but not all doctorates are PhDs.A Doctorate is an academic qualification that confers a doctoral degree on a candidate. To earn a doctorate, one must conduct cutting-edge research that contributes significantly to knowledge in their field or to society. This achievement earns the candidate the title "Doctor." 

Pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) offers numerous advantages for students interested in a specific field. 

  • It allows them to explore their subject in-depth and expand their knowledge. 
  • PhD students have the freedom to dedicate ample time to their research projects without feeling rushed or pressured for immediate results. 
  • One of the main motivations for pursuing a PhD is to enhance employment prospects, as it opens up career opportunities that may not be accessible with just a bachelor's or master's degree. These opportunities often require specialized research skills and extensive experience. 
  • Furthermore, a PhD is often a prerequisite for those aspiring to work in academia as lecturers or university researchers. 
  • If you have a genuine passion for research, a PhD can be a highly rewarding pursuit, providing a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment. However, it's important to have a clear vision of your post-PhD plans. 
  • If you seek a new challenge that fosters personal growth, a PhD offers a unique and highly committed educational experience with significant rewards.

PhD programmes are highly competitive, and many students apply. Because a PhD qualification is a highly valued qualification that is not offered by many colleges, students compete fiercely for admission. Colleges use an entrance exam as a screening process to ensure fairness in the decision-making process. The following are some of the most popular PhD entrance exams:

  • IISc PhD Entrance Exam
  • JNU Entrance Examination
  • BHU – Research Entrance Test
  • NIPER PhD Entrance Exam    
  • AIIMS PhD Entrance Exam  

The eligibility criteria for the aforementioned entrance exams vary because they are entirely dependent on the conduction body. As each college or subject has its own governing body, the format of the entrance exams varies depending on the specialization. Some general guidelines for PhD entrance examinations are listed below:

  • There will be logical, reasoning, and knowledge-based questions on the exam. The test will be conducted both online and offline
  • The papers will be objective, and if there are any subjective questions, they will be asked to assess argument and reasoning skills
  • A university's/conduction body's syllabus, mode of examination, and question pattern may change.

PhD admissions are mostly chosen through entrance exams. There are a few universities, however, where admission is also based on merit. A candidate must be eligible for the course in order to apply for PhD admissions. PhD admission requires a Master's degree or an MPhil with an aggregate of at least 55% from any recognised university in the country or a foreign university. Candidates with an MTech or ME degree are also eligible to apply.  

To be able to apply for PhD admission 2024, candidates must meet the eligibility criteria.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Eligibility Criteria

Candidates are only eligible to pursue a PhD if they have completed a master's degree in a related course/field/stream to which they are interested in getting a PhD. Some colleges seek candidates to have completed an MPhil before enrolling in a PhD course.

Other than that, many colleges state that candidates who have passed the UGC NET are eligible for PhD programmes offered by them. Candidates wishing to pursue a PhD in Engineering must have a valid GATE score.

PhD Eligibility Criteria Category-Wise

Some of the basic eligibility for PhD admission are mentioned below:

  • Students must have a done Master’s degree (MSc/MTech/MPhil/MA/MBA) in a relevant subject, in order to study a PhD Course
  • The student should have scored at least 55% marks or equivalent grade points in the PG course that he studied in any government-recognized institute. In case the candidate belongs to a reserved category (SC/ST/OBC), he/ she will be offered relaxation in minimum marks of either 5% or 10%, depending on the category
  • University/college mandated PhD entrance examination needs to be cleared by the candidate to ensure a seat for pursuing a PhD
  • In some university/colleges candidates that have work experience in the field of research are preferred highly and are given more preference

However, the following are a few examples of category-wise eligibility requirements for PhD candidates:

PhD Eligibility for Government/Semi-Government Fellowship Recipients: Full-Time Research Scholars

PhD scholars in this category are eligible for financial assistance through government/semi-government fellowship programmes

PhD Eligibility for Institute research Scholars with Teaching Assistance

PhD scholars in this category are offered Institute Teaching Assistantships as specified by the MHRD

PhD Eligibility for Self-financed Candidates (Indian/ Foreign)

  • Indian self-financed: Indian candidates who self-fund their education are given seats in doctoral programmes offered by institutions based on their performance and experience. Such candidates participate in the regular admissions process for PhD courses in order to be offered admission to the institute's PhD programmes, but the institute does not provide them with any financial support
  • Foreign self-financed: Only after they receive the required "no objection certificate" from MHRD, the Indian government, and other required approvals from India's Ministry of External Affairs, are foreign self-financed candidates offered admission through the embassy of their home nation.

PhD Eligibility for Candidate Sponsors

These PhD candidates are supported to conduct full-time research at the relevant institution by (recognised) Research and Development organisations.

PhD Eligibility for Candidates for Study Leaves

For a period of less than three years, government organisations, businesses, and educational institutions grant study leaves to applicants who fall into this category so they can conduct research at the designated institution. For admission as a PhD scholar in this category, the candidate's institute or employer must provide a letter of leave.

PhD Eligibility for ICCR Awardees

If they have been given a scholarship by their government, foreign candidates who are supported by their respective governments are given a seat in a PhD programme under the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) award holders' category.

PhD Eligibility for Part-time Scholars in Research

The following categories are available for applicants at an institute seeking admission as part-time research scholars:

  • Research Assistants
  • Institute staff/ Faculty
  • Project Staff
  • External Sponsored Candidates

Steps to apply for PhD Admission 2024

PhD Admission 2024 is majorly based on entrance exam. The UGC NET, which is administered twice a year, is one of several entrance exams used for PhD admission. Admission to Central universities is available. JRF-GATE, the IISC PhD Entrance Exam, the VMOU PhD, the IPU PhD, and the IGNOU PhD are additional PhD entrance exams. A few universities also have entrance exams specifically designed for PhD courses. Applicants may also sit for entrance examinations like the GATE, NET, and CSIR NET to be considered for PhD admissions in India.

To apply for PhD or research course, applicants must complete the following steps:

Step 1: Go to the official website of the college or university, review all of the information about the PhD course it offers, and select the field of study you want to pursue.

Step 2: Candidates must keep a look out for any admission updates or visit the university's official website to complete their application for admission to the course of their choice.

Step 3: Candidates must then complete and submit their PhD application forms in accordance with the educational institution's timeline. Applicants must also submit all required paperwork and the application fee on time in order to be considered for PhD admission.

Step 4: Some colleges and universities may require a research proposal in addition to the application form. The application is submitted to the educational institution's research unit, which reviews it along with the research proposal.

Step 5: Following the review of the PhD application, the majority of colleges and universities shortlist the names of candidates who must appear for the entrance exam and other admissions processes that are held to select applicants for admission to the PhD course they offer.

Step 6: Candidates are assigned supervisors or guides for their PhD research after being admitted to PhD course based on their performance in the admission rounds.

Skills Required for PhD Graduate

PhD graduates must possess a set of skills essential for success in their careers, extending beyond their research proficiency. These skills are crucial for thriving in the workplace after completing their research. These skills include:

  • Proficiency in quantitative analysis
  • Strong research abilities
  • Sharp analytical skills
  • Capacity to handle high-pressure situations
  • Effective interpersonal skills

In most colleges and universities, PhD admissions are decided by merit. A written 10+2 exam, a series of in-person interviews, and/or a qualifying exam relevant to the programme will determine which candidates are accepted into the PhD programme. Under such circumstances, candidates are usually selected on the basis of their academic standing and their results on a prior relevant exam.

In India, there are three basic types of PhD programmes. They are full-time PhDs, part-time PhDs, and online PhDs.

Full-Time PhD program, which is a traditional Doctor of Philosophy program, typically spans four to six years. 

Among various modes of pursuing a PhD, full-time programs tend to be the most expensive. 

They are commonly favored by recipients of government or semi-government fellowships, institute research scholars who receive teaching assistance, as well as self-financed candidates.

PhD programs also offer the option of part-time study, primarily intended for individuals employed in esteemed research organizations, academic institutions, or industries near the campus. 

Part-time PhD students are held to the same academic credit and requirement standards as their full-time counterparts, resulting in a completion timeframe of approximately 7-8 years. These students are expected to attend a limited number of classes. 

Additionally, they must possess a minimum of one year of work experience and provide a letter of recommendation from their employer. Part-time PhD programs prioritize research that contributes to company development rather than individual research projects.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is an advanced degree that typically spans four years and involves rigorous study and research. Undertaking an Online PhD program can greatly enhance one's career opportunities. 

This degree is often a prerequisite for individuals aspiring to leadership positions, academia, consulting, research roles, or entrepreneurship. 

Whether it's students seeking to deepen their knowledge or professionals looking to advance in their fields, completing an Online PhD offers valuable credentials and opens doors to diverse professional paths.

Students can check out below some popular PhD courses that they can pursue in different streams:

Popular PhD Course in Humanities

PhD in humanities consists of courses that critically examine human thought and culture. These courses usually deal with the effect of art, music, literature, the arts, and philosophy on the world we live in. Students pursuing a PhD in Humanities course must focus more on abstract questions rather than on technical skills. 

The students pursuing a PhD degree in Arts would learn and research in depth about the development of ideas and concepts, behavioural patterns and the challenges faced, functioning of a society, human interactions and relationships, etc. Students can check online some of the popular PhD courses in Humanities and Arts mentioned below: 

  • PhD in Humanities
  • PhD Economics
  • PhD Geography
  • PhD in Social Work
  • PhD in English
  • PhD in Public and Economic Policy
  • PhD in Humanities & Social Sciences
  • PhD in Psychology
  • PhD in Arts
  • PhD in International Relations and Politics
  • PhD in Physiology
  • PhD in Public Policy

Popular PhD Course in Science

PhD Science is a doctorate level course with a duration of 3 to 5 years during which students from MSc or MTech background can learn more about this field. It involves candidates to research any one of the PhD subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. 

At the end of the course, the student will have to submit the research thesis to earn a PhD Science degree. Students can check out some of the popular online PhD courses in Science mentioned below: 

  • PhD in Chemistry
  • PhD in Clinical Research
  • PhD in Science
  • PhD in Bioscience
  • PhD in Bioinformatics
  • PhD Biotechnology
  • PhD in Mathematical and Computational Sciences
  • PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering
  • PhD Zoology
  • PhD in Physics
  • Phd in Mathematics
  • PhD in Zoology  

Popular PhD Courses in Commerce

PhD in Commerce is a doctorate course with a minimum duration of two years with certain universities requiring the candidates to complete the course within five years of time along with the thesis or research paper. There are some universities that provide part-time PhD in commerce. 

The PhD in Commerce subjects provides a greater insight in the field of commerce and accounting, finance, forecasting, management and budgeting. These courses are better suited for someone with a commerce or business background. The course provides better quality education to the students so they can serve the needs of business and industry management. Two such popular PhD courses are mentioned below: 

  • PhD in Commerce Management
  • PhD in Accounting and Financial Management  

Popular PhD Courses in Engineering

If you want to focus on research-based education in the field of technology then a PhD in engineering and technology is one of the best options. It involves the development of new cutting-edge technologies or research methods that can create an impact on the world. It can also be a program that focuses on the student's own desired focus, such as on learning a very specific area of engineering or technology. 

Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology is a 5-year course. Candidates who wish to pursue a PhD in engineering and technology must have a masters degree or equivalent to this degree from a recognized university. Some popular PhD Course in Engineering are mentioned below:

  • PhD in Engineering
  • PhD in Genetic Engineering
  • PhD in Civil Engineering
  • PhD in Engineering and Technology
  • PhD Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • PhD Computer Science Engineering
  • PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • PhD in Information Technology
  • PhD in Production Engineering
  • PhD in Chemical Engineering
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering  

Popular PhD Course in Business & Management

PhD in Business and Management is a doctorate level course that includes the activities associated with a company, such as managing, leading, monitoring, organizing and strategizing. The duration of PhD in Business Management is usually 3-years. Some popular PhD degree in Business & Management are mentioned below: 

  • PhD Business Administration
  • PhD in Management
  • PhD in Aviation Management
  • PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • PhD in Accounting and Financial Management
  • PhD in Marketing/ Brand Management
  • PhD in Commerce
  • PhD in Commerce and Management  

Popular PhD Degree in Law

PhD in law allows the students to enhance their understanding of the legal studies. The students are taught an overview of the subject, the nuances to proceed with the cases and how to go around while studying a case, and the outlook required while looking into its details. 

PhD in Law is a 3-year full-time doctorate programme in the field of Law. PhD in law provides students with the required training which helps them pave their way in gaining exposure in their field. Some popular PhD Course in Law are mentioned below:

  • PhD in Constitutional Law
  • PhD in Law and Governance
  • PhD in Legal Studies  

Popular PhD Degree in Teaching & Education

  • PhD in Education
  • PhD in Teaching  

There are 2 types of research scholars in PhD:

Full Time Research Scholars

The details about full time research scholars is given below:

Government/ Semi-Government Fellowship RecipientsGovernment or semi-government fellowship programs provide financial support to PhD scholars in this category.
Institute Research Scholars with Teaching AssistancePhD scholars in this category are eligible for Institute Teaching Assistantships as per the guidelines of the MHRD.
Indian Self-Financed Candidates with a strong track record and experience are granted admission to doctoral programs at institutes based on their qualifications. These candidates participate in the standard admission process for PhD courses. However, it is important to note that they are not provided with any financial assistance from the institute.
Foreign Self- FinancedCandidates are admitted to the program through their respective country's embassy, but only after obtaining the required "no objection certificate" from the MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development), Government of India, along with other necessary approvals from the Ministry of External Affairs in India.
Sponsored CandidatesPhD scholars in this category receive sponsorship from recognized Research and Development organizations to conduct full-time research at the relevant institute.
Study Leave CandidatesCandidates in this category are granted study leave by Government institutes, companies, or educational institutions for a period of less than three years to pursue research at the designated institute. To secure admission as a PhD scholar in this category, a letter of leave from the candidate's institute or company is required.
ICCR AwardeesForeign candidates sponsored by their respective governments are granted admission to a PhD program under the category of Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) award holders, provided they have received the scholarship from their government.

Part Time Research Scholars

Individuals who seek admission under the part time research scholars at an institute are offered admission under the categories mentione below:

  • External Sponsored Category
  • Institute Staff/ Faculty

In India, the average PhD course fee varies from INR 50 and 6LPA, with candidates typically able to pay the fees annually. However, the PhD course fee is set by the college to which students wish to apply. PhD fees vary depending on factors such as college location, facilities, faculty, and infrastructure. PhD programmes allow students to apply for scholarships from private companies, colleges, and non-governmental organisations. These scholarships benefit students by reducing their financial burdens and encouraging them to pursue their research. 

PhD syllabus will be determined by the subject chosen by the student. It is worth noting that the PhD programme is available in nearly all major disciplines, including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Bio-Sciences, Clinical Research, Zoology, Applied Sciences, Economics, Social Work, Literature, Arts, Psychology, and Social Sciences.

The student will have approximately 3-5 years to complete their PhD programme. The student will be required to submit an original research thesis on a specific topic at the end of the programme.

Topics for the research paper could include:

  • Introduction to the Topic 
  • Research Design 
  • Research Foundation 
  • Quality Standards 
  • Structure and Size

For your ease, we have included PhD syllabuses for a few subjects.

PhD Syllabus for Science Specialisation

The following is the PhD Syllabus or Doctor of Philosophy syllabus in Science. The programme lasts between three and five years. The syllabus is divided into semesters, and the PhD subjects covered are listed below. Each year is divided into two semesters.

Component Object Model (COM) & interfaces in COMVector and array processor
CORBA, JAVA, and object webMultiprocessor architecture
Computer architecturePipeline architecture
Advanced computer algorithmsComputer system design
Distributed COMAdvanced software engineering
Dynamic programmingTesting
Advanced database management systemsTelecommunications systems, satellite systems, broadcast systems
Parallel and distributed databases, web databasesWeb engineering and software quality metrics
Backtracking, branch and boundFrequencies for radio transmission
Data miningWireless network and communication
Data warehousingWireless LAN
XML Primer, JSP, XLS, ASPDistributed file system
Distributed objects and remote innovationTransactions and concurrency control, replication
Advanced transaction processingDistributed systems
Building web agreementMedium access control

PhD Syllabus for Management Studies Specialization

PhD Syllabus or Doctor of Philosophy syllabus in management studies course is mentioned below. The given PhD syllabus is semester-wise with the PhD subjects mentioned below. 

General managementElective I
-Information technology management
-Financial management
-Human resource management
-Operations management
Quantitative analysisLogistics
Research methodologyRetail merchandising
Computer applicationsMarketing
Project workDissertation
Review report-

PhD Syllabus for Engineering and Technology Specialization

PhD Syllabus in engineering and technology is given below. The PhD course is for 5 years. The given PhD subjects are topic wise:

Foundations of computingSoftware systems
Parallel and distributed systemsFinal research
Formal methods: Program correctness, Hoarier logic, Program semantics and model checking-

PhD in Legal Studies Syllabus

The Syllabus of PhD in legal studies is given below. The course is for 3 years. The given PhD subjects are coursewise:

Research processesJurisprudence
Methods of investigations and tools for collection of dataConstitutional law
Research methodology-
Course IIICourse IV
Seminars and presentationSeminars and presentation

PhD in Philosophy Syllabus

PhD syllabus in Philosophy course is given below. The course is for 3 years to 6 years. The given syllabus is paper-wise. There are 4 papers including elective exams with the PhD subjects mentioned below:

Literature surveyTheory of knowledge
Data collection and organizationAdvanced course in logic
Introduction to research methodologyAdvanced course in formal methods
Principles of thesis preparationAdvanced course in philosophy of science
Research tools and studiesPhilosophy of statistics
-Philosophy of the computer and information science
-Decision theory
-Value theory
-Philosophy of mathematics
-Philosophical aesthetics
-Philosophy of language
-Art technology
-Political philosophy
-Environment philosophy
-Philosophy of social sciences
-Critical reading in philosophical texts
Ishvara Krishna – Samkhya KarikaPlato
Nagarjuna – MulamadhyamakakarikaA treatise of Human Nature Book
Carvaka – LokayataLogical Atomism
Early BuddhismKant- Critique of Pure Reason
Vaisesika SutraWittgenstein – Philosophical investigations
Sankara’s Commentary on first four SutraFreedom and resentment and other essays
Jaina – PancastikayasaraSome main problems of philosophy
The first and last freedomHow to do things with words
The Nyaya Theory of knowledgeConcept of minds
A new perspective in Indian Philosophy ChaptersBeing and nothingness
Reason and tradition in Indian thoughtBeing and time
Thesis presentation
Comprehensive viva voce

PhD in English Literature Syllabus

PhD Syllabus or Doctor of Philosophy syllabus in English literature course is given below. The duration of this PhD course is for 3 years to 5 years. The PhD subjects covered in this course are mentioned below. 

Medieval literatureProse fiction
Women’s literatureLesbians, Gay and bisexual literature
African – American literatureRenaissance literature
Colonial and post-colonial literatureLiterary criticism and theory
English poetryLiterature in the 12th century
Dramatic literature-

PhD in Economics Syllabus

PhD Syllabus of Economics course is given below.  There are a total of 4 papers with the elective exam. All of the papers along with various PhD subjects are mentioned below. 

Introduction to research methodologyRural developmentOverview of financial marketsThesis presentation
Data collection and organizationPoverty and inequalityHedging strategies with financial marketsComprehensive Viva-voce
Econometric methodsLabour and migrationModelling the behavior of asset prices-
Advanced econometric methodsGovernance and the political economy of developmentTrading strategies in financial markets-
Topics in mathematical economicsInternational trade and developmentRole of financial intermediaries-
Advanced economic theoryUrbanization and developmentInterest rate derivatives-
Probability distribution and testing of hypothesisEconomics of the computer and information scienceMacroeconomics consequences of financial imperfections-
Advanced microeconomics theoryHealth and education--
Advanced macroeconomics theoryEnvironment and development--
-Industrial economics--
-The political economy of development--
-International macroeconomics--

The steps that candidates must take when pursuing a PhD course in order to be awarded a PhD degree are as follows:

  • When candidates are accepted into PhD programmes at educational institutions, they must submit a research proposal as well as a research topic.
  • Then, candidates are assigned a research supervisor or guide.
  • Following this, the Research Programme Coordinator/Guide/Supervisor informs candidates about the Course Work, evaluation methodology, and teaching schedule.
  • Most educational institutions require aspirants to submit six-month progress reports for their research projects.
  • Furthermore, as a Research Student, you must give at least two seminar presentations during your tenure as a Research Scholar and submit a Certificate in the prescribed format to the Research Unit.
  • Before submitting their PhD thesis, PhD students must first publish at least one research paper in a peer-reviewed/refereed journal and then submit a Certificate in the prescribed format to the Research Unit.
  • Before aspirants submit their thesis, their supervisor or guide will host a Pre-submission Seminar. This seminar will be open to everyone. As part of this seminar, candidates will submit a report with suggestions for improvement, and the supervisor will ensure that all of these suggestions are incorporated into their final thesis.
  • Candidates must then incorporate all of the changes and provide a summary of their thesis to their supervisor or guide at least 45 days before submitting the thesis.
  • Finally, candidates must submit their thesis in both hard and soft copy. This thesis will be reviewed by external experts. If an expert suggests any changes to the research paper submitted by the candidate, he or she must resubmit a modified thesis.
  • Then, a viva-voce is held, in which candidates can openly defend their thesis and present their points of view to a panel of experts.
  • Candidates who complete all of these steps to perfection will only receive a PhD degree.

Here are some of the top PhD colleges, along with their average fees, listed below:

QS India University Rankings College NameFees 
1Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)INR 58 K
2Indian Institute of ScienceINR 35 K
3Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)INR 42 K
4Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)INR 19 K
5Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP)INR 50 K
6Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK)INR 64 K
7University of DelhiINR 70 K 
8University of HyderabadINR 50 K
9Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR)INR 28 K
10Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG)INR 38 K

Note: The fees listed above are subject to change.

There are various private colleges as well from where you can pursue your PhD. Some of the best private PhD colleges along with their PhD fees are given in the table below: 

PhD CollegesPhD Fees 
Bombay College of PharmacyINR 1.50 LPA
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher EducationINR 25 K
IFHE HyderabadINR 1.20 LPA
Manipal Academy of Higher EducationINR 59 K
PRIST UniversityINR 30 K

Given below are some of the best PhD colleges in India to pursue your doctorate. The PhD fees for the particular college are also mentioned in the table below: 

PhD Colleges PhD Fees 
Indian Institute of ScienceINR 35.20 K
(IITD)INR 42.90 K
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)INR 19.67 K
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP)INR 50 K
(IITK)INR 64.05 K
University of DelhiINR 10 K
University of HyderabadINR 8.98 K
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR)INR 28.50 K
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG)INR 18.15 K

PhD students can apply for several types of PhD scholarships, including:

PhD Scholarships in India for Students

In India, there are numerous scholarships available for Indian students pursuing a PhD, offering financial assistance to ease the burden of funding their studies. Here are some notable scholarships:

  • Prime Minister Fellowship for Doctoral Research: This fellowship, supervised by the Central Government, provides financial support to meritorious students pursuing PhD courses. Recipients receive a monthly stipend of INR 70K.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarships: These merit-based scholarships support students pursuing doctoral programs in various fields such as Science, Sociology, and Philosophy, after completing their post-graduation. The scholarship is granted for a duration of 2 years and is available to candidates below the age of 35.
  • ICHR Junior Research Fellowships (JRF): Provided by the Indian Council of Historical Research, this scholarship is for students pursuing a PhD in Historical studies. It involves an entrance exam followed by an interview, and recipients typically receive a monthly amount ranging from INR 16.5 K to INR 17.6K for a period of 2 years.
  • Maulana Azad National Fellowship: This fellowship, offered by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, supports financially disadvantaged students pursuing research or doctorate courses. Eligible candidates must have a family income below INR 6 LPA and have completed their post-graduation. Scholars receive INR 28K per month for a duration of 5 years.
  • NCERT Doctoral Fellowship for PhD: National Council of Educational Research and Training offers this fellowship to meritorious students to cover expenses such as tuition fees, accommodation, books, and other charges. Eligibility criteria include qualifying entrance tests like the NET exam and being below the age of 35. The fellowship is provided for a duration of 3 years, with a monthly amount ranging from INR 23K - 25K.

Students who want to be funded during their doctoral studies must pass the NET exam. Passing the NET Exam ensures a stipend from the Government of India, regardless of the university. After passing the NEET, the student receives INR 31K from the Central Government.

The following are some of the best PhD scholarships in India for students pursuing Doctor of Philosophy degrees:

Scholarship NameInstitution
Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF)MHRD, Government of India
CSIR-UGC JRF FellowshipGovernment of India
DBT-JRF FellowshipGovernment of India
FITM – AYUSH Research Fellowships SchemeForum on Indian Traditional Medicine (FITM) and Ministry of Ayush
SAARC Agricultural PhD ScholarshipsSAAR Agricultural Centre
Swami Vivekananda Single Child Scholarship for Research in Social ScienceUGC
ESSO-NCESS Junior Research FellowshipESSO- National Centre for Earth Science Studies
Vision India Foundation (VIF) FellowshipVision India Foundation (VIF)
Burning Questions Fellowship AwardsTiny Beam Fund
Google PhD ScholarshipsGoogle
Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund ScholarshipsJawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund
ICHR Junior Research Fellowships (JRF)Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)

PhD Philosophy graduates have a wide range of career options and higher-paying jobs as a result of the knowledge and experience they gained during their studies. Graduates of the PhD Philosophy programme can find work in a variety of fields, including research, education, literature, law, civil service, science analytics, and politics. Communications, publishing, and so on.

The most common PhD Philosophy job profiles pursued by graduates are research scientist and philosophy professor. PhD Philosophy graduates have job opportunities in both the private and public sectors. Top recruiters include IIT Patna, Mathworks, Archaeological Survey of India, Nalanda University, Election Commission of India, CNN, BBC, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, and others. These top companies hire such professionals and pay them an average salary of INR 10-20 LPA.

Some of the major job profiles associated with the course, along with the average salary, are as follows:

Job RoleJob ResponsibilitiesAverage Annual Salary 
Assistant ProfessorThey create curriculum plans for student learning, facilitate class discussions to ensure student engagement, offer academic counselling, keep student records, and grade student work.INR 10 LPA
CriticTo evaluate and rate work based on the work in front of them. It could be movies, books, magazines, or anything else.INR 7 LPA
Literature ResearcherConducting literature reviews, collecting and analysing data, and preparing materials for submission are among their primary responsibilities.INR 8 LPA
Novelist/WriterThe main task is to generate ideas and write them in a fresh and engaging manner, making philosophical content more readable and engaging to the audience.INR 9 LPA
Journalist/EditorJournalists conduct research, write, edit, proofread, and file news stories, features, and articles for broadcast on television, radio, and the internet, as well as for publication in magazines, journals, and newspapers.INR 10 LPA
Human Service WorkerClient services, including family support, are provided by social and human service assistants/workers in a variety of fields, including psychology, rehabilitation, and social work. They help other social workers and clients find benefits or services.INR 6 LPA

Note: The salary mentioned above is subject to change.

PhD Top Recruiters

Some of the top recruiters of PhDs in India are listed below.

  • Research Institutions: Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)   
  •  IT Industry: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys, and Wipro  
  • Pharmaceutical Companies: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, and Cipla   
  • Financial Institutions: Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), and National Stock Exchange (NSE)  
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs working in areas like education, healthcare, environment, and social development may employ PhDs for research, program management, and advocacy positions

In India, the average salary for a PhD graduate is between INR 5 and 10 LPA. This figure, however, may differ depending on a number of parameters, including a job description, years of experience, and the city of employment. A PhD graduate's pay is determined by a number of factors, some of which are within the student's control. Participating in internships and accumulating work experience may increase the probability of being paid more. 

Below is an approximate PhD salary range for various job profiles after completing a PhD degree:

Assistant ProfessorINR 7.50 LPA
Associate ProfessorINR 10 LPA
ConsultantINR 9 LPA
Research AssistantINR 7.50 LPA

Online PhD degree is an advanced academic degree that can be earned online. It can be offered in full-time or part-time modes. Online PhD programs are flexible and convenient, especially for working professionals. They can help students gain advanced knowledge and specialized expertise to further their career. 

Online PhD programs typically require at least two years of study, and many set a completion deadline of 7-9 years. Students typically need to complete coursework, pass qualifying examinations, and write and defend an original dissertation. Online PhD programs can be more affordable than traditional PhD programs. Students can complete an online PhD in as little as three years, while traditional PhD programs can take up to eight years to complete. 

Some online doctoral programs offer a choice of two learning tracks. Students can take their time with the standard track, or speed through the program content with the accelerated option.

Furthermore, an online PhD is less expensive than a traditional PhD.

Popular Courses

Can i pursue a phd after completing my 12th grade.

To be eligible for a PhD programme, applicants must have a master's degree. Candidates may pursue a PhD programme in any discipline. In a PhD programme, students must choose a topic or subject, conduct extensive research on it, and respond to any questions that arise.  

How can I get a PhD?

7 Steps to earn a PhD are listed below:

  • Get a Bachelor's Degree
  • Get a Master of Education degree
  • Find whether a PhD or EdD is right for you
  • Take the entrance exam and apply to Doctoral Programmes
  • Finish the Doctorate Degree Programme Coursework
  • Conclude and defend a dissertation

Is a PhD considered a doctor or not?

A doctoral degree (PhD) is obtained after obtaining a master's degree. A PhD confers the right to use the title doctor.  

What is the duration of a PhD programme?

A PhD programme typically takes four to seven years, but this can vary depending on a number of factors. In certain disciplines, such as psychology, engineering, education, and mathematics, a PhD, or doctorate degree, is the highest level of degree you can obtain.  

What career options are available after earning a PhD?

A PhD holder can work as a researcher, scientist, professor, journalist, independent consultant, human services worker, editor, critic, lecturer, and so on. A PhD holder can also apply for jobs in the finance, government, and other sectors.

Which are the best universities for pursuing a PhD?

Amity University in Noida and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai are two prominent universities that offer PhD degrees. Some of the other universities are:

  • Indian Institute of Science
  • Bangalore Institute of Genetic Engineering, Badu (Kolkata)
  • Chennai's KCG College of Technology
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Kolkata Institute of Technical and Professional Studies
  • New Delhi's Jamia Millia Islamia University
  • Indian Statistical Institute 
  • Chennai Mathematical Institute

What does a PhD entail?

PhD graduates may be able to work in other countries. If you have a PhD, any company will hire you because the PhD is currently the highest level of academic degree anyone can earn, and the companies see you as an expert in the subject.  

Is it possible to get a PhD without a master's degree?

Yes, a PhD can be obtained without first earning a master's degree. A number of universities provide direct entry into PhD programmes for students with an undergraduate or bachelor's degree. In some cases, specific schools or programmes may prefer master's degree holders.

How many hours per day do you commit to your PhD?

As a general rule, a full-time PhD will require 35 hours of work per week - the equivalent of a full-time, 9-5 job.

Is a PhD more challenging than a doctorate?

It is not simpler to earn a PhD than a doctorate. Both require effort and are different. It would be best to do some research on the subject you want to study. A doctorate degree examines an existing body of knowledge and theories developed by this knowledge, whereas a PhD requires years of original research.  

Do PhD students receive funding?

The fact that you get paid for pursuing a PhD is one of its biggest benefits. A PhD stipend is a monthly payment made to students to help with living expenses, research costs, and housing costs. The cost that is covered by a PhD stipend varies depending on the organisation and degree.  

What are the advantages of a PhD?

Having a PhD is a huge advantage. Don't let others baffle you. PhDs earn more money than non-PhDs and are in high demand. Trained professionals who understand how to create information rather than simply repackage it are desperately needed. Entrepreneurship and innovation are at record highs.  

What is the most difficult aspect of a PhD?

Every PhD student will agree that the most difficult aspect of the degree is staying motivated. You begin a PhD because you are interested in a particular subject.  

Can you be rejected from a PhD programme?

PhD applications are frequently rejected for a variety of reasons. This is not the desired outcome after all of your efforts. However, rejection is a normal part of the PhD application process.

What if you fail your PhD?

If you are not awarded a PhD, you may be awarded an MPhil instead. For this to happen, your work must be deemed worthy of an MPhil, as a Master's degree is still considered an advanced postgraduate research degree.

Is it worthwhile to pursue a PhD in anything?

A PhD can be detrimental to your finances, leave you in debt, and leave you with no clear path to success in certain fields. PhDs, on the other hand, earn more and have lower unemployment rates. A PhD also provides you with a world-class mind, a global network, and a skill set that can take you pretty much anywhere.  

What does a PhD degree stand for?

A PhD degree stands for Doctor of Philosophy, which is regarded as the highest academic course level.

What are the requirements for PhD admission?

The requirements to get into a PhD program are a bachelor’s degree with at least a second-class grade and a master’s degree with high academic grades.

Which university is known as the best university in India?

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay University is known for best university and No.1 University in India.

Is there any age limit to do a PhD course?

There is no specific age limit for PhD courses. It can be pursued at any age but the candidate should satisfy the eligibility criteria.

How many years does it take to complete PhD?

 A doctorate or PhD degree generally lasts for 3 years. Candidates pursuing the program are given a maximum time of 5 to 6 years to complete their research. However, the duration of the PhD courses varies institute wise as well.

What jobs can a PhD get you?

PhD can get you jobs in universities, labs, government sectors, research institutes, and many more.

Do companies hire PhDs?

Yes, many companies prefer a PhD candidate for senior-level positions.

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  3. Top 10 Highest Paying PhD Degrees in 2024

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  5. Doctor of Philosophy

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin: philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) is a terminal degree that usually denotes the highest level of academic achievement in a given discipline and is awarded following a course of graduate study and original research.The name of the degree is most often abbreviated PhD (or, at times, as Ph.D. in North America), pronounced as three ...

  6. 10 Highest-Paying Ph.D. Degrees

    2. Ph.D. in Computer Science. Median Annual Salary (May 2022): $136,620. Job Outlook (2022-2032): 23%. Computer scientists develop new technologies and improve existing ones. Employers need their theoretical knowledge and computing skills for practical application in the real world.

  7. How PhD Students Get Paid

    PhD programs that don't offer some form of compensation, like stipends, tuition remission or assistantships, are rare but they do exist. ... Most PhD programs expect students to study full-time. In exchange, they're usually offered a stipend — a fixed sum of money paid as a salary — to cover the cost of housing and other living expenses ...

  8. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Salary

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Jobs by Salary. Job Title. Range. Average. Research Scientist. $69k - $134k. $97,891. Data Scientist. $89k - $149k.

  9. M.D.-Ph.D. and M.D. Degrees: Salaries and Costs

    An M.D.-Ph.D. typically takes seven to eight years to complete due to the student having to attend both medical and graduate schools. The major difference between an M.D. and an M.D.-Ph.D. is the cost of tuition. While medical school tuition and costs will run well into six figures over four years, M.D.-Ph.D. students will find that their costs ...

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  15. Salaries For 43 PhD Industry Jobs (The Highest Paying Job Is No Surprise)

    Product Manager is one of the highest paying roles with about $129,000 yearly. The average non-sales Application Scientist— the number one non-bench job for PhDs across the board— pays $87,024. The salary of a Market Research Analyst is $77,934 whereas that of a Marketing Communication Specialist is $70,956.

  16. Salary: Scientist Phd in United States 2024

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  17. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Hourly Rate

    Gender Breakdown for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Female. 54.4 %. Avg. Hourly Rate: $20 - $86. Male. 42.9 %. Avg. Hourly Rate: $21 - $105. This data is based on 259 survey responses. Learn more ...

  18. Doctorate (PhD), Education Salary

    Avg. Salary $89k. Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Secondary Education. Avg. Salary $90k. Master of Science (MS), Computer Teacher Education. Avg. Salary $90k. Master of Music (MM), Secondary Education ...

  19. Psychologist

    The average Psychologist - Ph.D. salary in the United States is $116,313 as of June 27, 2024, but the range typically falls between $105,744 and $129,259. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

  20. Phd Scientist Salary in the United State

    Top 5 States with Higher Salaries For. Phd Scientist in the United States: Phd Scientist in District of Columbia: $95,541. Phd Scientist in California: $94,682. Phd Scientist in New Jersey: $94,081. Phd Scientist in Alaska: $93,480. Phd Scientist in Massachusetts: $93,395.

  21. Ph.D Jobs: Salary, Freshers, Experienced, Scope, Government Jobs

    Candidates can be employed in Hindustan Petroleum, GAIL, SAIL, government universities, Defense Research and Development Organizations etc. The average salary of a PhD candidate in the government sector is around INR 6.50 LPA. Tabulated below are some of the top job profiles in India in government sector, Job Profile.

  22. PhD Course: Full Form, Admission, Fees, Eligibility, Syllabus, Jobs

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