
15 Other Words for “This Shows” in an Essay

synonyms for show in essay

Are you worried about including “this shows” again and again in an essay?

After all, the last thing you want to do is sound repetitive and boring.

Fret not! You have found yourself in the right place.

This article will explore other ways to say “this shows” in an essay.

Other Ways to Say “This Shows”

  • This demonstrates
  • This indicates
  • This implies
  • This portrays
  • This illustrates
  • This establishes
  • This proves
  • This points to
  • This highlights


  • “This shows” is a common phrase used in essays to demonstrate how one thing leads to another.
  • “This demonstrates” is a great formal synonym that’ll help to spice up your academic writing.
  • Try “suggesting” as an alternative that shows how one thing could have created another.

Keep reading to learn different ways to say “this shows.” We’ve covered the two best phrases to help you understand more about how you can improve your essays.

Alternatively, you can read the final section to learn whether it’s correct to write “this shows.” It’s appropriate to check this out before continuing to include it in your essay!

This Demonstrates

If you’re looking for words to use instead of “this shows” in an essay, try “this demonstrates.” It’s a great formal synonym that’ll help to spice things up.

It also comes with two options. You can use it at the start of a sentence as written:

 This is option one. This demonstrates how to continue a thought from the previous sentence.

Or, you can include it as part of the same sentence. To do this, you should switch “this demonstrates” to “demonstrating.” For example:

This is option two, demonstrating that it’s part of the same sentence.

Either way, both are correct. The same applies to “this shows,” where you can use “showing” to include it in the same sentence.

It’s a great way to help the reader follow your process . This should make your essay much easier to read, even if the reader isn’t all that familiar with the topic.

You can also refer to these essay samples:

As you can see, we have also gathered all the necessary data. This demonstrates that we were correct about our original hypothesis.

They have created different rules for what we know. This demonstrates that they’re worried someone might try to interfere with them.

Also, you can write “suggesting” instead of “this shows.” It’s another great professional synonym that’ll help you to keep your writing interesting.

As we’ve already stated, you can use “suggesting” as part of the same sentence:

This is how it works, suggesting you can keep it to one sentence.

Or, you can switch it to “this suggests” to start a new sentence. For instance:

This is how it works. This suggests that you can create two sentences.

Both are correct. They also allow you to switch between them, giving you two options to help mix up your writing and keep the reader engaged .

Here are some essay examples if you still need help:

We have many new ideas ready to go, suggesting that we’re on the road to success. We just need more time.

This is the only way to complete the task, suggesting that things aren’t going to be as easy as we first thought.

Is It Correct to Say “This Shows”?

It is correct to say “this shows.” It’s a great word to use in an essay, and we highly recommend it when you’d like to show how one thing leads to another.

It’s a formal option, which is why it works so well in academic writing.

Also, it allows the reader to follow your thought process, which helps keep things streamlined and clear.

For instance:

Here is an example of how we can achieve this. This shows that we have considered every option so far.

“This shows” always starts a new sentence . You can use it whenever you’d like to connect back to the former sentence directly.

Also, makes sure you use “shows” as the verb form. It comes after “this,” so the only correct form is “shows.” To remind you, you can refer to these examples:

  • Correct: This shows that things are supposed to work this way.
  • Incorrect: This show that we know what we’re doing.

It’s worth using some extensions if you’re still looking to mix things up as well. Try any of the following:

  • This evidence shows
  • This picture shows
  • This data shows
  • This graph shows
  • This study shows

Including something between “this” and “shows” allows you to be more specific . It helps direct the reader’s attention to something from the previous sentence.

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10 Other Ways to Say “This Shows” in an Essay


When writing essays, using the phrase “this shows” can get repetitive. It’s important to mix up your language to keep your reader engaged.

This article lists ten different ways to express the same idea, making your writing more interesting and varied. Each alternative is followed by explanations and examples to help you understand when and how to use them effectively.

Is “This Shows” a Good Phrase to Use in an Essay?

Using “this shows” in an essay can be beneficial, but it depends on the context. It’s a straightforward way to indicate that the information you are presenting supports your argument or helps explain your point. However, using this phrase repeatedly might make your writing seem less polished.

Here’s an example of how to use it:

Let’s weigh the pros and cons of using “this shows” in your writing.

  • Clear and directly points out the significance of the evidence.
  • Helps connect the evidence to your argument or thesis statement.
  • Easy to understand and use.
  • Can become repetitive if overused.
  • Might seem too simple or lack sophistication in formal essays.
  • Doesn’t offer variety in sentence structures.

While “this shows” is handy, you might want to consider alternatives, especially if you’re aiming for a more polished and varied writing style. Using synonyms or different phrases can add depth to your essay and keep your readers engaged.

Finding the right words to connect your ideas can make your essay shine. Here are ten alternatives to “this shows” that can help:

  • This demonstrates
  • This indicates
  • This suggests
  • This reveals
  • This proves
  • This establishes
  • This confirms
  • This supports
  • This underscores
  • This exemplifies

1. This demonstrates

This alternative is somewhat more formal than “This shows”, making it a good fit for academic essays. It implies a stronger link between evidence and assertion, suggesting a more thoughtful analysis. When comparing, “this demonstrates” carries an air of scientific precision or academic rigor, emphasizing the process of showing.

We recommend using “this demonstrates” when your evidence strongly supports your argument. It’s especially useful in contexts where you want to highlight thorough research or definitive proof. Think of situations where the connection between your examples and your main point needs to be unmistakable and grounded in professional analysis.

Here are a couple of examples:

2. This indicates

“This indicates” is a neutral phrase that fits well in both formal and informal essays. It’s less forceful than “this proves” but still shows a clear connection between evidence and conclusion. It’s like pointing something out rather than making an outright declaration.

Use “this indicates” when you want to suggest a conclusion rather than assert it definitively. It works well when you’re drawing inferences from data or observations, particularly in situations where there might be multiple interpretations.

3. This suggests

“This suggests” is an ideal choice for making gentle or speculative connections in your writing. It’s even less forceful than “this indicates”, perfect for when you’re presenting hypotheses or possibilities. It’s a polite way to introduce an idea that’s inferred rather than directly supported by the evidence.

This phrase is better suited for essays where you’re exploring potential outcomes or reasons, especially when direct evidence is not available. It’s also appropriate in informal contexts where maintaining a conversational tone is important.

4. This reveals

“This reveals” is powerful because it suggests uncovering or discovering something previously hidden. It’s perfect for when you want to highlight insights or findings that are unexpected or particularly enlightening. The phrase holds a bit of drama, making it great for engaging readers.

When your evidence uncovers new information or contradicts common assumptions, “this reveals” is an excellent choice. It’s well-suited for research papers or analytical essays where the goal is to bring new truths to light.

5. This proves

Among our list of synonyms, “this proves” is among the most assertive. It’s used to claim that the evidence conclusively supports your argument. Because of its strong implication, it’s best reserved for formal contexts where you have robust data or clear examples to back up your point.

This phrase is particularly effective in argumentative essays or research papers where establishing factual correctness is essential. It’s about as close as you can get to saying “this is irrefutable.”

6. This establishes

“This establishes” is similar in weight to “this proves” but with a slightly less aggressive tone. It suggests setting up a firm foundation for your argument or theory. This wording is especially useful in formal essays and academic writing where clarity and precision are paramount.

We recommend “this establishes” when you’re building up an argument step by step, and your evidence serves as a crucial piece of the puzzle. It shines in contexts where demonstrating the credibility or reliability of your claim is key.

7. This confirms

“This confirms” signals that your evidence directly supports or validates an existing theory or hypothesis. It’s less about revelation and more about verification, making it a professional choice for reinforcing your points in a formal essay.

It’s best suited for situations where you’re addressing anticipated outcomes or established theories. This alternative brings an air of finality and affirmation, particularly in scientific or analytical papers.

8. This supports

“This supports” is flexible, fitting nicely into both formal and informal contexts. It indicates that your evidence upholds your argument but does so in a way that’s less definitive than “this proves.” It’s akin to providing backup rather than claiming outright victory.

Use “this supports” when your evidence adds weight to your claim but might not be conclusive on its own. It’s particularly useful in essays where you’re piecing together support from various sources to form a cohesive argument.

See these examples:

9. This underscores

“This underscores” emphasizes the importance of a particular piece of evidence or point in your argument. It’s a way to highlight significance without asserting direct causation. This term is ideal for formal writing when you want to stress the weight of your findings.

This alternative is better suited when you need to draw attention to how crucial your evidence is to understanding your overall point. It’s like saying, “pay attention here, this is important.”

10. This exemplifies

“This exemplifies” is a sophisticated way to demonstrate how your evidence serves as a perfect example of your claim. It brings a touch of elegance to your writing, suitable for formal essays where showcasing examples is key to illustrating broader points.

Opt for “this exemplifies” when you have a clear, representative example that neatly encapsulates your argument or theory. It effectively tells your reader, “If you understand this example, you’ll grasp my larger point.”

Final Thoughts

Switching up the way you say “this shows” in your essays can make your writing stronger and more engaging. By using the ten alternatives we’ve discussed, you can clearly express your ideas and keep your reader’s attention. These phrases help you communicate more precisely and make your arguments more compelling.


Slava Velikiy, CEO of Rontar and GainRep, has over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, project management, and software development. Passionate about innovation and solving real-world problems, he shares his insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, and technology.

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10 Other Words for “This Shows” in an Essay

synonyms for show in essay

Showing how one thing affects another is great in academic writing. It shows that you’ve connected two points with each other, making sure the reader follows along.

However, is “this shows” the only appropriate choice when linking two ideas?

We have gathered some helpful synonyms teaching you other ways to say “this shows” in an essay.

  • Demonstrating
  • This implies
  • This allows
  • This displays

Keep reading to learn more words to replace “this shows” in an essay. You can also review the examples we provide under each heading.

Removing “this” from “this shows” creates a simple formal synonym to mix up your writing. You can instead write “showing” in academic writing to demonstrate an effect .

Typically, this is a great way to limit your word count . Sure, you’re only removing one word from your essay, but if you can find other areas to do something similar, you’ll be more efficient .

Efficient essays often make for the most interesting ones. They also make it much easier for the reader to follow, and the reviewer will usually be able to give you a more appropriate grade.

Check out these examples if you still need help:

  • The facts state most of the information here, showing that we still have a lot of work to do before moving forward.
  • This is the only way to complete the project, showing that things aren’t quite ready to progress.

2. Demonstrating

Following a similar idea to using “showing,” you can also use “demonstrating.” This comes from the idea that “this demonstrates” is a bit redundant. So, you can remove “this.”

Again, demonstrating ideas is a great way to engage the reader . You can use it in the middle of a sentence to explain how two things affect each other.

You can also review the following examples:

  • These are the leading causes, demonstrating the fundamental ways to get through it. Which do you think is worth pursuing?
  • I would like to direct your attention to this poll, demonstrating the do’s and don’ts for tasks like this one.

3. Leading To

There are plenty of ways to talk about different causes and effects in your writing. A good choice to include in the middle of a sentence is “leading to.”

When something “leads to” something else, it is a direct cause . Therefore, it’s worth including “leading to” in an essay when making relevant connections in your text.

Here are some examples to help you understand it:

  • This is what we are looking to achieve, leading to huge capital gains for everyone associated with it.
  • I would like to direct your attention to this assignment, leading to what could be huge changes in the status quo.

4. Creating

Often, you can create cause-and-effect relationships in your writing by including two similar ideas. Therefore, it’s worth including “creating” to demonstrate a connection to the reader.

Including “creating” in the middle of a sentence allows you to clarify certain causes . This helps to streamline your academic writing and ensures the reader knows what you’re talking about.

Perhaps these essay samples will also help you:

  • We could not complete the task quickly, creating a problem when it came to the next part of the movement.
  • I thought about the ideas, creating the process that we know today. I’m glad I took the time to work through it.

5. This Implies

For a more formal way to say “this shows,” try “this implies.” Of course, it doesn’t change much from the original phrase, but that doesn’t mean it’s ineffective.

In fact, using “this implies” (or “implying” for streamlining) allows you to discuss implications and facts from the previous sentence.

You will often start a sentence with “this implies.” It shows you have relevant and useful information to discuss with the reader.

However, it only works when starting a sentence. You cannot use it to start a new paragraph as it does not relate to anything. “This implies” must always relate to something mentioned before.

You can also review these examples:

  • I appreciate everything that they did for us. This implies they’re willing to work together on other projects.
  • You can’t always get these things right. This implies we still have a lot of work to do before we can finalize anything.

“Proving” is a word you can use instead of “this shows” in an essay. It comes from “this proves,” showing how something creates another situation .

Proof is often the most important in scientific studies and arguments. Therefore, it’s very common to use “proving” instead of “this shows” in scientific essays and writing.

We recommend using this when discussing your experiments and explaining how it might cause something specific to happen. It helps the reader follow your ideas on the page.

Perhaps the following examples will also help you:

  • They provided us with multiple variables, proving that we weren’t the only ones working on the experiment.
  • I could not figure out the way forward, proving that it came down to a choice. I didn’t know the best course of action.

7. This Allows

Often, when you talk about a cause in your essays, it allows an effect to take place. You can talk more about this relationship with a phrase like “this allows.”

At the start of a sentence , “this allows” is a great way to describe a cause-and-effect relationship . It keeps the reader engaged and ensures they know what you’re talking about.

Also, using “this allows” directly after expressing your views explains the purpose of your writing. This could show a reader why you’ve even decided to write the essay in the first place.

  • Many scenarios work here. This allows us to explore different situations to see which works best.
  • I found the best way to address the situation. This allows me to provide more ideas to upper management.

8. This Displays

It might not be as common, but “this displays” is still a great choice in academic writing. You can use it when discussing how one thing leads to another .

Usually, “this displays” works best when discussing data points or figures . It’s a great way to show how you can display your information within your writing to make things easy for the reader .

You can refer to these examples if you’re still unsure:

  • We have not considered every outcome. This displays a lack of planning and poor judgment regarding the team.
  • I’m afraid this is the only way we can continue it. This displays a problem for most of the senior shareholders.

9. Indicating

Indicating how things connect to each other helps readers to pay attention. The clearer your connections, the better your essay will be.

Therefore, it’s worth including “indicating” in the middle of a sentence . It shows you two points relate to each other .

Often, this allows you to talk about specific effects. It’s a great way to explain the purpose of a paragraph (or the essay as a whole, depending on the context).

If you’re still stuck, review these examples:

  • There are plenty of great alternatives to use, indicating that you don’t have to be so close-minded about the process.
  • I have compiled a list of information to help you, indicating the plethora of ways you can complete it.

10. Suggesting

Finally, “suggesting” is a word you can use instead of “this shows” in an essay. It’s quite formal and works well in academic writing.

We highly recommend using it when creating a suggestion from a previous sentence . It allows the reader to follow along and see how one thing affects another.

Also, it’s not particularly common in essays. Therefore, it’s a great choice to mix things up and keep things a little more interesting.

Here are a few essay samples to help you with it:

  • You could have done it in many other ways, suggesting that there was always a better outcome than the one you got.
  • I didn’t know what to think of it, suggesting that I was tempted by the offer. I’m still weighing up the options.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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9 Formal Synonyms for “This Shows”

synonyms for show in essay

Do you want to discuss how one sentence confirms a thought or idea in another sentence?

Perhaps you’re worried that “this shows” doesn’t work too well in an essay because it’s informal or rude.

Well, you’re in luck!

This article will teach you other ways to say “this shows” to keep your writing interesting.

Is It Formal to Say “This Shows”?

It is formal to say “this shows.” You can use it in academic writing because it helps you to confirm how one sentence relates to another.

It’s also professional . Therefore, it’s always a good choice in essays.

However, you should be careful using it too much. Oversaturating your essays with “this shows” can take away from their impact and cause your essay to sound repetitive and boring.

Feel free to review this example to learn a bit more about it:

It’s clear that this is the best way forward. This shows that no other solution was reasonable to consider.

  • It’s formal and direct.
  • Readers will understand that you’re relating your sentence back to a previous one.
  • It can very quickly become repetitive and boring.
  • It’s not the most imaginative phrase to use to link sentences.

So, it’s clear that “this shows” works well in your writing. But that doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to using it as your only option.

Keep reading to learn other words for “this shows” in an essay. We’ve touched on some of the best synonyms to give you a better idea of what will work.

What to Say Instead of “This Shows”

  • This demonstrates
  • This illustrates
  • This signifies
  • This indicates
  • This confirms
  • This conveys

1. This Demonstrates

We recommend starting with “this demonstrates” to show you’re talking about something from the previous sentence.

It’s a great way to keep things formal and informative . Therefore, you can use it when filling out an essay or completing a passage of text that might benefit from linked sentences.

For the most part, if you can demonstrate how one thing leads to another, it’s good writing. After all, it’ll help readers to understand what you’re saying and how to make connections in your work.

You can refer to these essay samples to learn a bit more about it:

It’s clear what needs to be done. This demonstrates the resolve required to complete a task like this one.

We only had one option. This demonstrates that every other possible outcome has been expended and made impossible to continue.

2. This Illustrates

Next, we recommend writing “this illustrates.” It’s another way to say “this shows” that helps you to mix things up and sound less repetitive when you want to.

Generally, it’s a good formal synonym that shows why your previous sentence links to a new one.

It’s an effective way to engage a reader . It’s also professional and direct , so it’ll keep readers involved when they’re going through your essay.

Also, it’s worth reviewing these examples to learn more:

I’ve included all the findings to show you what I mean. This illustrates that there are still a few ways for me to continue with this.

This illustrates how simple it is to make it work. However, it’s going to take a few extra pairs of hands before we can start doing anything more.

Next, we want to mix things up a little bit. Rather than only focusing on academic writing, we also recommend using some of these synonyms in an email.

For instance, “showing” can work really well to link your email to itself.

But how does that work?

Well, you can use “showing” in the middle of a sentence to professionally explain why you’re writing about something.

It’s good to use when contacting a coworker . After all, you can explain your thought process and let them know more about what you’re thinking and what it “shows.”

Also, “this shows” and “showing” are nearly identical in usage. However, you must never forget you can’t start a sentence with “showing.” It must be placed in the middle of a sentence.

If you’re still unsure, perhaps this email sample will help you:

Dear Michael, I’m going to do it like this, showing that it’s still possible to complete the tasks without them. Please advise me on what you think is the best way to move forward. Yours, Brian Renshaw

4. This Signifies

Back to essays, we recommend writing “this signifies” as well. It teaches you how to say “this shows” in an essay when you’re trying to mix things up.

For the most part, this keeps things professional and clear . Therefore, it’s a great way to explain how things work or connect with each other.

Readers and reviewers will certainly appreciate including phrases like this.

That’s why we recommend using it in academic writing, as it’s bound to impress your professor if you want to.

After all, if they’re grading your work, it’s good to show that you know what you’re talking about.

As always, try not to repeat it too much! It can very easily make your essay sound repetitive if you’re not careful, which is never a good idea.

Also, you can check out these examples to learn a bit more:

As you can see, there are a few errors to discuss. This signifies that things still need to change before we can keep moving forward.

This signifies what could happen if things are left unattended. That’s why it’s important for us to break through quickly.

5. This Indicates

If you’re still unsure how to say “this shows” in an essay, try using “this indicates.”

It’s a great synonym that teaches you more about the things that work well in your writing.

After all, the more you explore your alternatives, the better your work will look. The last thing you want to do with your essays is make them repetitive and samey.

Readers will engage more when using phrases like this.

Here are some examples to also help you with it:

This indicates everything I’m trying to discuss with you. I think it’s important for you to pay attention to what’s to come.

It’s clear what I have to do. This indicates that only one option is going to work in our favor, so we must be prepared.

6. Implying

Next, we recommend writing “implying” instead of “this shows.” Again, this is a good one to use in the middle of a sentence .

So, we recommend writing it when explaining how one situation leads to another in the same string of text.

It’s good in academic writing as it’s quite professional and clear .

You can review these examples to see more about how to use it:

The statistics have made the situation more clear, implying that we need to make drastic changes quickly.

This is how it will work, implying that someone is going to need to step up to ensure things go that way.

7. Suggesting

Another good choice in academic essays is “suggesting.” This works in the middle of a sentence by showing how one idea suggests that another can happen.

You can use it to keep the reader informed as you go through an essay.

The more links you make within your sentences, the more your essay will make sense to the people reading or grading it.

That’s why we like this as an option in most graded essays. However, you should still try to limit how often you use something like this.

Check out these examples to find out more about how it works:

I have looked into it and found nothing important, suggesting that this isn’t the right place to go.

It’s clear what we need to do next, suggesting that there are some options we have yet to explore.

8. This Confirms

Going back to an email alternative, we recommend trying “this confirms.”

It’s a great way to confirm or suggest information to the recipient. It also creates a clear and direct link between the two things you’ve mentioned in an email.

So, you can use it when writing to coworkers . It shows you’ve looked into a collaborative effort and noticed that one thing confirms another.

Here’s a helpful sample email to show you more about how to use it:

Dear Steven, I looked into the project we’ve got so far, but we need to make some changes. This confirms that Alice did not look at the notes properly. Best regards, Sean Bryce

9. This Conveys

Finally, you can use “this conveys” in your formal essays . It’s a good way to entice the reader and let them know you’re in control of your own narrative.

It’s a good way to convey or confirm information quickly.

It gets to the point and shows you’re happy to explain yourself further if someone still isn’t getting what you’re saying.

Here are some helpful samples to show you a bit more about it:

As you can see, the results are a bit skewed. This conveys that we have to work harder to narrow the gap.

This conveys exactly what we thought would happen. Therefore, more works needs to be done to improve.

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Barry showed me his room—a one bedroom with a killer view of Riverbank State Park and the Hudson.

Everyone showed lots of skin and courtship perfumed the air.

When the police showed up, it was the property owners who were arrested.

Another picture showed him surrounded by a dozen or so fighters—some masked and others laughing.

And Asians also showed a shift toward the GOP in the mid-terms.

Vain also was the valour and ability he showed in the campaign against the Royalists in La Vende.

Charred beams and blackened walls showed stark and gaunt in the glow of a smoldering mass of wreckage.

At Felipe's cry, the women waiting in the hall hurried in, wailing aloud as their first glance showed them all was over.

And sure enough when Sunday came, and the pencil was restored to him, he promptly showed nurse his picture.

The little boy of two, often quoted here, showed a punctilious feeling for order in the placing of things.

On this page you'll find 160 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to showed, such as: exhibit, reveal, sell, offer, air, and produce.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Synonyms of essay

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Thesaurus Definition of essay

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • dissertation
  • composition
  • prolegomenon
  • undertaking
  • trial and error
  • experimentation

Thesaurus Definition of essay  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • have a go at
  • try one's hand (at)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

Synonym Chooser

How does the verb essay differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of essay are attempt , endeavor , strive , and try . While all these words mean "to make an effort to accomplish an end," essay implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or experimenting.

When might attempt be a better fit than essay ?

While the synonyms attempt and essay are close in meaning, attempt stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort.

Where would endeavor be a reasonable alternative to essay ?

Although the words endeavor and essay have much in common, endeavor heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty.

When is strive a more appropriate choice than essay ?

While in some cases nearly identical to essay , strive implies great exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort.

How do try and attempt relate to one another, in the sense of essay ?

Try is often close to attempt but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something.

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“Essay.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/essay. Accessed 27 Apr. 2024.

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Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about essay

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Why the Westminster Dog Show Made Me Appreciate Mutts

Westminster Dog Show

I spent three years among dogs with bloodlines like British royalty. In our world, they would be earls and duchesses. Their names are in stud books that go back countless generations. They are the product of centuries of careful breeding to make them the most perfect versions of themselves.

Eh. I like mutts better.

It’s not that I didn’t like the dogs I met at dog shows around the U.S.–including the most prestigious of them all, the Westminster Dog Show. They were beautiful specimens: athletic, combed to a high sheen, well-behaved. The only dog that growled at me the whole time was a Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen (shortened in the dog world to “PBGV”) at a show in Tennessee. It belongs to our beloved former vet, who shows dogs on the weekends. Maybe her dog thought I was a little too friendly.

The dogs on the dog-show circuit—a never-ending tour of big cities and small towns all over America, a rolling caravan that I came to think of as “Dogland”—have to meet brutal guidelines just to step into the ring. Each of the American Kennel Club’s 200 recognized breeds has a written standard that outlines what a prime example of the breed can and cannot be. Some breed standards run thousands of words. A brief rundown of flaws that can disqualify a dog from competition:

Doberman pinscher: Overbite of more than three-sixteenths of an inch, or underbite of more than one-eighth inch.

Papillion: All white or not having any white.

Shetland sheepdog: Height of less than 13 inches or more than 16 inches.

Dogs that meet all the rules and make it to the top of the show world are just about physically perfect. I spent a lot of time with a Samoyed named Striker who won more than 100 dog shows all over North America. One time I asked his handler, Laura King, to tell me where Striker fails to meet the Samoyed breed standard, which runs to 1,600 words. The only thing she could think of was a slight discoloration on the inside of his lip.

None of this is by accident. Breeders choose the puppies they believe to be “show quality” when they are just a few weeks old. (The other dogs in the litter are deemed “pet quality.” Dogland is the only place where that phrase serves as a dig.)

The ones who grow up to be champion show dogs are then bred with other champion show dogs to produce, naturally, even more champion show dogs. But that process, repeated over generations within a breed, leads to what people in Dogland refer to as “line breeding.” What it means, in practice, is that show dogs are inbred.

Inbreeding is fairly common among all types of animals. Intensive inbreeding, in situations like the show-dog world, can have long-term medical effects. That’s because recessive genes that could get muted by crossbreeding get amplified instead. This means that nearly every breed of purebred dog has chronic health problems that never get fixed. In 2015, a group of researchers analyzed the records of nearly 89 thousand dogs that came through a California veterinary hospital over a 15-year span. They found that purebreds were more likely than mutts to have any of 10 different genetic conditions—everything from cataracts to dermatitis to bloat (a distended stomach condition that can be fatal).

Perfection always comes with a price.

Thinking about that price led me to think about the parade of dogs I’ve been lucky enough to know throughout my life. Nearly all of them have been mutts, and you could tell just by looking at them. The dogs I’ve loved have had crooked teeth and scrawny butts. They walked a little sideways or drooled from one side of the mouth. They were all, in their own way, perfectly imperfect.

My wife and I had the great luck to live with a yellow Lab mutt, Fred, who arrived in our lives as a stray puppy in the ditch in our old front yard. We never figured out exactly what else he was. Our vet thought he had some German shorthaired pointer in him, which made sense, because occasionally he’d stop in the middle of the yard and go on point. As far as we could tell, he was never pointing at anything in particular. Something in his DNA must have told him he should point now and then, just to keep up the family tradition.

Fred wouldn’t have lasted five minutes in a show ring. His back end sometimes strayed when he walked, like a fishtailing car. But he was the most loving and lovable dog I’ve ever been around. Never once, in his entire life, did he harm another living thing. As far as I know, he never even ate a bug.

It broke our hearts when old age, and a tumor on his liver, finally got him. But he made it to 14 and a half years—more than two years longer than the average life of a purebred yellow Lab. I think of that now as extra innings, free baseball, a second helping of dessert. He blessed our lives and part of the blessing was how long he stayed.

There were many purebreds in Dogland that I would have taken home in a second if I’d had the chance. It was breathtaking to watch them sometimes, like being in the front row at an NBA game. But if you gave me all the dogs in the world to choose from, I’d start with the ones that are a little lopsided, asymmetrical, funky. Our quirks are features, not flaws. Give me a mutt.

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Mass graves in Gaza show victims’ hands were tied, says UN rights office

People gather outside the remains of Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza's largest health facility. (file)

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Disturbing reports continue to emerge about mass graves in Gaza in which Palestinian victims were reportedly found stripped naked with their hands tied , prompting renewed concerns about possible war crimes amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.

The development follows the recovery of hundreds of bodies “buried deep in the ground and covered with waste” over the weekend at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, central Gaza, and at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in the north. A total of 283 bodies were recovered at Nasser Hospital, of which 42 were identified. 

“ Among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and wounded, while others were found tied with their hands…tied and stripped of their clothes,” said Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. 

Al-Shifa discovery

Citing the local health authorities in Gaza, Ms. Shamdasani added that more bodies had been found at Al-Shifa Hospital.

The large health complex was the enclave’s main tertiary facility before war erupted on 7 October. It was the focus of an Israeli military incursion to root out Hamas militants allegedly operating inside which ended at the beginning of this month. After two weeks of intense clashes, UN humanitarians assessed the site and  confirmed on 5 April that Al-Shifa was “an empty shell”, with most equipment reduced to ashes.

“Reports suggest that there were 30 Palestinian bodies buried in two graves in the courtyard of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City; one in front of the emergency building and the others in front of the dialysis building,” Ms. Shamdasani told journalists in Geneva.

The bodies of 12 Palestinians have now been identified from these locations at Al-Shifa, the OHCHR spokesperson continued, but identification has not yet been possible for the remaining individuals. 

“There are reports that the hands of some of these bodies were also tied,” Ms. Shamdasani said, adding that there could be “many more” victims, “despite the claim by the Israeli Defense Forces to have killed 200 Palestinians during the Al-Shifa medical complex operation”.

200 days of horror

Some 200 days since intense Israeli bombardment began in response to Hamas-led terror attacks in southern Israel, UN human rights chief Volker Türk expressed his horror at the destruction of Nasser and Al-Shifa hospitals and the reported discovery of mass graves. 


“ The intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are hors de combat  is a war crime ,” Mr. Türk said in a call for independent investigations into the deaths.

Mounting toll

As of 22 April, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including 14,685 children and 9,670 women, the High Commissioner’s office said, citing the enclave’s health authorities. Another 77,084 have been injured, and over 7,000 others are assumed to be under the rubble. 

“ Every 10 minutes a child is killed or wounded . They are protected under the laws of war, and yet they are ones who are disproportionately paying the ultimate price in this war,” said the High Commissioner. 

Türk warning

The UN rights chief also reiterated his warning against a full-scale Israeli incursion of Rafah , where an estimated 1.2 million Gazans “have been forcibly cornered”.

“The world’s leaders stand united on the imperative of protecting the civilian population trapped in Rafah,” the High Commissioner said in a statement, which also condemned Israeli strikes against Rafah in recent days that mainly killed women and children.

This included an attack on an apartment building in the Tal Al Sultan area on 19 April which killed nine Palestinians “including six children and two women”, along with a strike on As Shabora Camp in Rafah a day later that reportedly left four dead, including a girl and a pregnant woman.

“The latest images of a premature child taken from the womb of her dying mother, of the adjacent two houses where 15 children and five women were killed, this is beyond warfare ,” said Mr. Türk.

The High Commissioner decried the “unspeakable suffering” caused by months of warfare and appealed once again for “the resulting misery and destruction, starvation and disease and the risk of wider conflict” to end. 

Mr. Türk also reiterated his call for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all remaining hostages taken from Israel and those held in arbitrary detention and the unfettered flow of humanitarian aid.

A young girl is transferred from the Kamal Adwan hospital, in the far north of Gaza to a hospital in the south of the enclave. (file)

Massive settler attacks in West Bank

Turning to the West Bank, the UN rights chief said that grave human rights violations had continued there “unabated”. 

This was despite international condemnation of “massive settler attacks” between 12 and 14 April “that had been facilitated by the Israeli Security Forces (ISF)”.

Settler violence has been organized “with the support, protection, and participation of the ISF” , Mr. Türk insisted, before describing a 50-hour long operation into Nur Shams refugee camp and Tulkarem city starting on 18 April.

“The ISF deployed ground troops, bulldozers and drones and sealed the camp. Fourteen Palestinians were killed, three of them children,” the UN rights chief said, noting that 10 ISF members had been injured.

In a statement, Mr. Türk also highlighted reports that several Palestinians had been unlawfully killed in the Nur Shams operation “and that the ISF used unarmed Palestinians to shield their forces from attack and killed others in apparent extrajudicial executions” . 

Dozens were reportedly detained and ill-treated while the ISF “inflicted unprecedented and apparently wanton destruction on the camp and its infrastructure”, the High Commissioner said.

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Navel Gazing

John dickerson’s notebooks: the power of four numbers.

Noticing longer, gray lockboxes, a soul-crushing teacher, Georgia O’Keeffe and more are explored in this week’s audio essay from John Dickerson.

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Episode Notes

In this week’s essay, John discusses the art of attention and how to develop the skill of slow-looking.

Notebook Entries:

Notebook 75, page 8. September 2021

Notebook 1, page 54. June 1990

-        Magna carta 1215 at Salisbury

-        Girls skipping

-        The Haunch of Venison

-        Chris


Georgia O’Keeffe Museum

A Little History of the World  by E.H Gombrich

Artist Jeff Koons

“ The Art of Divination: D.H. Lawrence on the Power of Pure Attention ” by Maria Popova for  The Marginalian

“ Gabfest Reads: A Woman’s Life in Museum Wall Labels ” for Political Gabfest

One Woman Show  by Christine Coulson

“ Grammy-winning artist Jason Isbell talks about the craft of songwriting and his latest music ” for CBS News

A Journey Around My Room  by Xavier De Maistre

“ Just think: The Challenges of the Disengaged Mind ” by Timothy Wilson, et.al for  Science

“ Our Rodent Selfies, Ourselves ” by Emily Anthes for the  New York Times

One Man’s Meat  by E.B. White

Podcast production by Cheyna Roth.

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About the Show

Political Gabfest host John Dickerson has been a journalist for more than three decades, reporting about presidential campaigns, political scandals, and the evolving state of our democracy. Along the way, he’s also been recording his observations in notebooks he has carried in his back pocket. He has captured his thoughts about life, parenthood, death, friendship, writing, God, to-do lists, and more. On the Navel Gazing podcast, John Dickerson invites you to join him in figuring out what these 30 years of notebooks mean: sorting out what makes a life—or a day in a life—noteworthy.

John Dickerson is host of CBS News Prime Time With John Dickerson , co-host of the Slate Political Gabfest, host of the Whistlestop podcast, and author of The Hardest Job in the World .

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Who is Sophia Bush? Actress discusses infidelity rumors, queer relationship in 'Glamour'

Actress Sophia Bush is making headlines after "Glamour" published a piece she has written giving an inside look at her divorce after a year of marriage and her new queer relationship.

So who is Sophia Bush? And why do people seem to care so much about her relationships?

Here's what to know.

Who is Sophia Bush?

Bush, 41, is best known for her role as Brooke Davis on the WB series " One Tree Hill ," which ran from 2003 to 2012. Her character, a flirtatious cheerleader, evolved from a "from a trouble-making vixen to a fiercely loyal friend, and is a huge fan favorite," accord to her IMDb biography .

Bush currently stars as Dr. Sam Griffith in "Good Sam," though CBS recently announced it will cancel the show, according to AOL .

Who was Sophia Bush married to? Who is her ex-husband?

Bush married entrepreneur Grant Hughes in June 2022, according to People . She filed for divorce in August 2023.

An Oklahoman, Hughes earned a bachelor's of business administration from the University of Oklahoma, and continued his education at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and the University of Michigan, according to People.

He co-founded FocusMotion with Cavan Canavan in 2012. The machine learning software company tracks human movement, helping people not only improve their workouts with better form or yoga poses, but also helping workers perform their tasks with less strain, according to Forbes .

Who is Sophia Bush dating now?

Bush began a relationship with Ashlyn Harris, 38, in October 2023.

Harris, a former professional soccer star, announced she was divorcing her wife, Ali Krieger, that same month after four years of marriage, USA TODAY reported . They adopted two children.

Both Harris and Krieger were members of the United States women's national soccer team and two-time World Cup champs. Both played for Gotham FC in the  National Women's Soccer League  after being traded from Orlando Pride in 2021. Harris, a goalkeeper, became the first NWSL player to reach 500 saves and retired at the end of the 2022 campaign after 12 seasons, according to US Soccer .

Sophia Bush addresses sexuality, infidelity rumors in 'Glamour' piece

According to USA TODAY , Bush discussed the lead up and "painful conversations" she and Harris had before pursuing a relationship in the "Glamour" essay. However, social media viewed it as an affair.

"The online rumor mill began to spit in the ugliest ways. There were blatant lies. Violent threats. There were accusations of being a home-wrecker," she wrote in her essay. "The ones who said I’d left my ex because I suddenly realized I wanted to be with women — my partners have known what I’m into for as long as I have."

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A man on a hill wearing a face mask holds a camera and takes a picture of Athens under an orange sky, while a man to his left leans on a bicycle.

Athens Turns Orange Under a Saharan Dust Cloud

Taking pictures from the Tourkovounia hills on Tuesday. Credit... Angelos Tzortzinis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

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Niki Kitsantonis

By Niki Kitsantonis

Reporting from Athens

  • April 24, 2024

The skies above Athens turned orange on Tuesday as clouds of dust from the Sahara blew north, casting an eerie glow over the Greek capital’s landmarks.

The phenomenon isn’t new — sandstorms from North Africa have shrouded Britain, Greece and Spain in the past — but the event led to remarkable scenes around the Acropolis and in other parts of Athens.

That’s because the dust cloud was more concentrated than those that have hit Greece in previous episodes, according to Kostas Lagouvardos, research director at the National Observatory of Athens.

“It’s the worst such case in years,” he said.

While the dust had dissipated on Wednesday, the Greek Health Ministry urged people to avoid exercising outdoors and to keep their doors and windows shut.

Here are photos from Athens on Tuesday.

Gazing at the unusual conditions.

The view from Lycabettus Hill, high above the city.

Near the Acropolis.

Strolling past stalls under the orange haze.

The strange hue bathing the city from the Tourkovounia hills.

Niki Kitsantonis is a freelance correspondent for The Times based in Athens. She has been writing about Greece for 20 years, including more than a decade of coverage for The Times. More about Niki Kitsantonis



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    Synonyms for SHOW: appear, emerge, issue, loom, materialize, delineate, depict, describe, express, image; Antonyms for SHOW: hide, conceal, leave-alone, hide, abandon ...

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    Synonyms for SHOWS: displays, exhibits, unveils, flashes, announces, exposes, waves, produces; Antonyms of SHOWS: masks, disguises, covers, hides, conceals, obscures ...

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  20. Why the Westminster Dog Show Made Me Appreciate Mutts

    Neapolitian Mastiff at the 147th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on May 10, 2023. Peter Fisher—The Washington Post/Getty Images

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    The development follows the recovery of hundreds of bodies "buried deep in the ground and covered with waste" over the weekend at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, central Gaza, and at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in the north. A total of 283 bodies were recovered at Nasser Hospital, of which 42 were identified. "Among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and wounded, while ...

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  25. Sophia Bush talks ex-husband, queer relationship in 'Glamour' essay

    According to USA TODAY, Bush discussed the lead up and "painful conversations" she and Harris had before pursuing a relationship in the "Glamour" essay. However, social media viewed it as an affair.

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