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How To Start A Lucrative Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria And Africa: The Complete Guide

Watermelon farming is an important aspect of agriculture in Nigeria and Africa, providing numerous benefits and opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs. In Nigeria, watermelon is one of the most important fruits produced for both domestic consumption and export. The country is ranked as one of the top watermelon producing countries in Africa, with an estimated annual production of about 1.5 million tons.

Globally, watermelon is a major crop with China being the largest producer, followed by Turkey, Iran, and the United States. Watermelon is in high demand due to its nutritional benefits, with a high water content and rich in vitamins and minerals. In Nigeria and Africa, it is a popular fruit consumed by many, especially during the hot season.

Watermelon farming provides great export opportunities for Nigerian and African farmers. Nigeria is among the largest exporters of watermelon in Africa, with major markets in Europe and Asia. The export market for watermelon from Nigeria is growing and provides a good opportunity for farmers and entrepreneurs to generate income and boost the economy.

Furthermore, watermelon farming requires low capital investment and has a high return on investment, making it an attractive venture for farmers and investors. The market demand for watermelon is high, providing a good opportunity for farmers to make a profit.

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What Is A Watermelon?

Watermelon, also known by its scientific name Citrullus lanatus, is a sweet, juicy fruit that is popular for its high water content and refreshing taste. It is grown commercially and in small scale farms in Nigeria and other parts of Africa for local consumption and export. Watermelon farming in Africa is a lucrative business due to the high demand for the fruit.

What Is Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa About?

Watermelon farming is the agricultural practice of cultivating watermelons for commercial purposes in Nigeria and Africa. Watermelon is a juicy and refreshing fruit with high nutritional and economic value. The fruit is widely consumed in Nigeria and other African countries, making watermelon farming a potentially lucrative business. The farming process includes planting, fertilizing, irrigating, weeding, and harvesting the crop.

Watermelons grow best in warm and humid environments with well-drained soils. The fruit is typically harvested 80 to 90 days after planting and can be sold fresh or processed into juice, jam, or other products. With the growing demand for watermelons in local and international markets, watermelon farming presents a significant opportunity for farmers and agribusinesses in Nigeria and Africa.

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Benefits of Watermelon Farming In Nigeria  and Africa

  • Profitability: Watermelon farming is a profitable venture that can generate significant income due to the high demand for the fruit in local and international markets.
  • Health Benefits: Watermelons are a rich source of nutrients, including vitamin C, A, and potassium. They also have high water content, making them a great thirst quencher, especially during hot weather.
  • Versatility: Watermelons have versatile uses. They can be consumed fresh, juiced, or used as an ingredient in various food recipes.
  • Low startup costs: Watermelon farming requires minimal investment, making it an ideal option for small-scale farmers or those starting a new farming business.
  • Fast growth: Watermelons have a short maturity period, usually between 75-90 days, which means farmers can quickly harvest and sell their produce.
  • High yields: Watermelon plants produce high yields, with one plant yielding up to six fruits on average.
  • Drought-tolerant: Watermelons are drought-tolerant, making them suitable for farming in areas with low rainfall or water shortages.
  • Job creation: Watermelon farming can create job opportunities for people in rural communities, especially during peak seasons when there is a high demand for labor.
  • Soil enrichment: Watermelons are known to improve soil health through the addition of organic matter, making it a suitable crop for crop rotation.
  • Environmental benefits: Watermelon farming has environmental benefits, such as reducing soil erosion, conserving water, and promoting soil health through the use of organic matter.

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Health Benefits of Watermelons

  • Promotes hydration – watermelon is 92% water, making it an excellent way to stay hydrated.
  • Boosts immune system – watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, which are essential for a healthy immune system.
  • Helps prevent cancer – watermelon is high in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage and may reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Improves heart health – watermelon is high in lycopene, which has been linked to improved heart health and a reduced risk of heart disease.
  • Aids in digestion – watermelon is rich in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and may help prevent constipation.
  • Reduces inflammation – watermelon contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce inflammation and associated health problems.
  • Lowers blood pressure – watermelon contains compounds that may help lower blood pressure and improve overall heart health.
  • Promotes healthy skin – watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, which are important for healthy skin and may help prevent skin damage.
  • May improve vision – watermelon is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health and may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
  • Helps with weight loss – watermelon is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a good choice for weight loss or weight management.
  • Improves muscle recovery – watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which may help improve muscle recovery after exercise.
  • Reduces muscle soreness – citrulline in watermelon may also help reduce muscle soreness after exercise.
  • May reduce the risk of kidney stones – watermelon is high in potassium, which may help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  • Helps with hydration during exercise – due to its high water content and electrolyte balance, watermelon is a good choice for hydration during exercise.
  • May improve male fertility – watermelon is a rich source of citrulline, which has been linked to improved male fertility and erectile dysfunction.

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Business opportunities in watermelon farming in nigeria and africa.

  • Watermelon Production: Watermelon farming is a profitable business venture in Nigeria and Africa. Entrepreneurs can engage in watermelon production on a large scale and sell to retailers, markets, and consumers.
  • Watermelon Processing: Farmers can also engage in watermelon processing to create various products such as jams, jellies, and juice, which can be sold to consumers and businesses.
  • Watermelon Export: Watermelon is a widely consumed fruit globally, and Nigeria can leverage its abundant resources to export watermelons to countries that have high demand. This can provide a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs to make a profit.
  • Seed Production: Watermelon farming also provides an opportunity to produce watermelon seeds, which are in high demand by seed companies, farmers, and other entrepreneurs.
  • Farm Equipment Sales and Maintenance: Farmers can also sell farm equipment and provide maintenance services to other farmers, creating a lucrative business opportunity.
  • Transportation and Logistics: Entrepreneurs can establish a transportation and logistics business to transport watermelons from the farm to the market or processing facility.
  • Research and Development: Research and development in watermelon farming can help improve the quality of watermelons, increase yields, and reduce the occurrence of diseases, creating an opportunity for businesses in the agriculture industry.
  • Organic Farming: The demand for organic watermelon farming is on the rise, and entrepreneurs can take advantage of this by establishing organic watermelon farms and selling to customers who value organic products.
  • Agro-Processing: Watermelon farming provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to engage in agro-processing, creating products such as dried watermelon slices, watermelon powder, and watermelon oil.
  • Retail and Distribution: Entrepreneurs can also engage in the retail and distribution of watermelons and watermelon products to consumers and businesses, creating a profitable business opportunity.

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Facts About Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  • Watermelon is a fruit that belongs to the cucumber family, and it is widely cultivated in Nigeria and Africa for its sweet, juicy flesh and health benefits.
  • The watermelon is a popular fruit that is consumed in large quantities in Nigeria and Africa, and it is also used in making juice, smoothies, and other fruit-based products.
  • Watermelon is a rich source of vitamins A, B, and C, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium, and antioxidants that help protect the body from disease.
  • Watermelon farming is a lucrative business in Nigeria and Africa, with high demand both domestically and internationally.
  • Watermelon production is concentrated in the Northern part of Nigeria, with states like Kano, Katsina, Jigawa, Bauchi, and Sokoto accounting for a significant portion of the country’s production.
  • In Africa, countries like Egypt, Sudan, and South Africa are the largest producers of watermelon, with Nigeria ranking as the fourth-largest producer on the continent.
  • Nigeria and Africa have a large local market for watermelon, with a significant portion of the production consumed domestically.
  • There is also a high demand for watermelon in foreign markets, particularly in Europe and the Middle East, creating export opportunities for farmers.
  • The watermelon plant is easy to cultivate and requires little maintenance, making it a suitable crop for small-scale farmers.
  • Watermelon is a high-yield crop, with a single plant capable of producing up to 30 fruits, making it a profitable venture for farmers.
  • Watermelon farming can help promote rural development and improve the livelihoods of farmers in Nigeria and Africa.
  • Watermelon farming can also help boost food security by increasing the availability of fresh produce in local markets.
  • Watermelon farming can be done all year round in Nigeria and Africa, as the crop can be grown in different seasons, allowing for continuous production.
  • Watermelon is a versatile fruit, with different varieties that can be grown for specific purposes, such as seedless watermelons, which are suitable for making juice and smoothies.
  • The demand for watermelon products, such as juice and smoothies, is on the rise in Nigeria and Africa, creating additional market opportunities for farmers.

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Types Of Watermelon Farming Businesses In Nigeria and Africa

Watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa can be categorized into several types based on the size of the farm, the target market, the method of production, and the season of cultivation. Here are some of the types of watermelon farming businesses:

  • Large-scale commercial farming: This type of farming involves growing watermelons on a large farm for the purpose of selling in bulk to wholesalers or retailers.
  • Small-scale farming: Small-scale farmers cultivate watermelon on a smaller scale, usually for personal consumption or local markets.
  • Contract farming: This involves growing watermelon for specific buyers who have contracted with the farmer to supply a certain quantity of watermelon at a predetermined price.
  • Greenhouse farming: Watermelon can be grown in greenhouses, providing protection from pests and extreme weather conditions, and extending the growing season.
  • Organic farming: Organic watermelon farming involves the use of natural fertilizers and pest control methods to produce high-quality, chemical-free watermelons.
  • Seed production: This type of farming involves growing watermelon for the purpose of harvesting the seeds, which are then sold to other farmers or seed companies.
  • Watermelon processing: Watermelons can be processed into juice, jams, and other products, creating an opportunity for value addition.
  • Agro-tourism: Some farmers are venturing into agro-tourism by allowing visitors to come and experience the watermelon farming process and even participate in harvesting.
  • Export farming: Nigeria and other African countries have export opportunities for watermelon, and some farmers grow watermelon specifically for export to other countries.
  • Contract processing: This involves growing watermelon under contract and then processing it for a buyer, creating a value-added opportunity for the farmer.

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Types Of Watermelons Used For Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

There are various types of watermelons that can be used for watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa. Some of the most common types of watermelons used for farming in Nigeria and Africa include:

  • Crimson Sweet: This is a popular type of watermelon known for its deep red flesh and high sugar content.
  • Charleston Gray: This watermelon has a large size and gray-green skin. It is known for its juicy flesh.
  • Jubilee: This watermelon has a large size and is known for its bright red flesh and high sugar content.
  • Sugar Baby: This watermelon is small and round with dark green skin and bright red flesh. It is known for its sweet taste.
  • Black Diamond: This watermelon has a large size and is known for its dark green skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  • Moon and Stars: This watermelon is unique due to its yellow spots on the skin, which resemble stars. It has a sweet, juicy flesh.
  • Yellow Crimson: This watermelon has a yellow skin and red flesh, with a sweet taste.
  • Orangeglo: This watermelon has an orange flesh and a sweet, tropical taste.

Each type of watermelon has its own unique characteristics and can be used for various purposes in the watermelon farming industry. Farmers can choose the type that best suits their climate, soil, and target market.

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The Planting & Harvesting Seasons For Watermelon In Nigeria and Africa

In Nigeria, the planting season for watermelon is usually between March and May, while the harvesting period begins from July to September. In the northern part of Nigeria, where the climate is more favorable for watermelon farming, the planting season is usually earlier, around February, and the harvest period is between June and August. However, in the southern parts of the country, planting can continue up to June, and the harvest season can stretch to October.

In other parts of Africa, the planting and harvest season for watermelon can also vary depending on the location and climate. In East Africa, the planting season is between October and December, while the harvest season begins from January to March. In South Africa, the planting season starts in October, and the harvesting period begins from January to March.

It is essential to note that watermelon requires a warm climate and plenty of water to grow successfully. Farmers must ensure that they plant watermelons during the appropriate season to maximize their yield and profitability.

How To Start Watermelon Farming In Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

Watermelon farming is a profitable and rewarding agribusiness venture in Nigeria and Africa. If you are interested in starting a watermelon farm, here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  • Research and planning: Conduct research on the watermelon market and your target customers. Develop a business plan and decide on the size of the farm, the number of plants, and the resources required.
  • Land preparation: Choose a well-drained site with fertile soil and access to irrigation. Clear the land, remove all weeds, and plow or till the soil to prepare it for planting.
  • Seed selection: Select high-quality watermelon seeds from a reputable supplier. Choose a variety that is well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions.
  • Planting: Sow the seeds in prepared soil, making sure to plant them at the correct depth and spacing. Water the seeds regularly and cover with a mulch layer to retain moisture.
  • Irrigation: Watermelon plants require regular watering to produce high-quality fruit. Install an efficient irrigation system, such as drip irrigation, to ensure that the plants receive the right amount of water.
  • Fertilization: Apply appropriate fertilizer to the soil to enhance plant growth and fruit quality. Use organic or inorganic fertilizers, depending on your preference.
  • Pest and disease control: Monitor the plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases. Apply appropriate pesticides and fungicides to control outbreaks.
  • Harvesting: Harvest the watermelons when they are mature, usually between 75 and 100 days after planting. Look for signs of ripeness, such as a yellow spot on the bottom of the fruit, and use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the stem.
  • Marketing: Identify potential customers and develop a marketing strategy to sell your watermelons. Consider selling to local markets, supermarkets, and exporters.
  • Record-keeping: Keep accurate records of your farming activities, including expenses, sales, and profits. This will help you track your progress and make informed business decisions.

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How To Process & Package Watermelon In Nigeria or Africa

Processing and packaging watermelon is essential to preserve its quality and ensure its marketability. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to process and package watermelon in Nigeria and Africa:

  • Harvesting: Watermelon is typically ready for harvest when it has a dull surface, a creamy yellow spot on the bottom, and a hollow sound when tapped. Cut the watermelon stem with a sharp knife or pair of pruning shears, leaving a 2-inch stem attached.
  • Cleaning: Wash the watermelons in clean water to remove any dirt, debris, or chemical residues.
  • Sorting and grading: Sort the watermelons based on their size, shape, color, and quality. Grade the watermelons according to established standards, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grading system.
  • Cutting and slicing: Use a clean and sharp knife to cut the watermelon into desired sizes and shapes, such as cubes, wedges, or slices.
  • Seeding: Remove the seeds from the watermelon using a spoon, knife, or mechanical seed extractor, depending on the equipment available.
  • Packaging: Pack the watermelon pieces in clean and dry containers or packaging materials, such as plastic bags, boxes, or crates. Use appropriate packaging materials that provide cushioning, ventilation, and protection against physical damage, moisture, and pests. Label the packages with the name of the product, the date of packaging, the weight or count, and any other relevant information.
  • Storage and transportation: Store the packaged watermelons in a cool and dry place, such as a refrigerator, a cold room, or a well-ventilated warehouse. Transport the watermelons to the market or the customer’s location using appropriate means of transportation, such as trucks, vans, or motorcycles.

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Types Of Equipment & Tools Used In The Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

  • Local Consumers: The domestic market for watermelon is vast in Nigeria and other African countries. This market includes individuals and families who consume watermelons as a refreshing fruit, particularly during hot weather conditions.
  • Juice Industry: The juice industry is a significant market for watermelons in Nigeria and Africa. Watermelons are a primary ingredient in the production of several juice and beverage products.
  • Food Processing Industry: The food processing industry, particularly companies that produce jams, jellies, and canned fruits, is a vital market for watermelons. Watermelons are also used in the production of fruit salads, fruit cups, and fruit cocktails.
  • Export: There is a growing demand for watermelons in the international market. This demand comes from countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, where watermelons are not locally grown, and importation is the only source of the fruit.
  • Hospitality Industry: The hospitality industry, including hotels, restaurants, and eateries, is another significant market for watermelons. Watermelons are served as desserts or included in fruit bowls and cocktails, making them a staple in many menus.

Target Market For The Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

Processing, packaging, and supplying watermelons in Nigeria and Africa require the following equipment:

  • Harvesting knives: These are used to cut the watermelon from the vine. They should be sharp and able to make clean cuts to prevent damage to the fruit.
  • Sorting and grading equipment: After harvesting, the watermelons need to be sorted and graded according to size, color, and quality. This can be done manually or with equipment such as a conveyor belt, grader, or sorter.
  • Washing and cleaning equipment: The watermelons need to be thoroughly cleaned to remove dirt, debris, and any other contaminants. This can be done using equipment such as a washing tank, brush washer, or air blower.
  • Cutting and slicing equipment: Watermelons can be cut into slices or cubes for packaging and sale. Equipment such as a watermelon slicer or cutter can make this process faster and more efficient.
  • Packaging equipment: Watermelons can be packaged in various ways, including crates, cartons, or plastic bags. Equipment such as a sealing machine, weighing scale, or labeling machine can make this process easier and more precise.
  • Transportation equipment: Once the watermelons are processed and packaged, they need to be transported to their destination. This can be done using trucks or other vehicles equipped with cooling systems to maintain the freshness of the fruit.

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How To Sell or Market Watermelon Products In Nigeria or Africa

  • Local markets: Watermelons can be sold at local markets in Nigeria and other African countries. Farmers can set up stalls in areas with high traffic to attract potential customers.
  • Direct sales to consumers: Farmers can sell their watermelons directly to consumers, either through a farm stand or through home delivery. This can be done by establishing a website, social media accounts, or other means of communication.
  • Supermarkets and grocery stores: Farmers can sell their watermelons to supermarkets and grocery stores, which then sell the products to their customers. It is important for farmers to ensure that their watermelons meet the necessary quality and packaging standards.
  • Exporting: Watermelon farming in Nigeria and other African countries can be exported to international markets. This involves complying with international trade regulations and packaging standards.
  • Food processing companies: Farmers can sell their watermelons to food processing companies, which use them to make products such as juices, jams, and canned fruits.
  • Online marketplaces: Farmers can sell their watermelons on various online marketplaces that cater to customers in Nigeria and Africa.
  • Farm-to-table restaurants: Farmers can partner with farm-to-table restaurants that source their produce from local farms.
  • Cooperative marketing: Farmers can form marketing cooperatives with other farmers to pool their resources and increase their sales potential.
  • Community-supported agriculture (CSA): Farmers can set up a CSA, where customers pay for a share of the crop and receive regular deliveries throughout the growing season.
  • Agricultural fairs and exhibitions: Farmers can showcase and sell their watermelons at agricultural fairs and exhibitions, which provide a platform for farmers to promote their products and connect with potential buyers.

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Challenges Of Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  • Pests and Diseases: Watermelon crops are susceptible to various pests and diseases, which can cause significant yield loss if not managed properly.
  • Weather: Watermelon requires specific weather conditions to thrive, including consistent moisture and warm temperatures. Erratic weather patterns can negatively impact crop growth and yield.
  • Irrigation: Watermelon crops require significant water throughout their growing cycle, making access to reliable irrigation crucial for success.
  • Soil Quality: Watermelon farming requires well-draining, nutrient-rich soil to support healthy plant growth and development.
  • Labor Intensive: Watermelon farming can be a labor-intensive process, especially during planting and harvesting periods.
  • Transportation: Watermelon crops must be transported to market quickly and carefully to avoid spoilage.
  • Market Fluctuations: Watermelon prices can fluctuate significantly based on supply and demand, making it challenging to predict profits.
  • Capital Intensive: Starting a watermelon farming operation can be capital-intensive due to the need for land, equipment, and labor.
  • Marketing: Effective marketing is essential for success in the watermelon industry, as competition can be fierce.
  • Post-harvest Management: Proper handling and storage of watermelon crops post-harvest is essential to prevent spoilage and ensure product quality.
  • Lack of Access to Credit: Small-scale watermelon farmers may struggle to access the credit necessary to invest in their operations.
  • Limited Storage Facilities: Limited storage facilities in rural areas can make it challenging to store watermelon crops for extended periods.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure in some areas can make it challenging to transport watermelon crops to market quickly and efficiently.
  • Limited Access to Markets: Small-scale watermelon farmers may struggle to access markets, especially in rural areas.
  • Climate Change: Climate change can significantly impact watermelon production by altering weather patterns and increasing the prevalence of pests and diseases.

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To Sum It Up

In conclusion, Watermelon farming is a profitable business that has the potential to contribute significantly to the economic growth of Nigeria and Africa as a whole. The demand for watermelon is high both locally and globally due to its nutritional and health benefits. Watermelon farming also creates employment opportunities and supports the growth of related industries, such as transportation and packaging.

Starting a Watermelon farm in Nigeria and Africa requires adequate planning, knowledge, and resources. It is essential to choose suitable varieties of watermelon, prepare the soil, and maintain the right soil moisture level throughout the growing season. Farmers can access government loans, grants, and support programs to help them establish their farms.

Watermelon farmers can sell their products locally, through wholesalers and retailers, and can also explore the export market. The export market presents a significant opportunity for Watermelon farmers in Nigeria, as the country has favorable weather conditions for growing the crop, and the government is taking steps to improve the infrastructure and attract foreign investors.

However, Watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, pest and disease outbreaks, and climate change. It is essential for farmers to seek knowledge on best practices, adopt modern technologies, and collaborate with other stakeholders to mitigate these challenges and maximize the benefits of Watermelon farming.

See Also:   How To Start A Business In Nigeria and Africa: The Complete Guide

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What are your thoughts on how to start Watermelon farming in Nigeria, Africa, or any other part of the world? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Stan Edom

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I think it is a good business but where can on get the seeds and how much is it pls kindly let me know because i am a cassava farmer and my nest harvest will be due in February and i want to change to to a crop that does not take up to 7 months before harvest thanks.

Hi Stephen,

You can reach out to some of the organizations listed on the https://seedcouncil.gov.ng/seed-producers/ web page.

Thank you for asking.

Do you have cassava stems for sale? I want to start a cassava farming business and I need the stems and also advice from expertise like you who have gone through the business.

in your analysis you said “Using black plastic to keep the soil warm” at he first paragraph under caring for the crops. what does it mean

Hi Abdulwahab,

Black plastic absorbs heat during the day and keeps the soil warm during the night.

Can facilitate pilot training scheme, for water melon farming

Sorry I mean you,to facilitate the training

Do you conduct seminar topic in growing watermelon? if yes where? I’m seriously in need of a seminar topic in growing watermelon. thanks

I’m sorry we don’t.

When we do we’ll do well to let everyone know.

My experience is that almost half of my watermelon balls was infected by millipedes and other animals, thereby reducing my harvest. How can one tackle this. Also, can we harvest and before it’s ripe or only when it’s ripe?

I’d advice you invite a consultant to visit your farm.

do you hv a consultant you can recommend plss am in need of one or a professional farmer

When I started watermelon farming on a small scale,I had no issues with millipede. But on a large scale I noticed that burning the debris after land clearing can reduce the number of millipede in the soil and help return ash as a manure to the soil. I hope this helps?

Please any number tocontact

And like how much can it cost to start a watermelon farming, size of land ?

In what areas should one expect the assistance concerning cultivation of crops

Can I start cultivating watermelon farm in Oyo area in June ? Also, how can we control the presence of millipedes on the watermelon farm ?

Hello, You can spray any systemic insecticides in the morning and re-apply after 2weeks.

Hello, just got a plot of land and don’t know the best crop to cultivate this month of November. Please can anyone share tips? I can also pay for mentoring/consultation. Thank you.

When I started watermelon farming business on a small scale,I had no problem with finance or labour. It yeilded properly and am grateful to God. This post just renforced my knowledge on the business

Nice work you did here, I want to confirm something, what are the temperature requrirement for the germinatin of watermelon, is it the same everywhere considering that places differ. A post I read from the link below gave some range but I want to be sure if its the same for every country.

Th post states the temperature requirements as follows

The temperature requirement for watermelon germination is between 27°C -32°C, with night temperature expected not to be lower than 24.

The optimum growth temperature at night is 18°C -20°C, during the day is 24°C -30°C and for ripening, you have 15°C -25°C.

Is this the same everywhere?

Here is a link to the post https://opportunitytracks.com/profitable-watermelon-farming-guide/

Comments are closed.

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How to Start a Profitable Watermelon Business in Nigeria

In this article, I will teach you how  to start a watermelon business in Nigeria from farm to market. You’ll also see profit in watermelon farming per acre in Nigeria , the price of watermelon in Nigeria , how to start growing watermelons commercially in Nigeria, and watermelon yield per hectare in Nigeria.

When it comes to competition, Nigeria is one of the most profitable countries in the world, which makes it an ideal business place. This is because everything can be bought and sold at a very considerable cost and profit. That is why people are readily investing in business here. In addition, part of the reason the country is so profitable is because of its exports of agricultural produce, particularly watermelons.

Nigeria is blessed with fertile soils, a favorable climate, and abundant fresh water. This makes it ideal for producing many agricultural products, including cereals, fruits, and vegetables.

Agriculture is now becoming a major source of income nationwide. Although watermelon is not a staple crop, it still has a lot of demand in and out of Nigeria. Watermelon is a plant of the genus Citrullus, a variety of melons. This fruit has a green rind and watery flesh that is bright red when ripe and contains black pips.

I like the idea of venturing into the watermelon farm because planting to harvest takes approximately 90days (3 months), so you can plant and harvest up to 4 times a year. China is currently the world’s largest producer of watermelon.

This is a favorable business and can serve as a passive income idea that will generate residual profit for life. That is just the beginning; starting a watermelon farm in Nigeria is cheaper, and most farmers start it up with less than ₦50,000 (expect the land).

The best time to plant watermelons in Nigeria is from November through April, as the weather is favorable at this time of year. A farmer who wishes to start a watermelon business would need to invest in sowing equipment and fertilizer for his crops. He would also need to buy land to grow his produce.

Watermelons are seasonal fruits, so you need to plan for their production in early spring or winter. Failure to do this can lead to a poor harvest (if any).

A watermelon farm is very profitable and has a high turnover; up to ₦400,000 can be made in 3 months on a plot of land (₦1.6m yearly), is resistant to disease, and can adapt to various climate changes. So, as you can see, it has slight and requires no work. And it has an income.

So now that I’ve got your attention let us get down to it. Here is a rundown on,

Page Contents

Some Nutritious Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a highly desirable fruit because of its 92% water content. In addition to this, it contains vitamins A, B6, and C. It also has antioxidants, lycopene, amino acids, and potassium. Watermelon is therefore highly recommended for those who want to stay fit. Getting more water intake in your body is not a bad idea at all.

It also has the rind, loaded with antioxidants that help fight free radicals, thus preventing many diseases such as cancer. It plays a significant role in keeping one’s bones healthy. Watermelon also helps to detoxify the body by eliminating harmful substances from the body. Therefore, we must eat at least a slice of watermelon every day to ensure that our bodies stay fit and functional.

Essential Business Opportunities Found In Watermelon Farming Business

Watermelons are some of the most delicious fruits God has ever given us. Watermelons have been a blessing for many worldwide, from how they quench our thirst when we’re hot to their healing properties. There are plenty of fantastic opportunities for anyone willing to take the plunge and get started.

 Food Provision: Although watermelons are not in a class of high-valued fruits, their business ventures are remunerating. Watermelons are eaten as raw fruits by numerous people around the world. They can be cut into small pieces and included as part of food or even prickled with chilly cold beverages such as soda, fresh juice, and water. You can sell them directly to wholesalers, retailers, and even consumers who will eat them. This process ensures maximum profit.

. Beverages: The juicy constituent of watermelons has many uses. It can be eaten by drinking it, blending it with other vital fruits, or being used as a flavor in liquor and wines. All these products are well received in the market, especially in summer. This can be sold as packaged and branded products from your store or home.

Basic Facts About Watermelons

Watermelons are delicious, refreshing, and full of vitamin C. But how much do you know about watermelons? Are you watermelon enough to pass the test? Find out more about this summer fruit in these basic facts about watermelons.

  • Watermelon has a high amount of water. Watermelon’s high water content also helps to reduce blood pressure by transporting excess fluid out of your body through urine.
  • Watermelons were initially grown in Africa and parts of Asia.
  • Watermelons have a small amount of fat.
  • The fruit contains vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, and amino acids.
  • Watermelon is an extremely good source of lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid found in tomatoes, red grapefruit, and watermelon. Lycopene is essential in preventing prostate cancer, promoting heart health, and helping prevent heart disease. Lycopene may also help prevent macular degeneration.
  • Watermelons are high in fiber, which helps maintain bowel regularity and lowers cholesterol levels. The fiber content offers various health benefits, such as encouraging a healthy digestive system.
  • Lloyd Bright of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, grew the world’s heaviest watermelon in 2005. It weighed 268.8 lbs. (121.93 kg).
  • It’s also a little-known fact that watermelons can decrease your body temperature and blood pressure.

How To Start Watermelon Business In Nigeria From Farm To Market

Pre-planting procedures for watermelon.

These involve all activities carried out before the seed gets into the ground. And they include

Seed Selection

This is one of the most vital actions when starting a watermelon farm in Nigeria . There are a series of seeds you can choose from Depending on the variation, watermelon species, and taste. These seeds/breeds vary in shape, color, size, taste, and texture. The most common sorts include: 1. Sugar Baby –

Sugar Baby Watermelons are a unique variety of sweet watermelons. This hybrid is smaller than most common varieties and has ice-box sizes. Sugar Baby watermelon goes well with salads and can be served as a starter. This is the most common of them all. The sugar baby usually weighs 4 kg within 75 days and has sweet red flesh.

  • Crimson Sweet –

The crimson sweet watermelon is a hybrid variety comparable to the sugar baby watermelon. It’s often known for its large size and massive seeds. The flesh of the crimson sweet watermelon is usually bright red and tastes sweeter than other watermelons. The crimson sweet variety usually takes between 85-95 days to fully mature, which is about three weeks longer than the average sugar baby watermelon. This variety weighs anywhere between 15-25kg.

  • Charleston Gray –

It grows to an average height of 1.46 meters and has a maximum weight of 25 kilograms. The Charleston gray watermelon matures to an average time frame of 85 days, with an average harvest period between May and June. Its flesh is usually red but fiber-free, and its rind is usually grey-red with the usual sweet red flesh.

  • Orangeglo Golden Midget –

This is one of the most significant species of watermelon. It weighs 18 kg and takes about 90 days to mature. It is very sweet and crispy and has bright orange flesh and white seeds.

  • Jubilee –

This is another fantastic breed of watermelon. It weighs 18 kg when matured, takes at most 95 days, and has the usual sweet red flesh inside. Other recognized species are

  • Green gold 7. Icebox 8. Kaplan 9. Sweet beauty 10. Sangria

2. Site Selection

After seed selection, site selection is another crucial factor to consider is the site. There are 36 states in Nigeria and abundant land . When you get your land, examine the weather, topography, and soil type, and survey the area for security, labor, market, etc. Once you’ve done this, you move on to your business plan.

Business plan

Failing to plan is planning to fail. That is why most farmers make losses instead of gains. You should draw a business plan . This will also help you get assistance and sponsorship. Your business plan should include your budget, expenses , expenditure, potential income , and possible partners.

Land preparation

The last step before you plant your first seed is land preparation. This step determines your crop yield, including weeding and stumping, applying manure and fertilizers, plowing, harrowing, and ridging. Once this is done, you’ll have a smooth planting.

Planting Procedures For Watermelon

These involve all activities carried out immediately after land preparation and all activities that occur before the fruit is harvested. They include

Planting Watermelon

Watermelon is a crawler and produces a lot of vine during growth, requiring a lot of space. Place a seed an inch into the soil, take two steps forward, and place the next seed.

It is essential to water the plants sufficient twice a week. So the growing plants can have ample space to yield 100%

Weeding and Pest Control

You can use either herbicides or the manual hand-picking method for the weeds. And for insects and other pests, applying pesticides is not advised. So, you should introduce their natural predators.

Harvesting Procedures For Watermelon

These activities happen after the watermelon seeds have ripened and are ready to be harvested. They include

As I previously stated, there are different species, but watermelon reaches maturity between 75-90 days. With the dull sound, the base of the water turns from green to a dull yellowish color, and the stem losses its moisture and spiral. These signs prove that the fruit is ready for harvest.

Before harvesting your fruit, make sure you take some to market and stores and give out free samples if need be to create demand for it.

Watermelon can be preserved for up to 2 months without going stale if the optimal temperature is between 11°C and 15°C, 85 to 95% optimal humidity 85 to 95%, isn’t exposed to direct sunlight after harvest, and piled with other fruits and/or vegetables.

You can sell you watermelons as a wholesaler to fruit stands, grocery stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, pharmaceutical companies, or individuals and even export it to other countries.

Let’s take a look at the expenses and profits.

Expenses and Profits Of Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria

Expenses on a  plot of land

  • 500 grams of imported hybrid seeds – ₦5,300
  • Labor cost for planting and harvesting – ₦5,000
  • Labor cost for weeding and manure applications – ₦5,000
  • 50kg of Organic Manure – ₦3,500
  • Foliar fertilizer – ₦5,200
  • Transportation – ₦3,000
  • Miscellaneous – ₦10,000

It sums up to ₦38,000 as the estimated/probable expenditure to run this program.

A plot of land can grow up to 1,596 melons. The average price of a watermelon is ₦250 (Wholesale price) 1,569 X 250 = ₦392,250 Profit = ₦392,250 – ₦45,000

This nets you a profit of ₦347,250 every three months and ₦1.4m annually. In case you don’t know, The price for watermelons for export is twice that higher. Take a moment to do the maths. # you can learn how to export your commodity outside Nigeria by clicking here.

By now, you should be able to start a watermelon business in Nigeria from farm to market and awaken the entrepreneur in you. I’m sure I have covered every step and procedure to start a watermelon business in Nigeria from Farm to Market. If I missed any or you would like to share your knowledge, do tell me in the comment section below.


Starting a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria will be one of the best decisions you will ever make. You have also seen the number and variety of activities you will undertake as a farmer. And if you are serious about exploring this business, then you are already aware of the benefits you can get from it. You’ve learned so much in this article. Summing up, you can be sure that starting a watermelon farming business in Nigeria can give you a lot of benefits if only you put effort and resources into it.

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About the author, 12 thoughts on “how to start a profitable watermelon business in nigeria”.

God bless you for this information … I’ll be doing this this year I have an big farm land..

God bless u for me I have been looking for this job God will continue to bless u

Thanks for these informations, God bless you. Pls for weed and pests control, what do you mean by we should introduce their natural predators?

Thanks so much… You have just made an impact on the young Nigeria youth… May God bless you and enrich me also

God bless you lovely location God bless you more and more in Jesus mighty name Amen!!!

Good analysis

Nice article sir, stay blessed.

God will bless you for this beautiful piece of information. Please share me a link in how to import my water Melon to other country

Indeed it’s a mind blowing info, and up to date God bless you.

Okwoho Mark Ovie. It’s very lucrative business and it’s very interesting. Thanks for your good lesson.

good day sir Weldon for your wonderful impact to Nigeria youth may the lord continue enrich you in knowledge sir. but I will like to more about export have planted already. here is my WhatsApp number 08165199099 thanks for the info once again

Good coaching.,….pls anybody in the house to link me up on how to start. I mean an existing farmer. Contact on [email protected]

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How To Start Watermelon Farming In Nigeria & Africa: Full Guide

watermelon business plan in nigeria

Watermelon farming is an important aspect of agriculture in Nigeria and Africa, providing numerous benefits and opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs. In Nigeria, watermelon is one of the most important fruits produced for both domestic consumption and export. The country is ranked as one of the top watermelon producing countries in Africa, with an estimated annual production of about 1.5 million tons.

Globally, watermelon is a major crop with China being the largest producer, followed by Turkey, Iran, and the United States. Watermelon is in high demand due to its nutritional benefits, with a high water content and rich in vitamins and minerals. In Nigeria and Africa, it is a popular fruit consumed by many, especially during the hot season.

Watermelon farming provides great export opportunities for Nigerian and African farmers. Nigeria is among the largest exporters of watermelon in Africa, with major markets in Europe and Asia. The export market for watermelon from Nigeria is growing and provides a good opportunity for farmers and entrepreneurs to generate income and boost the economy.

Furthermore, watermelon farming requires low capital investment and has a high return on investment, making it an attractive venture for farmers and investors. The market demand for watermelon is high, providing a good opportunity for farmers to make a profit.

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What Is Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa About?

Watermelon farming is the agricultural practice of cultivating watermelons for commercial purposes in Nigeria and Africa. Watermelon is a juicy and refreshing fruit with high nutritional and economic value. The fruit is widely consumed in Nigeria and other African countries, making watermelon farming a potentially lucrative business. The farming process includes planting, fertilizing, irrigating, weeding, and harvesting the crop.

Watermelons grow best in warm and humid environments with well-drained soils. The fruit is typically harvested 80 to 90 days after planting and can be sold fresh or processed into juice, jam, or other products. With the growing demand for watermelons in local and international markets, watermelon farming presents a significant opportunity for farmers and agribusinesses in Nigeria and Africa.

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Benefits of Watermelon Farming In Nigeria  and Africa

  • Profitability: Watermelon farming is a profitable venture that can generate significant income due to the high demand for the fruit in local and international markets.
  • Health Benefits: Watermelons are a rich source of nutrients, including vitamin C, A, and potassium. They also have high water content, making them a great thirst quencher, especially during hot weather.
  • Versatility: Watermelons have versatile uses. They can be consumed fresh, juiced, or used as an ingredient in various food recipes.
  • Low startup costs: Watermelon farming requires minimal investment, making it an ideal option for small-scale farmers or those starting a new farming business.
  • Fast growth: Watermelons have a short maturity period, usually between 75-90 days, which means farmers can quickly harvest and sell their produce.
  • High yields: Watermelon plants produce high yields, with one plant yielding up to six fruits on average.
  • Drought-tolerant: Watermelons are drought-tolerant, making them suitable for farming in areas with low rainfall or water shortages.
  • Job creation: Watermelon farming can create job opportunities for people in rural communities, especially during peak seasons when there is a high demand for labor.
  • Soil enrichment: Watermelons are known to improve soil health through the addition of organic matter, making it a suitable crop for crop rotation.
  • Environmental benefits: Watermelon farming has environmental benefits, such as reducing soil erosion, conserving water, and promoting soil health through the use of organic matter.

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Business Opportunities In Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  • Watermelon Production: Watermelon farming is a profitable business venture in Nigeria and Africa. Entrepreneurs can engage in watermelon production on a large scale and sell to retailers, markets, and consumers.
  • Watermelon Processing: Farmers can also engage in watermelon processing to create various products such as jams, jellies, and juice, which can be sold to consumers and businesses.
  • Watermelon Export: Watermelon is a widely consumed fruit globally, and Nigeria can leverage its abundant resources to export watermelons to countries that have high demand. This can provide a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs to make a profit.
  • Seed Production: Watermelon farming also provides an opportunity to produce watermelon seeds, which are in high demand by seed companies, farmers, and other entrepreneurs.
  • Farm Equipment Sales and Maintenance: Farmers can also sell farm equipment and provide maintenance services to other farmers, creating a lucrative business opportunity.
  • Transportation and Logistics: Entrepreneurs can establish a transportation and logistics business to transport watermelons from the farm to the market or processing facility.
  • Research and Development: Research and development in watermelon farming can help improve the quality of watermelons, increase yields, and reduce the occurrence of diseases, creating an opportunity for businesses in the agriculture industry.
  • Organic Farming: The demand for organic watermelon farming is on the rise, and entrepreneurs can take advantage of this by establishing organic watermelon farms and selling to customers who value organic products.
  • Agro-Processing: Watermelon farming provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to engage in agro-processing, creating products such as dried watermelon slices, watermelon powder, and watermelon oil.
  • Retail and Distribution: Entrepreneurs can also engage in the retail and distribution of watermelons and watermelon products to consumers and businesses, creating a profitable business opportunity.

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Facts About Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  • Watermelon is a fruit that belongs to the cucumber family, and it is widely cultivated in Nigeria and Africa for its sweet, juicy flesh and health benefits.
  • The watermelon is a popular fruit that is consumed in large quantities in Nigeria and Africa, and it is also used in making juice, smoothies, and other fruit-based products.
  • Watermelon is a rich source of vitamins A, B, and C, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium, and antioxidants that help protect the body from disease.
  • Watermelon farming is a lucrative business in Nigeria and Africa, with high demand both domestically and internationally.
  • Watermelon production is concentrated in the Northern part of Nigeria, with states like Kano, Katsina, Jigawa, Bauchi, and Sokoto accounting for a significant portion of the country’s production.
  • In Africa, countries like Egypt, Sudan, and South Africa are the largest producers of watermelon, with Nigeria ranking as the fourth-largest producer on the continent.
  • Nigeria and Africa have a large local market for watermelon, with a significant portion of the production consumed domestically.
  • There is also a high demand for watermelon in foreign markets, particularly in Europe and the Middle East, creating export opportunities for farmers.
  • The watermelon plant is easy to cultivate and requires little maintenance, making it a suitable crop for small-scale farmers.
  • Watermelon is a high-yield crop, with a single plant capable of producing up to 30 fruits, making it a profitable venture for farmers.
  • Watermelon farming can help promote rural development and improve the livelihoods of farmers in Nigeria and Africa.
  • Watermelon farming can also help boost food security by increasing the availability of fresh produce in local markets.
  • Watermelon farming can be done all year round in Nigeria and Africa, as the crop can be grown in different seasons, allowing for continuous production.
  • Watermelon is a versatile fruit, with different varieties that can be grown for specific purposes, such as seedless watermelons, which are suitable for making juice and smoothies.
  • The demand for watermelon products, such as juice and smoothies, is on the rise in Nigeria and Africa, creating additional market opportunities for farmers.

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Types Of Watermelon Farming Businesses In Nigeria and Africa

Watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa can be categorized into several types based on the size of the farm, the target market, the method of production, and the season of cultivation. Here are some of the types of watermelon farming businesses:

  • Large-scale commercial farming: This type of farming involves growing watermelons on a large farm for the purpose of selling in bulk to wholesalers or retailers.
  • Small-scale farming: Small-scale farmers cultivate watermelon on a smaller scale, usually for personal consumption or local markets.
  • Contract farming: This involves growing watermelon for specific buyers who have contracted with the farmer to supply a certain quantity of watermelon at a predetermined price.
  • Greenhouse farming: Watermelon can be grown in greenhouses, providing protection from pests and extreme weather conditions, and extending the growing season.
  • Organic farming: Organic watermelon farming involves the use of natural fertilizers and pest control methods to produce high-quality, chemical-free watermelons.
  • Seed production: This type of farming involves growing watermelon for the purpose of harvesting the seeds, which are then sold to other farmers or seed companies.
  • Watermelon processing: Watermelons can be processed into juice, jams, and other products, creating an opportunity for value addition.
  • Agro-tourism: Some farmers are venturing into agro-tourism by allowing visitors to come and experience the watermelon farming process and even participate in harvesting.
  • Export farming: Nigeria and other African countries have export opportunities for watermelon, and some farmers grow watermelon specifically for export to other countries.
  • Contract processing: This involves growing watermelon under contract and then processing it for a buyer, creating a value-added opportunity for the farmer.

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Types Of Watermelons Used For Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

There are various types of watermelons that can be used for watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa. Some of the most common types of watermelons used for farming in Nigeria and Africa include:

  • Crimson Sweet: This is a popular type of watermelon known for its deep red flesh and high sugar content.
  • Charleston Gray: This watermelon has a large size and gray-green skin. It is known for its juicy flesh.
  • Jubilee: This watermelon has a large size and is known for its bright red flesh and high sugar content.
  • Sugar Baby: This watermelon is small and round with dark green skin and bright red flesh. It is known for its sweet taste.
  • Black Diamond: This watermelon has a large size and is known for its dark green skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  • Moon and Stars: This watermelon is unique due to its yellow spots on the skin, which resemble stars. It has a sweet, juicy flesh.
  • Yellow Crimson: This watermelon has a yellow skin and red flesh, with a sweet taste.
  • Orangeglo: This watermelon has an orange flesh and a sweet, tropical taste.

Each type of watermelon has its own unique characteristics and can be used for various purposes in the watermelon farming industry. Farmers can choose the type that best suits their climate, soil, and target market.

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How To Start Watermelon Farming In Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

Watermelon farming is a profitable and rewarding agribusiness venture in Nigeria and Africa. If you are interested in starting a watermelon farm, here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  • Research and planning: Conduct research on the watermelon market and your target customers. Develop a business plan and decide on the size of the farm, the number of plants, and the resources required.
  • Land preparation: Choose a well-drained site with fertile soil and access to irrigation. Clear the land, remove all weeds, and plow or till the soil to prepare it for planting.
  • Seed selection: Select high-quality watermelon seeds from a reputable supplier. Choose a variety that is well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions.
  • Planting: Sow the seeds in prepared soil, making sure to plant them at the correct depth and spacing. Water the seeds regularly and cover with a mulch layer to retain moisture.
  • Irrigation: Watermelon plants require regular watering to produce high-quality fruit. Install an efficient irrigation system, such as drip irrigation, to ensure that the plants receive the right amount of water.
  • Fertilization: Apply appropriate fertilizer to the soil to enhance plant growth and fruit quality. Use organic or inorganic fertilizers, depending on your preference.
  • Pest and disease control: Monitor the plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases. Apply appropriate pesticides and fungicides to control outbreaks.
  • Harvesting: Harvest the watermelons when they are mature, usually between 75 and 100 days after planting. Look for signs of ripeness, such as a yellow spot on the bottom of the fruit, and use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the stem.
  • Marketing: Identify potential customers and develop a marketing strategy to sell your watermelons. Consider selling to local markets, supermarkets, and exporters.
  • Record-keeping: Keep accurate records of your farming activities, including expenses, sales, and profits. This will help you track your progress and make informed business decisions.

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How To Sell or Market Watermelon Products In Nigeria or Africa

  • Local markets: Watermelons can be sold at local markets in Nigeria and other African countries. Farmers can set up stalls in areas with high traffic to attract potential customers.
  • Direct sales to consumers: Farmers can sell their watermelons directly to consumers, either through a farm stand or through home delivery. This can be done by establishing a website, social media accounts, or other means of communication.
  • Supermarkets and grocery stores: Farmers can sell their watermelons to supermarkets and grocery stores, which then sell the products to their customers. It is important for farmers to ensure that their watermelons meet the necessary quality and packaging standards.
  • Exporting: Watermelon farming in Nigeria and other African countries can be exported to international markets. This involves complying with international trade regulations and packaging standards.
  • Food processing companies: Farmers can sell their watermelons to food processing companies, which use them to make products such as juices, jams, and canned fruits.
  • Online marketplaces: Farmers can sell their watermelons on various online marketplaces that cater to customers in Nigeria and Africa.
  • Farm-to-table restaurants: Farmers can partner with farm-to-table restaurants that source their produce from local farms.
  • Cooperative marketing: Farmers can form marketing cooperatives with other farmers to pool their resources and increase their sales potential.
  • Community-supported agriculture (CSA): Farmers can set up a CSA, where customers pay for a share of the crop and receive regular deliveries throughout the growing season.
  • Agricultural fairs and exhibitions: Farmers can showcase and sell their watermelons at agricultural fairs and exhibitions, which provide a platform for farmers to promote their products and connect with potential buyers.

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Challenges Of Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  • Pests and Diseases: Watermelon crops are susceptible to various pests and diseases, which can cause significant yield loss if not managed properly.
  • Weather: Watermelon requires specific weather conditions to thrive, including consistent moisture and warm temperatures. Erratic weather patterns can negatively impact crop growth and yield.
  • Irrigation: Watermelon crops require significant water throughout their growing cycle, making access to reliable irrigation crucial for success.
  • Soil Quality: Watermelon farming requires well-draining, nutrient-rich soil to support healthy plant growth and development.
  • Labor Intensive: Watermelon farming can be a labor-intensive process, especially during planting and harvesting periods.
  • Transportation: Watermelon crops must be transported to market quickly and carefully to avoid spoilage.
  • Market Fluctuations: Watermelon prices can fluctuate significantly based on supply and demand, making it challenging to predict profits.
  • Capital Intensive: Starting a watermelon farming operation can be capital-intensive due to the need for land, equipment, and labor.
  • Marketing: Effective marketing is essential for success in the watermelon industry, as competition can be fierce.
  • Post-harvest Management: Proper handling and storage of watermelon crops post-harvest is essential to prevent spoilage and ensure product quality.
  • Lack of Access to Credit: Small-scale watermelon farmers may struggle to access the credit necessary to invest in their operations.
  • Limited Storage Facilities: Limited storage facilities in rural areas can make it challenging to store watermelon crops for extended periods.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure in some areas can make it challenging to transport watermelon crops to market quickly and efficiently.
  • Limited Access to Markets: Small-scale watermelon farmers may struggle to access markets, especially in rural areas.
  • Climate Change: Climate change can significantly impact watermelon production by altering weather patterns and increasing the prevalence of pests and diseases.

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To Sum It Up

In conclusion, Watermelon farming is a profitable business that has the potential to contribute significantly to the economic growth of Nigeria and Africa as a whole. The demand for watermelon is high both locally and globally due to its nutritional and health benefits. Watermelon farming also creates employment opportunities and supports the growth of related industries, such as transportation and packaging.

Starting a Watermelon farm in Nigeria and Africa requires adequate planning, knowledge, and resources. It is essential to choose suitable varieties of watermelon, prepare the soil, and maintain the right soil moisture level throughout the growing season. Farmers can access government loans, grants, and support programs to help them establish their farms.

Watermelon farmers can sell their products locally, through wholesalers and retailers, and can also explore the export market. The export market presents a significant opportunity for Watermelon farmers in Nigeria, as the country has favorable weather conditions for growing the crop, and the government is taking steps to improve the infrastructure and attract foreign investors.

However, Watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, pest and disease outbreaks, and climate change. It is essential for farmers to seek knowledge on best practices, adopt modern technologies, and collaborate with other stakeholders to mitigate these challenges and maximize the benefits of Watermelon farming.

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What are your thoughts on how to start Watermelon farming in Nigeria, Africa, or any other part of the world? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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Ini Patrick Notes

watermelon farming in Nigeria

Step by Step Guide to A Profitable Watermelon Farming in Nigeria

Watermelon farming in Nigeria is one of the lucrative agribusinesses in Nigeria, which is gradually taking over from crude oil because of its high demands.

Nigeria as a nation is blessed with varieties of resources ranging from a vast richness of the land, natural resources, and climatic variations that enable it to grow different varieties of food and cash crops in its agricultural sector.

Nigeria has the most engage Agricultural sector in Africa, the local agricultural industry employs up to 70% of the local workforce and contributes about 40% of the country’s GDP.

It is however noted that one of the agribusiness One of such agriculture that plays a vital role in our economic value in is Watermelon farming in Nigeria.

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) may be a soft, long-season crop and member of the Cucurbitaceae family, which also include squash, pumpkin, cucumber, muskmelon and gourd.

The origin of the species is traced back and said to be originated from the Kalahari Desert in Africa with evidence of early cultivation in Ancient Egypt.

Up until today, the crop is grown in semi-desert districts of Africa as an important source of water during the dry season and its demand is very high which is very encouraging to farmers.

The watermelon crops can be breed in any part of Nigeria with demand for it increasing on a daily basis as a result of its numerous health benefits.

Aside from having cancer-combating enzymes, it contains 91% water, 6% sugar and is low in fat. A 100-gram quota conjointly provides thirty calories and vitamin C in considerable content at 100 per cent of the days worth. additionally, the crop’s pulp contains carotenoids, as well as lycopene.

Watermelon farming business is one of the most lucrative agribusinesses to operate in Nigeria because of its high turnover of cultivation in a short time. It takes watermelon fruits eighty-five days (85) from the planting date to reach full maturity.

This implies that it’s not seasonal, it can grow all year round, you can harvest three sets of watermelon fruits within a year to sell. It is one of the fastest selling agro-produce in the international market and locally as well. Watermelon is widely cultivated and consumed all over the globe.

From the Experts point of view, if you start this watermelon farming business on a large scale, you are guaranteed huge returns on investment.

Commercial watermelon farming in Nigeria or anywhere else in the world is very easy to start and cultivate as it does not involve much work and does not require much technical knowledge and expertise. If you are interested and own adequate land space, you are absolutely good to go.

It has the capacity to make a farmer wealthy within the shortest possible time.  If you are considering crops to cultivate and harvest within the shortest possible time like pepper, okra, cucumber etc.

For quick cash don’t forget to put watermelon in your cart. It can be grown anywhere in Nigeria and can also be cultivated all year round. The sweetness and crispy nature make it a well-favoured fruit.

Also Read: How To Start A Successful Cucumber Farming In Nigeria

Presently, watermelon is the third most cultivated crop in the world. Potatoes and tomatoes are the only two crops that have been harvested more them watermelon.

The watermelon fruit is extremely nourishing. In addition, it is made up of water to keep the body hydrated. Due to its high nutritional content, it is endorsed by nutritionists to be taken always.

However, over the years, watermelon has been known to have numerous health benefits aside from us knowing it as fruit. It has the tendency to prevent heart-related conditions and fixing metabolic deficiencies.

Watermelon naturally has high demand in the marketplace which is why you should consider starting it today. Also, it is highly marketable and financially rewarding, and the start-up costs for this business is significantly low.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Watermelon Farming Business in Nigeria

1. very high demand.

Watermelon poise a much higher demand than cucumber which has made watermelon farming business in Nigeria more lucrative. Most manufacturers of fruit drinks make use of watermelon than any other fruits for their supplements during production.

2. Pest Resistant

While practising watermelon farming business, one of the things you never worry about is the pest because watermelon is pest resistant. Your job is only to tender your crop to maturity.

3. High Yield

Watermelon farming business has a very high yield rate and can be done all year round with a repeat rate of three times yearly making you plenty of money and a high return rate on your investment.

4. Easy to Start

Starting a watermelon farming business in Nigeria is very easy and straightforward once you have the required startup capital. It’s not technical and not demanding.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a highly desirable fruit because of it numerous nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, iron, amino acids, folic acid, as well as vitamins A, B6 and C.

It also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents the skin from ultraviolet rays. Hence you can use watermelon to prevent sunburn.

The lycopene content can also help reduce cancer risk and help prevent macular degeneration of the eye which is common among the elderly.

Watermelon contains more than 90% of water which helps in digestion, heart problems and metabolic deficiencies and citrulline which can be given to athletes to help prevent muscle soreness. Citrulline also improves exercise performance and endurance.

These are well-known nutrients that are of optimal benefit to the body and decrease the chances of the body coming under health threats. One key advantage is that it is easily accessible and very cheap.

Types of WaterMelon Varieties

You have to determine which variety of watermelon you want to plant as there are several varieties of these fruits. Some of them include;

You have to work out that seed of watermelon you wish to plant as there are many styles of these fruits. a number of them include;

  • The Crimson Sweet Watermelon: this can be the foremost common styles of watermelon in Nigeria. It possesses a crimson flesh, with a singular chromatic stripy rind as well as a taste that is sweet-smelling.
  • Yellow Crimson sweet: this sort of watermelon has bright yellow-orange flesh with massive black seeds, a wonderful flavour, and moderate sugar content
  • The black diamond: This specie features a dark skin, and a red flesh at intervals. its rind is bruise resistant rind with sweet tasting and features a luscious flesh.
  • Charleston Grey: it’s red, fibreless flesh and a troublesome, medium-thick grey-green rind usually used for creating watermelon rind pickles.
  • The Congo Watermelon: features a juicy red flesh and the content is high in sugar. The melon is rectangular and less green with chromatic stripes.
  • Moon and Stars Variety: it’s characterised by its red flesh
  • Sugar Baby Watermelon: formally known as icebox as a result of their tiny size, since they’re sufficiently little to suit into a refrigerator. its flavour is red flesh and a light-weight green rind with dark stripes.

Steps to Setup Your Watermelon Farming Business in Nigeria

The requirements for beginning a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria are –

Site Selection

Watermelon thrives quite well in hot and dry climate; this can be why it’s popularly cultivated within the Northern a part of the country.

However, the perfect planting region isn’t essentially the North. It is often planted in any a part of the country.

Usually, the beginning of the wet season or towards the tip of this season is that the ideal planting amount. the rationale for this can be as a result of the low moisture levels related to this era.

In the Northern a part of Nigeria, this era is sometimes might for the first season or July for the late season. Generally, watermelon is often planted all year round within the North as long as there is adequate water through irrigation.

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In the Southern half, you’ll be able to plant in March that is the early planting season. you’ll be able to additionally plant within the mid-season that is either in late June or early July.

Then there’s the late planting season that is in Sept or the month of October. The mid-season planting is extremely hooked to the rain. If the rains that are anticipated to start in mid-June starts much earlier, then you can’t plant during this period

Also, the perfect soil for planting is sandy or loamy soil. The farm ought to even have adequate exposure to daylight. If your soil isn’t extremely fertile, you’ll be able to plant the seed in plenty of compost.

Additionally, watermelon needs a great deal of space. The plant could be a rambling plant and might smother something it comes to bear with.

Though they do not climb on anything while growing, you’ll be able to train them on a robust trellis. This will increase their exposure to daylight and you’ll be able to additionally save a lot of space by applying this methodology.

However, you would need to be experienced while constructing or putting in the trellis as a result of the fact that they are robust and be sturdy enough to support the burden of the developing fruit.

Land Preparation 

A piece of land of about one or two plots is enough for a beginner to start; the land should be cleared of any grass and debris, burn the grasses and sticks or bury the grasses beneath the soil to serve as manure.

The land should be ploughed before to planting; You can even make ridges or beds on it so as to create room for the movement of roots and enhanced penetration of water.

However, Watermelons won’t grow well in wet soil, and the soil should also have a good amount of organic matter in it, particularly manure, as these will offer the plants the nutrients they need.

You can plant the same day of tilling. It’s being determined that planting this manner is best than waiting until the day after.

The type of seeds you plant can have an effect on the output. that is, it’ll verify the standard of fruits that may be cultivated. a decent choice is to induce them from the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA). you’ll be able to additionally savvy from another farm or bought directly from the market. thus ensure you discover the best specie and study its method of cultivation.

Watermelon seeds are often planted on the flat land or on ridges. If the soil is clay, planting on a ridge or bed is usually recommended.

On the opposite hand, you’ll be able to plant on a flat land if the soil is loamy. beneath a soil temperature of a minimum of 70°F and also a PH concentration between 6 and 8.

This may avoid poor germination. The planting hole ought to be about 30 cm dip and they will be spaced at 6 feet by 6 feet apart to avoid competition.

Generally, the method of planting also depends on the variety. If you are planting the Congo or Crimson Sweet variety, sow three to four seeds per row, and ensure the rows are ten feet apart or more from each other.

Prior to planting, you’ll be able to assess the standard of the watermelon seeds by dipping them into a salt solution (3-5%).

Those that ought to be planted should be without delay sink into the lower end of the bowl. also, the leatherlike seeds have to be compelled to be softened before they will be planted.

When growing in marketable quantities you can plant on ridges. The soil used ought to be well drained because the watermelon plant doesn’t do well in the waterlogged environment.

It is never recommended to grow your watermelon in the nursery. typically, the watermelon seed sprouts at intervals many days.

Also, you can make the plants to be more immune to pest and diseases by drying the seeds beneath the sun for a week before planting. You should add humus to the soil before planting.

This is better than organic manure because manure often affects the taste of the watermelon and it weakens the resistance of the plant to disease. You can also use inorganic fertilizers like phosphorus and potassium.

Watermelons grow slowly throughout cold days. Hence, use hot caps or cold frames throughout cold days or nights.

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The watermelon is best planted at the start of the rainy season or when the rainy season is almost over. This will yield to a relatively low humidity, a condition essential for normal growth of the crop in southern Nigeria.

In the northern part, early planting season is in May whereas late planting season is July. However, with useful irrigation in the north, it can be planted all year round, accounting for why it is often brought from the north.

Time of Planting in Watermelon Farming

There are three planting seasons. Early planting is from March-May, mid planting season is in the Month of June /July, late planting is in August /September.

However, with good irrigation watermelon can be planted all year round. Yield for a hectare of watermelon is around 2 tonnes, while that of late planting is 1 tonne.

The number of fruits for early planting of watermelon is between 20 to 30 per stand whereas in late planting the fruit is between 5 -9 per stand.

Fertilisation of The Watermelon Farming

Though the soil is extremely fertile you still have to be diligent enough to add nutrient to it because watermelon needs some level of nutrients at every stage of germination.

Scheduling of fertiliser application is set by the current soil condition and, subsequently, by the stage at which the watermelon plant is growing.

Be it an emergent seedling or when it starts blooming, both stages have different nutritional needs including when fruit appears. Animals dung has been found to secure a well-favoured farm with a good harvest.

When fertilising watermelon plants, the nitrogen-based fertiliser ought to be used first.

Once the plant begins flowering, one ought to switch to feeding the watermelon a phosphorus and potassium-based fertiliser. Watermelons need ample potassium and phosphorus for optimal production.

Once the seedlings have emerged or you are ready to transplant, top dress with either 5-5-5- or 10-10-10 general all-purpose fertiliser.

Also, fertilise the watermelon plants in the amount of 1 & 1/2 pounds per 100 square feet of garden space.

Watermelons ought to be fertilised with granular food and ensuring the fertiliser do not have contact with the leaves.

The leaves are sensitive and will be smashed if not handled properly. Fertilisation ought to be done in such a manner that plant roots easily absorb the nutrients.

Application of Insecticide

Watermelon like any other plant is liable to diseases. One such is Fusarium wilt anthracite.  When you detect this kind of challenge simply uproot and burn the affected plants.

In terms of disease infestation, mildew is a fungus that affects the leaves of the plant.  You can avoid this disease by preventing the leaves of the watermelon from staying wet long enough to cause mildew.

This can be done by avoiding overhead watering

Common pests of watermelon embrace aphids, mites, fruit flies, spider, whiteflies, watermelon beetles, root-knot nematodes etc.

These pests have been traced to watermelon farming. In extremely hot weather, the plants are prone to diseases such as powdery mildew and mosaic virus.

Upon observation of any pest, pesticides should be applied quickly and carefully so as not to disrupt growth.

Watermelons are terribly thirsty plants and should be watered regularly at least once in a week until maturity, particularly throughout hot weather.

You can also mulch the soil. This is important because watermelon needs adequate moisture for optimal growth. Mulch also helps to keep the weeds out.

Though the crop requires watering throughout the season, a particularly important time for the process is when they are setting and growing fruit.

The reason for this is that the fruit is made up of 92 per cent water. This means that the plant must take up an enormous amount of water while the fruit is developing.

If water is not available to the plant at this time, the fruit will likely have stunted growth or possibly fall off the vine.

It is therefore important to water the crops while they are establishing in the garden or during times of drought.

Weed Management

You won’t be worrying about pest because watermelon is pest proof. However, it is imperative to clear the land used for cultivation and weed the farm to avoid unnecessary competition.

This could help facilitate that the planted crops grow well. Also, examine the watermelon bed weekly and pull-out any weed that grows through the mulch layer by hand.

Grasp weeds near the bottom or base and pull straight up, twisting slightly to dislodge deep roots without breaking them.

Watermelon normally takes 85 days from planting to reach maturity. that is, ready for harvest. This does not imply that it can’t stay longer than that.

However, the fact still remains that everything lies in the variety of the watermelon seed that was planted.

When buying the seed, ask the seller everything you need to know about the seed. They are always more than happy to educate their customers.

To know if the watermelons are ripe, either tap the watermelon to see if it sounds hallow, check the colour as a ripe melon will have a yellowish-cream coloured bottom, or observe when the vines start to wither.

An unripe watermelon is whitish at the bottom. A common way, however, is to watch the tendril closest to the melon stem.

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The tendril is a modified leaf or stem in the shape of a slender, spiral coil. When it turns brown and dries up, the melon is ripe.

The only trouble with this method is that some watermelon varieties have their tendrils drying and dropping-off more than a week before the melons become fully ripe.

Also, the colour at the top is also important. When the watermelon turns ripe, there’s usually a contrast between the strips.

Cut the stems with a sharp knife close to the fruit. Watermelon can last up to 10 days, however, once sliced would only last about 4 days.

Wet seeds do better compared to the dry ones, they germinate fast and has bigger fruits. Germination takes 6-7 days

Disposing of Your Watermelon Fruits

A fruitful watermelon farming exercise in Nigeria ends by transporting the harvested produce to the market for sale.

Customers vary from fruit juice companies to fruit shops, local markets, grocery stores and pharmaceutical companies that use watermelons in their medicines when creating nutritional supplements.

Sales could also be achieved with restaurants and resorts scattered across the country.

Don’t forget that you can also sell directly to final consumers. That’s when you realize more than you invested.

Watermelon is always on demand and the chances of you not selling them off is very slim provided you took a step to meet potential customers.

Challenges of Watermelon Farming

Some of the challenges of Watermelon farming in Nigeria and many parts of Africa include:

  • Lack of demonstrable expertise.
  • Invasion of Pest and diseases
  • lean Finances.
  • Marketing and sales challenges.
  • Weed mechanism.

Watermelon farming in Nigeria is a lucrative and profitable business which can make anyone a millionaire in a shortest possible time.

This is because of its vast market demand and your ability to build a sustainable and supply chain network.

The good thing about this business is that It’s not seasonal which means you can harvest it all year round.

The demand for watermelon is very high and if you’re able to begin, you’ll definitely smile to the bank.

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I hope you this article was a valuable read. What are your thoughts on how to start lucrative watermelon farming in Nigeria, or any part of the world? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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watermelon business plan in nigeria

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About the author.

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Ini Patrick

Hello, I'm Ini Patrick, a Serial Entrepreneur, Business Analyst, and Web Business Strategist. Am committed to helping entrepreneurs grow their business by sharing hybrid information and ideas that teaches strategies and systems to start and grow any business.

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Thanks for the info..watermelon is one of the most lucrative agribusiness in Nigeria

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Very instructive. Thanks

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Thank you Emmanuel

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Please how do I get a high breed and pest resistant Water Mellon Seed in Ogun State.

' src=

The information is really helpful

' src=

Thanks for this post, I have a friend who started it lately and its been great, it looks like I just have to join.

You won’t regret it.

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watermelon business plan in nigeria

veggie concept

Watermelon Farming in Nigeria – The Ultimate Profitable Guide on Growing of Watermelon

June 6, 2021

Watermelon farming is the cultivation of watermelon with the aim of harvesting the fruits from the watermelon plants.

Watermelon farming is one the most lucrative farming ventures in Nigeria. It is a known fact that watermelon farming is a cash cow for most farmers.

Watermelon farming is the cultivation of watermelon crop from the stage of the planting of the seeds to the final stage of harvesting the watermelon balls.

Watermelon as a plant has a crawling, climbing and prostrate habit. Watermelon has cultivars that produce fruits with seeds; it also has the seedless cultivars.

watermelon cultivation in nigeria

Step by Step Guide on How to Start Watermelon Farming

The following are the steps or processes to take to grow watermelon:

1. Site Selection

2. capital requirement.

  • 3. Soil Requirement  

4. Soil Preparation

5. picking the watermelon variety or seed to plant, 6. irrigation, 7. sowing of watermelon seeds.

  • 8. Application of Fertilizers

9. Weed Management

  • 10. Pest Control
  • 11. Harvest of Watermelons

12. Post-Harvest and Marketing

The site or farmland to be used for watermelon farming must be relatively flat. The soil should also be fertile with a lot of organic matter.

The farmland should have motorable roads so that the produce from the watermelon farm can be easily evacuated after harvest. The site should have abundant sunlight with a tropical climatic condition.

All areas in Nigeria are suitable for watermelon farming. Watermelon can do well in the Rain Forest, Guinea Savannah, Sudan Savannah, Sahel Savannah, Plateau Area and Mangrove Regions of Nigeria.

Watermelon plants can survive in temperatures between 15- 40 Celsius. The optimum temperature level for watermelon farming is 27 Celsius. Watermelon has been found to do well in very hot conditions in Nigeria.

Watermelon plants do well during the hot season in states like Borno, Bauchi and Gombe etc.

To engage in watermelon farming, you need to source for capital and analyse the expected cost and revenue. The watermelon farming business plan has to be written.

3. Soil Requirement for Watermelon Farming

Watermelon prefers sandy loamy soil with a lot of organic matter. This crop will not do well in soils that are not too clayey they are prone to flooding. Watermelon will also not do well in waterlogged areas.

The soil pH should be 5.5 – 6.8. A soil pH of 6.0 is the most optimum for the growing of watermelon in Nigeria.

land preparation for watermelon production

Watermelon can grow in a wide range of soil. It can be grown in loamy, sandy and clay soil. Though, watermelon prefers loamy sandy soil that is loose.

Watermelon plants also prefer soils that are not too acidic or too alkaline. If the soil is too acidic or alkaline, nutrients absorption by the plants will be affected.

For those cultivating watermelon on virgin forests, they must remove all the trees and stumps on the farmland. Bulldozers are often used to open up new forest farmlands.

Care must be taken so that the bulldozers will not remove the top soil and destroy the soil structure of the farmland. Watermelon plants will not do well if the top soil has been removed.

For watermelon farmers growing the crop in the savannah areas of Nigeria, bulldozers are often not needed because they are no large trees and dense vegetation.

They simply use tractors fitted with plough, harrow and ridgers to prepare the land for farming.

The complete process of land preparation includes the following:

  • Removal of tress and stumps by bulldozers or by hand
  • Ploughing of the farmland, two or three cycles of plough is advised so that the soil will be loosed.
  • Harrowing of the soil should also be done.
  • Ridging of the farmland

To improve the soil, chicken manure and fertilizers can be added to the soil during the process of ploughing.

Nematicides can also be used to kill nematodes and other harmful soil based insects.

A significant percentage of watermelon farmers in Nigeria cultivate the open pollinated varieties of watermelon because they are cheap and affordable. However, most of the open pollinated watermelon varieties of watermelon in Nigeria have low yields.

Hybrid watermelon seeds have a lot of advantages. Some of the advantages of cultivating hybrid watermelon seeds are high yield and better diseases and pests resistance.

Some of the watermelon seed varieties in Nigeria are Kaolack, Sugar Baby, Sweet Sangria and Erato F1 etc.

drip irrigation for watermelon cultivation

Irrigation is very important for watermelon farming. Even if you are growing your watermelon crop in the rainy season, it is advised that you have irrigation in place because of the erratic nature of rainfall nowadays. Drip irrigation is the most suitable and best type of irrigation for watermelon farming. I have seen a lot of watermelon farmers with fantastic yields using drip irrigation. It is too risky to cultivate watermelon without irrigation. With drip irrigation, fertigation can be done in watermelon farming. Fertigation is the process of injecting soluble fertilizer to the roots of plants through drip irrigation systems. Fertigation can increase the yield of watermelon crop by as much as 100 – 300%. The possibility of cultivating watermelon all year round is one of the doyen advantages of using drip irrigation in watermelon farming. This can significantly increase the profit of watermelon farmers. With drip irrigation, watermelon farmers can reduce the cost of labor and fertilizers. Drip irrigation is fairly efficient in irrigating plants than flood irrigation. A farmer with drip irrigation can drip irrigate large acreages of farmland by just switching on and off a valve.

In watermelon farming , direct seeding is often used. This involves the planting of watermelon seeds in planting holes. In direct seeding, seedlings are not needed to be nursed and transplanted.

The drawback of direct seeding is that some of the seeds may not sprout or grow. This will lead to re-seeding which will increase the cost of buying seeds.

Using seedlings for watermelon farming may guarantee a higher rate of seed survivability. However, the cost of managing a nursery will make the overall cost of watermelon farming go higher.

Watermelon can also be cultivated using grafted seedlings.

Watermelon plants should have an intra-row spacing of 1 metre and an inter-row spacing of 1 metre if drip irrigation is not used. This will allow for about 4,000 watermelon plants per acre. If drip irrigation is used, an intra-row spacing of 50-60 cm and an inter-row spacing of 50-70 cm can be used.

8. Application of Fertilizers in Watermelon Farming

Fertilizers for watermelon farming

Soil analysis is the first step in the fertilization process in watermelon farming. You should not add any fertilizer to your crop until you do a complete soil analysis. The soil analysis will show you the nutrients level of your soil and what fertilizers to add. A lot of laboratories in Nigeria doing soil analysis do not have the right equipment to conduct the test or analysis. You should be extremely careful relying on the soil test results of some laboratories in Nigeria. There are some good laboratories in Nigeria though. The misconception in Nigeria is that our soil is very rich in nutrients. This is not true; most of the soils in Nigeria are acidic and poor. Farm yard manure or chicken manure or compost should be added to your soil before you commence the process of planting your watermelon seeds. Depending on your soil test result, 1-10 tons of chicken manure or compost can be added to a one hectare of farmland. This compost or manure should be mixed into the soil through ploughing or harrowing. Farm yard manure improves the structure of the soil. It also improves water retention capacity of the soil and also improves microbial activities in the soil. In watermelon farming, after the application of farm yard manure, base dressing application of fertilizers should be done. Fertilizers used for base dressing are NPK fertilizers, Diammonium Phosphate (DAP), Single Super Phosphate (SSP), calcium nitrate and calmag etc. At the initiation stage of watermelon plants, they need a lot of phosphorus, hence, the advice of the use of high phosphatic fertilizers for base dressing. After base dressing of fertilizers in watermelon farming, fertilizers with high nitrogen content should be added. Examples of high nitrogenous fertilizers are urea and NPK 20:10:10. High nitrogenous fertilizers improve the size of the leaves of plants. This enables better sunlight capture which leads to better photosynthetic capability. Calcium fertilizers like calcium nitrate and calmag (calcium magnesium nitrate) should also be used in combination with fertilizers used for vegetative growth. Calcium improves the diseases resistance ability of plants and reduces the incidences of blossom end rot. At the flowering stage of watermelon plants, fertilizers with high content of potassium and calcium should be used. Fertilizers like potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, calcium nitrate and calcium magnesium nitrate fertilizers. Potassium improves the number and quality of flowers; it can also help in making the crops tolerate stress better. Drip irrigation can be used to pass soluble fertilizers to crops. Watermelon crop responds to fertigation positively. Fertigation is the process of applying soluble fertilizers to the roots of crops through drip irrigation systems. Fertigation has been proven to be far more efficient than other forms of fertilizer application. Calcium fertilizers should be well used in watermelon farming. Calcium is known as the king of all nutrients because it helps in transporting other nutrients around the cells and tissues of the plants. This is also the reason it is called the trucker of all nutrients. Calcium improves the strength of the cells and tissues in plants. Calcium hardens plants and enables them to tolerate stress. Calcium can also prevent blossom end rot in fruits of plants. Calcium also improves the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. In watermelon farming, the brix of the fruits is very important. The brix determines the taste and shelf life of the harvested watermelons. Fertilizers should be applied according to the advice of an expert; probably an agronomist after a soil test has been done.

watermelon business plan in nigeria

The use of plastic mulch is one of the cheapest technologies for the control of weeds in farming. Plastic mulch is a type of polythene material used in covering the soil so that weeds cannot grow.

Black plastic mulch and grey and black plastic mulch are the best types of plastic mulch for watermelon farming in Nigeria. The grey on black plastic mulch does not only prevent the growth of weeds, it also repels insects.

Hoes, cutlasses and rakes are some of the simple farm tools that can be used for weeding in watermelon farming. Motorised weeders and tractors can also be used for weeding.

There are no effective selective herbicides for watermelon farming in Nigeria. However, some herbicides can be used on farmlands meant for watermelon farming before seeding. This will help in killing all the weeds before you plant the watermelon seeds.

Mulch can be used to avoid the pitfall of not weeding.

It is very important for you to keep your watermelon farm clean clear all through. Do not allow weeds to thrive on your farm as weeds can significantly reduce yield and even introduce pests and diseases to your crops.

10. Pest Control in Watermelon Farming

pest control for watermelon farming

Just like cucumbers and other crops in the cucurbit family, watermelon attracts a lot pests and diseases. If you plant watermelon seed today, within a few days, you will see a lot of insects on your farm.

The types of pests that are common in watermelon farming are aphids, beetles, thrips, grasshoppers, whiteflies, fruit borers and nematodes etc. These pests can destroy a watermelon farm within a short time if care is not taken.

The pests can also transmit diseases especially viral diseases to watermelon plants.

Pests and diseases on watermelon plants can be managed with the use of pesticides. These pesticides include nematicides, bactericides, fungicides, acaricides, insecticides and innoculants.

These pesticides can either be organic or inorganic. The inorganic pesticides are synthesized chemicals while the organic pesticides are made from natural sources.

There are a lot of bio-pesticides in Nigeria. Organic farmers prefer bio-pesticides because they are from natural sources. No chemicals are used in the production of bio-pesticides.

Neem oil is also a good pesticide that can be used in watermelon farming. Neem oil controls a lot of pests and diseases associated with watermelon plants.

11. Watermelon Harvest

watermelon business plan in nigeria

Harvesting starts in watermelon farming after 90-120 days depending on the variety planted.

Watermelon plants reach harvests earlier during the hot and sunny season because the sun speeds up maturity. During the cold season, harvesting may be a little bit delayed.

There are skills you need to acquire in order to know when a watermelon ball is ready for harvest.

The bottom of the watermelon will ideally be lighter. When you knock the watermelon ball, it will make a hollow sound; this often shows that the watermelon fruit is ready for harvest.

It is very important that watermelon fruits are harvested when they are ready for harvest. If you harvest watermelon fruits that are not due for harvest, the taste will be bad and you will not be able to sell them.

Post-harvest involves the sorting, grading and storage of the harvested watermelon balls. Sorting and grading is usually done on the field before they are taken for storage.

Marketing involves the sales of the watermelons to the consumers. Watermelons are usually sold in the open markets in Nigeria. They can also be sold to organized markets like hotels and supermarkets.

Diseases that affect watermelon plants

The following are some of the diseases that affect watermelon plants:

1. Anthracnose

The botanical name of this disease is Collectotrichum Obiculare. It is a fungal foliar disease that affects watermelon.

It infects the leaves, stems and fruits of the watermelon plant. This disease causes yellow and brown spots on the leaves and negatively impacts the photosynthetic ability of the plant.

It can also lead to decaying of the watermelon fruits. This disease prefers environment with warm and humid conditions.

2. Bacterial Fruit Blotch

The botanical name of this disease is Acidovorax Citrulli. This bacterial disease mainly affects the fruits of watermelon. It disfigures the fruits and makes the fruits unmarketable.

This disease can lead a loss of yield of up to 60% if not adequately controlled and managed. This disease presents as spots of the watermelon fruits. It rarely affects the leaves.

3. Cercospora Leaf Spot

The botanical name of this disease is Cercospora Citrullina. It is a fungal disease that affects the leaves of the watermelon plants.

This disease is rampart in areas with high humidity. It leads to a significant defoliation of the leaves in watermelon plants. This leads to yield loss.

4. Downy Mildew

The botanical name of this disease is Pseudoperonospora Cubensis. This is one of the most important fungal diseases in watermelon plants.

This disease can destroy the leaves and also affect the fruits. It can lead to a huge loss in yield. This disease affects all cucurbit crops.

It presents as yellow and brown spots on leaves of the plant. The leaves can also curl inwards. The later stage of this disease leads to defoliation.

5. Fusarium Wilt

The botanical name of this disease is Fusarium Oxysporum. It is a soilborne fungus disease that affects watermelon plants.

This disease can lead to the death of watermelon plants. It affects the stem and blocks the transportation of water and nutrients to the other parts of the plants. This eventually kills the plants.

6. Gummy Stem Blight

This is also called Stagonosporopsis Cucurbitacearum is a foliar fungal disease that damages the leaves of watermelon plants.

It is better to prevent this disease than to cure it. It is very difficult to control.

7. Powdery Mildew

This is also called Podosphaera Xanthi. It is a fungal foliar disease that presents in form of white powdery substance of the leaves and stems of watermelon plants.

It can also cause yellow spots on leaves and lead to defoliation in watermelon plants.

There are also viral diseases and root-knot nematodes that affect watermelon plants.

Source: Oklahoma State University Extension

Control of Diseases in Watermelon Plants

In Nigeria, fungal diseases are the most common diseases that affect watermelon plants. The commonest fungal diseases in watermelon plants in Nigeria are downy mildew, anthracnose and powdery mildew.

These fungal diseases can lead to the destruction of the leaves of watermelon plants. Without the leaves, photosynthesis will be negatively impacted and this can lead to a massive reduction in yield.

Fungal diseases must be controlled by fungicides. There are contact fungicides and systemic fungicides. Both types of fungicides should be used for preventative and curative purposes.

There are good organic and chemical fungicides that can also be used to manage fungal diseases.

There are also a lot of viral diseases that can be transmitted to watermelon plants through insects, aphids and beetles etc. Viral diseases are not curable. To prevent viral diseases in watermelon farming, aphids and other biting insects must be controlled.

Also, watermelon plants that are already infected should be uprooted and burned far away from the farm.

Stages of Growth in Watermelon Plants

Depending on the variety of watermelon, watermelon plants can last for between 100 – 140 days. Though, most watermelon plants start fruiting after 70 – 80 days.

The first stage in the life cycle of watermelon plant is the sprouting of the seeds; this is followed by the rapid leaves enlarging stage, also called the vegetative stage.

At the vegetative stage, the leaves and stems of the watermelon plants enlarge rapidly.

Watermelon plants also have the stage of flowering. This is the stage when the watermelon plants bear a lot of male and female flowers. Pollination occurs during this stage. Without pollination, the fruits will not set. Bees are important during pollination.

The watermelon plant also goes through the fruiting stage. This is the stage when the fruits are set. The last stage is the harvesting of the watermelon fruits.

Open Field Watermelon Production

Watermelon farming is mostly done in the open field in Nigeria. This is the cultivation of watermelon in the field or farmland without the use of protected covering or house. In Nigeria, almost all watermelon farmers practise open filed farming.

To practise open field cultivation of watermelon, a farmer needs to have a farmland, prepare the farmland by ploughing, harrowing and ridging and planting the watermelon seeds.

Manures and composts, fertilizers and pesticides are some of the inputs needed for open field cultivation of watermelon.

Some months of the year may be better for the cultivation of watermelon than other months.

Open filed cultivation of watermelon in Nigeria comes with some challenges. The doyen of the challenges is pests and diseases. Watermelon plants grown in the open field are more prone to pests and diseases attacks. Pesticides must be judiciously used in this case.

Watermelon Growing and Greenhouse Cultivation

Watermelon as a crop is not usually grown in greenhouses in Nigeria. I have only seen just one farmer who grew watermelon in a greenhouse. Growing watermelon under protected covering is possible and may lead to increased yield.

The intensive nature of greenhouse farming can enable more watermelon plants to be cultivated per square meter, thereby leading to increased yield and profitability.

Growing watermelon in greenhouses can be expensive. The cost of erecting a greenhouse in Nigeria is high. In greenhouse farming, more inputs like fertilizers, seeds and pesticides etc. are used as compared to open field cultivation.

High density planting can be done in greenhouse farming of watermelon.

Organic Watermelon Farming in Nigeria

Organic farming is the growing of crops with naturally made inputs. In organic farming, no chemicals are used; only organic inputs like manure, compost, bio-fertilizers, microbial innoculants and bio pesticides etc. are used.

Some farmers in Nigeria who grow watermelon practice organic farming. Organically grown watermelons are expected to be sold at premium because they are deemed to be healthier.

Yield of Watermelon Crop

Watermelon can be a high yielding crop if the farmer implements the right agricultural practices. A one acre farmland of some varieties of watermelon can yield 10,000 – 15,000 watermelon balls.

Watermelon farmers are advised to remove some watermelons from their plants if the plants have several fruits forming. If you allow a watermelon plant to have only 2 watermelon fruits for instance, the two fruits may weigh higher than 5 fruits.

It is not about the number of watermelon fruits you harvest; it should be about the weight of the watermelon balls you harvest. If you few watermelon fruits that are very big, it is better than harvesting a lot of watermelon fruits that are so tiny.

Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon

The following are the health benefits of eating watermelon:

  • Watermelon has a high water content. It helps in the hydration of the body.
  • Watermelon contains a lot of minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to the body. The vitamins include Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6.
  • Watermelon has lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant good for the body.
  • Watermelon is said to have compounds that can prevent cancer.
  • Watermelon has compounds that improve the functions of the heart.
  • Watermelon can improve digestion.
  • Watermelon is beneficial to the eyes.

Source : Healthline

Questions and Answers on Watermelon Farming

a) Question: How can I get watermelon seeds to buy in Nigeria?

Answer: You can contact Veggie Concept on 08025141924

b) Question: Do I need drip irrigation for my watermelon farm?

Answer: Yes, we strongly advise you use drip irrigation for your watermelon farm.

c) Question: Is watermelon farming profitable in Nigeria?

Answer: Yes, watermelon farming can be very profitable if you use smart farming technologies and if you also implement good agricultural practices.

d) Question: Do watermelons have seasons when it comes to sales?

Answer: Yes, the prices of watermelons oscillate. At some times of the year, the price of watermelon balls can increase by over 150%

e) Question: Is watermelon a high yielding crop?

Answer: Yes, watermelon as a crop can have a very high yield. However, your yield depends on a lot of factors. The variety of seeds, fertilization rate, irrigation system used, the level of pests and diseases on your farm and your skills as a grower.

f) Question: Where can I get high quality inputs for my watermelon farm?

Answer: You can contact us to buy high quality inputs for farming. You can also get from credible dealers around you.

Read our latest article on the best fungicide for watermelon farming in Nigeria .

Great job! Most analytical and educative article ever. Thanks a lot.

A very rich, well researched and concise article. Well done!

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How to Start a Watermelon Farm in Nigeria: Step-by-Step

One of the highly patronized fruits in Nigeria and abroad is Watermelon, it is largely cultivated and consumed across the globe, and as such, farmers have seized the opportunity of this profitable Agribusiness to establish financial freedom. Learn how to successfully start a watermelon farm in Nigeria today.

So if you are thinking of cultivating simple crops that can be planted and harvested within a short period like cucumber, okra, and the likes for instant gratification, then don’t forget to add watermelon to your list.

What’s more, watermelons are not picky in the areas for germination, they can be cultivated anywhere across Nigeria with little or no problem along the line.

How To Successfully Start A Watermelon Farm In Nigeria

The following steps are therefore needed to be considered in starting a successful watermelon farming in Nigeria and anywhere in the world.

1. Land Preparation

Since you can’t cultivate the watermelon in a river, you’ll have to clear the land to be used for farming against any grass and debris. If you are going to use dry land, tilling is very necessary to aid the root movement easily and to aid the easy penetration of water.

2. Seeds Preparation

After you must have done all the necessary things on the land, then you need to prepare the seeds to be planted.

If the seeds will be prepared by you, you are to dry them for 5 – 7 days to make sure they really dried off. But if you are getting the seeds from a store, you don’t need to since they only sell the dried ones.

3. Planting of the Watermelon Seeds

Depending on what you feel, you can plant the watermelon seeds the same day you prepared the bed. In so doing, give a space of about 2 ft by 2 ft and plant 2 to 3 seeds. Since you’ll be doing the thinning after days of successful germination.

4. Application of Manure or Fertilizer

It is immaterial that the soil is fertile, watermelon requires adequate nutrients at some certain stage of germination. To avoid any shortage of nutrients, you will need to be applying manure as it grows.

5. Application of Insecticide

The watermelon plant is susceptible to insects and diseases. The commonest one is Fusarium wilt anthracite, when you noticed any strange changes, kindly uproot and burn it.

So after the 10th and 14th days of germination, apply insecticide, subsequently, apply it on the 37th and 57th days of planting.

6. Irrigation

You are to water the watermelons in the first 2 to 3 weeks after seed planting. Watermelon is known for deep roots and this enables it to extract moisture, so until the roots grow out, the crop is to be watered with a slow deep soak.

Thus, you are to stop watering the plant when it begins fruiting regardless of whether or not it rains. This is to allow the concentration of the sugar in the fruit and the watermelon flesh to be crispy.

7. Harvesting

Watermelon takes up to 80 – 100 days to fully ripe and it can be harvested up to 20 times before its withering, albeit it depends on the species and management of the planted seeds.

Why You Should Start Cultivating Watermelons

Watermelon farming in Nigeria is highly beneficial for a variety of reasons asides from being a fruity snack. They are packed with lots of vitamins and minerals including

  • Vitamin A: which is necessary for good eyesight
  • Vitamin C: an antioxidant helps to clear the free radicals in the body hence promoting a clearer skin tone.
  • Lycopene: for protecting the skin from sunburns and cancerous agents.
  • Iron: for increasing blood production and preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Watermelons help to boost libido in Men
  • The watermelon business is a lucrative one and be sure to make huge profits from it, if you follow this guide.

Read Also: How To Start Cucumber Farming Business [For Beginners]

FAQS on Starting a Watermelon Farm in Nigeria

First off, you don’t need much capital to start a watermelon farm in Nigeria. Once you have a portion of land that can be cultivated, then you can go ahead. However, you would want to break the soil lumps for easy root penetration and apply compost manure on the land if it was not fertile.

Sandy and loamy soil are the best fit for most fruit plantations as they retain water in the needed consistency.

Though you can plant watermelons all through the year, March and late August are advised for the early and late productions respectively.

Most watermelon species take between 80 – 100 days to grow fully.

Proper irrigation automatically boosts the size of watermelons. You have to make sure that the soil is always moist but not to the extent of being water-logged. That is why watermelons planted in rainy seasons yield bigger melon sizes. Applying phosphorus-containing fertilizers to the soil also makes added effects to increasing the fruit size

Because water is of high value to watermelons, you need to ensure plentiful and regular watering for quick growth. 8 – 10 liters of water should be given each day.

Watermelons need fertilizers high in phosphorous. When applying the fertilizer make sure that the soil covers the seeds properly. If not, the seeds may not germinate.

Compost manure is the holy grail here. Even when the idea of using so much compost feels gross before doing it, they happen to sweeten the watermelons straight from their roots. In case you don’t know, too many fertilizers can burn the watermelon sprouts however, compost doesn’t do this.

Yes, watermelon is a very profitable business.

Congratulations, you can now harvest, market, and sell your watermelon.

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How to Start Profitable Watermelon Farming Business in Nigeria 2024

Before we look into starting a watermelon business in Nigeria, let me quickly explain to you the descriptive aspect of the watermelon fruits in case you don’t know much about it and its origin.

Watermelon is an essential cucurbitaceous vegetable widely grown and consumed in most regions of Nigeria.

The crop is generally cultivated during November through April, depending on water availability. The fruit crop requires a hot dry climate with warmer days and cooler nights.

Although there are many varieties of watermelon, farmers prefer to cultivate hybrids as they command better prices due to their high productivity in yield and sweetness in taste.

Watermelon is an excellent dessert fruit and the juice makes a good refreshing and cooling beverage. It is an edible flesh that contains 92% water, 0.2% protein, 0.3% minerals, and 7% carbohydrates.

You will surely agree with me that it is one of the most consumed fruits in Nigeria. The reason behind this is not far-fetched owing to the good taste and the abundance of nutritional content which includes the presence of amino acids and citrulline (the body later converts it to arginine).

Having said all this, let’s discuss how to start up a watermelon business and how lucrative it can be. Every region of Nigeria supports the cultivation of watermelon farming.

At present, the northern region of Nigeria is responsible for the highest production of the fruit. The reason watermelon business is lucrative is that it requires low capital to start up and there is a high demand for it. Below are the necessary things to consider when starting up the business.

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This is the major requirement for starting any business. You don’t need a lot of capital to start up a watermelon farm; the reason being that it is cost effective and easy to start up. The capital needed will solely depend on how large you want your farm to be. Listed below are the essential costs you will need money to cover.

  • Purchase of farmland
  • Money to get watermelon seeds (it is advisable to buy viable and disease-resistant seeds)
  • Farm equipment (much equipment is not needed because manual labour can be used alternatively)
  • Cost of labour (it is advisable to hire labourers since you’re targeting commercial production)
  • Farm inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides).

There are no fixed costs for all the aforementioned expenses; the total budget can vary from one place to another and they are, in many cases, negotiable.

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Soil Requirement

Watermelon thrives best in a well-drained and not in water-logged soil with good air and water infiltration rates. Soil should be of 6 -7 PH. Liming can be done in case of low soil PH. It must also be noted that fine sand produces the highest watermelon when adequate fertilizer and water are added.

Soil and Land Preparation

Watermelon can be cultivated commercially on a wide variety of soils. Sandy loams have been proven to be the best for early crop while high productivity is recorded in loamy soils. Well-drained soil with high organic matter is best suited for cultivation. Land can be prepared by ploughing at right moisture content using a tractor or power tiller drawn plough to get the required soil tilt.

Recommended Varieties/Hybrids

Many varieties and hybrids of watermelon are made available by agricultural research institutes and private seed companies.  Examples include Arka Yamato, Jyoti, and Augusta. Most commercial growers prefer Sugar Baby because it generates high yield and has good taste.

Two different methods of sowing recommended are:

  • Furrow method: Open furrows at a distance of 2-3 meters apart. Sow the seeds on either side of the furrows and allow the vines to trail on the ground. Two plants/ hills should be maintained. In a furrow plant to plant, spacing should be 0.75 to 1m.
  • Pit method: Prepare pit of 60cm diameter and fill with a sufficient quantity of organic manure before sowing. Four plants/ pit should be maintained and pit to pit distance should be 2-3m.

Seed rate: Seed rate depends majorly on the variety or the hybrid. Usually, 3 kg/ha for small-seeded types and 5 kg/ha for large-seeded types are advisable. But for high yielding hybrids, the seed rate of 0.75 to 1kg is sufficient per hectare.

Seed treatment:   Seeds with fungicide can be treated with Carbendazim @ 2g/kg of seed or Thiram @ 2g/kg of seed and are to be sowed immediately after treatment. Note that it is not advisable to combine fungicide treatment and biocontrol treatment together.

Post Planting Operations

The post planting operations of watermelon include:

  • Weed Management
  • Water Management

1. Weed Management

Weed management spray, Butachlor @ 2kg/ha, after 3 days of sowing, removes the weeds by hand weeding after 15, 30 and 45 days of sowing.

2. Water Management

Watermelon needs to be irrigated at regular intervals of time as it thrives well when irrigated. Over-mulching is not recommended as it promotes excessive vegetative growth.

Watering of the watermelon fields should be stopped during ripening because it will negatively affect fruit quality and lead to fruit cracking.  Water stagnation should be avoided during the pre-flowering, flowering and fruit development stage. Water the root zones only and not the vegetative growth, flowers, and fruits.

Prune the excessive vine growth manually to restrict vegetative growth and promote a higher female to male flower ratio. If the apical shoot is pinched and 2-4 side shoots are allowed to grow, it gives significantly higher yield. Thin the fruits to retain only a maximum of 4-5 fruits per vine to improve fruit size and yield.

4. Harvesting

Harvesting of watermelon starts 30-40 days after flowering. Harvest patterns of watermelon are given below. You may use it as a guide.

  • Harvest the fruit when it produces heavy dull sound upon tapping.
  • The maturity of the fruit is indicated when the fruit’s surface on the ground level produces a light yellow colour.

Your harvest can be marketed to your target market area, which I believe you must have researched before venturing into the business. But one thing is sure; the demand for watermelon is always high.

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Watermelon Farming In Nigeria

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Watermelon farming business plan in Nigeria is available here and its regularly updated, it can be used for Bank loans, Grants, proposals etc.

Watermelon to is one of the most consumed fruits not just in Nigeria but in the world at large. This makes watermelon farming business to be one of the most profitable businesses you can venture into. If you are thinking of starting this business and you do not know how to go about it, well there is good news for you, this article will help and give you a direction about this business, why it’s a good one to venture into, how start, and most importantly what you need to succeed in the business.

There are several points that will be highlighted in this article; this will give you a straight perspective about water melon business in Nigeria.

Nigeria has the soil and the climatic conditions that support the growth of this kind of crop. This also one of the agribusinesses that contributes to food and economic value of the country so just in case you are thinking that this business would not yield as much as you think, I think it’s high time you changed your way of thinking because this business is o of the most profitable agribusinesses in Nigeria if you know the right things to do.

Watermelon Farming Feasibility Study

What is watermelon farming.

This is the cultivation of watermelon for substantial or commercial purposes. This crop can do well irrespective of your state or location. This is one of the good things about watermelon farming. The demand for watermelon in Nigeria is so high and unsaturated this is why it’s a very lucrative one because in no distance time due to high demand so much would have been made.

There is so much to consider when going into watermelon farming. Here are the highlights of some major things to consider when starting a watermelon business in Nigeria.

Business plan

It is very important to get a comprehensive business plan before you go into this business. To be successful in watermelon farming business, you need a road map to follow and that is what a business plan is. Conduct feasibility or have someone do it for you. It’s important. A good business plan will help you know the best variety to venture into and how to source for capital if you are starting and also how to maximize your profit.

If you want to do well in the business, a business plan should not be negotiable. A good business plan should contain, Executive summary, operation method, sales and marketing strategy, SWOT, market analysis, competitive analysis, financial projects etc.

Hurry now, Get Your Watermelon Farming Business Plan. To place an order, pay N10,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – Uwadia Eyemeka Account No – 0127561472

After payment text your name and your e-mail address to 07036785443 and you’ll receive your Watermelon Farming Business Plan / Feasibility Study in Nigeria

Site Selection

This is a very important aspect of this business, although watermelon is not like some crops that are selective about the kind of soil they thrive in, water melon are tolerant and will do well in a good soil. Although they thrive and develop well in hot and dry climate which is the simple explanation the bulk of it comes from the northern part of the country but however the case all you need for the crop to thrive is a good soil and adequate sunlight so you have to be careful where the site of your farm is located.

The soil should have good amount of organic matter. The location of the farm is very important. This will make the distribution process easy, it is difficult is your find yourself in a terrible location. One of the reasons farmers goods perish is because of inadequate transportation before the good are transported to the consumers, they are already perishing so choose a good site for your farm where it would not be difficult to deliver to customers when the fruits are matured.

Seed Selection

There are different varieties of watermelon, there are Crimson Sweet water melon, Yellow Crimson sweet watermelon, Sugar Baby water melon, Charleston Gray water melon.

Crimson Sweet Watermelon

This is one of the most popular water melon, it takes about 85-90 days to fully mature and it weighs about 25kg. Like the name Crimson Sweet, it’s a very sweet water melon. When its planted, there should be about 30 to 55 inch apart.

Yellow Crimson Sweet Watermelon

This water melon has moderate sugar content, they are originally from Africa and they weigh about 13.6kg. Yellow Crimson sweet water melon takes about 80 days to mature, inside of it are bright yellow-orange with big black seeds.

Sugar Baby Watermelon

This is also one of the most popular water melons; they are also called icebox type because of their small size. The sugar baby water melon takes about 78 days to mature and they weigh about 8-10 pounds. Inside of the water melon is red and a light green rind with dark stripes.

Charleston Gray watermelon

These ones are often used to make watermelon rind pickles. They take up to 85 days to mature and weigh about 25kg. This kind grows yearly.

Pre-planting Operations

It is important to plough the soil before planting the water melon seeds. The seeds can be planted the same day the land is ploughed or a day after. This important this is to have the land ploughed. This crop can be planted in flat land or in ridges depending on the soil type or the number of water melon to be cultivated.

It’s better to plant on ridges when planting on a clay soil and if you want to grow them in large quantities for commercial purposes. Watermelons do not do well in Water logged lands, which is the reason why water this is an aspect you have to be careful about when planting in clay soil. It is advisable that the land be drained of water so this crop can thrive.

The method of planting watermelon depends on the variety of the water melon. Watermelon seeds can be planted under soil temperature of at least 70°F, the preferable a soil pH is between 6 and 6.8. Under this condition, the crop will do well. The plant rows should be 2 meters apart and they should be spaced 1 foot apart. However some variety would prefer more space like the Crimson sweet watermelon. For this one, the ridge should be at least 10 feet, apart.

During planting, the hole should be 30cm deep and diameter of 1m. You can make up to 10 holes in a ridge and plant one seed per hole. The best period of the year to plant watermelon in southern Nigeria is March, June, July and September, in the northern part of the country May and July. However, anytime you choose to plant watermelon most especially for commercial purposes uttermost attention should be given to it.


This include adding manure, watering the plant and checking it from time to time for signs of growth, pest infestation and maturity. When adding fertilizer to your plant, it is better to add humus than to add fresh/organic manure. If fresh/organic manure is added, this could affect the taste of the fruit and also weaken its resistance to fight against diseases.

It is advisable to add inorganic fertilizers like potassium and Phosphorus; this will improve the quality o the fruit. During the early stages, the plant requires high level of nitrogen but once the plant flowers and fruits, this should be reduced. Until the plants matures, irrigation should be done once a week

Watermelon takes about 3 months to mature, there are signs to look out for such as dying of the tendrils, uniform color, cracking sound at the rind when pressure is place on the water melon and a dull sound when flapping the fruit, although color changes will also mean that the water melon is mature.

To harvest water melon, cut the stem close to the fruit with a knife. It is very important to deliver them to your customers as soon as they are harvested

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Watermelon Farming In Nigeria

Today watermelon is the world’s third most popular crop – the two top crops are potato and tomato. With this kind of popularity, it’s surprising that watermelon farming in Nigeria is not as common as it should be.

Given that Africa is where watermelons originated, farming watermelons is the most natural and easiest thing you can do if you want to join the farming industry. Let our watermelon farming guide help you start your own successful business.

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1. Why watermelon farming?

Watermelon production in Nigeria has a number of advantages over not only other industries but also over other farming branches. The main reasons to go into watermelon farming include:

  • Huge selling opportunities: if you choose to farm watermelons, you will never struggle with selling them, as watermelons are highly valued by Nigerians for their taste and health benefits.
  • Easy start: there is no complex preparation needed to start a watermelon business, and it’s the ideal industry for beginners with no farming experience.
  • No pests and diseases: watermelons are famously resistant to the most common pests and diseases, which means you can save time and money on protecting them.
  • High turnover: a watermelon takes just up to 3 months to go from planting to harvesting, which means you can have several watermelon crops every year.

watermelon farming

2. How to grow watermelon in Nigeria

Even though watermelon farming is a relatively easy business to join, there is still some preparation required for the business to achieve maximum success. Before becoming a watermelon farmer, take care of the following:

  • Acquire a large land plot. Watermelon is a type of product that requires a lot of space, especially when your watermelon vines expand and deliver larger fruits, which is why ample land size is crucial for successful farming.
  • Make sure there is enough sunlight. Watermelon is a plant that directly depends on sunlight for growth and development, so when you’re shopping for land, choose a location that is sunlit all year long.
  • Buy high-quality seedling. The type and quality of seeds you buy and the plant has a huge impact on the outcome of your venture. The most popular watermelon species in Nigeria include Crimson sweet, Jubilee, Sugar baby, and Charleston gray.

How to grow watermelon in Nigeria

3. Watermelon farming: a business plan

A business plan is the cornerstone of any enterprise and is indispensable if you want your new business to succeed instead of failing. Watermelon production is no exception. A typical watermelon farm business plan includes the following steps:

  • Secure the land and seedling using the tips we mentioned above.
  • Plant your watermelon seeds. In this step, it’s very important to follow the planting season for watermelon in Nigeria , so that your farming business could get a good start. The ideal time to plant watermelons depends on the area in Nigeria you live in: in Southern Nigeria watermelons can be planted in March, June, July, and September, while in Northern Nigeria it’s best to plant watermelons in May and July. Remember an important rule of how to plant watermelon : don’t plant the seeds during and right after heavy rains.
  • Water your plants twice a week until the vines start sprouting out, and then reduce the watering to once in every two weeks. Moreover, inspect the soil for weeds regularly and pluck them out before they further grow out.
  • Harvest the watermelons. To make sure your watermelons are ready to be harvested, don’t just pay attention to the 3-month growing period, as it may turn out that due to weather conditions or other factors they may take longer to reach full maturity. That is why you also need to make sure that the watermelons become less shiny and that the bottom part that contacts the ground has turned yellow.
  • Sell your harvest. Depending on the size of your farm and your business goals, you have several ways of selling the watermelons. The most common way is selling them to grocery store owners and market sellers. You can also find a wholesale watermelon buyer and sell your harvest in bulk.

Watermelon farming

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How to start watermelon farming business in nigeria – a practical guide and business plan on watermelon farming, how to start a profitable watermelon farming business in nigeria – , a practical guide and business plan on.

I remember having to fight with my girlfriend on the watermelon consumption. She is a watermelon freak but I hated it. In fact, it irritated me. She won eventually, no thanks to the power of a woman. And now, I have become a bigger fan than her. So many people consume the fruit and today, I’m going to show you how to start a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria.

The first thing you should know about watermelon production is that it is very profitable. It is no longer news too that the GDP of the Nigerian economy is receiving boosts due to the emphasis on Agriculture.

The market is there for you to explore. Because of the nutritional value, many people consume watermelon daily.

Away from Nigeria, there is a world high rate of production and consumption of the product. Wikipedia has it that as at 2014, the watermelon production in the world stood at 111 million metric tons. That is quite huge. Nigeria contributes a substantial quantity to that number.

The affordable price of watermelon in Nigeria has also contributed to its consumption. Remember the law of demand; the lower the price, the higher the demand.

Today, I’m going to work you through the process of growing watermelons commercially in Nigeria. it will surprise you to know that to start a profitable watermelon farming business may not be as difficult as you may have envisaged.

Stay tuned.

You will learn about the business opportunities open to you if you start a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria, some basic facts about watermelon production, the various types of watermelons and a detailed guide on the ways to start a profitable watermelon farming business in this article.

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More so, you will be to order a well-prepared business plan on watermelon production from our team of experts or a guide on how to prepare yours by yourself.

I guess you will have to get all the information on watermelon from this piece.

Basic Business Opportunities Found In Watermelon Farming Business

Provision of food.

Primarily, watermelons are eaten as raw fruits. They can be used as part of a salad or even prickled. They are great sources of fruits and food. Watermelons contain dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients and more importantly, water.

Since they can be eaten, you can sell to wholesalers and retailers and even consumers who will eat them. This process ensures enough profit.

Because of the juicy constituent of watermelons, they can be used in fruit salads, limeade, margaritas or juice. The juice from watermelon can very much be blended with other important fruits or made into wine. This could be sold as packaged and branded products. So you can sell to people who do this or you can take it up yourself.

Basic Facts About Watermelons

In my research on the ways to start a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria , I stumbled upon this piece by Stan of startuptipsdaily.com. It made a lot of sense. I will share verbatim what I saw. I know you will like it.

  • Watermelons originated in southern African countries.
  • Watermelons carry a little amount of fat.
  • Watermelons are high in protein, magnesium, and vitamin B.
  • Watermelon contains fiber (fiber encourages a healthy digestive system).
  • The world’s heaviest watermelon was grown by Lloyd Bright of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 2005. It weighed 268.8 lbs. (121.93 kg).
  • Watermelons help reduce both your body temperature and blood pressure.
  • Vitamin A helps keep the skin moisturized. A cup of watermelon contains nearly one-quarter of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin A.
  • According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Drinking watermelon juice before an intense workout helps reduce next-day muscle soreness and heart rate.
  • Watermelon seeds are roasted and eaten in some Asian countries.
  • Watermelon can be processed into jam, juice, cocktail.
  • Watermelon has a neutral flavor.
  • Watermelon is beneficial in treating erectile dysfunction.
  • Watermelons are propagated through seed.
  • Watermelons can keep you hydrated since they contain 96% water.

Varieties Of Watermelon

If you want to start a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria, you should know the variety to plant. It is very important. Below are some of them.

Sugar Baby Watermelon

They are usually small sized, little wonder they are called icebox type. They can easily be put into a refrigerator without cutting because of the said size. They usually take between 75-80 days to mature and they weigh 7-12 pounds.

The color is usually light green with dark stripes cover and flavor red flesh.

Crimson Sweet Watermelon

Unlike the sugar baby watermelon, the crimson sweet watermelon takes between 85-95 days to mature fully. It weighs between 20-25kg. This variety is usually known for its enormous sugar content. The flesh is usually bright deep red.

Charleston Gray

This variety of watermelon is an annual crop cos it grows yearly. Its height is the maximum of 1.46m. The average weight is 25kg and the average time of maturity is 85 days. Its flesh is usually red and fiber free. The rind, on the other hand, is usually grey-green

Yellow Crimson sweet

This has its origin in Africa. On the average scale, they weigh 14kg and take between 75-85 days to mature. The flesh is usually bright yellowish orange in color. The seeds are very large and black and the flavor is very excellent. They also contain very moderate sugar content.

How To Start A Profitable Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria

Research the business.

How can you be on top of your game if you don’t know the business you want to run? You will suck at it. Therefore, if you want to start a profitable watermelon farming business, you will need to take out time to find out all you can and should about the business.

You should know how to grow watermelon, best watermelon variety, watermelon cost, watermelon price, the soil type that best suits the production, watermelon fertilizer recommendation, what month to plant watermelon and other important things. Actually, reading this piece is one of the ways to do that.

Write a business plan

This is going to be the easy part if you did your work on the research very well. You need a business plan for the smooth running of your business. Without a business plan, you may not even understand everything you are meant to do.

Your business plan will contain essential aspects of your business. Some of them include financial cash flow, exit strategy, marketing plan , location, SWOT analysis etc.

We know it may be difficult to put one up. Don’t worry, we are here to help. Our team of professional writers can put up a business plan on watermelon farming business for you at an affordable price.

Pick a farmland

When your business plan is ready, you should pick a farmland or better put, a location for your watermelon cultivation . Watermelon plantation thrives in sunny places. Therefore, pick a location that has enough sunlight and it should be well drained too. It makes them grow properly because they don’t thrive in waterlogged environment or soil.

You can grow them in ridges and beds and your soil should contain a good quantity of organic matter for maintaining nutrients for plant growth.

Plant the watermelon

When planting your watermelon, you can plant directly outside. If you are going to use more than one row to plant, then you space at 6 feet by 6 feet apart. The temperature of at least 70°F should be used and the pH level of 6-6.8 should be utilized.

I know you would also want to know what month to plant your watermelon. In the northern part of Nigeria, in case you are there, you should plant either in May or July. If you are in the southern part of Nigeria, you should plant in March, June, July or September.

Take care of the crop

You will need to take care of the crop from the time of planting to the time of harvest. At every stage, you will need to take care of your crop and ensure it turns out greatly.

You will need to irrigate the crops every week to ensure the soil gains enough moisture content to keep the crop growing healthily. You must be careful to avoid waterlogging the soil.

Weeding is essential. I guess everybody knows that. You must keep your watermelon plantation or watermelon garden free of weed.

During fertilization before flowering, you are expected to use more nitrogen and less phosphorus and potassium. However, after flowering, you should switch to less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium.

Part of knowing how to start a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria is knowing how to harvest the watermelon. You should know when they ripen because it is done two weeks after being picked. All you need to do is tap the fruit to know if it sounds hollow or checks the color. A ripe one will have a yellowish-cream colored bottom.

Market your products

This is the final step in this our guide. Your products must be known. Employ all the strategies; online and offline, that can help you achieve your goal of marketing your products. You are good to go.

You should know that everything will depend on your ability to put up a plan. To start a profitable watermelon farming business in Nigeria will require a standard business plan.

Fortunately, we can help you with that. If you are interested in getting one or getting consultation on how to put yours up, you can contact us and we will do our best for you. We have given you the guide, if you need the business plan, you will have to order it.

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Ossi Samuel

Ossi Samuel is a mafian thinker, an avid reader and writer, and political analyst. Am a humanitarian and fun loving person. I love Tech by the way and will always have your time if you have any ideas. I can be reached on Facebook

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Melon Business in Nigeria: How to Get Started

In Nigeria, melon also known as egusi is a popularly known delicacy. In West Africa, the name Egusi is used to refer to plants that are members of the gourd family having seeds of high oil content which also includes watermelon. The Egusi melons described here is a subspecies of the watermelon species.  Melon is widely accepted in every area of Nigeria. Egusi or melon farming is also one of the easiest. Unlike other crops in Nigeria, melon is very resistant to most pests and diseases. This makes melon a potentially profitable business venture. This article provides you with information on all you need to grow a successful melon business from the farm to the market in Nigeria.

Melon Business in Nigeria

Advantages of starting a Melon business

Low cost of production.

Even when starting a melon business from scratch, you will not need to spend much on preparations. All you need is a plot of land, melon seeds, and fertilizers. After the melons are ripened, you can then sell them. The cost of expenses will be compensated for after your harvest.

High turnover

A seed of melon can produce about 10 heads of melon. One head can sometimes contain more than 150 seeds which will be sold at a good price in the market.

Marketing opportunities

There is a high demand for melon/egusi in various parts of Nigeria. You will not need to worry about target consumers for your product.

Starting Melon (Egusi) Farming in Nigeria

Below are steps to take when starting a melon farm in nigeria, site selection and preparation.

It is important you choose a land that is suitable for melon farming. Melon seeds thrive in soft and fertile soil. You must choose farmland that has good soil fertility and good water retention capacity. After you have selected your farmland, the next step is to plow or till the ground in preparation for planting. It is at this point that you can also supply the land with sufficient organic content by adding compost manure to the farmland. This would help improve your melon yield.  Here are some factors to consider: The land should be flat, well-drained, sandy, with enough sunlight.

Seed Selection

This is one of the most important steps when it comes to starting up a melon farm in Nigeria. Good seeds make a good turnout.

Have a good melon (egusi) farming business plan

Every start-up business requires a business plan. This is an important step for you to stand a chance at success in your melon (egusi) farming business. It is especially important you have a business plan if you are starting a melon farm on a commercial basis and not just for your personal consumption.

Aside from being your guide, the melon (egusi) farming business plan is vital so you can access government agricultural loans. Having a business plan also helps you in attracting investors to your farming business in Nigeria.

How to plant your melon

The planting time for melon is usually between the months of April and June which is the start of the raining season. After tilling the soil in preparation for planting, you should raise some beds on which to plant your melon seeds. The plant starts to emerge in 4-7 days. Four weeks after planting, flowering occurs and vines cover the ground completely, suppressing weed growth. Egusi melon can grow on dry to wet conditions. However, the fruits mature only in dry conditions 4 5 months after sowing.

Avoid the cultivation of your melon in an open field. Plant the seeds in places that are sheltered by some trees. While planting, it is recommended that you plant at least 3 seeds in a hole and a maximum of 5 seeds.

You should have a spacing of about 20 inches between the planting holes. Once the seeds start growing into vines, support the vines with stakes.

How to harvest your melon

You are to harvest the melon fruits after they stop enlarging. Melon keeps well for several months in storage. Seed removal from the melon gourd requires breaking the fruit with a hard stick (not a machete as this could slice some of the seeds). You then lay the pieces on the soil for several days or a maximum of two weeks. It is during this time the pulp decays. This produces a strong foul smell, so make sure you do this away from home or residential places.

Wash the seeds from the remaining pulp, then allow the seeds to dry before storage. The seeds need to be dehulled before use as food. After collecting your melon seeds, you can then take them to the market for sale.

Remember that melon seeds are prone to fungal disease-causing agents. Melon seeds can last up to three years when they are properly dried.

As mentioned earlier, Melon (egusi) farming business has a readily available market in almost every part of Nigeria. You can sell your melon seeds to Nigerian markets men and women when you bag the product. You can export egusi to other countries. You can also grind egusi and package it.


The business is highly profitable. Just a single melon stem can yield up to 10 heads to 15 depending on the variety and soil quality. One head can sometimes contain more than 150 seeds. This will sell for good money. If you have a peeling machine, you can sell dry and clean melon seeds directly to retailers. You can transport the melon seeds to other states and localities and sell them at wholesale price

Difference between Watermelon and melon

Egusi Melon plants closely resemble watermelon plants. Both watermelon and melon have a non-climbing creeping habit. However, the pulp of the watermelon fruit is sweet and edible while Egusi Melon has a bitter and inedible fruit pulp. Egusi Melon seeds are larger than watermelon seeds and are also light-colored.

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How to Start a Watermelon Farm – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Agriculture Industry » Crop Cultivation

Are you interested in starting a watermelon farm successfully? Do you need a sample watermelon farming business plan template? If YES, then i advice you read on. Watermelon is among the best fruits recommended for people that wish to loose weight; and with the high rate of overweight or obesity related issues, and other numerous health benefits watermelon offers to the body, the demand for watermelon has sky rocked over the years.

Starting a watermelon farming business can yield massive profits as you can cultivate and harvest three batches of watermelon fruits in a year. For this article, I will discuss why you should invest in watermelon farming, and how you can start your own watermelon farm in no time.

4 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Watermelon Farming Business

High turnover.

It takes a watermelon eighty five days to get to maturity from the planting date. This means you can have three sets of harvested watermelon fruits to sale within the year and if you started out the business on a large parcel of land, then you are sure to get huge returns on your investment.

There is a Ready Market for Your Produce

Watermelon also contains some enzymes that help to fight against cancer causing cells in the body; you see why there will always be a high demand for watermelon.

Watermelon Is Pest Resistant

This means that watermelon plant is resistant to pests and diseases that usually affect plants; you will not need to spend much on greeting ride of pests from affecting the watermelon.

Very Easy to Start

As long as you have the land space needed for the farming, you don’t need much of other things to get your watermelon business up and running; you don’t need much technical knowledge to run a watermelon farm.

3 Things You Need to Start a Watermelon Farming Business

Large expanse of land.

Each watermelon plant is called a vine; and the vines get to spread out as they mature and they need space for the plant to bear bigger fruits. I will talk more on the space needed for a watermelon plant to grow well.

A watermelon plant requires of sunlight to grow well. So the land space must be in a location where there is adequate sunlight to nurture the plants.

Good Seedling

The type of seedling you use will affect the output or quality of watermelon fruits your plants will yield. There are very various varieties of watermelon species, you have to make a choice of which variety you wish and carry out further research on how to handle the cultivation process before you embarked on it.

Starting a Watermelon Farm – Sample Business Plan Template

1. get your land space.

I mentioned earlier that you need a large expanse of land to successfully run your watermelon farm. The first step to take is to find the land you will need for the cultivation in a location where the watermelon plants can get six to eight hours of sunlight each day.

2. Source for Seedling

The next step to take is to source for healthy watermelon seedling. Farmers that already run their own watermelon farmers can supply you with healthy seedling to use on your own farm.

3. Begin the Cultivation Process

The cultivation process in watermelon farming is quite complicated as you need to plant the seedlings in a specific way to give them better space to germinate. When planting the watermelon seed, each hole for the watermelon seedling needs to be 1 foot deep and over 1.5 feet wide. Cover the hole with fertilizer, place the seed on the top and push with your finger till it gets to at least 0.5 foot deep.

For the spacing, you should allow a space of 8 feet between each plant to allow the vines enough space to spread out when the plant begins to grow. If possible, do the planting when the whether is hot, up to at least 70 degrees hot, because watermelon functions better in hot weather.

4. Watering

For the first few weeks after planting, you need to water the watermelon generously twice in a week, then reduce the watering to just once every two weeks as soon as the vines start sprouting out. This is to help increase the sugar content in the watermelon fruit. If a watermelon has a watery taste, that was because the farmer continued to water it consistently even after the vines started growing and didn’t give it the needed space to absolve sugar from the soil.

5. Weed Control

Since the watermelon plant is pest resistant, you need to focus more on getting ride of weeds on the farm; this can be done with herbicides.

6. Harvesting

This is the part everybody is waiting because harvesting means that the sales and money making period is around the corner. I mentioned somewhere above that it takes a watermelon plant 85 days to get to maturity.

The question is; how do you know that you watermelon is ready for harvest ? Your watermelon is ready for harvest when the fruit looses it outer shiny appearance and also the when the part of the fruit that touches the ground changes into a rich yellow colour.

After harvesting, the final step is transportation from the farm to the wholesaler, retailer or final consumption for sale. To successfully sell your watermelon produce, you have to know who your market is. The main market for your produce include: owner of fruit stores, Grocery Store owners, restaurants and hotels, pharmaceutical companies that need watermelon extracts as raw material for the production of supplements.

At this stage of the article, I have covered various sub topics relating to watermelon farming including; reasons to start watermelon farming business, things you need to start the business and how to start the business. Finally, Watermelon is a fresh produce and you don’t expect it to stay fresh for a long time after it is harvested that is why you need to carry out a feasibility research in your location even before you start the farm to ensure that there is a ready market and high demand for your produce.

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Sample Business Plan for XXXX Watermelon Juice, Kano, Nigeria

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₦ 15,000.00

Are you passionate about the health benefits and delicious taste of watermelon juice? Capitalize on this growing trend in Nigeria and throughout Africa with our meticulously crafted Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan. This comprehensive blueprint is customized to the unique demands of the African market, providing you with the strategic guidance you need to establish and grow your watermelon juice venture.

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  • Description

Are you ready to tap into the flourishing market of refreshing and nutritious watermelon juice production in Nigeria and across Africa? Look no further, as our ready-to-use Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan is here to empower your entrepreneurial dreams!

Key Features:

✓ In-depth Market Research: Gain valuable insights into the watermelon juice market to identify growth opportunities.

✓ Business Strategy: Develop a robust business strategy tailored to the local market, from sourcing quality watermelons to distribution.

✓ Financial Projections: Accurately forecast your financial performance with our detailed financial projections, helping you secure funding and track profitability.

✓ Marketing Plan: Create a winning marketing strategy to promote your watermelon juice brand and captivate your target audience.

✓ Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the regulatory landscape with ease and ensure your business adheres to all relevant laws and standards.

✓ Ready-to-Use Templates: Save time and effort with our professionally designed templates for business plans, financial statements, and more.

With our Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions, secure funding, and turn your watermelon juice vision into a profitable reality. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a splash in the thriving watermelon juice industry in Nigeria and Africa.

Don’t wait! Get started on your journey to success today with our Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan, exclusively tailored for the Nigerian and African market.

1. Executive Summary 5 1.1 Business Name: 5 1.2 Business Location: 5 1.3 Business Capacity: 5 1.4 Business Objectives: 5 1.5 Key Success Factors: 5 1.6 Financial Summary: 5 Start-up Expenses Year 1 6 Sources of Funding 7 2. Business Description 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Business Concept and Vision 8 2.3 Mission Statement 8 2.4 Legal Structure and Ownership 8 2.5 Location Analysis 8 2.6 Market Opportunity 9 3. Market Analysis 10 3.1 Industry Overview 10 3.2 Target Market 11 3.3 Market Segmentation 12 Beverage consumption pattern among undergraduates 12 3.4 Competitor Analysis 13 3.5 SWOT Analysis 14 Strengths: 14 Weaknesses: 14 Opportunities: 14 Threats: 14 4. Marketing Strategy 15 4.1 Product Description 15 4.2 Pricing Strategy 15 4.3 Promotion and Advertising 15 4.4 Distribution Strategy 16 4.5 Sales Strategy 16 4.6 Marketing Budget 16 5. Operational Plan 17 5.1 Production Process 17 5.2 Suppliers and Raw Materials 17 5.3 Equipment and Technology 18 5.4 Quality Control 18 5.5 Inventory Management 19 5.6 Facilities and Infrastructure 19 6.7 Machine/Equipment Supplier: 19 6. Management and Organization 20 6.1 Management 20 6.2 Roles and Responsibilities 20 6.3 Organizational Structure 20 Payroll 21 Payroll Years 1-3 21 Assumptions 21 7. Financial Plan 22 7.1 Start-up Costs 22 Machine and Equipment 22 7.2 Funding Requirements 22 7.3 Revenue Projections 22 Sales Forecast Year 1-3 22 7.4 Break-even Analysis 23 Breakeven Analysis Year 1 23 7.5 Financial Statements 23 Income Statement 24 Cash Flow Statement 26 Balance Sheet 27 8. Risk Analysis 28 9.1 Market Risks 28 Mitigation Strategies: 28 9.2 Operational Risks 28 Mitigation Strategies: 28 9.3 Financial Risks 29 Mitigation Strategies: 29 9.4 Mitigation Strategies 29

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    One of the highly patronized fruits in Nigeria and abroad is Watermelon, it is largely cultivated and consumed across the globe, and as such, farmers have seized the opportunity of this profitable Agribusiness to establish financial freedom. Learn how to successfully start a watermelon farm in Nigeria today.

  8. How to Start Profitable Watermelon Farming Business in Nigeria 2024

    In a furrow plant to plant, spacing should be 0.75 to 1m. Pit method: Prepare pit of 60cm diameter and fill with a sufficient quantity of organic manure before sowing. Four plants/ pit should be maintained and pit to pit distance should be 2-3m. Seed rate: Seed rate depends majorly on the variety or the hybrid.

  9. Watermelon Farming In Nigeria & Feasibility Study

    Watermelon farming business plan in Nigeria is available here and its regularly updated, it can be used for Bank loans, Grants, proposals etc. Watermelon to is one of the most consumed fruits not just in Nigeria but in the world at large. This makes watermelon farming business to be one of the most profitable businesses you can venture into.

  10. Watermelon Farming In Nigeria

    The most popular watermelon species in Nigeria include Crimson sweet, Jubilee, Sugar baby, and Charleston gray. 3. Watermelon farming: a business plan. A business plan is the cornerstone of any enterprise and is indispensable if you want your new business to succeed instead of failing. Watermelon production is no exception.

  11. How To Start A Profitable Watermelon Farming In Nigeria

    You can plant the same day you make your bed or as you wish. Give a 2 ft by 2 ft spacing and plant 2- 3 seeds in a hole. You can thin your seedlings to 1 or 2 stands after 10 days of germination or when you are sure of a successful germination. Plant 1.5cm deep into the soil and use your hands to cover it with sand.

  12. Watermelon Farming in Nigeria: Step by Step Guide

    Planting. Water melon can be planted on the flat land or on ridges. If the soil is clay, planting on a ridge or bed is recommended. On the other hand, you can plant on a flat land if the soil is loamy. The planting hole should be about 30 cm in depth. When growing in commercial quantities you can plant on ridges.

  13. Business Plan for Water Melon

    Miragrade Watermelon Farm is a sole proprietorship agricultural business that is registered under the Laws of Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is owned by Mr. Olu Olawale, who has a Master Degree in Agricultural Technology and a Master in Business Administration. ... CHARGES FOR BUSINESS PLAN/PROPOSAL 0 - 50 Millions -N10, 000 N51Millions ...

  14. How To Start Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria

    How To Start A Profitable Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria - A Practical Guide And Business Plan On . I remember having to fight with my girlfriend on the watermelon consumption. She is a watermelon freak but I hated it. In fact, it irritated me. She won eventually, no thanks to the power of a woman. And now, I have become a bigger fan ...


    Objective for Patilad Watermelon Farming Business Plan in Nigeria. To produce and sell Watermelon of approx. 900 tons in the first year. To have our products in major stores, malls and markets in Lagos and its environs. To establish thriving sales relationship with bulk purchaser who market our products.

  16. Melon Business in Nigeria: How to Get Started

    After tilling the soil in preparation for planting, you should raise some beds on which to plant your melon seeds. The plant starts to emerge in 4-7 days. Four weeks after planting, flowering occurs and vines cover the ground completely, suppressing weed growth. Egusi melon can grow on dry to wet conditions.

  17. Starting a Watermelon Farm

    The first step to take is to find the land you will need for the cultivation in a location where the watermelon plants can get six to eight hours of sunlight each day. 2. Source for Seedling. The next step to take is to source for healthy watermelon seedling. Farmers that already run their own watermelon farmers can supply you with healthy ...

  18. How to write a business plan for a watermelon farm?

    A business plan has 2 main parts: a financial forecast outlining the funding requirements of your watermelon farm and the expected growth, profits and cash flows for the next 3 to 5 years; and a written part which gives the reader the information needed to decide if they believe the forecast is achievable.

  19. How To Start A Profitable Watermelon Farming In Nigeria

    Watermelon seeds are often planted on the flat land or on ridges. If the soil is clay, planting on a ridge or bed is usually recommended. On the opposite hand, you'll be able to plant on a flat land if the soil is loamy. beneath a soil temperature of a minimum of 70°F and also a PH concentration between 6 and 8.

  20. Kano Kaduna

    Business Plan For XXXX Watermelon Juice, Kano, Nigeria 2 Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. INTRODUCING XXXX TABLE WATER LIMITED 2.1. Company Background and Management 2.2. Ownership and Strategic Management 2.3. Assessment of Current Business Operations 3. CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK OF THIS BUSINESS PLAN 3.1. Opportunities for Fruit Juice Production ...

  21. Sample Business Plan for XXXX Watermelon Juice, Kano, Nigeria

    This is based on the need to take advantage of the huge population demanding for fresh fruit juices, out grower farmers cultivating watermelon without proper storage upon harvest and the high wastage due to this lack of storage facility and other features that have occasioned the huge supply gap in Nigeria's fruit juice market. Watermelon the ...


    Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a splash in the thriving watermelon juice industry in Nigeria and Africa. Don't wait! Get started on your journey to success today with our Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan, exclusively tailored for the Nigerian and African market. Contents. 1. Executive Summary 5 1.1 Business Name: 5

  23. Watermelon Farming in Kenya Business Plan

    To ensure proper growth, it's recommended to prepare the land with a spacing of 100-150cm between rows and 90-100cm between plants. Propagation can be done by sowing watermelon seeds directly in the field, after soaking the seeds in water overnight. Applying fertilizer is essential for proper root development.