Our Kind of Crazy

100 Funny Maid Of Honor Speech Examples To Steal- {Bridesmaids Too!}

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Freaking out about having to write a Funny Maid of Honor Speech ? Fear not, we have brought in a stand up comic who is sharing her best examples of quotes to add in to your speech.

pin reads "funny maid of honor speech ideas" with picture of bridesmaids and bride laughing.

It is a great honor to be chosen as the maid of honor for your best friend’s wedding day. You’ve known each other for years, and it makes sense that you would want to stand with her on her big day. But now the pressure is on! It’s up to you to write a speech that will get everyone laughing, crying and celebrating!

You may not know what story or words you might want to say just yet, but don’t worry! We’re here to help.

Our advice? Be yourself, share your memories, and most importantly: don’t screw up!

Tips For Writing Winning Bridesmaid Speeches

The maid of honor speech is an important part of any wedding because it’s a time for the maid of honor to tell a few jokes and share some light-hearted memories about how she feels about the bride.

A maid of honor speech can be great if you’re funny, but it can also turn out less than desired if you’re really not that comical…be sure to know your audience, and don’t force anything so its not awkward.

● Choose your humor style wisely : Be careful to choose something that matches your personality. If you are not that funny, don’t attempt some sort of stand up comedy routine on stage when all eyes are on you. You’ll only end up making everyone else uncomfortable and embarrassed for you.

● Keep it short : This is not a time to tell old stories about how you two met 10 years ago. This is a time to tell the bride and groom how much they mean to you, why they should marry each other (if for no other reason than love) and how happy you are for the both of them.

● Don’t be afraid to get personal : While people will expect light-hearted jokes and funny stories, they’ll also want to hear about the person standing up there and not just some comedian pretending to be funny. Tell the bride how close you are, tell her why you feel she deserves someone like him that will love her as much as he does, and try not to cry while saying all of this.

● Don’t make it about you : You’re not the star of this show so try not to talk too much about yourself and your own feelings for the bride. This is a time for her, make sure she hears how happy you are for her no matter what happens in the future with her and her new husband.

● Don’t be offensive : If you have any jokes that you think may be a little on the edgy side, make sure they are appropriate for your audience. Don’t tell any jokes about race or sexual orientation at a wedding and if you do have to go there, remember who is likely going to laugh; you.

● Practice : Make sure you practice your maid of honor speech in front of someone you trust because you’ll want to see how others will react to your humor. If it’s not funny, scrap it and be prepared to tell the bride how much she means to you in a different way.

● Be comfortable : When it comes time for the maid of honor speech, be sure that you are in a place where you feel completely comfortable like at home or some place in your home town where you’re comfortable and not nervous because everyone around you knows how funny you are. If that’s not the case, then make sure to get there early with a glass of water or a calming beverage so you can be ready by the time it is your turn.

● Memorize it : If you feel comfortable doing so, try memorizing your maid of honor speech. This will also help you get rid of any jitters that you may be feeling as well!

● Give it a rest : If this is your first time speaking in front of people, don’t go overboard. Limit yourself to just one or two maid of honor jokes and then save the rest for a time when you’re more comfortable being the center of attention.

● Talk loud enough : No matter what size crowd or how big the room is, try to make sure that they can all hear you with ease. This means speaking up loud and clear so everyone’s attention isn’t on your voice but your actual words.

● Don’t forget about the groom : While it may be easy to just focus on the bride, don’t forget that there is a groom there that you may have to talk about as well. Make sure that he hears how great of a guy he is and all the things that you know he’ll be good at in the future.

● Don’t be nervous : While it’s great that you care about giving a good maid of honor speech, don’t let it get to you too much because if you are really nervous then your speech will reflect that as well.

● Don’t be a downer : If you know something about the bride and groom, keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to hear anything bad about their newlywed friends so try your best not to say something that’s going to make people feel sad or even worse; upset with you! Just give all the positives and leave it at that.

● Be yourself : If you are a funny maid of honor, then be funny! If you’re not, then just go with what feels natural to you because if the bride and groom love you for who you are, everyone else will too.

● Don’t take it so seriously : This is your friend’s big day but don’t worry about it too much because if you do, you may end up putting too much pressure on yourself and then your maid of honor speech will suffer because of it.

● Don’t overdo the brag : If the bride is your best friend, then she already knows all the amazing things that you have done and how proud you are of her. When it comes to the maid of honor speech, save your bragging for other times when it will be appropriate and not in this case when the bride has just gotten married!

● Skip the drama : It’s not a big deal if you accidentally forget someone’s name or get nervous when you’re up on stage giving your speech. The bride and groom will not only understand but they’ll also love you a lot more for it because everyone gets nervous, especially on the big day!

● Don’t talk badly about others : Nope, you don’t want to do this because nobody likes that type of person. Even if someone in the bridal party or even the bride and groom aren’t your favorite people, just skip their names in your speech.

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three women laughing and toasting wine glasses.

Funny Maid of Honor Speech Examples From A Stand Up Comic

**Warning…Kerry is a stand up comic, so some of these we probably wouldn’t say out loud, but take these examples and make them your own…maybe a little more appropriate for the big day! ha!

Without further ado, here is our stand up comic friend Kerry, to help you out!

I remember hearing about someone’s maid of honor speech and how funny it was. I think it had to do with not being at all surprised that the bride picked her best friend! It wasn’t exactly what most people would say, but it had all of us in stitches.

I’m sure you want your maid of honor speech to be perfect, so take a few moments to jot down some ideas on paper first. That way you can revise the speech until you are completely satisfied! Just remember – there is no right way to be funny. There is only your own way, which might not even involve a pun or punchline.

Funny Maid of Honor Quotes

  • I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who helped out with planning the Bachelorette Party. And I extra want to thank everyone who lied and told the groom we were scrapbooking.
  • I still remember when the bride would throw on makeup and fix here hair before going out in public with the groom. He must be thrilled that she is now comfortable wearing jammies and a pony tail on their date nights.
  • When the bride and groom first met, she asked if I thought he was too good looking for her. Silly, right? He’s not even good looking.
  • I know the groom loves the bride for being so laid back and accommodating. He has no idea that she’s going to toss out his childhood action figures by this time next week.
  • I am thrilled that my dear friend chose such an amazing man. You should’ve seen the cast of characters that came before him!
  • The bride once told me that she loved how the groom was confident and didn’t let her boss him around. Don’t worry, groom, she’ll get there.
  • I knew he was the one for her when she told me he was a school teacher. He must be pretty amazing for her to marry a man with that salary.
  • It seems like only yesterday that the bride was out partying and dancing with a man in a fireman’s uniform. Wait, that was yesterday. That whole Bachelorette party is already a blur. 
  • May the bride have a long happy marriage where she never wears any of the lingerie she received at her shower.
  • I would love to be the first person to ask when you’ll be having a baby, but I’m pretty sure at least two people did so when the bride was still walking down the aisle.
  • I have never known the bride to love anyone as much as she loves the groom. OK, maybe she has, but those guys thought she was bonkers. 
  • From this day forward, you will never have to get another bikini wax. 
  • The dear bride has a wonderful sense of humor. She said the funniest thing recently. What was it? Oh yeah, “You’ll wear that dress again one day.”
  • I know the bride will love the groom in sickness and in health. Even if health means he becomes obsessed with CrossFit.
  • It has been my honor to carry Kleenex, lip gloss, and an extra tampon for you today as you join your life with the man you love.
  • The bride is the type of woman who’d drop everything to bail someone out of jail. You should all have her on speed dial. But not tonight. She’s busy.
  • I know the bride loves you to the moon and back, but when you become parents, she’s gonna love that kid all the way to Mars.
  • These two are so in love that they didn’t even consider a prenuptial agreement. But what would be the point anyway with all their student loan debt.
  • I’m not saying that the bride changes her mind a lot, but I am going to hang on to the receipt for their wedding gift. 
  • They like to tell people they met at work, but really they met on Farmers Only. Turns out the groom was entirely misinformed on what he thought a “backhoe” was.

bride laughing with her bridesmaids.

  • I am a tad nervous to speak in front of a crowd, so I’m picturing everyone in their underpants. On that note, check out the groom! Hubba hubba!
  • The bride has always been like a sister to me. Look out, groom, she’s going to borrow all of your nicest heels.
  • When these two first met on Tinder, she didn’t even mean to swipe right. She accidently sneezed when browsing the app. I, for one, am so happy she ordered extra black pepper on her lunch that day.
  • I would do anything for the bride. I’m just glad that she now has a husband who can do most of it, though, so I can sleep in on weekends.
  • I wanted to share the story about how much nicer the groom is than her last fiancé, but this morning she told me the groom didn’t know about him.
  • I have seen this gal do a keg stand at a frat party and talk back to a cop. Congratulations, groom, on choosing her to be the mother of your children.
  • It’s not that you’ll never be right again, groom, it’s that you’ll never be able to admit it.
  • I have seen the bride at her worst, and I love her anyway. I can teach you how to do that too, groom, because it’s a comin’.
  • This woman has always been my partner in crime. I’d love to share more stories but can’t on the advice of counsel.
  • I will always be a sister to you. Unlike your actual sister who is already vomiting in the ladies’ room.
  • I am beyond thrilled to be the one you chose to lift your dress so you can pee.
  • When she first asked me to be her maid of honor, I said no. I didn’t think they were a good fit. So, um, yeah. Cheers.
  • It is a rare occurrence that someone’s one night stand turns into a happy marriage. Hopefully not too rare.
  • They say not to bring up exes in a maid of honor speech, but how else can I tell the groom what a vast improvement he is over those losers?
  • For those who may not know me, no, I am not the bride’s good-looking sister. I’m her super good-looking best friend.
  • The two of us have stuck together through thick and thin. After today, she has the groom to stick with her through thick.
  • The groom is so wonderful that I didn’t even have to threaten him by saying, “If you hurt her, you’ll have me to deal with!”. I mean, yeah, I did threaten him. I just didn’t have to.
  • I want to thank the bride for including me today. And for inviting her hot cousin who’s on leave from the Marine Corps. Save me a dance, sergeant?
  • When she asked me to be her maid of honor, how could I say no? I mean, there’s an open bar. 
  • Thank you for allowing me to say a few words. Most weddings don’t have a maid of honor speech, so that’s a little preview to who is in charge around here.

hands raised in the air toasting glasses at a wedding.

  • The bride once said she wanted 5 kids. Not sure how many the groom wants. If 10 years from now they have 5 kids, we’ll know who wears the pants in this marriage: No one. 
  • I know the two of you will never have to worry about finances because she’s never going to let you drop $500 on a PS5.
  • The bride is strong-willed and won’t take flak from anyone. After all, I’m the one who told her not to marry this clown, yet here we are today.
  • It’s odd to see the bride sipping water instead of her usual red wine. If you guys want to think it’s because she doesn’t want to stain her dress, then I won’t elaborate.
  • There really is someone out there for everyone. I mean, if this guy can land a hottie like the bride, then there’s hope for the rest of you uggos.
  • I’m so sorry for getting a little choked up. I always get this way after doing body shots out of a groomsmen’s navel.
  • I’ve been given a long list of things that I am not to bring up during this toast. On that note, cheers.
  • This has been such an amazing reception even though I didn’t get any of the bacon-wrapped shrimp.
  • A word of advice: You never need to go to bed angry. Especially in this day and age when you can legally purchase edibles in most states.
  • I promise I will make this short and sweet. I can tell the groom is looking for a good excuse to empty another glass.
  • Some men find it important to marry a woman who takes good care of the home and does the cooking. Some men.
  • I love the bride because she doesn’t care what anyone thinks as evidenced by her wearing white today.
  • I knew the bride was really into this guy when she stopped taking her birth control by the second date.
  • The bride is an amazing woman. When you drink yourself sick, she’ll make sure you’ve had some Gatorade before she laughs at you.
  • At first, I thought the bride just wanted to throw a wedding. Then when I learned that the groom was unemployed, I knew she was doing this for love.
  • It’s sweet to hear everyone wish you happiness today as if you won’t both be at each other’s throats once you have kids.
  • The two of us have so many fond memories together. I’m so happy that she found the person who will hold her hair back after a night of partying for the rest of her life.
  • I lived with the bride back in college. That’s how I know she’ll be a great wife. She won’t get on your case for not cleaning because she is an absolute slob.
  • It is my duty as the maid of honor to ask that gal in the back who wore a white dress, “Who the heck do you think you are?”

bridesmaids kissing brides cheek while holding wine glasses.

  • From this day on, the bride will never have to hide her feelings about how much time the groom spends playing Call of Duty.
  • These two agree on so many things. If they can just figure out whose method of loading dishes is correct, then there’s nothing they can’t achieve.
  • Before we toast, I want to remind everyone who hasn’t gotten them a gift yet that these two were too polite to ask for cash. But I’m not. So yeah, get them cash.
  • The bride has never been one to back away from a challenge. That’s why she married a guy who needs so much work.
  • Your wedding day may seem like the end of a journey, but the truth is your journey is just beginning. Planning the wedding was the easy part.
  • I tried to talk them into running away to marry in Vegas, but these two really wanted to waste a ton of money on overcooked pork medallions. 
  • Today marks the day that the both of you realize all those little annoying quirks you each have are here to stay.
  • From now on, the bride will never have to laugh at the groom’s lame dad jokes. She can roll her eyes with the rest of the world.
  • I pray that years from now, the two of you have a good laugh when you look at the China you never used and remember the argument you had when choosing it.
  • Your marriage marks the day when you finally understand why couples get so excited about weekend trips to Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
  • It takes some nerve for a bride to choose an old college roommate as her maid of honor.
  • I appreciate the couple’s desire to keep costs down, but an outdoor wedding in Phoenix in June is pushing it. 
  • This wedding is a long time coming. They had hoped to marry during the peak of Covid so that they could keep the headcount low.
  • I know the bride just adores the groom. She is marrying him even after meeting his crazy mother.
  • I was a tad nervous to give this toast today, but when I saw that the groom’s dad brought his new 25-year-old girlfriend as his date, I figures there’s nothing I could do to make this more awkward.
  • I want to start by saying that the bride will not be doing a bouquet toss today. She doesn’t want any of you to have to plan a wedding during an international pandemic.
  • The bride looks like an absolute princess today. I sure hope she doesn’t bail by midnight and leave behind one of her expensive shoes.
  • Sorry for the late start today. The bride was not feeling well. She totally wasn’t in the restroom saying “I can’t go through with this” while her mother cried.
  • As most of you know, it is my duty as maid of honor to collect money for those making bets against how long it’ll be before they’re sleeping in separate beds. Over/under is 6 months. 
  • I always knew these two would end up taking that walk down the aisle. Most people thought he’d never propose to the woman who drank herself sick on their first date.

champagne being poured into 3 glasses.

  • The bride and groom are such a great fit. As you can tell by the decorations today, these two are both very, very frugal.
  • Just remember, groom, that you think her little quirks are adorable. You forfeit the right to complain about them when they inevitably get on your nerves.
  • I’m delighted to be here today as the maid of honor. After all, I’m the one who convinced her to go out with the groom in the first place. 
  • I knew it was true love when she learned he was a Steelers fan and wanted to marry him anyway.
  • Irregardless of what the bride told you, me has always been a good public talker.
  • I never thought I’d be here celebrating this marriage. After all, the night they first met, she’d been eyeballing his roommate.
  • When the bride told me she was getting married, I assumed it was because she wanted to throw a party using all those great tips from Pinterest. After meeting the groom, I think I’m right.
  • I am so happy that these two married for love because considering how much time they spend in the sun, their looks will not last.
  • Before we raise our glasses, I promised the groom’s Aunt Pat that I’d announce that she didn’t get any of the sausage-stuffed dates.
  • I want to make sure that everyone has a drink in their hand before I get started. Because if you guys aren’t drunk, then I won’t seem very funny.
  • I know the groom dearly loves the bride because he saw those pictures of her before she lost the weight, and it didn’t scare him off.
  • Most women say they’d love their husbands even if he was chubby and balding. I know that’s true for the bride because he already is.
  • I can’t wait to call you two up in 78 days to tell you that your marriage has outlasted most of the Kardashians’. 
  • When these two first got together, they bought the most adorable dog. I hope I’m on the short list to take him in when they have kids and can’t stand him any longer. 
  • I don’t know the groom that well, but based on his taste in women, he must enjoy Harry Potter and stories about what her cat did this weekend.
  • I’d like all the groom’s friends to know how much the bride enjoys spending time with you. Remember that when he flakes on plans and blames her.
  • I have so enjoyed celebrating with these two today, but I would like to announce that I am busy on whichever weekend you choose to have a gender reveal party.
  • I just know that the groom will make a wonderful father. He already has a terrible sense of humor. 
  • What a lucky man the groom is! He leaves here today with my fantastic friend as his wife. She leaves here today with some flowers that will be dead by morning.
  • These two are such a progressive couple who don’t believe in gender roles. That’s why he does all the cooking and not because she doesn’t even know how to turn on the stove.

No matter what, remember to never embarrass the bride or groom, and keep it about them. Know your audience, so you aren’t left with awkward silences and feeling stupid. The Maid of Honor speech is an honor to give, just make sure the humor matches the tone of the wedding and the audience.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Sara, a seasoned expert in wedding planning and date ideas, brings a wealth of experience to our couples blog. With a background in the television industry and hands-on involvement in a dozen weddings, including working as a wedding assistant on "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera," Sara has an innate understanding of the magic that makes weddings truly special. Growing up with four sisters has given her unique insights into the dating world, making her a go-to source for practical and heartfelt dating advice. Her knowledge and enthusiasm make her the perfect guide for couples seeking to infuse their relationships with creativity and love.

Magical Day Weddings

Amazing Tips & Themes For Your Magical Wedding

50 Hysterical Lines To Make Your Maid Of Honor Speech As Funny As Possible

  • Magical Words

Cracking Up the Crowd: 80+ Funny Lines for Your Maid of Honor Speech

  • Posted by by Lisa Plaitt
  • Last updated: February 6, 2023

Being a Maid Of Honor can be such a blessing, but it is also a big responsibility.

You are an integral part of the happy couple’s wedding day, and will be responsible for helping the bride in any way that you can.

You’ll be walking with her down the aisle, helping with bridal party duties, and of course, you have the Maid Of Honor speech.

While you may be over the moon that the bride has asked for you to stand up there with her at the altar on the big day, the thought of doing a speech in front of lots of guests can be a little unnerving. 

That’s where we come in handy.

With this guide, you can get some inspiration and guidance of what to say in your Maid Of Honor speech to absolutely kill it!

We’ll cover how to structure the speech, what hysterical lines you can include, the best tips, and how to actually write your Maid Of Honor speech.

So, read on to find out!

How To Structure Your Maid Of Honor Speech

If you want to knock your maid of honor speech out of the park, then you’ll need to plan it well.

While everyone will have a different approach to a Maid Of Honor speech, as you know the bride and groom so well, it is a good idea to have a structure to follow, so you don’t go off on a tangent and start attacking the happy couple with rude comments or anecdotes. 

Luckily for you, we have a sort of template that you can follow so that your speech is structured and well rounded.

First off, start with a little bit about yourself to just introduce yourself, but remember this is not about you.

Then, you can move on to how you know the bride first, but also how you know the groom and a little bit about them as a couple. 

You can begin with a line about who you are, how long you’ve known the bride, and how strong your friendship has been over the years.

You can talk a little bit about your life with the bride before she found the person of her dreams.

Then, this can lead into how her soulmate has changed her life for the better, and what role they have played in this. 

You can then talk about the things they have achieved together, whether that is purchasing a home, having children, traveling, pets, or growing as individuals and as a couple.

Talk about how they complement each other, and how they bring out the best in one another. 

Throughout the speech, you will want to throw in some funny anecdotes about the bride and groom.

These can be slightly embarrassing, but not too over the line so that your bride would feel ashamed or uncomfortable. 

However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t just be telling stories and reminiscing about your time with the bride, the anecdotes should be linked to an overall theme about her personality, and you can loop it back to that to get the crowd smiling or laughing.

Make sure your stories all come together to have a happier, more emotional response as a result.

Finally, you’ll want to sum up and talk about the relationship and happiness that the couple share together. Talk about them as a couple, and bring it back to the present and talk about the wedding day itself.

Then, you can make a toast as the conclusion, and wish the happy couple all of the best for the future. 

Funny Maid of Honor Introductory Lines

The Ultimate Guide To Your Maid Of Honor Speech

To start off your speech, you’ll need to introduce yourself. You can use some of these funny lines to get things going.

  • Hi folks, it’s me, the Maid of Honor — not quite as beautiful as the bride but she asked me anyway so here I am!
  • As we all know, being the Maid of Honor is a great privilege – especially when it means that I get to embarrass you in front of everyone!
  • Before I start, I’d just like to remind you that standing on chairs and tables is not permitted by the venue, so don’t worry about my standing ovation.
  • Today we are gathered here to witness a magical, life changing event…my speech. The wedding wasn’t so bad either! 
  • We can all agree that it’s been a beautiful and wonderful day. Unfortunately, that ends here with my speech!
  • Today marks a momentous occasion in all our lives – because finally this couple is tying the knot after years of playing hide-and-seek with true love!
  • Can you all hear me okay? If you can’t hear in the back, the complete silence in the front should tell you all you need to know.
  • Of all the weddings I’ve attended in the past, this one, by far…is the most recent.
  • The happy couple have asked that I don’t tell any embarrassing stories during this speech. So, that’s all from me, folks. Thanks for listening. 
  • Today, we honor not just one person but two – after all, they both deserve recognition for finding each other in this crazy world!
  • To be honest, I kinda have to thank myself as well – after all, I’m the one who introduced them to each other right?!
  • Moving on from my obvious greatness… congratulations on your everlasting companionship!
  • It’s time for me to take the reins and let you all in on why this couple is so special – after all, I’m the only one who knows their secrets, right?
  • When I first heard that my best friend was getting married, I had one immediate thought: finally, someone who can handle her sass better than me!
  • I’d like to thank everyone for being here today, especially those of you who are on the same team as me in our ongoing prank war against the bride-to-be!

Funny Lines About the Bride

  • The bride always used to tell me she wanted nothing more than to be married, but that was before I caught her in a secret meeting with George Clooney last week!
  • Now she can finally cross off “buy a wedding dress” from her to-do list for the year.
  • She always said she’d never settle for anything less than the perfect man, and gosh, it seems like she barely made it!
  • I’m not saying ‘Bride’ changes her mind too much, but I have still got the receipt for the wedding gift!
  • If you want to find out more about the bride, I’m sure Google will be very happy to help!
  • As a friend, I would do anything for ‘Bride’, but now you’re married, ‘Groom’ can do it for you!
  • I want to thank the Bride for choosing me to be part of her big day. And ‘Groom’ for having such handsome groomsmen! How you doin’? 
  • ‘Bride’ has been so excited to be a wife, for so many reasons, but mainly because she can eat what she wants now, and will never have to shave her legs again!
  • ‘Bride’ has never been the type to back down from a challenge. That’s why she married ‘Groom’. 
  • When I first sat down to write my speech, I just kept thinking; I can’t believe ‘Bride’ is getting married…in less than an hour. 
  • The Bride looks just like a princess tonight. I just hope she doesn’t run away by midnight!
  • I could tell that it was true love when ‘Bride’ found out he was a ‘Team’ fan, and still decided to marry him.
  • I have to let the groom’s friends know that ‘Bride’ loves spending time with you, so remember that when he cancels plans and blames her. 
  • When the bride’s parents first saw him, they asked “how do we know he’s not a frog?” To which of course, I replied: “because she kissed him and he didn’t turn into a prince!
  • Let’s raise a glass to our blushing bride, who knows that she’s got me behind her with unconditional love and support…and lots of sass!
  • This couple has been through a lot together, and surprisingly, she still likes him!

Funny Advice for the Groom

  • Being married is all about compromise. If ‘Bride’ wants a puppy, and ‘Groom’ doesn’t, then they’ll have to compromise…and get a puppy.
  • She’s the one who always makes sure her friends are having a good time, even if that means bribing them with lots of cake!
  • ‘Bride’ has always been like a sister to me, so watch out ‘Groom’ she will steal your makeup and heels.
  • I’m not saying that you’ll never be right again ‘Groom’, but you’re never going to admit it.  
  • Welcome to the family, groom! Now you finally get to enjoy all of the benefits that come with being married – like getting up early on weekends and having to do twice the number of dishes yourself!
  • ‘Groom’ is definitely cut out to be a great dad. After all, he has an awful sense of humor already!
  • ‘Groom’, never forget to say those three magical words…’okay buy it’. 
  • Remember, ‘Groom’, happy wife, happy life!
  • The bride may have said “I do,” but I think the groom’s real response was “Oh boy, what did I just get myself into?
  • When she said yes to him, I think we were all surprised…to learn how quickly he could move!
  • Even though the groom is out of our price range, we’ll still support them in every way possible.

Maid of Honor Speech Jokes

  • I’m so happy you two found each other, even if it took an online dating app to do it!
  • I’m so excited to watch you make your way down the aisle – but mostly because I get to see what this dress looks like from the back!
  • A wedding isn’t just about two hearts coming together… it’s also about how much money they can blow in one night.
  • It’s no secret that weddings can be expensive, but it looks like it was worth every penny. I mean, just look at the cake…it has more layers than a wedding dress!
  • I’m sure the bride and groom would like to thank their parents for paying for this wedding. As a Maid of Honor, I’d like to thank my bank account for lasting until the end!
  • It’s time to “tie the knot” – Well, I guess we don’t have actual knots for this ceremony…
  • The bride is always right – except when she’s wrong, then I’m right!
  • As they embark on married life together, let’s hope there are more high points than low ones – otherwise it could be a bit of a roller coaster ride!
  • We’ve all heard the saying ‘love is blind’ – but in this case, I think it’s fair to say that love is also deaf, because you can hear the happy couple yelling at each other from miles away!
  • If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that marriage is a lot like a seesaw: eventually, you’ll find balance!
  • I’m so glad that there are two people here today who understand each other better than anyone else…the bride and her credit card company!
  • You two are such an amazing couple that even Cupid is jealous!
  • Now that you’ve tied the knot, does anyone know where I can find some single friends?
  • Hey everyone, let’s give it up for the newlyweds for finding each other among all the fish in this sea!
  • Although you two are definitely a match made in heaven, let’s be honest — no one is perfect! So enjoy your imperfectly perfect union!
  • Here’s to the new Mr. & Mrs., and the many adventures they will have together — just remember guys, my door is always open if things get a little too adventurous!
  • I’d like to offer you some relationship advice for the future…but I’m still single and have three cats, so what do I know?

Funny Maid of Honor Toasts

  • A toast to the happy couple – may your love last for a lifetime even if it doesn’t last through your honeymoon!
  • Here’s to many nights spent cuddling on the couch watching Netflix together!
  • It’s been a long road but today we can finally say: mission accomplished! The bride and groom are officially off the market!
  • To the happy couple – may you live happily ever after … or at least until the next argument!
  • Ladies and gentlemen, let us raise our glasses for the Bride and Groom, who will be living happily ever after…hopefully with little help from me!
  • Last but not least – remember when all else fails, tacos always win! Cheers!
  • Here’s a toast to the bride and groom: may they always leave the toilet seat down!
  • May your love be as unconditional as my agreement to give this speech!
  • I hereby declare these two officially husband and wife – because clearly no one else will marry them!
  • Live happily ever after? More like laugh hysterically for eternity! Congratulations!
  • As we celebrate here today, may the bride and groom always remember to never forget a very important lesson — know that I’m always right!
  • A toast to our beautiful bride – may she always remember that no matter who comes into her life, nothing can replace him, urgh I mean me as her best friend!
  • Before I end this speech, I’d just like to ask the bride and groom to turn and look at each other. Look into each other’s eyes. You are now facing the person who is statistically most likely to murder you. To the happy couple!!

Romantic Maid Of Honor Lines

  • May you have health, wealth, and love, but most importantly, may you have all of the time in the world to enjoy all of them. 
  • You are so blessed to have been able to celebrate your love on such a beautiful day, so let’s raise our glasses to the bride and groom. 
  • All relationships have challenges, and it’s never easy. But, with patience, and the power of love you can grow together and learn together. 
  • ‘Bride’ has always been a role model for me. I hope that one day I too will find a partner, a best friend and a love that she has found in ‘Groom’. 
  • A great marriage is all about falling in love many times, over and over again with the same person. 
  • As Natalie Cole once said: The greatest thing you will learn is to love and to be loved in return.
  • I hope your love will be modern enough to survive the times, and old fashioned enough to last forever. 
  • When the love is real, it feels effortless.
  • Let’s raise a glass to the bride and groom, I wish you nothing but happiness in your life together.
  • May each day be filled with love and laughter.
  • I hope each day of wedded bliss is as joyous, and magical as today has been. 
  • I hope ‘for better or worse’ ends up being far better than worse. 

How To Write Your Maid Of Honor Speech

When it comes to writing the Maid Of Honor Speech, follow our template and structure above. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

50 Hysterical Lines To Make Your Maid Of Honor Speech As Funny As Possible (1)

For instance, when it comes to writing the speech, this is not something you’ll want to do the week before the wedding. 

While it can be great to include mishaps or memories that were made at the bachelorette party or in the rehearsal dinner, you’ll want to have some time to brainstorm ideas, memories and stories that you have shared together.

Then, you can narrow down the list and find the most impactful stories to tell. 

You should also avoid using cliche lines such as Bride is such a wonderful person and a great friend, unless you have an anecdote that relates to this.

Just providing lists of praise can be monotonous for the audience, so illustrate why the bride or groom is so great with a story instead of just saying it to people. 

When writing and planning your speech, you will also need to consider a few things.

For instance, think about who’s speech is before or after yours, so that there is no similarity, or you don’t end up telling the same stories.

Also consider who is going to be listening to the speech, is the bride’s grandma going to be there? What things do you not want to say in front of them?

Also, is there a line you’d like to say to the bride’s new groom? You may want to wish them well or give some advice for their future ahead. 

Try to remember that while this is a moment for you to stand up and say something, it is not about you. It should be focused around the bride and groom, so you should not be the one shining through the speech. 

You should also avoid talking about exes in detail, as the speech is in front of all of their family and friends, and the same goes for dirty talk, toilet humor, or deeply personal information. 

Finally, ensure you have moments within your speech where you can pause for a reaction, so that the audience can laugh, and still be able to hear the next part of the speech without missing anything. 

Top Tips For Your Maid Of Honor Speech

  • Make it short and sweet
  • Focus on the couple, not just the bride
  • Don’t include inside jokes – the crowd won’t understand
  • Have some fun, but don’t cross the line or end up bullying
  • Practice beforehand
  • Make sure you tell a story
  • Don’t use cliches
  • Don’t mention exes
  • Don’t say anything inflammatory
  • End with a nice comment and a toast

To summarize, being a Maid Of Honor is exactly that- it’s an honor. You get to support the bride through one of the most important and memorable moments in her life, and be an essential part of the big day.

While the Maid Of Honor speech can be daunting, it can be so much easier if you do some prep work beforehand.

With this guide, you’ll have plenty of inspiration, funny quotes and an easy to follow structure, so you know what to say, what to do, and what not to say during the big moment. 

Just remember that it’s not a chance for you to berate or embarrass the bride and groom, it’s a chance to have a little bit of fun, tell some stories about the happy couple and wish them well for their future together.

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writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Lisa Plaitt

Hello, I’m Lisa Plaitt and I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost five years. We met almost a decade ago now and I love him more everyday. But on my wedding day - the day that was supposed to be about celebrating us - I was far too stressed to enjoy it. My husband proposed to me in spring and it was a very lowkey setting, in our backyard without anyone else around to see it. It was a perfect proposal. But then everything got real, and I was suddenly thrust into planning mode.

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Funny and Short Maid of Honor Speeches (With Examples)

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  • October 28, 2023

Being chosen as a maid of honor is a privilege that comes with plenty of responsibilities. One of its highlights is having to deliver a maid of honor speech about the couple, getting to introduce them to the guests from your perspective, and sharing the love with everyone in the room.

Funny and short maid of honor speeches can last up to three minutes. They typically include the following elements: the maid of honor’s introduction, discussion about her relationship with the bride and groom, some funny anecdotes and jokes, and well-wishes for the couple. 

Below are instructions for preparing a maid of honor speech, followed by five examples of funny and short maid of honor speeches you can use as inspiration or templates. Lastly, other things you need to keep in mind regarding speeches from a maid of honor are also enumerated.

Writing Your Own Maid of Honor Speech That’s Short and Funny

woman writing speech

What Should a Short Maid of Honor Speech Contain?

The beginning of the writing process is often the most intimidating part. You may worry about saying the wrong thing, sharing too much information, not having the necessary skills to draft a speech. However, knowing how and where to start can immensely help streamline the process. Here is an outline or list of aspects you may want to include:

  • Introduce yourself . The guests may not be entirely familiar with who you are, which is why you must make a short introduction before proceeding with the body of the speech. Say your name, what your relationship with the bride is, and how long you have known her.
  • Thank the people who made the event possible . Briefly express your gratitude to the people who planned the wedding, the vendors (e.g., photographer, videographer, caterer, etc.), and the guests.
  • Talk about the bride . Expound on your relationship with the bride and how you two met. Describe the bride as a person; tell everyone what you think her best qualities are. Share an anecdote that will illustrate your bond.
  • Talk about the groom . Describe his qualities and personality and talk about why you think he is perfect for the bride.
  • Talk about their relationship . Tell the story of how they met, got to know each other, and started falling in love. If you have one, share a funny or memorable anecdote that will encapsulate their relationship. Talk about why they work so well together and why they would make the perfect newlyweds.
  • Say your well-wishes . Let the newlyweds know what you wish for them and their future. This may include good fortune, lots of adventures, success, a happy family, and so on. You may take a quote from your favorite piece of media or recite a poem to make it more sentimental.
  • End with a celebratory toast to the bride and groom . This can be as simple as, “A toast to the newlyweds!”

What to Avoid Including in Your Speech

  • Inside jokes . Although they may be really funny, odds are your guests would need context to fully understand the joke. If jokes do not land with the audience, the atmosphere can quickly become awkward. Given the limited amount of time you have, including an inside joke may not be in your best interest.
  • Long quotes . Similarly, long quotes may take up a lot of time in your speech. Guests might also find it boring, as it is not words that are coming directly from you.
  • Inappropriate stories or jokes . There is a fine line between risqué and inappropriate, which is sometimes difficult to navigate. It would be best not to include anything too suggestive or vulgar, especially if there are kids , older people, and conservatives in the audience.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

friends women

Before beginning a draft of your funny and short maid of honor speech, it will help if you spend some time reflecting on the past. Specifically, reminisce about your relationship with the bride and the groom. Doing so will highly inform your speech and make it easier to write. Refer to the list above that outlines what is generally included in a funny maid of honor speech and use it as a guide for your reflection.

There Is No Right or Wrong Way to Write a Speech

Every relationship between a maid of honor and a bride is different; every guest list in a wedding reception is different. With that said, the lists above should not be taken as rules but as recommendations. After all, you know the couple best, and you have a better idea of what will be palatable to your guests.

Start Drafting Your Speech

After taking everything into consideration, it is finally time to draft your speech. Many prolific writers advise that you write everything first, and once you have written everything, only then should you make edits.

Revising is an essential step to any piece. During revisions, you should be mindful of not only grammatical errors but also the conciseness and flow of your words. Reciting your speech to yourself and someone you trust can help you spot areas of improvement, along with giving you more confidence to speak in front of a crowd.

Examples of Short and Funny Maid of Honor Speeches

woman making speech

“1. Hello, everyone! If we haven’t had the pleasure to meet, my name is Karen.

Melissa and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Apparently, we were the noisiest babies at the daycare. Here we are, more than 20 years later, just as close and just as loud.

I’m not usually a fan of giving speeches because I get nervous easily, but if there’s anything you should know about Melissa, it’s that she has the best puppy eyes you’ll ever come across. The first thing Josh and I bonded over was the fact that we can’t ever say “No” to her.

Over the years, I’ve gotten to know Josh really well. I, as well as everyone in this room, know that they’re perfect for each other. For instance, Josh is a really good cook and Melissa is a really good eater! And Josh breaks a lot of things, but Melissa is the craftiest person I know.

With that said, I know that they’ll have a wonderful and lifelong marriage. Josh and Melissa, I wish you all the best; may your dogs finally learn how to do cool tricks, may your rice never be burnt at the bottom, and may your love only grow stronger with age.

To Josh and Melissa! Cheers!”

“2. Buongiorno a tutti!

First of all, I want to thank all of you for making it here to the beautiful region of Tuscany for the union of our dear Sam and Carlo. When Sam first told me that she wanted a destination wedding in Italy , the first thing I asked was, “Isn’t that expensive? What about your guests?” Well, it seems like none of y’all had any problem getting here!

Kidding aside, hi, everyone! I’m Gina, and I’ve been Sam’s best friend since high school. Who knew two nerds would get along so well? But seriously, without Sam, high school and college would’ve been so unbearable. She’s such an uplifting, inspiring, and cheerful person to be with.

When Sam and Carlo met during junior year, I thought it was the cutest thing ever. It’s the stuff of romcoms: boy bumps into girl, girl drops her books, their hands bump while they pick up the books… I swear Sam wouldn’t stop screaming at me about it for days!

I’m sure everyone has heard someone say that high school sweethearts don’t last. However, Sam and Carlo are living proof that with love, communication, and plenty of healthy arguments about books and movies, high school relationships last. Besides, they’re the most dedicated — or stubborn, both works — people I know, and if they set their heart and mind to it, they can get through everything.

I love the two of you so much, and I wish you all the best. I know you’ll be the main-characters-power-couple you’ve always aspired to be. Alla tua!”

“3. For those of you who have not had the honor to meet me, my name is Anne Marie.

Hannah and I have been best friends for over a decade now since we became roommates for a few years in college. To be honest, it sometimes feels like she’s my sister from another mother: we wear each other’s clothes, steal each other’s food, and bicker with each other to no end. It doesn’t help that I’m always right, but that’s beside the point.

From the moment Hannah met Alex, I could immediately tell that Hannah liked him. It’s honestly not that hard to tell — it’s hard for her to stay quiet, but whenever Alex was around, Hannah could not say a single coherent thing.

Like most of the guys Hannah had dated, I was of course skeptical of Alex. What was even more suspicious was the fact that he likes math. Who likes math? But other than that, Alex passed all the best friend tests: remembering both the important and minor details, respecting her freedom to be her, and knowing what food to get her whenever she gets all grumpy.

They are the cutest couple ever; I don’t usually say this, but they’re really #CoupleGoals. They give me faith that one day, I’ll find a man who truly loves me, enough to go a few miles away just to get takeout from my favorite sushi restaurant whenever I’m feeling down.

It is an honor to stand here today in front of you all as the maid of honor and second most beautiful woman in the room. Second only to Hannah’s mom, of course. Thank you all for coming, and I hope you have a lovely evening ahead. Cheers! “

after wedding party

“4. Hello, everyone! I hope you are all having an amazing day so far.

My name is Val, and for those of you who do not know me, I am Maxine’s older sister . Watching her grow to be the beautiful young woman she is today has been an emotional rollercoaster; I felt all possible emotions like pride, happiness, irritation, impatience, and more.

My big sister instincts have always pushed me to be protective of Maxine. Every boy that wanted to date her had to face me and our dad. To us, Maxine was a precious and tenacious girl who deserved a man who can stand his ground. Many of them failed — not because we had standards that were too high, definitely not.

But Justin was different. Maxine had always lit up the room she’s in, but with Justin, she was positively glowing. She was always smiling, always giggling, always in a happy mood whenever they were together. I distinctly remember the moment I knew they were perfect for each other: on their first anniversary, Justin built multiple bookcases so that Maxine can finally have the home library of her dreams.

I know that getting married is an intimidating time in your life, as this brings about so many changes that it can quickly become overwhelming. However, having been married for a few years now, I can share an important tip I wish I knew sooner. There are three things you and Justin need to have for a lifelong marriage: a sense of humor, a short memory, and selective hearing.

I love you so much. Thank you everyone for being with us today to celebrate the marriage of my dear sister and Justin. Ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses and join me in wishing Maxine and Justin a happy, successful, and strong marriage. To love and lots of patience! “

“5. Hi, everyone! Firstly, thank you all for coming here today to celebrate the love of Emma and Xavier.

On behalf of the amazing group of bridesmaids that helped plan this event, we appreciate all of you being with us today. Let’s also give a round of applause to our incredible photographers, videographer, caterers, and wedding DJ . Hopefully, my ugly crying moment wasn’t caught on camera.

Anyway. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Whitney. Emma has been my best friend, honorary sister, moral compass, and occasional therapist for more than a decade now. The most amazing thing about Emma is that she’s so supportive of everything I do but she never forgets to be caring and constructive. I cannot tell you the number of times she’s had to sit me down and talk some sense into me.

Xavier is just like Emma. They’re both very practical, logical, and thoughtful. Even the way they argue about things is very logical — for example, when they travel, they come up with entire PowerPoint presentations and spreadsheets that justify why they want to go to a specific destination. It’s cute, really, and I make sure to share my opinion even if they didn’t ask for it. Especially when they didn’t ask for it.

But jokes aside, my heart is happy knowing that Emma and Xavier found each other. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I wish nothing but the best for you two; may you find success in your personal lives, and may your love grow more radiant as it ages. May your future children be blessed with rich parents. To Emma and Xavier! “

Other Things to Consider for Your Speech

bridesmaid bride

Include Your Sentiments About the Ceremony

Although your funny and short maid of honor speech has been ready days before the wedding, it is best to include a few words regarding the ceremony. Mention how you felt about assisting the bride as she got ready, how it felt to see her walk down the aisle , and so on. This topic will give you additional room to make your guests laugh, shed a tear, or even both.

Find the Perfect Balance Between Sentimental and Humorous

Your short and funny maid of honor speech should not consist exclusively of jokes and quips . Be mindful of having too many jokes in your speech, as you might end up rushing through your delivery. Doing so may make your guests feel awkward or bored. Ideally, your guests can both laugh and feel touched by your words.

Are Maids of Honor Required to Give a Speech?

While it is not technically required, maids of honor are highly encouraged and expected to give a speech during the reception. They can be as sweet and sentimental or funny and comedic as they want. However, if a maid of honor would prefer not to speak in front of a crowd, she is more than welcome to refuse.

toast wedding reception

When Is the Speech Delivered?

Speeches of any kind are generally delivered after the reception meal. After wedding reception prayers and speeches from the bride’s parents, the floor goes to either the best man or maid of honor.  The Champagne toast can be initiated by any of the people giving a speech, which includes the maid of honor.

Length of Maid of Honor Speeches

A good rule of thumb would be to not let your short maid of honor speech exceed three minutes. Anything over three minutes is too long, and the guests may end up not listening to what you have to say. Moreover, you may have a limited amount of time in the venue, so it is best not to take up too much time.

Bring Cue Cards

Besides the anxiety that comes with public speaking, maids of honor also worry about forgetting what they want to say in their speech. However, bringing a script and reading from it the entire time may seem disingenuous. To work around this, you may jot down key points of your speech on small cue cards. Dissecting your speech into manageable sections makes it easier to memorize and deliver.

Final Thoughts

Seeing someone you love so elated is one of the best feelings in the world. It is an honor to be chosen as a maid of honor because you will be part of the bride’s most important day in her life. Giving a short and funny maid of honor speech will make the reception more memorable, and it is a memory you will cherish for years to come.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Marisa Jenkins

Marisa Jenkins is a wedding planner and event coordinator. Her main goal for WeddingFrontier.com is to simplify the wedding planning process by sharing her years of expertise in the industry.

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How to write a funny maid of honor speech + 55 creative one-liners you can steal.

When it comes to wedding speeches , the Maid of Honor holds a special place – she's not only the bride's closest friend but also the one tasked with creating a memorable and entertaining speech. Infusing humor into your maid of honor speech can be a brilliant way to celebrate the couple's love and bring smiles to everyone's faces. In this guide, we'll show you how to write a funny maid of honor speech that will leave a lasting impression. Plus, we've got a treasure trove of 50+ funny quotes that you can steal to sprinkle that extra laughter!

Funny bridesmaid and funny maid of honor

Set the Tone: Warmth and Laughter

Begin your speech with a warm welcome and a touch of nostalgia. Recall heartwarming anecdotes that showcase your bond with the bride and her journey to find her perfect partner. Transition smoothly into humor by sharing light-hearted stories that highlight the bride's quirks or funny moments you've shared together.

Bride and Maid of Honor share a funny moment during speeches

Timing is Everything: Pace Out the Humor

Humor in your speech should be balanced and well-timed. Mix in funny anecdotes between heartfelt moments to maintain a good flow. Remember, you're celebrating love, so keep the humor light, and avoid jokes that could be misinterpreted or offensive.

Funny bridesmaids laugh with bride before wedding reception

Personal Stories: Highlight Fun Quirks

Share stories that bring out the bride's unique characteristics or the couple's funny experiences. Perhaps the time the bride got lost in her own hometown or when the couple's cooking experiments turned into hilarious disasters. These relatable anecdotes will have the audience laughing and nodding in agreement.

Playful Bride and Groom Tease each other on wedding day

Teasing the Groom: Good-Natured Jabs

Gently teasing the groom can be a hit, as long as it's all in good fun. Highlight endearing qualities or quirks that make him the perfect match for the bride. Remember, the goal is to make everyone smile, including the groom!

Maid of Honor Speech

Be Yourself: Authenticity Matters

While it's great to gather inspiration from quotes and tips, your speech should reflect your genuine feelings and relationship with the bride. Inject your personality into the speech, and don't be afraid to share your own heartfelt wishes for the couple's future.

Funny Bride laughs and smiles before wedding speeches

Quotes to Steal: Example One-Liners to Pump Up Your Punchline!

Injecting well-chosen quotes into your speech can be a game-changer. Here are a few gems you can use:

  • "Marriage: where 'I do' turns into 'What do you mean you don't?'"
  • "They say marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffer-ring!"
  • "I've known the bride since we were kids, and let's just say, she's upgraded her partner, but not her taste in snacks."
  • "To the bride and groom: May your love be as endless as the open bar."
  • "It's no secret why the bride picked me as her maid of honor – I'm the keeper of all her embarrassing stories! But since I've promised not to exploit them... See me afterwards for all the dirty details!"
  • "Marriage is all about compromise – like the groom's decision to let the bride pick the wedding colors."
  • "Today we celebrate two people who have found their 'weird' in each other. Congrats!"
  • "To the couple: Remember, a successful marriage is just two forgivers living under one roof."
  • "They say opposites attract. In this case, it's the bride's love for Netflix and the groom's obsession with the gym."
  • "Marriage is like a deck of cards – it all starts with a heart and a diamond but ends up needing a club and a spade."
  • "The bride and groom are a match made in heaven. By that, I mean they both never answer their phones!"
  • "As the maid of honor, it's my duty to remind the groom that the bride is always right – even when she's wrong."
  • "To the couple: May your love be like Wi-Fi, strong and never failing!"
  • "Today we're not losing a friend, we're gaining a live-in therapist for the groom!"
  • "Marriage is like a walk in the park – Jurassic Park, that is."
  • "May your love be as everlasting as the wedding leftovers in my fridge."
  • "The bride once told me she'd marry for money. Well, here's hoping she found it!"
  • "Love is sharing your popcorn." - Charles Schultz
  • "A toast to the newlyweds: May your love be like fine wine – improving with age and causing no hangovers."
  • "Marriage advice: Keep your spouse happy and your wine glass full."
  • "To the groom: Remember, happy wife, happy life. And the wife's happiness is directly proportional to the size of the diamond!"
  • "If the couple can survive wedding planning, they can survive anything – even assembling IKEA furniture together."
  • "Here's to love: the only thing stronger than the bride's opinion on the wedding cake."
  • "Today we celebrate the couple's love story – a tale of two people who said they were 'just friends' until they realized Netflix counted as a third wheel."
  • "The bride and groom have shown us that true love is sharing the TV remote without complaint."
  • "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin
  • "Let's raise our glasses to the groom: thanks for convincing the bride that 'organized chaos' is a decorating style!"
  • "Marriage is like a walk in the rain – wet, unexpected, and sometimes you step on something squishy."
  • "The bride and groom are so in love, they even finish each other's… leftovers!"
  • "Marriage is finding that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." - Rita Rudner
  • "Here's to love: the only force that can make the groom stop playing video games."
  • "To my bestie: I've always known you're the star of your own rom-com, and today, the sequel begins!"
  • "To the couple: May your love be like a smartphone – always charged and never disconnected!"
  • "To the groom: Congrats on officially getting a lifetime subscription to my best friend's quirks!"
  • "Today we celebrate the couple's love – a bond stronger than the groom's urge to leave his socks everywhere!"
  • "A toast to the couple: May your marriage be as long and joyous as the wait for the cake to be served!"
  • "Marriage is like a roller coaster ride – sometimes thrilling, sometimes terrifying, but always better when you're holding hands."
  • "Here's to the bride: a woman who finally found someone to laugh at her jokes!"
  • "To the groom: They say a man is incomplete without a wife – and you're about to be totally complete!"
  • "To the bride: You're not just gaining a husband, you're gaining a permanent roommate who will finally understand why your closet needs three sections!"
  • "To the couple: May your love be as endless as the list of chores the groom has yet to learn!"
  • "Marriage is like a garden – you need to water it, nurture it, and occasionally pull out the weeds (or socks)!"
  • "Today we celebrate the union of two people who are as perfect together as peanut butter and jelly – and just as messy!"
  • "Cheers to my partner in crime: I've seen your relationship from day one, and let's just say, I've got some stories that would make great blackmail material!"
  • "They say that behind every great man is a great woman. In this case, the bride is just hoping the groom remembers to take out the trash!"
  • "To the bride: You've always had a knack for finding the perfect accessory – now you've just added a groom to your collection!"
  • "They say best friends share everything – and today, my secrets about you are officially shared with the groom!"
  • "Here's to the bride: May she be as happy with the groom as she is with her online shopping orders!"
  • "Marriage is like a box of chocolates – sweet at first, but sometimes you get the one filled with nuts!"
  • "To my bestie: Today, we're not just celebrating your marriage, we're celebrating the fact that someone else will now have to deal with your indecisiveness!"
  • "The bride and groom are like the perfect cup of coffee – strong, warm, and occasionally keeping each other up all night!"
  • "To the groom: They say love is blind, but I think you're in for a real eye-opener!"
  • "To the bride: You're about to enter a new chapter where 'His and Hers' become 'Ours and Ours' – especially when it comes to closet space!"
  • "To the bride: May your marriage be as strong as your love for pizza!"
  • "To the groom: Welcome to a lifetime of deciphering the intricate codes of my best friend's shopping wish list!"

Writing a funny maid of honor speech requires a delicate balance of wit, charm, and heartfelt sentiment. By incorporating carefully chosen quotes and personal anecdotes, you can craft a speech that leaves the audience in stitches while celebrating the love story before them. Remember, a smile might be the best gift you can give the newlyweds, and your funny maid of honor speech will surely create cherished memories for years to come.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

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writing a funny bridesmaid speech

How to Write a Funny Maid of Honor Speech: Tips, Examples, and Inspiration

Advice & tips.

September 6, 2023

How to Write a Funny Maid of Honor Speech: Tips, Examples, and Inspiration

Headline-making CEO, Author, Podcaster, Speaker, Educator, Determinista & the Sidekick who always brings a sizzling slice of pizza.

Hey, i'm jen glantz.

Weddings are moments of pure joy and genuine emotions. As the maid of honor, your role goes beyond just supporting the bride; it’s about adding laughter and warmth to the celebration. In this guide, we’ll cut through the fluff and dive straight into the art of crafting a funny maid of honor speech. You don’t need to be a stand-up comedian; with practical tips, real examples, and plenty of inspiration, you’ll be well-equipped to create a speech that’s both humorous and heartfelt, leaving a lasting impression on the bride, groom, and guests.

Ps. if you need help with your maid of honor speech, check this out.  

Let’s dive into how to write a funny maid of honor speech. 

Know Your Audience

Before we embark on the journey of composing a humorous maid of honor speech, it’s vital to consider our audience. The art of humor is subjective, and what tickles one person’s funny bone might not have the same effect on another. Take a moment to reflect on the diversity of the audience present today, considering their age, backgrounds, and shared experiences with the couple This understanding will be your compass in navigating the humor terrain.

Understand Your BFF

To tailor your humor effectively, it’s crucial to understand your friend—the person you’re here to celebrate. Reflect on their personality, quirks, and what makes them laugh. What are their favorite movies, TV shows, or books? All these elements can serve as wellsprings of humor that resonate specifically with them, and by extension, with the audience.

For instance, if your friend is a die-hard fan of a particular TV show, consider weaving in a humorous reference or two from that show. This personal touch not only generates laughter but also showcases your deep connection with the person getting married.

 Start with a Strong Opener

In the realm of speech-making, the first impression is truly a lasting one. Your opening line sets the tone for the entire speech, so make it count. It should be witty, charming, and capable of instantly capturing the attention of your audience. Think of it as your “hook,” drawing everyone in with a smile or a chuckle.

For example, you might begin with a playful nod to the nervous excitement in the room, saying something like, “Ladies and gentlemen, I see some faces here that are almost as anxious as mine when I first realized I had to give this speech!” This light-hearted approach instantly breaks the ice and eases everyone into a jovial mood.

 Share Personal Stories

One of the surefire ways to inject humor into your speech is by sharing personal anecdotes and stories involving the bride. These tales should be light-hearted, charming, and, of course, funny. Recall moments you’ve shared that brought laughter, mishaps, or heartwarming experiences. Let these stories showcase the bride’s delightful personality and the bond you share.

For instance, you might recount the time when you and the bride embarked on a misadventure while shopping for bridesmaid dresses. Your humorous retelling of this escapade, complete with fashion faux pas and comical misunderstandings, will not only entertain but also reinforce the unique connection you share with the bride.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Remember that brevity is the soul of wit. While it’s tempting to regale the audience with an endless stream of humorous tales, resist the urge. A concise speech is not only appreciated by your audience but also helps maintain the energy and engagement throughout the event. Aim to be funny and poignant without overstaying your welcome.

To illustrate this point further, let’s consider the analogy of a delicious dessert. A perfectly portioned slice of cake is delightful, leaving you wanting more. On the other hand, an oversized serving might leave you feeling overwhelmed and unable to savor the sweetness. Similarly, your speech should be a delightful treat, leaving the audience craving more rather than reaching for their mental toothpicks.

Practice, Practice, Practice

As with any performance, practice is key. Recite your speech in front of a mirror, record yourself, or enlist a trusted friend as your audience. This will not only help you polish your delivery but also boost your confidence when delivering the humorous lines. The more familiar you are with your material, the more natural and enjoyable your delivery will be.

Practice isn’t just about memorizing the words; it’s about mastering the rhythm, timing, and nuances of your speech. You’ll want to hit those punchlines with impeccable timing, ensuring that your humor lands effortlessly.

For instance, let’s say you have a humorous story about the bride’s penchant for dance-offs at family gatherings. By practicing your delivery, you can ensure that the audience is hanging on to your every word as you build up to the punchline, which reveals her secret dance move—The Tangled Twerk!

Examples of Funny Maid of Honor Speeches

Use One-Liners

Crafting a funny maid of honor speech often involves using one-liners or quick, witty remarks. These can be sprinkled throughout your speech to elicit laughter from your audience. Incorporate funny quotes, clever jokes, or humorous observations related to the couple or the occasion.

For instance, you might say, “As the maid of honor, it’s my duty to share all the embarrassing stories about [Bride’s Name]. But don’t worry, I’ve narrowed it down to just the top 100!” This playful exaggeration sets the tone for a lighthearted and entertaining speech.

Use Self-Deprecating Humor

Self-deprecating humor is a tried-and-true method to get people laughing. By poking fun at yourself, you create a relaxed and jovial atmosphere. Your audience will appreciate your ability to not take yourself too seriously, and it will encourage them to lighten up as well.

Consider sharing a humorous anecdote about how you, as the maid of honor, initially panicked when asked to give this speech. You can quip, “When [Bride’s Name] asked me to be her maid of honor, I had two thoughts: First, ‘Wow, she really must love me!’ And second, ‘Oh no, I have to give a speech!’ But here we are, and I promise not to embarrass her too much.”

 Use Pop Culture References

To add a contemporary and relatable touch to your speech, consider incorporating pop culture references. Quotes from movies, TV shows, or current events can be cleverly integrated into your anecdotes or jokes. Just ensure that the references resonate with your audience.

Suppose the bride is a big fan of a popular TV series. You could say something like, “Just like [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name

Your maid of honor speech is a unique opportunity to infuse laughter into a day of love and celebration. Armed with practical advice, real examples, and abundant inspiration, you’re well-prepared to create a speech that resonates with humor and heartfelt sincerity. Whether you opt for a clever icebreaker, become a captivating storyteller, or embrace your inner comedian, your words will be a cherished gift to the newlyweds and all in attendance. As you craft your speech, remember that love and laughter are the enduring threads that bind us all. So, raise your glass to the couple, to the power of genuine laughter, and to memories that will last a lifetime.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

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writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Hey! I'm Jen Glantz

I started Bridesmaid for Hire 10-years-ago after being a bridesmaid for lots of friends. I’m a nonfiction author and content creator who lives in Brooklyn with Goofy (the dog), Gemma (the baby), and Adam (the husband). I love to share: advice & tips, secrets with strangers, and pizza. I eat a lot of pizza.

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Free Guide for Writing a Fun Bridesmaid Speech

Table of Contents

Your best friend’s wedding is around the corner, and you’re the maid of honor. With this role comes a need to deliver a rousing speech befitting such a joyous day.

Writing a maid of honor speech doesn’t have to be a Herculean task. However, despite your best intentions and hard work, you may feel like you don’t have enough knowledge to deliver a great toast.

Luckily, with this guide on how to write a bridesmaid wedding speech , you’ll get all the tips necessary to craft a good one. We will help you craft the perfect speech to keep your audience engaged and make the bride proud!

How to Write a Bridesmaid Wedding Speech

With some preparation and creativity, you can deliver an amazing toast that will impress your audience and make the bride smile . Here are our top tips on how to write a great maid of honor speech. 

First of all, plan ahead. Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm ideas, do research, and practice out loud. Knowing what you want to say ahead of time gives you more confidence in delivering your speech. It helps to reduce any nervousness or jitters you may feel when getting up to speak.

Know Your Audience

Next, think about who your audience is. As the bridesmaid, you likely know the wedding party very well, so tailor your speech accordingly. Make sure your speech fits the style of the event.

If everyone’s wearing suits and dresses, don’t use too much slangy language! Consider the ages and interests of those attending, and try to include something for everyone. 

Introduce Yourself

When writing your bridesmaid speech, start off with an introduction about why you were chosen for this special honor. Describe your relationship with the couple in a few sentences, then move on to anecdotes about them separately and together.

This will help lighten the mood and set the tone for the rest of the speech. In addition, it allows others to get to know the couple better. 

Find a Place for Quotes

Punctuate your speech by including quotes from famous people or poets, like William Shakespeare or Robert Frost. These quotes should relate to marriage or relationships in general.

It adds depth to your words while at the same time showing appreciation for the craft of language. You could even add humorous stories throughout your speech that highlight how far the couple has come since meeting each other.

Express Positive Sentiments

To wrap up your bridesmaid speech, focus on expressing positive sentiments towards the newlyweds and their future together.

Instead of giving generic best wishes, give specific examples of how they can keep their love alive through adversity and tough times. Thank the guests for being part of such a momentous occasion. Finish off with one last quote before wishing the couple good luck! 

With these steps on  how to write a bridesmaid wedding speech , you are well on your way to crafting an excellent one.

Things to Avoid in a Maid of Honor Speech

bouquet of assorted flowers

Maid of Honor speeches are an important part of any wedding, and it is essential that they are given with respect, grace and positivity. However, there are some things you should steer clear of to ensure the speech goes smoothly. 

Avoid Embarrassing Jokes

It is best not to embarrass anyone during your speech. This includes making jokes about the bride or groom or talking about topics that could potentially cause offense. It’s also advisable to keep anecdotes personal rather than divulging too much information which would make others uncomfortable. 

Don’t Mention Exes

Never mention any ex-partners or failed relationships. This should be a happy occasion for all involved, so staying away from negativity or anything off-topic is key. This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment; you shouldn’t talk about previous partners.

Keep It Concise

Try not to ramble on, as you want your speech to remain concise and focused on the couple’s love story. Maids of honor should not take up too much time speaking, instead aim to deliver an impactful yet brief message. Lastly, avoid trying to steal the limelight from the bride and groom. Keep their love story at the center of your speech while sprinkling in humor and sentimentality along the way. 

Overall, maids of honor have a great responsibility when delivering their speeches. Do justice to the couple’s bond by conveying heartfelt messages whilst keeping the tone light and humorous. Ensure you avoid any embarrassing stories, negative anecdotes or stealing the spotlight is key in order to give a successful maid of honor speech!

Examples of Maid of Honor Speeches

If you need a few examples of bridesmaid wedding speeches, check out the examples below.

Good evening everyone! I am honored to stand here as the bridesmaid. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know our beautiful bride and handsome groom in this special moment of their lives. As we all raise a glass to celebrate, I’d like to share some funny stories that best describe the friendship between them. 

I remember when they first met at a family reunion. It was truly uncanny how their paths had crossed even though they lived on opposite sides of the country. They instantly bonded over their shared love for hiking and soon enough began planning trips together, which eventually led up to this momentous occasion. 

Their journey to marriage hasn’t been without its challenges. But no matter what bumps along the way, their relationship has only grown stronger and more resilient. What’s even more remarkable is how much fun they’ve had despite all the obstacles. From unforgettable road trips to spontaneous dance parties, these two have never failed to keep us laughing and smiling.

I’m so grateful for the chance to witness such a wonderful union and call them my friends. Here’s to many years of blissful happiness and companionship!

Good evening, everyone! I’m so honored to be here today as the bridesmaid for this special occasion. It’s a pleasure to see everyone gathered and ready to witness the union of our two friends who are about to marry. 

I know we’ve all shared countless memories with them over the years, some funny, some heartwarming and some just plain outrageous. But no matter what they were, they have helped shape their friendship into something truly unique and beautiful. Let’s raise a glass and toast to their wonderful journey ahead! 

I’d like to share one last thought before we continue. If anyone knows these two amazing people well, it’s us — their closest friends who have seen them through thick and thin. So let’s make sure to give them the support and encouragement they need to keep going strong! 

With that being said, please join me in wishing them all the best in this new chapter of their lives – cheers!

A speech is just a little thing, a piece of words given in front of a lot of people . Remember, though; it’s important to be believable and make sure not to be too rehearsed. Keeping it natural and genuine is what makes a truly amazing and memorable speech that people will remember you by. 

The tips and examples in this article should help you write a bridesmaid speech easily. If you need more help, consider using the Hey INK tool to generate a great speech in less than a minute. We generated the awesome speeches above with the tool.

Free Guide for Writing a Fun Bridesmaid Speech

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Nailing Your Maid of Honor Speech

Maid of honor delivering maid of honor speech to bride and groom.

  • Chapelle writes articles for The Knot Worldwide. She covers all things wedding-related and has a personal interest in covering celebrity engagements and fashion.
  • Before joining The Knot Worldwide, Chapelle was an editorial intern for Subvrt Magazine.
  • Chapelle has a degree in English writing from Loyola University New Orleans.

As a wedding party member, you'll likely be asked to speak at the wedding. In fact, giving a maid of honor speech is one of the most important maid of honor duties to complete on the big day. You may be a gifted orator, which means writing (and giving) a speech will be a breeze. But if the thought of speaking in front of a crowd makes you a little nervous, don't panic. With the help of Heidi Ellert-McDermott, professional speech writer and founder of Speechy , we've provided you with everything you need to know about the matron of honor speech. Learn what to say, how to say it and exactly how to get rid of any nervous butterflies. Use these tips, template, outline and more to write a perfect maid of honor speech that'll bring the house down.

In this article:

Printable Template | How to Write | Examples | Tips | FAQs

Printable Maid of Honor Speech Template

For those looking for a quick and simple reminder of how to write a maid of honor speech, bookmark this template. You could even save it as your phone or laptop wallpaper while you're writing to keep you on task.

Free printable maid of honor speech template

How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech Outline

So, how do you write a matron of honor speech? It helps, but you don't need to be a professional speechwriter to write a special toast for the newlyweds. Use this guide to create a heartfelt message that'll make everyone laugh, cry or both.

1. Reflect on your relationship with the couple.

Think about your relationships with each person in the couple. This is your time to write down any personal moments you shared with them. These moments can bring some tears or laughs, but they show the wedding guests how you know the happy couple. Maybe you and one of the newlyweds went on an epic trip to Europe together. Or you and the newlyweds have known each other since high school and have plenty of silly and embarrassing stories from that time. No matter which memory you choose for your maid of honor speech, pick your favorite (appropriate) story and have fun with it.

2. Celebrate the couple's relationship.

Another part of your matron of honor speech should be dedicated to the couple's relationship. You can talk about when they first met, when you knew they were in love, or how you knew they were meant to be. If some details are a little fuzzy, talk with the other honor attendants or close friends of the couple to help refresh your memory. Overall, you want to paint a picture of how the couple was when they first met, how they've grown together and why they complement one another.

3. Avoid taboo topics.

There are certain topics you shouldn't have in your maid of honor speech. It doesn't matter how you try to deliver it. These taboo subjects are liable to offend someone:

  • Negativity about marriage in general.
  • Past relationships.
  • Previous marriages/divorces.
  • Drinking, drugs, gambling.
  • "Adult" humor or any other mention of sex.

Remember, you don't want to cause any drama. Keep the focus of your speech on uplifting the happy couple and celebrating their love for one another.

4. Add jokes—but not too many.

Feel like you have a comedic gift? Consider adding some jokes, one-liners or funny marriage quotes to your maid of honor speech. Ensure you don't use any inside jokes or references only you and the newlyweds would understand. Your speech should be something every wedding guest can appreciate and laugh at. This also means your jokes shouldn't be too harsh or bring up any taboo wedding speech topics we previously listed.

Be deliberate about where you put your jokes and spread them out. You want them to add comedic relief to a sentimental toast, not seem like a stand-up routine. Start your speech with a funny opening line so the guests can laugh and get an idea of what kind of person you are—plus, laughs give you time to overcome any nerves you might have.

5. Create your maid of honor speech outline.

Get creative and personalize your maid of honor speech as much as you want. A customized script is much more endearing for guests. But when it comes down to it, a great wedding toast will include the following remarks:

  • Start with an introduction—along with an explanation about your connection to the happy couple.
  • Next, give a word of thanks to the couple for inviting you to be part of their special day.
  • Say one or two personal anecdotes, like a favorite memory, joke or sweet sentiment that most guests will understand.
  • Provide encouraging advice or a thoughtful quote about the newlyweds' future.
  • Finish with a closing remark and an invitation for guests to raise their glasses.

Maid of honor giving speech

Maid of Honor Speech Examples

Need more than a maid of honor speech template to help you? Then choose your favorite sample maid of honor speech below and use it to help get your creative juices flowing.

Funny Maid of Honor Speech

Hello! For those of you who haven't had the chance to meet me yet, my name is [Your Name]. [Newlywed's Name] and I have been best friends since high school, which means we've been on each other's top eight friends list for a while. That's for my old Myspace users out there.

Typically, public speaking makes me beyond nervous, but I knew I had to make a speech for one of the most important people in my life. I've known [Newlywed's Name] for a long time and have appreciated every special moment we've shared over the years. [Newlywed's Name] has a beautiful soul, and I'm so happy that [Newlywed's Name] has found someone who complements it.

As everyone probably knows [Newlywed's Name] isn't a shy person, so the fact that [Newlywed's Name] would always giggle and blush whenever referring to 'the hot coworker' and I knew something special was going to come out of it. I've gotten to know [Spouse's Name] really well over the years, and I can honestly say [Spouse's Name] is one of the most genuine and caring people I've ever met.

Everyone aims to find their one true love, their soulmate, the person that's going to love and cherish them for the rest of their lives. And that moment came for [Newlywed's Name]...when they met me 18 years ago. But in all seriousness, I wish you and [Spouse's Name] a long and wonderful marriage. Congrats to you both, and I hope you find a lifetime of happiness together. Cheers!

Find your kind of venue

Maid of honor speech for best friend.

Good evening everyone! I thought the most nerve-wracking part of being a maid of honor was giving the speech, but fixing [Newlywed's Name] shoe malfunction before the wedding ceremony is high on the list.

I think I've calmed down by now, so I'll continue. My name is [Your Name], and I've known [Newlywed's Name] since college. We sat next to each other one time in an eight A.M. Spanish class and have been inseparable ever since. We've known each other for so long I would consider us siblings now, and I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life.

[Spouse's Name] is charming, intelligent, thoughtful and to quote [Newlywed's Name] after their first date, 'sooo cuteee.' I consider myself a top-notch wingwoman and matchmaker, but even I couldn't have picked a better person for [Newlywed's Name] to fall in love with. Anyone can take one look at them together and see that they're a perfect example of 'meant to be.'

I'm honored that you both have not only chosen me to be a significant part of your big day but also a significant person in your lives. I'm excited to watch you two enjoy this new chapter in your lives as a married couple. I love you both so much!

Maid of Honor Speech for Sister

Hello everyone! If you couldn't tell already from our almost identical faces, I'm [Bride's Name] sister. We're only two years apart, so we've always been really close. We would do everything together, like that one time we got gum stuck in our hair on the same day and spent hours combing peanut butter into each other's hair to help get the gum out. Unfortunately, this didn't work out, and we had to chop a lot of hair off.

Regardless of all the trouble we've got ourselves into, I can't imagine sharing such fun memories with anyone else. I've always looked up to [Bride's Name] and continue to think of her as a great role model to me and many others. I feel so happy and proud to call [Bride's Name] my sister.

[Spouse's Name], you've come into our lives seamlessly, and I've never seen my sister happier. You're such a funny and loving person, and to this day, every time my sister talks about you, she gets giddy. I really do think you guys are perfect for one another, and I can't wait to see how you grow even more as life partners.

Everyone raise your glass to congratulate [Bride's Name] and [Spouse's Name]. May each day be full of love and laughter!

Maid of Honor Speech for Cousin

Shout out to Ellert-McDermott for writing the passionate maid of honor speech below.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family and all you lucky souls who scored an invite to the wedding of the century. My name is [Your Name], and I have the pleasure of being the maid of honor today, or as I like to call it, the 'official party planner, the emergency dress fixer and human tissue dispenser.'

You all know [Bride's Name] as this gorgeous, successful, brilliant person you see before you today, but I know her as my little cousin. And I don't care how many promotions she gets, how many exotic countries she visits or how married she gets, that's who she'll always be to me. Yes, the girl who, for several years, ate nothing but chicken nugget sandwiches and had a special tree she liked to wee behind when we visited Grandma.

Being the only girls in our tribe of siblings, we quickly became best friends and partners in crime. We loved playing dress-up, but rather than pretending to marry our Prince Charmings, we'd pretend to be lawyers or scientists. And we wonder why no one wanted to hang out with us.

Our geekiness lasted well into our teens and developed into a mild addiction to One Direction, "Glee" and astronomy. We'd spend hours staring into our telescopes, wondering what we would say when we became the first astronauts to land on Mars. Sadly, that dream never came to fruition, but [Bride's Name], as we all know, did become a lawyer—an incredibly successful one at that.

But seriously, watching [Bride's Name] achieve her dreams has been a delight because she's quite simply one of life's special people. I feel incredibly lucky to have been blessed with such a fun-loving, wise and caring cousin––a special type of friend who's duty-bond to be in my life forever.

Baraat During Indian Wedding With Blue Smoke Bomb

I always knew that [Bride's Name] deserved to be loved by someone special, and I'm delighted to say that person is [Newlywed's Name]. I've had the privilege of getting to know [Newlywed's Name] well over the last three years, and I must say, you're a brave soul for marrying into our family and having to cope with our crazy Christmas traditions. But I think you've figured out our secret. The louder we are, the more we like you. And just to clarify, we like you very much.

You have a kind heart, a wonderful wit and you're willing to dance to One Direction after we've had a few beers. I can also see how much you love my cousin. I can see that you 'get her;' that you know just how she likes her coffee, that you understand her sarcasm is a sign of affection and that you appreciate how intelligent she is even if she insists on watching "Selling Sunset" at every opportunity she can.

You're an incredible couple, and I've no doubt your love will continue to grow with every passing day. As your maid of honor, I couldn't be happier for you, and I look forward to sharing more happy memories with you guys in the future. And with that, everyone please join me in a toast to the happy couple and a life filled with love and laughter.

Short Maid of Honor Speech

I would like to quote the famous American author, Mark Twain, who once said, 'To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.' This perfectly explains why [Newlywed's Name] and [Spouse's Name] have always radiated so much joy since they've met each other.

I do not doubt [Newlywed's Name] has found the person they will spend the rest of their life with. You both make a beautiful couple and may you continue to get the full value of joy out of life with one another.

Congratulations, [Newlywed's Name] and [Spouse's Name]!

Maid of honor giving speech at wedding

Maid of Honor Speech Tips

Completing your matron of honor speech is a big accomplishment, but the work doesn't stop when you write the closing line. The right delivery is what makes it. Here are confidence tips for your maid of honor speech and other speaking engagements.

Don't procrastinate.

We recommend you start writing your maid of honor speech at least two months before the wedding day. As an honor attendant, you're expected to attend and plan numerous prewedding events, like dress fittings, the bach party and the rehearsal dinner , which means you won't have much time to write as the wedding day approaches. Also, it doesn't hurt to write a few drafts and ask someone you trust to edit your work. By preparing in advance, you'll be able to focus on writing a toast you're excited to read in front of a crowd and not have to worry about leaving a wedding event early so you can go home and write.

Add stories, not adjectives.

"Adjectives are just white noise in wedding speeches. Describing the newlywed as 'kind,' 'fun' or 'beautiful' is nice but doesn't really add much. Illustrate their characteristics and qualities by sharing the evidence of them in action," Ellert-McDermott, author of "The Modern Couple's Guide to Wedding Speeches," says.

Be true to yourself.

This is the time to open your heart and share a few favorite memories or silly stories that capture your relationship with the newlyweds. So don't feel pressured to write a maid of honor speech that sounds overly professional. A great maid of honor toast is about speaking honestly and naturally, so write how you generally speak. Don't forget this isn't the time to use inappropriate language since you'll be speaking to the couple's nearest and dearest. Your writing should feel like a natural extension of the way you talk. A genuine speech from the heart is impactful.

Remember to mention the partner.

"Yes, the focus of your speech is your friend and your relationship with them, but don't forget what the day's actually about. Try to make your tribute to their partner seem like more than a cliched afterthought," Ellert-McDermott advises.

Write it down.

Yes, you're expected to make an amazing speech, but that doesn't mean you must memorize it. Writing the entire speech word for word or just jotting down bullet points of your speech's outline can work wonders for your confidence. We suggest you read your maid of honor speech on index cards instead of reading it off your cell phone. Phones are more convenient, but the phone screen light that washes over your face as you're reading your speech distorts wedding photographs. To avoid ruining any wedding images, write your speech down instead. ( Psst. People say handwritten notes boost brain activity and optimize memory.)

Practice in front of an audience.

Practicing your speech is just as important as writing it. As with any public speaking gig, you'll become more comfortable with the material as you practice it. Read your toast aloud a few times to catch any spelling or grammar errors. This will also help you find a rhythm—you'll know exactly when you want to pause for reactions and emphasize certain points, which is key for staying within a designated time frame. You can also read your words to another wedding party member for feedback. When the time comes to stand up in front of the crowd, you'll be grateful for the pre-performance audience.

Stay calm, cool and collected.

Whether this is your first time giving a wedding speech or you're a pro, it's normal to feel a little nervous beforehand. Take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves and collect your thoughts. Speak slowly and clearly, and remind yourself that guests are excited to hear what you're saying. As nerve-wracking as it might feel to give a big speech at your loved one's wedding, their heartfelt reaction to your words will make your efforts worth it. As soon as your speech is over, you'll be free to celebrate with the newlyweds and the rest of the wedding party.

Don't forget to smile.

"Because they're nervous, speakers often forget to smile as they deliver their speech, but it's a simple and effective way to create a good vibe in the room. A smile is literally infectious, so make sure it looks like you're actually enjoying your time on the mic," Ellert-McDermott says. Putting on a soft smile also helps the photographer capture stunning pictures of you killing your speech.

Maid of honor giving wedding speech outdoors

Maid of Honor Speech Frequently Asked Questions

Delivering a unique maid of honor speech can seem daunting, but we're here to help you take the stress out of it. Here are answers to common questions regarding the maid of honor speech.

Does the maid of honor have to give a speech?

It's expected for a maid of honor to give a speech, especially if the other honor attendants are planning on giving one, but it's not required. Giving a maid of honor speech can be a fun experience, but it isn't for everyone. If public speaking makes you nervous, you can express yourself in other ways, like through song, dance or by creating a sweet love story presentation about the happy couple.

How long should a maid of honor speech be?

In addition to the matron of honor speech, there might also be a best man speech , toasts from the couple's parents or even a thank-you message from the newlyweds. Since there are several speeches to fit in with meal courses, dancing, games and additional reception activities , keep your salutations short and sweet. Aim to make your maid of honor speech a minimum of four minutes and at most six minutes—Ellert-McDermott suggests anything between 700 and 1000 words.

Wedding guests will be excited to hear your well-wishes and funny stories, but a long MOH speech can lose the wedding guests' interest (especially if it's full of too many personal inside jokes). A four-minute speech gives you enough time to speak about the couple's love story, offer a personal anecdote or two and finish with encouragement for married life.

How to Start a Maid of Honor Speech

"Like every other speaker, the maid of honor should say a quick hello and introduce themselves to the guests. They should explain how they know the bride and try to add some humor early on too. Tailor your speech to suit the style of the wedding. Is it a rock n roll affair or a traditional bash with children present? Consider your audience and decide if 'ladies and gentlemen' is necessary or overly formal (generally, it's the latter)," Ellert-McDermott notes.

How to End a Maid of Honor Speech

"Towards the end of the speech, the maid of honor should reiterate their joy in seeing their friend getting married. They may refer back to special memories they share with the bride and explain why she is such a great friend to them. The final few lines should be about wishing the couple well in their future life together and proposing a toast to them both," Ellert-McDermott suggests. Here is an example of a personal maid of honor toast ending from Ellert-McDermott:

Here's to a lifetime of drinking mojitos and dancing on tables. To Sophie and Taylor.

When does the maid of honor give a speech?

If the couple is following the traditional wedding speech order , the maid of honor gives her speech after the newlyweds' parents. Typically, following the maid of honor is the best man. That wedding speech order isn't for everyone since a couple's wedding party size and reception timeline impact the order too. Also, sometimes couples opt to have all the wedding speeches delivered during the rehearsal dinner. So check with the to-be-weds about the order to confirm your spot in the toast lineup.

What to do if there are multiple maids of honor?

If you are one of the multiple maids of honor , you and the others should keep your maid of honor speeches to three to five minutes long. Before delivering your speeches, we suggest you and the other maids of honor go over them together to make sure they aren't too similar (and if they are, to adjust accordingly). If you and the other maids of honor have a close relationship, want to create only one speech or you don't want to give your speech alone, consider doing a joint maid of honor speech. By doing a combined speech, you have more opportunities to be creative, like setting each other up for jokes or performing a heartfelt song together.

Bride and groom laughing during wedding toast

Getnamenecklace Blog

11 Impressive Bridesmaid Speech Examples To Use At The Wedding Reception Of Your Friend

11 Impressive Bridesmaid Speech Examples To Use At The Wedding Reception Of Your Friend

Being a bridesmaid is a great honor. The bride considers you one of her closest friends, which is a very important role to play. This is why you need to give an excellent speech at her wedding. You should let her know that you are happy for her and that you will still be there for her even though she is now married. Your love and support through your speech will surely mean a lot to the couple.

In this article, we will show you great bridesmaid speech examples, and also tips on how to deliver this speech.

Funny Bridesmaid Speeches

Writing a funny bridesmaid speech could be a challenge at first, but once you unlock your comedic side, things will get so much easier. Using sarcasm, similes, metaphors, or short analogies can help you write a funny bridesmaid speech.

  • You have always dreamt about this day. You did sound confused about your feelings though, but I am so happy that we are here now, and from the looks of it, you look fine. But with your awesome personality, I am sure that you will ace this life phase too.
  • It remains a mystery why you finally decided to get married instead of taking over a city with me like we hoped we would years ago. However, marriage is still good. I am sincerely happy for you.
  • You surprised me when you said that you were getting married. Years ago, you were one hundred percent sure that you wouldn’t get married but now look at you, you are getting married! You were a real feisty girl and I hope that you never stop because I love surprises. And you are dishing them out every chance you get.
  • As the bride’s friend, I am filled with great joy for her as she embarks on this new adventurous phase of her life. It’s okay that you chose marriage over our night outs, but I’ll still borrow you once in a while for a few drinks. I love you so much and I wish you nothing but happiness in your marriage and everything you‘ll do.

Bridesmaid Short Wedding Speeches

A short wedding speech is quite easy to write. Simply summarize your main points into short sentences that express your love and support for the bride and you are good to go.

  • I am nothing short of happy and grateful for being here. Getting to spend your whole life with someone is a serious but also quite he privilege. In this case,  your husband should be feeling privileged because you are a gem. May your marriage be full of joy and bliss.
  • I am simply bubbling with happiness for you today. You have finally found a companion. I wish you a happy, stable marriage that will last for a very long time. May you be each other’s comfort and light, as it is now both of you against the world.
  • This is a celebration of you finding the love of your life. I am so happy that both of you saw that potential in each other. I wish you blessings and happiness in your marriage, and may it last long. I look forward to celebrating many anniversaries to come.

Touching Bridesmaid Speech

To write a touching bridesmaid speech, do not shy away from putting all your emotions out there. Truly express your pride and joy for the newlyweds. It’s also okay if a few tears are shed.

  • This day has been feeling like a dream. I have always imagined this with you. I am so happy for you. Finally, you have found the one you would like to spend your life with. What a blessing! I wish you two nothing but the best.
  • I am sure you two lovebirds will love and cherish each other abundantly in your marriage. I can personally attest to how you never hold back when loving someone. This is the start of a beautiful, adventurous journey for you. Your husband should count himself lucky.
  • We are living in a fulfilled dream and I am nothing but grateful that you have finally gotten someone you wanted. Love is a beautiful thing, and I would just advise you to love each other, hard. You were made for each other so hold each other down and everything will be fine.
  • As your friend and bridesmaid, I am very happy to see you get married. This moment is really beautiful. I am happy that I was invited to be happy with you. All I want for you is happiness in your marriage and life. Your personality will surely make this marriage a comfortable one and one that we can learn from. I wish you all the best in your new life.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Tips for Delivering a Great Bridesmaid Speech

There are great tips that you should follow to present the perfect speech. We have discussed some of them below, they will be of help.

1. Practice, practice, practice

Rehearse your speech beforehand to ensure you’re comfortable and confident with the content. You can rehearse with a friend who can help you improve your speech.

Rehearsing in front of a mirror can also help you fix things yourself such as your standing posture or facial expressions and gestures.

2. Speak clearly and slowly

Speak clearly and slowly enough so everyone can hear and understand you. Articulate your words clearly and pace correctly for people to truly enjoy your speech.

3. Keep it concise

While expressing your thoughts and feelings is important, try not to drag on too long and bore the audience. Avoid repeating yourself especially while expressing your love to them. A short paragraph is enough to put out your feelings.

4. Use humor

Humor can be a great way to engage your audience and lighten the mood, but make sure it’s appropriate and won’t offend anyone. Consider using sarcasm too as it is a smart way of making the audience laugh.

5. Avoid inside jokes

Remember that not everyone in the room will know all the inside jokes and stories between you and the bride. Make sure your speech is inclusive and understandable to everyone. This will keep the audience eager to listen to your speech.

6. Speak from the heart

Your speech should come from a place of love and affection for the bride. Speak honestly and share your true feelings. If you do this, the couple will treasure your speech because of the sincerity you have shown.

7. End on a high note

Finish your speech positively and uplifting, leaving the audience with a happy and heartfelt message. An encouraging quote is one good way of wrapping up your speech. The end of your speech should help the audience truly take your speech to heart.

Conclusion: Make The Bride Smile On Her Wedding Day 

Ensure that the bride is all smiles throughout the wedding. It is her special day, and as her bridesmaid, the responsibility of making the bride happy also rests on your shoulders. But this should be easy for you once you follow all the tips discussed above.

A wedding is never complete without some gifts. You can gift the bride these white bling furry personalized bride slippers . These furry slippers are personalized with the bride’s new name and title. It is a great gift to give the bride. It’ll keep her feet nice and warm while reminding her of your friendship.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

This jewelry travel case with a birth flower is also a great gift idea. It is imprinted with the bride’s name and two flowers, which may be her birth or her favorite flowers. It will be an elegant way of storing her jewelry. The bride will love it.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

We hope that your speech will be super and one that the bride will remember.

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Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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The bridesmaid speech

What must your maid of honor speech include.

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 08-31-2022

Your best friend, or your sister, is getting married and you've been asked to be the principal bridesmaid or maid of honor.

It's exciting and a privilege.

Once the euphoria settles, you realize there's also a bridesmaid speech or maid of honor speech to prepare.

What you'll find on this page:

  • a 4 step outline or template to follow to ensure your speech is well structured and covers the expected content 
  • content suggestions, with examples
  • links to bridesmaid speech examples, wedding poems and readings
  • guidelines on how to best to prepare to deliver your speech

Bridal party circa 1927

Here's a basic 4 step outline to follow

Don't worry that through using it your speech will be the same as every other bridesmaid. Because you are "you" and your relationship to the bride is unique, what you bring to the essential content list will make your speech original.

The guide is only here to give your speech structure - a logical easily followed format, and to help you cover off what's expected. How you do that is up to you!

Be yourself, honest, and, ready!

Vintage image of a fully open white rose, a bud and deep green leaves.

Aim to keep it real, sincere and to be original!

Do try to steer away from lashings of stereotypical saccharine sweetness to describe the bride: "the most beautiful", "my best friend for ever", "the kindest, most adorable girl in the universe", "the cutest", "the funniest", "totally angelic",  ...

And to avoid a last minute panic stricken rush, allow yourself approximately three weeks to write and then, practice, practice, practice.

Read an example maid of honor speech for a sister

How do you begin to write a bridesmaid or maid of honor speech when it's for your sister?

The same way as you would for a very dear friend. Do check this example speech out.

I've written it following the guidelines here but with one significant extra step: an explanation and example of the beginning brainstorming process. 

Read more: an example maid of honor speech for a sister .

Read MOH speech examples from a best friend's point of view

Both these speeches use a similar outline to the one featured on this page. Reading them will help you begin the process of deciding what to put in the speech you need to prepare.

Go to: maid of honor speech examples

1. Introduction

In the opening segment of your bridesmaid speech include a greeting to welcome all the guests. Mention any special ones by name, your name and your relationship to the bride.

If your speech follows the best man's you may like to reference that too.

Here's an example of an introduction:

“Good evening! It's fabulous to see you all here including one very special lady, Teri's extra-mother Sally. Not even flight delays on the other side of the world could keep her away!

My name is Joan, and I have been best friends with Teri, our bride, since the second grade.

Thank you Mike ( the best man ) for your very gracious, and expected, compliments on the beauty of the bride and bridesmaids. What can a woman do but agree? We are indeed exceptionally gorgeous!

The bride is already spoken for. However let's see if your actions speak as well as your words. I'll be in the bar later. Mine's a double!”

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

2. History of the your relationship & a story 

Your introduction should segue nicely into the next part of your bridesmaid speech: a brief history of your relationship to the bride, followed by a short anecdote or story.

This is essential content as it puts your relationship with the bride into context for the guests.

Avoid stories mentioning any of the bride’s ex-boyfriends or incidents she would find too embarrassing. Your goal is to honor the bride, not humiliate her.

Stories that would be suitable here are those that illustrate the qualities you admire about her, the shared experiences at the heart of your relationship that keep it ongoing.

These are your classic childhood/school/work-life tales, the ones suitable for and understood by everybody. They are the "feel-good" stories, making people smile regardless of their age.

(To see an example of a suitable story to share read my  bridesmaid speech for a sister  or either of these maid of honor speech examples .)

The final touch in this segment is to thank the bride for the honor of being her bridesmaid.

3. History of the couple's relationship & story

This is the part of your bridesmaid speech where you discuss the relationship of the bride and the groom.

If you knew the groom before they began dating, you might have a funny story about how he was before he met the bride. Or this could be the part where you tell how you helped them get together, or how you knew the bride was in love with the groom.

Again, avoid any mention of previous relationships, leave out stories that are overly embarrassing or that highlight any problems the couple may have had in the past, and stay away from anything too risque or off-color.

Your role is to positively present the relationship and the commitment they have jointly made.

(You can see examples of this step in these MOH speeches: a  maid of honor speech for a sister sample  and 2 maid of honor speech examples from a best friend's point of view. )

4. Conclusion

This section should include your best wishes for the couple and your hopes for their future. You could express that with a well-chosen quote, a brief poem, or even a song. Whether it is funny and playful or serious and sentimental, whatever you do needs to match the tone or mood of what has gone before.

Your final remark should be a definitive statement indicating to the guests that you've finished. You could achieve that by simply raising your glass and saying "To Susie and Bill!"

For more go to: How to end a maid of honor speech You'll find twenty example endings of varying sorts. Some are funny. Some use quotations...Find a conclusion you like, and adapt it to make it your own.

More pages to help you prepare:

Image: oval frame made of colorful vintage drawings of roses. Text: Wedding poems and readings - Our happily ever after begins here.

Here's a diverse collection of c lassic wedding poems and readings drawn from many cultures and eras to help you find just the right words to express what you want to say.  

Collage of 5 different photos of women with their best friends.

Reading other MOH speeches is a good way to jumpstart  ideas for your own speech. Here are two maid of honor speech examples  written from a best friend's point of view. One is heartfelt and the other more light-hearted. Both are rich with personal stories!

Use cue cards to help you deliver your speech well

Do not be that woman who stands up to speak and tries to hold a mike plus several pieces of paper with her speech on them, and then read, speak and gesture at the same time.

It's a very public juggling act that could go sideways quite quickly. And it doesn't have to be like that.

Find out how to make and use cue cards .  Save yourself from potential stress.

Speech writer graphic with text: Are you finding writing your speech hard? I could do it for you. Click and find out more.

The importance of rehearsal: practice, practice and more practice

Image: cross legged girl with wings levitating.

Please  don't skimp on rehearsa l . You need to practice your speech aloud (a lot) to find out if it flows well, fits the time allowance you've been given and to build your confidence before you deliver it at the reception. 

Making time for rehearsal is one of those things you will thank yourself for. Truly.

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writing a funny bridesmaid speech

How to write a (kick-ass) bridesmaid speech!

Easy Weddings

how to write a bridesmaid speech

In the past, only the father-of-the-bride, the groom and the best man tended to give wedding speeches but, today, it could also be the bride, her mother, a close friend or, of course, her bridesmaids. Here are some tips for pulling off the perfect bridesmaid speech though, of course, they could be used by anyone tasked with speaking at a wedding.

It’s just like telling a story

Start by jotting down a few bullet points, then think about expanding on each of those points.

Also, consider your overall message. What are you trying to convey? Is it your feelings for the bride/the couple? Is it what she means to you? What is your intent in giving this speech? Keep this in mind when you’re expanding on each of the points.

Finally, maintain a logical sequence to your toast. Consider your wedding toast to be a miniature tale: you need a beginning which captures their attention, a middle which keeps it and an end that wraps your story up neatly.

Think Goldilocks: not too short and not too long

Keep it brief, but not too brief. Ideally, you’ll speak for around three to five minutes. It may not sound like much, but it’ll feel like forever when all eyes are glued to you. Remember there will be other speeches, either before or after yours, and you do not want guests nodding off, so don’t drone one!

Practice makes perfect

It’s an old adage, but it couldn’t be truer: practice makes perfect.

Don’t just turn up on the day and wing it. Once happy with your speech, practice, practice, practice. That way, you’ll have the chance to refine your speech before the big moment and, by the time you’re ready to deliver it, you’ll be able to do it with your eyes closed!

Really knowing your material will also help calm any nerves as you’ll be so across your material, you won’t be lost for words.

Be humorous but also sincere

As wonderful as a sincere and loving toast can be, they can also be a little dull if not delivered properly. To ensure your speech is memorable for all the right reasons, sprinkle a few humourous stories and anecdotes throughout your bridesmaid speech to give guests a bit of a chuckle, but don’t be derogatory and don’t embarrass your friend/s in front of their nearest and dearest.

End your your toast with a story that, perhaps, even they don’t know, but one that illustrates to you just how much they love each other. You can end on a high, but aww-worthy note, by telling the assembled crowd about that very special moment that you realised they were destined for each other.

Talk about the bride and  the groom

If you are the bride’s bestie, sister or cousin (or someone else special to her), it is easy to tell stories about her – and the antics that have occurred in your relationship together, but it is important to remember that you need to talk about her new spouse too!

If you are not particularly close to the groom, talk to other friends or family members that have gotten to know him and be sure to include him in the speech. By making the effort to learn enough about the groom to weave him into your bridesmaid speech, you will make both the bride and groom feel important and special, as well as both their families.

Planning your wedding? Find gorgeous bridesmaids gowns here.

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Write A Funny Wedding Speech

  • Best Man , Bride , Father of the Bride , Groom , Maid of Honour , Mother of the Bride , Speech Advice
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(*Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out all the different ways the Speechy team can help you write & deliver a great speech. Or check out our new AI-powered team member, SpeechyAI .)

wedding speech laughter

The definition of a joke is ‘ a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter. ’

This means your jokes shouldn’t make your guests groan. Guests don’t want to hear internet gags and the newly hitched deserve more than wedding clichés.

Avoid anything like … ‘Wales is an unusual honeymoon destination but (groom) insisted he was going to Bangor for a fortnight.

Cringe. 1994 wants its jokes back.

Check out   Hitched’s ‘Tried & Test Jokes for Best Men’   for more lines to AVOID.  Generic wedding fodder shows you’re desperate.

A rule we stick to is, if you can cut and paste a joke into a speech about someone else, then you’ve got it wrong.

Humour should be unique, honest and insightful, not just some wedding-related pun. At no point hold up a slice of toast.

The Golden Rule of Comedy

‘ It’s funny because it’s true ‘, so said Homer Simpson and probably some clever people we’re less familiar with.

Creating a memorable speech means thinking about the ready-made characters  at the Top Table. People will laugh if you identify something that they’ve noticed (even subliminally) but never thought to articulate …The groom’s oddly disproportionate T-rex arms, the bride’s continuing devotion to UGGS, the newlywed’s mutual mannerisms (they both say OMG without any shame).

Pinpointing what makes the newlyweds unique (i.e. slightly odd) is key to making your wedding speech a proper tribute to them.  It shows you actually care if you focus your humour on their true personalities (and not just caricatures of a bride or groom).

Do NOT make the mistake of talking about how much the bride loves shopping (unless she genuinely out-spends the Kardashians) or how terrible the groom is at opening his wallet  (unless he actually comes out without one). This is clichéd-comedy at its worst. It’s not funny and it’s not fit for a modern wedding speech.

These rules apply whatever your role – best man to bride.

Step By Step Guide

Groom speech delivery

Step 1. Find A Focus

Whatever role you have – groom, father of the bride, best mate – you have to find a comedy focus.

The groom’s target could be himself, his bride or he could set up the notion of a traditional double act (straight bride vs daft husband).

A father of the bride might choose his ‘drama queen daughter’, the ‘hard-done father’ or the ‘dubious groom’ as the focus of his humour. You get the idea.

Some people reckon the bride should never be the comedic focus. They seem to think that as soon as a woman puts on a white dress she can only be told she’s beautiful & wonderful; a Beyonce / Mother Teresa hybrid.

We don’t agree. Just because a woman’s wearing her best knickers and has a ring on her finger doesn’t mean she’s lost her sense of humour.

The key is to keep the humour affectionate and loving. Of course, you should have a proper heartfelt tribute towards the end of your speech but feel free to have a laugh along the way.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Step 2. Ask Lots of Questions

The first thing we do when working with clients is ask them lots of questions. We ask the obvious ones (who’s marrying who and why) but we also ask some random ones too.

With grooms, we might ask ‘What annoys you most about your bride-to-be’. It doesn’t sound like appropriate material to put in a wedding speech but actually, it’s those sorts of questions that often lead to great nuggets of content for us.

So, grab a bottle of (insert alcoholic beverage of choice) and have a brainstorm. Write down everything that comes to mind when you think about the person you’re going to be talking about. The food they love. The tunes they like. Their claims to fame. Their questionable dress sense…  Think about their standout qualities & the characteristics that define them. Is it their obsession with the gym, their bossiness, or their lack of hair?

Step 3. Get help if you need

Ask mates round. Ask relatives. Ask the bride if you’re the best man and she’s not giving a speech herself.

You need to load up your arsenal of humour before you can hope to fire out any cracking gags. There are loads of ways of finding a laugh, here’s some techniques to test out…

  • Turn your target into a comedy character –  Think about the classic sitcom characters – Basil Fawlty (the hotel owner who didn’t like tourists), Doc Martin (the doctor who was scared of blood), Del Boy (the hapless businessman). Exaggerate your target’s qualities and push their weaknesses to the extreme.
  • Play with contrasts – is the bride obsessively tidy while the groom can’t change the hoover bag? Does the bride balk at Primark prices and the groom spends like a Kardashian? Couple contrasts always generates good material.
  • Tell us something we don’t know – Do you know a secret about the bride or the groom? Nothing downright embarrassing but if the bride used to fancy Ed Milliband or the groom won a Butlins Talent Contest as a teenager (his twerking  was genuinely amazing) then now might be the time to mention it.
  • Exaggerate – if the bride or groom have a reputation for something, then have a laugh with it. Is the groom pretty rubbish at golf? Fair to say then that ‘the only hole in one he’ll get is in his Primark boxers’ . If the bride loves her spinning class you could say ‘her legs have done more rotations than the best man’s head when the bridesmaids walked in’ . You get the idea.
  • Be the butt of the joke – Yes even if you have another comedy target, make sure you laugh at yourself too. People like you more if you do.

wedding speeches expert help advice

Step 4. Grab Your Quote Love, You’ve Pulled

Plagiarism isn’t allowed but quoting witty people is. Not only are you legitimately allowed to steal their laughs, but you also end up looking rather well read.

We’ve curated the best wedding quotes to use (i.e. the ones that aren’t too obviously ‘wedding-y’) so tuck in for inspiration…

  • Groom speech  
  • Best man speech  
  • Father of the bride speech 
  • Bride speech 
  • Mother of the bride speech  
  • Maid of honour speech 

Don’t say we’re not blooming good to you.

wedding speeches photographer

Step 5. Pace Your Laughs

People relax once you’ve made them laugh so try to script a funny line within the first 20 seconds.

A good opener is something like ‘ Can you believe it? (The Bride) has finally given up holding out for Ryan Gosling and decided a kebab-munching, golf-obsessed Project Manager from Basingstoke is a better option instead .’ Simple, but bespoke.

Of course, the opening is just the first hurdle. Your speech needs to be peppered with humour throughout. Even the ‘thank yous’ should raise a smile so make sure you script more than just the usual platitudes about your in-laws ‘passing down such wonderful traits to their daughter’. Yawn.

Keep your content pacey and your jokes short. If it’s impossible to sub down a lengthy anecdote then leave it for the bar later.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Funny Wedding Speech Do’s & Don’ts

  • Ask friends and family for stories – It’s not cheating, it’s research  
  • Start writing early – ideas will keep popping in your head once you get going
  • Cut your first draft in half – having three average jokes does not add up to one big laugh
  • Read it out loud – you’ll work out your pacing and hear what works and what doesn’t
  • Get advice – Read it to a trusted mate. If you have to explain a joke it ain’t working
  • Use a Speechy Template   – Unlike other speech templates on the market, this ones helps you create original humour based on the people you know! Specific templates for dads, brides, grooms, besties – whoever wants to grab that mic!


  • Feel you need to include every random funny anecdote in the speech – some just won’t add to the overall story you’re telling
  • Resort to Googling jokes   – if you found that quip then others will have seen it too
  • Be rude, overly embarrassing or go further than innuendo – never appropriate even if you know the ‘rugby boys’ would love it
  • Include ‘in jokes’ – your humour needs to be inclusive
  • Forget to leave room for the laughs on the day – don’t spend months worrying about the speech and then swallow up the laughter by delivering your speech too quickly
  • Drink too much before you deliver your speech – sadly ‘Dutch courage’ is a myth. Alcohol increases nerves so don’t go overboard too early.

The Speechwriting Experts

The Speechy team  are TV-trained scriptwriters/comedians by trade & we’ve helped 1,000s of speakers around the world deliver their dream speech.

Our advice has been quoted everywhere from  The New York Times  to  Grazia  and from Forbes to The Observer . Our founder has also featured on the  BBC Sounds’ Best Men podcast with Jason Manford and written ‘ The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’ , published by Little, Brown.

Heidi and the Speechy Team

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How to Write a Funny Wedding Speech

You don't have to be Kristen Wiig or Chris Rock to give a toast that's hilarious. Here’s how to write a wedding speech that will get your audience laughing out loud.

Lindsay Pietroluongo

Photo: Lacey Gabrielle Photography

You’ve been asked to make a speech at a wedding and you want keep things funny, not sappy. The good news is that you don't have to be Kristen Wiig or Chris Rock to give a toast that's hilarious.

Here’s how to write a funny wedding speech that will get your audience laughing out loud.

Get inspired Need to find some inspiration? Brainstorm ideas while watching your favorite sitcom or funny movie, or listening to a stand-up comic. You don’t want to copy the jokes you hear word for word, but they may spark your own creativity. While it’s tempting to steal a great punch line, remember that you’ll get a better response from a joke that’s original. Make it quick Wedding speeches only have to be two or three minutes long. If you go any longer, you’ll start to lose people’s attention, causing your humor to land flat. Practice, practice, practice Make sure to practice your speech a lot beforehand. Even the most well-written, hilarious speech will tank if you can’t deliver the lines clearly or with the right inflection. The more you can memorize your speech and deliver it naturally, the better it will sound. Admit you're nervous It’s both relatable and charming when the speech-giver confesses, “I’m really nervous.” Guests will be more receptive and forgiving of whatever you’re about to say. Who can’t relate to being anxious when addressing a crowd? Also, remember that most people who are attending a wedding are in high spirits. They’re ready to smile and have a good time. Even a light quip is likely to get a good reaction. Get the guests involved Starting your speech off with a question is a great way to get everyone to tune in. Start with, “Has anybody here...” and then include something amusing or hysterical that the bride, groom or couple has done. Walk down memory lane Was the first time you met the bride or groom particularly comical? Retell the story - it will be entertaining on its own. First impressions can be haphazard and ridiculous, making for great anecdotes. This will also give the guests a glimpse into what the couple’s life was like from the beginning. The more of a history you have with the bride or groom, the more stories you can dip into. Talk about the absurd childhood dreams you shared or the practical jokes you played on teachers in elementary school.

Be self-deprecating Talk about how the bride or groom excels at something you don’t. Poke fun at yourself. This will get a laugh, keep the speech relaxed and compliment the couple all at the same time. Tease the couple...but just a bit It’s okay to poke a bit of good-natured fun at the bride or groom, so long as it’s within reason. Keep it light. Tease them about their taste in music or their go-to outfit in middle school. Talk about something that will leave them giggling at, not furious with, you. You can also go so over-the-top that people will know that you’re speaking in jest. If you’re not sure if you’re walking that line correctly, though, skip it. Show your talents Are you a great singer or rapper? Make your toast musical. If you’re a writer or storyteller, cleverly recount a story to entertain the crowd. If you seem to have knee-slapping zingers, string together a few one-liners that all connect to the same theme. Play up whatever it is you’re good at. Bring a prop Props can take some of the focus and pressure off you while boosting a story. If there’s a prop that will illustrate the main points of your speech, use it! An old photo, childhood toy or relic from your teenage days can make a speech more memorable and silly. Embrace a slip-up If you stumble over your words and end up spurting out something ridiculous that you didn’t mean to say, embrace it, especially if the crowd roars in laughter. That’s the point of delivering a good-humored speech! Let your audience react Speak slowly and pause for a few seconds to let your best lines sink in. If you drop a wisecrack and then immediately continue speaking, people may not catch what you said. Avoid rookie mistakes Don’t mention exes, tell embarrassing stories or revisit drunken nights. Don’t be unflattering to anybody in attendance. Insulting someone who’s there, even if it’s all in good fun, will make people uncomfortable when they’re supposed to be celebrating. End on a high note Even if your speech is 99 percent funny, you’ll want to end it on a sentimental note. Wish the couple well, express your love for them and then raise your glass.

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In This Article

How to Write a Funny Wedding Speech

Funny speeches writing tips.

  • Best Man Funny Wedding Speeches
  • Maid Of Honor Wedding Speeches
  • Funny Groom Wedding Speeches
  • Funny Bride Wedding Speeches
  • Funny Wedding Speeches For All Guests
  • Wedding Party & Reception

Best Funny Wedding Speeches Examples You Can Use

Natalia Bayeva

videostudiorobertomarchionne via Instagram

Funny wedding speeches – are the best way to keep the guests engaged and everyone relaxed and happy. “While you might face some challenges in writing the perfect variant, they are always worth it in the end. First, a funny wedding speech seems shorter than it actually is. Time flies by when the audience is having fun. Second, it’s more memorable. Think of the wedding speeches you can remember and it’s most likely going to be the one that had everyone laughing (or theone that lasted what seemed like for ever with no jokes).” , – Marc Blakewill , an experienced speech writer.


Give your listeners a laugh or two with these hilarious and witty wedding speech samples, and the tips you need to make your own.

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It can seem daunting, but it’s worth spending the time and effort to make your wedding speech both heartfelt and funny. With the professional guidance of Marc Blakewill , an expert in crafting wedding speeches, you can navigate this with ease. Follow Marc’s detailed instructions, and you’ll confidently deliver a speech that resonates with sincerity and humor.

So, how best to write a funny wedding speech?

Tone and style

  • Mix the heartfelt and comedic – even if you want a speech that is funny from top to bottom, do include the sincere and heartfelt. Think of it like setting off the colour of a precious stone in a ring. With a bit of sentiment, you get more comedic dazzle.
  • Match it to your personality – if you’re not a natural joke-teller, don’t feel the need to have lots of one-liners in your speech. Focus more on light-hearted stories. Something that sounds like you will be more memorable and valued by the guests. It’s also easier to be “you”!
  • Keep it as original as you can – avoid the temptation to use old jokes from the internet. They tend to stick out like sore thumbs. If you’re not confident in writing one of your own, using one near the top as an icebreaker is fine. Any more than that and you’re in danger of becoming a cliché-delivery system.

It’s time to treat the blank screen or piece of paper as your friend. It’s your speech and you have the freedom to craft it how you want. How wonderful is that! So, here are some pointers on how to generate funny wedding speech ideas.

  • The location or venue – is there a joke about how far people have had to travel or how much difficulty they had finding the venue? Is the venue so posh and glamourous you thought you’d be refused entry?
  • Topical – has there just been a national celebration or sporting triumph that this wedding totally eclipses? Even if it’s a small gathering, don’t be afraid to praise the occasion to the skies. Everyone loves to feel part of something special.
  • How you met – was it at work, at college, in a bar? Bring this to life. What were your first impressions and have they been confirmed? If you’re Father of the Bride, you could talk about the day of your daughter’s birth. How you bravely dealt with all the pain and stress!
  • How long have you known each other – if it’s a long time, why not draw a parallel with something historical? Has your friendship or relationship outlasted the terms of several presidents?
  • Link the past to the present – did the bride or groom do something as a child or teenager that might explain their current career or lifestyle? Did the accident-prone kid become a nurse or doctor? Did the wannabe popstar end up as an accountant?
  • Everyday things – does the groom or bride have any weird hobbies you could mention? Or maybe a funny turn-of-phrase? Do they insist on checking the front door is locked three.times before leaving their home? You don’t need outlandish stories. Their everyday life and everyday behaviour can be a great source of humour.
  • Spoof marriage advice – if you’re the Best Man or Father of the Bride, you could give a few pieces of quick, silly advice. Personalise it to the couple and you’ll get instant recognition and laughs. Fun areas could include: too much time on the golf course; shopping like there’s no tomorrow and there’s no credit card bill; forgiving each other’s faults – the ones they can reveal now they’re married!
  • The simpler the better – your speech really can be as simple as beginning, middle and end. Warm everyone up with some opening fun remarks or jokes, make a few thanks and welcomes (not needed if you’re the Best Man), tell your main stories then finish with some more sentimental moments and a toast.
  • Link your stories – a speech that flows is more likely to get laughs. So, ensure your stories come in a natural order. This could be in time order or linked by theme e.g. group the groom’s silly little ways together, the bride’s changing childhood ambitions, etc.

Polishing it

  • Writing is rewriting – the illusion of a great speech is that it came fully formed from the writer’s head. It didn’t. It was written then re-written. So, put your first draft away and come back to it at least one or two more times. You’ll spot the stuff that doesn’t work in a heartbeat.
  • If you’re not sure of a line, lose it – be strict here. if you’re doubtful when reading it in the comfort of your living room, imagine how you’ll feel in front of an audience. The best speeches are the ones that have had dodgy lines surgically removed.
  • Read it out loud – this is the best way to find out how your speech flows. Did it feel awkward jumping from one section to another? Tweak it. Did a line leave your breathless as you struggled to the end? Shorten it. Did a joke make your smile as you read it? Keep it! Your voice is a free resource, so use it.

What To Joke About In Wedding Speech?

funny wedding speech ideas

cassievalentephoto via Instagram

It can be quite tricky giving your wedding speech and knowing what to say and when. With funny wedding speeches, it is also important to know where to draw the line with jokes. Below you will find a few helpful tips.

  • Select your target and build your premise around them. Funny wedding speeches may center on the strict dad, sweet daughter or straight-faced groom. The point is to keep the humor affectionate and leave heartwarming tributes towards the end.
  • Put down everything that comes to mind when you think about your target in writing. It may be their taste in music, best foods, stand out qualities, weird dress sense or obsession.
  • Turn these qualities into comedic characters. Is the groom obsessed with keeping tidy while the bride can’t account for one leg of her shoes? Will the groom do a double-take to the prices at flea markets while the bride spends like a Kardashian? Work with their contrasts.
  • Tell the guests something they don’t already know about the couple. Did the groom win a ballet competition as a teenager? Did the bride do street rap in college? Genuinely amazing yet unlikely skills for such a sophisticated couple to make funny jokes.
  • Exaggerate these happenings a little. If the couple is great or bad at a thing, then exaggerate a bit. For instance, if the groom is great at soccer, say something like, “his left leg has more coordination than New York’s traffic.”
  • Involve the guests. You could start with a comical question that includes them or mention something funny about the bride or groom.
  • Don’t forget the toast. You could insert a funny wedding quote here, would be all the better.

funny wedding speeches brides laughing


If your role involves you giving a speech at a wedding, use these tips as a general guideline.

  • Acknowledge the crowd: It is important to recognize your audience, make them a part of your speech.
  • Backstories: While introducing yourself, you could chip in how you know the couple, if there’s a comical story there, you could add that too.
  • Get the guests involved: Whether you’re giving funny wedding speeches as the best man or maid of honor, involving the guests is always a good idea. You could ask them a funny question that loosens them up.
  • Take a walk down memory lane: Say something about the groom or even the couple. It might have been a double date or your first meeting, but anecdotes make the best jokes when they are pulled from the truth.
  • Make fun of yourself: Be self-deprecating. If you are able to laugh at yourself, others will too.
  • Poke fun at the couple: Tease the couple, but lightly. Be careful not to cross any lines, such as talking about any of their exes or anything that could be embarrassing.
  • Make it quick: Try to keep your speech under seven minutes. Short is best, but not too short that you barely say a thing.
  • End on a high note: Get the audience on their feet as you raise a toast to the couple.

Best Man Funny Wedding Speeches Examples

If you are the best man, chances are that you share a stronger bond with the husband than the wife. Hence, the funny wedding speeches best man gives are what we call the “guys talk”, which is more concentrated on the groom. He surely has more to say about the groom than the bride, but a good speech creates a balance. He must take notice and acknowledge the bride, letting her know how sweet her groom is.

“Afford me the grace to welcome everyone here today for coming all the way to celebrate Emerald and James. It’s an honor to stand in for my brother today as his best man, and my name is Joshua. My dad is quite fascinated with the letter “J”. Our other two brothers are Julius and Jefferson (shakes head). Before I start, I want to acknowledge that my brother can be quite a stunner when he cleans up. Just.look.at.him… And the bride? Who has seen a vision more beautiful? Okay, I have a bragging right, and that’s the fact that I brought this couple together. I think I deserve an extra flute of wine. It happened on one of our many adventures at fishing, we met this beauty, my new sister. My brother was so shy he pushed me to talk to her. I think he was fascinated that a lady fishes with such expertise. Well, we chatted, and I pulled my brother into the chat. We realized that she’s blunt, sweet, smart, and funny. For a laid-back brother, I knew she is the one that can bring him out of his shell. I told him there and then to go see her father. But I think I lost my brother in the process. He never called me to fish anymore, he went with her instead (sad face). Yet, I’m the happiest today (grins). She brings out the light in his eyes. From fishing to grape picking, and many months later, you’re permanently locked together. My brother, the calm level headed genius, selfless and serious, sweet and generous, finds a wife. Who would have thought? James never had time for these things, but see! I’d die a happy man. Both of you are meant for each other, and I pray the love that binds you never breaks. Be each other’s solace always, and no mountain will be too high. I love you, brother, and I adore you, my sister. Happy married life!”

Funny Quotes For Wedding Speeches From Maid Of Honor

The maid of honor and the bride share a great relationship that’s why she snagged the MOH spot. So, we are in for one of the most hilarious wedding speeches because there’s a lot to tell. From growing up to going through life and all the escapades, the maid of honor speech is a funny yet emotional one.

The maid of honor uses every information and public worthy stories at her disposal to pay tribute to the bride. She also goes ahead to mention the groom to understand his luck, even as she makes the guests laugh. See the perfect example below.

“It’s my sincere pleasure to welcome everyone here today. In case you don’t know me, I’m Mackenzie, the maid of honor and bride’s best friend. But I know practically everyone here today. So, I and my friend, the bride (Emerald) made a pact many years ago that we’d be each other’s maid of honor. She said even if we were pregnant and ready to pop, we’d still fill that slot for each other (smiles). Well, here I am today, after many years fulfilling that duty, because that sweet man swept her off her feet. In truth, I don’t know how I and Emerald remain, friends since we met in college. Our meeting is a story for another day. On many occasions, she has left me at the market to go back home, because she simply hates the market. Then I get back home stressed after doing a good deed of handling both our shopping. But she burns my hands with a spoon because I want to pick one slice of beef as she cooks… So much for appreciation. Well, she’s the cook between the two of us anyway. But she compensates with some sweetness. She doesn’t ever want to see me sad, she’d give me a million slices of beef instead. All the fun times we’ve shared as we comfort each other by visiting our favorite snack spot. Times we’ve shared heartfelt talks amidst laughter while munching chips as we watch that your program into the night. I don’t know how I survived to watch that stuff. Yet, you’re everything Emerald, everything and more. Like your name, you’re loyal, peaceful, faithful, balance and love unconditionally. That I am resilient, selfless, upright and emphatic is because of you. I hope you take these qualities even as you forge on in life. I’m sure that you’ll have a successful love life and domestic bliss like your name symbolizes. I love you bestie, you don’t know how much. James (groom), you’ve found a treasure in her, I tell you. Kindly make sure you wipe the kitchen work table clean after use because if she sees it dirty, you don’t want to find out… Remember, for better or worse doesn’t mean you should hurt each other. It means you’ll hold on to each other no matter what life throws at you. Hold steadfast unto each other. Today, I wish you life’s best, and I send you forth with all my Love.”

Funny Grooms Wedding Speeches

Pass around the tissue box guys, because a well thought out groom speech will get you teary. How so? A lot of men don’t do the emotional thing, because they come across as hardcore. But watching a man look at his bride with so much love in his eyes, saying such sweet things about them… Ah!

He talks about his search, possibly many disappointments, love at first sight, or unlikely circumstances to meeting her. Then he injects humor in his speech. Maybe their first date, things they do together, etc. Everyone smiles through their tears. See an amazing template example.

“Let me start by welcoming everyone to this blissful occasion of my wedding. If you’re wondering why I’m nervous… Well, I’m the groom, and the bills for one makes me nervous. We just love you all so much and wish you shared in our day, that we made a long guest list. That’s some bill we raked. Again, Emerald says I don’t listen, so I’m being very careful with what I say right now. I don’t want to spend my first day of married life in the dog house. But you see, I have a beautiful bride, so it’s enough to calm me. Talking about beauty, Emerald is beautiful, both in and out. And I’d say I’m the luckiest and most blessed man on the planet. I mean, who’d spill his drink on a siren, without getting a slap? I did as I was busy looking at this vision in red on the 15th of November 2010. She just smiled and said she gets that all the time, and that’s how we met. She’s also very smart, I can’t get one over her. Her brain has a timer or something because she never forgets. If I tell her to wake me in 20 minutes, I get woken at exactly that time, even if she also went to sleep. Those are the times I want to cry because can’t she just forget?! Yet, that’s one quality that makes her a force to reckon. She pushes me to be better, obsessed with time management that my life has seen a drastic change. My friends are even shocked that I made it early to my wedding — the emerald effect. How I love this woman, she complements me perfectly. I want to thank her for bringing more light into my life. I also want to thank my parent’s in-law for breeding such queen. Yes, she’s regal. They did perfect! And my parents, thank you for helping me spot gold and treasuring it. You remain idols. To everyone else, thank you for making today great and unforgettable.”

Funny Wedding Speeches From The Bride

We are halfway through the tissue box at this time because the bride is all blush and giggles — with starry eyes as she gives her speech. As a bride, your speech will be an emotional one, so a lot of humor is quite needed for a perfect balance.

You’ll talk about you and your journey to being Mrs. You’d touch on what makes you tick and the qualities that make your groom the perfect one. From these qualities, you’d make funny wedding speeches that will get your guests laughing. For some help with bride speech, we’ve given an example below.

“It is common knowledge that I find it hard to keep quiet. Well, today is my day and it won’t be an exception. So, first, let me welcome everyone that has come to share in I and James’s special day. I hope you feel as much love as I’m feeling now. Also, I would have treasured the presence of my grandma today, but I know she’s proud of me. Gran, I know you can see me from up there, I’m a big girl now (teary smile). So, permit me, but can you see my man? Call me conceited, but he’s such a hunk! I’ve had the blessing of being with this man for 5 years, and today I can call him husband (blushes). I want to thank him for being who he is. Sweet, loving, smart, meticulous and selfless. James loves me right and honors me always, except when he’s getting orange seedlings stuck in the blender. And pray to tell why he’d always fall asleep when we are watching my favorite show? But you see, that’s one of the things I love about him. Talk about support, even when it’s inconvenient for him. Babe, you challenge me and push me to be better with your lifestyle. I love you anyhow, warts and all. James has made my life fun and meaningful. I also want to thank persons who have made today a success. From my parent’s in-law that raised such fine young man, to my parents, the dream of all children. I also want to appreciate everyone that helped put today together. May you experience love so true and so pure. I love you all.”

Funny Wedding Speeches Examples For All Guests

It is within etiquette that a wedding speech must focus on the couple while talking great about them. Funny wedding speeches even do much better, because infusing jokes in your speech gets more attention. Weddings are already emotional as it is, so we’d consider these kinds of speeches as the icebreakers.

The jokes you throw on the couple depends on the relationship you share. It also depends on how much you know them, and what they can take. Great funny wedding speech brings on laughter without it going south. If you need inspiration, see some funny wedding speeches examples below.

By Chris Haywood

“Can I start my speech by welcoming the guests? Today, we are quite surrounded by most of the friends and family that have been important to us during our lives. Some have traveled thousands of miles, just to be here today. On behalf of Owen, Patrick and Bonney, Hazel and I – We welcome you all and thank you sincerely for sharing this special day with us. As about half of you will know, this is my second father-of-the-bride speech in less than a year. To misquote Oscar Wilde from “The Importance of Being Ernest” – to lose one daughter may be well considered unlucky. To lose two is careless! Well, I guess that’s OK – because my being careless is how they came to be here in the first place. Making the father of the bride’s speech, I feel a bit like a Sheik walking into his harem for the first time. I know what I’ve got to do, I just don’t know where to start. You will all be quite pleased to learn that my speech will be every bit as good as last time. In fact, my side of the family will probably remember great chunks of it! Not really, although I am following the same format. This means it will probably start badly, sag in the middle with long silences, and then trail off into a lot of incoherent rambling. To be honest, I did try to memorize this speech – but forgive me if I resort to my notes every 5 seconds. I asked for an autocue to be set up in front of me. Apparently, the wedding budget doesn’t stretch that far… and neither does my eyesight. Patrick, we are quite delighted to welcome you into the family. By now, you must be wondering what on earth you have let yourself in for. I want you to know that Hazel and I took it to you instantly. You are a kind and considerate man who deserves a good wife. Thank goodness you married Bonney before you found one! I am only kidding, of course. There is nothing in the world to match the thrill of seeing your first child born. Bonney was a beautiful baby. She still is beautiful – in every sense of the word – and she has continued to fill our lives with happiness and pride. Everyone knows that Bon is a rolling stone – and couldn’t wait to leave home and find new adventures at University. Since then she has made many firm friends, some of whom are decidedly odd – but I’ll say no more about that because most of the odd ones seem to be here today. Now, where was I? Patrick… I expect you may have noticed Pat’s getting on a bit – a few grey hairs already – so it’s taken him some time to find his Miss Right. In fact, his best man tells me he once sent his picture off to a Lonely Hearts Club. They sent it back, with a note saying they weren’t that lonely! Patrick is a rugby player – or so I am told. I took the time to ask some of his mates how good he was, where his best position was. To cut a long story short, he seems to be terrible in every position! I’m sure there’s a joke there somewhere… but never mind. I have to say that Bonney and Patrick are extremely well suited, aren’t they? They’re happy and they love each other. That should be enough to see them through life together. It has been well said that marriage is a 50/50 partnership. Whoever said that knows nothing about women and even less about fractions. I asked Pat recently what he was looking for in marriage. He said love, happiness and eventually a family. I asked Bon the same question. She replied “A coffee percolator.” She said a “perky copulator” but I knew what she meant… As you all know, fathers of the bride get to make the first speech. To be honest with you, it’s a bit like being invited to sleep with the Queen Mother. It’s a great honor – but you don’t want to do it! And what about the bridesmaids? Didn’t they look lovely, in the church? Having seen all the Ushers, I thought for a minute I’d accidentally wandered onto the set of “Seven Brides for seven brothers”. I started planning this speech a month ago. And you must feel like I’ve been delivering it equally as long. And I haven’t quite finished yet. Because my next toast is to the bride and groom. This reminds me of the wedding I once went to where the two of the guests were a minister and a priest. When the priest was offered a drink for the toast he said: “I’ll have a large whiskey please”. When the minister was also offered the same, he said “No thanks. I’d rather go with a scarlet woman than touch the demon alcohol”. The priest promptly put his whiskey back on the tray and said: “I didn’t know there was a choice!” Now I don’t want to offend anybody, so if there’s a priest or a minister present, I apologize. And if there’s a scarlet woman here, I’ll meet you in the bar in 10 minutes! Thank you for your indulgence. Without further delay, I’ll ask you to join me in a toast to my beautiful daughter, the bride, and her handsome husband, the groom.”

By John Gallagher

“Good evening everyone, for those of you that don’t know me, my name is John and I’m Katie’s dad. I am delighted to welcome you here tonight to celebrate the Marriage of Katie and Simon. I know that many of you have traveled many thousands of Kilometers to be here in Umea Umio, Sweden, with us today. On behalf of Pippa, Inga, Borje, and myself; I would like to welcome you all here today to help celebrate the marriage of Katie and Simon. I apologize if the accent is difficult for any of you but translators throughout the audience will help and the speech will be posted at the rear of the room later with copies on the internet tomorrow!! Also, I would like to thank the Priest, Inga, for the lovely service in the most beautiful church. Thank you to her boss for the good weather! I’d like to offer my sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who have worked so hard and long to help put this day together, a day which, I am sure, Katie and Simon will cherish for the remainder of their lives together. Standing here tonight reminded me of a joke. Two TV aerials met on a roof, they fell in love and eventually married. The wedding was pretty average but the reception was brilliant. OK, no more jokes!! Katie this is that point in time that every daughter fears…..what is Daddy going to talk about….is he going to tell about the time when…??!! I’m not going to tell of any of those times, but rather, I’m going to say & quote, thank you & quote! You see the one thought I’ve always been able to picture was that of today when you and I shared our little glance at one another as we were ready to start our walk down the aisle. As it was with my daughter Lucy and as it will be with my daughter Gemma, it has always been with me and always will be. I feel extremely lucky and humble in being able to say I have five great children and one special grandchild and to have them all here together gives me a sense of pride. Simon, I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you into the family, but I’m sure you know that you have been welcome since that first day I met you at my house. Every Father hopes his daughter will find a smart, reliable, sensible, and considerate young man so I have to say, I’m a contented father, as I am delighted to see my daughter looking so happy and well today. It is a real pleasure Simon, to welcome you into our family. Many things go into making a marriage happy: Love, fidelity, trust, someone who will listen, persistence and patience, tolerance and forbearance, tenacity and stamina, forgiveness or failing that, a defective memory. It also helps if the husband is always prepared to take the blame! I’d just like to offer a few words of advice: Katie – If you want something from Simon, just ask for it. Don’t forget he’s a man and hints don’t work. Lastly, always remember, as a great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he is wrong is wise. Whilst a man who gives in when he is right is married.”

Don’t hesitate to write the funny wedding speeches you need for that special day. Your nerves won’t get the best of you if you know what to say. Follow this well prepared guideline and are sure to be in comical wedding speech heaven in no time.

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36 Funny Wedding Toasts and Speeches That'll Get the Whole Room Laughing

Plus, tips on writing and delivering a humorous speech that won't come off as a roast.

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Photo by Abby Jiu Photography

In This Article

Have you been asked to give a wedding toast ? First and foremost, congratulations! It’s clear that you mean a great deal to the marrying couple and that they trust you to speak on their behalf in front of everyone that has ever been important to them. It's a tremendous honor, but we understand that you might be feeling a bit nervous about your new role as reception orator. Where should you begin?

The most important thing to know about wedding speeches is that the best ones are both heartfelt and humorous—and, most importantly, well under five minutes. While you’ll want to dive deep into your own memories of and feelings about the couple for the heartfelt bits, zingers don’t necessarily come naturally to all of us. To help you out in the laughs department, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite funny wedding toasts and marriage quotes below. Feel free to borrow with abandon and mix them up as needed—whatever it takes to make your speech really shine! 

Photo by Twah Dougherty Photography

Funny Wedding Toast Ideas 

These one-liners and well-wishes are sure to garner some chuckles.

  • "What do late nights, wild parties, and hanging out with friends on the weekend have in common? You won’t be able to do any of those things from now on. But congratulations on your wedding!"
  • "May your children be blessed with rich parents." 
  • "Here's to you and here's to me, I hope we never disagree, But if, perchance, we ever do, Then here's to me, and to hell with you."
  • "Let’s raise our glasses to the two secrets of a long-lasting marriage: a good sense of humor, and a short memory."
  • "May all of your ups and downs be only in the bedroom." 
  • "Remember: In life, there are only two tools anyone really needs in their toolbox—duct tape and WD40. Duct tape keeps things from moving when they shouldn’t, and WD40 gets things moving when they’re stuck."
  • "May you both live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live."
  • "May you never lie, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie with each other. And if you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink with us. Cheers to the newlyweds!"
  • "We are gathered here today to honor something so truly magical, so truly unique and wonderful, that it simply had to be celebrated. I am, of course, talking about the doughnut wall."
  • "As Bill and Ted once said: 'Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.'"
  • "Saying 'I do' at your wedding is like clicking the 'I accept' box any time a new piece of software on your computer or phone asks you to read its terms and conditions: You do it despite having no idea what will come next. Congratulations on your marriage!"
  • "Never laugh at your spouse’s choices. Remember: they also chose you. Cheers!"
  • "Now, let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. I actually like both of you—do you have any idea how rare that is?"
  • "May the most you wish for be the least you get." 
  • "May your household multiply, and may your hearts never be divided."

While quotes are great, keeping your wedding toasts personal or even providing quotes you remember from the couple getting married is always a good choice.

Photo by Jose Villa

Funny Quotes for Your Wedding Toast 

Use these humorous bits to offer the newlyweds wisdom and advice with a wink in your toast.

  • "The secret to a good marriage is to be a little deaf." — Ruth Bader Ginsburg 
  • "We are all a little weird, and life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness and call it love." — Dr. Seuss 
  • "I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." — Rita Rudner
  • "Marriage is not just spiritual communion. It is also remembering to take out the trash." — Dr. Joyce Brothers
  • "Love is blind. Marriage is the eye-opener." — Pauline Thomason  
  • "A good marriage is like a casserole: only those responsible for it really know what goes into it." — Unknown
  • "All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt." — Charles Schulz
  • "Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There’s too much fraternizing with the enemy." — Henry Kissinger
  • "To keep your marriage brimming with love in the loving cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up." — Ogden Nash
  • "For marriage to be a success, every woman and every man should have her and his own bathroom. The end." — Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • "If you’re wrong and you shut up, you’re wise. If you’re right and you shut up, you’re married." — Unknown
  • "Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy." — Unknown
  • "If at first you don’t succeed...try doing it the way your wife told you." — Unknown  
  • "Spend a few minutes a day really listening to your spouse. No matter how stupid [their] problems sound to you." — Megan Mullally 
  • "The secret to a happy marriage remains a secret." — Henny Youngman
  • "The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly who you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with." — Mac MacGuff in Juno 
  • "You’ll know you’ve mastered marriage when you ask your spouse to hand you 'that thingy' over there and they know exactly what you mean.” — @sixfootcandy on Twitter
  • "Love is a lot like a backache. It doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there." — George Burns
  • "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times—always with the same person." — Mignon McLaughlin
  • "If your husband tells you you're being too dramatic, don't forget to bow when you thank him." — @3sunzzz on Twitter
  • "Marrying someone is easy. Staying married after going to Ikea on a Saturday with an empty stomach is not." — @maryfairybobrry on Twitter

Photo by Les Loups

Tips for Writing and Delivering a Funny Wedding Toast

A funny wedding toast is a great way to keep everyone engaged; guests (especially after a few drinks at cocktail hour) don't always have the best attention spans for long, emotional speeches. A toast that's light, short, and appropriately funny is the recipe for one attendees will remember—and for all the right reasons. Just be sure to follow a few important tips for writing, practicing, and delivering a funny wedding toast.

Avoid too many inside jokes.

Have you ever been out with a group of friends and experienced everyone laughing about something that makes absolutely no sense to you? If so, you know that there's no worse feeling than being on the outside of an inside joke. While it's perfectly fine to include a few lines that make sense to just a few people in attendance, it's important to ensure that the vast majority of your toast resonates with everyone on the guest list.

Don't poke fun at the happy couple.

Remember that this is a toast, not a roast. It's best to be humorous but not mean-spirited or cruel. You want guests to laugh with you instead of at the happy couple, so avoid anything that feels as though you're mocking the newlyweds. Sharing funny stories and musings is a better course of action than retelling every embarrassing story you know about the bride or groom.

Be sure to strike the right balance between funny and serious.

While you don't have to pair every funny line with something more sentimental, it is nice to ensure there's a good mix of content in your speech. Balance all that (tasteful) humor with more serious sentiments—how much you love the couple, what their bond has taught you about happy relationships, and your hopes and dreams for their long, happy future together—and you've got a guaranteed hit.

Have someone else vet it.

Who can forget that scene in Wedding Crashers where Rachel McAdams thinks she's written the world's funniest speech and Owen Wilson kindly tells her to speak from the heart instead? While you might think you've penned a winner, it's best to let someone you trust weigh in before you take it to the crowd. Be open-minded about their feedback and willing to adjust if they note any major red flags.

Practice, practice, practice.

Your speech might be rock solid, but if you're tripping over every word or rushing through what you've written, guests will never know how great it is. Though definitely don't have to memorize it, you should practice it a few times through to make sure there are no clunky phrases or tough to pronounce words. Nail your timing and make sure you give your jokes a little breathing room for laughs, too.

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Bridesmaid Speech

writing a funny bridesmaid speech

Weddings are beautiful, dazzling and presents itself like a giant expensive playground where you can have fun, dance, eat a lot of delicious food. Weddings include heartfelt wedding vows and speeches from the couple and their respective parents. The best man and the bridesmaid also have to give speeches as well.

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6. Bridesmaid Speech Template

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7. Short Bridesmaid Speech Example

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8. Sister Bridesmaid Speech Example

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9. Bridesmaid Speech Analysis Example

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10. Maid of Honor Speech Example

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11. Best Friend Bridesmaid Speech Example

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12. Little Sister Bridesmaid Speech Example

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13. Blank Bridesmaid Speech Example

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20. Bridesmaid Speech Outline Example

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What Is a Bridesmaid’s Speech?

A bridesmaid’s speech is a type of speech given by a bridesmaid at a wedding reception, typically after the meal has been served and before the dancing begins. The wedding speech is usually a heartfelt and lighthearted tribute speech to the bride and groom, and may include personal anecdotes and memories about the couple, as well as well wishes for their future together.

How to Write a Bridesmaid’s Speech

Step 1: give a short introduction.

To start off your bridesmaid speech, give a short introduction .  Remember that your introduction to your speech should not be focused on you, rather, it should be focused on the wedding event, the bride and the groom, and the guests in the event. Focus your intro on saying thanks and move on to the next.

Step 2: Share a Happy Memory

Talk about a happy memory you may have of the bride. Share how you are related to her or an impact you have about her. However, do not share anything embarrassing or something too private for everyone to know and hear. Be mindful of what you are also going to be sharing.

Step 3: Thank the Guests in Your Speech

Next is to thank the guests in your speech. All the while you offer your congratulations to the happy bride and groom. Remember to express your gratitude and excitement when you make your speech. However, do not overdo your reaction as it may also be too much for the guests. The focus is not only in your speech and the guests, but also for the bride and the groom.

Step 4: End Your Speech with a Happy Note

The end, the conclusion , or the conclusion paragraph part of your speech must end with a happy note. Bridesmaids speeches often end with happy tears which are expected. You must know that ending with a happy note is expected and will also give a boost for both the bride and the groom to expect a happy marriage life.

Why is a bridesmaids speech important?

The simplest reason why a bridesmaids speech is an important part of the wedding agenda is because a bridesmaids speech helps to celebrate the bride’s wedding and to mark an important milestone in her life. It also helps set a good tone  and theme with everyone present.

What to expect in a bridesmaid speech?

The elements of a bridesmaids speech consists of the introduction wherein the bridesmaid greets and thanks everyone for attending the wedding. The introduction is also to lighten up the mood before moving to the body of the speech. The body of the speech is where the bridesmaid shares a story or an experience that meant well to her with the bride. The last part or the conclusion is to give the happy couple a hoorah! or a proper send off to their new life together.

How long is a bridesmaids speech?

The length of a bridesmaids speech should not be beyond a single page long. The whole point is to congratulate the bride and to share some memories. Not to talk about you or something else.

If you are lucky enough to be chosen as the bridesmaid, there are a few basic things you should remember when writing a speech. Begin your speech by giving your gratitude to the people who’ve come to share this eventful day and don’t forget to introduce yourself. Instead, share a story with your friendship with the bride and also mention some experiences you had with the couple. Sum up your speech with happiness and best wishes for the couple.


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    Insulting someone who's there, even if it's all in good fun, will make people uncomfortable when they're supposed to be celebrating. End on a high note. Even if your speech is 99 percent funny, you'll want to end it on a sentimental note. Wish the couple well, express your love for them and then raise your glass.

  17. How To Write A Funny Wedding Speech Everyone Will Love

    The father of the bride's speech should be similar to the best man's speech, but it should take on something of a paternal tone. Acknowledgments are really important. Thank people by name (if, for example, some relative flew in from the ends of the Earth to attend the wedding) Acknowledge family members who passed on.

  18. How to Write a Funny Wedding Speech

    A funny wedding speech is a speech given during a wedding reception with the intention of making the guests laugh. To make your wedding speech funny, you can include jokes, anecdotes about the newlyweds, funny quotes or poems, or even use light-hearted teasing. Remember, any teasing should always be in good faith and with the express permission ...

  19. Funny Wedding Speeches: Examples And Tips

    Funny wedding speeches - are the best way to keep the guests engaged and everyone relaxed and happy. "While you might face some challenges in writing the perfect variant, they are always worth it in the end. First, a funny wedding speech seems shorter than it actually is. Time flies by when the audience is having fun. Second, it's more ...

  20. 36 Funny Wedding Toasts and Speech Quotes

    There's too much fraternizing with the enemy." — Henry Kissinger. "To keep your marriage brimming with love in the loving cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up ...

  21. 9 Tips for How to Write a Funny Wedding Speech

    Tip #2: Rely on Funny Stories. The best way to show humor through a wedding speech is to tell a funny story. This way you don't have to worry about quick-witted one-liners or risk sounding cheesy. Plus, truly impactful wedding speeches include great storytelling. So consider telling one to three short stories and focus on light-hearted ones.

  22. Bridesmaid Speech

    A bridesmaid's speech is a type of speech given by a bridesmaid at a wedding reception, typically after the meal has been served and before the dancing begins. The wedding speech is usually a heartfelt and lighthearted tribute speech to the bride and groom, and may include personal anecdotes and memories about the couple, as well as well ...

  23. Top 10 Bride Speech Examples

    Share your gratitude: "Thank you for being here, for supporting us, and for being a part of this incredible journey. Your presence makes our day even more special.". Stories about wedding planning: "Wedding planning, they say, is a glimpse into married life - compromise, laughter, and a few unexpected surprises.