
How to Make a Company Profile Presentation (Tips & Examples)

Learn how to make a company profile presentation with our expert tips and company profile presentation examples. Try interactive templates for a personal touch.

company profile presentation sample

Dominika Krukowska

9 minute read

How to make a company profile presentation

Short answer

What is a company profile presentation?

A company profile presentation is a short, visually appealing presentation that tells your company's story — covering its mission, history, key achievements, and future aspirations. It's perfect for making a great first impression on clients and investors, showing them what makes your business special in a clear and engaging way.

Without a compelling company profile, you’re just another logo in a sea of businesses

In a world where every niche is crowded with competitors, both fresh startups and established giants, standing out is not just tough; it's a survival game.

Not having a strong company profile presentation can lead to missed opportunities and potential customers slipping through your fingers.

But here's the good news: I believe your company can not only compete but also shine.

Stick with me, and you'll learn to create a company profile presentation that not only stands out but also holds its own against the big players. I’m going to walk you through easy-to-implement, effective ways to elevate your company profile from just another name to a standout brand.

Let’s get started!

What makes an effective company profile presentation?

An effective company profile presentation blends engaging storytelling, interactivity, and personalized content that speaks directly to your audience. It's about making a connection, tailoring your message to resonate with viewers, and highlighting your company's journey, mission, and successes.

What should a company profile presentation include?

When you're putting together a business profile presentation, think of it as telling your business's story in a way that's both engaging and informative.

It's your chance to connect with your audience, whether they're potential investors, clients, or partners, and give them a real sense of what your company is all about.

Here's a breakdown of what to include to make your business profile presentation shine.

1) The story of your business

Begin with the origins of your company. This isn't just about dates and facts; it's about sharing the journey, the ups and downs, and the lessons learned along the way.

This narrative helps your audience connect with your business on a personal level, understanding where you come from and what has shaped your company.

2) Core principles and goals

Your mission, vision, and values aren't just corporate jargon; they're the heart and soul of your business. They guide your decisions and actions.

Clearly presenting these principles helps your audience understand what your business stands for and what you're striving to achieve.

3) Milestones and success stories

Highlight the key moments that have defined your company's journey. This could be anything from launching a groundbreaking product to expanding into new markets.

These milestones not only showcase your achievements but also demonstrate your growth and adaptability.

4) Awards and recognitions

Displaying awards and recognitions adds a layer of trust and credibility. It shows that external bodies have endorsed your company, which can be a powerful tool in building confidence in your brand.

5) The team

People connect with people, not just brands. Introduce the key figures in your company, highlighting their expertise and roles.

You can also include employee testimonials that offer a genuine look into your company culture and the people who make everything happen. This humanizes your company and builds trust by showing the faces behind the business.

6) What you offer

Clearly outline what your company offers. This section should be straightforward, explaining your products or services and how they benefit your customers.

Keep it simple but informative, ensuring your audience understands your value proposition.

7) What makes you different

In a competitive market, it's crucial to highlight what sets you apart. Discuss your unique selling points and how they differentiate you from your competitors. This is your chance to explain why your company is the better choice.

8) Financial health and growth

Share key financial data that showcases your company's stability and growth potential. This reassures your audience of your business's health and prospects, which is particularly important for investors and partners.

9) Future plans and aspirations

Describe your goals and how you plan to achieve them. This shows that you're not just focused on the present but are actively planning for future growth and success.

10) Clear call to action

Finish your presentation with a clear invitation for your audience to take the next step. Whether it's exploring a partnership, trying out your products, or discussing investment opportunities, make it easy for them to know how to engage with your company.

How do you create a company profile presentation?

Creating a company introduction presentation is more than just listing facts about your business; it's an opportunity to tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience and offer a window into the soul of your business.

Here’s how to create a captivating company introduction presentation in a few easy steps:

1) Understand the purpose of your presentation

Before you start, it's crucial to understand why you're creating this presentation. Is it to attract investors, inform potential clients, or introduce your company to new employees?

Knowing your audience and purpose shapes the content, tone, and style of your presentation, ensuring it resonates with the right people in the right way.

2) Start with a strong introduction

Your introduction is your first impression. Start with something that grabs attention – your company's mission statement, a brief but intriguing history, or an engaging anecdote about how your company came to be.

This isn't just about providing information; it's about setting the stage and getting your audience interested in what comes next.

Here’s an example of a deck with a strong introduction:

how to make a strong introduction slide

3) Personalize your presentation

Customize your presentation to speak directly to your audience's interests and needs. If you're addressing potential clients, focus on how your products or services solve their specific problems. For investors, emphasize business performance and growth potential.

You can also add dynamic variables to your company profile and import relevant data like your reader’s name or company directly from your CRM. This simple trick will get 68% more people to read your deck in full , and share it internally 2.3x more often.

Here’s a great example of a personalized slide:

how to make a good personalized presentation slide

4) Incorporate scrollytelling

Scrollytelling can transform a static presentation into an interactive experience, especially for digital formats.

As the viewer scrolls, new elements of your story appear, keeping them engaged and curious about what's next. This technique works wonders for keeping your audience hooked.

Here’s what scrollytelling looks like in practice:

Narrator slide example

5) Tell your story authentically

Share your company's journey with authenticity. Talk about the challenges you've faced and how you overcame them, the milestones you've achieved, and the reasons behind starting your business.

Authentic storytelling creates a deeper, more emotional connection with your audience.

If you’re looking for inspiration, we have a handy guide including the best presentation storytelling examples and techniques .

6) Add interactive elements

Interactive elements like clickable links, embedded videos, or tiered slides can significantly enhance your presentation's engagement level. These elements provide additional layers of information and interaction without overloading your slides with text.

7) Simplify complex information

Data visualization slides and infographics are powerful tools for presenting complex information in a digestible format.

Whether it's market trends, growth statistics, or financial data, visual representations make it easier for your audience to understand and remember key points.

Here’s a great example of using data visualization in a presentation:

Data slide example

8) Guide your audience to the next step

End your presentation with a clear call to action. What do you want your audience to do next? Whether it’s visiting your website, contacting your team, or exploring a partnership, make this step clear and easy to follow.

Interactive presentation makers let you integrate your calendar into your deck, making it easier than ever for readers to book a meeting with you.

Here’s what a next step slide looks like:

Next step slide example

Company profile examples that make your business stand out

Creating a compelling company profile presentation is an art. It's about striking the perfect balance between informative content and engaging storytelling.

To help you master this craft, let's dive into some standout examples of company profile presentations.

Each one shows just how well creativity and clear thinking can work together to really bring out what a company does best and where it's headed, in a way that's both unique and easy to understand.

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Company highlights

This company highlights template presents your journey, market growth, and customer satisfaction. It's ideal for companies like SMEs, startups, and enterprises looking to illustrate their success in AI-driven innovation.

What makes this company profile presentation great:

Using a mix of storytelling and data to highlight a company’s evolution and expertise.

Interactive elements like clickable data points and embedded testimonials bring the company's impact and client experiences to life.

The presentation strategically targets diverse business segments , demonstrating the company's versatility and wide-ranging applications in AI solutions.

Company profile overview

This template is ideal for businesses seeking to present a comprehensive overview. It effectively communicates your company's mission, vision, achievements, and future goals, making it suitable for all types of businesses aiming to establish a strong brand narrative.

Key metrics like annual revenue growth and customer retention rates are highlighted, demonstrating market impact and growth trajectory.

It cleverly segments its audience , detailing how its AI solutions cater to the specific needs of SMEs, startups, and large enterprises, demonstrating a tailored approach.

The company uniquely positions itself by emphasizing its specialized team , highlighting their expertise in driving AI innovation.

Enterprise snapshot

This template is designed for large-scale organizations. It effectively showcases your company's scale, capabilities, and market position, making it ideal for enterprises aiming to highlight their industry dominance and innovative solutions.

It uses tiered slides with tabs , effectively catering to different use cases and readers, allowing for a personalized presentation journey.

The presentation features easily editable logo placeholders , offering the flexibility to showcase past clients' logos, enhancing credibility and trust.

The ability to embed a case study directly into the presentation, providing tangible evidence of a company’s impact and success in real-world scenarios.

Corporate spotlight

This template is a concise yet impactful tool for highlighting your company's background, values, capabilities, and accomplishments. It's perfect for businesses wanting to emphasize their unique selling points and industry standing.

A smart Call-to-Action (CTA) that's strategically placed to engage viewers and encourage them to schedule a call directly from the company profile deck.

The fully interactive layout of the presentation invites viewers to actively engage with the content, creating a more immersive and memorable experience.

Data visualization elements transform complex data into easily digestible and visually appealing information, enhancing understanding and retention.

Company introduction

This template is tailored for businesses in the finance and technology sector. It effectively communicates your company's solutions, market challenges, and how you address them, making it ideal for companies looking to establish credibility.

The average reading time on the cover slide sets clear expectations for the audience and reduces bounce rate by almost a quarter .

The use of grayed-out content strategically highlights key information, guiding the viewer's focus to the most important aspects of the presentation.

Running numbers dynamically showcase key achievements and growth metrics, capturing attention instantly.

Corporate profile

This corporate profile emplate offers a succinct yet powerful presentation of your company. Highlight your unique selling points and industry standing, making a strong impression on your audience.

A video on the cover slide immediately sets the tone for the company's innovative approach and boosts engagement by up to 32% .

A perfect balance between image and text placeholders ensures a visually appealing layout that communicates effectively without overwhelming the audience.

A built-in analytics panel allows companies to track viewer engagement and gather valuable insights for future presentations and strategies.

General business overview

This general business overview template is a versatile tool for businesses across various industries. It showcases your company's innovative solutions, market growth, and customer satisfaction, suitable for companies aiming to highlight their market impact and user-centric approach.

The presentation begins with a strong, user-centric message , emphasizing commitment to enhancing user experiences and streamlining operations.

The ability to add testimonials and case studies can enhance credibility and showcase the real-world impact of your company’s solutions.

A library of data visualization elements to highlight the most important growth metrics in an interactive way.

Company insights

This company insights template is perfect for businesses looking to showcase their innovative solutions and market impact. It highlights your company's growth, customer satisfaction, and industry solutions, ideal for companies aiming to illustrate their success and expertise.

It offers the option to integrate dynamic variables , which enables a personalized experience for each viewer to enhance engagement and relevance.

The ability to use an AI assistant for crafting messages and generating images , showcasing a forward-thinking approach in presentation design.

The presentation design allows for the addition of multiple smart CTAs , giving presenters the flexibility to guide viewer interaction and drive specific actions.

Company overview

This template emphasizes your company's innovative solutions, market growth, and customer satisfaction, making it suitable for e-commerce, startups, and large enterprises aiming to demonstrate their user-centric approach and success.

An intuitive editor makes it easy for users to create and customize their presentations.

Thanks to various CRM integrations , you can personalize your deck at scale, allowing for tailored messaging that resonates with each unique audience segment.

The option to extract branding elements directly from the company website, ensuring brand consistency and a cohesive visual identity across the presentation.

Company intro

This template showcases your company's innovative solutions, industry challenges, and the benefits of your services, making it ideal for companies aiming to demonstrate their expertise and capacity for digital transformation and financial empowerment.

Using dynamic variables makes personalization quick and easy while ensuring that 68% more people will read your presentation in full .

The layout of the presentation automatically adapts to any changes made, so you don’t have to worry about ever breaking the design.

The option to make changes even after it has been sent , offering flexibility and control over the messaging and content.

Company presentation

This template is perfect for 'About us' decks or company overviews. It tells the story of your business in a way that engages and resonates with the audience, making it ideal for companies looking to create a compelling narrative about their journey and achievements.

A mobile-responsive design ensures it looks great and functions smoothly on any device, enhancing accessibility and viewer engagement.

The option to embed videos directly into the deck adds a dynamic and interactive element that can effectively convey the company's story and values.

The scroll-based design of the presentation creates a seamless and intuitive user experience, guiding viewers through the content in a natural and engaging way.

How to design a company profile presentation?

Designing a compelling company profile presentation is about more than just listing your achievements and services. It's about creating a narrative that resonates with your audience and showcases your company's unique value.

Here’s how to make your company introduction presentation stand out:

1) Tell your company's story visually

Start with a strong visual narrative. Use images, infographics, and timelines to illustrate your company's journey, achievements, and future goals. This approach helps your audience connect with your story on a deeper level.

2) Incorporate your branding

Ensure your presentation reflects your company's branding. Use your brand colors, logos, and fonts consistently throughout the presentation. This does more than just give a polished look; it really helps hammer home what your brand is all about. Use all the toolstack you need for a hgh-end design, from logo creators to brand color palletes.

3) Use data visualization components

When presenting data, such as market growth, financials, or customer demographics, use charts and graphs. This makes complex information more digestible and engaging.

4) Personalize for different audiences

Tailor your presentation to your audience. Whether it's potential investors, clients, or partners, make sure the content speaks directly to their interests and needs.

Also, thanks to CRM integrations, you can extract information such as first name or company name, and use it to personalize your business profile presentations at scale in just a few clicks.

5) Add interactive elements for engagement

Consider adding interactive elements like clickable links, embedded videos, or animated product demos. This interactivity keeps the audience engaged and makes your presentation more memorable.

6) Prioritize clarity and readability

Organize your content in a way that's easy to follow. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear headings. If you have a lot of information, consider using expandable sections or tabs.

7) End with a strong Call to Action

Conclude your presentation with a clear call to action. Whether it’s inviting questions, scheduling a meeting, or directing them to your website, make it easy for your audience to take the next step.

Interactive company profile presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a company profile presentation can be a real challenge. You need to figure out not only what to say but also how to say it in a way that truly represents your brand.

That's where interactive company profile presentation templates are a lifesaver. They give you a solid foundation with professional designs and layouts, so you can focus on customizing the content to tell your company's unique story.

Grab one and see for yourself.

company profile presentation sample

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

company profile presentation sample

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Company Profile Template

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company profile presentation sample

What is a Startup Company Profile Template?

A startup company profile template is a marketing tool that showcases your brand’s products, services, and activities in a general company overview. A compelling company profile presentation template should be more than just a brochure. It vibrantly showcases your business and engages with stakeholders about your company’s offerings and unique qualities.

Did you know that 14% of startups fail because of poor marketing? If you have just launched a new business, or are an SME entrepreneur, you know that any interaction with your stakeholders is a valuable opportunity to make an impactful and lasting first impression.

Not convinced of investing in one? Here are more reasons:

Why You Need a Company Profile

  • It creates an opportunity for collaboration. Your profile acts like a dossier that highlights the company history, philosophy, future plans, and growth roadmap of your business. Stakeholders can decide from it if you are the right fit and possess the same business ethics that aligns with their own goals.
  • A catchy company profile design can raise capital, win investors, differentiate you from your competitors, and persuade clients. All of which ultimately leads to your business growth.
  • It creates your brand identity through a storytelling-centered company description. You can share your brand story, company culture, strengths, and achievements through this simple presentation.
  • With the right positioning and segmentation, your company profile complements your brand promotion and sales strategy, by highlighting your company goals.
  • It is a complementary and dynamic brand awareness tool that can help you create new business relationships and penetrate new markets.

How to Write a Company Profile

You need to create a killer profile for your business that doesn't bore your audience. An effective company profile format is a combination of stunning design and engaging content. Starting a new business is all about costs, costs, and costs. Does this mean you have to hire a graphic designer to make one? It can be a solution, but this is also what our expert team of specialists in professional design for startups is here for.

What Does a Company Profile Consist Of?

These are the slides you need to include in your company profile presentation:

Keep it simple, choose the best company image you can find. If you don't have one, try using our Flickr and Unsplash integrations to find one that relates to your business.

2. Basic Numbers

We used founding year, customers served, and monthly active users as examples, but the idea here is to find some metrics, accomplishments, or awards that you can brag about.

3. Mission and Vision

We've exchanged the traditional mission/vision statements for our concept of company culture (vision-less), but understand all the reasons why these have to be there.

Talk about your core team and key personnel, or at least the part that is relevant to whomever you are sharing this document with. Try to keep it to 2-4 people, and add the shortest possible summary about them.

5. Services

This is a kind of 'what we do' slide which again, might not apply to every single context. If you are using this presentation for a business proposal, you may want to mention other services or products your company has, as a way to bring some context into the pitch.

There is no better proof than social proof. This slide is your chance to brag about your most nameworthy customers and some of the projects you've developed with them.

7. Projects

As an extension of the Clients slide, bring in some highlight projects/products that you've developed. Get a star, or hero image for each one of them and add a small brief of what your company did.

Again, social proof is really valuable for these presentations. If you have quotes from the press or reviews from relevant people, this is where they belong.

9. Contact information

Website, email address, physical address (if you have one), and social. Not much to add here.

What is the Purpose of a Company Profile?

Compelling content that engages.

Since our company profile templates have been designed to accommodate all the essential info you need to create an effective impression, all you have to do is inject your business stats and info. Yet many business profiles just get thrown in with the rest of the pile when deemed a snooze fest.

What exactly makes a business profile boring? Long wordy texts of vision and mission statements on top of dense tables and long product descriptions fit the bill. Your profile should be a comprehensive company overview, something that allows stakeholders to see your potential at a glance.

The new generation of consumers and organizations have redirected their appeal from lengthy traditional details to the innovative, edgy, and creative approach. So how can you add a little magical ‘oomph’ to your company profile? The secret is storytelling.

If you want to stand out, you have to pull on some heartstrings. Putting a face behind your brand as well as injecting personable content is the way to go. Include your brand story such as what drove you to start this business, and what your beliefs are. Instead of droning on about what your business offers, let your content engage with your customer. Realign your pitch to focus on what your business can do for them instead.

Practical Designs that Pop

We think that company profile presentations are the way to go. Why? Because every business is fluid and ever-changing. Numbers go up, new products get added, and new achievements happen every year. Having an adaptable and dynamic template would, therefore, be ideal for keeping your stakeholders up to date on the latest information. Besides, you should be proud of your achievements and showcase them to the world.

Slidebean provides over 150 templates with editable slides that can be used as an introduction to your client directly, included in your email signature, or used on other digital marketing platforms such as social media. You can pick from a list of impressive designs to suit the feel of your brand. Either way, the presentation decks are well organized and all you have to do is inject the elements of your business such as your team, mission and vision, important statistics, services you provide, and so on.

But also, here’s why our decks can help you stand out. We actually provide professionally designed decks that have been proven to work! One example is the renowned Airbnb deck . This presentation successfully raised $600K when used by company founders Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk.

Now that we have established the advantages of using company profile templates, let’s talk about YOUR pitches. Because Slidebean templates are adaptable, you can easily change your company profile to include information that resonates with your audience. You can now skew communication that strikes a chord with different stakeholders without having to create an entirely new presentation. Save yourself time in the future by developing different versions with concise information that appeals to different groups. Such include different decks for communicating with the media, sponsorship organizations, clients, and your business collaborators.

Company Profile Examples

A company profile sample is a great way to ensure potential customers know who you are and what your company offers. In addition, it can be used to introduce them to the company, its mission, and core values. Crafting a stunning company profile example also includes information about desired clients, target markets, services offered, company size, company milestones achieved, and any awards or recognition it has received. When creating a professional company profile, try to avoid too much jargon and focus on conveying the company's message in plain terms so potential customers can clearly understand it.

Below are a few examples of company profiles from successful startups, redesigned by our Agency team. Keep in mind these aren't templates, but examples of how our designers can make your own Company Profile shine.

  • ‍ Loom Company Profile Example
  • Slack Company Profile Example

If you're still not sure how to write a professional company profile, here are some extra tips:

  • Keep it short and to the point. Remember that people are busy, and they might not have time to read a long document.
  • Use simple language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms, as not everyone will understand them.
  • Include key information. Make sure to include important details such as your history, location, contact information, etc.
  • Highlight your successes. Showcase your achievements and accomplishments, so that potential clients can see what you're capable of.
  • Use strong visuals. Incorporate high-quality photos and infographics to break up the text and add visual interest.

By following these tips, you can craft a creative company profile that will help you market your business and attract new potential customers.

Create the best company profile presentation today!

Always ensure your company profile ties up with your brand strategy. A consistent alignment in communication is key to building a strong and memorable brand. Also, don’t forget to update your company profile annually as your business expands. Our Slidebean template saves you time while creating your presentation - or even better, our Agency team provides professional design services that have helped companies raise over $300M in venture capital.

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Company Profile Presentation Templates

Boost your business introduction presentations with our free company profile powerpoint templates and google slides themes. each template offers fully editable features, ensuring flexibility and adaptability. streamline your business narratives, and ensure every pitch or proposal creates a lasting, impactful first impression. stand out with slide egg.

Company Profile

We're here to help you!

What is company profile.

A company profile summarizes the business's past, present, and potential future hits. It overviews a company's history, services, and capabilities to prospective clients, investors, and other stakeholders. It's also an effective way to share information about the company's mission, core values, and goals.

What are Company Profile PowerPoint Templates?

Company Profile PowerPoint Templates are pre-made templates designed for companies to create business presentations. These templates usually include a range of slides with customizable layouts, images, and text boxes, allowing businesses to quickly develop professional-looking presentations to showcase their company's products or services.

Where can we use these Company Profile Slides?

These Company Profile PowerPoints can present a company's history, mission, products or services, goals, financials, competitive advantages, and other similar topics. You can also use them to demonstrate the company's brand identity, discuss new business initiatives, or introduce a new product or service to prospective clients or customers.

How can I make Company Profile PPT Slides in a presentation?

Collect your company's goal, future product, and motto thoroughly before creating your PPT slides. Ensure you understand the core idea of your business and what you want to convey in your presentation. Search online for pre-designed PowerPoint templates. A variety of websites offer a range of templates you can customize to your needs. To create the slides, visit our tips and tricks page to make your unique PowerPoint.

Who can use Company Profile PPT Templates?

Any business or organization can use Company Profile PPT Templates to create a visual presentation of their company profile. Entrepreneurs, sales, and marketing teams can use these templates, and other professionals must present their company profiles to potential clients, investors, or other stakeholders to gain trust.

Why do we need Company Profile PowerPoint Slides?

Company Profile PowerPoint slides effectively introduce your business to potential customers, partners, and investors. They provide an overview of your company, highlight your products and services, and give a glimpse into your company's culture and values.

Where can I find free Company Profile PPT Templates?

You can find a variety of Company Profile PPT templates for free on sites such as Slide egg. Our websites have a selection of uniquely designed templates that you can customize and modify to suit your needs.

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DIVERSE Professional Company Profile Template

This brochure template is great for making a professional company profile for a corporate brand or agency. It includes 24 different page designs to sh...

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ENERGY Word Company Profile Template

This brochure template uses a stylish page design for creating company profiles for modern brands. It has 14 unique pages with paragraph styles, edita...

View Information about NEOS Company Profile Presentation

NEOS Company Profile Presentation

Neos is a bright and colorful PowerPoint template made with modern brands and creative businesses in mind. It comes with bright yellow slide layouts, ...

View Information about Cabaq Company Profile Presentation

Cabaq Company Profile Presentation

Cabaq is the ideal PowerPoint template for making company profile presentations for modern agencies and businesses. It features 27 colorful slides wit...

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If you’re working on a company profile presentation for a tech brand, NFT, or cryptocurrency-related business, this PowerPoint template is perfe...

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A5 Landscape Company Profile Template Word

This Word template comes in A5 size and landscape design. It supports both InDesign and Word so you can easily edit and customize the template using y...

View Information about Ovizer Company Profile Presentation

Ovizer Company Profile Presentation

Ovizer is a professional PowerPoint template that comes with a total of 36 slide designs. This template is also made with businesses in mind. You can ...

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Creative Gray Yellow Company Profile PowerPoint Template

The bright and colorful design of this PowerPoint template makes it an ideal choice for making company profiles for modern tech companies and startups...

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ZENETA Agency Company Profile Template

This beautiful and modern company profile template is designed for creative agencies in mind. It comes in both MS Word and InDesign file formats. And ...

View Information about Impress Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation

Impress Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation

Whether you want to design a company profile using a dark or light color theme, or want the freedom to customize the design with 42 different color sc...

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Black Yellow Company Profile PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template uses a sleek black and yellow color theme across the entire slideshow. It makes the template look quite modern and profession...

View Information about Modern Company Profile Word Document Template

Modern Company Profile Word Document Template

If you want to create a brochure to showcase your company in an attractive way, this Word template will help. It includes 16 unique page layouts you c...

View Information about Blue Company Profile Word Template

Blue Company Profile Word Template

Use this Word template to create company profiles for modern agencies, brands, and corporate businesses. It features 25 page layouts in A4 size with e...

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Business & Company Profile Word Template

Another professional company profile template that’s ideal for various types of corporate and creative businesses. This template lets you choose...

View Information about ANTARA Business Profile PowerPoint Template

ANTARA Business Profile PowerPoint Template

Antara is a creative PowerPoint template made specifically for crafting presentations for showcasing your business and company. The template includes ...

View Information about FALCON Company Profile Presentation

FALCON Company Profile Presentation

Falcon is a creative PowerPoint template that comes with a total of 150 slide designs. You can choose from 5 different color schemes to create profess...

View Information about QUANTUM Company Profile PowerPoint Template

QUANTUM Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Quantum is another powerful company profile template for making creative and modern slideshows for presenting your business. The template features a f...

View Information about BLADE Business Profile Word Template

BLADE Business Profile Word Template

Another company profile brochure template for Word and InDesign. This template is ideal for making business profiles for various companies and corpora...

View Information about Creative Landscape Company Profile Template

Creative Landscape Company Profile Template

A creative company profile template with a landscape design. This template features a highly visual design that will allow you to create a modern and ...

View Information about Company Profile Brochure Word Template

Company Profile Brochure Word Template

A simple and clean Word template for crafting professional company profiles and brochures. This template comes with 16 different page designs that you...

View Information about Minimal Company Profile Presentation Template

Minimal Company Profile Presentation Template

This PowerPoint template features a clean and minimal design, making it a great choice for designing company profiles for modern businesses and agenci...

View Information about Alpha Company Profile Presentation

Alpha Company Profile Presentation

This creative PowerPoint template is ideal for making company profile slideshows for modern marketing agencies, fintech brands, and various other busi...

View Information about Quin Clean & Minimal Company Profile PowerPoint

Quin Clean & Minimal Company Profile PowerPoint

This elegant and clean PowerPoint template features a total of 400 slides, allowing you to choose from 4 different color variations, easily edit image...

View Information about Landscape A5 Company Profile Template for Word

Landscape A5 Company Profile Template for Word

This professional company profile template comes with a clean and simple design. Making it perfect for creating company profiles for modern agencies a...

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Company Profile Word DOCX Template

This Word template is designed for making professional brochures for showcasing a company profile. It comes with 20 different page layouts with editab...

View Information about Clean Company Profile Presentation Template

Clean Company Profile Presentation Template

Another professional company profile PowerPoint template featuring a clean design. This template also lets you choose from 20 unique slide designs to ...

View Information about CLEVIO Modern Company Profile for Word

CLEVIO Modern Company Profile for Word

Clevio is a modern company profile template you can use in MS Word and InDesign. The template features clean page layouts with attractive content form...

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Creative Company Profile PowerPoint Template

This is a creative PowerPoint template that’s most suitable for making company profile slideshows for marketing agencies and businesses. The tem...

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Clean Business Plan Microsoft Word Template

If you want to make sure your business plan looks more professional, a clean and minimal design is the best choice for your brochure. With this templa...

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Digitech IT & Technology Company Profile Template

This company profile template is designed for businesses and brands in the tech and IT industries. It includes 37 unique slides featuring modern conte...

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Business Pitch Presentation Template

This is a versatile and professional choice for creating engaging slideshows for startup and product presentations. With its collection of 30 unique s...

PPT Keynote

View Information about Informatics IT Company PowerPoint Template

Informatics IT Company PowerPoint Template

Informatics is a creative PowerPoint template designed for information and technology-related companies and businesses. The template is fully customiz...

View Information about Elegant Company Profile & Proposal Word Template

Elegant Company Profile & Proposal Word Template

The modern and elegant design of this Word template makes it a great choice for startups and high-end brands for crafting company profiles. It has an ...

View Information about Agency & Company Profile Word Template

Agency & Company Profile Word Template

A professional brochure template with a clean design. It’s a great choice for crafting company profile documents for agencies, small businesses,...

View Information about Free Company Profile PPT Template

Free Company Profile PPT Template

The Free Company Profile PPT Template is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to present their company introduction, business plan, and str...

Download Free

View Information about Clean Company Profile Word Template

Clean Company Profile Word Template

If you’re working on a company profile for a corporate agency, this template is perfect for creating a high-quality brochure. It comes with styl...

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RUNSHELL Company Profile Word Template

Runshell is a simple company profile template that features minimalist page layouts with fewer visual elements. It has 24 different pages for showcasi...

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Creative Presentation Template

Making a presentation for a creative agency or a brand? Then this PowerPoint template will come in handy. It features a bright and attractive design t...

View Information about HEXA Corporate Company Profile Word Template

HEXA Corporate Company Profile Word Template

If you’re looking for a template to design a physical brochure of your company profile, this template is for you. It comes in both MS Word and I...

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Raunds Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation

If you’re looking for a unique PowerPoint template to create a company profile that makes your business stand out, this template is made just fo...

View Information about Snipship – Business PowerPoint Template

Snipship – Business PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a PowerPoint template with a clean and minimal layout to design a company profile presentation, this template is for you. ...

View Information about Modern Company Profile Word Template

With this Word template, you can design a highly professional company profile to showcase your brand and business. It includes 18 page layouts with fu...

View Information about Krypton Corporate Business Profile Template

Krypton Corporate Business Profile Template

Krypton is a multipurpose business profile template you can use to create various styles of company profile brochures. It features a minimal design wi...

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Ronin Business Presentation Template

Ronin is a trendy and colorful PowerPoint template you can use to design company profiles and business portfolios for fashion and lifestyle brands. Th...

View Information about Business Proposal & Profile Word Template

Business Proposal & Profile Word Template

This is a business profile template that you could easily customize and use to make company profile brochures. It features a minimalist and clean page...

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Dagon Presentation Template

This colorful and stylish PowerPoint template will allow you to craft company profiles and many other business presentations with ease. It includes 39...

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Azurey Corporate Profile PowerPoint Template

Azurey is a modern PowerPoint template featuring a minimalist slide design. It’s perfect for designing company profiles for corporate brands. Th...

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Porto & Profile PowerPoint Template

Porto is a multipurpose company profile PowerPoint template you can use to create both company profiles for corporations as well as to create personal...

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SINDE Business Presentation Template

Sinde is a multipurpose PowerPoint template you can use to create all kinds of business presentations, including company profiles. The template includ...

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Martin Business Profile PowerPoint Template

A business PowerPoint template featuring a dark and elegant design. This template is most suitable for designing company profiles and portfolio slides...

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AEGIS Agency PowerPoint Template

Aegis is a company profile PowerPoint template made for small and corporate agencies. The template includes 30 unique slides in HD resolution and allo...

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Asmirah Presentation Template

This PowerPoint template is designed with modern corporate brands in mind. The colorful and highly visual design of this template will allow you to cr...

FAQs About Company Profile Presentation Templates

What are company profile presentation templates.

Company profile presentation templates are pre-made designs that allow you to showcase crucial details about your business. These features often include your company's history, mission and vision, products or services, team structure, achievements, and future goals. They allow for a professional, consistent approach to presenting this information, with a well-crafted layout that captivates your audience's attention.

Templates are versatile and customizable, designed to accommodate different company sizes and business sectors. This means you get to tailor the template to align with your brand's unique visual identity and selling points. You can use these templates for business meetings, pitch presentations, employee orientation materials, and client introductions.

Why Are Company Profile Presentation Templates Important?

First, company profile presentation templates save time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch, you have a start point that you only need to customize to fit your business. This convenience allows you to devote more time to other aspects of your business that need attention. Additionally, with a template, design novices can easily create professional looking presentations.

Secondly, templates contribute to brand consistency. They help you present your business information consistently across different platforms or meetings, ensuring your brand identity stays intact. They also promote clarity and comprehensibility, as audiences easily understand the information presented in a well-structured and eye-pleasing way.

How to Choose the Right Company Profile Presentation Template?

To choose the right company profile presentation template, start by understanding your brand's aesthetic and the kind of impression you want to make. The template should be visually appealing and align with your brand colors, typography, and overall style. It should also suit the purpose of the presentation, whether it's for company introduction, sales pitching, or team training.

Look for a layout that accommodates all the information you aim to showcase without appearing crowded or complex. The template should be easy to modify to match your needs. If you're unsure, consider templates that are widely used in your industry. They typically address the patterns of information conveyance commonly employed in your sector.

How Can I customize these Templates to Match My Company’s Branding?

All presentable company profile templates allow customization. Most of them come with editable sections where you can insert your content, such as texts, images, and graphics. You can also change background colors, font types, font sizes, and shapes to match your company's brand identity. In some templates, you can even modify the slide orders or add extra slides if you need more space to present your information.

Remember the importance of maintaining visual consistency while customizing. Pay attention to your color scheme, typography, use of logos, image styles, and overall branding rules. This way, the customization keeps your brand identity cohesive while making the template accurately represent your business.

Where Can I Access Company Profile Presentation Templates?

There are numerous online platforms offering an array of these templates. Popular options include PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva, SlideModel, and GraphicRiver. These platforms provide versatile templates that can be downloaded on your device and customized offline. Some sites offer free templates, while others require a subscription or individual purchase.

Ensure whatever platform you choose offers quality templates that can easily be customized to suit your company's branding. Also, consider whether the platform supports the software you intend to use for customization. Most websites clearly indicate which software (like PowerPoint or Google Slides) is compatible with their templates.

10 Creative Company Profile Examples to Inspire You [Templates]

Erica Santiago

Published: November 28, 2023

As a content creator , I know brand identity is everything. My audience wants to know what makes me different, why I create content, why they should trust the information I put out, and why I might promote a product or service.

A woman contemplates creating a company profile

The same is true for companies. In addition to the information above, people who find your company online want to know about your mission, vision, and how you can help them solve their problems.

The best way to convey all this and establish a solid brand identity is to do what I did with my own website — create a profile . In my case, it's a creator profile , but for you, it'd be a company profile.

Free Download: 6 Customizable Company Profile Templates

Not sure what a company profile is or how to create one? Don't worry — I got you covered with a breakdown of everything you need to know about building a company profile.

  • What a Company Profile is
  • How to Write a Company Profile

Company Overview Template

Company profile examples.

  • Company Description Examples

Company Profile Templates

What is a company profile.

A company profile introduces a business's mission, goals, vision, and history. In most cases, a profile includes an 'About Us' section that narrates how the company was founded and its whys, and a section that introduces leadership team members.

A company profile serves multiple purposes, but two of its primary goals are to connect with customers and attract investors for funding opportunities.

Why Company Profiles Are Important

As you can see on my profile, company profiles go beyond a regular About page. My profile details how I started, why I create content, and my journey to finally starting the blog.

A simple About page would typically only include a brief overview of who the company is and a point of contact.

company profile presentation sample

Free Company Profile Templates

Outline your company profile in one simple, shareable plan.

  • Summarize your company
  • Dive into your history
  • Introduce your team
  • Highlight achievements

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Your company profile would show your company's beginnings and why you continue to serve customers. Essentially, it humanizes your brand. Additionally, a company profile:

1. Differentiates Your Brand

According to my profile, my brand‘s story started with my sister’s Sailor Moon VHS tapes. Those tapes eventually led me to create content centered around anime and different “nerdy” entertainment aspects.

My brand's story is unlike any other, and the same goes for yours. No two companies have the same founding story or reason for existing.

Your history and values are integral parts of your brand positioning strategy, and a company profile is where you can mention this information without feeling like you‘re talking someone’s ear off.

2. Can Justify a Higher Price Point.

A company profile is a perfect opportunity to show the work that goes on behind the scenes, thus justifying why your prices may be higher than others in your industry.

For example, luxury fashion house Prada's company profile emphasizes the company uses raw materials that are meticulously sourced and exclusively produced for the fashion house.

This creates a sense that you're paying more for higher-quality items. It also explains why I can never afford them.

3. Builds Your Reputation.

My content creator profile emphasizes that I‘ve been an anime fan since childhood and shows how I developed my skills for years as a journalist. My audience knows I’m an experienced creator who also happens to be a total nerd.

My audience trusts I‘ll provide quality content rooted in my passion for the medium. It’s a reputation I hold dearly.

Think about what you want your company's reputation to be. Is your company the one that started as a small family-owned shop that grew into a billion-dollar enterprise? Or is it a company that upholds sustainability and puts ethics at the forefront of its brand?

You can build your reputation through marketing, service, and sales campaigns, but it all begins with a well-curated profile.

How to Write a Company Profile in 11 Steps

  • Start with a company profile template.
  • State the purpose of the company profile.
  • Decide on your company profile design.
  • Tell your story & be authentic.
  • Add your company's mission statement.
  • Write your company's history.
  • Describe the products and services you offer.
  • Name the awards your company has received.
  • Add your customer's testimonials.
  • Include a call to action.
  • Add your company's contact information.

You didn‘t think I’d tell you what a company profile is and not tell you how to write one, did you? Have no fear, here are 11 steps to guide you on how to write your company profile.

1. Start with a company profile template.

company profile presentation sample

9. Add your customer's testimonials.

Your customers may take everything you say with a grain of salt, but they will believe other customers who have used your products. This is an excellent way to promote your business without having your products or services come off as hard-sell.

If you‘re a B2C business, simply include some of your customer’s best quotes tied with your best value products. If you're a B2B business, have a testimonial from the most prominent client on your profile.

Hedley & Bennett , a restaurant wear company, features customer reviews and testimonials on its homepage.

Hedley & Bennett Company Profile

The asterisk implies, "If you have a body, you are an athlete.” As you scroll, you'll see information on its internal diversity and inclusion initiative, global community impact, and sustainable business program, with very little mention of its products.

Nike's company profile portrays a larger, grander vision, compelling an audience to believe in its brand before purchasing a product.

6. Seattle Cider

Seattle Cider Company Profile

It’s a great example of how to quickly and succinctly convey your message to site visitors.

The Cru Company Profile

Don't forget to share this post!

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Outline your company profile in one simple, shareable PowerPoint or Google Slides plan.

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Top 10 Company Profile with Samples and Examples - Get 50 Free Slides

Top 10 Company Profile with Samples and Examples - Get 50 Free Slides

Deepali Khatri


Today, we're going to dive into the world of company profile – those nifty documents that give businesses a chance to strut their stuff and show the world what they're made of.

Whether you're a small startup or a well-established giant, having an attention-grabbing company profile is a must.

We'll explore the ins and outs of these profiles, why they're essential, and how to create one that stands out from the crowd.

Significance of Having a Company Profile

Having a company profile is of utmost importance for various reasons:

  • First Impressions Matter : A well-crafted company profile is often the first encounter a potential client, partner, or investor has with your business. It serves as a window into your organization's identity, values, and offerings, making that crucial first impression count.
  • Builds Credibility and Trust: A comprehensive company profile showcases your history, achievements, and expertise, instilling confidence in your audience. It demonstrates that your business is legitimate, trustworthy, and capable of delivering on its promises.
  • Highlights Strengths and Unique Selling Points : Your profile presents an opportunity to highlight your strengths, unique selling points, and competitive advantages over others in the market. It helps you stand out from the crowd and attract potential customers and partners.
  • Acts as a Marketing Tool: A well-written profile is an excellent marketing tool, providing valuable information about your products, services, and success stories. It can be shared on your website, social media, and during networking events, expanding your reach and attracting new opportunities.
  • Updates Stakeholders : Beyond attracting new prospects, a company profile keeps existing stakeholders informed about your latest achievements, milestones, and developments. It reinforces transparency and strengthens relationships with clients and partners.

A company profile is an indispensable tool that not only shapes perceptions but also helps drive business success. It's a versatile asset that empowers your organization to connect with the right audience, attract opportunities, and showcase the very best of what you have to offer.

So, grab a cuppa, kick back, and get ready to unveil the secrets of crafting a killer company profile that leaves a lasting impression!

Let's get started!

Get 50 Free Slides Now!!

Template 1 - logistics company profile.

In the dynamic world of transportation and logistics, distinguishing your company from the competition is paramount. This Logistics company profile PowerPoint presentation is meticulously designed to showcase your logistics company profile and highlight the core elements that sets you apart.

Our Logistics Company Profile Includes –

Executive Summary: We begin with a compelling executive summary, encapsulating the unique selling propositions (USP) and notable achievements that demonstrate the expertise and commitment to excellence.

Company Overview : You can utilize the company overview slide to showcase the range of value-added services, highlighting end-to-end logistics solutions that cater to diverse client needs.

Solutions and Services : Showcase the various range of services that your organization provides. Use the template to present the types of packages and cargo offerings of your organization.

Business Model Canvas : Gain insights into the well-structured business model, designed to optimize operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Organization Chart : Utilize this slide to introduce the driving force behind your success, as you can easily showcase your organizational structure and the key personnel leading your operations.

In a competitive landscape brimming with logistics companies, you can use this thoughtfully crafted company profile that will set you apart. Embrace the power of our company profile, an essential tool to impress stakeholders, partners, and clients, showcasing your commitment to unmatched logistics solutions. Step into the limelight and let your profile speak volumes about your unwavering dedication to excellence in the world of transportation and logistics.

Logistics Company Profile

Download this PowerPoint Template Now

Template 2 - Trading Company Profile

Our Trading Company Profile PowerPoint deck is your gateway to making a powerful first impression on potential buyers and investors. As a leading trading venture, showcasing your identity, operations, and values is of utmost importance to building trust and credibility in the market.

The presentation offers a detailed overview of your business, presenting key facts and financial highlights in an intuitive dashboard diagram. With state-of-the-art data visuals, you can effectively demonstrate your financial prowess and growth trajectory, instilling confidence in stakeholders.

Highlighting key personnel and their expertise is essential, and this PPT theme allows you to spotlight the talent that drives your success. Furthermore, the presentation outlines your robust organizational framework, giving clients a clear understanding of your company's structure and how you operate seamlessly to deliver outstanding services.

With a focus on your company's offerings, you can elaborate on the diverse range of products or services you provide, offering potential clients a glimpse of the value they can expect to receive.

Our Trading Company Profile PowerPoint deck is your definitive tool to captivate audiences, unlock new opportunities, and establish your trading firm as a force to be reckoned with in the dynamic market. Elevate your presence, expand your reach, and secure your position as a trusted and reliable partner in the ever-evolving world of trading.

Trading Company's Profile

Template 3 - Web Design Company Profile

This well-designed web design company profile PowerPoint deck will help you showcase your profile of the cutting-edge web design company. This comprehensive presentation embodies the essence of your expertise and services, poised to elevate your online presence to new heights.

The executive summary and company introduction provide a glimpse into our core values, mission, and commitment to delivering exceptional web solutions. You can elucidate how your service pricing structure ensures transparency and flexibility, tailored to cater to diverse business needs and budgets.

Dive into the well-structured web development procedure, meticulously crafted to ensure seamless execution and timely project delivery. Witness the success stories in your project portfolio, a testament to your ability to create stunning and user-friendly websites that resonate with audiences across industries taking assistance of this readily available slide deck. Showcase the latest web designing technologies employed to bring ideas to life.

This compelling web design company profile serves as an impactful marketing tool, drawing potential clients with our stellar track record, glowing testimonials, and relevant information.

Web Design

Template 4 - IT Company Profile

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital transformation, connectivity and online presence have become indispensable. To help you present your IT company with utmost effectiveness, we proudly introduce our comprehensive PowerPoint deck - "IT Company Profile." This professionally crafted presentation enables you to showcase your IT company's vision, mission, and executive summary, providing an impactful first impression to potential clients.

The IT Company Profile deck encompasses an array of essential components, including in-depth insights into your IT solutions, a comprehensive overview of your IT services, research and development spending, and company patent grants, highlighting your commitment to innovation and cutting-edge technologies.

Keeping you ahead in the tech game, this presentation also covers the latest IT technology trends, ensuring your clients stay updated on the ever-changing IT landscape. Additionally, a sneak peek into upcoming IT technologies will showcase your forward-thinking approach, positioning your company as a leading player in the tech industry.

Unleash the potential of your IT enterprise and captivate your audience with our IT Company Profile PowerPoint . Elevate your brand's reputation, attract new clients, and demonstrate your expertise in navigating the digital era with confidence.

IT profile

Template 5 - Interior Design Company Profile

Get your hands on this Interior Design Company Profile PowerPoint deck, where you can effortlessly present your interior designing company with utmost finesse. Whether you're seeking to captivate new customers, attract investors, or collaborate with talented designers, this presentation is tailored to meet your needs. Our meticulously crafted templates enable you to showcase your services in a compelling manner, highlighting key offerings such as conceptual design, design work, furniture and finishes, and expert project management. With stunning visual elements and concise yet impactful content, this company profile will leave a lasting impression on your audience, elevating your interior design business to new heights. Embrace this powerful tool and unlock the potential to inspire and engage stakeholders, as you pave the way for a successful journey in the world of interior design.

Interior Design

Template 6 - Agriculture Company Profile

If you're embarking on an agricultural venture, your first step towards fostering fruitful partnerships is an impactful Agriculture Company Profile. This PowerPoint deck serves as a comprehensive introduction, providing potential clients with valuable insights into your company's offerings, vision, and global presence.

Executive Summary: The deck commences with a concise yet compelling executive summary, encapsulating the essence of your agriculture business. It outlines your mission, values, and overarching goals, setting the tone for the following slides.

Company Overview: Delving deeper, the profile highlights your company's expertise and key crops. It showcases the wide range of fertilizers and agricultural products your company deals with, positioning you as a reliable and diverse player in the industry.

Global Presence: Building credibility, the deck illuminates your global footprint, complete with export offices and state-of-the-art production facilities. This reinforces your commitment to delivering quality products internationally.

Key Commodities and Brands: The presentation culminates with a captivating showcase of your key commodities and established brands. By highlighting successful products and their impact on the market, the deck underscores your company's market leadership and potential for growth.

A well-crafted Agriculture Company Profile template is your gateway to attracting the right clientele and fostering lasting partnerships. It portrays your passion for agriculture, commitment to excellence, and unwavering focus on delivering value to clients worldwide. Step into the limelight with this powerful presentation, and watch your agricultural ambitions bloom into thriving success.

Agriculture Company

Template 7 - Salesforce Company Profile

In a fiercely competitive market, a company like Salesforce thrives on its ability to present its offerings seamlessly, showcasing the cutting-edge tools and services that set it apart from the rest. We bring you an in-depth exploration of Salesforce's unparalleled journey through our meticulously crafted PowerPoint deck - the Salesforce Company Profile.

Our presentation delves into the very essence of Salesforce, offering a comprehensive executive summary that captures the company's mission, values, and achievements. Discover the global reach of this tech giant, and how its business model adapts and evolves to meet the dynamic demands of today's world.

Dive into the heart of Salesforce's success - the services it provides. Unravel the power of the CRM Customer 360 Software integrated with Slack, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration. Explore the transformative capabilities of the MuleSoft platform, the agility of Heroku platform, and the insights delivered by the Tableau tool.

Immerse yourself in the world of Salesforce, where coding-based systems and innovation converge to deliver extraordinary results. From intelligent automation to personalized customer experiences, our presentation showcases the genius of Salesforce's solutions.

Get ready to captivate your audience with our Salesforce Company Profile PowerPoint deck, revealing the driving force behind Salesforce's remarkable journey and its unwavering commitment to empowering businesses worldwide.

Salesforce Company Profile

Template 8 - LinkedIn company Profile

In an era where online networking and professional growth have become most important, LinkedIn has emerged as a powerhouse platform. Introducing our LinkedIn Company Profile PowerPoint Deck – the perfect solution for presenting your organization concisely and compellingly to potential clients, partners, and investors.

As LinkedIn usage continues to surge, this deck is tailored to showcase your company's strengths, values, and accomplishments in the most impactful manner. It highlights key elements, such as your community policies, emphasizing your commitment to fostering an engaged and inclusive online community. The deck also unveils the revenue generation model, offering a transparent glimpse into your monetization and community engagement strategy.

Our visually engaging slides present data-driven insights, showcasing the reach and influence of your company within the LinkedIn ecosystem. Effectively communicate your company's unique proposition, values, and achievements, ensuring your message resonates with your target audience.

Unlock the potential of LinkedIn as a vital platform for professional growth and connection. Present your company's profile with confidence, using our LinkedIn Company Profile PowerPoint Deck as your ultimate tool for success in today's digital age.

LinkedIn Profile

Template 9 - Cosmetics and Beauty Products Company Profile

In this cut-throat competition of cosmetics and beauty products, captivating your audience has become the need of the hour to success. To thrive in this ever-evolving market, companies must seize every opportunity to please their customers and differentiate themselves from the competition. Our meticulously crafted PowerPoint deck offers an ideal solution for cosmetics and beauty companies looking to make a lasting impact on their clientele.

This ready-to-use cosmetics and beauty products company profile provides a compelling and visually appealing platform to showcase a wide array of products and services. Through stunning graphics, captivating imagery, and concise yet impactful content, this deck enables businesses to present their offerings with finesse, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients and partners alike.

From skincare essentials to vibrant makeup collections, the deck is thoughtfully designed to reflect the brand's essence, values, and uniqueness. Seamlessly customizable, the presentation ensures that companies can tailor it to match their specific identity and target audience.

Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your cosmetics and beauty products company's brand presence. Join hands with our professionally designed PowerPoint deck to stand out, attract more clients, and flourish in the world of glamour and allure.

Cosmetics and Beauty Products

Template 10 - Kantar Company Profile

Get your hands on this insightful PowerPoint deck that highlights your organization's unrivaled expertise in providing actionable insights to clients through data and statistics. As a leading market research and data analytics firm, Kantar is dedicated to helping businesses make informed decisions that drive success and growth.

This presentation serves as a powerful marketing strategy, enabling you to showcase your proven track record to potential clients, business partners, and investors. It offers an in-depth overview of Kantar's rich history, mission, and values, emphasizing our commitment to delivering accurate and reliable market intelligence.

The Kantar Company Profile spotlights its diverse portfolio of innovative products and services, tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, they ensure data-driven solutions that empower organizations to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

By utilizing this compelling profile, you can strengthen your credibility. Moreover, the presentation effectively keeps stakeholders updated on vital information, reinforcing transparency and fostering lasting relationships.

Kantar Company

Download this PowerPoint Template Now 

For a business seeking to create professional and compelling profiles effortlessly this is the right place for them to be. If you are one of those people who are looking for a stunning profile to present their company, take inspiration from the above companies and get the company profile templates now.

By streamlining the design process and allowing customization, these templates save time and effort while ensuring a polished and impressive representation of your organization's identity and offerings. Embrace the power of editable company profile ppt templates to leave a lasting impression on potential clients and partners.

To get a customized deck designed for your company that meets your business needs, get in touch with us at +1-408-659-4170.

1. What is a Company Profile PowerPoint Template?

A ppt for company profile is a pre-designed presentation slide deck that serves as a visual framework for showcasing essential information about a company. It includes professionally designed slides for introducing the company's history, mission, vision, products or services, team members, achievements, and other relevant details. These templates are designed to save time and effort in creating a compelling and visually appealing company profile presentation.

2. How can I use a Company Profile PowerPoint Template?

Using a Company Profile PowerPoint Template is simple and straightforward. Once you have acquired the template, open it in Microsoft PowerPoint or any compatible presentation software. Replace the placeholder text and images with your company's specific information and branding. Customize the color scheme, font styles, and layout to align with your company's visual identity. Once you've tailored the content to your needs, you can save the presentation and use it for various purposes, such as business pitches, client meetings, or investor presentations.

3. Can I modify the Company Profile PowerPoint Template to suit my brand?

Absolutely! Company Profile PowerPoint Templates are designed to be fully customizable. You can easily edit the text, graphics, and colors to match your company's branding and visual guidelines. Adding your logo, choosing your brand colors, and using your preferred font styles will give the template a personalized touch, making it uniquely represent your company. Customizing the template allows you to maintain brand consistency across all your presentations.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Business PowerPoint Templates Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

The Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template is a brand identity presentation for businesses. It gives an overall idea about company’s vision, operations, and services assembled. PowerPoint templates of company’s introduction offer a variety of diagrams, graphics, and layout designs. Altogether, these elements create an appealing business profile presentation. A well-designed template will assist professionals to add company details. Such as mission, vision, core value, team introduction, skills, growth, and project portfolios. This collection of 20 slides exhibits business information in an organized format through PowerPoint. In this way, professionals can summarize how far company has reached its goals.

It is an ideal PowerPoint presentation for startup projects and business sales pitch. However, it could be used for reporting purposes such as annual performance presentation. This slide deck of professional company profile encapsulated all organizational details in an impressive storyline format. These slides include:

  • About the company: Agenda presentation layout with image and clipart icons
  • Welcome message form CEO: Testimonial format of slide with image and text placeholder
  • What we do: 3 segments of business services
  • Our dedicated team: Three sections of team members profile including Meet the Team slide
  • Meet our boss: Resume style infographic layout design
  • Our most popular services: list of 4 services in matrix format
  • Company Vision and Mission: Overview of future plans, values, and mission
  • Problem vs Solution: Comparison table slide
  • Company timeline history: Horizontal Timeline of 5 milestones
  • SWOT Analysis : Describe SWOT in a horizontal process flow diagram
  • Global scale comparison: Data-driven chart for statistical analysis
  • What are our goals: Hexagon tiles design to describe multiple goals
  • Our global sales analysis: Pixelated world map with location markers
  • Company financial table: 4 column data table
  • Our business model: 4 steps business process model
  • Global market opportunity: Circular diagram design with text placeholders on both sides
  • Pricing Table: 4 pricing options data tables
  • Financial Infographic: Chevron arrow bullet list style layout
  • Thank You: Contact information slide

The Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template has a green and white color theme. Slides have a special PowerPoint background to enhance visuals of presentation. It also provides a variety of high-quality images and clipart icons suitable for technology and finance industries. But users can easily replace these graphics according to presentation topic.

All slides of professional company profile template contain fully editable components. You can customize colors, edit shapes, effects, and icons to personalize PowerPoint presentation. Moreover, upload this presentation as Google Slides Themes and embed it on website. It will give a virtual introduction of company on its digital platforms.

Company Profile Introduction Template

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Details (20 slides)

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Social connect, presentation templates, 25+ free company profile powerpoint templates.

free company profile powerpoint templates

In this article, you will find 25+ best free company profile Powerpoint templates that will help you to build professional presentations for your new startup. If your project has a limited budget or no budget at all, but you need to present your company profile to the potential clients or investors, you can still have a beautiful Powerpoint presentation.

These days there are a lot of high-quality PowerPoint presentation templates on the web available to download for free .

Sometimes designers want to test their designs and see if people download them. Also, free slides could be just a part of a promotion campaign of a large presentations bundle or some website. In any case, that’s an excellent opportunity for those who just started a business and don’t have money to buy a presentation template.

Best Free Company Profile Powerpoint Templates

Here are the  25+ Best free company profile PowerPoint templates for business presentations:

1. Zane Corporate Free PowerPoint Template

Zane is a corporate business free Powerpoint template for company profile presentations. It includes 11 slides that will help you to create a stunning presentation.

Zane is a modern presentation template that is simple to customize, which will allow you to present your company profile in the best way that would make your information stand out. This free template works great in Powerpoint, Keynote and Google Slides .

zane corporate business profile free powerpoint template

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2. Best Business Free PowerPoint Template

Best Busines Free Powerpoint Template is a modern and corporate template ideal for business any presentation. It includes 11 professional slides easy to edit. Because of its bright colors, this presentation is sure to capture the attention of any audience.

The cool colors used, give this presentation fresh and confident look.  In addition, it has high-quality vector graphics to show off your project’s information.


3. Air Minimal PowerPoint Template

Air is a stylish modern presentation theme with strong typography and beautiful images. The presentation uses free fonts, so you can easily download them online when you edit this template. In addition, you can edit anything else on the slides, like adding, deleting and rearranging the layout for you to organize your information how you see would be better presented. In the end, you will have an impressive presentation to show to your audience.


Best Company Profile Powerpoint Template Premium 2018

Company Profile Powerpoint Template

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4. Business Powerpoint Template

If you are searching for a presentation template which features different mockups, charts, graphs, images, and maps, this is an ideal solution for you! Business Powerpoint Template is a creative and colorful presentation, yet it has a clean and professional look to it, perfect to capture your audience’s attention. This presentation contains a lot of great features to help you create an impressive presentation, and what’s even better is that it is free for you to download.


5. Every – Free Minimal Powerpoint Presentation Template

Every is a free dynamic, modern, and clean presentation template you can edit in PowerPoint. You can download 15 free slides with beautiful layout design and charts for your business data. In fact, this presentation template has a simple and minimal layout to not overwhelm the audience with so much information on one slide. As a result, your slides and information would be short, sweet, and to the point, giving a clear and easy understanding of the message in the presentation.


See also: 30 Aesthetic Powerpoint Templates for Clean Presentations

6. Imogen presentation template

Imogen is created in a blue color scheme with amazing icon patterns. You can change the colors, text, and images to adjust the presentation to your needs. Originally, this presentation has a gradient electric blue color, which you can change to match your company’s color, but won’t have the gradience to it, it would just be a solid color. However, this template is creative and well-designed to make almost any color stand out


7. FREE ‘Xe’ PowerPoint modern business minimal template

If you ever need an animated free PowerPoint template with professional design and creative effects, then search no more. Xe has different slides such as history, teams, production steps, values, charts, creak slides and more. This presentation template is well- designed, has a unique layout, and has a captivating color scheme. So, impress your audience with an outstanding and out of the box creative presentation.

8. Epsilon | Free Powerpoint Template

This excellent PowerPoint template will definitely leave a good impression. When you download the file, you’ll get 117 color palettes, 65 slides, and endless customization possibilities. This template can be used for personal and commercial use, making every single one of your presentation interesting and visually captivating. Since this is your presentation, you can change the color theme to one that better suits you and your presentation.


9. Report Multipurpose Free PowerPoint Template

Report is a corporate company profile presentation template designed to impress your viewers with your data. You can show your audience what you can do, what your goals and concept are, allows you to share some data with charts and graphs. This presentation template uses an electric blue to visually capture your audience’s attention. Report is composed of 15 easy to edit slides, giving you an unlimited amount of ways to organize your information.


10. Free – Kula Powerpoint Template

Kula is a clean yet stylish presentation template designed for PowerPoint. It contains 90 unique slides, 40 color schemes, and stunning design that will make your modern presentation stand out. This presentation template contains a minimal style, meaning that your information will be short, sweet, and to the point. Your audience will get a clean and well-organized presentation, as a result, getting a good understanding of what was being discussed in the presentation.


11. Power – Minimal PowerPoint Template

Power presentation is a light, airy template with 120 unique slides and over 900 fonts. If you want to change colors to fit your brand style, you can choose from 24 color options. You have an unlimited amount of ways to organize your information, making your presentation stand out and unique. In fact, this template also includes a variety of infographics, so you can choose the infographic that will best represent your data.


12. Balthasar presentation template

Balthasar is an elegant free presentation template that will be a perfect choice for teachers and finance professionals. It has 25 fully-editable slides with a beautiful design which suit the 16:9 screen layout and green color scheme. It has a unique numerical design on the slides, to make each slide more visually appealing without being too over top, and distracting for the information that is being presented.


13. Free Powerpoint Template

Here is one more impressive PowerPoint presentation template in a gray and blue color scheme. All the icons here are in a .png format which means you can move and resize them. This presentation template is composed of 10 slides, that are fully editable letting you arrange, and customize anything needed to make this presentation look how you want. Impress your audience with a simple presentation.


14. Emilia presentation template

Orange and blue colors create a high contrast, and this presentation template takes this as an advantage. This clean, simple presentation will fit any type of business, whether it’s for business, corporate, lecture, or class project. Emelia will make you stand our and not only impress your audience, but even you will be impressed with how simple it is to edit, saving you a lot of time. Don’t stress trying to create an impressive presentation, when this one has already been designed for you, and it’s free!


15. Kotio free PowerPoint Business Presentation

Show your business in a modern creative way with this awesome Kotio presentation template. It has dynamic typography, widescreen format, and editable elements to adjust them for your needs. This presentation template uses the color yellow to make the slides stand out and capture the audience’s attention with the bright color. You don’t have to be an expert to create a professionally designed presentation, you can just download Kotio for free and voila.


16. Quince presentation template

Quince has a color combination of green and blue on white, which shows professionalism and elegance. You will drive attention to your audience with these vibrant colors. The colors stand out beautifully on the white background, making any information in color stand out to the audience. Each slide contains a high quality and subtle line graph design, also causing capturing the audience’s attention to the slide with its visual appeal.


17. Arvirargus presentation template

Arvirargus is a beautiful corporate presentation theme with high contrast and eye-catching typography. You can leave this rainbow style, or change it to something more calm and monochrome. Since this presentation template is designed to fit your presentational needs, you have full control to add, delete, rearrange, and change anything in order to give it the look you want.


18. London Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

A minimalistic free PowerPoint template with bold typography and creative layout design. This presentation will be suitable not only for corporate business but for creative agencies, designers, photographers, and other creative occupations. London is a unique presentation that has an elegant and sophisticated look. Creating an impressive and beautiful presentation has never been as easy, as it is to download this free template and edit it.


19. Marina presentation template

Marina is a corporate presentation theme with office buildings on the background images. It used blue hover and white frame to make slides memorable. This presentation template has a clean and professional finish. Marina is composed of 25 distinctive slides that can be fully edited, in fact, if you don’t like the blue color used, you can change the color with a click of a button. You have full control to organize you information however you want.


20. Balance Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Balance is my favorite template on this list. It features a restrained black and white color scheme along with a bright red highlight. It includes a timeline, company history, ‘about us’ section, and other 150 slides. This presentation template is perfect to give a powerful and effective message to your audience because this presentation template will capture their attention, hence they will have your undivided attention.


21. William presentation template

This orange and black presentation template stay true to business topic. It has 25 editable slides with text blocks, maps, images, and diagrams. The William presentation template will not only impress your audience with it’s a professional and modern style, but it will capture their attention, giving you their undivided attention. No more wasting time and stressing trying to create the perfect presentation, now you can just download this template for free.


22. X – Free PowerPoint Template

X – Free PowerPoint Template contains 18 unique slides with a fabulous layout. It also has drag & drop placeholders, this way you can insert your images into the presentation in no time. You can now download this presentation for free, gather all your information needed to present, and edit this template, as a result, you will have an outstanding presentation that is clean and professional, without wasting so much time and stressing to get it done.


23. Viola presentation template

Viola is company profile ppt template that is fully-editable using Microsoft PowerPoint with a white color scheme with yellow highlights. You’ll get 25 free creative minimalistic slides which you can adjust as you want. This gives you full control to organize each slide how you feel will be the best way to present your information to your audience. Even though this presentation template is simple, you can still visually capture your audience’s attention by adding visual aids.


24. Nowco Free Corporate Template

Nowco is a free professional and powerful corporate presentation template. In fact, this template includes cover slides, typography slides, four different charts, mockups, team slides, and a free icons package. This presentation template is modern and will capture your audience’s attention with it unique layout and high-quality designs. Don’t just impress, but stand out from everyone else with a fun and creative presentation.


25. Touch Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Touch is a stunning multipurpose PowerPoint template which will help you to build a corporate report or marketing presentation for your business. It features an unusual layout and different infographic elements to help you showcase your data. This presentation has everything you will need to create a one of kind presentation to impress your audience. It is colorful to capture their attention and focus on what the presenter is saying.


26. Aemelia presentation template

Aemelia is a blue corporate presentation theme with an icon pattern. It has slides with text blocks, pictures, charts, calendars, and maps. Icons are great to help the audience focus on the important information. In addition to the infographics and icons, you can also add images to your presentation to make it more visually appealing, giving the audience something other than words on a screen to look at.


27. Warwick presentation template

If you’re looking for professional company profile template for PowerPoint, Warwick could be a great option, because it uses green and blue colors, which are colors that are associated with ambition and knowledge, great things to have in business. Warwick has a great corporate style suitable for business, education, finances, and more. If you do not like the colors used, then you can easily change it with a click of the button to match your brand.


What is Company Profile?

Making a great first impression is everything, especially if you are planning on working with people that could be potential customers, sponsors, or investors in the future. Creating a Company Profile is like a very detailed blueprint of what you and your organization, business, or company aim to do. Before a person uses a certain service or product, they need to know that what they are going to purchase is qualified to get the job done, which is where the Company Profile comes in.

The Company Profile is important because it allows people to get an idea of what the company offers, their goals, strengths, experience, and why they are better than any other company. This is where the company should be proud and confident of what they have done, what they can do, and what they will be capable of doing.

Who uses Company Profile Presentations?

Company Profiles Presentations are used by businesses, companies, and any corporation as an introduction to what they are aiming to do and achieve. This type of presentation informs the audience, who could be potential customers or investors, what the plan of the company is and how they are doing so far. In fact, the presentation contains data that informs their audience about major assets, yearly revenue, profits, and any financial data about the companies business.

Premium Powerpoint Templates

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5. Fox Minimal Powerpoint Template


6. Clean Powerpoint Template

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Phoenix Minimal Powerpoint Template

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Elevation Minimal Powerpoint Template

13. Marketing Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Marketing Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

15. Amazing Powerpoint Template

Amazing PowerPoint Template

16. Impreza Powerpoint Template

Impreza Powerpoint Template

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Branding Powerpoint Template

18. Neue Minimal Powerpoint Template

Neue Minimal PowerPoint Template

19. Phlox Minimal Powerpoint Template

Phlox Minimal PowerPoint Template

20. Business Plan Ultimate Powerpoint Template

Business Plan Ultimate Powerpoint Template

21. Volt Minimal Powerpoint Template

Volt Minimal PowerPoint Template

22. Pitch Deck Pro Powerpoint Template

Pitch Deck Pro Powerpoint Template

23. Investor Company Profile Ultimate PPT Theme

24. boost powerpoint template.

Boost Powerpoint Template

25. Awesome Powerpoint Template

Awesome Powerpoint Template

26. Sphere Minimal Powerpoint Template

Sphere Minimal Powerpoint Template

27. Simple Powerpoint Template

Simple PowerPoint Template

28. Business Growth Powerpoint Template

Business Growth Powerpoint Template

29. Minus Minimal Powerpoint Template

Minus Minimal Powerpoint Template

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31. Stampede Multipurpose Powerpoint Template

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Best Company Profile Templates for PowerPoint

Last updated on May 1st, 2024

Best Company Profile Templates for PowerPoint

Company profiles are not only important to pitch your services to a potential client but are also necessary when submitting project proposals. Company profiles are often created as PowerPoint presentations to present before clients, as they can be easier to design and later saved as PDF files for distribution via email. We have a list of the best company profile templates for PowerPoint that can help you create such profiles without the need to design them extensively.

What is a Company Profile and How is it Used?

A company profile is an introduction of a company that aims to inform clients regarding the company’s vision, mission, team, products, and services, experience, etc. A company profile might also contain information such as the tax and registration numbers associated with the company to help clients check the trustworthiness of the company. Company profiles are widely used not only by companies selling goods and services but also by non-profit organizations.

Companies often require presenting presentations when bidding for contracts to provide services to an organization. A company profile is also commonly shared when submitting bids, introducing a business, and might also be made available on the organization’s website as public information.

Best Company Profile PowerPoint Templates

Many organizations task graphic designers and communications experts to create company profiles. One of the most common methods for designing such profiles is by creating graphics in professional graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop and then using the illustrations to create PowerPoint slides and/or PDF files. This however requires a certain level of skill that many people don’t possess. An alternative to this method is to use a readymade company profile template designed in PowerPoint or download the free company profile PowerPoint templates . By using such a template, you can add the required text, branding and images, charts, and other information to create a professional-looking company profile. These profiles can then be saved in various other formats like PDF files or a Slideshow using PowerPoint.

1. Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

This company profile template for PowerPoint provides a subtle design for you to design your comprehensive company profile using visually appealing slides. The template provides slides to create a title slide with your company’s logo and name, followed by information about your company, team, services, financial portfolio, and the like.

You can use this template to easily create a profile that can be used for pitch decks, company introductions at events and seminars, and to create a profile that can be shared when bidding for contracts.

company profile presentation sample

Go to Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

2. Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

If you are looking for a template that makes good use of whitespace and provides a neat-looking layout, the Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template might just be what you’re looking for. This professionally designed company profile template uses a mix of blue color with whitespace to provide a number of useful layouts to help you design a comprehensive company profile.

company profile presentation sample

3. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

This is a company profile template that offers vibrant colors and a mix of replaceable images placed at pivotal locations throughout the slide deck. You can replace these images to create a profile that incorporates your company’s branding, and pictures of your workforce, senior management, events, products, and services, etc. There are a number of chats, infographic slides, and customizable diagrams to help you create a data-driven company profile that can reflect your portfolio using visually appealing slides.

company profile presentation sample

Go to Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

4. Executive Company Profile PowerPoint Template

The Executive Company Profile PowerPoint Template comes with 22 slides to make your company portfolio ready for top clients. This premium template has a flat design that is perfect for creating modern design company profiles to ensure that your portfolio looks fresh and in line with contemporary design requirements. This can help leave a positive impact on clients who might not be otherwise impressed by outdated graphics and oversimplified layouts that can often be as bad as death by PowerPoint .

company profile presentation sample

Go to Executive Company Profile PowerPoint Template

Final Words

Company profiles are an essential tool for introducing your business, pitching your services, and to formally bid for contracts. A company profile that is concise, reflects your company’s true potential and contains attractive imagery is likely to get noticed by potential clients. A good company profile is therefore not only an introduction of your company but also essential for attracting clients. Making a professional-looking profile can be a daunting task for small and medium size organizations due to a lack of resources. However, company profile PowerPoint templates are a good way to circumvent these issues and to ensure that your company’s portfolio looks as good as the competition.

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About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

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10 Slides you should have in your company profile

  • Presentation design

Featured image for “10 Slides you should have in your company profile”

Creating a business presentation from scratch is never an easy task – you always have to consider and start from the type of presentation you’d need, the goals you want to achieve through it, your audience’s profile, needs and expectations, and the context of the presentation (how and where it’s going to be delivered and how much time will you have).

But when you have a guideline of how to figure out these elements and what you should include in your business presentation, then it all starts to make sense. That’s why we decided to put together several guides and how-tos on the most common business presentations out there. We started our series with the slides you should have in your pitch deck , followed by what to add in your sales deck and now in this article, we want to cover another very common type of presentation: the company profile.

We started this series with the structure for a pitch deck, followed by a sales presentation and now a company profile.

What is a company profile and when & where to use it?

Company profiles are presentations made to be used in introduction emails, to introduce your company before getting to specifics. You won’t need to actually present it, so make it explicit and easy to understand. 

Compared to a live presentation, where your focus is on the audience, in a company profile it is ok to talk about you. The reader’s purpose is to get to know you. 

A company profile is essential, from a startup to any major company

It is what most of your future partners and clients will see for the first time. What impression do you want to make? 

It happens for a lot of companies to get so involved in making the company profile that they forget for who is actually made. Putting in all the information about you will make it boring for the reader and at the same time won’t leave any mystery about you. 

As the Business Dictionary would define it: 

A company profile is a concise description which, among other items of information, includes  firm’s history, number and quality of its human, financial, and physical resources, organizational and management structure, past, current and anticipated performance, and its reputation, and the standing of its goods or services.

But let’s not get wrapped around a definition and see how we can make a unique profile. Even if it’s your company profile, we recommend you to focus on how your company helps your customers. 

It can also take many forms, some companies have it in a word document, others in a brochure, or as a presentation. We will talk about the 10 elements any company profile should have:

1. Mission statement/vision 

This is the moment where you tell customers what drives you to do what you do. Continue with your mission and what are the values the brand stands for. Without knowing all the details about your products, they judge you by your values and your vision. 

What does your company aspire to achieve? 

You probably know the mission’s company, as it is part of your brand identity. With it, or with some additional information, also cover here details as who are your primary customers and where are your operations active.  

company profile presentation sample

2. Brief history of the company 

A very simple way to tell your history is with a timeline slide. This way you can put all the steps that got you to the present in a visual way that is easy to understand. For the important one you can always add a short paragraph.

Keep in mind that you should include both ups and downs from your company. Show your readers that you have been through difficult moments, but you overcame them. 

company profile presentation sample

3. Overview of the solution

Spark some curiosity. Before getting into more details about each product/service you have, do an overview of the solution you are offering. Talk about what problem your solution tackles and how it does that.

You can also walk the reader through the process of creating this solution, what were your drivers and aspirations. This slide is meant to paint the big picture of your work.

company profile presentation sample

4. Development & Growth 

Hit me some numbers. Use real facts and data to show the difference between where you started, where you are now and where the company is going. Based on the internal data make a connection with external factors. They will be of much more interest for the reader, and at the same time will be explained by your work.

Tell stories of how much effort all the company did to grow. It’s up to you if you want to share struggles your company faced or specific actions of improving.

company profile presentation sample

5. Detailed Products & Services

If your company has only a few products/services you can present them individually. Each product/service needs to be described from a technical point of view ( specific characteristics ) and from a customer point of view ( how can it be used/ for what it is used ). 

In case there are too many products/services and it will take a lot of space to write about all, put them in categories. Under each category make a list of the products that it includes and add a general description. 

It would be very helpful for your potential client and also for you if you add pricing and offers for the products/services. This will save time and you will continue discussion with those who are interested even after seeing the pricing.

company profile presentation sample

6. Industry recognition/position

Let your reader know what your position is in the market. Include details about market size, your contribution to the market and what is the course of the industry. Don’t forget to differentiate yourself from other players in the market. 

Even better, if you have received any recognitions or awards don’t be shy to mention them. Your readers will trust your company more if they see you have been acknowledged by specialized institutions. 

company profile presentation sample

7. Client portfolio & Testimonials

Show your potential partner/customer with whom you have already worked. Having testimonials form the biggest clients will bring value to your brand. Try to get a quote from a well known person in that organization or from an authoritative one.  

Real feedback will strengthen your image without being too promotional. And is more credible as it comes from an external source.

company profile presentation sample

8. Case studies

A very good way to showcase your work is with a case study. This means that you take a client that you worked with and start explaining how you worked together, what were the challenges, how you handled them, what was your approach and what were the results.

This is the process from the first talk until the end of the collaboration. Focus on the relevant aspects that showcase your solution and your communication during the collaboration. It is also helpful to have feedback from the client here. 

company profile presentation sample

9. Team & Departments

Who are the people behind the company? 

In a startup it may be easier to present every member of the team, their background and area of expertise and it is also more important. A strong team sends a clear message, that you are ready for business.

For a bigger company having only the ones in leadership won’t be as meaningful. They must appear in the company profile together with the departments of the company. You want to transmit the image of a united company where every employee has its contribution.

company profile presentation sample

10. Call to Action & Contact

A must have in your company profile is a simple push toward the next step. If the reader doesn’t know exactly what to do when they finish going through the document give them a few ideas, like:

“For more information contact us”, “Let’s schedule a call to talk more”.

In the end put the contact info where you can be found, address, email, telephone number. You can also have more contact persons for different situations. This will make it easier for the reader and will shorten the contacting process. 

company profile presentation sample

Company profiles can get very formal and have a lot of pages, the difference is that you can make it more interactive. Use creativity and put yourself in the customer shoes to see what they would be interested to see. May it be in a word document form or a presentation format do the best to personalize it and add your colors to it (metaphorically and literally).

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Thank you for sharing this good information

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This is mind blowing, thanks for sharing.

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Thank you so much for this blog post, now i know what should i add in my comopany profile presentation? all these three slides are fabulous..!!

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Software Company Profile

It seems that you like this template, software company profile presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

Show the world just how innovative your software company is with this fully editable Google Slides and PowerPoint template. Enhance your presentation visually with a deep blue background, white typewriter-style text, diverse infographics, and various editable graphs. Speak about your company's workflows, cash flow, market share, and future plans in an approachable and friendly manner. Download this slide deck today to impress your audience and highlight your excellence in the software industry!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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