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descriptive essay my first love

Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Writing

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

How To Write An Impactful Descriptive Essay?

By: Cathy A.

12 min read

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Dec 17, 2019

Descriptive Essay

Wondering how to write an impressive descriptive essay? Writing a descriptive essay is both fun and challenging. You need to describe the main topic in detail and by engaging the five senses of the readers.

Students usually get this type of essay in high school and college. Writing a descriptive essay is different from other essays.

You need to focus on describing a certain person, place, or event.

Luckily for you, the following blog post will provide some helpful tips on how to create an engaging essay.

Continue reading to learn how to write an A-worthy descriptive essay.

Descriptive Essay

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What is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay is a detailed paper that describes a place, person, situation, object, or emotion. Different people have different points of view and your job is to explain yours in detail.

You may be asked to write a descriptive essay about the beach or forest or about a person or situation. The purpose of this essay is to test the writer’s ability in expressing and explaining their experiences.

Descriptive writing should create a picture in the reader’s mind. You may be required to write a descriptive essay as a high school or college essay assignment.

For a compelling essay, using adjectives and adverbs, details, and figurative language is fundamental. Without proper usage of words, you will not be able to invoke the readers' emotions.

What is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe a person, place, or personal experience in vivid detail so that the reader can create a picture in his mind.

The descriptive essay is written to get the reader to understand by using descriptive language. It is different from narrative essays, where the writer tells the story about someone else. Usually, it starts with a real-life event and then the content follows the author's imagination.

Descriptive essays are not intended to persuade the reader or show facts and figures to prove something. Descriptive essays are like word paintings that contain personal and descriptive details and these are mostly assigned to students of creative writing.

How to Start a Descriptive Essay

A strong start for your descriptive essay is essential. Analyze your topic from every angle and document the following details:

Analyze the main subjects in detail and observe minute things.

  • Start with observing all the possible aspects of the subject.
  • Don't just observe the object but also its surroundings.
  • Focus on details and features of the subject and develop opinions about them.
  • Be thoughtful; this first step will be the basis for the essay.

Physical Settings

Describing the physical settings is a must in a descriptive essay. When describing, keep the following points in mind.

  • Focus on the subject's position and observe nearby objects
  • Note the time of day and kind of lighting: natural or imitated
  • Physical settings: all the basic and decorative elements
  • The position and shape of the objects
  • Alignment and any other observable information

Physical Features

When describing the physical features of the subject, living or nonliving, consider the following points.

  • Living or nonliving; describe the features in detail
  • The subject's skin color, texture, smoothness, expression, and age
  • The features of inanimate objects in the picture, color, surface, and texture

Create Drama

Storytelling and drama are the life and blood of a good descriptive essay. It turns your essay into an exciting and interesting piece of writing. However, be subtle about adding drama to your sentence structure and add it to complement your story only.

Focus On Your Feelings

Focus on how you feel about the particular topic or person and stick to it. It is easy to get involved when working on the essay. But, focus on your own feelings and write an essay based on them.

Use Of Specific Vocabulary

Vocabulary is important. Select the best words for describing an action or object. Don't always use the first word that comes to mind.

Write slowly and thoughtfully, and use specific words to convey your thoughts.

Psychological Aspects

Writing about a certain situation or behavior of a person focuses on the mental aspects and emotions involved in them.

For Example, describe your emotions when your friend misplaced your notes right before the exam.

You may have had several emotions in that incident. Maybe you were prepared for exams, but this situation put you under pressure and made you feel frustrated and hurt.

Explore those emotions and describe the feelings they aroused. Describe the body language also, if relevant.

Ask Yourself, WHY?

This is the most valuable tip for students. When you are looking at a particular subject, and having difficulty analyzing its aspects, ask yourself "WHY".

  • Why is the subject the way it is?
  • Why does the person you are describing have such a deep-set and cold eyes?
  • Why is the animal so wounded and terrified?
  • Why is this particular place famous?

It is a good practice and after some time you will do it naturally. Knowing the why is important if you want to describe your topic properly.

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How To Write A Descriptive Essay?

When you write a descriptive essay, you help your readers visualize an event, a person, or a story. It is written to make your readers feel what you feel about the respective subject.

A descriptive essay seeks to appeal to some or all of the audience’s five senses. Some key things to consider are:

  • Discussing your subject thoroughly
  • Focusing on details and adding them in your essay
  • Sharing your personal feelings and experience about the subject
  • Observing and describing all sensory details of your subject

Here are the steps to write a descriptive essay easily.

1- Choose an Engaging and Focused Essay Topic

An important step that all strong descriptive essays share is having a focused topic. Before you make the outline, identify the purpose of your essay and use it to create an appropriate thesis statement.This type of paper does not require much personal opinion from you. Its main goal should be focusing on information that will make a dominant impression in readers' minds instead.

2- Research and Gather Important Details

When writing a descriptive essay, it is important to make sure you include as many details and sensory information as possible. This helps your reader fully understand the images that are being presented in their mind's eye.You can organize these ideas into categories so they're easy for you to access when needed.

3- Create an Outline of Your Essay

Your essays must be organized by having subheadings that are clear and concise. Group your main points into individual body paragraphs, each of which should only cover one idea or topic at a time.

4- Write your Essay’s Introduction

A good introductory paragraph is much like a road map because it provides direction to your readers.

It provides relevant background information before diving into more specific details related to how something works or why something happens. These could include statistics or stories from real-life scenarios.

5- Write the Main Body Section of Your Essay

Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that keeps the reader hooked on what you are saying. Use specific details instead of making generalized statements, and make sure to give examples if necessary.

6- End with a Strong Conclusion

The conclusion of an essay is the final paragraph, and it should summarize all that you have said throughout. It's a good idea to restate the main points and key details from the essay in this section.

It is important so the reader has everything they need for better understanding before ending off on something new.

If necessary be sure not to introduce anything odd or unusual, to avoid any confusion.

7- Proofread and Revise the Essay Carefully

Once you are done writing the essay, proofread and revise it carefully. Make sure that it is free from all kinds of errors.

Descriptive Essay Outline

Like all the other essays, a descriptive essay also follows the usual 5-paragraph essay structure and format.Before starting, it is important to create an outline. Following are the fundamental elements of your descriptive essay outline:

Descriptive Essay Introduction

The introduction sets the footing for the entire essay. Before heading towards the body section, the reader will come across the introduction.

It is the first impression of your work. It is very important to write an engaging introduction so that the readers read the essay till the end.

Start the essay in an easy-to-understand way and language. Provide background information on your topic so they can understand it and its importance.

To make sure the reader feels your emotions and decides to continue reading further, incorporate the following points in your introduction.

The following tips will guide you on how to write a good introduction for a descriptive essay.

  • Attract the reader's attention with an interesting fact, phrase, or quote
  • Don't bombard them with information
  • Go straight to the main pointsInclude enough information to introduce the topic and its significance.
  • Summarize the argument and the main topic and craft your thesis statement

Descriptive Essay Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is an integral part of your essay. It focuses on the argument and the writer’s main idea, which is to be discussed in the essay.

This statement also provides the writer with a chance of explaining the purpose and scope of the topic. It is intriguing and engaging.

A thesis statement is written at the end of the introduction, it is mainly a single sentence that describes the essay objective. The thesis statement should act as a guide to the reader on what to expect in the essay body. It is like a table of contents of a book, to the reader on contents you will get an idea of what the book is all about so you get to understand it better.

It is like a table of contents of a book. By reading it, you will get an idea of what the book is all about.

A good thesis should contain the following things:

  • Define the essay scope - it should narrow down all the points to clarify its purpose.
  • Avoid using common words - you should be creative with your choice of words.
  • Create suspense - it should attract the reader to the body paragraphs of the essay.

For further information on how to write a thesis for a descriptive essay, check out the following examples.

  • Descriptive essay example about a Place

“Even though monarchy is long gone, Buckingham Palace is here to remind us of the aesthetic beauty of that era.”

  • Descriptive essay example about a Person

“One of the characteristics of Spider-Man is his youthfulness, and the fact that he talks to himself more than Hamlet.”

  • Descriptive essay example about an Emotion

“For numerous reasons, the dark forest is my greatest fear, though not a fear which is necessarily smart to face.”

Descriptive Essay Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs of the essay come next after the introduction and thesis statement. It is the main part that continues your essay.

Usually, an essay consists of three body paragraphs but you can add more if needed.

Don't add more than one central idea in one paragraph. Fusing different ideas will confuse the reader.

Build your paragraphs according to the thesis and introduction.

  • Start each body paragraph with the main sentence
  • Use transitions to move between paragraphs smoothly
  • Each paragraph should be five to six sentences long

Descriptive Essay Conclusion

The concluding paragraph is the last part of an essay, and probably your last chance to impress your reader.

The last part that the reader can keep in mind is the conclusion, which is as important as the rest of the essay.

To make it interesting and thought-provoking, include the following points:

  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Summarize the main points
  • Add an intriguing closing statement

After writing the conclusion, make a review of your essay, identify the mistakes and maintain a good tone throughout the essay.

Descriptive Essay Format Sample

Here is the descriptive essay format to help you understand how you can write a winning descriptive essay.


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Descriptive Essay Topics Ideas

Descriptive essay topics are often related to physical settings, locations, living beings, and objects.

Make sure that your essay includes the five senses, touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, or at least one of them. It depends on the topic and the kind of feeling that you want to arouse.

Below are some descriptive essay ideas and ways to achieve them.

Living Beings

When you want to write about a person like a family member, consider the following elements:

  • Gender, age, complexion, and expressions
  • Physical features
  • Height, body type, and approximate weight
  • Kind of clothes

These details will add depth to the description and your readers will actually see your narrative.

When animals are the subject, you can add the above points plus the following details:

  • Species and animal
  • Size, weight, color
  • Behavior patterns
  • Temperament
  • Trained or wild?
  • Real or fictional?

Inanimate Subjects

Geographic locations and structures.

When your subject is a place or a building, add the following points:

  • Research about the place and its historical background
  • The color and the building's type
  • A famous place or landmark to draw a comparison and inspire interest

Human behavior and psychology is a compelling descriptive essay subject. When writing about it:

  • Describe the consequences of a particular behavior
  • Discuss the emotional dimension of the topic and how you perceive it personally

Event Or Travel Experience

A travel experience makes a good descriptive essay since you have experienced the event first hand.

Give a detailed description of the place, people at the venue, and the atmosphere of the location.

Idea, Concept, or Occupation

When writing on such topics, focus on how an idea or concept affects society and its different aspects.

Example Descriptive Essay Topics for Students

Choosing a topic for your descriptive essay is quite interesting. You get to choose something that you have an emotional connection with.

When writing a descriptive essay about a person or place, adding their personal traits will be helpful.

Some examples of descriptive essay topics include:

  • Compose a detailed descriptive essay about your best friend.
  • Describe a fancy place that you have created.
  • Describe your dream vacation destination.
  • Describe your favorite mall or store.
  • Describe your childhood home.
  • Descriptive essay about nature.
  • Descriptive essay about a place you visited.
  • Describe the personality of your Maths teacher.
  • Discuss the main characters of your favorite movie.
  • Descriptive essay about chocolate.
  • Write an essay using unique Words to describe yourself.
  • What makes me unique?
  • My first love.

Descriptive Essay Examples

Study these descriptive essay examples and sample papers to understand the main idea, structure, and purpose of descriptive essays.



To help you understand how to write a great descriptive essay, we have a whole blog post dedicated to it. We know that talking about something is one thing and demonstrating it is completely different.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the features of a descriptive essay.

A descriptive essay provides a perfect opportunity for writers to express their feelings on any subject. Descriptive writing has rich sensory details which appeal to all of your senses.

How do you start a descriptive essay introduction?

The introduction to the descriptive essay should set the scene and introduce the main topic. You can use these sensory details to get a sense of what the essay is all about.

What are the two types of descriptive essays?

There are two types of descriptive essays. The first type deals with people, and the second one is about objects.

What are the elements of a descriptive essay?

Here are the key elements of a descriptive essay.

  • Sensory details
  • Figurative language
  • Central and main theme
  • Precise and clear language
  • Proper organization of ideas

What makes good descriptive writing?

Good and effective descriptive writing consists of vivid sensory details that appeal to all senses including the sense of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. Moreover, these essays also explain people’s feelings in writing.

Cathy A.

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Cathy has been been working as an author on our platform for over five years now. She has a Masters degree in mass communication and is well-versed in the art of writing. Cathy is a professional who takes her work seriously and is widely appreciated by clients for her excellent writing skills.

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Descriptive Essay – Best Tips & Examples

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

So, your professor asked you to write a five-paragraph essay to describe a topic. How do you get started? A descriptive essay is the kind of written paper that gives a vivid image of any subject. It should be clear, illustrative, and free from bias.

My guide will show you how to write a descriptive essay using the best tips and examples. Learn how to give a vivid picture of something and leave an impression on your readers.

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

descriptive essay my first love

A descriptive essay belongs to a genre of essays that creates a vivid reading experience for readers. It aims to describe a person, process, event, place, object, or concept.

When describing a person, you can write about their personality, appearance, behavior, and mood. But when your topic of choice is an event, consider what happened, who was there, and where it took place.

This essay usually appeals to the five senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. For example:

Not descriptive : Jane should cut her hair.

Descriptive : Jane’s hair is long and strawberry blonde.

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However, not all descriptions are descriptive essays. Descriptions are just simple paragraphs or sentences with no firm structure. A descriptive essay should include an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

What Makes a Good Descriptive Essay?

The basis of an excellent descriptive essay isn’t your topic but how you write it. Make sure the following components are included in your writing.

An Interesting Introduction

The introductory paragraph introduces your topic and other contexts that the reader needs to understand your work. Keep it clear to your audience that the essay is meant to focus on description instead of arguments or persuasion.

For example, if you’re writing an essay about climate change, don’t try to argue why climate change is real. Instead, focus on vivid descriptions of the phenomenon. Provide a little background information while keeping it concise.

The most important part of your descriptive essay is the thesis statement. This sentence is the key to strong writing. It summarizes your paper and provides a purpose to it.

Keep your essay objective but interesting. Add a hook statement that will grab the reader’s attention. Then, provide additional details about what you will explain or describe in the following paragraphs.

Detailed Body Paragraphs

After providing the descriptive essay thesis statement, it’s time to practice your critical thinking skills and dive deeper into the body paragraphs.

Writing on academic levels will require you to cover at least three points with formal descriptions. But when writing about a personal experience or any form of creative writing, you can use literary images and tell a story with only one body paragraph.

Every body paragraph should have a topic sentence. When writing about a place, the first body paragraph can discuss its architectural style. For instance, you can say, “The Sydney Town Hall is a manifestation of Victorian architecture.”

Then, support your topic sentence with more descriptions. Ask yourself, how does The Sydney Town Hall represent Victorian architecture?

This part is where you include sensory details. For example, “The Sydney Town Hall has a sophisticated brick and stone structure.” You can add factual information to your body paragraphs, such as “It is inspired by the French Second Empire Hôtel de Ville in Paris.”

Include transitional devices to connect each sentence and let the paragraphs flow smoothly without jumping from one idea to another.

When you gather data from another writer’s work, cite them appropriately. Check the citation style recommended by your professor so you can credit their work and avoid plagiarism.

Short Conclusion

Your entire essay wouldn’t be complete without a good-quality conclusion. Once you’ve painted a memorable image of something through the paragraph, tie it all together in one paragraph.

This part of the essay contains the last few lines that provide meaning to your thesis statement. Use it to leave an impression on your readers.

Your approach to the conclusion should be clear and concise. What is the initial purpose of your work? What is the importance of the details you provided throughout the paper? Reflect on these questions and prepare the audience for the clincher statement.

Finish the entire essay with a thought, quote, or question.

Descriptive Essay Tips

Now that you know the parts of a descriptive essay, here are some tips for writing an essay of this type.

Be Specific With Your Topic of Choice

As a professional writer, the subject matter for your descriptive essays should be specific and clear. Before looking for a topic and creating an essay outline, try setting an objective for your paper. Why do you want to describe an event to your readers vividly?

Once you’ve found your purpose, determine which event, object, person, or idea you want to give a vivid picture of. If it’s a college essay, check the requirements of the professor.

Use Figurative Language

You can make complex descriptions of your topic in non-literal ways. Incorporating figurative language in the essay writing process will give you a creative edge when discussing even the simplest thing.

Understanding similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and other figures of speech are a few descriptive essay writing skills you should master for a flawless essay. Consider this example.

Instead of : We ran fast.

Try : We ran like greased lightning.

“We ran like greased lighting” is more interesting and will stick in your readers’ minds. This is an example of hyperbole, as it indicates an exaggerated statement or claims not taken literally.

However, if you’re producing academic writing, avoid excessive use of figurative language. For example, you should never use metaphors or an analogy to base the foundation of your content.

Keep your abstract writing to an occasional concept sprinkled into your text. Not every sentence requires a figure of speech.

Use Your Senses

Descriptive essay writing will require you to use your five senses. This type of essay will help you explore your sense of taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound.

For example, when describing your favorite life memory, a complete description may include the appearance of the buildings, the laughter of your friends, the smell of the flowers, and the taste of ice cream during that day.

Try creating a table divided into five senses and list each sensation or feeling associated with your topic. These details will help you support your thesis before outlining them.

Here’s an example of a part of an essay about fear with an in-depth physical description.

Instead of : Cameron feels scared.

Try : In a complete state of silence, Cameron curled her hands into tight fists as the room started smelling like his late grandmother’s perfume.

Make an Outline

Whether it’s a narrative essay or an argumentative essay, all kinds of essays require a specific format to guide the entire process. Once you’ve got your senses right, it’s time to look for suitable descriptive essay outlines.

Essay outlines are vital because they simplify the essential components of your paper. They organize your ideas, save time, and prevent writer’s block.

The most common is a five-paragraph essay format, which includes an essay introduction, a strong thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and your conclusion. This format is also the standard essay for college students.

Below is a descriptive essay outline sample about camping.

  • Introduction paragraph: Camping is challenging because of situations we can’t control.
  • Body paragraph 1: Bad weather
  • Body paragraph 2: Wildlife encounters
  • Body paragraph 3: Equipment failure
  • Concluding paragraph: Restate points

Choose the Right Words

The essay writing process is trickier when trying to make memorable descriptions of experiences, objects, or persons. Essay writers may be tempted to use adjectives and adverbs, but these parts of speech aren’t always the best options.

For example, instead of saying “very bad,” some strong word choices include “terrible” or “awful.” It’s also much better to detail what makes the subject matter “very bad.” Consider the sentences below.

Instead of: Jessica ran swiftly.

Try : Jessica swiftly ran across the street to chase her cat.

Review Your Essay

Take a break from your writing once you have completed your descriptive essay. This will allow you to clear your mind and return to the paper with a fresh pair of eyes.

Once you’re ready, it’s time to copy-edit and proofread your work. Read your work aloud and have a friend or family member give feedback. Make one round of edits for each error. Start with clarity issues, then focus on spelling and grammatical errors.

If your descriptive essay cites other papers or describes historical events, make sure you’re using reliable sources. Fact-check your work, then scan the essay for plagiarism.

If this is a lot of work, consider hiring essay editing and writing services. These editors will fine-tune your writing and help you produce a good-quality paper.

Ideas for Descriptive Essay Topics

descriptive essay my first love

There is no limit on what topic you can use for your descriptive essay assignment. As long as you can provide sensory details about the subject, then it’s possible! Here are some essay topic ideas for you.

Describing Objects

  • Something I can’t sleep without
  • Research tools
  • My anti-stress doll
  • Family treasures
  • Why I prefer Apple over Android
  • What’s in my bag

Describing a Place

  • The best vacation
  • My hometown
  • My favorite restaurant
  • Best park to walk your dog
  • Dream destination
  • The newest museum in town
  • My favorite part of the house

Describing a Person

  • My mother is the best
  • Favorite celebrity
  • People I miss
  • The writer of my favorite book
  • A person I look up to
  • The best dance
  • Why I love my boyfriend

Describing Memories, Hobbies, Behavior, etc.

  • My idea of a perfect date
  • When I discovered my passion
  • Favorite childhood memory
  • The first day of school
  • Graduation day
  • My first crush
  • What annoys me
  • How I passed the examination
  • Baking a cake
  • Preparing for a first date
  • Writing my first short story
  • My dream job
  • My gym routine
  • A pet peeve
  • My best friend’s traits
  • An emotion I hate feeling

Template for Descriptive Essay

Follow this descriptive essay structure when writing a descriptive essay.

Paragraph 1/Introduction

  • Topic sentence or thesis statement
  • Attention-getter
  • Explain why the topic is interesting or essential

Paragraph 2

  • First description of the topic using vivid language
  • Add human senses details

Paragraph 3

  • Second description using descriptive language
  • Include actual details

Paragraph 4

  • Third detailed description of the topic
  • Use descriptive writing that appeals to any sense

Paragraph 5/Conclusion

  • Summarize your topic and why it is important

Start Writing a Descriptive Essay

Hopefully, my guide has shown you the correct format for a descriptive essay and the best tips for writing one. This essay describes or summarizes any topic, whether a person, place, object, or idea.

Writing a descriptive essay is easy if you consider your five senses and sprinkle some figures of speech. Don’t forget to take a break after writing, then come back to edit and proofread.

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descriptive essay my first love

Descriptive Essay: Your Guide to Writing an Effective One

descriptive essay my first love

A descriptive essay is one of the four main types of essays, alongside narrative, argumentative, and expository essays. Among these, descriptive essays can be particularly challenging because they demand a keen eye for detail and an appreciation for aesthetics. By vividly describing scenes and details, you engage your reader’s senses, making your essay memorable and engaging. In this guide, our essay writers will break down the writing process for you, offering step-by-step instructions, practical examples, and clear definitions to help you excel in your next assignment.

What is a Descriptive Essay?

Descriptive writing aims to vividly portray something through essays, helping readers visualize and feel the scene or object being described. Such essays draw on detailed descriptions to create a clear and impactful image that not only presents the subject but also evokes emotions and memories.

There are three main techniques used in descriptive writing: naming, detailing, and comparing .

Naming identifies the subject and its characteristics, answering questions like 'What is it?' and 'What features does it have?'

Detailing elaborates on these features, providing answers to detailed questions such as 'How many are there?' and 'What is its value?' Techniques like synesthesia and comparisons enhance these descriptions.

Comparing uses similes and metaphors to make descriptions more vivid, linking the subject to familiar concepts.

Description vs. Descriptive Essay

What Is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

The purpose of a descriptive essay is multifaceted. Primarily, it allows writers to give readers a vivid impression of a person, place, or event, making the subject come alive through words. By using detailed descriptions, writers can help readers visualize settings and characters as if they were seeing them firsthand.

Additionally, descriptive essays can serve to clarify abstract ideas. By describing these concepts with concrete images and examples, writers make complex ideas easier to understand and more relatable to the reader.

Descriptive essays also aim to make information more memorable. When details are vivid, they are more likely to stick in the reader's mind, enhancing recall and engagement with the text.

Lastly, it can bolster an argument by providing concrete, detailed evidence that supports a point of view. This helps persuade the reader by making the argument more tangible and credible.

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Descriptive Essay Topics

When you're tasked with writing a descriptive essay, you'll usually get a prompt that asks you to describe something. These descriptive essay prompts allow you to explore different settings, time periods, and imaginative scenarios in your essays. 

Personal Prompts:

  • Describe a favorite childhood memory.
  • Describe a treasured family heirloom.

Imaginative Prompts:

  • Describe a day in the life of a pirate.
  • Describe what it would be like to explore an underwater city.

Historical Prompts:

  • Describe the atmosphere of a bustling ancient marketplace.
  • Describe the experience of witnessing a significant moment in history, like the moon landing or the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Nature Prompts:

  • Describe the sights and sounds of a peaceful forest at dawn.
  • Describe the feeling of standing at the edge of a majestic waterfall.

Everyday Prompts:

  • Describe the chaos of a busy morning commute in a big city.
  • Describe the tranquility of a sunset picnic in the countryside.

If you need topic ideas for other essay genres, consult our guide on narrative essay topics .

How to Write a Descriptive Essay in 8 Steps

Now that you understand the essence and purpose of this type of essay let's explore some fundamental yet valuable tips for writing a descriptive essay. 

How to Write a Descriptive Essay in 8 Steps

Step 1: Select Your Topic

The first step in creating a captivating descriptive essay is choosing the right topic. Start by paying close attention to your surroundings. 

  • Consider describing a person you know well in your life, like a sibling, a close friend, or a teacher who has made a significant impact on you.
  • Alternatively, you could focus on a specific place or object that holds sentimental value to you, such as a favorite vacation spot, a cherished childhood toy, or a meaningful piece of jewelry.
  • Another option is to explore a strong emotion that you have experienced, like excitement, nostalgia, or determination. 

Avoid using overly technical or jargon-filled language in your topic selection. Instead, aim for simplicity and clarity to ensure that your chosen topic resonates with your audience and allows you to convey your unique perspective effectively.

Step 2: Gather Details

Once you've selected your topic for your descriptive essay, the next step is to gather details that will bring your chosen subject to life on the page. Start by closely observing your subject, whether it's a person, place, object, or emotion. Pay attention to its appearance, characteristics, and any unique features that stand out to you.

For example, if you've chosen to describe your childhood home, take note of its architectural style, color scheme, and any distinctive elements like a front porch or a cozy fireplace. Recall memories associated with the home, such as family gatherings or quiet moments spent reading in your favorite spot.

If your topic is a person, like a close friend or family member, observe their physical appearance, mannerisms, and personality traits. Consider the ways in which they interact with others and the impact they have on your life.

Step 3: Draft an Outline

When structuring your essay, you can organize your paragraphs from top to bottom or near to far, chronologically, or from general to specific. Here's a simple descriptive essay outline from our custom writers to guide you: 

Step 4: Develop a Thesis Statement

When developing your thesis statement, consider the main points or aspects of your subject that you want to highlight in your essay. Think about the emotions or impressions you want to evoke in the reader and tailor your thesis statement accordingly.

For example, if you're writing about your favorite childhood memory, your thesis statement could be: 'My summers spent at my grandparents' farm were filled with laughter, adventure, and a sense of belonging.'

Or, if you're describing a beautiful sunset, your thesis statement might be: 'The breathtaking colors and serene atmosphere of the sunset over the ocean evoke a sense of peace and wonder.'

Step 5: Craft the Introduction

Start your descriptive essay introduction by hooking the reader with an engaging opening sentence or anecdote related to your topic. This could be a vivid description, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising fact. For example:

  • Growing up on my grandparents' farm, each summer brought new adventures and unforgettable memories that still warm my heart to this day.

After hooking the reader, provide some background information or context for your topic. This could include brief details about the setting, time period, or significance of your subject. For instance:

  • Nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside, my grandparents' farm was a sanctuary of simple pleasures and cherished traditions.

Finally, end your introduction with your thesis statement, clearly stating the main point of your essay. This ties everything together and gives the reader a roadmap for what to expect in the rest of your essay. 

Step 6: Compose the Body Paragraphs

Once you've crafted your introduction, it's time to compose the body paragraphs, where you delve into the details and descriptions that bring your topic to life.

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or detail of your topic, expanding upon the ideas presented in your thesis statement. Use vivid language, sensory details, and descriptive devices to paint a clear picture for the reader.

For example, if you're writing about summers spent at your grandparents' farm, you could dedicate one body paragraph to describing the sights and sounds of the farm:

  • The rolling fields stretched out before me, golden waves of wheat swaying gently in the breeze. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil.

In another body paragraph, you might explore the adventures and activities that filled your days:

  • From sunrise to sunset, there was never a dull moment on the farm. Whether we were exploring the woods, splashing in the creek, or helping with chores, each day brought new excitement and adventure.

Continue with additional body paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect of your topic and providing rich, detailed descriptions. Be sure to vary your language and sentence structure to keep the reader engaged and interested.

Step 7: Conclude the Essay

The conclusion should bring together all the ideas presented in your essay. Avoid introducing any new information in the conclusion. Instead, focus on evaluating your thoughts and reflections on the topic. End with a strong final sentence that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

For example, if you were writing about summers spent at your grandparents' farm, your conclusion might reflect on the significance of those memories:

  • 'As I reminisce about the summers spent amid the rustic charm of my grandparents' farm, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures and cherished moments that shaped my childhood. The laughter echoing through the fields, the adventures awaiting around every corner, and the sense of belonging that enveloped me there will forever hold a special place in my heart.'

Step 8: Refine Your Essay

Once you've finished writing your essay, it's time to refine it for clarity and impact. Start by reading your essay aloud to yourself. Listen for any sentences that sound awkward or unclear. Mark these sentences so you can revise them later.

You can also read your essay aloud to others and ask for their feedback. Invite friends, family members, teachers, or mentors to listen to your essay and share their thoughts. Ask them if there are any parts that are difficult to understand or if they have trouble picturing the subject you're describing.

Be receptive to constructive criticism and feedback. Use it as an opportunity to improve your essay and make it stronger. And if it sounds too demanding right now, you can buy cheap essay to sidestep the hassle and reclaim some much-needed free time.

Descriptive Essay Format

The standard format for a descriptive essay typically includes five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, you can also organize your essay into sections, allowing for flexibility in the length of the body paragraphs.

Introductory Paragraph: This paragraph sets the scene by describing where, when, and to whom the experience occurred. It should include descriptive words to capture the reader's attention.

First Body Paragraph: Here, the writer provides details that allow the reader to visualize the situation. Descriptive language is key in painting a clear picture for the reader.

Second Body Paragraph: More details are provided, with a focus on using descriptive adjectives. Figurative language, such as metaphor (e.g., describing the city as a 'jungle of concrete'), can enhance the imagery.

Third Body Paragraph: The writer continues to appeal to the reader's senses with visually descriptive words. Figurative language, like personification (e.g., describing the wind as a playful dancer), adds depth to the description.

Conclusion: The conclusion alludes to another sense, such as touch or sound, and uses strong words to signify closure. It ends with a powerful concluding sentence to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Descriptive Essay Examples

In this section, you'll discover essay examples that demonstrate how to captivate your readers' attention effectively. After exploring these examples, you might find yourself tempted to ask, 'Can someone do my homework for me?' - and that's completely understandable! We're here to help you become more confident and articulate communicators through your writing!

3 Additional Tips for Writing

While writing a descriptive essay, your goal is to make your subject come alive for the reader. Unlike more formal essays, you have the freedom to be creative with your descriptions, using figurative language, sensory details, and precise word choices to make your writing memorable.

3 Additional Tips for Writing

Use Figurative Language: Figurative language, like metaphors and similes, adds flair to your descriptions. Instead of sticking to literal descriptions, use comparisons to create unique and memorable imagery. 

  • For instance, describing a city as a bustling beehive of activity ' or a forest as ' a blanket of whispers ' adds an unexpected twist that captures the reader's attention.

Engage Your Senses: In a descriptive essay, don't just focus on what something looks like; appeal to all the senses. Describe how things smell, sound, feel, and even taste, if applicable. This adds depth and richness to your descriptions, making them more immersive. 

  • For example, instead of just describing a beach visually, include sensory details like feeling the warm sand between your toes , hearing the rhythmic crash of waves , and t asting the salty sea breeze.

Choose Your Words Carefully: Use effective adjectives, verbs, and nouns to convey your impressions vividly. Avoid clichés and opt for original, precise language that reflects your unique perspective. Take the time to review your sentences and consider if there are better word choices that could enhance your description.

In Wrapping Up

To sum it up, descriptive essays are all about encouraging students like you to explore your surroundings and unleash your creativity by describing scenes in detail with words. When you carefully select and organize these descriptive details, it not only enhances your writing but also sharpens your critical thinking skills. Plus, diving into this expressive writing style allows you to appreciate the beauty of language and feel more connected to written communication. And remember, if you ever need a little boost in your writing journey, our descriptive essay writing service is here to help!

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How To Write A Descriptive Essay?

What is a descriptive essay, what is the purpose of a descriptive essay.

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Axelrod, R. B. and Cooper, R. C. (2008). The st martin’s guide to writing. (English Edition). New York: Bedford/St Martins

Okono, U. M. (2021). Descriptive essay: An assessment of performance by undergraduates of AkwaIbom State University. Erudite Journal of Linguistics and Languages . https://www.globalacademicstar.com/download/article/descriptive-essay-an-assessment-of-performance-by-undergraduates-of-akwa-ibom-state-university.pdf

Okono. U. M. (2020). “Qualities of a good essay: An assessment of the writings of Nigerian undergraduates.” International Journal on integrated Education. 3: vi.


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My First Love

“One could fall in love many times during the course of a Lifetime, but the first rush of love always holds a special place in our hearts.” These words sum it all up.

When a child is born, a mother gets a scrapbook and religiously notes down the baby’s ‘firsts’. The first time you do anything in your life leaves a mark on you and first love leaves that lovely mark in your heart. Surprisingly, people remember their first love even if it was as early as grade one! Well, that should tell you how strong, emotions associated with first love are! It is the novelty of the feeling that makes it so special and unforgettable. My first love like all first loves was sweet and special. I was going through so many emotions all at once. It was also to be kept under wraps, which made it more exciting. There was a certain amount of awkwardness as well and I tried so hard to be lady like- it was difficult! When you are in love there is a perpetual blush on your face and whether anyone else notices it, I do not know, but mothers do. I remember being questioned and the way I got on the defensive. Well, with time you move on but that lox c remains as fresh as it was.

The first love of your life seldom has a future as both are young and naive but it is a very special experience-like none other.

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Narrative Essay Sample: “My First Love”

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Love is in the air, love is everywhere!

First feelings are always special, new, unexplored, coupled with childish innocence and a pure vision of the world.

It may sound ridiculous, but the fist time I felt that I’m alive, was the moment I felt in love for the first time. It was long time ago, at the village of my grandparents. I was 7-year-old boy and parents brought me to grandma for the whole summer. She was a 7-year-old girl, a granddaughter of my grandmother’s friend. We lived nearby and grandmothers often visited each other. The first time I saw her, I decided that she was the most perfect human being on the earth. The only presence of her nearby made my feel happy and delighted. Despite of my young age, I’ve understood that the world is made of love and it’s one of reasons that inspires mankind to live and create. I even have written my first poem:

The moment I wake up I think of love The purity and gloss About you and come across This light is you I love you!

We spent much time together, we had endless themes to talk about! In the garden we had a special place, where we dreamed and talked. One day I climbed on the biggest apple tree to pick ripe apples for her and cut out hearts on them. This basket of love apples should be my love confession. While I was doing this, I didn’t mention that she came and was sitting and watching me for a while. I felt that she hugged me from the back and we continued sitting side-by-side and eating those love apples. And at the end we kissed. It was funny and unusually. From those time we haven’t kissed, but kept warm relations. When I returned to my hometown, we wrote each other more than a year, but one day she didn’t answer.

I like to pick this memory from my pocket on a nasty day, and life turns bright. The memories are so deep and clear, as I’m still a little boy, hanging around the gardens and singing the beautiful song about love.

This sample is a demonstration of how an essay should be written. Our writer created this essay in order to show in what way we write narrative essays. If you don’t want to write your essay, you can use our help. We assist students from all over the world. The writer can be easily contacted through the chat, so if you have any questions about the order, you can ask them.

Our fast essay writing service offers reasonable prices, so anyone can afford buying papers on our site. You can change your low grades into high grades simply by getting our assistance. So, if you are completely lost in your writing and can’t struggle with it anymore, place an order right now!

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Book Review: Memoirist Lilly Dancyger’s penetrating essays explore the power of female friendships

This cover image released by Dial Press shows "First Love" by Lilly Dancyger. (Dial Press via AP)

This cover image released by Dial Press shows “First Love” by Lilly Dancyger. (Dial Press via AP)

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Who means more to you — your friends or your lovers? In a vivid, thoughtful and nuanced collection of essays, Lilly Dancyger explores the powerful role that female friendships played in her chaotic upbringing marked by her parents’ heroin use and her father’s untimely death when she was only 12.

“First Love: Essays on Friendship” begins with a beautiful paean to her cousin Sabina, who was raped and murdered at age 20 on her way home from a club. As little kids, their older relatives used to call them Snow White and Rose Red after the Grimm’s fairy tale, “two sisters who are not rivals or foils, but simply love each other.”

That simple, uncomplicated love would become the template for a series of subsequent relationships with girls and women that helped her survive her self-destructive adolescence and provided unconditional support as she scrambled to create a new identity as a “hypercompetent” writer, teacher and editor. “It’s true that I’ve never been satisfied with friendships that stay on the surface. That my friends are my family, my truest beloveds, each relationship a world of its own,” she writes in the title essay “First Love.”

The collection stands out not just for its elegant, unadorned writing but also for the way she effortlessly pivots between personal history and spot-on cultural criticism that both comments on and critiques the way that girls and women have been portrayed — and have portrayed themselves — in the media, including on online platforms like Tumblr and Instagram.

This cover image released by Norton shows "This Strange Eventful History" by Claire Messud. (Norton via AP)

For instance, she examines the 1994 Peter Jackson film, “Heavenly Creatures,” based on the true story of two teenage girls who bludgeoned to death one of their mothers. And in the essay “Sad Girls,” about the suicide of a close friend, she analyzes the allure of self-destructive figures like Sylvia Plath and Janis Joplin to a certain type of teen, including herself, who wallows in sadness and wants to make sure “the world knew we were in pain.”

In the last essay, “On Murder Memoirs,” Dancyger considers the runaway popularity of true crime stories as she tries to explain her decision not to attend the trial of the man charged with killing her cousin — even though she was trained as a journalist and wrote a well-regarded book about her late father that relied on investigative reporting. “When I finally sat down to write about Sabina, the story that came out was not about murder at all,” she says. “It was a love story.”

Readers can be thankful that it did.

AP book reviews: https://apnews.com/hub/book-reviews

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