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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, choosing your favorite word and why - essay prompt help.

I got an essay prompt asking me to talk about my favorite word and why it's my favorite. I'm kind of stuck on this one. How do I combine my love for the word with meaningful examples that reflect my personality and interests? Any tips?

It's essential to approach this essay prompt creatively, allowing your passion for the chosen word to shine through while showcasing your personality and interests. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling essay:

1. Choose a unique word: Select a word that holds personal significance and is not an obvious or common choice. By doing this, you'll engage the reader and showcase your thought process.

2. Reflect on your connection: Consider why this word resonates with you. What memories or experiences are associated with it? How does it relate to your interests, values, or goals? Dive deep into your thoughts to create a strong emotional connection.

3. Use anecdotes: Incorporate anecdotes that show the importance of the word in your life. For example, if your word is "resilience," you could discuss a time when you faced a significant challenge and how you bounced back from it. These stories will help illustrate why the word holds meaning for you.

4. Link to your character: Explain how the word represents an aspect of your personality, beliefs, or passions. For instance, perhaps your favorite word is "curiosity," and this trait has driven your choice to pursue a challenging academic path or explore new hobbies.

5. Connect to your future: Explain how your love for the word relates to your future goals and aspirations. If your chosen word is "empathy," discuss how you hope to use this quality in your college experience and beyond, such as pursuing a career in social work or volunteering in your community.

6. Show, don't tell: Instead of stating outright that you love the word, demonstrate your affinity through your writing style, tone, and examples. Use vivid language and descriptions to make your essay engaging and memorable.

7. Edit and revise: Review your essay several times to ensure it effectively conveys your message and passion for the word. Ensure the structure flows smoothly, the grammar and punctuation are accurate, and your language is clear and concise.

Remember, the goal of this essay prompt is to showcase your creative thinking, self-awareness, and depth of character. By choosing a meaningful word and connecting it to your life through compelling anecdotes and insights, you have the potential to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

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Student Opinion

What’s Your Favorite Word?

favorite word and why essay

By Jeremy Engle

  • May 21, 2019

Do you love words?

Not just speaking them. Or the pleasure of listening to or reading them. But the actual words themselves?

Do you delight in certain words? Think others are ugly? Do you believe that words have the power to thrill, wound, move — even to heal?

In “ The Sacred Spell of Words ,” N. Scott Momaday, an author, poet and playwright, writes:

Words are powerful. As a writer, my experience tells me that nothing is more powerful. Language, after all, is made of words. Words are conceptual symbols; they have denotative and connotative properties. The word “power” denotes force, physical strength, resistance. But it connotes something more subtle: persuasion, suggestion, inspiration, security. Consider the words of Mark Antony in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”: Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial. We might be hard pressed to find words more charged with power to incite, to inflame, to affect violence and destruction. But there are, of course, other expressions of power in words. They can be especially personal. They can touch our sensibilities in different and individual ways, perhaps because they have different associations for us. The word “Holocaust” frightens me because survivors of the Nazi death camps have told me of their suffering. Notwithstanding, the word is intrinsically powerful and disturbing. The word “child” delights me; the word “love” confounds me; the word “God” mystifies me. I have lived my life under the spell of words; they have empowered my mind. Words are sacred. I believe they are more sacred to children than they are to most of us. When I was first able to make my way in language, my Native American father, a member of the Kiowa tribe, told me stories from the Kiowa oral tradition. They transported me. They fascinated and thrilled me. They nourished my imagination. They nourished my soul. Indeed, nothing has meant more to me in fashioning my view of the world. I came to understand that story is the engine of language, and that words are the marrow of language. Several years ago I was on a stage with the Kenyan paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey in Chicago. We were speaking on the subject of origins, specifically the origin of humans. Mr. Leakey argued that we became human when we became bipedal, and his argument was convincing. But I begged to differ: Surely we became human when we acquired language, a point of view I continue to hold.

Students, read the entire article, then tell us:

— What power do words hold for you? What has shaped your connection to words, whether you are drawn to them or not?

— Do you feel you are able to articulate your thoughts and feelings effectively or eloquently in words? How do you best communicate to others?

— Do you find Mr. Momaday‘s argument, that words are power, to be persuasive? When have you experienced the power of words? Do you agree with the writer that “language is what separates our species from all others?”

— Mr. Momaday ends the article with a Navajo formula to make an enemy peaceful:

Put your feet down with pollen. Put your hands down with pollen. Put your head down with pollen. Then your feet are pollen; Your hands are pollen; Your body is pollen; Your mind is pollen; Your voice is pollen. The trail is beautiful. Be still.

Why do you think he chose this Navajo formula to illustrate the power of words? If you had to convince someone else about the power of words, what line, phrase or quote would you choose and why? Feel free to use a song, poem, speech or story for your illustration.

— Finally, give us your personal take on words:

• What’s your favorite word?

• What word do you think is the funniest?

• What’s the ugliest?

• What word makes you feel smart?

• What word do you find intimidating?

• What word do you find to be the most beautiful?

Further Resources:

What Is Your Choice for Word of the Year?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public.

What Is Your Favorite Word: 50 Favorites & Why

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on September 28, 2023

Categories Inspiration , Writing

You’ve probably never thought about it, but you’ve got a favorite word. It’s that term you always find yourself using, perhaps unconsciously. It’s more than just letters strung together; it tells a story about who you are and how you perceive the world around you.

Let’s dive into the fascinating interplay between language and emotion, explore why we favor certain words, and uncover what your choice might reveal about your personality.

Key Takeaways

  • Words have the power to evoke strong emotions and inspire action.
  • Language and emotion are intricately connected.
  • Expressions and feelings are conveyed through words, tone, body language, and silence.
  • Cultural differences shape favorite words and influence identities.

The 50 Most Popular Words

People often have favorite words based on the emotions they elicit, their phonetic appeal, the imagery they conjure, or the ideas they represent. Below is a list of 50 words that many people adore, along with reasons why they might be favored:

1. Serenity

  • People love this word for its calming, peaceful connotation.

2. Luminous

  • The imagery of brightness and light is often associated with positivity.

3. Ephemeral

  • This word is favored for its representation of transient, fleeting beauty.
  • Associated with ultimate happiness and joy, making it a popular choice.

5. Quintessential

  • It represents the perfect embodiment of something, suggesting superiority.

6. Mellifluous

  • Loved for its phonetic beauty and its meaning, representing sweet sound.

7. Ethereal

  • The word conjures images of otherworldly beauty.
  • It symbolizes a magical or medicinal potion, sparking imagination.
  • This word is favored for its mysterious and puzzling nature.

10. Resilience

  • It represents strength and the ability to recover, a positive and empowering concept.
  • It symbolizes the highest point, representing achievement and success.
  • People are drawn to its representation of natural beauty and light.

13. Solitude

  • It can represent peacefulness and a time for reflection.

14. Symphony

  • Associated with harmonious music, representing unity and beauty.

15. Harmony

  • It symbolizes a pleasing arrangement and peaceful coexistence.

16. Wanderlust

  • This word is loved for its representation of a strong desire to travel and explore.

17. Radiance

  • It conveys a sense of glowing brightness and beauty.

18. Luminescence

  • Similar to radiance, representing glowing light.

19. Renaissance

  • Represents renewal, rebirth, and revival of culture and knowledge.

20. Celestial

  • People love this word for its representation of the heavenly and the divine.

21. Infinite

  • The concept of limitless possibilities is appealing to many.

22. Tranquility

  • It represents a state of peace and quiet.

23. Sublime

  • It represents supreme, awe-inspiring beauty and quality.

24. Whimsical

  • This word is adored for its representation of playful or fanciful ideas.

25. Euphoria

  • Represents intense happiness and excitement.

26. Ecstasy

  • A strong word for overwhelming happiness and pleasure.

27. Enchanting

  • Represents a magical, captivating charm.

28. Cherish

  • Loved for its representation of valuing and holding dear.

29. Elusive

  • It represents something hard to capture or understand, adding a sense of mystery.

30. Evanescent

  • Represents something quickly fading or disappearing, adding a poetic touch.

31. Exquisite

  • Represents extraordinary beauty and delicacy.
  • It represents elegance and refinement.

33. Idyllic

  • Represents an ideally perfect, peaceful condition.

34. Ineffable

  • It signifies something too great to be expressed in words.

35. Lustrous

  • Represents shining or gleaming without sparkling.

36. Mystical

  • It’s associated with mysteries of the unknown and spiritual experiences.

37. Nostalgia

  • Represents a longing for the past, evoking sentimental feelings.

38. Panacea

  • Represents a solution for all problems, a cure-all.

39. Picturesque

  • Represents visually charming or quaint, like a picture.

40. Rejuvenate

  • Represents making someone or something look or feel younger, more lively.

41. Serendipity

  • Loved for its representation of finding something good without actually looking for it.

42. Sumptuous

  • Represents lavish, luxurious, and splendid.

43. Surreal

  • Represents an unreal, dreamlike, or bizarre quality.
  • Represents an imagined place or state of things where everything is perfect.
  • Represents smoothness and softness, both in texture and in sound.

46. Whisper

  • It conveys softness, secrecy, and intimacy.
  • Represents a gentle breeze, evoking a sense of nature.

48. Vibrant

  • It symbolizes energy, enthusiasm, and liveliness.

49. Elegance

  • Represents beauty, sophistication, and refinement.

50. Felicity

  • Represents intense happiness and the ability to find appropriate expression for one’s thoughts.

These words often have personal meanings, subjective to individual experiences, preferences, and associations, but they generally invoke positive emotions, beautiful imagery, or intriguing concepts, making them broadly appealing.

The Power of Words

It’s fascinating how words have the power to evoke strong emotions and inspire action. You may not realize it, but every word you use carries a certain weight, or semantic impact. It’s all part of the magic of language: word symbolism.

Take for example the word ‘freedom.’ This isn’t just a group of letters strung together; it signifies something profound and vital to our existence as humans. When you say ‘freedom,’ images and narratives of liberation are likely conjured in your mind due to its symbolic representation.

The Connection Between Language and Emotion

In your exploration of language, have you ever considered its emotional impact?

This discussion dives deep into the intricate relationship between language and emotion, dissecting how expressions and feelings are conveyed across different languages.

We’ll scrutinize how specific words can evoke certain emotions and how diverse cultures use language to express their unique emotional landscape.

Language’s Emotional Impact

You’re likely to feel a strong emotional connection to your favorite word, aren’t you? This is because language has an inherent emotional impact. Linguistic empathy enables us to understand and share the feelings of others through words. Our experiences with various ’emotional dialects’ can shape our perception and attachments to certain words.

  • Emotional dialects mirror regional language variations reflecting local cultures.
  • Linguistic empathy allows for effective communication beyond mere semantics.
  • Your favorite word might evoke specific emotions due to personal associations.
  • The nuances of language can greatly influence our emotional responses.
  • Words carry historical, cultural, and personal weight shaping their emotional impact.

Understanding this deep bond between language and emotion prepares us for the next topic: expressions and feelings.

Expressions and Feelings

Expressions and feelings aren’t just conveyed through words, but also through tone, body language, and even silence. Verbal symbolism is a powerful tool that heightens the impact of your communication.

Metaphoric expressions add depth to dialogue by introducing layers of meaning beyond literal definitions. They’re an essential part of verbal symbolism where ideas are represented in abstract ways. Analyzing such expressions can provide insight into subconscious thoughts and emotions.

Emotion in Languages

Emotion in languages isn’t just about the words we use; it’s also heavily influenced by cultural context and personal experiences. Emotional Intelligence in Language goes beyond mere vocabulary. It’s about understanding, interpreting, and responding to emotions effectively.

Your language mirrors your emotional state. Language’s Role in Empathy is vital; it allows us to understand others’ feelings. Culturally specific expressions carry emotional connotations that may be lost in translation. Personal experiences shape our emotional vocabulary. Metaphors often convey complex emotions more accurately than direct statements.

Understanding these aspects enables you to navigate social situations smoothly. It helps you connect with people on a deeper level and fosters meaningful conversations.

Now let’s delve into a fascinating aspect of language – the concept of favoritism in linguistics.

The Concept of Favoritism in Linguistics

You’re about to delve into the intriguing concept of linguistic favoritism, a phenomenon where certain languages or dialects are given preferential treatment over others.

This bias doesn’t just exist in isolation; it has profound impacts on communication, affecting how messages are perceived and understood.

As you navigate this discussion, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of this imbalance in language use and its influence on interpersonal as well as intergroup communication.

Defining Linguistic Favoritism

Defining linguistic favoritism isn’t as simple as picking a word you frequently use. It’s more about the impact that specific word has on your personal language development. You don’t merely select a favorite based on its frequency in your conversation, but rather its significance and resonance with your life experiences or ideologies.

Consider these factors:

  • The emotional response the word evokes
  • Its connection to memorable moments
  • The cultural implications it carries
  • How often it appears in your daily speech
  • Its influence on shaping your communication style

Linguistic biases impact how you perceive and interpret words. Your favorite word can reveal insights into who you are, shedding light onto your sentiments, values, and even unconscious predilections. It’s an intriguing element of self-exploration, offering a unique reflection of one’s identity.

Impact on Communication

In examining linguistic preferences, it’s crucial to understand how they can deeply influence the way you communicate and interact with others. Your choice of words, particularly your slang usage preference, plays a major role in shaping perceptions about you. It sets the tone for your conversation and often determines how receptive or resistant your audience is.

Further, non-verbal cues influence communication significantly. They supplement or substitute spoken words, conveying emotions and attitudes more effectively than verbal language can sometimes accomplish. By understanding these cues and integrating them into your interactions consciously, you’re able to enhance the clarity of your message.

Exploring Personal Word Choices

Let’s dive into why that’s your favorite word and what it says about you. The connection to a particular word often lies in its symbolism and the aesthetic pleasure it brings when pronounced or written.

Your choice could be influenced by:

  • Word symbolism: Your chosen word might symbolize something personal, perhaps a cherished memory or an ideal.
  • Language aesthetics: The phonetic appeal of the word and how it rolls off your tongue can play a part.
  • Personal relevance: It may hold significance due to its application in your life.
  • Emotional resonance: Words can evoke certain emotions within us.
  • Intellectual stimulation: Some words stimulate our intellect through their complex meaning or usage.

In understanding this, we’re primed to delve deeper into the psychology behind preferred words.

The Psychology Behind Preferred Words

You’re about to delve into the fascinating psychology behind your preferred words. You’ll explore how cognitive aspects, emotional connections, and cultural influences shape your language choices.

You’ll understand how your thought processes and emotions impact the terms you favor, revealing a deeper connection between vocabulary and personal identity.

Unearthing the impact of cultural nuances on word preferences will further illuminate how societal norms and values can intrinsically mold our linguistic selections.

Cognitive Aspects

Choosing a favorite word isn’t just about the sound or spelling; it’s also about how your brain processes and understands its meaning. The cognitive aspects involving semantic associations and cognitive biases play a significant role in this preference.

Semantic associations refer to how words relate to each other, how they’re linked in your memory, the emotions they evoke, and their symbolic value.

Cognitive biases influence your subjective reality, interpretation of information, decision-making process, and perception of words.

Your brain doesn’t simply perceive words as mere combinations of letters but attaches meanings, memories, feelings, and even biases to them. So when you’re picking out your favorite word, remember it’s not just a simple choice; it’s a complex cognitive process at work.

Emotional Connections

It’s these emotional connections to words that often make them stand out in our minds and hearts. You see, emotion-driven vocabulary plays a pivotal role in our language use and perception. Words aren’t just mere combinations of letters; they’re vessels of sentiment, each carrying a unique emotional resonance.

In the world of linguistics, this phenomenon is closely tied to ’emotional intelligence’. Here’s a little snapshot:

These examples illustrate how words can evoke powerful emotions, shaping our thoughts and actions. Understanding this intertwining of emotion and language not only enhances your linguistic skills but also enriches your interpersonal communication. Let’s now transition into exploring how cultural influences shape our word preferences.

Cultural Influences

Having explored how emotional connections influence your favorite word, let us now delve into the impact of cultural influences.

Cultural linguistics and language diversity play a pivotal role in shaping our linguistic preferences. Your culture is a lens through which you perceive and interpret the world, including language.

With its roots deeply embedded in history, traditions, social norms, artistic expressions, and shared experiences, culture invariably shapes your choice of words.

For instance, if you’re from a community that values respect for elders, words associated with reverence might feature prominently in your lexicon. Similarly, artists could gravitate towards aesthetically pleasing or descriptive words.

Hence, an understanding of cultural linguistics broadens appreciation for language diversity and helps decode why certain words hold unique charm for different individuals.

Cultural Differences in Favorite Words

Cultural differences can greatly influence people’s favorite words, don’t you agree? Consider ‘word symbolism across cultures’. A word that’s mundane in one culture might be considered profound in another. It’s interesting how language impacts our identities and preferences.

In the table above, each word holds deep significance within its respective culture. For instance, “Libertad”, meaning ‘freedom’ in Spanish, reflects a history filled with struggles for independence. Similarly, “Aloha” isn’t just a greeting; it embodies the spirit of love and compassion inherent to Hawaiian culture. By understanding these cultural nuances, you’ll appreciate how cultural differences shape our favorite words and influence our identities.

The Impact of Language on Personality

Language doesn’t just communicate ideas; it also shapes our personalities and the way we perceive the world. The impact of language on identity formation is profound, as it dictates how we express ourselves and relate to others. Multilingualism further deepens this influence on personality by offering diverse lenses through which you can view life.

  • Language provides a framework for thought, affecting cognitive processes.
  • It influences social interactions and relationships.
  • Through language’s impact on identity formation, you embody cultural norms.
  • Multilingualism broadens perspective and fosters adaptability.
  • Speaking different languages can lead to multiple identities or ‘selves’.

You’re not merely a passive recipient of language; rather, you actively shape your own identity through your linguistic choices. So consider this next time you ponder over your favorite word – it might reveal more about you than you think!

The Role of Words in Self-Expression

It’s through the words you choose that you’re able to truly express yourself, painting a vivid picture of your thoughts, feelings, and personality. This is where linguistic personal branding comes into play. By consistently using certain phrases or terms, you’re not only communicating your ideas but also subtly shaping others’ perceptions of who you are.

However, be aware of semantic satiation effects. Repeating a word too often can cause it to lose its meaning temporarily. It’s like overusing a favorite color in a painting – soon all you’ll see is a monotonous blob instead of the intended masterpiece.

Balance is key here; diversify your vocabulary while maintaining your unique linguistic brand for optimal self-expression.

Favorite Words of Famous Writers

Renowned authors often have go-to phrases or expressions that become part of their signature style. You’ll find that these preferred words are not chosen randomly but bear some literary symbolism and a reflection of the writer’s inspiration.

  • Ernest Hemingway’s favorite word was ‘and’. It helped him achieve his signature terse, simple prose.
  • James Joyce had an affinity for ‘yes’, which added a positive, affirming tone to his writings.
  • The word ‘time’ fascinated Virginia Woolf , adding depth and dimension to her narratives.
  • For Charles Dickens , it was ‘shadow’, symbolizing the dark aspects of Victorian society he often explored.
  • Lastly, Mark Twain favored the word ‘heart’, representing human emotion and complexity in his works.

These words provide a fascinating insight into each author’s unique writing style.

The Influence of Favorite Words on Communication

Having absorbed how favorite words spice up the writings of famous authors, let’s delve into understanding their impact on everyday communication.

You see, your favorite words not only color your language but also shape your personal vocabulary development. They’re like secret spices you sprinkle throughout conversations or writings to give them a unique flavor that’s distinctively yours.

However, here’s where things get tricky: language preference bias often comes into play. You might favor certain words because they carry emotional resonance for you or serve as an intellectual shorthand. Yet, this could unintentionally alienate others who don’t share your vocabulary preferences or background.

The Creative Process in Selecting Favorite Words

Delving into the art of choosing beloved terms, we’ll see that creativity plays a significant role. You must consider semantic resonance – how the word vibrates with your own experiences and meanings, and word aesthetics – how it feels on your tongue, sounds in the air.

  • Word origins: Understanding its roots can deepen its appeal.
  • Personal significance: It may resonate with an important life event or memory.
  • Sound pattern: The phonetic rhythm might be pleasing to your ear.
  • Emotional response: A word can provoke strong feelings of joy, intrigue, or comfort.
  • Visual appeal: Sometimes, you just like how a word looks written down.

The Evolution of Personal Vocabulary

Over time, the terms you use regularly evolve and change, reflecting shifts in perspective and experience. You’re not just adopting new words; you’re shaping a personal jargon that mirrors your journey. Vocabulary Expansion Techniques and Personal Jargons Development are crucial processes in this evolution.

Each technique contributes uniquely to the development of your personal jargon. Reading broadens your horizons, active learning sharpens your precision, and mimicking lets you adapt to different conversational environments. Engaging with these techniques intentionally helps you sculpt a vocabulary that’s unique to your experiences and perspectives.

How to Discover Your Own Favorite Word

It’s quite a journey to stumble upon that one term which resonates with you more than any other. In your quest for this lexical preference, word associations play an integral role. They are the invisible threads linking thoughts, memories, and emotions to particular words.

Here are some steps to follow:

  • Reflect on words that stir up strong feelings or memories.
  • Think about phrases or idioms that have left a lasting impression.
  • Consider terms related to your hobbies or passions.
  • Notice any linguistic patterns you’re drawn towards, such as alliteration or rhyme.
  • Challenge yourself by exploring new vocabulary regularly.

It seems clear that your favorite word isn’t just a random choice. It’s shaped by your experiences, emotions, and thought processes.

This small linguistic preference can subtly influence how you communicate and perceive the world. By understanding this, you can gain insight into your own mental workings and even evolve your personal vocabulary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does one’s favorite word impact their social interactions.

Your favorite word can shape your social interactions subtly. Cultural influences might steer you towards certain words, impacting how others perceive you. It could even affect personal relationships by revealing aspects of your personality.

Can a Person’s Favorite Word Change Over Time, and if So, What Factors Can Influence This Change?

Absolutely, your favorite word can evolve over time. It’s influenced by personal growth, experiences, and even cultural exposure. This evolution impacts your identity as you communicate and interact with the world around you.

Is There a Correlation Between One’s Favorite Word and Their Occupation or Field of Interest?

Sure, favorite word psychology and linguistic preferences analysis suggest there’s a correlation between your preferred term and your occupation or interests. It reflects how you think, showing the influence of your daily environment.

How Does the Use of One’s Favorite Word Affect Their Writing Style or Spoken Language?

Your favored word can shape your spoken and written language, expressing individuality uniquely. It impacts your personal identity by reflecting your interests and character, subtly influencing the tone and style of your communication.

Are There Any Studies That Highlight the Impact of One’s Favorite Word on Their Overall Mood or Mental Well-Being?

Indeed, studies have shown that your favorite word can impact your self-esteem and mental well-being. It’s fascinating how cultural influences shape our choice of words, indirectly molding our mood and overall state of mind.

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What is your favorite word, and why?

What is your favorite word, and why? It was a word that we loved as children, a word that fluctuates between good and bad in our adolescent years, and a word that we will love some day, once again. It’s astounding how one short word that is often said without thought can be part of us throughout our entire lives, and this is why “pretend” is one of my favorite words. This simple, six-letter word brings back childhood memories of my closest cousins and me. We used this word as a noun quite often. It was one of our favorite and also one of the only games that we took part in. Every time that we visited each other, we played Pretend. Pretending that we were rescuing animals off of our blue bunk bed ship. Pretending that he was Tarzan and I was Jane. Pretending that the pool Polaris was an angry, monstrous shark. When asked what we had done all day, our reply would start off as, “We played Pretend a lot! We pretended that…” and then we would proceed to tell the poor, innocent questioner of all our adventures of that day. Although “pretend” is often limited to a word used solely by imaginative children, it doesn’t leave our vocabulary as we grow into our teenage years. We prefer to use it in different contexts. Instead of “playing pretend”, we now pretend that we like her shirt. We pretend that we don’t care. We pretend that everything is fine, and we pretend that we really do know what we’re talking about (because teenagers know everything). Pretending becomes a verb. It becomes a way to hide things, a way to fit in. A way to be somebody who we’re not. Even when I’m grown and have a family of my own this word will still be with me. I’ll turn it back into a noun and I’ll, once again, play Pretend with my own creative children. We’ll pretend that we are Cowboys and Indians. We’ll pretend that we’re lost in the jungle. They’ll probably pretend that it’s not bedtime…but, maybe, I’ll pretend, just as my mother did, that I simply lost track of time. As my future family grows, this word will grow with them. I will have the privilege of watching as they carry this word throughout their awkward years and then through to their own families. Then they’ll realize, just as I do now, that pretending is a way of life. It is a cycle. It has neither beginning nor ending but is a continual, rolling wheel. This cycle does not stop its many revolutions until we reach a stand still. Until the day that we pretend to sleep – forever.

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College Essays


Founded in 1819 by Thomas Jefferson, the University of Virginia boasts impressive academics, competitive sports team, and a long list of notable alumni. Though about 17,000 students attend UVA, the school has an admissions rate of 19%—meaning you'll have to work hard if you want to be a Cavalier.

One of the best ways to boost your chances of admissions is by writing great UVA essays as part of your application. In this article, we'll break down what the UVA essay prompts are and how you can write responses to each prompt that will make you stand out.

What Are the UVA Supplemental Essay Prompts?

In order to apply to UVA, you'll submit the Common Application . No matter which option you choose, you'll have to complete the UVA supplement, which includes three writing prompts.

The first prompt requires a response of about 100 words, and the other two recommend 50 words each. So these are definitely more short responses than full-length essays. For the first UVA supplement essay, you're required to write a response based on the school within UVA that you're applying to. For the second and third UVA writing supplements, you get to choose the topic that resonates most with you.

UVA Essay Prompts

Here are the UVA essay prompts for 2022-2023:

We are looking for passionate students to join our diverse community of scholars, researchers, and artists. Answer this question, which corresponds to the school/program you selected above in around 100 words.

  • College of Arts and Sciences — If you could create a college course that all UVA students would take, what would it be about and why?
  • School of Engineering and Applied Sciences — How will you use an engineering degree to change the world for the better?
  • School of Architecture —Describe a significant experience that deepened your interest in studying in the School of Architecture.
  • School of Nursing —Describe a health care-related experience or another significant interaction that deepened your interest in studying nursing.
  • Kinesiology Program — Describe an experience that has deepened your interest in studying kinesiology.

Prompts #2 and #3

Answer one of the following questions in around 50 words. (You'll answer one question from this set for prompt 2 and a different question from this same set for prompt 3).

What's your favorite word and why?

We are a community with quirks, both in language and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are.

UVA students paint messages on Beta Bridge when they want to share information with our community. What would you paint on Beta Bridge and why is this your message?

About what topic could you speak for an hour?

Take us to your happy place. 

You can wake up tomorrow and a skill you already have will become expert-level. What skill is that?

What is the last gift you gave someone that wasn't bought with money?

What website is the internet missing?

After a challenging experience, how do you recharge?

Tell us about a place you'd like to share with everyone, but also keep to yourself.

Tell us about a time when, faced with an opinion or perspective that differed from your own, you responded as an empathetic speaker or a generous listener.


UVA Essays, Analyzed

Looking for advice on how to write amazing UVA essays? Let's break down how to answer each prompt.

UVA Prompt #1

The instructions are the same for all of the first UVA essays:

" We are looking for passionate students to join our diverse community of scholars, researchers, and artists. Answer this question, which corresponds to the school/program you selected above in around 100 words ."

Let's look at how to answer each one.

College of Arts and Sciences— If you could create a college course that all UVA students would take, what would it be about and why?

This slightly unusual prompt lets you show UVA what knowledge you think every student there should know. The prompt isn't asking what you think would be an interesting or fun course necessarily, but a course that every UVA student should need to take and pass in order to graduate. To answer this prompt, you'll need to decide: what topic is important for every UVA student to think about and know before they graduate? 

You could take this in a lot of different directions. You might choose a practical topic, like Intro to Paying Taxes, Basic Home and Car Repairs, or Financial Planning 101. Certainly everybody will need to know that information sooner or later! You could also choose a more abstract topic that you think no one should graduate college without thinking critically about. Topics in this area could include living sustainably, understanding prejudice, or how to be a good communicator.

Whichever topic you choose, be sure to give a brief overview of what the course would cover and, most importantly, why you think every UVA student should take it. The topic you choose is less important than your reasoning behind it, so make sure you make a strong argument for why your course choice is valuable to the entire UVA community.

School of Engineering— How will you use an engineering degree to change the world for the better?

This prompt is all about you and your plans for the future. What specifically do you plan on doing as an engineer? UVA asks this to understand your goals and motivations for wanting to enroll in their School of Engineering.

When answering this prompt, you might feel pressured to write something really impressive, like designing a space shuttle that'll allow humans to travel to Mars or developing a cheap water purification system that can be distributed to the millions of people living without access to clean drinking water. And if you do have those goals for yourself, then go for it! 

However, if you have more modest goals, don't feel like you need to "dress them up" in order to impress UVA. Wanting to become an engineer so you can create safe buildings, help people  manage and protect their data, or even just build cool roller coasters that people enjoy are just as valid.

The key is to be honest and enthusiastic about your career goals. Let your passion for engineering and your excitement for your future plans shine through, and you'll be all set for this prompt.

School of Architecture—Describe a significant experience that deepened your interest in studying in the School of Architecture.

Inspiration comes in many forms —what's important for this prompt is to think about an experience that has inspired you. Also, keep in mind that this prompt isn't asking you about a specific building or project that you love. Instead, it wants you to tell a personal story about how architecture has inspired you...and how that inspiration led you to choose architecture as a major.

The trick for this essay prompt is connecting your experience to architecture . For example, maybe you wanted to be an architect because you visited the Academy of Sciences in California, and you thought their underground aquarium was amazing. That inspired you to want to learn to build structures that create that sense of awe in others.

Whatever you choose, you should be sincere about your inspiration. Anything that sounds trite will be really obvious to the admissions committee. They'll read thousands of applications about wanting to make the tallest building in the world—make yours sound different.

School of Nursing—Describe a health care-related experience or another significant interaction that deepened your interest in studying nursing.

Don't feel like you need to highlight a huge moment here—rather, focus on something that's significant to you even if that experience was small!

The key to this prompt is to make sure that you're highlighting something real that happened to you or someone important to you. The more personal you can make the experience, the better.

Saying something like "I want to solve cancer for everyone" is less impactful than saying that you have seen firsthand how cancer affected your grandmother. Nursing is a personal profession—lean into that for this essay.

Kinesiology Program— Describe an experience that has deepened your interest in studying kinesiology.

For this prompt, focus on one experiences and discuss it in detail. Don't give an entire overview of your history—describing something more fully will resonate more than trying to cram a lot of experiences into a relatively short essay.

Be honest about what drove you to kinesiology— don't write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. Write what's true for you.


UVA Prompts #2 and #3

Again, for both prompts 2 and 3, you'll choose one prompt from the list below (so two different prompts total) and write a response of roughly 50 words each.

This is quite an eclectic list! Of the 11 prompts, you only need to answer two, so don't worry if you can't think of a good response to some or even most of the prompts. Don't worry about choosing the two "best" prompts either; UVA chose each of these prompts which means they think they're all valuable. Choose the two that speak to you the most and that you can answer in a way that lets UVA learn more about you as a person.

Also aim to choose two prompts that show different sides of yourself as opposed to two prompts where your answers are quite similar. That helps UVA get more of a look into who you are as a person, which is the entire point of the prompts.

To choose your prompts, go through the list and think about potential responses for each question. Some you might not come up with anything for, but hopefully for a few an answer will jump out at you. For example, do you have a passion for collecting Minnie Mouse figurines? Do you have to run four miles every single morning? Do you stop everything you're doing whenever the Red Sox are playing? Do your parents always make fun of you for pronouncing a word strangely? Then you might want to answer the question about quirks. 

Or maybe the prompt about students writing messages on the Beta Bridge speaks to you. As with the other prompts, the "why" is the most important part of this prompt. Whatever message you land on, make sure you have a good reason for it.

Avoid trite or cliched phrases, like "Be the change you wish to see in the world." The admissions committee will have seen thousands of these—and those words are probably already written on Beta Bridge. What do you have to say? What message is personal to you? What lesson have you learned that you specifically can communicate?

For whichever prompts you choose, be honest and reflective so that your response gives a window of insight into who you are and what matters to you. Another thing to note: 50 words is not very long at all! So keep things concise in order to stay within the word count.

How to Write UVA Essays

Here are some general tips for how to write UVA essays that will wow the committee.

Your UVA supplement essays are a chance to show the admissions committee who you are. Take that opportunity to flesh yourself out. You're not simply a collection of A's and B's printed on a transcript. You're a real person! Show that in your UVA essays.

#2: Feedback Is Cool; Plagiarism Is Not

It can be tempting to bounce essay ideas off your peers, parents, and teachers. That's fine! But don't rely on them too heavily. Your work should be your own—from the ideas to the execution. There's a fine line between receiving helpful feedback and using that feedback in a way that misrepresents your work and ability . Seek out help, but know that you have the first and final say.

#3: Play With Form

Your UVA essays don't have to follow the traditional five paragraph structure. UVA encourages you to play with form. That means you can submit a poem, if you want!

Take advantage of the freedom from structure to write in a way that feels authentic to you. If that means starting every sentence with the letter "E", then go for it! As long as your work is well-written and engaging, the form doesn't matter.

What's Next?

There are over 5,000 colleges in the United States—how can you possibly decide which to apply to? Using a college finder tool can help you sort through your options and find your ideal school without having to tour every single campus.

Once you've decided on some colleges or universities that you're interested in attending , our guide will help you narrow down your list to safeties, matches, and reach school.

Still not sure what you're looking for in a college? Read our articles on whether you should go to a school close to home and whether you should attend a large or small college .

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.

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What is My Favorite Word and Why?

What is My Favorite Word and Why?

In a world where numerous languages exist, there are billions of words that can captivate people from different walks of life. Thus, I would not forward the idea that my favorite word is the most important word in this planet. However, I would like to demonstrate that my favorite word can span the depths of the Earth, take hold of history, and redirect the future. My favorite word is ENLIGTEN. From the Encarta World English Dictionary, there are three entries that attempt to give meaning to this word, “to give information,” to “free somebody from ignorance,” and to “to teach somebody religion” (MSN Encarta, 2007). But this word “enlighten” meant more than what these entries imply.

To enlighten involves more than the acquisition of knowledge or the liberation from ignorance or the profession of a religion, because the word predetermines a situation, a process, and an outcome.

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First, becoming enlightened is not merely the acquisition of knowledge because to enlighten someone is beyond teaching. In my own personal life, I would rather be enlightened about an idea than being simply taught about it. Being taught is simply being informed about a concept. For example, I can be taught about American history and I may even appreciate the efforts and courage that our ancestors possessed in unifying the different states. But, if I was enlightened about American history, I would not just understand but feel within my blood the power of having dreams and of having convictions. Being enlightened is being moved to take action.

Second, becoming enlightened is not just to liberate a person from a certain form of ignorance. Being relieved of ignorance is simply a form of information acquisition. Being enlightened is being liberated from other deplorable situations. To enlighten is to fight prejudice. To enlighten is to dispute superstition. And to enlighten is to free the self from preconceived notions, biased influences, and emotional upheavals that interfere with the attainment of truth.

Third, becoming enlightened is not just obtaining a religion. Any person may acquire a religion but remained unenlightened. Most religions today are ritualistic in nature and lack the depth of what religions are supposed to be. Unfortunately, with the diversity of cultures, religion could not rule the actions of people. But an enlightened mind can direct a person’s action. Being enlightened is not just about knowing God. Being enlightened is about having an epiphany. It is an epiphany about the nature of man, the purpose of existence, the morality of life, and the spirituality of fellowship. All these elaborate meanings of the word “enlighten” come about because of three prerequisites: a predetermined situation, a specific process, and a desired outcome.

Not everyone is privileged to experience enlightenment. There must be a predetermined situation before enlightenment occurs. It is almost impossible to enlighten a relatively happy person. But a person who is exposed to a critical, desolate, or life-threatening situation can be enlightened. To enlighten such a person is to help that person scale the abyss from which he is trapped. This enlightened person has scanned the depths of the Earth.

An ignorant person cannot be enlightened. This is because enlightenment involves a specific process. To enlighten is to build on the previous knowledge. To enlighten is not the run-of-the-mill eureka episode. It is a drawn out, and sometimes painful process in which a person must reflect the whole vista of his life. And, after being enlightened, this person has held the history of all human sufferings in his hand.

And finally, to enlighten must produce desired outcomes. To enlighten a person is to prevent him from staying passive. To enlighten is to make this person realize that he must implement sweeping and sometimes radical changes, perhaps in his life or perhaps in his thoughts. For my part, the process of enlightenment has redirected my future.


MSN Encarta. (2007). Enlighten. Encarta ® World English Dictionary – North American Edition. Soho Square, London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Retrieved August 11, 2007 at

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The Admissions Strategist

How to write the uva supplemental essays 2020-2021: the excellent guide.

Housed on a beautiful campus in Charlottesville, VA, the University of Virginia boasts a 27% acceptance rate and brings great students from across the country together based on their shared desire for an excellent education.

One way to stand out among other UVA applicants is to write amazing and unique supplemental essays.

UVA requires you to submit school-specific supplemental essays so they can get to know the parts of you that don’t show through a typical college application. These essays are often one of the ways that admissions committees make their final decisions.

What are the UVA Supplemental Essay Requirements?

There are two types of supplemental essays for the University of Virginia, and both are required for your application.

  • The first is the college or program-specific essay, which will ask you to describe or respond to a situation related to the program to which you are applying.
  • The second is the general essay, which gives you more creative liberty (but can also be equally as difficult to write).

The supplemental essay prompts can be found under the “University of Virginia” section on the Common Application, as well as on the University of Virginia Office of Undergraduate Admissions Website.

UVA Supplemental Essays: How to Write Them!

Click above to watch a video on UVA Supplemental Essays.

Worried? Don’t be!

In this guide, we’ll offer specific tips on how to write supplemental essays for the University of Virginia. Then, we’ll go through each of the essay questions individually, providing advice on how to approach them.

Tips from the University of Virginia

To start, UVA’s admissions team offers some advice to applicants:

  • Try not to overthink your responses.
  • Don’t feel like you have to use academic writing structure.
  • Don’t feel like you have to take all of the advice you receive.

UVA notes that the supplemental essay questions are intentionally broad and open-ended in order to give you the opportunity to share your voice through the essay. They recommend that you ignore feedback if it doesn’t fit your writing style.

  • Above all else, be sure to write essays that are true to your experiences and values .

Below, we’ll begin looking through each of the University of Virginia supplemental essay questions.

School/Program-specific Questions:

The University of Virginia begins their school/program-specific question prompt list with the following statement:

“We are looking for passionate students to join our diverse community of scholars, researchers, and artists. Answer the question that corresponds to the school/program to which you are applying in a half page or roughly 250 words.”

Keep this statement in mind as you work on the prompt that pertains to the program you are applying to, and be sure to incorporate it into your essay.

UVA College of Arts and Sciences Supplemental Essay

What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has surprised, unsettled, or inspired you, and in what way?

If you know the specific major you’re wanting to earn, you can use it to answer this question.

  • Did a recent finding in the field of biology have an impact on you?
  • Maybe you read a news article on CRISPR and were so amazed that you can’t imagine working in any other field.
  • Or, if you’re interested in physics, maybe you saw the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch and are interested in developing the next generation of space flight shuttles.

Whatever your future major is, relating your essay to the general field is a good idea because it shows that you’ve spent some time thinking about what you may want to major in and what kind of impact you’d like to have as an alumnus of the University of Virginia.

It also shows you’ve got a passion for the field you want to enter.

Okay, but what if you aren’t sure what you want to major in?

  • Instead, pick something that occurred recently in your life related to art, music, science, math, or literature.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem particularly groundbreaking. The important thing is to pick a topic on which you can write 250 well-crafted words.

  • Did your favorite band release a new album that doesn’t sound anything like their old music?
  • Is there a book or magazine/newspaper column you read that shocked you?

Pick something that inspires your curiosity, and use the essay to show a bit of yourself while you explain why your finding was so awe-striking. After all, the admissions team is wanting to learn about you through your essay submission.

UVA School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Supplemental Essay

Describe an engineering feat that serves the common good and why it inspires you to study engineering.

This question is extremely broad, so you can take it almost any direction you’d like:

Simply think of an engineering feat (which could be basically anything ever built) and why it “serves the common good,” or has made a difference in the lives of people around the world.

If you’re able to, you may want to consider choosing an engineering feat that has affected your life personally. That way, you’re shining a light on various aspects of your life in one supplemental essay, allowing the admissions team to get to know you even better.

  • You could talk about the most amazing bridge you’ve ever seen, and what its done for the community its located within
  • Maybe you grew up in the most efficient tiny home imaginable, and it gave you an incredible childhood. How does your tiny home (and other tiny houses) affect the lives of the people who live in them?
  • If you’re in need of some more inspiration, check out these 25 engineering feats from around the world. Many of them could lead to unique and creative essay prompt responses

Don’t forget the second half of this prompt; why does this specific engineering feat inspire you? Would you like to make a similar difference in the world one day? Does the structure simply blow your mind every time you see it?

Use the second half of the prompt to show your passion for engineering, and even some of your engineering experience and/or knowledge if it fits and flows well.

UVA School of Architecture Supplemental Essay

Describe a significant experience that deepened your interest in studying in the School of Architecture.

Since you’re passionate enough about Architecture to want to major in it, this question should come fairly easy.

However, that doesn’t always make starting a simple process. If that inspiration doesn’t hit right away, try not to worry; You’re still going to write an amazing essay.

First, think back on your life and your experiences with Architecture:

  • Was there a “light bulb moment” that inspired your future in the field of Architecture?
  • Have you loved intricate buildings since you had the chance to visit a castle on your family trip to Europe?
  • Did you walk into an odd building one day and come out with a plan to improve its layout and functionality?

Your experience doesn’t have to be one-of-a-kind (though it’s great if it is). The most important thing is that you bring the admissions team with you to that place through your essay, showing them those specific details that made you fall in love with Architecture.

Show your passion and drive for your future career in the field. Share your curiosity and interests. When the admissions team sees why you love the field and when they can tell you’re truly interested in becoming the next Architectural expert, your essay is sure to stand out.

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Uva school of nursing supplemental essay.

Describe a healthcare-related experience or another significant interaction that deepened your interest in studying nursing.

This is an excellent prompt, as it’s not extremely specific. The admissions team simply wants to know why you want to become a nurse, and they want you to show them through a heartfelt or inspiring story.

Don’t worry if your story isn’t specifically related to nursing; just let your essay show why you’re passionate about your future as a nurse.

  • Do you have a relative in a nursing home or hospital? How have your interactions with them shaped your ideas on nursing?
  • Have you seen media coverage (TV, documentary, etc.) on nursing?
  • Why are you interested in going into nursing rather than becoming a doctor? Was there a moment where you chose nursing over becoming a doctor?

Once you have an experience in mind, write it all down. Make bullet-points, make a list, write a three-page story; whatever you have to do to get your passions down onto a page.

Then, take what you’ve written and find the most important parts. Take the words that mean the most (and the ones that tell the story well) and turn them into an essay of no more than 250 words.

Remember to be honest about your experience (in other words, it doesn’t need to be a positive experience) and how it affected your decision to study nursing. Authenticity is unbeatable.

Show the admissions team your heart for nursing, and you’ll give them what they need to make your final admission decision.

UVA Kinesiology Program Supplemental Essay

Discuss experiences that led you to choose the Kinesiology major.

This is the most straightforward of the program-specific essay prompts, in that it tells you exactly what to write about.

If you have trouble answering this prompt, think about why you’re interested in Kinesiology and what you might want to do with a degree in Kinesiology.

  • For example, you may have injured yourself playing a sport and needed physical therapy, which introduced you to the field of kinesiology.
  • Maybe you’re fascinated by all things needed for athletic performance; joints, muscles, bones, etc.
  • You might be passionate about continuing your sports journey without becoming a professional athlete.

Hopefully, this brainstorming will help you connect to experiences that you can write about. If you need more help brainstorming, use this excellent guide .

The UVA General Supplemental Essay Prompts

Now, we’ll take a look at the more general supplemental essay prompts. You only need to pick one of these prompts for your application.

If you are having trouble deciding on a prompt, try writing a rough draft for each of them (or any number of them that you’d like to try out).

Once you read through your drafts, it will become easier to see which prompt provides the best platform for you to make your mark on the admissions committee.

Before diving into the individual prompts, here’s a quick reminder: Try not to overthink these essays. In most cases, they are as straightforward as they seem.

UVA Supplemental Essay 1: Your Favorite Word

What’s your favorite word and why?

Before starting this essay, it might be helpful to perform the following exercise: Over the course of a few days, write down all the words you encounter that seem odd or interesting.

You might ask yourself some questions to help brainstorm as well:

  • Are there certain words you use often?
  • Are there certain words you use only in specific situations? Why?
  • Have you read a book that contained a word you found interesting? What was it?

A problem that students usually have with this essay prompt is that they change their minds mid-essay as other potential words pop into their minds.

One day, you might think that your favorite word is “complacent,” whereas, the next day, it might be “hamster.”

This exercise helps you to list out all of the potential words you could write about. From there, you can pick the word that you like the most or find is easiest to write about.

Then it’s time to write your essay.

Share your word with the admissions team, and possibly a quick definition. Then, explain what it means to you. Remember that the admissions team wants to learn about you. Try making more of the essay about why this word is your favorite, and less about the definition of the word itself.

UVA Supplemental Essay 2: Quirks

We are a community with quirks, both in language and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are.

Similarly to the last essay prompt, you may want to take a couple of days to think about this one, listing out any quirks you might have:

  • Do you have any memorable habits or routines?
  • Is there a phrase that you use frequently?
  • Do your friends or family members comment on any of your positive personality traits? How does this trait manifest in everyday life?

Maybe you wake up every morning and have a glass of water with lemon because it helps you feel refreshed. Write about it!

Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family about your quirks , as it may reveal interesting potential essay topics you may not have considered.

Along with your quirk, share some reasons why it’s great. You are trying to get into a college with this essay, after all.

UVA Supplemental Essay 3: Flash Seminar

Student self-governance, which encourages student investment and initiative, is a hallmark of the UVA culture. In her fourth year at UVA, Laura Nelson was inspired to create Flash Seminars, one-time classes which facilitate high-energy discussion about thought-provoking topics outside of traditional coursework. If you created a Flash Seminar, what idea would you explore and why?

This prompt may seem intimidating because of its reference to a student creating an impressive organization, but try to remember that it isn’t the point of the prompt.

Instead, pick a topic that interests you!:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • Do you play any sports?
  • What is the first random fact that pops into your head?
  • What did you do last summer?
  • Are there any global issues you care about and want others to know of?

For example, if you spent your last summer volunteering at a soup kitchen, you might create a Flash Seminar on the importance of volunteering based on your experiences.

The essay may even be about a topic that you feel is important for every person to think about and discuss.

The essay does not need to be related to academics. As long as you can write 250 words about the topic and why you think it is important for other people to learn about, it’ll be worth creating an essay about.

UVA Supplemental Essay 4: Beta Bridge

UVA students paint messages on Beta Bridge when they want to share information with our community. What would you paint on Beta Bridge and why is this your message?

This might be the most difficult essay prompt for most students because of how open-ended it is, but it also gives you a lot of room to leave your own creative or intellectual mark on the admissions committee.

  • What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  • What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever given?
  • What is something helpful that you think more people should know about?
  • Is there a public issue that you feel needs more awareness?

Even if your idea is small, don’t worry. Maybe you’ve noticed that you don’t carry enough water around, and want to remind everyone to stay hydrated!

Your message does not need to be groundbreaking or related to academics, as long as you can write about it.

Make your response unique, and try to catch the attention of the admissions team.

If your essay shines on who you are, what’s unique about you, or a topic you care about, it’s sure to stand out when it’s reviewed at UVA.

UVA Supplemental Essay 5: An Alternative to Complaining

Rita Dove, UVA English professor and former U.S. Poet Laureate, once said in an interview that “…there are times in life when, instead of complaining, you do something about your complaints.” Describe a time when, instead of complaining, you took action for the greater good.

We all know that complaining isn’t the best way to deal with the problems we encounter; however, it sure is a natural thing to do (and it can be hard to avoid).

Think back on a time you chose to take action instead of complaining.

  • Maybe you forgot about an assignment until the night it was due. Instead of complaining and asking for more time, you stayed up late to get it done.
  • You may have noticed someone being treated unfairly and stood up for them right there on the spot.

No matter what the situation was, if you chose not to complain, you can turn it into a compelling essay.

Show UVA that you are an initiative taker and a difference maker. Show them you’re responsible and you don’t like to take the easy way out.

When the admissions team sees those qualities shining through the words you write, they’ve got to be impressed.

Conclusion: How to Write the UVA Supplemental Essays

Now that you’ve read through some tips on how to write the supplemental essays, it’s time to get writing!

Be sure to start early with brainstorming and planning. UVA, more so than most universities, asks you to be creative with their supplemental essays.

Even if you don’t like your first drafts, it is much easier to rewrite a draft based on the things you did not like than it is to attempt to revise an essay you haven’t yet written.

Last, remember to keep it real. Authenticity is key.

With an essay written from a place of creativity and authenticity, you’re sure to stand out.

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My Favorite Word

According to the authors of the Macmillan English Dictionary, the English language is considered to be one of the richest in the world in terms of vocabulary. Together with technical words, it possesses more than a million lexical units. Yet, if I had to choose my favorite word , I would choose a very simple one, the one that every person knows and uses, but which still has a deep meaning: I would choose the word “mother” .

First of all, this word is interesting because it denotes a truly universal notion , which exists in absolutely any culture and any society on our planet. This, probably, explains the fact that in all the languages the sound forms of the word with the same meaning also have something in common.

Moreover, this is the word which evokes the whole range of positive emotions . This happens due to the fact that it is associated with kindness, affection, unconditional love, true understanding and full acceptance. For the mother, her child is always the best , the most precious gift of the God and the essence of life. When we hear the word “mother”, we subconsciously recollect the warmth of our mother’s hands, her voice singing a lullaby to us, her kind eyes. We feel happy and peaceful. “Mother” is the first word a baby says and every person then uses it both in the moment of happiness and being scared, when there is a need to share joy and when he feel sad.

So, I believe “mother” is my favorite word because it denotes the most important person in my life and symbolizes the highest of the human virtues.

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favorite word and why essay

6 Awesome UVA Essay Examples

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UVA is a pretty selective school, so writing strong essays is essential to improving your chances. By reading former applicants’ essays and seeing what they did right and what they did wrong, you can learn how to better impress UVA admissions officers!

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our UVA essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts. 

Essay Example #1: College of Arts & Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences—What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has surprised, unsettled, or challenged you, and in what way? (250 words)

Cringing when thinking about human sacrifice in “Vida y muerte en el Templo Mayor,” I puzzled over the motive behind the Aztec practice of killing a person to appease the gods of nature.

 After a lengthy discussion with Mexican friends, I learned that Aztec civilization considered humans just one part of the natural world, rather than the dominant species. Only when the gods of nature are satisfied, they believed, can worldly creatures live in peace.

That’s when I recognized how I’ve been looking at the world from an anthropocentric model. Whether in the Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese mythology, or in the Bible story of Noah’s Ark my Christian grandma told, these stories revolve around humans’ survival and prosperity, and nature is just a backdrop.

The Aztec “nature-centric model,” truly challenged my perspective. Humans might not be as superior as we think; everything may not be about us. Reflecting on my motivations for advocating sustainability, I’m guilty of preserving the Earth for the sake of our human offspring, not for the Earth’s own sake.

The Aztec perception of humans’ relationship to nature inspired me to reconceptualize my own perspective. I expanded my framework from humanity to all creatures: why not consider the elephants our siblings, or the trees our cousins?

I reject the Aztec practice of human sacrifice, but their belief that we are but a tiny part of nature resonated deeply with me. Rather than protecting Earth with self-interest and fear, I now treat Earth with empathy and love.

What This Essay Did Well

This UVA essay is well-structured and well-written. It answers the prompt while providing valuable personal information about the applicant.

With the introduction, the student achieves the most important part of this essay: answering the prompt. This student identifies their topic of discussion— “Vida y muerte en el Templo Mayor,”— quickly, but keeps it interesting through using a complex sentence structure.

Rather than stating it explicitly, the author shows their desire to understand other cultures and positions themself as open-minded, as they took the time to have “lengthy discussion with Mexican friends.” 

The student also relates the story back to their interests and perspectives. They share how this book caused them to reflect on the way they’d been advocating for sustainability, and view their advocacy more holistically to benefit the earth itself rather than just humans. Presumably, this student is declaring environmental studies or environmental science as a major. That means that, while readers are learning about the student’s values, they also learn that values are the central motivation behind this student’s career choices. This self-reflection is important and looks great to admissions officers!

The conclusion of the essay perfectly summarizes the growth that the student has described. It shows the self-reflection that they have experienced, with some of their beliefs staying the same and others changing.

What Could Be Improved

While overall this essay is a great example, this paragraph is its weakest link:

That’s when I recognized how I’ve been looking at the world from an anthropocentric model. Whether in the Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese mythology, or in the Bible story of Noah’s Ark my Christian grandma told, these stories revolve around humans’ survival and prosperity, and nature is just a backdrop. 

That’s because this paragraph makes the error of telling, not showing . The student uses the summarizing phrase “that’s when I recognized” (which should generally be avoided) then continues to tell readers what they learned. Rather, the student could have provided a piece of dialogue from their discussion with their friend or used self-reflective questions to show us the message of this paragraph.

An example of how this paragraph could be improved:

“So you’re telling me that your culture doesn’t view humans as the main characters?” I asked my friend, still slightly baffled. When I got home, I went down a Google rabbit hole, obsessively researching Aztec beliefs. I landed on a page about the anthropocentric model. Had I been learning this model all along without even knowing? I thought about my Christian grandma’s stories—Noah’s arc, the Four Heavenly Kings, Genesis. They all revolve around humans’ survival and prosperity, and nature is just a backdrop.

This revised paragraph is much more captivating and would have strengthened the overall essay.

Essay Example #2: School of Architecture

Describe a significant experience that deepened your interest in studying in the School of Architecture. (250 words)

During my freshman year, my studio art class arranged a field trip to the National Portrait Gallery. To say I was excited was an understatement. Although I have lived near DC all my life, I never had the chance to visit its art museums. This trip would be my first time. 

When we arrived, I stood in the courtyard, waiting for directions. I don’t remember what spurred me to look up, but when I did, the sight of a floating steel and glass canopy above amazed me. It was unlike anything else in the room. The undulant form of the ceiling reminded me of being underwater, looking up to see waves dancing. What struck me the most was how its sleek and modern design juxtaposed the gallery’s Greek revival architecture. 

I’ve gone back several times since then, each time appreciating something new from the ceiling—in the shelter, it provides from the outside elements to the beautiful grid of shadows it leaves on the ground and walls on sunny days. Inspired by the relationship between the ceiling and the rest of the gallery, I have sought out ways to combine contrasting styles like classic vs. modern, organic vs. geometric, hard vs. soft, and fine art vs. crafts in my art. I’ve become hyper-aware of the physical spaces I occupy and their functional yet artistic characteristics. While studying architecture at UVA, I hope to continue exploring these relationships and apply them to my architectural style. 

This essay clearly answers the prompt and provides a tangible example for readers. 

From the intro, it is clear that the experience will be visiting the National Portrait Gallery. 

The writer uses a simple writing style for most of the essay, but shows that this straightforwardness is not due to lack of ability or effort, but is intentionally authentic. Through the phrase “ I don’t remember what spurred me to look up” the writer lets readers know that they aren’t going to tell us anything that isn’t true. This value placed on authenticity is important and tells us a lot about the student.

The student uses elaborate language to emphasize the important part of their story. The description of the ceiling—“ The undulant form of the ceiling reminded me of being underwater, looking up to see waves dancing”— is interesting and engaging. It creates an image of the ceiling in the reader’s mind, but also makes the reader want to hear more!

This final paragraph ties it all together. We learn that the National Portrait Gallery’s architecture isn’t just cool, but is inspirational for this student. Additionally, through this paragraph, admissions officers learn that this student has thought out their decision to apply to UVA’s Architecture school. They are familiar with architectural styles and already think like an architect. A student who is ahead of the game and passionate about their field of study is very important to admissions officers!

The essay could be considered unengaging at times, but there is also beauty in its simplicity that gives it an authentic feel. It lacks the bells and whistles that often accompany college essay writing and just tells the writer’s truth. While this wouldn’t be a great essay if you’re applying to creative writing, it works well for this writer and this writer’s intentions!

Still, the intro paragraph could be improved through editing the second sentence: “ To say I was excited was an understatement.” Because this writer engages with a simple style (with little imagery or elaborate descriptions), they can use descriptive language strategically to emphasize certain scenes, emotions, or aspects of their story. Because they are applying to Architecture, their excitement about art is important and this excitement could have been emphasized through more elaborate language. This would also make the essay more engaging from the start and draw the reader’s attention.

Essay Example #3

We are a community of quirks, both in language and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are. (250 words)

I haven’t let another person cut my hair in four years. Bangs, layers, a fringe, a bob, I have been my own hairdresser. With only me, a mirror, and scissors in hand, I enjoy having complete control over my appearance. Cutting my hair is liberating; it’s like removing dead weight off my shoulders. Messing up isn’t a concern, as I know my hair will grow back. I am proud of the freedom I have with my hair, but I haven’t always been this way. 

 In traditional Quechua culture, women have long, braided hair. One braid indicates that a woman is single, while two means she is married. Growing up surrounded by women who kept their hair long, I desperately wanted to stand out but was too afraid to break tradition. I love my Quechua heritage, but as a young girl, I thought it was silly to have braids when I wasn’t even allowed to date. Why did it matter if others knew I was single?

Eventually, my parents agreed to let me cut my hair, and for a moment I’d been looking forward to for so long, I wanted to be the one to do it. Like every time I’ve cut my hair since then, I felt like a new person. Looking back to who I was then and who I am now, I know 12 year old me would think I look cool, and she’s the only person I want to impress.

This essay is fun and interesting! Readers learn about the student’s personality, family history, and values. It is well-structured, engaging, and original.

For a short essay, a lot of words are given to this introduction. That being said, this introduction also provides a lot of the essay’s content. First, the student identifies their quirk—cutting their own hair. This topic is interesting and automatically makes readers think “oh, that’s cool!” but then the student takes it a step further by engaging readers with a small cliffhanger—“ I haven’t always been this way.” Cutting your own hair isn’t a quirk that inherently requires a deeper meaning, but this student draws us in by letting us know that there is one.

This essay’s second paragraph is where we get to know the student, which should always be a priority when writing any college essay. We learn about the student’s Quechua heritage and how it affected their childhood. We also learn about the student’s capacity for self-reflection, which seems to have existed from a young age—“ I thought it was silly to have braids when I wasn’t even allowed to date. Why did it matter if others knew I was single?”

Finally, the last paragraph brings things full circle and draws a connection between the young girl’s confusion about Quechuan braids and the current writer’s passion for cutting their own hair. The last sentence of this essay is particularly powerful—“ I know 12 year old me would think I look cool, and she’s the only person I want to impress.” 

The beginning of the final paragraph is the only part of this essay that could use some rewriting. This essay is generally well-written, so the confusing sentence structure of “ Eventually, my parents agreed to let me cut my hair, and for a moment I’d been looking forward to for so long, I wanted to be the one to do it” throws off the essay’s flow. Similarly, it is difficult to parse through the sentence “ Like every time I’ve cut my hair since then, I felt like a new person.” 

After improving the language of these two sentences, this would be a top-notch essay! This student’s personality really shines through.

Essay Example #4

Describe an engineering feat that serves the common good and why it inspires you to study engineering. (250 words)

“I hope your kids have my curly hair,” quipped my mom. “As long as they have my eyes, I’m happy,” joked my dad. While my parents were casually bantering with me at the dinner table, I was closeted as bisexual, and my mind started to reel. Eventually, I knew I wanted to have kids, and the nuclear family I had previously envisioned began to crumble. What if I couldn’t have genetically related children with my partner?

As I grappled with this question, I discovered that biomedical engineering could provide me with an answer. Gene-editing technology CRISPR-Cas9 could allow for a same-sex couple to have genetically related children. This tool works as a precise pair of molecular scissors to cut out targeted DNA sequences in an organism’s genome. In China, researchers experimented with CRISPR and obtained live bipaternal and bimaternal mice.

CRISPR’s potential to change the world thrills me for reasons beyond my future family. With CRISPR, researchers began to cut out human DNA sequences associated with neurodegenerative diseases, blood-related disorders, and cancer. CRISPR is on the cusp of revolutionizing the medical industry, and I want to be part of innovating and discovering new uses for the technology.

Maybe one day, I’ll share a meal at the dinner table with a husband and a child who shares our features, laughing as we talk about our day. At UVA Engineering, I will acquire the tools necessary to pioneer research that could make this possibility a reality for millions of same-sex couples around the world.

This essay does a great job infusing a personal story into an engineering feat that inspires them. The intro opens with an anecdote, which is engaging and brings us closer to the writer by showing some vulnerability, as the student shares their thoughts and fears with us.

We learn about CRISPR in easy-to-understand terms. The writer lays out how it works, what it’s done so far, and how it could benefit society.

The final paragraph brings the essay full circle, with the student imagining their future family, made possible by CRISPR and the impact it could have for other same-sex couples.

There honestly isn’t much that the writer could’ve done to strengthen this essay. It’s already extremely engaging, personal, well-written, and easy to understand.

Essay Example #5: College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences – What work of art, music, science, mathematics, literature, or other media has surprised, unsettled, or inspired you, and in what way? (250 words)

Every ten years the state and congressional district lines open up to the public; the only piece of art influenced by the fluctuating votes of human souls. The bold black lines, separating communities with luscious green lawns from those with concrete playgrounds, are redrawn redirecting millions of dollars and sparking waves of protests on state capitol steps. In its sum, the wonky headphones and salamander shapes reflect the imperfect art of gerrymandering. Within its components, the fabric is sewed with the sweat and tears of communities. From ones with family obligations rendering them unable to advocate for themselves to communities a five-minute walk from the state capitol. 

In its final form, the line strokes between streets, bayous, and freeways surprise me. Instead of equal representation and distribution of power, districts group communities voting in accordance to a political party with communities who do not vote – essentially maintaining an iron grip on power. To challenge it, I have gone into non-voting communities helping register voters and have taken the time to listen to families terrified of the political process. One of my most cherished memories was meeting an elderly man who had immigrated to the U.S. and became naturalized but never registered to vote. For years, he watched his community change and never understood why he could not stop the process. Now, every time I see the district lines, I sense the unsettled doubt that within each district resides one person taken advantage of and never nurtured with civic love.

The subject of this essay—gerrymandering—is a surprising choice for this essay, as most people wouldn’t consider it a “work of art, music, science, mathematics, literature, or other media,” but more of a concept. Still, the author makes it work by likening the gerrymandering lines to a work of art.

The writing in this essay is very descriptive and rich with imagery, with phrases such as “luscious green lawns” and “salamander shapes.” We can clearly visualize how unusually these districts are drawn.

The author also incorporates a personal connection through their work in registering voters. We see that they care about helping others participate in the political process and exercise their civic rights/duties.

One of the biggest weaknesses of this essay is that it spends nearly half the space describing gerrymandering, leaving not enough room to discuss how it’s impacted them personally.

The intro paragraph helps us visualize gerrymandering very well, but the wording of many sentences is confusing (some are even not grammatically correct, and it doesn’t seem that this was a conscious decision, such as this line: From ones with family obligations rendering them unable to advocate for themselves to communities a five-minute walk from the state capitol) . It takes a few sentences to even realize what the topic of the essay is, and that is a critical flaw when admissions officers need to read essays quickly. 

The author should’ve introduced their topic more simply, especially since gerrymandering is an unexpected subject for this essay. They could’ve also cut out several lines to focus more on the work they’ve done in their communities. The story about the immigrant man is underdeveloped and vague; the writer could’ve shared more specific details about their interaction or even included some dialogue.

The impact of this topic on the student’s identity and future goals is also unclear. Do they plan to try to work to end gerrymandering or increase access to voting? The last sentence of the essay is a missed opportunity: Now, every time I see the district lines, I sense the unsettled doubt that within each district resides one person taken advantage of and never nurtured with civic love . This line is not only difficult to understand, but ends on a sad note rather than looking towards the future with how the student hopes to make an impact.

Essay Example #6

We are a community with quirks, both in language and traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are. (250 words)

I sit at a booth at California Pizza Kitchen as my legs swing back and forth, barely scraping the floor. With a mischievous grin, I grab a red crayon and scribble on the black-and-white coloring book with my own mission in mind. One times two equals two, times two equals four, times two equals eight, and so on. After I fill the page, the napkins in the dispenser in front of me become my canvas. When I finish, red numbers sprawl across the workbook and neatly ordered napkins on the table, mimicking a college professor’s chalkboard. My masterpiece is complete.

At five years old, I cherished multiplying numbers by two until I reached numbers in the millions, and my love for simple math became a staple of my personality. When I entered high school, I was delighted to discover my passion for mental math reflected in the activities I pursued:

( 310 total seconds – 162 seconds ran) / 2 laps left = 74 seconds per lap. During a 1600m dash, I recalculated the average pace I needed to meet my goal after every lap and adjusted my stride accordingly. 28 rows * 36 seats per row = 1008 total seats. During a chorus class, I calculated the number of seats in the auditorium we sang in with enthusiasm.

My arithmetic may not always serve a practical purpose, yet I find comfort in making sense of the little things in my life. The math problems penned with a red crayon may seem trivial to some, but they represent my curiosity seeking a better grasp of the world around me.

This essay paints the student as intellectually-engaged and ambitious. We see all the different ways they incorporate mental math into their life.

The anecdote at the beginning shows us exactly what it may be like to spend time with the student in an everyday setting, which helps admissions officers visualize what the student may be like on-campus.

While well-written, the essay falls a bit flat since the student spends almost all the allotted space describing the quirk rather than discussing what it means to them.

They also explicitly tell us the significance of their quirk by saying it “represent[s] my curiosity seeking a better grasp of the world around me.” This is redundant since they already show their curiosity through the details they reveal, such as counting the number of seats in the auditorium during chorus.

The topic of this essay may simply not be ideal since there isn’t much of an emotional backstory, unlike the third essay example where the student cuts their own hair. As you’re selecting a quirk, you should ensure that there is an opportunity for you to share your identity, emotions, and thoughts more deeply.

Where to Get Your UVA Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your UVA essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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500 words essay on my favorite food.

In order to perform well in life, our body needs energy. We get this energy from the food we eat. Without food, there will be no life. In today’s world, there are so many dishes available worldwide. Food comes in a wide variety all around the world. Dosa, Paneer, Naan, Chapati, Biryani, and more Indian delicacies are available. We are also offered western cuisines such as noodles, pasta, burgers, fries, pizzas and more dominating the food industry. In my favourite food essay, I will tell you about the food I like eating the most.

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My Favorite Food

As the world is advancing day by day, it is becoming easier to get access to many kinds of food at our doorstep. Every day, we all want to consume great and delicious cuisine. There are many different varieties of food accessible all throughout the world. We all like different foods, however, my personal favourite is burgers. I have eaten many cuisines but my favourite food is definitely a burger. I cannot resist myself when it comes to burgers.

Burgers are one of the most convenient and easiest foods to eat on the fly when we’re in a hurry. We can have a burger at any time of day, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, and maybe some fries and a Coke to go with it. Many restaurants are well-known for making their speciality burgers in a particular style. Preparation changes from one establishment to the next. But what exactly makes a burger taste so good? They will taste vary depending on where you go, but they are all built the same. It is made up of a bun, a ground meat patty, and various toppings like cheese, onion slices, lettuce, and other sauces.

They are so soft yet crunchy, fresh and juicy that I love eating them. Even though there are many kinds of burgers, my favourite one is a chicken burger. The chicken patty gives the burger a juicy taste and it tingles my taste buds every time I eat it. I can already smell and taste it in my mouth as soon as I walked inside McDonald’s or any other restaurant that serves chicken burgers. As soon as I take a huge mouthful of it, I forget about any problems or troubles that are going on in the outer world and concentrate my entire concentration just on my chicken burger.

I love eating a burger which is filled with cheese and vegetables . The more vegetables you add, the better it tastes. My personal favourite is lettuce. It gives the burger the right amount of freshness and crunchiness.

I always eat my burger with ketchup. Most importantly, the thing I love about eating burgers is that I get to eat French fries along with them. They work as a great side to the dish and also make my stomach full.

Even though I liked eating a burger from a famous fast food joint, nothing beats the chicken burger my mother makes at home. She prepares everything from scratch, even the burger. Thus, it is extremely fresh and healthy too.

I know and feel that burgers have the great flavour and taste that would make anyone’s stomach pleased after a long day of work. I can tell by the reactions on people’s faces when they order their preferred burger variant. Overall, I don’t believe any other fast food will taste as good as a chicken burger. It’s just difficult to think that something will triumph in the future. As a result, I consider my favourite dish to be the best ever created.

A Great Variety

Perhaps the great thing about burgers is the great variety they offer. It has options for all people, who prefer vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even vegans. Thus, you can select the patty of your burger and dive right in.

There are a large number of burger joints being started in every corner of the city, each serving a variety of their own specialised and self-curated recipes. Burgers that are health-friendly and a go-to with a diet are also being introduced by these newly upcoming burger places. There are a lot many burger cafes that give their customers the choice to create their own burgers by providing them with a choice between patties, fillings, veggies, sauces as well as the number of burger layers they want.

Even though my personal favourite is a chicken burger, I also enjoy eating cheeseburgers and vegetable burgers. For me, all burgers taste delicious. Whenever we go out to eat with friends , I always order a burger.

My friends who do not eat non-vegetarian also eat burgers thanks to the great variety it offers. When we order food at home, we make sure to offer all kinds of burgers from cheeseburgers to chicken burgers, so that we get a taste of everything in our meal. Thus, I love burgers and their great variety makes it better.

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Conclusion of My Favorite Food Essay

Even though my favourite food is a burger, I enjoy other foods as well like Pizza and Pasta. However, I feel when it comes to eating daily, nothing beats homemade food. The food we eat daily is what helps us gain energy. We cannot eat our favourite food daily as it will become boring then, but our staple food is something we enjoy eating on an everyday basis.

FAQ of My Favorite Food Essay

Question 1: Why do we need food?

Answer 1: We need food because it provides nutrients, energy for activity, growth. Similarly, all functions of the body like breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm are made possible because of food. It also helps in keeping our immune system healthy.

Question 2: Should you eat your favourite food all the time?

Answer 2: No, never. Favourite foods are meant to be enjoyed when there is any special occasion, or when you are tired of your regular homemade food. Eating too much of your favourite food will make your taste buds adjust to it and eventually, it will not remain our favourite. Excess of anything is bad and the same goes for our favourite food. Thus, we must eat it occasionally so that it remains our favourite.

Question 3: Is fast food healthy? Should we not consume fast food at all?

Answer 3: Fast food is often high in calories, sodium, and harmful fat, with one meal frequently providing enough for a whole day. It is also deficient in nutrients and nearly devoid of fruit, vegetables, and fibre. That doesn’t mean you should completely avoid fast food. It is feasible to eat fast food without jeopardising your healthy diet. Take advantage of the nutritious side dishes available at many fast-food places. Look for meals that include lean proteins, vegetables, and fibre, and avoid anything that is supersized.

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