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master thesis in german

Master's Thesis in Germany

Master's students from the GUC can receive a scholarship for a six-month study stay at a German higher education institution. Only Teaching Assistants who are in the final phase of their Master's studies and would like to complete their Master's thesis in Germany can apply for funding. As of April 2023, the funding will include a one-time travel allowance of 850 € and a monthly stipend of 934 €. The scholarship is aimed at Teaching Assistants of the GUC and will be advertised in the fall via the GUC. The application deadline for scholarships for Master's theses in Germany is mid-January for stays starting in July of the same year. The applicants are informed about the outcome of the application process by the end of March.

The application documents for scholarships consist of:

✓ a letter of motivation

✓ a detailed description of the planned Master's thesis topic (following the guidelines provided)

✓ two letters of reference

✓ a transcript of records

✓ a confirmation of supervision from the GUC, indicating with which GUC research group the Master's thesis topic is located (in particular, whether it is part of a BMBF-funded research collaboration)

✓ an invitation including confirmation of supervision from a German professor

✓ the DAAD application form (will be provided)

✓ a completed and signed evaluation form (will be provided)

✓ a passport copy

✓ the confirmation of enrollment as a Master student at GUC.

CDI building on the north campus, a white building

Points to take into account while writing your master's thesis

The topics you can choose for a master's thesis should be highly relevant for practice and policy and the thesis should to be empirically grounded.

Process of a master's thesis

  • Discuss a possible topic with Prof. Liudvika Leišytė.
  • Write a 2-page proposal (incl. title, table of contents and timeline of the thesis).
  • Get approval for this by Prof. Leišytė.
  • Prof. Leišytė will write a letter to the Central Examinations Office to declare that she will be your supervisor.
  • Write the thesis: in the process, make sure to send the questionnaire for surveys or interview schedules to Prof. Leišytė to get approval before you start your empirical work.
  • Submit your thesis to the Section Central Examinations Office, Dez. 4.3.

Type and time frame of the master’s thesis

  • Generally, all theses at the Professorship are empirical (i.e. the self-organized collection and analysis of data is part of every thesis). This type of thesis has a time frame of 26 weeks (for details see the Prüfungsordnung ).
  • In exceptional cases, theoretical theses are accepted. The specific topic must then be discussed and agreed on with Prof. Liudvika Leišytė. The time frame for this type of thesis is only 17 weeks.

The time frame (count of weeks) starts with the registration of your topic (letter from Prof. Leišytė to the Central Examinations Office).

Topic of the thesis

The topic you choose should relate to the main research fields of the Professorship of Higher Education. Possible Topics:

  • Innovation through organizational learning
  • Stakeholder representation and characteristics in the boards of universities
  • Promotion of collaboration at German universities: policies and practices
  • Changing governance of universities and implications of this for their performance
  • The implementation of gender policies in German universities
  • Characteristics and challenges of an inclusive professional organization

Academic entrepreneurship

  • Policies of German universities to promote spin off creation in Germany
  • The characteristics of founders of new high tech ventures in Germany
  • Motivations of academic entrepreneurs to patent
  • Gender and entrepreneurship: evidence from patenting activities

Academic profession and managerialism

  • The role of new public management on publication behaviour of academics
  • The role of performance based systems on grant acquisition of academics
  • Gender in academia: what are the gender differences in academic productivity?
  • Challenges of integration of foreign knowledge workers in Germany


Master's theses at the Professorship of Higher Education are accepted according to certain preconditions and according to capacities of scientific staff:

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Successful completion of two seminars of the Professorship of Higher Education
  • Parallel to master’s thesis: Participation in the Research Colloquium of the Professorship

For theses in the Master WiWi as well as the exam regulations (Prüfungsordnung) see: WiWi: Master of Science

master thesis in german

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About DissOnline

The German National Library houses the largest national collection of online dissertations in Europe. We have been collecting online dissertations and theses since 1998. Since then, the collection has grown to more than 284,000 documents (as of November 2020).

Since these activities began under the aegis of DissOnline more than 20 years ago, electronic publishing has become a part of everyday university life. This is due to the close cooperation between universities, their libraries and computer centres, and representatives of academia as well as the long-standing support provided through projects funded by the German Research Foundation ( DFG ).

The DissOnline project was brought to a successful, sustainable conclusion. Stakeholders whose initiative had supported DissOnline then became free to transfer their commitment to other areas. In June 2012, the DissOnline advisory committee therefore decided to integrate the functions and information on the website www.dissonline.de into the German National Library’s services. This is particularly relevant in terms of the deposit of works with the German National Library. The extended metadata format XMetaDissPlus enables all types of publications and documents available in subject-specific and institutional repositories and on university servers to be deposited in just one fully automated transaction.

Deposit information

The DissOnline portal is also integrated into the German National Library's catalogue as a search option. This means that online dissertations are listed as a component of the German National Library’s collection alongside traditional printed dissertations, other online university publications and academic literature. Our catalogue offers a wide variety of search options that are constantly being developed and optimised further. You will find an explanation of all the available search options here:

Guide to searching dissertations and theses in the German National Library’s catalogue (only available in German)

In order to enhance the international visibility of the collection, the metadata for all German online dissertations is continually delivered to DART , the European portal for online dissertations. NDLTD : Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations is committed to the promotion of electronic publishing in the academic sector beyond Europe. The International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) takes place every year.

Statistical information

Online university publications have been collected, catalogued and archived at the German National Library since 1998. The illustration shows how the percentage of online publications has developed over the years since this work began. Here it must be considered that although dissertations are subject to a mandatory publication obligation and an obligation to be placed on deposit with the German National Library, only an approximate impression of doctoral and publication activities in Germany can be given.

As the statistics refer to the year in which the publication was released rather than the year in which it was deposited, it is quite possible that figures may rise in succeeding years. This applies in particular to the most recent full year.

Graphical representation: Proportion of online publications in relation to the total number of dissertations and habilitation by year of publication in the collection of the German National Library

The DissOnline projects

  • 1998–2000 Dissertations Online
  • 2003–2004 Establishment of a coordinating body for online university publications
  • 2005–2007 DissOnline Tutor
  • 2005–2008 Establishment of a portal for online university publications

The intensive cooperation between all partners and sponsors also made it possible to start collecting dissertations and theses on a voluntary basis in 1998, eight years before the amendment to the Law Regarding the German National Library and the provision stipulating the mandatory deposit of online publications.

Last changes: 08.03.2021 Short-URL: https://www.dnb.de/dissonline

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master thesis in german

List of Master´s Theses Topics

Dear students:

At the end of your studies you will have to write a thesis (master's thesis). To help you find a topic, you will find some general suggestions below, which you can modify or specify according to your interests.

  • Sprachkontraste zwischen dem Deutschen und einer oder mehrerer anderer Sprachen: Sprachliche Unterschiede auf allen linguistischen Beschreibungsebenen (Phonetik/Phonologie, Wortschatz, Morphologie und Syntax, Text und Stilistik) und in allen sprachlichen Bereichen (gesprochene oder geschriebene Sprache, Standardsprache, Fachsprachen usw.).
  • Analysen zu (deutschen und anderen) Fachsprachen: Qualitative und quantitative Analysen zu Fachsprachen aus verschiedenen horizontalen Bereichen, vertikalen Ebenen oder Textsorten (ggf. können solche Arbeiten an die Entwicklung und Auswertung eines fachsprachlichen Korpus an der Technischen Universität Berlin angeschlossen werden).
  • Beurteilung und Entwicklung von Lehr‐/Lernmaterialien und ‐konzeptionen: Berücksichtigung von linguistischen, didaktischen, methodischen, politischen oder historischen Gesichtspunkten, darunter auch Fragen der Fachsprachenlinguistik und ‐didaktik, von Gender oder Landeskunde bzw. Inter‐/Transkulturalität.
  • Reflexion von Sprache und Kultur in Kunst und Literatur: Thematisierung von Sprache sowie inter‐ bzw. transkultureller Erfahrungen in Filmen, Dramen, Romanen, Erzählungen, Gedichten, Liedern – Analyse und Interpretation unter systematischen oder historischen Gesichtspunkten (weiterer Teilbereich: Stereotypenforschung).
  • Bedarfs‐ und Motivationsanalysen für Deutschen als (fachliche) Fremdsprache: Qualitative und quantitative Analysen von Materialien und Ordnungen, Fragebogenaktionen bei verschiedenen (sprachlichen oder fachlichen) Gruppen oder Sprachkompetenztests.
  • Geschichte des Deutschen als fremder Sprache: Historische Untersuchungen zur Entstehung und Entwicklung, letztlich auch zur Zukunft von Deutsch als Fremd‐ oder Zweitsprache, ggf. als Tertiärsprache und als fachlicher Fremdsprache – auch im Vergleich zu anderen Fremdsprachen.
  • Erforschung konzeptioneller und methodischer Grundlagen: Diskussion von Grundbegriffen neuer Modellierungen zentraler Konzepte (wie unter anderem Konzepte wie Fremdsprache, Landeskunde, Transkulturalität, Fachkommunikation, Optimierung usw.).
  • Fragen der Landeskunde: Lehr‐ und Lerninhalte, Verhältnis zum Sprachunterricht, Wissen vs. Kompetenz, Inter‐ und Transkulturalität usw. AKTUELL: Sprachliche, berufliche und kulturelle Integration von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden, Unterstützung der heimischen Bevölkerung.
  • Individuelle Lernerfaktoren: Qualitative und quantitative Untersuchungen zum Einfluss und Zusammenspiel verschiedener Lernervariablen wie Motivation, Sprachlerneignung, Alter, Geschlecht, Lernstile und Persönlichkeitsfaktoren auf den Sprachlernerfolg (unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Konstrukte und Operationalisierungen von ‚Lernerfolg‘).
  • Testen          und        Evaluieren:        Zweckorientiertes           Erstellen              und        Bewerten            von        Test‐         und Aufgabenformaten zur Messung fremd‐ und fachsprachlicher Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten (unter Bezug auf den Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen), Varianten (kumulativer) Evaluation von Unterricht, etc.

Feel free to add more ideas to this small list of topics. So please do not hesitate to contact us with more ideas: Please contact the examiners in good time and remember that you have six months to write the master´s thesis after submitting the topic and that it must not exceed 80 pages. Please note that final theses can be handed in at the earliest after half of the processing time. This period begins with the deadline set by the Examinations Office. Early submission dates that deviate from this require a written request from the student stating the reasons and a statement from the first examiner. Early deadlines that differ from this require a written request from the student stating the reasons and an explanation from the primary examiner.

Master’s Theses at Our Chair (a selection)

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Making Your Thesis a Success

For most students, their final research paper is the first major work written during their degree program. It is much more comprehensive and demanding than term or seminar papers they have written during the course of their studies and, therefore, requires more planning.

master thesis in german

Formalities: What regulations apply to the thesis?

Here, you will find information on the regulations governing the writing and submission of your thesis.  Formalities Please take note: These specifications apply for bachelor’s and master’s theses. You can find the regulations applying to the diploma thesis in the §§ of the ADPO (General Academic and Examination Regulations) and the FPSO (Departmental Study and Examination Regulations) of your degree program.

Tips and Tricks

Here, you will find some tips, literature and links we have compiled to help you succeed in writing your thesis. Tips and Tricks

Please note: The recently issued prohibition on the use of special characters in connection with gender-sensitive language in Bavarian schools, universities and authorities relates exclusively to the official tasks of the institutions themselves ; the prohibition does not extend to personal speech, documents, texts, and communication in study and teaching . 

Students are free to decide whether and in what form they want to use gender-sensitive language. The use or non-use of gender-sensitive language has no influence on the assessment of examinations, seminar papers, or theses .

English Writing Center and Schreibberatung German as a Foreign Language

The English Writing Center and the Schreibberatung German as a Foreign Language offer free one-to-one consulting in English or German writing to all members of the TUM community. The Center is staffed by both professional language instructors and student peer tutors, all of whom are native English or German speakers. They help you develop long-term proficiency in English or German writing, while polishing your actual texts in the process.

Having trouble choosing a topic for your bachelor’s or master’s thesis? Our Themenbörse posts current thesis topics from across the spectrum of TUM’s academic departments.

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Monday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tuesday, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Student Information only) Wednesday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.


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Master thesis in Germany Writing your master thesis at a company: joining the team as a specialist

Companies have long since recognised the potential of Master's graduates. A growing number of companies are offering students the opportunity to put their specialist knowledge to practical use already before completing their studies - by writing their Master thesis at a company.

Teamwork - Metaphor: Master thesis in Germany

Take an application-oriented approach to work

The supervision and topic for the master thesis must be right, feedback loops and deadline extensions, kick-start your career with a master thesis.

For many, the greatest motivation for pursuing a Master's degree is personal development and enhancement of the future career opportunities. The opportunity to develop one's own specialist interests and become an expert also plays a major role. The specialist knowledge students acquire during the Master's degree course is attractive to many companies. According to the "JobTrends 2013" survey conducted by the Staufenbiel Institute, a Master's degree is the most popular qualification for 90 per cent of German companies. This is the reason why many companies advertise topics for Master's theses. 

This option for the final thesis is also advantageous to students: "If you want to do something with a practical application, writing your Master thesis at a company is ideal," says Arno Zimmermann, who is studying industrial engineering at the Technische Universität Berlin. While completing a practical at Bayer in China during his Master's course, he learned of an interesting company project that would make an excellent topic for the Master thesis. "It involves the further development of company technology to convert CO2 into plastic," the 26-year-old explains. "An extremely fascinating and innovative topic." Having written a very theory-based Bachelor thesis at university, the challenge of a Master thesis with a strong practical orientation appealed. "Something always emerges at the end that has an impact on the company, and this is extremely satisfying." The high practical orientation and results-oriented cooperation within a team are a major incentive for many students to spend the six-month Master thesis phase at a company. 

"I spent a solid three months in the library when I wrote my Bachelor thesis, and I definitely didn't want to repeat this experience," Ralf Knudsen explains. The 27-year-old resolved to go abroad after completing his Bachelor's degree in business administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. He signed up for a Master's degree course at the Copenhagen Business School specialising in accounting, and gained practical experience as a working student and during practical work at a company. He decided also to write his Master thesis at a company. For Knudsen, an important advantage of completing the Master thesis phase at a company was that "later on, there is rarely the opportunity to consider a problem affecting everyday work from a theoretical perspective". He decided on the precious metals and technology company Heraeus that he came upon in a list of so-called "Hidden Champions". These particularly successful companies are often still unknown despite their success. 

Despite being offered the opportunity to cover easier topics at two other companies, Knudsen decided for what he believed to be the most challenging option. "I felt that I would receive the most support at Heraeus." Besides the good expert supervision, Knudsen also receives commensurate remuneration from the company during the Master thesis phase. Zimmermann, who is also able to cover his living costs with his company pay, knows to appreciate the financing. The going is tough for those without any financial support wishing to work on their thesis full-time. However, the most important factors should be an enthusiasm for the topic and a desire to enhance one's appeal to the work market as an expert. Zimmermann also firmly believes that students should not make any major compromises when it comes to the topic for their Master thesis. "If the topic does not knock your socks off, then it won't be any fun to write about - regardless of whether you do so at a company or at university." The industrial engineer also highlights the importance of a structured, concentrated approach for not dissipating one's energies. Even those who make very high demands of themselves should remember that they do not need to re-invent the wheel. 

A whole semester is scheduled for the Master thesis. To ensure students do not lose sight of their goal during these six months, they should ensure they always keep the rules of play in mind. "There are three parties involved: the professor, the student and the supervisor at the company. The overlap between their mutual interests must be reviewed," Zimmermann describes the special challenge of writing a Master thesis at a company. "Feedback loops are therefore unbelievably important. While regular contact can be demanding, it is essential to make good progress." This is particularly the case if problems should arise with the topic chosen. "The topic should be defined narrowly as quickly as possible," Knudsen advises students who still have their Master thesis before them. The breadth of his chosen topic, the cooperation within the company and the need to complete a final few university courses meant he took a total of seven and a half months to complete his Master thesis. Luckily, this was not a problem for his professors in Copenhagen; in Germany, the deadlines are a lot stricter though. Structuring the topic well and starting to write early on is essential to meeting deadlines. 

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Knudsen joined the two-year trainee programme "Finance & Controlling" at Heraeus in February 2013. "We have a great deal of freedom and are able to decide on the individual stations," praises the 27-year-old, who was able to spend several months with the company in the USA. What's more, when the two years are completed, the prospects of a permanent position are good. Zimmermann, who has just submitted his Master thesis, is already planning his next big step: he wants to write a doctoral thesis within the same project. The framework for his collaboration within the EU-funded project has already been defined. Although the Master thesis phase left Zimmermann's and Knudsen's heads spinning, the writing process stalled and the despair was great, both would definitely choose to write their Master thesis at a company again. For the exciting opportunities this opened up to them were so very great. 

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Lecturer (m/f/d) in Mechanical Engineering with a Focus on Product Design - Hochschule Rhein-Waal - Logo

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How To Write A Bachelor/Master Thesis [2024]

Student schreibt Bachelor Arbeit

It's that time of year again when students are wrapping up their final semester and beginning to write their dissertation. In Germany, students must adhere to some particular formatting standards while writing their Bachelor's or Master's thesis. 

The dissertation is a crucial component of all German higher education programs. Students may use it to demonstrate their understanding and abilities in a given field of study. The thesis also plays a crucial role in helping students develop critical thinking and research skills. They are a valuable preparation for future career opportunities.

In this article, we'll go through everything you must do to write a successful thesis. We will also provide tips and tricks to stay organized and on track throughout the process!

Thesis writing process

Bachelor’s thesis vs. Master’s thesis

A Bachelor's and a Master's thesis are two types of academic papers. A Bachelor's thesis is usually shorter and is meant to show that the student has learned the basics of the subject. In contrast, a Master's thesis is more extended and more in-depth. It should serve as evidence that the student has mastered their chosen subject.

How to format your Bachelor's or Master's thesis in Germany

The following are some of the most critical format requirements in any thesis:

Note:  Depending on the university and the "style" of the student's thesis, the formatting requirements might vary (e.g., Harvard or APA). Be sure to check with your supervisor or department for specific guidelines.

  • Margins:  Your thesis must have 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Spacing:  The text must be double-spaced.
  • Fonts:  Subtitles must be in a 14-point typeface. The text's main body should be in 12-point font, subheadings in a 14-point typeface, and title headings in a 16-point typeface.
  • Length:  A Bachelor's thesis should be around 60 pages, while a Master's thesis should be about 80 pages.
  • Language:  Your thesis must be written in German or English, depending on your program.

Let's take a look at each thesis component, starting with the Title page. The following are the required sections for both Bachelor's and Master's thesis.

Title page 

The title page of your thesis must include the following information:

  • The title of your thesis
  • The name of your supervisor
  • The name of your program

The abstract is a summary of your thesis. It should be a maximum of one page long and include the following information:

  • Your research questions

Table of contents

The table of contents must list all of the sections and subsections of your thesis.

  • List of figures:   The figures must include all the figures used in your thesis.
  • List of tables:   The list of tables must consist of all of the tables used in your thesis.


The introduction should explain the context of your research and the problem you are trying to solve. A Bachelor's thesis should be around three pages, while a Master's thesis should be about five pages .

Literature review

The literature review critically analyzes the existing research on your topic. The literature review is an essential part of any research paper.

It helps you situate your research within the context of existing scholarship and allows you to critically evaluate the existing research on your topic. It is essential to be as critical as possible when reviewing the literature.  It would be best if you addressed questions such as:

  • What are the limitations of the existing research?
  • What gaps does the current research leave open?
  • How can my research contribute to the current body of scholarship?


The methodology section explains the research methods you used to collect data for your thesis. This information is crucial because it allows the reader to understand how you gathered your data and what conclusions you drew from it. It is also essential to be transparent when describing your research methods so the reader can evaluate them critically.

Results & Discussion

Result and discussion : The results section presents the data you collected during your research. The discussion section is where you interpret the data and discuss the implications of your findings.

The conclusion summarizes your findings and their implications for practice or future research. A Bachelor's thesis should be around three pages, while a Master's thesis should be about five pages.


The references section lists the sources you used in your thesis. It is essential to list all of the sources you used, even if you did not cite them directly in the text.

The appendices include any additional material relevant to your thesis but do not fit within the main body of the text. This part might consist of data sets, survey instruments, or detailed descriptions of research methods.

Tips and tricks for writing a successful Bachelor's or Master's thesis

Choose a topic you are passionate about : This factor will make writing your thesis much easier, as you already have some knowledge about the subject. Passion will also help you stay motivated throughout the writing process!

Do your research : Make sure to do a thorough literature review to be familiar with the existing research on your topic. This step will also help you develop new and original ideas for your thesis.

Create an outline : Once you have done your research, create an outline of your thesis to know what topics you will cover and in what order. It will help you stay organized and on track.

Start early and give yourself enough time : This will allow you to avoid unnecessary stress.

Create a schedule and stick to it:  This step will help you stay on track and make steady progress.

Take breaks and reward yourself : Breaks are essential to avoid burnout. Make sure to schedule some breaks and reward yourself for completing tasks! It will help you stay motivated.

Get feedback from your supervisor:  It is vital to get regular feedback throughout the process. It will ensure that you are on the right track.

Ask for help when you need it:  Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are many resources available to help you with the writing process.

These are the general guidelines for writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, checking with your supervisor and program for specific requirements is essential. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, these tips and tricks will help you write a successful dissertation!

Happy writing!

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Master's Thesis Research

Germanic languages and literatures 580.

master thesis in german


You learn from us – we learn from you. The BMW Group offers you professional support in writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis with practical relevance. In all areas of the BMW Group, you can show how you would like to shape the future in a sustainable way.

Two students having a meeting.


Are you an enrolled student at a university and would like to write your thesis with a high level of practical relevance and delve deeply into a specific field of research? Start as a Bachelor or Master student. General conditions.

  • The paid contract period for your final thesis depends on the processing time specified in the examination regulations of your university and the corresponding degree programme (Bachelor's or Master's).
  • You do not have any prescribed working hours during the contract period. Your work serves the purpose of writing your thesis. Therefore, you can plan your working hours individually in consultation with your department.
  • After completion, you are required to provide the BMW Group with a copy of your thesis.


What awaits you as a bachelor's or master's student..

 Welcome Sign


At the beginning of your assignment, you will be welcomed by an online welcome event. Here you will receive all important information and content about your assignment as well as exciting and current insights into future topics of the company. 

Five students standing in the center of the image.


NAWI is a student-founded initiative of the BMW Group. NAWI offers exchange and networking opportunities and organises exciting events at our various German locations. This way, you can network right from the start.

A girl standing and holding a folder in the middle of the image.


We place special emphasis on your professional and personal development. Therefore, you have the opportunity to take responsibility for your own exciting projects during your assignment. 

Two women talking in front of a laptop.

During your thesis at the BMW Group, you will be assigned a permanent supervisor. This person will help you with all your questions right from the start, give you regular feedback and support you in a strength-oriented manner.

Students watching a lecture.


In order to know early on how you can continue with us after your thesis, we regularly offer presentations on our entry-level programmes. Current participants in our different talent programmes will inform you about the programmes and answer your questions.

A woman receiving feedback and smiling.


It is very important for us to receive regular feedback from you, as this is the only way we can improve and offer optimal opportunities. You will also receive feedback from your supervisor to support your professional and personal development.

What students can look forward to.


Three interns walking around together.


Experiences of our bachelor and master students..

The master student Theresa.

Discover more.

A group of students attending an event.


Three students at BMW Group having a conversation.

Entry and Scholarship Programmes.

The photo shows two students talking with a BMW employee.

Internship Opportunities for Students.


  1. how to write master thesis in germany

    master thesis in german

  2. Master Thesis by Dimitrios Settos (German)

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  3. Master Thesis by Dimitrios Settos (German)

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  4. Rules, procedure, tips to apply for jobs, internships, master thesis in

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  5. Collegiate Thesis Paper with Quotes (German) • iWorkCommunity

    master thesis in german


    master thesis in german


  1. Doing a PhD in Germany

  2. Master's thesis Vs A PhD dissertation...what is the difference?

  3. Chapter 27, Part VII, Nazi Fascism

  4. I want to do a PhD in Germany after MS?

  5. Neon Genesis Evangelion

  6. The initial step to start with the master's process in Germany


  1. PDF Guideline for the Master Thesis

    Master thesis The final outcome of your master project is the master thesis. The report language is English or German. The extent of a master thesis is strongly dependent on the topic. As a rule of thumb, the text body of a master thesis (from the Introduction to the Conclu-sions) has to be between 60-100 pages.

  2. Guidelines for Masters Theses

    German as a Foreign Language and Language for Specific Purposes; Studying & Teaching; Final Theses; ... There are very few formal requirements when writing your master's thesis. We have put together the most important of these as well as additional helpful information in our guidelines for master's theses.

  3. Theses

    For this purpose, dissertations can be published electronically or in paper form with ISBN. More information can be found in the section Publishing Doctoral Theses. Dissertations in paper form are archived by the University Library. You can search and borrow them via the TUM Online Catalog (OPAC). In doing so, you can limit your search to ...

  4. Master's Thesis in Germany

    Master's Thesis in Germany. Master's students from the GUC can receive a scholarship for a six-month study stay at a German higher education institution. Only Teaching Assistants who are in the final phase of their Master's studies and would like to complete their Master's thesis in Germany can apply for funding. As of April 2023, the funding ...

  5. Final Theses

    Declaration that the thesis contains a declaration of independence according to § 60 Abs. 8 AllgStuPO. If the thesis is written in a foreign language that is not the language of examination according to the study and examination regulations: Declaration that the thesis contains a German summary.

  6. Guidelines for writing a master's thesis

    Process of a master's thesis. Discuss a possible topic with Prof. Liudvika Leišytė. Write a 2-page proposal (incl. title, table of contents and timeline of the thesis). Get approval for this by Prof. Leišytė. Prof. Leišytė will write a letter to the Central Examinations Office to declare that she will be your supervisor.

  7. DNB

    The German National Library houses the largest national collection of online dissertations in Europe. We have been collecting online dissertations and theses since 1998. Since then, the collection has grown to more than 284,000 documents (as of November 2020). Since these activities began under the aegis of DissOnline more than 20 years ago ...

  8. Topics for Master's Theses

    List of Master´s Theses Topics. Dear students: At the end of your studies you will have to write a thesis (master's thesis). To help you find a topic, you will find some general suggestions below, which you can modify or specify according to your interests. Sprachkontraste zwischen dem Deutschen und einer oder mehrerer anderer Sprachen ...

  9. PDF Guidelines Theses & Term papers

    Theses & Term papers. 1. General information. In general, theses should be written in English. German might be possible if the supervisor agrees in advance. Three printed copies, one electronic copy (as a pdf-file saved on a USB-stick), the database from the reference manager of your choice (Citavi licenses are provided by the University), and ...

  10. PDF Master Thesis Guideline

    Master Thesis Guideline Guidelines for curricula design, organization and implementation Office: H 69 Straße des 17. Juni 10623 Berlin Tel. (030) 314 - 23214 Fax: (030) 314 - 25582 Internet: www.er.tu-berlin.de Email: [email protected] Date: 2020-11-12.

  11. PDF Guideline for writing your Master thesis

    4 pages long) and estimate the size of your thesis. After you have an agreed upon proposal, writing your thesis will look like " fill-in the blanks ". In your proposal you should show what is known about the topic, how your work fits and what new contribution you intend to make. Introduce the question (and sub-questions) you

  12. Theses

    Here, you will find information on the regulations governing the writing and submission of your thesis. Formalities. Please take note: These specifications apply for bachelor's and master's theses. You can find the regulations applying to the diploma thesis in the §§ of the ADPO (General Academic and Examination Regulations) and the FPSO ...

  13. Writing a master thesis at a company: joining the team as a specialist

    Having written a very theory-based Bachelor thesis at university, the challenge of a Master thesis with a strong practical orientation appealed. "Something always emerges at the end that has an impact on the company, and this is extremely satisfying." The high practical orientation and results-oriented cooperation within a team are a major ...

  14. Thesis Topics for Master Students

    Rhetorical questions (RQs) may be signaled by lexical or syntactic cues and/or by prosody. Regarding the prosodic marking of RQs, previous research on German has shown that tonal targets are aligned later in rhetorical wh-questions than in neutral wh-questions.Swiss German is an interesting test case for the marking of RQs as tonal alignment seems to occur later in Swiss German than in ...

  15. How To Write A Bachelor/Master Thesis [2024]

    The text's main body should be in 12-point font, subheadings in a 14-point typeface, and title headings in a 16-point typeface. Length: A Bachelor's thesis should be around 60 pages, while a Master's thesis should be about 80 pages. Language: Your thesis must be written in German or English, depending on your program.

  16. Master's Thesis Research

    Master's Thesis Research . INSTRUCTOR: Williams TBA | TBA . View Course Listing - FL2022 View Course Listing - SP2022 View Course Listing - SP2023 View Course Listing - FL2023 ... German [email protected]. Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website 1 Brookings Drive / St. Louis, MO 63130 / wustl.edu ...

  17. 210 master thesis Jobs in Germany, April 2024

    Apr 23, 2024. Current Material Planner in Plano, TX, Texas. The PTO is a great perk. Can purchase stocks as well. Mar 22, 2024. Current Site Planning Manager in Mobile, AL, Alabama. Great Benefit package provided to employees. Search Master thesis jobs in Germany with company ratings & salaries. 210 open jobs for Master thesis in Germany.

  18. PDF Master Thesis Florian Klein

    Master's Thesis . Florian Klein . Koblenzer Str. 1 - 56826 Lutzerath . [email protected] . Bonn, 25th of August 2013 . in cooperation with . German Aerospace Center . Simulation and Software Technology . Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Institute of Computer Science III Professor Dr. Armin B. Cremers

  19. Final Thesis

    During my final thesis, I really appreciated my freedom and independence. I was really allowed to take on a lot of responsibility right from the start. Sometimes it was a jump in at the deep end, but I was able to learn a lot from it. Theresa. Master Student Gamification. The BMW Group is a huge corporation, but the working atmosphere in my ...

  20. PDF Master's Thesis

    Master of Education Research on Teaching and Learning Master's Thesis Post-Graduation Career Experiences - A Questionnaire Study of the Master Program 'Research on Teaching and Learning (M.Ed)' Author: Obehi Itua Supervisor: PD. Dr. Jutta Möhringer Advisor: PD. Dr. Jutta Möhringer Submission date: 24.03.2020

  21. master thesis

    Ein viertägiges Einführungsprogramm, in dem Sie lernen sich mit dem multikulturellen Teammanagement auseinaderzusetzen, sich auf die Erstellung Ihrer Master Thesis vorbereiten und den Umgang mit den IT Tools erlernen, die Sie für die Fernkurse und die Kurse vor Ort benötigen. housing.justlanded.ch. housing.justlanded.ch.

  22. 1,000+ Master Thesis jobs in Germany (45 new)

    Berlin, Germany. Be an early applicant. 1 month ago. Today's top 1,000+ Master Thesis jobs in Germany. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Master Thesis jobs added daily.

  23. Question regarding potential master thesis fail in Germany

    You fail if you write complete bullshit. If it is only one part of the thesis that's messed up, you should at least get a passing grade. The only hard „no goes" are falsified contents (data embellishing etc) and plagiarism. In Germany you can ask for a „4.0-Bescheinigung" relatively early after handing it in.