1. (a) Visualization of the Big Two dimensions in a face from the Radboud

    thesis database radboud

  2. (PDF) Presentation and validation of the Radboud Face Database

    thesis database radboud

  3. (PDF) A Radboud Faces Database como ferramenta para o estudo do

    thesis database radboud

  4. (PDF) Validating the Radboud faces database from a child’s perspective

    thesis database radboud

  5. Examples from the Radboud Faces Database. (a) Examples for the eight

    thesis database radboud

  6. (PDF) Cross-cultural emotion recognition and evaluation of Radboud

    thesis database radboud


  1. Thesis Database: How to access full text thesis ?

  2. PhD Defense Manunggal Wardaya: The Prospect of The Settlement of the 1965-1966 Events in Indonesia

  3. Trauma Radboud (09-02-2008)

  4. 12 Thesis Database

  5. Radboud Spoed (15-05-2010)

  6. Vruchtwaterpunctie UMC St Radboud