20 LinkedIn Case Studies and Examples for Professionals

1. Frank Coletta, CEO at Mobile Advanced Care in Brazil, uses LinkedIn to research professionals before meeting with them. He finds that he uncovers important insights that he would have otherwise not known.

2. James Filbird in China gets 75% of his business from LinkedIn. He has found that the quality of information, people and tools available on LinkedIn surpass all other social networking sites in terms of business. He is the owner of JMF International Trade Group in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

3. Evan stumbled upon his dream job on LinkedIn. For fun he did a random search for “Advertising Sales Director”. A position at TravelZoo was advertised and  applying, interviewing and receiving the job, Evan was able to get back into an industry he loves mainly due to his LinkedIn profile.

4.After reading about an interesting company in a magazine, Liz Manning searched LinkedIn and found one of the company’s founders and sent him an InMail. At the time the company had no openings. About two months later, Liz saw an ad on Craigslist for an opening and the LinkedIn toolbar indicated that she was a 2nd degree link to the co-founder. She sent the con-founder another InMail, mentioning their common connection and within a day she had an interview and landed the job.

5. Steve Weinstein is the Manager of Marketing Communications at Cooper Power Systems. He landed this job because a recruiter from his current employer found him on LinkedIn. Steve interviewed and got the job due to LinkedIn. You never know who’s looking at your profile.

6. Chuck had recently relocated his family to North Carolina from California. In order to reach out to marketing professionals in his area he started using LinkedIn. He made a connection with the chief executive of iContact, an e-mail software company where Chuck is currently the corporate communications director.

7.Linked Group makes a difference for children in Bangalore, South India. An employee from Ernst & Young had visited a poverty stricken school in Bangalore and decided she wanted to do something to help. A LinkedIn group was created to foster a discussion on how to help. One member suggested creating a “Wish List” on Amazon. Members of the LinkedIn group then proceeded to buy books for the children.

8. David T. Stevens lost his job at a radio station and instead of wallowing he immediately went to LinkedIn. He changed his status to “I’m up for grabs, who wants me?” Awfully bold but it grabbed the attention of his connections. He was referred to the Chamber of Commerce Mountain View and within a week he had the job of chambers events and programs manager. His bio on LinkedIn also shows that he is a LinkedIn approved trainer so he not only offers a success story but you can learn upon visiting his profile.

9. Irish Software start up company Goshido used only LinkedIn to raise 230,000 dollars in eight days. They sent out 700 messages to potential investors, and garnered over 200 responses in a week. As found on LinkedIn Success Stories Frank Hannigan, Chairman for Goshido said, “Attracting investment is all about trust, LinkedIn is the largest collection of trust agents on the planet. We reduced the cost and time involved in fundraising 75% by using LinkedIn as our funding vehicle.” Did I mention it was all done on LinkedIn?

10. LinkedIn Polls help members gather information. Of course. Are they worth it? Yes. LinkedIn member, Linda Chell Rooney used to Polls application to gather ideas for a tele-seminar series on issues pertaining to home construction and real estate. In less than a month, she received 100 responses and was able to promote her seminars gaining nearly 60 participants.

11. Buddy Media

Jeff Ragovin , VP of Sales and Business Development at Buddy Media, uses LinkedIn to reach out to clients. He has found success with quality not quantity. Although his company net worth is in the millions, he uses LinkedIn to find the right people to offer company proposals to. He would request invitations based on common connections to ensure a personal connection versus a simple cold call.

12. Hans Notenboom

Hans Notenboom, Phillips’ Global Director of Online, uses LinkedIn as a platform to engage with their audience in the healthcare sector in innovative new ways. They use LinkedIn to bring thousands of conversations surrounding healthcare onto one platform.  There are over five million healthcare professionals on Linkedin from all over the world can share insights and experiences in an environment where Phillips’ can facilitate without being obtrusive. This way the information stays focused and delivers to the desired audience. They wanted to create an environment on LinkedIn that would be useful for members. They are still in their early stages but have seen a great level of engagement. They created an  “Innovations in Health” LinkedIn group , to move engagement off the website. Although it’s still early they have seen a great level of engagement among the group’s 11,000 plus members.

13. M ike Mcsharry

He is the Managing Director at Systems and Education Ltd and he found his best man on LinkedIn. He had lost touch with the best man in his wedding over 25 years ago. When planning a twenty-fifth anniversary for his wife he decided to join LinkedIn to aid in a web search. A few days after joining the network a mutual friend re-connected the two on LinkedIn.

14. Marc Rousseau

Marc Rouseau, Web Communications and Social Media Consultant is located in Cambodia, where LinkedIn and other social networks are M.I.A. He’s using LinkedIn to created introductory training courses for entrepreneurs and businesses. They have brought them closer to realizing that social media creates more opportunities for international business. In addition, he teaches them how LinkedIn is pivotal in expanding networking opportunities. He also uses apps like ‘Box’ and blog integration, to share information and/or campaigns.

15. Ricky Potts

Ricky Potts is a busy man. He is an owner of Open Book Design, Content Specialist IMAVEx and is the special coordinator and staff writer at IndyConcerts.com. He has found success using LinkedIn by networking. He also tracks the book he has read and still wants to read. LinkedIn allows him to show his blog and put his entire “online” resume on one platform. With over 300 hundred connections Ricky has found success while using LinkedIn.

16. The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel recently closed a deal to acquire sites Lakerentals.com and Coastrentals.com . How?

They were contacted by the people behind Lake Rentals and Coast Rentals via Inmail on LinkedIn. The opportunity was made aware by having the profile visible on LinkedIn. The tag-line “LinkedIn makes professional connections visible” rings true. It makes companies visible thus creating unforeseen opportunities.

17.Daniel Tunkelang

Daniel Tunkelang , Chief Scientist at Endeca found success on LinkedIn with the search feature. He helped organize and call people who had a strong interest in the topics for the event. After conducting a search on LinkedIn he chose 100 people to send a personalized connection request. He found more than 50% of those people accepted the connection. In addition, he found that some of these connections submitted papers to the workshop, one volunteered to review the book he had been working on and others expressed their thankfulness in finding a connection based on their targeted interests.

18. Schawk!

Schawk is a company with thousands of employees located in Des Plaines, IL. It found success by using LinkedIn Recruiter to fill a variety of positions. Schawk decided to use LinkedIn to create a stronger online presence and built a Schawk Career Page. The page is used in conjunction with their LinkedIn group. It has helped build a talent pool so when an opening occurs they have qualified talent lined up.  The combination of LinkedIn Recruiter, our Career Page and LinkedIn Group had a significant impact on their hiring efforts. They’ve saved $200K on searches, which were all done in a time-efficient way.

19. Stan Relihan

Stan interviewed on Cameron Reilly’s ‘G’Day World’ show on Podcast Network, on the subject of ‘Using LinkedIn as a Business Tool’. During the interview he was given a challenge: use the LinkedIn Netwrok  to find the most impressive Celebrity Guest to appear on his show. As a result, he found Vint Cerf, (co-inventor of the Internet & Chief Internet Evangelist at Google) to appear as a guest. Due to making connections and others willingness to introduce connection Stan now has his own weekly Podcast show. Without LinkedIn, none of this would have happened.

20. Ismael Ghalimi

Ismael has an interesting story on how he found success on LinkedIn. He was getting married with guest flying in from all around the world. Since he frequently used United he recommended his guests do the same. Unfortunately, the flight the guests needed had been over-booked. United had sent a piece of mail notifying them that their flight reservation had been moved. However, this change would make his guests miss the connecting flight and therefore miss the wedding. Instead of getting angry he went to LinkedIn. He typed in “United” in the search field, narrowed down the search to locate the general manager for United Air Lines France (where his guests were visiting from). He used an Introduction through a connection and got in touch with the manger to explain the situation in a cordial email exchange. What came from this email conversation was all reservations being moved back to the direct flight, offered free return tickets to Paris, a personal email to inform Ismael that the flight had a 15 minute delay and had Champagne waiting for the guests upon arrival. LinkedIn can do more than find you a job, it connects you to right people at the right time.


really useful and inspiring post, thank you 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Gabriela Aguirre

thanks, it is really interesting and gave me a lot of ideas, i'm new on linkedin


This is excellent: I've been a LinkedIn fan for years now but seeing the case studies is great!

Ivana Taylor

This is a terrific summary of specific and measurable examples of people using LinkedIn in both usual and unusual ways.

Rick Itzkowich

As someone who is evangelizing the powers of LinkedIn, this post is phenomenal. If fact, I recently posted a question on LinkedIn looking for case studies such as this one to add to my own. Ask and you shall receive!

To add to your list, you can include one of my own personal success stories. Earlier this year I was contacted by someone who had heard of me through BNI – Business Network International. BNI is the largest face-to-face networking organization in the world. This person said that one of his BNI members in Dubai was organizing a Social Media conference and he needed a LinkedIn expert. He submitted my name to the organizer as one potential speaker. I was one of three candidates for this gig. After the organizer reviewed my profile and saw my recommendations, he decided to hire me without even interviewing anyone else. By the way, I just returned from a 2nd trip there where I did a significant amount of additional business. This would have never happened without LinkedIn

Networking in the 21st Century requires that people combine both online and offline channels. LinkedIn is the best online channel for this

Amen Rick. Amen!

Rohan Dutta

Really good post. Thank You! Go LinkedIn…

LinkedIn 20 Estudos de Casos e Exemplos para Profissionais | Blog do LUCS

[…] […]

Brilliant Kyle, thanks for putting this together – I am regularly asked for stories like this and now I have a place to point people to 🙂


Thank You For This Post,it's useful and was added to my bookmarks.

After clicking the link for what I hoped what Evan's LI profile, it redirected to an about.com page… and I then saw your next three examples were essentially paraphrased from the about.com article. This begs the question how original anything of the above is, or if you merely rewrite existing copy from elsewhere.

It was more of a mashup of different case studies than an actually "investigative report."

Very nice. I've started using LinkedIn as a career management tool recently and these case studies are definitely motivating!

Social Media Marketing HQ | Learn Social Media From the Industry's Brightest Minds » Link Love Monthly: Best of November 2010 [experimental]

[…] 20 LinkedIn Case Studies and Examples for Professionals (Kyle Lacy) […]

Kyle Lacy is Brilliant. LinkedIn Case Studies.

[…] 20 LinkedIn Case Studies and Examples for Profesionals […]

Wow that is amazing list and inspirational thanks for sharing

Logo Design

BTW, I have red all of them and will check their profile

The Personal Branding Experience that is LinkedIn

[…] are dozens of tools and actions you can take to be visible and accessible for your audience. The success stories are growing – if you’ve been reading this blog, you know my own.So, since LinkedIn is […]

A varied list of examples, but from this should I assume as a professional woman Linked In won't work for me? (All your examples are male or company based.)

Hey Philippa – I would not base any of the stories off of gender. Think of them as business professionals. I have known it work for both male and female.

Paul Tomkies

This is a great article. Just proves how powerful and valluable networking really is, whether it be for professional or personal business. If only more people followed Evan's lead in Example 3, as it really does work for so many jobseekers I work with.

Paul Tomkies Director

Massive CVs Official – http://www.massivecvs.info LinkedIn – http://uk.linkedin.com/in/paultomkies Twitter – http://twitter.com/#!/massivecvs Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/groups/massivecvs/

California Kid

Thanks for the mention in your article Kyle. (I'm the #2 Case Study) LinkedIn is the best online tool for doing business and gaining new business as well. Keep up the good work in sharing your marketing and branding genius to the masses. – James Filbird

50 social media case studies and reports that are well worth reading

[…] I Was Wrong About LinkedIn (with 2 Mini Case Studies) 20 LinkedIn Case Studies and Examples for Professionals Using Linkedin for lead generation Small Business “Success Studies” Using LinkedIn This […]

Recruiting Employees Using LinkedIn – Example 1 « Social Media Unleashed

[…]                                                : http://kylelacy.com/20-linkedin-case-studies-and-examples-for-professionals/ Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. Tags: Group 3, Recruiting […]

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Good post, useful information. Thanks for sharing.

50 Social Media Case Studies Worth Bookmarking | Online Marketing Made Easy in Arizona

[…] I Was Wrong About LinkedIn (with 2 Mini Case Studies) 20 LinkedIn Case Studies and Examples for Professionals Using Linkedin for lead generation Small Business “Success Studies” Using LinkedIn This was a […]

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LinkedIn Case Study: How Thoughtworks Used LinkedIn to Promote its Content Efforts [Infographic]

LinkedIn has seen a steady increase in content engagement over the past few years, and with that, it's also sought to lean into evolving user behaviors by adding new options like improved Lead Gen ads and content analytics , designed to provide more insight into key trends and shifts, and help marketers make the most of their on-platform efforts.

And those tools can have a big impact, as reflected in this case study , which LinkedIn has outlined in a new infographic.

As explained by LinkedIn : 

"Thoughtworks launched Perspectives , a digital publication designed to deliver practical, actionable advice to senior executives. In order to build its readership and subscriber base, the company needed to find a way to stand out in an already cluttered content landscape."

The case study provides some interesting insights into how you can use LinkedIn's various tools to promote your content, and boost awareness in the app. And while this example has been hand-picked by LinkedIn, the points are still worth noting, and considering in your own approach.

Check out the infographic below. 

Thoughtworks case study

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9 LinkedIn Ad Case Studies That Marketers Can Learn From

Kayla Carmicheal

Updated: July 01, 2020

Published: June 29, 2020

When you think about social media marketing, what's the first platform that comes to mind? For many marketers, it's probably Facebook or Instagram. But if I were to pick one, I'd go with LinkedIn.

linkedin ad case studies: image shows people sitting at a table discussing with a linkedin icon nearby

Why? Well, first, LinkedIn is an amazing platform to use for brand awareness. Their Business Solutions offer a variety of ad types, like photo or video. Ads are visible to the platform's 630 million users , and the unique optimization tools, like audience targeting, ensure Ads reach qualified leads.

Second, LinkedIn's Business Solutions are expansive . There's a lot of opportunity for ad customization and budgeting — which is helpful if you’re not quite sure which ad is right for your strategy.

Download Now: How to Run LinkedIn Ads

That's where my third reason for loving LinkedIn comes in: case studies.

Case studies often explain the thinking, process, and analysis behind how a team or business uses a product or solution. Marketing case studies usually focus on specific verticals, industries, or solutions.

Want to learn more about LinkedIn Ads ? Their case studies are a good place to start. Let’s walk through a few.

LinkedIn Ads Case Studies

These case studies will dive into every ad type LinkedIn has to offer and what those corresponding campaigns look like. LinkedIn offers four ad types: Dynamic, Sponsored, Text, and Message.

Dynamic Ads change based on the interests of LinkedIn members. They come in four formats and offer the most opportunity for personalization. Use this ad type, if you want to create highly stylized Ads for your campaign.

While Dynamic Ads can be shown in a variety of places on LinkedIn, Sponsored Ads are shown only in the main feed. They're similar to other channels in which ads blend into a user's main screen.

Text and Message Ads live on users’ main screens too — just in less obvious places. A Text Ad shows up in a member's right column, where other promoted content lives, while Message Ads are sent directly to inboxes.

Let’s look at a few companies that are at all levels of LinkedIn advertising expertise as well as companies with a variety of budgets.

Are you ready to see them in action?

LinkedIn Dynamic Ads Case Studies

Dynamic Ads use data about LinkedIn member interests to show them personalized Ads. The content of the ad, like copy or photos, changes based on that data. LinkedIn members can configure what's collected by LinkedIn to personalize the Dynamic Ad experience from the main feed.

LinkedIn's Dynamic Ads come in four formats:

LinkedIn Dynamic Ads

It's likely that you've come across one of these ads on LinkedIn before. With so many versions, it's almost impossible not to see a job ad to your right, or a spotlight ad in the middle of the homepage.

If you've always wondered if those ads were successful, here are a few examples.

1. NerdWallet's Follower Ads

Finding top technology talent isn't an easy task — with so many qualified applicants, and even more competition, Companies like NerdWallet , which gives customers personalized financial advice, need help finding prospects.

In 2019, NerdWallet used LinkedIn Pages as a recruiting tool. LinkedIn's emphasis on professional content makes Pages the perfect place for them to promote its company culture.

Follower Ads about the company's self-proclaimed "nerdy" company culture would bring interested LinkedIn members to their Careers Page, where jobs are posted.

Example of NerdWallet's LinkedIn Dynamic Ad

Image Source

“We're building recognition of our company and talent brand among industry peers. Through LinkedIn, we've even been able to reach VP-level members. That's not easy to do anywhere else," says Vivian Chen of NerdWallet's Brand Marketing team.

Results: NerdWallet's most popular posts usually center around company culture. One of NerdWallet's communication managers notes that employee-centric posts provide a genuine depiction of working there. Visible representatives can recruit those who can see themselves joining a team like NerdWallet's.

Takeaways: LinkedIn allows marketers to use the platform differently from other social media channels. If none of your other social pages allow for work-related content. Consider using Company Pages to spotlight company culture, and Promote them using Follower Ads just like NerdWallet did. These Dynamic Ads will change based on audience interest, so your transparent, company-related content will reach potential talent and followers.

2. ESCP Europe's Spotlight Ads

The World's First Business School, ESCP Europe , wanted to generate applicants for their Masters Degree in European Business in addition to building a global leads pipeline. They used Spotlight Ads, like the one below, to engage prospective students:

ESCP's LinkedIn Spotlight Ad

Spotlight Ads offer valuable content with which to target audiences. This ad, giving scholarship information, is perfect for gaining leads from a landing page. ESCP used LinkedIn Spotlight Ads because they’re a great platform for reaching higher education students.

"Precise profile targeting has led to quality results, which have converted in record time," says Rachel Maguer , the Director of Marketing and business Development at ESCP Europe. The company wanted to see a conversation rate of one completed application per 100 leads, in addition to generating at least 250 high-quality leads for their degree program.

Results: So, did ESCP make the grade? As a result of this campaign, ESCP Europe saw over two million impressions from potential students. Additionally, the ads led to a conversion rate of almost 14% — almost twice as much as the intended goal.

In total, ESCP generated 40 more leads over goal and found three countries that topped their qualified leads, solidifying the plan for a global lead pipeline.

Takeaways: Staying customer-focused with ads helped ESCP Europe secure almost 300 applicants. Ads showed images of current students enjoying the beautiful campus. Spotlight Ads accrued the leads, and ESCP Europe nurtured them through to conversion with follow-up calls and interview next steps.

Use Spotlight Ads to identify quality leads in global markets, and nurture them by providing valuable content to audiences in a Dynamic Ad format.

3. Snagajob's Job Ads

Snagajob , formerly known as Snag, is a source for finding hourly work. Because the platform is for job discovery, it's not hard to guess that when opportunities open, Snagajob's team wants people to know. To help, the company turned to LinkedIn for lead generation and ads to capture the attention of their target audience.

The company's ideal customers — business owners and managers — are on LinkedIn. The Job and Video Ads showcased Snagajob's deep understanding of customer behavior: that decision makers often don't have enough time. As a result, ads are short, explain the service's value, and are visually stunning:

Results: Snagajob's marketers had a hunch that Job and Video Ads would be successful for compelling busy professionals, and they were correct. Their campaign saw an 84% rise in converted leads. They earned more applicants and gained quality leads, all while lowering their cost of ad spend.

Takeaways: When targeted Ads are used in a calculated way, like Snagajob's, they're not a waste in ad spend. Additionally, Job Ads let people outside of a member's network know that companies in their industry are hiring.

4. Noodle's Content Ads

Noodle.ai provides artificial intelligence services to businesses, helping them become more efficient. To build brand awareness, Noodle.ai's marketers decided to use Content Ads to connect with their target audience of C-level executives.

In 2018, Noodle used LinkedIn's ad tools to solidify a lead pipeline. Content Ads, which promote downloadable content that automatically generate leads, were an excellent method to reach supply chain executives.

Noodle.ai's LinkedIn Content Ad

The Content Ad above promotes an ebook about supply chain management. Noodle.ai's team found that their target audience responds to content that helps executives understand their expertise.

Results: Noodle.ai saw three times better ROI than other marketing methods. In addition, CTR soared to up to three times higher on Noodle.ai's paid content and obtained 40% of qualified leads from the channel overall.

Takeaways: LinkedIn has now become a prime tool for identifying Noodle.ai's leads. By using Content Ads, Noodle.ai's marketing strategy is now a refined, reliable process for team cohesion.

Use Content Ads as a scalable marketing choice — as Noodle.ai grows, their marketing efforts with LinkedIn can grow as well. Remember, Content Ads are only available by contacting a LinkedIn representative .

LinkedIn Sponsored Ads Case Studies

Sponsored Ads appear in the news feed of LinkedIn members. They blend into feeds, but are notated by a supporting headline. Sponsored content includes single image ads, video ads, and carousel ads. Let's look at examples of each.

5. Kate Spade New York's Single Image Ads

Before 2019, designer brand Kate Spade New York (KSNY) never had ad campaigns on LinkedIn.

It wasn't until the company's team identified customers for their smartwatch on the platform that LinkedIn was considered for advertising. Krista Neuhas , senior director of global digital marketing for KSNY, says, "It’s important to us that the message we are sharing with consumers fits on the platform we are using."

Initially, the goal of the campaign was to drive traffic. The team decided to run a single image ad that featured actress Busy Philipps wearing the watch. The supporting copy tells the busy working woman that the new watch does everything they need:

KSNY LinkedIn Ad

The single image ad was used to spread brand awareness and showcase the new launch. It was part of a strategy that aimed to reach the right type of professional with the right messaging, and a simple image did the trick. Let's see how the ad campaign went for KSNY.

Results: The Busy Philipps ad made impressions with 143,000 audience members. It also earned a 2.44% engagement rate and 1.78% CTR. Total engagement numbers reached 5,000. Kate Spade New York hit a home run with their smartwatch ad — In fact, out of four platforms used for the campaign, LinkedIn members produced the highest CTR.

Takeaways: B2C content has a place on LinkedIn . Most audiences are part of the professional landscape in some way, so engaging them on LinkedIn can be useful. Start with a single brand awareness ad, like KSNY, to gauge engagement.

Ultimately though, remember that if framing marketing in the right context, like the smartwatch and its copy, the right customers can be reached.

6. Corporate Visions' Carousel Ads

If you've seen Carousel Ads on other platforms, they're similar on LinkedIn. These Ads allow for multiple images to appear in the same post. Carousel Ads are great for lead generation because target customers see multiple iterations of offerings which helps to pique their interest.

B2B training company Corporate Visions had a large audience on LinkedIn. Their ideal customer is a decision-maker in customer service, sales, or marketing. Even so, the leads they were earning weren’t qualified, and they quickly identified they had a content problem.

To make content their audience would enjoy, Corporate Visions' marketing team used LinkedIn's targeting tools to research their target market's demographics. They identified previous ads that performed well and produced the most high-quality leads: carousels.

With this information, the team moved forward with a carousel campaign. Carousel Ads from Corporate Visions give quick, actionable tips to their audience about the B2B industry, like this one below.

Corporate Visions' Carousel Ad

This campaign was optimized with LinkedIn's Conversion Tracker . This function tracks audience behavior and allows small changes to be made. Advertisers on LinkedIn can target members based on job title, seniority, and company size, so Corporate Visions was able to get very specific with who was seeing their ad.

Results: Corporate Visions saw a doubled increase in ROI after optimizing their Ads and reaching the right customers. The company has also seen a 116% increase in qualified leads year-over-year, making the new carousel strategy a success.

Takeaways: Companies could be leveraging LinkedIn Ads but not optimizing them or tracking conversions. When Corporate Visions learned about customer behavior on LinkedIn, they were able to identify how to earn the most leads with the platform. Look at campaign performance and study the reactions of your audience — is there a way to better reach them?

7. Automation Anywhere's Video Ads

Automation Anywhere builds software bots that do repetitive tasks so humans can spend time in other places. When the time came to advertise the biggest launch in the history of their company, Automation Anywhere sought to use LinkedIn's live broadcasting feature to announce their product.

The goal for the campaign was to build the most awareness possible. Automation Anywhere's Company Page had over 100,000 followers and an active community, so they posted a teaser to test video ROI. Two minutes later, the video had over 300 comments . Their marketers knew they'd made a great choice.

Automation's Anywhere's LinkedIn Live Ad

Automation Anywhere's official LinkedIn Live broadcast included repurposed content, drawing clips from previous videos to attract leads. But how did the broadcast perform?

Results: When the broadcast went live, the response was almost immediate. Within a few minutes, they had 400 comments from interested viewers. At the end of the broadcast, there were one thousand.

Though the product launch announcement ran across multiple platforms, 78% of viewers came from LinkedIn Live.

The team at Automation Anywhere engaged with their community and had meaningful conversations about the product. Having a team of product marketers talk to followers was big for building customer relationships and providing valuable messaging.

Takeaways: Consider hosting a broadcast similar to Automation Anywhere’s. Maybe there's no launch coming up, but consider producing a live Q&A or webinar. Automation Anywhere's team was blown away by the response from their community with a video; Maybe yours will be just as active.

LinkedIn Text and Message Ads

LinkedIn Text Ads show up in the right module of the main feed and give members a bolded CTA as a headline and a supporting sentence. They're easy to create, pick a target audience, and track leads.

Message Ads are a bit different — they're sent to a LinkedIn member's inbox. This gives advertisers the ability to communicate directly with leads, without a character limit. There are also tools to beef up a message's impact, like adding a form into the message.

Instead of a busy email inbox, LinkedIn Messages are less cluttered, leaving messages more room to be seen. And with the Conversion Tracker, keep track of who's engaging with and converting from your Ads.

8. Design Pickle's Text Ads

Let's see how graphic design company, Design Pickle , earned over $1 million in revenue with Text Ads. The company is a subscription service, but instead of food or makeup, customers are set up with professional graphic designers.

As part of a small business that aimed to increase plan subscriptions, Design Pickle's marketers had to keep their strategy cost-effective. The team decided to use Message Ads to retarget website visitors.

Example of LinkedIn Text Ads

LinkedIn's tools identified a target audience closely matching the company's persona, so the marketers were able to personalize ads for a specific, ideal market.

The emphasis on targeting proved to be effective. Message Ads addressed company stakeholders making buying decisions. Copy like, "Save $37,000 On Design" is eye-catching and grabs a user's attention.

So, did the low-key ads bring high-yield results for Design Pickle?

Results: This campaign led to 463 new signups, 64 of them for premium subscription plans, leading to an estimated $1.8 million in revenue . As for cost effectiveness, LinkedIn provided the lowest average cost per signup by 19% when looking at the campaign across platforms.

Takeaways: Sometimes, it doesn't take a big, flashy ad to make an impact. Design Pickle is a graphic design company and earned over a million dollars with two-sentence ads. When audience targeting and retargeting happens on LinkedIn, companies can reach a large audience and re-engage leads.

9. VistaVu Solutions' Message Ads

VistaVu Solutions is a B2B company that was struggling with brand awareness. We've seen how LinkedIn's unique audience targeting tools impacts visibility for companies, so let's see if that rings true for this company.

In addition to boosting brand awareness, VistaVu's marketers aimed to generate leads and increase brand credibility with compelling Ads. VistaVu's team chose LinkedIn because their niche audience — oilfield industry leaders — was active on the platform.

To make their brand stand out from the competition, VistaVu's marketing managers decided to use Message Ads to amplify their unique company and its value. To make sure the team was targeting the right audience within the oilfield industry, LinkedIn's tools filtered audiences to make that happen.

The message itself was an ebook offer, and included a CTA with a download link. Because there's no character limit, the body text was able to properly introduce the company, its area of expertise, and the ebook.

Example of a LinkedIn Message Ad

Results: As a result of the messages campaign, VistaVu earned a 23.8% conversion rate , and cut ad spend by 75%. Using LinkedIn as opposed to other platforms earned the company five times more generated leads and led to twice as many conversions.

Takeaways: LinkedIn as an advertising platform doesn't limit efforts to just main feeds. Building brand awareness by using Message Ads allows for ample text to introduce a company to prospects.

Case studies can be extremely helpful for a real-life example of strategies you've never tried. You can visualize how a campaign looks and the tools to help you get there.

Be sure to pick a case study that's recent and comes with both qualitative and quantitative data. When it comes to ads, numbers and percentages are important, but so are strategy details. Recent studies will give you the most accurate numbers and processes for advertising.

If I want a relevant case study about social media, I start with the website itself. Every social media platform I've used has a section for case studies. For those that don't, I look at other articles, like this one about Facebook case studies .

Now that you know how to pick out a case study, and what a LinkedIn Ad strategy can look like, maybe for your next LinkedIn campaign, you can conduct your own case study. Try it, and see what you learn.

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"Rs 5 Crore To Red Cross": Bail For 4 In Coaching Centre Deaths Case

The unprecedented bail condition seeks to deter people from committing the same or similar offence. the bail will be in effect till january 30, 2025.

'Rs 5 Crore To Red Cross': Bail For 4 In Coaching Centre Deaths Case

Three IAS aspirants died on July 27 after a surge in rainwater flooded coaching centre basement

Four co-owners of a basement in a central Delhi building used as a coaching centre where three civil service aspirants drowned in rainwater have been granted bail by the Delhi High Court. However, the four must deposit Rs 5 crore with the Red Cross for the bail to be applicable to them, the court said.

The unprecedented bail condition seeks to deter people from committing the same or similar offence. The bail will be in effect till January 30, 2025.

The court asked the Delhi Lieutenant Governor to form a committee under the supervision of a retired high court judge to ensure that no coaching centres are run from basements in the national capital.

Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma of the Delhi High Court said the conduct of the co-owners is "unpardonable" and an "act of greed". Justice Sharma said the authorities must designate a place in Delhi where coaching centres can operate.

Three Indian Administrative Service (IAS) aspirants - Shreya Yadav, 25; Tanya Soni, 25, and Nevin Delvin, 24 - died on July 27 after a sudden surge in rainwater flooded the basement of a building in central Delhi's Old Rajinder Nagar, where Rau's IAS Study Circle ran a coaching centre.

The co-owners of the basement -- Parvinder Singh, Tajinder Singh, Harvinder Singh, and Sarbjit Singh -- sought bail on the grounds that they were simply the landlords of the basement, which was rented out to the coaching centre, and so they have no link with the incident.

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The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) opposed the bail application, saying the probe was in an initial stage and the accused should not be given relief until independent witnesses are examined.

The case is being investigated under the new criminal law Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), including Section 105 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), after it was transferred from Delhi Police to the CBI on the high court's order.

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