தமிழ்நாட்டின் மிக முக்கிய சுற்றுலாத் தளங்கள் | TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil

Table of Contents

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil: தமிழ்நாடு இந்தியாவின் தென் பகுதியில் அமைந்துள்ள ஒரு மாநிலமாகும், அதன் வளமான கலாச்சாரம், வரலாறு மற்றும் இயற்கை அழகுக்காக அறியப்படுகிறது. தமிழ்நாட்டில் பார்க்க வேண்டிய முதல் 10 சுற்றுலா இடங்கள் இங்கே.


பழங்கால பாறைக் கோயில்கள் மற்றும் யுனெஸ்கோ உலக பாரம்பரிய தளங்களுக்கு பெயர் பெற்ற மகாபலிபுரம், தமிழ்நாட்டில் உள்ள ஒரு பிரபலமான சுற்றுலாத் தலமாகும்.


இந்தியாவின் தென்கோடியில் அமைந்துள்ள கன்னியாகுமரி அதன் அழகிய கடற்கரைகள் மற்றும் பிரமிக்க வைக்கும் சூரிய அஸ்தமனம் பார்ப்பதற்கு ஒரு முக்கியமான இடமாக கருதப்படுகிறது.

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil

தமிழ்நாடு சுற்றுலா தளங்கள்: சென்னை தமிழ்நாட்டின் தலைநகரம் மற்றும் தென்னிந்தியாவில் பிரபலமான சுற்றுலா தலமாகும். நகரம் அதன் வளமான வரலாறு, கலாச்சாரம் மற்றும் துடிப்பான உணவு காட்சிக்காக அறியப்படுகிறது. சென்னைக்கு வருபவர்கள் பழங்கால கோவில்கள், அருங்காட்சியகங்கள் மற்றும் கடற்கரைகள் உள்ளிட்ட பல்வேறு இடங்களை பார்வையிடலாம்.

கபாலீஸ்வரர் கோவில், செயின்ட் ஜார்ஜ் கோட்டை மற்றும் உலகின் மிக நீளமான கடற்கரைகளில் ஒன்றான மெரினா கடற்கரை ஆகியவை சென்னையில் உள்ள மிகவும் பிரபலமான சுற்றுலா அம்சங்களில் சில. சென்னையில் கட்டாயம் பார்க்க வேண்டிய மற்ற இடங்கள், பழங்கால கலைப்பொருட்கள் மற்றும் கலைகளின் பெரிய சேகரிப்புகளைக் கொண்ட அரசு அருங்காட்சியகம் மற்றும் புனித தாமஸின் கல்லறையின் மீது கட்டப்பட்டதாகக் கூறப்படும் அழகிய தேவாலயமான சாந்தோம் சர்ச் ஆகியவை அடங்கும்.

“கோயில் நகரம்” என்று அழைக்கப்படும் மதுரையில் மீனாட்சி அம்மன் கோவில் உட்பட தென்னிந்தியாவின் மிகவும் பிரபலமான சில கோவில்கள் உள்ளன.

தமிழ்நாட்டில் உள்ள ஒரு பிரபலமான மலைவாசஸ்தலம், ஊட்டி அதன் இயற்கை அழகு, தேயிலை தோட்டங்கள் மற்றும் இனிமையான காலநிலைக்கு பெயர் பெற்றது.

இந்துக்களின் புனிதத் தலமான ராமேஸ்வரம் ராமநாதசுவாமி கோயில் மற்றும் கோதண்டராமசுவாமி கோயில் உள்ளிட்ட கோயில்களுக்கு புகழ் பெற்றது.

தஞ்சாவூர் பெரிய கோயில்

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil: பிரகதீஸ்வரர் கோயில் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் தஞ்சாவூர் பெரிய கோயில், தமிழ்நாட்டின் மிகவும் பிரபலமான சுற்றுலாத் தலங்களில் ஒன்றாகும். தஞ்சாவூர் மாநகரில் அமைந்துள்ள இக்கோயில் 11ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில் கட்டப்பட்டு யுனெஸ்கோவின் உலகப் பாரம்பரியச் சின்னமாக அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. கருவறையின் சுவர்களில் உள்ள 64-யோகினி உருவங்கள் உட்பட, அதன் ஈர்க்கக்கூடிய கட்டிடக்கலை மற்றும் சிக்கலான சிற்பங்களுக்கு பெயர் பெற்றது. இந்த ஆலயம் சிவபெருமானுக்கு அர்ப்பணிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது மற்றும் இந்தியாவில் மிகப்பெரிய சிவலிங்கம் ஒன்று உள்ளது.

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil

இந்த கோவிலில் பல கோவில்கள் மற்றும் சிற்பங்கள் மற்றும் பழங்கால கலைப்பொருட்கள் மற்றும் கோவில் சிற்பங்களை காட்சிப்படுத்தும் அருங்காட்சியகம் உள்ளது. இந்திய வரலாறு, கலாச்சாரம் மற்றும் கட்டிடக்கலை ஆகியவற்றில் ஆர்வமுள்ள அனைவரும் கண்டிப்பாக பார்க்க வேண்டிய இடமாக தஞ்சாவூர் பெரிய கோவில் உள்ளது.

கோயம்புத்தூர் நீர்வீழ்ச்சிகள்

தமிழ்நாட்டின் முக்கிய தொழில் நகரமான கோயம்புத்தூர், நீர்வீழ்ச்சிகள், வனவிலங்கு சரணாலயங்கள் மற்றும் மலைவாசஸ்தலங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட இயற்கை அழகுக்காகவும் அறியப்படுகிறது.


தமிழ்நாட்டின் மற்றொரு பிரபலமான மலைவாசஸ்தலம், கொடைக்கானல் அதன் இயற்கை அழகு, மலையேற்றப் பாதைகள் மற்றும் படகு சவாரி வசதிகளுக்காக அறியப்படுகிறது.


தமிழ்நாடு சுற்றுலா தளங்கள்: திருச்சி, திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது, இது தமிழ்நாட்டின் பிரபலமான சுற்றுலாத் தலமாகும், இது அதன் வளமான வரலாறு மற்றும் கலாச்சார பாரம்பரியத்திற்காக அறியப்படுகிறது. காவேரி ஆற்றின் கரையில் அமைந்துள்ள இந்த நகரம், உலகின் மிகப்பெரிய இந்து கோவில்களில் ஒன்றான ஸ்ரீ ரங்கநாதசுவாமி கோவில் உட்பட பல பழமையான கோவில்கள் மற்றும் அடையாளங்களை கொண்டுள்ளது.

திருச்சியில் உள்ள மற்ற பிரபலமான கோவில்களில் ராக்ஃபோர்ட் கோவில் மற்றும் ஜம்புகேஸ்வரர் கோவில் ஆகியவை அடங்கும். 17 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டைச் சேர்ந்த செயின்ட் ஜார்ஜ் கோட்டை மற்றும் மலையின் உச்சியில் அமைந்துள்ள உச்சி பிள்ளையார் கோயில் போன்ற வரலாற்றுச் சின்னங்களுக்காகவும் இந்த நகரம் அறியப்படுகிறது. திருச்சிக்கு வருபவர்கள் பாரம்பரிய கைவினைப் பொருட்கள் மற்றும் நினைவுப் பொருட்களை வழங்கும் உள்ளூர் சந்தைகள் மற்றும் பஜார்களையும் பார்வையிடலாம்.

பாண்டிச்சேரி கடற்கரை

தமிழ்நாட்டின் கிழக்குக் கடற்கரையில் அமைந்துள்ள பாண்டிச்சேரி, அதன் வசீகரமான காலனித்துவ கட்டிடக்கலை, கடற்கரைகள் மற்றும் ஆன்மீக பின்வாங்கல்களுக்கு பெயர் பெற்ற ஒரு முன்னாள் பிரெஞ்சு காலனியாகும்.

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil

காஞ்சிபுரம் வரதராஜப் பெருமாள் கோயில்

கைலாசநாதர் கோயில் மற்றும் வரதராஜப் பெருமாள் கோயில் உள்ளிட்ட பழமையான கோயில்களுக்கு பெயர் பெற்ற காஞ்சிபுரம், கையால் நெய்யப்பட்ட பட்டுப் புடவைகளுக்கு பிரபலமானது.

தமிழ்நாட்டில் அதிகம் அறியப்படாத மலை வாசஸ்தலமான ஏற்காடு, நகர வாழ்க்கையின் சலசலப்பில் இருந்து ஒரு சரியான இடமாகும், இது அமைதியான ஏரிகள், பசுமையான காடுகள் மற்றும் மலையேற்றப் பாதைகளுக்கு பெயர் பெற்றது.

ராமேஸ்வரம் தீவின் தெற்கு முனையில் அமைந்துள்ள தனுஷ்கோடி, 1964 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஒரு சூறாவளியால் அழிக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு பேய் நகரம் ஆகும். இது இப்போது அதன் இயற்கை அழகு மற்றும் பழைய நகரத்தின் இடிபாடுகளுக்காக பிரபலமான சுற்றுலா தலமாக உள்ளது.

சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் கோவில்

தமிழ்நாட்டின் கடலூர் மாவட்டத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள ஒரு நகரம், சிதம்பரம் சிவபெருமானுக்கு அர்ப்பணிக்கப்பட்ட பழமையான நடராஜர் கோவிலுக்காக புகழ்பெற்றது.

ஒகேனக்கல் நீர்வீழ்ச்சி

தமிழ்நாட்டின் தர்மபுரி மாவட்டத்தில் காவேரி ஆற்றின் மீது அமைந்துள்ள ஒகேனக்கல் நீர்வீழ்ச்சி அதன் அற்புதமான அழகுக்காக அறியப்படுகிறது, மேலும் இது படகு சவாரி மற்றும் மலையேற்றத்திற்கான பிரபலமான இடமாகும்.

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil

புலிகாட் ஏரி

தமிழ்நாட்டின் வட பகுதியில் அமைந்துள்ள ஒரு உப்பு நீர் ஏரி, புலிகாட் ஏரி பறவைகள் கண்காணிப்பு மற்றும் மீன்பிடிக்கு பிரபலமான இடமாகும்.

திருவாரூர் முத்துப்பேட்டை காடுகள்

திருவாரூர் முத்துப்பேட்டை வனப்பகுதி தமிழ்நாட்டின் மற்றொரு பிரபலமான சுற்றுலாத் தலமாகும். திருவாரூர் மாவட்டத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள இந்த காடுகளில் அழிந்து வரும் பல உயிரினங்கள் உட்பட பல்வேறு தாவரங்கள் மற்றும் விலங்கினங்கள் உள்ளன. காடுகள் கடற்கரைக்கு அருகில் அமைந்துள்ளன, மேலும் இப்பகுதி அதன் சதுப்புநில சதுப்பு நிலங்களுக்கும் பறவைகள் சரணாலயத்திற்கும் பெயர் பெற்றது.

முத்துப்பேட்டை குளம் இப்பகுதியின் ஒரு முக்கிய அம்சமாகும், மேலும் பார்வையாளர்கள் படகு சவாரி செய்து சுற்றியுள்ள பகுதிகளை ஆராயலாம். மலையேற்றம் மற்றும் முகாமிடுவதற்கும் காடுகள் பிரபலமாக உள்ளன, மேலும் அருகிலுள்ள நகரமான திருவாரூரில் தியாகராஜர் கோயில் மற்றும் ராஜகோபாலசுவாமி கோயில் உட்பட பல பழமையான கோயில்கள் உள்ளன. திருவாரூர் முத்துப்பேட்டை காடுகள் தமிழ்நாட்டின் இயற்கை அழகையும், வனவிலங்குகளையும் அனுபவிக்க சிறந்த இடமாகும்.

கும்பகோணம் (கோயில் நகரம்)

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil: கும்பகோணம் தமிழ்நாட்டின் ஒரு பிரபலமான சுற்றுலாத் தலமாகும், அதன் வளமான கலாச்சார பாரம்பரியம் மற்றும் பழமையான கோயில்களுக்கு பெயர் பெற்றது. தஞ்சாவூர் மாவட்டத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள இந்த நகரம் பெரும்பாலும் தென்னிந்தியாவின் “கோயில் நகரம்” என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது, இப்பகுதியில் 200 க்கும் மேற்பட்ட கோயில்கள் உள்ளன. கும்பகோணத்தில் உள்ள மிகவும் பிரபலமான கோயில்களில் கும்பேஸ்வரா கோயில், சாரங்கபாணி கோயில் மற்றும் இந்துக்களால் புனிதமாகக் கருதப்படும் மகாமகம் குளம் ஆகியவை 12 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு ஒருமுறை நடைபெறும் பிரபலமான திருவிழாவாகும்.

அதன் கோவில்களுக்கு கூடுதலாக, கும்பகோணம் தென்னிந்திய பாரம்பரிய இசை மற்றும் நடனத்தை மேம்படுத்துவதில் அதன் பங்கிற்காக அறியப்படுகிறது, மேலும் பார்வையாளர்கள் ஆண்டு முழுவதும் கலாச்சார நிகழ்வுகள் மற்றும் நிகழ்ச்சிகளில் கலந்து கொள்ளலாம். வெண்கலம் மற்றும் பித்தளை வேலைகள், பட்டு நெசவு மற்றும் மட்பாண்டங்கள் போன்ற பாரம்பரிய கைவினைப் பொருட்களுக்கும் இந்த நகரம் பிரபலமானது. தமிழ்நாட்டின் செழுமையான கலாச்சாரம் மற்றும் வரலாற்றை ஆராய்வதில் ஆர்வமுள்ள அனைவரும் கட்டாயம் பார்க்க வேண்டிய இடமாக கும்பகோணம் விளங்குகிறது.

TamilNadu Tourist Places In Tamil

முதுமலை தேசிய பூங்கா

தமிழ்நாட்டின் நீலகிரி மலையில் அமைந்துள்ள ஒரு வனவிலங்கு சரணாலயம், முதுமலை தேசிய பூங்காவில் புலிகள், யானைகள் மற்றும் சிறுத்தைகள் உள்ளிட்ட பல்வேறு அரிய மற்றும் அழிந்துவரும் உயிரினங்கள் உள்ளன.

நாகப்பட்டினம் கடற்கரை

தென் தமிழகத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள ஒரு கடலோர நகரம், நாகப்பட்டினம் அதன் பழமையான கோயில்கள் மற்றும் வரலாற்று முக்கியத்துவம் மற்றும் அதன் அழகிய கடற்கரைகளுக்கு பெயர் பெற்றது.

பலவிதமான அனுபவங்களைத் தரும் சுற்றுலாத் தலங்கள் தமிழ்நாட்டில் ஏராளமாக உள்ளன. பழங்கால கோவில்கள் மற்றும் வரலாற்று அடையாளங்கள் முதல் இயற்கை எழில் கொஞ்சும் மலைவாசஸ்தலங்கள் மற்றும் வனவிலங்கு சரணாலயங்கள் வரை, பல அருமையான கடற்கரைகள், நீர்வீழ்ச்சிகள் மலைப்பகுதிகள், மலைக்குன்றுகள், நீண்ட ஆறுகள் போன்ற பல அருமையான அம்சங்களை இந்த தமிழ்நாடு தமிழ்நாடு மாநிலம் கொண்டுள்ளது.

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41 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Tamil Nadu

41 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Tamil Nadu

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Often referred to as Queen of hill stations, Ooty is one of the best hill stations in India and among the top places to visit in Tamilnadu . Ooty is situated at a distance of 265 km from Bangalore. At an altitude of 7,440 feet, Ooty was a popular summer retreat for the British during colonial days. The rolling hills, lush green vegetation, and misty landscapes attract a large number of tourists to this hill station. Ooty Lake, Botanical Garden, Wenlock Downs, and Rose Garden are among the must include places in Ooty tour packages . The toy train, known as Nilgiri Mountain Railway that runs from Mettupalayam to Ooty is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must be experienced. The establishment of numerous tea estates made Ooty famous. Lofty mountains, dense forest, sprawling grasslands, and miles and miles of tea gardens greet the visitors on most routes. The annual Tea and Tourism Festival (Jan) and Summer Festival (May) attract crowds in huge numbers. Ooty can also be visited along with Wayanad tour packages .

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Situated on the banks of the River Vaigai, Madurai is the third-largest city in Tamilnadu and one of the most famous places of pilgrimage in India . The city is situated about 209 km from Coimbatore and 464 km from Chennai. Also referred to as Athens of the East, Madhurai is the oldest continually inhabited city in the Indian peninsula, with a history dating back to the Sangam period of the pre-Christian era. Madurai was the seat of power of the Pandyan Empire. Often considered the cultural capital of Tamilnadu, Madurai is one of the top places to visit in tamilnadu . The city is very well known for Madurai Meenakshi Temple, among the most visited temple in South India tour packages . Meenakshi Temple, also known as Madurai Meenakshi, is the biggest landmark of Madurai and is one of the largest temples in India. The temple has stunning architecture and a significant testimony for Vishwakarma Brahmins for their master architecture in sculpting this temple. Along with Meenakshi Temple, Thirumalai Nayak Mahal & Koodal Alagar Temple are other important places to visit as part of Madurai tour packages .

3. Kodaikanal

Often referred to as the Princess of Hill stations, Kodaikanal or Kodai is one of the top tourist destinations in Tamilnadu tour packages and among the best hill stations in South India . It is located at a distance of about 469 km from Bangalore & 528 km from Chennai. At an altitude of about 7000 feet (2133 m) amidst the rolling slopes of the Palani Hills, Kodai has several scenic places that are enjoyed by its visitors as part of Kodaikanal tour packages . Kodaikanal is not extensively commercialized like Ooty and it offers a pleasant experience to tourists with relatively less crowd. Kodai Lake, Bryant Park, Coaker's Walk, Bear Shola Falls, Silver Cascade, and Pillar Rocks are the top tourist places in Kodaikanal . Kodaikanal is a place you can go to take a break from the rigours of daily city life, and this hill station lets you sit back and connect with nature as you head out on biking or trekking trails or take a stroll through the vast forests surrounding the town. Dolphin's Nose, and Vattakanal are some of the top trekking places in Kodaikanal.

4. Rameshwaram

Rameshwaram is one of the popular places of pilgrimage in Tamilnadu as well as in India. Situated at a distance of 562 km from Chennai, the town is home to the famous Rameshwaram Temple, among the must include places in Tamilnadu Tour Packages . Dedicated to Lord Shiva, Rameshwaram Temple is one of the Jyotirlinga temples in India, and is one of the top attractions you must visit as part of Rameshwaram tour packages . It is significant for Hindus as a pilgrimage to Banaras is incomplete without a Pilgrimage to Rameswaram. This is also the place where Rama worshipped Lord Shiva to cleanse away the sin of killing Ravana. Rameswaram along with Dwarka, Puri and Badrinath form the four Char Dhams. Sri Ramanathaswamy Temple, Agnitheertham, Gandamadana Parvatham, Dhanushkodi , Kothandaraswamy Temple and Erwadi are some of the most visited attractions of Rameshwaram. Sri Ramanatha Swamy Temple is renowned for its magnificent corridors and massive sculptured pillars. The third corridor of Ramanathaswamy temple is the longest one in the world.

5. Srirangam

Srirangam, the beautiful river island, is one of the prominent places of pilgrimage in South India, and among the must include places in Tamil Nadu tour packages . About 13 km from Trichy, and 136 km from Madurai, it holds great cultural and religious significance in South India. Nestled between the Kaveri River and Kollidam River, Srirangam is home to Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple, the world's grandest operational Hindu shrine. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, it is the foremost among the 108 Divya Desams of Lord Vishnu, and among the must-include places in Srirangam tour . Jambukeswarar temple, Uthamar Kovil, Uraiyur Vekkali Amman Temple, Samayapuram Mariamman Temple, Kumara Vayalur Temple, Gunaseelam Temple, Sri Vadivazhagiya Nambi Perumal Temple, and the Kaattu Azhagiya Singar Temple, etc. are some other tourist places in Srirangam . The Chithirai car festival, Vasantotsavam, Jyeshtaabhishekam, Pavitrotsavam, Vaikunta Ekadashi, and Teppostavam are the popular festivals celebrated in Srirangam, Srirangam can be visited as part of Trichy packages as well.

6. Kanyakumari

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Located at the southernmost tip of the Indian Peninsula, Kanyakumari is one of the famous pilgrimage places to visit as part of Tamilnadu tour . It is about 242 km from Madurai and 707 km from Chennai. A place of great natural beauty, Kanyakumari is one of the popular href='/tamilnadu/best' target='_blank'>Tamilnadu Tourist Places . Swami Vivekananda is said to have been lived here for a while and meditated. Situated at the confluence of the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean, this is the only place in India where one can enjoy the unique spectacle of Sunset and Moonrise simultaneously on full moon days. One of the main attractions in Kanyakumari is the Kumariamman Temple . Thiruvalluvar Statue, Vivekananda Rock Memorial , Gandhi Memorial, Padmanabhapuram Palace, Suchindram, Pechiparai Reservoir, Vattakottai Fort, St Xavier's Church and Udayagiri Fort are some of the top places to visit as part of Kanyakumari tour packages . Kanyakumari is also known for its spectacular beaches. Thengapattinam Beach, Sanguthurai Beach, and Chothavilai Beach are the important beaches near Kanyakumari.

7. Chidambaram

Chidambaram is a pilgrimage town in Tamil Nadu. Well known for Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram temple is one of the most celebrated shrines in South India and also one of the famous Tamilnadu places to visit . It is about 66 km from Pondicherry, and 217 km from Chennai. Also known as Thillai, the town is known for the Thillai Nataraja Temple which is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Built during the 11th century, Chidambaram Nataraja Temple has a great religious as well as historic and cultural significance. This is one of the Panchabhoota Stalas signifying the five elements of wind (Kalahasti), water (Tiruvanaikka), fire (Tiruvannamalai), earth (Kanchipuram) and space (Chidambaram). Thillai Kaali Amman Temple, Pichavaram , Sattanathar Temple, Bhuvanagiri, Parangipettai, Annamalai University, Kollidam (river) and Poompuhar are the other prominent places to visit as part of Chidambaram tour packages . Brahmotsavam, Ani Thirumanjanam, Thai Poosam and Arudra Dharshan are some of the Nataraja Temple festivals that attract large crowds from far and nearby places. Natyanjali Dance Festival is a major festival held in February. Many eminent dancers give their performances during this festival.

8. Kanchipuram

Kanchipuram or Kanchi is one of the most famous places of pilgrimage in Tamilnadu . It is situated at a distance of 75 km from Chennai. It is one of the most popular places to visit near Chennai . Located on the bank of the Palar River, Kanchipuram is one of the oldest cities in India and was served as the capital of the Pallava Dynasty. Kanchi is known for its temples and silk sarees which are woven manually. Kamakshi Amman Temple is the landmark of Kanchipuram, and among the most popular places to visit in Kanchipuram . Varadharaja Perumal Temple, Kailasanathar Temple, Karchapeshwarar Temple, Sri Ekambarnathar Temple are the other prominent temples to visit as part of Kanchipuram tour packages . The temples of Kanchipuram are known for their grandeur and great architecture. Kanchipuram is a traditional center of silk weaving and handloom industries for producing Kanchipuram Sarees. In 2005, 'Kanchipuram Silk Sarees' received the Geographical Indication tag, the first product in India to carry this label.

9. Tiruchirappalli

tourism essay in tamil

Situated on the banks of the Cauvery River, Tiruchirappalli or Trichy is the 4th largest city in Tamilnadu and among the must include places in Tamilnadu tour packages . It is located about 133 km from Madurai and 334 km from Chennai. Tiruchirappalli is home to numerous historical monuments and temples that attract tourists and pilgrims from all parts of the country throughout the year. The city played a critical role in the Carnatic Wars (1746-1763) between the British and the French East India companies. Ranganathaswamy Temple at Srirangam, one of the most famous pilgrimage centers in South India is situated near Trichy. Rockfort Temple, Jambukeshwar Temple , Uraiyur, Mariamman Temple, Government Museum and the St John's Church are some of the top places to visit as part of Trichy tour packages . Tiruchirappalli is internationally known for a brand of cheroot known as the Trichinopoly cigar. The city is very popular for its cigars, handloom saris and stone-studded jewelry, Pith models, and cheroots. According to the National Urban Sanitation Policy (2010), Tiruchirappalli was one of the ten cleanest cities in India.

10. Yercaud

Yercaud is a beautiful hill station in the Salem district of Tamil Nadu. At a distance of 31 km from Salem, and 249 km from Bangalore, it is one of the best Tamilnadu tourist places , and among the most famous places to visit near Bangalore . At an altitude of 1515 m in the Shevaroy hills, Yercaud town got its name from the Yercaud Lake located at its center. Stone-age implements have been found from the ancient shrine located near Shevaroy Hills, which is about 5 km from Yercaud Lake, among the must include places in Yercaud tour packages . Anna Park, Lady's Seat, Shevaroy Temple, Small Lake, Bear's Point, Pagoda Point, Killiyur Falls, and Botanical Garden are some of the prominent tourist places in Yercaud . Yercaud is known for its plantations majorly of coffee, orange, jackfruit, guava, cardamom, and black pepper. Summer Festival celebrated in Yercaud in the month of May is a special attraction. This festival is marked by a 7-day exhibition of flowers, dog shows, boating races, and a village fair.

11. Coonoor

Coonoor is a Taluk and a municipality in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu. About 18 km from Ooty, & 71 km from Coimbatore, it is one of the must invlude places in Tamilnadu Tour Packages , and among the best places to visit near Bangalore . At an altitude of 6,000 feet above sea level, Coonoor is famous for its verdant environs and for a variety of wildflowers and birds. It is the second-largest hill station in the Nilgiri hills after Ooty. The Nilgiri Mountain Railway (Toy Train) is one of the oldest mountain railways in India. The train ride in the midst of the Nilgiris, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an unforgettable travel experience as part of Coonoor packages . Besides, this stunning hill station is well-known for its production of Nilgiri tea. Coonoor can be visited along with Ooty tour . Sim's Park, Lambs Rock, Dolphins Nose, St. Catherine Falls, and Law's falls are some popular tourist places in Coonoor . It is an ideal base for many trekking expeditions leading into the Nilgiris.

12. Chennai

Fondly called the 'Cultural Capital of India', Chennai is the fourth largest metropolis in India and the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. It is also one of the famous tourist places in Tamilnadu . Located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal, the city is famous for its beaches, museums, parks, temples, and several historical places. Marina Beach, Govt Museum, Parthasarathy Temple, Kapaleeswaraar Temple, San Thome Cathedral, etc are some of the must include places in Chennai tour packages . There are several other attractions in the vicinity of Chennai like Elliot Beach, VGP Golden Beach, Pulicat Lake, Muttukadu, etc. Chennai is as dynamic as it is immersed in tradition. It is also the starting point of many tourist destinations including Mahabalipuram , Madurai, Coimbatore, Pondicherry , Vellore and Kanchipuram, the famous historical & pilgrimage town.

13. Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram, also called Mamallapuram is one of the must-visit weekend getaways from Chennai for one day trip. About 57 km from Chennai, it is one of the UNESCO heritage site in Tamil Nadu and one of the best places to experience Tamilnadu Tourism . Famous for its Shore Temple built in 7th century, Mahabalipuram was the second capital of the Pallava kings of Kanchipuram . It is known for its historical monuments, sculptures, scenic beauty, culture and tradition. The famous Arjuna's Penance, the Krishna Mandapa, Thirukadalmallai temple, Cholamadal Artist's Village, Mahabalipuram Beach, Tiger Cave and Crocodile Bank are the must include places in Mahabalipuram tour packages . One of the prominent festivals celebrated here is the Mamallapuram Dance Festival, which is organized by the Department of Tourism every year from December - January. Mahabalipuram is one of the best places to include in your Pondicherry tour packages .

14. Thanjavur

Thanjavur, also known as Tanjore, is one of the popular places of href='/tamilnadu/heritage' target='_blank'>heritage in Tamilnadu as it has a rich historical heritage and is a prism of ancient as well as the modern south Indian civilizations. It is situated about 170 km from Madurai, and 326 km from Chennai. Situated on the banks of River Cauvery, it is one of the top places to visit as part of Madurai tour packages . The city was once the stronghold of the historic Cholas. Since then, Thanjavur has been one of the chief political, cultural and religious centers of South India. Thanjavur is famous for the Brihadeeswarar Temple built by Rajaraja Chola in the year 1010 AD. Also known as the Big Temple, Brihadeeswarar Temple is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and among the most important heritage sites in India. The temple is considered to be one of the best specimens of South Indian temple architecture and among the must-visit places as part of Thanjavur tour packages . Apart from Brihadeeswarar Temple, Thanjavur and the surrounding areas have several important tourist attractions like Thanjavur Palace, Kumbakonam , Darasuram, Gangaikonda Cholapuram, Thiruvaiyaru, Thirubuvanam, etc.

15. Tiruvannamalai

The sacred town of Tiruvannamalai is one of the prominent places of pilgrimage in Tamilnadu, and among the best places to visit near Trichy . It is about 115 km Pondicherry, 191 km from Trichy, and 196 km from Chennai. Thiruvannamalai is known as one of the major pilgrimage centres of India as it is home to the Annamalaiyar Temple, one of the Pancha Bhoota Stalas of Lord Shiva, representing the 5 elements of nature. Legend has it that Shiva appeared as a massive column of fire in this temple. This temple features one of the tallest temple towers in India and is visited as part of Tiruvannamalai packages . Sri Ramana Ashram, Sathanur Dam, Sri Seshadri Swamigal Ashram, Virupaksha Cave, Mamara Cave, Skandashramam, and Annamalaiyar Temple View Point are some of the top places to visit in Tiruvannamalai . Thiruvannamalai boasts a vibrant culture centered on the renowned Annamalaiyar Temple. Visitors can also explore nearby sites such as Tirumalai Jain Temples, Gingee Fort, and Padaveedu. Thiruvannamalai can also be visited as part of Kanchipuram tour packages .

16. Kumbakonam

Kumbakonam is an ancient temple town located amidst the two rivers Cauvery and Arasalar in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu. About 235 km from Madurai, and 282 km from Chennai, it is one of the famous places of pilgrimage in Tamilnadu , and among the popular places to visit near Chennai . Kumbakonam is known for its temples and mutts (monasteries). There are around 188 Hindu temples within the municipal limits of Kumbakonam. Adi Kumbeswarar Temple , Nageswaraswamy temple and Kasi Viswanathar temple are the prominent temples to visit as part of Kumbakonam tour packages . Sarangapani temple is the largest Vaishnava shrine present in Kumbakonam. Patteeswaram, the Oppiliappan Kovil, the Swamimalai Murugan temple and the Airavateeswarar Temple are the other temples located in the vicinity of Kumbakonam. The town is well - known for its prestigious educational institutions and carved Panchaloha idols, silk products, brass, and metal wares. The important festival of Kumbakonam is the Mahamaham festival. It takes place once in 12 years during the Tamil Month of Masi (February/March) and lakhs of pilgrims visit Kumbakonam and takes a holy bath in the sacred Mahamaham Tank.

17. Yelagiri Hills

Yelagiri is a hill region located in between the towns of Vaniyambadi and Jolarpettai in the Vellore district of Tamil Nadu. About 178 km from Bangalore, and 230 km from Chennai, this is one of the best places to visit near Bangalore , and among the least explored hill stations in Tamilnadu . Yelagiri is a cluster of 14 hamlets that lie between four mountains spread over an area of 30 sq km having an altitude of 3500 ft. This is one of the famous hill stations near Chennai . The highest point in Yelagiri is the Swamimalai Hill, standing tall at 4,338 ft with spectacular views. The hill provides a good number of trekking trails through thick reserved forests as part of Yelagiri tour packages . Javadi Hills, Palamathi Hills, Punganur, Velavan Temple, Jalagamparai Waterfalls and Nature Park are the other prominent tourist places in Yelagiri Hills . Yelagiri Summer festival celebrated in May end is organized by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development. Stalls from different departments, flower shows, various cultural programs, and Dog Show with a variety of dog breeds are conducted every year.

18. Hogenakkal

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Hogenakkal Falls is one of the best waterfalls in India , and among the best places to visit in Tamil Nadu. It is about 146 km from Bangalore and 345 km from Chennai. Also, it is one of the major waterfalls near Bangalore . Often referred to as the 'Niagara of India', Hogenakkal is one of the wonderful places to visit near Bangalore & Chennai. When the River Kaveri enters the Tamil Nadu border after winding its way through the state of Karnataka, it descends down the lofty landscape forming the Hogenakkal Waterfalls. The Carbonatite rocks found near the waterfall are one of the oldest in the world. The falls has about 14 channels with drops varying between 15 & 65 ft. It can be visited as part of Yercaud tour packages . Coracle riding is one of the main attractions here which is allowed during the monsoon and winter season. Boating is usually stopped in peak monsoons. Hogenakkal is also the good place to try out your swimming skills. Tourists can also go for trekking on the nearby surrounding hills. The water from the fall flows towards the Mettur Dam which is also known as the Stanley Reservoir. Yercaud, MM Hills, and Yelagiri Hills are some of the major tourist destinations near Hogenakkal ...

19. Vellore

Situated on the banks of the Palar River, Vellore is one of the oldest cities of South India, and among the popular places of heritage in Tamilnadu . It is located at a distance of 142 km from Chennai, and 214 km from Bangalore. Vellore is popularly known as the Fort City of Tamil Nadu. Now a very calm and understated place, it was once a battleground and has seen many wars. The name Vellore also means a City of Spears. Vellore is one of the popular places to visit near Bangalore , and among the top attractions, you must include in Tamilnadu tour packages . Vellore has many historic and religious attractions that one must visit as part of Vellore packages . Vellore Fort, Jalakandeswarar Temple, Clock Tower, the State Government Museum, the French Bungalow, Science Park, Vainu Bappu Observatory, Amirthi Zoological Park, Big Mosque, St. Johns Church, and Sripuram are the prominent places to visit in Vellore .

20. Valparai

Originally known as Poonachimalai, Valparai is one of the least explored hill stations in India . About 65 km from Pollachi, 105 km from Coimbatore, it is among the top tourist place to visit in Tamilnadu . Situated at an altitude of 3500 feet, Valparai is a little piece of heaven tucked away in the cradle of the Anamalai mountain range of the Western Ghats. Sholayar Dam, Aliyar Dam, Nallamudi Viewpoint, Loam's View Point, Balaji Temple, Monkey Falls, Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Chinnakallar Waterfalls, Birla Falls, Koolangal River, Grass Hills, Nirar Dam, etc. are some of the popular places to visit in Valparai as part of Valparai tour packages . Valparai is famed for its numerous coffee and tea plantations that are surrounded by thick forest.

21. Tirunelveli

Tirunelveli is a city situated on the banks of the river Thamirabarani in Tamilnadu. About 158 km from Madurai, 291 km from Trichy, and 623 km from Chennai, Tirunelveli is the most popular places to visit near Trichy , and among the must include places in Tamilnadu packages . Also known as Nellai, Tirunelveli is positioned close to the southern tip of India and is very eminent for various geographical features. Tirunelveli has a rich cultural and architectural heritage which is evident from the various temples, and churches located here, and are the must include places in Tirunelveli packages . Nellaiappar Temple, Venkatachalapathy Temple, Sankaranainar Kovil, Allagammai Kashi Vishvanathar, Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Mela Tiruvenkatanathapuram Temple, and Mundanthurai-Kalakad Wildlife are some of the top tourist places in Tirunelveli . The city is also famous for Tirunelveli Halwa and also known as Halwa city and Oxford of South India. The annual Car Festival of Nellaiappar Temple is the major festival celebrated at Tirunelveli.

22. Tenkasi

Tenkasi is the second largest town in the Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. Situated on the Madurai - Kollam highway, it is one of the popular places to visit near Trivandrum , and among the top Tamilnadu places to visit . It is situated about 109 km from Trivandrum, 132 km from Kanyakumari, and 160 km from Madurai. Tenkasi is famous for numerous waterfalls spread around the region including the famous Courtallam Falls, among the must include places in Tenkasi packages . River Chittar flows through this picturesque destination favoured amongst tourists. The Word Tenkasi means Kasi of the South referring to the Kasiviswanathar temple situated in the town. Kulasekaranathar Temple, Kannimaramman Temple, Anggalap Parameshwari Temple, and Esakki Amman Kovil are the other prominent Tenkasi tourist places .

23. Pollachi

Pollachi is a scenic town and a taluk headquarters in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu in India. About 48 km from Coimbatore, and 116 km from Munnar, it is one of the the stunning offbeat places to visit as part of Madurai tour packages . Located on the tip of the Annamalai hills and the plains of Coimbatore, the charming town of Pollachi is known for its lavish greenery and blissful sceneries. The ancient Arulmigu Subramania Thirukoil, Topslip, Annamalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, Aliyar Dam, and Masani Amman Temple are the must include places in Pollachi tour packages . Pollachi is a largely visited tourist hub along with Coimbatore as part of Tamilnadu tour packages .

24. Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple - Srirangam

At a distance of 1 km from Srirangam Railway Station, 9 km from Trichy Railway Junction, 62 km from Thanjavur, 145 km from Madurai & 327 km from Chennai, Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple is a prominent Hindu temple situated at Srirangam near Trichy. It is one of the famous temples in South India , and among the most visited places in Tamilnadu . Constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple is the foremost of the eight self-manifested shrines of Lord Vishnu, and among the important places of pilgrimage in Tamilnadu . Built across an area of 156 acres, this temple is dedicated to Ranganatha, a reclining form of Hindu deity, Lord Vishnu. This temple lies on an island formed by the twin Rivers Cauvery and Kollidam. Though the temple existing since the 2nd century BC, the archaeological inscriptions are available only from the 10th century CE. Among the must include places in Trichy tour packages , this temple is also known by other names such as Thiruvaranga Tirupati, Periyakoil, Bhoologa Vaikundam, and Bhogamandabam. It has seven enclosures formed by thick and huge rampart walls which run around the sanctum. Apart from the 7 enclosures with massive walls, the temple complex has 21 very colorful sculpted gopuras, 50 sub-shrines, 9 sacred ...

25. Gangai Konda Cholapuram

At a distance of 42 km Chidambaram, 76 km from Thanjavur, 110 km from Trichy & 268 km from Chennai, Gangaikonda Cholapuram is a historical town situated near Chidambaram. It is one of the popular places of heritage in Tamilnadu , and among the must visit places during Chidambaram tour . Gangaikonda Cholapuram became the capital of Cholas during the reign of Rajendra Chola I in 1025 CE and served as the Chola capital for around 250 years. This historical town is home to the renowned Brihadeeswarar Temple. It was built by Rajendra Chola I, the son and successor of Rajaraja Chola. This temple is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site 'Great Living Chola Temples'. Rajendra Chola I has established this temple after his great victories in Northern India. He was originally called Madurantakan and assumed the title of Rajendra during his coronation and continued to rule along with his father Rajaraja-I for a while. Gangai Konda Cholapuram is regarded as the reproduction of the Brihadisvara Temple that was built by Rajaraja Chola, father of Rajendra Chola. The temple is renowned for having the biggest Shivalingam in the Southern part of India. Among the top Chidambaram tourist places , the temple was located at the center of the Gangai Konda Cholapuram and occupies around 6 acres of ...

26. Thiruvanaikoil / Jambukeshwar Temple

At a distance of 2.5 km from Srirangam Temple and 11 km from Trichy Railway Junction, Sri Thiruvanaikoil or Thiruvanaikaval, is famous for Jambukeswarar Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple was built by Kochengon, one of the Early Cholas around 1800 years ago on Srirangam Island. Thiruvanaikoil Temple is one of the five major Shiva Temples known as Panchabhoota Sthala representing element of water. The sanctum has Shiva Lingam in the form of Appu lingam (water lingam). The sanctum of Lord Jambukeshwara has an underground water stream and one can see water coming out of that stream all the time. The presiding goddess is Devi Akilandeswari Amman. According to legend, Parvathi performed penance in the form of Akilandeswari in the Jambu forest. She made the lingam out of the water of river Kaveri, installed it under the Venn Naaval tree evolved out of Saint Jambu and commenced her worship. Lord Siva at last gave darshan to Devi Akhilandeswari and taught her Siva Gnana. According to Sthala Purana, there were two Siva Ganas by name Malyavan and Pushpadanta. They always quarrel with each other and fight for one thing or other. On top of all in one fight Malyavan cursed Pushpadanta to become an elephant and the latter cursed the former to become a spider. Both the elephant and the spider came to Jambukeshwaram and continued their Shiva worship. The elephant collected water from river Cauvery and conducted Abhishekam to the lingam under the Jambu tree daily. ...

27. Thirukkadaiyur

At a distance of 23 km from Karaikal , 23 km from Mayiladuthurai, 44 km from Chidambaram and 57 km from Kumbakonam, Thirukkadaiyur is a popular temple town located on the east coast of Tamil Nadu in the Nagapattinam district. The Amritaghateswarar - Abirami Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva is the most famous temple in Thirukkadaiyur. The presiding deity of this temple is Sri Amirthalingeswara and his consort is Sri Abirami. Thirukkadaiyur is one of the 8 Veera Sthalas, where Yama was clashed with Lord Shiva. It is believed that this is the place where Lord Shiva protected Markandeya, son of Mrikandu, from Yama. The scar caused by the Yama's rope is visible on the Linga during abisheka times. The temple was built by Chola kings in 11th century in the traditional Chola architectural style. Spread over 11 acres, the temple has great architecture and has five enclosures, huge towers and spacious mandapas. Based on the inscriptions seen here, the main shrine (sanctum) was in existence before early 11th century. The brick walls of the temple were replaced with stonewalls and the front mandapa was constructed during the period of Kulottunga Chola I. According to legend, when devas and asuras churned milk ocean to get Amritham, they forgot to worship Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha hurt and stole the pot of Amritham and kept at Thirukkadaiyur. While there, Ganesha created a Shiva Lingam and poured some of the Amritham over it. ...

28. Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary

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About Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary

History of mudumalai wildlife sanctuary, layout of mudumalai wildlife sanctuary, 29. padmanabhapuram.

At a distance of 35 Kms from Kanyakumari, 53 Kms from Trivandrum & 700 Kms from Chennai (situated on Trivandrum - Kanyakumari road), Padmanabhapuram is an ancient historical town surrounded by a fort with an area of 187 acres. The ancient capital of Travancore might be constructed before AD 1601. The palace with an area of seven acres, is situated in the very centre on the Padmanabhapuram Fort, amidst hills, dales and rivers. The fort which was built with mud originally was dismantled and reconstructed with granite by Maharaja Marthanda Varma. The height of the walls varies from 15 ft to 24 ft according to the inclination of the ground. Entry Fee Rs 25 for Adult & Rs 10 for Children. Closed on Mondays. Fees for Foreigners : Adult Rs 200 & Children Rs 50 Video and Camera Fee are Rs 1500 & Rs 25 Respectively Separate fee for Car parking

30. Mayiladuthurai

At a distance of 37 km from Kumbakonam, 37 km from Karaikal and 42 km from Chidambaram, Mayiladuthurai is a town and headquarters of the Mayiladuthurai Taluk in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu. Mayiladuthurai is known for the Mayuranatha Swamy Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple is one among the six temples which are compared as equivalent to the temple in Varanasi. The other 5 Shivasthalams are Tiruvenkaadu, Chaayaavanam, Tiruvaiyaru, Tiruvanchiam and Tiruvidaimarudur. This temple was reconstructed with stone in 10th century during the period of Sembiyan Mahadevi. However, the renovations from the 19th century have destroyed some of the older structures and the inscriptions. Some of the stone sculptures of Vinayakar, Natarajar, Dakshimamurthy, Lingodbhavar, Brahma, Ganga Visarjanamurthi, Durga and Bhikshatanar from the period of Sembiyan Mahadevi have been well preserved. The main diety is in the form of lingam called Mayuranathar and his consort Abhayambika appears as a peacock worshipping the Lord here. According to legend, Daksha, father of goddess Parvathi, conducted a Yagna but intentionally didn't invite Lord Shiva to humiliate him. Lord Shiva did not want Parvathi also to attend the Yagna. But Goddess Parvathi attended the function and was humiliated by Daksha. Lord Shiva in Veerabadra form and destroyed the Yagna. As Parvathi ignored Lord's advice, she was cursed to become a peacock. She came ...

31. Vaitheeswaran Koil

At a distance of 17 km from Mayiladuthurai, 27 km from Chidambaram, 45 kms from Karaikal , 54 km from Kumbakonam and 94 km from Thanjavur, Vaitheeswaran Koil is town in Nagapattinam district which is famous for the Vaidyanatha Swamy Temple. The temple is also known as Pullirukkuvelur. Vaidyanatha Swamy and Thaiyalnayaki are the presiding deities of this temple. The Selva Muthukumara Swamy shrine here is also considered to be of important. There are Shiva lingas said to have been worshipped by Rama, Jatayu, Skanda, Surya and Angaraka. It is believed that Rama and his brother Lakshmana cremated the vulture king Jatayu who was killed by Ravana when he tried to prevent the abduction of Sita at this place. There is a pond at this temple called Jatayu kundam. It is one of the Navagraha temples associated with the planet Mars (Angaraka). According to legend, Planet Mars was once afflicted with leprosy and was cured by Vaidyanatha Swamy and from then on it is treated as Angaraka sthalam. The temple has a five-tiered gopura and large enclosures. Lord Vaitheeswaran is worshipped as Shiva linga in the inner sanctum. The first enclosure around the sanctum has the image of Subramanya, worshipped here as Muthukumara Swamy. The other metal images in the sanctum are of Nataraja, Somaskanda, Angaraka and stone sculptures of Durga, Dakshinamoorthy, Surya and Jatayu. The shrine of Thaiyalnayaki who stands with the medicinal oil ...

32. Velankanni

At a distance of 1 km from Velankanni Railway Station, 31 km from Karaikal, 93 km from Thanjavur, 11 km from Nagapattinam, 161 km from Pondicherry, and 313 km from Chennai, the Basilica of Our Lady of Good Health is located in Velankanni town of Tamil Nadu. Situated on the coast of Bay of Bengal, this is one of the most popular Christian pilgrimage in South India , and among the famous places to visit as part of Thanjavur trip . The Roman Catholic Latin Rite Basilica of Velankannin is devoted to Our Lady of Good Health. The Shrine of Our Lady of Velankanni is one of the most frequented religious sites in Tamilnadu . It can be traced back to the mid-16th century and is attributed to three miracles at different sites around where the Basilica currently stands. The appearance of Mary and Christ Child to a shepherd boy, the curing of a buttermilk vendor, and the rescue of Portuguese sailors from a violent sea storm are the miracles associated with this shrine. The shrine was started as a small structure in the mid-sixteenth century. The chapel was built by Portuguese sailors and became a parish church in 1771. Later in 1962 it was granted a special status of a Minor Basilica and merged with the Major Basilica of Mary in Rome on 3 November 1962 by Pope John XXIII. Representing a Gothic style of architecture, the ...

33. Emerald Lake

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At a distance of 17 km from Ooty and 27 km from Coonoor, Emerald Lake, a serene lake with emerald blue waters, is located near Emerald village in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu. Situated amidst dense forests, it is one of the top Ooty tourist places . The lake is part of the Silent Valley National Park situated on the way to Avalanche village. The blue waters of Emerald Lake surrounded by lush green meadows and forest is simply mesmerizing. The water is crystal clear and of course cold. This is a great place to enjoy the day with breathtaking views of the slopes of Nilgiris. Emerald Lake is also a haven for a variety of birds. It is a mini paradise for bird lovers and ornithologists as they get to see and study a number of native birds. It is also notable for the scenic sun rise and sun set views near the lake. The Tea gardens is a great spot to spend some time as it gives a memorable experience. Trekking is another activity visitors can indulge in. Far from maddening crowds packed in the town, this place is untouched by regular tourists. There are no amenities around the place except The Red Hill Nature Resort which is a little further from the shore of the lake. The various facilities arranged by the resort for tourists include mountain biking, bird watching, fishing and trekking in the regions surrounding the lake. The journey to Emerald Lake (from Ooty / Coonoor ) offer ...

34. Thiruchendur

At a distance of 59 km from Tirunelveli, 35 km from Tuticorin and 92 km from Kanyakumari , Thiruchendur is a small coastal town in the Toothukudi district of Tamil Nadu and is a popular pilgrimage destination situated in the Gulf of Mannar. Thiruchendur Murugan Kovil is the prime attraction of the town. This temple is considered to be one of the six Padai Veedu (Battle Camps) of Lord Murugan, the others being Thiruparamkundram, Palani, Swamimalai, Thiruthani and Pazhamudhircholai. This temple is known as the second Padai Veedu of Lord Muruga. Lord Muruga won the battle with the demon Surapadma and worshipped Lord Shiva at this sacred place. It is believed that the temple existed since the Vedic period, as it is mentioned in many ancient scripts. The main entrance to the temple faces south although the sanctum faces east. The 133 feet Rajagopura, built close to the shores of Bay of Bengal, is an outstanding example of Dravidian architecture. The Gopura consists of 9 storeys there are nine Kalasas at the top of the gopuram. This is the only Murugan temple situated on the sea shore. This temple was built by three holy saints. Lord Murugan is represented in various forms in the temple, the presiding deity (Moolavar) being Balasubramanya in standing posture. The other forms are Shanmugar, Jayanthinathar, and Kumaravidanga Perumal. The temple has two large enclosures. Adjacent to the sanctum is the Panchalingam ...

35. Srivilliputhur Andal Temple

At a distance of 80 km from Madurai and 100 km from Tirunelveli, Srivilliputhur Andal Temple is an ancient Hindu temple situated at Srivilliputhur in Virudhunagar district of Tamilnadu. This is one of the popular temples in Tamilnadu and also one of the 108 divya desams of Lord Vishnu. The 11 tier Raja gopuram is the tallest in Tamilnadu and is also the Emblem of Tamil Nadu Government. The temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped as Vatapatrasayi and his consort Lakshmi as Andal. It is believed to be the birthplace of two of the Alwars, namely Periazhwar and his foster daughter Andal. The Alwars lived in 8th century, so that the existence of the temple can be traced even before. Vatapatra Sayanar Temple was constructed by the King Villi who ruled the place. The tall temple tower was constructed by Peria Alwar with the help provided by the Pandian king Vallabadevan (765-815 AD). The Andal Shrine had been constructed by different kings of Pandya dynasty at different times. King Thirumalai Nayak had done many renovations. Srivilliputhur Temple is associated with the life of Andal, who was found under a Tulsi plant in the garden inside the temple by Periazhwar. She is believed to have worn the garland before dedicating it to the presiding deity of the temple. Periazhwar, who later found it, was highly upset and stopped the practice. It is believed Vishnu appeared in his dream and asked him to dedicate the garland worn by Andal to him daily, which is a practice ...

36. Kotagiri

At a distance of 20 km from Coonoor, 29 km from Ooty, and 72 km from Coimbatore, Kotagiri is a small hill station in the Nilgiris district of Tamilnadu. It is one of the lesser-known hill stations in tamilnadu , and among the top tourist places to visit near Ooty . Situated at an altitude of 1793 m, Kotagiri is the oldest and the third largest hill station in the Nilgiris after Ooty, and Coonoor. The name Kotagiri literally means mountains of the Kotas that refers to the Kota tribe who lived here in the past. It is one of the top attractions you must include in Ooty tour . Kotagiri was the first British settlement in the Nilgiris and preferred summer retreat, till a road was built from Mettupalayam to Coonoor. The region was discovered by two civil servants of the Madras government in pursuit of outlaws. They called the region Kotacherry. John Sullivan, the then collector of Coimbatore, visited Kotagiri and was so drawn to the place that he built a home here making him the first European to reside in Kotagiri. Kotagiri is famous for its breathtaking scenic beauty. The first coffee plantation was planted here in 1843 which was followed by many more plantations. However, the first tea plantation in the late 19th century by the daughter of MD Cockburn, tea slowly started taking over coffee ...

37. Vaideki Waterfalls

tourism essay in tamil

At a distance of 35 Kms from Coimbatore Railway Station & 533 Kms from Chennai, Vaideki Falls are located near Narisipuram town. The falls is very beautiful and has a naturally formed slope. It is located inside the forest and one must obtain permission before entering the forest. Visitors are only allowed by being escorted by a forest guard into the forest. This area of forest has lot of animal movements; especially elephants. There are lot of incidents of elephants attacking humans, so it is always advisable to obtain permission and get some guards accompanying while entering the forest. About 5 Kms trek through forest is required to reach the falls from nearest road point. One can get private vehicles to reach forest trek point from Narisipuram town.

At a distance of 41 kms from Kodaikanal, 108 Kms from Coimbatore & 487 Kms from Chennai, Palani is one of the padi veedu for Lord Muruga and is an important pilgrim centre for Hindus. Palani is one of the popular pilgrimage sites in Tamilnadu and another popular attraction not to miss in a Kodaikanal tour package . Puranas have a story that Lord Muruga disappointed for Gnanapazham came here to stay alone. Lord Shiva & Goddess Uma Devi convinced him by saying that he itself is the fruit of knowledge (Gnanapazham) and called him as Pazham Nee. Thus the town got its name 'Pazhani'. The temple of Pazhaniandavar is situated in the Palani Hills at the height of about 1400 feet from the sea level. From the temple prakaram one can see the Idumban Hill, the Kodaikanal Hills, the rivers flowing around Palani, the greenfields and even the Kurinjiandavar temple in Kodaikanal hills on a clear day.

39. Topslip

At a distance of 35 km from Pollachi and 76 km from Coimbatore, 5 km from Parambikulam , Topslip is a protected tiger reserve located in the Annamalai mountain range of the Western Ghats in Tamilnadu. It is one of the must include places in Pollachi Tour Packages. Situated at an altitude of 240 m, Topslip is the tourist zone and main birding area of the Annamalai Tiger Reserve, which is separated from the Nilgiri Hills by Palghat Gap in the north. It stands majestically with Green Spread Mountains and forest all around. The place got its name during the British era, as lots of its timber slipped down to the plains below. Topslip is blessed with a gentle altitude, a salubrious climate, and a variety of flora and fauna. Its picturesque location and fabulous scenery have made it a popular location for several movie sequences. It is also famous for the elephant camp. It is the best gateway for a wonderful wildlife experience of the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary. The unique teak forests, Bamboo forests, rich exotic species of plants, and wild animals are the major attractions of Topslip. It is also a wonderful destination for bird watching as it is home to 250 species of birds. MT Stuart block is another attraction which is located 3 km from Topslip. It has an ancient forest bungalow along with the grave of Hugo Wood, a British officer with an environmental conscience who emphasized that ...

40. Thiruttani

At a distance of 13 km from Arakkonam, 44 km from Kanchipuram, 86 km from Chennai and 65 km from Tirupati, Thiruthani is a holy town located in Tiruvallur District of Tamil Nadu and is famous for the Murugan Temple. This temple is one among the six Padai Veedus (Battle Grounds) of Lord Murugan, other five are Palani, Swamimalai, Tirupparangunram, Pazhamudircholai and Thiruchendur. This place represents the site where Subramanya stayed after destroying the demon Surapadman. Tiruttani is also said to be the place where the Lord Subramanya married Valli - one of his two consorts. This temple has been mentioned in the Sangam period work Tirumurugaatruppadai composed by Nakkeerar. According to legend, Devayani, daughter of Indra married Lord Murugan and was presented Indra's elephant Airavatam as part of his dowry offering. Upon Airavatam's departure Indra found his wealth waning. Lord Subramanya is said to have offered to return the white elephant, however Indra refused to accept a gift that he had made and instead requested that the elephant face his direction, hence the image of the elephant in this temple also faces the east. The hill temple is reachable by a motorable road and is also accessed through a plight of 365 steps. The temple has 4 enclosures and a series of temple towers. There is a shrine to Aapat Sahaaya Vinayakar who helped the Murugan in winning Valli's hand in marriage. The processional image of Murugan is housed in a Rudraksha tower. The large ornament ...

41. Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve

At a distance of 12 km from Papanasam, 58 km from Kalakkad, and 60 km from Tirunelveli, Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve is located in the Southern Western Ghats in Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari districts of Tamil Nadu. This is the second-largest protected area in Tamil Nadu and among the best places to visit as part of your India wildlife tour. The Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve was created in the year 1988 by combining Kalakkad Wildlife Sanctuary (251 km�) and Mundanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary (567 km�), both established in 1962. This sanctuary covers an area of around 817 sq. km, out of which 459 sq. km falls under the core zone, and the remaining 358 sq. km comes under the buffer zone. Nestled between Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the Agastya Malai Hill Range forms the core area of the sanctuary and is part of one of the world's 18 biodiversity hotspots. It is also under consideration by UNESCO as a world heritage site. wildlife sanctuaries near Madurai . The Reserve is home to a wide variety of animals and plants. The fauna includes around 150 endemic plants, 33 fish, 37 amphibians, 81 reptiles, 273 birds, and 77 mammal species. One can spot Elephant, Gaur, Bonnet, Macaque, Common languor, Tigers and Leopards, Chital, Dhole Panther, Sloth Bear, Python, Barking deer, Four-Horned- Antelope, Otter, Crocodiles (mugger), giant flying squirrel, Sambar, Hyena, Wild Dog, Wild Boar, Mouse ...

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Most Asked Questions on Tamilnadu

It usually takes minimum 5 days to visit top destinations in different circuits of Tamilnadu. It is difficult to cover all top places in Tamilnadu in a single trip, as the state is quote big. One can start from Chennai and visit Mahabalipuram, Kanchipuram, Vellore & Yelagiri. Starting from Madurai, Rameshwaram, Kanyakumari & Thanjavur can be visited. Another popular circuit includes Ooty, Coonoor, Kodaikanal and near by places can be visited from both Bangalore & Coimbatore.

Tamilnadu can be vistited through the year, however, winter from October to Martch is the best season to visit Tamilnadu. It is also the busiest season and hotels are usually very expensive in this season. Popular Places like Madurai, Rameshwaram, Kanyakumari, Kodaikanal & Thanjavur attract large crowds in winter season.

Budget of Tamilnadu trip depends on the trip duration and category of hotel you choose for your stay along with the kind of vehicle you prefer. Tamilnadu tour packages offered by Trawell.in start from as low as INR 13100 per person for a 5D/4N trip and from INR 22750 per person for 8D/7N vacation.

Ensure to cover most important places to visit in Tamilnadu like Ooty, Kodaikanal, Yercaud, Yelagiri, Madurai, Rameshwaram, Kanyakumari, Thanjavur, Kanchipurm, etc. Ooty, Kodaikanal, Madurai, Rameshwaram & Kanyakumari are most visited destinations in Karnataka.

Tamilnadu is one of the safest states in India and people are very liberal in nature. It is very safe for domestic & foreign tourists as well as single women to visit the state.

Top 6 Tamilnadu Packages

Package Duration Starting Price Details
3D/2N ₹ 9050
4D/3N ₹ 10750
4D/3N ₹ 11350
5D/4N ₹ 14700
6D/5N ₹ 16850
8D/7N ₹ 22750

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19 Top Tourist Destinations in Tamil Nadu

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Tamil Nadu, with its distinctive ancient Dravidian culture, is a fascinating part of South India . The state draws both tourists and pilgrims alike to its towering, intricately built temples . Beaches and hill stations are popular destinations as well. Due to its culture, Tamil Nadu is a particularly hassle-free destination to visit, especially for women . Enjoy these top tourist places in Tamil Nadu.

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Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, is known as the Gateway to South India. It's a sprawling and busy, yet conservative, city with deep traditions that are yet to give way to the growing foreign influence there. Unlike some other Indian cities, Chennai doesn't have world famous monuments or tourist attractions. Yet, if you take your time to explore below its surface and delve into its distinctive culture, you'll grow to appreciate it. These places to visit in Chennai will give you a feel for the city and what makes it special.

Mahabalipuram Beach

Around an hour south of Chennai, you'll find one of the top beaches on India's east coast—Mahabalipuram (also known as Mamallapuram). The beach has a thriving backpacker and surfing scene but is also popular with tourists who come to relax at the resorts there . It's known for its stone sculpture industry, and is a great place to shop for these items and see artisans at work. Other attractions are the Shore Temple, Five Rathas (sculptured temples in the shape of chariots), and Arjuna's Penance (a huge carving on the face of a rock depicting scenes from The Mahabharata ).


Popularly known as a "City of a Thousand Temples", Kanchipuram is not just famous for its distinctive silk saris . Located about two hours from Chennai, on the main road to Bangalore , it was once the capital of the Pallava dynasty. Today, only 100 or so temples remain, many of them with unique architectural beauty. The diversity of temples is particularly noteworthy. There are both Shiva and Vishnu temples, built by various rulers (the Cholas, Vijayanagar kings, Muslims and British also ruled this part of Tamil Nadu) who each refined the design.

Kanchipuram, Mamallapuram, and Chennai are often referred to as Tamil Nadu's Golden Triangle for tourists. It's one of the best places to visit near Chennai .


Pondicherry, a separate union territory on the east coast of Tamil Nadu, is not really a place you'd expect to find in India. It was a former 18th century French colony and still retains a distinctly French flavor. Those who feel in need of a break from India will enjoy the taste of French culture there and the relaxed atmosphere. Sri Aurobindo Ashram attracts plenty of spiritual seekers. The French Quarter and the Promenade, bordered by the Bay of Bengal, are the most happening parts of the city. Auroville is a popular day trip.

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Ancient Madurai in Tamil Nadu is home to the most impressive and important temple in south India --the Meenakshi Temple . If you only see one south Indian temple, the Meenakshi Temple should be it. The city of Madurai is more than 4,000 years old and has remained a major center of Tamil culture and learning. During the heyday of its history, when the Nayak dynasty ruled, many magnificent temples and buildings with superb architecture were constructed. The 12-day Chithirai Festival , featuring a re-enacted celestial wedding of God and Goddess, is held in Madurai during April each year.

Thanjavur (Tanjore)

Thanjavur is best known for its astonishing Brihadeshwara Temple (known as the Big Temple), a UNESCO World Heritage Site made out of granite by Chola king Raja Raja I in the 11th century. It's an engineering marvel. However, the town is also a distinguished hub of arts and crafts in South India. Its various rulers -- from the Cholas in the 9th century to the Bhonsles in the 19th century -- all shared a common interest in patronage of the arts and crafts. Thanjavur continues to nourish artisans and performers.

Kumbakonam and Gangaikonda Cholapuram

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Interested in seeing more superb temples from the Chola era? Kumbakonam and Gangaikonda Cholapuram, northeast of Thanjavur, have two Great Living Chola Temples that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage listing too. The royal temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram was built not long after Thanjavur's Big Temple in the 11th century, when Rajendra Chola I relocated the Chola capital there in celebration of victory. Its design is similar to the Big Temple in Thanjavur but on a lesser scale, and it features an enormous stone Nandi (bull). The captivating 12th century Airavatesvara temple at Darasuram, near Kumbakonam, is covered in magnificent detailed sculptures. Kumbakonam abounds with temples too. Stop by the temple town of Swamimalai on the way to Kumbakonam to meet artisans who make bronze idols of gods and goddesses.

Famous for its old mansions (some of which are open to the public) and fiery meat curries, Tamil Nadu's Chettinad region is located about two hours from Madurai and Thanjavur. It can be explored on a day trip. Or, have a heritage stay at a mansion that's been converted into a hotel! The Bangala is a stately homestead located in Karaikudi, in the heart of Chettinad. The food is a highlight; seven courses are served on a banana leaf. Cooking classes and special packages for the exploration of local cuisine are also offered.

Tranquebar (Tharangambadi)

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Continue about two hours east of Kumbakonam to the Coromandel Coast and you'll come acroos the small town of Tranquebar, which was the first Danish trading post in India established in 1620. There you can see the remains of a 17th century fort, museum, and old church. The Bungalow on the Beach is an 18th century Danish colonial house that once belonged to the Governor of Danish India and has now been turned into a heritage hotel.

Pichavaram mangrove forest is one of the world's largest mangrove jungles (along with the Sundarbans National Park in West Bengal and Bhitarkanika in Odisha ). Yet, not a lot of tourists know about it. The mangrove forest is spread over 1,100 hectares and joins the Bay of Bengal, where it's separated by a lengthy sand bank. Apparently, there are more than 50 islands of various sizes, and 4,400 big and small canals! A boat will take you to explore them. Pichavaram is located about 30 minutes from the temple town of Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, which is a bit over an hour north of Tranquebar and worth visiting too. It has a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva in his dancing form of Nataraj and special fire ceremonies.


Many people say that Tiruvannamalai, and in particular Mount Arunachala, has a very special spiritual energy. The holy mountain has been called the most silent place on earth, as it has the ability to quieten the mind. It's considered by Hindus to be the embodiment of Lord Shiva. Tiruvannamalai attracts both pilgrims and spiritual seekers to its Arunachaleswar Temple and Sri Ramana Ashram. The crowd swells on full moon nights and during the Karthigai Deepam festival in November when pilgrims walk around the holy mountain.


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Kanyakumari sits on the furthermost tip of India, where the Bay of Bengal merges with the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. It attracts a lot of pilgrims as it's regarded as the abode of virgin Goddess Kanya Kumari, an incarnation of Goddess Parvati (the divine Mother Goddess). Goddess Kanya Kumari is believed to have done penance there to get Lord Shiva to marry her. The distinguishing feature of this spiritual town is the Swami Vivekananda Memorial and towering statue of Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar, located on a rocky island off the shore. The Swami meditated there in 1892, before setting out on his religious crusade. In addition, Kanyakumari is one of the best places to see the southwest monsoon arrive in India, in late May each year.


Rameshwaram is a peaceful little pilgrim town, brought to life by the constant stream of people that come to bathe in its holy water, get a puja done to purify their karma ​and visit Ramanathaswamy Temple. The approach to Rameshwaram is dramatic, with two long bridges (one for trains and one for other vehicles) linking it to the mainland. Not far from Rameshwaram, the crumbled, windswept remnants of Dhanuskodi , a town destroyed by a cyclone in 1964, are eerie in their isolation. Adam's Bridge is about as remote as you can get. This chain of reefs and sandbanks almost connects India with Sri Lanka , which is only about 30 kilometers (18 miles) away.

Ooty was established in the early 19th century by the British as the summer headquarters of the Chennai government. It's a sought-after place to escape the summer heat. If you travel there during the peak season in April and May, do be prepared for it to be crowded though! Ooty's main attractions include the 22 hectare Government Botanical Gardens (a flower show is held there every May as part of the Summer Festival), boating on Ooty Lake, and climbing Dodabetta Peak for an excellent view of the Nilgiri hills. To get to Ooty, take the scenic Nilgiri mountain railway toy train from Metupalaiyam.

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Downhill from Ooty, Coonoor is where the world-class Nilgiri tea originated. The town is beginning to realize its potential as a tourist destination but remains a refreshingly quieter option than Ooty. Many of the things to do there revolve around tea. Upper Coonoor is an enjoyable neighborhood to stroll around, plus there are viewpoints and trekking spots in the area. One trail leads to the ruins of 18th century Droog Fort, used by Tipu Sultan.

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The British created Kodaikanal as an alternative to Ooty. The town is nestled into the densely forested Western Ghat mountains northwest of Madurai. While it's not as developed as Ooty and retains some old-world charm, it still attracts a lot of Indian tourists during summer. Walking, trekking, boat rides and horse rides are popular activities. For peace and quiet, ideally stay out of town at a property such as Lilly's Valley Resort with its own nature trail.

Mudumalai National Park

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One of the top national parks in India , Mudumalai isn't far from Ooty in the Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu on the border of Kerala and Karnataka. It's reportedly home to over 260 species of birds (including peacocks), as well as elephants, tigers, deer, monkeys, wild boar, bison, and leopards. Tree house accommodations are a popular feature at many of the properties around Mudumalai.

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One of the best places to visit off the beaten track in India , Pollachi is a relatively unexplored destination that will delight nature and wildlife lovers. It's close to the Anamali Hills and the Kerala border. The Papyrus Itineraries offers immersive trips including bird watching, nature walks, boat rides, village and farm visits, handicrafts, and tea tours . Grass Hills Tours and Travels is also a reputable company that specializes in local nature and wildlife tourism. Try to catch the annual Kongu Nadu Cattle Festival, held in January. Stay at Coco Lagoon Resort , or the cheaper Coconut County Farm Stay.


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Tiruchirappalli (commonly called Trichy) is among the oldest inhabited cities in Tamil Nadu. Its ancient and diverse history can be traced as far back as the Early Chola Dynasty in the 3rd century BC. The city has had about 10 different rulers who have left their mark on it, including the British. However, it really flourished in the 16th century, when it was part of the Madurai Nayak kingdom. The eclectic attractions include an old fort, temples, churches, and markets.

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Tourist places in Tamil Nadu

Here are the top 74 places to visit in tamil nadu in 2024:.

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1 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 91 Tourist attractions

Formerly known as Madras, Chennai is the capital city of the state of Tamil Nadu, in the southern part of India. Located on the Coromandel coast of Bay of Bengal, Chennai is as dynamic as it is immersed in tradition. This 'capital of the south', is one among the four metropolitan siblings of In...

Best Time: October to March

2 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 43 Tourist attractions

Nestled amidst Nilgiri hills, Ooty, also known as Udagamandalam, is a hill station in Tamil Nadu which serves as a top-rated tourist destination. Once regarded as the summer headquarters of the East India Company, the Queen of the hills is a picturesque getaway.

Best Time: Throughout the year

3 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 20 Tourist attractions

Madurai, the cultural capital of Tamil Nadu, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities of India. Ruled by Pandya kings for the longest time in its history, it is called as the 'Lotus City' as it was planned and built in the shape of a lotus. Madurai is known for Meenakshi Amm...

4. Mahabalipuram

4 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 23 Tourist attractions

Famous for its intricately carved temples and rock-cut caves, Mamallapuram or Mahabalipuram as it is famously known, is a historically important and well-loved tourist location situated on the Coromandel Coast along the Bay of Bengal, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Once the abode of the famous dem...

Best Time: November to February

Tamil Nadu Travel Packages

Compare quotes from upto 3 travel agents for free

Quintessential Tamil Nadu Package: Madurai, Rameshwaram, Kanyakumari

Wilderness & hills package: ooty, wayanad & mysore, pearls of tamil nadu: ooty, kumbakonam, kodaikanal & more, tamil nadu darshan: rameshwaram, kanyakumari, trivandrum & more, banglore mysore ooty kodaikanal tour package, religious madurai, rameswaram & kanyakumari on a budget, 5. kodaikanal.

5 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 35 Tourist attractions

Located in the state of Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal is one of the most famous honeymoon destinations in India. A Lakeside resort town of Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal has a beautiful climate, mist-covered manicured cliffs and waterfall that come together to create the ideal setting for a perfect getaway. Kodaik...

Best Time: September to May

6. Kanyakumari

6 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 28 Tourist attractions

Located at the southernmost tip of the Indian subcontinent, Kanyakumari is a captivating coastal town in the state of Tamil Nadu. Renowned for its breathtaking confluence of three vast water bodies – the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean – Kanyakumari is celebrated for its stunnin...

Best Time: October to February

7. Coimbatore

7 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 27 Tourist attractions

Often termed as 'Manchester of South India', Coimbatore, the second-largest city in Tamil Nadu, photographically situated on the banks of River Noyyal. Coimbatore, also known as Kovai, is a welcoming area with the backdrop of hustle-bustle and charm of activity and industry. From ancient temple...

Best Time: September to March

8. Thanjavur

8 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 15 Tourist attractions

Also known as Tanjore or the city of temples, Thanjavur has a lot of cultural value and is known for its famous Tanjore paintings, antiques and handicrafts, textiles and saris , its Carnatic music and musical instruments and of course the temples.

9. Rameshwaram

9 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 22 Tourist attractions

Rameshwaram is located on a beautiful island in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is separated by a small Pamban channel from Sri Lanka. According to Hindu mythology, this is the place where Lord Rama created a bridge across the sea to Sri Lanka.

10. Yercaud

10 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 20 Tourist attractions

Nestled in the Shivaroy Hills of Tamil Nadu, Yercaud is a hill station in the Eastern Ghats steeped in abundant greenery. Commonly called ‘Ooty of the Poor’, this region has a history dating back to the time of the British. Located at an altitude of 4970 feet, Yercaud is known for its vast expanses ...

Best Time: October to June

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Hill Stations in Tamil Nadu To Beat The Heat

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National Parks in Tamil Nadu For A Thrilling Wildlife Adventure

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Best Things to Do in Tamil Nadu

11. Auroville

11 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 21 Tourist attractions

Located around 15 km from the city of Pondicherry, Auroville is located in Tamil Nadu and was founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa, a disciple of Aurobindo and fondly known as the 'Mother' of Sri Aurobindo Society. This place is the epitome of tranquillity and proves as the perfect escape for the ones i...

Best Time: November to March

12 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 15 Tourist attractions

Nestled on the banks of the Cauvery River, Tiruchirappalli, colloquially known as Trichy, stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of Tamil Nadu's cultural heritage. With a history dating back to the 3rd century BC, this city seamlessly blends ancient traditions with modern developments. The iconi...

13. Kanchipuram

13 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 16 Tourist attractions

Widely known for its beautiful 'Kanchipuram sarees' and also referred to as the 'golden city of a thousand temples', Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu is a popular tourist attraction. Kanchipuram or Kanchi attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world who are interested in Hinduism or just want to enjo...

Best Time: October to May

14. Karaikudi

14 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 6 Tourist attractions

Karaikudi, a Greater municipality in the Sivagangai district of Tamil Nadu, stands as the 21st largest urban agglomeration in the state, marked by its unique limestone-built palatial houses called Kaarai veedu. This distinctive architectural heritage has earned the town the local name "Kaarai Nagar....

Best Time: October - March

15. Tirunelveli

15 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 32 Tourist attractions

Tirunelveli, also called Tinnevelly, is a big city in the midst of numerous small towns, each with its own bounty of beautiful sights, temples, waterfalls and much more. Unlike many temple towns, this 2000-year-old ancient city also does offer many other sites to its tourists. The city is locat...

16. Mudumalai National Park

16 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 3 Tourist attractions

Mudumalai National Park is a part of the Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, located at a distance of 150 kilometres from Coimbatore, in the Nilgiri District of Tamilnadu. It connects the Western Ghats to the Eastern Ghats and owes its popularity to the fact that it’s home to many vulnerable and endangere...

Best Time: December to June

17. Thiruvannamalai

17 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 9 Tourist attractions

A town that offers a significant history adorned in its countless temples and ashrams, Thiruvannamalai is where Hindu Mythology takes the form of stunning architecture

18. Coonoor

18 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 17 Tourist attractions

One of the three beautiful Nilgiri hill stations, Coonoor is the second largest hill station of the Western Ghats. It is situated at an altitude of 1930 meters and just 19 km from Ooty. With slopes of tea plantations, dotted with many attractions and blessed with chilly weather throughout ...

19. Velankanni

19 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 6 Tourist attractions

Quaint and calm, Velankanni is a little hamlet tucked away in the state of Tamil Nadu, on the coast of Bay of Bengal. It is a famous Roman Catholic pilgrim centre and is visited by thousands of devotees for its shrine of ‘Our Lady of Good Health’ aka Mother Mary. Inspired by the Lourdes in France, V...

20. Dhanushkodi

20 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 6 Tourist attractions

Dhanushkodi is a small, sparsely populated beach town on the coast of Tamil Nadu. In the 1964, Dhanushkodi was hit by one of the worst storms India has ever seen. Ever since then, Tamil Nadu has rebuilt this town to become one of the most unique and unusual beach towns of India.

Best Tourist Attractions in Tamil Nadu

Nilgiri Mountain Railway

Nilgiri Mountain Railway

Ooty Lake

Vivekananda Rock Memorial

Kolukkumalai Tea Estate

Kolukkumalai Tea Estate

Ooty Botanical Gardens

Ooty Botanical Gardens

Ooty Rose Garden

Ooty Rose Garden

21. Tuticorin

21 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 14 Tourist attractions

Popularly known as Thoothukudi, Tuticorin is a port city in the Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu. The city lies 40km east of Tirunelveli on the gulf of Mannar of the Bay of Bengal. Tuticorin is known as the pearl city due to the pearl fishing carried out in the town.

22. Hogenakkal

22 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 9 Tourist attractions

Hogenakkal is a waterfall located in Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu where the Kaveri river splits into multiple streams of waterfalls. Located at a distance of 180 km from Bangalore, Hogenakkal has water throughout the year. The carbonite rocks, the coracle (basket boat) rides, freshwater fish, o...

23. Yelagiri

23 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 13 Tourist attractions

A quaint little hill station located in Vellore, Yelagiri is just three hours away from Bangalore, making it the perfect spot for a quick weekend getaway. Spread a little over 30 square kilometres, and at a height of over 1100 metres above sea level, Yelagiri offers its tourists some beautiful place...

24. Kumbakonam

24 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 25 Tourist attractions

Sandwiched between two great rivers of southern India, Cauvery and Arsala, Kumbakonam is a gorgeous temple town in the heart of the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu.The town is a place for the lovers of history and those seeking to understand India's cultural roots and Hinduism.

25. Chettinad

25 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 13 Tourist attractions

Located in the Sivaganga district of Tamil Nadu, Chettinad Showcases the rich heritage, striking art and grand architecture of the state. Apart from being known as a temple town, the Chettinad Cuisine is the most renowned in the repertoire of Tamil Nadu. The word "Chetti" is a Sanskrit term meaning ...

26. Chidambram

26 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 10 Tourist attractions

A beautiful temple town in the Cuddalore District of Tamil Nadu, Chidamabaram is famous for housing the marvellous Lord Nataraja Temple and the famed chariot festival. Situated 250 kms away from the city of Chennai, Chidambaram has been a place of architectural glory and religious importance since a...

Best Time: October to January

27. Nagapattinam

27 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 8 Tourist attractions

Nagapattinam is a town on the coastline of the Bay of Bengal with a major historical significance which is also a renowned pilgrim centre with Divya Desam of Velankanni, many temples and mosques spread all over. Nagapattinam has its the name derived from Nagur, the land of serpent gods and is credit...

28. Vedanthangal

28 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 2 Tourist attractions

Lying close to the important district of Mahabalipuram, is Vedanthangal, best known for its bird sanctuary. The compact water tank of 30 hectares that the sanctuary is built around is home to at least 30,000 birds every year during migratory season.

29. Tharangambadi

29 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 7 Tourist attractions

Forgotten to be touched by time, and still known for its tranquillity, is Tharangambadi, otherwise known as Tranquebar- The land of the singing waves. Tranquebar or Tharangambadi is a tiny beach town in Nagapattinam district that dates back to the 14th century. Placed at a dreamy patch at the conflu...

Best Time: August to February

30. Kutralam

30 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 9 Tourist attractions

Courtallam, also known as Kutralam, is a perfect getaway from Tenkasi and Tirunelveli. A small town bordering Kollam District, Courtallam is famous for its waterfalls on the Western Ghats. With captivating panoramic vistas, the township is popularly renowned as 'Spa of South'. It has nine waterfalls...

Best Time: July to March

31 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 10 Tourist attractions

Salem may be the fifth largest city in Tamil Nadu in terms of area but is largest when it comes to breathtaking natural beauty and tranquil holy shrines. There are several famous Hindu temples – Kottai Mariamman Temple, Sugavaneshwarar Temple,  International Society for Krishna Consciousness (I...

Best Time: January to February

32. Bellikkal

32 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

Bellikkal is one of those places where you can completely relax, without having to worry about a 'to-do' list for your vacations and yet experience mountains that will steal your breath away. Instead of having a hundred places to offer, it will take you by its beauty, calmness and serenity.

33. Vellore

33 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 17 Tourist attractions

An ancient city in the northeastern part of Tamil Nadu, Vellore is located on the banks of river Palar Vellore. Nicknamed ‘The Fort City’ due to the marvellous Vellore Fort which sits at the heart of Vellore city, it is an ideal place to glimpse Tamil Nadu's rich cultural heritage through ...

34 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 7 Tourist attractions

Dotted by luscious patches of greenery and beautiful waterfalls, Theni is a little hamlet on the Western Ghats. The topography of Theni mainly consists of hills and ranges. It has plenty of rivers and dams and is an abode to 27 forests hence filled with unparalleled greenery. 

35. Pollachi

35 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

Located down south, in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, the town of Pollachi is a popular filming spot due to its lavish greenery and blissful sceneries. Primarily an agricultural region, Pollachi adorns vast spreads of coconut, jaggery and vegetable fields. The famous Topslip Tiger reserve and Annamalai wil...

Best Time: December to February

36 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

The city of Yanam is situated in the Yanam district of Puducherry, India. The small city which covers an area of 30 square kilometers is in the confluence where Godhavari meets Koringa to the south of Kakinada district in Andhra Pradesh. The city has a widely distinct culture with a mixture of Frenc...

Best Time: June to September

37. Kolli Hills

37 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu 4 Tourist attractions

With an ominous name which means ‘Mountain of Death’, Kolli Hills or Kolli Malai are a mountain range located in the Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu. It is relatively untouched by commercial tourism and therefore has retained most of its natural magnificence. The mountains are famous for not on...

Best Time: March-June; August-December

38 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

Right between the 200km distance from Coimbatore and Madurai lies the hilly town of Palani. The town has two hills, Sivagiri and Sakthigiri, that are the prominent visual in this scenic, hilly landscape. There are many lakes in Palani that eventually drain into the Shanmuga River at the foot of thes...

Best Time: November-March

39. Tenkasi

39 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

Tenkasi is the second largest town of the Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu on the Madurai - Kollam highway. Amidst the Western Ghats, River Chittar flows through this picturesque destination favoured amongst tourists. While this town is known for waterfalls and temples, it has been made famous for i...

Best Time: July to October

40. Dindigul

40 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

Dindigul is a historical city and administrative centre for Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu. Situated between the Palani hills and Sirumalai hills' foothills, this city is not particularly known for its terrain. Its history & culture has found reverence, having been home to an ancient settlement.&...

Best Time: July-March

41. Mayiladuthurai

41 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

Located about 57.3 km from Nagapattinam, Mayiladuthurai is a temple town that's famous for it's Shiva temple known as Mayura Natha Swamy temple. Ruled dominantly by the medieval Chola dynasty, the history of Mayiladuthurai dates back many decades. The city is located near the river Cauvery with coco...

42. Thiruvarur

42 out of 74 Places to visit in Tamil Nadu

Thiruvavur, also written as Tiruvarur, is a municipality town nestled in Tamil Nadu, India. Famed for its antiquity, the town has been ruled by multiple groups at varied times including Medieval Cholas, Later Cholas, Vijayanagar Empire, Later Pandyas, Marathas, and the British. A charming templ...

Best Time: December to March

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The Introduction To The Tamil Nadu Tourism

The Introduction To The Tamil Nadu Tourism

Tamil Nadu is one of the provinces of India, its capital is Chennai is the chief Centre. Tamil Nadu population of 72,138.95 as of 2011. Divided into 32 territories in Tamil Nadu. State 89 % of the population are Hindus. A 11 % population together Christians and Muslims. Tamil Nadu functionary linguistic communications Tamil and English. Tamil Nadu civilization and tradition together, which attracts tourist from the whole universe.

Tamil Nadu is known as the “temple province of India “, and all across this brilliant province, one will happen a singular commemoration, temples incorporating to involve carvings and humbling gateways. It is characterized by a history, dates back to over five 1000s old ages and a rich civilization. Each attractive force most of import will hold a spiritual or originative narrative attached to it will go forth one spellbound

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Tamil Nadu Tourism revives the head, carry felicity, moderateness, enjoyment gives to the Tourist. Tamil Nadu is taking a batch of chance for the development of touristry industry. It has many heritage centers, pilgrim’s journey centers, long natural coastal line, perennial river system, hills station pilgrim’s journey centers, and weather owing to deficiency of so many factors like substructure installations, authorities cooperation, selling installations to mobile figure to tourers within the India and abroad, proper planning and political orientation

Tamil Nadu province that attracts immense figure of foreign tourist every twelvemonth. Tamil Nadu State with several celebrated for touristy genre The recognition should be given to the presence of limitless attractive forces that include beautiful temples, magnetizing hill stations, soundless beaches and metropolis with rich heritage. The recognition should besides be given to the high criteria of the installations that the top circuit operators in the province arrange for the visitants. Tamilnadu-tour in claims to be a prima name in offering customized tours to the aliens, anticipating a batch from the province ‘s touristry industry.

Tamil Nadu Tourism one of the preferable hot spots for individuals desiring ago union heritage, cultural and beautiful luster religious experience. Tamil Nadu is breathtaking hill stations and long sunshiny beaches, provides to people who visit non merely to marinade in the civilization, but people who want to loosen up and merely allow travel for a piece. Tamil Nadu coastline 910 kilometers (600 Mt) long, Tamil Nadu 3rd longest coastline in the state. Foreign visitants were The authorities of Tamil Nadu are now doing peaceable promotional attempts and harmonize importance for touristry. Tamil Nadu to advance as an attractive finish of Tourer at the International degree to back up the bing territory in the province.

Tamil Nadu province provides universe category services to tourists. Tamil Nadu 2nd province in pulling foreign tourist and 3rd in domestic tourist. Tamil Nadu Tourism should become a sole offerings to get the better of all the above advantages for developers. Tamil Nadu is popular for its cryptic beauty and appeals, It will certainly capture your gradualness a batch. Foreign and domestic travelers can easily find a figure of comfy stay in get onion topographic points in the Tamil Nadu, Tourer stay, seven star hotels, five star hotels, three star hotels, budget hotels and resorts.

Harmonizing Tourer preferred to remain in the accommodation of the Tamil Nadu province. Tourist can look for brilliant diggings in Chennai, Ooty Coimbatore, Karaikudi, Trichy, Kanyakumari, Madurai, Tanjore, Dindigul, Rameshwaram, Kodaikanal and Yercaud, Natural resources tradition and farther socio-cultural assets numerical demographic kinetics like employment, population, income, business degrees. Tamil Nadu province 16 Tourer information centers situated at airdromes and railroad stations in the province information on terrestrial potency and services in Tamil Nadu Tourism

Tamil Nadu Tourism leads in:

  • Medical Tourism.
  • Eco- Tourism.
  • Rural Tourism,
  • Pilgrimage Tourism
  • Heritage Tourism
  • Cultural Tourism
  • Adventure Tourism
  • Responsible Tourism

Tamil Nadu 2nd largest Tourism economic system, one of the most advanced provinces in India. Its worth of economic attempt, the GSDP, stands at INR 4.28 hundred thousand crore, as of 2012 Tamil Nadu a. An investor sociable province with the authorities showing policies for the development of the Tourism activities. Tamil Nadu will go on to remain in the top phase of the state, with a one-year growing. Tamil Nadu Tourism With medical attention in Vellore Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Government set abouting tagline adopted to advancing touristry, has a strong banking system immense potency for Tourer economic, fundamentally best Industrialized province, Urbanized province and Tourism province in India.

In Tamil Nadu there are more cultural sharing by Tourer visitants, tradition a common vicinity by its mode of behavior and address, the manner of frock and embroidery, the nutrient behavior and the societal agreement of life Tourist, people of import part to sociality Tamil Nadu will make a high criterion of socialist development, with the Human Development of the province tantamount those of established states.

Tamil Nadu 2nd largest package technology exporter in India is cardinal to Tamil Nadu ‘s foreign place and histories for over Tamil Nadu is well placed to gamble its force in the IT sector to these direction systems. Tamil Nadu has a reasonably advanced engineering, TamilNadu Infrastructure that is accomplished by seeking, storage and supervising information.

Legal of Tamil Nadu provides several simulations The application for regard shall be the acknowledgment as an permitted Travel Agent shall be decided by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, for five old ages, based on the Inspection Report Approvals of a Committee comprising of the Travel Agency should be under the charge of the Owner a full clip member is sufficiently trained, proficient in affairs, referring ticketing, conveyance, adjustment currency, installations, imposts touristy, ordinances and travel services effectual, statement accomplishments, cognition of abroad linguistic communications, other than English.

The environment is bit by bit deriving standing eco-friendly journey Tourss are besides deriving in Tamil Nadu Tourismseveral perfect locations to pull the Tourer. The Eco Friendly countries of Tamil Nadu are for sightseeing the Environment at its finest and to be a step on it. Tamil Nadu touristy Introduce the use of recycled paper, polyethylene bags to possible Tamil Nadu options encourage the planting of trees and rejuvenation of the local environment of touristry industry.

Tamil Nadu Tourism sets the program for administration, development for the province to make the preferable results by 2022. Capital income of Tamil Nadu ‘s people will make USA $ 10,000 per annum Income states, Tamil Nadu Tourism supply of its people, high quality substructure agreement overall province comparable with the finest in the world. Important to making Vision 2022 is sorting the administration requirements.

Tamil Nadu Tourism plans to develop the vital installations. This Vision 2022 document statements the inter-play in the center of 3 important components of development, specifically should be the long term growing ends of Tamil Nadu Anything are the inputs required in footings of substructure, investing policies be the targeted sum produced mix in footings of fiscal income, sectoral construction and gait of development should the benefits be spread in people balance between growing and environment Vision 2022 include touristy industry enhanced economic enthusiasm, finest in category human development index, a good established administration.

Tamil Nadu Tourism development program ”Vision 2030 ” has suggested to set up nearby small towns in the development of the area. The vision papers evaluated that about Rs 18,940 crore needed to be invested in the development of the countries for high tech touristry Musca volitanss. The Tamil Nadu Tourism Department would put the improve Government accommodation, star hotels, resorts and budget category hotels. More Foreign visitants to pull will open new parks, slug rail and moreInternational Airport in the state.

The specifics happening in several degrees of touristry Tamil Nadu will reservation and care for it Eco Tourism and Heritage Tourism, Tamil Nadu Tourism Industry will actively turn to the beginnings of liability of the province, its people owing to reserves originating from recognized causes, profitable recessions, and excess semisynthetic motivations and extenuate the effects.Vision 2030 Tamil Nadu Tourism will develop civilization of antiphonal the diaphanous ability the security, and tantamount opportunity to all stakeholders.

Tamil Nadu Tourism is a motivated and statement that aims to Tamil Nadu to accomplish probably along compound scopess of economic success, comprehensiveness, societal advancement, cultural plurality, and environmental sustainability. It dimensions on the strengths of Tamil Nadu sustainability due to natural the difficult work of her citizens, and the consequences of administration. The focal point of this paper is on the physical, societal and institutional substructure that needs to be established in Tamil Nadu if the growing rates in several sectors below to be achieved Taken in portion or realized piecemeal, they are non likely to win. The ends set is accomplishable but call for a stretch by all investors the Tamil Nadu State authorities.

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Sri Lanka Tourism Strategic Plane 2017 - 2020

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Arugam Bay is a bay situated on the Indian Ocean in the dry zone of Sri Lanka's southeast coast. The bay is located 320 km due east of Colombo. It is a popular surfing and tourist destination. Due to its popularity among low budget tourists, the area has managed a slow recovery. By private initiatives only. The main road through town has still not been repaved. Work is in progress to improve road access to the area. But in Arugam Bay itself, little has changed. As late as May, 2009 no help has been received from any official source or international organizations. An exception is uncoordinated support for fishing folk as well as many school rebuilding programs, resulting in a continuation to provide only separatist schools for each community.

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Adam's Peak

Adam's Peak is a 2,243 metres (7,359 ft) tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. It is well-known for the Sri Pada "sacred footprint", a 1.8 m rock formation near the summit, in Buddhist tradition held to be the footprint of Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva and in Muslim tradition that of Adam.

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Batticaloa is a city in the Eastern province of Sri Lanka. It is the seat of the Eastern University of Sri Lanka. It is on the east coast, 69 miles south by south east of Trincomalee, and is situated on an island.

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A Sri Lankan coastal city famous for golden beaches, Bentota is situated on the southern coastal tip of the Galle District of the Southern Province . The town is a popular tourist attraction. It is especially famous among the foreign tourists. The name comes from a mythical story which dates back to kings time saying a demon called Bem ruled this river ( tota = river bank. Bentota hosts a handful of world proclaimed hotels. It is the hosting land for the famous Sri Lankan Jeweler Aida. Bentota also delivers an ancient art of healing called Ayurveda . Bentota is also famous for its production in Toddy. An alcoholic beverage made out of cocunut nectar. The city's population is estimated to be between 25,000-50,000.

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Beruwela, is a small resort town in the south western coastal belt of Sri Lanka. The name Beruwela is derived from the Sinhalese word Beruwela (the place where the sail is lowered). It marks the spot for the first Muslim settlement on the island, established by Arab traders around the 8th century AD. A large population of Sri Lankan Moors, many of them are gem merchants, still live in the town-- particularly in the "China Fort". Msjid-ul-Abrar , a landmark of Beruwela and Sri Lanka's oldest mosque, was built by Arab traders on a rocky peninsula overlooking the town.

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Bundala National Park

Located about fifteen kilometers east of Hambantota Bundala National Park is one of Sri Lanka's foremost destinations for birdwatchers, protecting an important area of coastal wetland famous for its abundant aquatic (and other) birdlife. The park is also home to significant populations of elephants, Marsh & estuarine crocodiles, turtles & other fauna, including the leopard. Stretching along the coast east of Hambantota, Bundala National Park is ideal for instant gratification: in a four hour jeep ride, we can see elephants, 8ft crocs, giant squirrels & flamingoes. Afternoon safaris in the dry season (December - May) provide visitors with the best chance of seeing the wildlife.

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The name "Colombo", first introduced by the Portuguese in 1505, is believed to be derived from the classical Sinhalese name Kolon thota, meaning "port on the river Kelani". It has also been suggested that the name may be derived from the Sinhalese name Kola-amba-thota which means "Harbour with leafy mango trees". Due to its large harbour and its strategic position along the East-West sea trade routes, Colombo was known to ancient traders 2,000 years ago. However it was only made the capital of the island when Sri Lanka was ceded to the British Empire in 1815, and its status as capital was retained when the nation became independent in 1948. In 1978, when administrative functions were moved to Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Colombo was designated as the commercial capital of Sri Lanka.

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Major attractions of the city include the largest and best preserved cave temple complex of Sri Lanka, and the Rangiri Dambulla International Stadium, famous for being built in just 167 days. The city also boasts to have the largest rose quartz mountain range in South Asia, and the Iron wood forest, or Namal Uyana. Ibbankatuwa prehistoric burial site near Dhambulla cave temple complexes is the latest archaeological site of significant historical importance found in Dambulla, which is located within 3 kilometers of the cave temples providing evidence on presence of indigenous civilisations long before the arrival of Indian influence on the Island nation.

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Ella is blessed with some of the most beautiful views, you could find in Sri Lanka. Only 8 km from Bandarawela, this small town is used as a base for plenty of trekking expeditions to the surrounding countryside. A taste of the breathtaking scenery of Ella could be had, if you just walk into the Garden of the Grand Ella Motel (Formerly Ella Rest House), where you seem to be standing at the edge of the world, and everything around you seems to disappear at your feet. Another fine view is from the Ambiente Hotel, where the wide doorway, opens out to the mountains, creating a dramatic cinematic like experience, on entry. Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam's Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery.

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Galle"Gaul", and in Sinhalese IPA: [ɡaːlːə]) is a town situated on the southwestern tip of Sri Lanka, 119 km from Colombo. Galle was known as Gimhathiththa before the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century, when it was the main port on the island. Galle reached the height of its development in the 18th century, during the Dutch colonial period. The major river is Gin River Gin Ganga which starts from Gongala Kanda and passing villages such as Neluwa, Nagoda, Baddegama, Thelikada, Wakwella and kisses the sea at Ginthota. In Wakwella over the river there is Wakwella Bridge which is the longest bridge in Sri Lanka.

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Hambantota is a rural town in southeastern coastal area of Sri Lanka. It is also the capital of the Hambantota District in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka.

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Hikkaduwa is a small town on the south coast of Sri Lanka. It is located in the Southern Province, about 20 km north-west of Galle. Hikkaduwa is famous for its beach and corals. Villages affected were Telwatta, Paraliya, Dodanduwa, Kahawa, Rathgama. The place is on the way from Colombo to Galle on the famous Galle road. It is primarily a tourist destination, and serves as a great beach with options to surf, snorkel and enjoy the sun.

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Horton Plains

Horton Plains National Park "Maha-Eliya" in Sinhala, is a national park in the highlands of Sri Lanka. It lies at a height of more than 2,000 m in the central highlands, and its altitude means that it has a much cooler and more windy climate than the lowlands of Sri Lanka, with a mean annual temperature of 16 °C rather than the 26 °C of the coasts. The area was named in 1834 after Lady Anne Horton, wife of Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton, then-governor of Ceylon.

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Jaffna or Yazhpanam is the capital city of the Northern Province, Sri Lanka. Most of the residents of Jaffna are Sri Lankan Tamils with a presence of Sri Lankan Moors and Portuguese Burghers . Almost all Sri Lankan Muslims were driven off from Jaffna by the LTTE in the 1990s, as a result of the ethnic conflict which started in the 1970s [1] which leaves Jaffna exclusively Tamil, apart from the military personnel.

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Kalkudah or Kalkuda (Pronounced Kal-Kuda, Tamil translation rock-bay) is a coastal resort town located about 35 kilometers northwest of Batticaloa, Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. It used to be a popular tourist destination. Pasikudah and Kalkudah are located few kilometers apart

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Despite its natural beauty, the western peninsular area of KALPITIYA in the Puttalam district of Sri Lanka is remarkably untouched by tourism. But for those lucky enough to visit, there's a plethora of things to see and do! With the small close-knit fishing community dominating the lives of the local people, visitors can get a real insight into working life away from the city. After watching the night fishing boats return in the morning, a visit to one of the fish markets offers the opportunity to choose the evening meal direct from the fresh catch! The Dutch Fort and St Peter's Kerk church in the town itself are interesting examples of Sri Lanka's rich history and colonial past. Leisurely boat rides up the lagoon and canoe trips down the river are a pleasant way of exploring the coastline, whilst 4WD jeep rides along the deserted sand dunes between the ocean and the lagoon offer a unique way of watching the colourful evening sunsets.

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Kandy in Sinhala, pronounced is the English name for the city of Maha Nuvara (Senkadagalapura) in the centre of Sri Lanka. It is the capital of the Central Province and Kandy District. It lies in the midst of hills in the Kandy Valley which crosses an area of tropical plantations, mainly tea. Kandy is one of the most scenic cities in Sri Lanka. Kandy is of both an administrative and religious city. It is the capital of the Central Province and also of the administrative district of Kandy.

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Katunayake a town is situated on the west coast of the island of Sri Lanka near Negombo and close to the commercial capital of Colombo. It is the site of Bandaranaike International Airport, the primary international air gateway to Sri Lanka. With the change of government in 1977 and the introduction of the open economy policy a large area was allocated to create a free trade zone. This created a large amount of job opportunities for the local youth and has contributed substantially towards the country's economy.

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Kitulgala is a small town in the west of Sri Lanka. It is in the wet zone rainforest, which gets two monsoons each year, and is one of the wettest places in the country. Nevertheless, it comes alive in the first three months of the year, especially in February, the driest month. The Academy Award-winning "The Bridge on the River Kwai" was filmed on the Kelani River near Kitulgala, although nothing remains now except the concrete foundations for the bridge Kitulgala is also a base for white-water rafting, which starts a few kilometres upstream.

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Knuckles Range

The Knuckles Mountain Range lies in central Sri Lanka, north-east of the city of Kandy. The range takes its name from a series of recumbent folds and peaks in the west of the massif which resemble the knuckles of clenched fist when viewed from certain locations in the Kandy District. Whilst this name was assigned by early British surveyors, the Sinhalese residents have traditionally referred to the area as Dumbara Kanduvetiya meaning mist-laden mountain range (Cooray, 1984). The entire area is characterised by its striking landscapes often robed in thick layers of cloud but in addition to its aesthetic value the range is of great scientific interest. It is a climatic microcosm of the rest of Sri Lanka.

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Mannar Island is part of Mannar District, Sri Lanka. It is linked to the rest of Sri Lanka by a causeway.

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Matara historically belongs to the area called Ruhana, one of the three kingdoms in Sri Lanka (Thun Sinhalaya). First Indians who arrived to the island country according to the Mahawansa settled in the area, along the banks of Nilwala river. Matara was ruled by Sinhala kings for thousands of years and this is evident by the ancient temples and shrines built by them such as temples in Dondra (Devinuwara) and Weherahena. The temple in the middle of the town is also built by ancient kings and now it is a very popular sacred place among the Buddhists in the area. In 16th and 18th centuries Matara was ruled by Portuguese and Dutch respectively.

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Minneriya is a small town in Sri Lanka, and is famous for two things , for the great Minneriya lake build by King Mahasen and for the Minneriya wildlife sanctuary which is a hot spot for safari lovers because of the abandons of Elephants. Furthermore it is situated near Habarana which have some high class hotels for tourists and some famous world heritage sites like Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Sigiriya which are relatively close to Minneriya.

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Negombo is a town of about 65,000, approximately 37 km north of Colombo, in Sri Lanka. It is located at the mouth of the Negombo lagoon, about 7 km from the Bandaranaike International Airport. Negombo has a small port, and its economy is mainly based on tourism and its centuries-old fishing industry, though it also produces cinnamon, ceramics, and brass ware.

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Nilaveli is a coastal resort town located about 20 km North-West of Trincomalee, Trincomalee District, Sri Lanka. It used to be a popular tourist destination.

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Nuwara Eliy

Nuwara Eliya meaning "city on the plain (table land)" or "city of light", is a town in Sri Lanka. It is located at an altitude of 1,868 m (6,128 ft) in the central highlands and is considered one of the most important locations for Tea production in Sri Lanka. The town is overlooked by Pidurutalagala, the highest mountain in Sri Lanka.

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Pasikudah or Pasikuda is a coastal resort town located about 35 kilometers northwest of Batticaloa, Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. It used to be a popular tourist destination, Pasikudah and Kalkudah are located few km apart.

tourism essay in tamil

The Pinnewela Elephant Orphanage is situated northwest of the town of Kegalle, halfway between the present capital Colombo and the ancient royal residence Kandy in the hills of central Sri Lanka. It was established in 1975 by the Sri Lanka wildlife department in a 25-acre coconut property near the Maha Oya river. The orphanage was originally founded in order to afford care and protection to the many orphaned elephants found in the jungle. As of 2008, there are about 84 elephants.

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The second most ancient of Sri Lanka's kingdoms, Polonnaruwa was first declared the capital city by King Vijayabahu I, who defeated the Chola invaders in 1070 CE to reunite the country once more under a local leader.

tourism essay in tamil

The history of this dry zone district goes back to the arrival of North Indian Prince Vijaya, 2500 years ago in Tammanna in the coastal belt above Puttalam. This happened when his vessel was washed ashore. Thonigala the homeland of Kuweni is deep in the district. The name "Puttalam" may be a modification of in Tamil Uppuththalam , i.e, Uppu means Salt and Thalam means the place where salt production. So finally the name came Puttalam.

tourism essay in tamil

Ratnapura is the name of the provincial capital of Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka and the Ratnapura District in which the town is situated. Some say the modern name is derived from the Portuguese name Rapadura for jaggery, the palm candy produced traditionally in this region, but the more common explanation in Sri Lanka is that it comes from the Sinhala "ratna" meaning gems and "pura" meaning city. Ratnapura is also spelled as Rathnapura. Located some 101 km south east of Colombo, it is the centre of a long-established industry of precious stone mining including rubies, sapphires, and other gems. Apart from gem mining, the town is known for rice and fruit cultivations.

tourism essay in tamil

Sigiriya (Lion's rock) is an ancient rock fortress and castle/palace ruin situated in the central Matale District of Sri Lanka, surrounded by the remains of an extensive network of gardens, reservoirs, and other structures. It is a popular tourist destination, also known for its ancient paintings (frescos), very similar to those in the Ajanta Caves of India. The Sigiraya was built during the reign of King Kassapa I (AD 477 – 495), and it is one of the seven World Heritage Sites of Sri Lanka.

tourism essay in tamil

Sinharaja Forest Reserve is a national park in Sri Lanka. It is of international significance and has been designated a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The hilly virgin rainforest, part of the Sri Lanka lowland rain forests ecoregion, was saved from the worst of commercial logging by its inaccessibility, and was designated a World Biosphere Reserve in 1978 and a World Heritage Site in 1988. The reserve's name translates as Kingdom of the Lion.

tourism essay in tamil


Trincomalee is a port city on the east coast of Sri Lanka, about 110 miles northeast of Kandy. The city is built on a peninsula, which divides the inner and outer harbours. It is one of the main centers of Tamil speaking culture on the island. Historically referred to as Gokanna, or Gokarna it has been a sea port that has played a major role in maritime and international trading history of Sri Lanka.

tourism essay in tamil

Unawatuna is a beach resort, located on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. Described as most wonderful beach location by the nature, Unawatuna is one of the best Scuba Diving Locations in Sri Lanka. You can enjoy the beach, Scuba Diving, Surfing and Sea Food in Sri Lankan Style. The Jungle Beach, Roomassagla Hills, Kathaluwa Temple, Galle Fort are interesting places to visit.

tourism essay in tamil

Weligama is a fishing town in Matara district on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. The term Weligama literally means `Sandy Village' which refers to the area's sandy sweep bay. Situated at a distance of 143 km from Colombo, Weligama is a popular tourist destination and hosts several boutique hotels. It is most famous for its distinct stilt fishermen and an off shore islet known as Taprobane, where a dream house of French Count de Maunay was built.

tourism essay in tamil

Wilpattu National Park

Wilpattu National Park is a park located on the island of Sri Lanka. The unique feature of this park is the existence of “Willus” (Natural lakes) - Natural, sand-rimmed water basins or depressions that fill with rainwater. Located in the Northwest coast lowland dry zone of Sri Lanka. The park is located 30km west Anuradhapura and located 26 km north of Puttalam (approximately 180 km north of Colombo). The park is 131, 693 hectares and ranges from 0 to 152 meters above sea level. Nearly sixty lakes (Willu) and tanks are found spread throughout Wilpattu. Wilpattu is one of the largest and oldest National Parks in Sri Lanka. Wilpattu is among the top national parks world renowned for its Leopard (Panthera pardus kotiya) population. The Leopard population in Wilpattu is still not yet known.

tourism essay in tamil

Yala National Park

Yala National Park is a national park in Sri Lanka. The reserve covers 979 km², although only the original 141 km² are open to the public. It was established in 1894 as a Game Sanctuary. Much of the reserve is parkland, but it also contains jungle, beaches, freshwater lakes and rivers and scrubland. The latter zone is punctuated with enormous rocky outcrops. The range of habitats give rise to a good range of wildlife.

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A Study On Development Of Tourism In Tamilnadu State Of India.pdf

Profile image of Ananda  Kumar

Abstract:-Tourism sector is one of the emerging service sectors of the Indian economy. This sector has the capacity to create large scale employment both direct and indirect, for diverse sections in society, from the most specialized to unskilled workforce. Indian tourism has vast potential for generating employment and earning large sums of foreign exchange besides giving a fillip to the country's overall economic and social development. The State of Tamilnadu is situated in the southern part of the Indian Peninsula has over 20 centuries of cultural heritage of historic significance. It has an impressive coastline along the Bay of Bengal over 1000 kms. Tamilnadu can be said to be a multi-dimensional tourist product. Subsequently only to the pilgrimage and heritage locations in Tamilnadu comes the scenic beauty of nature in around the state in the form of temple towns, historical monuments, wildlife and bird sanctuaries, hill resorts, waterfalls, beaches, breathtaking valley views, backwaters, mangrove forests, numerous places of worship, historical forts, rich heritage and culture, music and dance festivals comprise the tourism wealth of Tamil Nadu. The study deals with the tourism potential of Tamilnadu state and to identify the various tourist places of Tamilnadu. The study will suggests to take necessary steps to develop of various tourism spots by Tamilnadu state tourist developers. Based on the study, it could be concluded that the state has rich tourism resources for the tourists visiting in India. Keywords:tourism; Tamilnadu; economy;employment.

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  15. A Study on Development of Tourism in Tamilnadu Stateof India

    The information related to tourist spots, arrivals of domestic tourists and foreign tourists and tourist Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 3 | Issue 12 | June 2014 4 .A Study On Development Of Tourism In Tamilnadu Stateof India guide map have been collected from the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC), Chennai.

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  17. Welcome to Tamil Nadu

    Subscribe to our newsletter Sign up for Tamilnadu Tourism's monthly newsletter to learn about our events, offers and more... Name. Email Subscribe. Toll Free No: 1800-425-31111 (Within India only) Department of Tourism, Government of Tamil Nadu, #2, Wallajah Road, Chennai - 600002 Fax: +044 25333385, 25333567 | Email ...


    The increase in tourist arrivals also enabled Tamilnadu tourism to double its net profit from 4.43 crore in 2007-2008. in 2008-2009 it was9.50 crore in pilgrimage centres, such a growth has been achieved through numbers of forms. based on the length of stay, and transport used, price paid and the pilgrimage tourism motivation leading to it.

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  20. Sltda

    The bay is located 320 km due east of Colombo. It is a popular surfing and tourist destination. Due to its popularity among low budget tourists, the area has managed a slow recovery. By private initiatives only. ... LTTE in the 1990s, as a result of the ethnic conflict which started in the 1970s [1] which leaves Jaffna exclusively Tamil, apart ...

  21. A Study On Development Of Tourism In Tamilnadu State Of India.pdf

    Availability of good quality infrastructure further supports the growth of tourism. Tamil Nadu is another major pilgrimage destination in the south with major tourist attractions as Chennai, Madurai and Rameshwaram. ... Tourism in North Bengal in India, 21st International GeographicalCongress Selected papers, Vol. III, 1970, Kolkata. 6 ...

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  23. PDF A Study on Impact of Tourism in SouthTamil Nadu with Referance to

    Types of Tourism in Tamil Nadu 1. Leisure Tourism: Some tourists visit Tamil Nadu only for fun or enjoying their leisure. They usually visit hill stations, beaches, waterfalls, zoological parks, etc. 2. Pilgrimage Tourism: Tourists especially senior citizens are interested only in visiting temples and offering worship to their favourable deity.