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Learning Hawaiian On Duolingo

Posted by Ayoung Lee | Nov 9, 2018 | Opinions | 1 |

Learning Hawaiian On Duolingo

By Ayoung Lee | Staff Writer

On Oct. 9, the language learning platform Duolingo started offering Hawaiian as one of its lessons. It offers difficulty levels for beginners who don’t know any Hawaiian, and those who already have some knowledge of the language can take a placement test that gets harder or easier based on your answers and figures our what level you are at. Users can also decide how many minutes a day they wish to spend studying: 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes.

is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

Choose how long you will practice each day. (Screenshot by Ayoung Lee)

Having never used Duolingo or learnt Hawaiian before, the system was easily accessible and simple to navigate. The website and application has a simple layout, which makes it easy to see where everything is. It also lets you study more than one language at a time for those who wish to challenge themselves more. With gentle reminders to come back to study you get less of an excuse to miss your lessons. The gentle reminders, however, come as push notifications and are easily dismissed on a busy schedule and forgotten at the end of a day. I found this to be my biggest failing with the application as I would lose my daily streaks and through the few weeks I used the service, I missed many days in a row. As anyone may know, the key to learning anything is repetition and daily practice so missing practice lessons for days due to forgetting or pushing it off as it isn’t a required class makes it hard to learn the language.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you choose the beginner level and find it too easy, there doesn’t seem to be a way to go back and take the test or speed through the lessons to get to a point more your speed. Knowing this, it may just be beneficial to start off taking the placement test and begin at a speed that will keep your interest. You get “lingots” for logging on continuously for 10 days, which you can use to buy “power ups” to help you gain experience points or clothes. I found that the lingots were harder to get than I thought and would have enjoyed more options for spending them. The lessons are simple and can seem repetitious but it works to help you memorize the vocabulary.

is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

You can choose between not knowing Hawaiian or taking a test. (Screenshot by Ayoung Lee)

Once the lessons start, the format is simple and neat with Hawaiian on the top and English words on the bottom that you have to choose from that matches the Hawaiian. Some questions will include pictures and others will include pronunciation soundtracks. Should you ever get stuck on a word that you are not sure of, you can click on the Hawaiian word and it will tell you the English definitions. This was useful when I got stuck but occasionally, as Hawaiian and English grammar is different, by requesting the definition of one word it gives you the definition of two or even the whole translation of a small sentence.

Even if you get a question wrong, don’t worry, it will come back around before the end of that lesson so that you can have another shot at it. With every wrong answer they also always let you know what the correct answer was so that you can learn from your mistakes.

is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

The definitions will show when you click on a word. (Screenshot by Ayoung Lee)

The beginner course is very good for anyone who, as is intended for, doesn’t know any Hawaiian, only knows a few words, or would just like to have a refresher. Lessons start off with single words such as “aloha” or “hello” that you translate from Hawaiian to English and back. Then the lesson moves on to translate simple sentences where the word “aloha” is used with names. Lessons go on in this pattern with other simple words for a while and only increase in level when you finish all the previous lessons. While I wish they would add games that could integrate the languages to make the lessons more fun this seems a very efficient way to learn quickly.

Invite friends to learn with you and you can compete with them on leaderboards. For those that feel like the mascot of Duolingo, the owl, that encourages you needs a bit of an outfit you can do your lessons and earn “lingots,” which you can use to buy your owl outfits. “Lingots” can be earned through leveling up, finishing a skill, 10-day streaks, and inviting friends.

Duolingo currently has 32 language courses available to English speakers with three more in the works. I would definitely recommend learning Hawaiian on Duolingo for anyone interested as it lets you go at your own speed and start at your own level. The rewards, while lacking in the application itself, shows from the lessons when you can pass the tests with ease. Those who do not do well with vocabulary and reading heavy learning compared to listen and repeat may not do so well with Duolingo.

About The Author

Ayoung Lee

Ayoung is a fourth year student hoping to graduate in anthropology. During her free time she likes to browse antique stores, read, and pick up random hobbies. She writes about her life experiences in her personal blog and raises awareness of mental illnesses.

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Naturally Aloha

10 Quick Resources to Learn the Hawaiian Language

by Leialoha | May 27, 2021 | 2 comments

Hawaiian Language Learning

Congratulations on your choice to learn the Hawaiian language! Over the years, interest has sparked in the Hawaiian language and now there are some fun apps, websites, videos, and books to help people learn the Hawaiian language. As someone from Hawaii, I’ve finally made the decision to officially learn the Hawaiian Language and speak it more fluently (I’ve always understood more of it than I could speak it). I took two years of Hawaiian language in high school and one semester in college, so I was able to evaluate these resources based on my own knowledge and personal preference.

Most of these resources I use (or have used in the past), meaning that I wouldn’t recommend something that doesn’t work! One or more of these should help you, especially if you are only beginning your Hawaiian language journey. Even better, some of them are free! I also added some ideas for intermediate and advanced Hawaiian language speakers.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase any of these resources, I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.  Read more about it here.

is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

Hawaiian Language Apps

Duolingo – hawaiian language.

This FREE app has always been an amazing language learning tool. With the friendly face of the owl and only 15 minutes a day, Duolingo is a fantastic resource. As someone who is a little more advanced, it’s nice to be able to “test out” of some of the courses on Duolingo and skip ahead. There are ads after each lesson with the option of upgrading to Premium for a fee. I love the community page too, where I connect with my family to keep accountable and challenge one another.

Check out Duolingo here!

Drop – Hawaiian Language

Another FREE app, Drop allows 5 minutes sessions of language learning a day. You can get extra time by upgrading to Premium. I’ve only used this app for a short time but I really enjoy dragging and dropping things. It sort of relaxes my brain, like I’m playing a game instead of “learning a language.” I also loved the wide range of vocabulary and selection of scenarios (health, finance, travel, animals, time, etc).

Check out Drop here.

Iao Needle Maui

Hawaiian Language Videos

Ka leo ‘ōiwi.

My Hawaiian language teacher in college used these very videos to teach us! They are super informative, easy to watch, and they go at a really comfortable pace. For beginners, it’s nice to learn grammar structure and words. For intermediate and advanced, it’s nice to use these videos to review.

Check out Ka Leo ‘Ōiwi here.

Speak Hawaiian Now

What better way to learn Hawaiian from the locals themselves? Lokelani and Ka’analike are so fun, warm, and quick as they teach the Hawaiian language. Though they have few videos up, so I hope they keep going!

Check out Speak Hawaiian Now here.

Acai Bowl Maui

Hawaiian Language Learning Books

The hawaiian dictionary.

A dictionary always comes in handy when learning a new language! This dictionary trumps all the rest, as it was compiled by two of Hawaii’s greatest historians and recorders, Mary Kawena Pukui and Samuel H. Elbert. With this Hawaiian dictionary, there’s really no need to find or get any others. Of course it might not have updated terminology like kamipuela (computer), but it’s pretty complete.

Get the Hawaiian Dictionary here.

I’m not impressed with the selection of Hawaiian language learning books

To be completely honest, there are Hawaiian grammar and language learning books out there but I’ve never really found one that was helpful for me. Many of them say “beginner,” but have vague concepts and usually share more vocab words than any grammar techniques. So I can’t really recommend any books, but if I do find some that are helpful, I’ll be sure to come back and update this! And if you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments below for me and others to check out!

Books Translated into the Hawaiian Language

This is a brilliant idea for intermediate and advanced Hawaiian language speakers. Some popular titles have been translated into the Hawaiian language, and a side-by-side read of these books with the English versions can really help. Reading my scriptures in a different language has always helped me learn languages faster too(side note: I used to speak and read Japanese, and am fluent in Tagalog)!

Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone

What better way to learn Hawaiian than by reading Harry Potter? I was so excited to find out that this was translated into the Hawaiian language. I’m eager to get my hands on a copy! Get the Hawaiian version of the book here.

The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland

This book was translated by the same person who translated Harry Potter. As not everything translates perfectly, he took some liberties in his version. I look forward to reading this! Get the Hawaiian version of the book here.

Other General Resources

I haven’t tried any of these, but I thought it might be worth mentioning, especially since we all learn differently than one another!

‘Olelo Online

I didn’t really dig into this website, but it does look like it has a lot of content along with downloadable PDFs, structured lessons, and more. Check out ‘Olelo Online here.

The idea is that you can speak with a native speaker on this website. However, when I checked there weren’t any native Hawaiian speakers. So this might be a good resource for advanced and fluent Hawaiian speakers to use their skills to help others trying to learn. Check out italki here.

Fluent in 3 Months

I haven’t personally tried this but the idea does intrigue me. Someone can hold a 30 minute conversation in another language in only 3 months? Tell me more. 🙂 If I do take this course, I will come back and update this! Check out Fluent in 3 Months here.

That’s a wrap, for now! I hope one or more of these resources will help you get started on your Hawaiian language journey. If there are any resources that you’ve absolutely loved or found helpful on your Hawaiian language journey, please share by commenting below. We’d all be grateful for your kokua!

Mahalo and best of luck on your journey!

Want to more about the values of aloha? Check out my free Wellness Course!

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I’m excited to learn the Hawaiian language


Aloha Judy! I’m so excited for you to learn too! Best of luck on your journey!!! 💙 -Lei

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E komo mai! 🌺   I am the author of  Aloha State of Mind , a self help book that teaches you how to create paradise wherever you are. My blog, Naturally Aloha, focuses on all things Hawaii: culture, values, food, lifestyle, and more. I hope my writing inspires you to carry aloha with you everywhere! Learn more…

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Aloha State of Mind Front Cover

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Rise of the Mano Front Cover

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Read a Rapunzel Retelling set in Ancient Hawaii

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Even for the mainlander, kulāiwi series (cut), practice basic, hawaiian with me, duolingo guides.

The Hawaiian course on Duolingo is a great resource to learn vocab and practice grammar.

However, due to its lack of Tips or written lessons, it often leaves users lost and confused, resulting in their abandonment of this endangered language.

To remedy this unfortunate situation, I've created the following Guides that go through each Duolingo category and give you a step-by-step walkthrough of the grammar necessary to master each skill - using the sentences they test you with as examples and exercise.

Things will pick up quickly, so make sure you do your part and practice (here and on Duolingo) and memorize that vocab! They like to make sure you've retained it.

E aʻo pono!

Category #1: Intro

Intro 3.png

Category #3: Greetings


Category #2: Determiner


Category #4: Polite Expressions


Category #5: People


Category #7: Weather


Category #6: ʻOhana

is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

Category #8: Household


Category #9: Likes


Category #10: Food 1

a9c6bc9faf67e771e52faa00657474e92512b811r1-176-162v2_hq (1).jpg

Category #11: Numbers 1


Category #12: Dates

Category #13: time.


Category #14: Food 2


Category #15: Directions


Category #16: Leisure


Category #17: Purchases


The Duolingo Guides for Categories 18-25 are indeed finished, but published on the Amino website. I'll have them reformatted on  Hawaiian Goodness  at a later date,

but in the meantime, here are the links to Amino!

Learn Languages From Home

5 Best Apps to Learn Hawaiian for Beginners

*This article may contain affiliate links. For full information, please see the disclaimer  here.

Ah, Hawaii… every time I hear the name, I picture its warm, sunny beaches, lush landscapes, and picturesque sunsets that just make summer vacations worth it!

If you’re just as in love with the country, then perhaps, you might come to love Hawaiian as well! It’s one of the oldest living languages in the world, and while it’s currently being revived from its endangered state, you’ll be sure to find a lot of heart, insight, and cultural significance embedded in its long history.

Beautiful aloha welcome goodbye wooden sign on the island of Hawaii

Fortunately, there have been strong efforts in digitizing the learning space so that languages like these can continue to grow and spread! So, should you want to take up Hawaiian, try these Hawaiian learning apps.

  • Build your vocabulary on uTalk
  • Play your way through Hawaiian on Duolingo
  • Learn Hawaiian through conversations on Mango Languages

Learn Hawaiian on EuroTalk

Learn Hawaiian on uTalk

For practical but fun Hawaiian lessons, consider uTalk . This app teaches Hawaiian through game-based lessons that cover the essentials and more!

uTalk features over 2,500 words and phrases across 60+ real-life topics, so you know you’ll be learning stuff you can actually use. What’s more, the app highlights audio clips recorded by native speakers so you can listen to the authentic accent and practice speaking.

It does help that the app has memory games, vocabulary exercises, and good visuals, which all make for fun learning.

Why learn Hawaiian with uTalk:

  • Features practical, real-life vocabulary
  • Game-based exercises for fun and intuitive learning
  • Audio clips for listening and speaking practice

Pricing: Full access starts from $11.99/month. Check out uTalk’s latest promo here to get discounts .

Devices: iOS and Android

2. Duolingo

Learn Hawaiian on Duolingo

Learn Hawaiian on Duolingo

Nobody’s a stranger to Duolingo . Known for its game-like tutorials, competitive leaderboard, and—most importantly—its alerts from Duo the Owl , the app has earned a reputation in the realm of language studies.

Duolingo has created a fun and interactive Hawaiian course for anyone to start with! Through repetition-based learning, you’ll get a fair grasp of their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, and make these skills last in the long run. 

Although it’s a bit shorter compared to other Duolingo courses, it’s still a decent place to pick up the basic words and phrases.

Why learn Hawaiian with Duolingo:

  • Light and playful lessons
  • Covers vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
  • Recommended for absolute beginners
  • Develops long-term language retention

Pricing: Duolingo Basic is free (with ads and limited Hearts ). For more content, upgrade to Duolingo Plus at $6.99/month.

Learn Hawaiian on Drops

Learn Hawaiian on Drops

Hawaiian vocabulary is fortunately easy to memorize—and, with lessons taught right, you’ll be a pro in no time!

Drops is a fantastic platform that concentrates on that. Using eye-catching graphics and gamified content, it creates visual associations to important words and expressions, so that you’ll have an easier time recalling them. 

All in all, this Hawaiian language learning app provides a quick and easy method of building your word bank. Plus, most of its courses are accompanied by high-quality audio (recorded by native speakers), so you’ll get to practice your pronunciation along the way!

Why learn Hawaiian with Drops:

  • 2000+ Hawaiian words and phrases
  • Intuitive and eye-catching visual aid
  • Shows word associations through fun activities

Pricing: Drops is free for daily, five-minute lessons. Get the Pro version for unlimited playtime !

4. Brainscape

Learn Hawaiian on Brainscape

Learn Hawaiian on Brainscape

Brainscape is an online platform that uses adaptive flashcards to help you learn faster and remember longer.

With this app, you can study Hawaiian flashcards created by experts or other learners, or make your own flashcards with the words and phrases you want to learn. You can also track your progress and see how much you improve over time.

Brainscape has flashcards for various topics and levels of Hawaiian, such as greetings, numbers, colors, family, food, weather, and more. You can also find flashcards for specific courses or books, such as Hawaiian 101, Duolingo Hawaiian, or Hawaiian Instructions.

Why learn Hawaiian with Brainscape:

  • Customizable flashcards
  • Uses spaced repetition to build recall
  • Covers different proficiency levels

Pricing: Creating and sharing great text flashcards is free but access to all content and additional features cost $19.99/month.

Devices: web only

5. Mango Languages

Learn Hawaiian on Mango Languages

Learn Hawaiian on Mango Languages

Mango Languages is a unique app that doesn’t just take on the basics. Rather, it highlights speech patterns to help you observe, understand, and ultimately, master conversational Hawaiian.

Using color-coded blocks, it’ll test your critical thinking by applying new vocabulary and grammar concepts to your lessons. On top of that, it makes use of several memory exercises, grammar and culture notes, listening and reading activities, and a daily personalized review session to keep your mind sharp! 

To sum it up, it’s a pretty functional platform that’s best suited for beginners and intermediates.

Why learn Hawaiian with Mango Languages:

  • Interactive interface with reading, writing, and speaking courses
  • Daily personalized review sessions
  • Emphasizes speech patterns in grammar lessons

Pricing: The Hawaiian course is priced at $7.99/month. 

FAQs about learning Hawaiian

Where is hawaiian spoken.

Hawaiian is, of course, native to Hawaii; However, as of late, there are only about 1,000 native Hawaiian speakers and approximately 24,000 speakers in the world.

Statistically, only 0.1% of Hawaiian residents speak the language, for most people have transitioned to using English.

Aloha is hello in Hawaiian

Is it hard to learn Hawaiian?

Hawaiian comes from the Austronesian language family and belongs to its Polynesian branch. That being said, learning this is generally easier for those who already know other Polynesian languages.

However, if you’re an English speaker, Hawaiian is not that complicated to study either. It’s got a simple alphabet system, a fairly-sized vocabulary, understandable grammar rules, and easy pronunciation—so, in essence, it’s not too difficult! 

With the right time, resources, and dedication on your part, you’ll practically be fine. 

Why should you learn Hawaiian?

Historically, Hawaiian was expected to go extinct in the 20th century . 

Fortunately, nowadays, a good number of language immersion schools, universities, and even apps like these provide full-length lessons that anyone can quickly access.

That being said, learning Hawaiian won’t just benefit your travels, but it’ll also support these efforts of reviving this beautiful language.

What is the best app to learn Hawaiian? 

I’d say uTalk is the best app to learn Hawaiian vocabulary since it has stimulating exercises and quality audio to guide your every step. You can likewise consult Duolingo for beginner lessons, as it generally received good reviews, for as brief as it is.

There sadly aren’t a lot of Hawaiian language apps, but you may use two to three of the ones above to get as many lessons as you can manage.

hawaiian language

Is Hawaiian on Babbel?

Unfortunately, Hawaiian isn’t on Babbel. Though, if you’re looking for an app with game-like lessons and interactive features, Duolingo and uTalk are close alternatives.

Is Hawaiian on Rosetta Stone?

Hawaiian isn’t on Rosetta Stone either.

On the other hand, Mango Languages has similarly detailed and structured courses and is also equipped with a lot of features for intensive, self-paced learning. While it isn’t as immersive as Rosetta Stone’s teaching style, nevertheless, it’s quite useful to have around!

What is the best way to learn Hawaiian?

The best way to learn Hawaiian is to combine different resources—such as books, websites, video and audio, and the like—to target different skills. The goal is to be competent in reading, writing, and speaking altogether.

There aren’t abundant resources on the matter (compared to other languages), but here are some that we gathered:

  • Cudoo : For a comprehensive and beginner-friendly Hawaiian course, check out Cudoo’s interactive lessons. You will learn to meet and greet using Hawaiian, count from 0 to 20, ask basic questions, order food at restaurants, and get by in Hawaii to make new friends with locals easily. You’ll even earn a certificate!
  • Olelo Online : Online Hawaiian lessons (both live and self-paced). Comes with hefty coursework, books, audio and video files, and a virtual classroom.
  • Ka Leo ‘Ōiwi : A YouTube playlist for learning beginner’s vocabulary and grammar. Has 13 long videos that are great for review.
  • Speak Hawaiian Now : A YouTube channel that teaches basic words and expressions. Friendly and informative!

2 thoughts on “5 Best Apps to Learn Hawaiian for Beginners”

Hawaii isn’t a country. It one of the 50 states in the USA.

Hawai’i is a sovereign nation that was annexed by the US – Kānaka Maoli and indigenous peoples all across Te Moana Nui a Kiwa know that Hawai’i belongs to itself.

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is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

December 20th, 2019

The best hawaiian resources (+ 9 reasons to learn hawaiian).

Ever wanted to learn Hawaiian? Here are 9 reasons to learn Hawaiian and the best Hawaiian resources to learn the language.

Ever thought about learning Hawaiian? Here are 9 reasons to learn Hawaiian and the best Hawaiian resources to learn the language. ➔

Page Contents

Why Hawaiian?

Lang Addict on Instagram very kindly shared a list of reasons with me!

And, seeing as 2019 is the International Year of Indigenous Languages, it felt like a good 9 Reasons language to end the year on.

– There’s a Hawaiian course available on Duolingo.

– There’s a good collection of Hawaiian courses on Memrise .

– Duolingo, Memrise, AND Drops ?! Not many indigenous languages can claim that!

Olelo Online

– Online lessons to help you learn Hawaiian.

– A great YouTube channel with lots of videos teaching Hawaiian.

Learn Hawaiian At Home

– As I was researching for this post, this book kept coming up recommended by multiple sources across the web again and again.

More Resources

9 reasons to learn hawaiian.

More from my site

The Best Romanian Resources (+ 9 reasons to learn it)

Hawaiian Skill:School 1

  • Edit source
  • View history
  • 1 Grammar Notes
  • 2.1 Lesson 1
  • 2.2 Lesson 2
  • 2.3 Lesson 3
  • 2.4 Lesson 4
  • 2.5 Lesson 5
  • 3 References

Grammar Notes [ ]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.

Lessons [ ]

Lesson 1 [ ].

  • lawe = bring
  • ʻeke hāʻawe = backpack
  • kini ʻaiō = lunch pail
  • hāʻawe = carry
  • ʻaina kakahiaka = breakfast

Lesson 2 [ ]

  • kākau = write
  • penikala = pencil
  • peni māka = marker
  • mea holoi = eraser
  • maiau = neatly
  • aʻo = learn

Lesson 3 [ ]

  • haʻawina = homework
  • papa = class
  • kuisa = quiz
  • paʻa = finished
  • paʻakikī = hard
  • maʻalahi = easy
  • poina = forget

Lesson 4 [ ]

  • hoa papa = classmates
  • laina = line
  • waha = mouth
  • pepeiao = ear
  • lina poepoe = circle
  • nīnau = question
  • kui lima = hold hands

Lesson 5 [ ]

  • kula kamaliʻi = preschool
  • kula haʻahaʻa = elementary school
  • kula waena = middle school
  • kula kiʻekiʻe = high school
  • kula nui = college

References [ ]

  • 2 Achievements

Duolingo Adds Hawaiian To The Long List Of Languages You Can Learn On The App

Duolingo joins the plight to make Hawaiian more widely spoken by adding the language to its app, reminding us Hawaiians have a language of their own.

Duolingo has joined the plight to make Hawaiian more widely spoken by adding the language to its app, reminding us that Hawaiians do have a language of their own.

If you have ever visited the great state of Hawaii, you'll know that it's easy to forget that it is even a part of the United States. The group of islands is almost 2,500 miles away from its closest neighbor state, California. It has also been voted the happiest state in America. Unsurprising, since it is basically paradise.

Something else that sets Hawaii apart from other US states, and something not a lot of people know, is that it has its own language. Yes, everyone knows that in Hawaii, people say "aloha" rather than "hello", but it used to extend beyond just that. Unfortunately, since English has also become an official language in the state, Hawaiian has fallen by the wayside.


That is something the Hawaiian people have been trying to reverse for a while, and now Duolingo is on board. Duolingo is an app that allows users to learn another language without going through the process of taking classes, which honestly can be very time and money consuming. As of August 2018, Duolingo boasted 37 new different languages on its app, and on October 8th of this year, it added Hawaiian to that list. The language was added on that day to coincide with Indigenous People's Day.

Considering the limited amount of people that speak Hawaiian in the present day, creating a course based around the language was no easy task. Duolingo worked with a team of bilingual Hawaiian language specialists, as reported by Travel + Leisure . The hope is that Duolingo's contribution will further the efforts of native Hawaiians to make the language as widely spoken in the state as English, just like it used to be 200 years ago.

Despite all of the work done to bring Hawaiian back to the islands, it is still estimated that only 0.1% of the state's population are native speakers. There are clearly steps being put in place to change that though, and not just by Duolingo. There have been Hawaiian language immersion pre-schools in place since 1984, the first students of which are now adults who have graduated college. It may still be considered an endangered language by UNESCO, but all signs currently point to Hawaiian making a comeback.



  1. 5 Best Apps to Learn Hawaiian for Beginners

    is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

  2. I completed the Hawaiian course : r/duolingo

    is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

  3. Learning Hawaiian On Duolingo

    is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

  4. Let’s learn Hawaiian with Duolingo #beginner #duolingo #learn #hawaii #

    is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

  5. Watch til end. Let’s learn Hawaiian with Duolingo

    is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian

  6. Pin on Duolingo

    is your homework finished duolingo hawaiian


  1. I finished The Duolingo Spanish Course!

  2. You did your homework?! No?... go do your homework from Duolingo. Please 💚✳️❇️

  3. I Finished Duolingo Spanish In 24 Hours

  4. Let’s learn Hawaiian with Duolingo #beginner #duolingo #hawaiian #shorts section 1:rookie

  5. Leaning Duolingo- (Hawaiian)

  6. Finished!!


  1. After 180 days i conquered the Duolingo Hawaiian course! I ...

    After 180 days i conquered the Duolingo Hawaiian course! I plan on continuing learning Hawaiian in the future with a few apps and a textbook. AMA. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. facha93 • ... Reply mwh040904 Finished the Course ...

  2. Has anybody finished the Hawaiian tree on Duolingo recently ...

    My grandmother worked for the Bishop museum as an archaeologist, so I'm fortunate enough that they respected Hawaiian culture and tried learning as much language as possible. Unfortunately through the years, it's degraded to just a few words and phrases, so I was so excited when I found Hawaiian on Duolingo.

  3. Duolingo

    The world's most popular way to learn Hawaiian online. Learn Hawaiian in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons. Whether you're a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo is scientifically proven to work. Bite-sized Hawaiian lessons. Fun, effective, and 100% free.

  4. Duolingo for 'Ōlelo Hawai'i? : r/Hawaii

    I've done the Hawaiian course on Duolingo. It's great to build up a basic vocabulary. I feel like they got authentic speakers for the audio recordings, so there's a good model for pronunciation. My issue is that the Duolingo teaching model doesn't have any way to just study the structures. There are no grammar guidelines that it spells out clearly.

  5. Learning Hawaiian On Duolingo

    By Ayoung Lee | Staff Writer. On Oct. 9, the language learning platform Duolingo started offering Hawaiian as one of its lessons. It offers difficulty levels for beginners who don't know any Hawaiian, and those who already have some knowledge of the language can take a placement test that gets harder or easier based on your answers and ...

  6. 4 We Tried: We Search for the Best Ways to Learn Hawaiian Online for Free

    This one-on-one game approach is definitely different from the other free resources. But it's fun and very interactive. Duolingo added Hawaiian to its more than 20 language offerings in 2018 ...

  7. 10 Quick Resources to Learn the Hawaiian Language

    Duolingo - Hawaiian Language. This FREE app has always been an amazing language learning tool. With the friendly face of the owl and only 15 minutes a day, Duolingo is a fantastic resource. As someone who is a little more advanced, it's nice to be able to "test out" of some of the courses on Duolingo and skip ahead.

  8. Celebrating Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi: Duolingo sees surge of Hawaiian

    "Duolingo is an avenue for learning ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi that didn't exist before. It's a way for folks to practice without pressure in the privacy of your home," says Bartlett, design lead and solutions engineer with KS' Kealaiwikuamoʻo Division. Another fascinating aspect of this program's success is its widespread appeal.

  9. Duolingo Guides

    The Hawaiian course on Duolingo is a great resource to learn vocab and practice grammar. ... Things will pick up quickly, so make sure you do your part and practice (here and on Duolingo) and memorize that vocab! ... The Duolingo Guides for Categories 18-25 are indeed finished, but published on the Amino website. ...

  10. 7 Ways How to Learn Hawaiian (Inspired by Ni'ihau)

    6. Duolingo (Audio/Visual App) I'm sure you've heard of Duolingo - it's one of the world's largest language-learning apps. As part of their mission, Duolingo works to preserve languages that may be lost if they aren't preserved (like Navajo and Hawaiian). So in 2018 they released a Hawaiian language course.

  11. Learning Hawaiian language through free program has gained ...

    As Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, or Hawaiian Language Month, progresses, a free online application known as Duolingo continues to gain popularity around the world leading to more people knowing how to ...

  12. 5 Best Apps to Learn Hawaiian for Beginners

    4. Brainscape. Learn Hawaiian on Brainscape. Brainscape is an online platform that uses adaptive flashcards to help you learn faster and remember longer. With this app, you can study Hawaiian flashcards created by experts or other learners, or make your own flashcards with the words and phrases you want to learn.

  13. How good is the hawaiian course : r/duolingo

    It's one of the shorter courses on Duolingo (only 30 skills and 113 lessons) but gives a good foundation for the Hawaiian language and teaches some native phrases and words. Like most Duolingo courses, you won't be able to get around super well, but it is better than nothing. Reply. cactus-tree-plant.

  14. Learn the Hawaiian and Navajo Languages on Duolingo

    Starting today, you can use the app to learn the languages spoken by native Hawaiians and by the Diné, better known as the Navajo nation. Both are living languages still spoken today, but not ...

  15. Lindsay Does Languages

    Duolingo - There's a Hawaiian course available on Duolingo. Memrise - There's a good collection of Hawaiian courses on Memrise. Drops - Duolingo, Memrise, AND Drops?! Not many indigenous languages can claim that! Olelo Online - Online lessons to help you learn Hawaiian. Ahonui - A great YouTube channel with lots of videos teaching ...

  16. Duolingo

    Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. It's 100% free, fun and science-based. Practice online on duolingo.com or on the apps! ...

  17. Duolingo

    Learn languages by playing a game. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work.

  18. Hawaiian

    Hawaiian is a language of the Malayo-Polynesian family that is the native language of Hawai'i. It is one of the official languages of the state of Hawaii in the United States, and it is a critically endangered language according to the United Nations [1]. There are only 2000 native speakers of Hawaiian, but Hawaiian-language schools have been formed to revive the language. On Duolingo ...

  19. Hawaiian

    Hawaiian from English Word list (24 Units) by MatOzone » Sat Aug 20, 2022 3:53 pm. 1 Replies. 454 Views. Last post by Deleted User 5745. Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:18 am.

  20. i just spent 4 hours doing hawaiian : r/duolingo

    Hawaiian is an endangered language so it's good to have someonr with the knowledge of it so it never dies out, that's what I think anyway, I was learning Hawaiian for that reason ... Has anyone finished the Ccna in 2 months comments. r/StopGaming. ... music, and math learning through Duolingo. Here, learners and enthusiasts engage in ...

  21. Hawaiian Skill:School 1

    School 1 is the 26th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Hawaiian language course. It has 5 lessons. Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else. lawe = bring ʻeke hāʻawe = backpack kini ʻaiō ...

  22. Duolingo Adds Hawaiian To The Long List Of Languages You ...

    Duolingo is an app that allows users to learn another language without going through the process of taking classes, which honestly can be very time and money consuming. As of August 2018, Duolingo boasted 37 new different languages on its app, and on October 8th of this year, it added Hawaiian to that list. The language was added on that day to ...

  23. is Duolingo good for learning Hawaiian? : r/languagelearning

    I have not had a deeper look into those, but on the surface they all seem better than Duolingo. One reason is that they don't use a generic course template, but rather fit the format to the language. In the end, nothing beats an actual, educated teacher who can cater to your specific needs.