10 Tips for creating an effective training presentation

Ximena Portocarrero

Creating a training presentation is not a simple task. Unlike your usual PowerPoints, a training deck should convey work-related information in a way that keeps your team engaged and creates a positive learning experience. Quite a challenge, if you ask me - especially in online environments.

That’s why today I’ve got a little help from the 24Slides presentation designers . They work on thousands of eLearning slides for companies every month, so they pretty much know what it takes to create an impressive training deck.

By the end of this post, you’ll have learned:

  • What exactly a training presentation is
  • The benefits of corporate training
  • 10 training presentation tips you can execute right now

Let’s begin!

training plan presentation

What's a Training Presentation?

A training presentation is a corporate learning material that helps build the right skills employees require to perform their jobs. For optimal results, ideal training presentations showcase the specialized knowledge in well-structured, easy-to-read slides, and encourage active participation during the whole learning experience.

To give you an idea, common training presentation topics include company policies, safety and health at work, cybersecurity, industrial processes , and more.

Why Should Businesses Provide Employee Training?

Employee training is a business investment, and as such, it’s normal for higher-ups to question whether some corporate learning and development activities are needed. However, as Henry Ford said, “ The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay! ”

And if that’s not enough reason, here are some long-term benefits you can list to show the value of employee training in your organization:

  • Training sessions leverage new employees’ productivity faster
  • Employee training reduces the chances of errors and accidents on the job.
  • Well-trained employees need less supervision, which translates into more time for managers to dedicate to their own tasks.
  • Learning and development activities help increase employee retention and job satisfaction.
  • Constant employee training makes it easier to identify the team’s weaknesses and creates improvement opportunities for the whole organization.

Now that we understand why staff training is important, let’s see how to create a good training presentation.

Top Tips for Creating an Effective Training Presentation

What we commonly call “effective presentation” is the right balance of two elements: the content you provide and how you deliver it. The first part is on your expertise and every piece of information you can share. But the second part is where the real magic happens .

How do you convey your knowledge? How can you make the online learning experience one to remember? Well, a lot relies on the way you present that information. In this section, we’re going to cover both sides through 10 training presentation tips:

#1 Showcase the knowledge of your company’s experts

Internal expertise is a top learning resource many companies fail to see. Just think about how much your sales head or finances specialist can say about the best practices and workflows from their respective areas. Or the industry trends and developments they experience in their day-to-day activities. You don’t need to look outside the office when you already have expert sources that can provide you with valuable know-how for your training slides.

training plan presentation

And don’t curb to technical topics. If the training is on leadership or negotiation skills, why don’t you invite a project manager or sales rep to talk about their experiences? This is a fantastic way to recognize employees as experts and promote team engagement at the same time.

#2 Use your visuals wisely

Visual content is ideal to catch your audience’s attention in a matter of seconds. Plus, studies confirm that visuals help process information faster and facilitate learning . However, this doesn’t mean we should plaster graphics and illustrations all over our slides. Instead, use your visuals strategically only for what’s relevant.

training plan presentation

It’s like highlighting a textbook. A mark signals the main idea from the hundreds of words in every chapter. But what’s the point if you’re going to highlight the entire page? It would lose its whole purpose!

As Benny Prasetyo, Design manager from 24Slides , says:

training plan presentation

So keep that in mind. Your images, icons, and other graphics are not merely decorative devices. They tell people where to look and have the power to amplify your key messages.

#3 Appeal to different learning styles

According to the VARK model , there are four main learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. And people tend to prefer one or two modalities over others. The good thing is that you can appeal to the four of them within your training PowerPoint presentation. Here’s how:

  • For visual learners, maps, flow charts, and process diagrams are the way to go. They respond better to all these devices that explain something graphically instead of words.

training plan presentation

  • Auditory learners make the most out of synchronous training because they learn by hearing and discussing ideas. However, you can also adapt your PowerPoint materials to them. Think about adding audio files or linking to podcasts that further expand the main topic. Another great way to appeal to aural or auditory learners is using a conversational style in your slides, so they can read your PPT as if you were talking directly to them.
  • People who process information through reading and writing will appreciate text-based explanations and assignments. Lists, quotations, and case studies are ideal for this type of learner.

training plan presentation

  • For the kinesthetic modality, you can showcase personal experiences or feature practical exercises that allow students to apply what they’ve learned. We’ll talk more about this kind of content in the following sections. But bear in mind that kinesthetic learners are “tactile” and prefer to assimilate new information by exploring it in the real world.

To sum this point up, add elements in your presentation that respond to the four learning styles, and you’ll get an immersive and more dynamic training session.

#4 Keep it real

Want to make your corporate training relevant to your team?

Include scenarios from real situations - extra points if these examples come from their actual work. Here’s the thing: People are more perceptive to things that make an impact on their lives. So, if you connect your session to what they go through in their daily tasks, you’re adding emotion and making your training 10x more relatable.

Ideally, your presentation gives solutions to an issue the business has identified. In this case, you need to explore a little: What has changed or happened in the company that employees require training? How’s the day-to-day of the areas involved? What’s the ideal scenario the company expects?

Now, use your findings to integrate realistic situations as examples or exercises that show trainees the value of your session. The key to an engaged and motivated audience is to keep things real.

#5 Make use of storytelling

Effective training is more than informative sessions. The real objective is to spur change. You want to take employees from point A to point B in their development, and one of the most powerful tools to inspire action is storytelling.

In a few words, storytelling is the art of using a story to communicate something. It might not sound like a big deal, but stories speak to the emotional side of humans, and that’s how you can start building a connection that makes every session memorable.

Some ways the 24Slides designers help incorporate storytelling into training presentations is through comics, animated slides, and PowerPoint illustrations.

training plan presentation

If you’re keen to challenge the status quo in your team, check out these 7 storytelling techniques to create a compelling training deck.

#6 Take every chance to engage with your audience

Getting active participants during online training is like finding the saint grail nowadays. With muted mics and off-cameras, sometimes you don't even know if someone is listening on the other side. But hang in there.

In this section, I will show you some interactive elements you can use to boost your audience engagement.

training plan presentation

Usually, the host would end the presentation with an “Any Questions?” slide, but what about you asking the questions? Inquiry your audience’s minds and create open questions for anyone to share their opinions. This is a good old trick with the potential to spark great-in-class discussions. You can even transform it into a gamified experience with slides like the one you see above.

Online audience engagement tools such as Slido , Mentimeter , or Kahoot make it super easy to create interactive quizzes and polls. The cool thing about them is that they give you a presentation code, which allows your audience to send their answers and see the team's results in real-time.

training plan presentation

But if you prefer a more traditional approach, there are PowerPoint slides that can do the trick too. Take this multiple-choice quiz template as an example. It comes with a wide array of designs to hold your participants’ attention while assessing their knowledge. You just need to insert questions and alternatives regarding your topic, and voilá!

training plan presentation

Self-assessment activities are a great way to engage with your audience - even when you’re not there to guide them! Here’s a creative quiz template in PowerPoint you can use to add fill-in-the-blank exercises, short-answer questions, and multiple-choice tests to your training deck.

#7 Brand your corporate training deck

Considering that training presentations talk to one of the company’s most important stakeholders (the employees), it should be a no-brainer to keep them on-brand.

training plan presentation

But it’s more than giving a professional look to your slides. Adding the company’s brand to training materials shows your team that you care. You’re making the same effort to deliver a polished product to them as the company does to the customers. And that speaks volumes!

Plus, keeping visual consistency across all materials helps your team become familiar with the brand and reinforce that they’re part of the company's activities.

We’ve got a whole article on why branding is essential in presentations , but at this point, it’s clear that spending some time on the aspect of your slides provides more benefits to the business than not. So, remember to inject the brand’s identity into your training decks.

training plan presentation

#8 Close with summary slides

How often have you seen participants more worried about taking notes from your slides than actually following your speech? This is a common situation in learning scenarios, and it’s not because your participants don’t care about what you’re saying. Quite the contrary, they want to take it all in.

training plan presentation

And you can make their learning experience easier by simply adding summary slides . These final slides contain the key points from your lesson and help viewers retain the essentials.

This way, you ship away your participants’ worry of missing something important, and you get another chance to reinforce your main messages. Everybody wins!

#9 Make your presentation accessible

“Accessibility” is a term that has gained popularity in the last few years, and it refers to the practice of ensuring people with disabilities can access the same information fully and independently as people without disabilities. This is extremely important in eLearning because you want everyone in the organization to benefit from your lessons.

For instance, employees with hearing difficulties might have a hard time watching an instructional video with no captions. Likewise, participants with visibility issues might need an easy-to-read font size in the slides or color contrast in your presentation visuals.

training plan presentation

If you want to start now, PowerPoint has an accessibility checker that gives you a detailed report on what you can do to improve your slides. To activate it, follow this route: File tab > Information > Check for issues (next to Inspect Document) > Check Accessibility

You might be surprised by all the details we take for granted, but they make a huge difference to people with different abilities.

#10 Don’t Underestimate The Power of Your Presentation Design

All these good practices confirm that a good design can enhance any corporate learning experience. It helps your employees better comprehend information. It signals the importance of each item in your slides and how they should be read. A good design provides structure and visual flow. And the list can go on, but I prefer you see for yourself.

Damilka Rojas, Design manager at 24Slides , gives us expert input on the right design approach for effective training presentations:

training plan presentation

Plus, many training slides are stand-alone materials with the task of conveying information without a live instructor. That’s when you can rely on a good design to deliver a coherent interpretation of your lessons.

Upgrade your training presentations today!

Now, it’s time to put these training presentation tips into practice. Whether you apply one or all of them together, I’m sure you’ll see a marked difference in your new slides. But if you have several presentations to upgrade or designing in PowerPoint is not exactly the most productive way to spend your time, let the 24Slides team handle it for you !

Our expert designers can create stunning slides to draw your audience’s attention while keeping the professional look your training decks deserve. They provide presentation design support to some of the biggest companies worldwide , so rest assured your slides will be in good hands. Ready to take your presentations to the next level?

training plan presentation

Create professional presentations online

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Home PowerPoint Templates Training

Training PowerPoint Templates & Slides for Presentations

The Training PowerPoint Template is a helpful presentation training tool that helps you convey knowledge to your trainees without stress. It consists of a series of slides that outline the key points of the training, including an introduction, objectives, key concepts, and a conclusion.

Also, these multi-versatile presentation templates are well-designed onboarding tools that help organization trainers effectively teach the mission, goals, vision, and objectives of organizations to new employees. You can edit any of these templates to suit your presentation preference.

The Training Manual Template PowerPoint is useful because it helps trainers stay on track and ensures that all critical information is covered. It also helps them follow along and retain the information quickly.

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PowerPoint Template for 5-Topic Training Presentation

5-Topic Training PowerPoint Template

Training PowerPoint Templates are helpful pre-designed professional slides used in creating and organizing training presentations . These templates are effective at conveying information and engaging the trainees. We designed these templates using a variety of slide elements such as text, images, charts, and videos to convey information effectively and engage your trainees about a subject matter.

You can easily use any of these presentation templates on both PowerPoint and Google Slides. You can use the Training Manual Template PowerPoint to teach or train your trainees across industries. All you have to do is to download and edit the slide elements and placeholder texts to your desired presentation content. We recommend you use any of these templates to prepare presentations for your following training/ onboarding programs.

The Training Template slides include an introductory section containing the title, trainer’s name, and contact details. Subsequent slides are the body of the presentation; they contain the main content of the training, including any objectives, learning outcomes, and key points to be covered.

Our Training Program PPT Templates are slides designed to accommodate activities, quizzes, and other interactive elements to keep the audience engaged and allow them to practice what they have learned. It also includes sessions for group discussions, brainstorming sessions, or even hands-on exercises.

Furthermore, they have a summary slide that you can use to wrap up the training and highlight the mentioned key points. This slide could include a summary of the objectives, a list of key takeaways, or a call to action for further learning or application of the material.

What is a Training PowerPoint Template?

A Training PowerPoint Template is a pre-designed PowerPoint presentation for training/onboarding purposes. These templates typically include slides with images, charts, diagrams, and other design elements that you can use to explain a concept, provide examples, or demonstrate a process.

You can use these templates across industries, including corporate training sessions, educational lectures, and professional development workshops. You can customize any of these templates to meet the specific needs of the trainees.

Using our Training PowerPoint Template as a trainer will save you time and effort in creating your presentations and focus on delivering the training content effectively.

How Do You Make A Good Powerpoint Presentation For Training?

A good PowerPoint presentation for training should be well-organized, visually appealing, and easy to understand. Here are some steps to follow to create a successful presentation:

  • Determine the purpose of your presentation:  Ask yourself the following questions: “What is the goal of your training?” “What do you want your audience to learn or take away from it?” The answers to those questions will help guide the content and structure of your presentation.
  • Create an outline: It’s essential to break down your presentation into key points and organize them logically. It will help keep you on track and ensure that you cover all the necessary information.
  • Use visual design elements like images, diagrams, charts, etc., to help illustrate your points and engage your trainees.
  • Rehearse your presentation before the training and conduct a test run of the other equipment.
  • Use functioning equipment, such as a laptop and projector, to display your presentation effectively.

Following the above-listed points will create a PowerPoint presentation that is effective and engaging for your audience/ trainees.

How Do You Structure a Training Presentation?

Successfully structuring a training presentation involves careful planning and organizing the content you want to present logically and effectively. It involves breaking down the contents into a clear and precise outline of the topics to be covered.

It also involves you identifying the key features of the topic, explaining the advantages of those features, and then demonstrating how they can benefit the audience/ trainees. It allows you to convey the value of the material and engage the audience in a meaningful way.

How Long Should a Training Powerpoint Be?

The length of a Training PowerPoint Presentation will depend on the material’s complexity and the audience’s attention span. We recommend you keep presentations to around 20-30 minutes in length, with breaks in between for discussion and questions.

Furthermore, you can determine the length of a Training PowerPoint on the audience’s needs and the presentation’s goals. It is vital to balance providing enough information to effectively convey the material while keeping the presentation concise and engaging.

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Training Plan

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Product details

A training plan is a detailed document that guides the planning and delivery of instruction. Whether training people one-on-one or in groups, in person or online, a well-developed training plan allows you to prepare for and deliver thorough and effective classes. Some key things to remember are that you want to be detailed, organized, and realistic. In order to conduct effective training sessions, you need to keep in mind the objectives of your business or organization. These goals should guide you as you develop your training plan. Make it clear to your trainees that there will be tangible benefits that each of them will gain by completing the training. Outline the skills, information, and certifications that participants will gain by undergoing the training. These might include mastery of specific software applications, detailed knowledge of company policies and procedures, or enhanced customer service skills. Include in your plan the specific outcomes you want the training to achieve. For example, you might announce that upon graduation, we will have five new employees ready to start their first week in the accounting department. A good training plan will indicate exactly how you will accomplish your goals. You should indicate how long training will last, how many sessions will occur, and what will happen during each session. Include in your training plan a list of lessons complete with lesson objectives, specific activities and assessment plans, which may include pre-and post-tests, class discussions, or group activities. Figure out the length of each lesson. Your training plan should include ways that the trainers can evaluate the training as it progresses. There should be clear benchmarks that measure the effectiveness of the training. Monitor progress and report outstanding achievements to your students. Your training plan should be a comprehensive document that will make it simple for others to follow your instructions. Therefore, you should indicate exactly how to prepare for training sessions. Be as specific as possible, so that other trainers will have a clear idea of ​​how to accomplish the goals.

The Training Plan template consists of five modern professional slides. This template will be primarily useful for business trainers and teachers when preparing various courses. You can use the slides in this template to summarize your course. You can also control the course of training according to the original plan. This template will be useful for HR managers when preparing corporate training. You can also use this template when teaching new employees about the culture and responsibilities of the new position. Labour professionals can also use this slide when preparing a fire safety or hazardous goods briefing plan. Also, this template will be useful for school and kindergarten teachers when developing programs for child development. University students can use this template when preparing their individualized study plan. All slide elements are easy to edit and you can independently edit the template according to your requirements.

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How to create an employee training plan (with template)

training plan presentation

You’re benchmarking and planning development, progressions, and new hires in a talent market that’s simultaneously saturated and experiencing drought. Creating an employee training plan isn’t something you have time to do, but you know it’s one of the most critical projects on your plate.

Whether you’re trying to create a training plan from scratch, update one to be more compliant, or increase engagement, the process is never straightforward.

In this article, we share what makes training plans impactful and walk you through the steps needed to implement one within your organization. We even include a training plan template you can use to create your own, offering a comprehensive guide on how to make training plans that are both effective and engaging for your team.

🛩️ Want to skip some steps? We created a customizable employee training plan template, so yours won’t be missing any important details. 👉 Download the template ‍

Why are training plans for employees important?

An employee training plan is a written resource that details how your company will approach a specific training initiative. 

For example, some individual contributors at your organization might be interested in becoming people managers. Your learning and development (L&D) team could support them by creating a leadership training plan that is results-driven, effective, and aligned with company goals. 

Training plans for employees play a central role in advancing specific learning initiatives. They shouldn’t be confused with development plans , which are long-term guidelines for individual employees. In contrast, staff training plans are skill-based guides for groups or the entire company. These plans are valuable tools for addressing short-term skill gaps identified in personal development plans.

Key benefits of training plans include:

  • Increased retention rates — 76% of respondents to SHRM’s 2022 Learning and Development Executive Summary said they were more likely to stay with a company that offered continuous training plans for employees. Organizational training plans are ideal for providing those opportunities as they streamline the employee development process and enable L&D teams to deliver more frequent, higher-quality training opportunities.
  • Enhanced productivity and growth — Upskilling staff means they can achieve important goals and deliver the results required to keep the company operating at a high level. That’s one reason research shows that organizations that take training seriously are 59% more likely to grow .
  • Better adaptability — As companies seek to meet the challenges of remote training and hybrid work, training plans can empower employees with skills to adapt to the ongoing changes in the world of work.
  • More empowered employees — Learning and development should be a priority for any organization that cares about people enablement . Why? Because it pays off. According to our 2023 report, 89% of employees agree that people enablement has benefitted their workplace. ‍
“In the past, we had a laissez-faire approach to training, allowing employees to select any kind they wanted. This sometimes resulted in misalignment between the training content and our company culture or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).  We’ve since adopted a more structured approach to remedy this, designing our training programs to align with our culture and objectives. This has ensured that every training employees receive is relevant and applicable to their role within our organization.”  — Jennifer Morehead, CEO of Flex HR , on the value a training plan has brought to the business

How to create an employee training program in 6 steps

An infographic that illustrates the steps for outlining an employee training program.

Now let’s get into how to create an employee training program that’s scalable yet customized and aligned with company goals. ‍

1. Identify knowledge & skills gaps

A screenshot of engagement survey results within Leapsome Surveys.

Skills gaps within your organization likely have more to do with technological advancements and market fluctuations than employee competence. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider short- and long-term business goals when assessing skills gaps and writing a training plan.

Let’s say one of your objectives is to make artificial intelligence (AI) central to your operations. You may find that team members are still unsure how to apply these new tools to increase the business’s operational efficiency.

To discover where upskilling and learning opportunities are:

  • Survey employees — A short, two-question pulse survey asking staff what skills they need to execute their roles can provide useful insights. ‍
  • Re-examine your competency frameworks — If you’ve updated your company structure, employees may need new skills or competencies to flourish. ‍
  • Study your industry and competitors — Leverage your network or reach out to peers to learn what skills and knowledge gaps they’re facing and prioritizing.‍ ‍
🛩️ Looking for a great template? You don’t have to create your employee training plan from scratch. Use our template to get started faster. 👉 Download now

2. Determine training objectives

Now that you have a better grasp of the skills employees are missing or need to expand on, you can begin to outline a set of objectives that will guide each plan. While your training plan objectives should align with your company vision, keeping them more attainable and specific than any high-level, long-term business goal is best. ‍

Let’s look at some common training objectives:

  • Enhancing a technical skill or competency with software
  • Developing intercultural competencies that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB)
  • Expanding industry and regulatory knowledge
  • Improving customer service skills
  • Sharpening decision-making skills
  • Becoming more confident with conflict resolution techniques
  • Managing time more effectively ‍

🔎 When considering a set of training objectives, stakeholders should ask themselves these questions:

  • What’s the desired outcome of this training?
  • How will the new skills or knowledge contribute to our business goals? 
  • How will trainees benefit from the new skills or knowledge?
  • What do employees need to do to succeed with this training plan?
  • How will trainers or leaders know when employees have successfully completed the training?
  • How will trainers overcome challenges to the training, if any? ‍

3. Choose the type of training

A photo of a large group of employees at a meeting.

Each training plan should invite you to consider the most appropriate methods and resources to meet skills gaps, stay within budget, and accommodate team members’ needs. Consider, for instance, that DEIB skills training for managers may require sensitivity and involvement from expert speakers, as well as a focus on topics like intersectionality, unconscious bias , microaggressions, and power dynamics. 

This is markedly different from, for example, a simple training session on how to use a new type of software. Similarly, think about how distinct training remote employees can be from training an in-office team. Requirements relating to different skill sets should be taken into consideration when planning this out. 

Let’s explore a few different training plans and discuss the specific competencies each might address. ‍

New hire training plans

Typically part of the orientation and onboarding process , new hire training plans focus on familiarizing new employees with job expectations, policies, and procedures. The objective is to integrate recent joiners into their new team so they can become comfortable and reach their full potential quickly and sustainably.

The employee onboarding experience is the first real impression a new team member gets of your company and can set the tone for the rest of your relationship with them. Gallup found that low engagement has cost US$8.9 trillion (9% of global GDP), and only 23% of employees worldwide feel engaged.

While this number is too large to make sense of in the context of creating a training plan, the point is that employee engagement (and long-term company success) starts with an intentionally designed onboarding course .

⭐️ Create a seamless onboarding experience Follow a thorough onboarding checklist that reduces new hire overwhelm and sets team members up for success. 👉 Download our comprehensive checklist

Customer service training plans

Sales and customer relationship management are challenging skills to build. This type of training should provide resources and techniques that employees can review to retain customers and bring in more revenue; some training examples are relationship building and consultative selling.  ‍

Technical training plans

This type of training isn’t only for companies specializing in IT and software. Organizations that rely on powerful tools to run their businesses must provide specialized resources (and ample time for employees to learn how to leverage them) to maximize their investment. ‍

4. Establish how to measure effectiveness

Evaluating the success of your training plan helps gauge whether the training is meeting your established objectives and helping you progress on broader company goals.

Great training should positively impact multiple areas — like performance, productivity, engagement, and retention. That’s why you should utilize various approaches to measure effectiveness, such as:

  • Completion rates — Quickly determine whether training is too difficult or too long and investigate what might be hindering people’s progress. ‍
  • Survey scores — Gather post-training employee feedback via anonymous surveys to determine if the plan is enhancing skill sets and allowing team members to perform their current roles more effectively. ‍
  • Percentage of goals reached — Observing how many employees are reaching their individual training goals means you can understand how quickly people are progressing through the program. Leapsome’s flexible Goals module allows you to set both OKRs and SMART goals and track results in real time. ‍
  • Qualitative feedback — Leaders can set up 1:1 meetings with training participants to discuss how things are going and explore what could be improved. ‍

5. Set your timeline

Depending on what you need your training plan to achieve, you may choose a stricter or more flexible, self-paced timeline. For instance, mandatory short-term technical training might require a hard deadline, while employees could be able to complete voluntary time management training at leisure.

The key is giving team members a visual tool to track their progress throughout the course — which is why you should break your timeline down with the following :

  • A training schedule — For courses happening in multiple sessions over several months, provide employees with a weekly or monthly schedule so they can plan their time accordingly. ‍
  • Checklists — For self-paced courses, allow staff to mark tasks off a list of projects and activities. ‍
  • Milestones — Managers can inform participants when they’ve reached specific achievements or met certain targets. ‍

6. Create & choose training materials

A screenshot of a Leapsome Learning interface.

Building training materials internally helps make training more relevant and specific to your business goals. It also enables you to keep your messaging consistent with your company values and tailor teaching resources as you go. However, there are a few benefits to sourcing training externally, as it can:

  • Provide external perspectives to diversify insights, broaden thinking, and introduce new approaches to problem-solving
  • Allow access to professionals with specific expertise or specialized certifications
  • Support employees in connecting with industry experts and help build their professional networks
  • Be less time-intensive

While they require an initial time investment , in-house materials can be just as effective and may include:

  • Webinars or online presentations
  • Training videos
  • Games and bite-sized courses
  • Online forums or internal communities 
  • Interactive elearning modules ‍
🕴️ Tailor-made learning that engages your people Leapsome Learning lets you incorporate external resources and customize training so it’s always relevant to employee needs. 👉 Find out more

Employee training plan template

A screenshot of Leapsome’s all-in-one employee training plan.

Employee training plans should be easy for leaders, managers, and team members to understand, follow, and implement. Here’s a sample template you can fill in — simply tweak the details and structure based on your branding, messaging, and needs. ‍

Course overview

This is where you’ll write the following:

  • Name of your organization
  • Course name
  • Department, team, position, or specific employee the course is for
  • How long it’ll last (especially if the course isn’t self-paced)
  • When the course was last updated ‍

Training objectives

Clearly state your learning goals for the course. What short- or long-term objectives do you want the training to achieve? For example, if you’re building a management training plan, your goals may include:

  • Helping managers develop their confidence as coaches and mentors
  • Sharpening decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Identifying strengths and areas direct reports can improve upon
  • Enhancing team collaboration and effectiveness ‍

Delivery methods

Explain whether the training will take place in-person or online and give a brief overview of its structure. While the learning process may be completely asynchronous for new hires, trainees might be expected to spend two hours a day working through tasks, activities, and quizzes over a week. ‍

Training content, schedule, or modules

Here, you’ll break the training into smaller components to help employees digest the information and stay organized and on task. If team members need to complete a set of learning modules and activities to finish their training, you can provide a checklist here.

You can either design your own content or work with content marketplaces. Platforms like Leapsome Learning have a variety of modules: like compliance training , leadership training, and other content for specific training programs. ‍

Monitoring & follow-up

Explain what metrics and tools participants and organizers will use to measure their progress and success throughout the training.

As an example, L&D teams may ask trainees to track progress throughout the course by monitoring module completion rates, reviewing scores on quizzes and tests, and updating individual training goals. Then, after the training is completed, leaders may follow up in regularly scheduled 1:1s and discuss how the employee is implementing the training in their day-to-day role. ‍

What to avoid when planning employee training

A photo of two employees in a private meeting.

Implementing a new training plan takes trial and error and may not always produce the results you hope to see right away. However, taking note of typical training plan pitfalls ahead of time can help eliminate the need for extensive refinement down the road. Some possible issues include:

  • Setting unrealistic expectations — Making your plan too ambitious could discourage employees who feel it’s out of touch and impossible to complete. When in doubt, keep timelines relatively short and make objectives as specific and achievable as possible.
  • Providing team members with insufficient time — Even if training isn’t mandatory, not giving people enough free time to take advantage of learning opportunities might convey that their success isn’t your priority. Allow employees to carve out time away from tasks to complete training, and encourage them to create recurring calendar blockers to focus on their personal development.
  • Not explaining “the why” — If you’ve created training plans in response to specific organizational challenges or skills gaps, let team members know. Otherwise, failure to be transparent about your reason for implementing training might lead people to draw unfavorable conclusions or lack motivation. 
  • Not asking for feedback — Employee input is a powerful way to evaluate the effectiveness of your training plans. Without those insights, you risk investing in training that doesn‘t align with your team’s needs or preferred ways of learning.
  • Implementing a plan that doesn’t align with individual goals — Not considering people’s personal development goals might prevent trainees from feeling a sense of empowerment and ownership over their new skills, which can harm motivation and engagement, even beyond the training phase. ‍

Train & develop your people with Leapsome

A screenshot of an interface from Leapsome’s Learning Paths dashboard.

By providing a structured, strategic approach to learning, a well-crafted training plan can help upskill staff members more efficiently while addressing the knowledge gaps that might be holding your company back. 

Still, it takes time and collaboration to gather the data, resources, and materials you need to develop and implement a successful training plan. What’s more, you may find that your current people enablement tech stack overcomplicates the process.

Leapsome is the perfect platform for organizations that want to simplify planning and offer training at scale. Users can use our Surveys and Meetings modules to collect employee feedback, our Goals module to track learning objectives against company targets, and our Learning module to deliver interactive courses. Plus, configurable analytics dashboards allow you to monitor completion and success in real time — so you can tweak your training plans on the fly. ‍

👊 A platform that helps you roll with the punches Leapsome Learning integrates with surveys, goal-tracking, and powerful analytics, so you can implement training efficiently and adapt it as you go. 👉 Book a demo

FAQs about employee training plans

1. what is an employee training plan.

An employee training plan is a centralized resource (typically a document) that a company creates to systematize a specific training initiative. It’s essential for organizations that want to: 

  • Take a more structured approach to learning and development
  • Facilitate autonomy around training 
  • Create more consistency across all training materials and courses
  • Roll out future training initiatives efficiently ‍

2. How can a training plan for staff benefit my organization? 

A well-structured training plan for staff ensures consistent and effective training, which can lead to improved employee performance, higher retention rates, and better alignment with organizational goals. ‍

3. How do I create an organizational training plan? 

To create an organizational training plan, start by assessing the current skills and knowledge within your organization. Identify gaps and training needs, set clear and measurable goals, and design a training program that addresses these needs while aligning with company objectives. ‍

4. How can I ensure my training management plan is effective? 

To ensure your training management plan is effective, involve key stakeholders in the planning process, set clear and achievable goals, choose the right training methods, and continuously monitor and evaluate the plan’s effectiveness through feedback and performance metrics. ‍

5. What should be included in a training plan?

Employee training plans should include these four elements:

  • Objectives — Explain why you’re implementing the training and the skills and competencies employees need to build. Perhaps your company is transitioning to a more digitalized business environment due to the ongoing technological advancement and wants to train the team in digital literacy and cybersecurity awareness. ‍
  • Key metrics — The short and long-term skills team members want to develop will also help you decide what key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll use to track the training’s progress and success. ‍
  • Delivery methods — Determine what setting, timeline, and curriculum would work best to facilitate and meet your objectives. ‍
  • Action plan — Specify how training will happen step by step. How many learning sessions will there be? What tasks or homework will trainees need to complete? How will they be monitored? ‍

6. How do you write an employee training plan?

When designing and writing an employee training plan, people and learning and development (L&D) teams should:

  • Perform a needs analysis to determine what performance issues or skills gaps are holding the team or organization back. Many useful tools can help your team address these gaps. ‍
  • Develop a set of measurable goals you want your training plan to meet in alignment with those gaps and business objectives. ‍
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to decide on content and training methods. We’d recommend consulting a well-rounded team to ensure the training is relevant to the business and the employees who will participate. ‍
  • Assign ownership. Decide who’s responsible for each aspect of training, including sourcing materials, tracking success, and checking in with team members about their progress. ‍
  • Write your plan and share it with stakeholders and trainees. ‍

7. What is a corporate training plan? 

A corporate training plan is a comprehensive guide designed to address the training needs of employees within a corporation. It focuses on aligning training programs with the company's strategic goals to enhance employee skills, productivity, and overall business performance. ‍

8. Is there a difference between employee training programs & plans?

A training program involves a series of long-term, strategic employee development initiatives, as a training plan is a single document that outlines how to approach a specific training initiative. A training program is more comprehensive and considers all of your company’s training needs and objectives, while training plans are the focused, written resources within a training program (delivering on those objectives in detail). ‍

9. What are the key steps in writing a training plan?

The main steps in writing a training plan are:

  • Assess your staff’s current skills and knowledge
  • Determine gaps and areas that need improvement
  • Define what you want to achieve with the training
  • Ensure objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)
  • Decide on the training delivery method (e.g., in-person, online, blended)
  • Select tools and resources that best suit the training content and audience
  • Create or source content such as presentations, manuals, videos, and interactive modules
  • Ensure the materials are engaging and relevant
  • Plan the timeline and frequency of training sessions
  • Communicate the schedule to all participants and stakeholders
  • Determine how you will measure the success of the training
  • Use surveys, quizzes, performance assessments, and feedback to evaluate effectiveness

Leapsome Team

training plan presentation

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20 Best Free PowerPoint Training & eLearning Templates for 2024

Sharon Hurley Hall

This sponsored post features a product relevant to our readers while meeting our editorial guidelines for being objective and educational.

An educated workforce is a happier workforce. That's why it makes sense to invest in corporate training and eLearning.  It'll increase the skills, creativity, and innovation of your workforce and will help you keep more employees.

Best Free Corporate Training  eLearning PowerPoint Templates

One key tool in delivering training is the presentation. Get your presentation right, and you can present important information and engage your audience.

To build presentations fast, use premium corporate training PowerPoint templates. You'll find lots of attractive premium corporate PowerPoint templates and other education templates on Envato.

In this guide, I'll share some of the best training PowerPoint templates (paid and free) to help you make appealing presentations.

10 Best Premium PowerPoint Presentation Training Templates From Envato

You can't beat a professional slide design to impress your audience. Here are some of the best premium PowerPoint eLearning templates available on Envato:

1.  University School College: Education Professional PPT Slide Template

University School College Training Education PPT

This is a well-designed and modern training presentation template. It's great for teaching and training. The team training template PPT comes with:

  • over 100 slides you can work with
  • 7 pre-made color schemes
  • maps, charts, and other graphics
  • free fonts and images

2.  Malistisk Training PowerPoint Presentation Template

Malistisk PowerPoint Presentation Template

Malistisk is one of the best PowerPoint templates for training, thanks to its crisp, minimalist design. The technical training template set includes:

  • 12 PowerPoint files
  • more than 60 slides
  • 16:9 widescreen aspect
  • light and dark versions

Add the finishing touches to your presentation with built-in icons and handmade infographics. 

3.  Marketing Plan: Professional PPT Slide Template

Marketing Plan PowerPoint Training Template

It's easy to edit this set of training PowerPoint templates via drag and drop. The Marketing Plan template set includes:

  • 80 different slides
  • 10 color schemes
  • HD resolution
  • based on Master Slides for easy editing

There are many different business templates and charts with editable shapes.

4.  Pitch Deck PPT Template for Training

Pitch Deck PowerPoint Technical Training PPT Template

This set of corporate PowerPoint templates includes:

  • more than 100 unique training slides
  • editable charts and diagrams, making it easy to include data in your business training
  • mockup devices
  • fully animated slides

The Pitch Deck training PPT is attractive, well designed, and well supported.

5.  Thinkers: Creative Training Presentation Template

Thinkers Creative Presentation Training PPT Template

Thinkers is a responsive PowerPoint training template with a clean, professional design. The template set has:

  • more than 100 slides
  • unlimited colors to match your branding
  • a variety of infographic elements such as charts and timelines
  • editable vector icons

Create Interactive Online Courses With iSpring Suite

If you'll be delivering your training presentation online, why not use software that's specially built to create interactive online courses? With iSpring Suite , you can easily create eLearning materials that will engage and educate your audience.

Creating a course with iSpring Suite

The best part is that iSpring Suite is based on the PowerPoint software that you know and love. So the interface will feel very familiar, and the application is quick and easy to learn. But iSpring Suite offers so much more than PowerPoint. With its simple, intuitive tools, you can create:

  • sophisticated quizzes, with branching options to personalize the experience for each learner
  • video lessons and screencasts
  • interactive role plays to train people on how to respond in certain situations
  • interactive timelines, diagrams, and more
  • flip books with realistic page-turning animations
  • course navigation and playback controls

When you've finished creating your eLearning materials, you can just click the "Publish" button to upload them seamlessly to your LMS or website.

iSpring Suite shown on different devices

iSpring courses are designed to look great and function perfectly on all devices, whether desktop or mobile. So if you want to make online courses or training materials that people can access wherever they are, try iSpring Suite. The best way to get started is to sign up for the 30-day free trial , so that you can check out all the features at your own pace, without paying a cent.

20 Best eLearning PowerPoint Templates Free to Download

Before you look for eLearning PowerPoint templates for free on the web, remember that premium options have advantages. They tend to be well-designed, well-supported, and easy to use.

That's why it makes sense to check out Envato's freebies first. These give you access to premium templates completely free of charge.

Here's how it works: 

Every month, Envato offers 12 handpicked files. These include fonts, web templates, presentations and more. Create a free account and download this month's free premium files today.

But if your budget is too tight to go for premium quality, then the following free eLearning PowerPoint templates will help you get started:

1. Business Free PowerPoint Training Template

This free training PowerPoint template comes with a world map background, perfect for a corporate setting. Use it for business training or eLearning.

Free Business PowerPoint Template

2. Free Computer Illustration: Professional PPT Slide Template

This free corporate training template has an engaging background that features animations of computer screens, mobile devices, and more. This makes it ideal for training in subjects related to computers or technology.

3. Paperclip Free Professional Template for PowerPoint

This is another free eLearning presentation theme . Its minimal design includes a clipboard. It's an incredibly versatile option. This way you can tailor your e-learning PPT template to your topic.

4. Conference Room Professional PPT Slide Template

This free training PowerPoint presentation includes an image of a conference room. This makes it a great design for delivering training during meetings. It works well as a training and development PPT template too. Download it . 

5. Strengths Team and Technical Training PPT Template

Planning a SWOT analysis as part of your corporate training session? This free PowerPoint eLearning theme is set up to make this easy, with built-in slides for each aspect of your analysis. Try it out .

6. Child Education PowerPoint Templates

Here's another entry in our list of eLearning PowerPoint templates that's free to download. This template has a cute design and 25 Master Slides that are easy to edit.

Child Education Powerpoint Templates

7. Project Management: Professional PPT Slide Template

This training and development PPT template for free download is great for many subjects. If your training relates to sketching or designing, the slide templates are already set up.

8. Training PPT Template With Timeline

If you need to talk timelines, this training presentation template has the graphics you need already built in. All you've got to do is edit the included example , and you're good to go.

9. Notebook Blank Page: Free Training PowerPoint Presentation Template

The Notebook Blank Page template depicts, as the name states, a classic notebook look that's reminiscent of school. That makes it a great training and development PPT template for free download.

10. Free Hybrid Learning PowerPoint Template

Free Hybrid Learning PowerPoint Template is an accessible template for Microsoft PowerPoint that can be customized to suit any training need. This training PPT template free download has smart illustrations for hybrid and eLearning training.

11. Chalkboard Free Professional Template for PowerPoint

Free Chalkboard PowerPoint Template is the ultimate training PowerPoint template . It features a chalkboard, which instantly takes you back to school. Use it for any type of eLearning need you have.

Free Chalkboard PowerPoint Template

12. Free Education School PowerPoint Template

This is another free Microsoft Photoshop template featuring images of education. It's simple to edit the fonts and colors to make the training template PPT your own. Download it and get started.

13. Financial Research PowerPoint Template

The Financial Research PowerPoint Template is free to download and use. It's an efficient option that comes with three Master Slides and a background image of graphs. Try it out .

14. Online Bank Slides PowerPoint Template

This free training presentation template features useful elements for data visualization. It includes 27 slides to create an awesome training session. 

15. Engineering Online Education PowerPoint Templates

Engineering Online Education PowerPoint Templates is a free download that will give you everything you need for your training session. It focuses on engineering education, but you can edit it as you like.

Engineering Online Education Powerpoint Templates

16. Back to School Free Professional Template for PowerPoint

You'll enjoy this free training PPT template that can work well for teachers. This template comes with three Master Slides that you can customize with your information.

17. Free Development of Coaching Knowledge PowerPoint Template

This modern training and development PPT template for free download has plenty of room for images. It features a clean, cool design suitable for any training presentation. Find it here .

18. Free Coaching PowerPoint Template

This is a free training template PPT for coaching. It's flexible enough to represent all the roles a coach may take on. This free training and eLearning PowerPoint template has four editable slides .

19. Free Schoolchildren PPT Template for Training

Are you looking for a free option that caters to children? This download might suit you. It has cheerful illustrations to ensure you'll captivate your young audience's attention.

20. Free Online Training PowerPoint Template

Lastly, this one is a fantastic free online training PowerPoint template. It has well-designed graphics featuring educational motifs and five editable slides .

Free Online Training PowerPoint Template

How to Quickly Make Training PowerPoint PPT Presentations

Want to make your training PPT presentations even more effective? Then make some changes to your eLearning PowerPoint template. I'll be using the premium Anaa template from Envato in this tutorial. 

corporate powerpoint training templates - anaa

Let's get started:

1. Edit Header Text

Once you've opened the training PPT template, navigate to the first slide you want to edit. Double-click to select the text in the header area and replace it with your chosen text.

edit training slides template

2. Edit Body Text

Follow the same procedure to edit the body text. You can also paste in text you've already prepared. Remove any text areas you don't need by double-clicking on the text box. Then use the context menu and the Cut command.

edit body text for training slides template

3. Add or Resize Images

Click on the onscreen image icon to upload an image from your computer. Double-click to select an image box, and then drag the handles to resize the image.

resize image on powerpoint elearning templates

4. Add Charts or Icons

Navigate to any slides with charts or graphs and double-click to select a chart you want to use. Copy it to the slide you're working on, and update it with your own data.

add charts to powerpoint elearning templates

5. Remove Unwanted Slides

When you're done, remove any unwanted slides. To do this, right-click on a slide you don't need, and select Cut from the menu.

remove slides from powerpoint elearning templates

5 Quick Tips for Better Corporate Training (eLearning) PowerPoint Presentations

A training presentation template is the best way to build a successful presentation. But everyone can use a few quick tips to up their presentation game! Let’s look at five of the best:

1. Don’t Distract Your Audience

If you’re building out a training plan template PPT, chances are you’re instructing a large audience. The last thing you want is to distract them with messy, cluttered slides.

That’s why it pays to turn to a premium training slides template. With pre-built, minimalist layouts, you can build stylish and readable slides.

Training presentation template

2. Be Consistent: Use Master Slides

Let’s say you want to feature a certain logo or image on your training deck template. But suppose it's got 50 or 60 slides. You don’t want to add it over and over—and audiences will notice if objects start moving around the slides. 

For a professional and consistent look, turn to the Slide Master view in PowerPoint. With it, you can apply identical bulk edits in seconds.

Ready to learn how to make bulk edits a breeze? Check out our quick tutorial screencast: 

training plan presentation

3. Illustrate Ideas With Infographics

Many people in your audience may be visual learners. Even if they’re not, most of us tend to understand concepts better if they've got a visual element. 

That’s where infographics come in. These are illustrations that combine information and bring concepts to life. They’re excellent learning tools. With an Envato training presentation template, you can build your own.

training plan template PPT

4. Plan Ahead: Outline

Even with the best training plan template PPT, you never want to arrive unprepared. Even as you build your slide deck, it’s crucial that you stay focused. 

One of the best ways to prepare is by building a PPT outline in advance. This helps you gather your thoughts before building corporate training slides. In doing this, you'll ensure they flow.

Jump over to our full tutorial on outlining your PowerPoint presentations:

training plan presentation

5. Use Subtle Animations

Imagine you’re presenting a series of ideas in sequence. If you flash them onto a slide all at once, it’s likely many readers might jump ahead. Keep them focused by animating your slides. In doing so, you can introduce specific pieces of content in order. 

But be careful: too many animations can be distracting. A pre-animated training slides template from Envato is a great way to get started.

Training deck template

Prepare for Your Presentation Today

You've just seen some great corporate PowerPoint templates. As well as some e-learning PowerPoint templates for free. Remember that premium templates offer advantages over free eLearning templates for PowerPoint.

Want to learn more about PowerPoint presentation training? Then read our in-depth PowerPoint tutorial guide , or check out the tutorials below:

training plan presentation

To create training presentations that wow your audience, start on Envato. Then check out some of the premium corporate PowerPoint templates . 

Sharon Hurley Hall

Thinkific Plus

Training plan template: how to craft a comprehensive plan, share this article.

At one point, workers were expected to come into a job with all the necessary skills and experience or were left to learn them independently. That isn’t the case anymore; and employee training and development is integral to employee onboarding, satisfaction, and retention. 

More than three-quarters of employees now say they are more likely to stay with a company that offers continuous training and development opportunities. 

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations must prioritize employee training and growth to foster an engaged, skilled workforce ready to tackle challenges head-on.

But it can be difficult to know where to start. 

We’ve put together a comprehensive training plan template to help you develop, design, and distribute a well-structured learning path for your corporate and B2B training programs. 

Skip ahead:

Introduction to Training Plan Templates

Components of an effective training plan template, creating a custom training plan template, adapting the training plan template for different training needs, implementing your training plan, evaluating the success of your training plan, frequently asked questions.

Whether the goal is to help your corporate training clients  to  boost productivity, improve performance, or acquire new skills, a well-crafted training plan serves as a guiding framework to achieve these objectives. This is where the importance of design comes into play, and leveraging a customizable template can offer numerous benefits to streamline the entire process.

A well-orchestrated training plan sets a clear path for skill development and learning and ensures that no crucial aspect is overlooked while facilitating employee growth. Training plan templates expedite the planning process by providing ready-made structures tailored to suit the unique requirements of any individual or organization. 

Here are some key benefits of using a training plan template.

  • Simplification and Efficiency: Customizable templates save time and resources by providing a structured framework for training sessions, workshops, and learning programs tailored to your unique needs .
  • Consistency: Templates ensure uniformity throughout the training program, maintaining momentum and preventing participant confusion. Standardized formats include clear goals, timeframes, and performance evaluation criteria.
  • Examples and Inspiration: High-quality templates come with real-life examples or case studies, offering valuable insights and inspiration for your training plan design.
  • Progress Tracking and Evaluation: Using a well-designed training plan template enables effortless tracking of progress, measuring results, and identifying areas requiring improvement or modification. This data-driven approach allows for informed decision-making and continuous improvement within the training program.

Using a customizable training plan template streamlines the crafting of an effective strategy. It helps maintain consistency, encourages organization, enables progress tracking, and ultimately ensures the realization of desired goals. 

With these templates’ many benefits, there has never been a better time to optimize your training approach and reap the rewards of sustained success.

An efficient training plan template must include several key components, which allow for a comprehensive and organized training program. Let’s dive into the critical elements of an effective template.

Training Objectives

Clearly defined training objectives are essential, as they spell out the desired outcomes or skills participants should achieve by the end of the training program. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 

By the end of a one-week Customer Service Excellence course, participants should be able to effectively handle challenging customer service scenarios, demonstrate active listening skills, and resolve customer complaints with a 90% satisfaction rate.

Target Audience

Identifying the target audience is critical for tailoring the training plan to meet the needs of specific learners. This section specifies the group(s) that will undergo the training, such as specific job roles, departments, or experience levels.

The target audience for a Time Management workshop consists of entry-level employees in the marketing department who have been struggling to meet deadlines.

Training Methods and Materials

This section outlines various training methods and materials which cater to different learning styles and preferences . Examples include presentations, group discussions, hands-on exercises, role-playing, videos, case studies, quizzes, and e-learning modules. 

In a Sales Techniques training program, instructors use presentation slides, group role-playing activities, competitor analysis case studies, and online resources like video demonstrations and interactive quizzes.

Timeframe and Milestones

Establishing a timeframe and milestones within the training program allows for effective time management and progress tracking. This section specifies start and end dates, durations for each module, and key milestones to be reached.

A six-week Leadership Development program might allocate one week per module, with milestones such as completing self-assessment, submitting a personal leadership plan, and delivering a team presentation.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and evaluation measure the effectiveness of the training program and the extent to which participants achieve the stated objectives. This section details various assessment methods, such as exams, practical exercises, participant feedback, and performance reviews.

To evaluate the impact of a Conflict Resolution workshop, participants might undergo pre- and post-training assessments, engage in role-playing activities during the training, and participate in follow-up surveys to gauge the transfer of skills to the workplace.

Building a tailored training plan template ensures the design caters to your organization’s or audience’s specific needs. We’ve provided four customizable templates that you can use for basic training, sales, customer support, customer success, or other industry-specific needs.

To make your own custom training plan template, follow these step-by-step guidelines.

  • Identify the Training Objectives: Begin by setting clear, SMART training objectives. These goals should consider the specific skills or knowledge participants should acquire by the end of the training program. Remember to include these objectives in your training plan sample PDF for reference.
  • Define the Target Audience: Determine the specific group(s) the training program is designed for. This can include specific job roles, departments, or experience levels. Make a note of the target audience in your training plan PDF.
  • Choose Training Methods and Materials: Select diverse training methods and materials that cater to the participants’ varying learning styles and preferences. 
  • Establish a Timeframe and Milestones: Outline the duration of the entire training program and allocate time for each module, where applicable. Clearly define the start dates, end dates, and milestones for participants to achieve during the program.
  • Decide on Evaluation Methods: Choose suitable assessment methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program and measure the extent to which participants achieve the stated objectives.
  • Create a Training Plan Template Structure: Now that you have all the elements, build the structure of your custom training plan template based on the components above.
  • Convert the Template into a PDF Format: After creating the custom training plan template, save it as a training plan sample PDF to ensure compatibility and easy sharing. This format allows you to distribute the template across various platforms and devices without losing information or formatting.
  • Test and Refine Your Template: Before using the template for your training programs, test it with a small group to ensure that it covers all essential aspects and meets your organization’s specific needs. Gather feedback and use it to refine the template as needed.

With a robust training plan template, you’ll be better equipped to guide participants toward achieving their goals, ultimately benefiting both individuals and the organization.

A versatile training plan template is essential for addressing an organization’s changing needs and adapting to various industry requirements or compliance standards. 

Here’s how to tweak your custom training plan template to cater to specific contexts and needs:

Adjust Objectives Based on Industry Requirements

Different industries have unique skill sets, knowledge areas, or professional standards they need to adhere to. When adapting your training plan template, ensure that the objectives align with the specific requirements of the industry in question.

Customize Target Audience According to Job Roles and Responsibilities

Jobs within different industries require specific competencies and skill sets. Tailor the target audience section of your template to cater to participants from diverse backgrounds and professional roles within the given industry or job function.

Modify Training Methods for Industry-Specific Contexts

Different training needs may require adjustments in the training methods and materials used. For example, some industries may benefit from more hands-on learning experiences, while others might require immersive virtual training environments.

Consider the Learning Curve

Some industries may have a steeper learning curve and require additional resources. Allow ample time to acquire new skills, practice, and refine them, or provide additional time for learning complex concepts or techniques.

Incorporate Relevant Compliance Requirements

When customizing your training plan template, include any industry-specific standards, regulations, or compliance requirements the training program must address. This will ensure that the participants and organization comply with relevant laws and guidelines.

Once your training plan has been created and adapted to suit your specific needs, the next crucial step is successful execution. Here are five tips to help ensure your training plan implementation is seamless and results-driven. 

  • Communication: Ensure all stakeholders—trainees, managers, and instructors—are well-informed about the program. Provide clear details about the objectives, timeline, expectations, and essential prerequisites. 
  • Organization: Before commencing the training, gather and organize all needed materials, such as presentations, manuals, equipment, or digital resources. Careful preparation ensures a smooth learning experience and reduces the chances of disruptions or delays during the execution of the plan.
  • Engagement: Strive to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. Encourage active participation from the trainees, incorporate diverse teaching methods, and provide opportunities for group collaboration. 
  • Feedback: Consistently track progress and provide constructive feedback. This continuous feedback loop allows for timely adjustments, ensuring the training objectives are realized more effectively.
  • Evaluation: Once the training program is completed, evaluate the outcomes using the predefined assessment and evaluation methods from your training plan template. This helps measure effectiveness and highlights areas for future improvements.

By implementing these five tips during the execution of your training plan, you can further enhance the success of your training initiatives, leading to better outcomes and a more skilled and prepared workforce.

Often, companies will look at a single metric to evaluate their training plan success: completion rate. That’s important, but it’s not the only thing you need to worry about. 

Let’s break down a few more key performance indicators (KPIs) you can watch out for. 

Qualitative KPIs

  • Employee Satisfaction: Gather feedback through post-training surveys to gauge participant satisfaction and perceptions of the program.
  • Instructor Effectiveness: Collect participant feedback on the instructor’s teaching style, communication, and overall effectiveness in delivering the training content.
  • Skill Application: Observe and gather insights on how trainees apply the acquired skills in their day-to-day work.

Quantitative KPIs

  • Knowledge Acquisition: Measure the increase in knowledge or skills by comparing pre- and post-training tests or quizzes.
  • Performance Metrics: Monitor relevant job performance metrics, such as productivity rates, error rates, or sales figures, to assess the training’s impact on employee performance.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the financial benefits of the training program compared to the costs incurred in its implementation.

By tracking both qualitative and quantitative KPIs, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your training program’s success and identify improvement areas, ultimately enhancing future training initiatives’ effectiveness.

The art of crafting a robust training plan using a customizable template, strategically implementing it, and diligently evaluating its success is paramount in today’s dynamic landscape.

Seize this opportunity to harness the power of well-crafted training programs and trailblaze a future defined by resilient, skilled, and accomplished individuals, propelling your organization toward unrivaled success.

Download the Training Plan Template

Simplify your training strategy creation. This free template helps you map out an effective, comprehensive plan for your upcoming training programs or courses. Save time, improve coherence, and execute your training seamlessly. Grab your copy today and enhance your training planning process.

Q. What are the benefits of using a training plan template?

Using a training plan template saves time, improves consistency, allows customization, and creates streamlined processes. Additionally, templates facilitate easier tracking of progress, informed decision-making, and continuous improvement within the training program.

Q. How do I create a custom training plan template?

To create a custom training plan template, follow these steps: 

  • Identify training objectives
  • Define the target audience
  • Choose training methods and materials
  • Establish a timeframe and milestones
  • Decide on assessment and evaluation methods
  • Create a template structure
  • Convert the template into a shareable format (e.g., PDF)
  • Test and refine your template

Q. Can I adapt a training plan template for different training needs and industries?

Yes, you can adapt a training plan template to suit various training needs, industries, and compliance requirements. Adjust the objectives, target audience, training methods, timeframe, milestones, industry standards, and assessment criteria to cater to the specific context and needs.

Q. How can I evaluate the success of my training plan?

Evaluate the success of your training plan by monitoring qualitative and quantitative key performance indicators (KPIs). Qualitative KPIs include participant reactions, satisfaction, instructor effectiveness, and skill application. Quantitative KPIs encompass knowledge acquisition, completion rates, performance metrics, and return on investment (ROI).

Q. What are the key components of an effective training plan?

The key components of an effective training plan are:

  • Well-defined training objectives
  • A specified target audience
  • Appropriate training methods and materials
  • A clear timeframe and milestones
  • Proper assessment and evaluation methods

Daniela Ochoa is the go-to Content Marketing Specialist at Thinkific Plus. With years of experience in marketing and communications, she is passionate about helping businesses grow through strategic customer education, content marketing, and online learning at scale.

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Editable Training Plan Template For PowerPoint and Google Slides

Editable Training Plan Template For PowerPoint and Google Slides

Training Plan Presentation Slide

Features of the template.

  • 100% customizable slides and easy-to-download
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slides contain 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • It comes with a blue theme.
  • Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
  • It is a well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • We designed this slide with a stunning design.
  • You can use this in Microsoft PowerPoint.
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  • Training Schedule
  • Training Time
  • Training Process
  • Training Plan Diagram
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Training Plan Templates

45 employee training plan templates (word, excel, pdf).

In all companies, one of the greatest assets is its workforce. As an employer or the HR head, you must provide your employees with the necessary training that will strengthen their skills, which ultimately boosts company growth. Giving them the right training reduces weaknesses that can slow down your company’s growth, operations, and the overall success. To achieve the targets in this regard, you need a training plan template.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Training Plan Templates
  • 2 What is a training plan outline?
  • 3 Training Schedule Templates
  • 4 Why do you need a training plan?
  • 5 Training Curriculum Templates
  • 6 How do you write a training plan?
  • 7 Training Programs Templates

Free Employee Training Plan Template

What is a training plan outline?

You use a training plan template as an outline for the needs, objectives, curriculum, and strategies that you need to address when the employees use any enhanced or new changes in your company. Your plan should include your target audiences and the topics that it will cover.

Training Schedule Templates

Free Training Schedule Template

Why do you need a training plan?

Since your employees are your most valuable asset, you want them to become efficient in their jobs. In turn, this will be good for your company. This is the main reason why having a training plan template is one of the most important things you can do for your company.

The employee training plan template provides you with the tools that guide your employees in improving their productivity. These days, training plans or training schedule templates differ from the ones in the past. This is because these plans need to adjust to the changing conditions in the world of business.

A sample template allows you to build your own plan from scratch or you can customize it to suit your needs. Here are the benefits of having this plan:

  • It gives you an advantage towards your employees’ productivity and it promotes a healthy work culture.
  • Your new employees will have a clear path to productivity as the plan will set them up for success.
  • It provides empowerment and realistic expectations in the workplace to create a thriving culture that will come to fruition.
  • It helps you be better than your competitors. Since a plan helps your employees succeed, then your team will have better chances to win in the market and in the eyes of your customers.

Training Curriculum Templates

Free training plan template 21

How do you write a training plan?

It is essential for you to “do your homework” by thoroughly researching your company’s situation. This is a must before you start making your training plan template.

You will be much better prepared to create a customized and relevant plan if you gather as much information as you can in the different key areas of your company. Here are a few tips to help you make your training programs template:

  • Determine your company’s training needs You can use your company’s various resources to help you determine your employees’ training needs. Before creating your training plan template, consider the following: Company Goals Reference your company’s goals to help you define your training program’s goals. You should align your goals with those of your company’s in such a way that when your employees meet these goals, they would also meet your company’s goals. Job Descriptions You should include job descriptions as your basis for the training your employees need. HR Complaints Reviewing employee complaints will help you prioritize training on harassment, discrimination, overtime, and other common employee issues. Legal Obligations You have to make sure that your training curriculum template includes all the required training to meet legal and government obligations. This is a must.
  • Determine the Employees You Will Train As soon as you have finished compiling all of the topics to cover in your training, it’s time to determine which of your employees need training. You can use other available resources of your company to identify these employees. For this, you can refer to: Company Policy For certain subjects or areas, it can be your company’s policies that will determine who needs training and in what frequency. Use these policies to start your list of employees. Employee Records Reviewing the records of your employees will help you determine which employees might need more training. Some examples of training include those for discrimination and harassment complaints, sensitive training, those who need to improve their performance, and those who need to improve their skills. Performance Data Reviewing the performance information of your employees will help you identify any weaknesses. Those who have such weaknesses might need refresher training. For instance, in how to properly use machines and equipment more efficiently or how to apply productive measures while working. You can also develop your own methods for determining which employees will need training in your company. Observations Vigilantly keeping your ears and eyes open in the workplace will help you identify those employees who need training in specific areas. Informal Discussions Make it a point to talk to your employees, supervisors, and managers frequently. Doing this enables you to get candid information about areas where employees feel well-equipped to perform their jobs and areas where they feel they need to improve. Focus Groups This involves selecting a group of employees who you will ask designed questions regarding training. The activity will be your chance to gather relevant information in a short amount of time. Focus groups are ideal for brainstorming and can be a valuable information source. Just make sure that the group you choose consists of people who are both outspoken and articulate. A quiet group might not have anything to contribute. Interviews Another effective way to discover what training your employees want or need is through personal interviews. However, this method can be time-consuming. Therefore, it’s recommended for specialized training that only affects a small number of people in your company. Questionnaires Come up with a questionnaire specific to the training plan template Excel you’re planning to create. This method is effective for new or elective training areas. Make sure to keep all of the answers confidential so that your employees will feel comfortable enough to provide honest answers. Demonstrations or Skill Tests Conduct written tests or have your employees perform demonstrations on certain equipment to determine who needs additional training.
  • Learn How to Train Your Employees Adults are generally self-directed learners. They have their own learning styles, which usually include certain parameters. As a trainer, you might have to structure your training programs to meet these parameters. Despite this, you might still encounter reluctant learners. To overcome this issue, can consider these factors: Motivation Start with an open or friendly tone for each session to create a feeling of concern then set an appropriate difficulty level for your training. Other motivators for adult trainees may include: Personal achievement, which gives your employees an opportunity to attain a higher job status in your company. Social well-being, wherein you include opportunities for your employees to perform work in the community. External expectations where your employees will have to meet the expectations of a formal authority figure. Social relationships where you include opportunities for your employees to make friends and satisfy their need for association. Stimulation to break your employees’ work routines and provide contrast in their lives. Interest in learning to provide your employees with knowledge and satisfy their curiosity.
  • Know Your Audience You can make each training session as effective as possible by analyzing the participants in each of the groups. You should also know the learning styles of your employees are. The three most common learning styles are: Visual These learners best receive information by reading and seeing it. Their brains process the visual information then retain it after seeing it. These learners benefit best with diagrams, written instructions, handouts, videos, overhead projections, and other visual presentations. Oral These learners best receive information when they hear it. They learn best through audio-conferences, speakers, Q&A sessions, discussion groups, and other oral presentations. Tactile or Kinetic These learners best receive information through their sense of touch. They can best benefit from “show and tell” or hands-on activities where they handle the materials. They also learn effectively if you give them the chance to practice. As a trainer, you must cater to different types of learners. Therefore, it becomes important to include a combination of teaching styles into your plan for training.
  • Draft a Comprehensive Blueprint After your research, you will determine what your training needs are, who needs training, and how you can best train them. Next, it’s time to develop your plans. Here are the steps to do this: Use quantifiable measurements for the accomplishments that you want your employees to achieve after their training. Examples of this include an increase in their production quota in the case of sales training or a decrease in office injury rates in the case of safety training. Whenever possible, use charts, tables, and graphs to present specific trends and numbers that your training program should achieve. For instance, charting an increased productivity curve you want your employees to reach with your training or graphing the injury rate you want to see after a certain amount of time. Your target goals should be both achievable and realistic although they don’t have to be too easy. You should know your employees well enough to know how to challenge them to improve their performance. For instance, you can check the highest production peak your employees have achieved even if it only has happened one time. This time, set targets slightly above the point they achieved. Your employees will know that they can achieve the goal because they’ve done it before. But they also know that you’re challenging them to do better.

Training Programs Templates

Free training plan template 31

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How to Create an Employee Training Plan [With Templates + Checklists]

Learn step-by-step how to create a customized training plan for your employees. Use our free templates and checklists to help.

Last Updated

May 17 2022

training plan presentation

I think we’d all agree that effective employee training is crucial to business success.

(In fact, roughly 70% of teams are investing more into employee training and skill building than in pre-pandemic times.)

As with all areas of your business, effective training requires effective and strategic planning. Here, we’ll be looking at the key elements of various employee training plans — and discussing all that goes into creating templates for all training occasions.

What is an Employee Training Plan?

An employee training plan is a document that describes a training initiative in clear detail.

While individual plans vary in scope, all plans typically explain:

  • The purpose and goals of the initiative
  • Who is involved, and in what capacity
  • How the training will proceed

Training plans can be created for individual employees, specific segments of your team, or for your entire organization to take part in. Plans can apply to short-term (and even one-off) training initiatives, or to more long-term training campaigns.

Throughout this article, we’ll be discussing the many common threads that run through your various employee training plans — and how to use these common threads to develop effective templates for your training initiatives..

Essential Elements of an Employee Training Plan

On that note, let’s take a look at the key elements all employee training plans should include regardless of other variables.

Objectives and Rationale

All training plans should explicitly state the purpose of the initiative, in terms of both the trainee and the company as a whole.

This purpose should be backed by clear rationale, connecting the trainee’s efforts to their future performance — and, in turn, connecting their growth to overall business growth.

(An accompanying business requirements document will be needed to flesh this info out. Check out our recent post for more.)

Targeted KPIs & Measurement Methods

Employee training plans should also define key performance indicators as a way of measuring performance and success.

You’ll also define overarching business KPIs, again connecting employee and team performance to changes in your bottom line.

Audience and Stakeholders

Training templates should identify all parties involved in the campaign — and define the specific role each party will play in the process.

This includes:

  • The learner(s)
  • The trainer(s)
  • The project managers/leaders
  • The executive stakeholders

You might include additional info as to how these roles relate to one another, too. Defining dependencies between trainer and trainee, for example, will help streamline the experience for both parties.

Timeline and Scheduling

All employee training templates should provide a timeline for the initiative in question.

Depending on the circumstances, this timeline might define:

  • Schedules for training phases
  • Deadlines for performance milestones
  • Dates for manager check-ins

Training Methods and Procedures

This is the “meat and potatoes” of the employee training template.

The first part of this section will define the training method(s) you’ll be using throughout the campaign.

A few examples here:

  • Instructor-led training
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Simulation and role-playing

You’ll then provide a detailed description of the learning curriculum, along with checklists and other materials to guide the project forward.

Finally, your employee training templates should include a section listing the various resources you’ll need throughout the campaign.

Some examples of resources you may need:

  • Standard operating procedures and other instructional documentation
  • Tools and technology to complete tasks and engage with instructional leaders
  • External resources (from instructional content to third-party trainers)

Common Types of Training Plan Templates

While you can (and should) create templates for all types of training purposes, you’ll at least want to have the following templates at the ready.

Pre-Training Needs Assessments

Needs assessments are completed before you even begin planning a future training initiative.

In completing a pre-training needs assessment, you’ll:

  • Identify gaps in employee skills, knowledge, and/or performance
  • Define key performance indicators and other success metrics
  • Define business case for training
  • Define the best training format and method for the situation
  • Set an agenda for the upcoming initiative

Pre-training checklist for an employee training plan

( Source / Pre-training checklists can also help prepare the learner for the upcoming session.)

Though you’ll get into more detail when creating the actual training plan, this will set the stage for your efforts moving forward.

Employee Development Plans

Development plans are created for each individual member of your team, and are used to track and facilitate professional growth over time.

Employee Development Plan

Here, you’ll document:

  • The employee’s immediate and long-term career goals
  • The knowledge and skills they’ll need to attain these goals
  • The specific training sessions that will help them learn these skills

Employee development plan templates also have projected timelines for completing training sessions and reaching other professional milestones.

Training Plans for Employee Onboarding

An effective employee onboarding process starts with a solid plan.

Onboarding templates will include information such as:

  • The new hire’s responsibilities (with accompanying checklist)
  • Who else is involved in the onboarding process, and how
  • A timeline for completion of onboarding processes (for both employee and team leads)

Employee onboarding checklist

( Source / Again, checklists come in handy here.)

Employee onboarding templates should also include additional resources (as attachments, links, etc.) the individual will need to complete the process as planned.

Leadership Training and Development Plans

Leadership training and development plans provide a comprehensive view of your team’s current leadership capabilities — and where you’ll be making improvements in the future.

Specifically, this template will help you:

  • Develop your team’s definition of “leader” and “leadership”
  • Identify trainings needed to develop your management and executive teams’ skills
  • Trace leadership development to improved team performance — and improved business outcomes

Benefits of Creating Employee Training Plan Templates

To be sure, spending the time to create effective employee training plan templates will benefit your team in a number of ways.

For starters, having a plan in place for every training campaign you put together will improve the effectiveness of each campaign from the get-go. This, in turn, will lead to a number of long-term benefits, like:

  • Improved employee and team performance
  • Increased job satisfaction and talent retention
  • Improved teamwork and stronger company culture

Proactively creating employee training templates before you actually need them will be beneficial to your efforts, as well.

  • Consistency : Creating training plan templates allows you to take a consistent approach to specific types of employee training sessions. In turn, you can be sure that each training initiative you create uniformly follows best practices and standard procedures.
  • Efficiency : With comprehensive training templates in place, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel with every initiative you put together. Just find the template that fits your needs, and hit the ground running.
  • Agility : Employee training plan templates are built to be flexible and customizable. While again not requiring you to start from scratch, these templates will allow you to easily tailor your upcoming training initiatives based on your current needs and circumstances.

Best Practices for Creating Employee Training Plan Templates

There’s more to creating effective employee training plan templates than just doing a quick Google search and using another company’s documents.

(Truth be told, even the ones we’ve provided aren’t fully usable in their current condition.)

While these existing templates give you a good start, you’ll still need to tailor them to make them your own — and to ensure they have a positive impact on your team’s training efforts.

As you tweak these training templates to fit your needs, make sure you follow these best practices.

Create Templates for High-Priority Training Purposes

Over time, your goal is to have a template prepared for every possible type of employee training you put on.

But, if you’re just starting to create your template library, you’ll want to prioritize certain types of training templates based on your current situation.

Some factors to consider:

  • The impact the training initiative will have on employee, team, and business performance
  • How frequently the training takes place within your organization
  • How standard (or varied) the training sessions need to be

Again, this all depends on where things currently stand for your company. If, for example, you’re bringing new hires on rapidly and routinely, you’d need to be confident that your onboarding plan is seamless and effective.

(Conversely, if you’re in the midst of a hiring freeze, you can put your onboarding template to the backburner while you focus on more relevant training initiatives.)

On top of streamlining your high-priority trainings, this approach will allow you to give proper attention to the templates that may not be a priority at the moment — but that are no less important to team productivity in the long run.

Get Input From All Stakeholders

Everyone that’s involved in the training in question should also be involved in the creation of the training template.

  • Trainers/Facilitators
  • Trainees/Learners (current and former)
  • Performance Assessors
  • Executive team members

Trainers, leaders, and other decision-makers will of course be in charge of developing the templates — whether from scratch or via tweaking a publicly-available document. Here, discussion will be needed to ensure all necessary sections and relevant information is presented clearly within the document.

Trainers, assessors, and even former trainees can help with organization, presentation, and language usage within your templates. In turn, your templates will become more digestible specifically for those who will be using and relying on them most.

In getting input from all involved stakeholders, you can be nearly certain that your training templates provide everything they need to know to get moving.

Communicate Context Within Your Training Plan Templates

Going along with the above, your employee training templates should allow for contextualization of all relevant info.

In other words, it needs to be crystal clear why the information presented in the document is relevant to the situation at hand.

As we’ve discussed, your training plans should always explain:

  • What the training entails
  • What your performance and business goals are
  • Why training, specifically, is what’s needed to attain these goals

This will give your stakeholders a more holistic, “real-world” understanding of your upcoming training sessions.

(This, as opposed to approaching each initiative as if it exists in a vacuum — which would only hinder your efforts moving forward.)

Make Data-Driven Improvements to Your Training Plan Templates

Okay, so the whole reason you’re creating these templates is to use them repeatedly, making relatively minimal changes with each use.

But, you never want to think of these templates as being completely set in stone.

Rather, you should always be looking for ways to improve upon the training templates that are already working wonders for your organization.

(In some cases, improving your templates may be the necessary step toward improving your team’s training-related efforts altogether.)

At the center of these improvement efforts:

This may include:

  • Training performance outcomes
  • Stakeholder feedback
  • Changes in trainee and business performance

You never want to make concrete changes to your employee training templates without concrete evidence and rationale to back them up. Building intentional data analysis into your template development processes ensures you always take this step — and ensures you never adjust your templates based on anything less than the facts.

Document Template Changes (and Lessons Learned)

Internal documentation is a key part of the process, in two ways.

For one, you want to keep a record of the actual changes you make to your training plan templates over time. This will help you track the evolution of these documents — which can in turn help you identify what works (and what doesn’t) when developing employee training plans.

(And, if you need to revert to a previous version of a template, this will make the process super simple.)

It’s also crucial to document the reasons for any changes you make to your templates over time. More than just improving your approach to template creation, this knowledge can potentially allow you to make improvements to your overall approach to employee training as a whole.

The fact is, all relevant knowledge and information your team possesses with regard to employee training can potentially be transformative for your organization.

…but only if you identify it, document it, and make it easily accessible to your teammates and stakeholders.

Which is where Helpjuice comes in.

With our knowledge base software, teams can document any and all organization knowledge with ease. What’s more, you can then use Helpjuice to make collaborative changes to your employee training templates in real-time — based specifically on your data and the insight you’ve gleaned from it all.

Ready to get started? Try Helpjuice completely free for 14 days now!

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Home Powerpoint Business Agenda Free Training Agenda Slide PowerPoint And Google Slides

Free Training Agenda Slide PowerPoint And Google Slides

Free Training Agenda Slide PowerPoint And Google Slides

The Training Agenda Template is a structured and visually appealing tool designed to help organizers plan and communicate the schedule of multi-day training programs effectively. This free training agenda slide PowerPoint template is ideal for corporate training sessions, workshops, seminars, or educational programs, offering a clear and organized layout that enhances the flow of information.

The business presentation template ppt is divided into three distinct sections representing different days of the training event. Each day is color-coded—green for Day One, blue for Day Two, and red for Day Three—making it easy to differentiate between the sessions at a glance. Each day’s agenda is further broken down into key segments, such as Kick-Off, Sessions, Workshops, Seminars, and Closing, allowing participants to follow along easily and stay engaged throughout the event.

This agenda slide in ppt template is fully customizable, enabling you to adjust session titles, descriptions, and timing according to your specific training needs. The clean design ensures that the focus remains on the content, making it easy for participants to understand the schedule and prepare for each session. Whether you’re organizing a corporate workshop, an educational seminar, or a training program, the Training Agenda Template helps you present your agenda in a professional and organized manner.

Compatible with both PowerPoint and Google Slides, this template provides the flexibility you need to present and share the agenda across various platforms, ensuring seamless communication with your audience.

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Yes, all our PowerPoint templates are fully customizable, allowing you to edit colors, fonts, and content to align with your branding and messaging needs.

Will your templates work with my version of PowerPoint?

Yes, our templates are compatible with various versions of Microsoft PowerPoint, ensuring smooth usage regardless of your software version.

What software are these templates compatible with?

Our templates work smoothly with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Moreover, they’re compatible with Apple Keynote, LibreOffice Impress, Zoho Show, and more, ensuring flexibility across various presentation software platforms.

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Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Information

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Information

This is a training plan ppt powerpoint presentation icon information. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are training plan, business, management, marketing, table.

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Example 2015

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Example 2015

This is a training plan ppt powerpoint presentation example 2015. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are training plan, table, business, management, marketing.

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Example

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Example

Presenting this set of slides with name training plan ppt powerpoint presentation infographics example. The topics discussed in these slides are analyze, evaluate, status comments, training plan, project. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Template

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Template

Presenting this set of slides with name training plan ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration template. The topics discussed in these slides are training plan, analyze, evaluate, adjust, status comments. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Format

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Format

Presenting this set of slides with name training plan ppt powerpoint presentation pictures format. The topics discussed in these slide is training plan. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Software Training Plan Diagram Ppt Sample Presentations

Software Training Plan Diagram Ppt Sample Presentations

This is a software training plan diagram ppt sample presentations. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are mentoring, operations assignments, expert led training, self learning, field courses, training.

Introduce Employee Personal Training Plan Graphics PDF

Introduce Employee Personal Training Plan Graphics PDF

This slide covers the personal training plan made for an employee along with training details such as topic name, mode of training, hours needed, completion date and status. Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this introduce employee personal training plan graphics pdf. Use them to share invaluable insights on management, portfolio management, team, progress and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Mockup

Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Mockup

This is a training plan ppt powerpoint presentation styles mockup. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are analyze design develop, status comments, owner, topic, method.

Corporate Communication Abilities Training Plan Sample PDF

Corporate Communication Abilities Training Plan Sample PDF

The slide carries a training plan to enhance the communication skills for business development. Various skills included are diplomacy, written communication, negotiation, collaboration and presentation skills. Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Corporate Communication Abilities Training Plan Sample PDF. This layout presents information on Negotiation Skills, Collaboration Skills, Presentation Skills. It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Employee New Employment Training Plan Guidelines PDF

Employee New Employment Training Plan Guidelines PDF

This slide showcases training plan for new employees to improve their level of awareness in various areas. Training topics covered are time management, effective program management, need assessment, communication, product and cross selling training.Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Employee New Employment Training Plan Guidelines PDF This layout presents information on Time Management, Program Management, Communication Training It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Weekly Team Training Plan Roadmap Inspiration PDF

Weekly Team Training Plan Roadmap Inspiration PDF

The slide showcases the weekly timeline of training plan for teams that help in structuring activities that facilitate team development and performance improvement. It covers training, activities, tools and task assigned to and weekly timeline. Showcasing this set of slides titled Weekly Team Training Plan Roadmap Inspiration PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Trainings, Activities, Tools. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

CRM Training Plan At Workplace Clipart PDF

CRM Training Plan At Workplace Clipart PDF

This slide covers information regarding CRM transformation training program initiated for workforce at organizational workplace. Explore a selection of the finest CRM Training Plan At Workplace Clipart PDF here. With a plethora of professionally designed and pre-made slide templates, you can quickly and easily find the right one for your upcoming presentation. You can use our CRM Training Plan At Workplace Clipart PDF to effectively convey your message to a wider audience. Slidegeeks has done a lot of research before preparing these presentation templates. The content can be personalized and the slides are highly editable. Grab templates today from Slidegeeks.

Teams Collaboration Employee Training Plan Icons PDF

Teams Collaboration Employee Training Plan Icons PDF

Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this Teams Collaboration Employee Training Plan Icons PDF. Use them to share invaluable insights on Date Completed, Target Completion, Requiring Improvement and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

Employee Training Plan Strategic Timeline Ideas PDF

Employee Training Plan Strategic Timeline Ideas PDF

The following slide showcases a strategic plan timeline for effectively providing training to employees for skill development. It includes key steps like assess, motivate, design, deliver, evaluate and repeat. Presenting Employee Training Plan Strategic Timeline Ideas PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises Six stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Assess, Design, Evaluate. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Sales Team Training Plan Roadmap Ideas PDF

Sales Team Training Plan Roadmap Ideas PDF

The slides showcases the timeline of team training on various sales stages and provides a schedule of respective training programs that help enhance sales team skills in respective areas. It covers stages like prospecting, lead generation, sales qualification, sales presentation, s, objection handling, deal closing and reference generation. Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Sales Team Training Plan Roadmap Ideas PDF. This layout presents information on Sales, Schedule, Roadmap. It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Training Planning Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Background

Training Planning Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Background

This is a training planning ppt powerpoint presentation styles background. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are our team, communication, management, business, planning .

Employee Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Professional PDF

Employee Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Professional PDF

This slide provides information regarding sales team training plan by addressing sales skills, sales effectiveness process and tools, knowledge areas covered, etc. Presenting employee training playbook determine sales team training plan professional pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on three stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like consultative training, advanced training, foundation training. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Personnel Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Mockup PDF

Personnel Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Mockup PDF

This slide provides information regarding sales team training plan by addressing sales skills, sales effectiveness process and tools, knowledge areas covered, etc. This is a Personnel Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Mockup PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on five stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Consultative Training Frequency, Advanced Training Sales, Foundation Training Skills. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Employees Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Slides PDF

Employees Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Slides PDF

This slide provides information regarding sales team training plan by addressing sales skills, sales effectiveness process tools, knowledge areas covered, etc. This is a Employees Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Slides PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on one stage using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Consultative Training, Advanced Training, Foundation Training. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Sales Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Elements PDF

Sales Training Playbook Determine Sales Team Training Plan Elements PDF

Presenting sales training playbook determine sales team training plan elements pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on three stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like foundation training, advanced training, consultative training. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Strawman Project Action Plan Workforce Upskilling Training Plan Formats PDF

Strawman Project Action Plan Workforce Upskilling Training Plan Formats PDF

After analyzing the existing pool of talent, employees that required upskilling are identified that require specialized skillsets by analyzing nature of learning and external training cost associated to required training. This is a strawman project action plan workforce upskilling training plan formats pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on four stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like workforce upskilling training plan. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

HRMS Execution Plan HRMS Implementation Employee Training Plan Mockup PDF

HRMS Execution Plan HRMS Implementation Employee Training Plan Mockup PDF

This slide covers the workforce training plan for HRMS applications. It includes details such as training, mode, duration, trainer, number of trainees, and cost. Do you have an important presentation coming up Are you looking for something that will make your presentation stand out from the rest Look no further than HRMS Execution Plan HRMS Implementation Employee Training Plan Mockup PDF. With our professional designs, you can trust that your presentation will pop and make delivering it a smooth process. And with Slidegeeks, you can trust that your presentation will be unique and memorable. So why wait Grab HRMS Execution Plan HRMS Implementation Employee Training Plan Mockup PDF today and make your presentation stand out from the rest.

Training Plan For Production Quality Performance Enhancement Plan Mockup PDF

Training Plan For Production Quality Performance Enhancement Plan Mockup PDF

This slide exhibits training plan for production quality improvement which can be referred by managers who can design their T and D programs to achieve manufacturing goals. It includes information about training activity, target date, managed by, strategies, current status, etc. Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Training Plan For Production Quality Performance Enhancement Plan Mockup PDF. This layout presents information on Management, Team, Targets. It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Project Planning Templates Bundle Project Training Plan Information PDF

Project Planning Templates Bundle Project Training Plan Information PDF

Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative Project Planning Templates Bundle Project Training Plan Information PDF bundle. Topics like Preparatory, Human Resources, Assess Progress can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Training Plan Technology Upgradation Action Plan Ppt Styles Gallery PDF

Training Plan Technology Upgradation Action Plan Ppt Styles Gallery PDF

This slide depicts the plan to mentor company employees about the business transition. It covers the topic details of the coaching session on the bases of the employees current skill set. It provides information about the venue and trainer of the session. Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this Training Plan Technology Upgradation Action Plan Ppt Styles Gallery PDF. Use them to share invaluable insights on Training Purpose, Training Duration, Training Timings, Cloud Solution Overview and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

Technology Upgradation Action Plan Training Plan Ppt Summary Elements PDF

Technology Upgradation Action Plan Training Plan Ppt Summary Elements PDF

This slide highlights the coaching plan to upskill the workforce for successful business transition. It provides details about the mentoring topic, business need solved, date, and timings of the coaching session. This is a Technology Upgradation Action Plan Training Plan Ppt Summary Elements PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on six stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Business Need Solved, New Technology, Meeting Room. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Information Technology Change Implementation Plan Training Plan Demonstration PDF

Information Technology Change Implementation Plan Training Plan Demonstration PDF

This slide depicts the plan to mentor company employees about the business transition. It covers the topic details of the coaching session on the bases of the employees current skill set. It provides information about the venue and trainer of the session. Deliver and pitch your topic in the best possible manner with this Information Technology Change Implementation Plan Training Plan Demonstration PDF. Use them to share invaluable insights on Cloud Solution Overview, Data Conversion, Employee and impress your audience. This template can be altered and modified as per your expectations. So, grab it now.

Marketing Training Plan Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Styles Ideas Cpb

Marketing Training Plan Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Styles Ideas Cpb

This is a marketing training plan ppt powerpoint presentation styles ideas cpb. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are marketing training plan.

Training Plan Content And Deliverables Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Show

Training Plan Content And Deliverables Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Show

This is a training plan content and deliverables ppt powerpoint presentation model show. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are training plan, training strategy, training approach.

Sample Training Plan Format Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Background

Sample Training Plan Format Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Background

This is a sample training plan format ppt powerpoint presentation styles background. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are training plan, training proposal, training approach.

Sample Training Plan Template Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Summary Topics

Sample Training Plan Template Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Summary Topics

This is a sample training plan template ppt powerpoint presentation summary topics. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are training plan, training proposal, training approach.

Corporate Training Plan Sample Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Tips Cpb

Corporate Training Plan Sample Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Tips Cpb

This is a corporate training plan sample ppt powerpoint presentation professional tips cpb. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are corporate training plan sample.

Client Feedback Strategies Customer Service Executive Training Plan Ideas Pdf

Client Feedback Strategies Customer Service Executive Training Plan Ideas Pdf

This slide tabulates the training plan for delivering qualitative customer service. It includes objective of training, length of training and other elements required in training period Formulating a presentation can take up a lot of effort and time, so the content and message should always be the primary focus. The visuals of the PowerPoint can enhance the presenters message, so our Client Feedback Strategies Customer Service Executive Training Plan Ideas Pdf was created to help save time. Instead of worrying about the design, the presenter can concentrate on the message while our designers work on creating the ideal templates for whatever situation is needed. Slidegeeks has experts for everything from amazing designs to valuable content, we have put everything into Client Feedback Strategies Customer Service Executive Training Plan Ideas Pdf This slide tabulates the training plan for delivering qualitative customer service. It includes objective of training, length of training and other elements required in training period.

Sales Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Graphics

Sales Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Graphics

This is a sales training plan ppt powerpoint presentation icon graphics. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are online support training, faq training, use cases training, field training, online sales training.

Sales Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Aids

Sales Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Aids

This is a sales training plan ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template aids. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are online support training, faq training, use cases training, field training, online sales training.

Sales Training Plan Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Gallery Topics

Sales Training Plan Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Gallery Topics

This is a sales training plan ppt powerpoint presentation gallery topics. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are sales training webex, support training webex, field training, faq training, use cases training .

Monthly Employee Training Plan To Promote Internal Marketing Template Pdf

Monthly Employee Training Plan To Promote Internal Marketing Template Pdf

This slide shows monthly training plan which can be used by corporates in internal marketing. It includes training topics, mode, number of participants, date and budget. Explore a selection of the finest Monthly Employee Training Plan To Promote Internal Marketing Template Pdf here. With a plethora of professionally designed and pre made slide templates, you can quickly and easily find the right one for your upcoming presentation. You can use our Monthly Employee Training Plan To Promote Internal Marketing Template Pdf to effectively convey your message to a wider audience. Slidegeeks has done a lot of research before preparing these presentation templates. The content can be personalized and the slides are highly editable. Grab templates today from Slidegeeks. This slide shows monthly training plan which can be used by corporates in internal marketing. It includes training topics, mode, number of participants, date and budget.

training plan schedule vector icon ppt ideas deck pdf

training plan schedule vector icon ppt ideas deck pdf

Presenting training plan schedule vector icon ppt ideas deck pdf to dispense important information. This template comprises three stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including training plan schedule vector icon. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Time Management Skill Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Graphics PDF

Time Management Skill Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Graphics PDF

Presenting Management Skill Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Graphics PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises Four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Management Skill Employee, Training Plan, Strategy Icon. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Employee Skill Development Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Download PDF

Employee Skill Development Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Download PDF

Presenting Employee Skill Development Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Download PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises Four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Employee Skill Development, Employee Training, Plan Strategy Icon. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Business Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Sample PDF

Business Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Sample PDF

Persuade your audience using this Business Employee Training Plan Strategy Icon Sample PDF. This PPT design covers Four stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including Business Employee, Training Plan Strategy Icon. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

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training plan checklist vector icon ppt outline aids pdf

Presenting training plan checklist vector icon ppt outline aids pdf to dispense important information. This template comprises three stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including training plan checklist vector icon. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Enterprise Development Training Plan Success Evaluation Icon Icons PDF

Enterprise Development Training Plan Success Evaluation Icon Icons PDF

Presenting Enterprise Development Training Plan Success Evaluation Icon Icons PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Enterprise Development Training, Plan, Success Evaluation Icon. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

ABC Company Workforce Re Training Plan Icon Ideas PDF

ABC Company Workforce Re Training Plan Icon Ideas PDF

Presenting ABC Company Workforce Re Training Plan Icon Ideas PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises three stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Workforce, Re Training, Plan Icon. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

B2B Ecommerce Employee Training Plan B2B Digital Commerce Elements Pdf

B2B Ecommerce Employee Training Plan B2B Digital Commerce Elements Pdf

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Sales Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Slide

Sales Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Slide

This is a sales training plan ppt powerpoint presentation layouts slide. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are online sales training, field training, faq training, online support.

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Workforce Training Plan For Consumer Service Strategy Download PDF

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HR Manager Creating Training Plan Ppt Diagram Images PDF

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Customer Service Team Training Plan Ppt Model Outfit PDF

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Process To Formulate Training Plan For Employees Information PDF

Process To Formulate Training Plan For Employees Information PDF

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Channel Partner Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Backgrounds

Channel Partner Training Plan Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Backgrounds

This is a channel partner training plan ppt powerpoint presentation professional backgrounds. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are channel flash email newsletter, video library, face to face and online training.

Prescriptive Analytics Training Plan For Employees Data Analytics SS V

Prescriptive Analytics Training Plan For Employees Data Analytics SS V

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The University of Chicago The Law School

Civil rights & police accountability clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

Our Clinic students continue to make a difference in the community, while learning all that it means to be a lawyer.

The Federal Civil Rights Consent Decree Governing the Chicago Police Department

Years of advocacy by Clinic students and our clients resulted in the 2019 federal civil rights Consent Decree that seeks to remedy the Chicago Police Department’s (CPD’s) pattern and practice of excessive and discriminatory violence targeted disproportionately against Black people. Highlights from our Consent Decree work during the 2023-24 academic year include: (1) our success in remedying CPD’s practice of violent, dehumanizing, and discriminatory home raids that have targeted and traumatized Black and Brown children and families in Chicago; (2) the relief that we won in emergency proceedings that we initiated to prevent unlawful mass arrests and First Amendment violations during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago; (3) our progress toward remedying racially discriminatory practices of targeting Black people for unlawful stop-and-frisks and pretextual traffic stops; and (4) advocacy for critical modifications to strengthen and improve the Decree.

Ending Illegal and Discriminatory Home Raids

Clinic students and our community-based clients won a complete overhaul of the policies that govern residential search warrants in Chicago in months-long court supervised multi-party negotiations, briefs, and court proceedings. CPD’s new policies will seek to restrict home raids to circumstances in which they are necessary and forbid raids whenever the potential harms outweigh the expected benefits. CPD will be required to develop a written plan for the execution of every residential warrant to minimize the harm, trauma, and intrusion to families and their homes. Officers will be evaluated for their success in mitigating harm when executing search warrants. The new policies will protect children and vulnerable people from unnecessary harm, including requiring police to schedule raids at times when they are least likely to be home. They ban high-risk nighttime raids and limit no-knock warrants to circumstances in which people’s lives and physical safety are in jeopardy. They prohibit police from leaving families with broken doors and locks vulnerable to crime. And they will require police to thoroughly document and publicly report on each raid to enhance transparency and accountability. In addition, we won measures that will prevent wrong raids, including requiring CPD to independently investigate and corroborate tips, maintain records of any instance in which the informant provided false or inaccurate information, and provide the prosecutor and court with any information that may undermine the credibility of the informant and tip before seeking a warrant. The proposed new policies will soon be subject to public review and comment in anticipation of full implementation. The public and judicial scrutiny that we brought to bear during our enforcement proceedings has already resulted in a tenfold reduction of home raids and prevented the traumatization of thousands of children.

Protecting First Amendment Rights to Protest and the DNC

In spring 2023, we learned that the CPD intended to implement a new policy to facilitate mass arrests during protests and other First Amendment activities in anticipation of the Democratic National Convention. The proposed new policy would have eviscerated relief that we had won in 2021 that fundamentally transformed Chicago police policies governing the policing of First Amendment activities—relief that requires CPD to protect the rights of people to engage in public protest and dissent rather than to stamp out protests. The Clinic filed an emergency enforcement action to enjoin the proposed mass arrest policy. In the proceedings that followed, we succeeded in preventing the parts of the policy that threatened people’s First Amendment rights from taking effect. The First Amendment policy that we had won in 2021 continues to govern during the DNC and all public demonstrations now and in the future. For example, the revised policy on mass arrests will now prohibit police from arresting people engaged in First Amendment conduct for minor offenses unless they pose an immediate threat to the physical safety or property of others. It also explicitly bans retaliation against people for exercising their First Amendment rights.

Strengthening the Consent Decree and Advancing Racial Justice

Having won our community-based clients’ historic power to enforce the Decree, Clinic students continue to fight to strengthen the Decree to make our clients—people who have been most impacted by CPD’s civil rights violations—full and equal partners in the process. As a result of our advocacy, throughout the 2023-24 academic year, the federal court ordered the City to engage with community representatives when developing policies, procedures, and training—including the recent mass arrests policy that the CPD had initially sought to impose without any meaningful community engagement. Clinic students participated in five full-day public hearings in federal court focusing on potential modifications to the Decree and issues of racial justice. Students presented powerful testimony and legal memoranda that advocated for Consent Decree revisions that (a) require de-escalation and reductions in CPD violence; (b) divert people from the criminal legal system through alternatives to arrest and the elimination of unnecessary negative interactions with police; (c) develop non-criminal responses to people experiencing mental health crises (we won implementation of an historic pilot program on this); (d) prohibit police from pointing guns at people unless they present an immediate threat to serious injury or death to another person; (e) require officers to file a written report each time they point a gun at a community member; (f) provide services to survivors of CPD violence and their family members; and (g) address barriers to police accountability that were erected in the new collective bargaining agreements with the unions representing Chicago police officers. We also succeeded in subjecting CPD’s racially discriminatory stop-and-frisk practices to federal court supervision.

The court is currently deciding whether to also subject CPD traffic stops to federal court oversight under the Consent Decree, as traffic stops have become a flashpoint for unnecessary police violence in Chicago as they have skyrocketed in Black and Brown communities. Eighty-five percent of the instances in which Chicago police used force in traffic stops have been directed at Black people. We presented testimony and briefs that seek to outlaw CPD’s practice of using pretextual stops to harass Black and Brown people, disband police tactical units that have been responsible for unnecessary and disproportionate violence directed toward Black and Brown people, and limit CPD traffic stops to violations that pose genuine threats to public safety.

Ending Incommunicado Detention—A Second Consent Decree

The Clinic continues to advance its historic work in making real the fifty-eight-year-old promise of Miranda v. Arizona in Chicago. Tyler Lawson, ’24 , and Katherine Stanton, ’25, led a team of Clinic students that did outstanding advocacy work with our community-based clients and the Office of the Cook County Public Defender after having won a second consent decree that went into effect in February 2023 in Cook County Circuit Court—a decree that is designed to end the decades-long practice of incommunicado detention in CPD stations that has facilitated torture, coerced confessions, and wrongful convictions. Clinic students produced an empirical report with Professor Kyle Rozema that analyzed data from every arrest in Chicago that took place during the first year of the Decree. The Report found ninety-nine percent of people in CPD custody did not access an attorney and more than half of the people most vulnerable to interrogation did not get prompt access to a phone. Inspections by Clinic students inside Chicago police stations revealed that legible signs required by the Consent Decree that inform people in custody of their rights under the Decree and the Public Defender’s free 24-hour hotline number for legal assistance were routinely missing in the places where CPD detains people who may be subject to interrogation. Clinic students also documented that contrary to the Decree, many of the visiting rooms that CPD is required to maintain in every police station did not allow for private and confidential meetings between people in custody and their attorneys. The Clinic presented the Report and our findings to the court. In response, the Honorable Judge Neil H. Cohen directed CPD to work with the Clinic to ensure the installation of appropriate signs and remedy the documented deficiencies with respect to privacy. We are administering a survey to people at their first court appearance to provide the court with additional information about the reasons why people in CPD custody have not promptly accessed phones and counsel. Our preliminary findings indicate that CPD has failed to offer phones or provided the Public Defender’s 24-hour number to people subject to police interrogation. A quarter of the people surveyed report that CPD interrogated them without access to counsel. In addition, Clinic students have engaged in targeted outreach to people at risk of arrest and criminal defense attorneys in Chicago, created fantastic flyers, social media, and written material to educate people about their rights under the Decree, and developed a long-form interview tool to gain additional insight about barriers to access to counsel and phones.

Individual Cases

While we fight for systemic change, the Clinic has continued its tradition of excellence in serving individuals and families in need.

Clinic students won a stage three post-conviction hearing with our client Christopher Ellis before the Honorable Carol Howard in Cook County Circuit Court that can result in vacating Mr. Ellis’s conviction. Two Chicago police officers pulled Mr. Ellis out of his car, beat and tased him, and then falsely accused Mr. Ellis of aggravated battery against the police officers to cover up their abuse. Mr. Ellis was convicted and sentenced to six years in prison. Based on a phenomenal set of briefs written by Clinic students Hannah V.L. George, ’24, and Becky Marvin, ’24, and Professor Herschella Conyers ’ students Amara Shaikh, ’24 , and Liam Grah, ’25, in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Clinic and Becky Marvin ’s outstanding oral argument, Judge Howard found that the Clinic has made a substantial showing of Mr. Ellis’s innocence and the ineffective assistance of his trial counsel. Judge Howard offered the highest praise to the students’ work. We expect Mr. Ellis’s case to go to trial in the fall.

 Erin Yonchak,’24, presented Clifton Young’s case before the Illinois Torture and Inquiry Relief Commission. Erin’s presentation and supporting written memorandum were nothing short of superb. As a result of Erin’s scrupulous investigation, factual and legal determinations, and recommendations, the Torture Commission found credible evidence that Mr. Young was tortured by Chicago police and ordered a full evidentiary hearing in Cook County Circuit Court that may result in his freedom after having served more than twenty years in prison.

Amrita Krishnan, ’25, is investigating a novel claim of police torture before the Illinois Torture Commission that is based on Chicago police detectives’ exploitation of a person’s withdrawal symptoms from heroin and denial of medical treatment to obtain a confession. This is the first of a series of claims of torture before the Commission based on deliberate indifference to a person in custody’s severe physical and psychological pain associated with drug withdrawal to leverage an incriminating statement. Amrita’s legal and medical research into whether and under what circumstances drug withdrawal can form a basis for a torture claim is precedential. It has the power to establish the governing legal standards in Illinois for assessing torture claims involving withdrawal.

Gabbie Zook, ’24 , Hannah V.L. George, ’24 , and Becky Marvin, ’24, led an investigation with a client who was repeatedly sexually assaulted by a Chicago police officer in public housing when she was a mere teenager. The Clinic helped to connect our client with the Chicago Torture Justice Center to provide her with critical support as she continues to work through her trauma from the repeated assaults. We face a myriad of legal challenges because of the years that have passed since the assaults and Illinois law that protects municipalities from liability when police officers abuse their state power to sexually assault people, but we remain committed to supporting our client in her fight for a measure of justice and healing. Our students’ work has shined a light on a path forward.

Policy Projects

Chicago police transparency.

Natalie Cohn-Aronoff, ’24 , and Amber Hunter, ’25, have led a critical project to prevent the return to a state of police impunity in Chicago. The Clinic is responding to the Fraternal Order of Police’s (FOP’s) efforts to shroud in secrecy the adjudication of cases in which Chicago police officers have been found to have committed the most serious forms of misconduct to warrant firing or suspension of more than a year. After the FOP won an arbitration award that sought to end a sixty-year history of public hearings before a neutral body to be replaced by secret hearings behind closed doors by a handful of handpicked arbitrators who have a long track record of protecting Chicago police officers from accountability, the Clinic began work with a coalition of community, civil rights, and good government groups organized to stop the FOP from turning back the clock on our progress. We drafted press releases and an op-ed that lifted the threat of Chicago police impunity to visibility. We drafted policy and legal material for City Council to provide the basis for challenging the arbitrator’s award. We provided testimony in public hearings that was widely cited in the media. Our work supporting the organization of community members persuaded the Mayor and City Council to reject the Arbitrator’s award by a 3/5 vote in City Council and challenge the award in court. The Cook County Circuit Court then ruled that the Arbitrator’s award violated fundamental state policy in Chicago police transparency and accountability and ordered that the Chicago police disciplinary cases must remain open to the public. The FOP has filed a notice of appeal. A team of Clinic students led by Ben Postone, ’24, is drafting an amicus brief before the Illinois Court of Appeals on behalf of the broad community-based coalition that will explain the nature and strength of the public interest at stake.

At the same time, Clinic students have conducted extensive research and consulted experts in labor law to draft proposed state legislation that requires the public adjudication of Chicago police misconduct cases. The Clinic is collaborating with stakeholders to devise a path to establish law that will guarantee public transparency on CPD misconduct now and in the future. The Clinic has also drafted potential municipal legislation that would enhance Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability’s (COPA’s) efforts to promote greater transparency and accountability by enabling COPA to promptly publicly release summaries of completed misconduct investigations, prosecute disciplinary proceedings that result from COPA investigations, and restrict the Police Department’s power to overturn misconduct findings only for clear error and disciplinary recommendations only for abuse of discretion.

Sam Hallam, ’25, and Katherine Stanton, ’25, are leading efforts to remedy other aspects of FOP’s new collective bargaining contract that thwart police accountability and transparency in Chicago, including a provision that prohibits the videotaping of conversations between officers and supervisors after a police officer shoots a community member. The recording and use of such conversations are critical tools to remedy the longstanding code of silence in the CPD—a code that has encouraged officers to manufacture a common narrative when an officer shoots or kills a person or is otherwise accused of misconduct.

Medical-Legal Partnership with University of Chicago Trauma Center

Rosie Gruen, ’25 , and Sam Hallam, ’25, have led a medical-legal project that we launched last year with the Trauma Center at the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) and pro bono attorneys from the Akerman law firm to prevent police from to violating patient civil rights and medical privacy and interfering with critical medical care. We formed this partnership to address reports from the doctors and staff at the Medical Center of police abuse of patients who have suffered gunshot injuries; coercive interrogations of people who are being treated for serious injuries; interference with medical care and patient autonomy over medical decisions; searches and seizures of patients’ personal property; invasions of patient privacy and personal health information; shackling and physical abuse of patients; and forcing medical personal to perform invasive tests on patients. The Clinic team has been conducting and working to publish empirical research on interactions between police and professionals and staff at the Medical Center and patients and their family members. In addition to the conducting approximately fifty long-form interviews, the Clinic has researched the intersection of property law, criminal law and procedure, privacy law, constitutional law, and administrative regulations and practices in medical settings around the United States. Students have also consulted with national medical and legal experts. Based upon our research, the Clinic developed a first draft of recommended UCMC policies for internal feedback to prevent ongoing civil rights violations and interference with patient care. Our research has also taught us that despite similar civil rights violations in hospital settings and interference by law enforcement with medical treatment, there is a lack of model policies or established best practices on the subject. We are hopeful that the publication of our research and the policies that we develop at UCMC will serve as a model for hospitals throughout the country and prevent civil and human rights violations and improve health outcomes in the Trauma Center and beyond.

Partnership with the Cook County Public Defender and Zealous

We also built on our partnership with the Cook County Public Defender’s Office and Zealous, a national non-profit dedicated to supporting public defender offices, to identify and address systemic issues in the criminal legal system that deprive clients of the Public Defender and Clinic access to justice. Darius Diamond, ’24 , Gabbie Zook, ’24 , and Katherine Stanton, ’25, have led our efforts on this project. This year, our focus has been to support the Public Defender’s work to create two holistic community defender offices in Chicago—the first is scheduled to open this fall in the Roseland community on Chicago’s South Side. The second will be in the Austin community on the West Side. Clinic students have been on the ground floor in designing the offices and services with community members, public defenders, and people in jail. We are developing plans for Clinic students to maintain a regular presence in the Community Defender Offices to work with public defenders and their clients in addressing police accountability and other systemic barriers to justice.

In addition, students are working with public defenders in Cook County to achieve greater independence from county prosecutors and judges when advocating with their clients to change and enjoin laws, policies and practices that impair the ability of public defenders to represent their clients and to improve the criminal legal system. For example, Clinic students are currently working with the Public Defender to explore ways to change the law to give the Public Defender the power to retain counsel to bring affirmative civil rights litigation.


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    In completing a pre-training needs assessment, you'll: Identify gaps in employee skills, knowledge, and/or performance. Define key performance indicators and other success metrics. Define business case for training. Define the best training format and method for the situation. Set an agenda for the upcoming initiative.

  19. Download Training Plan 【FREE】

    How to download the Training Plan template for Powerpoint. 1. On this same page, scroll down to the download block until you see the buttons. 2. Click on the button below the presentation features that says 'Download Training Plan as a Free PowerPoint template'. 3. Once done it will start downloading a .pptx file that you can edit in PowerPoint.

  20. Top 10 Training Plan PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    Employee Training Plan Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Deliver a lucid presentation by utilizing this Employee Training Plan Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Use it to present an overview of the topic with the right visuals, themes, shapes, and graphics. This is an expertly designed complete deck that reinforces positive thoughts and actions.

  21. PDF The Complete Training Program Planning Guide

    program. in the planning and execution outline of each of the following: of internal and external training We'll provide insights for how to: programs, there are areas where you 9 Program objectives 9 Technology. • Develop a comprehensive training program plan. • Identify goals and objectives. • Assess training needs.

  22. Free Training Agenda Slide PowerPoint And Google Slides

    The Training Agenda Template is a structured and visually appealing tool designed to help organizers plan and communicate the schedule of multi-day training programs effectively. This free training agenda slide PowerPoint template is ideal for corporate training sessions, workshops, seminars, or educational programs, offering a clear and ...

  23. Training Plan

    This slide represents customer service team training plan. It covers culture training, personality test, social media training, listening exercise and customer behavior training. Get a simple yet stunning designed Customer Service Team Training Plan Ppt Model Outfit PDF. It is the best one to establish the tone in your meetings.

  24. Training Plan Project Proposal Presentation

    Establish your own training plan and have a slideshow ready, as you'll have to share the news. This is a new template, structured as a project proposal, with lots of different compositions that can be edited to your liking, lots of graphs, infographics and other resources at your disposal, and a color palette that uses pink as the main color ...

  25. Civil Rights & Police Accountability Clinic—Significant Achievements

    Our Clinic students continue to make a difference in the community, while learning all that it means to be a lawyer. The Federal Civil Rights Consent Decree Governing the Chicago Police Department Years of advocacy by Clinic students and our clients resulted in the 2019 federal civil rights Consent Decree that seeks to remedy the Chicago Police Department's (CPD's) pattern and practice of ...