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essay on life and water

Essay on Water

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Here we have shared the Essay on Water in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Water in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Water in 150-250 words

Essay on water in 300-400 words, essay on water in 500-1000 words.

Water is a vital resource that sustains all forms of life on Earth. It covers about 70% of the planet’s surface, and its availability is essential for various human activities, ecosystems, and agriculture.

Water plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature. It supports biodiversity, provides habitat for aquatic species, and ensures the survival of ecosystems. Additionally, water is essential for agriculture, enabling the growth of crops and the sustenance of livestock.

However, water scarcity and pollution have become significant challenges. Rapid population growth, industrialization, and climate change have put immense pressure on water resources. Many regions face water shortages, leading to social, economic, and environmental consequences.

Water pollution is another critical issue. Industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal contaminate water bodies, affecting both human health and aquatic life. It is crucial to implement sustainable water management practices, promote conservation efforts, and invest in water treatment infrastructure.

Education and awareness are key in fostering responsible water use. Individuals can contribute by conserving water, practicing efficient irrigation methods, and avoiding the contamination of water sources.

In conclusion, water is a precious resource that sustains life and ecosystems. The challenges of water scarcity and pollution require collective action to ensure its availability and quality. By implementing sustainable practices, promoting conservation, and raising awareness, we can protect and preserve this invaluable resource for future generations.

Water is a fundamental resource that is essential for all forms of life on Earth. It covers approximately 70% of the planet’s surface, playing a crucial role in supporting ecosystems, agriculture, and human activities.

Water is vital for the survival of living organisms and the maintenance of ecological balance. It provides habitat for a wide range of plants and animals, supporting biodiversity and contributing to the overall health of ecosystems. Water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans, serve as crucial habitats and breeding grounds for numerous species.

In agriculture, water is essential for crop irrigation and livestock sustenance. Farmers rely on water to nourish their crops and ensure food production. Additionally, water plays a critical role in the transport of nutrients within plants, enabling their growth and development.

Water is also crucial for human activities and economic development. It is used in households for drinking, cooking, and sanitation purposes. Industries depend on water for manufacturing processes, cooling systems, and energy production. Furthermore, water serves as a transportation medium for goods and people, facilitating trade and commerce.

However, the availability and quality of water face significant challenges. Rapid population growth, urbanization, and climate change exert pressure on water resources. Many regions around the world experience water scarcity, leading to social, economic, and environmental implications. The unequal distribution of water resources exacerbates these challenges, with some areas facing severe water shortages.

Water pollution is another pressing issue. Industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal contaminate water bodies, negatively impacting aquatic ecosystems and human health. Waterborne diseases and the degradation of aquatic habitats are direct consequences of water pollution.

Addressing these challenges requires sustainable water management practices. Conservation efforts, such as rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation techniques, can help preserve water resources. Investment in water treatment infrastructure is crucial to ensure the provision of clean and safe drinking water to communities. Moreover, raising awareness about water conservation and pollution prevention is vital in fostering responsible water use among individuals and industries.

In conclusion, water is a precious resource that sustains life, ecosystems, and human activities. The challenges of water scarcity and pollution necessitate collective action and sustainable water management practices. By valuing water, implementing conservation measures, and raising awareness about responsible water use, we can ensure the availability and quality of water for future generations.

Title: Water – The Essence of Life

Introduction :

Water is the elixir of life, a precious resource that is vital for the existence of all living organisms on Earth. Covering about 70% of the planet’s surface, water is found in oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs. It plays a fundamental role in sustaining ecosystems, supporting agriculture, meeting human needs, and shaping the landscape. This essay explores the significance of water, its diverse uses, the challenges it faces, and the importance of responsible water management for the well-being of our planet and future generations.

Importance of Water

Water is essential for the survival and well-being of all living organisms. It serves as a universal solvent, enabling chemical reactions that are crucial for life processes. Water is involved in cellular functions, temperature regulation, nutrient transportation, and waste removal in living systems. In addition to its biological importance, water also plays a critical role in maintaining ecological balance. It provides habitats for countless species, supports biodiversity, and influences the functioning of ecosystems.

Water for Agriculture

Agriculture is heavily dependent on water for crop cultivation and livestock sustenance. Irrigation systems deliver water to fields, ensuring the growth and productivity of crops. Water is essential for germination, photosynthesis, and the transport of nutrients within plants. Livestock farming relies on water for drinking, cleaning, and maintaining proper hygiene conditions. Adequate water supplies are essential for the health and well-being of both plants and animals in agriculture.

Water for Human Needs

Water plays a vital role in meeting various human needs. Access to clean and safe drinking water is crucial for maintaining human health and preventing waterborne diseases. Water is used for cooking, food preparation, and sanitation, ensuring proper nutrition and hygiene. Adequate sanitation facilities, including toilets and wastewater treatment systems, rely on water to prevent the spread of diseases and maintain public health. Moreover, water is used in industries for manufacturing processes, cooling systems, and energy production.

Challenges of Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is a pressing global challenge, particularly in regions facing population growth, urbanization, and climate change. Unequal distribution, overexploitation of water resources, and inefficient water management contribute to the scarcity of water. This scarcity can lead to social, economic, and environmental consequences. Reduced water availability hampers agricultural productivity, jeopardizes livelihoods, and triggers conflicts over water rights. Addressing water scarcity requires sustainable water management practices, water conservation efforts, and investments in water infrastructure.

Water Pollution and Conservation

Water pollution poses a significant threat to water resources and ecosystems. Industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, improper waste disposal, and the use of chemicals contaminate water bodies, compromising water quality. This pollution has detrimental effects on aquatic life, threatens biodiversity, and poses health risks to humans. Waterborne diseases, such as cholera and dysentery, are direct consequences of water pollution. To combat water pollution, stringent regulations must be implemented to control industrial and agricultural activities that contribute to pollution. Proper wastewater treatment systems and waste management practices are essential to preserve water quality.

Water conservation plays a pivotal role in ensuring sustainable water use. Rainwater harvesting, efficient irrigation techniques, and public awareness campaigns promote responsible water consumption. Governments, communities, and individuals must work together to reduce water wastage, encourage water reuse, and protect water sources from pollution.

Conclusion :

Water is a precious and finite resource that is vital for all forms of life on Earth. Its significance extends beyond meeting basic needs and supporting ecosystems; water plays a critical role in shaping our planet. The challenges of water scarcity and pollution necessitate collective action and responsible water management practices. By valuing water, promoting conservation efforts, and raising awareness about responsible water use, we can ensure the availability and quality of water for future generations. It is our collective responsibility to protect and preserve this invaluable resource, safeguarding the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants.

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Essay On Importance Of Water

essay on life and water

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Importance Of Water

Water is one of the most essential and important resources for life on earth. It plays a critical role in supporting all living organisms, including humans, plants, and animals. Without access to clean, safe water, life on earth would not be possible.

For humans, water is necessary for survival as it makes up approximately 60% of the human body. It is also required for a range of activities, including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Additionally, water is essential for agriculture and food production. Irrigation systems, which rely on a constant supply of water, are used to grow crops that feed billions of people around the world.

Water also plays a critical role in maintaining the earth’s ecosystems. It helps regulate the planet’s temperature and supports the growth of vegetation, which in turn provides habitats for countless species of animals. Moreover, water plays a critical role in the water cycle, helping to distribute heat and moisture around the planet.

Unfortunately, access to clean, safe water is a challenge for many people around the world. Approximately 2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, and millions die each year from water-borne diseases such as cholera and dysentery. This highlights the importance of ensuring that all people have access to clean water and that efforts are made to protect and conserve this precious resource.

In conclusion, water is an essential and critical resource for life on earth. It is necessary for human survival and plays a vital role in supporting ecosystems and sustaining food production. Ensuring that all people have access to clean, safe water is a global challenge and one that requires sustained efforts to protect and conserve this precious resource.

longEssay On Importance Of Water

Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. It sustains life, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammals. But how much do we really know about water and its importance? This essay explores why water is so essential to human life and looks at some of the potential risks of not taking proper care of our water resources.


It is no secret that water is essential for life. All known forms of life require water to survive. In fact, water makes up about 60% of the human body. Every system in the human body depends on water to function properly.

Water is involved in all aspects of metabolism, including digestion, absorption, and excretion. It also plays a role in temperature regulation and waste removal. In addition, water helps to protect tissues and organs from damage and maintains their structure and function.

Despite its importance, many people do not drink enough water every day. This can lead to dehydration, which can cause a number of health problems. Some of the symptoms of dehydration include fatigue, headache, lightheadedness, and dizziness. Dehydration can also lead to more serious problems such as heat stroke or kidney stones.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids each day, especially during hot weather or when exercising. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink small amounts of water throughout the day rather than large amounts all at once. It is also important to choose beverages that contain electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which help to replace those lost through sweating.

Definition of Water

Water is a clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. In chemical terms, water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, with a molecular weight of 18.01528. The boiling point of water is 100 °C (212 °F), and its freezing point is 0 °C (32 °F). Water is in liquid form at standard atmospheric pressure at temperatures between 0°C (32°F) and 100°C (212°F). It has a density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter (1 g/cm3) at 4°C (39°F).

Importance of Water for Our Health and Wellbeing

Water is vital for our health and wellbeing. Our bodies are made up of around 60% water, so it’s no surprise that we need to keep topped up in order to function properly. Water has many roles in the body, including:

– Carrying nutrients and oxygen around the body – Flushing out toxins and waste products – Regulating body temperature – Lubricating joints – Helping with digestion

We need to drink around eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. This may seem like a lot, but it’s easy to get through if you make sure you have a glass with every meal and snack, and carry a bottle of water with you when you’re out and about.

There are many benefits to staying hydrated, including:

– Improved physical performance – Reduced fatigue and increased energy levels – improved mental function and concentration – better skin health – reduced risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

The Role of Water in Human Society

Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. All living things need water to survive. Water is essential for the proper functioning of all cells, tissues, and organs.

The human body is made up of about 60% water. Every system in the body depends on water. For example, water:

– Carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells

– Flushes toxins out of vital organs

– Regulates body temperature

– Lubricates joints

Without water, the human body would not be able to function properly. People can only survive without water for a few days before they become seriously ill and die.

Water is also important for agriculture. Crops need water to grow. In many parts of the world, irrigation systems are used to bring water to fields where it is needed. Irrigation can be done by hand, but it is often done with machines. Farmers must be careful not to use too much water or their crops will suffer from drought (lack of water). Too little water can also damage crops. Farmers have to know when and how much to water their crops in order to get a good harvest.

The Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability

Water availability is one of the key ways in which climate change can impact us. It is estimated that by the end of the century, global average water availability will decrease by 6%. This means that there will be less water available for drinking, irrigation, and industry. In some regions, water availability could decrease by as much as 30%.

There are a number of reasons for this decrease in water availability. One is that as the atmosphere warms, evaporation rates increase. This means that more water is being drawn out of lakes and rivers and into the atmosphere. Additionally, precipitation patterns are changing. While some areas are seeing increases in rainfall, others are experiencing drought conditions. These changes mean that less water is available to recharge groundwater supplies.

The impacts of climate change on water availability are already being felt around the world. In Australia, for example, a prolonged drought has left many farmers struggling to irrigate their crops. In California, declining snowpack levels have led to reduced river flows and increased water shortages. As climate change continues to impact our planet, it is likely that these types of problems will become more common.

How to Conserve Water

Water is one of the most important natural resources on earth. It is essential for all forms of life and plays a vital role in our environment.

There are many ways to conserve water. Some simple things that everyone can do to save water are:

– Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth – Take shorter showers – Don’t let the water run while washing dishes – Fix any leaks around your home – Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk – Water your plants during the cooler hours of the day – Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering plants – Mulch your garden to help retain moisture All these things will help reduce water consumption and protect this valuable resource.

In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the importance of water in our lives and why it is essential for us to conserve and protect it. Water plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth and we must take action now to ensure that all humans have access to safe drinking water. We should also strive to reduce our personal consumption of water and make efforts to preserve freshwater resources for future generations. Through greater awareness, conservation initiatives, improved infrastructure, and responsible usage practices we can help secure a thriving future environment with abundant supplies of clean water.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Water | Water Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Water in English: Water, the very reason for the existence of living beings on earth, constitutes of more than 70% of the planet. Water is that magical liquid, that provides life to animals, plants, trees, bacteria and viruses. Water is the very reason why earth can support life and other planets cannot.

Up to 60% of the human body is made up of water. While there is an abundance of water on the planet, not everything can be consumed by human beings and animals. It is unfortunate that only 3% of the water on earth is freshwater, which is portable and safe to consume.

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Hence, when such a valuable resource is scarce and non-renewable, it becomes of utmost Importance of Water judiciously.

Long and Short Essay on Water in English for Students and Children

In the article, we have provided a 600-word essay on water for kids, students, and schoolchildren for their usage in assignments, tests, and project work. We have also provided a 200-word essay on water for kids to use in exams and tests and learn everything about the water.

Long Essay on Water in English

Water, the pivotal ingredient in the essence of life, is the most important non-renewable resource, other than oxygen, for life to exist and thrive on our planet. Water which makes up almost one-third of the face of the planet has only 2.75% to 3.1% of fresh after that can actually be used by human beings, animals and plants.

This small percentage of fresh water is used by all living beings for their growth and survival. Plants and trees use it to for photosynthesis to grow. Animals and human beings use water to drink and bathe every day. Hence, judicious use of after should be followed since water is non-renewable and depleting at an ever-increasing rate. At this rate, water will become redundant for future generations, which is to say that life will become non-existent on earth. Experts say that those unimaginable days are not very far from us if we don’t use water with responsibility.

Water that is present in oceans and seas, that is saltwater, is not consumable by human beings and land animals. But this water acts as a lifeline for certain aquatic life.

There are various types of water resources, both potable and non-potable, in the world namely, surface water, rainwater, groundwater, well water, lake water, river water, glaciers, snow etc. All these water bodies form the main source of water on the planet. And to keep these water bodies replenished all the time, a healthy water cycle should be maintained in our ecosystem. Any little disturbance in the water cycle can lead to global warming, floods and droughts.

Usages of water

  • Human beings use water for drinking bathing, cooking, washing, watering etc.
  • Industries and factories use water for manufacturing purposes
  • Animals use water for drinking and bathing
  • Plants and trees use water to grow and produce food
  • Farmers use water to cultivate the land and fulfil the population hunger
  • Power plants and nuclear plants use water to produce energy and power

Why is Water Important for the Human Body?

  • More than 70% of our body is made up of water. Without it, the human race will not survive
  • Water in our body helps in regulating body temperature
  • It keeps our organs and tissue moist and functioning
  • It helps in digestion and breaking down of the food we take inside our bodies
  • It keeps our skin healthy and nutritious

Scientists and engineers are working on projects and research, from many years, to convert saltwater into freshwater. If they succeed in doing that, then water will not be scarce anymore, but nevertheless, people should learn to use water judiciously, because we never know what nature might throw at us if we play with it. But till then, the only way out to survive is to use water very irresponsibly and strategically.

It is also predicted that the next world war will be fought for water. The symptoms of that are already being seen in the world nowadays, with examples like India and Pakistan fight over the Indus river, Turkey, Syria and Iraq fighting over Tigris-Euphrates river water, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu fighting over Kaveri river in India. These symptoms, if not taken care now itself, will easily lead to world war having catastrophic effects on humankind.

Before all these leads to the extinction of mankind, all the governments of different countries, people, businesses and organisation should come together and formulate proper policies and laws for responsible usage of water in the future.

Short Essay on Water in English

We have provided a 150 to 200 words essay on water which can be used by school students and children for their assignments and projects.

Water, the life-saving universal solvent is the most important element for the existence of living beings on earth.

Water is usually found in three states of matter, namely liquid, solid and gas. All three forms of water are important for the survival of the human race. Water, being a non-renewable resource is depleting at a very faster rate without any source of replenishment. The only way drinking water can be replenished and regenerated is through a healthy water cycle in the atmosphere. And for this water cycle to be maintained well, human beings need to learn to use natural resources like forest, coal and natural gas efficiently without harming the cycle of life.

Since water supports all forms of life, from surface animals and plant to aquatic plant and animals, the water resource belongs to every being on this plant and human beings should not be selfish in their greed for the usage of water.

The unplanned building of damns and man-made reservoirs, and being a thorn in the natural way of life has all affected the actual cycle of water. This has lead to massive drought and floods in various parts of the world.

All human beings should come together and join hands to use water efficiently and not indulge ourselves in the natural cycle of life and let nature thrive on their own.

10 Lines on Water Essay in English

  • Water is the reason why life exists and grows on earth
  • 70% of earth’s surface is made of water out of which only 3% is freshwater is for human consumption
  • Water supports all forms of life on the planet
  • Human beings use water for drinking, bathing, washing, in agriculture, industries and factories
  • More than 60% of the human body is made up of water
  • Animals use water for drinking and bathing purposes
  • Plants, trees and various other living beings use water for its growth and survival
  • It is predicted that the next world war will be fought for water if man does not learn how to use it judiciously
  • The human beings need to learn to use water responsibly since it is a non-renewable resource
  • Governments of all countries should come together to form policies and laws that forbid people from wasting water unnecessarily

FAQs on Essay on Water

Question 1. How much of the earth’s surface is made up of water?

Answer: More than 70% of the earth’s surface is made up of water out of which only 3% is potable freshwater

Question 2. Can water be manufactured?

Answer: As of now, it is not possible, but water can be recycled and reused after proper chemical treatments

Question 3. What are the sources of water?

Answer: Rivers, lakes, glaciers and groundwater table are some of the sources of water on earth

Question 4. Which is the biggest water body in the world?

Answer: Pacific ocean is the biggest water body in the world. Also, the Nile River is the largest source of freshwater in the world.

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Water: a source of life and strife

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There is an old joke, made famous by the writer David Foster Wallace, in which one fish says to another, “How’s the water?” The second fish replies: “What the hell is water?”

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doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-03961-z

This article is part of Nature Outlook: Water , a supplement produced with financial support from the FII Institute. Nature maintains full independence in all editorial decisions related to the content. About this content .

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Essay Service Examples Environment Water

The Importance of Water Essay

Intro about water and it importance for life

Essay about water 1 (100 words).

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Short Essay on Importance of Water 2 (200 words)

Essay on important uses of water 3 (300 words), introduction, different uses of water:.

  • Drinking and Hydration: The most basic and crucial use of water is for drinking and staying hydrated. Water is essential for maintaining the body's fluid balance, regulating body temperature, and facilitating the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to cells.
  • Agriculture: Water is indispensable for agricultural practices. Irrigation systems rely on water to provide crops with the necessary moisture for growth. It is estimated that about 70% of global freshwater usage goes towards agriculture, highlighting its crucial role in food production.
  • Domestic Use: Water is used extensively for various domestic purposes, such as cooking, cleaning, bathing, and sanitation. It is vital for personal hygiene and maintaining a clean living environment.
  • Industry: Water plays a significant role in various industrial processes. It is used for cooling machinery, generating steam, and cleaning equipment. Industries such as manufacturing, power generation, and chemical production rely heavily on water for their operations.
  • Recreation and Tourism: Water-based recreational activities, such as swimming, boating, and fishing, are popular leisure pursuits for many people.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can water be manufactured?

No, water cannot be manufactured. While various processes can produce purified or desalinated water, the actual creation of water molecules from scratch is not possible in a laboratory or industrial setting.

Which is the biggest water body in the world?

The Pacific Ocean holds the distinction of being the largest water body on Earth. Spanning approximately 63.8 million square miles (165.2 million square kilometers), it encompasses vast expanses of water, making it the largest and deepest ocean globally.

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Dehydration and Importance of Water Essay

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Importance of water in health maintenance, functions of water in the body, what happens to the body when there isn’t enough water, how different electrolytes function in the body, effects of alcohol and caffeine on hydration levels in the body, steps to be taken to ensure that one does not become dehydrated.

Water is a chemical compound that exists as a liquid in the body. It is a crucial part of the body systems and has even been called ‘the liquid of life.’

Water has been known to prevent a number of illnesses hence restoring ones health. Most of these illnesses are; cancer of the colon, breast and the lungs. Drinking water may not necessarily eliminate the possibility of getting these cancers; it simply reduces the probability of their occurrence.

Due to the crucial role played by water, lack of it causes some immediate symptoms. First of all, one experiences headaches and fatigue. Subsequently, one may loose part of their memory and may have trouble remembering small things. Water ensures that one does not have trouble concentrating because it is said that absence of water reduces one’s concentration span. (Kent, 1997)

Constipation is prevented by water. This is done through easing digestion by providing a solvent in which the toxins can dissolve.

Water is said to be the perfect moisturizer for our skin and prevents patchiness. It is also used to control one’s emotions.

Water has numerous bodily functions. Perhaps its most important is the fact that it is a constituent of most cells, organs and systems in the body. It is a fact that water makes up about 90% of the lungs, over ninety percent of the brain and about eighty percent of blood. There are plenty of fluids in the body that mainly consist of water; one of these is saliva.

Water is used to protect the interior organs from external shock. One such organ is the heart. In line with this role, water makes up most of the fluid that is found in between joints, as such, it is used as a lubricant to ease bodily movements.

Transportation in the body is mainly done by water. It transports waste products from their areas of production such as the kidneys to the external environment. It therefore gets rid of toxins from the body. Water also transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body that are in need of it. Nutrients are also transported by water from the digestive system to muscles and other body parts in need of it.

Temperature regulation is another very important function of water. It acts as a kind of thermostat in the body. When body temperature exceeds optimum levels, the body sweats. Sweat mainly consists of water which normally leaves with a lot of heat when it evaporates thus cooling the body. This property of water is called high latent heat of vaporization.

Water is used for detoxification purposes by getting rid of wastes that are carried by the intestinal tract. As such it ensures that the body is in great health.

Lack of water in the body causes thirst. This is incase the amount of water under consideration is a small amount. The thirst then graduates to a more uncomfortable symptom; fatigue. One’s body feels restless and inactive. Eventually, headaches set in as the brain is now complaining. If the condition persists, then dizziness sets in and eventually one complains of feeling heaviness in their head. These are all signs of dehydration.

When the body is constantly denied access to water, reverse osmosis occurs. Instead of water leaving the body and getting filtered into the brain cells, the opposite occurs. Water leaves the cells and enters the system. This means that the body develops an elevated blood pressure since it is going against the norm. High blood pressure can be disastrous if allowed to continue without checking it.

There are some emotional manifestations of a lack of water in the body. One who has not had a lot of water is normally quite irritable and moody. They are quick to anger and are full of impatience.

Constant dehydration also causes a number of illnesses that may be fatal. Some of these include; weak immunity, hypertension and the very dangerous diabetes.

Sodium is mostly obtained from salt which is a compound made of both sodium and chlorine. It is put to use in the nervous systems during transportation of a message from one part of the body to another or from the external environment to the body. These messages may include; pain, heat and electric shock. There is a need for proper electrolyte balance within the body for any stimulant to be recorded well by the body.

Potassium is used to control the sodium balance within the body to ensure that metabolic systems function well. Chlorine serves to neutralize sodium because it is negatively charged while sodium is a positively charged ion. The two complement each other and thus chlorine maintains adequate balance in the body.

There’s a hormone in the body that is responsible for absorption of water back from the kidneys. It is called vasopressin. This hormone helps the body to maintain a balance of water thus preventing excessive loss. Consumption of alcohol causes a depression of Vasopressin meaning that plenty of water will not be reabsorbed and most of it will go to waste as urine. (Ellen, 1980)

Alcohol also causes severe loss in nutrients that are quite important to the body. These nutrients include; calcium, zinc, potassium and sodium. This in turn affects the body’s nervous system and balance of fluids.

It causes prolonged dehydration; this was shown in a research where people’s blood was tested. Most of them were found to have thicker blood especially due to frequent urination.

Caffeine also lowers levels of hydration. This happens by dieresis which is the process of excess absorption of water from blood in the kidneys. Caffeine also inhibits the reabsorption of sodium hence interrupting the hydration process.

The first step is to drink plenty of water. Doctors advise us to take about 8 glasses of water per day. This will ensure proper physical and psychological health.

One should avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks. This is because the latter mentioned substances enhance the loss of water through the kidneys and must be kept at a minimum or avoided altogether (Barbara, 2004).

If one engages in heavy activities, then one should not wear heavy clothes because they increase the rate at which a body is sweating. The more one sweats, the more the fluid they loose from the body and the more the chances of dehydration.

There are some tell – tale signs that come with hydration. Individuals must learn to recognize them as soon as possible and to do something about them. These include; patchy or dry lips, thick urine, heavy eyes and mild headaches.

Individuals must also protect themselves from excessive sunshine which brings about sweatiness hence water loss from the body. They can do this by standing under a shade when exposed.

  • Barbara, K. (2004): Anatomy and Physiology the Easy Way; Barron’s Educational Series
  • Ellen. E. (1980): Basic physiology and anatomy; Lippincott
  • Kent, M. (1997): Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of human anatomy and physiology; McGraw-Hill Professional
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IvyPanda. (2021, September 1). Dehydration and Importance of Water. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/

"Dehydration and Importance of Water." IvyPanda , 1 Sept. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Dehydration and Importance of Water'. 1 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Dehydration and Importance of Water." September 1, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/.

1. IvyPanda . "Dehydration and Importance of Water." September 1, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/.


IvyPanda . "Dehydration and Importance of Water." September 1, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/.

Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Water Conservation — Importance of Water Conservation


Importance of Water Conservation

  • Categories: Water Conservation

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Words: 880 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 880 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, the significance of saving water, methods of saving water, case studies/examples, challenges in water conservation and protection efforts, a. water conservation practices at homes.

  • Installing water-saving fixtures and appliances, such as low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets.
  • Fixing leaks and reducing water wastage by taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while brushing, and fixing dripping taps.
  • Implementing efficient water usage habits such as using a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas and washing laundry and dishes only with full loads.

B. Agriculture Water Management

  • Implementing efficient irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and precision irrigation, which reduce water wastage by up to 30%.
  • Crop selection and rotation to optimize water usage by selecting crops that require less water and reducing water-intensive crops, such as rice and cotton.
  • Using precision farming methods such as soil moisture sensors, weather forecasts, and crop modeling to optimize water usage.

C. Industrial Water Conservation

  • Recycling and reusing water in manufacturing processes by using closed-loop systems.
  • Implementing water-efficient technologies such as water-efficient boilers, cooling towers, and dry lubrication processes.
  • Promoting water stewardship among industries by adopting best practices and engaging in water conservation efforts.

D. Government Policies and Programs

  • Providing incentives for water-saving practices such as tax credits, rebates, and grants for installing water-efficient appliances and fixtures.
  • Implementing water regulations and enforceable laws such as water pricing, water rights, and zoning regulations to ensure efficient water use.
  • Educating and creating awareness among citizens through campaigns such as the WaterSense program, which educates consumers on water-efficient products.
  • United Nations. (2021, March 22). Water and Sanitation. https://www.un.org/en/sections/issues-depth/water-and-sanitation/
  • WaterSense. (n.d.). Water-Efficient Products. https://www.epa.gov/watersense/water-efficient-products
  • Valsecchi, G. B., & Faggian, R. (2019). The Alliance for Water Stewardship certification program in the Netherlands: measuring the performance of a water sustainability standard for industries. Water, 11(12), 2608. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11122608
  • Maheshwari, B. L. (2019). Rainwater harvesting impacts on crop yield: a review with a case study of Tamil Nadu, India. Water, 11(5), 1018. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11051018

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  • Save Water Save Life Essay


Essay on Save Water Save Life

Water is the most important and valuable natural resource on Earth. It sustains all life. There is no life without water. Water is not only important for human beings but for the entire ecosystem. Without enough water, the existence of humans, as well as animals, is next to impossible. After fresh air, water is the second most important natural resource for the survival of any living being. 

Water is necessary for the survival of each living creature on this planet, be it a small worm, plant, or full-grown tree.  Animals and plants  cannot survive without water. About 71% of Earth’s surface is covered with water. Unfortunately, only 3% of the water available  is freshwater. About two-thirds of the freshwater lies in the form of frozen glaciers and ice caps. The rest of the small portion is available in the form of groundwater and surface water. 

We totally depend on water for multiple purposes. Water is used in agriculture for the irrigation of crops. We use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, and other domestic purposes. Water is used for recreational activities. In industries, water is used as a coolant, solvent and also used in other manufacturing purposes. Hydroelectricity is generated with the help of water. Water is also used for navigation and transportation of goods. This tells us how water is the most essential component of life and every drop of water is vital for sustenance. Therefore, water conservation is important to save life on this planet.

Importance of Water:

The basic use of water is drinking, bathing, agriculture, irrigation, hospitality, factories, etc.

Water helps in blood circulation and improves metabolism in the human body

The entire aquatic ecosystem is located in water. It is a home for all the aquatic animals

Water is a major source of transportation after land and air.

Water aids in saliva secretion and oxygen delivery to our bodily cells.

 Some countries have abundant water resources for their residents and serve        the people, whereas others lack natural resources even for survival.

Depletion of fresh water has become a threat to our existence. According to some scientists, the quantity and the quality of water are degrading day by day. Although Earth is covered with almost 71% of water, the quality is that we cannot use it in day-to-day life for domestic purposes. Water quality is so poor that people in some places are prone to several water-borne diseases such as Eluru, caused by contaminated water. 

These instances are eye-opening examples and should be taken seriously for better living conditions for us and our future generation.

Below are the Reasons for Shortage of Fresh Water:

Growth of population leads to excessive consumption of water. 

Daily excessive wastage of water.

The rapid growth of industries has increased the problem of proper disposal of waste material from them. The waste products from these industries contain extremely poisonous elements that are polluting the rivers and other water bodies. 

Pesticides and chemical fertilisers that are used to treat crops also pollute the fresh water. 

Sewage waste that is dumped into the rivers is making the water unsuitable for drinking and washing causing several water-borne diseases like cholera, jaundice and typhoid.  

Use of plastics and disposing them carelessly in the water bodies are affecting aquatic life and further disturbing the entire ecosystem.

Global warming is another major reason for the scarcity of water on earth. According to several types of research, because of global warming, the world will face more stress for water scarcity till the year 2050.

 We now need to be aware of the depletion of fresh water and take adequate    measures to stop this. 

Saving Water: Need of the Hour

Many places face extreme water scarcity due to extremely bad weather conditions, leading to less rainfall and groundwater depletion. In other parts of the world, groundwater is either unusable or overused. As the world's population is growing, so increase in industries and globalisation, causing groundwater to be overused and resulting in water scarcity.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) data shows that many people on this planet don't have access to clean and fresh drinking water. These situations are becoming worse day by day, and we need an immediate plan to control this situation. Various collective measures have to be taken by every individual on this planet and the government of every country to control water scarcity.

Government should impose some strict rules for the conservation of water. The government and the citizens have to take the initiative to create awareness and promote the “conservation of water.” One such initiative taken by the Modi government in India was “JANSHAKTI FOR JALSHAKTI.” This programme began as a means of working toward a brighter future.

Initiatives taken by Some State Governments:

The Punjab government contributed to saving water resources by avoiding waterlogging and fixing the drain  leakage.

The Rajasthan government has taken the initiative to construct small ponds, which  helped the local people of Rajasthan in many ways.

Villages of Telangana have constructed water tanks to conserve rainwater for future use.

These states are an inspiration, and others should also take a step forward to conserve and clean the water, water bodies, and groundwater.

Water saving should be and is the universal responsibility of every human being, living on this Earth.

There are many ways in which we can save water and reduce their pollution:

Be responsible to save water daily. Use only the required amount of water and avoid wastage. We should use water wisely.

We should use a washing machine to full capacity for washing clothes. 

We should not let the tap run while washing hands and face. 

We should water plants in the evening or early morning to minimise evaporation.

We should make provisions to store rainwater on rooftops and reuse the water for household purposes.

Bigger Communities and farmers should adapt to the practice of Rainwater harvesting. 

The industrial waste should be treated properly instead of dumping it into rivers.

We should stop using plastics and dispose of them in an adequate way.

We can make people aware about water problems by means of social campaigns and other ways.

 We should educate our children about water saving from an early age. 

Reusing the water is an important way to save and prevent the scarcity of water. Bathing water can be recycled and used for planting or cleaning.

Rainwater harvesting is the method of collecting rainwater and conserving them for future use.

Conservation of groundwater is another important method in the preservation of groundwater and using it in the future.

 Prevention of waterlogging.

We cannot imagine our lives without water. It is unfortunate that mankind has neglected this precious gift from God. Conservation of water is a necessity to save life. All living organisms on this planet need water to survive. If we do not give importance to saving or conservation of water then our future generations will face water scarcity.


FAQs on Save Water Save Life Essay

1. How to minimise wasting water?

We can minimise wasting water by using only the required amount of water.    We should not let the tap run while washing hands and face. Furthermore, checking for leaks in pipelines and getting them resolved in time and taking shorter baths and reducing the use of showers can also help.

2. When is World Water Day celebrated and why?

World Water Day is celebrated on 22nd March every year. It is celebrated to remind us of the importance of water and how we should minimise wastage of water.

3. Why is it important to save water?

It is important to save water because only 3% of available water is freshwater. Water is vital for the sustenance of living beings on this planet. If we don’t use water properly then our future generations will face the scarcity of water.

4. What methods should farmers adopt for irrigation?

The farmers should stop using pesticides and chemical fertilisers to minimise    pollution in water and adapt to the method of Rainwater harvesting.

5. How to save water daily?

We should close the tap tightly after use, use the required amount of water, check the water level in the tanks, and stop them from overflowing, making rainwater harvesting tunnels to save and reuse rainwater after its purification. These are some basic steps to save water at an individual level.

6. Where can I find more information on water and how to save water?

You can find more information, along with answers to your commonly asked questions, on the Vedantu website and mobile app. So, browse through them to get all your questions answered easily.

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Meeting basic needs of all living organisms, preserving water quality and ecosystem health.

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