18 Researcher Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

It's important to prepare for an interview in order to improve your chances of getting the job. Researching questions beforehand can help you give better answers during the interview. Most interviews will include questions about your personality, qualifications, experience and how well you would fit the job. In this article, we review examples of various researcher interview questions and sample answers to some of the most common questions.

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Common Researcher Interview Questions

What inspired you to pursue a career in research, what do you think sets research apart from other disciplines, what do you think is the most important skill for a researcher, what do you think is the most exciting thing about research, what do you think is the best thing about being a researcher, what do you think is the worst thing about being a researcher, what do you think is the most challenging thing about research, what do you think is the best thing about conducting research, what do you think is the worst thing about conducting research, what do you think is the most important thing to remember when conducting research, what do you think is the best way to approach research, what do you think is the worst way to approach research, what do you think is the most important thing to keep in mind when writing a research paper, what do you think is the best way to format a research paper, what do you think is the worst way to format a research paper, what do you think is the most important thing to consider when choosing a topic for a research paper, what do you think is the best way to go about finding sources for a research paper, what do you think is the worst way to go about finding sources for a research paper.

There are many reasons why someone might be inspired to pursue a career in research. For example, they may be inspired by the opportunity to make new discoveries that could improve the lives of people around the world. Or, they may be motivated by the challenge of solving complex problems and pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

It is important for interviewers to ask this question because it can help them to understand a candidate's motivation for pursuing a career in research. This can be helpful in assessing whether the candidate is likely to be successful in their role and whether they will be a good fit for the organisation.

Example: “ I have always been fascinated by the process of discovery and the role that research plays in advancing our understanding of the world around us. Pursuing a career in research allows me to contribute to this process and to make a difference in the world. ”

There are a few reasons why an interviewer might ask this question. First, they may be trying to gauge your level of experience and expertise in research. Second, they may be trying to understand your research process and methods. Finally, they may be trying to assess your ability to communicate and collaborate with other researchers.

This question is important because it can help the interviewer understand your level of experience and expertise in research. Additionally, it can help them understand your research process and methods. Finally, it can help them assess your ability to communicate and collaborate with other researchers.

Example: “ There are a few key things that set research apart from other disciplines: 1. The scientific method: In order to be considered research, an investigation must follow the scientific method, which is a systematic process for gathering and testing evidence. This ensures that research is as objective and unbiased as possible. 2. Peer review: Another key element of research is peer review, which is the process by which experts in a field check each other's work to ensure its quality. This helps to ensure that only the best and most reliable research is published. 3. Replication: Research is also designed to be replicated, or repeated, in order to verify its findings. This helps to ensure that the results are not simply due to chance or error. ”

There are many important skills for researchers, but some skills are more important than others. The most important skill for researchers is the ability to think critically. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze data and information and make decisions based on that analysis. It is important because it allows researchers to understand complex problems and find solutions to those problems.

Example: “ There are many important skills for a researcher, but some of the most important include: -The ability to ask clear and concise research questions -The ability to design effective research studies -The ability to collect high-quality data -The ability to analyze data effectively -The ability to communicate research findings clearly and effectively ”

There are many possible reasons an interviewer might ask this question to a researcher. They may be trying to gauge the level of enthusiasm the researcher has for their work, or they may be trying to assess how well the researcher understands the implications of their research. Additionally, the interviewer may be trying to determine if the researcher is able to articulate the significance of their work in a way that is understandable and relatable to a lay audience. Ultimately, it is important for the interviewer to gain a better understanding of the researcher's motivations and perspective on their work in order to get a sense of how well they will be able to communicate their findings to the public.

Example: “ There are many exciting things about research, but one of the most exciting things is the opportunity to make new discoveries. Every day, researchers are uncovering new information about the world around us and the universe we live in. This constantly expanding body of knowledge provides us with a greater understanding of our place in the world and how we can improve our lives. ”

There could be several reasons why an interviewer might ask this question. They may be trying to gauge the researcher's level of commitment to their work, or they may be trying to identify what motivates the researcher to do their job. Additionally, the interviewer may be trying to assess the researcher's ability to reflect on their work and identify areas of improvement. Ultimately, it is important for the interviewer to understand what the researcher finds most rewarding about their work in order to determine whether or not the researcher is a good fit for the position.

Example: “ There are many great things about being a researcher. One of the best things is that researchers get to learn new things all the time. They also get to help other people learn new things by sharing their findings with them. Researchers also get to travel to different places to conduct their research, which can be very exciting. ”

The interviewer is trying to gauge the researcher's self-awareness and ability to reflect on their work. This is important because it shows that the researcher is able to identify areas for improvement and is committed to professional development.

Example: “ There are a few potential drawbacks to being a researcher. First, the job can be quite isolating. Researchers often work alone in their labs or offices, and they may not have much interaction with other people on a daily basis. This can be lonely and frustrating for some people. Second, research can be slow and tedious. It can take years to complete a study, and the results may not be immediately apparent. This can be frustrating for people who want to see quick results. Finally, research can be expensive. Funding for research projects is often limited, so researchers may have to make do with less money than they would like. This can make it difficult to conduct high-quality research. ”

There are many potential challenges that come with research, such as finding accurate and reliable sources, developing a hypothesis, conducting experiments or surveys, and analyzing data. The most challenging thing about research can vary depending on the project and the researcher's individual skills and experience. By asking this question, the interviewer is trying to understand what the researcher feels is the most difficult part of the research process and why they feel that way. This information can help the interviewer determine if the researcher is a good fit for the project and if they will be able to overcome any challenges they may face.

Example: “ There are many challenges that come with research, but I think the most challenging thing is trying to find accurate and reliable information. With so much information available online, it can be difficult to know what is true and what is not. This can make it challenging to find the right data and resources to use for your research. ”

There are many reasons why an interviewer might ask a researcher what they think is the best thing about conducting research. It is important to remember that research is a process of inquiry that is used to uncover new knowledge or to confirm existing knowledge. The best thing about conducting research is that it allows us to constantly learn new things and to deepen our understanding of the world around us.

Example: “ There are many great things about conducting research, but one of the best things is that it allows you to explore new ideas and discover new knowledge. It can be very exciting to be on the cutting edge of new discoveries, and research allows you to do just that. Additionally, research is a great way to learn more about a specific topic or subject that you are interested in. Conducting research can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you and how it works. ”

The interviewer is trying to gauge the researcher's ability to reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement. This is important because it shows that the researcher is constantly trying to improve their methods and is willing to listen to criticism.

Example: “ There are a few potential worst things about conducting research, depending on the individual researcher's perspective. One worst thing could be the amount of time and effort required to produce high-quality research results. This can be especially true in fields where data is difficult to collect or analyze, or where experiments are expensive or time-consuming to carry out. Another worst thing about conducting research could be the pressure to publish results in prestigious journals, which can lead to cut corners being taken in the research process. Additionally, some researchers may find the constant criticism and peer review process to be frustrating and demoralizing. ”

An interviewer would ask this question in order to gauge the respondent's understanding of the research process and their ability to identify key components of a successful research project. It is important for researchers to be able to identify the most important aspects of their work in order to ensure that they are able to effectively communicate their findings to others. Additionally, this question can help to reveal areas where the respondent may need further training or education in order to improve their research skills.

Example: “ There are a few things that are important to remember when conducting research: 1. Make sure you have a clear research question that you want to answer. This will help guide your research and keep you focused. 2. Do your background research and make sure you understand the topic area you are researching. This will help ensure that your research is accurate and complete. 3. Be sure to use reliable and credible sources for your research. This will help ensure that your findings are trustworthy. 4. Be organized and keep track of your data and findings. This will help you to see patterns and trends in your data, and make it easier to write up your results. 5. Be critical of your data and findings, and try to identify any potential biases or errors. This will help you to produce more accurate results. ”

The interviewer is likely looking for qualities that the researcher has that make them successful at their job. This might include qualities such as being able to effectively plan and execute research projects, being able to troubleshoot problems that arise, and being able to communicate findings to others. It is important for the interviewer to gauge the researcher's self-awareness and ability to reflect on their own work in order to get a sense of how they might approach future projects.

Example: “ There is no one answer to this question as different researchers will have different opinions on the best way to approach research. However, some general tips that may be useful include: developing a clear research question or hypothesis, reviewing the relevant literature, designing an appropriate study methodology, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on the findings. It is also important to communicate the results of one's research in a clear and concise manner. ”

There are a few reasons why an interviewer might ask this question. First, they want to see if the researcher is familiar with different research approaches and can identify which ones are less effective. Second, the interviewer wants to gauge the researcher's critical thinking skills and ability to identify flaws in research methods. Finally, this question allows the interviewer to get a sense of the researcher's opinion on the best way to conduct research.

This question is important because it allows the interviewer to assess the researcher's knowledge of research methods, critical thinking skills, and opinion on the best way to conduct research. By understanding the researcher's thoughts on this topic, the interviewer can get a better sense of their thought process and whether they would be a good fit for the position.

Example: “ There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the worst way to approach research depends on the specific research question and context. However, some general approaches that could be considered bad ways to approach research include: 1. Not Defining the Research Question Clearly If the research question is not clearly defined from the outset, it can be difficult to know what direction to take the research in and what data to collect. This can lead to a lot of wasted time and effort, as well as potentially biased or irrelevant results. 2. Relying Too Much on Secondary Data While secondary data can be a valuable resource, it should not be relied upon too heavily. This is because secondary data may not be relevant to the specific research question or context, and it may also be out of date. In addition, secondary data cannot be controlled by the researcher, so it may not be possible to obtain the level of detail required for the research. 3. Collecting Data Without a Plan It is important to have a plan for how data will be collected before starting to collect it. This plan should specify what type of data will be collected, how it will be collected, and who will be responsible for collecting ”

The interviewer is likely trying to gauge the researcher's writing ability and whether they are able to produce a well-thought-out, comprehensive research paper. The most important thing to keep in mind when writing a research paper is to make sure that all of the information is accurate and that the sources are reliable. The paper should also be clear and concise so that the reader can easily follow the argument.

Example: “ There are a few things to keep in mind when writing a research paper that will help ensure your paper is well-received by your audience. First, make sure to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to your audience. Second, take the time to thoroughly research your topic and provide well-supported arguments for your position. Third, be sure to edit and proofread your paper before submitting it for review. By following these simple tips, you can increase the chances that your research paper will be well-received by your intended audience. ”

The best way to format a research paper may vary depending on the discipline, but there are some general guidelines that can help a researcher ensure their paper is well-formatted and easy to read. Some important considerations for formatting a research paper include margins, font size and type, line spacing, and page numbers. Proper formatting can help make a research paper more accessible and easier to read, which can ultimately lead to more impactful research.

Example: “ There is no one correct answer to this question. Different researchers have different preferences for how to format a research paper. Some common elements that are typically included in a research paper are an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion. ”

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the specific field of research and the preferences of the journal or conference. However, some elements that could make a research paper poorly formatted include using an incorrect citation style, not following the required page layout, or using too many graphics and images. Poorly formatted papers can be difficult to read and may be less likely to be accepted for publication.

Example: “ There is no one "worst" way to format a research paper. However, there are several common formatting errors that can make a paper difficult to read and understand. These include: • Not using proper headings and subheadings to organize the paper. • Not using clear and concise sentences. • Not using proper grammar and punctuation. • Not citing sources properly. ”

There are many things to consider when choosing a topic for a research paper, but the most important thing is to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to the researcher. The topic should also be something that the researcher is familiar with and has some knowledge about. Additionally, the topic should be something that is not too narrow or too broad, and it should be something that has been researched before.

Example: “ There are many things to consider when choosing a topic for a research paper. The most important thing is to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to you. It is also important to choose a topic that is narrow enough to be covered in a single research paper. Additionally, it is important to consider the resources available to you when choosing a topic. Finally, it is also important to consider the audience you are writing for when choosing a topic. ”

One of the most important aspects of research is finding reliable sources. Without sources that can be verified and relied upon, the researcher's findings will not be credible. Therefore, it is important for the interviewer to ask how the researcher plans to find sources for their paper in order to ensure that the research is of high quality.

Example: “ There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the topic of the research paper and the type of sources required. However, some tips on finding sources for a research paper include using online search engines such as Google Scholar, looking through bibliographies of relevant books and articles, and searching for open access journals that cover the topic. Additionally, contacting experts in the field and asking for recommendations can be helpful. ”

The interviewer is trying to gauge the researcher's ability to find reliable sources of information. This is important because research papers are only as good as the sources they are based on. If a researcher cannot find reliable sources, then their paper will not be credible.

Example: “ There are a few ways that researchers can go about finding sources for their papers that are considered to be less than ideal. One way is to simply do a Google search on the topic and hope that relevant sources come up. This is often not very effective, as much of the information that comes up in a general search may not be relevant or reliable. Another way is to ask friends or colleagues for recommendations. This can be somewhat helpful, but it is often limited to the resources that those individuals are aware of. A better way to find sources is to use a database or search engine specifically designed for academic research. These tools will allow you to narrow your search to more reputable and relevant sources. ”

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20 Must-Know Research Assistant Interview Questions (With Answers)

Common Research Assistant interview questions, how to answer them, and sample answers from a certified career coach.

research topics about job interview

You’re about to embark on a new career journey as a research assistant. But before you get started, you need to make sure you land the job—which means getting through the interview process first.

To help you prepare for your upcoming research assistant interview, we’ve put together some of the most common questions you may be asked and advice on how to answer them. So read on, and make sure you ace that interview!

  • What experience do you have conducting research?
  • Describe a time when you had to analyze data and draw conclusions from it.
  • How do you ensure accuracy and precision in your work?
  • Are you familiar with the latest technologies used for collecting, analyzing, and presenting data?
  • Explain how you would go about designing an experiment or survey.
  • What strategies do you use to stay organized while working on multiple projects at once?
  • How do you handle difficult conversations with participants or stakeholders?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to present complex information in a way that was easy to understand.
  • What methods do you use to verify the accuracy of your results?
  • How do you approach troubleshooting technical issues related to research equipment or software?
  • Do you have any experience writing grant proposals?
  • What is your experience with developing research protocols?
  • How do you manage ethical considerations when conducting research?
  • Have you ever worked with a team of researchers? If so, what role did you play?
  • What strategies do you use to keep up with the latest developments in your field?
  • How do you prioritize tasks when faced with competing deadlines?
  • What techniques do you use to ensure confidentiality when dealing with sensitive data?
  • How do you handle unexpected changes in the scope of a project?
  • What challenges have you encountered when working with large datasets?
  • Describe a time when you had to explain complex research findings to a non-expert audience.

1. What experience do you have conducting research?

Research assistants are expected to have a thorough understanding of research methods and processes. By asking this question, the interviewer can get a sense of your past research experience and how you approach research projects. They’ll also be able to assess your level of expertise in areas such as data collection, analysis, and reporting.

How to Answer:

Be prepared to discuss any research experience you have, such as projects you’ve worked on in school or at past jobs. Talk about the methods and processes you used to conduct the research and how you evaluated its success. If you don’t have much formal research experience, talk about other experiences that demonstrate your ability to gather data, analyze it, and draw meaningful conclusions from it.

Example: “I have extensive experience conducting research for both academic and professional projects. During my undergraduate studies, I completed a year-long independent research project on the impact of climate change on local ecosystems. I developed a comprehensive plan to collect data from various sources, including field observations and interviews with experts in the area. After analyzing the data, I presented my findings at an international conference. In addition, I’ve worked as a research assistant at two different organizations, where I conducted background research for reports and presentations and provided support for ongoing research projects.”

2. Describe a time when you had to analyze data and draw conclusions from it.

Research assistants are expected to be able to analyze data and draw conclusions from it. This is a key part of the job, and the interviewer will want to know that you have the skills to do this. The interviewer is also likely to be interested in knowing how you go about analyzing data and drawing conclusions, so be prepared to explain your process.

Start by describing a specific time when you had to analyze data and draw conclusions from it. Explain the context of the situation, such as what type of data it was and why you were analyzing it. Then, explain your process for analyzing the data and drawing conclusions from it. Be sure to mention any tools or techniques that you used in the process. Finally, explain the results of your analysis and how you used them.

Example: “I recently had to analyze a large dataset for a research project I was working on. To ensure accuracy and precision, I first double-checked all the data entry and ran a series of tests to make sure that everything was correct. Then, I created several graphs and charts to visualize the results, which helped me draw more meaningful conclusions from the data. Additionally, I developed an organized system to track my progress as I worked through the data analysis, so I could always refer back to it if needed. In the end, I was able to identify key trends in the data and present them to the team.”

3. How do you ensure accuracy and precision in your work?

Research assistants need to be detail-oriented and meticulous. This question is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of research methods and the steps you take to ensure that the data you’re collecting is accurate and reliable. The interviewer will want to understand the strategies you use to double-check your work and catch any potential errors.

You should be able to explain the steps you take to ensure accuracy and precision in your work. Be sure to mention any specific methods or tools that you use (e.g., double-checking data entry, using a particular software program). You can also talk about how you check for errors before submitting your work, such as having someone else review it or running a series of tests. Additionally, emphasize any processes you have in place to help you stay organized and on track with your research.

Example: “I understand the importance of accuracy and precision when conducting research, so I take a few steps to ensure that my work is high-quality. Firstly, I double-check all data entry before submitting it. Additionally, I use software programs like SPSS to run statistical tests on the data so that I can make sure everything is accurate. Finally, I review my work with colleagues or supervisors for an extra set of eyes to catch any potential mistakes.”

4. Are you familiar with the latest technologies used for collecting, analyzing, and presenting data?

Research assistants must be able to use the latest tools and technologies to collect, analyze, and present data in a meaningful way. They must be familiar with the most up-to-date methods of data collection and analysis, and have the skills to use them. This question allows the interviewer to assess the candidate’s knowledge and skills in this area.

To answer this question, you should be prepared to discuss your experience with using the latest technologies for data collection and analysis. Talk about any tools or software that you have used in the past, as well as any courses or certifications you may have taken related to data science or analytics. If you don’t have much experience, focus on your willingness to learn new technologies and how quickly you can pick up new skills.

Example: “Yes, I am familiar with the latest technologies used for collecting, analyzing, and presenting data. I have experience using several different software programs, such as SPSS and Tableau, to collect and analyze data. I also have a certification in Data Science from XYZ University that covers data collection, analysis, and visualization. Additionally, I’m always eager to learn new tools and technologies so I can stay up-to-date on the latest trends.”

5. Explain how you would go about designing an experiment or survey.

A research assistant should have the skills to take a research question, create a plan to answer it, and then execute that plan. This question will help the interviewer understand your ability to work independently, think critically, and develop a research strategy that will yield reliable and useful data. In addition, they will want to assess your experience and knowledge in designing experiments or surveys and the methods you would use to collect data.

Start by describing the steps you would take to design an experiment or survey. Some of these steps might include: defining the research question, creating a hypothesis, determining the sample size and population, selecting the sampling method, designing the questionnaire or experiment, pilot testing the survey/experiment, collecting data, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions from your findings. Explain how you have used each step in past research projects, emphasizing any successes or challenges you faced. Finally, be sure to mention any software programs or tools you’ve used that can help with data collection or analysis.

Example: “When designing an experiment or survey, I always start by defining the research question and creating a hypothesis. From there, I select an appropriate sample size and population that will provide reliable results. After that, I determine the best sampling method for my data collection needs. Then I design the questionnaire or experiment and pilot test it to make sure everything is working as intended. Finally, I collect the data and use various software programs and tools to analyze the results and draw conclusions from my findings.”

6. What strategies do you use to stay organized while working on multiple projects at once?

Research assistants have to juggle a lot of tasks, often with tight deadlines and strict requirements for accuracy. Interviewers want to know that you can stay organized and prioritize your work in a way that ensures you’re meeting deadlines, staying on top of the details, and doing the work to the best of your ability.

To answer this question, you should provide a few examples of the strategies you use to stay organized. These can include things like breaking down tasks into smaller chunks and setting deadlines for yourself, creating lists or spreadsheets to track progress on projects, using calendar reminders to keep up with due dates, and taking detailed notes to ensure accuracy. You should also describe any tools or systems you use to help you stay organized, such as project management software or task tracking apps.

Example: “I use a few different strategies to stay organized while working on multiple projects. I like to break down tasks into smaller chunks so that it’s easier to keep track of progress, and I set deadlines for myself to make sure I’m staying on top of things. I also create lists or spreadsheets to help me visualize what needs to be done and when, and I use calendar reminders to ensure I don’t miss any important due dates. To help stay organized with details, I take detailed notes and use project management software to track progress on each task. This helps me stay focused and ensures I’m meeting all the requirements for accuracy.”

7. How do you handle difficult conversations with participants or stakeholders?

Research assistants often have to interact with a variety of people, from research participants to stakeholders. Interviewers want to know that you know how to handle difficult conversations and that you have experience dealing with difficult people. They will also want to know how you handle projects and tasks that you may not feel comfortable with or that push you out of your comfort zone.

Start by talking about a difficult conversation you had in the past and how you handled it. Make sure to emphasize any strategies you used to de-escalate the situation, such as active listening or asking open-ended questions. You can also talk about how you manage your stress levels when dealing with difficult conversations, such as taking breaks or using deep breathing exercises. Finally, make sure to emphasize that you are always willing to take feedback from others and use it to improve your performance.

Example: “I have had to handle difficult conversations with research participants and stakeholders in the past, and I am always mindful of how I approach such conversations. I use active listening techniques to ensure that everyone feels heard and understood, and I ask open-ended questions to better understand their point of view. I also make sure to take breaks when needed, so I can remain calm and collected throughout the conversation. And, if necessary, I will reach out to colleagues or supervisors for additional guidance on how to best handle the situation. Ultimately, my goal is to be respectful, professional, and empathetic while still getting the job done.”

8. Tell me about a time when you had to present complex information in a way that was easy to understand.

Research assistants are expected to be able to take complex information and summarize it in a way that is easy for the rest of the team to understand. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking to find out if you have the ability to take complex concepts and break them down into accessible chunks. They are also looking for evidence that you can communicate information in a clear and concise manner.

Start by describing the project you were working on and the complexity of the information. Then explain how you took that complex data and broke it down into more digestible pieces for your audience. Focus on the tactics you used to make sure that everyone was able to understand the information, such as using visuals or analogies. Finally, provide an example of how your presentation helped the team achieve its goals.

Example: “I recently worked on a project to analyze the impact of a new tax policy on small business owners. The data was incredibly complex and it was difficult to explain the implications of the policy in a way that was easy to understand. To make sure everyone was on the same page, I broke down the information using visuals and analogies, which made it easier for the team to understand the implications of the policy. My presentation helped the team to better understand the data, which allowed us to make more informed decisions about the policy.”

9. What methods do you use to verify the accuracy of your results?

This is an important question for anyone in a research role. It shows the interviewer that you understand the importance of accuracy and quality in data-driven research, and that you have a process for ensuring the integrity of your results. It also shows that you have the technical skills and critical thinking abilities needed to be successful in the role.

You should be able to explain the methods you use to verify the accuracy of your results. This could include double-checking your data, using multiple sources to cross-reference information, or running tests on the data to ensure it is valid. You can also discuss how you use quality assurance techniques such as peer reviews and audits to make sure that all results are accurate. Finally, if you have experience with any statistical software programs, mention those as well.

Example: “I use a variety of methods to verify the accuracy of my research results. First, I always double-check my data to make sure that it is correct. Then, I use multiple sources to cross-reference information to ensure that it is accurate. I also run tests on the data to make sure that it is valid. Additionally, I use quality assurance techniques such as peer reviews and audits to make sure that all results are accurate. Finally, I have experience with statistical software programs, such as SPSS and SAS, which I use to analyze the data and verify the accuracy of my results.”

10. How do you approach troubleshooting technical issues related to research equipment or software?

Research assistants are often tasked with troubleshooting technical issues that arise with research equipment or software. The interviewer wants to know that you have the knowledge, problem-solving skills, and experience to identify and resolve such issues quickly and effectively.

The best way to answer this question is to provide a real-life example of how you have successfully troubleshot an issue in the past. Explain the steps you took to identify and resolve the problem, including any research or resources you consulted to help you find the solution. If you don’t have prior experience with this type of situation, explain how you would approach it by breaking down each step logically. Be sure to emphasize your problem-solving skills and ability to think critically when tackling complex issues.

Example: “When I encounter a technical issue related to research equipment or software, I like to start by breaking the problem down into its component parts, so I can better understand what is causing the issue. I then use my research and technical skills to identify potential solutions and test them until I find the one that works. For example, when I was working as a research assistant, I encountered an issue with a piece of lab equipment. After doing some research to understand the issue, I identified a potential solution and tested it. After a few iterations, I was able to successfully resolve the issue and get the lab equipment working properly again. I believe my problem-solving skills and ability to think critically will be an asset in this role.”

11. Do you have any experience writing grant proposals?

Grant-writing is an essential part of the research assistant’s role. It’s important to understand the structure of a grant and how to write one that is compelling and properly formatted. Interviewers will want to know if you have the experience necessary to efficiently and effectively write grant proposals, as it can be a time-consuming task.

Talk about any experience you have writing grant proposals, such as the number of grants you’ve written or how many were successful. If you don’t have direct experience with this task, discuss any related experiences that demonstrate your ability to write persuasive and well-structured documents, such as research papers or other professional documents. Additionally, if you have experience working with budgets or managing financials, this is a great time to mention it since these skills are often required for grant-writing.

Example: “I have experience writing grant proposals, having written several successful grants for my previous research position. I understand the importance of creating a compelling argument and I’m familiar with the structure and formatting needed for a successful grant proposal. Additionally, I’ve had experience preparing budgets for grants and managing financials, which I believe makes me an ideal candidate for this role.”

12. What is your experience with developing research protocols?

Research protocols are the detailed instructions used to conduct research. The interviewer wants to know that you have the experience and knowledge to develop a clear research plan, which includes collecting data, analyzing results, and writing up the findings. It’s important to have experience in this area as it’s a key part of the research assistant job.

Be prepared to discuss your experience with developing research protocols. Talk about the skills you have that would be helpful, such as conducting literature reviews, designing experiments, and writing up results. You should also mention any courses or certifications you’ve taken related to research protocol development. Finally, provide a few examples of successful research protocols you’ve developed in the past.

Example: “I have extensive experience developing research protocols, including conducting literature reviews, designing experiments, and writing up the results. I have a degree in psychology and have taken a number of courses in research methodology, so I’m familiar with the process. I’ve also developed several successful protocols for research projects in the past. For example, I worked on a project that examined the effect of various parenting styles on children’s academic performance. I designed an experiment, collected data, and wrote up the results. The project was a success and the findings were published in a leading journal.”

13. How do you manage ethical considerations when conducting research?

Research assistants are responsible for a variety of tasks, including data collection, data analysis, and report writing. But they also need to be aware of ethical considerations—which can include topics like confidentiality, privacy, and data security. By asking this question, the interviewer is trying to get a sense of your understanding of ethical research practices and whether you can be trusted to handle sensitive information in a responsible way.

It’s important to show that you understand the importance of ethical research practices and can be trusted to handle sensitive information in a responsible way. Talk about any experience you have with managing confidential data or conducting research in an ethical manner, such as following protocols set by your organization or adhering to industry standards. You should also emphasize how you go above and beyond to ensure the safety of the data you are collecting and analyzing.

Example: “I take ethical considerations very seriously when conducting research, and I always make sure to adhere to the protocols and standards set by my organization or industry. I understand the importance of protecting confidential data, so I always take extra steps to ensure that the data I’m collecting and analyzing is secure. For example, when conducting interviews, I make sure to get consent from the participants, and I use secure data storage and encryption methods when handling sensitive information. I also make sure to stay up to date on the latest industry guidelines and regulations so that I can ensure my research is compliant with all applicable laws.”

14. Have you ever worked with a team of researchers? If so, what role did you play?

Working with a team of researchers requires a certain set of skills, and it’s important for the interviewer to get a sense of how you interact with others and the role you’re likely to take on in such a situation. This question also helps the interviewer understand the scope of your research experience, as well as the types of projects you’ve been involved in.

Explain any research teams you’ve been a part of, and what your role was in the project. If possible, give examples of how you contributed to the team’s success. You might also explain how working on a team has helped you develop certain skills, such as communication or collaboration. Be sure to emphasize any leadership roles you may have had, as well as any successes that were achieved as a result of your work with the team.

Example: “I worked on a team of researchers at the University of Chicago studying the effects of climate change on coral reefs. I was responsible for conducting data analysis, leading the team in developing research protocols, and ensuring the accuracy of our findings. I was also the primary liaison between our team and other research groups, coordinating our efforts with theirs and keeping everyone on the same page. I’m proud to say that our research was published in a prestigious journal, and I believe my experience working with a team of researchers has given me the skills and knowledge to be a successful Research Assistant here.”

15. What strategies do you use to keep up with the latest developments in your field?

Research is a constantly changing field, and as a research assistant, you’ll need to stay up to date on the latest developments in your industry. This question is meant to gauge your ability to stay on top of the latest news and trends. It also shows the interviewer that you understand the importance of staying informed and are willing to put in the work to do so.

To answer this question, you should talk about the strategies you use to stay informed. This could include reading industry publications and blogs, attending conferences or seminars, subscribing to newsletters, or following experts on social media. You can also mention any research projects you’ve been involved in that have kept you up-to-date on the latest developments. Finally, be sure to emphasize your willingness to learn new things and adapt quickly to changes in the field.

Example: “I stay up to date on the latest developments in my field by reading industry publications, blogs, and newsletters. I also attend conferences and seminars to stay informed and network with other professionals. I’m also very active on social media, following experts in my field to get the latest insights. Additionally, I’m always looking for opportunities to stay involved in research projects, which helps to keep me up to date on the latest developments. All of this helps me to stay informed and adapt quickly to changes in the field.”

16. How do you prioritize tasks when faced with competing deadlines?

Time management and organization are key components of any research role. The interviewer wants to understand how you handle the pressure of competing deadlines and how you prioritize tasks to ensure that you meet all deadlines. This question is also a great opportunity to demonstrate your ability to think on your feet and come up with creative solutions.

Talk about a time when you had to prioritize tasks under pressure. Describe the process you used and how it worked out for you. Explain what you learned from that experience, such as which strategies are most effective in managing competing deadlines. If possible, provide an example of a successful project where you managed multiple deadlines successfully. Showcase your ability to be organized, efficient, and creative when faced with tight deadlines.

Example: “When I’m faced with competing deadlines, I prioritize tasks in a few different ways. First, I make sure that I have a clear understanding of the deadlines for each task and the importance of each task. Then, I break down the tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and set realistic goals for each chunk. This helps me to stay organized and focused on completing the tasks. Finally, I use creative strategies to help me stay on track, such as setting reminders or enlisting help from other team members. I was able to successfully manage competing deadlines on a project last year by using these strategies. I was able to complete the project on time and within budget, which was a great success.”

17. What techniques do you use to ensure confidentiality when dealing with sensitive data?

This question is important to assess the level of responsibility a candidate has when dealing with sensitive data. It also helps the interviewer understand the candidate’s knowledge of best practices in research, data collection, and analysis. The candidate should be able to explain their process for ensuring the confidentiality of data and the steps they take to protect it.

To answer this question, you should explain the methods and processes that you use to protect data. You can start by discussing your understanding of the importance of confidentiality when dealing with sensitive data. Then, you can discuss the steps you take to ensure that the data is kept confidential. These could include using secure networks, encryption software, and password protection for all research documents. Additionally, you can mention any policies or procedures that you follow to maintain data security.

Example: “I understand the importance of protecting confidential data and take steps to ensure that it remains secure. I use secure networks, encryption software, and password protection to protect all research documents. Additionally, I follow all relevant policies and procedures to maintain data security. I also take the extra step of regularly auditing my systems and processes to ensure that the data remains secure and confidential.”

18. How do you handle unexpected changes in the scope of a project?

Research assistants often have to work with a lot of different people and juggle multiple tasks. Being able to handle unexpected changes in the scope of a project is a valuable skill, since research projects can often take unexpected turns or require additional work. This question helps the interviewer gauge how you handle changes and how you work with other people to get the job done.

To answer this question, talk about how you handle changes in a project. Do you stay calm and organized? Are you able to adjust quickly? Do you communicate well with team members if the scope of a project changes? Talk about specific examples of times when you had to adapt to unexpected changes in a project and how you handled it. Showing that you can remain flexible and focused on completing the task is key.

Example: “I’m very adaptable and have a lot of experience dealing with unexpected changes in projects. I always stay calm and organized even when things don’t go as planned. I’m also very good at communicating with team members and stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that we’re all working towards the same goal. For example, I was working on a research project for a client last year and midway through the project, they changed their requirements. I was able to quickly adjust the project timeline and communicate the changes to the team to ensure that we stayed on track and delivered the project on time.”

19. What challenges have you encountered when working with large datasets?

Research assistants are often tasked with handling large and complex datasets. This question is meant to test your knowledge of data analysis and your ability to identify and solve any potential issues that may arise. By asking this question, the interviewer can get an idea of your problem-solving skills and your familiarity with working with large datasets.

You should be prepared to discuss the challenges you have faced when working with large datasets, such as data cleaning, missing values, outliers, and other issues. You can also talk about how you overcame these challenges and any strategies or techniques you used to ensure accuracy in your analysis. Additionally, if you are familiar with specific software or tools that you use for data analysis, it is a good idea to mention them as well.

Example: “When working with large datasets, one of the biggest challenges I have faced is data cleaning. I have had to manually identify and remove erroneous or incomplete data, as well as identify and correct any outliers. To do this, I have used various tools such as Excel and SPSS to clean and organize the data. I have also used Python to automate this process and to ensure accuracy in my analysis. Additionally, I have had to develop strategies to deal with missing values and ensure that the results of my analysis are meaningful and reliable.”

20. Describe a time when you had to explain complex research findings to a non-expert audience.

Research assistants are often tasked with communicating complex research findings to people who don’t have the same level of knowledge or expertise in the subject area. This question is designed to assess your ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is understandable to a lay audience. It also gives the interviewer an idea of your communication skills and your ability to distill complex topics into simple terms.

Before you answer this question, take a moment to think about a time when you had to explain complex research findings to someone who wasn’t an expert. You can talk about the context of the situation and what steps you took to make sure that the person understood your explanation. Describe how you used visual aids or analogies to help them understand the concepts better. Finally, be sure to mention any positive feedback you received from the audience after your explanation.

Example: “I once had to explain the results of a research project to a group of non-experts at a conference. I started by breaking down the research into simple terms and then I used visuals to help illustrate my points. I also provided examples to help make the concepts more relatable to the audience. After my presentation, I received a lot of positive feedback from the audience, which was very encouraging. I was also able to answer any questions they had and provide more information if they needed it.”

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  • Types of Interviews in Research | Guide & Examples

Types of Interviews in Research | Guide & Examples

Published on March 10, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on June 22, 2023.

An interview is a qualitative research method that relies on asking questions in order to collect data . Interviews involve two or more people, one of whom is the interviewer asking the questions.

There are several types of interviews, often differentiated by their level of structure.

  • Structured interviews have predetermined questions asked in a predetermined order.
  • Unstructured interviews are more free-flowing.
  • Semi-structured interviews fall in between.

Interviews are commonly used in market research, social science, and ethnographic research .

Table of contents

What is a structured interview, what is a semi-structured interview, what is an unstructured interview, what is a focus group, examples of interview questions, advantages and disadvantages of interviews, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about types of interviews.

Structured interviews have predetermined questions in a set order. They are often closed-ended, featuring dichotomous (yes/no) or multiple-choice questions. While open-ended structured interviews exist, they are much less common. The types of questions asked make structured interviews a predominantly quantitative tool.

Asking set questions in a set order can help you see patterns among responses, and it allows you to easily compare responses between participants while keeping other factors constant. This can mitigate   research biases and lead to higher reliability and validity. However, structured interviews can be overly formal, as well as limited in scope and flexibility.

  • You feel very comfortable with your topic. This will help you formulate your questions most effectively.
  • You have limited time or resources. Structured interviews are a bit more straightforward to analyze because of their closed-ended nature, and can be a doable undertaking for an individual.
  • Your research question depends on holding environmental conditions between participants constant.

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research topics about job interview

Semi-structured interviews are a blend of structured and unstructured interviews. While the interviewer has a general plan for what they want to ask, the questions do not have to follow a particular phrasing or order.

Semi-structured interviews are often open-ended, allowing for flexibility, but follow a predetermined thematic framework, giving a sense of order. For this reason, they are often considered “the best of both worlds.”

However, if the questions differ substantially between participants, it can be challenging to look for patterns, lessening the generalizability and validity of your results.

  • You have prior interview experience. It’s easier than you think to accidentally ask a leading question when coming up with questions on the fly. Overall, spontaneous questions are much more difficult than they may seem.
  • Your research question is exploratory in nature. The answers you receive can help guide your future research.

An unstructured interview is the most flexible type of interview. The questions and the order in which they are asked are not set. Instead, the interview can proceed more spontaneously, based on the participant’s previous answers.

Unstructured interviews are by definition open-ended. This flexibility can help you gather detailed information on your topic, while still allowing you to observe patterns between participants.

However, so much flexibility means that they can be very challenging to conduct properly. You must be very careful not to ask leading questions, as biased responses can lead to lower reliability or even invalidate your research.

  • You have a solid background in your research topic and have conducted interviews before.
  • Your research question is exploratory in nature, and you are seeking descriptive data that will deepen and contextualize your initial hypotheses.
  • Your research necessitates forming a deeper connection with your participants, encouraging them to feel comfortable revealing their true opinions and emotions.

A focus group brings together a group of participants to answer questions on a topic of interest in a moderated setting. Focus groups are qualitative in nature and often study the group’s dynamic and body language in addition to their answers. Responses can guide future research on consumer products and services, human behavior, or controversial topics.

Focus groups can provide more nuanced and unfiltered feedback than individual interviews and are easier to organize than experiments or large surveys . However, their small size leads to low external validity and the temptation as a researcher to “cherry-pick” responses that fit your hypotheses.

  • Your research focuses on the dynamics of group discussion or real-time responses to your topic.
  • Your questions are complex and rooted in feelings, opinions, and perceptions that cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no.”
  • Your topic is exploratory in nature, and you are seeking information that will help you uncover new questions or future research ideas.

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Depending on the type of interview you are conducting, your questions will differ in style, phrasing, and intention. Structured interview questions are set and precise, while the other types of interviews allow for more open-endedness and flexibility.

Here are some examples.

  • Semi-structured
  • Unstructured
  • Focus group
  • Do you like dogs? Yes/No
  • Do you associate dogs with feeling: happy; somewhat happy; neutral; somewhat unhappy; unhappy
  • If yes, name one attribute of dogs that you like.
  • If no, name one attribute of dogs that you don’t like.
  • What feelings do dogs bring out in you?
  • When you think more deeply about this, what experiences would you say your feelings are rooted in?

Interviews are a great research tool. They allow you to gather rich information and draw more detailed conclusions than other research methods, taking into consideration nonverbal cues, off-the-cuff reactions, and emotional responses.

However, they can also be time-consuming and deceptively challenging to conduct properly. Smaller sample sizes can cause their validity and reliability to suffer, and there is an inherent risk of interviewer effect arising from accidentally leading questions.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each type of interview that can help you decide if you’d like to utilize this research method.

Advantages and disadvantages of interviews
Type of interview Advantages Disadvantages
Structured interview
Semi-structured interview , , , and
Unstructured interview , , , and
Focus group , , and , since there are multiple people present

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Student’s  t -distribution
  • Normal distribution
  • Null and Alternative Hypotheses
  • Chi square tests
  • Confidence interval
  • Quartiles & Quantiles
  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Data cleansing
  • Reproducibility vs Replicability
  • Peer review
  • Prospective cohort study

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Placebo effect
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Hindsight bias
  • Affect heuristic
  • Social desirability bias

The four most common types of interviews are:

  • Structured interviews : The questions are predetermined in both topic and order. 
  • Semi-structured interviews : A few questions are predetermined, but other questions aren’t planned.
  • Unstructured interviews : None of the questions are predetermined.
  • Focus group interviews : The questions are presented to a group instead of one individual.

The interviewer effect is a type of bias that emerges when a characteristic of an interviewer (race, age, gender identity, etc.) influences the responses given by the interviewee.

There is a risk of an interviewer effect in all types of interviews , but it can be mitigated by writing really high-quality interview questions.

Social desirability bias is the tendency for interview participants to give responses that will be viewed favorably by the interviewer or other participants. It occurs in all types of interviews and surveys , but is most common in semi-structured interviews , unstructured interviews , and focus groups .

Social desirability bias can be mitigated by ensuring participants feel at ease and comfortable sharing their views. Make sure to pay attention to your own body language and any physical or verbal cues, such as nodding or widening your eyes.

This type of bias can also occur in observations if the participants know they’re being observed. They might alter their behavior accordingly.

A focus group is a research method that brings together a small group of people to answer questions in a moderated setting. The group is chosen due to predefined demographic traits, and the questions are designed to shed light on a topic of interest. It is one of 4 types of interviews .

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses . Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.

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George, T. (2023, June 22). Types of Interviews in Research | Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 2, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/interviews-research/

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50+ Most Common Interview Questions and Answers

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Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview ?

We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of 53 of the most commonly asked interview questions and answers, along with advice on how to come up with your own responses.

While we don’t recommend having a canned response for every interview question (in fact, please don’t), we do recommend spending some time getting comfortable with what you might be asked, what hiring managers are really looking for in your responses, and what it takes to show that you’re the right person for the job.

Land more interviews by looking for more open jobs on The Muse »

Consider this list your job interview answer and question study guide. (And don’t miss our bonus list at the end, with links to resources on specific types of interview questions—about emotional intelligence or diversity and inclusion , for example—and interview questions by role, from accountant to project manager to teacher.)

50+ most common job interview questions and answers

1. tell me about yourself..

This question seems simple, so many people fail to prepare for it, but it’s crucial. Here's the deal: Don’t give your complete employment (or personal) history. Instead, give a pitch—one that’s concise and compelling and that shows exactly why you’re the right fit for the job. Muse writer and MIT career counselor Lily Zhang recommends using a present, past, future formula. Talk a little bit about your current role (including the scope and perhaps one big accomplishment), then give some background as to how you got there and experience you have that’s relevant. Finally, segue into why you want—and would be perfect for—this role.

Possible answer to “Tell me about yourself.”

“ Well, I’m currently an account executive at Smith, where I handle our top-performing client. Before that, I worked at an agency where I was on three different major national healthcare brands. And while I really enjoyed the work that I did, I’d love the chance to dig in much deeper with one specific healthcare company, which is why I’m so excited about this opportunity with Metro Health Center.”

Read More: A Complete Guide to Answering “Tell Me About Yourself” in an Interview (Plus Examples!)

2. Walk me through your resume.

Like “Tell me about yourself,” this question is a common interview opener. But instead of framing your answer around what qualities and skills make you best for the position, your answer should group your qualifications by your past jobs and tell your career story. You might choose to tell this story chronologically, especially if there’s a great anecdote about what set you on this path. Or, as with “Tell me about yourself,” you can begin with your present job then talk about what brought you here and where you’re going next. But regardless, when you speak about your “past” and “present,” highlight your most relevant experiences and accomplishments for this job and wrap up by talking about the future, i.e. connect your past and present together to show why this job should be the next one you add to your resume.

Possible answer to “Walk me through your resume.”

“Well, as you can see from my resume, I took a bit of a winding road to get to where I am today. In college, I double majored in chemistry and communications. I found early on that working in a lab all day wasn’t for me and at some point I realized I looked forward to the lab class I TA’ed the most.

“So when I graduated, I found a job in sales for a consumer healthcare products company, where I drew on my teaching experience and learned even more about tailoring your message and explaining complex health concepts to people without a science background. Then, I moved into a sales training role at a massive company where I was responsible for teaching recent graduates the basics of selling. My trainees on average had more deals closed in their first quarter than any of the other trainers’ cohorts. Plus, I got so much satisfaction from finding the right way to train each new hire and watching them progress and succeed. It reminded me of my time as a TA in college. That’s when I started taking night classes to earn my chemistry teaching certificate.

“I left my full-time job last year to complete my student teaching at P.S. 118 in Manhattan, and over the summer, I worked for a science camp, teaching kids from the ages of 10 to 12 about basic chemistry concepts and best practices for safe experiments. Now, I’m excited to find my first full-time teaching job, and your district is my top choice. The low student-to-teacher ratio will let me take the time to teach each student in the best way for them—which is my favorite part of the job.”

Read More: How to Respond to “Walk Me Through Your Resume”—and Get Your Interview Started on the Right Note

3. How did you hear about this position?

Another seemingly innocuous interview question, this is actually a perfect opportunity to stand out and show your passion for and connection to the company. For example, if you found out about the gig through a friend or professional contact, name-drop that person, then share why you were so excited about the job. If you discovered the company through an event or article, share that. Even if you found the listing through a random job board, share what, specifically, caught your eye about the role.

Possible answer to “How did you hear about this position?”

  “I heard about an opening on the product team through a friend of a friend, Akiko, and since I’m a big fan of your work and have been following you for a while I decided it would be a great role for me to apply for.” Read More: 3 Ways People Mess Up the (Simple) Answer to “How Did You Come Across This Job Opportunity?”

4. Why do you want to work at this company?

Beware of generic answers! If what you say can apply to a whole slew of other companies, or if your response makes you sound like every other candidate, you’re missing an opportunity to stand out. Zhang recommends one of four strategies: Do your research and point to something that makes the company unique that really appeals to you; talk about how you’ve watched the company grow and change since you first heard of it; focus on the organization’s opportunities for future growth and how you can contribute to it; or share what’s gotten you excited from your interactions with employees so far. Whichever route you choose, make sure to be specific. And if you can’t figure out why you’d want to work at the company you’re interviewing with by the time you’re well into the hiring process? It might be a red flag telling you that this position is not the right fit.

Possible answer to “Why do you want to work at this company?”

“I saw on The Muse that you were also hiring for new positions on the West Coast to support your new operations there. I did some more reading about the new data center you’re building there and that excites me as I know this means there’ll be opportunities to train new teammates. I also learned through a Wall Street Journal article that you’re expanding in Mexico as well. I speak Spanish fluently and would be eager to step up and help liaise whenever necessary.”

Read More: 4 Better Ways to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work at This Company?”

5. Why do you want this job?

Again, companies want to hire people who are passionate about the job, so you should have a great answer about why you want the position. (And if you don’t? You probably should apply elsewhere.) First, identify a couple of key factors that make the role a great fit for you (e.g., “I love customer support because I love the constant human interaction and the satisfaction that comes from helping someone solve a problem”), then share why you love the company (e.g., “I’ve always been passionate about education, and I think you’re doing great things, so I want to be a part of it”).

Possible answer to “Why do you want this job?”

“I’ve always been a fan of X Co’s products and I’ve spent countless hours playing your games. I know that your focus on unique stories is what drew me and other fans into your games initially and keeps us coming back for more. I’ve followed X Co on social media for a while, and I’ve always loved how you have people in different departments interact with users. So I was psyched when I came across this posting for a social media manager with TikTok experience. At my last job, I was responsible for launching our TikTok account and growing it to 10,000 followers in six months. Between that experience, my love of gaming, and my deep knowledge of your games and fanbase, I know I could make this TikTok account something special and exciting.”

Read More: 3 Steps for Answering “Why Do You Want This Job?”

6. Why should we hire you?

This interview question seems forward (not to mention intimidating!), but if you’re asked it, you’re in luck: There’s no better setup for you to sell yourself and your skills to the hiring manager. Your job here is to craft an answer that covers three things: that you can not only do the work, but also deliver great results; that you’ll really fit in with the team and culture; and that you’d be a better hire than any of the other candidates.

Possible answer to “Why should we hire you?”

“ I know it’s been an exciting time for General Tech—growing so much and acquiring several startups—but I also know from experience that it can be challenging for the sales team to understand how new products fit in with the existing ones. It’s always easier to sell the product you know, so the newer stuff can get shortchanged, which can have company-wide ramifications. I have over a decade of experience as a sales trainer, but more importantly, most of those years were working with sales teams that were in the exact same boat Gen Tech is in now. Growth is wonderful, but only if the rest of the company can keep up. I’m confident I can make sure your sales team is confident and enthusiastic about selling new products by implementing an ongoing sales training curriculum that emphasizes where they sit in a product lineup.”

Read More: 3 Better Ways to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”

7. What can you bring to the company?

When interviewers ask this question, they don’t just want to hear about your background. They want to see that you understand what problems and challenges they’re facing as a company or department as well as how you’ll fit into the existing organization. Read the job description closely, do your research on the company, and make sure you pay attention in your early round interviews to understand any issues you’re being hired to solve. Then, the key is to connect your skills and experiences to what the company needs and share an example that shows how you’ve done similar or transferable work in the past.

Possible answer to “What can you bring to the company?”

“As Jocelyn talked about in our interview earlier, PopCo is looking to expand its market to small business owners with less than 25 employees, so I’d bring my expertise in this area and my experience in guiding a sales team that’s selling to these customers for the first time. In most of my past roles, this segment has been my focus and in my current role, I also played a big part in creating our sales strategies when the business began selling to these customers. I worked with my managers to develop the sales script. I also listened in on a number of sales calls with other account execs who were selling to these customers for the first time and gave them pointers and other feedback. In the first quarter, our 10-person sales team closed 50 new bookings in this segment, and I personally closed 10 of those deals. I helped guide my last company through the expansion into small businesses, and I’m eager to do that again at PopCo. Plus, I noticed you have a monthly karaoke night—so I’m eager to bring my rendition of ‘Call Me Maybe’ to the team as well.”

Read More : What Interviewers Really Want to Hear When They Ask “What Can You Bring to the Company?”

8. What are your greatest strengths?

Here’s an opening to talk about something that makes you great—and a great fit for this role. When you’re answering this question, think quality, not quantity. In other words, don’t rattle off a list of adjectives. Instead, pick one or a few (depending on the question) specific qualities that are relevant to this position and illustrate them with examples. Stories are always more memorable than generalizations. And if there’s something you were hoping to mention because it makes you a great candidate, but you haven’t had a chance yet, this would be the perfect time.

Possible answer to “What are your greatest strengths?”

“ I’d say one of my greatest strengths is bringing organization to hectic environments and implementing processes to make everyone’s lives easier. In my current role as an executive assistant to a CEO, I created new processes for pretty much everything, from scheduling meetings to planning monthly all hands agendas to preparing for event appearances. Everyone in the company knew how things worked and how long they would take, and the structures helped alleviate stress and set expectations on all sides. I’d be excited to bring that same approach to an operations manager role at a startup, where everything is new and constantly growing and could use just the right amount of structure to keep things running smoothly.”

Read More: 3 Smart Strategies for Answering “What's Your Greatest Strength?”

9. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

What your interviewer is really trying to do with this question—beyond identifying any major red flags—is to gauge your self-awareness and honesty. So, “I can’t meet a deadline to save my life” is not an option—but neither is “Nothing! I’m perfect!” Strike a balance by thinking of something that you struggle with but that you’re working to improve. For example, maybe you’ve never been strong at public speaking, but you’ve recently volunteered to run meetings to help you get more comfortable when addressing a crowd.

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?”

“It can be difficult for me to gauge when the people I’m working with are overwhelmed or dissatisfied with their workloads. To ensure that I’m not asking too much or too little from my team, we have weekly check-ins. I like to ask if they feel like they’re on top of their workload, how I could better support them, whether there’s anything they’d like to take on or get rid of, and if they’re engaged by what they’re doing. Even if the answer is ‘all good,’ these meetings really lay the groundwork for a good and trusting relationship.”

Read More: 4 Ways to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Weakness?” That Actually Sound Believable

10. What is your greatest professional achievement?

Nothing says “hire me” better than a track record of achieving amazing results in past jobs, so don’t be shy when answering this interview question! A great way to do so is by using the STAR method : situation, task, action, results. Set up the situation and the task that you were required to complete to provide the interviewer with background context (e.g., “In my last job as a junior analyst, it was my role to manage the invoicing process”), then describe what you did (the action) and what you achieved (the result): “In one month, I streamlined the process, which saved my group 10 person-hours each month and reduced errors on invoices by 25%.”

Possible answer to “What is your greatest professional achievement?”

“My greatest accomplishment was when I helped the street lighting company I worked for convince the small town of Bend, Oregon to convert antiquated street lighting to energy-efficient LED bulbs. My role was created to promote and sell the energy-efficient bulbs, while touting the long-term advantage of reduced energy costs. I had to develop a way to educate city light officials on the value of our energy-efficient bulbs—which was a challenge since our products had an expensive up-front cost compared to less efficient lighting options. I created an information packet and held local community events aimed at city officials and the tax-paying public. There, I was able to demo the company product, answer questions, and evangelize the value of LED bulbs for the long term. It was crucial to have the public on board and I was able to reach a wide variety of community members with these events. I not only reached my first-year sales goal of $100,000, but I was also able to help us land another contract in a neighboring city. Plus, the community-focused strategy garnered attention from the national media. And I’m proud to say I got a promotion within one year to senior sales representative.”

Read More: The Perfect Formula for Answering “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment” in an Interview

11. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

You’re probably not eager to talk about conflicts you’ve had at work during a job interview. But if you’re asked directly, don’t pretend you’ve never had one. Be honest about a difficult situation you’ve faced (but without going into the kind of detail you’d share venting to a friend). “Most people who ask are only looking for evidence that you’re willing to face these kinds of issues head-on and make a sincere attempt at coming to a resolution,” former recruiter Richard Moy says. Stay calm and professional as you tell the story (and answer any follow-up questions), spend more time talking about the resolution than the conflict, and mention what you’d do differently next time to show “you’re open to learning from tough experiences.”

Possible answer to “Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.”

“ Funnily enough, last year I was part of a committee that put together a training on conflict intervention in the workplace and the amount of pushback we got for requiring attendance really put our training to the test. There was one senior staff member in particular who seemed adamant. It took some careful listening to understand he felt like it wasn’t the best use of his time given the workload he was juggling. I made sure to acknowledge his concern. And then I focused on his direct objection and explained how the training was meant to improve not just the culture of the company, but also the efficiency at which we operated—and that the goal was for the training to make everyone’s workload feel lighter. He did eventually attend and was there when I talked to the whole staff about identifying the root issue of a conflict and addressing that directly without bringing in other issues, which is how I aim to handle any disagreement in the workplace.”

Read More: 3 Ways You’re Messing Up the Answer to “Tell Me About a Conflict You’ve Faced at Work”

12. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.

You don’t have to have a fancy title to act like a leader or demonstrate leadership skills. Think about a time when you headed up a project, took the initiative to propose an alternate process, or helped motivate your team to get something done. Then use the STAR method to tell your interviewer a story, giving enough detail to paint a picture (but not so much that you start rambling) and making sure you spell out the result. In other words, be clear about why you’re telling this particular story and connect all the dots for the interviewer.

Possible answer to “Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.”

“I think that a good leader is someone who can make decisions while also listening to others and being willing to admit when you’re wrong and course correct. In my last role, my team and I were responsible for giving a big presentation to a prospective client. I quickly assigned different tasks to members of my team, but the project never really got moving. I gave everyone an opportunity to share their input and concerns, and it turned out that they were struggling in the roles I’d given them. I ended up switching a few people around. Meanwhile, the employee I’d assigned to give the presentation was nervous, but still wanted to give it a try. I worked with them to make sure they were ready and even held a practice session so that they could rehearse in a more comfortable environment. When the time came for the real thing, they nailed it! We landed the client and the company still has the account to this day. And that employee became a go-to person for important client presentations. I’m really glad I took the time to listen to everyone’s concerns so that I could re-evaluate my approach and help my team be the best it could be.”

Read More: The Best Way to Answer “Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills” in a Job Interview

13. What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?

The ideal anecdote here is one where you handled a disagreement professionally and learned something from the experience. Zhang recommends paying particular attention to how you start and end your response. To open, make a short statement to frame the rest of your answer, one that nods at the ultimate takeaway or the reason you’re telling this story. For example: “I learned early on in my professional career that it’s fine to disagree if you can back up your hunches with data.” And to close strong, you can either give a one-sentence summary of your answer (“In short…”) or talk briefly about how what you learned or gained from this experience would help you in the role you’re interviewing for.

Possible answer to “What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?”

“In my job as a finance assistant, I was in charge of putting together reports for potential company investments. It was important to get the details and numbers right so that leaders had the best information to make a decision. One time, my boss asked me to generate a new report on a Wednesday morning and wanted it done by Thursday at 5 PM. Because I’m committed to high-quality work and I wasn’t sure my boss fully understood what goes into each report, I knew I needed to speak up. At her next available opening, I sat down with my boss and explained my concerns. She was firm that the report would be completed by Thursday at 5 PM. So I decided to ask if there was anyone who could help out. After thinking about it, my boss found another assistant who could put in a few hours. While it was a tight timeline, we got the report done, and the committee was really pleased to review it at the meeting. My boss appreciated my extra efforts to make it happen and I felt good that I hadn’t let the quality of the report slip. It was a good experience of being a team player but also knowing when and how to ask for help. And once I explained how much time and work goes into each report, my boss was careful to assign them further in advance.”

Read More: Here’s the Secret to Answering “Tell Me About a Time You Had a Conflict With Your Boss” in an Interview

14. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

You’re probably not too eager to dig into past blunders when you’re trying to impress an interviewer and land a job. But talking about a mistake and winning someone over aren’t mutually exclusive, Moy says. In fact, if you do it right, it can help you. The key is to be honest without placing blame on other people, then explain what you learned from your mistake and what actions you took to ensure it didn’t happen again. At the end of the day, employers are looking for folks who are self-aware, can take feedback, and care about doing better.

Possible answer to “Tell me about a time you made a mistake.”

“Early in my career, I missed a deadline that ended up costing us a really big account. There were a lot of factors that contributed to this, but ultimately, I was the one who dropped the ball. From that experience, I went back and thought really hard about what I could’ve controlled and what I would’ve changed. It turns out that I was not nearly as organized as I thought I was. I sat down with my boss, asked for suggestions on how to improve my organizational skills, and a few months later I was able to score an even bigger account for the department.”

Read More: 3 Rules That Guarantee You'll Nail the Answer to “Tell Me About a Time You Made a Mistake”

15. Tell me about a time you failed.

This question is very similar to the one about making a mistake, and you should approach your answer in much the same way. Make sure you pick a real, actual failure you can speak honestly about. Start by making it clear to the interviewer how you define failure. For instance: “As a manager, I consider it a failure whenever I’m caught by surprise. I strive to know what’s going on with my team and their work.” Then situate your story in relation to that definition and explain what happened. Finally, don’t forget to share what you learned. It’s OK to fail—everyone does sometimes—but it’s important to show that you took something from the experience.

Possible answer to “Tell me about a time you failed.”

“ As a team manager, I consider it a failure if I don’t know what’s going on with my staff and their work—basically if a problem catches me by surprise then I’ve failed somewhere along the way. Even if the outcome is ultimately fine, it means I’ve left a team member unsupported at some point. A somewhat recent example would be this training we do every year for new project managers. Because it’s an event that my team has run so many times, I didn’t think to check in and had no idea a scheduling conflict was brewing into a full-on turf war with another team. The resolution actually ended up being a quick and easy conversation at the leadership team meeting, but had I just asked about it sooner it would never have been a problem to begin with. I definitely learned my lesson about setting reminders to check in about major projects or events even if they’ve been done dozens of times before.”

Read More: 4 Steps for Answering “Tell Me About a Time When You Failed”

16. Why are you leaving your current job?

This is a toughie, but one you can be sure you’ll be asked. Definitely keep things positive—you have nothing to gain by being negative about your current employer. Instead, frame things in a way that shows that you’re eager to take on new opportunities and that the role you’re interviewing for is a better fit for you. For example, “I’d really love to be part of product development from beginning to end, and I know I’d have that opportunity here.” And if you were let go from your most recent job? Keep it simple: “Unfortunately, I was let go,” is a totally acceptable answer.

Possible answer to “Why are you leaving your current job?”

“I’m ready for the next challenge in my career. I loved the people I worked with and the projects I worked on, but at some point I realized I wasn’t being challenged the way I used to be. Rather than let myself get too comfortable, I decided to pursue a position where I can continue to grow.”

Read More: 4 Better Ways to Answer “Why Are You Leaving Your Job?”

17. Why were you fired?

Of course, they may ask the follow-up question: Why were you let go? If you lost your job due to layoffs, you can simply say, “The company [reorganized/merged/was acquired] and unfortunately my [position/department] was eliminated.” But what if you were fired for performance reasons? Your best bet is to be honest (the job-seeking world is small, after all). But it doesn’t have to be a deal breaker. Frame it as a learning experience: Share how you’ve grown and how you approach your job and life now as a result. And if you can portray your growth as an advantage for this next job, even better.

Possible answer to “Why were you fired?”

“After working for XYZ Inc. for four years, there were some changes made to the amount of client calls we were expected to process per hour. I used the techniques we were taught after the change took effect, but didn’t want our customer service to slip. Unfortunately, I wasn’t consistently completing the required number of calls, and, as a result, I was let go. I felt really bad about this and in retrospect I could have done better sticking to the process that would have let me meet the per hour quota. But you’ve told me about the customer service standards and the volume expectations here, and I believe it won’t be a problem.”

Read More: Stop Cringing! How to Tell an Interviewer You've Been Fired

18. Why was there a gap in your employment?

Maybe you were taking care of children or aging parents, dealing with health issues, or traveling the world. Maybe it just took you a long time to land the right job. Whatever the reason, you should be prepared to discuss the gap (or gaps) on your resume. Seriously, practice saying your answer out loud. The key is to be honest, though that doesn’t mean you have to share more details than you’re comfortable with. If there are skills or qualities you honed or gained in your time away from the workforce—whether through volunteer work, running a home, or responding to a personal crisis—you can also talk about how those would help you excel in this role.

Possible answer to “Why was there a gap in your employment?”

“I spent a number of years working at a company in a very demanding job, in which—as you’ll see from my references—I was very successful. But I’d reached a stage in my career where I wanted to focus on my personal growth. The time I spent traveling taught me a lot about how to get along with people of all ages and cultures. Now I feel more than ready to jump back into my career with renewed energy and focus and I feel this role is the ideal way to do that.”

Read More: How to Explain the Gap in Your Resume With Ease

19. Can you explain why you changed career paths?

Don’t be thrown off by this question—just take a deep breath and explain to the hiring manager why you’ve made the career decisions you have. More importantly, give a few examples of how your past experience is transferable to the new role. This doesn’t have to be a direct connection; in fact, it’s often more impressive when a candidate can show how seemingly irrelevant experience is very relevant to the role.

Possible answer to “Can you explain why you changed career paths?”

“Ever since my brother was diagnosed with a heart condition, I’ve been training and running with him in your annual Heart Run to raise money for your organization and help support patients with expenses not covered by insurance. Each time, I’ve been struck by how truly dedicated and happy to be there your employees have been. So when I saw this posting for a fundraising role, it felt like it was meant to be. For the last 10 years of my career I’ve been an account executive for various SaaS companies, and I’ve really honed my skills when it comes to convincing organizations to make regular payments for something over the long-term. But I’ve been looking for a position in fundraising where I can use these skills to really help people and I’m highly motivated to do that with your organization.”

Read More: How to Explain Your Winding Career Path to a Hiring Manager

20. What’s your current salary?

It’s now illegal for some or all employers to ask you about your salary history in several cities and states, including New York City; Louisville, North Carolina; California; and Massachusetts. But no matter where you live, it can be stressful to hear this question. Don’t panic—there are several possible strategies you can turn to. For example, you can deflect the question, Muse career coach Emily Liou says, with a response like: “Before discussing any salary, I’d really like to learn more about what this role entails. I’ve done a lot of research on [Company] and I am certain if it’s the right fit, we’ll be able to agree on a number that’s fair and competitive to both parties.” You can also reframe the question around your salary expectations or requirements (see question 38) or choose to share the number if you think it will work in your favor.

Possible answer to “What’s your current salary?”

“Before discussing any salary, I’d really like to learn more about what this role entails. I’ve done a lot of research on [Company] and I am certain if it’s the right fit, we’ll be able to agree on a number that’s fair and competitive to both parties.”

Read More: Here's How You Answer the Illegal “What's Your Current Salary” Question

21. What do you like least about your job?

Tread carefully here! The last thing you want to do is let your answer devolve into a rant about how terrible your current company is or how much you hate your boss or that one coworker. The easiest way to handle this question with poise is to focus on an opportunity the role you’re interviewing for offers that your current job doesn’t. You can keep the conversation positive and emphasize why you’re so excited about the job.

Possible answer to “What do you like least about your job?”

“In my current role, I’m responsible for drafting media lists to pitch. While I’ve developed a knack for this and can do it when it is necessary, I’m looking forward to a job that allows me to have a more hands-on role in working with media partners. That’s one of the things that most excited me about your account supervisor position.”

Read More: What Interviewers Really Want When They Ask, “What Do You Like Least About Your Job?”

22. What are you looking for in a new position?

Hint: Ideally the same things that this position has to offer. Be specific.

Possible answer to “What are you looking for in a new position?”

“I’ve been honing my data analysis skills for a few years now and, first and foremost, I’m looking for a position where I can continue to exercise those skills. Another thing that’s important to me is the chance to present my findings and suggestions directly to clients. I’m always very motivated by being able to see the impact of my work on other people. And I’m definitely looking for a position where I can grow since I hope to take on managerial responsibilities in the future. To sum it up, I’d love a position where I can use my skills to make an impact that I can see with my own eyes. Of course, the position is only part of the equation. Being at a company where I can grow and work toward something I care about matters, too. DNF’s goal of being at the intersection between data and education inspires me, and I’m really excited about this opportunity.”

Read More: 4 Steps for Answering “What Are You Looking for in a New Position?”

23. What type of work environment do you prefer?

Hint: Ideally one that's similar to the environment of the company you're applying to. Be specific.

Possible answer to “What type of work environment do you prefer?”

“I really like the environment in my current position. My manager is a great resource and always willing to help out when I run into an issue, but they trust me to get my work done so I have a lot of freedom in how I schedule and prioritize, which is very important to me. Everyone has their own cubicle, so it’s often pretty quiet to get our work done, but we all get lunch together and our team has a lot of check-in meetings and communicates frequently via Slack so we still get a lot of opportunities to bounce ideas off each other. So I like both individual and more collaborative work. How would you describe the mix here?”

Read More: 3 Steps to Answering “What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?”

24. What’s your work style?

When an interviewer asks you about your work style, they’re probably trying to imagine you in the role. How will you approach your work? What will it be like to work with you? Will you mesh well with the existing team? You can help them along by choosing to focus on something that’s important to you and aligns with everything you’ve learned about the role, team, and company so far. The question is broad, which means you have a lot of flexibility in how you answer: You might talk about how you communicate and collaborate on cross-functional projects, what kind of remote work setup allows you to be most productive, or how you approach leading a team and managing direct reports. Just try to keep it positive. And remember, telling a story will almost always make your answer more memorable. 

Possible answer to “What’s your work style?”

“I tend to do my best work when I’m collaborating with colleagues and we’re working together toward a common goal. I was that rare student who loved group projects and now I still get a rush of excitement when I’m planning marketing campaigns with a team and bringing new and different voices into the fold. When I was working at XYZ Agency, I made it a habit to extend invitations to folks in different departments to join certain brainstorming and feedback sessions. Some of our most successful campaigns grew out of the ideas we generated together with coworkers in IT, HR, product, and customer success. That’s why I was so excited to learn that this role would have me working closely with the product and sales teams as well as with a talented marketing team. The other thing I find is crucial to making these collaborations successful is organization and documentation, so I’m also really big on creating one central home for all materials related to a project, including meeting notes, action items, drafts of campaign copy and visuals, and timelines.”

Read More: How to Answer “What Is Your Work Style?” in an Interview (Plus Examples!)

25. What’s your management style?

The best managers are strong but flexible, and that’s exactly what you want to show off in your answer. (Think something like, “While every situation and every team member requires a bit of a different strategy, I tend to approach my employee relationships as a coach...”) Then share a couple of your best managerial moments, like when you grew your team from five to 15 or coached an underperforming employee to become the company’s top salesperson.

Possible answer to “What’s your management style?”

“ Management style is so hard to put your finger on, but I think in general a good manager gives clear directions and actually stays pretty hands-off, but is ready and available to jump in to offer guidance, expertise, and help when needed. I try my best to make that my management style. I also go out of my way to make sure I know when my team needs help. That means plenty of informal check-ins, both on the work they’re doing and on their general job satisfaction and mental well-being. I remember one project in particular at my most recent position that involved everyone working on a separate aspect of the product. This meant a lot of independent work for my team of seven people, but rather than bog everyone down with repetitive meetings to update me and everyone else on progress made, I created a project wiki that allowed us to communicate new information when necessary without disrupting another team member’s work. I then made it my job to make sure no one was ever stuck on a problem too long without a sounding board. Ultimately, despite the disparate project responsibilities, we ended up with a very cohesive product and, more importantly, a team that wasn’t burnt out.”

Read More: How to Answer “What’s Your Management Style?”

26. How would your boss and coworkers describe you?

First, be honest (remember, if you make it to the final round, the hiring manager will be calling your former bosses and coworkers for references!). Then try to pull out strengths and traits you haven’t discussed in other aspects of the interview, such as your strong work ethic or your willingness to pitch in on other projects when needed.

Possible answer to “How would your boss and coworkers describe you?”

“Actually, in my most recent performance review in April, my direct supervisor described me as someone who takes initiative and doesn’t shy away from hard problems. My role involves a lot of on-site implementation, and when things go wrong, it’s usually up to me to fix it. Rather than punting the problem back to the team, I always try to do what I can first. I know she appreciates that about me.”

Read More: 3 Strategies for Answering “How Would Your Boss or Coworkers Describe You?”

27. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

Here’s another question you may feel the urge to sidestep in an effort to prove you’re the perfect candidate who can handle anything. But it’s important not to dismiss this one (i.e. don’t say, “I just put my head down and push through it,” or, “I don’t get stressed out”). Instead, talk about your go-to strategies for dealing with stress (whether it’s meditating for 10 minutes every day or making sure you go for a run or keeping a super-detailed to-do list) and how you communicate and otherwise proactively try to mitigate pressure. If you can give a real example of a stressful situation you navigated successfully, all the better.

Possible answer to “How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?”

“I stay motivated by thinking about the end result. I’ve found that even in the midst of a challenging situation, reminding myself of my goals helps me take a step back and stay positive.”

Read More: 3 Ways You’re Messing Up the Answer to “How Do You Deal With Stressful Situations?”

28. What do you like to do outside of work?

Interviewers will sometimes ask about your hobbies or interests outside of work in order to get to know you a little better—to find out what you’re passionate about and devote time to during your off-hours. It’s another chance to let your personality shine. Be honest, but keep it professional and be mindful of answers that might make it sound like you’re going to spend all your time focusing on something other than the job you’re applying for.

Possible answer to “What do you like to do outside of work?”

“I’m a huge foodie. My friends and I love trying new restaurants in town as soon as they open—the more unusual the better! I love discovering new foods and cuisines, and it’s also a great activity to share with friends. I try to go out with the same group at least once a week and it’s a fun way to make sure we keep in touch and share experiences even when we’re busy with other things. We even took a trip to New York City and spent each day in a different neighborhood, buying something to share from a few restaurants.”

Read More: How to Answer “What Are Your Hobbies?” in an Interview (It’s Not a Trick Question!)

29. Are you planning on having children?

Questions about your family status, gender (“How would you handle managing a team of all men?”), nationality (“Where were you born?”), religion, or age are illegal—but they still get asked (and frequently). Of course, not always with ill intent—the interviewer might just be trying to make conversation and might not realize these are off-limits—but you should definitely tie any questions about your personal life (or anything else you think might be inappropriate) back to the job at hand. 

Possible answer to “Are you planning on having children?”

“You know, I’m not quite there yet. But I am very interested in the career paths at your company. Can you tell me more about that?”

Read More: 5 Illegal Interview Questions and How to Dodge Them

30. How do you stay organized?

Would you want to work with a hot mess? Yeah, we didn’t think so. Neither does anyone else. A disorganized worker doesn’t just struggle in their own role, they can also create chaos for peers, managers, direct reports, clients, customers, and anyone else they interact with. So interviewers will often ask about how you keep yourself organized to make sure you’d be able to handle the workload and gauge what you’d be like to work with. In your answer, you’ll want to reassure them you’d have things under control (both in what you say and how you say it), describe a specific system or method you’ve used (bonus points if you can tie it to the role you’re interviewing for), and explain how it benefited you and your team. Just make sure your answer is succinct and, well, organized.

Possible answer to “How do you stay organized?”

“I take pride in my ability to stay organized, and it’s really come in handy in my past roles and especially the social media assistant job I’m in now. First, I keep a really meticulous calendar for each of the platforms I’m responsible for using Hootsuite—which I noticed you use here as well—and I try to block off time twice a week to get ahead on creating and slotting in posts. 

“ Second, I’m a big fan of Trello, where I have one personal board I use as a to-do list color-coded by type of task and marked with priority level and one shared marketing team board that we use to coordinate campaigns launching across social, email, and other channels. We pay very close attention to the news in case we need to pause a campaign. If needed, I’d tag all the relevant stakeholders on Trello, immediately suspend all scheduled content in Hootsuite, and start a discussion on Slack or suggest a meeting to reassess strategy.

“Finally, I created a shared folder on Google Drive with subfolders by campaign that I update with one-pagers on goals and strategies, assets, a record of the actual posts deployed, performance analyses, and retros. That way, there’s a go-to place for anyone on the team to refer back to past projects, which I’ve found really helps us learn from every campaign and incorporate those learnings into what we’re working on next.”

Read More: What Interviewers Really Want to Know When They Ask “How Do You Stay Organized?”

31. How do you prioritize your work?

Your interviewers want to know that you can manage your time, exercise judgement, communicate, and shift gears when needed. Start by talking about whatever system you’ve found works for you to plan your day or week, whether it’s a to-do list app you swear by or a color-coded spreadsheet. This is one where you’ll definitely want to lean on a real-life example. So go on to describe how you’ve reacted to a last-minute request or another unexpected shift in priorities in the past, incorporating how you evaluated and decided what to do and how you communicated with your manager and/or teammates about it.

Possible answer to “How do you prioritize your work?”

“I’d be lost without my daily to-do list! At the beginning of each workday, I write out tasks to complete, and list them from highest to lowest priority to help keep me on track. But I also realize priorities change unexpectedly. On one particular day recently, I had planned to spend most of my time making phone calls to advertising agencies to get price quotes for an upcoming campaign. Then I did a quick check-in with my manager. She mentioned she needed help putting together a presentation ASAP for a major potential client. I moved the more flexible task to the end of the week and spent the next few hours updating the time-sensitive presentation. I make it a point to keep lines of communication open with my manager and coworkers. If I’m working on a task that will take a while to complete, I try to give a heads-up to my team as soon as possible. If my workload gets to be unmanageable, I check in with my boss about which items can drop to the bottom of the priority list, and then I try to reset expectations about different deadlines.”

Read More: A Foolproof Method to Answer the Interview Question “How Do You Prioritize Your Work?”

32. What are you passionate about?

You’re not a robot programmed to do your work and then power down. You’re a human, and if someone asks you this question in an interview, it’s probably because they want to get to know you better. The answer can align directly with the type of work you’d be doing in that role—like if, for example, you’re applying to be a graphic designer and spend all of your free time creating illustrations and data visualizations to post on Instagram.

But don’t be afraid to talk about a hobby that’s different from your day-to-day work. Bonus points if you can “take it one step further and connect how your passion would make you an excellent candidate for the role you are applying for,” says Muse career coach Al Dea. Like if you’re a software developer who loves to bake, you might talk about how the ability to be both creative and precise informs your approach to code.

Possible answer to “What are you passionate about?”

“One of my favorite pastimes is knitting—I love being able to create something beautiful from nothing. Of course, knitting also requires a keen attention to detail and a lot of patience. Luckily, as an accountant I have cultivated both of those qualities!”

Read More: 3 Authentic Ways to Answer “What Are You Passionate About?” in a Job Interview

33. What motivates you?

Before you panic about answering what feels like a probing existential question, consider that the interviewer wants to make sure you’re excited about this role at this company, and that you’ll be motivated to succeed if they pick you. So think back to what has energized you in previous roles and pinpoint what made your eyes light up when you read this job description. Pick one thing, make sure it’s relevant to the role and company you’re interviewing for, and try to weave in a story to help illustrate your point. If you’re honest, which you should be, your enthusiasm will be palpable.

Possible answer to “What motivates you?”

“I’m driven primarily by my desire to learn new things—big or small—and take on new responsibilities so that I’m constantly growing as an employee and contributing more to my team and organization. I spent several summers working as a camp counselor and felt most fulfilled when I volunteered to lead planning for a talent show, jumped in to help with scheduling logistics, and learned how to run pickups efficiently. All of that experience helped immensely when I took a step up to become the lead counselor last year focused on operations, and that’s what excites me so much about the opportunity to take on this managerial role for the after-school program.”

Read More: 5 Easy Steps to Answer “What Motivates You?” in an Interview

34. What are your pet peeves?

Here’s another one that feels like a minefield. But it’ll be easier to navigate if you know why an interviewer is asking it. Most likely, they want to make sure you’ll thrive at their company—and get a glimpse of how you deal with conflict. So be certain you pick something that doesn’t contradict the culture and environment at this organization while still being honest. Then explain why and what you’ve done to address it in the past, doing your best to stay calm and composed. Since there’s no need to dwell on something that annoys you, you can keep this response short and sweet.

Possible answer to “What are your pet peeves?”

“It bothers me when an office’s schedule is really disorganized, because in my experience, disorganization can cause confusion, which can hurt the motivation of the team. As a person who likes things to be orderly, I try to help keep my team on task while also allowing for flexibility.”

Read More: 6 Tips for Answering “What Are Your Pet Peeves?” in an Interview

35. How do you like to be managed?

This is another one of those questions that’s about finding the right fit—both from the company’s perspective and your own. Think back on what worked well for you in the past and what didn’t. What did previous bosses do that motivated you and helped you succeed and grow? Pick one or two things to focus on and always articulate them with a positive framing (even if your preference comes from an experience where your manager behaved in the opposite way, phrase it as what you would want a manager to do). If you can give a positive example from a great boss, it’ll make your answer even stronger.

Possible answer to “How do you like to be managed?”

“I enjoy having my hands in a lot of different projects, so I like working with managers who allow their employees to experiment, be independent, and work cross-functionally with other teams. At the same time, I really welcome it when a boss provides me with support, guidance, and coaching. No one can do anything alone, and I believe when managers and employees collaborate together and learn from one another everyone comes out on top.”

Read More: 3 Easy Steps to Answer “How Do You Like to Be Managed?” in an Interview

36. Do you consider yourself successful?

This question might make you uncomfortable. But you can think of it as an opportunity to allow the interviewer to get to know you better and to position yourself as an excellent choice for this job. First off, make sure you say yes! Then pick one specific professional achievement you’re proud of that can be tied back to the role you’re interviewing for—one that demonstrates a quality, skill, or experience that would help you excel in this position. You’ll want to explain why you consider it a success, talk about the process in addition to the outcome, and highlight your own accomplishment without forgetting your team. Zooming in on one story will help if you feel awkward tooting your own horn!

Possible answer to “Do you consider yourself successful?”

“I do consider myself successful, even though I’m early in my professional career. I took a full load of classes in my junior year of college because I wanted to take that summer to volunteer for a human rights organization overseas. I knew that I needed to make sure I was on track with my major, minor, and graduation requirements. It was difficult to juggle it all with my part-time job, which I kept to help account for the fact that I wouldn’t be earning money over the summer, and there were a few sleepless nights. But it was worth the hard work: I ended the year with a 3.9 GPA and the opportunity to volunteer for the agency in Ghana without falling behind my graduation timeline. For me success is about setting a goal and sticking with it, no matter how hard it is, and this experience was proof that I could be successful even when there’s a lot to balance, which I know there always is at a nonprofit like this one.”

Read More: How to Answer “Do You Consider Yourself Successful?” Without Feeling Like a Show-Off

37. Where do you see yourself in five years?

If asked this question, be honest and specific about your future goals, but consider this: A hiring manager wants to know a) if you've set realistic expectations for your career, b) if you have ambition (a.k.a., this interview isn't the first time you’re considering the question), and c) if the position aligns with your goals and growth. Your best bet is to think realistically about where this position could take you and answer along those lines. And if the position isn’t necessarily a one-way ticket to your aspirations? It’s OK to say that you’re not quite sure what the future holds, but that you see this experience playing an important role in helping you make that decision.

Possible answer to “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

“In five years, I’d like to be in a position where I know more about my longer-term career aspirations as a designer. I will have gotten experience working for a design agency and know more about the industry overall. I’ll have grown my technical skills and learned how to take feedback from clients and incorporate it. And the way your agency is set up, I’ll also have gotten the opportunity to design different kinds of deliverables—including websites, branding, and ad campaigns—for different kinds of clients to see where I really feel at home before settling on a focus.”

Read More: How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

38. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

Having goals shows interviewers you care, are ambitious, and can think ahead. Having a plan for how you’ll achieve your goals demonstrates your self-motivation as well as organizational and time management skills. Finally, the fact that you’ve accomplished past goals you’ve set for yourself is proof of your ability to follow through. All together, these are indications that you can not only set and achieve goals of your own, but also help your prospective boss, team, and company do the same. To craft your answer, make sure you focus on one or two goals in detail, explain why the goals are meaningful, communicate what milestones are coming up, highlight past successes, and connect back to this job. 

Possible answer to “How do you plan to achieve your career goals?”

“My current goal is to earn the CPA license so that I’m fully certified and prepared to contribute in a junior staff accounting job. My undergraduate degree is in finance and I completed an accounting internship with XYZ Company last summer. While I was there, I decided that each week I’d ask one person from a different team to coffee to learn about their job and career path. Not only did those conversations impress upon me the importance of getting my CPA as soon as possible, they also helped me realize I was eager to pursue forensic accounting, which is why I’m so excited about the opportunity to join this team. In order to ensure I earn my CPA this year, I enrolled in NASBA workshops, created a study schedule to keep myself on track, and will be taking my first trial test in three weeks. I plan on taking the actual test within the next three to six months.”

Read More: How to Answer “How Do You Plan to Achieve Your Career Goals?” in an Interview

39. What are your career aspirations?

Career aspirations are bigger and loftier than career goals. With this question, interviewers are asking: What kind of career would make you happiest (while also being realistic)? Your aspirations might revolve around what kind of company you’d like to work for, what tasks you’d like to do, who you’d like to help, or how you’d like to be seen by your colleagues. So to answer this question, talk about what would energize and fulfill you and connect it to the position you’re interviewing for. Be specific about how this job will help you achieve your career aspirations.

Possible answer to “What are your career aspirations?”

“After growing up in a food desert, my biggest professional aspiration is to help make healthy food more widely available and accessible regardless of where you live. I also love solving complex problems. Currently, as a project manager, I specialize in strategic planning and combine it with a natural ability to engage critical stakeholders—resulting in on-time and under-budget delivery. This role would help me use those skills to work on a mission I’m passionate about. I am determined to use these skills to help your organization guarantee our community has access to affordable, nutritious food and information to make healthy decisions. In the next five or so years, I would love to take on additional responsibility and be in a decision-making role to drive the mission beyond our community and support even more families in gaining access to nutritious food options.”

Read More: How to Answer “What Are Your Career Aspirations?” in an Interview

40. What’s your dream job?

Along similar lines, the interviewer wants to uncover whether this position is really in line with your ultimate career goals. While “an NBA star” might get you a few laughs, a better bet is to talk about your goals and ambitions—and why this job will get you closer to them.

Read More: The Secret Formula to Answering “What's Your Dream Job?” in an Interview

41. What other companies are you interviewing with?

Companies might ask you who else you’re interviewing with for a few reasons. Maybe they want to see how serious you are about this role and team (or even this field) or they’re trying to find out who they’re competing with to hire you. On one hand, you want to express your enthusiasm for this job, but at the same time, you don’t want to give the company any more leverage than it already has by telling them there’s no one else in the running. Depending on where you are in your search, you can talk about applying to or interviewing for a few roles that have XYZ in common—then mention how and why this role seems like a particularly good fit.

Possible answer to “What other companies are you interviewing with?”

“I’m interviewing with a few companies for a range of positions, but they all come down to delivering an excellent customer experience. I wanted to keep an open mind about how to best achieve that goal, but so far it seems that this role will really allow me to focus all of my energy on customer experience and retention, which I find very appealing.”

Read More: How to Answer “What Other Companies Are You Interviewing With?”

42. What makes you unique?

“They genuinely want to know the answer,” Dea promises. Give them a reason to pick you over other similar candidates. The key is to keep your answer relevant to the role you’re applying to. So the fact that you can run a six-minute mile or crush a trivia challenge might not help you get the job (but hey, it depends on the job!). Use this opportunity to tell them something that would give you an edge over your competition for this position. To figure out what that is, you can ask some former colleagues, think back to patterns you’ve seen in feedback you get, or try to distill why people tend to turn to you. Focus on one or two things and don’t forget to back up whatever you say with evidence.

Possible answer to “What makes you unique?”

“I basically taught myself animation from scratch. I was immediately drawn to it in college, and with the limited resources available to me, I decided to take matters into my own hands—and that’s the approach I take in all aspects of my work as a video editor. I don’t just wait around for things to happen, and when I can, I’m always eager to step in and take on new projects, pick up new skills, or brainstorm new ideas.”

Read More: A Simple Way to Answer “What Makes You Unique?” in Your Job Search (Plus, Examples!)

43. What should I know that’s not on your resume?

It’s a good sign if a recruiter or hiring manager is interested in more than just what’s on your resume. It probably means they looked at your resume, think you might be a good fit for the role, and want to know more about you. To make this wide-open question a little more manageable, try talking about a positive trait, a story or detail that reveals a little more about you and your experience, or a mission or goal that makes you excited about this role or company.

Possible answer to “What should I know that’s not on your resume?”

“Well, one thing you won’t find on my resume: the time I had to administer emergency CPR. Last year, I was at the lake when I saw a young girl who looked like she was drowning. I was a lifeguard in high school, so I swam out, brought her to shore, and gave her CPR. Although this was—hopefully—a one-time event, I’ve always been able to stay calm during stressful situations, figure out a solution, and then act. As your account manager, I’d use this trait to quickly and effectively resolve issues both within the team and externally. After all, obstacles are inevitable, especially in a startup environment. And if anyone needs CPR at the office beach party, well, I’m your woman.”

Read More: The Right Way to Answer “What Should I Know That’s Not on Your Resume?”

44. What would your first few months look like in this role?

Your potential future boss (or whoever else has asked you this question) wants to know that you’ve done your research, given some thought to how you’d get started, and would be able to take initiative if hired. (In some interviews, you might even get the more specific, “What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role?”) So think about what information and aspects of the company and team you’d need to familiarize yourself with and which colleagues you’d want to sit down and talk to. You can also suggest one possible starter project to show you’d be ready to hit the ground running and contribute early on. This won’t necessarily be the thing you do first if you do get the job, but a good answer shows that you’re thoughtful and that you care.

Possible answer to “What would your first few months look like in this role?”

“It’s been exciting to hear about some of the new initiatives the company has started in our previous conversations—like the database project and the company-wide sync, but I know there’s still a lot for me to learn. The first thing I’d do is line up meetings with the stakeholders involved in the projects I’d be tackling to help me figure out what I don’t know and then go from there. Hopping into a database project halfway through can be tricky, but I’m confident that once I know what all the stakeholders are looking for, I’ll be able to efficiently plot out our next steps and set appropriate deadlines. From there, I’ll be focused on hitting the milestones that I’ve set for the team.”

Read More: The 30-60-90 Day Plan: Your Secret Weapon for New Job Success

45. What are your salary expectations?

The number one rule of answering this question is: Figure out your salary requirements ahead of time. Do your research on what similar roles pay by using sites like PayScale and reaching out to your network. Be sure to take your experience, education, skills, and personal needs into account, too! From there, Muse career coach Jennifer Fink suggests choosing from one of three strategies:

  • Give a salary range: But keep the bottom of your stated range toward the mid-to-high point of what you’re actually hoping for, Fink says.
  • Flip the question: Try something like “That's a great question—it would be helpful if you could share what the range is for this role,” Fink says.
  • Delay answering: Tell your interviewer that you’d like to learn more about the role or the rest of the compensation package before discussing pay.

(And here’s some more info on responding to a question about your salary requirements on an application form .)

Possible answer to “What are your salary expectations?”

“Taking into account my experience and Excel certifications, which you mentioned earlier would be very helpful to the team, I’m looking for somewhere between $42,000 and $46,000 annually for this role. But for me, benefits definitely matter as well. Your free on-site gym, the commuter benefits, and other perks could definitely allow me to be a bit flexible with salary.”

Read More:  3 Strategies for Answering “What Are Your Salary Expectations?” in an Interview

46. What do you think we could do better or differently?

This question can really do a number on you. How do you give a meaty answer without insulting the company or, worse, the person you’re speaking with? Well first, take a deep breath. Then start your response with something positive about the company or specific product you’ve been asked to discuss. When you’re ready to give your constructive feedback, give some background on the perspective you’re bringing to the table and explain why you’d make the change you’re suggesting (ideally based on some past experience or other evidence). And if you end with a question, you can show them you’re curious about the company or product and open to other points of view. Try: “Did you consider that approach here? I’d love to know more about your process.”

Read More: How to Answer the “How Would You Improve Our Company?” Interview Question Without Bashing Anyone

47. When can you start?

Your goal here should be to set realistic expectations that will work for both you and the company. What exactly that sounds like will depend on your specific situation. If you’re ready to start immediately—if you’re unemployed, for example—you could offer to start within the week. But if you need to give notice to your current employer, don’t be afraid to say so; people will understand and respect that you plan to wrap things up right. It’s also legitimate to want to take a break between jobs, though you might want to say you have “previously scheduled commitments to attend to” and try to be flexible if they really need someone to start a bit sooner.

Possible answer to “When can you start?”

“I am excited for the opportunity to join your team. I have several projects to wrap up in my current role at [Company]. I plan to give them two weeks’ notice to make a smooth transition for my coworkers and will be happy to come onboard with the team here after that time.”

Read More: 4 Ways to Answer the Interview Question “When Can You Start?”

48. Are you willing to relocate?

While this may sound like a simple yes-or-no question, it’s often a little bit more complicated than that. The simplest scenario is one where you’re totally open to moving and would be willing to do so for this opportunity. But if the answer is no, or at least not right now, you can reiterate your enthusiasm for the role, briefly explain why you can’t move at this time, and offer an alternative, like working remotely or out of a local office. Sometimes it’s not as clear-cut, and that’s OK. You can say you prefer to stay put for xyz reasons, but would be willing to consider relocating for the right opportunity.

Possible answer to “Are you willing to relocate?”

“I do love living in Raleigh and would prefer to stay here. However, for the right opportunity I’d be willing to consider relocating if necessary.”

Read More: The Best Responses to “Are You Willing to Relocate?” Depending on Your Situation

49. How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?

1,000? 10,000? 100,000? Seriously? Well, seriously, you might get asked brain-teaser questions like these, especially in quantitative jobs. But remember that the interviewer doesn’t necessarily want an exact number—they want to make sure that you understand what’s being asked of you, and that you can set into motion a systematic and logical way to respond. So take a deep breath and start thinking through the math. (Yes, it’s OK to ask for a pen and paper!)

Read More: 9 Steps to Solving an Impossible Brain Teaser in a Tech Interview (Without Breaking a Sweat)

50. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

Seemingly random personality-test type questions like these come up in interviews because hiring managers want to see how you can think on your feet. There’s no wrong answer here, but you’ll immediately gain bonus points if your answer helps you share your strengths or personality or connect with the hiring manager. Pro tip: Come up with a stalling tactic to buy yourself some thinking time, such as saying, “Now, that is a great question. I think I would have to say…”

Read More: 4 Steps for Answering Off-the-Wall Interview Questions

51. Sell me this pen.

If you’re interviewing for a sales job, your interviewer might put you on the spot to sell them a pen sitting on the table, or a legal pad, or a water bottle, or just something . The main thing they’re testing you for? How you handle a high-pressure situation. So try to stay calm and confident and use your body language—making eye contact, sitting up straight, and more—to convey that you can handle this. Make sure you listen, understand your “customer’s” needs, get specific about the item’s features and benefits, and end strong—as though you were truly closing a deal.

Read More: 4 Tips for Responding to "Sell Me This Pen" in an Interview

52. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

Just when you thought you were done, your interviewer asks you this open-ended doozy. Don’t panic—it’s not a trick question! You can use this as an opportunity to close out the meeting on a high note in one of two ways, Zhang says. First, if there really is something relevant that you haven’t had a chance to mention, do it now. Otherwise, you can briefly summarize your qualifications. For example, Zhang says, you could say: “I think we’ve covered most of it, but just to summarize, it sounds like you’re looking for someone who can really hit the ground running. And with my previous experience [enumerate experience here], I think I’d be a great fit.”

Read More: How to Answer “Is There Anything Else You’d Like Us to Know?”

53. Do you have any questions for us?

You probably already know that an interview isn’t just a chance for a hiring manager to grill you—it’s an opportunity to sniff out whether a job is the right fit from your perspective. What do you want to know about the position? The company? The department? The team? You’ll cover a lot of this in the actual interview, so have a few less-common questions ready to go. We especially like questions targeted to the interviewer (“What's your favorite part about working here?”) or the company’s growth (“What can you tell me about your new products or plans for growth?”) If you’re interviewing for a remote role, there are some specific questions you might want to ask related to that.

Read More: 57 Smart Questions to Ask in a Job Interview in 2022

Bonus questions

Looking for more common interview questions and answers examples? Check out these lists of inquiries for different types of jobs.

  • Behavioral interview questions
  • Phone interview questions
  • Remote interview questions
  • Second interview questions
  • COVID-related interview questions
  • Diversity and inclusion interview questions
  • Emotional intelligence interview questions
  • Internship interview questions
  • Manager interview questions
  • Account management interview questions
  • Accounting interview questions
  • Administrative assistant interview questions
  • Brand management interview questions
  • Customer service interview questions
  • Data science interview questions
  • Digital marketing interview questions
  • Financial analyst interview questions
  • IT interview questions
  • Nursing interview questions
  • Product marketing interview questions
  • Project management interview questions
  • Retail interview questions
  • Sales interview questions
  • Software engineering interview questions
  • Teaching interview questions

Want even more advice for answering common interview questions?

If you are looking for more in depth advice about these 53 interview questions and how to answer them, here's a list of articles with detailed guides to teach you how to approach your responses.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Walk me through your resume.
  • How did you hear about this position?
  • Why do you want to work at this company?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What can you bring to the company?
  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
  • What is your greatest professional achievement?
  • Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.
  • Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.
  • What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?
  • Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
  • Tell me about a time you failed.
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • Why were you fired?
  • Why was there a gap in your employment?
  • Can you explain why you changed career paths?
  • What’s your current salary?
  • What do you like least about your job?
  • What are you looking for in a new position?
  • What type of work environment do you prefer?
  • What’s your work style?
  • What’s your management style?
  • How would your boss and coworkers describe you?
  • How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
  • What do you like to do outside of work?
  • Are you planning on having children?
  • How do you stay organized?
  • How do you prioritize your work?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What motivates you?
  • What are your pet peeves?
  • How do you like to be managed?
  • Do you consider yourself successful?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
  • What are your career aspirations?
  • What’s your dream job?
  • What other companies are you interviewing with?
  • What makes you unique?
  • What should I know that’s not on your resume?
  • What would your first few months look like in this role?
  • What are your salary expectations?
  • What do you think we could do better or differently?
  • When can you start?
  • Are you willing to relocate?
  • How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?
  • If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?
  • Sell me this pen.
  • Is there anything else you’d like us to know.
  • Do you have any questions for us?

research topics about job interview

Research assistant interview: Sample questions & answers

Last updated

12 December 2023

Reviewed by

Miroslav Damyanov

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The interview process is an integral part of hiring, so making the best impression is crucial.

Companies typically ask specific interview questions to determine if you're a good fit for the role. That means we can give you a headstart. 

Keep reading for some of the most common research assistant interview questions to prepare for.

  • 17 research assistant interview questions and answers

Ready to prepare for your interview? We're going to cover commonly asked research assistant job interview sample questions and answers.

Going through these questions before the interview can give you extra confidence and make you feel better prepared. Getting a friend to go through them with you could be helpful. 

Inject some personality, and don’t be afraid to discuss your experience and qualifications. It’s sometimes a little too easy to be humble when you should be highlighting your skills. 

Let's get into some questions and answers.

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

I am a very detail-oriented worker with a passion for research and learning. 

My meticulous approach ensured accurate information, offering valuable insights into market trends and customer preferences. 

My work directly led to Company X refining its product offerings and optimizing marketing strategies. This resulted in a notable increase in market share.

2. How did you find out about this position?

I found your job post on LinkedIn, which inspired me to look into your company's research program. I was impressed with your company's reputation and your research assistants’ credentials, so I sent in my application. 

3. Why do you want to work as a research assistant?

Learning and discovering new ideas thrill me, and I'd love to make a positive impact through my work. 

I believe my work as a research assistant can contribute to advancing knowledge in various fields. 

I’m excited about the possibility of moving into a different field of research. It'll broaden my horizons and bring my expertise to your company.

4. How are your computer skills?

I am proficient in Microsoft Office and adept at data analysis using Excel and Google Sheets. 

My skills extend to: 

Statistical software such as SPSS, STATA, and R

Programming in Python and SQL for database management

Visualization tools like Tableau

I stay updated on emerging technologies to maintain a high level of computer literacy for efficient research tasks.

5. Can you describe your organizational skills?

I'm extremely organized. I always have systems for tracking and managing multiple tasks and deadlines. I thrive on productivity. 

Regarding organizational strategies, lists, calendars, and reminders keep me on track with my research.

6. What is your experience with data entry and analysis?

I have extensive experience in data entry and analysis, using tools like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and SPSS. 

I've successfully managed and used large datasets, ensuring accuracy and drawing meaningful insights to inform decision-making.

7. Can you work with statistical software programs?

Yes, I can. As I mentioned, I can work efficiently with programs such as SPSS, STATA, and R. 

I also like NVivo, which has easy-to-use features that help with organization, data interpretation, and presentation. 

While there's often a learning curve with statistical software programs, I enjoy mastering new tools. Conducting the best research possible is important to me. 

8. How do you handle multitasking with strict deadlines?

I always prioritize tasks according to urgency. With strict deadlines, communication is key. I check in with my colleagues to ensure we're on the same page. 

I know I'll have to perform several tasks each day, often with a short turnaround time. A systematic approach is vital when prioritizing and completing work.  

9. This job can be stressful at times—can you handle that?

For me, delegating tasks and staying organized is the key to staying calm under pressure. 

Breaking larger tasks into smaller tasks helps me maintain focus and get the job done efficiently.

I am also realistic with my time, and I know what I can accomplish in the course of a day. 

Effective communication with colleagues is key to managing stressful situations, so I prioritize that. 

10. What are your methods for finding new research information?

When I look for materials to assist research, I rely on several sources. These include internet and library resources for peer-reviewed scientific documents. 

These are the primary methods I use when conducting my research for surveys , reports, and academic papers. 

I also understand the importance of analyzing information to ensure its quality and usefulness.

11. What skills make you the best candidate for this position?

I have strong skills in conducting research and interpreting the results. 

I excel at conducting interviews , developing protocols and regulations, and performing quality control analyses. 

In addition, I have the critical thinking skills to create assessments, review data, and determine its accuracy. These skills enable me to identify if subjects meet the standards for research parameters. 

My problem-solving skills are excellent. I can identify problems and quickly develop an effective solution.

Time management, communication, and technical skills are key to this role, and I'm confident that I fit your requirements. 

12. Tell me about your experience with qualitative and quantitative research

I possess comprehensive experience in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. 

In qualitative research , I've conducted interviews and facilitated focus groups , unveiling unique insights. And in quantitative research , I've employed statistical tools and survey design to analyze large datasets.

13. Can you handle difficult conversations?

Yes. I prepare for the conversation and remain calm and rational. Empathy is key, so I ensure the person I'm speaking with knows that I see their point of view. 

14. Have you ever worked with a team?

Yes, and working with a team is just as important as being able to work independently. Working alongside colleagues is often key to achieving a common goal everyone can be proud of. 

I bring a lot to the table as a team player with my strong communication and organizational skills. Importantly, I know how to take constructive criticism , ensuring the team gets the best experience. Generally, I’m sociable and enjoy working with people. 

15. How do you ensure the reliability of your research?

I conduct my research as thoroughly as possible to ensure its validity and use multiple data sources to cross-validate the results. 

I’m dedicated to producing high-quality research and findings. I know how vital it is to maintain the integrity of a study, so I always use appropriate sampling techniques . I make sure my data and collection techniques are as reliable as possible. 

I also carefully analyze data and document each step of my research process. This helps me ensure the reliability of my research and allows me or other researchers to replicate the study if necessary.

16. How would your previous colleagues describe you?

I believe they’d describe me as passionate about my research and praise my communication skills.

They’ve previously said I’m organized, focused on accuracy, and excellent at time management. 

They’d likely also say that I strive to find the best solution to problems and describe me as reliable, a good team player, and a strong leader. 

17. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

One of my biggest strengths is being assertive enough to adapt to any situation. Things aren't always easy, and I work hard to find the most effective way to overcome hurdles. 

Although I have a great deal of experience, I’m always open to learning the newest and most innovative strategies in the field of research. 

One of my weaknesses is struggling with negativity, but I combat this by approaching situations logically and openly communicating with colleagues. 

  • Smash your research assistant interview

Now you’ve got to grips with the main research assistant job interview questions, prepare your answers to get ready for your interview. Highlight your skills and experience—confidence is key. 

As with any interview, dress appropriately, research the company, and prepare questions to ask your interviewer. After all, it’s also a chance for you to interview your employer and see if the company is the right fit for your goals. Good luck!

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How to Answer Common Interview Questions: A Cheat Sheet

Woman in Job Interview

  • 09 Apr 2019

After sending out countless cover letters and resumes , you’re starting to line up interviews. If you’re in a full-force job hunt, you may find yourself speaking with multiple companies within a week—all at different stages in the interview process.

No matter how much interviewing experience you may have, each hiring manager deserves to meet with a well-prepared candidate. Coming to your interview prepared not only shows you’re serious about your interest in the position, but that you respect their time.

With this in mind, here are four common interview questions you should start preparing for now if you want to land your next job.

Common Interview Questions to Be Prepared for

1. “tell me about yourself.”.

Although technically not a question, it's a common opening line. This prompt roughly translates to, “What’s your story?” and your response can set the tone for the entire interview.

Here’s how you can make your story a best seller:

Consider Your Audience : Research a company in advance to assess their culture and determine which details are most relevant to share.

Create an Outline : Avoid losing your audience by creating an easy-to-follow storyline. Focus on having a beginning, middle, and end. Consider using the template below to get started:

  • “I’m currently a Business Analyst for…”
  • “I work on…”
  • “I previously worked as…”
  • “I studied…”
  • “I decided to transition because…”
  • “Now that I have experience in…”
  • “After completing my degree…”
  • “I'm eager to work on…”

Practice, Practice, Practice: The goal is not to memorize a script, but rather to familiarize yourself with your own highlight reel. Play with the order of the template depending on the biggest selling points of your experience. People typically remember the first and last thing they hear, so prioritize accordingly and keep it concise. A 30- to 60-second response is best.

Why Is This Question Important?

It's a foundation for other common job-seeking scenarios, such as explaining why you're leaving your current role, an elevator pitch at a networking event, or as an outline for a cover letter. Think of it as an opening statement that you can repurpose for different situations.

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2. "What Is Your Biggest Strength?"

As tempting as it may be to list every buzzword possible, interviewers will have heard them all. Leave a lasting impression with an anecdotal response that demonstrates the skills they’re looking for in a candidate. For example: “I have been known to work well under a tight schedule. In my current role…” You can also use situations from different points in your career.

Keep in mind the tips from the prompt above and use the S.T.A.R Method to structure your response:

  • Situation: Set the scene
  • Task: Explain your end goal
  • Action: Outline the steps you took to achieve your task
  • Result: Note the result of your action

If you’re invited to an interview, whether by phone or in person, it means your resume has already convinced the hiring manager that you meet the baseline requirements for the job. This question is an opportunity for you to “wow” them by demonstrating the kind of value you can bring to their organization. Career changers can leverage specific examples to highlight transferable skills. Use the S.T.A.R. Method for any behavioral questions, also known as “Tell Me of a Time” questions. Typical behavioral questions seek examples of leadership, problem-solving, or growth.

Related: How to Follow up After a Job Interview the Right Way

3. “What Is Your Biggest Weakness?”

Of course, you don’t want to admit to being anything but the perfect candidate. The secret is to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate how you’ve grown in your career.

For instance, you may have struggled with difficult conversations in the past, but have since honed your skills through a negotiations course . Alternatively, if you’ve found it challenging to understand various financial aspects of your job or industry, demonstrate that you’ve built financial skills to address that weakness.

If you can’t think of a weakness, find someone in your support system whom you trust to be honest with you.

Remember to use a direct example following the S.T.A.R. Method and take control of the narrative with the following tips:

  • Keep it work-related
  • Talk about it in a positive light; it's not a weakness, but rather an area of growth
  • Outline the actions steps taken, or currently being taken, to address it

Interviewers ask this question to gauge your self-awareness and get a sense of your weaknesses. By doing the work to understand your weaknesses, and explaining how you’ve proactively taken steps to improve yourself, you can be a more attractive candidate.

The answer to this question can proactively address any missing skills or experience on your resume (for example, taking a course to learn business fundamentals ). It will also demonstrate your problem-solving skills and build your confidence.

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4. “Do You Have Any Questions for Us?”

This is your opportunity to show interest and determine if the role or company is a good fit. Always have at least one question prepared.

If you can’t think of anything to ask, consider pulling questions from the following categories:

  • Ask the interviewers questions about their roles and experience with the company
  • Learn more about how much you would interact with your interviewers on the job
  • Actively listen to what interviewers have to say and ask follow-up questions for clarification
  • Learn more about their approach to work/life balance
  • Inquire about professional development opportunities
  • Confirm what their performance review process is like
  • Consider asking for an office tour
  • Understand the history of the role and why it's currently vacant
  • Learn who you'll report to and ask about their management styles
  • Study the job posting and highlight any areas you want to discuss in more detail
  • Consider directly asking about any concerns they may have with your application
  • Inquire about the interview process and how many steps will be involved
  • Confirm a timeline for their decision and determine if you can follow up in the meantime

Interviews aren’t just for the hiring manager; they’re for you, too. No matter the outcome of the interview, the more questions you ask, the more you'll learn about the job market for future reference. Think critically about any questions you’d like to ask that can’t be answered on your own with research.

Related: 3 Great Questions to Ask in an Interview

Landing the Job

Preparation is vital to a successful job interview. By practicing your responses to these common interview questions, you can make a positive impression on hiring managers and land the job of your dreams .

As you practice these questions and answers, pay special attention to any areas where you struggle to articulate yourself clearly and effectively. Ask yourself whether it’s due to jitters and limited interviewing practice, or because of a lack of confidence.

If it’s due to a lack of confidence, consider different ways you can become more confident. Completing a business course that’s relevant to your desired career can be an effective means of growing your confidence through education and skill-building.

Are you interested in additional career development advice ? Download our free guide on how to advance your career with essential business skills and explore our other articles, including " 9 Virtual Interview Tips to Help You Land Your Next Job " and " How to Properly Follow Up After an Interview ."

This post was updated on September 11, 2020. It was originally published on April 9, 2019.

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How to Research a Company for an Interview: 10 Steps

By Biron Clark

Published: November 8, 2023

Interview Preparation

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

In the next 10 minutes, I’m going to show you exactly how to research a company for your job interview.

You want to go into the interview feeling ready and confident, and you don’t want to embarrass yourself.

That’s what good pre-interview research can do for you.

But what’s the fastest and easiest way to get enough information about a company to avoid interview mistakes and make a great first impression? And what exactly should you be researching?

Keep reading for everything you need to know…

How to Research a Company for a Job Interview

1. research the company website.

Go to the business’ website and find out about what products or services they provide. What do they sell and how do they make money? Why might the company’s clients choose them?

Learn anything you can about the company culture , too. Click buttons like “About Us” or “Meet Our Team” when you’re on the company website.

Then visit their “Careers” section to see what jobs are posted in general. Make sure you’re familiar with the job description and get a feel for the other jobs they’re hiring for.

Finally, see if the company has a mission statement. Knowing the company’s mission will help you understand what they care most about, so that you can show these traits in the job interview.

This is the longest step in the process of researching a company, but it’ll give you a ton of information you can use in your answers, and knowing more about them will help you explain why you wanted to apply for the job .

2. Search Google News for Recent Company Developments

This is a relatively short step, but still important for how to research a company before your interview.

As you conduct company research, go to Google News to read some recent developments and press releases, so you can get a sense of what the company is working on.

Find a piece of good news, a recent change, acquisition or new project, or anything else you can find about the company online.

You’ll notice more info available for large companies, but you may still find valuable news articles and stories for smaller companies, too.

Your goal in this research, for each of your target companies, is to find one action they took recently that you can ask about in the interview.

For example, you’d ask, “I read you recently did ___, can you tell me more about that?”

They’ll be impressed that you know the latest news about them.

Most job seekers are asking boring, generic questions in the interview (like, “What is your company’s mission?”)

So if you can ask a question about a recent news story, it’s going to set you apart.

Here are 27 more unique questions job seekers can ask in the interview.

That brings me to one other piece of job search and career advice: Never ask a question that could be answered on the company’s website.

3. Review the Company’s Social Media Accounts

Next, research the company’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social profiles to see recent news you might have missed on Google News in step 2. You might see pictures of employee outings too, etc. You’ll get a great sense of the company culture and the type of people who work there.

This will give you more fuel and ideas for questions you can ask in the interview too.

For example, you could ask, “I saw on Facebook you recently had a company charity event. Can you tell me about what else the company does to facilitate team-building and/or charitable giving in the community? It’s great that those are a part of your company’s values. That’s something I’m looking for in an employer.”

You can also look for the company on YouTube. Do a quick search and see if they have a channel.

More and more companies are sharing video content, so this is a worthwhile step in terms of how to research a company very thoroughly before you talk to them.

You might also see their office in a video which will make you more comfortable when you arrive for an interview. You’ll feel like you’ve been there before.

4. Competitor Research

If you really want to impress the company with how much you researched them before the interview, head over to similarweb.com , type the company name or website into the search bar, and then find the button that says “similar sites”.

Click it and you’ll see companies that are similar to the company you’re interviewing at. Try to find a few key differences and similarities, so you can show you understand the whole marketplace and industry, not just the company you’re interviewing with.

If you do this, most hiring managers will be VERY impressed.

If you’re interviewing in a new industry this becomes even more important. But it’s a great step for anyone who wants to research a company before a job interview.

5. Research Employees on LinkedIn

Search on LinkedIn to find employees of the company. Better yet, find people in the same type of group or role that you’re interviewing for. What type of background do they have? You might spot a trend for the type of person a company likes to hire.

This research will help you understand what the company looks for in the hiring process, so that you’ll be better prepared for questions they throw at you in the interview.

LinkedIn isn’t just a great job search resource , it’s also a powerful research tool. If you don’t already have an account that’s active and up-to-date, you should definitely make one. If you’re not convinced, here are 5 reasons you should use LinkedIn .

6. Research the Hiring Manager

Next, use LinkedIn to research the hiring manager’s background.

How long have they been with the company?

What’s their educational background?

What previous jobs have they worked to get to the point they’re at?

This is a great way to prepare to pass your interview . You might even see something you have in common with the hiring manager, such as a sport you played in college.

And if not, you’ll still know more about them than most candidates going in for the interview. So it’ll be easier to bond and build rapport, or talk about topics that they’re familiar with.

7. Industry Research

Next, if you’re attending a job interview in an unfamiliar industry, you should go beyond researching the company and also dig into the industry overall.

Browse social media accounts of other businesses in the industry, read a few trade publications online, see what types of jobs are posted in this industry, and more.

What types of products and services does the industry provide in general?

What are some of the latest developments happening?

What are some common types of jobs in the industry?

You can look at industry news in Google, check company social media accounts, and more to gather this information.

8. Research the Company’s Job Interview Process

There are a variety of websites that allow job seekers to write about their job search experience and which interview questions they faced. So I recommend searching Google for terms like “<Company Name> interview questions” and “<Company Name> interview process.”

You won’t find information about this for every employer, but you should find some hints about the interview process for most large employers, which can be a big aid in your job search.

Then, you’ll know how to better prepare for your job interview to show you’re a fit for the company’s culture and role.

9. Read Employee Reviews

Next, consider visiting a site like Glassdoor.com to read reviews from current and past employees.

This may give you more hints about how the company operates, which will help you prepare great interview answers.

You’ll also gain valuable information to help you decide if you do or don’t want to work for this company!

You may spot a red flag or two that you’d like to ask about in the interview.

You wouldn’t have found this on a casual visit to the company’s website. So reading reviews from real employees will give you a better understanding of what your life will be like if you accept their job.

Those are the best steps you can take for pre-interview company research. I recommend doing everything above if you have time.

10. Additional Research for Public Companies

If a company is publicly traded, it must release an annual report, quarterly financial statements, and more.

You can see their stock price, read recent stock news, and more.

For public companies, you’ll often see an “investor relations” button when you visit the company website (usually in the site footer).

You can also search for the company name on a website like Google Finance to read about their financial health and explore recent financial data and statements.

This doesn’t need to be an in-depth, time-consuming step when researching a company, but it’s worth noting whether they’re publicly traded or not, and how the company’s stock is doing.

Final Step: Review Your Company Research

Now you know what to research about a company before the interview.

As a final step, make sure you can answer these questions about a company:

  • Who is the CEO ?
  • When/why was the company founded?
  • Does the company have one or multiple locations? And where are they headquartered?
  • How does the company make money? What do they sell and who is their typical customer?
  • Why do their customers choose them?
  • How are they different from their competitors?
  • How would you describe the company culture?
  • Does the company have a mission statement or a reason why they were founded?
  • What do you know about the hiring manager’s background? How long have they been with the company?

Use that as a checklist to make sure you’ve researched the company enough before your interview.

Now that you know how to research a company before a job interview, you’re going to be able to make a better impression on recruiters and hiring managers, and turn more interviews into job offers !

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

2 thoughts on “How to Research a Company for an Interview: 10 Steps”

This was VERY resourceful. Thanks so much for the helpful tips.

Great list. Thank you!

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Job Interview Questions

SHRM members may adapt and use these sample interview questions to fit their company policies, practices and culture.

Neither members nor nonmembers may reproduce these sample interview questions in any other way (e.g., to republish in a book) without SHRM’s permission. To request permission for specific items, click on the “Obtain reuse/copying” button on the page where you find the item.

Competencies/Knowledge, Skills, Abilities (KSAs)

Choose the most important attributes that are required to be effective in the job for which you are interviewing. Gather questions from each of the selected competencies to create your list of interview questions.

Within each competency, sample questions are organized by the following:

  • Behavioral .  An interview technique that focuses on a candidate's past experiences, behaviors, knowledge, skills and abilities by asking the candidate to provide specific examples of when he or she has demonstrated certain behaviors or skills as a means of predicting future behavior and performance.
  • Situational . An interview technique that gives the interviewee a hypothetical scenario and focuses on a candidate's past experiences, behaviors, knowledge, skills and abilities by asking the candidate to provide specific examples of how the candidate would respond given the situation described.


  • Business Acumen
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Critical Evaluation
  • Ethical Practice
  • Flexibility
  • Global & Cultural Effectiveness
  • HR Expertise
  • Leadership & Navigation
  • Learning Orientation
  • Relationship Management
  • Stress Management/Composure

Interview Question Categories

  • Opening and Closing Questions
  • Consultants/Vendors Questiions

Interview Q&As

  • Are there federal and/or state laws prohibiting employers from asking applicants about arrests and convictions?
  • Can we ask to see an applicant's prior performance reviews?
  • Can a recruiter ask a candidate, Do you own a car?
  • Can an employer ask a job applicant about political party preferences during a job interview?
  • How can employers cut through rehearsed responses during interviews and learn more about the candidates?
  • Is there a problem with writing notes directly on applications or resumes?
  • When would an employer use a group interview technique?
  • What should an employer tell a candidate who is not selected for the position?

Additional  SHRM Online  Sources

  • Guidelines on Interview and Employment Application Questions 

Not all questions will be applicable to every situation; choose questions that fit the position. When interviewing multiple candidates for a position, it is important to use the same criteria for evaluating each candidate so as to avoid legal problems. The key is to be consistent and fair with all candidates (i.e., show no favoritism or discrimination). Use an interviewing guideline of core criteria/qualifications that is applicable to all candidates for the position.

Most of these questions do not have a “right” or “wrong” answer under all circumstances!  After you have selected the questions that are appropriate to use, give some thought to the answer(s) that make sense given your organization, culture and the priorities of the position. The applicant’s reasoning abilities and the thought process that leads to the answer often are as important as the answer itself.

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  • 28 August 2024

Nail your tech-industry interviews with these six techniques

  • Mark Klenk 0

Mark Klenk is a technology-industry interview coach based in Bellingham, Washington. Contact him at https://www.linkedin.com/in/markklenk/

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

Pole lifting rubber duck with hook in its head out of a row of other ducks.

Credit: Getty

In my 30 years in the technology industry, including 13 years at Google, I have interviewed hundreds of candidates and filled dozens of positions. I’ve seen many mistakes and awkward moments. Now, as a technology-industry interview coach, I help prospective candidates to avoid those mistakes so they can stand out and get an offer.

These days, most technology-industry interviews are conducted by video call. They typically include an initial screening with a recruiter before moving on to a series of interviews — mostly one-on-one — with project leads, hiring managers and other individuals.

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Careers advice from scientists in industry

Although every company, job and candidate is unique, I’ve identified a few techniques that apply across the industry. They’re also useful for PhD students in science and engineering and might even help in climbing the academic ladder. Here are my key tips.

Understand the process

The interview procedure can vary between companies. Ask the recruiter to share whatever they can about what will happen, such as what the series of interviews will look like, which tools you will be using — such as video conferencing, presentation or coding software — and who you will be talking to. Larger companies often provide this information as part of their initial meetings with candidates, but don’t be afraid to ask.

Be intentional

In formal interviews, many questions are open-ended, not multiple choice or yes/no. That means there are no right or wrong answers, and you must choose how to focus your response.

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Careers toolkit: An early career researcher’s guide to the working world of science, from Nature Careers.

Before answering, take a moment to think and jot down some notes. Consider the larger topic of the question, and ask for clarification or propose some context or constraints in which you will respond.

For example, you could say, ‘Leading a team is a pretty broad topic. Can you elaborate a bit on what you’re after?’

This approach has three benefits: it gives you time to consider and structure your response; it forces you to focus in terms of time and content; and it signals that you recognize the complexity of the subject. Use this opportunity to demonstrate thoughtfulness and purpose in your answer.

Stick to the question

Interviewers usually have a prepared set of questions and some idea of how you might answer. There is some intentional flexibility to provide them with signals beyond the content of your response: what you focus on, your balance of breadth and depth, your structure and your time management.

Even so, there are some boundaries that you should understand and respect. Interviewers typically ask three types of question — those that ask you to relay a story or example, those that probe your skillset and those that explore hypothetical scenarios.

Match your response to what was asked. If you feel strongly that you need to diverge, get the OK from the interviewer first.

Get your story straight

Story questions typically take the form ‘Give me an example of …’ or ‘Tell me about a time when …’. For example, an interviewer could ask you to ‘Tell me about a time when you made a mistake.’

Stories are powerful and revealing, and you are likely to get several questions of this type. Interviewers are looking for your most interesting work experiences. The stories you tell about these experiences are often messy, subjective and time-consuming, with imperfect but hopefully improved outcomes.

research topics about job interview

Promotion pathways: how scientists can chart their industry career trajectory

Stories are completely yours, so you can prepare well in advance. Spend the time to outline your narrative using a method that works for you, such as STAR: the situation, or set-up and context; the task and your role; the action you took; and the result, or outcome and lessons learnt. Write the story down, highlighting the fascinating, appealing, thought-provoking or messy parts. Find a good balance of breadth and depth. Too many technical specifics, and you’ll lose the interviewer’s attention; too few details, and the story won’t seem real or engaging.

Practise your story over and over — this enables you to tell it confidently and genuinely, and ensures that the interviewer can easily remember your experience for their evaluation. Try different approaches: telling your story to yourself in the mirror, recording yourself or telling it to a trusted friend or colleague. You want to tell the story, not read it. Each story should be around three minutes long.

Show off your toolbelt

Skillset questions ask ‘How do you …’ or ‘What’s your approach to …’, for a common activity in your role. For example, ‘How do you provide direction for your trainees without doing the work for them?’

How to make the leap into industry after a PhD

Interviewers ask these questions to get a sense of the tools at your disposal — your principles, values, best practices, habits and so on. You want to demonstrate a breadth of abilities with enough detail to show that you apply them in your daily work, as opposed to merely having heard or read about them.

You can’t cover all your best practices in one answer, so identify three that are important to you, mention them briefly and then provide more details for each. Details could be anecdotes, but not full-blown stories.

This sets expectations about what you’re going to cover, shows that you have a range of skills and signals that you can communicate concisely — you know how to limit your response to a few highlights.

Think on your feet

Some companies like to see how you would handle a hypothetical situation, which is often challenging and open-ended. There are usually no solutions as such, and your goal should not be to solve the scenario. Think of this as a mini design question, testing your brainstorming approach.

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How can I break into industry if my CV keeps disappearing into a black hole?

Scenario questions often take the form of, ‘Assume you have …’ or ‘How would you deal with …’.

For example: ‘Assume that leadership has decided to change direction on a project, but you disagree. How would you approach getting yourself and any team members beyond the disagreement and working towards the new direction?’

These questions are intentionally ambiguous, so first refine the scope as described above. Then, lay out a sequence of steps that you could try. You might have an ‘exactly this thing happened to me’ moment, but resist the urge to tell the story from experience — keep your response hypothetical.

This both demonstrates awareness of the complexity of the scenario and shows that you can plan in the face of ambiguity or a new situation.

Final thoughts

Think of these techniques as guidance or tools, not recipes or scripts. I recommend trying out a mixture of them and using the ones that help you to remain true to your communication style.

Collecting your stories is a great way to prepare, as is practising in a mock interview. That could be by recording yourself or rehearsing in front of peers. If you have the resources, an interview coach can provide well-calibrated questions and feedback.

Good luck, and good interviewing!

Into industry

Look for more on industry hiring later this year as Nature rolls out the results of its first survey on global recruiting and hiring practices in the sciences. To be sure not to miss it, sign up for the Nature Briefing and/or the Nature Careers Briefing.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-02790-y

This is an article from the Nature Careers Community, a place for Nature readers to share their professional experiences and advice. Guest posts are encouraged .

Competing Interests

The author declares no competing interests.

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Interview Tips for Neurodivergent Job Seekers

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  • The interview process varies greatly between companies and can be stressful for both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals.
  • To prepare for interviews, research the company’s mission and values, and gather information from employee reviews.
  • Plan ahead by writing out concise answers to common interview questions and prepare a brief introduction highlighting your background and skills.
  • When answering questions, use examples and consider the STAR method for open-ended questions.
  • Understand your neuro-exceptional strengths and struggles, and be prepared to discuss them in a positive light. Additionally, consider requesting accommodations when necessary.

The interview process is notoriously nuanced and ambiguous. You could leave wondering if you’ve said something wrong, but you might still land the job. On the other hand, you might walk out of a final round feeling confident but never hear from the recruiter again. The interview style, questions, and communication vary from company to company and are a reflection of their culture. This uncertainty rattles even neurotypical job seekers, but the stress of interviewing can feel overwhelming for neurodivergent individuals.

Fortunately, there are ways to prepare for an interview that will help you power through some of the anxiety.

Take the time to read through these tips and incorporate whatever resonates with you:

Research the Company.

“Why do you want to work here?” is a question that commonly comes up in interviews. The truth may be that you just need a job, but what the interviewer is really looking for is a confirmation that you’ve done your research and will fit in with their culture. Before your interview, take a look at the company’s website and social media to get a feel for their mission. What service do they provide? Who are their customers or clients? What do those people have to say in their reviews of the company? Does your potential employer have any missions that resonate with you, such as volunteer work or celebrating diversity with Employee Resource Groups? Try to find their values and write them down so you can reference them later. Look for employee reviews on sites like Indeed, GlassDoor, or Fishbowl – and while you’re there, make note of interview questions that hopeful employees reported being asked.

Plan Ahead.

Once you have compiled a list of interview questions that are likely to come up, it will be advantageous to write out your answers so that you can ensure your responses are concise and impactful during the interview. You’ll want to keep most of your answers around a minute or less. If you tend to ramble, it might be advantageous to record yourself practicing interview answers so you can cut out parts that are unnecessary.

Prepare a Quick Introduction.

While it’s difficult to control the direction of an interview, you can control the impression you leave through your introduction.

For example, in the beginning of an interview you might be asked by a recruiter or hiring manager to  “introduce yourself”  or  “tell [them] about yourself.”  When someone asks this outside an interview, it is appropriate to talk about your interests or family; during an interview, however, the answer should relate to what background and skills you have that could be advantageous to the company.

At a minimum, prepare an overview of your background (namely your work experience but also education if you’re a new grad or if it’s relevant to the role) and your skills and interests that would be useful in the position or that tie into their mission. A formula and example of this are below:

I graduated with my [degree] and have been working in [industry] since [year]. Most recently, I’ve been working as [job title] where I’ve been responsible for [a few key points, ideally ones that match the job description]. I’m passionate about [list a couple of values that align with the company’s mission or work]. I’m looking for [a tie-in to the company or role, potentially with an optional self-disclosure statement here]. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in English and have been working in copywriting since 2018. Most recently, I’ve been working as a Community Manager where I’ve been responsible for driving engagement and creating content for our website. I’m passionate about celebrating diversity and using innovation to create meaningful change, and I’m looking for a mission that allows me to contribute to a more affirming world for neurodivergents like myself

Expand on Answers in a Meaningful Way.

Questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no” will benefit from clear examples. Try to answer the question in a few words, then Other open-ended questions (often ones that start with “tell me about a time” or “describe a situation”) are better answered using the  STAR method . Your first sentence should describe the  situation . What was the background of this story or the problem to be solved? The second sentence should describe the  task  at hand. What would fix the problem? The third should describe your  action . What did you yourself – not your leader, not your team, not the entire company – do to remedy the problem? You should end strong with the  result . What was the solution? What did you learn? How did it help you and/or the company moving forward?

Make Connections.

When you learn the name of your interviewer, it’s helpful to look them up online (i.e.  LinkedIn) so you can understand their role and background. This is a great way to find common ground. Did you go to the same college? Do you both volunteer with animals? Go through their recent activity to get a feel for what they’re passionate about. Interviewers are likely researching you as part of the screening process, so do your research as well.

If possible, search for current employees on LinkedIn and ask them for their candid opinions on the company. You can send a message like this: Hi [name], I recently applied for a role at [company] and was wondering if you’d be able to share what your experience there has been like. Before I move forward with interviewing, I want to make sure this is the right fit. Thanks in advance for any opinions you’d feel comfortable sharing that can help me make my decision to continue with the process.

Know Your Neuro-exceptional Strengths and Struggles.

Everyone has weaknesses that can spill into interviewing or work performance, but everyone also has strengths that can be a competitive advantage. In fact, a common interview question involves listing a few of each. Knowing yours ahead of time will not just help you answer this question – it will help you prepare for a stellar interview. Strengths seem simple enough. What can you contribute to a company’s mission? Are you especially great at building rapport with people or at organization?

List out a few strengths that you can reference and provide examples of later.

I’m incredibly organized and able to plan and execute projects seamlessly by prioritizing, color-coding, and process planning. I have a knack for building rapport with anyone by employing active listening and creating strong relationships with my sense of empathy. My attention to detail allows me to focus on nuances that others might miss, such as typos or color mismatches.

If you’re having trouble coming up with strengths, take a look at this list of strengths that are common among neuroexceptional individuals. Keep in mind that not all of these are applicable to all neurodivergent job seekers, but rather use it as a starting point to identify your own competitive advantages:

analytical                methodical                 innovative             process-driven       

detail-oriented                    empathetic                         imaginative                          productive                          

creative passionate focused resilient

innovative             dedicated                   observant                   independent             

Identifying your struggles means being more self-aware, but this is often tricky in the interview process. When a potential employer asks you for weaknesses, they are actually asking for you to spin your weaknesses as strengths.

For example, you might struggle with auditory processing and taking verbal directions. While that’s a valid weakness, it on its own isn’t a great answer for this question. You would want to find a way to use it to your advantage, like in the examples below.

I sometimes struggle with understanding spoken instructions. To combat that, I take notes for myself so that I can remain organized and ensure I’m following through. In the rare event that I have follow up questions, I’ve had to become proactive in asking for further clarification so nothing gets missed.

Because I’m autistic, I sometimes have trouble stopping something I’ve started. I have a sense of hyper-focus, and I like to finish what I’ve started. I’ve started building myself a schedule so I can switch projects by priority without burning out.

All neurodivergent individuals have different struggles in the job search, but some of the more prevalent ones that impact the interview process include  time blindness  and understanding of social cues.

Time blindness can be a result of extreme focus. It may make it difficult to be on time because you’re caught up in an activity. To combat that, it helps to set yourself alarms ahead of time so you can come to a stopping point with your work or other projects to ensure you have a buffer before interviews. Try setting an alarm for about an hour before your interview time as a reminder that you’re getting close, and then set another 30 or 15 minutes before so you know you’ll have to get ready for your interview.

Be Aware of Time.

Another result of time blindness is rambling. Neurodivergent people can be passionate about their interests and tend to over-explain to ensure that they are understood. If you feel yourself starting to go over a minute or so in your interview answers (or notice your interviewer is losing interest) you can use the phrase “I’ll pause there”. Or, you could say, “to be respectful of your time, the short answer is…” and give a few more words or ask if the interviewer has a hard stop.

Ask for Accommodations.

Self-disclosure is very much a personal decision, and there’s no way to know whether your potential employer will be affirming of your neurodivergent identity until you ask. Luckily, any interview you get through Mentra will be with a company that values neuroexceptional talent. If you’re interviewing with a company that you found outside the Mentraverse, you’ll have to decide whether you want to let them know about your neurotype or not. This decision can be made easier by researching the company to see if they are on the  Disability Equality Index  report or if they have Employee Resource Groups or hiring initiatives for Autistic, ADD, ADHD, or otherwise neurodivergent job seekers.

If you choose to self-disclose, you might find that it is easier to ask for accommodations in the interview process. For example, if you have auditory processing issues, you might be able to answer questions better by reading them during the interview. If your interviewer is made aware of this fact ahead of time, they could type the questions out for you during a video call or write them out for you before the meeting.

Interviewers may also be more empathetic if they know about your neurodivergence. While it isn’t

ideal for neurodivergent individuals who may struggle with high-pressure meetings, the interview is an opportunity to make a first impression. Your potential employer is gauging your ability to think on your feet, take direction, and engage in meaningful conversation during the interview. You can remain authentic and avoid having to mask if you’re forthcoming about challenges you experience or the way you process situations and information ahead of time. The goal of interviewing isn’t to deceive anyone or to be inauthentic. Many pieces of interviewing advice will tell you to make eye contact, smile, and shake your interviewer’s hand. Unfortunately, these suggestions are rooted in ableist social norms and can make neurodivergent job seekers uncomfortable. Rather than forcing yourself to mask or pretending you’re comfortable engaging in this behavior, show your interest and engagement in other ways if it feels better. Feel free to ask questions throughout the interview, but you’ll especially want to ask some at the end. These can be questions about the interviewer’s experience, the role, or the company.

Remember that you’re interviewing the company as well, so don’t be afraid to ask about the process or their expectations if you got the job.

It’s important to remember that asking for accommodations is not cheating or trying to take advantage of the interviewer. You deserve the same opportunities that neurotypicals have, and advocating for those opportunities creates equity for all of us and will help reform the historically neurotypical expectations of interviews.

5 Ways To Prove Your Passion In A Job Interview

Prove Your Passion — 5 Ways To Show Genuine Interest In A Job Interview

A lot of people are applying to the same places. What do you say in a job interview to show you’re really interested in THAT job at THAT company? – MBA Class of 2026 [targeting investment banking]

Whether you’re a student going through campus recruiting or an experienced professional with an established track record, passion for the job matters. Employers like candidates who like them. Just like you wouldn’t date someone who wants just any date, companies don’t want to hire candidates who want just any job.

Employers respond to a candidate’s genuine interest and enthusiasm. Here are five ways to prove your passion in a job interview :

1. Tell A Compelling Origin Story

If there’s a specific moment when this MBA knew that investment banking was for him, then that turning point should come up early in the interview (even as early as the cover letter for the job). For an experienced professional, explaining why you decided to dedicate your career to a specific role or industry lets your interviewer know what your body of work means to you. When you can clearly explain your passion for a subject, your interest appears genuine. On the flip side, if you don’t know when or why you fell for this particular line of work, then you must not be thinking much about it.

2. Give Hands-on Examples Of Doing Aspects Of The Job

This MBA was not in finance prior to entering school, so he won’t have previous jobs to showcase, but he still might already be following business news, analyzing companies or building financial models. Preparing to ace any skills-based testing will also help. If you have experience and can point to other jobs similar to the one you’re interviewing for now, make sure you highlight the similarities and how much you enjoyed those common responsibilities. Already doing tasks you would likely do on the job – whether on your own time, as a volunteer, or previous at a former job – is showing the interviewer that you understand what the job requires and like it so much you’re already doing it.

3. Cite Something The Company Already Says About Itself

Ideally, you show genuine interest, not just in the job, but also in the company. Do your research on how the company talks about its work, including the company culture, customer philosophy and mission statement. Let the interviewer know about the specific company attributes that align with your values and priorities. Learning about the company in advance is a sign of interest. Being able to explain why the company is on your target list shows an even deeper level of interest.

4. Know Recent Developments At The Company

Follow the company on social media. Read company press releases. Read news written about the company. When you’re interested in something, you’ll stay updated on recent developments. Do your research on company priorities and needs . In addition to showing genuine interest, you’ll also gather timely intelligence on the company to see if it’s doing well (you do want a financially stable employer!) and if it’s focused on things you care about (and not pivoting to a new mission or suite of services that makes it less of a fit for you).

5. Follow News About The Overall Industry

In addition to being interested in the specific job at the specific company, showing interest in the overall industry is another way to highlight your passion. Knowing about the company’s competitors is one way to show you follow the industry. Citing recent innovations or challenges facing the company and its competitors is another proof point. Just like information about the company can help you make better career decisions, knowing the industry also tells you if you’re entering a growing space, a market downturn or a stable situation. Being able to explain why that growth (or challenge or stability) is meaningful to you shows that you have given some thought to what you want and how you fit.

Passionate Candidates Do All Of The Above

You can distinguish yourself as a candidate by showing genuine interest in the role, company and overall industry. Your origin story and industry research can be used across a number of different companies you apply to. However, you should study the job description and company website, and tailor an approach for each role and employer you go after. Even similar companies (e.g., Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan for the MBA aspiring investment banker) want to hear that they’re different (and therefore special) in your eyes. Finally, show interest in your interviewer. People hire people. Developing a connection your interviewer makes a difference.

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Speaker 1: Let's be real, if you received a dollar every time someone told you to do your research before an interview, you'd have enough money to never have to job search again. Okay, maybe the amount would need to be slightly higher, but the fact remains that everyone tells you to do research, but no one walks you through the specific steps to take. In this video, I share three practical ways to do research that will help you find the most relevant, the most up-to-date information on the company and role that you're applying for. I'll also walk you through some specific situations to show how best to use all that information you just found to impress the interviewer. So let's get started. As you go through the three tips, it's important to remember how you use the findings from the research you did shouldn't just be limited to the answers you give during the interview, but rather also at the beginning of the interview where there might be some small talk and at the end where you should be asking meaningful questions directed at the interviewer. Don't worry if that sounds new to you, I'll be giving concrete examples as we go through each tip. So without further ado, let's start with interview research tip number one. Use Google Alerts to stay up to date on your target company's latest news and job postings. Google Alerts is a free tool that's extremely simple to use. You just set it up once and let it run automatically. In addition, by using a few simple search operators along with the name of the company, you turn this free tool into sort of a personal news assistant that provides you with regular updates. Let me share a few of my favorite examples. Example number one, if you type the job function in quotation marks, followed by the site search operator, you'll be alerted whenever a new job posting in that team is listed on their official careers page. One thing to note is that different companies obviously have different website URLs. So you just need to search for that company's official career page once, copy and paste it here and just let it run. For example, for Google, that URL would be careers.google.com, whereas for Tesla, it would be tesla.com slash careers. If you really want to get fancy, you can type in a broader organization in that company, followed by an asterisk, like marketing asterisk Tesla, site tesla.com slash careers, and you only receive job alerts if a marketing role opens up. Similarly, if you want to cover all your bases, you can simply input the company name, let's say Tesla, followed by site linkedin.com or site indeed.com to see the job postings there as well. An often overlooked fact is that the first application received is often read in more detail than later applications. So with Google alerts, you can be that early bird that gets the worm, but no one really thinks about the early worm. Second example, if you type in the company name followed by the word competition, you'll receive alerts whenever the company is mentioned in a competitive context in the news and blog posts. Not only will this give you a good idea of who their closest competitors are, but will also point you to well-written articles on industry trends and on challenges your target company might be facing. This is actually also a great example of how, while you probably can't use all that information in your answers to the standard interview questions, you can definitely bring that up in other scenarios to show the interviewer you've been doing your homework. For example, in this Apple Spotify case, if you're interviewing with Apple, you might bring this up during the course of small talk and say something like this. Oh, and congratulations, by the way, on the acquisition of Scout FM. It seems like you guys are really doubling down on the AI podcast bet. Alternatively, if you're interviewing with Spotify, this might be a really good question to ask at the end of the interview. So I saw that Apple recently made a strategic purchase of Scout FM. I'm curious as to how that impacts Spotify's business strategy for next year. And number three, if you type in the company name, followed by the words quarterly earnings, you start to receive more financial-oriented alerts. This is useful if you're interviewing for financial institutions like banks, private equities, and hedge funds, and you're gonna be covering specific verticals like energy or tech. Or if you're accounting for a sales finance or an internal investment position at a publicly listed firm and would like to learn more about the company's financial health. The last thing I wanna point out is that these alerts are only useful if you read them. So I highly recommend you set up one or two and read them on a daily or weekly basis instead of setting up 10 at once and having your inbox completely overwhelmed. If you found this first tip helpful, I actually have a Facebook group where I share exclusive weekly tips. Consider joining if you haven't already. I'll link it down below. Interview research tip number two, use Google Trends to understand how demand for the target company's product has changed over time. Google Trends is another free tool provided by Google, hashtag not sponsored, that's really popular with research analysts, but can be used for job search and interviews as well. Jumping straight into a simple example, let's say you're interviewing with Tesla or any automaker that manufactures electric vehicles. If I type in electric cars on Google Trends and show results for the past five years, you'll see this graph. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that when COVID hit around March in the United States, demand for electric cars decreased sharply alongside many other products. However, an interesting insight you might draw from this five-year data is that fundamentally, user interest in electric cars and renewable energy is on the rise. And when COVID is inevitably over, the long-term outlook for the industry is extremely positive. Much like how smart investors look at the fundamentals of a company when making a stock purchase decision as opposed to isolated incidents, you can use Google Trends to learn more about the direction that user behavior is moving towards. On a more practical level, I can easily see candidates using this information when faced with the common why do you wanna work here interview question. You can say something like, funnily enough, I was playing around with Google Trends when I was doing my research and found that although there's a slight decrease in demand for electric cars at the start of 2020, I see that user interest has been growing steadily year on year for the past five years. With climate change and renewable energy being top of mind for many people, I'm certain that electric vehicles and similar innovations are here to stay. And with Tesla being at the forefront of the EV industry, I'm extremely excited to be able to bring my background and experiences to this role. Pro tip, you're usually able to uncover some very interesting insights if we do a side-by-side comparison of your target company's product with that of a competitor. For example, if you're interviewing for a business role at Google, you might learn through a Google alert you set up from tip number one, that over 70% of our 2020 Q2 revenue came from our Google ads business. Taking that a step further, let's say you decide to compare interest for Google ads to that of Facebook ads, and you see this following graph. Other than perhaps noticing Google ads started to outperform Facebook ads around the same time Jeff joined the product marketing team in 2018. This might be another great question to ask at the end of your interview. What drove the increase in user interest for Google ads versus Facebook ads in 2018? Was there simply a product update? Or did Google run a large-scale marketing campaign to raise brand awareness? Let me know down in the comments below the two or more products you might wanna search for on Google Trends to compare their respective performances. What'd you find? Interview research tip number three, use the Evolve Career Library to get access to exclusive reports and reviews on your target company. This tip is mainly for college students because most universities have access to vault.com's premium databases, and that premium content is a main differentiator between vault.com and free websites like Glassdoor and Indeed. I have lost access to the premium content since graduation, but I do distinctly remember reports like vault's verdict. I think this is where the writers would do primary and secondary research first, and then write a very comprehensive summary that is centralized in one location. But the free version has benefits as well. If you go to Career Advice section and click on Research Industries, and let's just click on Best Industries for Undergraduates and choose the number one energy industry as an example. And then we go to Overview. This provides a very good snapshot of the pros and cons of the industry that again, provides you with talking points for the interview. Something I found to be very interesting is this Defining Events section. Yes, at first glance, it's very, very wordy, and even talks about historical events from the 18th and 19th centuries. Probably too dry for 99% of us. However, if you scroll to the very bottom, you will see how current policies have shaped the industry thus far. For example, this paragraph here shows how this US president has had a major effect on the US energy policy over the past four years. And without touching on politics too much, this information can be used to ask another question to the interviewer. Something along the lines of, how would the current energy policies affect the electric vehicle industry for the next five years? So as you can see, even if you don't have access to the premium content, the free resources are still quite helpful. All right, there you have it. Three practical tips you can use the next time you do research for a job interview. Hopefully compared to some of the other articles and videos out there, this step-by-step research guide you should follow before your first interview showed you number one, where to find all this relevant information. And number two, how to use it throughout the interview process. Please give this video a like if you found it helpful and let me know down in the comments below if you have any questions. Subscribe if you haven't already. See you on the next video. And in the meantime, have a great one.


7 things you could be doing wrong in a job interview if you're struggling to get hired

  • There are several things job candidates could be doing wrong in the interview stage.
  • Problems go beyond a job seeker's responses in an interview.
  • Stacie Haller of ResumeBuilder.com finds showing up too early could be a problem, for instance.

Insider Today

Getting to the office way too early, not having a professional background for virtual interviews, and not knowing your prospective employer's mission could all be potential red flags you're giving in a job interview.

Stacie Haller, the chief career advisor with ResumeBuilder.com , pointed out to Business Insider problems that go beyond how an interviewee actually responds to questions, like not looking at the interviewer or not bringing up good questions .

She suggests keeping in mind that a prospective employer is interested in how you can help them, and you want to show that throughout the process — including after the interview with a thank-you note .

"The most important is to understand they're going to hire the person that is prepared, is interested, can articulate why they're the best person for the job," Haller said.

Below are some things you might be doing wrong at the interview stage.

Not focusing on the interviewer

A Glassdoor blog post said people shouldn't be looking at their phones. "Answering calls, texting, or even looking to see who is calling during an interview is unprofessional and shows your interviewer that you are not paying attention," the post said.

Instead, people should be looking at the person interviewing them. Haller said interviewees should practice making eye contact, particularly if they're doing a virtual interview and not used to talking this way. "If I'm on a video with someone interviewing and they're not looking at me, that's a turnoff," she said.

An Indeed post from ​​career coach Jamie Birt also pointed out avoiding eye contact or even looking down as things to watch out for because interviewers "could misinterpret this as a sign of weakness or lying." Birt suggested pretending the interview is a conversation with a friend.

Not getting to the interview at a reasonable time

Haller said it's not good to be at an interview too early. "Because then they're going to interpret it that you have no sense of timing and what's appropriate," she said.

That doesn't mean you want to wait until the last minute to get to the interview.

"I recommend if it's in person, you could get there and leave plenty of early time," Haller said. "Just don't go up to the office yet. Get yourself prepared. Go upstairs or inside or wherever the interview is about five minutes before your interview. Five to 10 minutes is absolutely fine."

She said job candidates shouldn't be late to virtual calls either, so practice using the technology for the virtual chat before the interview to avoid technical difficulties.

"What you do during an interview tells that person what you're going to be like to work with," Haller said. "So if you're late for an interview, they already think you're going to be late to work. Why would I hire you? Unless you have an appropriate excuse, and you make that appropriate phone call, things happen."

Not being polite to people beyond the interviewer

Haller finds the conversation the job candidate has with the person working at the front desk is actually part of the interview.

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"As a hiring manager for many years, and I hired all office personnel and salespeople, I would always go back to the receptionist and say, 'How was it when this person came in?' And if that person was not nice or rude to my receptionist, that was just as much part of the interview as what they said to me," she said.

Birt's Indeed post similarly noted not to be rude. "The interviewer will likely ask the employees you met during your time at the company for their impression of you," the Indeed post said. "Instead of being standoffish, greet everyone you encounter during your interview with kindness and a smile."

Your responses to commonly asked interview questions aren't great

One common question is about a job candidate's weaknesses. Haller said she doesn't think "people are really asking for your weakness. What they're asking for is are you self-aware and do you know what you need to work on and compensate? That's what they really want to know."

For answering questions about why you want the job, Haller said, "People don't care what you want." It's more about your knowledge of the company.

"They want to know you're interested in working for them, but they don't care if it's a great first job for you or any other reasons that really don't matter to why they would hire you," Haller said.

Haller said for that question job seekers should demonstrate that they took the time to research the employer, including what has been said in the news. Haller finds people can also express their interest in being part of the employer's mission and team.

"Every answer in an interview has to be about why you're the best person for the job, period," Haller said.

Winging your understanding of the company during the interview could also be problematic.

"If I'm interviewing someone and they don't even know what my company does, or what our mission is, or anything about us, that is a huge red flag," Haller said.

Not preparing answers about skills or other things the employer is looking for

Amid the popularity of skills-based hiring , you might want to show off your skills during the interview, even if not directly asked about them.

If team collaboration is important in the job posting, Haller said to include that in a story you tell during the interview.

Birt's Indeed post said to avoid lying about skills and other things during the interview, though, and not to be arrogant.

"Displaying pride can make interviewers feel as if you are talking down to them," Birt said. "Instead, discuss your skills and accomplishments in connection with how they can help the company and in a straightforward, not boasting, manner."

Not being professional

Haller said the background for your virtual call with an employer should be business-friendly. "You don't want to have your messy bed in the background while you're on an interview," Haller said.

Dressing appropriately can also be important. Haller said to look on LinkedIn to see what the dress code seems to be for that employer.

"Some companies might expect you to wear something more formal, or if you're interviewing for an ad agency, it might be less formal," Haller said.

Professionalism goes beyond what the background looks like in a virtual call and what a job seeker wears. The Glassdoor post cautioned how you talk about the past. "Speaking negatively about people you once worked with is unprofessional, but it also makes the interviewer wonder if you will also speak negatively about them someday in the future," the blog said.

That doesn't mean ignoring your past experience during an interview. The Glassdoor post said the interviewee could discuss how to use what they learned to benefit their new employer.

Not asking good questions

In addition to being prepared to answer questions, Haller pointed out how interviewees need to ask good questions at the end.

"For the really sharp candidates, they will say something like, 'What else can I share with you so you know I'm the best candidate for the job?' or 'What else could I elaborate on so you know I can do a great job for your team?'" Haller said.

These types of questions have a purpose before an interview is over.

"You want to see if you could overcome any objections, if there's anything you didn't talk about you want to put out there, your interests in the position, and ask about next steps," Haller said. "Candidates who don't do that lose a lot of opportunities."

Michael Doolin, CEO of Clover HR, said in an as-told-to essay for Business Insider , "If I were lucky enough to be offered this position, what advice would you give me on starting?" and "How would I be measured in this job?" are two good questions to ask.

"I tell anybody who asks me for interview tips to ask those two questions," Doolin said. "But more importantly, have your own answers ready for their response: be ready to offer examples of how you would work in the job, how you like to be measured at work, and how well you match the answers they give. This is another opportunity to promote your worth."

Reach out to this reporter at [email protected] to share what your job-searching experience has been like.

Watch: "Don't run too fast" – the best advice Delta CMO Alicia Tillman received

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6 takeaways from harris' interview on cnn.

Domenico Montanaro - 2015

Domenico Montanaro

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Vice President Kamala Harris are interviewed by CNN’s Dana Bash at Kim’s Cafe in Savannah, Georgia, on August 29, 2024. This is the first time Harris has sat with a journalist for an in-depth, on-the-record conversation since President Joe Biden ended his presidential bid in July. (Will Lanzoni/CNN)

Vice President Harris is pictured during an interview with CNN's Dana Bash in Savannah, Ga., on Thursday — her first in-depth, on-the-record conversation with a journalist since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee. Will Lanzoni/CNN hide caption

Vice President Harris sat for her first interview Thursday night since entering the presidential race five weeks ago. It was joint with her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, but she did most of the talking.

The interview, conducted by CNN’s Dana Bash on the campaign trail in Georgia, was seen as an important step in what’s been a highly successful – and highly scripted – campaign to this point.

So how did she do? Here are six takeaways:

1. Harris passed the test of doing an unscripted interview

From a strictly performance standpoint, Harris was clear, calm and didn’t get rattled when pushed about changes to her positions on certain issues.

In some past interviews, she came across as defensive, but that wasn’t the case here. She seemed comfortable and in command, which is important for a presidential candidate who people are still getting to know.

She also continued to show a degree of relatability. For example, she talked about making pancakes and cooking bacon for her nieces when President Biden called to inform her of his decision to drop out of the race.

2. Democrats are likely breathing a sigh of relief about how Harris will do in a debate, but there’s some cleaning up to do

Debates are often about optics and not substance, which the first debate between Biden and former President Donald Trump showed. In this interview, when Bash pushed Harris on some position changes, Harris showed she’s mostly able to parry attacks adequately.

Harris and her team will probably want to clean up her response as to why she changed her position on fracking, though, and stick to something clearer. Simply saying, “My values have not changed,” likely won’t suffice. Politicians can change positions, but people expect to hear why in a believable way.

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign event in Potterville, Mich., on Thursday.

'I'll be voting no.' Trump clarifies his stance on the abortion amendment in Florida

Harris did give a plausible reason for switching from being against fracking to in favor of it.

“What I have seen is that we can grow, and we can increase a clean energy economy without banning fracking,” she said about what is a politically potent issue in Pennsylvania, maybe the most closely watched swing state. She noted that she cast the tie-breaking vote in Congress for expanding fracking leases.

But it took her a while to make that point, and it might not be what most people see in clips of the interview in the coming days.

Instead, when Harris was first asked about the change in this interview, she initially said her position hadn’t changed from 2020. That’s because in the 2020 vice-presidential debate, Harris did say twice that “Joe Biden will not end fracking. He has been very clear about that.”

But that is splitting the hair too finely. In 2019, when she was running for president herself, she said during a CNN town hall focused on climate change: “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking and starting with what we can do on Day 1 around public lands.”

When she joined Biden’s ticket, she abandoned that position and is now pledging to remain in favor of it.

3. Harris shows (again) she’s not an ideologue — and is aiming for the middle

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Vice President Harris are interviewed by CNN’s Dana Bash at Kim’s Cafe in Savannah, Ga., on Thursday.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Vice President Harris are interviewed by CNN’s Dana Bash at Kim’s Cafe in Savannah, Ga., on Thursday. Will Lanzoni/CNN hide caption

From saying she would appoint a Republican to her Cabinet to committing to stronger fracking and immigration policies than she had in 2019, to her position on Israel, Harris is again showing she’s aiming her campaign squarely at the middle.

A larger point on her move to the center on fracking and immigration in particular is that these shifts track with something she’s been consistent on — and something that brought her criticism in 2019: She believes most in solving problems.

“I believe it is important to build consensus, and it is important to find a common place of understanding of where we can actually solve problems,” Harris told Bash.

She shared that sentiment five years ago.

“[I]s my government solving problems?” Harris told NPR’s Scott Detrow in 2019 of what she sees as most important in public service. “That's how I think about it. And it's the way I've always judged myself, frankly, and my work, which is – are we relevant, right? … It's about, on a daily basis, are we addressing people's real-life problems and solving them? And frankly, if we're not, we need to move over.”

In 2019, that didn’t fly, because progressives wanted a champion, and they were already wary of Harris’ record as California’s attorney general and San Francisco district attorney, which they considered too moderate.

Conservatives in this election have been going after Harris for what they see as inauthenticity, but the thing that Harris has always shown is that she’s pragmatic. She’s been much clearer on where she stands in this campaign than she was in 2019 – and that’s aimed directly at the middle.

This photo shows many rows of tombstones with American flags planted in front of them for Memorial Day in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Va., on May 27, 2024.

Army says Arlington National Cemetery worker was 'pushed aside' by Trump aides

That includes while on the campaign trail in Georgia Thursday, saying that one of her top priorities will be helping small businesses and promising to roll out a tax credit proposal for new small businesses next week.

The bottom line is: Harris is a big D Democrat. She might want to move the country to the left of where Donald Trump wants to take it, but she’s signaling that, as president, like former President Barack Obama before her, she would probably be as liberal as Congress and her coalition will allow her to be.

Frankly, this line of attack that her stances keep changing might stick more to Harris if she wasn’t running against Trump.

4. We did get some clearer policy ideas

Asked what she would do on Day 1, Harris said she would look for ways to “strengthen” the middle class and start trying to implement her “Opportunity Economy” plan she laid out last week to bring prices down and try to make homes more affordable.

Specifically, Harris talked in this interview about:

  • Extending a $6,000 child tax credit to families for first year of a child’s life, and her
  • A $25,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit

She has noted other proposals in the course of this truncated campaign, like wanting to try to pass the John Lewis voting rights bill, which Republicans have blocked, and wanting to revive the border-security bill Biden drafted with conservative Republicans that Trump opposed and the GOP-led House then killed.

Vice President Harris holds the baby of Durham County Board of Commissioners chair Nida Allam upon arrival at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in North Carolina on Aug. 16, 2024.

Harris wants to give families a big tax break for a new baby

Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at West Allis Central High School on July 23, 2024 in West Allis, Wisconsin.

How Harris’ vision for the economy is a twist on Biden’s

Harris has been dinged for not putting forward deep policy proposals, but no candidate campaigns successfully as a walking policy memo.

Campaigns do usually roll out policy papers that include cost analyses and the like, and Harris hasn’t done that, but neither has Trump in a serious way.

Plus, presidential campaigns are really about big ideas and what direction a candidate wants to take the country, especially in this election, when people have such strong and ingrained feelings about Trump.

5. Harris didn’t run from “Bidenomics”

Some might have thought that Harris would try to put distance between herself and Biden’s economic policies, given how negatively Americans view the economy currently – despite fairly strong growth, low unemployment and a decline in inflation in the past year.

Trump is also out with an ad this week hitting Harris on this very topic, comparing what she’s said at different times about what’s become known as “Bidenomics.”

But instead of shying away from it, Harris defended Biden’s economic policies, arguing “mismanagement” from Trump during the COVID pandemic gave them a less-than-optimal hand. She pointed out what she feels the administration has done well, from capping prescription drug costs for seniors and cutting child poverty, to an increase in manufacturing jobs and improving supply chains.

“I’ll say that that’s good work,” Harris said. “There’s more to do, but that’s good work.”

It was a strong defense, showing off how she might rebut the critique at the upcoming debate. But it also shows what a lot of Democrats have been crying out for – someone to make the case on the economy well, instead of how Biden often responded, which came off as him taking the attacks personally and acting defensively.

Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, disembark from their campaign bus in Savannah, Ga., on Wednesday, as they travel across Georgia on a 2-day campaign bus tour.

Harris is on a 2-day Georgia bus tour. It’s the latest sign the state is in play

Harris leaning into the argument that the administration has made progress – whether it works or not – is also a reminder that politics isn’t always about doing something because it’s already popular; it’s trying to actually win the argument, something Democrats weren’t doing with Biden at the top of the ticket.

Polls have shown that voters have given Harris the benefit of the doubt on the economy and haven’t tied her to negative feelings about it the way they did with Biden. We’ll see how public opinion moves, if at all, following the Democratic convention, this interview, Trump’s ad blitz and the upcoming debate.

6. Harris again stayed focused on her agenda and didn’t take the (race) bait on Trump

Bash also asked Harris about Trump’s inflammatory comments about her race and ethnicity. In July, Trump said to a gathering of Black journalists , “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black. So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”

Here was Harris’ response Thursday night:

HARRIS: “Yeah.”

BASH: “Any—”

HARRIS: “Same old, tired playbook.” [Pause] Next question, please.” [Laugh]

BASH: “That’s it?”

HARRIS: “That’s it.”

Later in the interview, she said: “I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment for all Americans, regardless of race and gender.”

Cartogram showing squares for each of the U.S. states, sized according to the number of electoral votes that the state has, and colored by the forecasted winner of the presidential election in that state. Harris is forecasted to win 226 votes, Trump is forecasted to win 219 votes, and 93 votes are toss ups.

Harris’ momentum continues as she ties with Trump in these swing states

During this campaign, Harris hasn’t dwelled on the historic nature of her candidacy. It’s a tricky line for a Black candidate when one is trying to appeal to white voters in the middle. It’s tricky for a woman running for president in a country that has never elected a woman to the White House.

But Harris has been deft at brushing off Trump’s attempts to drag her into controversies he’s created.

Her calm against Trump’s tumult is a side-by-side picture Democrats are banking on.

“The split screen works so well for her and Democrats right now,” said Joel Payne, a Democratic strategist and chief communications officer for MoveOn Political Action. “The chaos vs. stability argument that the Biden campaign was trying to execute against Trump, the Harris team is able to do it with so much more effectiveness.”


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How to Explain Job Hopping in an Interview

  • Emma Waldman

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Use your resume as a roadmap to explain your values and decision-making to future employers.

As job hopping becomes more common and less stigmatized, why do some hiring managers (and media outlets) still perpetuate the stereotype that millennial and Gen Z workers are disloyal to their organizations? When we look closely at the motivators behind job hopping, there are several factors to consider — beyond disloyalty. Since the pandemic, work-life balance, mental health, flexibility, and competitive salaries are top-of mind for young workers. If you’re one of the many job hoppers struggling to explain the multiple roles you’ve held in the past, there are a few ways to approach this predicament. Should a potential employer ask about the “job hopping” areas of your resume, try to think of it as an opportunity. It’s a chance to help your interviewer better understand your motivations while highlighting what you’re looking for long term.

Last month, I met my friend for coffee, where I was introduced to a popular term used in the world of HR: frequent applier. My friend, let’s call her Joy, is the head of hiring at a DC-based consulting firm where she often receives resumes from “frequent appliers,” or applicants who’ve held multiple jobs over a short span of time and apply to a series of new roles in rapid succession. This practice is more commonly known as job hopping.

  • EW Emma Waldman is an Associate Editor at Harvard Business Review.

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    Read more on Age and generational issues or related topics Career planning, Job interviews and Early career EW Emma Waldman is an Associate Editor at Harvard Business Review.