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How To Write A Professional Emcee Opening Script In 10 Minutes: The WAVE Framework

Emceeing  .  9 Min. Read . By: Devon Brown

S taring at a blank page, with the clock ticking and your event just around the corner, can feel like standing on the edge of a high dive — terrifying.

This is especially true when you're grappling with how to write an emcee opening script , a task that can seem daunting even to the most experienced speakers.

You know you need to make a splash with your opening words, but the fear of falling flat feels heavy. Welcome to the all-too-familiar world of what I call 'The Opening Script Limbo,' where your best intentions for a powerful speech opener are trapped in feelings of doubt and anxiety.

You're not alone in this. 

The struggle to script an engaging, timely, and effective opening is a common struggle for thousands of emcees and public speakers. 

The weight of creating that perfect start can be overwhelming. 

Get it wrong, and you risk not just a momentary hiccup but a ripple effect that could dampen the entire event — and your confidence as a speaker.

But what if you could turn that apprehension into anticipation?

What if you could transform those nerves into a confident, commanding presence the moment you step up to the microphone? 

Well, that's exactly what my WAVE framework is designed to do. 

It's your lifeline out of 'The Opening Script Limbo.'

With this 4-step framework, you're about to discover a straightforward path to crafting an opening script that not only engages your audience but also makes sure you’re the event emcee everyone remembers!

Better yet, you can use it to write your script in less than 10 minutes!

Here are the 4-steps to writing your next opening script fast.

Step 1: Welcome… The Gateway To Your Introduction

The first step of the W AVE framework is the W elcome. 

Now, let me be clear, this is more than just a greeting; it's your golden opportunity to create a connection with every single person in the room.

Imagine walking into two different events. 

At the first event, you're met with a generic, monotone 'Good evening, everyone' from the emcee. It's bland and forgettable, and you blend into the crowd, feeling more like a ticket number than a valued attendee.

Now, picture the second event.

As you enter, the emcee glows, saying something like, ' Welcome, friends! Whether it’s your first time joining us, or you’re a familiar face in our community, we’re thrilled to have each of you here. Together, we're about to embark on a remarkable journey where you’’ discover…. ’

This time, you feel seen, acknowledged, and part of something special.

That’s the power of a well-scripted welcome.

sample introduction speech for emcee

When you script the welcome for your next event, do:

1. Be Inclusive:  Recognize the diversity of your audience. Whether they are seasoned attendees or first-timers, local guests, or international delegates, make sure each person feels specifically addressed and welcomed.

2. Show Genuine Enthusiasm: Your energy sets the event's energy. A warm, enthusiastic welcome can energize the audience and build anticipation for what's to come. Let your tone convey your excitement about the event and its value to attendees.

3. Create a Sense of Belonging: Use your welcome to foster a community feeling. Phrases like "We're thrilled to have you here," or "We're in this together" can go a long way in making your audience feel like they're part of something special.

Step 2: Appreciation… Show Heart By Acknowledging Those Behind The Event

After your warm welcome, it's time for the 'Show A ppreciation' step of the W A VE framework. This is where you acknowledge those unsung heroes who've worked tirelessly to bring the event to life.

This not only creates a positive atmosphere but also demonstrates your leadership and gratitude, qualities that resonate strongly with both your audience and your event team, right?

When you script the appreciation, do:

Be Specific and Personal: Mention individuals or teams by name, if possible. For example, "A big thank you to our event planner, Jane, and the entire catering team for their exceptional work."

Highlight Their Efforts: Briefly describe what they've done. This helps the audience understand the magnitude of their contributions. "For the past seven months, these incredible people have been planning, organizing, and ensuring everything you see tonight comes together seamlessly."

Encourage Audience Participation : Invite the audience to show their appreciation. A round of applause or a moment of acknowledgment can create a strong sense of community.

Step 3: Visualization… Clarify the Theme/Purpose of The Event and Set the Stage

Now, let's focus on V isualization, the third vital step in the WA V E framework. This is where you bring the event's purpose to the forefront, showing your audience the journey they're about to go on.

More than anything, you’re showing them “ what’s in it for them ”.

No one attends an event just for the sake of it; they come with specific goals in mind, like boosting their revenue or scaling their tech business. 

Your job is to vividly paint a picture of how this event will help them achieve those goals and ignite their enthusiasm for the journey ahead.

When you script the theme discussion, do:

sample introduction speech for emcee

  • Be Clear and Concise: Tailor the theme into a straightforward, compelling message. For instance, "Today, we're diving into Strategies to 10x Your Tech Business in 2024' – giving you a roadmap for unprecedented growth and success."
  • Relate to the Audience: Connect the theme to your audience's aspirations and business objectives. "You, as tech entrepreneurs and innovators, are here to discover and implement strategies that will catapult your businesses into new heights and successes."
  • Build Anticipation: Highlight what they can look forward to throughout the event. "Prepare to learn from industry giants who will unveil their little known secrets you need to instantly drive more leads, customers, and profits into your business, 24/7, like clockwork!”

Step 4: Exit… Transition From Your Opening Speech with Passion and Purpose

The final part of your opening speech is the ' E xit,' a pivotal step in the WAV E framework. This is where you transition from your introduction to introducing your first speaker, with enthusiasm, energy and passion. 

When crafting your exit, do:

  • Build the Excitement: Use your closing words to build the audience's anticipation. Imagine ending with a burst of energy, "So, are you pumped up!? Are you ready to discover how to add hundreds more customers to your business in the next 30 days, without spending an extra dollar on advertising?! Give me a “HELL YES!” if you’re ready for that!"
  • Introduce with Impact: Seamlessly introduce the next speaker in a way that maintains the momentum. Picture yourself saying, "Because our very first speaker is a true game-changer in the tech industry, and now, they're about to reveal strategies that will skyrocket your business revenue in 2024! Get ready to have your mind blown and your bank account swollen with strategies never revealed before on stage – please welcome…"

sample introduction speech for emcee

This Exit strategy isn't just a mere transition.

It's your job to make sure the audience is on the edge of their seats!

In summary, the WAVE opening speech framework looks like this:

  • A ppreciate  
  • E xit 

This is the fastest, easiest, and most stress-free way for you to write an opening speech that captivates your audience from the get-go and sets you up as the unforgettable emcee they'll be talking about for years.

And better yet, with WAVE, you can write an opening speech in minutes. 

No more staring at a blank page for hours, no more doubts about hitting the right note; with WAVE you can script a powerful opening speech fast.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Let me show you, with a sample opening speech, using WAVE.

Sample Opening Speech Using The WAVE Framework

Scenario: Imagine you're about to open a tech conference. The auditorium is packed with eager entrepreneurs, investors, and tech enthusiasts. Now you need an opening script to set the stage.

Let’s try that with the WAVE framework:

{W} "Good evening, visionaries, innovators, and trailblazers of the tech world! Welcome to the 2024 Tech Titan Summit, where the brightest minds converge to redefine the future! Whether it's your first time here or you're a seasoned attendee, know that your presence is what transforms this event from ordinary to extraordinary.

{A} I want to take a moment to express my profound gratitude to those who've made this event possible – the tireless team, our dedicated sponsors, and every one of you here today. Your passion and commitment bring this vision to life. Let's give them all a thunderous round of applause!

{V} Now, let’s dive into why we're all here. This isn't just another tech conference; it's a launchpad for exponential growth. The theme for this summit, '10x Your Tech,' is not just a catchy phrase – it's a commitment, a challenge to each of us to push beyond the boundaries, to not just grow, but to multiply our impact, our reach, our revenue! Today, we're not just sharing ideas but sparking a revolution in the tech industry.

{E} So, are you ready to be part of this extraordinary journey? Let's set this stage on fire with our first speaker, a true maverick in tech innovation, someone who’s reshaped the industry as we know it. Get ready to learn exactly how our first speaker has taken her start-up from a humble home office to a global tech empire, growing their revenue from $1 million to $50 million, without any external funding... and how you can do the same… Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage…"

Is this script perfect? 

No, of course not – but it's highly effective, incredibly engaging, and it took less than 8 minutes to put together. 

This is the power of the WAVE framework. 

It’s designed to help you quickly craft an opening that resonates with your audience's aspirations and sets the tone for a successful event.

Never Get Stuck In “Opening Script Limbo” Again

Say goodbye to the dread of scripting your event's opening. 

No more second-guessing what to say, worrying if it’s good enough, or wondering how to keep your audience captivated.

Not when you have the WAVE framework in your toolkit:

  • Welcome: Create a genuine connection right from the start.
  • Appreciate : Acknowledge the team and audience, fostering a sense of community.
  • Visualize: Set the stage for the event's theme, aligning it with audience goals and aspirations.
  • Exit : Seamlessly transition with energy and purpose, leaving the audience desperate for more.

With WAVE, you’ll not only be able to write an opening speech script in minutes, but you’ll write one that has your audience engaged from the first word, and your event organizers begging you to be their host again!

Take Your Public Speaking to the Next Level

Just mastered the art of the WAVE Framework and you’re confident with writing an emcee opening script like a pro? 

Now, step up your entire public speaking game with the world’s #1 course on public speaking

"Be Awesome On Stage: The Masterclass "  

This course is your golden ticket to becoming a public speaking pro, boosting your confidence, and engaging any audience with ease.  It contains everything I’ve learned in becoming the world’s #1 emcee .

And it’s guaranteed to help you overcome any stage fright   and absolutely crush it the next time you have to speak or present in public.

sample introduction speech for emcee

Read Next:   12 Benefits of Public Speaking for Professional & Personal Life

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Devon Brown  (“Duh-Von” not “Dev-in”) is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, former hip-hop dancer, and World's #1 Event Emcee. Once described as a sort-of ‘MC Hammer meets Tony Robbins’; his style is 50% education, 50% entertainment, and 100% must-experience. Be sure to connect with Devon on social media.

Devon Brown with Arms Folded

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Spark's Presentation & Public Speaking Blog

6 tips to make your seminar or event emcee script sparkle.


November 26, 2014

by Andy Saks

“Hey, we really need an emcee for our upcoming event. Last year we didn’t have an emcee, and the event was so lifeless and dull. Would you do the honors?”

This is the moment many would-be emcees dread. They’re drafted into service, and take the gig reluctantly. Does that sound like your situation?

Master of ceremonies Dallas ATT Plaque

Andy emcees AT&T’s 2011 Solution Provider Champion Awards Dinner in Dallas

If I asked you  why you’re filled with such trepidation, you might respond, “I don’t know what to say” or “I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing and bomb.”

You’ve already embraced a worst-case scenario featuring you on stage, fumbling awkwardly for words, humiliating yourself in front of legions of people with camera phones and YouTube access.

If that’s your vision, know this: you can have fun as an emcee. It can be done. I’ve done it.

And when you have fun as an emcee, it really is a magical experience. You generate a connective energy in the room that’s just intoxicating, and will leave you wanting to do it again.

But as with any live performance, emcee work does carry a real risk of failure. If you don’t prepare well, you won’t execute well, and that experience is exactly as excruciating as you think it is.


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In my experience, the most common reason emcee gigs don’t end well is this: the emcees don’t start their shows well. They fumble through the critical first few minutes, setting an awkward, underwhelming tone from which it’s hard to recover.

This post, the first of a two-part set, will help you avoid that. As a professional emcee for AT&T ( read about that ), Best Buy, Microsoft and others, I’ve learned over many years and events that a great emcee performance starts with a great emcee script.

Here are six key components good emcee scripts include, and many not-so-good emcee scripts leave out. They’ll help you connect, relax and establish yourself in the opening minutes of your event, which will make everything else flow better.


It’s true what they say about first impressions: you never get a second chance to make one. Your first impression sets the tone for the whole event.

So what do you want your first impression to be? In those key opening seconds of a special event, you no doubt want to create eager anticipation, energy, and suspense.

That won’t happen if you just walk on the stage and start talking over your audience members (or shushing them). That approach ensures your program will start with an awkward whimper, not a bang.

Instead, use what’s called a “Voice of God” introduction to start your proceedings.

The VoG isn’t complicated; it’s literally just someone with a deep radio announcer voice starting your event by standing offstage somewhere and introducing you before you take the stage. Here’s a sample:

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to [event]. And now, here’s your host, [name]!”

You can even tweak it with some fun wordplay that enhances your emcee credibility. For example, when I emceed one of the AMD/Microsoft North American Tech Tours back in 2005, my Voice of God introduction emphasized my knowledge of blazing-fast computer chip speed, which was the event’s theme:

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the AMD/Microsoft Tech Tour 2005. And now, please welcome your host, the Seeker of Speed, the Sultan of Swiftness, the one, the only, Andy Saks!”

See for yourself; here’s the video from our Seattle show on that tour. As you can see, the VoG intro works even better when the house lights are down, the spotlights move wildly, and there are very loud guitars playing.

Don’t have someone to do this for you live? Don’t be afraid to deliver your own. I’ve delivered my own Voice of God introductions at events I’ve emceed, introducing myself while hiding behind the crew table, then running on stage to start the show. Or try having your VoG intro pre-recorded by a professional; you can find countless voice-over artists at freelance sites who’ll do this for a song.


Successful emcees are both grand and humble. You can demonstrate the humble part by immediately acknowledging the contributions of everyone who helped create your event, showing your audience you know your event isn’t all about you.

Here’s a partial list of people you can thank:

1. THE EVENT PLANNERS  for planning a great event. Event planners are the unsung heroes of events, and tend to get noticed only when something goes wrong. They deserve a BIG moment of recognition. As as the emcee, you’re perfectly positioned to deliver it by inciting a round of applause from your audience.

2. THE PRODUCTION CREW  for building the set, lighting, audio, video, slides, decorations, etc. The production crews I’ve worked with toil tirelessly, hauling massive cases from the loading dock, assembling scaffolding, seating, video wiring and drapery for hours, then running the whole show from the crew table. They too deserve your public acknowledgement. (Plus, it never hurts to throw some love toward the folks who control your lighting and sound).

3. THE AUDIENCE  for showing up. Without them, you’re just a crazy person talking to an empty room, right? Thank your audience members sincerely for their time, their attention, and (if it applies) their passion and efforts for your organization and its mission. You’ll win them over and give credit where it’s due all at once!

Here’s a sample video of me thanking the audience when I served as auctioneer at the Boston Jewish Film Festival’s 2012 Gala, held at Theatre 1 in Boston. Starting around the 0:45 mark (and leading up to that) you’ll see me thanking the audience and telling them what their contributions mean to the BJFF:


Sounds obvious, right? You’d be amazed at how many emcees I’ve seen who forget to identify themselves.

This lapse leaves a nagging hole in your audience’s understanding of the proceedings. They see you, but don’t know who you are or why you’ve been chosen for this central role in the event. So while you’re off pontificating about other topics, they’re still ruminating on why you’re up there to begin with.

Ah, but maybe you’re confident that everyone in your audience already knows you? Introduce yourself anyway. There may be friends, colleagues, special guests, and spouses in your audience who don’t know you. And those who know who you are may not really understand what you do, or how and why you got tapped for the emcee role.

I’d suggest mentioning:

— Your first and last name (yes, both)

— Your official title in the organization sponsoring the event

— Your role within that organization (summed up in one casual phrase or sentence)

— Some sense of why you were tapped as the emcee

* BONUS: Express to your audience that you’re honored and humbled to serve in the emcee role. Reassure them you know how special it is, and you’re happy to do it.


Emcees can get overwhelmed with performance anxiety before taking the stage, wondering how they’ll do all that talking when their hearts are pounding and their limbs are shaking.

If that’s you, share your speaking burden with your audience by engaging them in something of a conversation. The most common approach is to ask three questions on a relevant topic, such as who’s attended previous events, or who’s traveled the farthest to attend this year. The first question sets the terms, the second ups the ante, and the third plays off the first two as a joke.

Here’s a sample script:

Here’s a video sample for you: In 2012, I emceed an IT seminar for Spark client Atrion called AlwaysOn Symposium, held at the Putnam Club at Gillette Stadium (home of the New England Patriots football team). I snuck in TWO of these three-question sets:

— At the 2:03 mark, I asked audience members about their association with the stadium (the Wes Welker reference related to a photo on the screen of an Atrion employee wearing a painted face and Welker jersey).

— At the 2:40 mark, I polled audience members about their attendance at past AlwaysOn Symposia, and saved the biggest “ginormous” round of applause for first-time attendees.

In the 15-20 seconds it takes to ask questions, you’ve not only lessened your own performance anxiety with a few key seconds to breathe and collect your thoughts. You’ve connected directly with your audience members, assessed their collective mood, discovered the extroverts (who respond to every question) and introverts (who always stay silent), and shown everyone you care about their contributions to the proceedings, all of which helps you relax on stage.


When an event starts, audience members will inevitably be harboring nagging logistical questions about it:

Will I get home in time to relieve the babysitter? Who validates my parking? Should I pee now, or wait for a break?

If you don’t answer these questions, they tend to become distractions that prevent your audience members from giving you their full attention.

In your first few minutes on stage, put them at ease and set their expectations by giving them the full agenda for your event. Here are some details worth including:

— The general order of proceedings in your event (what happens first, second, third, etc.)

— When you’ll take a break for a meal, networking time, etc., and how long the break will last

— Where key elements of the venue are located, like restrooms, prize tables, and autograph sessions

— Explicit instructions for anything in which audience members are directly involved (“In ten minutes, we’ll ask each of you to vote for your favorite item using cards we’ll distribute when the vote starts, so start thinking now about who gets your vote!”)


Special events should be just that: special. Part of giving your event that extra shine is helping audience members understand the deeper contextual meaning of your event.

For example, let’s say you’re serving as master of ceremonies for an awards banquet. Most audience members probably assume you’ve all gathered to merely facilitate the award distribution. But that could be done privately (and far more cheaply). So why the pomp and circumstance?

It’s your job to answer that question, to inject more meaning to that procedure by framing the awards, the nominees, the winners, the cause, the occasion and the organization in a larger, more meaningful context.

Start by answering questions like these:

— Why are your honorees worth honoring?

— If your event has a theme, why did you pick it?

— Why are you holding your event at this specific venue or room? Why is it special? What does it symbolize?

— How does your event relate to your organization, industry, location, cause, the greater world around you?

Connect your event to something greater than itself–and connected to your audience–and you’ll instantly make it more profound and memorable.

Start with these six steps and you’ll be well on your way to an emcee script and performance that’s fun, inspiring, and memorable for all the right reasons!

Here’s one more unofficial emcee tip: HAVE FUN. Really! Relax. Enjoy yourself. Smile. Find ways to let loose (a little). The more you embrace your master of ceremonies role with joy and excitement, the more fun you’ll have, the more fun your audience will have, and the more likely you are to look forward to doing it all over again next year.

Got a question or a tip of your own to add? Need more details or an example? Wondering if your emcee idea will work? Share your thoughts in the Comments field below, or contact Andy directly anytime!


Andy Saks, Spark Presentations

Spark owner and professional emcee Andy Saks

Andy Saks owns and runs Spark Presentations, a private company founded in 1998 that provides presentation skills training and speech coaching for executives, salespeople, marketers and other businesspeople, plus booth staff training for trade show exhibitors.

Spark also books professional presenters and public speakers to represent its clients at high-profile events, in roles like keynote speaker, trade show booth presenter, master of ceremonies (emcee) and auctioneer, as well as on camera talent and voice talent.

Spark’s client list includes large corporations like AT&T, Best Buy, FedEx, Hyundai, Intel, Kimberly-Clark, Olympus, Owens-Corning, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, and Volvo; high-tech industry players like AMD, Atrion, Citrix, Gigamon, and Symantec; service organizations like Vistage, 1nService and NERCOMP; and New England institutions like the Boston Jewish Film Festival.

Andy is also the author of The Presentation Playbook Series , a three-volume set of books that help businesspeople master common presentation situations by building and running speaking “plays” like a coach or player calls a key play in a game.

For more information on Spark services, please contact Andy Saks via email or Spark’s Contact page .

Posted in: Sparky Says: Presentation & Public Speaking Tips | 36 Comments

Tags: emcee , scriptwriting


by Marcy Rosenbaum | March 4, 2015 at 11:02 pm

terrific article – just what I wanted. Excellent examples and well structured

by Yaya | November 20, 2015 at 4:45 am

Thank you for valuable information. This helped a lot when I MCéd for the very first time for the Church music event 2015. now its something I always look forward to it with no goose bumps in my tummy. thank you for sharing.

by Gie | November 26, 2015 at 3:14 am

Very useful! Thanks! 🙂

by Jona | December 26, 2015 at 9:48 pm

Now I am a fan of yours ! Amazing skills and talents you have. Thanks for the tips and the videos you shared. 🙂

by Gordon Marshall | January 17, 2016 at 9:22 am

Very informative. As I was watching the videos, I was wondering how much time went into memorizing all that company information. In each case, you articulated the agenda as if you’d work there for years.

by Andy | January 17, 2016 at 8:26 pm

Thanks for your comment Gordon. Between us, I didn’t memorize all that company information; I used a tool called an Earprompter to record the script on to a micro cassette, then it to myself wirelessly during performance. 30-sec intro video here:

by SUSAN P. LLEDO | January 26, 2016 at 11:06 pm

Your so amazing!… I have learned so many things!…

by suzi beatie | January 31, 2016 at 12:18 pm

this was a GREAT help for my first time emcee experience last night, perfect guidelines. Thank you!

by albeth | February 20, 2016 at 7:17 am

thanks sir!

by Wayne | March 7, 2016 at 12:09 pm

Thank you for valuable information and sharing. This will definitely helped a lot to improve myself for in future for my hosting event

by Novella | March 22, 2016 at 10:09 am

Thank you so much sir for this! I have an event tomorrow and I found this site and it was like I had found a gold mine

by Shannon | April 2, 2016 at 12:48 am

Thank you! This was SOOOOO helpful! I, too, have been “roped” into being the emcee at our event tomorrow!

by Lester | April 6, 2016 at 11:45 pm

Thanks for the great info! Sure makes a good resource for people starting out!

by Chrissie | April 22, 2016 at 5:57 pm

Thanks Andy. Your tips were exactly what I needed. I received great feedback on my first emceeing gig this week at an all day work conference of c.150 professionals. Cheers!

by Mafosi | May 13, 2016 at 12:35 am

Thanks Andy

by Reeta | June 10, 2016 at 12:46 pm

Thank you Mr Saks. Today I followed your advice while hosting an Ophthalmology CME program and it was a success. Thank you again.

by Maame | July 13, 2016 at 9:16 am

Thank you so much, Andy. Your information has been very helpful. God bless you

by Abigail | July 26, 2016 at 8:25 am

thank you so much for these. It’ll be my first time of being a host of four seminars tomorrow, I hope all will go smoothly

by Bismark | August 2, 2016 at 7:19 am

Andy, your tips are very well appreciated. A good work done. Thanks

by Ritu | August 11, 2016 at 11:38 am

Thanks Andy. I host events in my school where I teach so your tips aren’t going to work there but still I enjoyed reading your article.

by Gifty | August 30, 2016 at 9:36 am

That was highly informative… well appreciated Andy

by ploy | September 6, 2016 at 1:20 am

This is really really great

by Krysta | September 15, 2016 at 6:46 am

Thanks so much for posting this. It has really helped me get prepared to emcee a business event in India.

by Philip Reyes | November 9, 2016 at 12:44 am

Superb tips! Thank you for posting.

by Nikki | December 16, 2016 at 9:03 am

Thank you very much! If is very helpful

by Lemuel Bravante | January 12, 2017 at 4:01 am

Nice! Thank you! From the Philippines.

by Sally von Reiche | February 5, 2017 at 9:49 pm

Great tips, thanks!

by reena abbasi | February 7, 2017 at 4:35 am

Thank you for the tips. This is the most helpful article I found on emcee tips ! And yes, I am nervous about my event which is ten days from now , but I have a feeling that I shall max it ! Thanks again 🙂

by Mary Ann Wisco | February 26, 2017 at 8:36 am

thank you for the tips

by Varea | March 7, 2017 at 5:30 am

Thanks Andy for tips!! Thank you from Fiji

by Kefilwe | March 29, 2017 at 7:57 am

This is just the best and exactly what i was looking for, im hosting a show this weekend n i am delighted to have come across such. Thank u so much

by Ikqwan | March 30, 2017 at 1:25 pm

Thank you Andy for your wonderful tips. I have been selected as an emcee for one international chess events. i feel the tips were easy to follow, structured and is building a massive power from the beginning towards the end. Millions thanks from Malaysia!

by Jeaneth | June 11, 2017 at 10:43 am

Thank you for these tips. They are relevant and will really keep the audience awake throughout the program. I will be presenting tips to be a good emcee and your article is perfect.

by Ona | June 22, 2017 at 10:15 pm

Amazing tips! I feel more confident that I can host my event.

by Louise | December 7, 2018 at 4:26 pm

Love this article. My husband and I are emcees at a Seniors Supper and I wanted to make sure we covered all the bases. Thanks for modeling excellence.

by Teresa Jadvick | October 5, 2019 at 12:16 am

Thank you Mr Saks , I am presenting my second Emcee role Chinese event and I found your energy and ideas extremely helpful .

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Supercompetent Speaking: The Emcee’s Introduction

Take charge from the beginning. Write the emcee’s introduction to your presentation yourself, provide it well before the event, and ask that it be read verbatim.

In many speaking situations, your client or a Master of Ceremonies (MC but written emcee) will introduce you before you take the stage. The emcee’s introduction is crucial, because it sets up your first comments. When properly handled, it can act as a launching pad for a great presentation; if flubbed, it’s like an anchor, dragging you down and forcing you to spend precious time repairing the emcee’s damage. Needless to say, you’ll want to maintain tight control over your introduction.

While you can’t keep a determined or incompetent introducer from doing a bad job, if you keep the following tips in mind, you’ll maximize the likelihood of success—for both of you.

1. Never let an introducer wing it. Your introduction must create a powerful, positive first impression. Therefore, unless the introducer is a very close friend, who is intimately familiar with your work, don’t let the person deliver an off-the-cuff intro to your presentation. All it takes is a few wrong words or ad-libbed stories to take the wind out of your sails. Provide a fully scripted introduction and request that it be read word for word. Don’t just provide an outline for the emcee to flesh out herself, or she may end up stretching it so far it takes up part of your speaking time.

2. Consider the content carefully. The introduction should quickly let the audience know why you are qualified to speak on this topic, while grabbing their attention and getting them interested in your topic. Keep it brief and to the point—less than 150 words. It should take less than a minute to present. It usually includes:

  • Who you are (your name and what makes you a credible expert)
  • Some funny factoid about you to connect on a human level
  • Your twitter handle if they are tweeting
  • The title of your topic (what you’ll speak about)
  • A quick audience pitch (why the content is important—and most importantly—why they should care)

3. Send your introduction in advance. Be sure your introducer has your introduction in hand at least a week before your presentation. (But bring a copy with you to the presentation, just in case.) Encourage your introducer to practice it in advance and ask for any questions. Request that it be read in an enthusiastic, upbeat way. Provide a pronunciation guide for your name or any words that might cause confusion. Ask the introducer to call you with any pronunciation questions before your speech.

A good emcee will read your introduction as written and immediately hand the stage over to you. So take charge from the beginning. Write the introduction yourself, have it read verbatim, provide it well before the event, and you should be good to launch into your excellent presentation.

Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, is an expert in productivity. For more than 20 years, Stack has worked with business leaders to execute more efficiently, boost performance, and accelerate results in the workplace. Her company, The Productivity Pro, Inc., provides productivity workshops around the globe to help attendees achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time. Stack is the bestselling author of six books, with more than 20 foreign editions, published by Random House, Wiley, and Berrett-Koehler, including her newest work, “ Execution IS the Strategy” (March 2014). An expert in the field of performance and workplace issues, Stack has been featured on the CBS Early Show, CNN , the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times . Connect via her website , Facebook , or Twitter .


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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Emcee Script

An emcee, also known as a master of ceremonies or MC, plays a pivotal role in hosting and guiding various events, from formal ceremonies to casual gatherings. A well-written emcee script sets the tone, engages the audience, and ensures a smooth flow throughout the event. Whether you’re a seasoned emcee or a beginner looking to hone your skills, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips for crafting an engaging emcee script.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Event and Audience

The first step in writing an emcee script is to thoroughly understand the nature of the event and the expectations of the audience. Consider the purpose, theme, and tone of the event. Is it a formal occasion or a casual gathering? Is it educational, celebratory, or a combination of both? Understanding these aspects will help you tailor your script accordingly. Additionally, consider the demographics and interests of the audience. This will enable you to connect with them on a personal level, ensuring a more engaging and inclusive experience.

Structuring the Emcee Script

A well-structured emcee script is essential for maintaining a smooth flow and keeping the audience engaged. Here are key components to include:

Introduction: Start with a warm welcome that captures the audience’s attention. Introduce yourself and establish your role as the emcee. Provide a brief overview of the event and express enthusiasm for being part of the occasion.

Opening Remarks: Set the tone for the event by delivering compelling opening remarks. Share a relevant anecdote, quote, or interesting fact to captivate the audience. Briefly outline the agenda for the event, highlighting key segments or speakers to generate anticipation.

Transitions: Smooth transitions between segments or speakers are crucial for maintaining the event’s momentum. Prepare concise and clear transitions that bridge one part of the event to the next. Use transition phrases, such as “Now, moving on to our next segment,” to guide the audience seamlessly.

Introducing Speakers or Performers: When introducing speakers or performers, provide a brief but impactful biography emphasizing their expertise or achievements. Tailor the introduction to match the tone and purpose of the event, highlighting the relevance of their contribution. Maintain a respectful and enthusiastic tone throughout.

Interactions and Engagement: Inject moments of audience engagement to keep their interest alive. This can include asking questions, conducting polls, or encouraging participation in activities related to the event. Ensure these interactions are well-planned and align with the event’s objectives.

Closing Remarks: Conclude the event with a memorable closing. Express gratitude to participants, sponsors, and the audience. Summarize the key highlights of the event and leave the audience with a lasting impression or call to action.

Writing Style and Tone

The writing style and tone of an emcee script significantly impact the audience’s engagement. Consider the following tips:

Clear and Concise Language: Use simple and concise language to ensure clarity and easy comprehension. Avoid complex jargon or technical terms that may alienate the audience. Strike a balance between professionalism and approachability.

Injecting Personality: Infuse your own personality and style into the script to create a unique and memorable experience. Add appropriate humor, anecdotes, or personal insights, but be mindful of the event’s tone and audience preferences.

Varied Sentence Structure: Vary sentence lengths and structures to maintain the audience’s interest. Utilize a mix of short, punchy sentences and longer, descriptive sentences to create a dynamic rhythm in your delivery.

Captivating Opening and Closing: Craft attention-grabbing opening remarks that immediately capture the audience’s attention. Similarly, create a powerful closing that leaves a lasting impression and reinforces the event’s key message.

Practice and Rehearsal: Once your script is complete, practice delivering it aloud. Familiarize yourself with the flow, timing, and emphasis on key points. Rehearse your script multiple times to build confidence and ensure a smooth and natural delivery.

Flexibility and Adaptability

While a well-prepared script is essential, it’s equally important to remain flexible and adaptable during the event. Embrace unexpected changes or last-minute adjustments gracefully. Be prepared to think on your feet, improvising when necessary, and seamlessly adjusting the script to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or time constraints.

Emcee Script Example #1

Introduction: Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and esteemed colleagues, a warm welcome to the Annual Excellence Awards Ceremony! I am honored to be your emcee for this prestigious event. Tonight, we gather here to celebrate and recognize the remarkable achievements of our outstanding individuals and teams. It’s a night filled with anticipation, inspiration, and a genuine sense of pride. So, without further ado, let us embark on this memorable journey together.

Opening Remarks: Emcee: As we gather here tonight, we reflect upon the incredible talent and dedication that exists within our organization. Each one of you has contributed to our collective success, and tonight, we shine a spotlight on those who have gone above and beyond, truly embodying the spirit of excellence. It’s a joyous occasion, but it’s also an opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude for the hard work, commitment, and passion that drives us forward.

Transition: Emcee: Before we dive into the awards ceremony, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the distinguished individuals who have graced us with their presence tonight. We have the privilege of hosting esteemed members of our organization’s leadership, our valued partners and clients, and of course, our incredible nominees and winners. Your presence here tonight signifies the significance of this event and the value we place on recognizing excellence.

Introducing the Awards Categories: Emcee: Now, let’s turn our attention to the heart of the evening—the awards themselves. We have a series of categories that encompass a wide range of achievements, highlighting the diverse talents and contributions within our organization. From exceptional leadership to innovation and teamwork, these awards reflect the core values that define our organization. Each nominee and winner tonight has demonstrated exceptional skills, dedication, and a remarkable ability to make a positive impact.

Introducing the Nominees and Winners: Emcee: It’s time to celebrate the remarkable individuals who have been nominated for these prestigious awards. Their accomplishments are a testament to their unwavering commitment and drive for excellence. As I announce each nominee, let’s acknowledge their outstanding contributions with a round of applause. And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for—the announcement of the winners. The selection process has been rigorous, with our esteemed panel carefully evaluating each nominee against our criteria of excellence.

Closing Remarks: Emcee: As we come to the end of this memorable evening, I want to express my deepest admiration and congratulations to all the nominees and winners. Your hard work and dedication inspire us all to reach greater heights. Remember, this recognition is not only a celebration of your achievements but also a reminder of the impact you have on our organization and the people around you. Let’s carry this spirit of excellence forward and continue to make a difference in all that we do.

Final Thank You: Emcee: Before we conclude, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has made this evening possible—from our organizing committee to the event staff, sponsors, and volunteers. Your tireless efforts have ensured that this awards ceremony is a resounding success. And, of course, a special thank you to all of you, our incredible audience, for your presence, enthusiasm, and support.

Closing: Emcee: As we bid farewell to this remarkable evening, let us carry the inspiration and motivation gained from tonight’s celebration into our future endeavors. May the spirit of excellence guide us as we continue to strive for greatness in our work and in our lives. Thank you, and have a wonderful evening filled with joy, celebration, and continued success.

Emcee Script Example #2

Introduction: Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, friends, and family, welcome to the celebration of love as we gather here today to witness and celebrate the union of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. On behalf of the couple and their families, I am honored to be your emcee for this joyous occasion. Love is in the air, and tonight, we come together to create beautiful memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Opening Remarks: Emcee: Love is a remarkable journey, and today, we are privileged to witness the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Their love story is a testament to the power of true love and the magic of two souls finding each other. We are here to celebrate their love and to offer our heartfelt support and blessings as they embark on this beautiful journey of togetherness.

Transition: Emcee: Before we commence with the festivities, let us take a moment to acknowledge the presence of our esteemed guests who have joined us today from near and far. Your presence signifies the importance of this day and the love and support you have for [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Let us come together as one big family to celebrate the love and union of these two beautiful souls.

Introduction of the Couple: Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to welcome the stars of the evening—the radiant couple, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. As they make their grand entrance, let us shower them with applause and love. [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your love shine bright and your journey together be filled with happiness and everlasting love.

Toasting and Speeches: Emcee: Love is best celebrated when shared, and we have the pleasure of hearing from some special individuals who would like to share their heartfelt wishes and words of wisdom with the newlyweds. Let us raise our glasses as we invite [Name of the Speaker] to deliver a toast to the happy couple. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to [Name of the Speaker].

Cake Cutting Ceremony: Emcee: Love is sweet, and what better way to celebrate than with a cake cutting ceremony? [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], please make your way to the cake table as we witness this beautiful tradition. May this sweet moment symbolize the sweetness and joy that your love brings into your lives.

Entertainment and Dance: Emcee: Now, it’s time to hit the dance floor and let the celebration continue with music, laughter, and endless joy. Our talented DJ [Name of the DJ] will be spinning some incredible tunes to keep the party going. So, put on your dancing shoes and let the rhythm of love guide your every move.

Special Moments and Surprises: Emcee: Throughout the evening, we have some special surprises and moments planned to make this celebration even more memorable. Keep your eyes and hearts open as we unveil the love and creativity that has gone into making this day truly extraordinary.

Closing Remarks: Emcee: As we come to the end of this magical celebration, let us express our deepest gratitude to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] for allowing us to be a part of their special day. May your love continue to grow and flourish, and may your journey together be filled with endless blessings and cherished memories. Let us all raise a glass to wish them a lifetime of love, happiness, and togetherness.

Final Thank You: Emcee: Before we bid farewell to this incredible evening, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the families of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] for their love, support, and for making this celebration possible. A special thank you to all the guests for gracing us with your presence and for being a part of this beautiful celebration of love.

Closing: Emcee: As we conclude this joyous occasion, let us take with us the warmth of love, the joy of togetherness, and the memories that we have created today. May the love that surrounds us tonight inspire us all to cherish the bonds we share with our loved ones. Thank you and have a wonderful evening filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness.

Emcee Script Example #3

Introduction: Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, teachers, parents, and friends, welcome to the annual [School Name] Talent Show! I am thrilled to be your emcee for this evening, as we gather here to celebrate the incredible talents and creativity of our students. Tonight, we have a spectacular lineup of performances that will captivate your hearts and leave you in awe. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to be amazed!

Opening Remarks: Emcee: The Talent Show is a special event that allows our students to showcase their unique abilities, passions, and skills. It’s a platform for self-expression, creativity, and the celebration of individuality. We are here to support and encourage our talented performers as they take the stage, and I am certain that they will dazzle us with their exceptional talents.

Transition: Emcee: Before we begin, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our students who have poured their hearts and souls into their performances. They have rehearsed tirelessly, overcome challenges, and embraced their passion for the arts. Tonight, we applaud their commitment and applaud their bravery in sharing their talents with all of us.

Introducing the Performers: Emcee: Now, without further ado, let’s dive into the captivating world of talent as we introduce our talented performers. From singers to dancers, magicians to musicians, and everything in between, we have an incredible lineup of acts that will showcase the diversity and creativity within our school. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed as we present our first performer of the evening!

Introducing the Acts: Emcee: We have a fantastic array of acts lined up for tonight’s Talent Show. Each performer has poured their heart and soul into their act, and I have no doubt that they will leave you spellbound. So, let’s give a warm welcome to our first act, [Performer’s Name], as they take the stage and kick off this incredible evening of talent!

Throughout the Show: Emcee: Wasn’t that incredible? Let’s give another round of applause for [Performer’s Name]! Our Talent Show is truly a testament to the incredible creativity and talent within our school. As we move forward, get ready to be captivated by a diverse range of performances that will showcase the unique abilities of our students.

Closing Remarks: Emcee: As we come to the end of this extraordinary evening, I want to express my deepest admiration and congratulations to all the performers who graced our stage tonight. Your talent, passion, and dedication have left us in awe. Remember, this Talent Show is not just about winning; it’s about celebrating the courage to share your talents, supporting one another, and embracing the joy that comes from expressing yourself through the arts.

Final Thank You: Emcee: Before we conclude, let us extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has made this Talent Show possible. A special thank you to the organizing committee, teachers, and staff members who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the success of this event. And, of course, a big thank you to all the parents, friends, and family members who have come here tonight to support our talented performers.

Closing: Emcee: As we bid farewell to this unforgettable evening, let us carry the inspiration and appreciation gained from tonight’s performances into our own lives. Let us continue to nurture and celebrate the talents and creativity within ourselves and others. Thank you for joining us tonight, and we hope to see you again at future events celebrating the brilliance of our students. Have a wonderful evening filled with joy, laughter, and continued appreciation for the arts!

Final Thoughts

Crafting an engaging emcee script requires careful planning, understanding of the event and audience, and effective writing techniques. By structuring your script thoughtfully, infusing your personality, and maintaining a captivating writing style, you can create an immersive experience for both the audience and participants. Remember, practice and rehearsal are key to delivering a seamless and engaging performance. With this comprehensive guide as your foundation, you are well-equipped to write an emcee script that will captivate, inspire, andenergize your audience, ensuring a memorable event for all involved. Embrace the opportunity to be the voice that guides and connects, and let your emcee script shine with professionalism, warmth, and charisma. With dedication and practice, you will master the art of emceeing, leaving a lasting impact on every event you host.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

sample introduction speech for emcee

Table of Contents, How To Present To Any Audience

Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California

Chapter 15: how to emcee an event, introduce speakers, and present awards.

You have been accepted as a leader in your company or your community. You have been asked to serve as a program chair for a dinner or master of ceremonies (otherwise known as MC, or emcee) for a more lavish event. It's quite an honor. It means you are known by the audience and respected by the people putting the event together. If you do it well, you are admired anew and you grow in stature within your company and with all those in attendance.

Your First Responsibility - To Open the Event

Your first responsibility is, of course, to open the event, to welcome everyone. Usually you will do this from a platform or a stage. How you do it creates the climate for the meeting. You either lift the audience and build anticipation, or you bore them and create apathy. As such, you are the catalyst. You carry the audience on your shoulders. At this point, they are a clean slate. You are the artist who determines what is painted there.

Many years ago, there was a great speaker named Percy Whiting. He would always greet the audience by asking in a booming, microphone-aided voice, "Can you hear me in the back over there?" while pointing to the far right corner. A few brave members of the audience in that corner would shout back, "Yes, we can hear you!"

Percy would then turn and gesture to the far left corner while booming, "Can you hear me in the back over there?" The answer would come back, "Yes we can!" Then Percy would say at the same high volume level and with his arms outstretched, "Well, then, let's begin!"

You Are the Focal Point

Here's what Percy Whiting accomplished by opening in that way:

He became the focal point. All side conversations ceased. He got everyone's attention and brought the group to order.

He achieved audience interaction. Members of the audience actually spoke out loud. Amazing!

He created excitement. The anticipation level started off on a high.

That was what he wanted to accomplish. That was his purpose. Yet it all seemed so natural as far as the audience was concerned. It was fun, and it stirred everyone to attention.

Identify Key People in the Group

In the crowd, of course, will be significant people within your organization. They need to be recognized for any number of reasons - if nothing else, they have marquee value with the audience, and their noted attendance will lend prestige to the event. Let's use an example. We'll assume that you are the program chairman for a fund-raising event for your local YMCA. There are seven hundred people present. Once you have opened the session and welcomed those in attendance, you need to give ample recognition to the officers, the directors, and the people who were responsible for putting the event together.

Do it individually for the key people. Decide with them beforehand if they will stand when their names are mentioned. Make sure you know how to pronounce their names. If you muff an important name, you're a dead man - or woman. And it feels bad, too. If there is a difficult name, ask its owner how it's pronounced. Then say it back to them at least three times. Then write it phonetically in your notes. Then say it five times to yourself before your moment of truth.

Provide the Common Bond

Next, tell the audience "why we are all here." This critical opening statement tells the crowd why your prominent panel of speakers is taking the time to be present and offers a connecting common thread that brings the speakers and the entire audience together. You need to find this thread, state it, and connect everyone.

An Example of an Opening

We are here tonight because the "Y" is, in some way, important to each of us. Certainly many of us use the Y regularly as an adult fitness facility. And it's the best and most affordable one in town. But that's not where the great Y legacy comes from. It comes from what it has done for kids. Probably 75 percent of you folks in this room can remember a time when you were a kid and the Y made a positive difference in your life. And though the Y has programs for every age group, kids are what we are all about. The Y has no equal for providing programs for the development of kids from toddlers through the teen years.
I'd like to share a quote about kids from one of our great presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. He said: "Every kid has inside him an aching void for excitement. If we don't fill it with something that is exciting, interesting, and good for him, he will fill it with something that is exciting, interesting, and which isn't good for him." The Y has been supplying that excitement in a way that's good for kids since it began in 1850. But it can't do it without the help and support of people like you. Thank you for being here.

Why It Works

Now imagine yourself in the audience hearing what you just said. It's pretty good, isn't it? There had to be a beginning. The session had to be opened. The audience needed to be connected to one another and to the event. And you just did it. You've given the event a common denominator and a perspective. Everyone present is now "tuned in."

The very next thing you should do is give the audience an overview of the agenda. Tell them what to expect. Include an indication of how long the program will be. Now your listeners are comfortable. They know the parameters. They will settle in.

Your Second Responsibility - To Introduce the Speakers

The next step is to get on with the program. Usually that means you introduce the first speaker. Is there a right way to introduce a speaker? You bet there is, and it begins with an understanding of your responsibility as the go-between, the connecter of the audience to the speaker.

It's similar to when you're hosting a party at your home and you have guests who don't know one another. You feel an obligation to introduce them, to tell each of them something about the other, so that they will discover areas of common interest. You want to connect them so that they can interact better. Once you have accomplished that, the party becomes lively, the guests will talk more freely.

The same thing holds for the talk of introduction, though you should go into a bit more detail, since the dialogue that takes place at a party will be missing.

The word "introduce" comes from the Latin words intro , which means inside, and ducerem which means to lead. When we introduce a speaker properly, we lead the audience inside the speaker's world so that the audience is intrigued by the topic, impressed by the speaker's accomplishments, and excited to be present.

How to Organize an Introduction

Is there a simple way to organize such a talk? Of course there is. We call it the TEAS format. It was created by Charlie Wend, a cofounder of Communisync, and has helped thousands of "introducers" perform this function flawlessly.

Here's how it works:

T � Title of the speaker's talk; why it's important to this audience.

E �Experience and Educational background of the speaker

A �Anecdote about the speaker that:

Reveals a human interest dimension of the speaker and / or

Dramatizes the importance of the speaker's subject

S �Speaker's name

Try to hold the speaker's name until last, even when the audience knows who the speaker is. It keeps the introduction cleaner and adds a sense of drama and a lift to the end of your intro.

To do this exceptionally, your first job is to interview the speaker and gather the necessary background information. You may have to work harder to get the anecdote. Sometimes the speaker is shy or "can't think of one." In that case, ask him or her for the name of a friend and phone that person to get the anecdote. Even if you encounter roadblocks, persist. It's worth it.

A Simple Luncheon Intro

J. Walter Thompson (JWT) was hosting a luncheon for the Ford Motor Company, its biggest account, to celebrate a new advertising campaign.

The luncheon would take place in the JWT executive dining area. About seventy people would be present, half Ford people, half JWT.

The JWT management supervisor, Glen Fortinberry, wanted the event to be special. He wanted a speaker who would appeal to this sports-oriented audience. So he arranged for Frank Gifford, the former all-pro Giants flankerback, to be a speaker. He also asked Charlie Wend to introduce Frank.

Gathering Information

The first thing Charlie did was to call the New York Giants' office. He talked to Ray Walsh, the general manager, and told him that he was going to introduce Frank and that he wanted to tell the story of the great catch Frank made against the Steelers toward the end of his career, at Yankee Stadium.

Ray Walsh said, "I'll never forget that catch. We [the Giants] were in the race for the Eastern Divisional Championship of the NFL. We were tied. We had to beat the Steelers to get to the championship game. We were in the fourth quarter. It was third down with fourteen yards to go for a first. We were on our own forty-yard line. The quarterback was Y. A. Tittle. Gifford lined up left and ran a crossing pattern.

"Joe Walton, the tight end, was supposed to clear the area for Frank but was held up at the line of scrimmage. So Frank ran his pattern with two defenders on him. Y. A. was being rushed hard, but he held the ball as long as he could. He finally threw it out of desperation, and he threw it long. There was no way Frank could get to it ... but he did. He dove, caught it with his fingertips, and tucked it in as he rolled on the ground. It was a first down. We went on to score, and we won the Divisional Championship. Frank's catch was the turning point."

Charlie took notes and was overjoyed because he knew he had a good anecdote! He also had prepared the other parts of the TEAS format.

No Secrets: Tell the Speaker What You'll Say

On the day of the luncheon, Charlie met with Frank Gifford and told him what he was going to say while introducing him. Not a bad idea. There's nothing worse than spouting some facts in your introduction and then having the speaker walk to the lectern and disclaim the truth of what you just said.

Let's look at the format for the talk of introduction as it applied to Charlie's intro of Frank Gifford. It follows the TEAS plan.

Topic: "What it means to be a professional"

Charlie stated why that topic was important to this audience of Ford people: "Skill and professionalism separate the great ones from the not-so-greats in professional football; the same is true when creating great Ford advertising."

Experience and Education: Charlie provided facts about Gifford's professional background:

Graduate of USC, where he was All-American

NFL career 1952 to 1964

Starred on both offense and defense during 1953 season

All-NFL four years

Seven Pro Bowls

Pro Bowl selection in three different positions, as defensive back, halfback, and flanker

Original team of broadcasters on Monday Night Football

Covered the Olympics and other special events for ABC

Anecdote: Charlie told the story of Frank's catch against the Steelers. He made the point that the catch represented the epitome of professionalism.

Speaker's Name: Charlie simply said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to present our speaker today . . . (pause) . . . Frank Gifford."

Charlie had a little rubber football with him on the lectern, and as Frank walked to the lectern, Charlie tossed him the little football, which Frank caught and tossed back to him. Nice touch. Luckily, Frank caught the little football.

Frank Gifford's Transition

Frank's opening remarks went something like this: "Thank you, Charlie, for the nice introduction. Actually, I'm not the one who deserves the credit for that play. Y. A. held his ground back there, looking death in the eye as two defensive linemen roared at him. After he threw the ball, he was almost annihilated by those tacklers. Any other quarterback would have thrown the ball away to avoid being hit so hard, and I wouldn't have had the chance to catch it.

"After the play, I congratulated Y. A. for holding the ball that long and then getting it to me. And he said, ‘I wish I had thrown it to Del Shofner [a faster receiver] instead of you, Frank. Del would have been wide open, five yards in front of those defenders. It would have been an easy play, and I wouldn't have been hit by those linemen.'"

A Great Introduction Is Enjoyed By All

That was Frank's transition into his talk. He was so self-effacing the audience loved him before he even started his prepared remarks. That's what a good anecdote can do for a speaker. It provides an opportunity for the speaker to gracefully transition from the introduction into his talk. But it's not just the speaker who benefits, the audience does, too. The entire affair rises to a new level if the introductions are done well.

After the luncheon was over, Frank sought Charlie out, thanked him again, and said, "Would you follow me around and introduce me whenever I speak?"

The Key, Of Course, Is the Anecdote

If you can get a good anecdote, the speaker is "launched" with the audience. Charlie once introduced Ted Sorensen, a former speechwriter for President Kennedy, at one of those JWT events. Sorensen was a brilliant man who looked rather studious. In the introduction, Charlie said, (deliberately holding Ted's name until the end of the intro):

"Last week this man pitched a shut out and knocked in the winning run for his team in a slow pitch softball game in Central Park. And even after those heroics, he was much more elated by the team victory than by his own contributions. It shows what a team player this man is."

Notice how the story humanized Ted Sorensen. The audience could identify with him just a little bit more.

Sometimes it's difficult to get the necessary information, try though we might. We think we can get the material on the spot, and so we let it go until we have nowhere to turn for help. But we shouldn't excuse ourselves. Remember, a speaker cannot be as effective with a weak introduction. He cannot do it alone. You are there for a purpose. You are there to help make the event more meaningful, more enjoyable, than it could be without you.

Sometimes the Setting Is Difficult

For many years I lived with my wife and family in Old Greenwich, Connecticut. One day in May, the organizer of the local Memorial Day parade asked me:

"Kevin, would you be willing to serve as the grand marshal of the parade? If you say ‘yes,' here's what's involved:

"You would be part of the great parade, riding in the elevated back seat of the grand marshal's car as the parade weaves its way through town. Alongside of you would be our guest celebrity and featured speaker, Fred Furmark (not his real name), of TV fame. The parade will start at Todd's Point and work its way all the way down Sound Beach Avenue, ending at Memorial Rock.

"You and Fred will wave to the crowd during this journey. They will line the streets on both sides and be hanging off the train trestle bridge as you go under it. At Memorial Rock in Binney Park, you will introduce Fred. He will give his Memorial Day talk, and the parade will be over."

The whole thing sounded exciting to me, so I said, "Sure. I'll do it."

I knew how to do an introduction. It meant I'd have to get some information about the speaker, but I could get that from him as we inched our way along in the parade.

The Memorial Day Parade

Memorial Day came, and it wasn't long before I found myself in the back of the car with Fred Furmark on Shore Road in Old Greenwich, behind marching bands, baton twirlers, Veterans of American Wars, American Legion members, Girl Scouts, Daughters of the American Revolution, the Fire Department, local officials, and just about any other organized group that wanted to walk or march from Todd's Point to Memorial Rock.

Fred and I were in the middle of all that. I told him I would be introducing him and asked him to tell me about his background. He said, "I've lived in this town for twenty years and they all know me here."

We were sitting high in the grand marshal's car, waving to the left, to the right, overhead. Wherever there were people waving, we waved back. It was fun. But I had a job to do. I needed information from my fellow "waver," and I was a little bit nervous about whether I was going to get it.

Interviewing the Speaker

So I said, "Fred, what is the topic of the talk you are going to give?"

He waved to the people standing in front of Sterling Watts's hardware store, and said, "I'm going to talk about patriotism."

I said: "I need a title for your talk."

Fred said, "How about ‘What freedom means today'?"

I said, "I like it if you do."

At this point someone from the crowd yelled, "How are you doing, Fred?"

Fred answered, "I'm doing fine. I love being here with all of you."

We returned to our dialogue, still smiling, still waving. I said, "Could you tell me something about your background, your schooling?"

Fred said, "Why do you want to know about that?"

So I said, "I have to introduce you. I have to tell the people about you."

Fred said, "They all know me. I've lived in this town for twenty years."

I said, "Fred, please help me. I've got to introduce you, and I need some info on you. Would you help me?"

Little by little, Fred answered my questions and gave me what I needed. He never missed a wave. He smiled indefatigably. And a lot of the people did know him. I was really impressed with this fine man, but I sure struggled in getting enough information. I've changed a few details, but here is the outline of my introduction:

Topic: "What freedom means today"

Experience and education:

Graduated from Fordham University

Worked for his father as a law clerk for two years

Went into broadcasting. Played Batman on radio for ten years

Hosted Deal and Cash In

Hosted Winner Gets All

Hosted Make a Million

Has hosted The Truth Will Set You Free for the last eight years

Is considered the first game-show superstar

Has had more exposure on daytime TV than any other TV personality

Anecdote: "Fred is a family man, with five children, four girls and a boy. Despite his fame and the demands on his time, the job he loves the most is that of superintendent of a Sunday school in our town of Greenwich. His deeply religious core shows itself when he bids adieu to both his Sunday school class and to the participants who perform on his show by saying, ‘Good-bye, and may God be with you.'"

Speaker's Name: "Ladies and gentlemen, our celebrity Memorial Day speaker . . . (pause) . . . Fred Furmark."

Always announce the name with a rise of intonation and a burst of volume. The speaker's name is the culmination of your talk. If you have held the name until the end, the speaker will rise and walk toward you with outstretched hand as the audience applauds.

Keep It Short, Then Step Out of the Spotlight

You might wonder how long the talk of introduction should be. The answer is - it should be short. Not longer than sixty seconds. Your job is to sell the speaker to the audience, enhance his or her stature, tickle the audience's fancy, build their anticipation, and excite them about the speaker. All of that, but no more, in sixty seconds.

You are not the speaker. Don't be confused by that. You are there to prepare the way for the speaker, not compete with him or her. And, for heaven's sake, don't show off your knowledge about the speaker's subject. Here is an old speaker's lament:

Nothing makes me madder Than when the introducer's patter Is my subject matter

Your Third Responsibility - Presenting Awards

If you are program chair inside your company or organization, you will either present awards or direct others to do so. This is a special time. The award winners love it. The audience loves it. There are two scenarios to be dealt with; one is when you have a series of awards or acknowledgments, and the other is when you are presenting the coveted top awards.

Examples of a Series of Awards

Members of a team who worked together

People who reached new sales "highs"

Top producers in different categories

People who helped make an event successful

Those who made quota

Extraordinary accomplishment

When you are delivering an award, make sure you clearly state what the accomplishment was. Dramatize it. Make it sound important. Be enthusiastic. Be happy. Be upbeat. Be impressed.

Hold the name until last. Announce it with gusto. Smile at each recipient. Shake their hands. Show how delighted you are. Remember that your speech - what you say and how you say it - is a massive part of the award. You create the aura. You create the magnitude. You create the sense of triumph. If you do it well, the award winners will revel in their moment. Potential recipients will be motivated to strive for the same recognition in the future. The audience will be impressed. The event will be a success. And you will be responsible for that success.

Make Sure You Pronounce the Names Correctly

The best way to sidestep this common error is to practice pronouncing the names. The best time to botch a name is in private. There are no penalty points for that, but if you do it out loud to the audience, that's the one thing they will remember - and they will think you're a jerk. That's not fair, but that's the way it is. As Dale Carnegie once said, "Remember, a man's name is, to him, the sweetest and most important sound in any language."

Don't ever lose sight of the fact that these people are being singled out for recognition. It's a marvelous moment, each time - for them. If you are bored with it, or it comes off as dull or perfunctory, you have failed. You lose personal stature with all those present. So, keep your enthusiasm at a high level from beginning to end, no matter how long and drawn-out the ceremony may become. Even if it sometimes seems to you that you are going on forever, remember that it is the first time and the only time for each person being recognized.

The Coveted Top Awards

Ideally there should be but one of these, just as there is only one Congressional Medal of Honor. But it's easy to make a case for two. Is there an absolute limit to how many top awards there can be? Yes. The outside limit is three. Beyond that, there is no exclusivity. The value is tarnished.

In many companies, the top award gets its name from some event in the company's history. Let me give you an example. At Communisync, the top honor you can receive is the Jack Sloan Broken Pick Award.

The Story Behind the Broken Pick Award

Jack Sloan joined Communisync as a salesman and worked for the company for eight years. He was marvelously successful because he worked hard and he worked smart. The vice president of sales, Ted Fuller, was so impressed with his work ethic that he used Jack as an example at one of our sales meetings saying, "You never have to wonder where Jack is. If you can't find him in the office, it's because he's at a client somewhere, breaking his pick (as in digging a hole with a pickax), trying to make a sale."

And so was born the Broken Pick Award. It goes to the person who best demonstrates that they "went the extra mile," "broke their pick," to make the sale. The award, given once a year, is a plaque with the broken pickax symbol on it. It's the apex, the epitome of recognition. You might think a broken pick isn't too glamorous. But that's where tradition and company culture come in.

When presenting a coveted top award, do so with much excitement and joy. Show that you are thrilled to be a part of this great moment and to be sharing it with everyone in the room. Follow these five simple steps:

Tell the story and the philosophy of the award.

Lay out the success record and accomplishments of the recipient.

Explain how the accomplishments demonstrate the philosophy.

Hold the name until last even though they know who it is.

Say the name with gusto.

Key Learnings for How to Emcee a Meeting, Introduce a Speaker, and Present Awards

Consider yourself honored if you are asked to be a program chair. It's a showcase for you. It will do more for your stature and visibility in your company than six months of normal work.

Use the TEAS formula when introducing a speaker. It's simple and it works. The introduction will be livelier and the speaker better launched.

Make sure you get a good anecdote; it makes your introduction special. It also sets up the speaker, and the audience loves it.

Hold the name for last when you introduce a speaker or present an award. It helps build anticipation. The audience will applaud more enthusiastically.

Punch the name with gusto when you announce the speaker or the award winner's name.

Use the person's name ten or fifteen times in the course of the introduction. This strips all drama from the ending.

Talk too long. You are the preface, not the book.

Try to steal the show by being a comedian or by seeking undue attention. Not your job. There's a place in heaven for a good emcee. Most comedians never get there.

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

Adam Christing

How To Introduce Yourself As Emcee

Knowing how to properly introduce yourself on stage is a must-have skill for any emcee out there. But knowing the right way to do so might be a little tricky.

Key Takeaways

  • E – Engage your listeners
  • M – Maintain a high level of confidence
  • C – Customize your approach
  • E – Establish yourself as an expert
  • E – Energize the entire atmosphere

Being an emcee isn’t as easy as the pros make it look. And when it comes to emceeing an event, the beginning of your speech is always the hardest!

Keep reading, and I’ll let you know five tips for introducing yourself as an EMCEE at your next event.

See Related:  8 Tips On How To Be The Best Master Of Ceremonies At Your Event

#1. E ngage The Crowd

Being an emcee isn’t as easy as it may seem. When you watch the pros on stage, it looks like a piece of cake.

But once you get up there yourself, you realize it’s anything but.

Speaking on stage can be a scary and daunting experience for some. Many people suffer from stage fright , so if you’re used to being overcome with nerves when it’s time to step on stage, you’re not alone!

A great way to gain confidence on stage is by starting off strong.

And to do that, you need to be able to introduce yourself properly.

As an experienced corporate emcee , I’ve gathered some great tips for introducing oneself as an emcee.

So, if you want to start your next speech off the right way , keep reading. I’ll use the acronym EMCEE to share five of my top tips with you!

Event planners keynote speaker speaker's talk how many emcees guest speakers good emcee bit nervous special event great introduction

Prioritizing Audience Interaction

Nowadays, people have much shorter attention spans than they used to. And that just means you’ll need to go above and beyond to captivate your audience during your introduction!

First impressions truly matter . If you want to make your mark as an emcee, you need to prove to your listeners right away that you’re worth it.

The key to presenting yourself properly as an emcee is to focus on engaging your listeners.

After all, this is the perfect (and only) chance for you to capture the attention of the event attendees. And that’s only possible if you truly engage the audience!

Depending on what kind of speech you’re delivering, there are a few different ways to do this.

You can try simple methods, like starting with a powerful statement or an interesting fact. This is a foolproof way to immediately pique the curiosity of the audience and make them eager to hear more.

But a better way to do so is by utilizing things like humor or fun activities . When people feel entertained, they can truly open up and feel engaged with a speaker!

#2. M aintain A High Level Of Confidence

Introducing yourself might seem like a simple task at first. But it can be an uphill battle if you ignore the basics!

Every emcee should be at least familiar with the foundations of public speaking. But one thing that you should be sure to never forget when introducing yourself is confidence .

First impression event talk person first few minutes introductions fun introductions host host host ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies presentation master

Fake It Till You Make It!

Even if you’re nervous or a tad unsure about what comes next, you can never lack confidence on stage .

This is the lifeblood of any performer, entertainer, or speaker, and you need to be sure you’re always ripe with it!

Exude confidence through your body language, tone of voice, and overall presentation. This’ll help you establish credibility on stage and gain your audience’s trust and attention.

But confidence is about more than just appearing capable. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, the audience will feel more at ease and be better receptive to what you are going to say!

#3. C ustomize Your Approach

If you’re expecting to use the same introduction word-for-word for every audience you speak to, you’re in for a surprise.

You can’t treat each crowd exactly the same and expect to pull off a successful intro each time!

The key to presenting yourself properly as an emcee is to tailor your introduction to the specific event and audience .

Be mindful of who you’re talking to and what the event is all about.

Guests master master master example example success write write present story excited excited events point speakers happen organization connect connection moment job job life joke agenda written

No One Likes The Same Ol’, Same Ol’

A personalized and unique message as your introduction is bound to be better than anything else. No one likes to listen to generic speeches!

Just be sure to do your homework .

Research the event, its purpose, and the audience demographics beforehand.

Then, show genuine interest and understanding of the audience’s needs and aspirations. This will help your audience feel more comfortable and at ease with you as the speaker.

Bonus: 6 Fun Corporate Summer Party Ideas To Treat Your Team In 2023

#4. E stablish Yourself As A Trusted Expert

A big part of being an emcee is entertaining the room. You need to be able to keep your audience engaged and listening from start to finish.

But that’s not all that goes into it!

Especially for more technical speeches, your introduction should be used to establish yourself as a credible speaker .

To keep it simple, you can start by sharing your background, credentials, experience, knowledge, or any other achievements that would be used to win over your audience.

Keep it concise and relevant to avoid overshadowing the main purpose of the event.

You don’t want to bore anyone!

The goal here is just to assure the audience that you are the right person to guide them through the event. Plus, it’s important for them to understand that you have the necessary skills and expertise to create a memorable experience for them.

#5. E nergize The Entire Room!

Your introduction is the first chance for the audience to get a taste of the rest of the evening.

They came to the event to enjoy some energizing entertainment and fun activities, so show them that they came to the right place!

If you start your introduction or speech with a side of boredom and blah , the audience will remember it till the end. And they’ll feel as if they’re about to waste their evening.

The key to having a great intro as an emcee is to energize the entire room. Your listeners should feel sparks of joy and excitement from start to finish.

Set a positive and enthusiastic tone by using things like appropriate gestures and vocal variations.

Be sure to inject energy into everything you say in order to create a vibrant and engaging atmosphere for the event!

It’s a good idea to encourage audience interaction and participation to create a dynamic and thrilling environment. Setting a lively tone from the start will create a positive momentum that will continue until the end.

Wrapping Up

Being an emcee might be challenging, but you’ll be off to a great start if you focus on delivering a great introduction. With these tips in mind, it’ll be easier than ever to do so!

Keep Reading:  6 Leadership Retreat Ideas You’ll Want A Corporate Emcee To Guide You Through

Adam Christing  has been called “The Tom Brady of emcees.” He has hosted more than 1,000  company meetings ,  special events ,  gala celebrations , and more. He is the  author of several books  and founder of .   For more event tips, follow Adam Christing on  Instagram ,  Facebook ,  Pinterest ,  LinkedIn , and  YouTube .

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Gala Emcee Script: A Guide and Samples

sample introduction speech for emcee

First let's define the difference between standard events emcee and Gala emcee.

The primary difference between a normal emcee (emcee stands for “emcee,” which is a short form of the term “master of ceremonies”) and a Gala Emcee lies in the nature and scale of the events they typically host. Both roles involve facilitating and guiding an event, but their focus, style, and the level of formality may vary.

Normal Emcee:

Diverse Events: A normal emcee is versatile and can host a wide range of events, including weddings, corporate functions, community gatherings, and more.

Casual and Formal: They are adaptable to both casual and formal settings, tailoring their approach to suit the tone and atmosphere of the specific event.

Varied Audience: Normal emcees may engage with diverse audiences, and their content is adjusted based on the occasion and the demographics of the attendees.

Less Formal Scripting: While they may follow a script or plan, the scripting is generally less formal and allows for more spontaneous interactions with the audience.

Gala Emcee:

Gala Events: A Gala Emcee specializes in hosting high-profile, formal events, often with a specific focus on fundraising, awards ceremonies, or grand celebrations.

Elegance and Formality: Gala Emcees are known for maintaining a high level of elegance and formality, aligning with the prestigious nature of the events they host.

Corporate and Upscale Settings: They are frequently hired for corporate galas, charity fundraisers, or upscale events where a polished and sophisticated presentation is paramount.

Scripted and Structured: Gala Emcees often follow a more structured and scripted format to ensure that the event flows seamlessly and adheres to a refined schedule.

Specialized Skills: They may have specialized skills in handling dignitaries, VIP guests, or delivering polished presentations tailored to the high-profile nature of the event.

In summary, while a normal emcee is adaptable to a variety of events and settings, a Gala Emcee specializes in hosting formal, prestigious occasions that demand a higher level of elegance, formality, and adherence to a scripted program. The choice between the two depends on the nature and objectives of the event being organized.

sample introduction speech for emcee

The Blueprint for Gala Emcee Scripting

1. introduction and welcome:.

  • “Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and our cherished sponsors, welcome to [Event Name]! I am your host for the evening, [Emcee Name], and it’s an absolute pleasure to be your guide through this enchanting gala.”

2. Express Gratitude and Acknowledgments:

  • “Before we embark on this incredible journey, let’s take a moment to express our deepest gratitude. A special thank you to our generous sponsors, dedicated organizers, and each of you for gracing us with your presence tonight.”

3. Event Overview and Theme Introduction:

  • “Tonight, we come together under the theme of [Event Theme]. This evening promises an exquisite blend of [mention key elements – entertainment, awards, speeches] that reflects the essence of elegance and celebration.”

4. Introduce Key Speakers and Performers:

  • “Our gala wouldn’t be complete without the brilliant minds and talented performers who have graciously joined us. Later tonight, we’ll be honored to hear from [Speaker/Performer Names], whose presence adds an extra layer of sophistication to our event.”

5. Awards Presentation:

  • “Now, let’s shine a spotlight on excellence. Our awards segment is a tribute to those who have demonstrated outstanding [mention the criteria – leadership, innovation, etc.]. So, without further ado, let’s dive into our first award category.”

6. Interactive Segments and Audience Engagement:

  • “We believe in making this evening memorable for each one of you. Get ready for some interactive segments, surprises, and, of course, opportunities for you to shine. Keep your eyes peeled, as you might just be part of the magic!”

7. Dinner Announcement and Entertainment Break:

  • “As we prepare to indulge in a delectable feast, let’s take a short entertainment break. Enjoy the delightful melodies of [Entertainment Act], and relish the company of your tablemates. Dinner will be served shortly.”

8. Closing Remarks and Thank You:

  • “As we approach the conclusion of this splendid gala, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you. Your presence has illuminated this event, and we hope you leave with wonderful memories. Until we meet again, good night, and thank you!”

sample introduction speech for emcee

Tips for Gala Emcee Scripting

Know Your Audience:

  • Tailor your script to resonate with the demographics and interests of the gala attendees.

Maintain a Graceful Flow:

  • Ensure a smooth transition between segments, allowing the evening to unfold seamlessly.

Inject Personality:

  • Add your unique flair to the script, making it authentic and engaging.

Practice Pacing:

  • Be mindful of the pacing, allowing the audience to absorb and enjoy each moment.

Stay Flexible:

  • Be prepared to adapt the script based on the audience’s response and unexpected developments.

Gala events are a blend of sophistication and celebration, and your emcee script should mirror this essence. Use the samples as a starting point, infusing them with your personality and the unique spirit of the gala you are hosting. With a well-crafted script, you’ll be ready to captivate the audience and orchestrate an unforgettable evening of glamour and festivities.

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sample introduction speech for emcee

Introducing a Speaker Sample Script

sample introduction speech for emcee

Many people get asked to introduce a speaker at an event and have no idea how to do it. In this quick guide, we give you several different frameworks that you can use, as well as plenty of sample scripts and explain the questions you must ask both your speaker and your client before you start.

Key Points of  a Great Speaker Introduction

A Biography is not an Introduction

  • Grab the audiences attention
  • Establish the importance of the Topic
  • Establish the credibility of the Speaker
  • Outline “What’s in it for Them”
  • Say the Speakers name last

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Why do we introduce a speaker or performer.

There are many reasons why we have someone else introduce a speaker or an act rather than them just coming out on stage and beginning their presentation or performance. Understanding these is an important part of the process of crafting a great introduction. Here are some of the reasons…

  • It shows respect for the speaker
  • It settles the audience down and gets them focussed on the stage.
  • Alternatively, it can hype the audience up and get them excited about what they are going to experience
  • It gives a chance for the Production crew to correct the sound levels, lights and be ready with any audio/visual cues.
  • It lets the audience know who this person is before they start, in case there is no printed program.
  • It can link the content or the message of the speaker to the theme of the event.
  • It can emphasise why this message is important to the group and why they should listen
  • It can show why this person is qualified to speak about the topic and share their insights
  • It can allow the speaker to get straight into the meat of their presentation

So, as you can see there is a lot going on behind even the simplest of introductions!

Before you start writing a Speaker Introduction!

Before you start writing an introduction, find out, does the speaker have a prepared Introduction?

If the person presenting is a professional speaker, e.g this is what they do for a living, they should have a standard introduction already prepared for you or better still, an introduction they have prepared specifically for this event. They will understand the importance of the introduction and how it can help them and their presentation succeed.

In reality however, not all professional speakers will provide you with a prepared introduction and most other non professional speakers will not provide one at all. They may not even be aware that they can do this.

What you will get in most situations is a Biography, which is not an Introduction and shouldn’t be read out “as is!” This is one mistake many people make. We will show you later in the article how to convert a Bio into an Introduction.

If you do get an introduction, either supplied by the booker, the client or the speaker themselves, use it as written. Don’t attempt to improve it. The only time to do this is if you see some glaring error or you really need to cut some time off, but you are going to find most provided introductions are carefully crafted and most will be quite succinct.

If you do add anything, say it before you start the provided introduction and then end on their words.

Speaking of time … if a Speaker does provide you a long winded introduction or insists that a video highlights package is run before they come on stage, make sure this is included in their presentation time!

I normally start timing a speaker after I leave the stage and they have started, but if they insist on a really long one or play a 5 minute video first, that should be part of their allocated time.

There is a bit of a trend for having a video play before they actually come on. It really is part of the presentation..

Notice, I have been referring to provided Introductions. These are not Biographies!

Often you will be provided with a Biography of the Speaker. The Client has probably recieved this from the Speaker or copied it from their website and it was useful to them in selecting the Speaker for the engagement. But these are seldom useful as Speaker Introductions.

A Biography, like a CV that you put together to help you obtain a job,  lists all your Qualifications, Achievements, Career Highlights, Publications, Awards etc.

But your audience doesn’t really need to know all this! They don’t really care. They want to essentially know just three things.

  • Is this Topic important?
  • Is the Speaker qualified to talk about the Topic?
  • What’s in it for them?

Don’t fall into the trap of just reading out a long Biography that you are given.  We will show you later in the article how to quickly craft a strong Speaker Introduction.

It’s always a good idea if you can check directly with the speaker that the topic of their speech is unchanged.

Many speakers get booked many months before their presentations. In the case of large international events this may even be a year or so prior! In some cases a speech Topic or Title may change. The speaker may in fact have a totally different theme or presentation to what’s printed in the Agenda or in the notes provided.

If you craft a wonderful Introduction, touching on the theme or the importance of the speech, it helps if it’s in alignment.

Two strategies

Firstly, you should if at all possible talk to your speakers before you introduce them. There are many reasons for this, that we have discussed here. During this conversation you can check that the title and topic is much the same.

Secondly, if the Speaker has a Powerpoint Presentation to accompanies the speech you can usually see the first slide. This should alert you to the fact of a change early on. You will either see this when they are setting up on stage or you may be able t see it at the Audio Visual Desk if it is being controlled by the AV Team.

If you see there is an obvious change you can then find out more and alter accordingly.

Questions for Your Client

We already have a specific  training that covers all the questions you should ask your client before an event, but here are a few that specifically relate to the introduction.

  • What is the purpose of the whole meeting?
  • What is the purpose of this speech?
  • Why did you choose this speaker?
  • Will I be provided with a Biography or a set Introduction?

The answers to these questions should provide you with a fairly solid base to work from, especially if you are going to follow the Introducing a Speaker Sample Script outlined below.

Speaker Introduction Framework 1

Here is a very solid framework to start with that I have used for many years.

I was taught this by Ron Tachhi who was a very successful speaker and then ran a large Speaker Bureau in Australia. His was based on a framework taught in the Toastmasters Training. (I should point out, I have modified the order of the 4 points as I feel it has much more impact done this way.)

The Speaker Introduction has 4 parts that address a different question in turn.

1/ Why this Subject?

Why is this subject important?  This allows you to start with a bang – to pose a question, state an alarming fact, interesting insight or staggering statistic.

What you are trying to do here is to grab the audiences attention, stop them thinking about the previous presentation or even just to look up from their phone where they have been checking their email.

It can be as short as just a sentence or perhaps two or three to frame the topic.

“Did you know that there are more Shopping Malls in America than there are High Schools?”

“What do you think is the most common cause of death of children under 5 years worldwide?”

“A quick show of hands … Who here believes that  (XXXXXX)  is the biggest issue facing our industry at the moment?”

2/ Why this Speaker?

Next you need to establish the credibility of the speaker. This is where you mention some of the highlights taken from their Biography. Choose the most significant ones and importantly, the ones that relate most to the topic and theme.

You are positioning the speaker as the best person give insights and solutions to the subject.

3/ Why this Audience?

You now build a link between the Subject and the Audience. How does this subject effect them directly.

“You guys are leaders in our community … “

“These changes to the legislation and going to impact you more than most …”

“If you expect to earn more next year …”

4/ Why Now?

Why is it great to be learning this now?

What is the benefit to them?

What are they going to get out of it?

Why should they pay attention right now?

In Sales terms.. you heard about the pain, now here is the solution!

What’s in it for them!

You are picking up the momentum and building a little excitement.

“In the next 30 minutes you will learn …”

“Let’s get some inside secrets from someone who …”

Combining these 4 Parts together has a nice flow to it and it builds up to a strong finish.

Speaker Name Last

It’s usually better to end with the persons Name as the last thing you say.

If you were introducing me for instance you could say ….

“Would you please welcome to the stage, Timothy Hyde , the founder of”

It’s far better to say …

“Would you please welcome to the stage, the founder of,  Timothy Hyde ”

Length of Introduction

Depending on the circumstances you should really try and keep a Speakers introduction short and tight.

You can pack a lot into just 2 minutes!

Speaker Introduction Framework 2

There’s another element that you can add into any introduction and that is a more personal touch. This requires that you can contact the speaker before the event or at least have a few words with them on the day.

What you try and find out is some personal anecdote or connection that you weave into the speaker introduction.

It might be a connection to the group, the venue or the cause. It could be where they live, where they were born or where they are travelling to next. Hobbies and Sports Teams they follow are great ones, and I quite often ask … “what’s the essential album you like to listen to on a long car trip?”

As you can see these questions go beyond the normal level of formal introductions and add something a bit special. It also allows a bit of humour.

If you are introducing a number of speakers at one event you can use this technique with each one. After the first couple of introductions the audience will be expecting to hear it each time and it becomes a great “running gag.”

Should I stay or Should I go?

The other question I get asked a lot is “Should I give the speaker introduction and then leave the stage or should I give the introduction and then wait for the speaker to get to the lectern / centre stage and then leave?

My feeling on this is you should wait at the lectern and there are a number of reasons for this.

I like to control the audience focus!

If I walk off before the speaker comes on, the audience don’t know where to look.

I like to give the Speaker Introduction and gesture towards where they are coming from. Once they are onstage and moving to the centre, everyone will be looking at them. I then move slightly to the side but wait for them. Once they nearly get to the speaking position I extend my hand in welcome, shake hands and then leave the stage.

However, I don’t completely leave. Speakers sometimes are nervous, they might drop their notes, fumble with the control button for the slides etc. I’m close enough that I can respond if needed. Once they start I can then proceed completely offstage.

Final Thought on Introducing a Speaker

One of the joys of being an MC is that you get to meet and work with some amazing speakers.

Over the years I’ve introduced – famous Sportsmen, Entrepreneurs, Explorers, Prime Ministers, Astronauts, Inventors, life changing Surgeons and many more.

And every time you witness a great speech, that you introduced well, you can think to yourself … “I helped make that a success!”

sample introduction speech for emcee

Timothy Hyde

Widely acknowledged as one of Australia's busiest & best MC's and a global authority on the MC Industry, Timothy Hyde shares his expertise and insights into this fascinating Professional Speaking niche via this site and a dynamic YouTube channel. His best selling book The ExpertMC Toolkit and Resource Manual has helped thousands of people worldwide improve their Emcee skills and in many cases, start earning a living by taking on the role.

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