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The killing … a still from Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden

Seal Team 6: The Raid on Osama bin Laden – first look review

T his film is the point at which Harvey Weinstein , exploitation-movie impresario extraordinaire, meets Harvey Weinstein, Democratic big-money donor and activist. On the one hand, Weinstein is working an old grindhouse promotional gambit: riding the publicity coattails of a more prestigious and expensive feature of similar theme or provenance – in this case Kathryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty – and attempting to reach the screens before it, the better to dine, vampirishly, on a percentage of the profits. The Democratic activist in Weinstein, meanwhile, was surely horrified when Columbia delayed the Bigelow picture until after the presidential election, and was damned if his version wasn't going to make some sort of splash before that date.

So here we are. Seal Team 6 could only rate as propaganda in a toxic, Fox News-driven political environment such as obtains at this moment. Forget all that context, however, and you find here a pretty niftily put together platoon-movie, tautly directed by John Stockwell ( Blue Crush , Crazy/Beautiful ), well cast with familiar second-string TV faces (Boss's Kathleen Robertson, Six Feet Under's Freddy Rodriguez et al, plus the gaunt and reliable William Fichtner). It provides a fairly clear, certainly a very exciting depiction of the raid as it went down, while bolstering the shoot-em-up material with fictionalised backstories for the Seals themselves (the real Team 6 will remain anonymous for life).

The movie demonstrates that we now have a firm, widely agreed-upon visual aesthetic for the Iraq-Afghanistan campaign movies, one distinct from the emerald-green rice paddies and triple-canopy jungles of the Vietnam war film. Like everything from FX's short-lived Over There TV series to Bigelow's The Hurt Locker , Seal Team 6 flaunts a narrow palette of sandy, dusty landscapes, camouflage colouring, darkened briefing rooms and barracks, sun-baked Afghan ravines, teeming souks . Much of this is seen through helmet-cams, night-vision goggles, spy-surveillance cameras and the baleful aerial gaze of satellites (the menacing thrum of chopper-blades remains a constant).

For Seal Team 6, though, the dominant influence seems to be Showtime's Homeland , with Robertson playing the Carrie Mathieson role as Vivian Hollands, the determined analyst who makes the first smart guess about the house in Abbottabad and puts it under surveillance ("one very tall bearded man, not busy – we call him 'the Pacer' – 12-foot-high walls, 12-13 guards, no phone or internet, all trash burned on-site, all children home-schooled …"). The intelligence meetings feel very similar, the general hum of paranoia and secrecy too; indeed, one street pursuit scene closely – almost exactly – resembles the climax of Homeland season two, episode one ( The Smile ), but from the perspective of the hunters rather than the prey.

No matter. Seal Team 6 motors along very compellingly with its well-drawn squad of surfer dudes, hot-headed redneck mama's boys and wise-counsel sergeants (the conventional platoon-movie stereotypes), and its good feel for procedure, training and tradecraft, peppered with to-camera testimony from the Seals. The raid itself occupies a nerve-wracking final 20 minutes of stun-grenades, gunfire and the desperate clearing of shooter-filled rooms illuminated only by flashlights.

So is it revenge-porn too? Certainly the camera eats up the brains flying out of Bin Laden's turban [spoiler alert: he dies in the end] but mainly, like the US itself on the day it happened, the movie lingers on a tangible sense of closure, of long-unfinished business finally taken care of – of utter relief. If there is an element of exploitation, it may be in Weinstein's late addition of extra footage of Barack Obama – at the White House correspondents' dinner, and in the situation room – which to my mind looks analogous to a canny exploitation producer's decision to add more nudity to spice up his product. Old showbiz instincts die hard in a man like Weinstein, but sometimes good movies do result.

Seal Team 6 will be released in UK cinemas on 14 December, under the title Code Name: Geronimo

  • Harvey Weinstein
  • First look review
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  • Osama bin Laden
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seal team 6 movie review

By Alessandra Stanley

  • Nov. 1, 2012

Torture, even just the threat of it, works wonders in “SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden.” The lead C.I.A. counterterrorism analyst looks like a Fox News anchor. And when Navy commandos talk, their words sound like lyrics from Lee Greenwood’s “ God Bless the U.S.A. ”

“In this world you don’t get to live free without working for it,” a SEAL team member called Cherry (Anson Mount) says in a creamy country-western baritone. “You gotta earn it every day, and that day we did.”

“SEAL Team Six” is a fictionalized account of the real-life operation to track down Osama bin Laden, but it looks a lot like a Republican recruitment film written by Dick Cheney.

The only problem is that the president who ordered the daring manhunt is Barack Obama.

So conservatives have every reason to be irked by the message and timing of “ SEAL Team Six ,” which tells the story in a fake-documentary style and is scheduled to be shown on the National Geographic Channel on Sunday night, two days before the election. (It will also be available on Netflix, beginning on Monday.)

Harvey Weinstein , one of Mr. Obama’s most loyal Hollywood backers, is an executive producer, and the film uses real-life footage of the president alongside make-believe dialogue, gritty battle scenes and archival clips of Sept. 11 and other terrorist attacks. It’s an ode to presidential resolve, wrapped in a thick layer of Special Forces derring-do that is so red, white and blue it would make Karl Rove blush.

As a movie, however, it’s not nearly as gripping as it could be, given how harrowing and suspenseful the actual events were on the night of May 2, 2011. The filmmaking is at times derivative and heavy-handed, and the score is unrelenting and unbearable: an electronic thumpa-thumpa pounding that sounds like music to inject blood boosters by.

This version is not likely to detract from “Zero Dark Thirty,” a big-budget motion picture directed by Kathryn Bigelow (“The Hurt Locker”), due in December, about the raid on Bin Laden.

Mostly, “SEAL Team Six” is a reminder of how far the United States has moved to the right when it comes to foreign affairs. “Argo,” a much better movie about a real-life clandestine operation during the 1979-81 Iran hostage crisis, delicately recreates the decay and self-doubt of that era. In “Argo” even State Department analysts impotently monitoring the protests in Tehran express disgust with the Shah’s dictatorship.

And Jimmy Carter, president then, is the image that Mitt Romney’s campaign has tried to stick to President Obama. Not long after the attack on the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Paul Ryan, the Republican vice presidential nominee, said, “ Turn on the TV , and it reminds you of 1979 Tehran, but they are burning our flags in capitals all around the world, they are storming our embassies.”

A recent Romney campaign ad that attacks the Obama administration’s handling of the auto industry includes an image that has little to do with exporting jobs to China but does evoke the Carter-era gas shortages: a long line of dispirited drivers in motionless cars, waiting, as if for a chance at the fuel pump.

“SEAL Team Six” instead posits Mr. Obama as the commander in chief of a post-Sept. 11 society led by intelligence operatives, administration aides and members of the Navy SEALs, who are young, dedicated and steely professionals, most of whom have a deeply personal grudge against Bin Laden — a relative killed in attacks on the twin towers or the Pentagon, or a childhood lost in the aftermath.

The director, John Stockwell, has disputed complaints that his film is politically motivated, but it’s hard not to see it as an Obama booster. Intelligence gathering by the Bush administration is given short shrift, whereas the failure to get Bin Laden in 2001, when many believed he was within reach in Tora Bora, in Afghanistan, looms large.

“We have Osama holed up in Tora Bora and we let him go,” a C.I.A. analyst says angrily. “I didn’t want to be part of the team that let him get away again.”

“SEAL Team Six” is no more, or less, a work of propaganda than “DC 9/11: Time of Crisis,” a gauzy 2003 salute to George W. Bush’s leadership by a conservative filmmaker , Lionel Chetwynd, which was shown on Showtime before the second anniversary of Sept. 11.

“If some tinhorn terrorist wants me, tell him to come get me,” the fictional Mr. Bush, played by Timothy Bottoms, barked at an overprotective security officer . “I’ll just be waiting for the bastard.”

“SEAL Team Six” doesn’t put words into Mr. Obama’s mouth; it uses his own. Clips of the president laughing and joking at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner are juxtaposed with scenes of fictional Navy commandos checking their weapons in preparation for the mission their president ordered just before donning black tie and gamely going through with the gala.

In other scenes, other principals, played by actors, are filmed as if in a documentary, laconically recounting what happened to the camera. That includes a fiercely dedicated C.I.A. analyst identified as Vivian Hollins (Kathleen Robertson). Vivian is credited with working day and night to track down Bin Laden, and describes herself as obsessed by her prey.

“The idea of him just kind of got deeper in my head,” she says. “I dunno, gradually, I guess you could say that he took over my life.” She is as fanatical as Carrie Mathison, the C.I.A. analyst played by Claire Danes on “Homeland,” but she looks and talks like Megyn Kelly, of Fox News, crossed with the conservative radio commentator Laura Ingraham.

There are simulated surveillance videos and dramatizations, including a moment in Guantánamo when an interrogator finally pushes a detainee over the edge by telling him he is being transferred to Saudi intelligence, where guards rip the skin off their prisoners. The detainee coughs up the name of Bin Laden’s courier, and that eventually leads American intelligence to Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

When the raid is all over, there is almost a religious hush at the scene of the killing. The film cuts to a clip of Mr. Obama in the White House announcing Bin Laden’s death.

“And on nights like this one,” the president says , “we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to Al Qaeda’s terror: Justice has been done.”

Republicans will most likely view the film as anything but fair.

SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden

National Geographic Channel, Sunday night at 8, Eastern and Pacific times; 7, Central time. Also Netflix, Monday.

Produced by the Weinstein Company and Voltage Pictures. Directed by John Stockwell; written by Kendall Lampkin; Phillip B. Goldfine, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein and Meghan O’Hara, executive producers; Nicolas Chartier, Zev Foreman and Tony Mark, producers; Dominic Rustam and Corrie Rothbart, associate producers; John N. Ward, line producer; Peter A. Holland, director of photography; Guy Barnes, production designer; Ben Callahan, editor; Miye Matsumoto, costume designer; Paul Haslinger, composer; Mr. Callahan, Joseph Conti and Jonah Loop, visual effects.

WITH: Cam Gigandet (Stunner), Anson Mount (Cherry), Kathleen Robertson (Vivian Hollins), Freddy Rodriguez (Trench), Xzibit (Mule), Eddie Kaye Thomas (Christian), Robert Knepper (Lieutenant Commander), William Fichtner (Mr. Guidry) and Kenneth Miller (Sauce).

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'SEAL Team Six' review: Reduced the killing of Bin Laden to florid melodrama, with Obama as edited-in co-star


The TV-movie SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Ladin , which aired on the National Geographic Channel on Sunday evening, turned the story of the hunt for and killing of Osama Bin Laden into a reasonably crisp little action film — it didn’t contain anything you didn’t know, and the dialogue sounded as though it had been checked out from a well-preserved World War II supply closet, but you couldn’t help but get caught up in the tense quality of the mission.

Directed by John Stockwell, the man who brought you that other daring mission, the search for Kate Bosworth’s bikini in Blue Crush (2002), SEAL Team Six featured a bunch of actors (including Hell On Wheels ‘ Anson Mount and Six Feet Under ‘s Freddy Rodriguez) playing composites of the real Navy SEAL team that executed Bin Laden on May 2, 2011, in Pakistan.

The production must have saved a few pennies on wardrobe and make-up for Kathleen Robertson, who portrayed CIA analyst Vivian Hollins, since Robertson wore the same severe eyeglasses, lip gloss, and spiky haircut as she does playing political operative Kitty on Starz’ Boss , also bringing with her the severely intelligent demeanor that serves her so well on that show.

Anything with Obama’s face that appears days before the election is going to be interpreted by many as pro -Obama, no matter what anyone says. Stockwell was aided by producer Harvey Weinstein, a Democratic supporter who reportedly supplied some money and editing advice to Six, but the movie didn’t play like a commercial for the reelection of Barack Obama. It plays like what it is — an only semi-factually-based military thriller, with footage and voiceover comments of Obama thrown in from time to time. The footage of Obama consisted primarily of his attendance at the White House Correspondents Dinner; the famous photograph of Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and others staring intently at film of the raid; and a snippet of his comments to the nation after Bin Laden had been killed. Anyone asserting that SEAL Team Six is a plug for Obama would have to admit that any such movie would have to show that someone was President when this mission occurred, and the script affixed no halo over Obama’s head — instead, it cast a glowing light upon the heroism of the SEALs.

Indeed, SEAL Team Six regularly risked pumping up the adoration of the men with bravery, guns, and rigorous training to an almost ridiculous degree. It’s one thing to present all these men as heroes, which they were. It’s another to spend so much time with brawny scenes of them wrestling and jockeying for primo macho status, and maudlin scenes of them telecommunicating with loved ones. And most flagrantly, there were facing-the-camera interviews with the SEALs and Vivian, telling us their innermost thoughts. Who was meant to be conducting these interviews? Was this a debriefing? A test run for a 60 Minutes feature?

Ultimately, the movie’s flaws were dramatic choices, not political ones.

Twitter: @kentucker

For More: ‘SEAL Team Six’ director John Stockwell: Q&A

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Movie Review – Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden

Principal cast : tait fletcher, cam gigandet, robert knepper, kenneth miller, anson mount, freddy rodriguez, xzibit, william fichtner, kristen rakes, kathleen robertson, rajesh shringarpure, eddie kaye thomas, mo gallini, jenny gabrielle, david house, saleem watley. synopsis:   a retelling of the cia search for, and eventual raid that killed, osama bin laden, the mastermind behind the september 11th 2001 terrorist attacks on the united states of america..

If there’s a modern example of an overt propaganda film made to capitalise on American nationalism, it’s Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden . Part recruitment catalogue, part nationalist fist-pump, part hoo-rah fuck yeah escapism, John Stockwell’s Seal Team Six isn’t particularly gracious, is terribly xenophobic, and pares back the nuance and moral conundrums of big-screen brethren in Zero Dark Thirty to deliver a film so entrenched in American exceptionalism and blood-lust patriotism it’s actually almost embarrassing that the film is available to audiences now on Netflix. As shallow a cliff-notes combinative effort to deliver a showcase of Operation Neptune Spear as you’re likely to get, this is heartland heroism at its finest for American audiences, asking little by way of an intelligent approach or a subtle, detailed motivation, as a perfunctory 90 minutes delivers everything you “need” to know as it crescendos to those famous words: “For God and country, Geronimo is KIA”.

seal team 6 movie review

The hunt for Osama Bin Laden, leader of terrorist group al-Qaeda and mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America that destroyed the World Trade Centre, heavily damaged the Pentagon, and killed some three thousand people, was a decade-long operation by the FBI, CIA and any number of intelligence agencies across the globe, as well as a furious US military force occupying then Iraq and Afghanistan. Following a tip-off of a potential location for the most famous fugitive of the 21st Century, CIA analyst Vivian (Kathleen Robertson) is convinced he is holed up in a compound in the Pakistan city of Abbottabad, with her boss, Guidry (William Fichtner) giving her permission to set up a task force. High level military training is given to the SEAL team deployed to develop an incursion into Pakistan and take out Bin Laden, led by the group commander (Robert Knepper), team leader Stunner (Cam Gigandet) and his colleague Cherry (Anson Mount). Eventually the order is given the the US President that the operation is a go, and the team take off to take down the world’s most wanted man.

seal team 6 movie review

Seal Team Six was put into production not long after the real-life raid to kill Bin Laden occurred, on the evening of May 2, 2011, itself almost a decade after the terrible events of 9/11 and America’s subsequent War on Terrorism. Even back then, American fervour was high, a wave of euphoria that justice had been served on one of the worst killers and most dangerous men in human history. Obviously, making a film about the mission to kill Bin Laden was a given in light of 9/11, and the enormous national pride that came with such success was going to reflexively reduce the amount of historical and dramatic accuracy presented to the baying crowd clamouring to find out more about the heroes who went in and did the job. Although a number of books and articles have shed light on the exact events that led up to the raid on Bin Laden’s Pakistani compound, and the various degrees to which the US intelligence community, skill and sheer dumb luck combined to locate the fugitive have been recounted numerous times – notably in the aforementioned Zero Dark Thirty , a far superior film in about this very thing in almost every regard – Seal Team Six only wants to paint things in a golden American-flag waving sheen of professionalism and dedication.

seal team 6 movie review

Stockwell gives us a film that’s faux documentary, featuring to-camera “interviews” of the various characters bookending the recreation of both the SEAL team training, the CIA analysing of every detail, and the first half of the actual raid itself, shot with what feels like expensive handycams in a similar aesthetic to that of Michel Mann, whose penchant for digital filmmaking is very much a matter of taste. The fact the film utilises this style of shooting gives it a more authentic flavour, but seeing conspicuously notable faces in Cam Gigandet (who was riding high off his role in the original Twilight ), Anson Mount (notable today for his turn as Captain Pike in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds ) and William Fichtner in various roles really does undercut just how seriously we take this. I mean, if the “interview” components were of the real people, and the re-enactments were done using actors, the buy-in from the viewer might have been significant, but attempting to give us actors pretending to be the real people never feels as documentarian as Stockwell was hoping for. It’s a real killer when one of the super-serious CIA analysts is played by American Pie’s Eddie Kaye Thomas, and all I could think of was him boning Stifler’s Mom. The action sequences, of which there are several, are staged with incoherent first-person camerawork mixed with more traditional footage shot from distance, edited with frenetic pace as if to overcome technical and budgetary limitations. The use of actual footage of the real-world US president, the White House, and various other agencies, mixes up some of the gravitas with fictionalised posturing that never works out well.

seal team 6 movie review

It’s really telling what the point (and message) of the film is when, after successfully killing Bin Laden in the film’s climactic moments, we cut to the closing credits without so much as mentioning the tension of getting the insertion team back to safe territory, as if the successful death of Bin Laden itself was all we care about. I mean, for Americans living in 2012 US of A it probably was, but the fact that the film fails to fully explore the extremities of the hunt for the fugitive or the wiliness of the CIA operatives or the bravery of the SEAL team that went in, lost in impenetrable incoherence of night-vision, bodycam and Stockwell’s inscrutable insistence on never finding a focus pull to save his life, is one of the big wrongdoings of Seal Team Six’s otherwise patriotic hubris. Dedicating the film to the men and women of both the intelligence community and the US military is meant to make a chest swell with pride, but feels (in today’s climate) like cringeworthy salutation, although recognising the work that went into locating Osama is undoubtedly warranted. I just wish they’d dedicated a better film to all those people.

seal team 6 movie review

If I had to encapsulate Seal Team Six in as brief a logline as I could, I would describe it thusly: Seal Team Six is the film Team America warned us about. Broadly racist, petrifyingly nationalistic and propagandist inanity to a fault, Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden might have been made with honourable intentions (I doubt it) but as an artistic endeavour with enlightening subtext to disperse, this film is an absolutely ghastly trainwreck.

Who wrote this?

seal team 6 movie review

Rodney Twelftree

“Some people say I like films. Those people are wrong. I *love* films.” – Me. I said this.

Rodney has been writing about films for well over two decades, appreciates a good wine, the love of his wife and kids, and the affection of his dog and cats. He has a fondness of cheesy 90’s action and classic Hollywood, hates that physical media is disappearing, and wishes somebody would make a high-budget series of The Neverending Story.

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Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden

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Code Name: Geronimo

Code Name: Geronimo (2012)

A group of Navy SEALs comes to learn the identity of their target: Osama bin Laden. A group of Navy SEALs comes to learn the identity of their target: Osama bin Laden. A group of Navy SEALs comes to learn the identity of their target: Osama bin Laden.

  • John Stockwell
  • Paulette Victor Lifton
  • Kendall Lampkin
  • Cam Gigandet
  • Jenny Gabrielle
  • Anson Mount
  • 59 User reviews
  • 44 Critic reviews
  • 2 wins & 3 nominations total

U.S. Version

  • (as Freddy Rodriguez)


  • (as Alvin 'Xzibit' Joiner)

Kathleen Robertson

  • Lieutenant Commander

Eddie Kaye Thomas

  • Interrogator

Suhail Dabbach

  • CIA Analyst
  • (as Kristen Rakes)

Alma Sisneros

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Did you know

  • Trivia The soft crash of the helicopter in the bin Laden compound was caused by what is called a vortex ring state. This happens when the air from the downwash of the propeller blades swirls up and cycles back down through the blades. In essence, the helicopter is descending through a downrush of air that cycles up back through the blades, which raises the pressure of the air passing over the top of the blades, thereby reducing lift. This was partly caused by the enclosing walls of the landing area that caused the air to hit the ground, be pushed towards the walls, then directed up the walls and sucked back into the blades. As the helicopter dropped, the tail hit the top of a wall and it began to roll, at which time the pilot put the nose down so that the helicopter would not roll over onto its side. It came to rest with the nose down at a 45º angle. The occupants sustained no serious injuries.
  • Goofs The two helicopters used in the raid were highly modified Sikorsky MH-60 Blackhawks, equipped with sharply angled anti-radar stealth cladding, but the helicopters in the movie appear to be standard Blackhawks.

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  • Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (undercover agents following Abu Ahmed Al-Kuwaiti in Peshawar, Pakistan)
  • The Weinstein Company
  • Voltage Pictures
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Common sense media reviewers.

seal team 6 movie review

Action-packed animated ocean adventure has violence, peril.

Seal Team Poster Image

A Lot or a Little?

What you will—and won't—find in this movie.

Some animal facts, such as various sea animal diet

Encourages bravery, sticking up for others, lookin

Quinn is encouraging and determined, even if somet

On-screen, characters are a diverse group of anima

Violence and threats between seals and sharks. Sha

Two characters rehash a failed relationship and re

Insults include several uses of "stupid" as well a

Minor character smokes a cigar.

Parents need to know that Seal Team is an animated comedy about a determined seal named Quinn (voiced by Jessie T. Usher) who assembles a platoon to fight back against a gang of sharks. Characters use some insults ("stupid," "dummy," etc.), there are moments of violence/peril, and some scenes could be scary…

Educational Value

Some animal facts, such as various sea animal diets.

Positive Messages

Encourages bravery, sticking up for others, looking out for your friends, working as a team, persevering after disappointment.

Positive Role Models

Quinn is encouraging and determined, even if sometimes it means putting others in danger, but he wants to do what he can to help save his seal community. Claggart trains others to work as a team, but sometimes his methods are a little harsh. He's willing to admit when he's wrong and sacrifices himself for his comrades.

Diverse Representations

On-screen, characters are a diverse group of animated animals, with diverse main voice actors as well, but most characters are male. Female characters are strong and have value but don't take the spotlight as often as male characters. A handful of diverse human characters periodically on-screen.

Did we miss something on diversity? Suggest an update.

Violence & Scariness

Violence and threats between seals and sharks. Sharks repeatedly try to eat seals. One seal loses a friend to a shark off-screen. Animals get physical in some martial arts-style seal fights. An electric eel is used as a weapon, as is a pistol shrimp. A character is thought to be eaten by sharks but later returns.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Violence & Scariness in your kid's entertainment guide.

Sex, Romance & Nudity

Two characters rehash a failed relationship and rekindle it while working on the mission.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide.

Insults include several uses of "stupid" as well as "sell out," "snitch," "jerk," "butt fin," and "dummy."

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Language in your kid's entertainment guide.

Drinking, Drugs & Smoking

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Drinking, Drugs & Smoking in your kid's entertainment guide.

Parents Need to Know

Parents need to know that Seal Team is an animated comedy about a determined seal named Quinn (voiced by Jessie T. Usher ) who assembles a platoon to fight back against a gang of sharks. Characters use some insults ("stupid," "dummy," etc.), there are moments of violence/peril, and some scenes could be scary for younger viewers. An electric eel is used as a weapon, as is a pistol shrimp. A character is eaten by a shark off-screen, which is what drives the plot forward to stop the sharks. Another character is thought to be eaten by sharks but later returns. A couple of characters flirt and discuss their failed relationship. A minor character smokes a cigar. Characters use teamwork , perseverance , and wits to outsmart the villains while also learning to overcome and forgive themselves for past mistakes. To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails .

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Community Reviews

  • Parents say (3)
  • Kids say (3)

Based on 3 parent reviews

How many times can you say “stupid” in one movie?!

What's the story.

In SEAL TEAM, a persistent seal named Quinn ( Jessie T. Usher ), who has lost a friend to a shark attack, assembles a band to fight back against a group of sharks overtaking the area. They enlist the help of a military-trained seal named Claggart ( J.K. Simmons ) to help get them into shape and ready for battle so that no more seals are eaten by sharks. Both Quinn and Claggart have to learn to let go of their past mistakes to move forward and focus on the mission at hand. Using teamwork, trust, and creative tactics, the group embarks on a pun-filled mission to outsmart the sharks.

Is It Any Good?

Right out of the gate, it's evident that Seal Team is a clever story combining cute seals in a military-like war against sharks. Though it doesn't have the big-name studios behind it, this movie holds its own in the animation and voice acting categories. With names such as Dolph Lundgren playing the dolphin and the singer Seal voicing a singing seal, there's some enjoyment for kids and adults alike. The puns heavily flow from start to finish and at times can feel a little overdone.

Story-wise, the characters have some heart and, of course, a lot of humor. Young kids will likely be drawn to the charismatic characters and silly jokes. You can't help but root for the seals, who will do whatever it takes to help their friends. Though the mission is clear, the story seems to drag a bit, and there's no clear winner, leaving viewers to wonder if perhaps the seals won the battle but the war goes on. It's something left for the imagination -- or possibly a future sequel.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

Families can talk about ways people can come together to form a better team. How did different characters in this movie use their individual skills to help the mission? In what ways do you see teamwork in your home or school? How does working with others help in your daily life? What are some skills you have to help on a team?

Did the seal boot camp training look challenging to you? When you're working toward a goal, do you respond better to fast-paced yelling and orders, or a gentler approach? Why?

What parts of the movie were scary? Why? Did anything that you thought was going to be scary turn out to be not so bad?

How do the characters in Seal Team demonstrate courage and perseverance ? What about teamwork ? Why are these important character strengths ?

Movie Details

  • On DVD or streaming : January 3, 2022
  • Cast : Jessie T. Usher , J.K. Simmons , Dolph Lundgren , Bumper Robinson
  • Directors : Greg Cameron , Kane Croudace
  • Inclusion Information : Black actors
  • Studio : Netflix
  • Genre : Family and Kids
  • Topics : Superheroes , Friendship , Ocean Creatures , Wild Animals
  • Character Strengths : Courage , Perseverance , Teamwork
  • Run time : 100 minutes
  • MPAA rating : NR
  • Last updated : February 17, 2023

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Seal team 6 movie ‘fearless’ in the works from ‘american underdog’ banner (exclusive).

The Erwin Brothers’ faith-based Kingdom Story Company has nabbed the rights to Eric Blehm’s book about Adam Brown, a member of the Navy SEAL unit best known for killing Osama bin Laden.

By Etan Vlessing

Etan Vlessing

Canada Bureau Chief

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Fearless Book Cover

The Erwin Brothers’ Kingdom Story Company banner has acquired the rights to Eric Blehm’s book Fearless, with Jason Hall to pen the film’s screenplay and Andrew Erwin to direct.

The film will adapt Blehm’s 2012 book about SEAL Team 6 commando Adam Brown, a Navy SEAL who overcame struggles, including drug addiction and jail time, to become a member of the elite SEAL team best known for killing Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan .

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Kingdom Story Company — the banner founded by brothers Jon and Andrew Erwin and the team behind faith-based box office hits like I Can Only Imagine and I Still Believe — has a distribution deal with Lionsgate .

 “We are tremendously honored to bring this story to life, and I can’t think of a better person to write this than Jason Hall. We are all honored by the trust the Brown family has placed in us to tell this story,” Andrew Erwin said in a statement.

Andrew Erwin and his brother Jon previously directed American Underdog, I Still Believ e and I Can Only Imagine , among others.  Fearless is published by Penguin Random House.

“This film is right in Andy’s wheelhouse. Fearless will not only take you behind enemy lines with SEAL Team 6, but into the heart and soul of one man and how he found the strength to step up,” Downes added in his own statement.

Brown, who turned to the Navy SEALs to turn his life around, died in battle in March 2010 while on a mission in Afghanistan to kill or capture a major Taliban leader.  

“We are so blessed that such an amazing team will bring Adam’s story – as told in Fearless – to the big screen. His legacy is in good hands,” Kelley Brown, who was married to Adam Brown, said in a statement.

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Seal team: the full metal character explained (& where you've seen the actor).


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Seal Team: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Cast

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  • Full Metal, played by Scott Foxx, was a Navy SEAL on the Bravo Team in SEAL Team. He was known for his gallows humor and loyalty.
  • Foxx's portrayal of Full Metal brought levity to serious scenes, showing his capability and love for his team despite his tragic end.
  • Scott Foxx, a former Navy SEAL, used his real-life experience to consult on Hollywood productions about Special Forces units, lending authenticity.

Full Metal is a memorable character on the Paramount+ military drama, but viewers may have a hard time placing exactly where they've seen the actor before. While fans wait for the confirmed SEAL Team season 7 to arrive, they can go back to Paramount+ and rewatch previous seasons, and remind themselves of the large ensemble of characters who have come and gone in the series. Starring David Boreanaz as Jason Hayes, SEAL Team follows the real-life elite soldiers as they go on various missions.

SEAL Team relies on the likable cast of characters who surround Hayes as they forge bonds over the course of their missions and suffer losses together as well. The core cast of SEAL Team remains the same throughout the show, but there are many recurring characters whose influence on the soldiers lingers even after they're gone , and that goes double for Scott "Full Metal" Carter (Scott Foxx), who influences the show both as a character and as a behind-the-scenes contributor to the Emmy-nominated series.

CBS' Seal Team has outlasted the competition, becoming one of the network's most-watched shows. Here are some things to know about the cast.

Scott "Full Metal" Carter Was A Navy SEAL On The Bravo Team In SEAL Team

Full metal replaced clay spenser is injured.

Scott "Full Metal" Carter first appeared in season 1, episode 10, "Pattern of Life". Full Metal is a Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator of Bravo Team and is sometimes referred to as Alpha 1 , as he was previously leader of Alpha Team before he moved to Bravo to replace Clay Spenser (Max Thieriot) after he was injured. A capable and loyal soldier, Full Metal is a helpful addition to Bravo team, obeying commands despite the fact he was, up until recently, a team leader himself.

Foxx's portrayal of Full Metal always brought levity to his scenes; though he was a more than capable killer, he still always made time for a joke.

Full Metal's time on SEAL Team is cut short, however, and in the season 4 finale, episode 16, "One Life to Live", Bravo is caught in a massive and unexpected firefight with Boko Haram militants. He dies protecting his teammates from an RPG and has to be buried at sea. It's a shocking and sad end to a character who had been reliable and beloved by his SEAL team. Foxx's portrayal of Full Metal always brought levity to his scenes; though he was a more than capable killer, he still always made time for a joke.

With no family or pets, Alpha Team and then Bravo were his true family, making his death sting just a bit less. At least he died protecting the people he loved, the only family he ever knew. Before he passed, Full Metal left a letter for them and no one else, filled with his usual gallows humor, though Bravo couldn't get themselves to laugh, a sign of how much Full Metal's death affects them.

Full Metal Actor Scott Foxx Has A Limited Filmography (But Was An Actual Navy SEAL)

Scott foxx consults on hollywood productions with special ops depictions.

If Foxx seemed preternaturally adept at playing a soldier, that's probably because he was actually a Navy SEAL at one time, (via TVLine ). Foxx was stationed in San Diego, California, and served two tours in Iraq in 2005 and 2007 (via Distractify ). He's posted on Instagram about his time in the service and is clearly proud of his former career. Foxx retired after his 2007 tour and began consulting for Hollywood productions about Special Forces units. That's how he was eventually picked to play Full Metal on SEAL Team .

Just because Full Metal is dead, doesn't mean Foxx is off the show, however. Series executive producer Spencer Hudnut was quick to tell TVLine ,

"I would like to add that Scott Foxx, who plays Metal and is a former SEAL, even though his character is dead he’s going to stick with the show. He’s going to be there every day with us in an advising capacity and a double capacity."

Foxx's filmography is limited, with his only other roles coming as Travis Carter alongside Josh Brolin and Miles Teller in Joseph Kosinski's Only the Brave and in the 2022 short film Innocence as Police Officer #1, but his 51-episode run on SEAL Team was effective enough that he should be appearing in more roles soon. If not, a Hollywood consulting job is an excellent career path as well.

*Availability in US

Not available

SEAL Team is a Military Drama and Action series created by Benjamin Cavell that began in 2017 and has been through 6 seasons. The series follows Jason Hayes (played by David Boreanaz) as the leader of a Navy Seals team who is sent to a variety of locations to help protect the United States.

seal team (2017)

Why Did Max Thieriot Leave ‘SEAL Team’?

Max Thieriot's Clay Spenser was killed off in Season 6, but why did the actor opt out of sticking with Bravo Team?

The Big Picture

  • Clay Spenser's shocking death in Season 6 of SEAL Team was a result of actor Max Thieriot's involvement in another CBS series, Fire Country .
  • Thieriot struggled to manage both shows due to the demanding workload of Fire Country , which has 22 episodes compared to SEAL Team 's 12.
  • Thieriot not only stars in Fire Country but also serves as an executive producer and co-creator, inspired by his own experiences growing up in a firefighting community.

It came as a massive shock to audiences when Clay Spenser was unceremoniously killed off in the back half of SEAL Team 's sixth season. Max Thieriot's character had been with the CBS-turned-Paramount+ series from the very beginning and is as much a part of the Bravo Team as anyone else. But all of that changed when Thieriot started balancing his work on SEAL Team with that of his new CBS/Paramount+ series Fire Country . Still, it turns out that trying to manage two first responder/military drama shows at once, especially those with many episodes, can't last forever. Eventually, one of these shows had to go.

SEAL Team  is a military drama that follows the professional and personal lives of the most elite unit of Navy SEALs as they train, plan, and execute the most dangerous, high-stakes missions our country can ask of them. Deployed on clandestine missions worldwide at a moment's notice, and knowing the toll it takes on them and their families, this tight-knit SEAL team displays unwavering patriotism and fearless dedication even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Clay Spenser Has a Tough Arc in 'SEAL Team' Season 6

At the end of SEAL Team 's fifth season, Clay was nearly killed on a mission after being hailed on by RPGs. This all came after Clay made the tough decision to retire from the Bravo Team following this "last mission" to be closer to his family . The season ended with fans wondering if Thieriot would be leaving the show in between seasons, with no closure for Clay's five-season arc. This is a common trope among network procedurals , and something that could've easily recurred here on SEAL Team . Thankfully, that isn't how things went down, but Clay's Season 6 arc was just as tragic to watch unfold.

The new season begins with Clay losing his leg and having to retire from active duty. Throughout Season 6, Clay struggles to get his life back together after the last mission and works on his relationship with his wife Stella ( Alona Tal ) and his son Ben. In fact, by the end of his time on SEAL Team , he and Stella even plan to leave their old life behind and start anew. Along with that, Clay spends his final moments helping a vet named Ben (Joey Pollari) in the episode "Aces and Eights," where he stops the distressed vet from killing himself and vandalizing a recruitment center.

‘SEAL Team’s Cast Is Hiding an Actual Navy SEAL

Though Clay saves Ben from killing himself, he is found holding Ben's gun by a security guard, who promptly shoots him in the chest . These are the final moments with Clay we see on the show, as he, like Chris Kyle (the real-life inspiration behind American Sniper ) before him, used his final moments to save the life of another. Ironically, Clay was once called "American Sniper" by one of Stella's friends all the way back in Season 1's "Collapse," which foreshadows this horrible tragedy.

Max Thieriot Was Doing Double Duty Between 'SEAL Team' and 'Fire Country'

During SEAL Team 's Season 6, Thieriot was also working on another ongoing CBS/Paramount+ drama Fire Country , where he plays the convict firefighter Bode Donovon (aka Bode Leone) who is forced to return to his hometown (and his family) to fight fires for his freedom. "At the time, I was fully involved with SEAL Team , so it was hard to imagine being able to go do something else, especially because this ramped up pretty quick," Thieriot told Collider in an exclusive interview . "It became clear that it wasn’t like SEAL Team was gonna be over and done with, and here’s the next thing I could do, so I really wasn’t sure."

Unfortunately, that changed somewhere down the line when both Fire Country and SEAL Team were renewed for their second and seventh seasons , respectively. Given that Thieriot's character on SEAL Team was nearly written off after Season 5, his ultimate demise in the following season wasn't a surprise. With Fire Country 's intense workload – 22 episodes a season compared to SEAL Team 's 12 — it's no wonder that Thieriot opted to stick with the new series he helped co-create in the first place. Fire Country is Max Thieriot's show in more ways than one, and it's all thanks to his SEAL Team castmates.

What Sets ‘SEAL Team’ Apart From Other Military Shows

"It really started toward the end of Season 5," SEAL Team showrunner Spencer Hudnut told TV Insider . "There were some questions about whether Max would be back for Season 6, so the Season 5 cliffhanger [in Mali] was a bit dictated by that. And as Fire Country kept passing each development checkmark, it got clearer and clearer that there was a real possibility that we’d be losing Max at some point ... Everyone had talked about how he could do both shows, but it was very clear that that wasn’t the case." With Fire Country shooting in Vancouver, Canada, and SEAL Team in Los Angeles and other locations across Southern California, it just wasn't possible for Thieriot to do both.

Max Thieriot's 'SEAL Team' Co-Star Helped Inspire Him To Create 'Fire Country'

Thieriot doesn't just star in Fire Country , he's also an executive producer, co-creator, and the initial inspiration for the series . "I was driving to work one day with my buddy A.J. Buckley from SEAL Team , and we were sitting there going back and forth," Thieriot told James Corden on The Late Late Show . "... And I started telling him about [my experience growing up in a fire fighting community], and he was like, 'Dude, this is a show.' I'm like, 'You think?' And he's like, 'Yeah.'" The more Thieriot explained this idea of a Northern Californian firefighting town and his experience with it, the more people thought he should pursue the project as a series.

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"When I started writing it, in the beginning, I wasn’t sure what the route was gonna be," Thieriot explained to Collider. "In the beginning, my intentions were to try to create this world and pitch it, and then have them make a show, best case scenario." Thieriot co-wrote the pilot alongside Tony Phelan and Joan Rater , and would later direct the 21st episode, "Backfire." He had previously directed two episodes of SEAL Team during the show's third and fourth seasons. But in many ways, Fire Country was the project that Thieriot had been waiting to undertake his entire career , and it only took someone like his SEAL Team co-star (Buckley is also a co-producer on Thieriot's new series) to push him to make it a reality.

'SEAL Team' and 'Fire Country' Are Both Coming Back for More

Despite Thieriot's not making it back to SEAL Team , the show continues on Paramount+. With the seventh and final season airing in August, and CBS airing the back half of the series regularly on Thursdays, the show is as popular as ever. Meanwhile, Fire Country has been renewed for a third season by CBS with Thieriot still leading the charge, and a spin-off series featuring Morena Baccarin is currently in the works . One thing's for sure, there will be no shortage of excellent action dramas to check out on Paramount+, which boasts both those shows and plenty of others.

Both SEAL Team and Fire Country are available for streaming on Paramount+ in the U.S., and air regularly on CBS.

Watch on Paramount+


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  6. SIX: Official Trailer


  1. Seal Team 6: The Raid on Osama bin Laden

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  3. SEAL Team Six Movie Review

    Our review: Parents say ( 1 ): Kids say ( 2 ): SEAL Team Six is both violent and dramatic. This controversial film features dramatizations of the various reconnaissance and military operations conducted by the CIA, the Navy SEALS, and other government agencies that teamed together to find, and then kill, Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011.

  4. SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden: Review

    SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden: Film Review. The movie beats Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty" by airing -- controversially -- on Nat Geo two days before the election, but ...

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    The TV-movie SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Ladin, which aired on the National Geographic Channel on Sunday evening, turned the story of the hunt for and killing of Osama Bin Laden into a ...

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    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

  14. Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden

    When the rumored whereabouts of Osama bin Laden are revealed, the CIA readies a team of seasoned US Navy SEALs for the mission of a lifetime. Despite inconclusive evidence and the possible ramifications of an unannounced attack on Pakistani soil, the Pentagon orders the attack on Osama bin Laden's compound. The SEAL team bands together and completes their mission of justice in a riveting final ...

  15. Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden

    Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden. When the rumored whereabouts of Osama bin Laden are revealed, the CIA readies a team of seasoned US Navy SEALs for the mission of a lifetime. The price before discount is the median price for the last 90 days. Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started.

  16. SIX: Season 1

    62% Tomatometer 13 Reviews 87% Audience Score 100+ Ratings "SIX" tells the story of members of Navy SEAL Team 6 who are given a simple mission in 2014: eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan.

  17. Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden (2012)

    59. NR 1 hr 30 min Nov 4th, 2012 Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime. When the rumored whereabouts of Osama bin Laden are revealed the CIA readies a team of seasoned US Navy SEALs for the mission of a ...

  18. Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden

    A break in the manhunt for Osama Bin Laden serves as the riveting backdrop for a gripping story about the combined efforts of an extraordinary group of Navy SEALs who undertook the operation to capture or kill America's number one enemy. This is the story of a clandestine operation, a perfect storm of people, and the rare synergy of circumstances that would amount to the most daring military ...

  19. Watch Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden

    In this dramatic recreation, U.S. Navy SEAL Team 6 trains for a critical mission, then executes a tough nighttime raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound. Watch trailers & learn more.

  20. Code Name: Geronimo (TV Movie 2012)

    Code Name: Geronimo: Directed by John Stockwell, Paulette Victor Lifton. With Cam Gigandet, Anson Mount, Freddy Rodríguez, Xzibit. A group of Navy SEALs comes to learn the identity of their target: Osama bin Laden.

  21. Seal Team Movie Review

    Our review: Parents say ( 3 ): Kids say ( 3 ): Right out of the gate, it's evident that Seal Team is a clever story combining cute seals in a military-like war against sharks. Though it doesn't have the big-name studios behind it, this movie holds its own in the animation and voice acting categories.

  22. Fearless: SEAL Team 6 Book to Become Movie

    SEAL Team 6 Movie 'Fearless' in the Works from 'American Underdog' Banner (Exclusive) The Erwin Brothers' faith-based Kingdom Story Company has nabbed the rights to Eric Blehm's book ...

  23. Six Review: Walton Goggins Leads Navy SEALs, Steals the Show

    Unfortunately perhaps, the show isn't just about him. The other side focuses on the rest of the perfectly affable SEAL team, which includes Bear (Barry Sloane), Alex (Kyle Schmid), Buddha (Juan ...

  24. SEAL Team: The Full Metal Character Explained (& Where You've Seen The

    Full Metal, played by Scott Foxx, was a Navy SEAL on the Bravo Team in SEAL Team. He was known for his gallows humor and loyalty. Foxx's portrayal of Full Metal brought levity to serious scenes, showing his capability and love for his team despite his tragic end. Scott Foxx, a former Navy SEAL, used his real-life experience to consult on ...

  25. Why Did Max Thieriot Leave 'SEAL Team'?

    Image via Paramount+. The Big Picture. Clay Spenser's shocking death in Season 6 of SEAL Team was a result of actor Max Thieriot's involvement in another CBS series, Fire Country . Thieriot ...