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  • Title 48 —Federal Acquisition Regulations System
  • Chapter 1 —Federal Acquisition Regulation
  • Subchapter E —General Contracting Requirements
  • Part 32 —Contract Financing
  • Subpart 32.8

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Subpart 32.8

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40 U.S.C. 121(c) ; 10 U.S.C. chapter 4 and 10 U.S.C. chapter 137 legacy provisions (see 10 U.S.C. 3016 ); and 51 U.S.C. 20113 .

48 FR 42328 , Sept. 19, 1983, unless otherwise noted.

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The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR.

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Subpart 32.8—assignment of claims, 32.800 scope of subpart..

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures for the assignment of claims under the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as amended, ( 31 U.S.C. 3727 , 41 U.S.C. 6305 ) (hereafter referred to as the Act ).

[ 48 FR 42328 , Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 51 FR 2665 , Jan. 17, 1986; 79 FR 24212 , Apr. 29, 2014]

32.801 Definitions.

Designated agency, as used in this subpart, means any department or agency of the executive branch of the United States Government (see 32.803(d)).

No-setoff commitment, as used in this subpart, means a contractual undertaking that, to the extent permitted by the Act, payments by the designated agency to the assignee under an assignment of claims will not be reduced to liquidate the indebtedness of the contractor to the Government.

[ 48 FR 42328 , Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 49730 , Sept. 26, 1995; 66 FR 2132 , Jan. 10, 2001]

32.802 Conditions.

Under the Assignment of Claims Act, a contractor may assign moneys due or to become due under a contract if all the following conditions are met:

( a ) The contract specifies payments aggregating $1,000 or more.

( b ) The assignment is made to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, including any Federal lending agency.

( c ) The contract does not prohibit the assignment.

( d ) Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the contract, the assignment—

( 1 ) Covers all unpaid amounts payable under the contract;

( 2 ) Is made only to one party, except that any assignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee for two or more parties participating in the financing of the contract; and

( 3 ) Is not subject to further assignment.

( e ) The assignee sends a written notice of assignment together with a true copy of the assignment instrument to the—

( 1 ) Contracting officer or the agency head;

( 2 ) Surety on any bond applicable to the contract; and

( 3 ) Disbursing officer designated in the contract to make payment.

32.803 Policies.

( a ) Any assignment of claims that has been made under the Act to any type of financing institution listed in 32.802(b) may thereafter be further assigned and reassigned to any such institution if the conditions in 32.802(d) and (e) continue to be met.

( b ) A contract may prohibit the assignment of claims if the agency determines the prohibition to be in the Government's interest.

( c ) Under a requirements or indefinite quantity type contract that authorizes ordering and payment by multiple Government activities, amounts due for individual orders for $1,000 or more may be assigned.

( d ) Any contract of a designated agency (see FAR 32.801), except a contract under which full payment has been made, may include a no-setoff commitment only when a determination of need is made by the head of the agency, in accordance with the Presidential delegation of authority dated October 3, 1995, and after such determination has been published in the Federal Register. The Presidential delegation makes such determinations of need subject to further guidance issued by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. The following guidance has been provided: Use of the no-setoff provision may be appropriate to facilitate the national defense; in the event of a national emergency or natural disaster; or when the use of the no-setoff provision may facilitate private financing of contract performance. However, in the event an offeror is significantly indebted to the United States, the contracting officer should consider whether the inclusion of the no-setoff commitment in a particular contract is in the best interests of the United States. In such an event, the contracting officer should consult with the Government officer(s) responsible for collecting the debt(s).

( e ) When an assigned contract does not include a no-setoff commitment, the Government may apply against payments to the assignee any liability of the contractor to the Government arising independently of the assigned contract if the liability existed at the time notice of the assignment was received even though that liability had not yet matured so as to be due and payable.

[ 48 FR 42328 , Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 49730 , Sept. 26, 1995; 61 FR 18921 , Apr. 29, 1996]

32.804 Extent of assignee's protection.

( a ) No payments made by the Government to the assignee under any contract assigned in accordance with the Act may be recovered on account of any liability of the contractor to the Government. This immunity of the assignee is effective whether the contractor's liability arises from or independently of the assigned contract.

( b ) Except as provided in paragraph (c) below, the inclusion of a no-setoff commitment in an assigned contract entitles the assignee to receive contract payments free of reduction or setoff for—

( 1 ) Any liability of the contractor to the Government arising independently of the contract; and

( 2 ) Any of the following liabilities of the contractor to the Government arising from the assigned contract:

( i ) Renegotiation under any statute or contract clause.

( ii ) Fines.

( iii ) Penalties, exclusive of amounts that may be collected or witheld from the contractor under, or for failure to comply with, the terms of the contract.

( iv ) Taxes or social security contributions.

( v ) Withholding or nonwithholding of taxes or social security contributions.

( c ) In some circumstances, a setoff may be appropriate even though the assigned contract includes a no-setoff commitment, e.g.—

( 1 ) When the assignee has neither made a loan under the assignment nor made a commitment to do so; or

( 2 ) To the extent that the amount due on the contract exceeds the amount of any loans made or expected to be made under a firm commitment for financing.

32.805 Procedure.

( a ) Assignments.

( 1 ) Assignments by corporations shall be—

( i ) Executed by an authorized representative;

( ii ) Attested by the secretary or the assistant secretary of the corporation; and

( iii ) Impressed with the corporate seal or accompanied by a true copy of the resolution of the corporation's board of directors authorizing the signing representative to execute the assignment.

( 2 ) Assignments by a partnership may be signed by one partner, if the assignment is accompanied by adequate evidence that the signer is a general partner of the partnership and is authorized to execute assignments on behalf of the partnership.

( 3 ) Assignments by an individual shall be signed by that individual and the signature acknowledged before a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths.

( b ) Filing. The assignee shall forward to each party specified in 32.802(e) an original and three copies of the notice of assignment, together with one true copy of the instrument of assignment. The true copy shall be a certified duplicate or photostat copy of the original assignment.

( c ) Format for notice of assignment. The following is a suggested format for use by an assignee in providing the notice of assignment required by 32.802(e).

Notice of Assignment

TO: __________ [ address to one of the parties specified in 32.802(e) ].

This has reference to Contract No. ______ dated ______, entered into between ________ [ contractor's name and address ] and ________ [ government agency, name of office, and address ], for ________ [ describe nature of the contract ].

Moneys due or to become due under the contract described above have been assigned to the undersigned under the provisions of the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as amended, ( 31 U.S.C. 3727 , 41 U.S.C. 6305 ).

A true copy of the instrument of assignment executed by the Contractor on ________ [ date ], is attached to the original notice.

Payments due or to become due under this contract should be made to the undersigned assignee.

Please return to the undersigned the three enclosed copies of this notice with appropriate notations showing the date and hour of receipt, and signed by the person acknowledging receipt on behalf of the addressee.

Very truly yours,

[ name of assignee ]

[ signature of signing officer

[ title of signing officer ]

[ address of assignee ]


Receipt is acknowledged of the above notice and of a copy of the instrument of assignment. They were received at ____ (a.m.) (p.m.) on ________, 20____.

[ signature ]

On behalf of

[ name of addressee of this notice ]

( d ) Examination by the Government. In examining and processing notices of assignment and before acknowleging their receipt, contracting officers should assure that the following conditions and any additional conditions specified in agency regulations, have been met:

( 1 ) The contract has been properly approved and executed.

( 2 ) The contract is one under which claims may be assigned.

( 3 ) The assignment covers only money due or to become due under the contract.

( 4 ) The assignee is registered separately in the System for Award Management unless one of the exceptions in 4.1102 applies.

( e ) Release of assignment.

( 1 ) A release of an assignment is required whenever—

( i ) There has been a further assignment or reassignment under the Act; or

( ii ) The contractor wishes to reestablish its right to receive further payments after the contractor's obligations to the assignee have been satisfied and a balance remains due under the contract.

( 2 ) The assignee, under a further assignment or reassignment, in order to establish a right to receive payment from the Government, must file with the addressees listed in 32.802(e) a—

( i ) Written notice of release of the contractor by the assigning financing institution;

( ii ) Copy of the release instrument;

( iii ) Written notice of the further assignment or reassignment; and

( iv ) Copy of the further assignment or reassignment instrument.

( 3 ) If the assignee releases the contractor from an assignment of claims under a contract, the contractor, in order to establish a right to receive payment of the balance due under the contract, must file a written notice of release together with a true copy of the release of assignment instrument with the addressees noted in 32.802(e).

( 4 ) The addressee of a notice of release of assignment or the official acting on behalf of that addressee shall acknowledge receipt of the notice.

[ 48 FR 42328 , Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 51 FR 2665 , Jan. 17, 1986; 52 FR 9039 , Mar. 20, 1987; 62 FR 237 , Jan. 2, 1997; 64 FR 10533 , Mar. 4, 1999; 65 FR 24325 , Apr. 25, 2000; 68 FR 56673 , Oct. 1, 2003; 78 FR 37679 , June 21, 2013; 79 FR 24212 , Apr. 29, 2014]

32.806 Contract clauses.

( 1 ) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.232-23, Assignment of Claims, in solicitations and contracts expected to exceed the micro-purchase threshold, unless the contract will prohibit the assignment of claims (see 32.803(b)). The use of the clause is not required for purchase orders. However, the clause may be used in purchase orders expected to exceed the micro-purchase threshold, that are accepted in writing by the contractor, if such use is consistent with agency policies and regulations.

( 2 ) If a no-setoff commitment has been authorized (see FAR 32.803(d)), the contracting officer shall use the clause with its Alternate I.

( b ) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.232-24, Prohibition of Assignment of Claims, in solicitations and contracts for which a determination has been made under agency regulations that the prohibition of assignment of claims is in the Government's interest.

[ 48 FR 42328 , Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 51 FR 2665 , Jan. 17, 1986; 60 FR 49730 , Sept. 26, 1995; 61 FR 18921 , Apr. 29, 1996]

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Business-in-a-Box's Assignment of a Claim for Damages Template

Assignment of a Claim for Damages Template

Document description.

This assignment of a claim for damages template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our assignment of a claim for damages template:

ASSIGNMENT OF A CLAIM FOR DAMAGES This Assignment of a Claim for Damages (the �Assignment�) is made and effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Assignor"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [ASSIGNEE NAME] (the "Assignee"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the Assignor hereby sells and transfers to the Assignee and its successors, assigns

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31 U.S. Code § 3727 - Assignments of claims

Historical and Revision Notes


31:203(1st par. words before 9th comma).

R.S. § 3477; (last par. on p. 411), ; (related to § 3477), ; (related to § 1 related to § 3477), .


31:203(1st par. words after 9th comma, 3d, last pars.).


31:203(2d par.).


31:203(5th par.).


31:203(4th par.).



, .

In subsection (a)(1), the words “or share thereof” and “whether absolute or conditional, and whatever may be the consideration therefor” are omitted as surplus. In clause (2), the word “authorization” is substituted for “powers of attorney, orders, or other authorities” to eliminate unnecessary words.

In subsections (b) and (c), the word “official” is substituted for “officer” for consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the United States Code.

In subsection (b), the words “Except as hereinafter provided” are omitted as unnecessary. The words “read and” are omitted as surplus. The words “to the person acknowledging the same” are omitted as unnecessary. The text of 31:203(1st par. last sentence) is omitted as superseded by 39:410. The words “Notwithstanding any law to the contrary governing the validity of assignments ” and the text of 31:203(last par.) are omitted as unnecessary.

In subsection (c), before clause (1), the words “bank, trust company, or other . . . including any Federal lending agency” are omitted as surplus. The words “of money due or to become due under a contract providing for payments totaling at least $1,000” are substituted for “in any case in which the moneys due or to become due from the United States or from any agency or department thereof, under a contract providing for payments aggregating $1,000 or more” to eliminate unnecessary words. The text of 31:203(2d par. proviso cl. 1) is omitted as executed. In clause (1), the words “in the case of any contract entered into after October 9, 1940 ” are omitted as executed. In clause (2)(A), the words “payable under such contract” are omitted as surplus. In clause (3), the words “true” and “instrument of” are omitted as surplus. The words “department or” are omitted because of the restatement. The words “if any” and “to make payment” are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (d), before clause (1), the words “During a war or national emergency proclaimed by the President or declared by law and ended by proclamation or law” are substituted for “in time of war or national emergency proclaimed by the President (including the national emergency proclaimed December 16, 1950 ) or by Act or joint resolution of the Congress and until such war or national emergency has been terminated in such manner” to eliminate unnecessary words. The words “ Department of Energy (when carrying out duties and powers formerly carried out by the Atomic Energy Commission)” are substituted for “Atomic Energy Commission” (which was reconstituted as the Energy Research and Development Administration by 42:5813 and 5814) because of 42:7151(a) and 7293. The words “other department or . . . of the United States . . . except any such contract under which full payment has been made” and “of any moneys due or to become due under such contract” before “shall not be subject” are omitted as surplus. The words “A payment subsequently due under the contract (even after the war or emergency is ended) shall be paid to the assignee without” are substituted for “and if such provision or one to the same general effect has been at any time heretofore or is hereafter included or inserted in any such contract, payments to be made thereafter to an assignee of any moneys due or to become due under such contract, whether during or after such war or emergency . . . hereafter” to eliminate unnecessary words. The words “of any nature” are omitted as surplus. In clause (1), the words “or any department or agency thereof” are omitted as unnecessary. In clause (2), the words “under any renegotiation statute or under any statutory renegotiation article in the contract” are omitted as surplus.

Subsection (e)(1) is substituted for 31:203(4th par.) to eliminate unnecessary words.

In subsection (e)(2), the words “person receiving an amount under an assignment or allotment” are substituted for “assignees, transferees, or allottees” for clarity and consistency. The words “or to others for them” and “with respect to such assignments , transfers, or allotments or the use of such moneys” are omitted as surplus. The words “person making the assignment or allotment” are substituted for “assignors, transferors, or allotters” for clarity and consistency.

Assignment of Claim after a Loss: What Homeowners Should Know

Let’s start with the basics. If you, as a homeowner, sustain property damage or losses because of a covered event (like a fire, for example), you will need your home repaired. You choose a contractor or restoration company to do the work – but the check from the insurance company has not come through yet, and you need them to start right away. So, what can you do?

You can sign an “assignment of claim,” which assigns your rights (as the policyholder) to benefits and proceeds from the loss, to the company or contractors. In the simplest of terms, the assignment of claim allows your contractor to get paid directly from the insurance company.

What is the anti-transfer clause in insurance?

However, many contractors and purchasers of the damaged property have found themselves in a tight spot over the years, because of something called the anti-transfer clause. As explained on the Tennessee Insurance Litigation Blog ,  the anti-transfer clause usually reads something like this: “Your rights and duties under this policy may not be transferred without our written consent except in the case of death of an individual named insured.” Sometimes, the insurance company requires written consent before an assignment of claim can be made.

This clause routinely allows insurers to deny payments to contractors – but it shouldn’t, when an assignment of claim is made post-loss.

What’s the difference between pre-loss vs. post-loss assignments?

The Courts of Tennessee have routinely ruled on behalf of contractors and purchasers who were assigned the claim after the loss occurred. That is because the original assignee – the homeowner – was approved by the insurance company in the first place, and because the damage occurred regardless. There was no additional risk for the insurance company. Therefore, even if the contractor has a long and storied history of rule-breaking (or even criminal activity), the homeowner can assign the claim however he or she chooses; after all, the loss already happened.

Where insurance companies can (and do) have a leg up is for pre-loss assignments. The insurance company underwrote the risk on Bob and Jane Homeowner because it felt confident enough to do so. Bob and Jane cannot assign their policy to another person without the approval of the insurer, even when no loss has occurred.

Even if there is an anti-transfer clause in your policy, the chances are very good that a post-loss assignment cannot be legally denied by your insurer. If it is, seek out an experienced insurance dispute lawyer to help you argue the denial.

One last note for Tennessee policyholders

In some cases, the insurance company may decide that the amount of your loss is worth less than the cost of the renovations for which the contractor is charging. If this happens, you could be on the hook for the remainder of the costs, depending, of course, on the language of the deal with your contractor.

Because of this risk, it’s wise to contact an attorney before making any decisions. Get informed about your rights from the start, and let your lawyer address any potential hiccups along the way. If your insurer lowballs your claim, your attorney can  handle the dispute , to ensure that you are compensated fairly.

At McWherter Scott & Bobbitt, we have spent years fighting against unfair insurance claims policies in Tennessee and Mississippi. Let  Brandon McWherter ,  Jonathan Bobbitt  and  Clint Scott   put their knowledge and experience to work for you. Please call  731-664-1340 or fill out our  contact form . We maintain offices in Nashville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Jackson and Knoxville.

Brandon McWherter has dedicated his practice to assisting insurance policyholders with their claims against insurance companies, including claims for bad faith. He is licensed in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Learn More

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Filing a claim

You should only need to file a claim in very rare cases. .

  • Original Medicare : If you have Original Medicare , the law requires your doctor, provider, or supplier to file Medicare claims for covered services and supplies you get. 
  • Medicare drug plans : If you have a separate Medicare drug plan (Part D) , the pharmacy will file a claim directly with your plan.
  • Medicare health plans : If you have a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan (with or without drug coverage), and use in-network doctors, suppliers, and pharmacies, they’ll usually submit a claim directly to your plan.

How do I file a claim?

You can download and fill out a form, called the Patient Request for Medical Payment form (CMS-1490S) . This form is also available in Spanish.

What do I submit with the claim?

Follow the instructions on the form for the type of claim you're filing. Generally, you’ll need to submit:

  • The completed claim form (Patient Request for Medical Payment form (CMS-1490S)
  • The itemized bill from your doctor, supplier, or other health care provider
  • A letter explaining why you’re submitting the claim (like if your provider or supplier isn’t able to file the claim, refuses to file the claim, or isn’t enrolled in Medicare)
  • Any supporting documents related to your claim (like notes from your doctor)

Where do I send the claim?

If you have Original Medicare, you'll need to mail your claim form, itemized bill and supporting documents to the address for your state, which is listed on the Medicare Administrative Contractor Address Table within the claim form .

Who can help me file a claim?

  • State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP): Visit to get the phone number for your local SHIP and get free, personalized health insurance counseling. SHIPs are state programs that get money from the federal government to give free local health insurance counseling to people with Medicare.
  • Medicare: You can also contact us for help. Talk or live chat with a real person , 24 hours a day, 7 days week (except some federal holidays) by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users can call 1-877-486-2048 .
  • Representative: If you have a family member or friend helping you with a complaint, you can appoint them as a representative. Download and share your claims with trusted sources.   How do I appoint a representative?

What are the timeframes for filing a claim?

Medicare claims must be filed no later than 12 months (or 1 full calendar year) after the date when the services were provided unless an exception applies. If a claim isn't filed within this time, Medicare won't pay its share. How can I check the status of a claim once I've filed it?  

Example: If you see your doctor on March 22, 2019, your doctor must have filed the Medicare claim for that visit by March 22, 2020. Check the " Medicare Summary Notice " (MSN) you get in the mail, log into your secure Medicare account , or check your plan's claims statements to make sure claims are being filed in a timely way.

Why did I get a bill, and what do I do with it?

If you get a bill, it could be because your doctor, provider, or supplier:

  • Doesn’t accept assignment
  • Opted-out of Medicare and entered into a private contract with you
  • Gave you services that aren’t covered by Medicare
  • Didn’t collect the Medicare deductible and coinsurance amounts you owe when you got services

You might have to either pay the bill or, in rare cases, submit your own claim. 

If claim hasn’t been filed on your behalf, contact your doctor, provider, or supplier, and ask them to file a claim for the service or supply you got. 

If you have contacted your doctor, provider, or supplier, and they haven’t filed your claim, call us at 1-800-MEDICARE.  Ask for the exact time limit for filing a Medicare claim for the service or supply you got. If it's close to the end of that time limit and your doctor, provider, or supplier still hasn't filed a claim, you should file the claim.

Can I submit a claim if I already paid out-of-pocket?

Yes. If you had to pay out of pocket for services or supplies because your doctor, provider, or supplier refused to submit a claim, you’ll have to submit your own claim. 

If you had to pay out of pocket for a vaccine or prescription that was covered by Medicare recently, but hasn’t been added to your plan’s formulary yet, you may need to file a claim if you want to be paid back.

What if I disagree with a coverage or payment decision?

If you disagree with a decision by Medicare or your Medicare plan, you can file an appeal. Learn more about filing an appeal.  

Share your claims

Use your Medicare account to download your Medicare claims data and share it with someone you trust to help you.

Check claim status

Learn how to check the status of a claim based on the kind of coverage you have.

Fact check: Walz retired from Army National Guard after 24 years to run for Congress

GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance claims that the Minnesota governor and Democratic vice presidential candidate bailed as his unit headed to Iraq, but Walz retired before his unit was called up.

By Rochelle Olson


Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance has renewed an attack on Gov. Tim Walz’s military record that his GOP opponent wielded against him during the 2022 gubernatorial campaign, accusing Walz of “stolen valor” for retiring from the military before his regiment deployed to Iraq.

The Ohio senator pitted his service against the governor’s on Wednesday in Michigan, saying that he had served honorably in Iraq with the U.S. Marine Corps. Vance, former President Donald Trump’s running mate, was deployed in public affairs as a correspondent. Neither Vance nor Walz saw combat.

“When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him, a fact that he’s been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people he served. I think it’s shameful,” said Vance , who was on active duty from 2003 to 2007, including deployment to Iraq in 2005 and 2006.

The second-term Minnesota governor and running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris retired from the Army National Guard as a command sergeant major in May 2005 to run for Congress in the First District in southeastern Minnesotan. Walz defeated GOP incumbent Rep. Gil Gutknecht in November 2006.

When Walz retired

Here’s the timeline: Walz’s congressional campaign issued a statement in March 2005 saying he still planned to run despite a possible mobilization of Minnesota National Guard soldiers to Iraq. Walz submitted his Guard retirement papers in May 2005. The unit’s first call-up notice came in July 2005, and the regiment deployed in March 2006.

Walz’s Guard service began when he enlisted in 1981, the day after he turned 17, military records show. The governor recently retold the story of driving with his dad, a Korean War-era veteran, to sign up in his native Nebraska. Like his father, Walz said he expected to go to college on the G.I. Bill and that’s what he eventually did.

Walz re-upped in the Guard multiple times, including signing on for another six-year stint in 2001.

In the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack, Walz was a senior enlisted member and a master sergeant, according to military records. He lived in Mankato and served with the southern Minnesota-based First Battalion, 125th Field Artillery. The battalion was deployed to Italy in 2003 to protect against potential threats in Europe while active military forces were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Walz.

After the units returned to Minnesota in early 2004, Walz was promoted to command sergeant major.

Walz’s critics say the governor inflated his credentials because he retired as a master sergeant, not at the higher rank of command sergeant major. Walz served at the higher rank but left before completing all the extra training necessary for the rank.

Military records

In response to a Star Tribune request, Walz’s 2022 campaign provided a two-page military record confirming the dates and his ranks. The Minnesota National Guard also confirmed the outlines of his tenure, saying that Walz served from April 8, 1981, until May 16, 2005.

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form assignment of claims

“Walz attained the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role but retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes due to not completing additional coursework,” according to the statement from Army public affairs officer Lt. Col. Kristen Augé.

Walz critics

In the 2022 gubernatorial race, Walz’s Republican opponent, former state Sen. Scott Jensen, stood with a few veterans to accuse Walz of leaving the National Guard shortly before the battalion he led was deployed to Iraq.

Jensen, a physician who narrowly avoided the Vietnam-era draft, said in 2022 that Walz’s departure from the Guard fits a pattern and “is just one of a long line of instances … where Tim Walz failed to lead and ran from his duty.”

During the gubernatorial campaign, Walz made no apologies for the timing of his departure, saying his life has been about public service, including his time in the military.

“We all do what we can. I’m proud I did 24 years,” Walz said. “I have an honorable record.”

In his Minnesota campaigns and during his tenure as governor, Walz hasn’t spent much time talking about his time in the National Guard, more often touting his background as a high school teacher and football coach.

Joseph Eustice, a 32-year veteran of the Guard who led the same battalion as Walz, said the governor fulfilled his duty.

“He was a great soldier,” Eustice said. “When he chose to leave, he had every right to leave.”

Eustice said claims to the contrary are ill-informed and possibly sour grapes by a soldier who was passed over for the promotion to command sergeant major that went to Walz.

That man, Thomas Behrends, was among those standing with Jensen to criticize the governor. Jensen and Behrends, a longtime critic of the governor, argue that Walz bailed on his troops when the going was about to get tough.

Walz defenders

Eustice, an Ortonville, Minn., teacher who describes himself as nonpartisan, said he unequivocally supports the governor’s version of events.

Eustice said he recalled talking to Walz in 2005 when they were at Camp Ripley. He said Walz told him he was thinking about resigning from the Guard and running for Congress.

“The man did nothing wrong with when he chose to leave the service; he didn’t break any rules,” he said.

Like Walz, Eustice said that he also left in the middle of a six-year re-enrollment because members are free to leave at any time after their initial six-year stint.

“If you choose to re-up, you can walk in any day and be done,” Eustice said.

Jumping to Walz’s defense in light of the Vance criticism was U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, a Navy combat veteran. He asked Vance if he’d forgotten what the Marines taught about respect.

“Tim Walz spent DECADES in uniform. You both deserve to be thanked for your service. Don’t become Donald Trump. He calls veterans suckers and losers and that is beneath those of us who have actually served,” Kelly wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday.

Former U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill. and an Air National Guard pilot, also defended Walz, saying the GOP is trying to “swiftboat” Walz. Swiftboat is a reference to the attacks questioning the Vietnam combat service of U.S. Sen. John Kerry when he was the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004.

“Tim Walz joined the Army Guard and served honorably for 24 years, achieving the highest enlisted rank offered. That is quite an accomplishment. The nation should be proud, and JD Vance should be respectful of his fellow warrior,” Kinzinger wrote on his Substack .

In 2022, Walz responded to the criticism from Jensen and Behrends at a Medal of Honor Memorial dedication on the State Capitol grounds, saying he was proud of his tenure in the Guard.

“I don’t know if Tom just disagrees with my politics or whatever, but my record speaks for itself and my accomplishments in uniform speak for itself, and there’s many people in this crowd, too, that I served with,” Walz said. “It’s just unfortunate.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

form assignment of claims

about the writer

Rochelle olson.

Rochelle Olson is a reporter on the politics and government team.

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Change Number: Change 185 GSAR Case 2022-G506 Effective Date: 08/02/2024

Subpart 532.8 - Assignment of Claims

Subpart 532.8 - Assignment of Claims

532.805 procedure..

(a)  When acknowledging receipt of the notice of assignment, the contracting officer shall notify the contractor that all future invoices or other requests for payment under the contract must specify the name and address of the assignee and include a notation that payments due thereunder have been duly assigned. The contracting officer must send a copy of the acknowledgment to the contract finance office.

(b)  When payments under requirements or indefinite quantity contracts that are for the sole use of GSA have been assigned, the contracting officer shall provide all GSA offices that will place orders against the contract the name and address of the assignee that will receive amounts due under the contract. The notification should also state that the contracting officer requested the contractor to specify the name and address of the assignee on future invoices.

532.806 Contract clauses.

Insert the clause at 552.232-23 , Assignment of Claims, in solicitations and requirements or indefinite quantity contracts under which more than one agency may place orders.

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The insurer is issuing the translated form on an informational basis and the English version is controlling for the purposes of application and interpretation.


  1. Assignment of Claim 2020-2024 Form

    form assignment of claims

  2. Fillable Online Proof of Claims Form

    form assignment of claims

  3. How To Print A Medicare Claim Form

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  4. Nj Small Claims Court Forms Fill Out And Sign Printable PDF Template

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  5. Assignment of a Claim for Damages Template

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  6. Claim Assignment Agreement Template

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  1. Subpart 32.8

    32.802 Conditions. Under the Assignment of Claims Act, a contractor may assign moneys due or to become due under a contract if all the following conditions are met: (a) The contract specifies payments aggregating $1,000 or more. (b) The assignment is made to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, including any Federal lending ...

  2. 52.232-23 Assignment of Claims.

    As prescribed in 32.806 (a) (1), insert the following clause: Assignment of Claims (May 2014) (a) The Contractor, under the Assignment of Claims Act, as amended, 31 U.S.C.3727, 41 U.S.C.6305 (hereafter referred to as "the Act"), may assign its rights to be paid amounts due or to become due as a result of the performance of this contract to a ...

  3. Ex-10.32 Assignment of Claim Agreement

    1. PROOF OF CLAIM.Assignor represents and warrants as of the Effective Date that the Proof of Claim has been duly and timely filed in the Case, and a true and complete copy of the Proof of Claim is attached to and made a part of this Assignment of Claim Agreement ("Agreement").If the Proof of Claim amount is greater or lesser than the Claim amount set forth above, Assignee shall ...

  4. Contracting Concepts: Assignment of Claims

    Let's posit that the Assignment of Claims is for $500,000, and the company owes the government $100,000. If there is a "no-setoff commitment," then the bank will be paid the entire $500,000 once the contractor's work is completed. Without the no-setoff commitment, the government in this scenario would pay the bank $400,000 and keep the ...

  5. 48 CFR Part 32 Subpart 32.8 -- Assignment of Claims

    32.803 Policies. ( a) Any assignment of claims that has been made under the Act to any type of financing institution listed in 32.802 (b) may thereafter be further assigned and reassigned to any such institution if the conditions in 32.802 (d) and (e) continue to be met. ( b) A contract may prohibit the assignment of claims if the agency ...

  6. Assignment of a Claim for Damages Template

    Download. Business in a Box templates are used by over 250,000 companies in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and 190 countries worldwide. Download your Assignment of a Claim for Damages Template in MS Word (.docx). Everything you need to plan, manage, finance, and grow your business.

  7. Assignment of Claims Explained

    The assignment of claims is a legal and financial process where an individual or entity (the assignor) transfers a claim or a right to another party (the assignee). This claim could be any asset, such as a receivable or a contract right. The assignee, upon receiving the claim, has the right to seek fulfillment from the debtor or obligor.

  8. 31 U.S. Code § 3727

    31 U.S. Code § 3727 - Assignments of claims. a transfer or assignment of any part of a claim against the United States Government or of an interest in the claim; or. the authorization to receive payment for any part of the claim. An assignment may be made only after a claim is allowed, the amount of the claim is decided, and a warrant for ...

  9. Federal Assignment of Claims Act Explained

    The Federal Assignment of Claims Act is a crucial piece of legislation that governs the assignment of claims in the federal contracting sphere. With its historical background, purpose and scope, key provisions, and impact on various aspects of business practices, it is essential for all stakeholders to have a comprehensive understanding of this ...

  10. 52.232-23 Assignment of Claims.

    52.232-23 Assignment of Claims. (a) The Contractor, under the Assignment of Claims Act, as amended, 31 U.S.C.3727, 41 U.S.C.6305 (hereafter referred to as "the Act"), may assign its rights to be paid amounts due or to become due as a result of the performance of this contract to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, including ...

  11. PDF Contracting Concepts: Assignment of Claims

    Let's posit that the Assignment of Claims is for $500,000, and the com-pany owes the government $100,000. If there is a "no-setof commitment," then the bank will be paid the en-tire $500,000 once the contractor's work is completed. Without the no-setof commitment, the government in this scenario would pay the bank $400,000 and keep the ...

  12. Assignment and Non-assignment of Benefits

    Non-assignment of Benefits. Non-assigned is the method of reimbursement a physician/supplier has when choosing to not accept assignment of benefits. Under this method, a non-participating provider is the only provider that can file a claim as non-assigned. When the provider does not accept assignment, the Medicare payment will be made directly ...

  13. Assignment of Claim after a Loss: What Homeowners Should Know

    You can sign an "assignment of claim," which assigns your rights (as the policyholder) to benefits and proceeds from the loss, to the company or contractors. In the simplest of terms, the assignment of claim allows your contractor to get paid directly from the insurance company. ... Please call 731-664-1340 or fill out our contact form. We ...

  14. PDF Assignment of benefits form

    e this insurance payment. have been given the opportunity to pay my estimated deductible and coin insur. nce at the time of service. I have chosen to assign the benefits, knowing that the claim must be paid within all state or federa. prompt payment guidelines. I will provide all relevant and accurate information to facilitate the prompt ...


    assignment of claims agreement This Assignment of Claims Agreement (this " Agreement ") is made and entered into as of the 30 day of September, 2019 (the " Effective Date "), by and between GlassBridge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (" Assignor "), and Imation Enterprises Corp., a Delaware corporation (" Assignee ").


    interpreted the following standard form no-assignment clause: "The employer shall not without the written consent of the contractor assign this contract" ... The Court of Appeal held that the clause operated to prohibit an assignment of claims for damages or other money claims before they had been fixed/liquidated by a court finding or a ...

  17. Assignment of a Claim for Damages

    An assignment consists of a transfer of property or some right or interest in property from one person to another. Unless an assignment is qualified in some way, it is generally considered to be a transfer of the transferor's entire interest in the interest or thing assigned. Unless there is a statute that requires that certain language be used ...

  18. Assignment of a Claim for Damages

    This Assignment of a Claim for Damages (the "Agreement") is made and effective this 4th day of April, 2019, BETWEEN: Weatherman Time, Inc (the 'Assignor'), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Ohio with its head office located at: 20 North Broadway, Suite 1800, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-2241.

  19. Assigment of Claim Agreement

    claims having been filed in the name of "Broadband Network Services, Inc. d/b/a Worldbridge Broadband Services, Inc." The difference between the BNS Adelphia Proof of Claim Amount and the BNS Adelphia Scheduled Amount is $579,621.92 and is referred to in this Agreement as the "BNS Adelphia Disputed Amount." E. BNS holds a general unsecured claim against FrontierVision in the current ...

  20. Assignment of Claims Definition

    Assignment of Claims. When an approved assignment of claims has been executed, both the Contractor and the assignee must be registered in XXX. The Contractor must update its XXX record to add the assignee's banking information. The Contractor shall obtain a uniquely associated DUNS or DUNS+4 number with the assignee's bank name and address.The Contractor shall enter the following in the ...

  21. Subpart 232.8

    232.806 Contract clauses. (a) (1) Use the clause at 252.232-7008, Assignment of Claims (Overseas), instead of the clause at FAR 52.232-23, Assignment of Claims, in solicitations and contracts when contract performance will be in a foreign country. (2) Use Alternate I with the clause at FAR 52.232-23, Assignment of Claims, unless otherwise ...

  22. Assignment of Claim Forms Definition

    Related to Assignment of Claim Forms. Assignment of Claims Act means the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940 (41 U.S.C. Section 15, 31 U.S.C. Section 3737, and 31 U.S.C. Section 3727), including all amendments thereto and regulations promulgated thereunder.. Claim Form or "Proof of Claim Form" means the form, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2 to Exhibit A, that a Claimant ...

  23. Filing a claim

    You should only need to file a claim in very rare cases. Original Medicare: If you have Original Medicare , the law requires your doctor, provider, or supplier to file Medicare claims for covered services and supplies you get.; Medicare drug plans: If you have a separate Medicare drug plan (Part D) , the pharmacy will file a claim directly with your plan.

  24. What you need to know about Tim Walz's military service

    GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance claims that the Minnesota governor and Democratic vice presidential candidate bailed as his unit headed to Iraq, but Walz retired before his unit was ...

  25. Subpart 532.8

    532.805 Procedure. (a) When acknowledging receipt of the notice of assignment, the contracting officer shall notify the contractor that all future invoices or other requests for payment under the contract must specify the name and address of the assignee and include a notation that payments due thereunder have been duly assigned. The ...

  26. Supplemental Health Plan Claims

    Accidental Injury Claim Form [PDF] Critical Illness Claim Form [PDF] Hospital Care Claim Form [PDF] Wellness Incentive Claim Form [PDF] If at any time you have questions or need assistance with or with filing your claim online, please call 1 (800) 754-3207. We are available Monday through Friday 8 am - 8 pm, ET.