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363 Islamic Topics for Discussion & Presentation

islamic topics for presentation in urdu

There are almost two billion Muslims worldwide, as Islam is the world’s second most widespread religion after Christianity. Scientists date its emergence back to the 7th century. It all started in Mecca during the life years of Muhammad. Muslims believe he was the last prophet from God who came to reveal Islam to humanity.

This selection of Islamic topics for assignment features the best debatable issues and trending problems related to Islam. You will find something exciting to discuss in class or write in your paper.

  • ❗ Top 15 Islamic Topics for Assignment
  • 🔑 Islam: The Key Issues
  • 🕌 Islamic Topics: History of Islam
  • ➡️ Islamic Topics: Branches of Islam
  • 🖐️ Interesting Islamic Topics
  • ⚡ Controversial Islamic Topics

📌 References

❗ top 15 islamic topics for discussion.

  • What is Islam for you?
  • Which Muslim philosopher do you consider the most influential?
  • Can we consider Islamic studies a social science?
  • Why is the prophet Muhammad the central figure in Islam?
  • Explore the concept of marriage in Islam.
  • How is a Mosque different from a Christian church?
  • What is the symbolism of pilgrimage in Islam?
  • How did Islam spread around the world?
  • Which role does calligraphy play in Islam?
  • Is there any difference between a first and second wife?
  • Is Islam a law or a religion?
  • Compare and contrast Sunnis and Shiites.
  • How do the five pillars of Islam benefit the Islamic community?
  • Why are non-Muslim people afraid of Islam, and are they wrong?
  • Are there any touching points between Judaism and Islam?

🔑 Islam: The Key Issues to Cover in a Paper

Foundations and history.

The fundamental idea of Islam is that the believer surrenders to the will of Allah. People learned about this will from the sacred scriptures of the Koran (or Quran). The book retells Allah’s revelations to Muhammad, his prophet and messenger.

After the death of Muhammad in 632 AD, it took a century to create a new Arab Muslim empire. Religion spread by military invasion, but many people accepted it peacefully. The empire era (8th to 13th centuries AD) is now called the Islamic Golden Age. It was marked with high interest in education and research. Philosophy and humanities prospered. Besides, we can read Aristotle’s works today thanks to Arabic translators.

Islamic Symbols

As Islam is a multinational religion, no single symbol could be universally accepted. The crescent moon and star (the most widespread symbol of Islam) pre-dates Muhammad. Initially, it used to be the symbol of the Ottoman Empire. A red crescent shows that Muslims are respected in the given place. Green is believed to be Muhammad’s favorite color. That’s why it is often associated with Islam and appears on most flags of Muslim countries.

Key Concepts

  • Sharia Law is the legal system of Islamic communities. This code of conduct is based on faith and Koran. In particular, it requires modest dressing for men and women, gives marriage guidelines, and instructs about social order.
  • Muslim prayer is read in the ample open space of a mosque. A mihrab (decoration or niche) indicates the direction to Mecca, i.e., the approach one should face while praying. Muslims should pray five times a day.
  • Ramadan is a holy month of introspection, praying, and fasting. During this month, Muhammad is believed to receive the first revelations of the Koran. Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn to sunset, avoid bad behavior, and suppress impure thoughts.

🕌 Islamic Essay Topics: History of Islam

  • Islam as the Main Abrahamic Monotheistic Religion.
  • The Importance of the Quran in Islamic Religion.
  • Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya’s Insurgency in Egypt.
  • The Islamic Following in the World.
  • The Basis of Islamic Teachings.
  • The Role of Prophets in Islam.
  • Dubai Islamic Bank’s Human Resource Strategy.
  • The Role of Revealed Scriptures in Islam.
  • The Role of Natural Signs in Islam.
  • Islamic Teachings and Practices other than Quran.
  • The Representation of Allah in the Quran.
  • Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus as the Prophets of the Primordial Faith.
  • Judaism and Christianity as Spiritual Predecessor Faiths in Islam.
  • The Concept of Final Judgment on Islam.
  • Five Pillars of Islamic Religion.
  • The Importance of Islamic Law Sharia.
  • What Does Sharia Say about the Role of Women?
  • Sharia about the Banking and Finance.
  • What Does Sharia Say about the Environment?
  • Balance of Wisdom in Museum of Islamic Civilization.
  • Three Holiest Sites in Islam.
  • The Significance of Masjid al-Haram as the Holy Place.
  • The Significance of Al-Masjid an-Nabawi as the Holy Place.
  • The Significance of Al-Aqsa Mosque as the Holy Place.
  • The History of Islamic Religion.
  • The Role of Muhammad ibn Abdullah in Islam.
  • The Role of Muhammad ibn Abdullah in the Spread of Islam.
  • The Role of Muhammad as the Main Islamic Prophet.
  • The Spread of Islam in Various States and Caliphates.
  • Islamic Missionary Activities after the 7th century.
  • The Islamic Conquests and Its Results.
  • The Essence of Sunni Islam as an Islamic Denomination.
  • The Essence of Shia Islam as an Islamic Denomination.
  • The Difference between God in Islam and Christianity.
  • The Demography of Islamic Religion.
  • The etymology of the Name of Islamic.
  • The Six Main Articles of Islam.
  • God as the Part of the Islamic Creed.
  • Angels as the Part of the Islamic Creed.
  • The Importance of Books as Islamic Creed.
  • The Role of Prophets in the Islamic Creed.
  • The Day of Resurrection as the Articles of Islam.
  • The Central Concept of Oneness of God in Islam.
  • The Concept of God in Islam.
  • The Names of God in Islam and their Origins.
  • The Purpose of Human Existence in Islam.
  • The Practice of Taqwa in Islamic Faith.
  • The Difference between Allāh and ʾilāh.
  • The Functions of Angels in Islam.
  • The Images of Angels in Islam.
  • The Origin of the Quran Verses.
  • The Main Components of the Quran.
  • The Period of Islamic Golden Age.
  • The Influence of Quran on Arabic Literature.
  • The Influence of the Quran on the Arabic Language.
  • Hadith as the Record of Muhammad’s Words and Actions.
  • Methodologies to Classify the Authenticity of Hadiths.
  • The Reports of Sunni Islam in the Kutub al-Sittah.
  • The Four Books as the Source of Hadiths.
  • Quran as the Primary Book of Islam.
  • The Day of Resurrection in Islamic Faith.
  • The Concepts of Paradise (Jannah) and Hell (Jahannam) in Islam.
  • The Five Obligatory Actions of Worship.
  • The Rules of Fasting during Ramadan.
  • The Place and Importance of Prayers in Islam.
  • Charity as an Essential Part of Islamic Religion.
  • Obligatory Pilgrimage as the Vital Ritual of Muslims Life.
  • The History of Muhammad in the Creation of Islam.
  • The Classical Era of Islamic Faith.
  • The Impact of Pre-Modern Era in Islam.
  • The Contribution of Modern Era of Islamic Religion.
  • The Features of the Contemporary Era of Islam.
  • Differences between Islam and Christianity.

➡️ Islam Essay Topics: Branches of Islam

  • The Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence.
  • The Schools of Islamic Theology.
  • The Islamic Sections of Denomination.
  • The Tariqa or Orders within Sufism.
  • The Tariqa or Orders within Sunni Islam.
  • Political and Religious Violence in Islam.
  • The Informal Movements in Islam.
  • Organized Groups in Islamic Religion.
  • Sects as a Vital Part of the Religion.
  • The Appearance of Sects in Islam.
  • Neo-Traditionalism Movement of Islam.
  • Concepts of Liberal Movement of Islam.
  • Ideas of Progressivism Movement of Islam.
  • Islamic Modernism as an Islamic Sect.
  • Differences between Salafism and Wahhabism.
  • Overview of the Branches of Islam.
  • The Historical Formation of Islamic Branches.
  • The Differences between Sunnī and Shīʿa Islam.
  • Sunnī ‘s Main Schools of Jurisprudence.
  • The Primary Sects of Shīʿa Islam.
  • The Zaydī School of Thought.
  • The Concepts of Kharijites Sect.
  • The New Schools of Islam.
  • Main Branches of Islamic Denomination.
  • Sunnī Islam as the largest Denomination of Islam.
  • The Main Beliefs of Sunnī Islam.
  • The Differences between Classical and Liberalist Sunnī Schools.
  • Shīʿa Islam as the Second-Largest Denomination of Islam.
  • The Demography of the Islamic Branches.
  • The Main Beliefs of Shīʿa Islam.
  • The Twelvers as the Sub-Denomination of Islam.
  • Ismāʿīlīsm as the Sub-Denomination of Islam.
  • The Zaydīs as the Sub-Denomination of Islam.
  • The Alawites as the Sub-Denomination of Islam.
  • The Druze as the Sub-Denomination of Islam.
  • The Baháʼí Faith as the Sub-Denomination of Islam.
  • The Essence of Ghulat Movements.
  • The Extinct Islamic Sect Kharijite.
  • The Place of Sufris in Kharijite.
  • Ibadism as a sub-sect of Kharijite.
  • The Political Ideologies of Islamism.
  • The Overview of Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence.
  • Quran, Hadīth Literature and Sunnah-Sources for Islamic Methodology.
  • Sunnism Schools of Thought.
  • Sunnism Schools of Theology.
  • The Concepts of the Salafi Movement.
  • Jaʿfari or Imāmī School of Jurisprudence.
  • The Overview of Islamic Schools Theology.
  • Major Themes of Islamic Theological Controversies.
  • The role of dialectical reasoning in Islam.
  • The Three Main Schools of Sunni.
  • The Traditionalist Islamic Theology.
  • The Peculiarities of Islamic Sufism.
  • The Most Notable Sufi Orders.
  • The History of African American Islamic Movement.
  • The History of the Black Muslim Movement.
  • The Impact of the Black Muslim Movement.
  • The History of Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.
  • Beliefs and Teachings of Ahmadis.
  • Groups of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.
  • The Impact of September 11, 2001, Catastrophe.
  • Overview of the Islamist Organizations.
  • The Postulates of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Quranism as the Protestant Branch of Islam.
  • The History of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • The Concepts of Liberal and Progressive Islam.
  • Non-Denomination Islam and Its place in the Religion.
  • The Basis of Salafiyya Movement.
  • The History and Concepts of the Wahhabi Movement.
  • The Population of the Islamic Branches.

🖐️ Interesting Islamic Topics for Presentation

Prophets in islam.

  • Prophets not mentioned in Quran: role in modern Islam culture.
  • The transition of Jewish and Christian prophets to Islam.
  • How did Judaism and Christianity influence the Islamic depiction of prophets?
  • Linguistic analysis of the names of the prophets: what factors cause the change of the original names to Arabic?
  • Modern western perception of the prophet of Islam.
  • Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy through the lens of Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations.
  • Tensions between the depiction of prophets in Islam and western values of free speech.
  • Core values and beliefs of Islamic prophets.
  • Trace of Islamic prophets in the New and Old Testament.
  • The role of prophets in Islamic Rituals.
  • Prophets in Islam as exemplars of ordinary humans.
  • Differences in perception of prophets in Shia and Sunni Islam.
  • The phenomenon of age in the representation of Islamic prophets in the Quran.
  • Debates among Muslim theologians on Mary’s prophethood.
  • Why is the gender of prophets a sensitive issue for Islamic theologians?
  • What are the grounds on which theologists decide whether someone is a prophet?
  • The Monotheism of Abraham in different Islamic interpretations.
  • Miracles and miraculous events in prophets’ actions.
  • Representations of the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic painting.
  • Typology of Islamic prophets.
  • Prophet Muhammad’s Thoughts on Death.
  • The nature of revelation in Islam.
  • The importance of obedience to prophets.
  • Representation of Prophet Muhammad: Identical conflicts between the French Muslim community and European journalism.
  • How does the Quran explain the prophets’ protection from sin and failure?
  • Perception of prophets in Wahhabism.
  • The role of prophets in the punishment of non-believers.
  • Is there a hierarchy between different prophets in Islamic culture?
  • Alternative perception of prophethood in Ahmadiyya and Baháism.
  • Pre-Muhammad prophets in Muslim tradition.

Islamic Holy Books

  • How is the Quran related to the sacred texts of other religions?
  • Why do Muslims believe that the Torah has suffered corruption?
  • Relevance of the Book of Psalms (Zabur) for modern Islam.
  • Do Islamic holy books allow for a transition to Western political values?
  • Renewal of Ijtihad (free-thinking in religious matters) in the Modern Era.
  • Does the over-reliance on Islamic holy books lead to chronic economic backwardness?
  • Satan in the Holy Quran.
  • Adam and Eve in Quran and Bible.
  • Other holy books of Islam besides the Quran.
  • How do Muslim fundamentalists interpret critical passages of the Quran?
  • Qur’an in Wahhabism.
  • What is the structure of the Quran text?
  • What happened to the Quran after the death of Muhammad?
  • Variant readings of the Quran except for Uthmanic codex.
  • Medina in Quran.
  • The difference in the narrative of world history in the Quran and academic historical science.
  • Is it possible to make Islamic holy texts compatible with Western democracy?
  • Why do many believers often rely on the commentaries of theologians to the Quran than on the original text?
  • The role of science in the text of the Quran.
  • Interpretation of the Quran between Shiites and Sunnis.
  • How do theologians of other religions criticize the text of the Quran?
  • Translation of the Quran into English.
  • Bible vs. Quran.
  • What skills and knowledge should Quran teachers have?
  • What is the connection between Zabur and Psalms?
  • Noah in Islam and Christianity.
  • How is the text of the Quran used to create Islamic law?
  • What role did the prophet’s companions play in disseminating the Quran?
  • Why was the Quran written in the Arabic language?
  • Women in Quran: implications for the modern understanding of Muslin culture.

Family Life in Islam

  • The role of rituals in the daily life of Muslim families.
  • Daily eating practices in Islam: the notions of Haram and Halal.
  • Why does the Islamic faith require so many restrictions in everyday family life?
  • What specifics and requirements exist in the personal hygiene of men and women?
  • Culture: Women With Hijab in Western Countries.
  • Islamic marriage as an essential component of Muslim culture.
  • The practice of polygyny in the Muslim world: a cross-country analysis.
  • The hijab ban in France in public places: the differences between the Muslim and European views on lifestyle.
  • Understanding death and the afterlife in the Islamic faith.
  • “Family Ties and Access to Finance in an Islamic Environment” by Mertzanis.
  • How does the Islamic faith require raising children? The role of a mother and father in every step of childhood.
  • How is the penetration of the state into family life perceived in the Muslim community?
  • Traditional family life in Islam as a cornerstone of Muslim living.
  • A critical glance at gender segregation in Islam: May the West improve women’s lives?
  • Female Empowerment in the Islamic States.
  • Perception of sex education among the Muslim community.
  • Is it possible to combine the secular lifestyle of women and Religion?
  • The history of attitudes toward abortion in Islam in the 21st century.
  • Can a Muslim family obey Muslim customs and rules in cosmopolitan countries like the USA or Canada?
  • Women’s Roles in Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism.
  • Why do some European citizens have a negative attitude towards the Muslim lifestyle of families?
  • How much are women involved in decision-making in Islamic families?
  • Ceremonies of sacrifice in Islamic families.
  • What are the differences in family life between Shiite and Sunni branches?
  • Funerals and funeral prayers in Islam.
  • What do the Quran and other holy texts of Islam say about divorce?
  • The basic principles of family life in Islam.
  • How does the traditional Islamic family feel about progress and new technologies?
  • Joint and Separate Family System: similarities and differences.
  • Three stages of life in Islamic tradition.
  • Rights of parents according to the Quran: How does the Holy text influence daily life?
  • Islamic family in an Islamic state (Iran) and democratic country (Canada).
  • The notion of responsibility of men and women in Islam.
  • Building a house according to Islamic traditions.

Concept of God in Islam

  • The value and central belief of monotheism in Islam.
  • Differences between God in Islam and other major religions.
  • Roles and messages of Allah in Islam, as interpreted to be directly from Allah.
  • Concept of Allah according to messengers of faith in the Quran.
  • The role and expectations of the believer in Islam about Allah.
  • Allah’s guidelines and rules inform the Islamic faith and followers’ behavior.
  • Modern interpretations and traditions concerning Allah.
  • Allah’s role as a creator, sustainer, and nourisher.
  • Allah as a concept not associated with other beings or deities.
  • Importance of Allah’s unique and transcendent qualities.
  • Concepts of ‘Tawhid’ and ‘Tanzih’ concerning Allah.
  • The importance of ‘oneness’ about Allah in Islam.
  • The rejection of the Christian Trinity (i.e., God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit) in Islam.
  • How does the ‘proof from hypothetical mutual prevention’ support the argument against two or more gods in Islam?
  • How does Islam explain the dependence between Allah and his creations?
  • According to the Quran, how do believers depend on Allah? Are there variations among different followers?
  • The mercy of Allah as the sole reason for creation and circumstances that allow for life.
  • The importance of Allah as an omniscient God.
  • Allah’s role in creation and perception by followers of his role.
  • The Islamic faith’s primary motivator is the purpose of Allah and the importance of followers’ worship of God.
  • Variations of Allah’s image and perception among different Islamic schools of thought.
  • Differences regarding Allah among Sunni followers: Atharis, Sufis, Ash’aris, and Maturidi.
  • Five Pillars as elements of Muslim worship practice.
  • The importance of Shahada, the testimony of Allah.
  • Charity in Islam to Allah.
  • Fasting, Pilgrimages, and other Islamic traditions concerning Allah.
  • History of introducing Islam to polytheistic populations.
  • The importance of interpreting the descendants of Muhammad by Shia Muslims.
  • Sharia and religious law as elements of Allah.
  • Religion and the state in modern Islam.

Morality & Ethics in Islam

  • Role and place of the biblical prophets in Islamic Religion.
  • Vision and understanding of God in Islam: Differences from other religions.
  • The ethical significance of the Quran: Personal moral norms and goals prescribed by the Quran.
  • The history of the emergence, compilation, and preservation of the Quran.
  • The Quran as an inspiration for Islamic art: Principles and traditions that influenced visual arts.
  • Muhammad’s teachings and practice as a constitutional model for followers of Islam.
  • People of the Book: Islam’s vision of Judaism and Christianity.
  • The Five Pillars of Islam as a fundamental religious practice: Differences in individual participation in religious traditions and rituals among Muslims.
  • Sharia as religious law: Its sources, influence, and regulation of various spheres of Muslim people’s lives.
  • Shia Islam and Sunni Islam: Differences between two key Islamic branches.
  • The role of five-time prayer in the life of a Muslim: Unity with God, support for discipline, and spiritual dimensionality.
  • Different interpretations of the concept of jihad: Understanding greater and lesser jihad.
  • The goals and significance of tafsir as the sciences of the Quran interpretation.
  • Importance of the Sunnah in the interpretation of the Quran.
  • The concepts of death and the afterlife in the Islamic Religion.
  • The idea of the soul and its salvation developed in Islam.
  • Differences in views on sinfulness, paradise, and hell in Islam and Christianity.
  • Correlation between free will and divine decree in Islam: Reconciliation between predetermined destiny and personal responsibility.
  • Salah: Features and challenges of prayer for Muslims in the modern world in various settings.
  • Fasting in Islam as a way of developing God-consciousness.
  • Path, rituals, and goals of Muslim people’s pilgrimage.
  • The struggle of Muhammad and his companions for the formation of the Islamic Religion.
  • The succession problem to Muhammad and its consequences: Division of Muslim community.
  • Muslim women’s perception of the traditional gender division of roles in the Islamic Religion.
  • Ulama and traditions of transmitting religious knowledge and teachings in Islam.
  • The interweaving of Religion and jurisprudence in Islam: Faith as a way of moral and responsible existence.
  • Islamic cooking traditions and related teachings: Possibilities of compliance with regulations in various regions.
  • The concept of Haya in Islam and its impact on the daily lives of Muslim people.
  • Religious traditions related to marriage and family creation in the Islamic Religion.
  • Zakat, sadaqah, and waqf: Influence of traditions of compulsory and voluntary charity on the welfare of the Muslim people.

⚡ Controversial Islamic Topics for Discussion

  • Quran perspective on women’s position.
  • Apostasy as a political phenomenon for the citizens’ control.
  • Apostasy and fundamental human rights.
  • Inconsistency of the Quran with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Iran’s Vision of the World in Henry Kissinger’s View.
  • The controversy between Western and Islamic views on human rights.
  • Sexual minority rights in Islam.
  • Nikāḥ al-Mut’ah: Short-term marriages to cover up prostitution.
  • The morality of contractual marriages – Nikah Misyar.
  • The problem of the lack of protection for women in the case of domestic violence in Islam.
  • The welfare of children born from contractual and short-term marriages in Islam.
  • Does Islam encourage violence against women?
  • Gender discrimination in sharia.
  • Prevalence of child marriages in Muslim countries.
  • Discriminatory practices in Islam.
  • The attitude of Muslim women to traditional clothes.
  • Mothers’ rights in Islam.
  • The position of women of other religions who married Muslims.
  • Islam’s response to criticism about the oppression of women.

Cruelty and Terrorism

  • Are Islamic scriptures the source of the ideology of terrorism?
  • Views of non-believers in Islam as a source of cruelty.
  • The Quran’s literal interpretation and the manifestation of extremism.
  • A vision of war and peace in Islam.
  • Understanding jihad as a call to war.
  • Quran scriptures about striking terror.
  • Execution problem in the Islamic Religion.
  • Prerequisites for the development of Islamophobia.
  • The problem of Islam imposition as a prerequisite for intolerance.
  • Islam’s intolerance of other religions.
  • The immigration crisis of 2015 and its impact on public opinion about Muslims.
  • The reluctance of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into new communities.
  • The problem of combining multiculturalism’s values and adopting Islamic norms in society.
  • Muslim perception of Western values.
  • History of hostility towards Islamic Religion.
  • Influence of Islamic Religion on scientific and technical development.
  • Criticism of Islam and freedom of speech.
  • Islam as the basis of Arab imperialism in world history.
  • Is it possible to change the sharia law?
  • Causes and prerequisites of terrorism.
  • Concept of blasphemy in Islam.

Criticism of Fundamental Beliefs

  • Contradictions and doubts about the morality of the prophet Muhammad’s life.
  • The problem of the authenticity of the Quran.
  • Understanding slavery in the Islamic Religion
  • Islam’s influence on slavery in world history.
  • Is Islam the original Religion or unites earlier Christianity, Judaism, and paganism?
  • Proof of human rather than the divine origin of the Quran.
  • Hadith’s controversial position in Islam.
  • The potential pagan origin of the sacred site of Kaaba.
  • The problem of faith sincerity in the Islamic Religion, where apostasy is severely punished.
  • Refutation of the Quran’s impeccability.
  • Contradictions in Quran’s verses.
  • The Birth of Islam – The Met
  • Introduction to Islam – Khan Academy
  • Islam – Five Pillars, Nation of Islam & Definition – HISTORY
  • The Major Branches Of Islam – WorldAtlas
  • The Prophet Muhammad and the Origins of Islam – The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Islamic humanism or humanistic Islam? – University of Oslo
  • The Origins of Islamic Morality and Ethics – Springer Link
  • Islam’s adaptation of virtue ethics: Bringing light to the challenges of a post-pandemic world – ABC Religion

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Islamic Urdu Speech Topics

Islamic topics can be informative and inspirational. Some of our recommended Islamic Urdu speech topics are “The Five Pillars of Islam,” “The Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),” and “The Significance of Ramadan.”

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Health-related topics can be informative and beneficial to the audience. Our recommended Urdu speech topics on health are “The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation,” “The Importance of a Balanced Diet,” and “The Dangers of Smoking and Drug Abuse.”

Urdu Speech Topics for Independence Day

Independence Day is a significant event in Pakistan’s history. Consider these Urdu speech topics for Independence Day: “The Struggle for Pakistan’s Independence,” “The Importance of Patriotism,” or “The Role of Quaid-e-Azam in Pakistan’s Independence.”

Urdu Speech Topics for Pakistan Day

Pakistan Day is another important event that commemorates the passing of the Lahore Resolution. Some of our recommended Urdu speech topics for Pakistan Day are “The Significance of Pakistan Day,” “The Evolution of Pakistan’s Flag,” or “The Contributions of Pakistan’s Founding Fathers.”

Urdu Speech Topics for Teachers

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of their students. Consider these Urdu speech topics for teachers: “The Characteristics of a Good Teacher,” “The Challenges of Teaching in Today’s World,” or “The Importance of Continuing Education for Teachers.”

Urdu Speech Topics for Parents

Parents are the first and most important teachers in a child’s life. Our recommended Urdu speech topics for parents are “The Role of Parents in Child Development,” “Effective Parenting Strategies,” or “The Importance of Family Time.”

Urdu Speech Topics for the Environment

The environment is a critical issue that affects the health and well-being of all living beings. Consider these Urdu speech topics for the environment: “The Effects of Climate Change on Our Planet,” “The Need for Environmental Conservation,” or “The Benefits of Renewable Energy.”

100+ Urdu Speech Topics

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah: A Great Leader of Pakistan Allama Iqbal: The Poet of the East Importance of Education in Pakistan Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan Pakistan-China Friendship: A Timeless Bond Terrorism and Its Effects on Pakistan Kashmir: The Unresolved Issue Corruption: A Major Threat to Pakistan’s Development Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions Challenges Facing Pakistan’s Economy Social Media: Boon or Bane?

The Importance of Water Conservation in Pakistan The Significance of Ramadan in Islam Drug Abuse: A Menace to Society The Role of Youth in Nation Building Health and Fitness: Key to a Better Life Pakistan’s Energy Crisis: Causes and Solutions Human Rights Violations in Pakistan The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Pakistan Nuclear Power: A Boon or a Bane for Pakistan Digital Revolution: Its Impact on Society Pakistan’s Role in the War on Terror Child Labor: A Social Evil

Traffic Congestion: A Growing Concern Pakistan’s Religious Tolerance Agriculture: Backbone of Pakistan’s Economy Pakistan’s Contribution to the UN Peacekeeping Missions Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions Importance of Ethics in Business Pakistan’s Health Care System: Challenges and Solutions Human Trafficking: A Global Issue Impact of Social Media on Youth The Significance of Eid-ul-Fitr in Islam Pakistan’s Space Program: Achievements and Challenges Pakistan-India Relations: Past, Present, and Future Technology: Its Impact on Education

Water Scarcity: A Growing Concern Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: Challenges and Opportunities Mental Health: A Growing Concern in Pakistan The Significance of Hajj in Islam Population Growth: Challenges and Solutions Economic Growth: Prospects and Challenges Pakistan’s Aviation Industry: Opportunities and Challenges Women’s Rights in Islam Pakistan’s IT Industry: Prospects and Challenges Road Safety: A Growing Concern Pakistan’s Art and Culture: A Rich Heritage Sustainable Development: Challenges and Solutions The Role of NGOs in Pakistan’s Development The Importance of Eid-ul-Adha in Islam

Pakistan’s Textile Industry: Opportunities and Challenges Violence against Women: A Social Evil Climate Change: A Threat to Pakistan’s Future Pakistan’s Defence Budget: A Comparative Analysis The Role of Parents in Child Development Pakistan’s Tourism Industry: Opportunities and Challenges Importance of Physical Education in Schools Pakistan’s Film Industry: Revival and Prospects Cyberbullying: A Growing Concern Pakistan’s Pharmaceutical Industry: Opportunities and Challenges The Role of Teachers in Nation Building Pakistan’s Investment Potential: A Comparative Analysis

The Significance of Muharram in Islam Child Abuse: A Growing Concern Pakistan’s Natural Resources: Challenges and Opportunities Importance of Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth Pakistan’s Health Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges The Role of Science and Technology in National Development The Significance of Ashura in Islam The Importance of Education in Pakistan Cyberbullying and Its Effects on Youth The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Fitness

Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Our Health The Power of Positive Thinking Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in Pakistan The Art of Time Management The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media The Future of Technology and Its Impact on Society The Significance of National Holidays and Celebrations in Pakistan The Importance of Learning a Second Language The Challenges Faced by the Healthcare System in Pakistan The Benefits and Risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) The Role of Youth in Nation Building

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning Mental Health and Its Importance in Today’s World The Impact of Tourism on Local Economies in Pakistan The Importance of Honesty and Integrity in Professional Life The Benefits of Volunteering and Community Service The Challenges and Opportunities of Entrepreneurship in Pakistan The Role of Parents in Shaping Their Children’s Future The Importance of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving The Benefits and Risks of Nuclear Energy The Significance of Cultural Diversity in Pakistan The Future of Work and Job Opportunities in Pakistan The Importance of Personal Finance Management The Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness The Challenges and Opportunities of Renewable Energy in Pakistan The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Social Development.

ایک سو سے زیادہ اردو تقریر کے مفت موضوعات

قائداعظم محمد علی جناح: پاکستان کے عظیم رہنما کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر علامہ اقبال: شاعر مشرق کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں تعلیم کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں خواتین کو بااختیار بنانے کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاک چین دوستی: ایک لازوال بندھن کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر دہشت گردی اور پاکستان پر اس کے اثرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر کشمیر: حل طلب مسئلہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

کرپشن: پاکستان کی ترقی کے لیے ایک بڑا خطرہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر عوامی رائے کی تشکیل میں میڈیا کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر ماحولیاتی آلودگی: وجوہات، اثرات اور حل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی معیشت کو درپیش چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر سوشل میڈیا: فائدہ یا نقصان؟ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں پانی کے تحفظ کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اسلام میں رمضان المبارک کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر منشیات کا استعمال: معاشرے کے لیے ایک خطرہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

قوم کی تعمیر میں نوجوانوں کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر صحت اور تندرستی: بہتر زندگی کی کلید کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کا توانائی بحران: وجوہات اور حل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزیوں کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں ثقافتی تنوع کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر نیوکلیئر پاور: پاکستان کے لیے ایک نعمت یا نقصان کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر ڈیجیٹل انقلاب: معاشرے پر اس کا اثر کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر دہشت گردی کے خلاف جنگ میں پاکستان کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر چائلڈ لیبر: ایک سماجی برائی کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

ٹریفک کی بھیڑ: ایک بڑھتی ہوئی تشویش کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی مذہبی رواداری کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر زراعت: پاکستان کی معیشت کی ریڑھ کی ہڈی کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اقوام متحدہ کے امن مشن میں پاکستان کا تعاون کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر سائبر سیکیورٹی: چیلنجز اور حل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

کاروبار میں اخلاقیات کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کا ہیلتھ کیئر سسٹم: چیلنجز اور حل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر انسانی سمگلنگ: ایک عالمی مسئلہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر سوشل میڈیا کے نوجوانوں پر اثرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اسلام میں عیدالفطر کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

پاکستان کا خلائی پروگرام: کامیابیاں اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاک بھارت تعلقات: ماضی، حال اور مستقبل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر ٹیکنالوجی: تعلیم پر اس کا اثر کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پانی کی کمی: ایک بڑھتی ہوئی تشویش کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی: چیلنجز اور مواقع کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

دماغی صحت: پاکستان میں بڑھتی ہوئی تشویش کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اسلام میں حج کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر آبادی میں اضافہ: چیلنجز اور حل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اقتصادی ترقی: امکانات اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی ایوی ایشن انڈسٹری: مواقع اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اسلام میں خواتین کے حقوق کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

پاکستان کی آئی ٹی انڈسٹری: امکانات اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر روڈ سیفٹی: ایک بڑھتی ہوئی تشویش کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کا فن اور ثقافت: ایک بھرپور ورثہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پائیدار ترقی: چیلنجز اور حل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی ترقی میں این جی اوز کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

اسلام میں عید الاضحی کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی ٹیکسٹائل انڈسٹری: مواقع اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر خواتین پر تشدد: ایک سماجی برائی کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر موسمیاتی تبدیلی: پاکستان کے مستقبل کے لیے خطرہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کا دفاعی بجٹ: ایک تقابلی تجزیہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

بچوں کی نشوونما میں والدین کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی سیاحتی صنعت: مواقع اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر سکولوں میں جسمانی تعلیم کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی فلم انڈسٹری: بحالی اور امکانات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

سائبر دھونس یا غنڈہ گردی: ایک بڑھتی ہوئی تشویش کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی فارماسیوٹیکل انڈسٹری: مواقع اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر قوم کی تعمیر میں اساتذہ کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی سرمایہ کاری کی صلاحیت: ایک تقابلی تجزیہ کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اسلام میں محرم کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر بچوں کے ساتھ بدسلوکی: ایک بڑھتی ہوئی تشویش کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

پاکستان کے قدرتی وسائل: چیلنجز اور مواقع کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اقتصادی ترقی کے لیے انٹرپرینیورشپ کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان کی ہیلتھ ٹورازم: مواقع اور چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر قومی ترقی میں سائنس اور ٹیکنالوجی کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اسلام میں عاشورہ کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں تعلیم کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

سائبر دھونس یا غنڈہ گردی اور نوجوانوں پر اس کے اثرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر عوامی رائے کی تشکیل میں میڈیا کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر ورزش اور جسمانی تندرستی کے فوائد کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر ماحولیاتی آلودگی اور ہماری صحت پر اس کے اثرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر مثبت سوچ کی طاقت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں خواتین کو بااختیار بنانا اور صنفی مساوات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر ٹائم مینجمنٹ کا فن کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر سوشل میڈیا کے فائدے اور نقصانات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

ٹیکنالوجی کا مستقبل اور معاشرے پر اس کے اثرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں قومی تعطیلات اور تقریبات کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر دوسری زبان سیکھنے کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں صحت کی دیکھ بھال کے نظام کو درپیش چیلنجز کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر جینیاتی طور پر تبدیل شدہ حیاتیات (GMOs) کے فوائد اور خطرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

قوم کی تعمیر میں نوجوانوں کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر آن لائن سیکھنے کے فوائد اور نقصانات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر دماغی صحت اور آج کی دنیا میں اس کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں مقامی معیشتوں پر سیاحت کے اثرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پیشہ ورانہ زندگی میں ایمانداری اور دیانتداری کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر رضاکارانہ خدمات اور کمیونٹی سروس کے فوائد کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

پاکستان میں انٹرپرینیورشپ کے چیلنجز اور مواقع کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر اپنے بچوں کے مستقبل کی تشکیل میں والدین کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر تنقیدی سوچ اور مسئلہ حل کرنے کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر نیوکلیئر انرجی کے فوائد اور خطرات کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں ثقافتی تنوع کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

پاکستان میں کام اور ملازمت کے مواقع کا مستقبل کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پرسنل فنانس مینجمنٹ کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر مراقبہ یا یوگااور ذہن سازی کے فوائد کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر پاکستان میں قابل تجدید توانائی کے چیلنجز اور مواقع کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر سماجی ترقی میں غیر سرکاری تنظیموں (این جی اوز) کا کردار کے موضوع پر اردو تقریر

These Urdu Speech Topics are perfect for anyone looking for engaging and informative topics for their next speech or presentation. By selecting a relevant and interesting topic, you can capture your audience’s attention and deliver an impactful speech. So choose a topic that you are passionate about, prepare well, and deliver a speech that will leave a lasting impression.

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Best Speech in Urdu PDF Book

جواب دیں جواب منسوخ کریں

آپ کا ای میل ایڈریس شائع نہیں کیا جائے گا۔ ضروری خانوں کو * سے نشان زد کیا گیا ہے

تازہ ترین جوابات

طہارت کے متعلق وسوسوں کے ساتھ تعامل

شریعت میں بخل کی تعریف

عبادت محبت اور تعظیم کا نام ہے اس میں تنگی اور تکلیف نہیں ہوتی

نماز کے الفاظ اور افعال کا معنی اور مفہوم ذہن میں اجاگر رکھنا

دعا سے پہلے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کیلیے سجدہ کرنے کا کیا حکم ہے؟

کسی عورت کا بدن سے نماز کی حالت میں کچھ حصہ ننگا ہوا پھر اس نے فورا ڈھانپ لیا

کیا نئے گھر کے لیے اس کی تعمیر مکمل ہونے سے پہلے جانور ذبح کرنا جائز ہے ؟

حلال اور حرام كى تعريف

اہم موضوعات

حج اور عمرہ

حج اور عمرے کا طریقہ

مسلمان عورت

طہارت و پاکيزگی.

ایک حدیث: (منگنی خفیہ رکھو اور نکاح اعلانیہ کرو) کا حکم

عقد نکاح لکھنا شرط نہيں بلکہ یہ الفاظ سے ہی ہوجاتا ہے

والدین رخصتی سے قبل خاوند سے علیحدگی میں ملنےنہيں دیتے

عقدنکاح میں بیوی کی شرط کہ خاوند دوسری شادی نہیں کرے گا

کیا گھریلوسامان بیوی کے مہر سے ہوگا ؟

عقد نکاح پر مدت کا کوئي اثر نہیں چاہے جتنی بھی گزرجائے

منگیتر کی طرف سےعقد نکاح میں کسی حرام چيز کی شرط کا حکم

خاوند كے سگرٹ نوشى ترك كرنے كى شرط ركھى ليكن خاوند نے مخالفت كى

عقد نکاح کے بعد خاوند کے لیے بیوی سےکیا کچھ حلال ہے

عقد نکاح کے وقت یہ شرط لگانی کہ کچھ مہر والد بھی لے گا

اگربیوی خاوند کومہر معاف کردے

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پردہ كى ممانعت ہو تو عورت كام اور ضروريات پورى كرنے كے ليے كيسے جائے

عورت كے ليے چہرہ كب ننگا كرنا جائز ہے

بوڑھی خواتین کا غیر محرم کے سامنے چہرہ کھول کر رکھنا

كيا عورت بيٹے كے سامنے بھى اپنا چہرہ اور بال ڈھانپے گى ؟

نصرانى ملازمہ سے پردہ كرنے كا حكم

چہرہ ننگا ركھنے كے متعلق حديث

بچوں كے سامنے چھوٹا لباس پہننا

ملك سے باہر جاتے وقت پردہ نہ كرنے كا حكم

بيوى پردہ نہيں كرتى اور باپ كو چھوٹى سى بيٹى كا خدشہ لاحق ہے

يتيم بچى كى كفالت كرنے كے بعد اپنے سے پردہ كرنے سے منع كرنا

عورت كا آنكھيں ننگى ركھنا

لڑكى امريكہ ميں تعليم حاصل كرنا چاہتى ہے اور والد پردہ نہيں كرنے ديتا

خاوند سے مجامعت كے بعد ماہوارى آ جائے تو غسل كب كيا جائيگا ؟

خاوند اوربیوی کا اکٹھے غسل کرنا اورایک دوسرے کی شرمگاہ دیکھنا

حائضہ اورنفاس والی عورت سے مباشرت

كيا جماع كے فورا بعد خاوند اور بيوى كے ليے غسل كرنا واجب ہے ؟

كيا غسل جنابت كرتے وقت عورت كے ليے بال كھولنے ضرورى ہيں؟

کیا عورت کے لیے جنابت کی حالت میں گھر کےکام کاج کرنا جائز ہيں

کیا بیوی کےساتھ سونا سوتے وقت وضوء کے متعارض ہے

كيا غسل جماع ميں بال دھونے واجب ہيں ؟

كيا بوس و كنار سے غسل كرنا لازم ہے ؟

غسل جنابت كا طريقہ

سب سے زیادہ پڑھے جانے والے

بہترین دعا "يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ أَسْتَغيثُ أَصْلِحْ لِي شَأْنِيَ كُلَّهُ وَلاَ تَكِلْنِي إِلَى نَفْسِي طَرْفَةَ عَيْنٍ" کا معنی اور مفہوم

بیوی کی پچھلی شرمگاہ میں جماع کرنا

امام کے پیچھے نماز میں کمی یا بیشی ہونے کی صورت میں مقتدی کیلیے ممکنہ صورتیں

نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بیٹے بیٹیوں کی تعداد

واقعۂِ معراج کے موقع پر "التحیات" کا لفظ ذکر کیا گیا تھا؟

ماہ صفر کے بارے میں بیان

" روزوں کے ستر 70مسائل "

islamic topics for presentation in urdu

اللہ تعالی نے اپنے بندوں کو خیر و بھلائی کی بہاریں عطا فرمائیں، جن کے دوران نیکیوں میں اضافہ کر دیا جاتا ہے اور گناہوں کو مٹا دیا جاتا ہے، نیز درجات بھی بلند کر دئیے جاتے ہیں، ان بہاروں میں سے ماہ رمضان عظیم ترین بہار ہے، اللہ تعالی نے بندوں پر اس ماہ کے روزے فرض فرمائے، ان کی ترغیب دلائی، نیز لوگوں کو روزوں کی فرضیت پر شکر کرنے کی تعلیمات دیں؛ چونکہ اس عبادت کا بہت بڑا مقام ہے اس لیے اس ماہ سے متعلق مسائل سیکھنا بھی ضروری ہو جاتا ہے، اور یہ کتابچہ روزوں کے احکام، آداب اور سنتوں سے متعلق خلاصے پر مشتمل ہے۔

کتاب ڈاؤنلوڈ کریں

مطالعہ کریں

لاگ ان اکاؤنٹ بنائیں

کم از کم 8 حروف جن میں ایک چھوٹا اور بڑا انگریزی کا حرف ہونا لازمی ہے۔

داخل ہوں اکاؤنٹ بنائیں

کیا آپ اپنے اکاؤنٹ میں داخل نہیں ہوسکے؟

اگر آپ کا اکاؤنٹ نہیں ہے تو آپ اکاؤنٹ بنانے کے لیے نیچے گئے بٹن پر کلک کریں۔

اگر آپ کے پاس اکاؤنٹ ہے تو لاگ ان کریں۔

نیا اکاؤنٹ بنائیں لاگ ان

پاسورڈ دوبارہ تعیین کریں

دوبارہ تعیین کریں

Urdu Notes

Speech On Islam In Urdu

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جناب صدر معزز سامعین! السلام علیکم! میری تقریر آج اسلام کے موضوع پر ہے۔

اسلام ، یہودیت ، اور عیسائیت ، دنیا کے تین توحید پسند عقائد ہیں۔ وہ ایک ہی مقدس مقامات ، جیسے یروشلم اور نبیوں جیسے ابراہیم کو شریک کرتے ہیں۔ اجتماعی طور پر ، اسکالر ان تینوں مذاہب کو ابراہیمی عقائد کے طور پر کہتے ہیں ، کیونکہ یہ خیال کیا جاتا ہے کہ ابراہیم اور ان کے اہل خانہ نے ان مذاہب کی تشکیل میں اہم کردار ادا کیا ہے۔

اسلام دنیا میں ایک اہم عالمی مذہب ہے جو حضرت محمدﷺ نے ۷ویں صدی عیسوی میں عرب میں جاری کیا تھا۔ عربی کی اصطلاح اسلام ، لفظی طور پر “ہتھیار ڈالنا” اسلام کے بنیادی مذہبی خیال کو روشن کرتا ہے کہ مومن (جسے مسلمان کہا جاتا ہے ، اسلام کے فعال ذرے سے) اللہ کی مرضی کے سامنے ہتھیار ڈالنا قبول کرتا ہے (عربی میں ، اللہ: خدا) اللہ کو واحد خدا دنیا کا خالق ، برقرار رکھنے اور بحال کرنے والا سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ اللہ کی مرضی ، جس پر انسانوں کو اطاعت کرنا ضروری ہے ، مقدس صحیفوں ، قرآن کے ذریعہ معلوم ہوتی ہے۔ اس مقدس کتاب کو اللہ نے اپنے رسول محمدﷺ پر نازل کیا۔ اسلام میں محمدﷺ کو نبیوں کی ایک سیریز کا آخری نام (جس میں آدم ، نوح ، ابراہیم ، موسیٰ ، سلیمان اور عیسیٰ بھی شامل ہیں) سمجھا جاتا ہے۔

عالی وقار! اسلامی نظریہ ، قانون ، اور عمومی طور پر فکر چار وسائل یا بنیادی اصولوں پر مبنی ہے (یو):

(1) قرآن ، (2) سنت (“روایات”) ، (3) اجماع (“اتفاق رائے”) ، اور (4) اجتہاد (“انفرادی سوچ”)۔

سنت کا استعمال اسلام سے پہلے کے عرب اپنے قبائلی یا مشترکہ قانون کی نشاندہی کرنے کے لئے کرتے تھے۔ اسلام میں اس کی مثال نبیﷺ کی مثال دی گئی ، یعنی آپﷺ کے قول و فعل کو حدیث کے نام سے مشہور تالیفوں میں درج کیا گیا۔ حدیث نبوی کے الفاظ اور اعمال کی تحریری دستاویزات فراہم کرتی ہے۔ ان میں سے چھ مجموعے ، جو تیسری صدی ہجری (نویں صدی عیسوی) میں مرتب ہوئے ، اسلام کے سب سے بڑے گروہ ، سنیوں کے ذریعہ مستند قرار دیئے گئے۔ ایک اور بڑے گروپ ، شیعہ ، کی اپنی ایک حدیث ہے جس میں چار روایتی مجموعے ہیں۔

اسلام کے پانچ ارکان(ستون) ہیں۔

پہلا ستون عقیدہ ہے۔ “خدا کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں ہے ، اور محمدﷺ خدا کے رسول ہیں ،” جس پر معاشرے میں رکنیت کا انحصار ہوتا ہے۔ دوسرا ستون پانچ نماز پر مشتمل ہے۔ اگر کوئی مسجد میں جانے کے قابل نہ ہو تو یہ نمازیں انفرادی طور پر ادا کی جاسکتی ہیں۔ پہلی نماز طلوع آفتاب سے پہلے ، دوسری دوپہر کے بعد ، تیسری سہ پہر کے وقت ، چوتھی غروب آفتاب کے فوراً بعد ، اور پانچویں سونے سے قبل پڑھی جاتی ہے۔

تیسرا ستون واجب ہے جسے زکوٰۃ کہتے ہیں۔ ہر فرد اپنے ذخیرہ کردہ مال سے نکال کر لوگوں کی فلاح کے لئے صرف کرے۔

رمضان کے مہینے کے دوران روزہ رکھنا ، اسلام کا چوتھا ستون ہے۔ روزے دن کے وقفے سے شروع ہوتے ہیں اور غروب آفتاب کے وقت ختم ہوجاتے ہیں ، اور دن کے وقت کھانا پینا ، تمباکو نوشی حرام ہے۔ پانچواں ستون حج ہے جو ہر مسلمان کے لئے زندگی میں ایک بار مقرر کیا جاتا ہے۔یہ تمام مقدس مقامات کی زیارت اور چند رکن سے پورا ہوتا ہے۔

اگر تحقیقی جائزہ لیں تو اسلام ہمیں لوگوں کی فلاح و بہبود کے کاموں کا ہی حکم دیتا ہے۔اللہ پاک اسلام کو غلبہ اور فتح نصیب کرے۔ آمین ثم آمین۔ شکریہ

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Ultimate List of 509 Islamic Topics for Presentation

islamic topics for presentation in urdu

Islam is one of the world’s largest religions, with nearly two billion followers. It was spread in the 7th century by Prophet Muhammad, who was regarded as the messenger of God. According to this religion, there is one God (or Allah) who is the creator of the universe. The primary scripture of Islam is called the Quran, believed to be the literal word of Allah.

Although Islam is practiced worldwide, most Muslims live around Asia-Pacific in countries like Pakistan, India, Iran, etc. This religion has many branches, varying in understanding and teaching the scripture.

Over here, our team has collected a list of Islamic topics for presentations, speeches, debates, or discussions. We have also written out some ideas suitable for any other type of assignment, such as an essay or a research paper.

🔝 Top 10 Interesting Islamic Topics

🎞️ islamic topics for presentation, 🗣️ islamic topics for speech, 🗨️ islamic topics to discuss, 💡 unique islamic topics for assignments, ➕ bonus list of islamic topics, ✅ crucial tips on public speaking, 🔗 references.

  • Islamophobia in the Western media.
  • The philosophy of Hadith.
  • Principles of Sharia law.
  • The significance of daily prayers in Islam.
  • Ethics in Islam.
  • Hijiri – the Islamic calendar.
  • Islamic perspectives on science.
  • Differences between major branches of Islam.
  • The primary function of Mosques.
  • An overview of Sahih al-Bukhari.
  • The rise and spread of Islam: Key episodes and contributing factors.
  • Non-Christian religions: Sikhism, Islam, Judaism.
  • Beyond religion: The impact of Islam on all areas of life in Islamic countries.
  • Features of Islam in comparison with other Abrahamic religions.
  • The five pillars of Islam: The primary responsibilities of faithful Muslims.
  • Koran as the main book of Islam: Structure, analysis, approaches to study.
  • The role of fasting in Islamic culture.
  • Fundamentals of Shariah, the division into categories, and its role in regulating the public and private life of Muslims.
  • Currents of Islam: Prerequisites for the emergence, divergence, and similarity.
  • Modernity impact on Islamic geometry and architecture.
  • What are the five pillars of Islam?
  • Muhammad as the last prophet and his deeds.
  • Arab Righteous Caliphate: The legacy of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • The golden age of Islam and its outstanding achievements.
  • Background of Islamic dominance in the Middle Ages.
  • Similarities in Umayyad desert palaces.
  • The unifying role of the Arabic language in the scientific and cultural progress of the times of the “Islamic Renaissance.”
  • Medieval universities and their role in the scientific progress of the Arab Caliphate.
  • Islam’s “golden age” — a prologue to the Renaissance?
  • Multiculturalism as a contributor to the “Islamic Renaissance”: The achievements of the peoples of the Arab Caliphate.
  • The Parisian culture: European and Islamic cultures.
  • The development of medicine during the “Islamic Renaissance.”
  • Great Arab doctors of the VIII-XIII centuries and their achievements.
  • Why is Ibn Sina one of the founders of medical science?
  • Achievements in mathematics during the Islamic Middle Ages.
  • Prophet Muhammad and his characteristics.
  • The development of astronomy in the Islamic world in the Middle Ages.
  • The “Maraga Revolution” is the first substantiated critique of Ptolemy’s theories.
  • Consequences of the Islamic Agrarian Revolution during the Islamic Golden Age.
  • Abbas ibn Firnas and his flying experiences.
  • Great philosophers of Islam of the Middle Ages.
  • Islamic prayer, fasting, and garb.
  • Jabir ibn Hayyan is a chemist ahead of his time.
  • The confrontation between the Abbasids and Umayyads and its consequences for Islamic statehood.
  • The origin and foundations of the teachings of Ismailism.
  • Spain under Muslim rule (Al-Andalus).
  • Cordoba is the largest European scientific center of the Middle Ages.
  • Cultural exchange and mutual influence of medieval Spain’s Muslim and Christian populations.
  • The decline of Muslim power in Spain in the XI-XV centuries.
  • Ethnic groups formed in al-Andalus during Muslim rule.
  • The Mamluk Sultanate: Rise and Takeover by the Ottoman Empire.
  • Islamic commercial law in Saudi Arabia.
  • From Byzantine to Ottoman: The succession of empires.
  • Ottoman Empire at its peak.
  • People and religions under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
  • East-West Conflicts: The Ottoman conquests in Europe.
  • The opposition of the North and the South: territorial and religious conflicts of the Russian and Ottoman empires.
  • Istanbul is a city of a mixture of cultures and religions.
  • Ideas of reformation and “liberalization” of Islam in the XX century.
  • The confrontation between liberal Islam and traditional movements.
  • Islamic architecture: Key differences from western architectural styles.
  • Fasting in Christianity and Islam.
  • Features of Islamic architecture depend on the region.
  • Five leading architectural schools of Islam.
  • Significant buildings in the Islamic style of different eras.
  • Features of traditional Islamic painting and its differences from European.
  • Muslim calligraphy: History, styles, religious meaning.
  • Features of carpet weaving in Islamic countries.
  • Fundamentals of Islamic ethics, its role in the modern world.
  • Mecca as the central city of Muslims: Religious and cultural significance in the past and the present.
  • Importance of pilgrimage in the life of Muslims.
  • Turkey’s accession problems to the European Union: Islam and the territorial disputes.
  • Features of the Islamic calendar in comparison with other approaches to the chronology.
  • The main holidays in Islam and their religious significance.
  • Features of the celebration of traditional Islamic holidays in different countries and regions.
  • Predictions for the future: Will Islam spread further?
  • Borrowings from Islamic culture spread everywhere.
  • Kirkuk City: History and development.
  • The most important discoveries of Islamic scientists and their contribution to the development of modern science.
  • How is Islam adapting to the characteristics of society in the 21st century?
  • New challenges for Islamic culture in the 21st century.
  • “Radical Islam”: How it changes the attitude toward Islamic culture in modern society.
  • Gender equality in Islam: Analysis.
  • The consequences of terrorism for Muslims living in non-Muslim countries.
  • Muslim attitudes toward “radical Islam”: How broad is support?
  • The impact of ISIS activities on the perception of Islam among adherents of other religions.
  • Features of religious education in Islam.
  • Women’s rights in traditional Islam and contemporary challenges.
  • Economic development in Islamic countries in the XXI century.
  • The conflict between Christianity and Islam: How are things in modern times?
  • The most significant religious figures of Islam of different eras.
  • The most majestic and beautiful mosques in the world.
  • Islamic interior architecture and environmental design.
  • Life in the largest Muslim communities in non-Muslim countries.
  • Prominent political figures of the Islamic world in antiquity.
  • Fighters for the rights of Muslims and their activities in current conditions.
  • The impact of the Islamic religion on society.
  • The right for Saudi Arabian women to drive a car: Challenges and implications.
  • Ideologies of Islam in the Middle East.
  • Islam’s core beliefs and practices.
  • Holy Quran’s verses on dishonesty and good morals.
  • Genesis’ flood story, Gilgamesh’s Epic, and the flood story in the Holy Qur’an.
  • The Quran is the holy book of the Islamic tradition.
  • Christianity and Islam comparison.
  • Christianization of Europe and the rise of Islam.
  • Institution of Islam in New York.
  • Islamic art’s beneficial effects on society.
  • Islam in the Middle Ages: Daily life.
  • The five pillars of Islam and the 10 Commandments of Christianity.
  • Impact of the media on Islam as a religion.
  • How leaders of Islam and Christianity fight terrorism.
  • Islam’s definition of radicalism and its emphasis on women.
  • Effective cross-cultural communication in Islamic life.
  • The involvement of victims in criminal law process between Islamic law and international law.
  • Fatima Mernissi on Muslim women’s way of life.
  • Islam’s historical and cultural contributions to world civilization.
  • Islamophobia and religious discrimination at work.
  • Hindu and Islamic women’s situations in medieval India.
  • How do Islam and Christianity differ from each other?
  • Rights of non-Muslims in the Islamic political system.
  • Influence of the Virgin Mary on women’s empowerment in Islam and Christianity.
  • Islamic impact on social and political situations.
  • Muslim women’s misfortune in Islamic societies.
  • Traditional religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.
  • Women in Islam: Gender and religion.
  • Prophet Mohammad’s revelation of religion, politics, and war.
  • Ghazali on Islamic spirituality’s fundamentals.
  • Muslim-owned financial institutions and business culture.
  • The Islamic contributions of Muhammad Abdu.
  • Islam, modernity, and women’s justice.
  • The difference in man’s portrayal in the Bible and the Quran.
  • A blessing and treasure in the Holy Qur’an.
  • Islam and Christianity are the two leading world religions.
  • Islamic finance: The unification of international business law.
  • Islam: Significant disparities between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
  • Muslim countries’ interpretation of Islamic teachings.
  • Islam and Confucianism place a high value on rituals.
  • How Muslims in different countries view Islam’s teachings.
  • Prophet Muhammad, as depicted in Islamic legends.
  • Islam’s triangular relationship with Eastern and Western Christianity.
  • Islamic and Aristotelian perspectives on women’s rights.
  • Islam’s golden age of literature and music.
  • Are institutions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity male-chauvinist?
  • Law of torts comparison: English, Islamic and Chinese tort law.
  • Analysis of Islamophobia and hate crimes.
  • Islam’s ascent and spread on the Arabian Peninsula.
  • How much did the Arabian climate in the 7th century contribute to the spread of Islam?
  • What occurrences and personages influenced Islam’s growth in the US?
  • Social ethics and religious doctrine in Islam.
  • Islamic influence on West Africa’s political, economic, and cultural aspects .
  • Common myths about the role of the family in Islam.
  • East Asian culture: Israel and Islam democratization.
  • Understanding Islam via finance, economics, and development.
  • Islamic civilization and beliefs.
  • The issues in the Middle East and radical Islam.
  • Justice and equality for women in Islamic theology.
  • The founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Understanding Islam via culture and diversity.
  • Lack of influence of the nation of Islam on the black community.
  • Islam’s early growth and development.
  • Christian and Islamic perspectives on encouraging infertile couples to have children.
  • Women and gender in Islam: The historical roots of a contemporary debate.
  • Islam’s reaction to the development of religious language.
  • Sunni-Islamic values and ethical standard role in promoting economic growth and capitalism.
  • Influence of Islam on the Ottoman Empire’s expansion.
  • The role of women in traditional Islam: Differences in culture and religion.
  • Islam: The mosque’s role and purpose in a Muslim community.
  • Quran’s perspectives on marriage and sex.
  • Islam and America’s divergent cultures.
  • Does Islam contribute to violence in the Middle East?
  • Islam’s economic and political effects on Europe.
  • Principles and practice of Islamic medical ethics.
  • The significance of the Quran, Islam’s holy book.
  • The Islamist by Ed Husain.
  • The spread of Islam and the Saharan long-distance trade.
  • The origins and development of Islam in America.
  • Daily customs and the significance of Muhammad to Islam.
  • Christianity and Islam have been influenced by African religions.
  • Arab nationalism and political Islam: Differences.
  • Islam cultures, entrepreneurship, and roles in business strategy.
  • Critical thinking in Islam: Is it discouraged?
  • What does Islamic unity mean?
  • Was the force used to spread Islam throughout Africa?
  • The teaching of Islam and its interpretation in different parts of the world.
  • The issue of economic justice and Islam.
  • Islam as the religious aspect of conflict in Kenya.
  • The function of myths, rituals, and symbols in Islam.
  • The first Arab Empire and Islam under Muhammad.
  • Islamic art during the early Middle Ages.
  • Reflection: Is sufism a cult?
  • Islam, Christianity, and Judaism: Differences and similarities.
  • The development of Islam and its rise.
  • Shia and Sunni Muslims: An overview of Islam as a complex and dynamic religion.
  • The Arab-Israeli relationship before the rise of Islam.
  • UNIDROIT principles and the Islamic-based Saudi commercial law.
  • Different political tribes in Malaysia have different views on Islam.
  • Islam or Christianity: Which religion helped or hurt medicine more?
  • Islam, globalization, and Middle Eastern economic performance.
  • Popularity, universality, and political aspects of Islam.
  • Islamist radicalism poses a real threat to the entire world.
  • Distinctions between the Biblical and Islamic versions of the Joseph story.
  • Contrasting the depictions of God in the Bible and the Quran.
  • Does the Quran permit violence against unbelievers?
  • Brides of the Quran and forced marriage revelation.
  • Women challenges in Islamic countries.
  • The Blessings of Daughters: A gender-inclusive interpretation of the Qur’an.
  • What are the critical aspects of the social influence of Islam?
  • Qur’anic and Biblical depictions of Adam and Eve.
  • Discuss the key differences between Islam and Christianity.
  • Analyze the fundamental economic impact of Islam on countries.
  • What are the main differences between Islam and Judaism?
  • Describe the pathway of Islam’s popularity rise.
  • What are the key differences between the rise of Christianity in Europe and Islam in the Middle East?
  • What were the fundamental driving forces of the rise of Islam?
  • Critically analyze Christians’ response to the rise of Islam.
  • Famous people who converted to Islam.
  • Present your opinion about what the world would be without Islam.
  • What is the organization of Islamic communities in the world?
  • Describe features of Islamic communities in New York City.
  • Critically discuss why Islamic schools are appropriate in terms of education.
  • Sufism in Baghdad, the sober and intoxicated forms of mysticism.
  • Describe the impact of Islamic art on society.
  • What are the key features of Islamic culture?
  • How did Islamic culture influence art in the Middle East?
  • What is the impact of Islamic culture on art throughout the world?
  • Describe the medieval Islamic world and its features.
  • Central elements of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
  • What were the differences between the typical Islamic and Christian days?
  • What were the key features of early medieval Islamic art?
  • Analyze the fundamental Islamic philosophical ideologies.
  • What were the differences between the Islamic and Christian Medieval ideologies?
  • Did Islamic and Christian ideologies change in comparison with the Medieval period?
  • What are the primary practices in Islam?
  • Describe the differences between the main practices in Islam and Christianity.
  • What are the fundamental beliefs of Islam?
  • How do core beliefs in Islam differ from Christian ones?
  • How is the role of Islamic women revolutionized in our society?
  • What are critical values in Islam, and do they differ from Christian ones?
  • Describe the features of women’s life in Islam.
  • What are the differences in women’s life in Islam and Christianity?
  • Describe the features of men’s life in Islam.
  • What are the differences in men’s life in Islam and Christianity?
  • The history of veil appearance in Islam.
  • What is the symbol of the veil in the Islamic world?
  • How did the veil become the symbol of the Muslim world?
  • Why is the veil the essential symbol of Muslim civilization?
  • Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
  • Describe the meaning of the veil in Islam.
  • What are the differences in clothes between Islam and Christianity?
  • Describe the features of clothes in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
  • What are the fundamental driving forces of Islamic civilization’s emergence?
  • Describe the history of the rise of Islamic civilization.
  • The transnational theory and global Sufi networks.
  • The role of globalization in the development of Islam.
  • What are the critical social issues affecting Islam?
  • Describe economic aspects that impact Islam.
  • Critically analyze if there is any political impact on Islam.
  • A conversation about Islamic religion.
  • The Muslim understanding of Islam: Key principles.
  • Describe the most popular misinterpretations of Islamic ideologies.
  • Discuss the reasons for the misunderstandings of Islamic nature.
  • Analyze the consequences of misinterpretations of Islamic philosophy.
  • What social influence do different interpretations of Muslim ideas have?
  • Describe the economic effects of misinterpretations of Islamic ideologies.
  • Describe the key aspects of strategic management from the Muslim perspective.
  • Analyze why risk-taking is discouraged in strategic management in Islam.
  • What are the features of social issues from the Muslim point of view?
  • Comparative study on Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
  • What are the most urgent social issues in the world of Islam?
  • Describe the features of the banking system in Islamic countries.
  • What are the features of financial markets in Muslim countries?
  • Compare the effectiveness of Muslim and non-Muslim financial systems.
  • Describe the impact of COVID-19 on Islamic countries.
  • What were the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for healthcare systems in Muslim countries?
  • Analyze how Islamic governments dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • What were the social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for Muslim states?
  • Describe the critical economic consequences of COVID-19 on Islamic countries.
  • Professional work values in Islam.
  • What are the main barriers to healthcare services among the Muslim population?
  • What are the social consequences of the poor healthcare system in Islamic countries?
  • What are the main barriers to healthcare services among the unprotected Muslim population?
  • Describe the economic consequences of a poor healthcare system for the Islamic states.
  • How do healthcare systems facilitate Islamic countries’ development?
  • Which are the positive social consequences of the high efficiency of healthcare services for Muslim states?
  • What was the main driving force for the 2008 economic crisis in Islamic countries?
  • Describe the economic consequences of the 2008 crisis in Muslim states.
  • What were the critical social consequences of the 2008 economic crisis for the Middle East?
  • The impact of foreign stock market indices on the Islamic index.
  • What was the social background of the 2008 economic crisis in Islamic states?
  • Describe the fundamental economic reasons for the 2008 crisis in the Middle East.
  • Which were the main areas of Islamic countries the 2008 economic crisis damaged?
  • What was done by the Islamic governments to cope with the 2008 economic crisis consequences?
  • Describe the ways the lawmakers in Muslim states coped with the 2008 economic crisis consequences.
  • What were the social consequences of the 2008 economic crisis for the unprotected population in Islamic countries?
  • Describe the role of women in Islamic countries.
  • The uniqueness of Islam compared to other major religions.
  • Islam: History, faith, and Allah.
  • Ethical investing and Islamic stock market indexes.
  • Shiites and Sunnis: Similarities and differences.
  • The Origin of Islam, the Koran, and Allah.
  • From Mecca to Medina: The life story of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Koran vs. the Bible: How two of the most influential books of humanity were created.
  • The difference between modern Islam and the Islam of antiquity.
  • Gender and faith: Women in Islam.
  • Colors and symbols associated with Islam.
  • What holidays do Muslims celebrate?
  • The great book of Muslims: What is written in the Koran?
  • Emerging Islamic finance industry in New Zealand.
  • The diversity of branches of Islam: What groups is the religion of Muslims divided into?
  • Muslim art and literature.
  • The dawn of Islam: How one of the world’s most potent religions became popular.
  • The past and future of Islam.
  • Traditions and values of Muslims.
  • Comparison of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism.
  • Marriages in Islam: Are polygamous relationships allowed?
  • Politics and Islam: Development prospects.
  • Terrorism, extremism, and Islamophobia: Stereotypes about Muslims.
  • Risk management application to the Islamic banking.
  • The most famous Muslim thinkers and philosophers.
  • Islamophobia: How Muslims are treated in different countries.
  • Family and business life of Muslims.
  • How does Islam protect women’s rights?
  • The most outstanding figures of Islamic art.
  • What do Muslims believe in?
  • What do Muslims know about Allah?
  • Is it possible for Muslims to fall in love?
  • Causes and consequences of Islamophobia.
  • The Islamic banking system.
  • The architecture of Islam: Features of mosques.
  • Patriarchy vs. matriarchy: Who takes the leading role in Muslim families?
  • The prominent figures of Islam.
  • What is the importance of the Quran for Muslims?
  • How does Islam interact with other religions?
  • What did the Arabs believe before the advent of Islam?
  • Fasting and Ramadan: How Muslims celebrate one of the main holidays.
  • How does Islam influence modern society?
  • Historical background of Islam.
  • The Islamic mortgage system as a solution to the current financial crisis.
  • Rituals and prayer in Islam.
  • Are Islam and terrorism connected?
  • How have globalization and the development of society influenced Islam?
  • Discrimination against Muslims in the workplace.
  • Hijra Calendar: What is the peculiarity of the Muslim calendar?
  • Five pillars of Islam.
  • Sharia law: What the basic set of laws of Muslims says.
  • Attitudes towards marriage and divorce in Islam.
  • Issues and beliefs of women of Islam.
  • An analysis of Islamic banks’ financial performance in the United Arab Emirates.
  • What to tell children about Islam?
  • Islam in Europe and Asia.
  • Ethics of Islam: Is it possible for Muslim women to have an abortion?
  • The religious tolerance of Muslims.
  • What prophecies did Muhammad give?
  • The concept of God in Islam.
  • Problems of radical Islam for the population of the Middle East.
  • Why are there so many chapters in the Quran?
  • Islam and business: How Muslim business people work.
  • A study on the growth of Islamic finance.
  • Jihad: How Muslims fight for their faith.
  • Life in Islam: Daily duties that Muslims must perform.
  • What do Muslims refute in other religions?
  • Why is polygamy considered a normal phenomenon among Muslims?
  • Islamic Art: What do Islamic artists most often seek to show?
  • Death by their own hand: How Muslims feel about suicide.
  • Traditional dishes of Muslim families.
  • Civil wars between Muslims.
  • Western countries that profess Islam.
  • The Islamic mortgage system as a solution to the credit crisis.
  • Terminology of Islam: What are Zakah, Salat, and Sawm?
  • The Ottoman Empire: The rise and fall of Islam’s most powerful empire.
  • Politics and Islam: Problems and prospects.
  • What did people believe before the advent of Islam?
  • History of Islam in the UK.
  • How do Muslim weddings go?
  • The most powerful Muslim empires and dynasties.
  • The role of Islam in world history.
  • What is said about Islam in other religions?
  • The role of Islamic banking in reducing inflation in Saudi Arabia.
  • Islam and Politics: Is Radical Islam a threat?
  • Is the peaceful coexistence of Christianity and Islam possible?
  • Do Muslims believe in fate and God’s punishment?
  • The economic system of Islamic States.
  • Sperm donation and surrogacy among Muslims.
  • Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr: How do Muslims celebrate holidays?
  • What problems do Muslims face in modern times?
  • Significant figures of Muslim literature, art, and philosophy.
  • Where did Islam originate, and who was at its origins?
  • Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims have the same god?
  • Analysis of religious traditions of Islam.
  • How did Islam spread and become one of the largest religions?
  • How has the world’s attitude towards Islam changed after the tragedy of September 11?
  • Do Islam and Christianity have shared values and similar traditions?
  • What everyone needs to know about Muslims before traveling to an Islamic country.
  • Who is Jesus to Muslims?
  • Traditional Muslim women’s clothing: Hijab, veil, and burqa.
  • Rights and duties of women in Islam.
  • Muslim ideologies and their impact on society.
  • Polygamy in the Muslim cultural context.
  • Modern literature: What representatives of Islam write about today.
  • How children are taught in Islamic schools.
  • The history and spread of Islam.
  • The importance of the five pillars of Islam.
  • Islamic art, culture, and architecture.
  • The significance of the Qur’an for Muslims.
  • The life and teachings of Muhammad.
  • Islamic law (Sharia) and its philosophy.
  • The role of women in Islam.
  • Globalization, multiculturalism, and Muslims.
  • The subdivisions of Islam: Sunni, Shi’a, and Sufi.
  • Ethics and moral system in Islam.
  • The relationship between Islam and other religions.
  • Scholars in Islam and their contributions to the Islamic community.
  • The role of the mosque in the Islam community.
  • The importance of the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) for Muslims.
  • The concept of tawhid as the foundation for Islamic beliefs.
  • The significance of the Kaaba for the Hajj pilgrimage.
  • What role does the family play in the Islamic tradition?
  • Hate crimes against Muslims.
  • The concept of shirk and its implications for Muslims.
  • The relationship between Islam and democracy and human rights.
  • Is sharia law compatible with modern society?
  • The diversity of Islamic practices across different cultures and regions.
  • How does the ulema contribute to Islamic law and theology?
  • The significance of the prophet Muhammad’s companions for Muslims.
  • What does predestination (qadar) mean for Muslims?
  • The Caliphate’s leadership role for Muhammad’s successors.
  • The belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) in Islam.
  • Ethnicity and religion impact on the second language acquisition of Muslims males.
  • The concept of struggling to do good (jihad) in Islam.
  • How is Islam different from other religions: Judaism and Christianity?
  • The spread of Islam throughout the world.
  • The Muslim view of Moses (Musa) and Jesus (Isa).
  • How do Muslims view Abraham (Ibrahim)?
  • Slavery in Islam and its implications for Muslim societies.
  • The concept of polygamy in Islam.
  • Is wearing the hijab a form of oppression?
  • Cultural implications of the Safavid Empire for modern Iran.
  • Muslim brotherhood in the United Arab Emirates.
  • The role of religion in politics in Muslim-majority countries.
  • The characteristics of Islamic art and architecture.
  • Theocracy as the form of government in the Safavid Empire.
  • The interaction between Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Islamic Spain.
  • The legacy of the Ottoman Empire for modern countries.
  • How can the early rise of Islam be characterized?
  • The influence of Islamic civilization on the Western world.
  • How does Islam view the relationship between religion and politics?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of religion in the Safavid Empire.
  • Muslims’ position in the United States’ society.
  • The role of Islam in contemporary social justice movements.
  • The contributions of Abbasid Caliphs to the Islamic world.
  • The Mughal Empire and the changes it brought to India.
  • The history of Islam in Britain.
  • What did the Commonwealth Immigrants Act change for Muslim immigrants?
  • The immigration processes of Muslims in Britain.
  • The impact of colonialism on Muslim countries and communities.
  • Is the Qur’an open to different interpretations?
  • How is Islam represented in media and popular culture?
  • Al-Qaeda organization’s history, weapons, & tactics.
  • Islamic parties and their role in the modern world.
  • How do Muslims use technology for worship and communication?
  • The spread of Islam through trade and conquest.
  • The influence of globalization on Muslim communities around the world.
  • How has Islamic art and architecture evolved over time?
  • The effect of technology on Islam and Muslim communities.
  • Muslim festivals approved by Islamic law.
  • Do Muslims celebrate the birthday of the Prophet?
  • The festival of sacrifice (Eid ul Adha) in Islam.
  • Celebration of Eid Al-Fitr: Its importance, traditions, and meaning.
  • Eid al-Fitr celebrations and their implications for Muslims.
  • Should Muslim-majority countries be more secular?
  • What does Ashura mean for different Muslim communities?
  • What is Lailat al Qadr (the Night of Power) in Islam?
  • How do Muslims celebrate Al-Hijra (New Year’s Day)?
  • Lailat al Miraj and the ritual prayer’s meaning (Salat).
  • What does the Night of Forgiveness mean for Muslims?
  • Reasons why Ramadan is important for Muslims.
  • Specific practices and rituals associated with Ramadan.
  • The UNIDROIT interpretation in the light of Sharia.
  • The role of the madrasa in Muslim education.
  • Islamic finance in the global economy.
  • How does Islam shape national identities in Muslim-majority countries?
  • Is it possible for a Muslim to be both faithful and democratic?
  • The role of Islam in conflict and peacebuilding.
  • How do terrorists use the Islamic religion to justify violence?
  • The Islamic perspective on the contemporary social and cultural debates.
  • A discussion of Islam and LGBTQ rights.
  • What is the Islamic perspective on environmental sustainability?
  • Hajj diary in Saudi Arabia.
  • Different sects and schools of thought within Islam.
  • How has Islam impacted the development of science and technology?
  • Gender equality and women’s rights in various Islamic societies.
  • The controversy over the wearing of the hijab.
  • How does Islam view women in leadership roles?
  • The role of Islam in the Arab Spring protests.
  • The Islamic viewpoint of the evolution and existence of God.
  • Is Islam patriarchal, or can it be interpreted through feminism ?
  • The place of Islam in contemporary debates about cultural assimilation.
  • World religions: Worship service observation.
  • Islam’s role in conflicts and tensions in the Middle East.
  • How is Islam portrayed in Western media?
  • The public perception of Islam across Western countries.
  • The role of Islamic teachings on economics and business practices.
  • What place do non-Muslims take in Muslim-majority societies?
  • The debate over the authenticity and interpretation of the Qur’an.
  • The role of Islamic banking in the global economy.
  • How has the internet impacted the way Islam is practiced?
  • Is Islam a religion of peace, or does it promote violence?
  • Advertising in Ramadan: Analysis.
  • Free speech and freedom of expression in Islamic countries.

No matter how often you have done it before, delivering a speech in front of an audience is always daunting. However, some strategies will help you keep calm and collected in this decisive moment. Here, we will walk you through some of those tips.

The first step to ensuring you feel confident while delivering your speech is plenty of practice beforehand. You don’t have to memorize your text verbatim. In fact, it will look much more natural if you don’t. Just take enough time to rehearse your speech long before the public speaking event.

If you want to hear how your text sounds, you can always use our free text-to-speech tool that will read it for you.

Record Yourself

Alternatively, you might want to record yourself speaking. This way, you will hear yourself as your future audience will do. Pay attention both to how you look and to what you are saying. If something doesn’t sound right, consider rephrasing it before going on stage.

You might be worried about forgetting specific points during your speech. Thankfully, some tricks can help you stay on track. You can always use a few notes to remind yourself of the direction of your performance. Make sure to keep these to a minimum so as not to lose your audience. The most effective notes will only contain a short prompt you can quickly review.

Use Pictures

Images or graphs are another great way to keep you from getting lost. Not only will they help you remember your points, but they are also great visual stimuli for your audience. This way, your listeners’ attention won’t be focused solely on you.

Stay Active

Don’t be afraid to walk around and use gestures as you deliver your speech. Some people find that movement allows them to get rid of anxiety. Your audience will also find it more engaging if you use your whole body to convey your points. Just remember not to overdo it! Keep your movements controlled and organized.

Take a Pause

Many inexperienced speakers often believe that silence is the worst thing to happen during their performance. On the contrary, sometimes, pausing when you are delivering your speech is essential. It gives your audience a moment to breathe and absorb your points. Plus, it gives you the time to collect yourself.

Remember to Breathe

Finally, the best way to control your anxiety is to take a deep breath . Better yet, perform a couple of breathing exercises before delivering your speech. They will settle your heart rate, making you feel more in control.

Feeling nervous before speaking in public is perfectly natural. Don’t let that prevent you from giving a fantastic speech!

Thank you for reading our article. We sincerely hope that our topics and tips were helpful to you. Let us leave you with one more suggestion. If you have a time limit and find that your speech is far too long, use our online summary generator . It will help you shorten it to a manageable length while keeping your main arguments intact!

  • Islam: Five Pillars, Nation of Islam & Definition – HISTORY
  • Speech Anxiety – Department of Communication, the University of Pittsburgh
  • Speaking Up Without Freaking Out: How to Tackle Communication Anxiety – Matt Abrahams, Jenny Luna, Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • Beliefs and Daily Lives of Muslims — PBS
  • Six Major Beliefs In Islam — The Basics to Islam
  • The Five Pillars of Islam — The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • The most heavily Muslim countries on Earth — CBS News
  • Islam in Asia: Diversity in Past and Present Exhibition: Muslim Populations — Cornell University Library

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شروع اللہ کے نام سے جو بے انتہا مہربان، رحم فرمانے والا ہے

اور (ہمارے ان احسانات کو یاد کرو) جب ہم نے تم کو قومِ فرعون سے نجات بخشی وہ (لوگ) تم کو بڑا دکھ دیتے تھے تمہارے بیٹوں کو تو قتل کر ڈالتے تھے اور بیٹیوں کو زندہ رہنے دیتے تھے اور اس میں تمہارے پروردگار کی طرف سے بڑی (سخت) آزمائش تھی ۔اور جب ہم نے تمہارے لیے دریا کو پھاڑ دیا تم کو نجات دی اور فرعون کی قوم کو غرق کر ... مزید

´ام المؤمنین عائشہ رضی الله عنہا کہتی ہیں کہ` رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: ”سب سے زیادہ کامل ایمان والا مومن وہ ہے جو ان میں سب سے زیادہ اچھے اخلاق والا ہو، اور جو اپنے بال بچوں پر سب سے زیادہ مہربان ہو“ ۱؎۔(سنن ترمذی۔باب نمبر41-حدیث نمبر2612)

عقلمند وہ شخص ہے جو کہ اپنی زبان کو دوسروں کی مذمت سے بچائے رکھے۔(نصائی حکیم جالینوس)

2 Rabi al-Awwal 1446

Sat, 7th Sep 2024

Quran Kareem

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Surah Al-'alaq

سورة البقرة

Surah Al-Baqara

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سنن ابی داود

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سنن ابن ماجہ

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September 2024 Safar | Rabi al-Awwal 1446

* Islamic Date is given in Green, English Date is given in Black

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Quran PDF Surah

Surah No. Surah Title Download PDF

Masnoon Duain

dushman se bachne ki dua

دشمن کا خوف ہو تو یہ دعا پڑھے

doodh peene ke baad ki dua

دودھ پینے کے بعدکی دعاء

Roza Kholne Ki Dua

روزہ افطار کرنے کی دعا

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جب بچہ پہلی بار بولنے لگے اس وقت کی دعا

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بازار جائے تویہ دعا پڑھے

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بارش طلب کرنے کی دعا

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کسی کورخصت کرنے کی دعا

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How Many Words in Quran?

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ISLAMIC Morning Assembly Anchoring Script For School

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What is the best anchoring script for a Islamic school morning assembly?

Anchoring Script for Morning Assembly in Islamic Schools: (if you feel there is something to change in this post than comment us in comment box).

Assalamu Alaikum everyone!

I hope you’re all in good spirits. Welcome to another enriching morning assembly where we gather to seek knowledge, inspiration, and the blessings of the Almighty. Let’s begin with the beautiful recitation from the Holy Quran.

Tilawat (Recitation from the Quran):

[Invite a student to recite a short passage from the Quran]

JazakAllah khair!

Now, let’s immerse ourselves in the love of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a heartfelt Naat. I’d like to invite [Student’s Name] to recite a Naat for us.

[Invite the student to present the Naat]

SubhanAllah, that was truly beautiful. May the blessings of the Prophet be upon us all.

Scientific Topic:

Now, let’s delve into the world of science. Today, we’ll explore the wonders of the natural world. Did you know that the Quran itself encourages the pursuit of knowledge and scientific inquiry? Our scientific curiosity is a means to appreciate the miracles of creation.

[Briefly discuss a scientific topic relevant to the audience, e.g., the water cycle, astronomy, or the human body]

Remember, every scientific discovery is a step closer to understanding Allah’s creation.

Islamic Topic:

Moving on to our Islamic topic for today – let’s reflect on the importance of gratitude in Islam. Allah says in the Quran, “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor].” Gratitude is a powerful tool to invite more blessings into our lives.

[Share a brief reflection on gratitude and encourage students to incorporate it into their daily lives]

General Knowledge Questions Based on Islam 

And now, a quick test of our general knowledge. I’ll ask a few questions, and I encourage you to respond with enthusiasm!

  • Can anyone name the first month of the Islamic calendar?
  • What is the significance of the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad) in the Kaaba?
  • Who was the first woman to accept Islam?

[Wait for responses and acknowledge correct answers]

Great job, everyone! It’s heartening to see your eagerness to learn.

As we wrap up today’s assembly, let’s carry the wisdom gained and the spirit of unity with us throughout the day. Remember, seeking knowledge is a continuous journey, and each day is an opportunity to grow.

JazakAllah khair for your participation. Have a blessed day ahead!

Assalamu Alaikum.

Here’s a detailed Islamic morning assembly anchoring script with two anchors, including the Pledge and speech topics on Islam:

Anchor 1: Assalamu Alaikum, dear students, teachers, and respected guests!

Anchor 2: Wa Alaikum Assalam! Welcome to another soul-enriching morning assembly at [School Name]. We’re your anchors for today, [Anchor 1’s Name] and [Anchor 2’s Name].

Anchor 1: Before we begin, let’s start with the Pledge. I invite everyone to stand up for the recitation of the Pledge.

[Recite the Pledge]

Anchor 2: Thank you for joining us in the Pledge, a commitment to unity and righteousness.

Anchor 1: Now, let’s commence our assembly with the recitation from the Holy Quran. I would like to invite [Student’s Name] to recite a few verses for us.

[Invite the student to recite verses from the Quran]

Anchor 2: Next, we’ll immerse ourselves in the love of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). [Student’s Name], would you please present a Naat for us?

[Invite the student to present a Naat]

SubhanAllah, that was truly heartwarming.

Anchor 1: Now, let’s explore a scientific topic with an Islamic perspective. Today’s topic is the marvels of the human body, a creation of Allah. Our bodies are intricate miracles, and understanding them deepens our appreciation for the Creator.

[Briefly discuss the scientific marvels of the human body]

Anchor 2: Indeed, the Quran invites us to reflect on the signs in the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Anchor 1: Continuing our morning assembly, let’s touch upon an essential Islamic topic. Today’s theme is “Forgiveness in Islam.” In Islam, forgiveness is a virtue that promotes inner peace and harmony. We’ll delve deeper into this theme throughout the week.

[Briefly discuss the importance of forgiveness in Islam]

Anchor 2: Now, let’s engage our minds with some General Knowledge questions related to Islam. Are you ready, everyone?

[Ask a few questions and encourage student participation]

Anchor 1: Fantastic responses! It’s heartening to see your enthusiasm for learning.

Anchor 2: As we conclude today’s assembly, let’s take a moment to reflect on the knowledge shared and strive to embody the values of Islam in our daily lives.

Anchor 1: JazakAllah khair for your active participation. Have a blessed day ahead!

Anchor 2: Assalamu Alaikum!

Feel free to modify the script according to your preferences and the specific needs of your school.

30 Islamic morning assembly speech topics:

Importance of Daily Prayers Discuss the significance of offering prayers five times a day
Charity and Acts of Kindness Share stories of generosity and charity from Islamic teachings
Ramadan and Fasting Explain the spiritual and physical benefits of Ramadan fasting
The Life of Prophet Muhammad Delve into the exemplary life and teachings of the Prophet
Hajj and its Symbolism Explore the pilgrimage to Mecca and its symbolic rituals
The Importance of Zakat Discuss the role of Zakat in Islamic charity and wealth distribution
Islamic Etiquette in Daily Life Highlight manners and conduct based on Islamic teachings
Respect for Parents in Islam Emphasize the significance of honoring and respecting parents
Islamic Concept of Justice Explore the principles of justice in Islam and its applications
Patience in Adversity Discuss the Islamic perspective on patience during challenges
Islamic Environmental Ethics Emphasize the responsibility of Muslims towards the environment
The Concept of Unity in Islam Discuss the importance of unity among Muslims and in the community
Women’s Rights in Islam Explore the rights and status of women as per Islamic teachings
The Significance of Night of Qadr Reflect on the importance of Laylat al-Qadr during Ramadan
The Concept of Brotherhood Discuss the brotherly bond among Muslims and fostering unity
Islamic Finance and Ethics Explore the ethical principles in Islamic finance and economics
Acts of Worship in Islam Discuss various forms of worship, beyond prayer, in Islam
Gratitude in Islamic Teachings Emphasize the value of expressing gratitude in Islam
Islamic Perspective on Education Explore the importance of education in Islamic teachings
The Concept of Barakah Discuss the blessings and significance of Barakah in Islam
Respecting Other Faiths in Islam Emphasize tolerance and respect for people of different faiths
The Importance of Dua in Islam Discuss the power and significance of supplications in Islam
Islamic Approach to Health Explore the principles of maintaining health in Islamic teachings
The Concept of Sadaqah Discuss the charitable acts of Sadaqah and its impact
The Role of Youth in Islam Emphasize the responsibilities and potential of youth in Islam
The Significance of Hijab Discuss the reasons and importance of Hijab in Islamic culture
Islamic Teachings on Forgiveness Explore the virtues and importance of forgiveness in Islam
The Concept of Taqwa Discuss the concept of God-consciousness and its role in Islam
The Islamic Golden Age Highlight the contributions of Islamic civilization to the world
Islam and Science Discuss the compatibility of Islam with scientific inquiry
Islamic Perspective on Wealth Explore the ethical considerations of wealth accumulation in Islam

Feel free to use these topics for your Islamic morning assembly speeches.

Morning Assembly Anchoring Script in English Muslim | Anchoring Script in Islamic School

Transform your mornings with the tranquility of Islamic morning assembly. Explore the depth of morning prayers in Islam, unveiling daily duas, supplications, and blessings specifically crafted for students and children.

Embrace a spiritual journey with Islamic morning duas, offering guidance for school, success, protection, and abundant blessings. Start each day with devotion and purpose, weaving a meaningful tapestry through enriching Islamic morning supplications.

Also Read : 50 General Knowledge Questions Based on Islam for Morning Assembly

Soon We Will Update Following Anchoring Scripts

  • Short anchoring script for islamic school assembly
  • Anchoring script for islamic school assembly pdf
  • Anchoring script for islamic school assembly in english
  • anchoring script for morning  assembly  in  islamic  schools in english
  • Anchoring script for islamic school assembly in arabic
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  • best  anchoring script  in english  for school  morning

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    Find sample scripts for anchoring Islamic morning assemblies with Quran, Naat, scientific and Islamic topics. Learn how to plan and deliver engaging and enriching assemblies for students and teachers.

  19. Free Templates about Islam for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Download the Islamic Beliefs and Practices presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic... Multi-purpose.

  20. Roza

    Language: Urdu (ur) ID: 881123. 05/04/2021. Country code: PK. Country: Pakistan. School subject: Islamiat (1121625) Main content: Fasting (1335759) From worksheet author: students will be able to know about roza (fasting).