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  • Types of Interviews in Research | Guide & Examples

Types of Interviews in Research | Guide & Examples

Published on March 10, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on June 22, 2023.

An interview is a qualitative research method that relies on asking questions in order to collect data . Interviews involve two or more people, one of whom is the interviewer asking the questions.

There are several types of interviews, often differentiated by their level of structure.

  • Structured interviews have predetermined questions asked in a predetermined order.
  • Unstructured interviews are more free-flowing.
  • Semi-structured interviews fall in between.

Interviews are commonly used in market research, social science, and ethnographic research .

Table of contents

What is a structured interview, what is a semi-structured interview, what is an unstructured interview, what is a focus group, examples of interview questions, advantages and disadvantages of interviews, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about types of interviews.

Structured interviews have predetermined questions in a set order. They are often closed-ended, featuring dichotomous (yes/no) or multiple-choice questions. While open-ended structured interviews exist, they are much less common. The types of questions asked make structured interviews a predominantly quantitative tool.

Asking set questions in a set order can help you see patterns among responses, and it allows you to easily compare responses between participants while keeping other factors constant. This can mitigate   research biases and lead to higher reliability and validity. However, structured interviews can be overly formal, as well as limited in scope and flexibility.

  • You feel very comfortable with your topic. This will help you formulate your questions most effectively.
  • You have limited time or resources. Structured interviews are a bit more straightforward to analyze because of their closed-ended nature, and can be a doable undertaking for an individual.
  • Your research question depends on holding environmental conditions between participants constant.

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Semi-structured interviews are a blend of structured and unstructured interviews. While the interviewer has a general plan for what they want to ask, the questions do not have to follow a particular phrasing or order.

Semi-structured interviews are often open-ended, allowing for flexibility, but follow a predetermined thematic framework, giving a sense of order. For this reason, they are often considered “the best of both worlds.”

However, if the questions differ substantially between participants, it can be challenging to look for patterns, lessening the generalizability and validity of your results.

  • You have prior interview experience. It’s easier than you think to accidentally ask a leading question when coming up with questions on the fly. Overall, spontaneous questions are much more difficult than they may seem.
  • Your research question is exploratory in nature. The answers you receive can help guide your future research.

An unstructured interview is the most flexible type of interview. The questions and the order in which they are asked are not set. Instead, the interview can proceed more spontaneously, based on the participant’s previous answers.

Unstructured interviews are by definition open-ended. This flexibility can help you gather detailed information on your topic, while still allowing you to observe patterns between participants.

However, so much flexibility means that they can be very challenging to conduct properly. You must be very careful not to ask leading questions, as biased responses can lead to lower reliability or even invalidate your research.

  • You have a solid background in your research topic and have conducted interviews before.
  • Your research question is exploratory in nature, and you are seeking descriptive data that will deepen and contextualize your initial hypotheses.
  • Your research necessitates forming a deeper connection with your participants, encouraging them to feel comfortable revealing their true opinions and emotions.

A focus group brings together a group of participants to answer questions on a topic of interest in a moderated setting. Focus groups are qualitative in nature and often study the group’s dynamic and body language in addition to their answers. Responses can guide future research on consumer products and services, human behavior, or controversial topics.

Focus groups can provide more nuanced and unfiltered feedback than individual interviews and are easier to organize than experiments or large surveys . However, their small size leads to low external validity and the temptation as a researcher to “cherry-pick” responses that fit your hypotheses.

  • Your research focuses on the dynamics of group discussion or real-time responses to your topic.
  • Your questions are complex and rooted in feelings, opinions, and perceptions that cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no.”
  • Your topic is exploratory in nature, and you are seeking information that will help you uncover new questions or future research ideas.

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Depending on the type of interview you are conducting, your questions will differ in style, phrasing, and intention. Structured interview questions are set and precise, while the other types of interviews allow for more open-endedness and flexibility.

Here are some examples.

  • Semi-structured
  • Unstructured
  • Focus group
  • Do you like dogs? Yes/No
  • Do you associate dogs with feeling: happy; somewhat happy; neutral; somewhat unhappy; unhappy
  • If yes, name one attribute of dogs that you like.
  • If no, name one attribute of dogs that you don’t like.
  • What feelings do dogs bring out in you?
  • When you think more deeply about this, what experiences would you say your feelings are rooted in?

Interviews are a great research tool. They allow you to gather rich information and draw more detailed conclusions than other research methods, taking into consideration nonverbal cues, off-the-cuff reactions, and emotional responses.

However, they can also be time-consuming and deceptively challenging to conduct properly. Smaller sample sizes can cause their validity and reliability to suffer, and there is an inherent risk of interviewer effect arising from accidentally leading questions.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each type of interview that can help you decide if you’d like to utilize this research method.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Student’s  t -distribution
  • Normal distribution
  • Null and Alternative Hypotheses
  • Chi square tests
  • Confidence interval
  • Quartiles & Quantiles
  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Data cleansing
  • Reproducibility vs Replicability
  • Peer review
  • Prospective cohort study

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Placebo effect
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Hindsight bias
  • Affect heuristic
  • Social desirability bias

The four most common types of interviews are:

  • Structured interviews : The questions are predetermined in both topic and order. 
  • Semi-structured interviews : A few questions are predetermined, but other questions aren’t planned.
  • Unstructured interviews : None of the questions are predetermined.
  • Focus group interviews : The questions are presented to a group instead of one individual.

The interviewer effect is a type of bias that emerges when a characteristic of an interviewer (race, age, gender identity, etc.) influences the responses given by the interviewee.

There is a risk of an interviewer effect in all types of interviews , but it can be mitigated by writing really high-quality interview questions.

Social desirability bias is the tendency for interview participants to give responses that will be viewed favorably by the interviewer or other participants. It occurs in all types of interviews and surveys , but is most common in semi-structured interviews , unstructured interviews , and focus groups .

Social desirability bias can be mitigated by ensuring participants feel at ease and comfortable sharing their views. Make sure to pay attention to your own body language and any physical or verbal cues, such as nodding or widening your eyes.

This type of bias can also occur in observations if the participants know they’re being observed. They might alter their behavior accordingly.

A focus group is a research method that brings together a small group of people to answer questions in a moderated setting. The group is chosen due to predefined demographic traits, and the questions are designed to shed light on a topic of interest. It is one of 4 types of interviews .

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses . Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.

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George, T. (2023, June 22). Types of Interviews in Research | Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/interviews-research/

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How to conduct qualitative interviews (tips and best practices)

Last updated

18 May 2023

Reviewed by

Miroslav Damyanov

However, conducting qualitative interviews can be challenging, even for seasoned researchers. Poorly conducted interviews can lead to inaccurate or incomplete data, significantly compromising the validity and reliability of your research findings.

When planning to conduct qualitative interviews, you must adequately prepare yourself to get the most out of your data. Fortunately, there are specific tips and best practices that can help you conduct qualitative interviews effectively.

  • What is a qualitative interview?

A qualitative interview is a research technique used to gather in-depth information about people's experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions. Unlike a structured questionnaire or survey, a qualitative interview is a flexible, conversational approach that allows the interviewer to delve into the interviewee's responses and explore their insights and experiences.

In a qualitative interview, the researcher typically develops a set of open-ended questions that provide a framework for the conversation. However, the interviewer can also adapt to the interviewee's responses and ask follow-up questions to understand their experiences and views better.

  • How to conduct interviews in qualitative research

Conducting interviews involves a well-planned and deliberate process to collect accurate and valid data. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to conduct interviews in qualitative research, broken down into three stages:

1. Before the interview

The first step in conducting a qualitative interview is determining your research question . This will help you identify the type of participants you need to recruit. Once you have your research question, you can start recruiting participants by identifying potential candidates and contacting them to gauge their interest in participating in the study. 

After that, it's time to develop your interview questions. These should be open-ended questions that will elicit detailed responses from participants. You'll also need to get consent from the participants, ideally in writing, to ensure that they understand the purpose of the study and their rights as participants. Finally, choose a comfortable and private location to conduct the interview and prepare the interview guide.

2. During the interview

Start by introducing yourself and explaining the purpose of the study. Establish a rapport by putting the participants at ease and making them feel comfortable. Use the interview guide to ask the questions, but be flexible and ask follow-up questions to gain more insight into the participants' responses. 

Take notes during the interview, and ask permission to record the interview for transcription purposes. Be mindful of the time, and cover all the questions in the interview guide.

3. After the interview

Once the interview is over, transcribe the interview if you recorded it. If you took notes, review and organize them to make sure you capture all the important information. Then, analyze the data you collected by identifying common themes and patterns. Use the findings to answer your research question. 

Finally, debrief with the participants to thank them for their time, provide feedback on the study, and answer any questions they may have.

  • What kinds of questions should you ask in a qualitative interview?

Qualitative interviews involve asking questions that encourage participants to share their experiences, opinions, and perspectives on a particular topic. These questions are designed to elicit detailed and nuanced responses rather than simple yes or no answers.

Effective questions in a qualitative interview are generally open-ended and non-leading. They avoid presuppositions or assumptions about the participant's experience and allow them to share their views in their own words. 

In customer research , you might ask questions such as:

What motivated you to choose our product/service over our competitors?

How did you first learn about our product/service?

Can you walk me through your experience with our product/service?

What improvements or changes would you suggest for our product/service?

Have you recommended our product/service to others, and if so, why?

The key is to ask questions relevant to the research topic and allow participants to share their experiences meaningfully and informally. 

  • How to determine the right qualitative interview participants

Choosing the right participants for a qualitative interview is a crucial step in ensuring the success and validity of the research . You need to consider several factors to determine the right participants for a qualitative interview. These may include:

Relevant experiences : Participants should have experiences related to the research topic that can provide valuable insights.

Diversity : Aim to include diverse participants to ensure the study's findings are representative and inclusive.

Access : Identify participants who are accessible and willing to participate in the study.

Informed consent : Participants should be fully informed about the study's purpose, methods, and potential risks and benefits and be allowed to provide informed consent.

You can use various recruitment methods, such as posting ads in relevant forums, contacting community organizations or social media groups, or using purposive sampling to identify participants who meet specific criteria.

  • How to make qualitative interview subjects comfortable

Making participants comfortable during a qualitative interview is essential to obtain rich, detailed data. Participants are more likely to share their experiences openly when they feel at ease and not judged. 

Here are some ways to make interview subjects comfortable:

Explain the purpose of the study

Start the interview by explaining the research topic and its importance. The goal is to give participants a sense of what to expect.

Create a comfortable environment

Conduct the interview in a quiet, private space where the participant feels comfortable. Turn off any unnecessary electronics that can create distractions. Ensure your equipment works well ahead of time. Arrive at the interview on time. If you conduct a remote interview, turn on your camera and mute all notetakers and observers.

Build rapport

Greet the participant warmly and introduce yourself. Show interest in their responses and thank them for their time.

Use open-ended questions

Ask questions that encourage participants to elaborate on their thoughts and experiences.

Listen attentively

Resist the urge to multitask . Pay attention to the participant's responses, nod your head, or make supportive comments to show you’re interested in their answers. Avoid interrupting them.

Avoid judgment

Show respect and don't judge the participant's views or experiences. Allow the participant to speak freely without feeling judged or ridiculed.

Offer breaks

If needed, offer breaks during the interview, especially if the topic is sensitive or emotional.

Creating a comfortable environment and establishing rapport with the participant fosters an atmosphere of trust and encourages open communication. This helps participants feel at ease and willing to share their experiences.

  • How to analyze a qualitative interview

Analyzing a qualitative interview involves a systematic process of examining the data collected to identify patterns, themes, and meanings that emerge from the responses. 

Here are some steps on how to analyze a qualitative interview:

1. Transcription

The first step is transcribing the interview into text format to have a written record of the conversation. This step is essential to ensure that you can refer back to the interview data and identify the important aspects of the interview.

2. Data reduction

Once you’ve transcribed the interview, read through it to identify key themes, patterns, and phrases emerging from the data. This process involves reducing the data into more manageable pieces you can easily analyze.

The next step is to code the data by labeling sections of the text with descriptive words or phrases that reflect the data's content. Coding helps identify key themes and patterns from the interview data.

4. Categorization

After coding, you should group the codes into categories based on their similarities. This process helps to identify overarching themes or sub-themes that emerge from the data.

5. Interpretation

You should then interpret the themes and sub-themes by identifying relationships, contradictions, and meanings that emerge from the data. Interpretation involves analyzing the themes in the context of the research question.

6. Comparison

The next step is comparing the data across participants or groups to identify similarities and differences. This step helps to ensure that the findings aren’t just specific to one participant but can be generalized to the wider population.

7. Triangulation

To ensure the findings are valid and reliable, you should use triangulation by comparing the findings with other sources, such as observations or interview data.

8. Synthesis

The final step is synthesizing the findings by summarizing the key themes and presenting them clearly and concisely. This step involves writing a report that presents the findings in a way that is easy to understand, using quotes and examples from the interview data to illustrate the themes.

  • Tips for transcribing a qualitative interview

Transcribing a qualitative interview is a crucial step in the research process. It involves converting the audio or video recording of the interview into written text. 

Here are some tips for transcribing a qualitative interview:

Use transcription software

Transcription software can save time and increase accuracy by automatically transcribing audio or video recordings.

Listen carefully

When manually transcribing, listen carefully to the recording to ensure clarity. Pause and rewind the recording as necessary.

Use appropriate formatting

Use a consistent format for transcribing, such as marking pauses, overlaps, and interruptions. Indicate non-verbal cues such as laughter, sighs, or changes in tone.

Edit for clarity

Edit the transcription to ensure clarity and readability. Use standard grammar and punctuation, correct misspellings, and remove filler words like "um" and "ah."

Proofread and edit

Verify the accuracy of the transcription by listening to the recording again and reviewing the notes taken during the interview.

Use timestamps

Add timestamps to the transcription to reference specific interview sections.

Transcribing a qualitative interview can be time-consuming, but it’s essential to ensure the accuracy of the data collected. Following these tips can produce high-quality transcriptions useful for analysis and reporting.

  • Why are interview techniques in qualitative research effective?

Unlike quantitative research methods, which rely on numerical data, qualitative research seeks to understand the richness and complexity of human experiences and perspectives. 

Interview techniques involve asking open-ended questions that allow participants to express their views and share their stories in their own words. This approach can help researchers to uncover unexpected or surprising insights that may not have been discovered through other research methods.

Interview techniques also allow researchers to establish rapport with participants, creating a comfortable and safe space for them to share their experiences. This can lead to a deeper level of trust and candor, leading to more honest and authentic responses.

  • What are the weaknesses of qualitative interviews?

Qualitative interviews are an excellent research approach when used properly, but they have their drawbacks. 

The weaknesses of qualitative interviews include the following:

Subjectivity and personal biases

Qualitative interviews rely on the researcher's interpretation of the interviewee's responses. The researcher's biases or preconceptions can affect how the questions are framed and how the responses are interpreted, which can influence results.

Small sample size

The sample size in qualitative interviews is often small, which can limit the generalizability of the results to the larger population.

Data quality

The quality of data collected during interviews can be affected by various factors, such as the interviewee's mood, the setting of the interview, and the interviewer's skills and experience.

Socially desirable responses

Interviewees may provide responses that they believe are socially acceptable rather than truthful or genuine.

Conducting qualitative interviews can be expensive, especially if the researcher must travel to different locations to conduct the interviews.


The data analysis process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, as researchers need to transcribe and analyze the data manually.

Despite these weaknesses, qualitative interviews remain a valuable research tool. You can take steps to mitigate the impact of these weaknesses by incorporating the perspectives of other researchers or participants in the analysis process, using multiple data sources , and critically analyzing your biases and assumptions.

Mastering the art of qualitative interviews is an essential skill for businesses looking to gain deep insights into their customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can conduct interviews that provide you with rich data that you can use to make informed decisions about your products, services, and marketing strategies. 

Remember that effective communication, active listening, and proper analysis are critical components of successful qualitative interviews. By incorporating these practices into your customer research, you can gain a competitive edge and build stronger customer relationships.

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Research Interviews: An effective and insightful way of data collection

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Research interviews play a pivotal role in collecting data for various academic, scientific, and professional endeavors. They provide researchers with an opportunity to delve deep into the thoughts, experiences, and perspectives of an individual, thus enabling a comprehensive understanding of complex phenomena. It is important for researchers to design an effective and insightful method of data collection on a particular topic. A research interview is typically a two-person meeting conducted to collect information on a certain topic. It is a qualitative data collection method to gain primary information.

The three key features of a research interview are as follows:

Features of Research Interviews

Table of Contents

The Significance of Research Interviews in Gathering Primary Data

The role of research interviews in gathering first-hand information is invaluable. Additionally, they allow researchers to interact directly with participants, enabling them to collect unfiltered primary data.

Significance of Research Interviews

1. Subjective Experience

Research interviews facilitate in-depth exploration of a research topic. Thus, by engaging in one-to-one conversation with participants, researchers can delve into the nuances and complexities of their experiences, perspectives, and opinions. This allows comprehensive understanding of the research subject that may not be possible through other methods. Also, research interviews offer the unique advantage of capturing subjective experiences through personal narratives. Moreover, participants can express their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, which add depth to the findings.

2. Personal Insights

Research interviews offer an opportunity for participants to share their views and opinions on the objective they are being interviewed for. Furthermore, participants can express their thoughts and experiences, providing rich qualitative data . Consequently, these personal narratives add a human element to the research, thus enhancing the understanding of the topic from the participants’ perspectives. Research interviews offer the opportunity to uncover unanticipated insights or emerging themes. Additionally, open-ended questions and active listening can help the researchers to identify new perspectives, ideas, or patterns that may not have been initially considered. As a result, these factors can lead to new avenues for exploration.

3. Clarification and Validation

Researchers can clarify participants’ responses and validate their understanding during an interview. This ensures accurate data collection and interpretation. Additionally, researchers can probe deeper into participants’ statements and seek clarification on any ambiguity in the information.

4. Contextual Information

Research interviews allow researchers to gather contextual information that offers a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Additionally, participants can provide insights into the social, cultural, or environmental factors that shape their experiences, behaviors, and beliefs. This contextual information helps researchers place the data in a broader context and facilitates a more nuanced analysis.

5. Non-verbal Cues

In addition to verbal responses, research interviews allow researchers to observe non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Additionally, non-verbal cues can convey information, such as emotions, attitudes, or levels of comfort. Furthermore, integrating non-verbal cues with verbal responses provides a more holistic understanding of participants’ experiences and enriches the data collection process.

Research interviews offer several advantages, making them a reliable tool for collecting information. However, choosing the right type of research interview is essential for collecting useful data.

Types of Research Interviews

There are several types of research interviews that researchers can use based on their research goals , the nature of their study, and the data they aim to collect. Here are some common types of research interviews:

Types of Research Interviews

1. Structured Interviews

  • Structured interviews are standardized and follow a fixed format.
  • Therefore, these interviews have a pre-determined set of questions.
  • All the participants are asked the same set of questions in the same order.
  • Therefore, this type of interview facilitates standardization and allows easy comparison and quantitative analysis of responses.
  • As a result, structured interviews are used in surveys or studies which aims for a high level of standardization and comparability.

2. Semi-structured Interviews

  • Semi-structured interviews offer a flexible framework by combining pre-determined questions.
  • So, this gives an opportunity for follow-up questions and open-ended discussions.
  • Researchers have a list of core questions but can adapt the interview depending on the participant’s responses.
  • Consequently, this allows for in-depth exploration while maintaining some level of consistency across interviews.
  • As a result, semi-structured interviews are widely used in qualitative research, where content-rich data is desired.

3. Unstructured Interviews

  • Unstructured interviews provide the greatest flexibility and freedom in the interview process.
  • This type do not have a pre-determined set of questions.
  • Thus, the conversation flows naturally based on the participant’s responses and the researcher’s interests.
  • Moreover, this type of interview allows for open-ended exploration and encourages participants to share their experiences, thoughts, and perspectives freely.
  • Unstructured interviews useful to explore new or complex research topics, with limited preconceived questions.

4. Group Interviews (Focus Groups)

  • Group interviews involve multiple participants who engage in a facilitated discussion on a specific topic.
  • This format allows the interaction and exchange of ideas among participants, generating a group dynamic.
  • Therefore, group interviews are beneficial for capturing diverse perspectives, and generating collective insights.
  • They are often used in market research, social sciences, or studies demanding shared experiences.

5. Narrative Interviews

  • Narrative interviews focus on eliciting participants’ personal stories, views, experiences, and narratives. Researchers aim to look into the individual’s life journey.
  • As a result, this type of interview allows participants to construct and share their own narratives, providing rich qualitative data.
  • Qualitative research, oral history, or studies focusing on individual experiences and identities uses narrative interviews.

6. Ethnographic Interviews

  • Ethnographic interviews are conducted within the context of ethnographic research, where researchers immerse themselves in a specific social or cultural setting.
  • These interviews aim to understand participants’ experiences, beliefs, and practices within their cultural context, thereby understanding diversity in different ethnic groups.
  • Furthermore, ethnographic interviews involve building rapport, observing the participants’ daily lives, and engaging in conversations that capture the nuances of the culture under study.

It must be noted that these interview types are not mutually exclusive. Therefore, researchers often employ a combination of approaches to gather the most comprehensive data for their research. The choice of interview type depends on the research objectives and the nature of the research topic.

Steps of Conducting a Research Interview

Research interviews offer several benefits, and thus careful planning and execution of the entire process are important to gather in-depth information from the participants. While conducting an interview, it is essential to know the necessary steps to follow for ensuring success. The steps to conduct a research interview are as follows:

  • Identify the objectives and understand the goals
  • Select an appropriate interview format
  • Organize the necessary materials for the interview
  • Understand the questions to be addressed
  • Analyze the demographics of interviewees
  • Select the interviewees
  • Design the interview questions to gather sufficient information
  • Schedule the interview
  • Explain the purpose of the interview
  • Analyze the interviewee based on his/her responses

Considerations for Research Interviews

Since the flexible nature of research interviews makes them an invaluable tool for data collection, researchers must consider certain factors to make the process effective. They should avoid bias and preconceived notion against the participants. Furthermore, researchers must comply with ethical considerations and respect the cultural differences between them and the participants. Also, they should ensure careful tailoring of the questions to avoid making them offensive or derogatory. The interviewers must respect the privacy of the participants and ensure the confidentiality of their details.

Considerations for Research Interviews

By ensuring due diligence of these considerations associated with research interviews, researchers can maximize the validity and reliability of the collected data, leading to robust and meaningful research outcomes.

Have you ever conducted a research interview? What was your experience? What factors did you consider when conducting a research interview? Share it with researchers worldwide by submitting your thought piece on Enago Academy’s Open Blogging Platform .

Frequently Asked Questions

• Identify the objectives of the interview • State and explain the purpose of the interview • Select an appropriate interview format • Organize the necessary materials for the Interview • Check the demographics of the participants • Select the Interviewees or the participants • Prepare the list of questions to gather maximum useful data from the participants • Schedule the Interview • Analyze the participant based on his/ her Responses

Interviews are important in research as it helps to gather elaborative first-hand information. It helps to draw conclusions from the non-verbal views and personal experiences. It reduces the ambiguity of data through detailed discussions.

The advantages of research interviews are: • It offers first-hand information • Offers detailed assessment which can result in elaborate conclusions • It is easy to conduct • Provides non-verbal cues The disadvantages of research interviews are: • There is a risk of personal bias • It can be time consuming • The outcomes might be unpredictable

The difference between structured and unstructured interview are: • Structured interviews have well-structured questions in a pre-determined order; while unstructured interviews are flexible and do not have a pre-planned set of questions. • Structured interview is more detailed; while unstructured interviews are exploratory in nature. • Structured interview is easier to replicate as compared to unstructured interview.

Focus groups is a group of multiple participants engaging in a facilitated discussion on a specific topic. This format allows for interaction and exchange of ideas among participants.

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Research Methods Guide: Interview Research

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Interview as a Method for Qualitative Research

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Goals of Interview Research

  • Preferences
  • They help you explain, better understand, and explore research subjects' opinions, behavior, experiences, phenomenon, etc.
  • Interview questions are usually open-ended questions so that in-depth information will be collected.

Mode of Data Collection

There are several types of interviews, including:

  • Face-to-Face
  • Online (e.g. Skype, Googlehangout, etc)

FAQ: Conducting Interview Research

What are the important steps involved in interviews?

  • Think about who you will interview
  • Think about what kind of information you want to obtain from interviews
  • Think about why you want to pursue in-depth information around your research topic
  • Introduce yourself and explain the aim of the interview
  • Devise your questions so interviewees can help answer your research question
  • Have a sequence to your questions / topics by grouping them in themes
  • Make sure you can easily move back and forth between questions / topics
  • Make sure your questions are clear and easy to understand
  • Do not ask leading questions
  • Do you want to bring a second interviewer with you?
  • Do you want to bring a notetaker?
  • Do you want to record interviews? If so, do you have time to transcribe interview recordings?
  • Where will you interview people? Where is the setting with the least distraction?
  • How long will each interview take?
  • Do you need to address terms of confidentiality?

Do I have to choose either a survey or interviewing method?

No.  In fact, many researchers use a mixed method - interviews can be useful as follow-up to certain respondents to surveys, e.g., to further investigate their responses.

Is training an interviewer important?

Yes, since the interviewer can control the quality of the result, training the interviewer becomes crucial.  If more than one interviewers are involved in your study, it is important to have every interviewer understand the interviewing procedure and rehearse the interviewing process before beginning the formal study.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 21, 2023 10:42 AM

Grad Coach

Qualitative Research 101: Interviewing

5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Undertaking Interviews

By: David Phair (PhD) and Kerryn Warren (PhD) | March 2022

Undertaking interviews is potentially the most important step in the qualitative research process. If you don’t collect useful, useable data in your interviews, you’ll struggle through the rest of your dissertation or thesis.  Having helped numerous students with their research over the years, we’ve noticed some common interviewing mistakes that first-time researchers make. In this post, we’ll discuss five costly interview-related mistakes and outline useful strategies to avoid making these.

Overview: 5 Interviewing Mistakes

  • Not having a clear interview strategy /plan
  • Not having good interview techniques /skills
  • Not securing a suitable location and equipment
  • Not having a basic risk management plan
  • Not keeping your “ golden thread ” front of mind

1. Not having a clear interview strategy

The first common mistake that we’ll look at is that of starting the interviewing process without having first come up with a clear interview strategy or plan of action. While it’s natural to be keen to get started engaging with your interviewees, a lack of planning can result in a mess of data and inconsistency between interviews.

There are several design choices to decide on and plan for before you start interviewing anyone. Some of the most important questions you need to ask yourself before conducting interviews include:

  • What are the guiding research aims and research questions of my study?
  • Will I use a structured, semi-structured or unstructured interview approach?
  • How will I record the interviews (audio or video)?
  • Who will be interviewed and by whom ?
  • What ethics and data law considerations do I need to adhere to?
  • How will I analyze my data? 

Let’s take a quick look at some of these.

The core objective of the interviewing process is to generate useful data that will help you address your overall research aims. Therefore, your interviews need to be conducted in a way that directly links to your research aims, objectives and research questions (i.e. your “golden thread”). This means that you need to carefully consider the questions you’ll ask to ensure that they align with and feed into your golden thread. If any question doesn’t align with this, you may want to consider scrapping it.

Another important design choice is whether you’ll use an unstructured, semi-structured or structured interview approach . For semi-structured interviews, you will have a list of questions that you plan to ask and these questions will be open-ended in nature. You’ll also allow the discussion to digress from the core question set if something interesting comes up. This means that the type of information generated might differ a fair amount between interviews.

Contrasted to this, a structured approach to interviews is more rigid, where a specific set of closed questions is developed and asked for each interviewee in exactly the same order. Closed questions have a limited set of answers, that are often single-word answers. Therefore, you need to think about what you’re trying to achieve with your research project (i.e. your research aims) and decided on which approach would be best suited in your case.

It is also important to plan ahead with regards to who will be interviewed and how. You need to think about how you will approach the possible interviewees to get their cooperation, who will conduct the interviews, when to conduct the interviews and how to record the interviews. For each of these decisions, it’s also essential to make sure that all ethical considerations and data protection laws are taken into account.

Finally, you should think through how you plan to analyze the data (i.e., your qualitative analysis method) generated by the interviews. Different types of analysis rely on different types of data, so you need to ensure you’re asking the right types of questions and correctly guiding your respondents.

Simply put, you need to have a plan of action regarding the specifics of your interview approach before you start collecting data. If not, you’ll end up drifting in your approach from interview to interview, which will result in inconsistent, unusable data.

Your interview questions need to directly  link to your research aims, objectives and  research questions - your "golden thread”.

2. Not having good interview technique

While you’re generally not expected to become you to be an expert interviewer for a dissertation or thesis, it is important to practice good interview technique and develop basic interviewing skills .

Let’s go through some basics that will help the process along.

Firstly, before the interview , make sure you know your interview questions well and have a clear idea of what you want from the interview. Naturally, the specificity of your questions will depend on whether you’re taking a structured, semi-structured or unstructured approach, but you still need a consistent starting point . Ideally, you should develop an interview guide beforehand (more on this later) that details your core question and links these to the research aims, objectives and research questions.

Before you undertake any interviews, it’s a good idea to do a few mock interviews with friends or family members. This will help you get comfortable with the interviewer role, prepare for potentially unexpected answers and give you a good idea of how long the interview will take to conduct. In the interviewing process, you’re likely to encounter two kinds of challenging interviewees ; the two-word respondent and the respondent who meanders and babbles. Therefore, you should prepare yourself for both and come up with a plan to respond to each in a way that will allow the interview to continue productively.

To begin the formal interview , provide the person you are interviewing with an overview of your research. This will help to calm their nerves (and yours) and contextualize the interaction. Ultimately, you want the interviewee to feel comfortable and be willing to be open and honest with you, so it’s useful to start in a more casual, relaxed fashion and allow them to ask any questions they may have. From there, you can ease them into the rest of the questions.

As the interview progresses , avoid asking leading questions (i.e., questions that assume something about the interviewee or their response). Make sure that you speak clearly and slowly , using plain language and being ready to paraphrase questions if the person you are interviewing misunderstands. Be particularly careful with interviewing English second language speakers to ensure that you’re both on the same page.

Engage with the interviewee by listening to them carefully and acknowledging that you are listening to them by smiling or nodding. Show them that you’re interested in what they’re saying and thank them for their openness as appropriate. This will also encourage your interviewee to respond openly.

Need a helping hand?

research interview procedure

3. Not securing a suitable location and quality equipment

Where you conduct your interviews and the equipment you use to record them both play an important role in how the process unfolds. Therefore, you need to think carefully about each of these variables before you start interviewing.

Poor location: A bad location can result in the quality of your interviews being compromised, interrupted, or cancelled. If you are conducting physical interviews, you’ll need a location that is quiet, safe, and welcoming . It’s very important that your location of choice is not prone to interruptions (the workplace office is generally problematic, for example) and has suitable facilities (such as water, a bathroom, and snacks).

If you are conducting online interviews , you need to consider a few other factors. Importantly, you need to make sure that both you and your respondent have access to a good, stable internet connection and electricity. Always check before the time that both of you know how to use the relevant software and it’s accessible (sometimes meeting platforms are blocked by workplace policies or firewalls). It’s also good to have alternatives in place (such as WhatsApp, Zoom, or Teams) to cater for these types of issues.

Poor equipment: Using poor-quality recording equipment or using equipment incorrectly means that you will have trouble transcribing, coding, and analyzing your interviews. This can be a major issue , as some of your interview data may go completely to waste if not recorded well. So, make sure that you use good-quality recording equipment and that you know how to use it correctly.

To avoid issues, you should always conduct test recordings before every interview to ensure that you can use the relevant equipment properly. It’s also a good idea to spot check each recording afterwards, just to make sure it was recorded as planned. If your equipment uses batteries, be sure to always carry a spare set.

Where you conduct your interviews and the equipment you use to record them play an important role in how the process unfolds.

4. Not having a basic risk management plan

Many possible issues can arise during the interview process. Not planning for these issues can mean that you are left with compromised data that might not be useful to you. Therefore, it’s important to map out some sort of risk management plan ahead of time, considering the potential risks, how you’ll minimize their probability and how you’ll manage them if they materialize.

Common potential issues related to the actual interview include cancellations (people pulling out), delays (such as getting stuck in traffic), language and accent differences (especially in the case of poor internet connections), issues with internet connections and power supply. Other issues can also occur in the interview itself. For example, the interviewee could drift off-topic, or you might encounter an interviewee who does not say much at all.

You can prepare for these potential issues by considering possible worst-case scenarios and preparing a response for each scenario. For instance, it is important to plan a backup date just in case your interviewee cannot make it to the first meeting you scheduled with them. It’s also a good idea to factor in a 30-minute gap between your interviews for the instances where someone might be late, or an interview runs overtime for other reasons. Make sure that you also plan backup questions that could be used to bring a respondent back on topic if they start rambling, or questions to encourage those who are saying too little.

In general, it’s best practice to plan to conduct more interviews than you think you need (this is called oversampling ). Doing so will allow you some room for error if there are interviews that don’t go as planned, or if some interviewees withdraw. If you need 10 interviews, it is a good idea to plan for 15. Likely, a few will cancel , delay, or not produce useful data.

You should consider all the potential risks, how you’ll reduce their probability and how you'll respond if they do indeed materialize.

5. Not keeping your golden thread front of mind

We touched on this a little earlier, but it is a key point that should be central to your entire research process. You don’t want to end up with pages and pages of data after conducting your interviews and realize that it is not useful to your research aims . Your research aims, objectives and research questions – i.e., your golden thread – should influence every design decision and should guide the interview process at all times. 

A useful way to avoid this mistake is by developing an interview guide before you begin interviewing your respondents. An interview guide is a document that contains all of your questions with notes on how each of the interview questions is linked to the research question(s) of your study. You can also include your research aims and objectives here for a more comprehensive linkage. 

You can easily create an interview guide by drawing up a table with one column containing your core interview questions . Then add another column with your research questions , another with expectations that you may have in light of the relevant literature and another with backup or follow-up questions . As mentioned, you can also bring in your research aims and objectives to help you connect them all together. If you’d like, you can download a copy of our free interview guide here .

Recap: Qualitative Interview Mistakes

In this post, we’ve discussed 5 common costly mistakes that are easy to make in the process of planning and conducting qualitative interviews.

To recap, these include:

If you have any questions about these interviewing mistakes, drop a comment below. Alternatively, if you’re interested in getting 1-on-1 help with your thesis or dissertation , check out our dissertation coaching service or book a free initial consultation with one of our friendly Grad Coaches.

research interview procedure

Psst… there’s more (for free)

This post is part of our dissertation mini-course, which covers everything you need to get started with your dissertation, thesis or research project. 

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  • UX & Market Research Interviews

Textbooks, Guidebooks, and Handbooks  

  • The Ethnographic Interview by James P. Spradley  “Spradley wrote this book for the professional and student who have never done ethnographic fieldwork (p. 231) and for the professional ethnographer who is interested in adapting the author’s procedures (p. iv). Part 1 outlines in 3 chapters Spradley’s version of ethnographic research, and it provides the background for Part 2 which consists of 12 guided steps (chapters) ranging from locating and interviewing an informant to writing an ethnography. Most of the examples come from the author’s own fieldwork among U.S. subcultures . . . Steps 6 and 8 explain lucidly how to construct a domain and a taxonomic analysis” (excerpted from book review by James D. Sexton, 1980).  
  • Fundamentals of Qualitative Research by Johnny Saldana (Series edited by Patricia Leavy)  Provides a soup-to-nuts overview of the qualitative data collection process, including interviewing, participant observation, and other methods.  
  • InterViews by Steinar Kvale  Interviewing is an essential tool in qualitative research and this introduction to interviewing outlines both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical aspects of the process. After examining the role of the interview in the research process, Steinar Kvale considers some of the key philosophical issues relating to interviewing: the interview as conversation, hermeneutics, phenomenology, concerns about ethics as well as validity, and postmodernism. Having established this framework, the author then analyzes the seven stages of the interview process - from designing a study to writing it up.  
  • Practical Evaluation by Michael Quinn Patton  Surveys different interviewing strategies, from, a) informal/conversational, to b) interview guide approach, to c) standardized and open-ended, to d) closed/quantitative. Also discusses strategies for wording questions that are open-ended, clear, sensitive, and neutral, while supporting the speaker. Provides suggestions for probing and maintaining control of the interview process, as well as suggestions for recording and transcription.  
  • The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research by Amir B. Marvasti (Editor); James A. Holstein (Editor); Jaber F. Gubrium (Editor); Karyn D. McKinney (Editor)  The new edition of this landmark volume emphasizes the dynamic, interactional, and reflexive dimensions of the research interview. Contributors highlight the myriad dimensions of complexity that are emerging as researchers increasingly frame the interview as a communicative opportunity as much as a data-gathering format. The book begins with the history and conceptual transformations of the interview, which is followed by chapters that discuss the main components of interview practice. Taken together, the contributions to The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research: The Complexity of the Craft encourage readers simultaneously to learn the frameworks and technologies of interviewing and to reflect on the epistemological foundations of the interview craft.  
  • The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods by Nigel G. Fielding, Raymond M. Lee and Grant Blank (Editors) Bringing together the leading names in both qualitative and quantitative online research, this new edition is organised into nine sections: 1. Online Research Methods 2. Designing Online Research 3. Online Data Capture and Data Collection 4. The Online Survey 5. Digital Quantitative Analysis 6. Digital Text Analysis 7. Virtual Ethnography 8. Online Secondary Analysis: Resources and Methods 9. The Future of Online Social Research


  • Interviews as a Method for Qualitative Research (video) This short video summarizes why interviews can serve as useful data in qualitative research.  
  • Companion website to Bloomberg and Volpe's  Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation: A Road Map from Beginning to End,  4th ed Provides helpful templates and appendices featured in the book, as well as links to other useful dissertation resources.
  • International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Annual conference hosted by the International Center for Qualitative Inquiry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which aims to facilitate the development of qualitative research methods across a wide variety of academic disciplines, among other initiatives.  
  • METHODSPACE ​​​​​​​​An online home of the research methods community, where practicing researchers share how to make research easier.  
  • SAGE researchmethods ​​​​​​​Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. A "methods map" facilitates finding content on methods.

The decision to conduct interviews, and the type of interviewing to use, should flow from, or align with, the methodological paradigm chosen for your study, whether that paradigm is interpretivist, critical, positivist, or participative in nature (or a combination of these).


  • Structured Interview. Entry in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methodsby Floyd J. Fowler Jr., Editors: Michael S. Lewis-Beck; Alan E. Bryman; Tim Futing Liao (Editor)  A concise article noting standards, procedures, and recommendations for developing and testing structured interviews. For an example of structured interview questions, you may view the Current Population Survey, May 2008: Public Participation in the Arts Supplement (ICPSR 29641), Apr 15, 2011 at https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR29641.v1 (To see the survey questions, preview the user guide, which can be found under the "Data and Documentation" tab. Then, look for page 177 (attachment 8).


  • Semi-Structured Interview. Entry in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methodsby Lioness Ayres; Editor: Lisa M. Given  The semi-structured interview is a qualitative data collection strategy in which the researcher asks informants a series of predetermined but open-ended questions. The researcher has more control over the topics of the interview than in unstructured interviews, but in contrast to structured interviews or questionnaires that use closed questions, there is no fixed range of responses to each question.


  • Unstructured Interview. Entry in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methodsby Michael W. Firmin; Editor: Lisa M. Given  Unstructured interviews in qualitative research involve asking relatively open-ended questions of research participants in order to discover their percepts on the topic of interest. Interviews, in general, are a foundational means of collecting data when using qualitative research methods. They are designed to draw from the interviewee constructs embedded in his or her thinking and rationale for decision making. The researcher uses an inductive method in data gathering, regardless of whether the interview method is open, structured, or semi-structured. That is, the researcher does not wish to superimpose his or her own viewpoints onto the person being interviewed. Rather, inductively, the researcher wishes to understand the participant's perceptions, helping him or her to articulate percepts such that they will be understood clearly by the journal reader.

Genres and Uses

Focus groups:.

  • "Focus Groups." Annual Review of Sociology 22 (1996): 129-1524.by David L. Morgan  Discusses the use of focus groups and group interviews as methods for gathering qualitative data used by sociologists and other academic and applied researchers. Focus groups are recommended for giving voice to marginalized groups and revealing the group effect on opinion formation.  
  • Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector's Field Guide (See Module 4: "Focus Groups")by Mack, N., et al.  This field guide is based on an approach to doing team-based, collaborative qualitative research that has repeatedly proven successful in research projects sponsored by Family Health International (FHI) throughout the developing world. With its straightforward delivery of information on the main qualitative methods being used in public health research today, the guide speaks to the need for simple yet effective instruction on how to do systematic and ethically sound qualitative research. The aim of the guide is thus practical. In bypassing extensive discussion on the theoretical underpinnings of qualitative research, it distinguishes itself as a how-to guide to be used in the field.

In-Depth (typically One-on-One):

  • A Practical Introduction to in-Depth Interviewingby Alan Morris  Are you new to qualitative research or a bit rusty and in need of some inspiration? Are you doing a research project involving in-depth interviews? Are you nervous about carrying out your interviews? This book will help you complete your qualitative research project by providing a nuts and bolts introduction to interviewing. With coverage of ethics, preparation strategies and advice for handling the unexpected in the field, this handy guide will help you get to grips with the basics of interviewing before embarking on your research. While recognising that your research question and the context of your research will drive your approach to interviewing, this book provides practical advice often skipped in traditional methods textbooks.  
  • Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector's Field Guide (See Module 3: "In-Depth Interviews")by Mack, N., et al.  This field guide is based on an approach to doing team-based, collaborative qualitative research that has repeatedly proven successful in research projects sponsored by Family Health International (FHI) throughout the developing world. With its straightforward delivery of information on the main qualitative methods being used in public health research today, the guide speaks to the need for simple yet effective instruction on how to do systematic and ethically sound qualitative research. The aim of the guide is thus practical. In bypassing extensive discussion on the theoretical underpinnings of qualitative research, it distinguishes itself as a how-to guide to be used in the field.

Folklore Research and Oral Histories:

In addition to the following resource, see the  Oral History   page of this guide for helpful resources on Oral History interviewing.

American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. Folklife and Fieldwork: A Layman’s Introduction to Field Techniques Interviews gathered for purposes of folklore research are similar to standard social science interviews in some ways, but also have a good deal in common with oral history approaches to interviewing. The focus in a folklore research interview is on documenting and trying to understand the interviewee's way of life relative to a culture or subculture you are studying. This guide includes helpful advice and tips for conducting fieldwork in folklore, such as tips for planning, conducting, recording, and archiving interviews.

An interdisciplinary scientific program within the Institute for Quantitative Social Science which encourages and facilitates research and instruction in the theory and practice of survey research. The primary mission of PSR is to provide survey research resources to enhance the quality of teaching and research at Harvard.

  • Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveysby Don A. Dillman; Jolene D. Smyth; Leah Melani Christian  The classic survey design reference, updated for the digital age. The new edition is thoroughly updated and revised, and covers all aspects of survey research. It features expanded coverage of mobile phones, tablets, and the use of do-it-yourself surveys, and Dillman's unique Tailored Design Method is also thoroughly explained. This new edition is complemented by copious examples within the text and accompanying website. It includes: Strategies and tactics for determining the needs of a given survey, how to design it, and how to effectively administer it. How and when to use mail, telephone, and Internet surveys to maximum advantage. Proven techniques to increase response rates. Guidance on how to obtain high-quality feedback from mail, electronic, and other self-administered surveys. Direction on how to construct effective questionnaires, including considerations of layout. The effects of sponsorship on the response rates of surveys. Use of capabilities provided by newly mass-used media: interactivity, presentation of aural and visual stimuli. The Fourth Edition reintroduces the telephone--including coordinating land and mobile.

User Experience (UX) and Marketing:

  • See the  "UX & Market Research Interviews"  tab on this guide, above. May include  Focus Groups,  above.

Screening for Research Site Selection:

  • Research interviews are used not only to furnish research data for theoretical analysis in the social sciences, but also to plan other kinds of studies. For example, interviews may allow researchers to screen appropriate research sites to conduct empirical studies (such as randomized controlled trials) in a variety of fields, from medicine to law. In contrast to interviews conducted in the course of social research, such interviews do not typically serve as the data for final analysis and publication.


Research ethics  .

  • Human Subjects (IRB) The Committee on the Use of Human Subjects (CUHS) serves as the Institutional Review Board for the University area which includes the Cambridge and Allston campuses at Harvard. Find your IRB  contact person , or learn about  required ethics training.  You may also find the  IRB Lifecycle Guide  helpful. This is the preferred IRB portal for Harvard graduate students and other researchers. IRB forms can be downloaded via the  ESTR Library  (click on the "Templates and Forms" tab, then navigate to pages 2 and 3 to find the documents labelled with “HUA” for the Harvard University Area IRB. Nota bene: You may use these forms only if you submit your study to the Harvard University IRB). The IRB office can be reached through email at [email protected] or by telephone at (617) 496-2847.  
  • Undergraduate Research Training Program (URTP) Portal The URTP at Harvard University is a comprehensive platform to create better prepared undergraduate researchers. The URTP is comprised of research ethics training sessions, a student-focused curriculum, and an online decision form that will assist students in determining whether their project requires IRB review. Students should examine the  URTP's guide for student researchers: Introduction to Human Subjects Research Protection.  
  • Ethics reports From the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)  
  • Respect, Beneficence, and Justice: QDR General Guidance for Human Participants If you are hoping to share your qualitative interview data in a repository after it has been collected, you will need to plan accordingly via informed consent, careful de-identification procedures, and data access controls. Consider  consulting with the Qualitative Research Support Group at Harvard Library  and consulting with  Harvard's Dataverse contacts  to help you think through all of the contingencies and processes.  
  • "Conducting a Qualitative Child Interview: Methodological Considerations." Journal of Advanced Nursing 42/5 (2003): 434-441 by Kortesluoma, R., et al.  The purpose of this article is to illustrate the theoretical premises of child interviewing, as well as to describe some practical methodological solutions used during interviews. Factors that influence data gathered from children and strategies for taking these factors into consideration during the interview are also described.  
  • "Crossing Cultural Barriers in Research Interviewing." Qualitative Social Work 63/3 (2007): 353-372 by Sands, R., et al.  This article critically examines a qualitative research interview in which cultural barriers between a white non-Muslim female interviewer and an African American Muslim interviewee, both from the USA, became evident and were overcome within the same interview.  
  • Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples by Linda Tuhiwai Smith  This essential volume explores intersections of imperialism and research - specifically, the ways in which imperialism is embedded in disciplines of knowledge and tradition as 'regimes of truth.' Concepts such as 'discovery' and 'claiming' are discussed and an argument presented that the decolonization of research methods will help to reclaim control over indigenous ways of knowing and being. The text includes case-studies and examples, and sections on new indigenous literature and the role of research in indigenous struggles for social justice.  

This resource, sponsored by University of Oregon Libraries, exemplifies the use of interviewing methodologies in research that foregrounds traditional knowledge. The methodology page summarizes the approach.

  • Ethics: The Need to Tread Carefully. Chapter in A Practical Introduction to in-Depth Interviewing by Alan Morris  Pay special attention to the sections in chapter 2 on "How to prevent and respond to ethical issues arising in the course of the interview," "Ethics in the writing up of your interviews," and "The Ethics of Care."  
  • Handbook on Ethical Issues in Anthropology by Joan Cassell (Editor); Sue-Ellen Jacobs (Editor)  This publication of the American Anthropological Association presents and discusses issues and sources on ethics in anthropology, as well as realistic case studies of ethical dilemmas. It is meant to help social science faculty introduce discussions of ethics in their courses. Some of the topics are relevant to interviews, or at least to studies of which interviews are a part. See chapters 3 and 4 for cases, with solutions and commentary, respectively.  
  • Research Ethics from the Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies, Trent University  (Open Access) An overview of Indigenous research ethics and protocols from the across the globe.  
  • Resources for Equity in Research Consult these resources for guidance on creating and incorporating equitable materials into public health research studies that entail community engagement.

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics by Ron Iphofen (Editor); Martin Tolich (Editor)  This handbook is a much-needed and in-depth review of the distinctive set of ethical considerations which accompanies qualitative research. This is particularly crucial given the emergent, dynamic and interactional nature of most qualitative research, which too often allows little time for reflection on the important ethical responsibilities and obligations. Contributions from leading international researchers have been carefully organized into six key thematic sections: Part One: Thick Descriptions Of Qualitative Research Ethics; Part Two: Qualitative Research Ethics By Technique; Part Three: Ethics As Politics; Part Four: Qualitative Research Ethics With Vulnerable Groups; Part Five: Relational Research Ethics; Part Six: Researching Digitally. This Handbook is a one-stop resource on qualitative research ethics across the social sciences that draws on the lessons learned and the successful methods for surmounting problems - the tried and true, and the new.


Research Compliance Program for FAS/SEAS at Harvard : The Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), including the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) have established a shared Research Compliance Program (RCP). An area of common concern for interview studies is international projects and collaboration . RCP is a resource to provide guidance on which international activities may be impacted by US sanctions on countries, individuals, or entities and whether licenses or other disclosure are required to ship or otherwise share items, technology, or data with foreign collaborators.

  • Harvard Global Support Services (GSS) is for students, faculty, staff, and researchers who are studying, researching, or working abroad. Their services span safety and security, health, culture, outbound immigration, employment, financial and legal matters, and research center operations. These include travel briefings and registration, emergency response, guidance on international projects, and managing in-country operations.

Generative AI: Harvard-affiliated researchers should not enter data classified as confidential ( Level 2 and above ), including non-public research data, into publicly-available generative AI tools, in accordance with the University’s Information Security Policy. Information shared with generative AI tools using default settings is not private and could expose proprietary or sensitive information to unauthorized parties.

Privacy Laws: Be mindful of any potential privacy laws that may apply wherever you conduct your interviews. The General Data Protection Regulation is a high-profile example (see below):

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) This Regulation lays down rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data. It protects fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their right to the protection of personal data. The free movement of personal data within the Union shall be neither restricted nor prohibited for reasons connected with the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. For a nice summary of what the GDPR requires, check out the GDPR "crash course" here .


If you would like to see examples of consent forms, ask your local IRB, or take a look at these resources:

  • Model consent forms for oral history, suggested by the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University  
  • For NIH-funded research, see this  resource for developing informed consent language in research studies where data and/or biospecimens will be stored and shared for future use.


If you wish to assemble resources to aid in sampling, such as the USPS Delivery Sequence File, telephone books, or directories of organizations and listservs, please contact our  data librarian  or write to  [email protected] .

  • Research Randomizer   A free web-based service that permits instant random sampling and random assignment. It also contains an interactive tutorial perfect for students taking courses in research methods.  
  • Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples by Richard Valliant; Jill A. Dever; Frauke Kreuter  Survey sampling is fundamentally an applied field. The goal in this book is to put an array of tools at the fingertips of practitioners by explaining approaches long used by survey statisticians, illustrating how existing software can be used to solve survey problems, and developing some specialized software where needed. This book serves at least three audiences: (1) Students seeking a more in-depth understanding of applied sampling either through a second semester-long course or by way of a supplementary reference; (2) Survey statisticians searching for practical guidance on how to apply concepts learned in theoretical or applied sampling courses; and (3) Social scientists and other survey practitioners who desire insight into the statistical thinking and steps taken to design, select, and weight random survey samples. Several survey data sets are used to illustrate how to design samples, to make estimates from complex surveys for use in optimizing the sample allocation, and to calculate weights. Realistic survey projects are used to demonstrate the challenges and provide a context for the solutions. The book covers several topics that either are not included or are dealt with in a limited way in other texts. These areas include: sample size computations for multistage designs; power calculations related to surveys; mathematical programming for sample allocation in a multi-criteria optimization setting; nuts and bolts of area probability sampling; multiphase designs; quality control of survey operations; and statistical software for survey sampling and estimation. An associated R package, PracTools, contains a number of specialized functions for sample size and other calculations. The data sets used in the book are also available in PracTools, so that the reader may replicate the examples or perform further analyses.  
  • Sampling: Design and Analysis by Sharon L. Lohr  Provides a modern introduction to the field of sampling. With a multitude of applications from a variety of disciplines, the book concentrates on the statistical aspects of taking and analyzing a sample. Overall, the book gives guidance on how to tell when a sample is valid or not, and how to design and analyze many different forms of sample surveys.  
  • Sampling Techniques by William G. Cochran  Clearly demonstrates a wide range of sampling methods now in use by governments, in business, market and operations research, social science, medicine, public health, agriculture, and accounting. Gives proofs of all the theoretical results used in modern sampling practice. New topics in this edition include the approximate methods developed for the problem of attaching standard errors or confidence limits to nonlinear estimates made from the results of surveys with complex plans.  
  • "Understanding the Process of Qualitative Data Collection" in Chapter 13 (pp. 103–1162) of 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher by John W. Creswell  Provides practical "how-to" information for beginning researchers in the social, behavioral, and health sciences with many applied examples from research design, qualitative inquiry, and mixed methods.The skills presented in this book are crucial for a new qualitative researcher starting a qualitative project.  
  • Survey Methodology by Robert M. Groves; Floyd J. Fowler; Mick P. Couper; James M. Lepkowski; Eleanor Singer; Roger Tourangeau; Floyd J. Fowler  coverage includes sampling frame evaluation, sample design, development of questionnaires, evaluation of questions, alternative modes of data collection, interviewing, nonresponse, post-collection processing of survey data, and practices for maintaining scientific integrity.

The way a qualitative researcher constructs and approaches interview questions should flow from, or align with, the methodological paradigm chosen for the study, whether that paradigm is interpretivist, critical, positivist, or participative in nature (or a combination of these).

Constructing Your Questions

Helpful texts:.

  • "Developing Questions" in Chapter 4 (pp. 98–108) of Becoming Qualitative Researchers by Corrine Glesne  Ideal for introducing the novice researcher to the theory and practice of qualitative research, this text opens students to the diverse possibilities within this inquiry approach, while helping them understand how to design and implement specific research methods.  
  • "Learning to Interview in the Social Sciences" Qualitative Inquiry, 9(4) 2003, 643–668 by Roulston, K., deMarrais, K., & Lewis, J. B. See especially the section on "Phrasing and Negotiating Questions" on pages 653-655 and common problems with framing questions noted on pages 659 - 660.  
  • Qualitative Research Interviewing: Biographic Narrative and Semi-Structured Methods (See sections on “Lightly and Heavily Structured Depth Interviewing: Theory-Questions and Interviewer-Questions” and “Preparing for any Interviewing Sequence") by Tom Wengraf  Unique in its conceptual coherence and the level of practical detail, this book provides a comprehensive resource for those concerned with the practice of semi-structured interviewing, the most commonly used interview approach in social research, and in particular for in-depth, biographic narrative interviewing. It covers the full range of practices from the identification of topics through to strategies for writing up research findings in diverse ways.  
  • "Scripting a Qualitative Purpose Statement and Research Questions" in Chapter 12 (pp. 93–102) of 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher by John W. Creswell  Provides practical "how-to" information for beginning researchers in the social, behavioral, and health sciences with many applied examples from research design, qualitative inquiry, and mixed methods.The skills presented in this book are crucial for a new qualitative researcher starting a qualitative project.  
  • Some Strategies for Developing Interview Guides for Qualitative Interviews by Sociology Department, Harvard University Includes general advice for conducting qualitative interviews, pros and cons of recording and transcription, guidelines for success, and tips for developing and phrasing effective interview questions.  
  • Tip Sheet on Question Wording by Harvard University Program on Survey Research

Let Theory Guide You:

The quality of your questions depends on how you situate them within a wider body of knowledge. Consider the following advice:

A good literature review has many obvious virtues. It enables the investigator to define problems and assess data. It provides the concepts on which percepts depend. But the literature review has a special importance for the qualitative researcher. This consists of its ability to sharpen his or her capacity for surprise (Lazarsfeld, 1972b). The investigator who is well versed in the literature now has a set of expectations the data can defy. Counterexpectational data are conspicuous, readable, and highly provocative data. They signal the existence of unfulfilled theoretical assumptions, and these are, as Kuhn (1962) has noted, the very origins of intellectual innovation. A thorough review of the literature is, to this extent, a way to manufacture distance. It is a way to let the data of one's research project take issue with the theory of one's field.

McCracken, G. (1988), The Long Interview, Sage: Newbury Park, CA, p. 31

When drafting your interview questions, remember that everything follows from your central research question. Also, on the way to writing your "operationalized" interview questions, it's  helpful to draft broader, intermediate questions, couched in theory. Nota bene:  While it is important to know the literature well before conducting your interview(s), be careful not to present yourself to your research participant(s) as "the expert," which would be presumptuous and could be intimidating. Rather, the purpose of your knowledge is to make you a better, keener listener.

If you'd like to supplement what you learned about relevant theories through your coursework and literature review, try these sources:

  • Annual Reviews   Review articles sum up the latest research in many fields, including social sciences, biomedicine, life sciences, and physical sciences. These are timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists.  
  • HOLLIS - search for resources on theories in your field   Modify this example search by entering the name of your field in place of "your discipline," then hit search.  
  • Oxford Bibliographies   Written and reviewed by academic experts, every article in this database is an authoritative guide to the current scholarship in a variety of fields, containing original commentary and annotations.  
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT)   Indexes dissertations and masters' theses from most North American graduate schools as well as some European universities. Provides full text for most indexed dissertations from 1990-present.  
  • Very Short Introductions   Launched by Oxford University Press in 1995, Very Short Introductions offer concise introductions to a diverse range of subjects from Climate to Consciousness, Game Theory to Ancient Warfare, Privacy to Islamic History, Economics to Literary Theory.


Equipment and software:  .

  • Lamont Library  loans microphones and podcast starter kits, which will allow you to capture audio (and you may record with software, such as Garage Band). 
  • Cabot Library  loans digital recording devices, as well as USB microphones.

If you prefer to use your own device, you may purchase a small handheld audio recorder, or use your cell phone.

  • Audio Capture Basics (PDF)  - Helpful instructions, courtesy of the Lamont Library Multimedia Lab.
  • Getting Started with Podcasting/Audio:  Guidelines from Harvard Library's Virtual Media Lab for preparing your interviewee for a web-based recording (e.g., podcast, interview)
  • ​ Camtasia Screen Recorder and Video Editor
  • Zoom: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing
  • Visit the Multimedia Production Resources guide! Consult it to find and learn how to use audiovisual production tools, including: cameras, microphones, studio spaces, and other equipment at Cabot Science Library and Lamont Library.
  • Try the virtual office hours offered by the Lamont Multimedia Lab!


Quick handout:  .

  • Research Interviewing Tips (Courtesy of Dr. Suzanne Spreadbury)

Remote Interviews:  

  • For Online or Distant Interviews, See "Remote Research & Virtual Fieldwork" on this guide .  
  • Deborah Lupton's Bibliography: Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic

Seeking Consent:

Books and articles:  .

  • "App-Based Textual Interviews: Interacting With Younger Generations in a Digitalized Social Reallity."International Journal of Social Research Methodology (12 June 2022). Discusses the use of texting platforms as a means to reach young people. Recommends useful question formulations for this medium.  
  • "Learning to Interview in the Social Sciences." Qualitative Inquiry, 9(4) 2003, 643–668 by Roulston, K., deMarrais, K., & Lewis, J. B. See especially the section on "Phrasing and Negotiating Questions" on pages 653-655 and common problems with framing questions noted on pages 659-660.  
  • "Slowing Down and Digging Deep: Teaching Students to Examine Interview Interaction in Depth." LEARNing Landscapes, Spring 2021 14(1) 153-169 by Herron, Brigette A. and Kathryn Roulston. Suggests analysis of videorecorded interviews as a precursor to formulating one's own questions. Includes helpful types of probes.  
  • Using Interviews in a Research Project by Nigel Joseph Mathers; Nicholas J Fox; Amanda Hunn; Trent Focus Group.  A work pack to guide researchers in developing interviews in the healthcare field. Describes interview structures, compares face-to-face and telephone interviews. Outlines the ways in which different types of interview data can be analysed.  
  • “Working through Challenges in Doing Interview Research.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods, (December 2011), 348–66 by Roulston, Kathryn.  The article explores (1) how problematic interactions identified in the analysis of focus group data can lead to modifications in research design, (2) an approach to dealing with reported data in representations of findings, and (3) how data analysis can inform question formulation in successive rounds of data generation. Findings from these types of examinations of interview data generation and analysis are valuable for informing both interview practice as well as research design.


video still image

The way a qualitative researcher transcribes interviews should flow from, or align with, the methodological paradigm chosen for the study, whether that paradigm is interpretivist, critical, positivist, or participative in nature (or a combination of these).


Before embarking on a transcription project, it's worthwhile to invest in the time and effort necessary to capture good audio, which will make the transcription process much easier. If you haven't already done so, check out the  audio capture guidelines from Harvard Library's Virtual Media Lab , or  contact a media staff member  for customized recommendations. First and foremost, be mindful of common pitfalls by watching this short video that identifies  the most common errors to avoid!


  • Adobe Premiere Pro Speech-To-Text  automatically generates transcripts and adds captions to your videos. Harvard affiliates can download Adobe Premiere in the Creative Cloud Suite.  
  • GoTranscript  provides cost-effective human-generated transcriptions.  
  • pyTranscriber  is an app for generating automatic transcription and/or subtitles for audio and video files. It uses the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text service, has a friendly graphical user interface, and is purported to work nicely with Chinese.   
  • Otter  provides a new way to capture, store, search and share voice conversations, lectures, presentations, meetings, and interviews. The startup is based in Silicon Valley with a team of experienced Ph.Ds and engineers from Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Nuance (à la Dragon). Free accounts available. This is the software that  Zoom  uses to generate automated transcripts, so if you have access to a Zoom subscription, you have access to Otter transcriptions with it (applicable in several  languages ). As with any automated approach, be prepared to correct any errors after the fact, by hand.  
  • Panopto  is available to Harvard affiliates and generates  ASR (automated speech recognition) captions . You may upload compatible audio files into it. As with any automatically generated transcription, you will need to make manual revisions. ASR captioning is available in several  languages . Panopto maintains robust security practices, including strong authentication measures and end-to-end encryption, ensuring your content remains private and protected.  
  • REV.Com  allows you to record and transcribe any calls on the iPhone, both outgoing and incoming. It may be useful for recording phone interviews. Rev lets you choose whether you want an AI- or human-generated transcription, with a fast turnaround. Rev has Service Organization Controls Type II (SOC2) certification (a SOC2 cert looks at and verifies an organization’s processing integrity, privacy practices, and security safeguards).   
  • Scribie Audio/Video Transcription  provides automated or manual transcriptions for a small fee. As with any transcription service, some revisions will be necessary after the fact, particularly for its automated transcripts.  
  • Sonix  automatically transcribes, translates, and helps to organize audio and video files in over 40 languages. It's fast and affordable, with good accuracy. The free trial includes 30 minutes of free transcription.  
  • TranscriptionWing  uses a human touch process to clean up machine-generated transcripts so that the content will far more accurately reflect your audio recording.   
  • Whisper is a tool from OpenAI that facilitates transcription of sensitive audiovisual recordings (e.g., of research interviews) on your own device. Installation and use depends on your operating system and which version you install. Important Note: The Whisper API, where audio is sent to OpenAI to be processed by them and then sent back (usually through a programming language like Python) is NOT appropriate for sensitive data. The model should be downloaded with tools such as those described in this FAQ , so that audio is kept to your local machine. For assistance, contact James Capobianco .


  • Transcription pedals  are in circulation and available to borrow from the Circulation desk at Lamont, or use at Lamont Library's Media Lab on level B. For hand-transcribing your interviews, they work in conjunction with software such as  Express Scribe , which is loaded on Media Lab computers, or you may download for free on your own machine (Mac or PC versions; scroll down the downloads page for the latter). The pedals are plug-and-play USB, allow a wide range of playback speeds, and have 3 programmable buttons, which are typically set to rewind/play/fast-forward. Instructions are included in the bag that covers installation and set-up of the software, and basic use of the pedals.


  • Try the virtual office hours offered by the Lamont Multimedia Lab!    
  • If you're creating podcasts, login to  Canvas  and check out the  Podcasting/Audio guide . 

Helpful Texts:  

  • "Transcription as a Crucial Step of Data Analysis" in Chapter 5 of The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysisby Uwe Flick (Editor)  Covers basic terminology for transcription, shares caveats for transcribers, and identifies components of vocal behavior. Provides notation systems for transcription, suggestions for transcribing turn-taking, and discusses new technologies and perspectives. Includes a bibliography for further reading.  
  • "Transcribing the Oral Interview: Part Art, Part Science " on p. 10 of the Centre for Community Knowledge (CCK) newsletter: TIMESTAMPby Mishika Chauhan and Saransh Srivastav


Software  .

  • Free download available for Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) affiliates
  • Desktop access at Lamont Library Media Lab, 3rd floor
  • Desktop access at Harvard Kennedy School Library (with HKS ID)
  • Remote desktop access for Harvard affiliates from  IQSS Computer Labs . Email them at  [email protected] and ask for a new lab account and remote desktop access to NVivo.
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) access available to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health affiliates


Data analysis methods should flow from, or align with, the methodological paradigm chosen for your study, whether that paradigm is interpretivist, critical, positivist, or participative in nature (or a combination of these). Some established methods include Content Analysis, Critical Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Gestalt Analysis, Grounded Theory Analysis, Interpretive Analysis, Narrative Analysis, Normative Analysis, Phenomenological Analysis, Rhetorical Analysis, and Semiotic Analysis, among others. The following resources should help you navigate your methodological options and put into practice methods for coding, themeing, interpreting, and presenting your data.

  • Users can browse content by topic, discipline, or format type (reference works, book chapters, definitions, etc.). SRM offers several research tools as well: a methods map, user-created reading lists, a project planner, and advice on choosing statistical tests.  
  • Abductive Coding: Theory Building and Qualitative (Re)Analysis by Vila-Henninger, et al.  The authors recommend an abductive approach to guide qualitative researchers who are oriented towards theory-building. They outline a set of tactics for abductive analysis, including the generation of an abductive codebook, abductive data reduction through code equations, and in-depth abductive qualitative analysis.  
  • Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research: After the Interview by Charles F. Vanover, Paul A. Mihas, and Johnny Saldana (Editors)   Providing insight into the wide range of approaches available to the qualitative researcher and covering all steps in the research process, the authors utilize a consistent chapter structure that provides novice and seasoned researchers with pragmatic, "how-to" strategies. Each chapter author introduces the method, uses one of their own research projects as a case study of the method described, shows how the specific analytic method can be used in other types of studies, and concludes with three questions/activities to prompt class discussion or personal study.   
  • "Analyzing Qualitative Data." Theory Into Practice 39, no. 3 (2000): 146-54 by Margaret D. LeCompte   This article walks readers though rules for unbiased data analysis and provides guidance for getting organized, finding items, creating stable sets of items, creating patterns, assembling structures, and conducting data validity checks.  
  • "Coding is Not a Dirty Word" in Chapter 1 (pp. 1–30) of Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology by Shalin Hai-Jew (Editor)   Current discourses in qualitative research, especially those situated in postmodernism, represent coding and the technology that assists with coding as reductive, lacking complexity, and detached from theory. In this chapter, the author presents a counter-narrative to this dominant discourse in qualitative research. The author argues that coding is not necessarily devoid of theory, nor does the use of software for data management and analysis automatically render scholarship theoretically lightweight or barren. A lack of deep analytical insight is a consequence not of software but of epistemology. Using examples informed by interpretive and critical approaches, the author demonstrates how NVivo can provide an effective tool for data management and analysis. The author also highlights ideas for critical and deconstructive approaches in qualitative inquiry while using NVivo. By troubling the positivist discourse of coding, the author seeks to create dialogic spaces that integrate theory with technology-driven data management and analysis, while maintaining the depth and rigor of qualitative research.   
  • The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers by Johnny Saldana   An in-depth guide to the multiple approaches available for coding qualitative data. Clear, practical and authoritative, the book profiles 32 coding methods that can be applied to a range of research genres from grounded theory to phenomenology to narrative inquiry. For each approach, Saldaña discusses the methods, origins, a description of the method, practical applications, and a clearly illustrated example with analytic follow-up. Essential reading across the social sciences.  
  • Flexible Coding of In-depth Interviews: A Twenty-first-century Approach by Nicole M. Deterding and Mary C. Waters The authors suggest steps in data organization and analysis to better utilize qualitative data analysis technologies and support rigorous, transparent, and flexible analysis of in-depth interview data.  
  • From the Editors: What Grounded Theory is Not by Roy Suddaby Walks readers through common misconceptions that hinder grounded theory studies, reinforcing the two key concepts of the grounded theory approach: (1) constant comparison of data gathered throughout the data collection process and (2) the determination of which kinds of data to sample in succession based on emergent themes (i.e., "theoretical sampling").  
  • “Good enough” methods for life-story analysis, by Wendy Luttrell. In Quinn N. (Ed.), Finding culture in talk (pp. 243–268). Demonstrates for researchers of culture and consciousness who use narrative how to concretely document reflexive processes in terms of where, how and why particular decisions are made at particular stages of the research process.   
  • Presentation slides on coding and themeing your data, derived from Saldana, Spradley, and LeCompte Click to request access.  
  • Qualitative Data Analysis by Matthew B. Miles; A. Michael Huberman   A practical sourcebook for researchers who make use of qualitative data, presenting the current state of the craft in the design, testing, and use of qualitative analysis methods. Strong emphasis is placed on data displays matrices and networks that go beyond ordinary narrative text. Each method of data display and analysis is described and illustrated.  
  • "A Survey of Qualitative Data Analytic Methods" in Chapter 4 (pp. 89–138) of Fundamentals of Qualitative Research by Johnny Saldana   Provides an in-depth introduction to coding as a heuristic, particularly focusing on process coding, in vivo coding, descriptive coding, values coding, dramaturgical coding, and versus coding. Includes advice on writing analytic memos, developing categories, and themeing data.   
  • "Thematic Networks: An Analytic Tool for Qualitative Research." Qualitative Research : QR, 1(3), 385–405 by Jennifer Attride-Stirling Details a technique for conducting thematic analysis of qualitative material, presenting a step-by-step guide of the analytic process, with the aid of an empirical example. The analytic method presented employs established, well-known techniques; the article proposes that thematic analyses can be usefully aided by and presented as thematic networks.  
  • Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clark Walks readers through the process of reflexive thematic analysis, step by step. The method may be adapted in fields outside of psychology as relevant. Pair this with One Size Fits All? What Counts as Quality Practice in Reflexive Thematic Analysis? by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clark


The quality of your data analysis depends on how you situate what you learn within a wider body of knowledge. Consider the following advice:

Once you have coalesced around a theory, realize that a theory should  reveal  rather than  color  your discoveries. Allow your data to guide you to what's most suitable. Grounded theory  researchers may develop their own theory where current theories fail to provide insight.  This guide on Theoretical Models  from Alfaisal University Library provides a helpful overview on using theory.


Managing your elicited interview data, general guidance:  .

  • Research Data Management @ Harvard A reference guide with information and resources to help you manage your research data. See also: Harvard Research Data Security Policy , on the Harvard University Research Data Management website.  
  • Data Management For Researchers: Organize, Maintain and Share Your Data for Research Success by Kristin Briney. A comprehensive guide for scientific researchers providing everything they need to know about data management and how to organize, document, use and reuse their data.  
  • Open Science Framework (OSF) An open-source project management tool that makes it easy to collaborate within and beyond Harvard throughout a project's lifecycle. With OSF you can manage, store, and share documents, datasets, and other information with your research team. You can also publish your work to share it with a wider audience. Although data can be stored privately, because this platform is hosted on the Internet and designed with open access in mind, it is not a good choice for highly sensitive data.  
  • Free cloud storage solutions for Harvard affiliates to consider include:  Google Drive ,  DropBox , or  OneDrive ( up to DSL3 )  

Data Confidentiality and Secure Handling:  

  • Data Security Levels at Harvard - Research Data Examples This resource provided by Harvard Data Security helps you determine what level of access is appropriate for your data. Determine whether it should be made available for public use, limited to the Harvard community, or be protected as either "confidential and sensitive," "high risk," or "extremely sensitive." See also:  Harvard Data Classification Table  
  • Harvard's Best Practices for Protecting Privacy and  Harvard Information Security Collaboration Tools Matrix Follow the nuts-and-bolts advice for privacy best practices at Harvard. The latter resource reveals the level of security that can be relied upon for a large number of technological tools and platforms used at Harvard to conduct business, such as email, Slack, Accellion Kiteworks, OneDrive/SharePoint, etc.  
  • “Protecting Participant Privacy While Maintaining Content and Context: Challenges in Qualitative Data De‐identification and Sharing.” Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting 57 (1) (2020): e415-420 by Myers, Long, and Polasek Presents an informed and tested protocol, based on the De-Identification guidelines published by the Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) at Syracuse University. Qualitative researchers may consult it to guide their data de-identification efforts.  
  • QDS Qualitative Data Sharing Toolkit The Qualitative Data Sharing (QDS) project and its toolkit was funded by the NIH National Human Genome Research Institute (R01HG009351). It provides tools and resources to help researchers, especially those in the health sciences, share qualitative research data while protecting privacy and confidentiality. It offers guidance on preparing data for sharing through de-identification and access control. These health sciences research datasets in ICPSR's Qualitative Data Sharing (QDS) Project Series were de-identified using the QuaDS Software and the project’s QDS guidelines.  
  • Table of De-Identification Techniques  
  • Generative AI Harvard-affiliated researchers should not enter data classified as confidential ( Level 2 and above ), including non-public research data, into publicly-available generative AI tools, in accordance with the University’s Information Security Policy. Information shared with generative AI tools using default settings is not private and could expose proprietary or sensitive information to unauthorized parties.  
  • Harvard Information Security Quick Reference Guide Storage guidelines, based on the data's security classification level (according to its IRB classification) is displayed on page 2, under "handling."  
  • Email Encryption Harvard Microsoft 365 users can now send encrypted messages and files directly from the Outlook web or desktop apps. Encrypting an email adds an extra layer of security to the message and its attachments (up to 150MB), and means only the intended recipient (and their inbox delegates with full access) can view it. Message encryption in Outlook is approved for sending high risk ( level 4 ) data and below.  

Sharing Qualitative Data:  

  • Repositories for Qualitative Data If you have cleared this intention with your IRB, secured consent from participants, and properly de-identified your data, consider sharing your interviews in one of the data repositories included in the link above. Depending on the nature of your research and the level of risk it may present to participants, sharing your interview data may not be appropriate. If there is any chance that sharing such data will be desirable, you will be much better off if you build this expectation into your plans from the beginning.  
  • Guide for Sharing Qualitative Data at ICPSR The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) has created this resource for investigators planning to share qualitative data at ICPSR. This guide provides an overview of elements and considerations for archiving qualitative data, identifies steps for investigators to follow during the research life cycle to ensure that others can share and reuse qualitative data, and provides information about exemplars of qualitative data  

International Projects:

  • Research Compliance Program for FAS/SEAS at Harvard The Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), including the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) have established a shared Research Compliance Program (RCP). An area of common concern for interview studies is international projects and collaboration . RCP is a resource to provide guidance on which international activities may be impacted by US sanctions on countries, individuals, or entities and whether licenses or other disclosure are required to ship or otherwise share items, technology, or data with foreign collaborators.

Finding Extant Interview Data

Finding journalistic interviews:  .

  • Academic Search Premier This all-purpose database is great for finding articles from magazines and newspapers. In the Advanced Search, it allows you to specify "Document Type":  Interview.  
  • Guide to Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes Use this guide created to Harvard Librarians to identify newspapers collections you'd like to search. To locate interviews, try adding the term  "interview"  to your search, or explore a database's search interface for options to  limit your search to interviews.  Nexis Uni  and  Factiva  are the two main databases for current news.   
  • Listen Notes Search for podcast episodes at this podcast aggregator, and look for podcasts that include interviews. Make sure to vet the podcaster for accuracy and quality! (Listen Notes does not do much vetting.)  
  • NPR  and  ProPublica  are two sites that offer high-quality long-form reporting, including journalistic interviews, for free.

Finding Oral History and Social Research Interviews:  

  • To find oral histories, see the Oral History   page of this guide for helpful resources on Oral History interviewing.  
  • Repositories for Qualitative Data It has not been a customary practice among qualitative researchers in the social sciences to share raw interview data, but some have made this data available in repositories, such as the ones listed on the page linked above. You may find published data from structured interview surveys (e.g., questionnaire-based computer-assisted telephone interview data), as well as some semi-structured and unstructured interviews.  
  • If you are merely interested in studies interpreting data collected using interviews, rather than finding raw interview data, try databases like  PsycInfo ,  Sociological Abstracts , or  Anthropology Plus , among others. 

Finding Interviews in Archival Collections at Harvard Library:

In addition to the databases and search strategies mentioned under the  "Finding Oral History and Social Research Interviews" category above,  you may search for interviews and oral histories (whether in textual or audiovisual formats) held in archival collections at Harvard Library.

  • HOLLIS searches all documented collections at Harvard, whereas HOLLIS for Archival Discovery searches only those with finding aids. Although HOLLIS for Archival Discovery covers less material, you may find it easier to parse your search results, especially when you wish to view results at the item level (within collections). Try these approaches:

Search in  HOLLIS :  

  • To retrieve items available online, do an Advanced Search for  interview* OR "oral histor*" (in Subject), with Resource Type "Archives/Manuscripts," then refine your search by selecting "Online" under "Show Only" on the right of your initial result list.  Revise the search above by adding your topic in the Keywords or Subject field (for example:  African Americans ) and resubmitting the search.  
  •  To enlarge your results set, you may also leave out the "Online" refinement; if you'd like to limit your search to a specific repository, try the technique of searching for  Code: Library + Collection on the "Advanced Search" page .   

Search in  HOLLIS for Archival Discovery :  

  • To retrieve items available online, search for   interview* OR "oral histor*" limited to digital materials . Revise the search above by adding your topic (for example:  artist* ) in the second search box (if you don't see the box, click +).  
  • To preview results by collection, search for  interview* OR "oral histor*" limited to collections . Revise the search above by adding your topic (for example:  artist* ) in the second search box (if you don't see the box, click +). Although this method does not allow you to isolate digitized content, you may find the refinement options on the right side of the screen (refine by repository, subject or names) helpful.  Once your select a given collection, you may search within it  (e.g., for your topic or the term interview).


Ux at harvard library  .

  • User Experience and Market Research interviews can inform the design of tangible products and services through responsive, outcome-driven insights. The  User Research Center  at Harvard Library specializes in this kind of user-centered design, digital accessibility, and testing. They also offer guidance and  resources  to members of the Harvard Community who are interested in learning more about UX methods. Contact [email protected] or consult the URC website for more information.


  • User Interviews: The Beginner’s Guide (Chris Mears)  
  • Interviewing Users (Jakob Nielsen)


  • Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights by Steve Portigal; Grant McCracken (Foreword by)  Interviewing is a foundational user research tool that people assume they already possess. Everyone can ask questions, right? Unfortunately, that's not the case. Interviewing Users provides invaluable interviewing techniques and tools that enable you to conduct informative interviews with anyone. You'll move from simply gathering data to uncovering powerful insights about people.  
  • Rapid Contextual Design by Jessamyn Wendell; Karen Holtzblatt; Shelley Wood  This handbook introduces Rapid CD, a fast-paced, adaptive form of Contextual Design. Rapid CD is a hands-on guide for anyone who needs practical guidance on how to use the Contextual Design process and adapt it to tactical projects with tight timelines and resources. Rapid Contextual Design provides detailed suggestions on structuring the project and customer interviews, conducting interviews, and running interpretation sessions. The handbook walks you step-by-step through organizing the data so you can see your key issues, along with visioning new solutions, storyboarding to work out the details, and paper prototype interviewing to iterate the design all with as little as a two-person team with only a few weeks to spare *Includes real project examples with actual customer data that illustrate how a CD project actually works.



Instructional Presentations on Interview Skills  

  • Interview/Oral History Research for RSRA 298B: Master's Thesis Reading and Research (Spring 2023) Slideshow covers: Why Interviews?, Getting Context, Engaging Participants, Conducting the Interview, The Interview Guide, Note Taking, Transcription, File management, and Data Analysis.  
  • Interview Skills From an online class on February 13, 2023:  Get set up for interview research. You will leave prepared to choose among the three types of interviewing methods, equipped to develop an interview schedule, aware of data management options and their ethical implications, and knowledgeable of technologies you can use to record and transcribe your interviews. This workshop complements Intro to NVivo, a qualitative data analysis tool useful for coding interview data.

NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy (DMSP) This policy, effective January 25, 2023, applies to all research, funded or conducted in whole or in part by NIH, that results in the generation of  scientific data , including NIH-funded qualitative research. Click here to see some examples of how the DMSP policy has been applied in qualitative research studies featured in the 2021 Qualitative Data Management Plan (DMP) Competition . As a resource for the community, NIH has developed a resource for developing informed consent language in research studies where data and/or biospecimens will be stored and shared for future use. It is important to note that the DMS Policy does NOT require that informed consent obtained from research participants must allow for broad sharing and the future use of data (either with or without identifiable private information). See the FAQ for more information.

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How to Conduct Interviews in Qualitative Research: Interview Guidelines for Qualitative Research

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Qualitative research interviews are depth interviews. They elicit detailed feedback from your leads and customers. Unstructured interviews reveal why people react in a certain way or make certain decisions. According to The Hartford , qualitative research provides an anecdotal look into your business. That provides an important form of data.

Why Your Business Should Use a Qualitative Interview Process

Qualitative research helps business owners:

  • Identify customer needs
  • Clarify marketing messages
  • Generate ideas for improvements of a product
  • Decide to extend a line or brand
  • Gain perspective on how a product fits into a customer’s lifestyle

How Is Conducting Qualitative Research & Quantitative Research Different?

Quantitative research concerns measurable quantities and numbers. It involves close-ended questions. Answer possibilities include yes or no, true or false, or various set choices. Qualitative research is descriptive and concerned with understanding behavior. It invites people to tell their stories in their own words.

Examples of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research helps researchers understand the social reality of individuals, groups and cultures. Qualitative research for businesses involves understanding consumer behavior. It can involve ethnographic techniques, including participant observation and field research. It also includes phenomenology, understanding life experiences using written or recorded narratives. Qualitative research also includes in-depth interviews.

What Is a Qualitative Interview?

A qualitative interview is a more personal form of research compared to questionnaires. The interviewer can probe or ask follow-up research questions of the interview participant. In some cases, subjects may start to interview the interviewer. This fosters deep discussion of the interview topic.

Why Are Interview Techniques in Qualitative Research Effective?

Qualitative research interviews help you explain, understand and explore opinions, behavior and experiences. Qualitative research can provide insights into a phenomenon. Qualitative research discoveries can be further researched and analyzed to influence business decisions.

How Are Interviews in Qualitative Research Formatted?

Qualitative research interviews may take place one-on-one or in focus groups. Learn how to run a successful focus group . Interviews span around 30 to 90 minutes. The interview can take place in person, over the phone or through video chat. The interviewer collects information about opinions, behavior, attitudes, feelings, preferences and knowledge.

How to Conduct Interviews in Qualitative Research

1. determine your goal., 2. target people to interview., 3. design interview questions., 4. prep the interview., 5. conduct the interview., 6. transcribe and analyze the interview., 7. optimize and evolve your interview guide., the first step in qualitative research: determine your goal.

Determine what you want to study:

  • A current or potential product, service or brand positioning
  • Strengths and weaknesses in products
  • Purchasing decisions
  • Reactions to advertising or marketing campaigns
  • Usability of a website or other interactive services
  • Perceptions about the company, brand or product
  • Reactions to packaging and design

How Can You Decide a Goal for a Qualitative Interview?

Have your business team ask the following questions: 

  • What information do you want to get?
  • Why do you want to pursue in-depth information about this research topic?
  • Why is a qualitative interview process the best solution for this research?
  • How will you use qualitative data to improve your business? 

How to Determine the Right Interview Participants

When looking for people to talk to for a qualitative interview, consider your goal. If you want to expand a product line, interview existing customers about their needs. If you’re researching marketing, ask new customers how they found your business. Match interview subjects with the goal of the interview.

How to Design Interview Questions for Qualitative Research

When you’re creating an interview guide, it’s a good idea to: 

  • Plan structured interviews with open ended questions.
  • Avoid leading questions.
  • Create interview questions that are clear and easy to understand.
  • Make research questions focused but flexible.
  • Design questions that align with data collection and data analysis goals.

Tips for Preparing a Qualitative Research Interview

Preparation improves interview effectiveness. Tips to prepare include:

  • Create an interview guide. The guide should include questions, question intent and answer-based paths to take.
  • Choose a setting where the subject feels comfortable.
  • Build rapport with interview participants.
  • Have a reliable way to record the interview.
  • Rehearse the interview first.

Environmental Concerns for Qualitative Interviews

The setting of a qualitative interview also affects the quality of the interview. Consider the needs of the subject. For example, if you’re interviewing a teenager, a formal boardroom may not be the best setting. Some cultures may not value direct eye contact. An interview that’s non-face-to-face may be better.

How to Make Qualitative Interview Subjects Comfortable

For long interviews, offer water and breaks to participants. Be polite and respectful when interacting with interview subjects. Let interview participants know the purpose of the research. Explain exactly how you’ll use their answers. Address terms of confidentiality if necessary. Thank participants after the interview and let them know what to expect next.

What Are Interview Techniques in Qualitative Research?

Qualitative research techniques include:

  • Start interviews with “get-to-know-you” questions to put the interview participant at ease.
  • Pay attention.
  • Use active listening techniques.
  • Watch for body language cues.
  • Pivot questions as needed.
  • Acknowledge emotions.
  • Avoid interrogation.
  • Ending interviews, ask subjects if they have anything to add.

What Is Active Listening in Interviews in Qualitative Research?

Active listening techniques include: 

  • Make eye contact.
  • Lean in and use body language to show you’re listening.
  • Don’t get distracted by devices.
  • Use verbal affirmation.
  • Paraphrase answers for reflection.
  • Reference earlier answers.
  • Avoid interrupting.
  • Embrace pauses.
  • Ask for clarification.
  • Pay attention in the moment.

Tips for Transcribing a Qualitative Interview

It’s best to transcribe and analyze a qualitative research interview right away. This helps you optimize future interviews. Transcribe the interview word for word. Note non-verbal interactions in your transcription. Interactions like pauses and laughter can provide deeper insights into responses.

How to Analyze a Qualitative Interview

Analyze your qualitative research data early. That way, you can identify emerging themes to shape future interviews. Consider adding these to each interview report:

  • The goal of the interview
  • Details about the interview participant
  • Questions asked, summarized responses and key findings
  • Recommendations

Relate the analysis to the goal of the qualitative research interview.

Optimize the Interview Guide for Qualitative Research

Each interview can help you improve the efficiency and effectiveness of future ones. Adjust your interview guide based on insights from each previous interview. Keep all versions of your transcriptions and interview guides with notes on them. You can reference these for future qualitative research.

Get Reliable Transcription Services for Qualitative Research Interviews

As mentioned, you should transcribe qualitative research interviews as soon as possible. There are several reasons for this.

  • You can gain insights that help you shape your interview guide. You might identify questions to add or questions to clarify.
  • Your interview participants may not be appropriate for this type of qualitative research. Finding more targeted interview subjects may be better.
  • Answers may evolve the qualitative research goal and/or data analysis.
At Rev, we understand the need for fast transcription for accurate market research. We provide a turnaround time of as few as 12 hours, no matter how big your project is. We guarantee 99%+ accuracy. Learn about Rev’s market research transcription . We can help make your qualitative research project a success.

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Interview techniques.

Sam Slade ; Shane R. Sergent .


Last Update: April 24, 2023 .

  • Introduction

Research confirms interviewing is an effective system of gathering essential information regarding the personality and character of another person. In the medical profession, interviews are a key element for gathering information on a one-on-one basis, starting with applying to professional school to daily interviews with patients in a variety of settings. Interviews will always be a part of medicine due to the nature and importance of the information gained. Continually developing and improving techniques in conducting and participating in the interview process will benefit all those who labor in the medical field. As noted above, interviews are a continual process in the medical field.

  • Healthcare student assessments are completed via interview before acceptance into a professional school
  • Healthcare professionals are interviewed during their application process for residency
  • Residents are interviewed for important career positions
  • Researchers interview research subjects
  • Medical staff interview patients
  • Attending physicians and professors interview medical school or residency candidates

These are only a few of the interviews one may participate in over a career. The interview pattern and techniques are similar for the nursing and allied health professions.

  • Issues of Concern

Medical professionals consider a medical history of greater diagnostic value than the physical exam or laboratory results/investigations. Patient interviews are the most common evaluation tool in clinical medicine with medical professionals performing hundreds of thousands during a career and are critical in discovering pertinent information leading to a correct diagnosis. The interview also grants therapeutic power; it is used to establish a relationship with the patient and afford empathy and reassurance. Depending on the purpose of the interview, the goals of the patient and the medical professional may be very different. Patients tend to be interested in airing their problems in front of a respected professional, and interviewers are looking for causes and/or potential solutions for the patient.

Two types of patient interviews are common: the problem-oriented interview and the health promotion interview. The problem-oriented interview addresses the patient’s current and past health concerns. The health promotion interview assesses risk factors and decreases potential diseases. Developing skills to incorporate the patient into the diagnostic and therapeutic plan of action will improve the patient’s desire to follow through and accomplish measurable and obtainable goals.

As an interview is conducted, one must understand and decipher between the content of what the patient is describing and their emotional and personal insight. The content includes a chronology, onset, description, intensity, exacerbating factors, remitting factors, associated symptoms, social history, medical history, allergies, surgical history, hospitalizations, family medical history, current medications, and other conditions. This information will potentially lead to a diagnostic path for the patient. Furthermore, another aspect of the patient interview is recognizing how the patient expresses information while analyzing meaning through both verbal and nonverbal communication. This includes facial expressions, posture, gestures, behaviors, and emotional reactions. The possibility exists that some patient concerns or symptoms will not be expressed directly and must be noted by an astute interviewer. For example, topical avoidance or an abrupt change of flow in conversation may be observed. The development of a nonjudgmental interviewing style will likely improve the patient’s disclosure of concerns. Patients rarely express their symptoms in an organized manner; therefore, it will benefit the interviewer to ask open or directional questions that can assist the patient in communicating necessary information during the discussion.

Skills for building relationships with patients include:

  • Active listening: Interest in the patient without judgment
  • Empathy: An emotional state of communication and understanding
  • Concern: Caring for the unique patient

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding by asking pertinent questions during the interview.

Showing empathy may be a simple comment, such as “that sounds like a very difficult time” when the history of a father passing of heart disease at a young age is shared. When appropriate, a reassuring touch or moment of silence may also strengthen relationships with patients.

The first step in the interview includes a formal introduction. Second, look for the immediate demands of the patient. In the emergency room, this may include an assessment of the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation. In other situations, the interviewee may require an aspect of comfort, possibly a glass of water. Patient interviews are best conducted in private without distractions. Emotions must be assessed promptly in the interview process due to the possibility one may confuse the history with embellishments and defensiveness.

As the interviewer, it is important to keep the interview flowing productively and positively. At the beginning of the interview, express time allocation to assist the patient in prioritizing their concerns. This also empowers the patient to feel in control of their concerns and the discussion. Furthermore, mix open-ended questions with focus questions. Open-ended questions may allow the patient to express their thoughts and feelings, and focused questions allow the interviewer to obtain important details with yes or no answers in a more time-efficient manner. Too many focus questions may potentially cause one to feel a sense of interrogation. Although more efficient at times, a very high number of focus questions may cost the interviewer rapport with the patient.

The first question posed in the interview is often open-ended. For example, “What is the main reason you seek medical assistance today?” This provides an opportunity for the interviewer to allow the patient to share their concerns, and the interviewer can show he or she is actively listening. This includes listening without judgment and displaying concern for the patient during communication. Typically, patients do not often express their main complaint right away. Therefore, as the patient concludes their thoughts, an interviewer may find success by inquiring further, “Is there anything else you would like to share at this time?” Some patients will express anxiety, anger, helplessness, or other emotions. Recognizing the patient’s emotions are valid and offering reassurance may build a meaningful relationship. [1]

During the interview, meaningful questions inquired positively will reduce defensiveness from the patient. Often this can be accomplished by suggesting or sharing a common behavior associated with the actions of the patient. For example, the interviewer may convey the commonality for people to consume alcohol when under stress. It then becomes acceptable to inquire if this is also occurring with the patient. The patient may feel a sense of trust and therefore share pertinent information.

At the conclusion of the patient interview, an appropriate transition statement to begin the physical exam may be, “Is there anything else that you would like to share with me before I start the physical examination?” This statement serves 2 purposes. First, it elicits any additional information the patient deems necessary, and second, it signals a transition to the physical exam. Upon conclusion of the physical exam, it is then appropriate to discuss with the patient findings in the physical exam as well as the next course of action. This includes informing the patient of labs and imaging required for further information regarding the patient’s illness, as well as medications and intravenous (IV) fluids that will be administered to treat the patient. Lastly, before concluding the interview, it is important to discuss the probable follow-up plan and further treatment. In the outpatient setting, this may include admission to the hospital or going home and returning for a follow-up appointment at a designated time. Inpatient setting may include admission to the hospital, discharge, and follow-up with a physician in the outpatient setting, or discussion of further testing and examinations for a final resolution. The final phase of communication in the interview process will provide the patient with important information regarding their illness and build rapport in hopes the patient will become increasingly involved in their health.

Life-long learning and practice of the medical interview will improve one’s ability to reach patients in a more understanding and caring manner. Research provides evidence that even novice medical interviewers can be taught to be more effective in the interview process. Furthermore, studies confirm that as students begin interviewing, they benefit from a set dialogue while incorporating other aspects of positive interview skills, as explained above. As students progress in their careers, they can adopt a more open-ended interview method. Simulated patient encounters have become an aspect of education and examinations in health professional schools. These patient encounters are recorded, and proctors provide feedback regarding the student’s performance during the encounter. It is perfectly acceptable to ask a more experienced interviewer to review your patient interviews and provide constructive criticism to enhance interview skills. Due to the importance of the interview aspect of an appointment, simulated patient encounters have become part of the licensing exams for physicians as well as other health professionals.

Veterans, as well as inexperienced interviewers, perform many common mistakes during the medical interview. As described above, these mistakes lead to a decrease in the patient’s trust in the interviewer and may lead to more medical errors. Often mistakes are made when interviewers have an emotional detachment from the patient or when there are perceived or real-time constraints. Avoiding the following common mistakes will provide improved medical care.

Common Interview Mistakes

  • Too many focused questions
  • Ignoring the patient’s emotions
  • Arriving at diagnosis or shortening the differential too early in the interview process
  • Refusing to return to the patient for further information or clarifications
  • No introductions, no regard to patient’s comfort, no relationship building
  • No open-ended questions
  • Interruptions to the interview process [2]
  • Clinical Significance

There are many ways in which effective patient communication can improve clinical outcomes and safety for patients.

Effective patient communication is essential when identifying the necessary labs, procedures, and imaging required to diagnose a patient's condition. This initial communication also assists in the development of a differential diagnosis on which medical treatment is based. The quality of medical treatment is largely based upon the initial patient interaction. Furthermore, a positive patient relationship improves patient outcomes including the ability to return to work promptly and increased functionality after treatment.

Effective patient communication generates an increase in positive outcomes. These positive outcomes may include but are not limited to improved compliance with medical plans, patient self-regulation of diet and medications, and improvement in patient's coping mechanisms. These outcomes improve the patient's functional status after treatment. For example, chronic diseases are especially impacted by improved patient relationships and communication due to the complex nature of chronic diseases and extensive treatment.

Joint, medical-decision making occurs when a patient and healthcare professional discuss treatment options and desired outcomes for the patient. It improves the patient’s understanding of what their outcomes are likely to be with medical treatment and adherence to that treatment. This form of medical decision-making is more successful with positive patient communication developed in the initial interview. Overall, this style of communication improves the satisfaction of the treatment and the opinion of the healthcare professional.

Improving patient communication also increases trust for the healthcare provider and may allow patients to consider all their options while making thoughtful decisions regarding treatment. One such example is a "wait and see" recommendation. This is when a patient may forego an expensive procedure or imaging study and await improvement. Over time, the lab or imaging may not be necessary. This recommendation is less likely to be successful without mutual trust between the healthcare provider and the patient. Also, a patient who trusts their interviewer is also more likely to communicate private and personal information regarding themselves and their lifestyle. This may lead to improved treatment and outcomes. [2]

  • Other Issues

Research Interviews

Medical research investigators use interviews for collecting data. This is especially true for qualitative research regarding patient experience. Research interviews have unique challenges. Scientists studying research interviews recommend new interviewers be supervised by those with extensive experience. Also, an essential requirement is for new researchers is to perform practice interviews with opportunities for feedback regarding interview skills. These pilot interviews will assist new researchers and avoid misunderstandings and assumptions during their initial research interviews. [3] It is also important to avoid interviewing bias. One example of an interview bias occurs when interviewing young subjects. Children at 2 years old consistently display a bias to “yes” in yes or no questions, where 4- and 5-year-olds exhibited a “no” answer bias. The bias diminishes significantly after 5 years of age, as long as the question is comprehensible to the child. [4] Another example of an interview bias involves sensitive questions regarding sexual behaviors. These biases were reduced with audio, computer-assisted, self-interview (interview completed over a computer interface) compared to face-to-face interviews. [5] Finally, interview bias occurs when interviewers choose their study subjects. This bias can be reduced with strict sampling protocols, consistently trained interviewers, and checking responses to ensure interviewers are sampling similar groups. [6]

A unique aspect of research interviewing is selecting the most suitable individuals to interview for the research question to be answered effectively and completely. This should be taken seriously to optimize the results of the research project. Depending on the research question, interviews require many of the same skills as medical interviews, for example, developing rapport and mixing open-ended questions with focus questions. Furthermore, developing an open mind and active listening is important for researchers to conduct effective research interviews.

Clearly, research types of inquiry differ from medical interviews. For example, researchers are not trying to pinpoint the shortest differential diagnosis. Often researchers are searching for diverse pieces of information or the consensus of a group or subset of individuals.

A unique aspect of research interviews involves ethical issues. Thus, the questions in a research study must be approved by a separate and third-party council set up to review all aspects of research projects.  One ethical issue includes extracting information without harming the people participating in the study. Another ethical issue includes the exploitation of interviewees. If the interview questions are likely to cause emotional or mental harm to those interviewed, counseling must be provided after the questioning. Anonymity is required to be secured for interviewed students because information may be sensitive.  Interviewees must provide signed written consent when they are involved in a research study.

The last step in the research interview is analyzing the information obtained. This involves specialized statistical skills often completed by professionals with expertise in this area. [7]

Job Interviews

Unlike patient and research interviews, job, residency, and academic institution interviews are competitive. The candidate should be more prepared than the interviewer, and they should be able to ask pertinent questions that demonstrate they have seriously looked into the position and organization with an intent to be a contributing member of that organization.

These types of interviews are much like academic assessments; they are staged events. Therefore, adequate preparation will greatly improve the likelihood of a successful interview. Preparation includes understanding the organization, understanding one’s self, appearing interested, and practicing clear explanations.

It is imperative an interviewee study the organization for which they want to work. The internet allows anyone to research an organization, job requirements, and the interview committee efficiently. Expressing an understanding of the organization during the interview will display dedication and interest as the interviewee may tailor their explanations regarding a proposal to fulfill the specific position. This may allow for a more productive interview. Ultimately, the interviewer is seeking someone to fulfill a need in that organization, and the organization does possess a fear of making a hiring misstep. The interviewer uses questions to minimize that risk. Four main questions must be asked and answered during an interview. The questions include:

  • Can this person do the job?
  • Is this person liked?
  • Is this person risky in some way?
  • Will the salary be sufficient?

The next step in the job interview process includes 2 aspects of self-analysis. First, an interviewee must discover their unique qualities, which is likely the most important skill. This includes, but is not limited to, life experiences, awards received, and academic grades. Second, each unique experience and its qualities must translate into characteristics that will benefit the organization and fulfill the job requirement. For example, if one possesses high grades or awards, they may be known as a “hard worker.” Not only will understanding oneself lead to the desired job, but it will compel a person to be very powerful in "selling themselves" during an interview. Also, consider appropriateness for a job as well as weaknesses in the interviewing process. Although some recruitment is involved in the interview process by the interviewing organization, this is far overshadowed by the necessity for the interviewee to answer the 4 questions above appropriately.

Interest in the job and organization is the next essential step in the interview process. Personal phone calls and confirmation emails before the interview display interest in an organization. During the interview, research goes a long way; however, prepared, well-thought-out questions based on the organization are also a very important aspect. Often, these questions involve the person executing the interview. For example, “What is your experience working at this organization?"

Furthermore, the interviewee may seek information regarding qualities in employees of the organization. For example, “Can you describe your ideal candidate?” A worthy closing question that also expresses your interest is, “What do I need to do to get this job?”

Interviewees may display interest in the organization by taking effective notes during the interview; this will assist them to remember different aspects of each organization over time. After the interview, the candidate should pursue the job with personal emails, phone calls, and letters to express continued interest.

Dressing professionally will convey commitment and interest in a program. Business suits or conservative colors are recommended. Often, it is better to be overdressed than underdressed in these situations. Some other quick tips for interview etiquette include arriving at the appointment early, respecting the interviewer's time. Also, turning off cell phones during the interview is essential. To set oneself apart from other interview candidates, answer all follow-up phone calls and emails promptly.

Successful interviewees practice interview questions extensively before the interview. Textbooks are readily available online and provide many likely interview questions. Remember, the most valuable questions are those related to the 4 main questions listed above. A question one should be prepared to answer is, “Why should the organization take you over another candidate?” These questions should be answered with a strong understanding of the unique characteristics the interviewee provides that will benefit co-workers and the organization. Practice providing examples that effectively illustrate these unique traits and how they were beneficial in the past. Be patient in answering interview questions knowing that one small mistake can cost you an opportunity, for example, saying something negative about another person or a previous organization with which the candidate was affiliated. Also, it is wise to be prepared to explain any gaps in time in a resume, leaving a job, and challenges one has overcome positively. [8]

In addition to verbal practice, one must also consider nonverbal communication mannerisms. This includes posture, eye contact, voice volume, and use of time while communicating interest in the job. With practice, all these traits may provide a positive interview experience.

Sample Questions

  • ”Exactly, what are you looking for in a job?”
  • “Tell me about your last job.”
  • “What was the most difficult part?”
  • “What was your greatest accomplishment?”
  • “Why did you apply here?”
  • “How do you work with others?”
  • “Who has been the hardest person to work with at your previous jobs?”
  • “How do you take criticism?”
  • “How do you handle change?”
  • “What makes you different from other candidates?”
  • “Talk about a time of failure.”
  • “How does this job fit in your five-year plan?”
  • “What are your goals?”
  • “What kind of salary, benefits, and hours are you expecting?”

Note questions organizations should avoid. These include questions containing information regarding nationality, ancestry, religion, family situation, military service, among others.

Interviewing is a process. It is likely a person must interview for multiple positions before they receive a job offer and acceptance. There are many factors a candidate cannot control; therefore, the more interviews experienced, the higher the likelihood of being hired, matched, or accepted becomes for an individual. Focusing on the process of interviewing, along with research and practice will deliver positive results. [9] [10]

  • Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Learning how to conduct a medical interview is a basic skill required of all clinical providers. Patients often present with complex scenarios and may have underlying apprehensions, preconceptions, or biases towards the medical profession. It is important for the healthcare provider to navigate these emotions with care and respect to improve patient interactions and outcomes. A well-conducted medical interview in the most difficult of situations can indeed lead to better patient treatment and eventually building trust in the healthcare team itself. 

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Disclosure: Sam Slade declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Shane Sergent declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

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  • Cite this Page Slade S, Sergent SR. Interview Techniques. [Updated 2023 Apr 24]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

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Despite advances in managing secondary health complications after spinal cord injury (SCI), challenges remain in developing targeted community health strategies. In response, the SCI Health Maintenance Tool (SCI-HMT) was developed between 2018 and 2023 in NSW, Australia to support people with SCI and their general practitioners (GPs) to promote better community self-management. Successful implementation of innovations such as the SCI-HMT are determined by a range of contextual factors, including the perspectives of the innovation recipients for whom the innovation is intended to benefit, who are rarely included in the implementation process. During the digitizing of the booklet version of the SCI-HMT into a website and App, we used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) as a tool to guide collection and analysis of qualitative data from a range of innovation recipients to promote equity and to inform actionable findings designed to improve the implementation of the SCI-HMT.

Data from twenty-three innovation recipients in the development phase of the SCI-HMT were coded to the five CFIR domains to inform a semi-structured interview guide. This interview guide was used to prospectively explore the barriers and facilitators to planned implementation of the digital SCI-HMT with six health professionals and four people with SCI. A team including researchers and innovation recipients then interpreted these data to produce a reflective statement matched to each domain. Each reflective statement prefaced an actionable finding, defined as alterations that can be made to a program to improve its adoption into practice.

Five reflective statements synthesizing all participant data and linked to an actionable finding to improve the implementation plan were created. Using the CFIR to guide our research emphasized how partnership is the key theme connecting all implementation facilitators, for example ensuring that the tone, scope, content and presentation of the SCI-HMT balanced the needs of innovation recipients alongside the provision of evidence-based clinical information.


Understanding recipient perspectives is an essential contextual factor to consider when developing implementation strategies for healthcare innovations. The revised CFIR provided an effective, systematic method to understand, integrate and value recipient perspectives in the development of an implementation strategy for the SCI-HMT.

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Peer Review reports

Injury to the spinal cord can occur through traumatic causes (e.g., falls or motor vehicle accidents) or from non-traumatic disease or disorder (e.g., tumours or infections) [ 1 ]. The onset of a spinal cord injury (SCI) is often sudden, yet the consequences are lifelong. The impact of a SCI is devastating, with effects on sensory and motor function, bladder and bowel function, sexual function, level of independence, community participation and quality of life [ 2 ]. In order to maintain good health, wellbeing and productivity in society, people with SCI must develop self-management skills and behaviours to manage their newly acquired chronic health condition [ 3 ]. Given the increasing emphasis on primary health care and community management of chronic health conditions, like SCI, there is a growing responsibility on all parties to promote good health practices and minimize the risks of common health complications in their communities.

To address this need, the Spinal Cord Injury Health Maintenance Tool (SCI-HMT) was co-designed between 2018 and 2023 with people living with SCI and their General Practitioners (GPs) in NSW, Australia [ 4 ] The aim of the SCI-HMT is to support self-management of the most common and arguably avoidable potentially life-threatening complications associated with SCI, such as mental health crises, autonomic dysreflexia, kidney infections and pressure injuries. The SCI-HMT provides comprehensible information with resources about the six highest priority health areas related to SCI (as indicated by people with SCI and GPs) and was developed over two phases. Phase 1 focused on developing a booklet version and Phase 2 focused on digitizing this content into a website and smartphone app [ 4 , 5 ].

Enabling the successful implementation of evidence-based innovations such as the SCI-HMT is inevitably influenced by contextual factors: those dynamic and diverse array of forces within real-world settings working for or against implementation efforts [ 6 ]. Contextual factors often include background environmental elements in which an intervention is situated, for example (but not limited to) demographics, clinical environments, organisational culture, legislation, and cultural norms [ 7 ]. Understanding the wider context is necessary to identify and potentially mitigate various challenges to the successful implementation of those innovations. Such work is the focus of determinant frameworks, which focus on categorising or classing groups of contextual determinants that are thought to predict or demonstrate an effect on implementation effectiveness to better understand factors that might influence implementation outcomes [ 8 ].

One of the most highly cited determinant frameworks is the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) [ 9 ], which is often posited as an ideal framework for pre-implementation preparation. Originally published in 2009, the CFIR has recently been subject to an update by its original authors, which included a literature review, survey of users, and the creation of an outcome addendum [ 10 , 11 ]. A key contribution from this revision was the need for a greater focus on the place of innovation recipients, defined as the constituency for whom the innovation is being designed to benefit; for example, patients receiving treatment, students receiving a learning activity. Traditionally, innovation recipients are rarely positioned as key decision-makers or innovation implementers [ 8 ], and as a consequence, have not often been included in the application of research using frameworks, such as the CFIR [ 11 ].

Such power imbalances within the intersection of healthcare and research, particularly between those receiving and delivering such services and those designing such services, have been widely reported [ 12 , 13 ]. There are concerted efforts within health service development, health research and health research funding, to rectify this power imbalance [ 14 , 15 ]. Importantly, such efforts to promote increased equitable population impact are now being explicitly discussed within the implementation science literature. For example, Damschroder et al. [ 11 ] has recently argued for researchers to use the CFIR to collect data from innovation recipients, and that, ultimately, “equitable population impact is only possible when recipients are integrally involved in implementation and all key constituencies share power and make decisions together” (p. 7). Indeed, increased equity between key constituencies and partnering with innovation recipients promotes the likelihood of sustainable adoption of an innovation [ 4 , 12 , 14 ].

There is a paucity of work using the updated CFIR to include and understand innovation recipients’ perspectives. To address this gap, this paper reports on a process of using the CFIR to guide the collection of qualitative data from a range of innovation recipients within a wider co-design mixed methods study examining the development and implementation of SCI-HMT. The innovation recipients in our research are people living with SCI and GPs. Guided by the CFIR domains (shown in the supplementary material), we used reflexive thematic analysis [ 16 ]to summarize data into reflective summaries, which served to inform actionable findings designed to improve implementation of the SCI-HMT.

The procedure for this research is multi-stepped and is summarized in Fig.  1 . First, we mapped retrospective qualitative data collected during the development of the SCI-HMT [ 4 ] against the five domains of the CFIR in order to create a semi-structured interview guide (Step 1). Then, we used this interview guide to collect prospective data from health professionals and people with SCI during the development of the digital version of the SCI-HMT (Step 2) to identify implementation barriers and facilitators. This enabled us to interpret a reflective summary statement for each CFIR domain. Lastly, we developed an actionable finding for each domain summary. The first (RESP/18/212) and second phase (2019/ETH13961) of the project received ethical approval from The Northern Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee. The reporting of this study was conducted in line with the consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines [ 17 ]. All methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations.

figure 1

Procedure of synthesising datasets to inform reflective statements and actionable findings. a Two health professionals had a SCI (one being JAB); b Two co-design researchers had a SCI (one being JAB)

Step one: retrospective data collection and analysis

We began by retrospectively analyzing the data set (interview and focus group transcripts) from the previously reported qualitative study from the development phase of the SCI-HMT [ 4 ]. This analysis was undertaken by two team members (KASJ and MA). KASJ has a background in co-design research. Transcript data were uploaded into NVivo software (Version 12: QSR International Pty Ltd) and a directed content analysis approach [ 18 ] was applied to analyze categorized data a priori according to the original 2009 CFIR domains (intervention characteristics, outer setting, inner setting, characteristics of individuals, and process of implementation) described by Damschroder et al. [ 9 ]. This categorized data were summarized and informed the specific questions of a semi-structured interview guide. The final output of step one was an interview guide with context-specific questions arranged according to the CFIR domains (see supplementary file 1). The interview was tested with two people with SCI and one health professional.

Step two: prospective data collection and analysis

In the second step, semi-structured interviews were conducted by KASJ (with MA as observer) with consenting healthcare professionals who had previously contributed to the development of the SCI-HMT. Healthcare professionals included GPs, Nurse Consultants, Specialist Physiotherapists, along with Health Researchers (one being JAB). In addition, a focus group was conducted with consenting individuals with SCI who had contributed to the SCI-HMT design and development phase. The interview schedule designed in step one above guided data collection in all interviews and the focus group.

The focus group and interviews were conducted online, audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and uploaded to NVivo software (Version 12: QSR International Pty Ltd). All data were subject to reflexive, inductive and deductive thematic analysis [ 16 , 19 ] to better understand participants’ perspectives regarding the potential implementation of the SCI-HMT. First, one team member (KASJ) read transcripts and began a deductive analysis whereby data were organized into CFIR domains-specific dataset. Second, KASJ and JAB analyzed this domain-specific dataset to inductively interpret a reflective statement which served to summarise all participant responses to each domain. The final output of step two was a reflective summary statement for each CFIR domain.

Step three: data synthesis

In the third step we aimed to co-create an actionable finding (defined as tangible alteration that can be made to a program, in this case the SCI-HMT [ 20 ]) based on each domain-specific reflective statement. To achieve this, three codesign researchers (KAS and JAB with one person with SCI from Step 2 (deidentified)) focused on operationalising each reflective statement into a recommended modification for the digital version of the SCI-HMT. This was an iterative process guided by the specific CFIR domain and construct definitions, which we deemed salient and relevant to each reflective statement (see Table  2 for example). Data synthesis involved line by line analysis, group discussion, and repeated refinement of actionable findings. A draft synthesis was shared with SCI-HMT developers (JWM and MA) and refinement continued until consensus was agreed on. The final outputs of step three were an actionable finding related to each reflective statement for each CFIR domain.

The characteristics of both the retrospective and prospective study participants are shown in Table  1 . The retrospective data included data from a total of 23 people: 19 people with SCI and four GPs. Of the 19 people with SCI, 12 participated in semi-structured interviews, seven participated in the first focus group, and four returned to the second focus group. In step 2, four people with SCI participated in a focus group and six healthcare professionals participated in one-on-one semi-structured interviews. Two of the healthcare professionals (a GP and a registrar) had lived experience of SCI, as did one researcher (JAB). All interviews and focus groups were conducted either online or in-person and ranged in length between 60 and 120 min.

In our overall synthesis, we actively interpreted five reflective statements based on the updated CFIR domain and construct definitions by Damschroder et al. [ 11 ]. Table  2 provides a summary of how we linked the updated CFIR domain and construct definitions to the reflective statements. We demonstrate this process of co-creation below, including illustrative quotes from participants. Importantly, we guide readers to the actionable findings related to each reflective statement in Table  2 . Each actionable statement represents an alteration that can be made to a program to improve its adoption into practice.

Participants acknowledged that self-management is a major undertaking and very demanding, as one person with SCI said, “ we need to be informed without being terrified and overwhelmed”. Participants felt the HMT could indeed be adapted, tailored, refined, or reinvented to meet local needs. For example, another person with SCI remarked:

“Education needs to be from the get-go but in bite sized pieces from all quarters when readiness is most apparent… at all time points , [not just as a] a newbie tool or for people with [long-term impairment] ” (person with SCI_02).

Therefore, the SCI-HMT had to balance complexity of content while still being accessible and engaging, and required input from both experts in the field and those with lived experience of SCI, for example, a clinical nurse specialist suggested:

“it’s essential [the SCI-HMT] is written by experts in the field as well as with collaboration with people who have had a, you know, the lived experience of SCI” (healthcare professional_03).

Furthermore, the points of contact with healthcare for a person with SCI can be challenging to navigate and the SCI-HMT has the potential to facilitate a smoother engagement process and improve communication between people with SCI and healthcare services. As a GP suggested:

“we need a tool like this to link to that pathway model in primary health care , [the SCI-HMT] it’s a great tool, something that everyone can read and everyone’s reading the same thing” (healthcare professional_05).

Participants highlighted that the ability of the SCI-HMT to facilitate effective communication was very much dependent on the delivery format. The idea of digitizing the SCI-HMT garnered equal support from people with SCI and health care professionals, with one participant with SCI deeming it to be “ essential” ( person with SCI_01) and a health professional suggesting a “digitalized version will be an advantage for most people” (healthcare professional_02).

Outer setting

There was strong interest expressed by both people with SCI and healthcare professionals in using the SCI-HMT. The fundamental premise was that knowledge is power and the SCI-HMT would have strong utility in post-acute rehabilitation services, as well as primary care. As a person with SCI said,

“ we need to leave the [spinal unit] to return to the community with sufficient knowledge, and to know the value of that knowledge and then need to ensure primary healthcare provider [s] are best informed” (person with SCI_04).

The value of the SCI-HMT in facilitating clear and effective communication and shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and people with SCI was also highlighted, as shown by the remarks of an acute nurse specialist:

“I think this tool is really helpful for the consumer and the GP to work together to prioritize particular tests that a patient might need and what the regularity of that is” (healthcare professional_03).

Engaging with SCI peer support networks to promote the SCI-HMT was considered crucial, as one person with SCI emphasized when asked how the SCI-HMT might be best executed in the community, “…peers, peers and peers” (person with SCI_01). Furthermore, the layering of content made possible in the digitalized version will allow for the issue of approachability in terms of readiness for change, as another person with SCI said:

“[putting content into a digital format] is essential and required and there is a need to put summarized content in an App with links to further web-based information… it’s not likely to be accessed otherwise” (person with SCI_02).

Inner setting

Participants acknowledged that self-management of health and well-being is substantial and demanding. It was suggested that the scope, tone, and complexity of the SCI-HMT, while necessary, could potentially be resisted by people with SCI if they felt overwhelmed, as one person with SCI described:

“a manual that is really long and wordy, like, it’s [a] health metric… they maybe lack the health literacy to, to consume the content then yes, it would impede their readiness for [self-management]” (person with SCI_02).

Having support from their GPs was considered essential, and the HMT could enable GP’s, who are under time pressure, to provide more effective health and advice to their patients, as one GP said:

“We GP’s are time poor, if you realize then when you’re time poor you look quickly to say oh this is a patient tool - how can I best use this?” (healthcare professional_05).

Furthermore, health professional skills may be best used with the synthesis of self-reported symptoms, behaviors, or observations. A particular strength of a digitized version would be its ability to facilitate more streamlined communication between a person with SCI and their primary healthcare providers developing healthcare plans, as an acute nurse specialist reflected, “ I think that a digitalized version is essential with links to primary healthcare plans” (healthcare professional_03).

Efficient communication with thorough assessment is essential to ensure serious health issues are not missed, as findings reinforce that the SCI-HMT is an educational tool, not a replacement for healthcare services, as a clinical nurse specialist commented, “ remember, things will go wrong– people end up very sick and in acute care “ (healthcare professional_02).

The SCI-HMT has the potential to provide a pathway to a ‘hope for better than now’ , a hope to ‘remain well’ and a hope to ‘be happy’ , as the informant with SCI (04) declared, “self-management is a long game, if you’re keeping well, you’ve got that possibility of a good life… of happiness”. Participants with SCI felt the tool needed to be genuine and

“acknowledge the huge amount of adjustment required, recognizing that dealing with SCI issues is required to survive and live a good life” (person with SCI_04).

However, there is a risk that an individual is completely overwhelmed by the scale of the SCI-HMT content and the requirement for lifelong vigilance. Careful attention and planning were paid to layering the information accordingly to support self-management as a ‘long game’, which one person with SCI reflected in following:

“the first 2–3 year [period] is probably the toughest to get your head around the learning stuff, because you’ve got to a stage where you’re levelling out, and you’ve kind of made these promises to yourself and then you realize that there’s no quick fix” (person with SCI_01).

It was decided that this could be achieved by providing concrete examples and anecdotes from people with SCI illustrating that a meaningful, healthy life is possible, and that good health is the bedrock of a good life with SCI.

There was universal agreement that the SCI-HMT is aspirational and that it has the potential to improve knowledge and understanding for people with SCI, their families, community workers/carers and primary healthcare professionals, as a GP remarked:

“[different groups] could just read it and realize, ‘Ahh, OK that’s what that means… when you’re doing catheters. That’s what you mean when you’re talking about bladder and bowel function or skin care” (healthcare professional_04).

Despite the SCI-HMT providing an abundance of information and resources to support self-management, participants identified four gaps: (i) the priority issue of sexuality, including pleasure and identity, as one person with SCI remarked:

“ sexuality is one of the biggest issues that people with SCI often might not speak about that often cause you know it’s awkward for them. So yeah, I think that’s a that’s a serious issue” (person with SCI_03).

(ii) consideration of the taboo nature of bladder and bowel topics for indigenous people, (iii) urgent need to ensure links for SCI-HMT care plans are compatible with patient management systems, and (iv) exercise and leisure as a standalone topic taking account of effects of physical activity, including impact on mental health and wellbeing but more especially for fun.

To ensure longevity of the SCI-HMT, maintaining a partnership between people with SCI, SCI community groups and both primary and tertiary health services is required for liaison with the relevant professional bodies, care agencies, funders, policy makers and tertiary care settings to ensure ongoing education and promotion of SCI-HMT is maintained. For example, delivery of ongoing training of healthcare professionals to both increase the knowledge base of primary healthcare providers in relation to SCI, and to promote use of the tools and resources through health communities. As a community nurse specialist suggested:

“ improving knowledge in the health community… would require digital links to clinical/health management platforms” (healthcare professional_02).

In a similar vein, a GP suggested:

“ our common GP body would have continuing education requirements… especially if it’s online, in particular for the rural, rural doctors who you know, might find it hard to get into the city” (healthcare professional_04).

The successful implementation of evidence-based innovations into practice is dependent on a wide array of dynamic and active contextual factors, including the perspectives of the recipients who are destined to use such innovations. Indeed, the recently updated CFIR has called for innovation recipient perspectives to be a priority when considering contextual factors [ 10 , 11 ]. Understanding and including the perspectives of those the innovation is being designed to benefit can promote increased equity and validation of recipient populations, and potentially increase the adoption and sustainability of innovations.

In this paper, we have presented research using the recently updated CFIR to guide the collection of innovation recipients’ perspectives (including people with SCI and GPs working in the community) regarding the potential implementation barriers and facilitators of the digital version of the SCI-HMT. Collected data were synthesized to inform actionable findings– tangible ways in which the SCI-HMT could be modified according of the domains of the CFIR (e.g., see Keith et al. [ 20 ]). It is important to note that we conducted this research using the original domains of the CFIR [ 9 ] prior to Damschroder et al. publishing the updated CFIR [ 11 ]. However, in our analysis we were able to align our findings to the revised CFIR domains and constructs, as Damschroder [ 11 ] suggests, constructs can “be mapped back to the original CFIR to ensure longitudinal consistency” (p. 13).

One of the most poignant findings from our analyses was the need to ensure the content of the SCI-HMT balanced scientific evidence and clinical expertise with lived experience knowledge. This balance of clinical and experiential knowledge demonstrated genuine regard for lived experience knowledge, and created a more accessible, engaging, useable platform. For example, in the innovation and individual domains, the need to include lived experience quotes was immediately apparent once the perspective of people with SCI was included. It was highlighted that while the SCI-HMT will prove useful to many parties at various stages along the continuum of care following onset of SCI, there will be those individuals that are overwhelmed by the scale of the content. That said, the layering of information facilitated by the digitalized version is intended to provide an ease of navigation through the SCI-HMT and enable a far greater sense of control over personal health and wellbeing. Further, despite concerns regarding e-literacy the digitalized version of the SCI-HMT is seen as imperative for accessibility given the wide geographic diversity and recent COVID pandemic [ 21 ]. While there will be people who are challenged by the technology, the universally acceptable use of the internet is seen as less of a barrier than printed material.

The concept of partnership was also apparent within the data analysis focusing on the outer and inner setting domains. In the outer setting domain, our findings emphasized the importance of engaging with SCI community groups, as well as primary and tertiary care providers to maximize uptake at all points in time from the phase of subacute rehabilitation onwards. While the SCI-HMT is intended for use across the continuum of care from post-acute rehabilitation onwards, it may be that certain modules are more relevant at different times, and could serve as key resources during the hand over between acute care, inpatient rehabilitation and community reintegration.

Likewise, findings regarding the inner setting highlighted the necessity of a productive partnership between GPs and individuals with SCI to address the substantial demands of long-term self-management of health and well-being following SCI. Indeed, support is crucial, especially when self-management is the focus. This is particularly so in individuals living with complex disability following survival after illness or injury [ 22 ], where health literacy has been found to be a primary determinant of successful health and wellbeing outcomes [ 23 ]. For people with SCI, this tool potentially holds the most appeal when an individual is ready and has strong partnerships and supportive communication. This can enable potential red flags to be recognized earlier allowing timely intervention to avert health crises, promoting individual well-being, and reducing unnecessary demands on health services.

While the SCI-HMT is an educational tool and not meant to replace health services, findings suggest the current structure would lead nicely to having the conversation with a range of likely support people, including SCI peers, friends and family, GP, community nurses, carers or via on-line support services. The findings within the process domain underscored the importance of ongoing partnership between innovation implementers and a broad array of innovation recipients (e.g., individuals with SCI, healthcare professionals, family, funding agencies and policy-makers). This emphasis on partnership also addresses recent discussions regarding equity and the CFIR. For example, Damschroder et al. [ 11 ] suggests that innovation recipients are too often not included in the CFIR process, as the CFIR is primarily seen as a tool intended “to collect data from individuals who have power and/or influence over implementation outcomes” (p. 5).

Finally, we feel that our inclusion of innovation recipients’ perspectives presented in this article begins to address the notion of equity in implementation, whereby the inclusion of recipient perspectives in research using the CFIR both validates, and increases, the likelihood of sustainable adoption of evidence-based innovations, such as the SCI-HMT. We have used the CFIR in a pragmatic way with an emphasis on meaningful engagement between the innovation recipients and the research team, heeding the call from Damschroder et al. [ 11 ], who recently argued for researchers to use the CFIR to collect data from innovation recipients. Adopting this approach enabled us to give voice to innovation recipient perspectives and subsequently ensure that the tone, scope, content and presentation of the SCI-HMT balanced the needs of innovation recipients alongside the provision of evidence-based clinical information.

Our research is not without limitations. While our study was successful in identifying a number of potential barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the SCI-HMT, we did not test any implementation strategies to impact determinants, mechanisms, or outcomes. This will be the focus of future research on this project, which will investigate the impact of implementation strategies on outcomes. Focus will be given to the context-mechanism configurations which give rise to particular outcomes for different groups in certain circumstances [ 7 , 24 ]. A second potential concern is the relatively small sample size of participants that may not allow for saturation and generalizability of the findings. However, both the significant impact of secondary health complications for people with SCI and the desire for a health maintenance tool have been established in Australia [ 2 , 4 ]. The aim our study reported in this article was to achieve context-specific knowledge of a small sample that shares a particular mutual experience and represents a perspective, rather than a population [ 25 , 26 ]. We feel our findings can stimulate discussion and debate regarding participant-informed approaches to implementation of the SCI-HMT, which can then be subject to larger-sample studies to determine their generalisability, that is, their external validity. Notably, future research could examine the interaction between certain demographic differences (e.g., gender) of people with SCI and potential barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the SCI-HMT. Future research could also include the perspectives of other allied health professionals working in the community, such as occupational therapists. Lastly, while our research gave significant priority to recipient viewpoints, research in this space would benefit for ensuring innovation recipients are engaged as genuine partners throughout the entire research process from conceptualization to implementation.

Employing the CFIR provided an effective, systematic method for identifying recipient perspectives regarding the implementation of a digital health maintenance tool for people living with SCI. Findings emphasized the need to balance clinical and lived experience perspectives when designing an implementation strategy and facilitating strong partnerships with necessary stakeholders to maximise the uptake of SCI-HMT into practice. Ongoing testing will monitor the uptake and implementation of this innovation, specifically focusing on how the SCI-HMT works for different users, in different contexts, at different stages and times of the rehabilitation journey.

Data availability

The datasets supporting the conclusions of this article are available available upon request and with permission gained from the project Steering Committee.


spinal cord injury

HMT-Spinal Cord Injury Health Maintenance Tool

Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research

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Authors of this study would like to thank all the consumers with SCI and healthcare professionals for their invaluable contribution to this project. Their participation and insights have been instrumental in shaping the development of the SCI-HMT. The team also acknowledges the support and guidance provided by the members of the Project Steering Committee, as well as the partner organisations, including NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, and icare NSW. Author would also like to acknowledge the informant group with lived experience, whose perspectives have enriched our understanding and informed the development of SCI-HMT.

The SCI Wellness project was a collaborative project between John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research at The University of Sydney and Royal Rehab. Both organizations provided in-kind support to the project. Additionally, the University of Sydney and Royal Rehab received research funding from Insurance and Care NSW (icare NSW) to undertake the SCI Wellness Project. icare NSW do not take direct responsibility for any of the following: study design, data collection, drafting of the manuscript, or decision to publish.

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Authors and affiliations.

John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research, Northern Sydney Local Health District, St Leonards, NSW, Australia

John A Bourke, K. Anne Sinnott Jerram, Mohit Arora, Ashley Craig & James W Middleton

The Kolling Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Burwood Academy Trust, Burwood Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand

John A Bourke

Royal Rehab, Ryde, NSW, Australia

James W Middleton

State Spinal Cord Injury Service, NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, St Leonards, NSW, Australia

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Project conceptualization: KASJ, MA, JWM; project methodology: JWM, MA, KASJ, JAB; data collection: KASJ and MA; data analysis: KASJ, JAB, MA, JWM; writing—original draft preparation: JAB; writing—review and editing: JAB, KASJ, JWM, MA, AC; funding acquisition: JWM, MA. All authors contributed to the revision of the paper and approved the final submitted version.

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The first (RESP/18/212) and second phase (2019/ETH13961) of the project received ethical approval from The Northern Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee. All participants provided informed, written consent. All data were to be retained for 7 years (23rd May 2030).

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MA part salary (from Dec 2018 to Dec 2023), KASJ part salary (July 2021 to Dec 2023) and JAB part salary (Jan 2022 to Aug 2022) was paid from the grant monies. Other authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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Bourke, J.A., Jerram, K.A.S., Arora, M. et al. Using the consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to integrate innovation recipients’ perspectives into the implementation of a digital version of the spinal cord injury health maintenance tool: a qualitative analysis. BMC Health Serv Res 24 , 390 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-10847-x

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Received : 14 August 2023

Accepted : 11 March 2024

Published : 28 March 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-10847-x

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  • Spinal Cord injury
  • Self-management
  • Innovation recipients
  • Secondary health conditions
  • Primary health care
  • Evidence-based innovations
  • Actionable findings
  • Consolidated Framework for implementation research

BMC Health Services Research

ISSN: 1472-6963

research interview procedure

Cocreating Inclusive Interviews: VR Technologies for Job Interview Training of Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and Strategies for Employers

  • Reference work entry
  • First Online: 04 April 2024
  • pp 973–1003
  • Cite this reference work entry

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  • Mirjana Jevremovic 5  

This is a report on the research of how to use Virtual Reality (VR) technologies and Video Self-Modeling (VSM) techniques to structure job interviews so that individuals on the autism spectrum could more easily provide the information that employers seek. The report also addresses the use of the same technologies for job interview training by informing the affordances of a different structure of behavioral interview questions. The participatory research comprised two phases, Phase 1: codesign development and deployment, and Phase 2: codesign evaluation and revision. It was rooted in an iterative and inclusive process that generated an app with a scaffolding sequence of behavioral interview questions to address different verbal abilities of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It resulted in the creation of strategies for employers such as the Inclusive Interview Guide for Employers and specific question inputs. This cocreative method generated technologies and procedures that could be used by individuals on the autism spectrum, as well as by employers, employment agencies, and ASD support programs. It demonstrated a process by which to communicate better with individuals on the autism spectrum.

  • Inclusive interviews
  • Scaffolding questions
  • Virtual reality
  • Video Self-modeling

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MDes Inclusive Design, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada

Mirjana Jevremovic

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Faculty of Health, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada

Marcia H. Rioux

Department of Economics and School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Alexis Buettgen

Department of Anthropology, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, NY, USA

Ezra Zubrow

Advocacy Unit, International Disability Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland

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Appendix A: Additional Material

Title : Cocreating Inclusive Interviews

Description : VR technologies for job interview training of individuals on the autism spectrum and strategies for employers

Date : April 24, 2021

Accessible Version – YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/ZlT1zDpjvL8

Appendix B: Scaffolding Sequence of Questions

Question 1: Tell me about yourself .

If a participant selects “help”: Have you worked or volunteered anywhere before?

If a participant selects “yes”: Did you use a computer to send emails?

If a participant selects “no”: Did you use a computer at school to send emails?

Question 2: Tell me about the time you worked in a team .

If a participant selects “help”: Did you ever work in a team at school, volunteering job, or a real job?

If a participant selects “yes”: How did you like working in a team?

If a participant selects “no”: Do you like to work with people?

Question 3: What are your greatest strengths?

If a participant selects “help”: Are there personal qualities that make you good at school, a volunteering job, or a real job?

If a participant selects “yes”: What are those qualities?

If a participant selects “no”: What are the things you want to become better at?

Question 4: What is your greatest accomplishment?

If a participant selects “help”: Have you ever won an award, or did someone praise you?

If a participant selects “yes”: What were you awarded or praised for?

If a participant selects “no”: What are some of the things that you do really well?

Question 5: What are you passionate about?

If a participant selects “help”: Do you have things that you do for fun?

If a participant selects “yes”: What are the things that you like to do for fun?

If a participant selects “no”: Do you do things at home for fun?

Question 6: Tell me about the situation where you had to solve a difficult problem and how you did it .

If a participant selects “help”: Have you ever had a difficult situation at school, a volunteering job, or a real job?

If a participant selects “yes”: What was the difficult situation, and how did you problem-solve it?

If a participant selects “no”: What do you do at home when you can’t do something by yourself?

Question 7: Tell me about the time you went “above and beyond.”

If a participant selects “help”: Did you do something extra for your school project, a volunteering job, or a real job that wasn’t asked of you?

If a participant selects “yes”: What was it that you did extra that wasn’t asked of you?

If a participant selects “no”: Do you help at home with chores without being asked?

Question 8: Describe a time you went out of your way to help somebody.

If a participant selects “help”: Did you ever help someone at school, a volunteering job, or a real job?

If a participant selects “yes”: Who was it that you helped, and how did you help?

If a participant selects “no”: Do you help others at your home?

Question 9: Tell me about the time you had to adapt to change over which you had no control .

If a participant selects “help”: Was there ever a change of routines at your school, volunteering job, or a real job?

If a participant selects “yes”: What was a change, and what did you do about it?

If a participant selects “no”: Have you ever had any sudden changes in your routines at home?

Question 10: Describe a situation where you didn’t get along with someone .

If a participant selects “help”: Was there ever a person at your school, a volunteering job, or a real job that you didn’t get along with?

If a participant selects “yes”: How did you handle it when you didn’t get along with the person?

If a participant selects “no”: Do you always get along with others in your house?

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Jevremovic, M. (2024). Cocreating Inclusive Interviews: VR Technologies for Job Interview Training of Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and Strategies for Employers. In: Rioux, M.H., Buettgen, A., Zubrow, E., Viera, J. (eds) Handbook of Disability. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6056-7_48

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6056-7_48

Published : 04 April 2024

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  • Published: 03 April 2024

The environmental awareness of nurses as environmentally sustainable health care leaders: a mixed method analysis

  • Olga María Luque-Alcaraz   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1598-1422 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 ,
  • Pilar Aparicio-Martínez   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2940-8697 3 , 4 ,
  • Antonio Gomera   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0603-3017 2 &
  • Manuel Vaquero-Abellán   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0602-317X 2 , 3 , 4  

BMC Nursing volume  23 , Article number:  229 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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People worldwide are concerned with the possibility of climate change, microplastics, air pollution, and extreme weather affecting human health. Countries are implementing measures to reduce environmental impacts. Nurses play a vital role, primarily through Green Teams, in the process of promoting sustainable practices and minimizing the environmental footprint of health care facilities. Despite existing knowledge on this topic, assessing nurses’ environmental awareness and behavior, including the barriers they face, is crucial with regard to improving sustainable health care practices.

To analyze the environmental awareness and behavior of nurses, especially nurse leaders, as members of the Green Team and to identify areas for improvement with regard to the creation of a sustainable environment.

A sequential mixed-method study was conducted to investigate Spanish nurses. The study utilized an online survey and interviews, including participant observation. An online survey was administered to collect quantitative data regarding environmental awareness and behavior. Qualitative interviews were conducted with environmental nurses in specific regions, with a focus on Andalusia, Spain.

Most of the surveyed nurses ( N  = 314) exhibited moderate environmental awareness (70.4%), but their environmental behavior and activities in the workplace were limited (52.23% of participants rarely performed relevant actions, and 35.03% indicated that doing so was difficult). Nurses who exhibited higher levels of environmental awareness were more likely to engage in sustainable behaviors such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and environmentally conscious purchasing decisions ( p  < 0.05). Additionally, the adjusted model indicated that nurses’ environmental behavior and activities in the workplace depend on the frequency of their environmental behaviors outside work as well as their sustainable knowledge ( p  < 0.01). The results of the qualitative study ( N  = 10) highlighted certain limitations in their daily practices related to environmental sustainability, including a lack of time, a lack of bins and the pandemic. Additionally, sustainable environmental behavior on the part of nursing leadership and the Green Team must be improved.


This study revealed that most nurses have adequate knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to environmental sustainability both inside and outside the workplace. Limitations were associated with their knowledge and behaviors outside of work. This study also highlighted the barriers and difficulties that nurses face in their attempts to engage in adequate environmental behaviors in the workplace. Based on these findings, interventions led by nurses and the Green Team should be developed to promote sustainable behaviors among nurses and address the barriers and limitations identified in this research.

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The impact of climate change on human society is a global concern, especially with regard to microplastics, resource shortages, air pollution, droughts, and extreme weather. Such consequences affect human health both directly and indirectly, resulting in an increase in pathologies and a deterioration in medical attention [ 1 , 2 ]. In this context, diverse measures aimed at reducing the environmental impact of daily activities and minimizing the ecological footprint thereof [ 3 ] have been implemented by multiple countries [ 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]; these activities have been framed as environmental regulations in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [ 8 ].

The SDGs are being integrated into governments and a variety of other contexts, including the health care system. Spain is dedicated to such a goal, i.e., that of promoting a greener and more democratic health care transition. To achieve this goal, strategic plans have been developed to mitigate the effects of climate change [ 9 , 10 ]. One specific such program is the Strategic Health and Environment Plan (PESMA) [ 11 ], whose aim is to enhance the synergy between health and the environment innovatively by assessing the impact of the population in terms of 14 environmental indicators [ 12 ].

One such indicator focuses on the resources and support needed for sustainable practices, especially for nurses, due to the impact of the environment on their work [ 13 , 14 ]. The PESMA highlights the fact that health care providers should be included in strategies to reduce carbon footprints, build resilience to address the challenges associated with climate change and embrace a leadership role in the task of promoting sustainable health care practices [ 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ]. Another critical aspect of PESMA focuses on education, training, and incentives that can promote sustainable behavior among health care workers, especially nurses [ 17 , 18 ]. As frontline health care workers, nurses have a unique opportunity to advocate for sustainable practices and reduce the environmental impact of the health care system. Nurses’ knowledge and behavior are limited despite the fact that nurses have positive attitudes toward environmental sustainability [ 19 ].

This situation stands in contrast to the role of nurses in the creation of more sustainable hospitals via the “Green Team” [ 20 ]. The Green Team, which originated in the United States of America a decade ago, is a committee that is responsible for finding and implementing sustainability projects to decrease the environmental impacts of daily operations. Members of various departments collaborate with sustainability staff to detect opportunities, spread awareness, and promote staff involvement in line with the Committee’s mission [ 21 ]. The team, which typically consists of and is led by nurses, aims to increase awareness of the health care industry’s effect on the environment and to develop tactics to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of hospitals.

In Spain, Green Teams, which span multiple disciplines and usually led by nursing professionals, are committed to sustainable change in health care [ 22 ]. Environmental nursing leaders on Green Teams control environmental sustainability in health care settings and provide education, resources, and support to other professionals with regard to the implementation of sustainable practices [ 23 ]. Accordingly, all nurses can contribute to the tasks of mitigating the impact of climate change on public health outcomes and promoting sustainable health for all [ 24 ]. These actions improve nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in terms of sustainability and promote sustainable practices in health care settings, thus leading to a better understanding of the barriers faced by nurses in this context [ 24 , 25 , 26 ].

However, measuring and identifying nurses’ environmental awareness is essential for the promotion of sustainable hospitals [ 27 , 28 ]. Multidimensional indicators have been proposed for this purpose [ 16 ], the responsibility for which lies with nurse leaders on Green Teams. Nurses are responsible for promoting sustainability in health care organizations, as discussed by Kallio et al. (2018) [ 29 ], as well as for promoting nursing competencies related to environmental sustainability [ 30 ]. Several studies, including Harris et al. (2009) and Phiri et al. (2022), have examined nurses’ roles in environmental health and the effects of their leadership on the promotion of sustainability, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby emphasizing the importance of leadership [ 31 , 32 ].

As Ojemeni et al. (2019) discussed, leadership effectiveness in Green Teams, nursing teams and health care organizations must prioritize quality control and health care improvement to ensure sustainable development [ 33 ].

The topic of environmental management in health care organizations has been studied extensively, and an environmental or ecological model of care for promoting sustainability has been proposed [ 34 ]. As environmental creators and leaders on Green Teams, nurses are vital for minimizing hazardous waste in health care settings and improving awareness [ 35 ].

Although nurses have some degree of existing knowledge and awareness of sustainability, it is crucial to assess their proficiency in environmental matters and to gauge their environmental awareness. Such an evaluation can help identify areas for improvement within clinical management units [ 20 , 33 , 36 ]. Education and training programs can effectively promote sustainable behavior among nurses, but interventions should also address the barriers they face in their attempts to implement sustainable practices [ 37 ]. Therefore, it is imperative to examine the factors that foster sustainable behavior among nurses and to identify effective interventions that can promote sustainable health care practices and minimize the environmental footprint of health care facilities. Accordingly, this study aimed to analyze the environmental awareness and behavior of nurses, especially nurse leaders, as members of the Green Team and to identify areas for improvement with regard to creating a sustainable environment.

Study design

A sequential mixed-method study was conducted based on an online survey and interviews with a representative sample of Spanish nurses, including participant observation.

The study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, a cross-sectional, descriptive exploratory analysis was performed; this analysis relied on the results revealed using the Nurse’s Environmental Awareness Tool in Spanish (NEAT-es) [ 38 ], which was divided into three subscales: nursing awareness scale (NAS), environmental behaviors outside the workplace (PEB) and sustainable behaviors in the workplace (NPEB). In the second phase, qualitative interviews with environmental nurses (see Supplementary file 1 ) were conducted in regions featuring specific environmental units that were available in person (Andalusia).


The participants were recruited from public and private institutions associated with the National Health System, particularly from the nursing staff. The scope of the study focused on Spain, and the sample included all the nursing staff who completed the questionnaire and met the inclusion criteria.

The sampling process focused on the population of nurses in Spain in 2020, which was estimated to consist of 388,153 nurses. Therefore, a random sample of 314 participating individuals was sufficient to estimate the population with 95% confidence and an accuracy of +/- 2% units, which was expected to account for approximately 90% of the overall population. The inclusion and exclusion criteria used for the sample focused on nursing staff, nursing care auxiliary technicians, and students with relevant degrees, as this members of this group have the most significant presence in the health system and engage in direct and daily contact with environmental management in health centers (hospitals, primary care centers, sociosanitary centers and others). The remaining health and nonhealth personnel were excluded.

Additionally, the person from each unit who served as the environmental coordinator and other nurses from the ward who were members of the Green Team were asked to participate in the interviews and observations. The environmental coordinators, most of who were nursing supervisors, were determined based on the number of members of the Green Team and the sampling calculation used for the observational study. The interviews took place after various sessions, talks, or courses pertaining to environmental sustainability at the clinical management units.

Data collection

An intentional sampling process was implemented, and the data collection period spanned from November 2019 to March 2021. The observational data were collected in Spain via messages and posts on social media with the goal of quantifying nurses’ environmental awareness.

The initial sample of qualitative study included five environmental nursing leaders (NLs), 14 registered nurses (RNs), and ten nursing undergraduates. The final sample was reduced when the interviews reached data saturation ( N  = 10, five NLs, and five RNs). Before the interviews, a focal group composed of one nurse, one physician, two engineers and a psychologist was tested using the questions included in this research as part of a pilot study ( Supplementary file 1 ). These interviews were conducted at the beginning of the participant’s shift, usually in the morning, and they featured a median time of 30 min, a minimum of 20 min and a maximum of one hour per participant.

One researcher (O.A.L.) also observed nurses during their daily work after the interview from a position within the ward as an added team member or staff member. Nevertheless, the observer did not highlight mistakes or sustainability issues during the observation process. No other researcher was involved in this step of the ethnographic analysis to avoid bias with regard to observing a variety of tasks ranging from preparing medication to implementing treatments.

The data collected through the interviews were recorded on a Samsung Galaxy 31 A, and observations were collected in a field notebook based on the Google Keep and Evernote mobile applications from November 2019 to mid-March 2021. This study was conducted at a regional level 1 hospital in southern Spain, particularly in various clinical management units (neurosurgery, internal medicine, cardiology, traumatology, and COVID-19 units, among others), and it focused on nursing supervisors, who are the leaders who bear responsibility for environmental awareness (NLs), and registered nurses (RNs) who were members of the Green Team.

Data analysis

The quantitative data were analyzed by reference to descriptive statistics, including the mean, standard deviation (SD), and 95% confidence interval (CI); the relative frequencies of the variables were also analyzed. Normalization tests, Kolmogorov‒Smirnov tests with Lilliefors correction, and Q‒Q tests were used to compare the goodness-of-fit to an average data distribution with regard to continuous or discrete quantitative variables. The comparison of two or three independent means was performed using Student’s t test and analyses of variance for each variable. The Χ 2 test with Yates’ correction was used to compare percentages and Pearson’s correlation (r) coefficients across the quantitative variables. Finally, associations among the NPEB and the other variables were studied through multiple linear regression. Participant observation was used to support the qualitative study of the reflective ethnographic type [ 39 , 40 ], and this process ended when the data reached saturation. Two researchers developed transcripts for the interviews based on the recorded interviews and added descriptions based on the notes from the field notebook. The identification of themes and patrons was based on a process of triangulation among the researchers and by cross-checking the results. The interviews with nurses were analyzed to summarize the content analysis and identify keywords and concurrency among the terms. The themes thus identified included Green Teams, sustainable environmental behaviors, environment awareness, leadership barriers and limitations and areas for improvement.

EPIDAT (version 4.2) and SPSS (version 25) software were used to support the quantitative analysis. The computer program ATLAS.ti (version 22) and the Office Package with Microsoft Word Excel (version 2019) were used for the interviews and the visualization of the keywords based on the themes identified based on the records, observations and field notebooks.

Nurses’ awareness, knowledge, attitudes and skills.

The ages of the Spanish staff, mainly nurses, included in this study ( N  = 314) ranged from 19 to 68, with a mean age of 37.02 ± 12.7, CI = 95%, 35.6–38.4 years); in addition, 76.4% of these participants were women with more than 20 years of working experience (35.1%), and the majority were registered nurses (70.4%). Moreover, 113 (36%) participants worked at a local or regional hospital (30%) and were employees of a public institution (85.3%). Half of the nurses (157) worked only a morning shift (Table  1 ) in Andalusia, Madrid, or Catalonia (62.4%). The diverse autonomous regions on which this research focused were homogenously distributed and structured in line with the population. The analysis of these areas was also based on the specific inclusion of environmental units led by nurses (Andalusia, Madrid, and Catalonia), in contrast with regions featuring undetermined units or leaders related to this topic (such as Valencia) (37.5%).

Regarding nursing awareness, nurses scored higher on the PEB (31.83 ± 8.02 CI 95% 30.94–32.72 with regard to frequency vs. 32.36 ± 7.15 CI 95% 31.57–33.15 with respect to difficulty) than on the NAS (26.13 ± 9.91 CI 95% 25.03–27.23 with regard to knowledge vs. 47.39 ± 5.97 CI 95% 46.73–48.05 with respect to impact) and the NPEB (23.82 ± 6.45 CI 95% 23.10-24.53 with regard to frequency vs. 25.71 ± 6.31 CI 95% 25.01–26.41 with respect to difficulty). These results indicated that environmental knowledge among the Spanish population was limited (55.7%), although the nurses included in this research were aware of their potential impact on the environment (70.4%). The PEB subscale focused mostly on following environmental guidelines in their homes (57.3%) because these sustainable domestic tasks are easier for them (63.1%) than tasks in the professional field. The second subscale, NPEB, indicated that sustainable activities such as recycling were easy for the participants (57.6%), but sometimes they engaged in such activities less frequently than they would like (52.2%) (Fig.  1 and Fig.  2 ).

figure 1

Representation of the frequency of nursing environmental behavior

figure 2

Difficulty of engaging in adequate environmental behaviors

The sociodemographic variables indicated differences among the NEAT subscales (Table  2 ). Gender, working experience (with a median value of 10 years), and the position held in the institution and region were relevant with regard to environmental knowledge ( p  < 0.01), environmental behavior outside the workplace ( p  < 0.01), and environmental behavior in the workplace ( p  < 0.01).

The NPEB was associated with the worst scores, thereby reflecting the nurses’ environmental behavior and activities in the workplace (52.23% rarely performed relevant activities, and 35.03% indicated that doing so was difficult) (Fig.  1 and Fig.  2 ). The NPEB values pertaining to environmental behavior were positively linked to age ( r  = 0.412; p  < 0.001), NAS knowledge ( r  = 0.526; p  < 0.001), PEB frequency ( r  = 0. 57; p  < 0.001), PEB difficulty ( r  = 0.329; p  < 0.001), and finally, difficulty performing adequate environmental behaviors ( r  = 0.499; p  < 0.001). Additionally, the value of the NPEB with regard to the difficulty of performing adequate environmental behaviors was positively associated with age ( r  = 0.149; p  = 0.008), NAS knowledge ( r  = 0.249; p  < 0.001), PEB frequency ( r  = 0. 244; p  < 0.001) and PEB difficulty ( r  = 0.442; p  < 0.001).

Based on the relevance of certain sociodemographic variables, the nurses’ environmental awareness (NAS) and their behavior outside the workplace (PEB), linear multiple regression was performed to investigate nursing behavior in the workplace (NPEB). The initial model (square sum = 488.655; p  < 0.0001) indicated that age, the impact of nursing awareness (NAS), and the frequency of sustainable behaviors outside the workplace (PEB) were not relevant to nursing behavior in the workplace (NPEB) in terms of the frequency of performing adequate behavior or the difficulties experienced ( p  > 0.05). Based on these results, the adjusted model was calculated (Table  3 ), indicating that NPEB depends on PEB frequency and NAS knowledge ( p  < 0.01).

Nursing environmental behavior in the context of Green Teams: Barriers and areas for improvement.

The participants in the qualitative study ( N  = 10) included nine women and one man; their median age was 49 years; they exhibited an interval quartile range of 35–60; they had levels of working experience ranging between 20 and 30 years, and they worked only in the mornings (7/10). Furthermore, the group including nurses and nursing supervisors (5/10) exhibited higher levels of education (see Supplementary file 2 ). The themes identified via repetition and associations during the interviews and observations indicated links among nurses’ responsibilities on the Green Team since they conformed to the nature of such teams (i). This team and nursing leaders identified sustainable environmental behavior (ii) that could improve environmental awareness (iii), knowledge, aptitude, and skills. The nurses who are responsible for sustainable changes should be the leaders (iv), and the relevant barriers and limitations (v) and areas for improvement (vi) in diverse areas should be identified simultaneously.

Green teams were linked to nursing responsibilities in the context of environmental sustainability.

In the interviews, the Green Teams, led by environmental leader nurses and comprising various staff members, were identified as crucial committees dedicated to enhancing environmental awareness and knowledge among hospital staff. Participants indicated that these teams facilitated regular meetings to discuss sustainable practices and played a pivotal role in testing behaviors and knowledge related to environmental sustainability. The Green Teams were highlighted as platforms for fostering collaboration and discussion surrounding sustainable practices. Participants noted that these teams facilitated the main purpose of the team and its members to improve the hospital staff’s knowledge and attitudes via meetings (RN 2,3 and NL 1,3). Subsequently, the NL also indicated a key role of the team in the testing of behaviors and knowledge. The behavior of registered nurses should be tested using questions according to the NLs. Also, the NLs are included in disponibility of of proper disposal methods for medical waste:

“So, where is the rubbish bin for medicines, that white one that you showed in the session that is used for the remains of medicines that we do not give to patients?” [(NL5)]

By such comments, it can be inferred that the Green Team not only disseminates information, manages the training and measures knowledge but also ensures that staff members understand and adhere to best practices in waste management. These tasks of the NLs and other RNs in the Green Team contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of environmental sustainability efforts within the hospital.

Sustainable environmental behaviors were emerged by Green Teams.

The results of the analysis indicated some degree of resistance among the nurses working at the clinical management units with regard to their lack of competencies, especially those pertaining to knowledge, skills and attitudes. The comments from the interviews highlighted potential factors contributing to this resistance, including age-related differences, varying levels of awareness, and challenges in applying the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle (the three Rs). For instance, one repetitive comment expressed a sentiment of uncertainty, stating “It is what is, but we don’t know it or what to do with it” (RN 3,4,5, and NL 2,3).

“We know what the light packing is, and they (maintenance people) installed it to reduce the lights and reduce the expense and cost, but we don’t know what to do with the rubbish bins” [(NL 4)]

This comment highlights a disconnect between awareness of specific sustainable initiatives and the practical knowledge to implement them effectively. All comments reflect the importance of addressing knowledge gaps and providing practical guidance to support nurses in adopting sustainable environmental behaviours. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, healthcare facilities can enhance their environmental stewardship efforts and promote a culture of sustainability among staff members.

Environmental awareness were drawn from the nursing responsibilities that led to the creation of the Green Team.

The comments indicated that environmental awareness among nurses was influenced by training sessions and courses on environmental sustainability. After receiving training featuring lectures and courses on environmental sustainability, the leaders also reflected on the ways in which nurses put the recommendations made during the environmental sustainability courses into practice. Moreover, the leaders indicated that education should be beyond formal training sessions. The environmental leaders were interested in supplementing these courses with environmental education practices for the general population, as noted, for example, in reports of discharge from patient care or cycling on the ward. These activities indicated the ideal of including a holistic approach to sustainability within the healthcare setting.

Relevant statements included, “We have to separate residues according to the material… light plastic goes to… it is important for the unit and all of us” (NL 2,5). One key point that the referees and registered nurses highlighted pertained to the climate, particularly the lack of water (NL 1–5 and RN 1,2).

“The drought is getting worse; I don’t know how we are going to keep up… we hope it rains soon” [(RN1)]

Overall, the interviews shed light on the efforts to foster environmental awareness among nurses through formal training and practical integration into everyday practices. These observations emphasize the importance of ongoing education and action in addressing environmental concerns within healthcare settings.

Leadership, which was linked by comments to the Green Teams.

The interviews revealed that leadership, particularly within the context of Green Teams, is crucial in promoting environmental awareness and fostering a culture of sustainability among nursing staff. All the participants ( n  = 10) indicated that the presence of adequate knowledge, meetings and awareness among nursing staff were the most important factors. These factors were identified as key drivers in promoting sustainable practices within the healthcare environment. NLs indicated the importance of creating a supportive working environment where nurses feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification without fear of negative feedback. Relevant statements included, “It is key to receive feedback from the nurses and provide a good working environment so that they can ask questions and reflect without negative comments” (NL 1,2,4, and RN 1,2). This working environment allowed the registered nurses to ask for help regarding the three Rs:

“Could you remind me (referring to the environmental coordinator) how the sustainable guidelines were included in the discharge report for the continuity of care; I remember some things from the course you gave us, but I want to convey it completely to my patient” [(RN2)]

Barriers and limitations, were drawn from nurses’ responsibilities.

Several nurses indicated that the difficulties they encountered with regard to performing environmental behaviors pertained to the lack of time, adequate bins, and space as well as the limited number of nurses per patient in the wards. Despite these challenges, participants noted a positive outcome in the form of increased awareness of sustainability issues among nurses, indicating a growing recognition of the importance of environmental stewardship within the healthcare setting. One factor that increased the barriers to environmental adequacy was the pandemic, which increased waste and rubbish. Despite these challenges, participants noted a positive outcome in the form of increased awareness of sustainability issues among nurses, indicating a growing recognition of the importance of environmental stewardship within the healthcare setting. Relevant statements included “There are not enough green rubbish bins for COVID waste” (EL 1,4,5 and RN1,2) and “How are we going to recycle if we don’t even have time to care for patients?” (RN 1,2 and NL 3).

All these comments indicated the barriers the nurses faced, but they also suggested possibilities for improvement. The pandemic, despite overloading nurses, also improved their awareness.

Areas subject to improvement emerged from nursing responsibilities, limitations and leadership.

Nurses indicated that despite their general levels of environmental awareness and the courses they had received, participants performed better regarding their recycling behaviors at home than at the hospital. Participants acknowledged performing better in recycling practices within their personal spaces, suggesting a potential gap in translating theoretical knowledge into practical action within the healthcare environment. Relevant statements included “It’s just that I recycle almost everything in my house, especially glass…, but here, there is no time…” (RN 1,4,5).

Moreover, time constraints emerged as a significant barrier impeding nurses’ ability to engage fully in environmental sustainability efforts. Participants cited the demanding nature of their work, particularly in the context of patient care responsibilities, as limiting their capacity to prioritize sustainability initiatives. This highlights the need for strategies to streamline environmental practices and integrate them seamlessly into nurses’ daily routines without adding undue burden.

Some statements also highlighted nurses’ willingness to improve paperwork and records. Nurses recognized the importance of incorporating environmental considerations into patient discharge reports and other documentation processes but sought further guidance on how to effectively implement these practices. Relevant statements included “Can you tell me how the patient’s continuity care report upon discharge was included in the recommendations for environmental sustainability… I want to do the report well with what you gave us in the clinical session the other day…” [(NL4)]

These comments indicated the opportunities for improvement in fostering a culture of environmental sustainability within the hospital setting. By addressing the identified challenges and providing targeted support and guidance, especially the lack of time, nurses can contribute to environmental stewardship efforts more effectively.

The current research highlights the relevance of nurses as promoters of environmentally sustainable behaviors in their roles as members of Green Teams and important leaders. The findings suggest that nurses exhibit acceptable knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors with regard to environmental sustainability both inside and outside the workplace. These results are complemented by a qualitative analysis indicating that such behaviors originate from nursing responsibility, Green Teams, leadership identification of barriers and areas of improvement. Both analyses highlight the fact that environmental nursing behavior in the workplace depends on sustainable behaviors outside the workplace. The qualitative analysis also identifies diverse barriers to the task of promoting sustainable behavior within the workplace, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for more time to be allocated to this process. One key point identified by both analyses is that nurses have acceptable levels of knowledge; however, their attitudes, although as yet imperfect, are improving.

Several studies of nurses’ awareness of environmental sustainability have revealed that nurses exhibit moderate levels of awareness and a considerable degree of concern regarding the health impacts of climate change [ 37 , 42 , 43 ], as reflected in the NEAT-es results.

Interestingly, the participants exhibited a tendency to perform environmentally sustainable behaviors more consistently in their personal lives than in professional settings. These results are consistent with previous research on registered nurse and nursing students [ 36 , 41 , 42 ]. According to Swedish research, nurses generally recognize environmental issues but may lack awareness of the environmental impact of health care [ 43 ]. Polivka Barbara J. et al. (2012) highlighted the gap between nurses’ knowledge of sustainability and workplace behaviors, thereby emphasizing the need for education and training programs to promote sustainable practices [ 44 ]. These issues were also observed in a study conducted in Taiwan, which revealed that while nursing students exhibit positive attitudes toward sustainability, their knowledge and behaviors are inadequate [ 45 ].

By conducting qualitative analysis, this research also identified multiple barriers to the adoption of sustainable practices among nurses, including time constraints, disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, a lack of bins, and a lack of health care personnel. These findings are in line with those reported in other research, but certain barriers (in terms of resources, time, and support) to the implementation of sustainable practices in the workplace remain [ 29 ]. This study suggests that interventions should be designed to address these barriers and promote sustainable behavior among nurses, a suggestion which is consistent with the current research. These findings highlight the importance of comprehending nurses’ perspectives on environmental sustainability in health care contexts as well as the necessity for targeted interventions and support mechanisms [ 46 ]. The tasks assigned to nursing leaders and the Green Team involved addressing these barriers and promoting sustainable practices among nurses in the context of their professional roles. Environmental nursing leaders seem to be crucial with regard to establishing a more environmentally conscious health care environment, which is in line with recommendations to create a greener health care system [ 21 , 31 ]. Despite the results of the interviews, some global qualitative studies of nurses’ views on environmental issues have exhibited variations across countries [ 47 , 48 ]. In Sweden, nurses already exhibit pro-sustainability attitudes before the introduction of the 2030 SDGs [ 16 ]. However, the integration of environmental sustainability education into nursing programs can prepare future nurses more effectively to address the challenges associated with climate change and promote sustainable health outcomes [ 49 ].


Although this investigation provides valuable insights, it is important to acknowledge its limitations. First, the study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain, which may have influenced the results due to the unique circumstances and stressors faced by health care workers during this period. Additionally, the assessment of nurses’ environmental awareness was performed on a larger scale, i.e., across multiple regions, and therefore may not accurately reflect individual attitudes and behaviors since the qualitative investigations focused on a specific region. However, this approach was adopted to minimize the risk of the ecological fallacy. Future studies could explore individual perspectives and experiences by reference to more diverse and representative samples.

Despite these limitations, this research is highly relevant because it sheds light on the role of nurses in the task of promoting environmental sustainability in health care settings. The research also emphasized the role of nursing leadership in the tasks of promoting environmental sustainability and providing nurses with the necessary resources and support to implement sustainable practices.

In conclusion, while nurses generally exhibit acceptable levels of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding environmental sustainability, a notable gap persists in terms of the frequency of sustainable actions within the professional settings in which they operate. This finding highlights the importance of closely aligning nurses’ personal and professional sustainability practices.

The qualitative analysis conducted as part of this study identified several barriers to the adoption of sustainable practices among nurses, including time constraints, disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, issues with waste disposal, and challenges related to health care personnel. Despite the fact that these findings are in line with those reported in previous research, persistent barriers such as limited resources, time, and support hinder the implementation of sustainable practices in the workplace. Therefore, interventions aimed at addressing these barriers and promoting sustainable behavior among nurses are essential, as highlighted by both current research and the corresponding qualitative insights. Therefore, nursing leaders and Green Teams are pivotal with regard to overcoming these barriers and fostering sustainable practices within health care environments. Environmental nursing leaders in particular are instrumental to the cultivation of a more environmentally conscious health care system, thereby aligning with recommendations for greener health care practices.

Data availability

The datasets used and/or analyzed as part of the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

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The authors would like to thank the Excellent Official Nursing School and all the professionals who participated in this research for their support.

This research received no external funding; however, the project did receive an award from the Excellent Official Nursing School in Cordoba, Spain, in 2020.

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Authors and affiliations.

Neurosurgery Department, Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Andalusian Health Care System, 14071, Cordoba, Spain

Olga María Luque-Alcaraz

Environmental Protection Office (SEPA), University of Córdoba, Campus Rabanales, 14014, Córdoba, Spain

Olga María Luque-Alcaraz, Antonio Gomera & Manuel Vaquero-Abellán

GE 10 Research Groups of Clinical-Epidemiological Research in Primary Care, University Biomedical Program for Occupational Medicine, Occupational Epidemiology and Sustainability, Maimonides Institute of Biomedicine of Cordoba (IMIBIC), 14071, Cordoba, Spain

Olga María Luque-Alcaraz, Pilar Aparicio-Martínez & Manuel Vaquero-Abellán

Nursing, Pharmacology and Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, University of Cordoba, 14071, Cordoba, Spain

Pilar Aparicio-Martínez & Manuel Vaquero-Abellán

GA16 Lifestyles, Innovation and Health, Maimonides Institute of Biomedicine of Cordoba (IMIBIC), 14071, Cordoba, Spain

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A.G. and M. V-A. conceived and designed the study, and O.M. L. and P.A-M. acquired the data, analyzed and interpreted the data, and drafted the article. The publication and supervision of the article were the responsibility of A.G. and M. V-A. All authors contributed equally to the writing and preparation of the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Pilar Aparicio-Martínez .

Ethics declarations

Ethical approval and consent to participate.

Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Reina Sofia Hospital of Cordoba, which is part of the Andalusian Health Care System in Spain (Act No. 267, ref.3605). This research was in line with the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights as well as the Nursing Ethics Code and the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. The participants were informed of the study’s purpose before participation; their informed consent was obtained, and they were informed that they were able to withdraw from the study at any stage. All the data were obtained after informed consent was collected; in addition, the data were anonymized and saved securely in a database, thereby maintaining all stipulations of the Personal Data Law.

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Not applicable.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Luque-Alcaraz, O.M., Aparicio-Martínez, P., Gomera, A. et al. The environmental awareness of nurses as environmentally sustainable health care leaders: a mixed method analysis. BMC Nurs 23 , 229 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-024-01895-z

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Received : 26 June 2023

Accepted : 26 March 2024

Published : 03 April 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-024-01895-z

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  • Environmental health
  • Attitude of health personnel
  • Sustainable development
  • Health Knowledge, attitudes, and practices
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Create your Europass CV

The Europass CV builder makes it easy to create your CV online. You can use it to apply for a job, education or training opportunities as well as volunteering.

The best-known CV format in Europe

The Europass CV is one of the best-known CV formats in Europe. It is easy-to-use and familiar to employers and education institutions.

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You can create, store and share CVs in 31 languages . You can download your Europass CV, store it in your Europass Library share it with employers, with  EURES  or other job boards.

How to create a good CV

Remember that your CV is your first opportunity to communicate your skills and experiences to a future employer. It is a snapshot of who you are, your skills, your educational background, work experiences and other achievements.

Present your experience clearly

Highlight examples of your skills and experiences matching the job you are applying for. Pay close attention to the details published in the vacancy notice.

Tailor your CV

Make sure you update the ‘About Me’ section to highlight why you are the best person for the job. Do not include a full detailed history. Focus on facts and main points that match the job you have in mind.

Make it readable

Make sure your CV is easy to read. Use clear and simple language.  Use strong verbs (e.g. ‘managed’, ‘developed’, ‘increased’).

Use reverse chronological order

Always list the most recent experience on the top followed by previous ones. In case of long gaps in working or learning, include an explanation.

Polish and fine-tune

Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, provide a professional e-mail address, and add a professional photograph of yourself.

Your Europass profile

Your Europass profile is the place to keep a record of all your skills, qualifications and experiences. If you keep your Europass profile up-to-date then you will always have all the information you need to create tailored CVs and job applications quickly.

Good luck with your applications!

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Create your Europass Cover Letter

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Develop your skills through volunteering

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  1. Types of Interviews in Research

    There are several types of interviews, often differentiated by their level of structure. Structured interviews have predetermined questions asked in a predetermined order. Unstructured interviews are more free-flowing. Semi-structured interviews fall in between. Interviews are commonly used in market research, social science, and ethnographic ...

  2. (PDF) How to Conduct an Effective Interview; A Guide to Interview

    Vancouver, Canada. Abstract. Interviews are one of the most promising ways of collecting qualitative data throug h establishment of a. communication between r esearcher and the interviewee. Re ...

  3. The Complete Guide to Conducting Research Interviews

    Deciding if the interviews are a good fit for your research, picking the right people to interview, preparing a questionnaire are all important steps to succeed. This guide is meant to assist you from A to Z in interviewing, including the best practices in interviewing, preparation, and analysis — generated by Ece Kural, PhD in International ...

  4. How to Conduct a Qualitative Interview (2024 Guide)

    Conducting interviews involves a well-planned and deliberate process to collect accurate and valid data. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct interviews in qualitative research, broken down into three stages: 1. Before the interview. The first step in conducting a qualitative interview is determining your research question. This will ...

  5. What is a Research Interview? (Types + Steps of Conducting)

    Researchers aim to look into the individual's life journey. As a result, this type of interview allows participants to construct and share their own narratives, providing rich qualitative data. Qualitative research, oral history, or studies focusing on individual experiences and identities uses narrative interviews. 6.

  6. Qualitative research method-interviewing and observation

    Interviewing. This is the most common format of data collection in qualitative research. According to Oakley, qualitative interview is a type of framework in which the practices and standards be not only recorded, but also achieved, challenged and as well as reinforced.[] As no research interview lacks structure[] most of the qualitative research interviews are either semi-structured, lightly ...

  7. Research Methods Guide: Interview Research

    Develop an interview guide. Introduce yourself and explain the aim of the interview. Devise your questions so interviewees can help answer your research question. Have a sequence to your questions / topics by grouping them in themes. Make sure you can easily move back and forth between questions / topics. Make sure your questions are clear and ...

  8. PDF Interviewing in Qualitative Research

    Introduction. Interviewing in qualitative research is much like good conversation. It is the process of extracting people's experiences, describing how they felt about them and how they affected their lives. It is the most widely used method in qualitative research. It is flexible, inexpensive, and does not inter- fere with the researcher's ...

  9. How To Do Qualitative Interviews For Research

    Your research aims, objectives and research questions - i.e., your golden thread - should influence every design decision and should guide the interview process at all times. A useful way to avoid this mistake is by developing an interview guide before you begin interviewing your respondents. An interview guide is a document that contains ...

  10. Twelve tips for conducting qualitative research interviews

    Summary. The qualitative research interview is a powerful data-collection tool which affords researchers in medical education opportunities to explore unknown areas of education and practice within medicine. This paper articulates 12 tips for consideration when conducting qualitative research interviews, and outlines the qualitative research ...

  11. Qualitative Interviewing

    Interviewing is often described as the "foundational" method of qualitative research, with good reason (Liamputtong 2013).Using verbal communication and face-to-face conversation as a means to share our experiences and views of the world around us is fundamental to human social life (Serry and Liamputtong 2017).With a strong grounding in the social convention of conversation, then ...


    result, the structure of interviews can range from loose conversations to structured exchanges in which all interviewees are asked the exact same set of questions. Your choice of interview structure should reflect the goals and stage of your research. Less structured interviews are most appropriate for early stages of research because they

  13. Interview Research

    InterViews by Steinar Kvale Interviewing is an essential tool in qualitative research and this introduction to interviewing outlines both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical aspects of the process. After examining the role of the interview in the research process, Steinar Kvale considers some of the key philosophical issues relating ...


    The main purpose of the current paper is to of fer practical insight s on the process of q ualitative. data collection through semi structured interv iews for novice researchers. The paper has ...

  15. Conducting Qualitative Research Interviews: 7 Steps to Follow

    Step #5: Conduct the Interviews. The next step is fieldwork. This is when you dial into a conference line or dial the participant directly (preferred). Remember you want to eliminate as much work as possible and make it easy for the research participant. Calling them directly at your allotted time is easiest.

  16. Probing in qualitative research interviews: Theory and practice

    Introduction. The science and practice of conducting research interviews in the social sciences has been evolving for over four decades (Brinkmann and Kvale Citation 2018; Gorden Citation 1975; Mishler Citation 1986; Roulston Citation 2010; Wengraf Citation 2001).Probing has been / recognised in this literature as a central element of the research interview process, due to the fact that it ...

  17. Conduct Interviews for Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research interviews are depth interviews. They elicit detailed feedback from your leads and customers. Unstructured interviews reveal why people react in a certain way or make certain decisions. According to The Hartford, qualitative research provides an anecdotal look into your business. That provides an important form of data.

  18. 7 Interview Methods in Research (Plus Interviewing Tips)

    How to conduct interviews in research You can follow these key steps to conduct interviews as part of your research process: 1. Choose your interview method The first step to conducting a research interview is to choose your method. It's also important to choose the right method for your specific research.

  19. (PDF) The Research Interview

    Abstract. The Research Interview brings into focus the decisions that the interviewer faces at all stages of the interview process. Taking a data-led approach, the book makes evident choices and ...


    An interview is a conversation for gathering information. A research interview involves an interviewer, who coordinates the process of the conversation and asks questions, and an interviewee, who responds to those questions. Interviews can be conducted face-to-face or over the telephone. The internet is also emerging as a tool for interviewing.

  21. What Is a Research Interview? (And How To Conduct One)

    Indeed Editorial Team. Updated August 11, 2022. A research interview is useful for researchers to gather information on a certain topic. You may interview a group of people, and you'll have a range of choices to ask specific questions. Research interviews allow an interviewee to elaborate on their responses to render a clear context to you.

  22. How to conduct research interviews (a step-by-step guide)

    How to conduct a research interview. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a productive research interview: 1. Define your objectives. Identify what you want to achieve and the information you'd like to gather. This helps you guide your questions and gain as much information as possible. Remember, every research assignment has an ...

  23. Interview Techniques

    Focusing on the process of interviewing, along with research and practice will deliver positive results. Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes . Learning how to conduct a medical interview is a basic skill required of all clinical providers. Patients often present with complex scenarios and may have underlying apprehensions, preconceptions, or ...

  24. Deductive Qualitative Analysis: Evaluating, Expanding, and Refining

    Deductive qualitative analysis (DQA; Gilgun, 2005) is a specific approach to deductive qualitative research intended to systematically test, refine, or refute theory by integrating deductive and inductive strands of inquiry.The purpose of the present paper is to provide a primer on the basic principles and practices of DQA and to exemplify the methodology using two studies that were conducted ...

  25. Using the consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to

    Procedure. The procedure for this research is multi-stepped and is summarized in Fig. 1.First, we mapped retrospective qualitative data collected during the development of the SCI-HMT [] against the five domains of the CFIR in order to create a semi-structured interview guide (Step 1).Then, we used this interview guide to collect prospective data from health professionals and people with SCI ...

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    This research aimed to explore the following: VR app as a means for job interview training; the structure of behavioral interview questions; and ways to apply these two approaches more inclusively. The cocreation process of development, deployment, evaluation, and revision was done by all parties involved, participants and researchers alike.

  27. The environmental awareness of nurses as environmentally sustainable

    Background People worldwide are concerned with the possibility of climate change, microplastics, air pollution, and extreme weather affecting human health. Countries are implementing measures to reduce environmental impacts. Nurses play a vital role, primarily through Green Teams, in the process of promoting sustainable practices and minimizing the environmental footprint of health care ...

  28. Create your Europass CV

    The best-known CV format in Europe. The Europass CV is one of the best-known CV formats in Europe. It is easy-to-use and familiar to employers and education institutions. You will first have to create your Europass profile with information on your education, training, work experience and skills. After you complete your Europass profile, you can create as many CVs as you want with just a few ...

  29. Morning Edition for April 1, 2024 : NPR

    California fast-food workers will get $20 minimum wage, starting Monday. by Vanessa Romo, Alina Selyukh. less than 1 min. Audio will be available later today.