
Essay on My Ideal Person My Father

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Ideal Person My Father in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Ideal Person My Father


My ideal person is my father. He is the pillar of strength and support in my life.

My father is my role model. His hard work and dedication inspire me to be the best.

He has taught me important values like honesty, kindness, and respect for others.

Patience and Understanding

My father’s patience and understanding help me grow and learn from my mistakes.

In conclusion, my father is my ideal person. His qualities make me admire and love him more.

250 Words Essay on My Ideal Person My Father

My ideal person is none other than my father, a figure of strength, compassion, and wisdom. His life and actions have always been a beacon of inspiration, guiding me towards a path of righteousness and integrity.

Symbol of Strength

My father is the embodiment of resilience. Throughout his life, he faced numerous challenges, yet he never allowed these to deter him. Instead, he used them as stepping stones to build a life of dignity and respect. His unwavering determination and perseverance have taught me the true meaning of strength, inspiring me to face my own hurdles with courage and conviction.

Epitome of Compassion

Despite his struggles, my father always prioritized the welfare of others. His compassion is not limited to his family alone; it extends to every individual who crosses his path. He has instilled in me the importance of empathy and kindness, making me understand that true success lies not in personal achievements but in the difference we make in others’ lives.

Wisdom Personified

My father’s wisdom is something I deeply admire. His perspectives on life, drawn from his experiences, have often provided me with invaluable insights. His ability to make sound decisions, even under pressure, has always amazed me. It’s this wisdom that I aspire to acquire, to navigate the complexities of life with grace and understanding.

In essence, my father, with his strength, compassion, and wisdom, personifies my ideal. His life serves as a testament to the fact that moral values and principles hold the key to true success. As I carve my path, I aim to emulate his virtues, hoping to become a reflection of my ideal person, my father.

500 Words Essay on My Ideal Person My Father

In the vast tapestry of human relationships, the bond between a father and child holds a uniquely profound significance. My father, a beacon of inspiration, is the personification of my ideal individual. His life, an epitome of hard work, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication, has been my guiding light, shaping my values and principles.

My Father: The Embodiment of Strength

My father’s strength, both physical and mental, is a trait that I deeply admire. He is not a superhero from a comic book, but his resilience in the face of adversity is nothing short of heroic. He has weathered numerous storms in his life, from financial troubles to health issues, but he has never let these challenges dampen his spirit. His strength is not a mere show of bravado; it is a testament to his unwavering resolve and determination, teaching me that strength is not about never falling, but about getting up each time we fall.

My Father: A Paragon of Perseverance

Perseverance is another quality that my father embodies. His life story is a testament to the power of perseverance. From a humble background, he worked his way up, overcoming numerous obstacles with sheer determination and hard work. His journey taught me that success is not a destination but a journey, and it is not about the absence of failures but the refusal to give up in the face of them. His perseverance inspires me to push my boundaries, to strive for excellence, and to never give up, no matter how daunting the challenges may seem.

My Father: The Epitome of Empathy

Empathy, a trait often overlooked in our fast-paced, competitive world, is another quality that my father possesses in abundance. He has always been a pillar of support for those around him, extending his help and understanding without any expectation of reciprocation. His compassion towards others, even in the face of his own struggles, taught me the importance of empathy and kindness. It made me realize that true success is not just about personal accomplishments, but also about the positive impact we can have on others’ lives.

My Father: The Model of Integrity

Integrity is the cornerstone of my father’s character. He always emphasizes the importance of honesty and ethical conduct, and his actions have always been a reflection of his words. His uncompromising adherence to his principles, even in the most challenging situations, has instilled in me a deep respect for the value of integrity. It taught me that true character is about sticking to one’s principles, even when no one is watching.

In conclusion, my father, with his strength, perseverance, empathy, and integrity, embodies my ideal person. His life serves as a constant reminder of the values that I strive to uphold. He is not just my father; he is my mentor, my inspiration, and my ideal. His life is a testament to the fact that our actions, not our words, define who we are. It is his influence that shapes my worldview, guiding me in my journey towards becoming a person of character, resilience, and empathy.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Favourite Sportsperson MS Dhoni
  • Essay on My Favourite Sports Person
  • Essay on My Favourite Person

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay about hard working father

College Essay: My Parents’ Sacrifice Makes Me Strong

Rosemary Santos

After living in Texas briefly, my mom moved in with my aunt in Minnesota, where she helped raise my cousins while my aunt and uncle worked. My mom still glances to the building where she first lived. I think it’s amazing how she first moved here, she lived in a small apartment and now owns a house. 

My dad’s family was poor. He dropped out of elementary school to work. My dad was the only son my grandpa had. My dad thought he was responsible to help his family out, so he decided to leave for Minnesota   because  of  many  work opportunities .   

My parents met working in cleaning at the IDS  C enter during night shifts. I am their only child, and their main priority was not leaving me alone while they worked. My mom left her cleaning job to work mornings at a warehouse. My dad continued his job in cleaning at night.   

My dad would get me ready for school and walked me to the bus stop while waiting in the cold. When I arrived home from school, my dad had dinner prepared and the house cleaned. I would eat with him at the table while watching TV, but he left after to pick up my mom from work.   

My mom would get home in the afternoon. Most memories of my mom are watching her lying down on the couch watching her  n ovelas  –  S panish soap operas  – a nd falling asleep in the living room. I knew her job was physically tiring, so I didn’t bother her.  

Seeing my parents work hard and challenge Mexican customs influence my values today as a person. As a child, my dad cooked and cleaned, to help out my mom, which is rare in Mexican culture. Conservative Mexicans believe men are superior to women; women are seen as housewives who cook, clean and obey their husbands. My parents constantly tell me I should get an education to never depend on a man. My family challenged  machismo , Mexican sexism, by creating their own values and future.  

My parents encouraged me to, “ ponte  las  pilas ” in school, which translates to “put on your batteries” in English. It means that I should put in effort and work into achieving my goal. I was taught that school is the key object in life. I stay up late to complete all my homework assignments, because of this I miss a good amount of sleep, but I’m willing to put in effort to have good grades that will benefit me. I have softball practice right after school, so I try to do nearly all of my homework ahead of time, so I won’t end up behind.  

My parents taught me to set high standards for myself. My school operates on a 4.0-scale. During lunch, my friends talked joyfully about earning a 3.25 on a test. When I earn less than a 4.25, I feel disappointed. My friends reacted with, “You should be happy. You’re extra . ” Hearing that phrase flashbacks to my parents seeing my grades. My mom would pressure me to do better when I don’t earn all 4.0s  

Every once in  awhile , I struggled with following their value of education. It can be difficult to balance school, sports and life. My parents think I’m too young to complain about life. They don’t think I’m tired, because I don’t physically work, but don’t understand that I’m mentally tired and stressed out. It’s hard for them to understand this because they didn’t have the experience of going to school.   

The way I could thank my parents for their sacrifice is accomplishing their American dream by going to college and graduating to have a professional career. I visualize the day I graduate college with my degree, so my  family  celebrates by having a carne  asada (BBQ) in the yard. All my friends, relatives, and family friends would be there to congratulate me on my accomplishments.  

As teenagers, my parents worked hard manual labor jobs to be able to provide for themselves and their family. Both of them woke up early in the morning to head to work. Staying up late to earn extra cash. As teenagers, my parents tried going to school here in the U.S .  but weren’t able to, so they continued to work. Early in the morning now, my dad arrives home from work at 2:30 a.m .,  wakes up to drop me off at school around 7:30 a.m . , so I can focus on studying hard to earn good grades. My parents want me to stay in school and not prefer work to  head on their  same path as them. Their struggle influences me to have a good work ethic in school and go against the odds.  

essay about hard working father

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English Compositions

Short Essay on My Father [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Essays on ‘Father’ is a very common English writing comprehension test for many exams. In this lesson today, I will discuss how to write short essays on one of the most important people of our life: Father. 

Feature image of Short Essay on My Father

Short Essay on Father in 100 Words

My father is a kind and caring person. He is my hero. He works hard and takes care of our family. He always motivates me to study well, work hard and chase my dreams. Whenever I am sick, he stays beside me and takes care of me alongside my mother.

My father is a loving husband to my mother and a filial son to his parents. He helps my mother with the household chores and spends a lot of time with my grandparents. He has never differentiated between a son and a daughter and treats me and my sibling equally. On weekends, he takes us out for picnics, movies, and other fun activities. My father is a role model for me. 

Short Essay on Father in 200 Words

My father is an ideal man. He is kind and caring. He works hard and takes care of our family. He is a strong-willed person who doesn’t fear challenges and never gives up. He motivates me to study well and work hard towards my dreams. My father is my best friend. I share all my worries and problems with him and he always comes up with the best solutions. When I am sad, he comforts me and gives me strength. When I am sick, he stays beside me and takes care of me alongside my mother. 

My father is a loving husband and a filial son. He helps my mother with the household work and shares her load. He values her a lot and never fights with her. He also spends a lot of time with my grandparents and takes them to visit their old friends whenever he has time. He also takes us out for family picnics and outings on weekends.

My father has never differentiated between a son and a daughter and treats both me and my sibling equally. He has set an example for us by being an upright, compassionate and genuine human being. He has taught us to be honest, respectful, and kind. My father is my role model and I love him very much. 

Short Essay on Father in 400 Words

My father is the backbone of our family. He is a kind, caring and compassionate person. He is a teacher by profession and is well-respected by his students and colleagues. He works hard and takes care of our family. My father is strong-willed and optimistic. He is not afraid of facing challenges and doesn’t give up no matter how difficult a situation is.

He motivates me to study well and work hard towards my dreams. My father is also my best friend. He listens to whatever I have to say. I can share all my worries and problems with him and he always comes up with the best solutions. When I am not in a good mood, he comforts me. When I am sick, he takes care of me. Even when he returns home tired, he makes sure to sit with us and have a nice talk. 

My father is a generous person. Being a teacher, he has come across many students who want to learn but do not have the financial capacity to support their studies. For them, he has given lessons for free and even helped them financially.

He is very kind to the poor and needy. He helps them and does as much as possible to support them. My father is a helpful person and is always ready to extend a helping hand whenever our neighbours are in some kind of trouble. I am very proud of him. 

My father is an ideal husband and son. He helps my mother with the household chores and shares the load. He values her, listens to her thoughts, ideas and opinions and never fights with her. They always make sure that our home environment is peaceful and harmonious.

My father is also a filial son who spends a lot of time taking care of his parents. He takes my grandparents out to the park and to visit their old friends whenever he has time. On weekends, he takes us out for picnics, movies and other fun activities. When my sibling or I have exams, my father stays up at night to guide us and help us with our studies. 

My father has never differentiated between a son and a daughter and treats both me and my sibling equally. He has taught us to be upright, honest, respectful and kind. He leads by example and has shown us how to be selfless, brave and patient. My father is my role model and I love him dearly. 

Hopefully, from the session above, you have gotten a holistic idea of how you can write short essays on ‘Father’ in a concise form. In this lesson, I have adopted a simplistic approach and easy language to write these essays so that all kinds of students can understand those without any difficulties. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through some quick comments. 

Join us on Telegram to get the latest updates on our upcoming session. Thank you.

10 Lessons My Parents Taught Me About The Value Of Working Hard

I am convinced that parents are hardworking superhumans. I’ve lived a great life thanks to my parents, and they’ve given me everything I could have dreamed of.

Now that I’m an adult, I realize the struggles they’ve faced to make sure my life was as good as possible.

Mom and Dad, please don’t think I haven’t noticed how much you’ve struggled.

Despite that, as parents, you’ve never failed me. You’ve done everything in your power to make a good life for me. Thank you for that.

I am a better person because of who you are.

Here are a few things I've learned from watching you two navigate your lives:

1. The value of a dollar.

You always made money come out of thin air, so I never had to wait for anything. Lunch money, reading books and a house over my head are all luxuries I had because of you.

I realize now how hard you had to work for this and it’s taught me to manage my finances and appreciate everything I have.

2. Every moment spent together is a gift.

You’ve worked ridiculous hours, weekends and holidays to support me. When you were home, you filled the house with love and fun.

Every time we read a book, watched a movie or sat in the same room together, it was the best time of my life.

3. How to manage a schedule.

Despite working exhausting hours, you never missed a school concert or teacher conference.

You were at every award ceremony and freezing cold tennis match you could possibly attend. Thank you for never missing the things that are important to me.

4. There’s no shame in struggling.

I’ve seen you at your worst, so I’m not embarrassed when you see me at mine. Whether I’m upset over something small or big, you take me seriously and treat me with nothing but respect.

I’m happy to share hard times with you because I know you’ve been there. Thank you for listening to my problems and offering honest advice.

5. The definition of strength.

Being a strong person doesn’t mean having no emotions. It’s okay to be tired and frustrated.

You’ve been tired and frustrated, yet continued on without a second thought. That’s real strength.

6. How to be self-sufficient.

Every time you showed me how to fix something on my car or stand up for myself, you gave me a little piece of confidence.

You’ve given me enough pieces to carry myself into adulthood with grace and dignity.

7. How to be selfless.

You’ve wiped my tears instead of your own, and that small act has taught me more than I could have ever imagined.

You’ve given so much of yourself to others. It’s just the way you are, and I hope to be the same way.

8. Laughter can fix most problems.

Thank you for sitting with me, listening to me vent and teaching me to have a sense of humor about it. You’ve taught me your favorite dirty jokes and childhood anecdotes.

Even though I’ve heard them a million times, they still make me laugh. Being able to laugh at a joke or at myself has made my life substantially easier.

9. Family isn’t defined by bloodlines.

You’ve taken your closest friends and turned them into a big family for me. I have this huge support system because of the bonds you’ve created.

I only hope that when I have kids, they feel the kind of love I’ve felt because of you.

10. Hard work pays off.

Whether it was learning to ride a bike, graduating high school or going to college, you never gave me the idea that I couldn’t do something if I tried as hard as possible.

Life isn’t always easy, but you worked hard and made it. All the odd jobs you’ve picked up because you had no choice didn’t go unnoticed.

Because of you, I’m not afraid of hard work; I embrace it.

Thank you for always supporting me and giving me everything I need to succeed.

Know that everything I accomplish for myself is also for you.

Every victory of mine is a victory for you, too. It’s the biggest compliment when I’m told I’m just like my parents. There’s no one better for me to be.

essay about hard working father


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Becoming a Working Dad

  • Bruce Feiler

essay about hard working father

It’s a major identity shift. Here’s how to manage the transition.

Life transitions involve three phases: the “long goodbye,” in which the person going through the transition mourns the life they’re leaving behind; the “messy middle,” in which the person sheds certain habits, mindsets, and lifestyles and begins to create new ones; and the “new beginning,” in which the person introduces their new self. These phases parallel nicely with the challenges and opportunities new working fathers face.

While the transition to working motherhood has been deeply studied by academics and discussed often in popular culture, the new dad transition has been woefully ignored. But research into these questions has accelerated in recent years. This article explores five tips for new dads to make the transition into working fatherhood a process that’s not just life disrupting, but life affirming, too.

Among the transitions people face in their lives, becoming a parent may be the most consequential. The fact that this life change is often expected and joyful does little to reduce the emotional upheaval and personal and professional adjustment required.

  • Bruce Feiler is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers, including  Council of Dads , which inspired the NBC television series, and  The Secrets of Happy Families . His two TED Talks have been viewed more than two millions times. His latest book is  Life Is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age .

Partner Center

Father's hard work gives his family a better life

  • Published: Jun. 17, 2012, 8:13 a.m.
  • syracuse.com | The Post-Standard

By Kristin Parker Contributing writer My dad is my hero because he does what he has to do to support his family. My dad grew up with 11 brothers and sisters in a two-bedroom trailer. His father left when he was young and never helped to support his family. His mother had to work three jobs to support them. To this day my father refuses to let my mom work, he feels that it is not right for the women to work because his mother was the only one to bring in money for his family and he feels it is his responsibility to support his family. My dad has worked in the construction field since he was 17 years old and has never taken a vacation. Sometimes, I am afraid that he's going to work himself to death, but I know he is doing it for my mom, my sister and I, so we do not have the life he did growing up. The most memorable lesson my dad has ever taught me is that to get what you want, you'd better be willing to work hard for it. Do not expect for it to just land into your lap because you know it will not.

I love my father very much, he has always been there for me and I know he always will be. I love you dad!

- Kristin Parker is a senior at Onondaga Central Jr. / Sr. High School

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

How to be a Happy Working Dad, Part One

When the Pew Research Center released its new report on modern parenthood last week, the Southern California Public Radio show “Take Two” called to see if I’d like to comment on it .

“The report finds that dads are spending more time than ever with kids,” the producer told me over the phone. “But they still feel like they aren’t spending enough.”

I had just picked up my eight year old from school and we were both in my office. As I talked on the phone, my son jumped into my lap and said, loudly enough for the producer to hear: “I’m bored! Can we go home yet?”

essay about hard working father

To test this assertion, Google “how to be a happy working parent ,” as I did a minute ago—the first 100 hits were targeted at moms. This suggests we as a culture haven’t given a lot of thought to the happiness of working fathers—and there are consequences to seeing work-life issues through a maternal lens, including a sense that a man’s individual problems represent personal, not societal, failures. When it comes to work-life fit, this is the message we hear as men: Suck it up .

But after I hung up the phone, I looked at my son and realized something important: After parenting for eight years and reading every peer-reviewed study I could find about work and family, I’ve gradually arrived at a place of equilibrium. Here are my 10 tips—drawn from a combination of scientific research and personal experience—for how to be a happy working dad. (This is part one, with five tips; here’s part two with five more.)

1. Find yourself a family-friendly workplace—and decide how much money that’s worth to you.

My employer, UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, doesn’t pay me a whole lot , but it’s an ideal workplace for parents.

Formal policies permit a lot of flexibility, and our offices are adjacent to one of the university’s preschools, both of which contribute to a profoundly child-friendly atmosphere. My co-worker Emiliana breastfeeds her new baby during staff meetings; my son does his homework in the lobby.

When I was weighing this job against another that paid more money, I actually monetized that flexibility. How much was I willing to pay for the ability to pick up my son from school, take him to the dentist, bring him by the office? My answer was $5,000 a year. In other words, that’s the amount I was willing and able to sacrifice to be the working father I wanted to be.

Your answer will not be the same as mine, of course; different families have different values and needs. And in fact, your values and needs will change over time. What you need in one stage of parenthood might become less important as time goes on. If you find yourself feeling dissatisfied, ask yourself what you need right now —and then come up with a plan to get those needs met.

2. Advocate for family-friendly policies.

I recognize that I am extremely fortunate to work at an institution that offers, for example, paid leave and telecommuting options to parents.

In fact, only one out of 10 American men have access to paid paternity leave, and it’s perfectly legal for employers to fire a man for taking a day off to care for a sick child. Even when companies offer flextime, men (and women) can be informally penalized for taking advantage of it.

Sure, I have it good now—but I might not be so lucky at my next job. That’s why it’s in my long-term interest as a working father to advocate for family-friendly workplace policies. When I vote for a politician, I look at their record on family issues. I routinely sign petitions and speak out on behalf of policies like paid leave. This week, for example, Sen. Tom Harkin and Rep. Rosa DeLauro reintroduced the Healthy Families Act , “which would enable workers to earn up to seven paid sick days a year to take care of themselves or sick family members.”

Tellingly, advocates suggested supporters tweet about the act using the #StandUpForWomen hashtag, as if paid sick days were exclusively a mother’s concern. Yes, it is insulting to dads who take sick days for our kids. And yes, these are typically framed as “women’s issues”—but guys, that won’t change until we speak up.

Will doing so make you a happier working dad? Actually, the evidence says yes —volunteering and activism bring substantial mental and physical health benefits .

3. Kill your commute.

I know… cutting commute times is easier said than done.

My family recently moved from San Francisco to Berkeley—which gave me two extra hours a day with my son and vastly reduced my daily stress. Unfortunately, just as we were moving, my wife got a new job in San Francisco. Now she’s the one who commutes, for two to three hours a day on public transit. 

I tell this story to acknowledge that these days, commutes are hard to eliminate. But it’s a goal worth striving for: A 2011 study by researchers at Umea University in Sweden found that couples with long commutes are 40 percent likelier to divorce, largely because of the stress a commute causes.

So the more you can close the distances between your workplace, your partner’s workplace, and your kids’ school, the happier you’re all likely to be. This is another thing I monetized—I rated a commute as being worth $1,500 per year for every 30 minutes per day. So reducing my commute from 90 to 30 minutes is worth about $3,000 a year in pay, if given a choice.

Again, your exact number will be different—my colleague Elise puts it at $5,000—but try thinking about how much you’d pay to kill your commute. At minimum, you might find the exercise cathartic!

4. Get your team in place—and on the same page.

We don’t raise kids alone, and that’s especially true when both parents work.

As a working father, you need to see yourself as a senior manager in a department whose personnel will change over the years, but whose goal remains the same: to raise healthy, happy kids.

Who is on that team? There’s the other parent, to whom you might or might not be married. They share authority with you, and you’ll need their buy-in on major decisions. To get that, you’ll need to cultivate skills like listening, empathy, negotiation, and compromise.

With the other parent, you’ll manage a progression of nannies, preschools, schools, afterschools, and summer camps. Budget permitting, you may also need to outsource certain functions, like housework and dog walking. Don’t leave all the details to your co-parent; instead, divide up responsibilities according to your complementary skills and interests, so that you feel involved and challenged.

5. Embrace flexible gender roles and the resiliency that comes with it.

When I was interviewing couples for my book The Daddy Shift , I found the happiest ones were those who weren’t hung up on ideas about what a man should do and what a woman should do. Mom didn’t look down on Dad if she made more money than him, and Dad didn’t waste time resenting the burdens of child care.

In fact, embracing flexible gender roles can make couples extremely happy—largely, I’d argue, because those beliefs are more adaptive to our 21st-century economic reality. “Given today’s precarious economic situation, the ‘happy working parent’ needs to be able to adapt and adjust,” said Baruch College sociologist Caryn Medved in an email, referring to a series of studies she conducted of two-income and reverse-traditional couples. “Gender flexibility allows, we argue, greater ability to successfully and dynamically balance work and family.”

And as the Pew study reveals, the roles and attitudes of men and women are indeed converging—men are developing more emotional and interpersonal skills; more women are going to school and to work. There’s a good reason why that’s happening. When layoffs can come at any moment, both partners need to be capable of making money and making dinner.

In other words, this flexibility and redundancy add up to greater resilience in the face of economic shocks—and it has the happy side effect of enriching men’s emotional lives and freeing both sexes from the prison of gender expectations. The point, guys, is that it doesn’t help to yearn for the good old days. We’ll all be happier when we can appreciate the positive changes and new possibilities that have emerged since our grandparents’ day.

This is part one. Here is part two , which looks more deeply at how to manage stress and your relationships.

About the Author

Headshot of Jeremy Adam Smith

Jeremy Adam Smith

Uc berkeley.

Jeremy Adam Smith edits the GGSC's online magazine, Greater Good . He is also the author or coeditor of five books, including The Daddy Shift , Are We Born Racist? , and (most recently) The Gratitude Project: How the Science of Thankfulness Can Rewire Our Brains for Resilience, Optimism, and the Greater Good . Before joining the GGSC, Jeremy was a John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University.

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Essay on My Father

List of essays on my father, essay on my father – my role model and my friend (essay 1 – 500 words), essay on my father – for kids and children (essay 2 – 750 words), essay on my father – long essay for school students (essay 3 – 800 words).

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Standard).


My father is my hero and guide in my life. He is the one I look upon whenever I find myself in trouble. My father has been my guiding force for all my major decisions in life. In fact, I have never regretted adhering to his advice as it has always worked for me. He is a hardworking and passionate person. My father has a love for movies. Whenever he gets time, he just loves to watch an old movie. In fact, at times we just fight as to who gets control of the television. But at heart, we love to tease each other and play as well.

My father does not like to sit idle. At times, on holidays if he finds me and my sister doing nothing and just idling our time, he gives us some task or the other. He is also much organised and keeps all his documents in a properly organised manner.

My Father – My Role Model:

My father is my role model for many reasons. First and foremost I admire his passion for work. That is why he is so respected in his office as well. He is always there to help his colleagues even if it is not his work. In fact, one can always see him spending weekends helping others out. Moreover, my father is a simple man. He does not like expensive things and lives an easy and peaceful life. Also, he never shouts on anyone of us. I wonder if he ever gets angry on anything as he takes everything so calmly and takes his time to decide upon things.

My Father – My Friend:

My father is my friend as well. I can discuss everything with my father, even those that I dare not speak in front of my mother. I know that he shall keep it a secret and give the advice I need. He is the one whom I can rely upon blindly during any hour of need, and I know that he shall be there for me.

Importance of My Father in My Life:

My father plays an important role in the family. He is in fact considered as the head of the family. However, I feel that both father and mother have a distinctive role to play in bringing up their children. While on hand my mother has s soft heart, it is my father who shows courage and strength which his children will later on imbibe as their qualities. He can be firm at times, but be rest assured it is always for the benefit of the children.


There is no doubt that my father’s role is vital in my life. His presence is vital for maintaining the balance and peace in my family. A father is the one who earns the badge of the stricter parent and whose denial of permission for anything means a lot to the children. I also admire my father and try to imbibe his qualities so that I become like him when I grow up.

My father is a person who takes care of my family and loves each one of us dearly. My father acts as the pillar of support and strength for my family.

My father is the person that I admire the most in my life. I can never forget all the childhood memories that I have with him. It is safe for me to say that my father is largely the reason behind my present joy and happiness. I can say that I am the person who I am today and the person that I am growing to be, is all because of the influence he has had and is having on me. He always makes time to play with me and catch up on all the happenings in my life even after the hard work of the day.

My father is one man who is very unique and different. I always feel lucky anytime I remember that he is my father knowing how he has done the very best for me in life. I always feel grateful that I have the opportunity to be his son and be a part of a wonderful family that has a great father like him. My father has shown himself to be a very peaceful and polite person. He seldom scolds me and he is always easy with me. What he tries to do is that he makes sure that I realise the mistake that I have made in a very polite way and helps me to get better and this has been working like magic for many years now.

My father is the leader and head of our family. He is always there for every member of the family to help us in times when we need his advice and direction in taking decisions. Anytime we have a problem, we take it to him, he tries to help us by sharing some of the problems that he also faced in the past that are quite similar to our problem and how he was able to overcome them. He also shares all of his achievements and drawbacks in life and tells us to learn from them.

My father has his personal online marketing business but he never insists any of his children to pursue a career in that same field so that we can take over after him. He does not even try to attract any of us to his business but he tries to teach how we can discover our own passion and fields of interest in life. He does his best to encourage us in the pursuance of our various dreams. I can boldly say that my dad is a very good dad and this is not as a result of him always helping me and being nice to me but because he shows great strength, knowledge, a good helping and nice nature. He also owns very good human relations skills.

My father’s parents were very poor when he was growing up but with hard work and patience, my father was able to become very rich. He uses this as an example to encourage me to always work hard.

I share all of my happy, sad and bad moments with him and he also does the same. He is always around to share with me all of his life experiences and how I can learn from them. My father also tells me all about his day and every event that occurred during the day. He is doing all his best to ensure that I grow up to become a very successful person that has good character and behaviour.

My father always teaches me ethics, humanity and etiquettes of life that can help me in future. My father is always ready and willing to help the people who are needy around us and he tells us that giving is the most important thing in life. My father also teaches my siblings and me how to be happy, healthy and fit throughout our lives.

My father has shown himself to be very good to all the members of my extended family. If anyone of us is facing a particular problem, my father is usually the first person we go to for advice and help. My father has over the years proven to be a person who has a very kind heart and I can boldly say that he is my best friend and my hero.

About My Father:

Appa was born in Coimbatore, the second son and third child in a family of 11 children. His father, my grandfather was a stern man, a respected civil engineer who worked for the colonial British government.

Appa attended the Rishi Valley School in Yercaud, founded on the learning philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurthy. There he learned the value of discipline, respect for hard work, honesty, responsibility and constant learning. He studied electrical engineering at Banaras Hindu University and went on to join Voltas Limited’s air conditioning division. He worked there the rest of his life, and was regarded as brilliant and a genius.

My childhood memories of him are as a stern, strict and not very communicative man. He’d crack the most unhumorous Dad jokes and we’d all grimace and laugh dutifully.

He felt a deep and abiding sense of responsibility towards his own family of birth as well as his marital family. The modest salary he always earned would be divided between these two families, and since he was terrible at currying favour or promoting himself, he never rose within the ranks of Voltas and his income remained quite pathetic till he died. This officially made us a lower-middle class family and our childhoods were frugal, thrifty and austere. A little money meant a lot.

Despite these constraints, Appa planned our futures successfully. When his provident funds were released after his retirement, he used the entire amount, augmented by a bank loan, to buy a house in his two sons’ names. For the rest of our lives, we had a roof over our heads.

Why I like my father:

One of the most remarkable things about Appa was the number of things he was interested in. In Calcutta, he would spend hours outside a tailor’s shop watching him make clothes. After several months, he bought himself a Singer sewing machine. From then, all our clothes, including winter school uniforms, were stitched by him.

He taught himself carpentry — and constructed the sofa sets we used for decades.

He learned dry cleaning — and from then, we would go to school smelling of kerosene in winter.

He was an outstanding cook, and loved cooking. When my mother was immobilized with lymphatic TB, he’d cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for the family in the morning before leaving for work.

Best of all, he was a brilliant musician, gifted in playing the vichitra veena. He had his own Carnatic ‘band’ with a flutist and a mridangam player.

Things I Learned from My Father:

I have slowly realised how much of who I am was shaped by who he was. Like him, I never get bored, and remain fascinated by everything in life. I’m constantly active doing something constructive or educational. I am today two years younger than he was when he died but have started learning to play piano, understand search engine optimisation, UX design and painting.

I learned from him that generosity is a state of mind, not a state of wallet. The number of nameless, faceless poor people he had helped was long, as we learned only after he died. Never demeaning his beneficiaries with a handout, he invited them to repay at their time and speed, but made sure that they did, thus restoring their self-respect.

Without ever speaking about it, he has shown me what it means to be a father, and the meaning of selfless living.

A single incident sums up my relationship with my dad. He wanted me to join the IIT and become an engineer. I wanted to be a writer, a profession he disdained as having no future. Headstrong, in 1969, I stepped out of the train in which my family was relocating from Delhi to Bombay just as the whistle blew. I was bent on living my life my way.

My father, deeply upset, cut me off without a paisa, saying I could jolly well support myself if I was so confident about writing. And so I did, earning enough through writing for the evening papers to pay my rent, college fees and food. Six months later, my father, passing through Delhi in December, visited me to check how his strong-headed son was doing, and saw for himself that I was surviving well enough without borrowing or begging. He visibly swelled with pride.

He hugged me, in one action forgiving me but also forgiving himself. He used the 400 rupees he had received as a Christmas bonus to buy me utensils, a mattress, and other basics.

From that day, he would proudly say, “My son followed his heart rather than my head — and see what a fine job he has done.”

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Essay on My Father in English: 300, 500 & 800 Words Essay

Today, we’re going to talk about someone super special – dads! Dads are superheroes in real life. They’re strong, kind, and always there to protect us. Have you ever noticed how your dad gives the best bear hugs or tells the funniest jokes? Dads are like our own personal cheerleaders, cheering us on in everything we do. Whether it’s teaching us how to ride a bike, helping with homework, or playing games together, dads are always by our side. They work hard to make sure we have everything we need and love us unconditionally. So, let’s take a moment to appreciate all the amazing things our dads do for us every day.

In this article, we will provide you with an essay on My Father.

Table of Content

10 Lines for Essay on My Father

300 word essay on my father, 500 word essay on my father, 800 word essay on my father.

Here are 10 lines that you can dedicate to your father:

  • My father is my hero, always there to lend a helping hand.
  • With his strong arms and gentle heart, he guides me through life’s twists and turns.
  • His laughter fills our home with warmth, making every moment brighter.
  • From teaching me to ride a bike to cheering me on at my games, he’s my biggest supporter.
  • His wisdom and advice are like treasures, guiding me towards the right path.
  • Even on the toughest days, his love remains unwavering, a constant source of strength.
  • He sacrifices so much for our family, always putting our needs before his own.
  • In his presence, I feel safe and secure, knowing he’ll never let me falter.
  • His dedication to providing for us inspires me to work hard and chase my dreams.
  • Above all, my father’s love is the greatest gift I could ever ask for, shaping me into the person I am today.

My father is my hero, my role model, and my rock. He is a pillar of strength and wisdom in my life, always there to support me through thick and thin. From a young age, I have looked up to him with admiration and respect, inspired by his unwavering dedication to our family and his tireless work ethic.

One of the things I admire most about my father is his selflessness. He always puts the needs of our family above his own, working long hours to provide for us and ensure that we have everything we need. Despite the challenges he faces, he never complains or seeks recognition for his efforts. His quiet determination and resilience in the face of adversity serve as a constant source of inspiration for me.

My father possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience that he generously shares with me. Whether it’s teaching me practical skills like fixing a leaky faucet or imparting valuable life lessons about integrity and perseverance, he is always willing to lend a helping hand and offer guidance. His words of wisdom resonate with me and shape the way I navigate the world, instilling in me a sense of responsibility and empathy towards others.

Beyond his practical skills and wisdom, my father has a heart of gold. He is compassionate, caring, and always ready to lend a listening ear or a comforting hug when I need it most. His unconditional love and support create a safe haven for me, where I feel accepted and cherished for who I am. The bond we share is unbreakable, built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

In conclusion, my father is not just a parent; he is my confidant, mentor, and best friend. His presence in my life has shaped me into the person I am today – resilient, compassionate, and driven. I am grateful for all that he has done for me and aspire to embody the same values of hard work, selflessness, and love that he exemplifies every day. My father is truly a blessing in my life, and I cherish every moment spent in his company.

My father is not just a parent; he is my best friend. His presence in my life is like a beacon of strength and wisdom, shaping me into the person I am today. From his selfless dedication to our family to his unwavering support and love, my father embodies the qualities of a true hero. Growing up, I have always looked up to my father as a source of inspiration and motivation. His hard work and sacrifice to provide for our family have been nothing short of remarkable. Despite the challenges he faces, he never wavers in his commitment to ensuring our well-being and happiness. His work ethic and resilience serve as valuable lessons for me, instilling in me a sense of responsibility and determination.

My father’s love for nature and his dedication to environmental causes have left a lasting impact on me. His passion for plants has transformed our terrace into a beautiful garden, teaching me the importance of caring for the environment and giving back to the community. He involves me in his charitable work, showing me the joy that comes from helping others and making a positive difference in the world. Beyond his practical skills and values, my father’s presence in my life has shaped my character and instilled in me a sense of compassion, respect, and integrity. His quiet strength and unwavering support create a safe space where I feel accepted and loved unconditionally. His guidance and teachings have equipped me with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

In conclusion, my father is not just a hero; he is a source of light and inspiration in my life. His selflessness, dedication, and love have made him more than just a parent – he is my role model and my guiding star. As I continue on my journey through life, I am grateful for the lessons he has taught me, the values he has instilled in me, and the unwavering support he provides every step of the way. My father is truly a blessing in my life, and I cherish every moment spent in his company.

Growing up with a father in the military has been a journey filled with challenges, sacrifices, and invaluable life lessons. My father, a courageous soldier who embodies discipline, dedication, and selflessness, has not only served his country with honor but has also been a pillar of strength and guidance in our family. From the moment my father made the decision to join the military, our lives took on a new rhythm. His deployments, frequent moves, and the uncertainties that come with military life became our new normal. Despite the challenges we faced as a military family, my father’s unwavering commitment to his duty and his love for us never wavered. He balanced his military responsibilities with his role as a father, instilling in us the values of resilience, adaptability, and sacrifice.

During his deployments, the distance between us was bridged by letters, care packages, and video calls. My father made sure we never doubted his love and support, even when he was thousands of miles away. His dedication to staying connected with us, despite the challenges of military life, taught me the importance of communication, perseverance, and maintaining strong family bonds. The emotional toll of combat situations and the uncertainties of military life were not lost on our family. However, my father’s resilience in the face of adversity inspired us to stay strong and united. He created a safe space for us to express our fears and worries, reassuring us that we were never alone in facing life’s challenges. His ability to provide stability and security amidst the uncertainties of military life instilled in me a sense of courage and fortitude. My father’s presence in my life has been a source of inspiration and guidance. His discipline and work ethic have shaped my own values and work habits. His selflessness in serving his country while prioritizing his family’s well-being has taught me the importance of balancing responsibilities and staying true to one’s values.

In conclusion, my father’s role as a military dad has been instrumental in shaping my character and worldview. His sacrifices, love, and unwavering support have laid the foundation for me to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, empathy, and determination. As I continue on my own journey through life, I carry with me the lessons learned from my father – a true hero in every sense of the word.

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Essay on My Father- FAQs

Who is a father and why is he important.

A father is a male parent who plays a crucial role in a child’s life. He provides guidance, support, and love, shaping the child’s upbringing and character. A father’s presence is essential for a child’s emotional and psychological development.

What qualities make a great father?

A great father possesses qualities like patience, kindness, responsibility, and a sense of humor. He is supportive, understanding, and leads by example, teaching valuable life lessons through his actions and words.

How does a father impact his children’s lives?

A father’s influence extends far beyond providing for his children’s material needs. He serves as a role model, influencing their behavior, values, and aspirations. A positive father-child relationship fosters emotional security and confidence in children.

How can fathers strengthen their bond with their children?

Spending quality time together, engaging in activities they both enjoy, and actively listening to their children’s thoughts and feelings can strengthen the bond between fathers and their children. Open communication and mutual respect are key in nurturing a strong father-child relationship.

What is the importance of celebrating Father’s Day?

Father’s Day provides an opportunity to honor and appreciate the contributions and sacrifices fathers make for their families. It’s a time to express gratitude, celebrate fatherhood, and acknowledge the positive impact fathers have on their children’s lives.

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My hardworking dad

Do you know what a hero is? Well, what I think is that a hero is someone you admire, and I admire my dad a lot. He is always there. I remember the words he told me, "I look at life as a gift of God. Now that he wants it back I have no right to complain." When I look at my dad, it’s like he is living happily and free on his own and doing anything he wants to do instead. My dad is a hard working father. Even though you think he is dumb because he doesn't speak a lot of English, he is still an understandable person. At work, he is really tired but he still does his job correctly. He never gives up. He is like that because when he was young, he had a very hard life. He was a banded by my grandma and grandpa in 1974 that is why I never talk about them. My dad and my uncle traveled all the way to Thailand from Laos. On the way my dad got hit by a bomb. He still survived because it was only lose. He has a hole on his head but it grew out already. He was still young back then. My uncle sold my dad to a new family. The new family treated my dad so bad, that my dad had to wake up at 3 o'clock a.m. He brings a big basket, even bigger then him and he had to go to the garden and plants rice and corn. When he comes back he has to at least bring cucumbers for the family to eat and he couldn't even bring it. He was a bused by his new family. When I listen to this story it’s like I was there watching him getting abuse and so tired from all those chores. I never knew how my dad was so poor and at an age so young. My father had been abused and careless when he was young he went to school at the age of 16. When he turned about 18, the people from the United States came to help Hmong people; they came and took my dad. My dad was saved. He stayed with my aunt from the abusive family. He graduated at Oshkosh North High School. He made a lot of Hmong friends in Wisconsin. He met a lot of relatives that is related to him. My dad played soccer in a Hmong team. While there was a soccer tournament in Sheboygan, he met my mom and they got married in 1995. Then my dad started with his new life. Now that I’m here, I am pretty happy that my father had change from years ago. He is still afraid of his past so never talk about it. I just hope my dad will be my hero and my role model forever. I wish my dad’s life is forever special.

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essay about hard working father

45 Hard Working Dad Quotes (with Images)

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Being a dad is one of the most important -and challenging- roles a man can have. 

From providing for their families to setting examples for their children, dads have a lot on their plate.

Father’s Day is a time to celebrate everything that hard-working dads do for their families. 

These quotes capture the joy of fatherhood as well as the importance of hard work. 

These hard working dad quotes are perfect If you are looking for a way to appreciate your dad this Father’s Day.

These and our Father’s Day poems are sure to bring a smile to your dad’s face.

Hard Working Dad Quotes

1 – “You work hard, not because it always pays, but because you will do all you can to make sure we have the best. The hardworking nature inspires me, dad.”

2 – “You work so hard, not only to put food on the table but also to put love in my life. I feel so loved and lucky to have you as my father.” 

3 – “You are the most determined man I’ve ever known. You are so dedicated to winning in your career and winning as a dad. I’m so proud of you.”

4 – “Dear dad, you’ve gone all out to work so hard to make sure I had everything I needed to be happy. Thank you so much for being the hard working dad you are.”

5 – “I don’t think I will ever find the words to express my gratitude for all you go through to give me a good life. Thank you for investing so much hard work in me, dad.”

6 – “When I was a kid, I didn’t understand why you weren’t home all the time I needed you to be. There was always food in the fridge, my school fees were always paid on time, I had good clothes to wear, and I had a roof over my head–I appreciate all these things more now that I’m older. You couldn’t work so hard the way you did, and be available all the time to take me out for walks, or play football with me after school. I realized I judged you wrongly. You sacrificed a lot for me dad, thank you.”

7 – “I am the responsible and hardworking person I am today because I watched my dad set the perfect for me as I grew up. My dad made sure we had the best life, he worked so hard to earn us that.”

8 – “A father works hard to build a foundation that affords his children to have a better life than he did.”

9 – “You are disciplined with your work, and you’ve taught me how to take work and deadlines seriously. I’m just a reflection of the hard working dad you are.”

10 – “I’ve always known I could count on you, and you keep enforcing that faith with the way you work so hard and remain committed to our well being.”

11 – “Even when I see in your eyes that you’re so exhausted, you smile reassuringly and tell me you’re okay. I know what you have to endure to be the amazing father you are. I see how hard you work, and I’m eternally grateful to you.”

12 – “You’re a true fighter, dad. You are the reason I still believe hard work is rewarding. You’ve been knocked down many times, but you still found strength and courage to press on, to keep working hard, till you won. You’re a true champion.”

13 – “Thank you for always finding time in your hectic schedule to be there for me. I’m aware it takes way too much to show up and get things done, both on your job and in our home. I couldn’t have had a better father.”

14 – “When I think of what it means for someone to be a provider, I think of my father. He’s the most responsible and hardworking man I know.”

15 – “You’ve supported all my dreams, and you’ve worked so hard to give me all I needed to get on the path to making them happen. I love you, dad.”

16 – “A hard working dad paves a way for his children to have as their reality, a life he could only dream of when he was a kid.”

17 – “My dad taught me that working hard should be something you develop as second nature. He demonstrated by the way he was passionate about getting results that becoming a person who needs little or no supervision to get work done should be the focus of any individual. He believes that when you work hard you increase your chances of success.”

18 – “You embody the idea that one must work even doing things they don’t love so they develop the requisite skills for when they get the opportunity to do what they actually love. You’ve taught me so well, dad. I can’t be grateful enough.

19 – “You are the reason I believe that even if you worked so hard and didn’t get the results you wanted, you get so many experiences to learn from–you become a better person.”

20 – “My dad is the most hard-working man on the planet.”

21 – “The way my mom talks about my dad with pride is a clear indication of how she is so impressed with his efforts and accomplishments. My dad is a true goal-getter!”

Hard Working Father Quotes

22 – “I’m very at ease, and I like it. I never thought I would be such a family-oriented guy; I didn’t think that was part of my makeup. But somebody said that as you get older you become the person you always should have been, and I feel that’s happening to me. I’m rather surprised at who I am because I’m actually like my dad!” – David Bowie

23 – “One of the great lessons I remember my dad constantly emphasizing in our family while I was growing up was “Use your R&I.” That is, use your resourcefulness and initiative. He taught us that we were not victims of the circumstances surrounding us, but rather masters of our own destiny.” – Stephen M. R. Covey

24 – “A man doesn’t need to be flawless to be a perfect father, but the commitment to his family is a precious responsibility.” – Paul Young

25 – When I think of this, all my dad used to tell me comes to mind, “Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.” – Leah LaBelle

Sacrifice Hard Working Father Quotes

26 – “In the symphony of life, your hard work and sacrifice, Dad, are the most powerful notes. You play them quietly, but their resonance is deeply felt.”

27 – “The sweat on your brow is my silver lining, Dad. It taught me the value of perseverance and sacrifice, transforming you from a father into my hero.”

28 – “Dad, you’ve woven the fabric of our lives with threads of hard work, sacrifice, and love. Every thread tells a story of your unwavering dedication.”

29 – “To the world, sweat and dirt are signs of labor. To me, Dad, they are symbols of your love, sacrifice, and hard work.”

30 – “Each wrinkle on your hands tells a tale of hard work, each callus a story of sacrifice. They’re the sacred scriptures of your love, Dad.”

31 – “Like a silent mountain bearing the weight of the sky, Dad, you carry your responsibilities with grace. Your sacrifice and hard work are the bedrock of our family.”

32 – “Your strength is not just in your muscles, Dad, but in every sacrifice you’ve made, every extra hour you’ve worked. That’s the power of a true hero.”

33 – “Dad, you’ve turned stones into stepping stones, nights into lessons, and dreams into realities. Your hard work and sacrifice are the poetry of love.”

34 – “The stars may light up the sky, but it’s your hard work and sacrifice, Dad, that light up my life. To me, you’re the sun that never sets.”

35 – “The currency of your love isn’t money or possessions, Dad. It’s the hours you’ve worked and the sacrifices you’ve made. To me, you’re the richest man in the world.”

Hard Working Husband And Father Quotes

36 – “To our children, you are their superhero. To me, you are my rock. Your hard work echoes in every laughter we share, every dream we chase.”

37 – “Husband, your dedication shapes our home, and your hard work paints our future. You are the architect of our family’s joy and the pillar of our strength.”

38 – “The hands that hold ours, the arms that embrace us, bear the marks of a man’s love, dedication, and hard work. Dear husband, you are the unsung hero of our family.”

39 – “Your sweat is the dew that nurtures our family tree, dear husband. Every sacrifice you make strengthens its roots and fortifies our love.”

40 – “Like a lighthouse standing strong against the storms, you illuminate our lives with your dedication and hard work. Husband, you are our family’s beacon of hope.”

41 – “In the constellation of our family, you are the star that burns brightest, husband. Your hard work and dedication are the light that guide us.”

42 – “Each day, you weave a tapestry of love, dedication, and hard work, dear husband. It’s this tapestry that makes our family story so beautiful.”

43 – “Every callus on your hand, every furrow on your brow, is a testament to your love, sacrifice, and hard work. Husband, you are our family’s hero.”

44 – “You turn our house into a home and our dreams into realities. Your hard work is the magic that fills our lives with love, dear husband.”

45 – “Dear husband, you are the melody in the chaos, the strength in our struggles, and the love in our hearts. Your hard work and dedication make our family complete.”

Wrapping Up Hard Working Dad Quotes

This article features some motivational hard-working dad quotes to help you celebrate Father’s Day. 

Dads work hard to provide for their families, and they deserve to be recognized for their efforts. 

So show your dad some love today and tell him how much you appreciate all that he does.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Experience — The Importance and Role of Hard Work and Efforts in Your Success


The Importance and Role of Hard Work and Efforts in Your Success

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essay about hard working father

Essay on Hard Work

500 words essay on  hard work.

Hard work is an essential thing we all need in life. It is impossible to achieve greatness without working hard. In other words, an idle person cannot gain anything if they wish to sit and wait for something else. On the other hand, one who keeps working hard constantly will definitely gain success in life and this is exactly what essay on hard work will elaborate upon.

essay on hard work

Importance of Hard Work

Hard work is important and history has proved it time and again. The great Edison used to work for many hours a day and he dozed off on his laboratory table only with his books as his pillow.

Similarly, the prime minister of India, late Pt. Nehru used to work for 17 hours a day and seven days a week. He did not enjoy any holidays. Our great leader, Mahatma Gandhi worked round the clock to win freedom for our country.

Thus, we see that hard work paid off for all these people. One must be constantly vigil to work hard as it can help you achieve your dreams. As we say, man is born to work. Just like steel, he shines in use and rusts in rest.

When we work hard in life, we can achieve anything and overcome any obstacle. Moreover, we can also lead a better life knowing that we have put in our all and given our best to whatever work we are doing.

Key to Success

Hard work is definitely the key to success. What we earn by sweating our brow gives us greater happiness than something we get by a stroke of luck. As humans, we wish to achieve many things in life.

These things need hard work to be able to come true. Poverty is not the curse but idealness is. When we waste our time, time will also waste us. Hard work can help anyone achieve success. Great people were born in cottages but died in palaces.

Thus, it shows how through great work one can get the key to success. When you start working hard, you will notice changes in your life. You will become more disciplined and focused on your work.

Moreover, you will start seeing results within a short time. It is nothing but proof that when you work hard, things like determination, focus, concentration, come automatically to you. As a result, nothing will stop you from achieving success .

Success is not just someone being famous and rich in life. When you work hard and lead a comfortable life filled with love that is also a success. Hard work must not limit to work but also your personal life. When you put in hard work in work and relationships, life will prosper.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Hard Work

If we get the determination and focus, we can all work hard for a better future. It is important to concentrate as it ensures our work is finishing on time and in a better manner. Therefore, by working hard, we can increase our concentration power and open doors to new opportunities.

FAQ of Essay on Hard Work

Question 1: What is the importance of hard work?

Answer 1: Hard work teaches us discipline , dedication and determination. It is certainly important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. Thus, we all must work hard.

Question 2: Does hard work lead to success?

Answer 2: Yes, hard work, together with the time will definitely lead to success. It is what can help you achieve a better life. Moreover, the harder you work, the more confident you will become in life.

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