The Literary Edit

The Literary Edit

Review: Kane and Abel – Jeffrey Archer

Kand and Abel

As an avid reader, it always surprises me when I come across a well-known book or author that I’m not familiar with. Thus, when I ordered Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, purely on the basis of its entry in the BBC’s Big Read, I was amazed to hear that a number of people I knew had read it, and even my anti-book colleague Eleanor had an unread copy of it lurking around her flat. And so, eager to discover why it had sold more than a million copies in its first week, and indeed why everyone barring myself seemed to have heard of Archer’s most famous novel, I sat down to read.

Just before beginning Archer’s debut novel, I called my father, the walking encyclopedia, to enquire about the biblical tale of Cain and Abel in case it should be of relevance to Archer’s Kane and Abel. Taken from the book of Genesis, it tells the story of brothers Cain, a farmer and Abel, a shepherd, who make offerings to the Lord. Cain offers his land’s produce; Abel, some of his flock. When Abel’s offering is more favourably received, Cain, in a rage of jealousy, kills him. Thus, a story of love and loss, of jealousy and of death.

Consequently, more than 2000 years after the Biblical tale was written, Jeffrey Archer takes it upon himself to re-write the ultimate story of sibling rivalry; one which certainly mirrors the that of the Biblical brothers. Having never read any of his books before, and knowing very little about his work as an author I had few expectations of the book that was polled at position 96 of the nation’s best-loved books.

It tells the tale of two men sharing nothing in common other than their birthday and thirst for success. William Kane is born to a successful Bostonian banker; Abel, born in a forest, is raised by a poverty-stricken trapper family. And so the tale follows Kane and Abel over the next sixty years, as the two men encounter both wars and the Wall Street Crash, bankruptcy and death. Archer weaves an intricate and entertaining tale of revenge and hatred as he chronicles the seemingly unrelated lives of the two protagonists, leading to a bittersweet ending that concludes the tale perfectly.

With a compelling plot, wonderfully illustrated characters and an intriguing insight into the world of banking, finishing this book was as bittersweet as its ending.

About Kane and Abel

Born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world, both men are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream. These two men — ambitious, powerful, ruthless — are locked in a relentless struggle to build an empire, fuelled by their all-consuming hatred. Over 60 years and three generations, through war, marriage, fortune, and disaster, Kane and Abel battle for the success and triumph that only one man can have.

About Jeffrey Archer

Jeffrey Howard Archer, Baron Archer of Weston-super-Mare (born 15 April 1940) is an English author and former politician.

He was a Member of Parliament and deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, and became a life peer in 1992. His political career, having suffered several controversies, ended after a conviction for perverting the course of justice and his subsequent imprisonment. He is married to Mary Archer, a scientist specialising in solar power. Outside politics, he is a novelist, playwright and short story writer.

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2 comments on “Review: Kane and Abel – Jeffrey Archer”

Kane and Abel are bittersweet. Amusing. I finished the book in three hours enjoying every bit,

It’s a fab book isn’t it?!

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Jeffrey Archer

Jeffrey Archer rewrites Kane and Abel 'for a new generation'

Cars, computers, economic cycles – everything's faster these days, so perhaps it's inevitable that Jeffrey Archer has rewritten his 1970s thriller Kane and Abel for the instant gratification generation.

The rewrite, which took Archer nine months – he says that he handwrites everything – saw him slashing around 40,000 words from the original novel, and putting back in around 27,000, leaving himself with a leaner, shorter novel in which the pace increases from breakneck to warp speed.

"The chapters are much punchier, the plot is driven along much faster," said Archer's editor at Pan Macmillan, Jeremy Trevathan. "One thing he's done is that with these commercial novels, they end each chapter with a cliffhanger. In the old book the cliffhangers were a little bit convoluted. Now each chapter ends with a question mark, or a much more obvious cliffhanger."

Kane and Abel, first published in 1979, is Archer's bestselling novel – Pan says it has sold around 34m copies worldwide. It follows the lives of Boston money man William Lowell Kane and penniless Polish immigrant Abel Rosnovski, born on the same day, through the first world war, the Wall Street crash of 1929 and the bitter rivalry that develops between them.

The revised version – which will be published in mid-October to mark the book's 30th anniversary – doesn't change the plot, just the style. "Jeffrey reread it a couple of years ago and felt he could do it much better now," said Trevathan. "I was perhaps sceptical about what he could do in that I couldn't work out how he could do this without

changing the plot, but I'm now won over … One of the things Jeffrey said to me was that it's as if he sat down and wrote it now, rather than 30 years ago. We were going to call it 'Kane and Abel for a new generation'. It doesn't feel dated, whereas the old edition feels dated."

In a way, the rewrite is a sign of the times, Trevathan said, with thrillers such as The Da Vinci Code serving to increase the public's appetite for shorter chapters and a greater pace. "It has certainly become more pronounced than 30 years ago, when probably the mix between commercial and literary fiction was more balanced, and therefore you had commercial novels trying to be a little bit more literary. What's happened is that as commercial fiction has come to dominate the market, the elements that make a commercial novel are becoming stronger."

Archer may also take a fresh look at the book's sequel, The Prodigal Daughter, which tells the story of the feud from the perspective of Kane and Abel's children. Whether he'll also provide a new perspective on his prison diaries wasn't mentioned.

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book review kane and abel

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, Book Review

Kane and abel have you ever been in a situation where someone mentioned a book that you hadn’t read or known about that happened to me in an interview with andrew warner, the founder of mixergy. one of the five books that andrew would like to have with him on a desert island is kane and abel by jeffrey archer., when i first heard the title of the book, i immediately thought of the cain and abel story in the bible . in the bible story, cain kills his brother abel, but that’s not the case with jeffrey archer’s book ..

Below, you'll find my thoughts on Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer.

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Initial thoughts on kane and abel by jeffrey archer.

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer is among 100 books listed in The Big Read Book of Books , a list of books chosen by the British public. The BBC asked the British public on April 5, 2003,

“What is your best loved book? The one that feels like an old friend; the one you grew up with; the one that gets you through hard times; even the one that changed your life?”

The Big Read Book of Books is the result of that poll.

“Kane and Abel was the breakthrough in my career as a writer, and remains the most popular of my works to date. This was the reason why, 30 years after its publication, I set about the task of re-writing it. Re-crafting turned out to be a more accurate description of what took place during the next nine months, because despite making considerable revisions, the plot remains unchanged.” Source: Kane and Abel – Compare the old Kane and Abel and the version rewritten by Jeffrey Archer

Note: The BBC World Book Club is doing a recording with Jeffrey Archer on March 9, 2017, so I thought I would republish this book review of Kane and Abel. I first published it in April 2014.  The BBC World Book asked me to submit a question to ask Archer. Here is the link to the program .

book review kane and abel, kane and abel summary

What is Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer About?

I bought Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer last year and finally decided to read it. The book teaches great business lessons, much better than some of the business books around . William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski are born on the same day worlds apart. And under very different economic circumstances.

Kane is born into wealth and has a privileged upbringing, while Abel’s mother dies in childbirth, unwedded , and on the ground. He enters the world into a life of poverty. While hunting for supper, the eldest son of a trapper hears the harrowing screams of a woman. By the time he gets to the spot where the sound came from, he finds a dead woman and a child still attached to his mother.

The boy cuts  the umbilical cord, forgets about the three rabbits he killed for supper, and takes the child to his mother. The poor family now has to apportion their meager food among nine mouths instead of eight.

His older ‘adopted’ sister, Florentyna who is eight years older, takes care of him, often giving him half of her food.  Abel has a quest for knowledge and soaks up information like a sponge. He goes to school with his sister, and in no time is far ahead of all the other children at the school, even the ones who are older.

He gains the attention of Baron Rosnovski, who is seeking someone to challenge his son. The Baron asks the poor family if Abel can live with him to be a companion to his son Leon. Jasio , Abel’s ‘adopted father’, who has never loved the boy, happily says yes, but Abel refuses to go unless Florentyna is allowed to go with him.

Life is looking up for Abel until the Germans invade Poland and capture their home. The Baron and his son Leon die. Before the Baron dies, he discovers that Abel is his son, both are missing a nipple, which is very unusual. The Baron bequeaths all of his possessions to Abel since his son Leon predeceased him.

After the Baron dies, the Russians invade Poland, chasing the Germans out, and Abel is taken to a concentration camp. But before they take the prisoners away from the estate, the Russian soldiers repeatedly sexually and physically abuse Florentyna until she dies. All these unspeakable events would harden the heart of the most devout person.

With the help of a doctor, who had been imprisoned in the concentration camp for 15 years, Abel is able to escape. He finds himself in many tight corners, but eventually gets to Turkey. The Russian rubles that the doctor gave him are useless in Turkey, so he steals some food and gets arrested.

Before he loses his hand for stealing, British diplomats rescue him, and he is taken to the Polish Consulate. He works as an aide there for the Polish Consul, Pawel Zaleski. After a few short years, with the help of Zaleski, Abel finds himself sailing to America.

Kane’s father, Richard Kane, a multimillionaire, dies when the Titanic sinks. Kane is raised by his mother, Anne, and both of his grandmothers. When Kane is eight years old, his grandmothers think that it is time for him to learn about the value of money.

He receives $1 each week, and has to account for how he spends every penny, in a leather ledger. The stipulation is that Kane invests 50 cents, spend 20 cents, donate 10 cents to charity and keep 20 cents in reserve. Within three months, Kane understands what he is doing. As he grows older, he becomes good at investing, and develops his criteria for investing in stocks: Low multiples of earnings; high growth rate; strong asset backing; and favorable trading forecasts.

When Kane goes away to boarding school, he tells his mother that he doesn’t need any money, and is able to live on his own means. By the time he graduates from university, he has amassed $1 million. Kane works for the family’s bank and starts to build his reputation.

book review kane and abel, kane and abel book review, kane and abel review, kane and abel summary

When Abel arrives in the US, he makes use of the opportunities that present themselves. For instance, he gets an education at Columbia, and he works a series of jobs until Davis Leroy discovers him, and he starts working in the hotel business.

While working as the assistant manager at Chicago Richmond , he discovers a theft ring, and the leader is the Hotel Manager, Desmond Pacey. The hotel manager is a close friend of Davis Leroy. He gathers evidence, presents it to his boss, then fires Pacey and others involved in the thefts.

Abel also invests 25 percent in the hotel in Chicago, using all the money he has saved . The Great Depression in 1929 arrives and Davis Leroy loses all his gains in the stock market, as well as his hotels. Abel tries to get financing from Kane’s bank and is turned down. Leroy takes the easy way out and commits suicide. Abel blames Kane personally for Leroy’s death and vows to take Kane down.

Is that reasonable, to blame one person?

The bank has a board of directors that makes decisions , and although Kane recommends that they assist Abel, he is outvoted.

A nasty feud develops between Abel and Kane, each trying to take the other down. I personally think that Abel was more ruthless than Kane. I am an immigrant, and I understand the immigrant experience, and as an immigrant, you have to work twice as hard to prove yourself.

Abel is referred to as a self-made millionaire, but no one attains success alone, he received helping hands along the way. Kane is born into wealth, but he proves his worth by amassing a $1 million by the time he leaves university.

Like any good novel, Archer pairs Kane’s son, Richard with Abel’s daughter, Florentyna, and both fathers refuse to accept the situation. Both heirs marry without their father's  blessing, and they thrive and make a name for themselves.

Lessons from Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

  • Where you start out in life doesn't necessarily dictate where you end up.
  • Make the most of the opportunities that come your way.
  • Manage your money, and remember to pay yourself.
  • Take the path less traveled.
  • Don't give away your power by blaming others.

Final Thoughts on Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

book review kane and abel

In the end, we learn that William Kane is the unnamed person, who provided Abel with the funds he needed to bring the hotel chain back to financial health when the bank refused the financing he needed. This reminded me that we have to take responsibility for our lives, and to stop blaming others, even if they contribute to harming us. That is such a tough thing to do, isn't it?

book review kane and abel

The most accomplished people read books every day. They carve out the time in their schedule. When they face a problem, they often find the solution embedded in the pages of a book. Let me help you to solve your own problems. Click the link MoreReads: Blueprint to Change the World to buy.

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Where it began. I read Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer because it is one of the books that Andrew Warner from Mixergy would take on a desert island.

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Books by Jeffrey Archer

book review kane and abel

First Published April 2014

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Hello there! I am Avil Beckford, the founder of The Invisible Mentor. I am also a published author, writer, expert interviewer host of The One Problem Podcast and MoreReads Success Blueprint, a movement to help participants learn in-demand skills for future jobs. Sign-up for MoreReads: Blueprint to Change the World today! In the meantime, Please support me by buying my e-books Visit My Shop , and thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn , Facebook , Twitter and Pinterest !

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The Kane & Abel Trilogy

Synopsis & statistics.

The Kane and Abel Trilogy is the story of two men, who meet only once, but it changes their lives forever.

The Jeffrey Archer Company  are thrilled to announce that Sony, Eleven and Sarah Quintrell are developing The Kane and Abel Trilogy for a new TV series. Click here  for more information.

Kane & Abel

They had only one thing in common . . . William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant – two men born on the same day on opposite sides of the world, their paths destined to cross only once in their ruthless struggle to build a fortune. Kane and Abel is the marvellous story, spanning sixty years of two powerful men linked by an all-consuming hatred, brought together by fate to save . . . and finally destroy . . . each other.

The Prodigal Daughter

Hers was the ultimate ambition . . . The titanic battle between two men obsessed with destroying each other follows on to the next generation. Florentyna Rosnovski, Abel’s daughter, inherits all of her father’s drive, but none of his wealth. A woman gifted with beauty and spirit, but above all with indomitable will, she sets out in pursuit of an ambition that dwarfs both Kane and Abel, as she battles for the highest office in the world.

Shall We Tell the President?

6 days, 13 hours and 37 minutes to go . . . At the end of The Prodigal Daughter, Florentyna Kane is elected President – the first woman President of the United States. At 7.30 one evening the FBI learn of a plot to kill her – the 1572nd such threat of the year. At 8.30 five people know all the details. By 9.30 four of them are dead. FBI agent Mark Andrews alone knows when. He also knows that a senator is involved. He has six days to learn where – and how. Six days to prevent certain death of the President.

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"This book was amazing. I can rate it among the top 5 books ever read."

"The storyline and pace are maintained throughout the book, and this provides a great sense of enjoyment."

"Just as enjoyable as when I first read it over 30 years ago!!! I will continue to sing its praises forever."

Books in this series

Shall we tell the president. UK Book cover. Book by Jeffrey Archer

Kane and Abel Trilogy OVER 80,000 5* REVIEWS

"Amazingly written, fast-paced, filled with surprise moments, you almost feel inside a movie at every page you turn."

"The Prodigal Daughter sends shivers up my back each time I’ve read it."

"I laughed. I cried. I got apoplectic. This book had EVERYTHING!"

"Brilliant, brilliant. Jeffrey Archer strikes again!"

"I love Jeffrey Archer’s books and this one was no exception. Once I started I couldn’t put this down. Really enjoyable I highly recommend."

"Jeffrey Archer is truly a master storyteller and this novel is right up there with his best."

"The Prodigal Daughter, the second in the Kane & Abel series, does not disappoint."

"The stories are always interesting and you really don’t want to put the books down once you start reading them."

"I haven’t read any of Jeffrey Archer’s books that weren’t enjoyable. They are always full of great characters that really come to life, so you feel as though you know them. "

"I must have read this book more than 5 times! I was hooked from the beginning until the end."

"A superb sequel to Kane and Abel… Once again, I could not put this down until I know what happened."

"Loved it! Could not put it down. Should be made into a movie!"

"Be prepared to not be able to put this down till you hit the last line, on the last page… GREAT!"

"Jeffrey Archer has excelled himself, and that takes some doing!"

"Shall We Well The President is an absolute joy to read, gripping and full of suspense."

"It would make a gripping film along with the other two books."

"A masterclass in fast moving storytelling. Jeffrey Archer is at the top of his game and a fine exponent of his craft."

"Brilliant read that keeps you guessing to the end."

"It is gripping and surprising. Jeffrey Archer is a wonderful writer."

"It is a typical Archer novel, fast moving and uncomplicated. The subject is topical in today’s climate and easy to relate to."

"I literally had tears running down my face after the final chapter! "

"This is one of those rare books I will keep with me forever. "

"Brilliant. I could not put this book down and devoured every word to the end."

"Amazing twists and turns, I could not put the book down. Took it everywhere with me. This is a must buy book. You will not regret this book."

"Kane and Abel is one of those timeless stories that packs an emotional punch which has lost none of its impact even though it was originally published some 40 years ago. Why? Because it is basically a tale of love, loyalty, pride and ambition."

"I first read this book when it first was published. Having read it and enjoyed it as much now as I did then I can only say that Jeffrey Archer is an excellent storyteller."

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Jeffrey talks about The Prodigal Daughter

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Kane and Abel: 40th Anniversary Edition

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Jeffrey Archer

Kane and Abel: 40th Anniversary Edition Hardcover – November 28, 2019

Jeffrey Archer's Kane and Abel was a global phenomenon when it was first released, selling over one million copies in its first week of sale, and it has captivated readers worldwide ever since. This exclusive, limited edition is signed by the author and is released to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of one of the most popular books of the twentieth century.

They had only one thing in common . . . William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant – two men born on the same day on opposite sides of the world, their paths destined to cross in the ruthless struggle to build a fortune.

Kane and Abel is the marvellous story, spanning sixty years, of two powerful men linked by an all-consuming hatred, brought together by fate to save . . . and finally destroy . . . each other.

Jeffrey Archer's international bestseller is followed by the enthralling sequel, The Prodigal Daughter .

  • Book 1 of 3 Kane and Abel
  • Print length 560 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Pan
  • Publication date November 28, 2019
  • Reading age 18 years and up
  • Dimensions 6.42 x 2.09 x 9.53 inches
  • ISBN-10 1529015103
  • ISBN-13 978-1529015102
  • See all details

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The Prodigal Daughter

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Pan; New Edit/Cover edition (November 28, 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 560 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1529015103
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1529015102
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 18 years and up
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.81 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.42 x 2.09 x 9.53 inches
  • #15,462 in Political Thrillers (Books)
  • #24,803 in Family Saga Fiction
  • #38,715 in Family Life Fiction (Books)

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Jeffrey Archer

Jeffrey Archer is one of the world’s bestselling authors, with sales of over 275 million copies in 97 countries, and is the only author ever to have been a number one bestseller in fiction (twenty times), short stories (four times) and non-fiction (The Prison Diaries). He was born in London, and brought up in the West Country. He gained a Blue in Athletics at Oxford, was President of the University Athletics Club, and went on to run the 100 yards in 9.6 seconds for Great Britain in 1966. Jeffrey has served five years in the House of Commons as a Member of Parliament, and thirty years as a Member of the House of Lords.

He has written 27 novels, 7 sets of short stories, 3 prison diaries, 3 plays (all of which have been performed in London's West End) and a gospel. His first novel, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less was sold to 17 countries within a year. It was also made into a successful serial for BBC Radio 4, and was later televised in 1990 by the BBC. He won the Prix Relay du Roman d’Évasion, a prize that rewards a novel in which readers can ‘escape from everyday life’, for his novel Paths of Glory, and the Prix Polar International Prize for the best international thriller of the year, for his novel A Prisoner of Birth. The Clifton Chronicles, a series of seven novels published between 2011-2017, topped the bestseller lists around the world.

Famous for his discipline as a writer who works on up to fourteen drafts of each book, Jeffrey also brings a vast amount of insider knowledge to his books. Whether it’s his own career in politics, his passionate interest in art, or the wealth of fascinating background detail – inspired by the extraordinary network of friends he has built over a lifetime at the heart of Britain’s establishment – his novels provide a fascinating glimpse into a range of closed worlds.

Jeffrey is also an amateur auctioneer, conducting up to 20 charity auctions a year. He has been married to Dame Mary Archer, Chair of the Science Museum Group, for 55 year, and they have two sons, two granddaughters and three grandsons. He splits his time between London, Cambridge and Mallorca - where he writes the first draft of each new novel.

The fifth book In his new William Warwick novels - the first of which, Nothing Ventured, was published in 2019 - is NEXT IN LINE which will be out in September 2022.

Photo credit: Toby Madden

Follow Jeffrey on Instagram - Jeffrey_Archer_Author, Facebook and Twitter @Jeffrey_Archer

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  1. Kane and Abel

    book review kane and abel

  2. Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer Book Review

    book review kane and abel

  3. Kane and abel 40th anniversary edition jeffrey archer

    book review kane and abel

  4. Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

    book review kane and abel

  5. Kane and Abel

    book review kane and abel

  6. Kane and Abel

    book review kane and abel


  1. Kane & Abel ''No Limit N...'s'' Feat. C-Murder & Fiend

  2. Kane & Abel: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of Hip-Hop's Dynamic Duo

  3. Kane & Abel

  4. Kane & Abel

  5. Kane & Abel

  6. Cain and Abel


  1. Kane & Abel (Kane & Abel, #1) by Jeffrey Archer

    Kane and Abel is a 1979 novel by British author Jeffrey Archer. Released in the United Kingdom in 1979 and in the United States in February 1980, the book was an international success. It reached No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller list. The sequel to Kane and Abel is The Prodigal Daughter, in which Florentyna Kane is the protagonist.

  2. Review: Kane and Abel

    Taken from the book of Genesis, it tells the story of brothers Cain, a farmer and Abel, a shepherd, who make offerings to the Lord. Cain offers his land's produce; Abel, some of his flock. When Abel's offering is more favourably received, Cain, in a rage of jealousy, kills him. Thus, a story of love and loss, of jealousy and of death.

  3. Kane and Abel (novel)

    Kane and Abel is a 1979 novel by British author Jeffrey Archer.. Released in the United Kingdom in 1979 and in the United States in February 1980, the book was an international success, selling over one million copies in its first week. It reached No. 1 on the New York Times Best Seller list. By 2009, it had sold an estimated 34 million copies worldwide.

  4. Jeffrey Archer rewrites Kane and Abel 'for a new generation'

    Mon 15 Jun 2009 11.05 EDT. Cars, computers, economic cycles - everything's faster these days, so perhaps it's inevitable that Jeffrey Archer has rewritten his 1970s thriller Kane and Abel for ...

  5. Jeffrey Archer's Kane and Abel

    Kane and Abel. Born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world, both men are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream.These two men — ambitious, powerful, ruthless — are locked in a relentless struggle to build an empire, fuelled by their all-consuming hatred. Over 60 years and three generations ...

  6. Customer reviews: Kane and Abel

    The fact that Kane and Abel combines historical facts with the character's personal narratives is another element that makes it unique. The novel gives a vivid and compelling portrait of the times in which the characters live, from the advent of the banking industry in the early 20th century to the horrors of World War II.

  7. Kane and Abel

    William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant—born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world—are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream. Two men—ambitious, powerful, ruthless—are locked in a relentless struggle to build an ...

  8. Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

    Jeffrey Archer's thrilling historical fiction novel, Kane and Abel, is a global phenomenon that has captivated readers worldwide, spawning two sequels and dominating bestseller charts the world over. Two strangers born worlds apart with one destiny that will define them both. William Lowell Kane, the son of a Boston millionaire, and Abel Rosnovski, the son of a penniless Polish immigrant, are ...

  9. Kane and Abel

    William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant—born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world—are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream. Two men—ambitious, powerful, ruthless—are locked in a relentless struggle to build an ...

  10. Kane and Abel Trilogy

    The Kane and Abel Trilogy is the story of two men, who meet only once, but it changes their lives forever. All Books. Read Chapter 1. Listen to Chapter 1. Video: Jeffrey on his books. Original Manuscripts.

  11. Kane and Abel

    This site has an archive of more than one thousand seven hundred interviews, or eight thousand book recommendations. We publish at least two new interviews per week. Five Books participates in the Amazon Associate program and earns money from qualifying purchases.

  12. Book Review: Jefferey Archer's Kane and Abel

    Book Review: Jefferey Archer's Kane and Abel. Jeffery Archer is one of the authors that comes up during discussions with reading enthusiasts. I had heard so many people talk about him and on ...

  13. Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, Book Review

    Source: Kane and Abel - Compare the old Kane and Abel and the version rewritten by Jeffrey Archer. Note: The BBC World Book Club is doing a recording with Jeffrey Archer on March 9, 2017, so I thought I would republish this book review of Kane and Abel. I first published it in April 2014.

  14. Kane and Abel eBook : Archer, Jeffrey: Kindle Store

    Two men—ambitious, powerful, ruthless—are locked in a relentless struggle to build an empire, fueled by their all-consuming hatred. Over sixty years and three generations, through war, marriage, fortune, and disaster, Kane and Abel battle for the success and triumph that only one man can have. "Archer is a master entertainer."—Time ...

  15. Kane and Abel (3 book series) Kindle Edition

    The mega-bestselling novel that made Jeffrey Archer a star, Kane and Abel, "a sprawling blockbuster!"— Publishers Weekly TWO STRANGERS BORN WORLDS APART. ONE DESTINY THAT WOULD DEFINE THEM BOTH... William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant—born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the ...

  16. Kane and Abel

    The global phenomenon that has captivated readers worldwide and been read over 100 million times, spawning two sequels and dominating bestseller charts the world over.Two strangers born worlds apart with one destiny that will define them both.William Lowell Kane, the son of a Boston millionaire, and Abel Rosnovski, the son of a penniless Polish immigrant, are born on the same day on opposite ...

  17. Kane and Abel Summary

    British writer and former conservative politician Jeffrey Archer's historical fiction Kane and Abel (1979) concerns two men linked only by a common birthday, who follow their ambitions to overcome their difficult pasts.The first, William Lowell Kane, is a member of the Boston elite known as the Brahmin; the second, Abel Rosnovski, leaves a life of severe poverty in Poland for Turkey and ...

  18. The Kane & Abel Trilogy

    The Kane and Abel Trilogy is the story of two men, who meet only once, but it changes their lives forever. ... "This book was amazing. I can rate it among the top 5 books ever read." ... Kane and Abel Trilogy OVER 80,000 5* REVIEWS "Amazingly written, fast-paced, filled with surprise moments, you almost feel inside a movie at every page you turn."

  19. Kane and Abel: Archer, Jeffrey: 9780312942724: Books

    Mass Market Paperback - November 3, 2009. William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant. Two men, born on the same day, on opposite sides of the world, their paths destined to cross in their ruthless struggle to build a fortune. An unputdownable story, spanning sixty years ...

  20. Product Reviews, Metascores, Pros and Cons

    Learn how products score in reviews and track Amazon price history. User icon Login; A search icon The word TechSpot ... Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Pro 360. Laptops. Last Review: April 05, 2024. $1,750 -

  21. Kane and Abel: 40th Anniversary Edition

    Hardcover - November 28, 2019. Jeffrey Archer's Kane and Abel was a global phenomenon when it was first released, selling over one million copies in its first week of sale, and it has captivated readers worldwide ever since. This exclusive, limited edition is signed by the author and is released to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of one of the ...