Essay Papers Writing Online

Tips for crafting a concise and informative 250-word essay.

How to write a 250 word essay

Are you overwhelmed by the task of writing a 250-word essay? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this easy guide, we’ll walk you through the process of crafting a concise and impactful essay like a pro.

Whether you’re a student working on an assignment or a professional looking to communicate effectively in a limited word count, mastering the art of writing a 250-word essay can be a valuable skill. With the right approach and some key tips, you can create a compelling and well-crafted piece that gets your point across clearly and concisely.

From planning and outlining to refining your writing, we’ll provide you with the essential steps and strategies to help you tackle this challenge with confidence and produce a stellar 250-word essay.

How to Write a Stellar 250 Word Essay

How to Write a Stellar 250 Word Essay

Writing a stellar 250-word essay requires focus and precision. Follow these steps to craft a well-structured and impactful piece:

  • Plan Your Points: Before you start writing, outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. Keep it concise and relevant to the topic.
  • Introduction: Begin with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s attention. State your thesis or main idea clearly.
  • Main Body: Support your thesis with a few key points. Each point should be clear and concise, using specific examples or evidence.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis. End with a strong closing that leaves a lasting impression.

Remember to use clear and simple language, and avoid unnecessary words or information. Proofread your essay carefully to ensure it is error-free and flows smoothly. With these tips, you can create a stellar 250-word essay that showcases your writing skills effectively.

Understanding the Assignment Requirements

Before you start writing your 250-word essay, it is crucial to carefully read and understand the assignment requirements. Make sure you grasp the topic, the purpose of the essay, and any specific instructions provided by your instructor or professor.

Highlight key points such as the essay’s objective, the audience you are writing for, the structure or format required, the style of writing (formal or informal), and any specific guidelines on sources or citations.

  • Take note of the word count specified for the essay.
  • Clarify any doubts you may have with your instructor to ensure you are on the right track.
  • Organize your thoughts and create an outline based on the assignment requirements before you begin writing.

By thoroughly understanding the assignment requirements, you can ensure that your 250-word essay meets the criteria and effectively conveys your message to the intended audience.

Brainstorming and Outlining Your Ideas

Brainstorming and Outlining Your Ideas

Before you start writing your 250-word essay, it’s essential to brainstorm and outline your ideas. This step will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a coherent and well-structured essay.

Start by brainstorming ideas related to the topic of your essay. Jot down any relevant points, examples, or arguments that come to mind. Consider different perspectives and angles that you can explore in your essay.

Once you have a list of ideas, create an outline for your essay. This outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, briefly introduce your topic and provide some background information. The body paragraphs should expand on the ideas you brainstormed and provide supporting evidence. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis.

By brainstorming and outlining your ideas before you start writing, you’ll set yourself up for success and make the writing process much smoother.

Developing Clear and Concise Body Paragraphs

When writing a 250-word essay, it’s essential to develop clear and concise body paragraphs to support your main argument. Each body paragraph should focus on a single main point and provide evidence to support it. Here are some tips to help you develop effective body paragraphs:

1. Topic Sentence:

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. This sentence should clearly state the point you will be discussing.

2. Supporting Evidence:

Provide specific examples, facts, or quotes to support your main point. Make sure that the evidence is relevant and directly relates to your argument.

3. Analysis:

After presenting your evidence, analyze it to explain how it supports your main argument. Discuss the significance of the evidence and how it strengthens your position.

4. Transition:

Use transitional words and phrases to smoothly move from one paragraph to the next. This helps to maintain the flow of your essay and connect your ideas cohesively.

By following these guidelines, you can develop clear and concise body paragraphs that enhance the overall structure and quality of your 250-word essay.

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How Long Is a 250 Word Essay?

A 250-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

How Many Paragraphs Is a 250-Word Essay?

A 250-word essay should include 1 to 2 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

What Does a 250-Word Essay Look Like?

The easiest way to organize a 250-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

How Long Does a 250-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 5 to 10 minutes to type 250 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 1 hours for 250 words.

How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 250 Word Essay?

An average 250-word essay contains 2 to 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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How to Write a 250 Word Essay

paragraph essay 250 words

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

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paragraph essay 250 words

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

How to Write a 250 Word Essay

Have you come across a 250 word essay in a scholarship or college application? These shorter essays can be tricky for students because of the limited word count. In this guide, you will learn how to write a successful 250 word essay with our step-by-step process:

Outline your essay in bullet points

Only answer the question being asked, don’t worry about the word count in your first draft.

Let’s dive in so you can complete your 250 word essays!

An outline is a good move for writing most scholarship essays, but is an absolute necessity if you are writing a short 250 word essay. This will allow you to answer the essay prompt in the simplest, most concise way. My suggestion is to think about the essay in five bullets:

  • Hook the reader with an engaging first line and introduce your response.
  • Expand on point 1
  • Expand on point 2
  • Expand on point 3
  • Conclude your essay with a meaningful last line

The resulting bullet points may not craft the perfect essays. As a result, you will probably need to smooth it out a bit and include some transitions. This is totally fine, but be careful how much you add onto the essay. Try to stick to your five bullet outline as much as possible.

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In essays, it can be tempting to meander. After all, the writing process is a creative one and once you get going, you may wind up in a completely different place. Discipline is the key to shorter essays and you will need to focus on only answering the question being asked.

Recommended: How to write a winning scholarship essay

I know that this seems counterintuitive, but hear me out! For some students, it may actually be even better to write an essay without thinking about the 250 word count at all.

If you choose to go this route, you will have to spend some time cutting down on your word count. However, sometimes it does make sense to overwrite and then edit out the fluff that is not necessary.

Discover: Top Essay & Writing Scholarships

Proofread (and proofread again!)

Even though a 250 word essay is short, it is still an essay that requires an editing and proofreading process. Generally, writers are their own worst proofreaders. So once you finish your essay, ask someone else to read it to ensure another set of eyes glances over everything.

Don’t forget to check on the word count as you proofread and edit your essay! Good luck, writers!

Also see:  Can you use the same essay for multiple colleges?

Key Takeaways

  • There’s not a lot of extra room in a 250 word essay, which means you will need to be direct and on topic
  • Try writing your first draft without a word count in mind and then go back and edit it down later
  • Remember to ask others to proofread for you, as it can be hard to see your own mistakes
  • If you are writing an essay for a specific college, be sure to give them a search in our college essay database to see what other helpful advice we might have

See Also: How to write an essay about yourself

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How to Write a Perfect 250-Word Essay With Samples and Tips

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In order to learn how to write a perfect 250-word essay, an academic undertaking requires an author to observe specific standards of academic writing. Basically, these standards include following the introduction-body-conclusion outline and using the MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, or any other format. In this case, students write the introductory paragraph that concludes with a thesis statement, which serves as the central pillar of entire papers. Moreover, a 250-word essay is different from a one-page paper in many ways, including formatting. While a one-page paper adopts the single-spacing format, a 250-word essay follows the double-spacing approach. Regardless of these differences, both types of essays must incorporate evidence to establish credibility. The evidence appears in body paragraphs and must align with the Sandwich Rule. In concluding essays, writers must restate the thesis and summarize the main themes without introducing new information.

Basic Principles

Writing is an exercise that requires an understanding of some basic rules of academic writing. In particular, these rules apply to any scholarly documents, where authors aim to present credible information on specific topics. Basically, writers should research widely on their topics and incorporate findings of research studies. In writing a 250-word essay, students should be specific on what they want to communicate if they intend essays to be scholarly texts. Unlike long papers that require authors to write an outline for purposes of organizing their thoughts, a 250-word essay is short. It only requires students to focus on the information they want to deliver. Hence, the use of sources in this type of essay is limited, and, if used, they must be relevant to the writer’s point of view.

How to write a perfect 250-word essay

Definition of a 250-Word Essay

By description, a 250-word essay is a short academic text that provides information on a specific topic. For an essay to meet the threshold of a scholarly text, writers must provide a thesis statement that captures the author’s central arguments or claims. In this case, anyone interested in knowing how long is a 250-word essay would only need to locate the writer’s thesis statement. Moreover, the structure of a 250-word essay entails an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph or paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Unless it is necessary, a writer may not provide headings and subheadings in this type of paper. Such work only covers a single page when written in the double-spaced format by considering how many pages is a 250-word essay. Therefore, a 250-word essay has from three to four paragraphs with minimal headings and no subheadings.

A 250-Word Essay Example: Healthy Lifestyle

If someone wants to understand what does a 250-word essay look like, check the sample:

Sample: Introduction

The growing cases of obesity in the United States have become a source of concern to health professionals and the government at all levels. Basically, this context has seen the medical community invest in research, with several studies highlighting the health risks that individuals face when they become obese. In turn, the findings of these studies show that a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy food and maintaining physical fitness, is the most effective intervention against becoming obese.

The word count of the introduction paragraph is 78 words .

Sample Body: Obese-Related Complications

The United States has a high number of fast-food restaurants, which contributes to the rising cases of obesity. Basically, this situation has predisposed a majority of Americans to junk food, especially teenagers and young professionals. For instance, several studies have established that obesity results from unhealthy diets, including fatty and junk food (evidence). In this case, these foods not only predispose individuals to being obese but also at risk of developing health complications. Moreover, the most notable obesity-related complications include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and others. In turn, the lack of physical exercise is also a factor contributing to the current trend of obesity.

The word count of the body paragraph is 107 words .

Sample: Conclusion

There is no doubt that, in order to reverse the current trend of obesity in the US, Americans must stop eating unhealthy foods and develop a habit of exercising regularly. Without regular physical exercises, the human body stores up fat that ends up blocking blood vessels and other complications. As for the recommendations, Americans must adopt healthy lifestyles to reverse the current trend of obesity.

The word count of the conclusion paragraph is 65 words .

Thus, introduction + body + conclusion parts = 78 + 107 + 65 words or 250-word essay.

Review of Writing a 250-Word Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Paragraph 1: introduction with a thesis statement.

The first paragraph of the sample paper of the 250-word essay titled “Healthy Lifestyle” is the introduction. Basically, the opening section allows readers to know what the essay is all about. In turn, this part starts by establishing a context for the essay: the rising cases of obesity in the United States and the confirmation by research studies that obesity is a health risk. Then, the paragraph concludes with a thesis statement – maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this case, the main sentence includes eating healthy food and maintaining physical fitness, being the most effective intervention to becoming obese. To make the statement significant, the writer bases these ideas on research findings. Moreover, the total word count for the introduction paragraph, without the title, is 78 words. Hence, the length makes the introduction part slightly shorter than the body paragraph, which is acceptable in academic writing.

Paragraph 2: Body

The second part of a 250-word essay is the body paragraph that talks about health complications associated with obesity. Just like in the introduction, the writer begins the paragraph by establishing a context, which is the proliferation of fast-food restaurants in the United States. This context helps students to understand the source of obesity in the country. Moreover, the author makes reference to research studies (evidence) on obesity to establish credibility in the text. As such, readers understand that whatever the writer talks about in the text is not informed by personal opinions but rather by research findings. In academic writing, this aspect makes a text reliable. Hence, one can use it as a reference when writing a paper or contributing to an argument. In summary, the body section, with a word count of 107 words, provides information that strengthens the thesis statement in the introduction.

Paragraph 3: Conclusion

The last paragraph in the essay is the conclusion, which marks the end of the essay. In academic writing, the conclusion of a 250-word essay does not provide new information. Instead, it takes the most significant themes in the body of the paper and links them with the thesis statement. In the above essay, the writer begins by making a firm observation based on the content of the body section, that is to stop obesity, while Americans must start eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. In turn, one can argue that the writer intends to establish the urgency of the central message. Hence, a conclusion part with a word count of 65 words provides a final appeal that marks the author’s opinion in the context of all the available knowledge. In the above essay, the writer’s concluding remark is that Americans must follow clinical recommendations about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Principles of Academic Writing

The above 250-word essay is a scholarly text for several reasons. Firstly, it adopts the outline of an academic paper, including an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. In lengthy essays, the body comprises several paragraphs with several headings and subheadings. Secondly, it has a thesis that helps to anchor the writer’s central message. Basically, the content of the body paragraph focuses on proving or strengthening the writer’s thesis. Thirdly, the author incorporates evidence in the paper, which appears in the body part. For instance, evidence helps to establish credibility, making the essay a scholarly text. In turn, the body paragraph starts with a topic sentence, which determines the direction of the entire section. As per the sandwich rule, the writer writes evidence to support the opening statement and then provides a statement that establishes the significance of evidence.

Comparison Between Organizing a One-Page Paper and Writing a 250-Word Essay

In academic writing, authors can choose to single-space or double-space their text. Basically, a one-page essay follows the single-spaced format, meaning the total word count should be more than 500 words. In this case, students can write different headings and subheadings in the body paragraphs to establish a logical flow to their arguments. For instance, in the MLA 8 format (Modern Language Association 8th Edition), authors may not put a title in the introductory and concluding parts. However, in the APA 7 referencing style (American Psychological Association 7th Edition) format, writers must put a title in these paragraphs. In a one-page paper in whatever format, students must put headings (and subheadings if necessary) to create a logical flow in their text. In short, the most significant characteristics of a one-page paper that distinguishes it from writing a 250-word college essay are single-spacing, including the word count.

Other Features

In a 250-word essay, the notable feature is double-spacing, which ensures the total word count on a page does not go beyond 250 words. Basically, this type of essay’s primary distinguishing feature is that it uses minimal headings. Sometimes, there are no subheadings in the body. In this case, the basis of the outline is the limited number of words, an aspect that demands writers to avoid unnecessary wording of the text. Another feature that sets apart a 250-word college essay from a one-page paper is the use of evidence to support the author’s central claim. As indicated, the need to avoid unnecessary wording in a 250-word essay puts a demand for writers to limit the number of sources they incorporate in their texts. In turn, one can argue that this limitation in the number of sources premises the need to satisfy the Sandwich Rule.

Based on these differences, someone may ask, “So what?” The answer to this question requires people to consider expectations before they start writing a 250-word essay. In many instances, people cannot call themselves writers who choose which format to use in writing texts because their instructors make this choice. However, if people have the freedom to choose, the above differences may influence the format they prefer. For example, students may choose to use the one-page paper format. Such work adopts a single-spacing format if they want to write their works on a single page. When it comes to choosing the format to use in writing a 250-word essay, the primary consideration that writers must make is word count. It would make no sense to write a 250-word essay in the single-space format.

How to Write a Good 250-Word Essay for Different Educational Levels

College or university papers.

In academic writing, the demand placed for writers of texts depends on their level of education. In particular, this aspect means that a university student has a higher threshold than a high schooler in academic writing to meet the criteria of writing a 250-word essay. For instance, this threshold entails several elements, including language sophistication and level of research, among others. On language sophistication, college students must demonstrate mastery of the English language, particularly regarding their subjects. In other words, when writing about nursing, university scholars must write nursing terminologies in their texts to establish an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. On the level of research, university students must include evidence in their writing to build credibility. Hence, the higher the number of sources that writers use, the more their works become an outcome of thorough research.

High School Essays

In contrast, academic writing puts no pressure on high schoolers to use sophisticated language and in-depth research. Basically, the expectation is that writers at this level of education can demonstrate a logical flow of their arguments. In other words, writers at this level of education should not focus on appearing sophisticated but rather conversant with their topics when writing a 250-word essay. As opposed to using in-depth research to anchor their texts, high schoolers should use practical examples. Here, high school writers use observable phenomena to anchor their arguments. In turn, the reason for expectations for a university student and those of a high schooler are different. It is because the former must demonstrate an in-depth understanding, and the latter must show critical thinking.

The Difference Between Academic Levels

The differences between a one-page essay and a 250-word essay have nothing to do with the academic level. For instance, a university student and a high schooler can write their arguments through a one-page paper or a 250-word essay. In this case, the only difference between the texts of these two students would be the sophistication of language and the level of research that they incorporate in their writings. For college students, the elements that would demonstrate a sophisticated language include theories, models, concepts, and principles around the subject matter. In turn, a one-page paper would provide a writer with enough space to explore these elements. Hence, it is impossible to organize many ideas in a 250-word college essay.

Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect 250-Word Essay

There are no questions that academic writing requires some level of professionalism to make a text credible. As indicated, several elements characterize an essay as a scholarly text, including an outline and evidence supporting the author’s central claim. To anyone interested in writing a 250-word essay, the following tips are essential:

  • Pick a topic.
  • Develop a central claim (thesis).
  • Identify the audience.
  • Identify keywords.
  • Choose a format (MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, or any others).
  • Create an outline for a 250-word essay.
  • Research the topic to identify credible sources.
  • Write the introductory paragraph and ensure the concluding sentence captures the thesis.
  • Develop the body paragraphs and incorporate evidence.
  • Write the concluding paragraph and make sure not to introduce any new information. Writers should simply restate the thesis, summarize the main themes of the paper, and make a concluding remark.
  • The word count of the paper must be 250 words.

Points to Remember

  • The introductory paragraph in the 250-word essay must conclude with a thesis sentence.
  • The introductory paragraph must establish the context of the topic.
  • The body paragraph(s) must open with a topic sentence.
  • Incorporate evidence in the body paragraph(s).
  • Observe the Sandwich Rule.
  • The concluding paragraph must not introduce new information but summarize the entire 250-word essay.
  • Restate the thesis in the concluding paragraph and make a concluding remark.
  • The concluding remark should indicate the author’s independent thoughts about what they have written.
  • Ensure there are no grammatical errors by reading through the 250-word essay at least twice.

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What Is a 250-Word Essay?

A 250-word essay is a concise piece of writing that consists of approximately 250 words. It requires the writer to express their ideas or convey information within a limited word count.

How Many Paragraphs Should a 250-Word Essay Have?

In a 250-word essay, you can typically expect to have around 2-3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point or aspect of the topic, ensuring that the content is clear, coherent, and well-developed.

What Does a 250-Word Essay Look Like in Structure?

A typical structure for a 250-word essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs (usually 1-2 paragraphs), and a conclusion. The introduction should provide background information and present a clear thesis statement. The body paragraphs should present supporting evidence or arguments, and the conclusion should summarize the main points and provide a closing thought.

How Long is 250-Word Essay?

A 250-word essay consists of approximately 250 words. In terms of length, it is considered a relatively short essay. The number of paragraphs in a 250-word essay can vary depending on the content and structure, but typically it may consist of around 1-3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea, argument, or aspect of the topic, providing sufficient explanation and supporting evidence within the limited word count. It's important to remember that while the word count gives a general indication of the length, the quality and depth of the content are equally important in conveying your message effectively.

Can You Include Examples or Evidence in a 250-Word Essay?

Yes, you can include examples or evidence in a 250-word essay to support your arguments or provide clarification. However, be mindful of the limited word count and focus on selecting the most relevant and impactful examples that contribute to the overall effectiveness of your essay.

Another Word Count

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Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits Essay (Article)

250-word essays are short essays that are quite common in the academic world. Usually, these essays may end up being one page long if Times New Roman or Arial font has been used.

250-word essay dos and don’ts

  • Sort ideas – sine the 250-word essay is quite short then all unnecessary sentences, ideas and explanations should be eliminated. This can be properly done by roughly noting down any initial ideas on a piece of paper and then developing those ideas into more complex analyses. Sorting the ideas will then be necessary and finally a summary of the ideas should be done.
  • Provide clear introduction, main body and conclusion – students must ensure that their introduction in this type of essay is one paragraph long with a strong thesis and one or two more sentences expounding on that introduction. Sentences must be linked to one another and repetition should be avoided at all costs. Also, since the 250-word essay is so short, some writers tend to give disjointed ideas. Each paragraph should focus on one argument that should be linked to the entire piece. Here, writers must remember that that their thesis statement is the guiding factor and this should be seen in the conclusion.
  • Avoid lengthy formats – direct quotations need to be kept to a minimum in order to make the 250-word essay work. Also, writers should have very few headlines. Preferably three indicating the introduction, main body and conclusion. Students writing these essays should also refrain from using pictures (unless specified) as these contribute to the wordiness of the piece.
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IvyPanda. (2021, November 26). Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits.

"Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." IvyPanda , 26 Nov. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits'. 26 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." November 26, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." November 26, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits." November 26, 2021.

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paragraph essay 250 words

How to write a 250-word essay

Write it short, but clear, answer the main question only, create an outline of the essay, spend more time to make corrections.

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250 Word College Essay – How To Write The Perfect One

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Writing an essay is a daunting task for many students. It can be especially intimidating when the assignment requires a 250-word essay. That’s why it’s important to understand the basic components of this type of essay, and how to effectively organize the information within it. In this article, we’ll discuss what a 250 word essay is and provide tips on how to write an effective one.

How Long Is A 250 Word Essay?

When it comes to writing an informative essay of 250 words, the length of the paper can vary depending on the font and spacing used. Generally, the standard length of a 250 word essay is one page when single-spaced, or two pages when double-spaced. 

To write an effective paper, you must adhere to some basic rules:

  • you should always begin your paper with an introduction that explains what your paper is about and why you are writing it
  • you should provide a thesis statement that sums up your main point in one to two sentences
  • make sure that your essay includes supporting evidence and details that back up your main points.

For example, if you’re writing a “Why This College” essay for a university application, then be sure to explain why this particular college is suited to your academic and personal interests. 

Similarly, if you’re writing a 250 words essay sample for a scholarship application then be sure to include information about what makes you unique and how this scholarship will benefit you in the future. In both cases, make sure that all information included is relevant and concisely expressed in order for maximum impact.

250 Word Essay Scholarship Examples

Scholarship essays are an important factor in many college admissions processes, that is why students usually prefer to order an essay . A compelling and well-written essay can make a huge difference in the outcome of your application. A good essay should include an introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as a clear thesis statement. It should also demonstrate your ability to think critically and articulate your thoughts on paper.

To help illustrate how to craft a successful essay, let’s look at an example of an essay discussing why you deserve a scholarship. This type of essay allows you to discuss personal experiences or ambitions and explain how they have been impacted by your upbringing, education, or life-changing experiences. For this example, we will focus on social media as it relates to career opportunities and networking.

In this essay, we could discuss the ways that social media has opened up new avenues for connecting with potential employers or learning about job openings. We could also discuss the importance of using social media responsibly while building professional relationships online. Additionally, we could talk about how social media can be used to build a strong personal brand that helps create tangible results in the workplace.

Ultimately, this essay allows us to explore our own experiences with social media and demonstrate our understanding of its power in the modern world. In doing so, we can show our abilities as critical thinkers who have something valuable to contribute to the workforce.

What Does A 250 Word Essay Look Like?

A 250-word essay is a concise and comprehensive piece of writing. It should have:

  • The introduction should provide an overview of the topic and introduce the main points that will be discussed in the essay.
  • In the main body of a 250-word essay, one should focus on discussing various aspects of the subject matter. This could include word scholarships essay examples or a word essay on why you deserve a scholarship. When discussing coronavirus for example, one could discuss how it has affected society and how individuals can take steps to stay safe during this pandemic. 
  • Finally, conclude with a brief summary of what was discussed in the essay and highlight its importance. Do not say “in conclusion” or “finally” at the end.  Instead, use a phrase that ties back to your introduction such as “as mentioned before” or “to sum up”.

example of 250 word essay

How To Write A 250 Word Essay?

Writing a 250-word essay can be a challenge. It may seem like a daunting task, but with proper preparation and planning, you can write an effective essay within the allotted word count or turn to AI essay writer . When writing an essay for scholarships or other academic assignments, it is important to follow the rules of proper formatting and structure:

  • The first step in writing an effective 250 word essay is understanding the prompt. Many times, instructors will provide detailed instructions on what they’re looking for in your paper: topics to cover, argumentative points, or even specific sources to use. Taking time to thoroughly read through these instructions can help make sure that you stay on track while writing your essay.
  • When starting your essay, begin by introducing what you plan to discuss in the body of your paper. 
  • Introduce any relevant background information about the topic and provide examples that support your points. This will help guide your readers through your argument and make it easier to understand.
  • Make sure you have researched all aspects of the topic thoroughly and gathered enough evidence to support your claims. 
  • Consider how current events such as the coronavirus pandemic may be impacting your subject matter so you can incorporate them into your writing if necessary.
  • Organize your arguments logically into paragraphs and use transitions between each idea so they flow together smoothly. 
  • Make sure that each paragraph contains only one central idea so that readers are able to follow along easily without becoming confused or lost in too much detail. 
  • Finally, edit for grammar mistakes, typos, and clarity before submitting your essay.

Finally, understanding proper structure is key to creating a perfect paper. Knowing how much space to allocate for each section of your paper can help you stay within the word count limit and make sure that each point you make is clear and concise. With these guidelines in mind, you’ll be well on your way to crafting an impressive 250 word essay!

In conclusion, writing a 250 word essay can be a challenging task but it is definitely achievable. It is important to remember that the essay should be written in an organized and cohesive manner, with each paragraph logically connected to the next. Additionally, it is helpful to use personal pronouns when appropriate and break up longer sentences into smaller ones for readability. Finally, by using relevant examples, facts, and statistics as well as including arguments and counterarguments, one can create a successful paper that will make an impact on its readers.

Overall, following these tips will help ensure that your essay will be well-written and effective in delivering your message. With some practice and dedication, anyone can learn how to write a great 250 word essay!

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Christopher Ferguson

Chris is energetic and creative Academic Tutor. He provides educational assistance and help students to improve their academic performance. He supplies students with the necessary tools for better understanding their level and needs to achieve academic goals. Got an excellent communication and problem solving skills and gives support to create a personalized learning experience for all students.

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250-Word Essays: Mastering Concise Writing

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Table of Contents

Most students consider working on their 250-word essays a nuisance. With such a limited space, many struggle to present their perspectives on the topic coherently and neatly. 

Luckily, MyAssignmentHelp is always available to help such candidates overcome their challenges and compile quality essays for excellent grades. Our experts help students find suitable titles (be it process essay topics or any other). Plus, they even answer questions like ”How many words  to maintain for each essay section?’ or,  ‘How many pages should an essay of 250 words be?’ 

The experts who drafted our essay writing guide are here to teach you how to write a 250 word essay. 

Read on to learn more!

How to Write A 250 Word Essay?

We have compiled a list of must-dos to tick off. Let us check them, shall we?

Write Clearly and Concisely

Use small and familiar words that aren’t too complex. Complex words require clarification, and terminologies need explaining, which is bad for your essay count. 

Only Focus on Key Points

Limit your argumentations by focusing on the key points. Avoid rambling around the theme. For such brief essays, ‘Less is More’! Of course, you still need to make an impact. Hence, write on the main facets and use a clear, relatable example wherever needed. 

Outline the Essay

Segregate the essay into 3 sections (divided into 3-5 paragraphs) such as the Introduction (1 paragraph), the Body (2-3 paragraphs) and the Conclusion (1 paragraph). While writing, maintain count parity.

Edit and Proofread Extensively 

Editing and proofreading are crucial to ensuring your compiled essay is lucid, accurate in information, and smooth to read. Check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other writing flaws manually and with a grammar checker . Rewrite unintentionally written passive sentences into active voice. Also, focus on the aptness of transition words.

Scan for Plagiarism

After editing and proofreading, scan the work for duplicates using an accurate plagiarism checker . Identify existing plagiarism and freshly paraphrase all copied sections . Once you find no duplicate content traces, download an originality report as proof of the work’s authenticity. 

Get a 2nd Opinion

Last but not least, get feedback on your compiled essay from someone trustworthy in your vicinity. Refer to the suggested improvements and incorporate them wherever applicable.

Check This 250 Words Essay Example

The Basic Format of a 250-Word Essay

Are you struggling to compile a short essay for your college application and scholarship? 

If so, then no surprises. Such academic assignments can be tricky to write on, mainly due to their limited word count. Such an essay has a similar three-part structure (Introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion) as other lengthier essays. You will require around 3-4 paragraphs in total, each comprising 50-100 words. That allows for 3-5 concise yet comprehensive sentences for each paragraph. 

MyAssignmentHelp helps you visualize the process of crafting an effective 250 word essay so that you can start writing it with utmost focus. 

So, without further ado, let’s discuss the basic format for composing a quality 250 word essay from scratch.

The Introduction

The essay introduction must be compiled in 3-4 lines (50-60 words). The first line must be a hook sentence introducing the readers to the main context. Support the starting line with a 2nd sentence that hints at the thesis sentence. The 3rd sentence is the point that the thesis aims to convey. Stick to one point of view in the thesis statement. The final sentence will establish the thesis sentence or the essay. 

The Body Paragraph

Next, you write the body paragraph (the main meat of the essay). It will comprise 2-3 paragraphs, around 130-150 words. Write one paragraph per topic argument to make it well organized. You must also write one relevant example to support the opinion you convey. 

The Conclusion

Finally, you write down the conclusion to restate the thesis sentence. Also, in the concluding 25-30 lines, surmise your presented arguments to reveal to the readers whether or not you stand by the presented thesis sentence. This will leave the target audience conjecturing and seeking more information. 

There you have it—the standard format for a concise essay of 250 words. 

Connect with us today to learn more about other essay formats.

Effective Tips to Write 250 Word Essays

Make sure to follow these tips:

Use Bullet Points to Outline Your Composition

The foremost tip to writing a 250 word essay is to outline the key points of the topic. Use bullet points to achieve clarity in coverage and create a map for your essay. Here’s an example.

Hook statement – (It could be a broad or general statement in the first line of the essay to set the tone for the piece).

  • Elaborate on the 1st bullet point.
  • Elaborate on the 2nd bullet point
  • Elaborate on the 3rd bullet point
  • Close the essay with a brief summary and a meaningful concluding remark.

Once you sort out the bullet points, include a topic sentence for each point. Add transitions to maintain proper flow. Since it is an essay of 250 words, limit yourself to 5 bullet points as feasible.

Only Write on The Key Points Sorted

The most important tip when compiling an essay of 250 words is to only write on the key points and nothing else. Since academic writing is a creative process, it can be tempting to wander. Don’t do that. Discipline is key. Only focus on the outlined aspects of the topic. 

Don’t Worry About Count in the First Draft

While it may seem counterintuitive, it is actually better to write down the initial draft first without worrying about the 250-word limit. Once you finish writing, you can cut down on unnecessary fluff while editing and proofreading. 

Proofread and Get a 2nd Opinion

Once you have finished your one-page essay, it’s time to edit and proofread it. Of course, it’s best to take a pause before the editing sessions to clear your head and return with a fresh perspective. Check sentence constructions and logical flow in the write-up. Of course, writers tend to be their worst proofreaders. Hence, it’s better to ask someone you trust to check your writing and recommend improvements. While at it, also check the count when revising and correcting your write-up. Reduce if needed.

The Best 250 Words Essay Topics

MyAssignmentHelp understands that compiling a 250 word essay is no child’s play. Despite the limited word count, it can pose unique challenges in several aspects. The foremost challenge is to pick and develop a suitable topic for the essay. You then must perform extensive research on the topic to dig up more ideas and then compile a quality hook sentence and a compelling thesis statement for the first paragraph. Before getting into the body paragraphs, you must have a captivating beginning to set the tone from the start. It will help you garner the attention of your readers and retain their interest to read the full essay. 

Selecting your 250-word essay topic is very important to creating the desired impact on your readers. Fortunately, we, as your most trustworthy assignment help platform, suggest 20+ topics to ease your endeavors. 

  • Recovering from a heart-break
  • A brief account of World War II
  • The importance of regular physical exercise
  • Social media impact on young adults
  • Pros and cons of remote work
  • Why young people must be financially responsible?
  • Health risks related to obesity
  • Gender as a Social Structure in the Hospitality Sector
  • 5 top Fast Food Restaurants you never get tired of Visiting
  • Your suggestions to compile a discussion board post
  • The monotony of student life.
  • Patent Medicines – The Psychology behind it!
  • The fallbacks of narrowmindedness
  • The importance of table manners.
  • The value of epidemic education
  • Your opinion on successful failures.
  • The rise of AI – blessing or curse!
  • Your most cherished memory of your grandmother.
  • A life moment when you felt utter helplessness.
  • Nervousness and excitement behind your first college day
  • A book that had a profound impact on your life.
  • An artwork in your possession that resonates with your character
  • Physical fitness – most effective intervention against becoming obese. 
  • What is your most memorable memory during your early childhood?

We have a treasure trove of more essay topics . Explore them NOW!

In many instances, students spend too much time choosing a topic. However, using these topic suggestions, you can start the research and writing part without delays. 

How Long is a 250 Word Essay?

During your college tenure, the teacher may require you to compile a short piece with double spacing in the first draft so that it is easier to read and present feedback on the overall logical flow structure of written content. As a concise form of academic paper, such tasks could be anything from your college application essay to concise answer prompts on the central argument, an answer to an exam question, etc. 

That brings us to the question of the hour: “How many pages should a 250 word essay be?”

A standard page, when single-spaced, will comprise 500 words. So, a piece of 250 words will be half a page if single-spaced and one page in length if double-spaced. Moreover, there should be 12-17 sentences, with each sentence comprising 15-20 words (at max). For someone with an average typing speed (about 40 words per minute), it takes about 6.3 minutes to write a piece of 250 words. 

Many Also Ask, “Should I write more than the 250-word count, or should I limit myself to 250 words?”

While this question may sound a tad silly, it is far from it. For starters, you must not write anything less than 250 words, or else you risk potentially losing marks for not meeting the minimum word count. The general rule for compiling a 250-word essay is to either adhere to the presented count or exceed it by not more than 20-30 words. So, while you do have scope to exceed the specified word count, the work should not go beyond 270-275 words. 

At MyAssignmentHelp, we have experienced experts to help you ease your 250 word essay writing hassles and ensure you compose a top-quality one worthy of top scores. Moreover, suppose you need elaborate insights on questions like – how many body paragraphs to include or how to write a thesis statement or the last paragraph for the essay. In that case, our experts will provide you with the necessary clarifications. 

So, quit wasting time searching for 250 word essay tutorials online. Instead, sign up today and get all the help you need for your urgent task.

250 Words Essay Examples

Here’s a 250 words sample essay to understand how many body paragraphs to add!

Topic – How Family Upbringings Influence Your Learning Goals

Introduction – Parents are usually the ones who push their children to achieve their goals. They often motivate their kids to follow their hearts and move forward with an optimistic mindset. (Thesis Sentence) However, my upbringing was within a family that didn’t give much value to formal education. Hence, it was their lack of passion that led me to my learning objectives. 

Body —My memory is a bit fuzzy, but from the time I could differentiate between right and wrong, I made up my mind not to follow in the footsteps of my parents. My parents were farmers and didn’t have the luxury of pursuing meaningful education. It was their upbringing that shaped their mindset. 

However, I wanted to take a different path and achieve something more in life. I vaguely remember my father preaching to me that college was a waste of time and too expensive for him. Despite his words and financial situation, I wanted to study in a college to make a stable life in the city. Hence, in pursuit of my dreams, I took up formal education as my college degree. 

Conclusion –Despite my parents’ opposing views on education, I never looked back and pressed forward to achieve my future goals. I had help along the way who supported me and helped me overcome disappointments. I eventually understood that I was the only one responsible for my success. So, I made it my strongest source of motivation, and now I am grateful I never wavered from my path. 

MyAssignmentHelp comprises a huge repository of pre-crafted assignments and research paper samples on diverse topics. 

Now that you have a basic idea of how to write a 250-word essay, you should be able to produce one yourself. For more examples or answers on ‘how many body paragraphs’ (and other related queries), check out our sample collection or speak to us directly. Our experts are just a dial away!

What Is A 250-Word Essay, And Why Is It Significant?

The piece will be of one page on a focused topic coverage. It comprises 3-5 stanzas (depending on the topic’s main points, which mostly focus on broader concepts). They include – an introduction paragraph, a body paragraph (or paragraphs), and a conclusion paragraph! Choosing the right topic is the foremost step in crafting a 250 word essay.  Of course, at times, you must find an appropriate one yourself. 

Nevertheless, an essay of 250 words is a crucial assignment for college students pursuing their chosen course. It tests a candidate’s in-depth understanding of the topic and ability to formulate thoughts concisely. 

Are There Specific Guidelines for Formatting A 250-word Essay?

Yes, like lengthy essays, a 250 word essay will also come with specific guidelines for users to follow. The essay must be double-spaced, must have an introduction paragraph (of 50-60 words), a body paragraph (or paragraphs) (of about 150 words), and end with concluding remarks (50-60 words). 

Furthermore, a 250 word essay must have one-inch margins, italicized meta titles without underlining, a new paragraph must be indented 0.5 inches, and be in an easy-to-follow font (Arial or Times New Roman in size 12).

To become well-versed in 250-word essay formatting guidelines, connect with our essay helper immediately.

How Can I Choose A Suitable Topic for A 250-word Essay?

Below are some tips for finding a quality topic for your 250 word essay.

  • Pick a topic relevant to the study field or pertaining to some current affair from modern times.
  • Pick a topic that’s not too elaborate in its coverage and offers sufficient writing materials to meet the word count. 
  • Also, consider picking a topic you feel comfortable writing on. 
  • Another aspect to consider when picking topics for your 250 word essay is their scope for further research and analysis. Such topics are typically popular among readers.

Connect with our experienced essay specialists to uncover more basic rules about finding appropriate topics for your urgent 250 word essay assignment. 

Can You Share Examples of Well-Crafted 250-word Essays?

Indeed, MyAssignmentHelp has a stacked resource database of various essays, including many 250-word essays on various aspects and subject topics. Moreover, if you want an example of a 250-word personal statement or even a college application of the same word count, we have those in plenty as well. Get started with us today and get access to all samples for your reference purposes..

What Elements Should Be in The Introduction of A 250-Word Essay?

The introduction must be 50-60 words at most for a 250 word essay. Since the word count is limited, you must consider only 1-2 points of view for the thesis statement. 

Focus on the main point and keep some good slants to start the short essay. Provide some background information. Write engaging sentences using relevant words that elaborate on the problems and how you intend to resolve them via the essay. 

If you seek introduction ideas for essays of 250 words, sign up today and get useful tips from our experts. 

How Many Paragraphs Are Typical in A 250-Word Essay, And What Should They Cover?

A 250 word essay will typically comprise 3-5 paragraphs. 

  • An introductory paragraph
  • Two or three paragraphs in the body.
  • A concluding paragraph

The introduction will feature the thesis statement focusing on the central point of discussion.

The main body paragraph will explain the introduced argument on the topic with cited texts, examples, and other substantiating evidence. Finally, the conclusion (or the last paragraph) will comprise the restated thesis, connect the introduction and conclusion, and present all key facets for readers to remember.

How Can I Ensure Clarity and Coherence in A Concise 250-word Format?

A 250 word essay requires you to write concisely while keeping the main idea in focus. Since the word count is limited in such tasks, you must emphasize only the main idea or arguments that best depict the topic. Use supporting evidence to authenticate your ideas. Also, write in an active voice to keep sentences short yet clear to read. Use examples and cite sources from authentic mediums to boost the overall coherency further. 

Sign up today and get detailed insights and helpful tips to craft a quality 250 word essay within tight schedules. We harbor the best experts in the USA.

Is There A Recommended Approach for Writing the Conclusion in A 250-Word Essay?

To compose a conclusion paragraph, follow the tips below.

  • Surmise the thesis statement. It will serve as a recap of the topic and the paper’s central aim.
  • Reiterate all supporting arguments and perspectives. 
  • Draw connections between the introductory paragraph and the concluding paragraph. 
  • Share some helpful observations.
  • Finally, offer the readers some crucial points to keep in mind. 

Don’t include any new information in the ending paragraph, or else it may confuse readers. If you need more guidance on how to compile a 250 word essay from scratch, sign up with MyAssignmentHelp for tailored assistance.

Henry Lee

Hi, my name is Henry Lee. I am 26 and an active tech blogger based in Adelaide. Well, that’s something I do out of passion. To earn a livelihood, I work as a full-time English writing expert at I write academic blogs, mainly focused on English and Literature writing. I have 4+ years of experience of guiding students on essays writing on different categories of topics. Apart from this, I love to keep myself updated on the latest happenings in technology. I love new gadgets as much as I love writing. So, when I am not writing, you’ll probably find me indulged in a gaming session or researching about the latest trend in technology. 

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  • Applying For Scholarships

About Yourself Scholarship Essay Examples (2023)

Jennifer Finetti Sep 28, 2022

About Yourself Scholarship Essay Examples (2023)

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A popular scholarship essay prompt is “Tell us about yourself.” This question is relatively open-ended, which may make it difficult to answer at first glance. What should I tell them about myself? My struggles, my goals, my passions…? These may all be fitting topics, depending on the scholarship. We’ll show you some scholarship essay examples about yourself, along with writing tips to guide you along the way.

What they want to know about you

As you prepare to write, think of the topics the scholarship committee would be interested in. These may include:

  • Your current degree, as it applies to your overall career goals. You can explain why you chose your current educational path and what you want to do with that.
  • Your short-term and long-term professional goals . Frame your answer as if to say “Where will you be in 5 years? Where will you be in 10 years?” Scholarship committees like to reward people with defined aspirations.
  • Past experiences that sparked your passions. You could talk about an influential person in your life, but make sure most of the essay focuses on you. After all, you are talking about yourself.
  • Something about you that relates to their organization. With any scholarship essay, you should try to connect yourself with the organization providing the funding. Don’t force a connection. Find one that naturally fits. Mention hobbies, experiences and goals that match what the review committee is looking for.
  • Something unique that sets you apart from other applicants. This may be volunteer experience, career specialties, situational differences (growing up in an area that didn’t encourage education), etc.

Show off your skillset

Note that you do not have to throw all this information into one essay. Choose the elements that best fit the scholarship. If you were on the review board, what would you want to learn about each applicant? What would make you choose one applicant over another? Keep this in mind as you develop your thoughts.

The fastest path to earning scholarships

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What they don’t want to know about you

There is plenty of information you could include in an about yourself scholarship essay. There is just as much information to avoid though. Some topics to keep out of your essay include:

  • False information. Do not make up stories or fabricate goals to fit the prompt. The scholarship committee can instantly tell when someone is lying, and they will disqualify you immediately.
  • Past struggles that do not pertain to the essay topic. You can briefly mention struggles from your past, as long as you mention how you’ve learned from them. Do not make your essay a long story about the hard life you’ve led. Focus on your triumphs, not your obstacles.
  • Vague goals and aspirations. Scholarships are usually given to students who have a plan. If you say, “I’m not sure what I’m doing yet,” the committee will select a more motivated candidate. If you have a plan and a backup plan, that’s fine. Just make sure you mention both options and show which one you favor.
  • ClichĂŠ stories that most people tell. There is something that makes you stand out as a person. Use that to your advantage. Don’t rely on generic information they’ll find with other applicants.
  • Unrelated elements of your personal life. In most cases, you should not mention your significant other in the essay. You might mention a spouse if you need to reference your children or a turning point in your life, but these personal details do not fit most essays. Any information that seems frivolous or ill-placed should be removed from the essay.

Read through your essay carefully. If you stop at one point to say, “Why did I mention that?” get rid of the corresponding information. Showcase the best elements about yourself in a fluid and cohesive manner.

Short scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (100 Words)

With 100 words, you can only focus on one or two elements of your life. Think about your biggest selling points – the things that show you are the ideal candidate. Start by introducing yourself and your educational status. Then jump into the main topic of the essay. You may not have room to mention how the scholarship will help your education. Instead, mention how your education can help your career. The other information will be implied.

My name is Christian Wood. I am a high school senior who will be attending the University of Nevada, Reno in the fall. I want to become an online journalist. My goal is to work for the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Huffington Post, or another news outlet that has a strong online presence. Most people already get their news on the internet, and the industry will be even bigger by the time I graduate. Getting a degree in journalism with a focus on digital media will set me up for a fulfilling, fast-paced career fit for the future.

Word Count: 96

Medium scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (250 Words)

With a mid-length scholarship essay, you have more space to explain how your past has influenced your present and future goals. You should have rom for an intro paragraph, a few body paragraphs, and a conclusion (maybe incorporated into the last body paragraph). Think of a few main points you want to touch on, and write those down first. If you still have room, you can add more details about yourself.

My name is Sarah, and I spent most of my childhood on the wrong medication. I experienced a problem common in clinical psychology – misdiagnosis. Professionals provide inaccurate diagnoses for many reasons – f rom antiquated testing methods to limited education. I want to open my own psychological testing facility and help change that. Therefore, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Clinical Neuropsychology.  I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child because I had trouble focusing in school. The medication m y doctor prescribed to me only made me numb to the world around me. I couldn’t think or process emotions, or had no emotions at all. After several years my parents finally decided to get a second opinion. I saw a specialist and she concluded that I didn’t have ADHD , but a combination of dyslexia and dysgraphia (difficulties with reading and writing). She sent us to a therapist who helped me learn how to work around my conditions, and my life improved tremendously. I went from being a lifeless student with barely passing grades to an honor roll student full of joy and excitement. Unfortunately, my story is not one of a kind. There are countless children in America who are put on mind-altering medications that do not adequately address their needs. I cannot help all of those children, but I can provide a better alternative for the ones in my area. Through proper education, funded by financial aid, I can learn about psychological evaluations and provide the most accurate diagnoses possible.

Word Count: 249

Long scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (500 Words)

Scholarship essays that are 500 words or longer let you tell the whole story. You can discuss your past, present and future in a comprehensive manner. Avoid rambling and make sure each topic contributes to the overall essay. If one piece feels out of place, remove it and elaborate more on the existing elements. By the end of the essay, the reader should have a full understanding of who you are and what you want to accomplish.

My name is Sierra Breault, and I am a junior at Murray State University. I am double-majoring in Criminal Justice and Forensics Science, and I will graduate in 2024 with two bachelor degrees. My career goal is in social justice, so I can contribute to criminal justice reform. I want to ensure that those who commit crimes are treated fairly.  I come from a small town where excessive force and even death by cop incidents are often committed, especially against minorities. A few years ago, one of my relatives was charged for a crime although the crime scene evidence wasn’t properly obtained, catalogued and analyzed.  This experience played a big part in my wish to study criminal justice. I started exploring the career more when I decided that a desk job just wasn’t for me. Throughout high school I struggled because of the routine nature of it all. I saw the same people and attended the same classes every single day. I knew I didn’t want a job that would be that stagnant. That’s when I got the idea to work in law enforcement, because there would always be a new challenge for me to tackle. After researching the field even more, I set my sights on crime scene investigation. I have performed much better academically in college than I ever did in high school. That’s because there is no routine to the experience. Every week, I have new projects to complete, tests to study for, and activities to try. I have been involved with the campus Crime Stoppers organization all three years of college, and I was elected president for the upcoming term. This lets me work closely with law enforcement to supplement my college education and further my career.   After graduating, I will apply for work as a dispatcher in a state organization, such as the Department of Criminal Investigation. While my ultimate goal is to work as a forensic analyst or crime scene investigator, those positions usually only go to people within the organization. Dispatch is the most direct option for career entry, giving me the best chance to pursue my dream career. I am applying for this scholarship to help me finish the last two years of my degrees. As a college junior and soon-to-be senior, my scholarship opportunities are limited. Most awards are reserved for freshmen. I took advantage of those early on, and I have one recurring scholarship that covers half of my tuition. However, I need additional financial aid to cover the remainder of my academic costs. I appreciate your consideration, and I hope that you can help me pursue a profession in criminal justice. This is my passion, and I have a clear plan to turn that passion into a lifelong career.

Word Count: 463


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Jennifer Finetti

Jennifer Finetti

As a parent who recently helped her own kids embark on their college journeys, Jennifer approaches the transition from high school to college from a unique perspective. She truly enjoys engaging with students – helping them to build the confidence, knowledge, and insight needed to pursue their educational and career goals, while also empowering them with the strategies and skills needed to access scholarships and financial aid that can help limit college costs. She understands the importance of ensuring access to the edtech tools and resources that can make this process easier and more equitable - this drive to support underserved populations is what drew her to ScholarshipOwl. Jennifer has coached students from around the world, as well as in-person with local students in her own community. Her areas of focus include career exploration, major selection, college search and selection, college application assistance, financial aid and scholarship consultation, essay review and feedback, and more. She works with students who are at the top of their class, as well as those who are struggling. She firmly believes that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can succeed if they stay focused and work hard in school. Jennifer earned her MA in Counseling Psychology from National University, and her BA in Psychology from University of California, Santa Cruz.

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paragraph essay 250 words

12 Effective “Why This College?” Essay Examples

What’s covered.

  • Essay 1: UPenn Nursing
  • Essay 2: UPenn
  • Essay 3: UW Madison
  • Essay 4: Northwestern
  • Essay 5: NYU
  • Essay 6: NYU
  • Essay 7: Boston University
  • Essay 8: Boston University
  • Essay 9: Tufts
  • Essay 10: Tufts
  • Essay 11: Georgia Tech
  • Essay 12: Georgia Tech

Where to Get Your Essays Edited

The “ Why This College?” essay is one of the most common supplemental prompts. These school-specific essays help colleges understand if you’re a good fit for them, and if they’re a good fit for you.

In this post, we’ll share 12 “Why This College?” essay examples from real students and explain what they did well, and what could be improved. Read these examples to understand how to write a strong supplemental essay that improves your chances of acceptance.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized.

Essay Example #1: UPenn Nursing

Prompt: How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying (650 words).

Sister Simone Roach, a theorist of nursing ethics, said, “caring is the human mode of being.” I have long been inspired by Sister Roach’s Five C’s of Caring: commitment, conscience, competence, compassion, and confidence. Penn both embraces and fosters these values through a rigorous, interdisciplinary curriculum and unmatched access to service and volunteer opportunities.

COMMITMENT. Reading through the activities that Penn Quakers devote their time to (in addition to academics!) felt like drinking from a firehose in the best possible way. As a prospective nursing student with interests outside of my major, I value this level of flexibility. I plan to leverage Penn’s liberal arts curriculum to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges LGBT people face, especially regarding healthcare access. Through courses like “Interactional Processes with LGBT Individuals” and volunteering at the Mazzoni Center for outreach, I hope to learn how to better support the Penn LGBT community as well as my family and friends, including my cousin, who came out as trans last year.

CONSCIENCE. As one of the first people in my family to attend a four-year university, I wanted a school that promoted a sense of moral responsibility among its students. At Penn, professors challenge their students to question and recreate their own set of morals by sparking thought- provoking, open-minded discussions. I can imagine myself advocating for universal healthcare in courses such as “Health Care Reform & Future of American Health System” and debating its merits with my peers. Studying in an environment where students confidently voice their opinions – conservative or liberal – will push me to question and strengthen my value system.

COMPETENCE. Two aspects that drew my attention to Penn’s BSN program were its high-quality research opportunities and hands-on nursing projects. Through its Office of Nursing Research, Penn connects students to faculty members who share similar research interests. As I volunteered at a nursing home in high school, I hope to work with Dr. Carthon to improve the quality of care for senior citizens. Seniors, especially minorities, face serious barriers to healthcare that I want to resolve. Additionally, Penn’s unique use of simulations to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application impressed me. Using computerized manikins that mimic human responses, classes in Penn’s nursing program allow students to apply their emergency medical skills in a mass casualty simulation and monitor their actions afterward through a video system. Participating in this activity will help me identify my strengths and areas for improvement regarding crisis management and medical care in a controlled yet realistic setting. Research opportunities and simulations will develop my skills even before I interact with patients.

COMPASSION. I value giving back through community service, and I have a particular interest in Penn’s Community Champions and Nursing Students For Sexual & Reproductive Health (NSRH). As a four-year volunteer health educator, I hope to continue this work as a Community Champions member. I am excited to collaborate with medical students to teach fourth and fifth graders in the city about cardiology or lead a chair dance class for the elders at the LIFE Center. Furthermore, as a feminist who firmly believes in women’s abortion rights, I’d like to join NSRH in order to advocate for women’s health on campus. At Penn, I can work with like-minded people to make a meaningful difference.

CONFIDENCE. All of the Quakers that I have met possess one defining trait: confidence. Each student summarized their experiences at Penn as challenging but fulfilling. Although I expect my coursework to push me, from my conversations with current Quakers I know it will help me to be far more effective in my career.

The Five C’s of Caring are important heuristics for nursing, but they also provide insight into how I want to approach my time in college. I am eager to engage with these principles both as a nurse and as a Penn Quaker, and I can’t wait to start.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay has many positive aspects, but the most impressive one is the structure. Utilizing the Five C’s of Caring to discuss Penn’s offerings was a genius way of tying in this student’s passion for nursing while also making their essay exciting and easy to read. Beginning each paragraph with the respective adjective helped focus the paragraph and allowed the student to demonstrate how they exemplify each quality without explicitly stating it. The student wasn’t afraid to think outside the box and add creativity to their essay structure, which really paid off.

Another positive is how specific and specialized the Penn resources and opportunities the student mentions are. This essay did not fall into the trap of name-dropping professors or programs. In every paragraph, there was a connection to something the student wants to do at Penn to further themselves in the respective characteristic they were describing.

Not only did this student mention a resource at Penn—whether it was a professor, a class, or a club—in every paragraph, but they elaborated on what that resource was and how it would help them achieve their goal of becoming a nurse. The what and how is what sets this essay apart from other supplements that just name-drop resources for the sake of it. The amount of detail this essay went into about some of these resources makes it clear to the admissions officers reading the essay that this student has seriously looked into Penn and has a strong desire to come to campus and use these resources.

What Could Be Improved

One thing this essay could do to make it stronger is improve the first paragraph. The student does a good job of setting up Sister Roach and the Five C’s, but they don’t mention anything about their desire to study or pursue nursing. The first paragraph mentions both Sister Roach and Penn, but left out the student. This could be fixed by simply adding something along the lines of “I can’t wait to embody these values as a nursing student at Penn” to the paragraph.

Essay Example #2: UPenn

Prompt: Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania?  For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay. (300-450 words)

I always loved watching the worms when it rained. I used to put my little raincoat on, sit on the doorsteps, and watch them move toward the puddles. My younger brother, forever intent on destroying the world around him, would try to stomp on the worms, and I would run after him screaming. In my imagination, the brain looked like a pile of squiggly worms. However, my neuroscience curiosity has since grown beyond a worm’s habits.

For example, my mother thought that I was insane when I wanted to watch American Murder: The Family Next Door . To her immense relief, I was interested in the psychology of the criminal rather than the crime itself. Although neuroscience is my primary interest, I also hope to learn more about the intersection between law and medicine at the UPenn College of Arts and Sciences. I’ve been able to explore this topic through various projects at school such as presentations on juvenile crime and the death penalty.

At the University of Pennsylvania, I look forward to taking classes like Forensic Neuroscience (BIBB 050) as well as Neuroscience and Society (PSYC 247) both of which directly combine my two interests. Hopefully, the Take Your Professor to Dinner program resumes as I would make sure to talk to Dr. Daniel Langleben about his research on forensic functional brain imaging over a meal of Philly cheesesteaks.

I also hope to participate in the Race, Science, and Society Program where I can discover how race biases and neuroscience go hand-in-hand and contribute to the fight against racism. The Beyond Arrests: Re-Thinking Systematic-Oppression Group immediately caught my attention while looking at Penn’s opportunities to engage in relevant dialogue. My fascination with the criminal system began with reading Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment , and Penn will both fuel that curiosity as well as introduce new questions about the world of justice reform.

As an eight-year Latin scholar and a five-time reader of the Percy Jackson franchise, I would like to take classes in the Penn Classical Studies department where I can learn more about the impact of ancient cultures on society today. Classes such as Greek and Roman Medicine (CLST 271) would intersect my interests in medicine and classical civilizations.

Although I do harbor a deep love for Philly cheesesteaks and enjoyment of running in strange places like the Woodlands Cemetery, the range of programs to support my diverse interests and unmatched opportunities to put learning into action make me confident that the University of Pennsylvania is the best university for me to succeed.

The real strength in the essay lies in the sheer number of details this student is able to include in a short space, without sacrificing style and flow. The first two paragraphs really have nothing to do with Penn, but the inclusion of them makes this response feel like an essay, rather than a list of offerings at Penn. Striking the balance is important, and the anecdote at the beginning ultimately humanizes the writer.

From the three unique courses to the specific professor and his research to the race and criminal justice programs, this student has clearly done their homework on Penn! The key to this essay’s success isn’t just mentioning the offerings at Penn that excite the student, but the context that explains how each opportunity fits into the student’s academic interests.

Adding book titles like Crime and Punishment and Percy Jackson to support their passion for the criminal justice system and classics are extra details that help us learn more about how this student pursues their passions outside of the classroom. Finding little ways to humanize yourself throughout the essay can take it from good to great.

One area of improvement for this essay is the structure. It follows a very traditional “ Why This College? ” framework—start with an anecdote, then discuss classes, and then extracurriculars and programs—that gets old quickly for admissions officers.

A great way to add some spice to the format would be to use a sample schedule for the day. This essay mentions three different classes, two different groups, and a Take Your Professor to Dinner opportunity. Together, that’s the recipe for a full day at UPenn!

There are a few ways to play around with an essay that follows a typical day-in-the-life. Maybe each paragraph starts with a time and explains what they do during that hour. Maybe they narrate walking through campus on their way from one class to the next and what they just learned. However they choose to go about it, adding in a playful spin to the traditional essay structure is one of the best ways to instantly set an essay apart from the crowd. 

Essay Example #3: UW Madison

Prompt: Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (650 words)

Essay – # Day 117

7:30 am… As I open my eyes, I look at the pinboard in front of my bed. Written in red block letters are two of the many goals of my life: “Make life better and more independent for the Visually impaired; Inspire kids to explore the field of STEM, making them the future problem solvers.“

Keeping these goals afresh in mind, I freshen up and prepare for the first class of the day, ​ECE 533 Image Processing. As the professor explains the Applications of Image Processing in Computer Vision, a light bulb sparks in my mind. I can modify the head contraption of PERIPHIS to identify objects in peripheral vision and alert the wearer via an earpiece using Text to Speech (TTS). 

After the class, I see Professor Mohit Gupta at the WISION Lab, where he shares his insights from the Block World Cameras system, which helps to geometrize 3D Man-made environments. We brainstorm ways we can implement this system on PERIPHIS.

Deep in the discussion and intrigued by my curiosity, he asked me where my interest in this niche field sparked during high school, and then I recount the incident from 9th grade: 

“In Hindi – Agar aaj mere paas paise hote to ye din na dekhna padta” (If I had money, I would not have had to see this day.) 

These were the words of Aadiya, a glaucoma patient, who couldn’t help but cry in despair as she injured herself in an accident just because she couldn’t sense the incoming traffic. During my visit to “Baroda Association for Blind (BAB)” for a survey, I saw and experienced firsthand how hard and inaccessible it is for an underprivileged visually impaired to locomote without anyone’s assistance. 

What happened next was my first adventure into the world of Computer Science and Engineering. I dedicated the next four years to find an affordable solution to a pressing problem. It was called PERIPHIS, a smart wearable that helps alert the visually impaired wearer of impending danger while locomoting.

When I finally presented this device to Aadiya, the smile on her face made me realize how big an impact technology can make in one’s life.

11:00 am… As I head to the Engineering Hall to complete my assignments of COMP SCI 570

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, I crossways with my roommate from the Chadbourne Residential College, who is also interested in researching applications of Computer Vision in real life. We fix a time to chat later. 

1:20pm… After a quick bite, I head to Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. I expand my knowledge on different applications of Computer Science to make human life better than I found. I get fascinated when I see a few students building a child-friendly humanoid robot to teach kids the principles of Coding and AI. I hop in and share insights from my experience of being the President at AiGoLearning and kindling interest in STEM for young children. I explain how crucial the UI is when it comes to technology for the young.

5:00pm… To blow off some steam and socialize, I meet up with my fellow countrymen and artists at the Indian Graduate Students’ Association. We discuss and plan the upcoming Diwali Night Music at Shannon Hall. I feel proud to share my national identity while bringing out my musical self by contributing as a Tabla player at the student organization. 

As I close my day, I reflect and think of the most unique resource at UW. It is not the labs, research facilities, classes, but the people, including the professors and students, all aligned to a single goal: “Solving problems to make society a better place.”

10:00pm… I find my way back to my dorm room and write with red block letters on my pinboard: “Meet with at least 1 Badger every day and gain new insight from them.”

This essay is a stellar example. The day in the life formatting is a common way to spice up your “Why This College?” essay, but the way this writer executes it is nearly flawless.

Opening with the vision board makes the student’s college goals clear from the very start, and this was cleverly done since vision boards are naturally one of the first things you see when you wake up.

The student then takes us to specific courses and labs and shares their thoughts on how they could improve their invention, PERIPHIS. The author seamlessly includes background information on PERIPHIS by including this hypothetical conversation with a professor who speaks their native language.

As we go through the day, we can see that this student will not only be involved academically, but also socially. We learn how important their culture is to them and how they plan to share it with the campus community.

This essay does everything a “Why This College?” essay should: it shares the student’s goals and motivations behind them, how the university can support those goals, and how the student will engage with the campus beyond academics.

There’s not much this essay could improve, besides a few formatting and wording issues. The first line of this essay—“ Essay – # Day 117”—is a great attention-grabber, but the placement of the # symbol is confusing and perhaps should’ve been in front of the number.

There are also a couple spots where wording is a bit awkward, such as these lines:

I crossways with my roommate from the Chadbourne Residential College, who is also interested in researching applications of Computer Vision in real life. We fix a time to chat later. 

It should instead say something like “I run into my roommate” and “We schedule a time”. This is likely due to English not being the student’s native language, but could’ve easily been caught by proofreading from a native speaker.

Essay Example #4: Northwestern

Prompt: While other parts of your application give us a sense of who you are, we are also excited to hear more about how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community.

In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond.

For as long as I can remember, I have seen my parents, both farmers, struggling to produce food because of the challenges presented by the environment. Joining Northwestern’s community, and majoring in Environmental Engineering, will allow me to understand what are the reasons behind climate change and learn how to stop them and/or prevent them from happening. 

Having witnessed how plant diseases affect crops, I would like to collaborate in the PLANT-Dx project and in its widespread application. I strongly believe that it will be able to help farmers to improve the quality and quantity of their production, and reduce famine around the world. At some point in my education, I want to take advantage of the study-abroad programs Northwestern has to offer and learn about farming practices in a different part of the world. In addition, I want to conduct research on sustainable alternative farming methods that adapt to the new environmental conditions and that can be practiced in countries with fewer resources.

Apart from having access to outstanding professors, rigorous academics, and cutting-edge research resources, I will be able to be part of a close-knit community genuinely curious about others’ activities, truly passionate about what they do, and not afraid to step out of their comfort zone to make of this world a better place. Being part of Engineers for a Sustainable World at Northwestern will allow me to get to know people that share one of my passions in addition to learning and teaching how to apply sustainable practices in daily life.  

I am already looking forward to marching through the Weber Arch.

This essay is extremely cohesive, as it focuses on the student’s agricultural background and desire to study environmental engineering. The student mentions a couple resources specific to Northwestern, such as the PLANT-Dx project and Engineers for a Sustainable World.

Because of the background information the student provided, their motivations for participating in these opportunities is also clear. We can see that Northwestern would be a school that would help them achieve their goals.

There are two main aspects of the essay that could be improved: the writing and its specificity.

To begin with, the intro paragraph is a bit clunky and vague.  The student should have specified the challenges the environment has presented to their parents’ farming with detailed imagery about droughts or torrential rain. The final sentence about climate change is also much too broad, and the student should’ve stated a goal in a smaller niche of environmentalism.

For example, here’s what a rewritten strong intro paragraph might look like:

The drought this year was bad, and the once-flourishing tomato crops on my family’s farm were afflicted with Southern Blight. As my family and our community struggled to put food on the table for the third year in a year, I resolved to major in Environmental Engineering at Northwestern to learn how to preserve our agriculture in the face of climate change.

Another writing error is the typo in the final paragraph, where they write “to make of this world a better place”. It’s important to proofread your essay and have others help you proofread as well!

Finally, while the essay mentions a couple specific Northwestern resources, the other resources they mention are too vague.  The student could’ve improved by mentioning a specific study abroad program and a current research project on sustainable alternative farming methods. Most colleges let you study abroad and conduct research, so you need to explain why Northwestern is the best place for your goals.

Essay Example #5: NYU

Prompt: We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses. We want to understand – Why NYU? (400 words)

“A futuristic way of looking at academics,” the student panelist said during a New York University virtual information session. I reflected on a conversation I had with my grandma; she couldn’t understand how her vegetarian granddaughter could build a career in the food industry. However much I tried convincing her that vegetarianism was the future, as it offers substantial benefits to the environment and can offer health benefits to a growing population with the same environmental resources, she insisted that tofu would never provide the same satiation as meat. She was raised in a community where meat consumption was embedded in the culture, and its production is a large part of the country’s economy. In contrast, I had the privilege of living a few steps from San Francisco, with many restaurants and grocery stores dedicated to plant-based meat alternatives. Trying innovative recipes and products eventually allowed me to develop my own recipes. Upon my move to Nicaragua, where my grandmother is from, I found my food options to be limited, expensive and hard to find. So I developed my own small-scale solutions that did not break the bank and satiated grandma.

An institution that implements forward-thinking is what I need to reach my goals of changing the future of plant-based diets and people’s views on vegetarianism. NYU’s Nutrition and Food Studies program offers multiple disciplines of food studies that I will apply to my aspirations as a vegetarian. I plan to study under Adjunct Faculty Kayleen St. John, whose success in the plant-based industry and her teaching of the ‘Foundations of Plant-Based Nutrition’ in The Vegetarian Times excites me. The variety of classes like Introduction to Food History, Food Photography, and Food Systems: Food & Agriculture will give me an overview of what is available in the food industry to be prepared for all fields. Not to be cliche, but NYU’s proximity to the city is essential for the rapidly changing vegetarian industry. The multiculturalism available in NYC and NYU will allow me to understand the food system and diets of various cultures, religions, and areas. I can explore the extremes of the food industry, from fancy restaurants to public school cafeterias. These juxtapositions, much like the one I experienced after my move to Nicaragua, will allow me to broaden my reach and demonstrate that the vegetarian diet is not something reserved for select groups but a diet attainable to all. 

A core strength of this essay is the fact it takes its time to provide the reader with ample background on why this student is interested in nutrition and food studies and how they have grappled with difficult questions and surrounding this topic in the past. It’s okay to not mention anything about NYU for a whole paragraph if you are using that space to bring depth to your interests and tell the reader the crucial backstory behind pursuing your intended degree.

Another positive aspect is the inclusion of New York City for a purposeful reason. NYU admissions officers read thousands of essays that just talk about living in NYC for the sake of NYC—this is not what they want to hear. In contrast, this essay focuses on the vast and lively food scene in New York that the student considers to be an invaluable asset to her NYU education. This is a time where including New York actually plays to the appeal of NYU, rather than making it seem like the student is simply applying for the city.

Finally, this student clearly demonstrates that they are someone who wants to change the world for the better, but through their personal niche. NYU is looking for people who express this desire to be a changemaker, but oftentimes sweeping statements like “I want to change the world” come across as vague and disingenuous. The essay does mention changing diets and looking to the future, but it is focused within the student’s specific area of interest, making the claim to change the world more determined and authentic.

This essay could be made stronger if there was a bit more personal reflection included. The first paragraph provides a lot of details on the student’s vegetarianism and how it conflicts with her grandmother and her heritage. What it doesn’t include very much of is how the student thinks and feels about her diet being at odds with that of her family. 

Does this student feel they are betraying their heritage by being vegetarian? What emotions do they feel when people criticize vegetarianism? Why did they go vegetarian in the first place? Probing questions like these that get to the emotional core behind the story in the first paragraph would really help to build out this student’s backstory. We want to understand what their emotional responses and reasoning processes look like, so finding ways to include those into an already expositive paragraph would further bolster this essay.

Essay Example #6: NYU

My mother never takes off her Cartier necklace that my father gave her 10 years ago on their anniversary. As a child, I didn’t fully understand this attachment. However, on my 15th birthday, my aunt gifted me a ring, which was uniquely designed and made up of three rings linked together. Wearing it every day and making sure I would never lose it, I didn’t treat it like my easily replaceable childhood necklaces; it was my piece of luxury. This sparked my deep curiosity for the luxury world. The niche strives to provide the finest and most memorable experiences, as equally as my Japanese attention to detail and my French appreciation towards aesthetic beauty. In a constantly shifting environment, I learned that luxury chases timeless excellence.

NYU Stern’s BS in business and a co-concentration in management and marketing will fully immerse me in the business side of luxury fashion that I aim to pursue a future career in. The luxury marketing track, offered only by NYU, will enable me to assemble the most suited classes to reflect my interests. Specifically, NYU Stern’s exciting electives such as The Dynamics of the Fashion Industry seminar and Brand Strategy & Planning will encourage me to develop the skills that I was introduced to and grew keen on when running a virtual sustainable fashion auction.

As someone who has moved around from Paris to Tokyo, to Chicago and now Athens, I thrive in meeting and collaborating with others from diverse backgrounds. The school’s strong global outlook, demonstrated through Stern’s International Business Exchange Program, further sets NYU apart for me, as it is crucial to building essential soft skills. This opportunity allows me to experience new cultural approaches to luxury business which I can bring back with me to New York, and therefore push me to become a well-rounded business student. Similarly, I am excited to take part in the array of student clubs offered, such as the Luxury and Retail Association (LARA), which I learned about after connecting with and talking to current students. Seeing past talks from employers of companies like Conde Nast, I am eager to learn outside of the classroom from future speakers. 

Finding myself in new situations constantly, I always seek new challenges and explorations – to me, it is clear that NYU Stern will push me to create the finest and most unique learning experiences of timeless excellence.

This essay has an amazing introduction paragraph. It doesn’t mention anything about NYU or what this student is planning on studying, which is what makes it so intriguing. The reader doesn’t know where this student is headed after making such a seemingly unrelated statement about jewelry, but we want to find out. 

Not only does this essay immediately capture the reader’s attention, it maintains a succinct and direct tone that helps the reader effortlessly flow from one paragraph to the next. The student chose to include three opportunities at NYU that excite them and fully elaborate on them. This serves as an excellent example of more is less. 

We aren’t bombarded with a laundry list of classes, professors, and clubs the student wants to take. Instead, the student took a focused approach and described why they were excited by each offering they highlighted. Going deeper into a smaller number of opportunities at the college still shows this student did their research, but it allows for their backstory and goals to be discussed in far greater detail.

While this student does a good job of elaborating, they also mention a few key aspects of their personality as throw-away lines, when it would have been great to elaborate further on them. For example, they mention running a virtual sustainable fashion auction (cool!), but don’t provide us with any details on what that actually entails, how they got involved with it, what they enjoyed about it, etc. They also mention moving around a lot in the context of developing a diverse perspective, but they don’t include any emotional insight into what that was like.

Although there are only 400 words available, and you don’t want to spend too much time discussing the past, it would be nice to see just a sentence or two that delves into the details of this student’s background. The fashion auction and moving around clearly had an impact on the student, so we want to know what that was. If they are choosing to include these details, they must be important in the student’s decision to pursue business at NYU, so they shouldn’t be afraid to divulge the emotional significance to the reader.

Essay Example #7: Boston University

Prompt: In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what specifically has led you to apply for admission.

Boston University’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) attracts me because of its support of interdisciplinary study among its wide array of majors. In fact, the CAS now offers a course that combines biology, chemistry, and neuroscience. As I hope to conduct medical research into brain disorders, I plan to pursue all three areas of study. These cross-disciplinary connections at BU will prepare me to do so.

CAS’s undergraduate research program would allow me to work with a mentor, such as Dr. Alice Cronin-Golomb or Dr. Robert M.G. Reinhart related to their research on neurological disorders. With them, I can advance the work I have already completed related to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). In a summer class at our local university, my partner and I extracted data from fMRI and PET studies and inputted them into a coding program. We then created an indicator map, which we imported into another software program, AFNI, to display significant activity in the brain regions affected by DID. Seeing the representation of our data thrilled me because I knew it could eventually help people who live with DID. I want to experience that feeling again. Successfully analyzing these fMRI and PET studies and learning to code drives me to pursue more research opportunities, and this desire motivates me to study at a university that offers research opportunities to undergraduates. BU’s interdisciplinary approach to psychology and support for independent undergraduate research will optimally prepare me for a career as a neurological researcher.

This student clearly outlines BU-specific resources (the interdisciplinary course and undergrad research program), plus how these resources align with their professional goals (to become a neurological researcher). They do name professors, but since their work clearly relates to the student’s interests, it doesn’t look disingenuous, and shows that the student has done research on their fit with BU. The student also provides background on why they want to pursue research, and shows that they already have experience, which makes their interest in the undergrad research program more concrete.

The only thing missing from this essay is the student’s fit with BU in terms of extracurriculars and social life. “Why This College?” essays should also cover extracurriculars, as colleges are also interested in how you’ll contribute to their community. 

In general, these essays should be academic-leaning (especially if they’re under 250 words), but you should still address some social aspects of the college that appeal to you (we recommend about 70% academics, 30% social, with more or less focus on social aspects depending on the word count). 

Since the student probably already detailed their previous research in their Common App activities section, they could’ve just summarized their research background in one sentence (instead of 78 words, which is 31% of the total word count!), and used that valuable space to talk about a specific social aspect of BU that interests them. 

Essay Example #8: Boston University

Prompt: In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what specifically has led you to apply for admission. 

I am fascinated by research, though completely uninterested in the disciplines traditionally associated with it, such as STEM fields. I need to find a school that will balance my desire to conduct research with my interest in political science. 

While many schools boast in-depth student research programs for those looking to cure diseases or develop solutions to global warming, few tout their support for humanities research. Additionally, many universities that do allocate funding to social science research typically reserve these monies for graduate students or upperclassmen. BU, with the help of its Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, will allow me to conduct research on the topics that most intrigue me, such as gender disparity in politics, or the relationship between dominant parties in power and the country’s economy and involvement in foreign affairs. Furthermore, I can begin these studies as early as my first year. Not only can I take classes with professors like Sandra McEvoy or Dino Christenson to develop my interests in a classroom setting, but I could also work with one of them to develop new knowledge in the topics that we both enjoy learning about. With this knowledge base and experience conducting studies with top professors in a respected research institution, I will be well-prepared for my future law career. I want to learn in an environment that encourages independent study no matter one’s field of interest or experience, and BU’s support of intellectual curiosity for all of its students makes it a perfect fit for me.

This student knows exactly what they want, and they’re not afraid to state it bluntly. Their intro paragraph is totally honest about their interests (or lack of interest), and we immediately understand one of their main college goals: to conduct political science research.

The student mentions a specific resource, the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, as well as an alignment with BU’s value of encouraging independent study in all fields. Showing alignment with a specific value of the university is a great way to take your essay to the next level.

This essay shows us that the student would be a great fit for BU and would take advantage of its research opportunities.

The writer mentions some of their research interests, but doesn’t explain the motivation behind them. We don’t actually learn very much about the student themself, which is a common flaw of “Why This College?” essays. The essay would’ve been stronger if they’d explained why they’re interested in “gender disparity in politics, or the relationship between dominant parties in power and the country’s economy and involvement in foreign affairs.” For example, maybe they feel strongly about abortion rights and are upset about the way men have been legislating women’s rights.

The student also names two professors whose classes they’d like to take and with whom they’d like to do research, but we aren’t told which classes they’re interested in, or which topics they could cover together. You want to avoid “name-dropping” professors without context in your essay. If the student shared the names of specific classes or research topics and why they’re interested in them, that would’ve strengthened their essay.

Essay Example #9: Tufts

Prompt: Why Tufts? (100 words) 

When Deanne, Tufts’ admissions counselor, visited my school, she immediately caught my attention by emphasizing Tufts’ diverse yet unified campus. Tufts’ inclusive definition of diversity goes beyond merely recruiting students from a variety of backgrounds. Tufts seeks to integrate these categories of diversity and pushes its students to learn from one another. One such intersectional program that attracts me is CAFE (Conversation, Action, Faith, and Education). By joining CAFE, a community that promotes interfaith education, I will learn from my peers, become more understanding of other religious backgrounds, and apply this broader understanding to my academic work at Tufts.

It’s hard to write a “Why This College?” essay in 100 words. This essay does a good job sticking to one unique element of Tufts—its intersectionality. Since Tufts also cares about demonstrated interest, it’s great that the student also mentioned speaking with an admissions counselor. 

We unfortunately don’t learn very much about the student from this essay. Why do they care about diversity and interfaith programs? How does this relate to their academic and career goals? While the word count is super short, they could’ve cut these lines and jumped right into the specific resource they’re interested in: Tufts’ inclusive definition of diversity goes beyond merely recruiting students from a variety of backgrounds. Tufts seeks to integrate these categories of diversity and pushes its students to learn from one another.

Here’s an example of a stronger version of this essay:

When a Tufts admissions counselor visited my school, she immediately caught my attention by emphasizing Tufts’ diverse yet unified campus. As a Muslim hoping to go into International Relations, I want to attend a school that not only recruits diverse students, but pushes them to learn from one another. I hope to join intersectional programs such as CAFE (Conversation, Action, Faith, and Education). By joining this community that promotes interfaith education, I will gain the necessary perspective and compassion to become a human rights lawyer in countries with religious conflict, such as my homeland Azerbaijan.

Essay Example #10: Tufts

Prompt: Why Tufts? (100 words)

Someday I hope to conduct medical research in developing countries; Tufts attracts me because of its wide array of majors it offers and support for undergraduate research. To understand the human brain, I hope to study biology, neuroscience, and psychology. In addition to outstanding faculty in each of these areas, Tufts also organizes initiatives including the International Research Program. Through this program, I would work with other students and faculty members on an international project related to brain diseases. This opportunity will give me a taste of my future career and help me narrow the scope of my later studies.

This essay does a better job of sharing the student’s goals with us compared to the previous Tufts essay. We learn that the applicant is interested in medical research in developing countries on brain diseases, and that Tufts has a program to support international research.

The essay still mentions some resources that could apply to many schools, which is not an effective use of the tiny word count. For example, they say: “Tufts attracts me because of its wide array of majors it offers and support for undergraduate research” and they mention the “outstanding faculty” in the fields they plan to study.

They also don’t tell us their motivation behind studying brain diseases abroad, and it feels like there’s a significant story there. Giving some background would’ve further strengthened their essay.

Finally, they mention that they still need to narrow the scope of their studies; while it’s fine to be undecided on your career and majors, you don’t need to spend your precious word count saying that in your essay. They could’ve instead shared a couple potential avenues they’re considering.

Here’s what the student could’ve written instead:

Outcomes for schizophrenia patients are better in developing countries than in developed ones. I hope to research the reasons behind this and improve the treatment options in the US for the cousin I grew up with. In college, I want to study biology, neuroscience, and psychology. Tufts attracts me because of its unique interdisciplinary BS in Cognitive and Brain Science and its International Research Program. Through this program, I could do the research I’ve dreamt of doing with a faculty member and other students, preparing me for my future career as either a researcher or clinician.

Essay Example #11: Georgia Tech

Prompt: Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech? (300 words)

Climate change is a human rights issue.  

There the headline was, screaming on my phone screen. I think about those suffering from a lack of clean water. I think about those suffering from a lack of clean air. 

I often think back to that headline – it’s what drives my passion for environmental engineering. As an environmental engineer, I can mitigate air pollution and design water treatment systems that address the water injustices that people face. However, it’s not just about creating a technology that cleans water; it’s about changing people’s lives. New technologies can make a lasting difference in humanitarian issues worldwide; Georgia Tech’s research on creating a toilet that turns human waste into clean water for those in need of improved sanitation aligns perfectly with my interests.   

At Georgia Tech, through the student-led organization, Engineers for a Sustainable World and the InVenture Prize, I can translate the knowledge gained from my classes into a concrete vision. I can design and implement hands-on sustainability projects around Atlanta and invent a water sanitation system for the on-site acquisition of clean water. 

Georgia Tech can also provide me with ample research opportunities, such as the broad area of Healthy Communities in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. I can further pursue my interest in developing solutions to deliver clean water while welcoming new areas of inquiry. An area I would like to explore would be the controlling of dangerous matter in the air to reduce health hazards; reducing the impact of climate change is of utmost importance to me. 

Studying environmental engineering at Georgia Tech would well prepare me to develop solutions to climate-related issues. With the countless opportunities that Georgia Tech has to offer, I know there is nowhere else where I can receive a better environmental engineering education.

What the Essay Did Well l

This essay begins with an attention-grabbing statement that leaves the reader wondering how this will relate to the student’s interest in Georgia Tech. They then transition seamlessly into how climate change and human rights motivate their desire to become an environmental engineer.

The student mentions several resources specific to Georgia Tech that would help them achieve their goals, such as the research on the toilet turning waste into water, Engineers for a Sustainable World, InVenture Prize, and Healthy Communities research. It’s clear that they did their research and have reflected on their fit with the campus community.

They end the essay explicitly stating that Georgia Tech is the best place for them to grow, and the reader is certainly convinced of this by the end.

This essay is quite strong, so there’s not much that the student could’ve improved. That said, there is one sentence that is a bit awkwardly worded: New technologies can make a lasting difference in humanitarian issues worldwide; Georgia Tech’s research on creating a toilet that turns human waste into clean water for those in need of improved sanitation aligns perfectly with my interests.

Instead, the student could’ve written:

New technologies can make a lasting difference in humanitarian issues worldwide; Georgia Tech aligns with this value of mine and is even developing a toilet that turns human waste into clean water for those who need improved sanitation.

Essay Example #12: Georgia Tech

From my first Java project, a somewhat primitive graphing calculator, I realized that CS unlocks a different way of thinking. My brain races at speeds it seldom touches with other subjects. Every part of CS, from conceptualizing a plan to executing a solution, is another piece of a puzzle I’m eager to solve and affords the most opportunities for creative problem-solving and application. 

“Progress and Service,” Georgia Tech’s motto, tells me there’s no better place to explore my curiosity and deepen my CS skills while simultaneously helping make the world a better place, my ultimate goal for a college education. 

In the classroom, I look forward to GT’s threads program, where I can tailor the curriculum to suit my career choice after exposing myself to all technical aspects of CS.

I’ll apply my specialized learning with Tech’s fascinating research opportunities. Professor Pandarinth’s brain-machine interfacing software means a lot to me. My uncle passed away from a freak accident after extensive paralysis because potential treatments were unaffordable. Exploring this revolutionary brain decoding software wouldn’t just involve me in cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology research, I’d be personally driven to ensure its success and accessibility. 

I’m at my best building towards tangible results. I learned this on my robotics team using design skills to create a technically complex robot that tackles anything from shooting balls to hanging on a balance beam. I’m excited to expand my skills on the RoboJackets team, applying my career interests to build ferocious BattleBots and autonomous race robots that compete on the Indy Speedway, two events that sound ridiculously fun. 

Of course, I can’t skip hackathons. These competitions molded my interest in coding so I want to give back to Georgia Tech’s Hack-Community by planning HackGT and the Catalyst Mentorship program as a member of the Hexlabs team. 

The student’s passion for CS shines through this essay. They explain what they love about the subject (the problem-solving aspect) and they share that they hope to make a difference through CS, demonstrating alignment with Tech’s motto of  “progress and service”.

It’s clear that this student has done their research, mentioning specific academic programs, research, and clubs. We can see that they’d be greatly engaged with the campus community.

Finally, this essay is also down-to-earth. The student doesn’t try to use impressive vocabulary or formal language. In fact, they even describe some extracurriculars as “ridiculously fun.” While you shouldn’t get too informal in your essays, this student’s casual tone in this context makes them feel more approachable and more excited about the prospect of going to Georgia Tech.

This essay has a couple sentences that are confusing to read:

Every part of CS, from conceptualizing a plan to executing a solution, is another piece of a puzzle I’m eager to solve and affords the most opportunities for creative problem-solving and application.

This sentence could’ve been broken up and rewritten as:

Every part of CS, from conceptualizing a plan to executing a solution, is another piece of a puzzle I’m eager to solve. For me, the field affords the most opportunities for creative problem-solving and application.

This sentence also uses incorrect grammar—the comma should be replaced with a semicolon:

Exploring this revolutionary brain decoding software wouldn’t just involve me in cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology research, I’d be personally driven to ensure its success and accessibility. 

These details would make the essay more readable.

The organization of the essay could also be reworked. The student mentions Tech’s motto of “progress and service,” but doesn’t follow up until later with an example of how they’d use CS for the greater good. Using CS for social good isn’t ultimately the theme of their essay, so this section would’ve been better placed at the end of the paragraph about AI technology research, or at the very end of the essay. The essay actually ends abruptly, so placing the section at the end might’ve tied it up nicely, if the student could’ve placed more emphasis on how they plan to use CS to improve society.

Do you want feedback on your “Why This College” essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

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  • Paragraph Writing
  • Internet Paragraph

Internet Paragraph - Check Samples for 100, 150, 200, 250 Words

In the 21st century, the internet is no more a luxury; it has rather become a basic necessity for our living. It is now used by school-going children, college students, working men and women, homemakers, elders, etc. We all are dependent on the internet, and the first basic amenity we search for in every house is an internet connection. It is now needed in every sector and in every home. It builds a network between every corner of the world. Even if you are bored or lonely, you get a thousand reasons not to feel bored with the internet.

This article provides you with various sample paragraphs on the internet. Check them out.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on internet in 100 words, paragraph on internet in 150 words, paragraph on internet in 200 words, paragraph on internet in 250 words, frequently asked questions on internet paragraph.

The internet is the most recent man-made creation that connects the world. The world has narrowed down after the invention of the internet. It has demolished all boundaries, which were the barriers between people and has made everything accessible. The internet is helpful to us in different ways. It is beneficial for sharing information with people in any corner of the world. It is also used in schools, government and private offices, and other public spaces. We stay connected to our close ones and share all the recent and live news with the help of the internet. Sitting in our homes, we know about all that’s happening around the world with a click or a swipe. The internet gives an answer to almost every question and touches every aspect of our lives.

The internet is the most creative and interactive innovation globally. It is the most helpful technology to share information from one part to the other part of the world. We are just a click away from knowing about the whole world. After the invention of the internet, it feels as if the world has narrowed down, and we are no more away from our close ones. Because of the internet, all official work and education could continue even during the pandemic. Without the internet, it would have been impossible to run the large multinational corporations of the world during the pandemic. It is now difficult to do any task without access to the internet in today’s world. Some machines cannot function without an internet connection, and in today’s world, even aeroplanes have an internet connection. Both students and teachers require access to the internet in the educational sector. It can thus be said that we are all fully reliant on the internet. Everyone’s life has been easier, smoother, and more connected as a result of the internet.

The internet is the world’s most innovative and engaging innovation. It is the most beneficial technology for sharing knowledge from one part of the world to another. After using the internet, it appears that the globe has shrunk in size and that everyone lives close to us. We can know what is happening all around the world in a matter of seconds if we are sitting in one corner of the planet. Today, 90% of work is handled online or with the use of the internet, and that helped us to survive through the pandemic. Whether to study, play games, or watch a movie, we can rely on the internet. If someone is writing about any given topic but is not sure about the same, you need to just click, and you get all the relevant information. Looking into the growing demand and utility of the internet, the government has also provided free internet connections in public areas like railway stations, workplaces, parks, etc. Even though we have become completely dependent on the internet, we must be very careful not to overuse and also take care that children don’t get addicted to it.

The internet is a platform for sharing information. It’s the quickest way to exchange data. The information might move thousands of kilometres via the internet. It’s a great way to share knowledge. Images, files, music, and films could be shared. Computers, laptops, and mobile phones are used to access the internet. Everything has become a lot more accessible and cost-saving. Emails and text possibilities have been offered as the most energising technique of correspondence on the web. We can send emails to every corner of the globe, and the cost of sending a message is extremely low, which is the most convenient method of communication. Along with sharing information, the internet collects information regarding any topic from various websites. The issues may include medicines, science, arts, architecture, etc., with no boundaries. It has made lives easier for students, working professionals, and people sitting at home. Almost all businesses are run online today. We all are dependent on the internet, but at the same time, it is also addictive in nature. Excess of anything is harmful; similarly, excessive internet use is also detrimental. The Internet is used through our computers, phones, tablets, etc. There is a high chance that kids might get addicted to the internet, and therefore, it is essential to keep an eye on the kids. Nowadays, it is impossible to pass school life without the use of the internet, but at the same time, we must also be a little careful when our children overuse it.

What is the importance of a paragraph on the Internet?

The internet has become a necessity and not a luxury anymore. Starting from a school-going child to an older adult sitting at home, we all need the internet for something or the other. By some means, we are dependent on the internet.

What is the important information needed to add in the paragraph on the internet?

You can add information like the importance of the internet in our daily life, its practical use in our daily lives and professional lives, etc.

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Essay on Global Warming

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 27, 2024

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Being able to write an essay is an integral part of mastering any language. Essays form an integral part of many academic and scholastic exams like the SAT , and UPSC amongst many others. It is a crucial evaluative part of English proficiency tests as well like IELTS , TOEFL , etc. Major essays are meant to emphasize public issues of concern that can have significant consequences on the world. To understand the concept of Global Warming and its causes and effects, we must first examine the many factors that influence the planet’s temperature and what this implies for the world’s future. Here’s an unbiased look at the essay on Global Warming and other essential related topics.

Short Essay on Global Warming and Climate Change?

Since the industrial and scientific revolutions, Earth’s resources have been gradually depleted. Furthermore, the start of the world’s population’s exponential expansion is particularly hard on the environment. Simply put, as the population’s need for consumption grows, so does the use of natural resources , as well as the waste generated by that consumption.

Climate change has been one of the most significant long-term consequences of this. Climate change is more than just the rise or fall of global temperatures; it also affects rain cycles, wind patterns, cyclone frequencies, sea levels, and other factors. It has an impact on all major life groupings on the planet.

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What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century, primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels . The greenhouse gases consist of methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapour, and chlorofluorocarbons. The weather prediction has been becoming more complex with every passing year, with seasons more indistinguishable, and the general temperatures hotter.

The number of hurricanes, cyclones, droughts, floods, etc., has risen steadily since the onset of the 21st century. The supervillain behind all these changes is Global Warming. The name is quite self-explanatory; it means the rise in the temperature of the Earth.

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What are the Causes of Global Warming?

According to recent studies, many scientists believe the following are the primary four causes of global warming:

  • Deforestation 
  • Greenhouse emissions
  • Carbon emissions per capita

Extreme global warming is causing natural disasters , which can be seen all around us. One of the causes of global warming is the extreme release of greenhouse gases that become trapped on the earth’s surface, causing the temperature to rise. Similarly, volcanoes contribute to global warming by spewing excessive CO2 into the atmosphere.

The increase in population is one of the major causes of Global Warming. This increase in population also leads to increased air pollution . Automobiles emit a lot of CO2, which remains in the atmosphere. This increase in population is also causing deforestation, which contributes to global warming.

The earth’s surface emits energy into the atmosphere in the form of heat, keeping the balance with the incoming energy. Global warming depletes the ozone layer, bringing about the end of the world. There is a clear indication that increased global warming will result in the extinction of all life on Earth’s surface.

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Solutions for Global Warming

Of course, industries and multinational conglomerates emit more carbon than the average citizen. Nonetheless, activism and community effort are the only viable ways to slow the worsening effects of global warming. Furthermore, at the state or government level, world leaders must develop concrete plans and step-by-step programmes to ensure that no further harm is done to the environment in general.

Although we are almost too late to slow the rate of global warming, finding the right solution is critical. Everyone, from individuals to governments, must work together to find a solution to Global Warming. Some of the factors to consider are pollution control, population growth, and the use of natural resources.

One very important contribution you can make is to reduce your use of plastic. Plastic is the primary cause of global warming, and recycling it takes years. Another factor to consider is deforestation, which will aid in the control of global warming. More tree planting should be encouraged to green the environment. Certain rules should also govern industrialization. Building industries in green zones that affect plants and species should be prohibited.

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Effects of Global Warming

Global warming is a real problem that many people want to disprove to gain political advantage. However, as global citizens, we must ensure that only the truth is presented in the media.

This decade has seen a significant impact from global warming. The two most common phenomena observed are glacier retreat and arctic shrinkage. Glaciers are rapidly melting. These are clear manifestations of climate change.

Another significant effect of global warming is the rise in sea level. Flooding is occurring in low-lying areas as a result of sea-level rise. Many countries have experienced extreme weather conditions. Every year, we have unusually heavy rain, extreme heat and cold, wildfires, and other natural disasters.

Similarly, as global warming continues, marine life is being severely impacted. This is causing the extinction of marine species as well as other problems. Furthermore, changes are expected in coral reefs, which will face extinction in the coming years. These effects will intensify in the coming years, effectively halting species expansion. Furthermore, humans will eventually feel the negative effects of Global Warming.

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Sample Essays on Global Warming

Here are some sample essays on Global Warming:

Essay on Global Warming Paragraph in 100 – 150 words

Global Warming is caused by the increase of carbon dioxide levels in the earth’s atmosphere and is a result of human activities that have been causing harm to our environment for the past few centuries now. Global Warming is something that can’t be ignored and steps have to be taken to tackle the situation globally. The average temperature is constantly rising by 1.5 degrees Celsius over the last few years.

The best method to prevent future damage to the earth, cutting down more forests should be banned and Afforestation should be encouraged. Start by planting trees near your homes and offices, participate in events, and teach the importance of planting trees. It is impossible to undo the damage but it is possible to stop further harm.

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Essay on Global Warming in 250 Words

Over a long period, it is observed that the temperature of the earth is increasing. This affected wildlife, animals, humans, and every living organism on earth. Glaciers have been melting, and many countries have started water shortages, flooding, and erosion and all this is because of global warming. 

No one can be blamed for global warming except for humans. Human activities such as gases released from power plants, transportation, and deforestation have increased gases such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants in the earth’s atmosphere.                                              The main question is how can we control the current situation and build a better world for future generations. It starts with little steps by every individual. 

Start using cloth bags made from sustainable materials for all shopping purposes, instead of using high-watt lights use energy-efficient bulbs, switch off the electricity, don’t waste water, abolish deforestation and encourage planting more trees. Shift the use of energy from petroleum or other fossil fuels to wind and solar energy. Instead of throwing out the old clothes donate them to someone so that it is recycled. 

Donate old books, don’t waste paper.  Above all, spread awareness about global warming. Every little thing a person does towards saving the earth will contribute in big or small amounts. We must learn that 1% effort is better than no effort. Pledge to take care of Mother Nature and speak up about global warming.

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Essay on Global Warming in 500 Words

Global warming isn’t a prediction, it is happening! A person denying it or unaware of it is in the most simple terms complicit. Do we have another planet to live on? Unfortunately, we have been bestowed with this one planet only that can sustain life yet over the years we have turned a blind eye to the plight it is in. Global warming is not an abstract concept but a global phenomenon occurring ever so slowly even at this moment. Global Warming is a phenomenon that is occurring every minute resulting in a gradual increase in the Earth’s overall climate. Brought about by greenhouse gases that trap the solar radiation in the atmosphere, global warming can change the entire map of the earth, displacing areas, flooding many countries, and destroying multiple lifeforms. Extreme weather is a direct consequence of global warming but it is not an exhaustive consequence. There are virtually limitless effects of global warming which are all harmful to life on earth. The sea level is increasing by 0.12 inches per year worldwide. This is happening because of the melting of polar ice caps because of global warming. This has increased the frequency of floods in many lowland areas and has caused damage to coral reefs. The Arctic is one of the worst-hit areas affected by global warming. Air quality has been adversely affected and the acidity of the seawater has also increased causing severe damage to marine life forms. Severe natural disasters are brought about by global warming which has had dire effects on life and property. As long as mankind produces greenhouse gases, global warming will continue to accelerate. The consequences are felt at a much smaller scale which will increase to become drastic shortly. The power to save the day lies in the hands of humans, the need is to seize the day. Energy consumption should be reduced on an individual basis. Fuel-efficient cars and other electronics should be encouraged to reduce the wastage of energy sources. This will also improve air quality and reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is an evil that can only be defeated when fought together. It is better late than never. If we all take steps today, we will have a much brighter future tomorrow. Global warming is the bane of our existence and various policies have come up worldwide to fight it but that is not enough. The actual difference is made when we work at an individual level to fight it. Understanding its import now is crucial before it becomes an irrevocable mistake. Exterminating global warming is of utmost importance and each one of us is as responsible for it as the next.  

Also Read: Essay on Library: 100, 200 and 250 Words

Essay on Global Warming UPSC

Always hear about global warming everywhere, but do we know what it is? The evil of the worst form, global warming is a phenomenon that can affect life more fatally. Global warming refers to the increase in the earth’s temperature as a result of various human activities. The planet is gradually getting hotter and threatening the existence of lifeforms on it. Despite being relentlessly studied and researched, global warming for the majority of the population remains an abstract concept of science. It is this concept that over the years has culminated in making global warming a stark reality and not a concept covered in books. Global warming is not caused by one sole reason that can be curbed. Multifarious factors cause global warming most of which are a part of an individual’s daily existence. Burning of fuels for cooking, in vehicles, and for other conventional uses, a large amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, and methane amongst many others is produced which accelerates global warming. Rampant deforestation also results in global warming as lesser green cover results in an increased presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is a greenhouse gas.  Finding a solution to global warming is of immediate importance. Global warming is a phenomenon that has to be fought unitedly. Planting more trees can be the first step that can be taken toward warding off the severe consequences of global warming. Increasing the green cover will result in regulating the carbon cycle. There should be a shift from using nonrenewable energy to renewable energy such as wind or solar energy which causes less pollution and thereby hinder the acceleration of global warming. Reducing energy needs at an individual level and not wasting energy in any form is the most important step to be taken against global warming. The warning bells are tolling to awaken us from the deep slumber of complacency we have slipped into. Humans can fight against nature and it is high time we acknowledged that. With all our scientific progress and technological inventions, fighting off the negative effects of global warming is implausible. We have to remember that we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors but borrow it from our future generations and the responsibility lies on our shoulders to bequeath them a healthy planet for life to exist. 

Also Read: Essay on Disaster Management

Climate Change and Global Warming Essay

Global Warming and Climate Change are two sides of the same coin. Both are interrelated with each other and are two issues of major concern worldwide. Greenhouse gases released such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants in the earth’s atmosphere cause Global Warming which leads to climate change. Black holes have started to form in the ozone layer that protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays. 

Human activities have created climate change and global warming. Industrial waste and fumes are the major contributors to global warming. 

Another factor affecting is the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and also one of the reasons for climate change.  Global warming has resulted in shrinking mountain glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland, and the Arctic and causing climate change. Switching from the use of fossil fuels to energy sources like wind and solar. 

When buying any electronic appliance buy the best quality with energy savings stars. Don’t waste water and encourage rainwater harvesting in your community. 

Also Read: Essay on Air Pollution

Tips to Write an Essay

Writing an effective essay needs skills that few people possess and even fewer know how to implement. While writing an essay can be an assiduous task that can be unnerving at times, some key pointers can be inculcated to draft a successful essay. These involve focusing on the structure of the essay, planning it out well, and emphasizing crucial details.

Mentioned below are some pointers that can help you write better structure and more thoughtful essays that will get across to your readers:

  • Prepare an outline for the essay to ensure continuity and relevance and no break in the structure of the essay
  • Decide on a thesis statement that will form the basis of your essay. It will be the point of your essay and help readers understand your contention
  • Follow the structure of an introduction, a detailed body followed by a conclusion so that the readers can comprehend the essay in a particular manner without any dissonance.
  • Make your beginning catchy and include solutions in your conclusion to make the essay insightful and lucrative to read
  • Reread before putting it out and add your flair to the essay to make it more personal and thereby unique and intriguing for readers  

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Ans. Both natural and man-made factors contribute to global warming. The natural one also contains methane gas, volcanic eruptions, and greenhouse gases. Deforestation, mining, livestock raising, burning fossil fuels, and other man-made causes are next.

Ans. The government and the general public can work together to stop global warming. Trees must be planted more often, and deforestation must be prohibited. Auto usage needs to be curbed, and recycling needs to be promoted.

Ans. Switching to renewable energy sources , adopting sustainable farming, transportation, and energy methods, and conserving water and other natural resources.

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Digvijay Singh

Having 2+ years of experience in educational content writing, withholding a Bachelor's in Physical Education and Sports Science and a strong interest in writing educational content for students enrolled in domestic and foreign study abroad programmes. I believe in offering a distinct viewpoint to the table, to help students deal with the complexities of both domestic and foreign educational systems. Through engaging storytelling and insightful analysis, I aim to inspire my readers to embark on their educational journeys, whether abroad or at home, and to make the most of every learning opportunity that comes their way.

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This was really a good essay on global warming… There has been used many unic words..and I really liked it!!!Seriously I had been looking for a essay about Global warming just like this…

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I want to learn how to write essay writing so I joined this page.This page is very useful for everyone.

Hi, we are glad that we could help you to write essays. We have a beginner’s guide to write essays ( ) and we think this might help you.

It is not good , to have global warming in our earth .So we all have to afforestation program on all the world.

thank you so much

Very educative , helpful and it is really going to strength my English knowledge to structure my essay in future

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Global warming is the increase in 𝓽𝓱𝓮 ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴀᴛᴜʀᴇs ᴏғ ᴇᴀʀᴛʜ🌎 ᴀᴛᴍᴏsᴘʜᴇʀᴇ

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Your Best College Essay

Maybe you love to write, or maybe you don’t. Either way, there’s a chance that the thought of writing your college essay is making you sweat. No need for nerves! We’re here to give you the important details on how to make the process as anxiety-free as possible.

student's hands typing on a laptop in class

What's the College Essay?

When we say “The College Essay” (capitalization for emphasis – say it out loud with the capitals and you’ll know what we mean) we’re talking about the 550-650 word essay required by most colleges and universities. Prompts for this essay can be found on the college’s website, the Common Application, or the Coalition Application. We’re not talking about the many smaller supplemental essays you might need to write in order to apply to college. Not all institutions require the essay, but most colleges and universities that are at least semi-selective do.

How do I get started?

Look for the prompts on whatever application you’re using to apply to schools (almost all of the time – with a few notable exceptions – this is the Common Application). If one of them calls out to you, awesome! You can jump right in and start to brainstorm. If none of them are giving you the right vibes, don’t worry. They’re so broad that almost anything you write can fit into one of the prompts after you’re done. Working backwards like this is totally fine and can be really useful!

What if I have writer's block?

You aren’t alone. Staring at a blank Google Doc and thinking about how this is the one chance to tell an admissions officer your story can make you freeze. Thinking about some of these questions might help you find the right topic:

  • What is something about you that people have pointed out as distinctive?
  • If you had to pick three words to describe yourself, what would they be? What are things you’ve done that demonstrate these qualities?
  • What’s something about you that has changed over your years in high school? How or why did it change?
  • What’s something you like most about yourself?
  • What’s something you love so much that you lose track of the rest of the world while you do it?

If you’re still stuck on a topic, ask your family members, friends, or other trusted adults: what’s something they always think about when they think about you? What’s something they think you should be proud of? They might help you find something about yourself that you wouldn’t have surfaced on your own.  

How do I grab my reader's attention?

It’s no secret that admissions officers are reading dozens – and sometimes hundreds – of essays every day. That can feel like a lot of pressure to stand out. But if you try to write the most unique essay in the world, it might end up seeming forced if it’s not genuinely you. So, what’s there to do? Our advice: start your essay with a story. Tell the reader about something you’ve done, complete with sensory details, and maybe even dialogue. Then, in the second paragraph, back up and tell us why this story is important and what it tells them about you and the theme of the essay.


Don’t! Don’t try to tell an admissions officer about everything you’ve loved and done since you were a child. Instead, pick one or two things about yourself that you’re hoping to get across and stick to those. They’ll see the rest on the activities section of your application.


If you can’t think of another way to end the essay, talk about how the qualities you’ve discussed in your essays have prepared you for college. Try to wrap up with a sentence that refers back to the story you told in your first paragraph, if you took that route.


YES, proofread the essay, and have a trusted adult proofread it as well. Know that any suggestions they give you are coming from a good place, but make sure they aren’t writing your essay for you or putting it into their own voice. Admissions officers want to hear the voice of you, the applicant. Before you submit your essay anywhere, our number one advice is to read it out loud to yourself. When you read out loud you’ll catch small errors you may not have noticed before, and hear sentences that aren’t quite right.


Be yourself. If you’re not a naturally serious person, don’t force formality. If you’re the comedian in your friend group, go ahead and be funny. But ultimately, write as your authentic (and grammatically correct) self and trust the process.

And remember, thousands of other students your age are faced with this same essay writing task, right now. You can do it!


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    Develop the body paragraphs and incorporate evidence. Write the concluding paragraph and make sure not to introduce any new information. Writers should simply restate the thesis, summarize the main themes of the paper, and make a concluding remark. The word count of the paper must be 250 words.

  8. 250 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    A 250-word essay consists of approximately 250 words. In terms of length, it is considered a relatively short essay. The number of paragraphs in a 250-word essay can vary depending on the content and structure, but typically it may consist of around 1-3 paragraphs.

  9. Example of a Great Essay

    This example guides you through the structure of an essay. It shows how to build an effective introduction, focused paragraphs, clear transitions between ideas, and a strong conclusion. Each paragraph addresses a single central point, introduced by a topic sentence, and each point is directly related to the thesis statement.

  10. Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits Essay (Article)

    Avoid lengthy formats - direct quotations need to be kept to a minimum in order to make the 250-word essay work. Also, writers should have very few headlines. Preferably three indicating the introduction, main body and conclusion. Students writing these essays should also refrain from using pictures (unless specified) as these contribute to ...

  11. How to write a 250-word essay

    Create an outline of the essay. You might be shocked, but a 250-word essay also has its own structure. Your essay should consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. All the above-mentioned parts are necessary, so we advise you to create an outline before you start writing your essay. The introduction of the essay should be presented ...

  12. 250 Word Essay Writing: Examples and Guide

    What Does A 250 Word Essay Look Like? A 250-word essay is a concise and comprehensive piece of writing. It should have: The introduction should provide an overview of the topic and introduce the main points that will be discussed in the essay. In the main body of a 250-word essay, one should focus on discussing various aspects of the subject ...

  13. Mastering the 250-Word Essay: Tips for Concise Writing

    The essay must be double-spaced, must have an introduction paragraph (of 50-60 words), a body paragraph (or paragraphs) (of about 150 words), and end with concluding remarks (50-60 words). Furthermore, a 250 word essay must have one-inch margins, italicized meta titles without underlining, a new paragraph must be indented 0.5 inches, and be in ...

  14. Why This College Essay Guide + Examples

    The Why Bowdoin "Why this College" Essay Example. Prompt: Bowdoin students and alumni often cite world-class faculty and opportunities for intellectual engagement, the College's commitment to the Common Good, and the special quality of life on the coast of Maine as important aspects of the Bowdoin experience. (Word limit: 250)

  15. Why You Deserve This Scholarship Essay (3 Sample Answers)

    Word Count: 98. Example 2: Why I deserve this scholarship essay (250 words) A 250-word scholarship essay usually consists of 4-5 paragraphs. The introduction can have a short lead-in, but it should arrive at the thesis quickly. The body paragraphs should support the assertion made in the first paragraph (the reason you deserve the scholarship).

  16. Write A "Tell Us About Yourself" Scholarship Essay (3 Examples)

    Word Count: 96. Medium scholarship essay example: Tell us about yourself (250 Words) With a mid-length scholarship essay, you have more space to explain how your past has influenced your present and future goals. You should have rom for an intro paragraph, a few body paragraphs, and a conclusion (maybe incorporated into the last body paragraph).

  17. Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper

    Definition and Purpose of Abstracts An abstract is a short summary of your (published or unpublished) research paper, usually about a paragraph (c. 6-7 sentences, 150-250 words) long. A well-written abstract serves multiple purposes: an abstract lets readers get the gist or essence of your paper or article quickly, in order to decide whether to….

  18. 12 Effective "Why This College?" Essay Examples

    One thing this essay could do to make it stronger is improve the first paragraph. The student does a good job of setting up Sister Roach and the Five C's, but they don't mention anything about their desire to study or pursue nursing. The first paragraph mentions both Sister Roach and Penn, but left out the student.

  19. Essay on Climate Change: Check Samples in 100, 250 Words

    Climate Change Sample Essay 250 Words. Climate change represents a pressing global challenge that demands immediate attention and concerted efforts. Human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, have significantly increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This results in a greenhouse effect ...

  20. Internet Paragraph

    Internet Paragraph - Check Samples for 100, 150, 200, 250 Words. In the 21st century, the internet is no more a luxury; it has rather become a basic necessity for our living. It is now used by school-going children, college students, working men and women, homemakers, elders, etc. We all are dependent on the internet, and the first basic ...

  21. Essay on Global Warming with Samples (150, 250, 500 Words

    Essay on Global Warming Paragraph in 100 - 150 words ... Also Read: Essay on Library: 100, 200 and 250 Words. Essay on Global Warming UPSC. Always hear about global warming everywhere, but do we know what it is? The evil of the worst form, global warming is a phenomenon that can affect life more fatally. Global warming refers to the increase ...

  22. Your Best College Essay

    So, what's there to do? Our advice: start your essay with a story. Tell the reader about something you've done, complete with sensory details, and maybe even dialogue. Then, in the second paragraph, back up and tell us why this story is important and what it tells them about you and the theme of the essay. THE WORD LIMIT IS SO LIMITING.

  23. Paragraph alignment and indentation

    Paragraph indentation. Indent the first line of each paragraph of text 0.5 in. from the left margin. Use the tab key or the automatic paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program to achieve the indentation (the default setting is likely already 0.5 in.). Do not use the space bar to create indentation.

  24. Free AI Paragraph Generator

    Students and researchers can benefit from Ahrefs' Paragraph Generator when working on papers, essays, or research articles. By providing the necessary instructions, the tool can generate well-structured paragraphs that present key arguments, evidence, and analysis, aiding in the writing process. Personal writing and communication.