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Research Methodology: Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Pentingnya!

Blog » Umum » Research Methodology: Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Pentingnya!

Gambar Dari Pengertian Research Methodology Apa Itu Metodologi Riset Dan Penelitan Tujuan Dan Fungsi Jenis Cara Memilih Menulis Tips Serta Kenapa Itu Penting

Penjelasan Pengertian Research Methodology , Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Kenapa itu Penting!

Khusus para ahli atau para akademisi yang ingin menyelesaikan tugas akhir studi mereka terkait dalam bidang research (riset) ada beberapa hal yang ingin Kami sampaikan sebelumnya.

Setelah kita menguasai tinjauan pustaka, dalam melakukan penelitian, hal itu berarti sudah saatnya untuk mulai memikirkan studi yang akan Anda rancang untuk menjawab kesenjangan yang akan Anda identifikasi.

Sebagai contoh misalnya seperti metodologi mana yang akan Anda gunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian Anda?

Atau apakah Anda akan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, kuantitatif, atau metode campuran? Anda akan memilih metode penelitian yang paling sesuai dengan pertanyaan riset Anda.

Baiklah, berkenaan akan hal tersebut, dalam postingan kali ini, Kami akan membahas secara lebih lengkap dan detail tentang apa itu pengertian research methodology atau metodologi riset atau penelitian.

Oke langsung saja, mari kita simak ulasannya berikut di bawah ini!

Daftar Isi Konten:

Pengertian Research Methodology

Apa itu metodologi riset dan penelitian.

  • Apa itu Metodologi Penelitian Ilmiah atau Scientific Research Methodology?

Tujuan dan Fungsi Riset atau Research Methodology

A. qualitative research methodology, b. quantitative research methodology, c. mixed research methodology, cara memilih metodologi riset atau penelitian yang baik, 1. jelaskan pendekatan methodologic (metodologis) anda, 2. jelaskan metode pengumpulan data anda, 3. jelaskan metode analisis anda, 4. evaluasi dan justifikasi pilihan metodologis anda, tips menulis research methodology atau metodologi riset dan penelitian yang benar, kenapa research methodology itu penting, bagikan sekarang ke.

Berarti metodologi penelitian (dalam bahasa Indonesia), research methodology adalah prosedur atau teknik khusus yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, memilih, memproses, dan menganalisis informasi tentang suatu topik atau masalah.

Seperti yang juga dijelaskan oleh Situs Witz.ac.za , dalam makalah penelitian, bagian metodologi pada research memungkinkan pembaca untuk mengevaluasi secara kritis validitas dan reliabilitas studi secara keseluruhan.

Ya! Bagian metodologi riset atau penelitian ini akan menjawab 2 (dua) pertanyaan utama Anda, yaitu bagaimana data dikumpulkan atau dihasilkan serta bagaimana cara menganalisisnya.

Ilustrasi Gambar Apa Itu Metodologi Riset Dan Penelitian Serta Tujuan Dan Fungsi Research Methodology

Jadi, apa itu sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan metodologi riset dan penelitian ini?

Benar, seperti yang sudah Kami terangkan di atas, istilah kata ini juga sering dikenal dengan sebutan research methodology secara global.

Metodologi riset dan penelitian adalah kata mengacu pada “bagaimana” praktis yang terdapat dari setiap bagian penelitian.

Lebih khususnya lagi, metodologi riset dan penelitian atau research methodology ini adalah tentang bagaimana seorang peneliti secara sistematis merancang studi untuk memastikan hasil yang valid dan dapat diandalkan yang membahas tujuan dan sasaran penelitian.

Oke, sebagai contoh misalnya, berikut ini adalah beberapa cara bagaimana peneliti memutuskan:

  • Data apa yang harus dikumpulkan serta data apa yang diabaikan.
  • Dari siapa untuk mengumpulkannya atau yang sering disebut dengan desain pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian.
  • Cara mengumpulkannya yang disebut “metode pengumpulan data”.
  • Serta dengan cara menganalisisnya yang biasa disebut dengan “metode analisis data”.

Dalam disertasi untuk program Doktor, tesis untuk Magister, skripsi ( baca pengertian skripsi menurut para ahli di sini ) untuk Sarjana dan artikel jurnal akademik (atau hampir semua penelitian formal), Anda akan menemukan bab (atau bagian) metodologi penelitian yang mencakup aspek-aspek yang disebutkan di atas.

Benar! Yang penting, bab metodologi yang baik dalam disertasi atau tesis menjelaskan tidak hanya pilihan metodologis apa saja yang dibuat, tetapi juga menjelaskan mengapa itu dibuat.

Dengan kata lain, bab metodologi harus menjustifikasi pilihan desain, dengan menunjukkan bahwa metode dan teknik yang dipilih paling sesuai untuk maksud dan tujuan penelitian, dan akan memberikan hasil yang valid dan dapat diandalkan.

Yup! Metodologi atapenelitian ( research methodology ) yang baik akan memberikan temuan yang logic dan masuk akal secara ilmiah, sedangkan metodologi yang buruk tidak.

Apa itu Metodologi Penelitian Ilmiah atau Scientific Research Methodology ?

Kemudian, apa itu metodologi penelitian ilmiah atau scientific research methodology ?

Berkaitan erat dengan bidang penelitian, ini adalah cara lain untuk menyelesaikan proyek penelitian.

Metodologi penelitian ilmiah lebih bersifat teknis penulisan serta scientific research methodology ini dimulai dari pertanyaan umum yang diikuti dengan konsep khusus, di mana hipotesis umum dipersempit untuk menyoroti aspek tertentu dari topik tersebut.

Di samping itu, di dalamnya juga dikembangkan rancangan penelitian untuk mengamati dan menganalisis aspek fokus secara cermat.

Dan pada akhirnya, kesimpulan pun dikembangkan dan digeneralisasikan sesuai dengan real atau dunia nyata.

Agar lebih memahami tentang apa itu arti research methodology , maka juga merupakan hal yang penting bagi kita untuk mengetahui apa tujuan dan fungsi metodologi riset atau penelitian ini secara khusus.

Benar! Seperti yang sudah Kami jelaskan di atas, terkait tujuan utamanya sendiri, adapun research methodology atau metodologi penelitian seringkali digunakan untuk identify (mengidentifikasi), choose (memilih), process (memproses), dan analyze (menganalisis) informasi ( baca pengertian informasi di sini ).

Kemudian, perlu untuk diketahui bahwa metodologi penelitian ( research methodology ) ini tentunya menjalankan banyak fungsi.

Well , fungsi ini tersebut pastinya berlaku untuk sejumlah pekerjaan yang dilakukan dalam proses penelitian.

Baiklah di bawah ini adalah fungsi-fungsi yang terdapat dalam research methodology yang harus kalian ketahui:

  • Mengidentifikasi aktivitas penelitian dalam arti yang sebenarnya.
  • Secara lebih lanjut menentukan dan mendefinisikan konsep yang sebenarnya.
  • Metodologi penelitian ini selanjutnya akan menyatakan metode seperti apa yang akan diperlukan untuk penyelidikan lebih lanjut, terlebih. Apalagi, bagaimana kemajuan bisa diukur.
  • Research methodology , mereka menawarkan platform ( baca pengertian platform di sini ) untuk mendemonstrasikan bagaimana kita dapat mengkomunikasikan aktivitas penelitian dalam arti yang sebenarnya.

Jenis-Jenis Research Methodology (Metodologi Penelitian)

Ilustrasi Gambar Jenis Jenis Dan Macam Metodologi Riset Dan Penelitian Atau Research Methodology

Setelah kita mengetahui arti dari research methodology , apa itu metodologi riset atau penelitian di atas, selanjutnya dalam subbagian kali ini, Kami juga akan menjelaskan terkait jenisnya.

Perlu kalian ketahui, research methodology ini memiliki beberapa jenis metodologi yang berbeda.

Mereka dibedakan berdasarkan apakah metodologi tersebut berfokus pada kata, angka, atau keduanya.

Di bawah ini akan Kami jelaskan secara lebih lanjut terkait jenis-jenis tipe research methodology (metodologi riset atau penelitian) tersebut.

Jenis research methodology yang pertama yaitu metode riset dan penelitian kualitatif atau qualitative research methodology .

Penelitian kualitatif ini mengacu pada penelitian yang berfokus pada pengumpulan dan analisis kata (tertulis atau lisan) dan data tekstual.

Sedangkan lawannya, yaitu penelitian kuantitatif berfokus pada pengukuran dan pengujian dengan menggunakan data numerik.

Analisis qualitative (kualitatif) juga dapat berfokus pada poin data yang “lebih lembut”, seperti bahasa tubuh atau elemen visual.

Jenis macam berikutnya yaitu metodologi penelitian kualitatif atau quantitative research methodology .

Tipe penelitian kuantitatif ini terbilang cukup umum digunakan ketika maksud dan tujuan penelitian bersifat eksploratif.

Sebagai contoh misalnya, qualitative methodology (metodologi kualitatif) dapat digunakan untuk memahami persepsi masyarakat tentang suatu peristiwa yang terjadi, atau kandidat yang mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden.

Berbeda dengan ini, metodologi quantitative atau kuantitatif biasanya digunakan ketika tujuan dan sasaran penelitian bersifat konfirmatori.

Contohnya misalnya, metodologi kuantitatif dapat digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan antara 2 (dua) variabel seperti tipe kepribadian dan kemungkinan melakukan kejahatan atau untuk menguji serangkaian hipotesis.

Tipe research methodology terakhir yang dapat Kami jelaskan kali ini yaitu adalah metodologi penelitian campuran atau mixed research methodology .

Seperti yang mungkin sudah Anda duga, metodologi penelitian dengan metode campuran mencoba menggabungkan yang terbaik dari metodologi kualitatif dan kuantitatif.

Betul! Dan perlu kalian ketahui bahwa hal tersebut seringkali dilakukan untuk mengintegrasikan perspektif dan menciptakan gambaran yang rich (kaya).

Ketika membahas tentang arti dan pengertian dari research methodology (metodologi penelitian), maka akan muncul pertanyaan umum seperti bagaimana cara saya memilih metodologinya yang baik?

Oke, perlu Kami tekankan sekali lagi di sini, seperti yang mungkin sudah Anda pelajari sekarang, maksud dan tujuan penelitian Anda memiliki pengaruh besar pada research methodology atau metodologi penelitian kalian.

Yup! Jadi, titik awal untuk mengembangkan research methodology Anda adalah dengan mundur selangkah dan melihat gambaran besar penelitian Anda, sebelum Anda membuat keputusan metodologi.

Adapun pertanyaan pertama yang perlu Anda tanyakan pada diri sendiri adalah apakah penelitian Anda bersifat eksplorasi atau konfirmatori.

Betul! Jika tujuan dan sasaran penelitian Anda terutama bersifat eksplorasi, penelitian Anda kemungkinan besar akan bersifat qualitative (kualitatif).

Dan oleh karena itulah Anda dapat mempertimbangkan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif, sebagai contoh misalnya seperti wawancara dan metode analisis seperti analisis isi kualitatif.

Sebaliknya, jika tujuan dan sasaran penelitian Anda ingin mengukur atau menguji sesuatu (dalam hal ini seperti konfirmatori), maka penelitian Anda kemungkinan besar akan bersifat kuantitatif.

Ya! Anda dapat mempertimbangkan metode pengumpulan data qualitative atau kuantitatif dalam research methodology , sebagai contoh misalnya survei dan analisis seperti misalnya analisis statistik atau statistics ( baca pengertian statistics di sini ).

Cara Menulis Metodologi Penelitian atau Research Methodology

Sekarang kita semua pastinya sudah memahami apa saja dasar-dasar yang dalam research methodology ini.

Oke, dalam postingan kali ini selain membahas tentang artinya, di sini Kami juga akan menjelaskan terkait bagaimana cara menulis metodologi penelitian atau riset.

Memang, dalam tesis atau disertasi Anda, Anda pastinya harus mendiskusikan metode yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan penelitiannya.

Bab methodology (metodologi) akan menjelaskan apa yang Anda lakukan dan bagaimana Anda melakukannya.

Hal itu memungkinkan pembaca untuk mengevaluasi reliabilitas dan validitas penelitian kalian, di mana ini harus mencakup:

  • Jenis penelitian yang Anda lakukan.
  • Bagaimana Anda mengumpulkan data Anda.
  • Bagaimana Anda menganalisis data Anda.
  • Alat atau bahan apa pun yang Anda gunakan dalam penelitian.
  • Alasan Anda memilih metodenya.

Oke langsung saja, di bawah ini akan Kami jelaskan bagaimana cara menulis research methodology atau metodologi penelitian (riset) yang tepat.

Pertama-tama, mulailah dengan memperkenalkan pendekatan keseluruhan Anda pada penelitian .

Masalah penelitian atau pertanyaan apa yang Anda selidiki?

Sebagai contoh misalnya, apakah Anda bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik sesuatu secara sistematis, mengeksplorasi topik yang belum diteliti.

Atau untuk membangun hubungan sebab-akibat? Dan jenis data apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan ini?

Setelah memperkenalkan pendekatan metodologis keseluruhan dalam research methodology Anda, Anda harus memberikan rincian lengkap tentang metode pengumpulan atau data collection ( baca selengkapnya arti dari data collection di sini ) Anda .

Selanjutnya, Anda harus menunjukkan bagaimana Anda memproses dan menganalisis data dengan menjelaskan metode analisis Anda .

Dalam menerapkan langkah ini, saran Kami pribadi, hindari menjelaskan terlalu banyak detail — Anda tidak boleh mulai mempresentasikan atau mendiskusikan hasil apa pun pada tahap ini.

Langkah terakhir dalam cara menulis research methodology yaitu dengan mengevaluasi dan menjustifikasi pilihan metodologis Anda .

Metodologi Anda harus menjelaskan alasan Anda memilih metode khusus ini, terutama jika Anda tidak mengambil pendekatan yang paling standar untuk topik Anda.

Diskusikan mengapa metode lain tidak cocok untuk tujuan Anda, dan tunjukkan bagaimana pendekatan ini dapat memberikan kontribusi pengetahuan atau pemahaman baru.

Ilustrasi Gambar Bagaimana Cara Memilih Menulis Tips Dan Pentingnya Research Methodology Dalam Membahas Pengertian Metodologi Riset Dan Penelitian

Selain bagaimana cara untuk menulis research methodology atau metodologi penelitian (riset) di atas, kemudian apa saja kiat atau tips-tipsnya?

Well , ingatlah bahwa tujuan Anda bukan hanya untuk mendeskripsikan metode Anda, tetapi untuk menunjukkan bagaimana dan mengapa Anda menerapkannya dan untuk menunjukkan bahwa penelitian Anda dilakukan dengan ketat.

Untuk kiat-kiatnya sendiri, di bawah ini adalah beberapa tips dalam menulis research methodology yang baik dan benar yang perlu kalian ketahui:

  • Fokus pada tujuan dan pertanyaan penelitian ; Bagian metodologi harus dengan jelas menunjukkan mengapa metode Anda sesuai dengan tujuan Anda dan meyakinkan pembaca bahwa Anda memilih pendekatan terbaik untuk menjawab pernyataan masalah dan pertanyaan penelitian Anda. Sepanjang bagiannya, hubungkanlah kembali pilihan Anda ke tujuan utama disertasi Anda.
  • Kutip sumber yang relevan ; Benar! Metodologi Anda dapat diperkuat dengan mengacu pada penelitian di lapangan yang baik.
  • Konfirmasikan bahwa Anda mengikuti praktik yang sudah mapan untuk jenis penelitian ; Diskusikan bagaimana Anda mengevaluasi metodologi yang berbeda dan memutuskan pendekatan Anda Tunjukkan bahwa Anda menggunakan pendekatan metodologis baru untuk mengatasi kesenjangan dalam literatur.
  • Tulislah untuk audiens Anda ; Pertimbangkan seberapa banyak informasi yang perlu Anda berikan, dan jangan membahas detail yang tidak perlu. Jika Anda menggunakan metode yang standar untuk disiplin Anda, Anda mungkin tidak perlu memberikan banyak latar belakang atau pembenaran. Tetapi jika Anda mengambil pendekatan yang kurang umum di bidang Anda, Anda mungkin perlu menjelaskan dan membenarkan pilihan metodologis Anda kepada audience ( baca pengertian audience di sini ) serta, dalam ke-2 (dua) kasus tersebut, metodologi Anda harus berupa teks yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik yang menjadi argumen untuk pendekatan Anda, bukan hanya daftar detail teknis dan prosedur.
  • Diskusikan hambatan yang ada ; Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam mengumpulkan atau menganalisis data, jelaskan cara Anda menanganinya. Ya! Tunjukkan bagaimana Anda meminimalkan dampak dari adanya rintangan yang tidak terduga. Singkirkan kritik besar apa pun dari pendekatan Anda dan tunjukkan bahwa Anda akan membuat penelitian seketat mungkin.

Terkait penjelasan arti dan pengertian sebelumnya di atas, lalu, mengapa research methodology atau metodologi penelitian ini merupakan hal yang penting?

Oke, sebelumnya perlu kalian ketahui, jika kalian yang kebetulan sedang membaca postingan Kami di sini dan kebetulan sedang menanyakan pentingnya research methodology , maka dapat Kami katakan bahwa kalian berada di tempat yang tepat.

Mengapa? Tentu saja karena di sini Kami akan berusaha dalam menjawabnya secara singkat, padat dan jelas.

Yup! Memang, seringkali ini merupakan pertanyaan yang sangat penting karena apa kita mengadopsi metodologi penelitian.

Adapun jawaban dari pertanyaan itu sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit.

Perlu Kami tekankan di sini bawah sebuah teori selalu perlu diperiksa relevansinya.

Research methodology atau metodologi penelitian diadopsi untuk memeriksa teori tertentu dan aplikasinya sepanjang serangkaian standar akademik tertentu.

Benar! Ini merupakan hal yang wajib agar semua penelitian memenuhi standar dalam spesifik lapangan.

Baiklah, Kami pikir pembahasannya sudah cukup jelas untuk sekarang.

Jadi, berdasarkan penjelasan dan pembahasan tentang Pengertian Research Methodology , Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Kenapa itu Penting di atas, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa metodologi riset dan penelitian atau research methodology adalah sesuatu yang melibatkan teknik tertentu yang diadopsi dalam proses penelitian untuk mengumpulkan, mengumpulkan dan mengevaluasi data.

Metodologi penelitian mendefinisikan alat-alat yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan dalam studi penelitian tertentu.

Seperti survey (survei), kuesioner dan wawancara merupakan alat penelitian yang umum dalam pengumpulan datanya.

Sebuah methodology atau metodologi ini dapat dengan tepat mengacu pada analisis teoritis dari metode yang sesuai dengan bidang studi atau tubuh metode dan prinsip tertentu dalam sebuah cabang pengetahuan.

Pertanyaan dan eksplorasi terorganisir baik dengan pembentukan hipotesis atau pengujian ilmiah dari setiap penyelidikan atau permintaan dengan mengikuti seperangkat aturan dan prosedur standar didefinisikan sebagai metodologi riset atau penelitian.

Merancang penelitian Anda dan mengerjakan metodologi Anda adalah topik besar, yang pastinya juga akan kita bahas dan singgung di postingan lainnya.

Namun, untuk saat ini, kesimpulan utamanya adalah Anda harus selalu memulai dengan tujuan dan sasaran penelitian Anda.

Yup! Setiap keputusan metodologi akan mengalir dari situ.

Demikianlah postingan artikel yang dapat Kami bagikan kali ini, di mana Kami membahas terkait Pengertian Research Methodology , Apa itu Metodologi Riset dan Penelitian? Tujuan, Fungsi, Jenis, Cara Memilih, Menulis, Tips serta Kenapa itu Penting.

Semoga apa yang sudah Kami coba sampaikan serta jelaskan di sini dapat bermanfaat dan juga dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan kita semua terutama dalam bidang teknologi web.

Silahkan bagikan artikel atau postingan Kami di sini kepada teman, kerabat serta rekan kerja dan bisnis kalian semua khususnya jika kalian temukan ini bermanfaat dan juga jangan lupa subscribe Blog dan YouTube Kami. Sekian dari Saya Rifqi Mulyawan , Terima Kasih.

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Aksesibilitas, mode aksesibilitas, pengalaman keterbacaan, pengalaman visual menyenangkan, kemudahan orientasi, accessibility statement.

  • rifqimulyawan.com
  • 16 May 2024

Compliance status

We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability.

To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.

This website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs.

Additionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application remediates the website’s HTML, adapts Its functionality and behavior for screen-readers used by the blind users, and for keyboard functions used by individuals with motor impairments.

If you’ve found a malfunction or have ideas for improvement, we’ll be happy to hear from you. You can reach out to the website’s operators by using the following email

Screen-reader and keyboard navigation

Our website implements the ARIA attributes (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) technique, alongside various different behavioral changes, to ensure blind users visiting with screen-readers are able to read, comprehend, and enjoy the website’s functions. As soon as a user with a screen-reader enters your site, they immediately receive a prompt to enter the Screen-Reader Profile so they can browse and operate your site effectively. Here’s how our website covers some of the most important screen-reader requirements, alongside console screenshots of code examples:

Screen-reader optimization: we run a background process that learns the website’s components from top to bottom, to ensure ongoing compliance even when updating the website. In this process, we provide screen-readers with meaningful data using the ARIA set of attributes. For example, we provide accurate form labels; descriptions for actionable icons (social media icons, search icons, cart icons, etc.); validation guidance for form inputs; element roles such as buttons, menus, modal dialogues (popups), and others. Additionally, the background process scans all of the website’s images and provides an accurate and meaningful image-object-recognition-based description as an ALT (alternate text) tag for images that are not described. It will also extract texts that are embedded within the image, using an OCR (optical character recognition) technology. To turn on screen-reader adjustments at any time, users need only to press the Alt+1 keyboard combination. Screen-reader users also get automatic announcements to turn the Screen-reader mode on as soon as they enter the website.

These adjustments are compatible with all popular screen readers, including JAWS and NVDA.

Keyboard navigation optimization: The background process also adjusts the website’s HTML, and adds various behaviors using JavaScript code to make the website operable by the keyboard. This includes the ability to navigate the website using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, operate dropdowns with the arrow keys, close them with Esc, trigger buttons and links using the Enter key, navigate between radio and checkbox elements using the arrow keys, and fill them in with the Spacebar or Enter key.Additionally, keyboard users will find quick-navigation and content-skip menus, available at any time by clicking Alt+1, or as the first elements of the site while navigating with the keyboard. The background process also handles triggered popups by moving the keyboard focus towards them as soon as they appear, and not allow the focus drift outside of it.

Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.

Disability profiles supported in our website

  • Epilepsy Safe Mode: this profile enables people with epilepsy to use the website safely by eliminating the risk of seizures that result from flashing or blinking animations and risky color combinations.
  • Visually Impaired Mode: this mode adjusts the website for the convenience of users with visual impairments such as Degrading Eyesight, Tunnel Vision, Cataract, Glaucoma, and others.
  • Cognitive Disability Mode: this mode provides different assistive options to help users with cognitive impairments such as Dyslexia, Autism, CVA, and others, to focus on the essential elements of the website more easily.
  • ADHD Friendly Mode : this mode helps users with ADHD and Neurodevelopmental disorders to read, browse, and focus on the main website elements more easily while significantly reducing distractions.
  • Screen-readers Compatibility: this mode configures the website to be compatible with screen-readers such as JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. A screen-reader is software for blind users that is installed on a computer and smartphone, and websites must be compatible with it.
  • Keyboard Navigation Profile (Motor-Impaired): this profile enables motor-impaired persons to operate the website using the keyboard Tab, Shift+Tab, and the Enter keys. Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.

Additional UI, design, and readability adjustments

  • Font adjustments – users, can increase and decrease its size, change its family (type), adjust the spacing, alignment, line height, and more.
  • Color adjustments – users can select various color contrast profiles such as light, dark, inverted, and monochrome. Additionally, users can swap color schemes of titles, texts, and backgrounds, with over 7 different coloring options.
  • Animations – epileptic users can stop all running animations with the click of a button. Animations controlled by the interface include videos, GIFs, and CSS flashing transitions.
  • Content highlighting – users can choose to emphasize important elements such as links and titles. They can also choose to highlight focused or hovered elements only.
  • Audio muting – users with hearing devices may experience headaches or other issues due to automatic audio playing. This option lets users mute the entire website instantly.
  • Cognitive disorders – we utilize a search engine that is linked to Wikipedia and Wiktionary, allowing people with cognitive disorders to decipher meanings of phrases, initials, slang, and others.
  • Additional functions – we provide users the option to change cursor color and size, use a printing mode, enable a virtual keyboard, and many other functions.

Browser and assistive technology compatibility

We aim to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies as possible, so our users can choose the best fitting tools for them, with as few limitations as possible. Therefore, we have worked very hard to be able to support all major systems that comprise over 95% of the user market share including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge, JAWS and NVDA (screen readers), both for Windows and for MAC users.

Notes, comments, and feedback

Despite our very best efforts to allow anybody to adjust the website to their needs, there may still be pages or sections that are not fully accessible, are in the process of becoming accessible, or are lacking an adequate technological solution to make them accessible. Still, we are continually improving our accessibility, adding, updating and improving its options and features, and developing and adopting new technologies. All this is meant to reach the optimal level of accessibility, following technological advancements. For any assistance, please reach out to

Gramedia Literasi

Metodologi Penelitian: Pengertian, Jenis, Manfaat, dan Tujuan

metodologi penelitian

Metodologi penelitian – Apakah kamu pernah mendengar kata penelitian? Penelitian merupakan suatu kegiatan ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh data yang kemudian digunakan untuk kepentingan tertentu. Seseorang yang melakukan penelitian disebut juga dengan istilah peneliti. Selain itu, penelitian bukan hanya dilakukan oleh seseorang saja, tetapi terkadang dilakukan oleh kelompok atau organisasi.

Penelitian yang termasuk kegiatan ilmiah, maka dalam melakukan kegiatan ini, harus dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang sistematis, rasional atau masuk akal, dan data-data yang valid atau sesuai dengan fakta. Oleh karena itu, dalam melakukan penelitian tidak boleh dilakukan secara asal-asalan karena bisa menghasilkan penelitian yang sulit dipahami oleh pembaca.

Supaya penelitian tidak dilakukan secara asal-asalan, maka bagi peneliti harus menggunakan yang namanya metodologi penelitian. Bicara soal metodologi penelitian bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu disiplin ilmu yang hingga saat ini masih tumbuh. Bahkan, sampai saat ini juga metodologi penelitian terus dikembangkan. Maka dari itu, metodologi sudah termasuk dalam salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib diikuti.

Penggunaan metodologi penelitian ini disesuaikan dengan bidang yang akan diteliti, misalnya pada bidang kesehatan, maka metodologi penelitian yang digunakan harus berkaitan dengan kesehatan. Metodologi penelitian ini akan mengarahkan peneliti untuk memilih metodologi penelitian yang tepat dan sesuai dari tujuan penelitian.  Maka dari itu, dapat dikatakan bahwa pemilihan metodologi yang tepat bisa menghasilkan penelitian yang tepat juga serta isinya mudah dipahami oleh para pembaca.

Metodologi penelitian yang umumnya diketahui oleh banyak orang ada dua, yaitu metodologi kualitatif dan metodologi penelitian kuantitatif. Namun, sebenarnya masih ada beberapa jenis metodologi penelitian lainnya yang sering juga dipakai oleh peneliti, metodologi apa sajakah itu?

Dalam artikel ini, kamu bukan hanya mengetahui jenis-jenis metodologi penelitian saja, tetapi juga mengetahui pengertian metodologi penelitian sampai tujuan metodologi penelitian. Jadi, Grameds, simak artikel ini, ya.

Pengertian Metodologi Penelitian

Metodologi penelitian, terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu metodologi dan penelitian. Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), metodologi adalah ilmu tentang metode; uraian tentang metode. Sedangkan penelitian dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), penelitian adalah kegiatan pengumpulan, pengolahan, analisis, dan penyajian data yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan objektif untuk memecahkan suatu persoalan atau menguji suatu hipotesis untuk mengembangkan prinsip-prinsip umum.

Jadi, metodologi penelitian adalah suatu cara atau teknik untuk mendapatkan informasi dan sumber data yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian. Informasi atau data ini bisa dalam bentuk apa saja, literatur, seperti jurnal, artikel, tesis, buku, koran, dan sebagainya. Selain itu, metodologi penelitian bisa juga diperoleh melalui media elektronik seperti televisi atau radio. Bahkan sumber data bisa juga diperoleh dari survei atau wawancara.

Maka dari itu, ketika seseorang ingin melakukan menentukan metodologi penelitian terlebih dahulu. Dengan ditentukannya, metodologi penelitian, maka peneliti menjadi lebih memahami alur kerja atau langkah-langkah dalam melakukan penelitian. Tidak hanya itu, peneliti juga akan mudah menemukan jawaban dari topik permasalahan yang sedang diteliti, sehingga penelitian dapat diselesaikan dengan hasil yang maksimal.

Dibutuhkannya metodologi penelitian bukan tanpa alasan karena dalam melakukan penelitian dibutuhkan suatu cara yang sistematis. Dengan metodologi penelitian inilah, maka suatu penelitian bisa dipertanggungjawabkan karena memiliki tingkat kredibilitas yang cukup tinggi.

Bagi sebagian orang beranggapan bahwa metodologi penelitian sama dengan metode penelitian, tetapi sebenarnya kedua hal itu berbeda. Perbedaan antara kedua istilah tersebut terletak pada cakupannya (yang berupa cara atau teknik melakukan penelitian). Metodologi penelitian memiliki cakupan yang lebih besar. Sementara itu, metode penelitian memiliki cakupan yang lebih kecil. Oleh karena itu, metode penelitian termasuk bagian dari metodologi penelitian.

Metodologi penelitian seringkali digunakan oleh para dosen, peneliti, atau bahkan mahasiswa dalam melakukan penelitian. Dalam membuat metodologi penelitian biasanya terdiri dari rumusan masalah, kerangka pemikiran atau kerangka berpikir, kemudian masuk pada bagian hipotesis. Rumusan masalah dan hipotesis bisa dibilang merupakan hal yang perlu ada dalam membuat metodologi penelitian karena kedua unsur tersebut satu sama lain saling melengkapi dan bisa menjelaskan suatu topik permasalahan yang akan diteliti.

apa itu research methodology

Metodologi Penelitian Menurut Para Ahli

Beberapa ahli juga mengungkapkan pengertian metodologi penelitian. Berikut ini pengertian metodologi penelitian menurut para ahli.

Nawawi mengatakan bahwa metodologi penelitian adalah suatu ilmu tentang metode, dan apabila dirangkai akan menjadi metodologi penelitian, maknanya adalah suatu ilmu tentang metode yang bisa dimanfaatkan dalam melakukan berbagai macam penelitian. Metodologi penelitian bisa juga diartikan sebagai suatu ilmu yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan dan mengungkapkan gejala-gejala sosial dan gejala-gejala alam yang ada dalam kehidupan manusia dengan menggunakan prosedur kerja yang teratur, tertib, sistematis, dan bisa digunakan secara ilmiah.

Menurut Sugiyono, metodologi penelitian adalah cara ilmiah yang digunakan dalam upaya untuk menemukan atau mendapatkan data demi goal atau kegunaan tertentu.

Prof. M.E. Winarno 

Menurut Winarno, metodologi penelitian adalah suatu kegiatan ilmiah yang dilakukan dengan teknik-teknik yang sistematis.

Muhammad Nasir

Muhammad Nasir mengatakan bahwa metodologi penelitian adalah suatu cara yang paling utama yang digunakan oleh para peneliti untuk melakukan kegiatan penelitian.

Muhiddin Sirat

Menurut Muhiddin Sirat, metodologi penelitian adalah suatu cara atau langkah untuk menentukan dan memilih suatu topik permasalahan yang ditujukan untuk dijadikan penentu untuk membuat judul penelitian.

Berdasarkan pengertian metodologi penelitian dari para ahli, dapat dikatakan bahwa metodologi adalah suatu cara atau langkah ilmiah yang digunakan untuk tujuan tertentu.

Jenis-Jenis Metodologi Penelitian

metodologi penelitian

Dikutip dari beberapa sumber, metodologi penelitian dibagi menjadi delapan, yaitu metode kualitatif, metode kuantitatif, metode deskriptif, metode eksperimental, fenomenologi, survei, metode grounded, dan etnografi.

1. Metode Kualitatif

Metode kualitatif adalah salah satu jenis metodologi penelitian yang di mana dalam penerapannya menggunakan data-data yang berasal dari hasil riset yang kemudian dianalisis. Dalam hal ini, hasil riset bisa berasal dari wawancara, pengisian kuisioner, dan suatu poling. Oleh sebab itu, metode kualitatif merupakan metode yang berasal dari sudut pandang partisipan.

2. Metode Kuantitatif

Metode kuantitatif adalah metode penelitian yang sumber datanya diambil melalui sampel yang bersifat matematis. Oleh karena itu, metode kuantitatif selalu identik dengan hitung menghitung dan selalu berkaitan dengan angka.

3. Metode Deskriptif

Metode deskriptif adalah metode penelitian yang berkaitan dengan menulis terutama dalam membuat suatu deskripsi. Dengan kata lain, metode ini merupakan suatu metode yang bentuknya berupa bahasa dan kalimat deskriptif. Meskipun begitu, dalam menggunakan metode ini perlu juga dilakukan riset dan pengambilan sumber data yang valid.

4. Metode Eksperimental

Metode eksperimental adalah metode penelitian yang berasal dari suatu eksperimen. Meskipun begitu, dalam menggunakan metode ini perlu juga untuk melakukan observasi data terlebih dahulu. Biasanya metode ini digunakan untuk mencari sebab akibat dari suatu perilaku dari suatu data yang telah diobservasi

5. Fenomenologi

Fenomenologi adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk membahas dan menganalisis suatu fenomena tertentu. Oleh karena itu, sumber data yang digunakan pada jenis metodologi penelitian ini adalah suatu analisis yang telah dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya serta subjek yang sudah mengalami suatu fenomena.

Survei adalah jenis metodologi penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis suatu perilaku pada subjeknya. Pada umumnya, data dari metode ini berupa wawancara atau kuesioner, sehingga data yang dihasilkan lebih sering berupa angka. Oleh karena itu, metode ini juga sering dibilang kalau datanya bersifat kuantitatif.

7. Metode Grounded

Metode grounded adalah metodologi penelitian yang sering dipergunakan untuk melakukan penelitian atau riset pada bidang sosiologi. Dengan metode ini, maka hasil penelitian sosiologi bisa lebih jelas, sehingga isinya sangat kompleks tetapi tetap mudah dipahami.

8. Etnografi

Etnografi adalah salah satu jenis metodologi penelitan yang lebih sering digunakan pada penelitian yang berkaitan dengan perilaku atau tindakan sosial seseorang. Dengan metode ini, peneliti akan melakukan penelitian secara detail dan tanpa rekayasa atau bisa dibilang sesuai dengan data-data yang sudah diperoleh.

apa itu research methodology

Manfaat Metodologi Penelitian

Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya bahwa metodologi penelitian ini akan digunakan pada saat melakukan penelitian. Metodologi penelitian itu sendiri memiliki beberapa manfaat diantaranya:

Manfaat Metodologi Penelitian: Mempertajam Hasil Penelitian

Suatu penelitian yang tajam dan mendalam pastinya membutuhkan sumber data yang sangat banyak. Bukan hanya banyak saja, tetapi sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian pun harus berkualitas dan berkaitan dengan topik permasalahan penelitian. Semakin tajan suatu penelitian menandakan bahwa penelitian tersebut semakin detail dan kompleks.

Untuk bisa menghasilkan penelitian yang tajam dan mendalam, maka perlu membuat metodologi penelitian. Dengan hal ini, peneliti akan lebih mudah untuk mengetahui hal-hal dasar dalam melakukan penelitian. Dengan kata lain, tanpa adanya metodologi penelitian, maka peneliti akan sulit untuk melakukan atau memulai riset, analisis, bahkan sampai mengambil kesimpulan. Jika sudah terjadi seperti itu, maka penelitian yang dilakukan menjadi kurang maksimal.

Alur Penelitian Menjadi Jelas

Manfaat kedua yang bisa dirasakan saat menggunakan metodologi penelitian dalam penelitian adalah alur penelitian menjadi jelas. Dalam hal ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa peneliti akan lebih mudah untuk menyelesaikan penelitian karena sudah mengetahui langkah-langkah yang perlu dikerjakan terlebih dahulu.

Dengan alur penelitian yang jelas, maka hasil penelitian akan menjadi jelas atau tidak melenceng kemana-mana, sehingga pembaca akan lebih mudah dalam memahami suatu penelitian. Pembaca yang mudah memahami suatu penelitian, tak menutup kemungkinan kalau penelitian tersebut akan digunakan oleh pembaca untuk melakukan penelitian dengan topik pembahasan yang sama (pengembangan) atau dengan topik pembahasan yang baru.

Dapat Menghasilkan Penelitian yang Bermanfaat

Penelitian yang bermanfaat merupakan penelitian yang memberikan solusi dari topik permasalahan yang sudah diteliti. Manfaat dari penelitian ini bisa dirasakan oleh peneliti atau pembaca. Namun, untuk bisa menghasilkan penelitian yang bermanfaat atau penelitian yang solutif, maka diperlukan riset yang mendalam.

Hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk bisa melakukan riset yang mendalam adalah melakukan kegiatan penelitian dengan cara yang sistematis atau bisa dibilang menggunakan metodologi penelitian. Sumber data yang berasal dari metodologi valid serta riset akan dilakukan dengan penuh ketelitian, sehingga solusi yang diberikan atas topik permasalahan penelitian tidak ada celah dan bisa dimanfaatkan.

Penelitian Bisa Dipertanggungjawabkan

Manfaat yang akan diperoleh dari menggunakan metodologi penelitian adalah hasil penelitian bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Manfaat ini bisa diperoleh karena ketika memakai metodologi penelitian, sumber datanya sangat valid. Selain itu, dengan sumber data yang valid, maka hasil peneliti akan dipercaya oleh banyak orang. Bahkan, peneliti itu sendiri bisa dipercaya juga oleh banyak orang bahwa bisa membuat penelitian yang berkualitas.

Nah, untuk mendapatkan sumber data yang valid dibutuhkan suatu langkah yang sistematis dan langkah itu ada di dalam metodologi penelitian. Oleh karena itu, dalam melakukan penelitian, metodologi penelitian sering digunakan oleh para peneliti supaya tetap bisa menghasilkan penelitian yang berkualitas sekaligus bisa dipertanggungjawabkan.

Dapat Mengatasi Keterbatasan 

Manfaat kelima dari metodologi penelitian adalah dapat mengatasi keterbatasan ketika melakukan penelitian. Dalam hal ini, keterbatasan yang dimaksud, meliputi biaya, waktu, tenaga, dan sebagainya. Dengan berbagai macam keterbatasan yang dapat diatasi, maka peneliti akan lebih mudah dalam menyelesaikan penelitiannya.

Meskipun memiliki keterbatasan pada penelitian, tetapi dengan metodologi, maka semua keterbatasan itu dapat dikelola dengan baik. Maka dari itu, dapat dikatakan bahwa metodologi penelitian merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hambatan yang terjadi pada saat penelitian. Jadi, jangan pernah ragu untuk membuat metodologi penelitian ketika sedang melakukan penelitian.

Itulah beberapa manfaat yang bisa diperoleh ketika menggunakan metodologi penelitian. Jadi, metodologi penelitian apa yang pernah kamu buat?

metodologi penelitian posmodernisme sastra

Tujuan Metodologi Penelitian

Dikutip dari laman penerbit deepublish, tujuan metodologi penelitian dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu tujuan secara umum dan tujuan secara praktis.

Tujuan Metodologi Penelitian Secara Umum

Tujuan metodologi penelitian secara umum, diantaranya:

  • Bertujuan untuk melakukan pengembangan terhadap pengetahuan yang sudah ada sebelumnya.
  • Untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan serta penemuan yang baru atau belum ada yang pernah meneliti pada topik penelitian yang sama.
  • Untuk membuktikan sekaligus menguji sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian, apakah valid dan kebenarannya bisa dipertanggungjawabkan.
  • Untuk mendapatkan penelitian dengan landasan teori yang sesuai.

Tujuan Metodologi Penelitian Secara Praktis

Tujuan metodologi penelitian secara praktis, yaitu:

  • Memudahkan peneliti dalam menyelesaikan penelitiannya.
  • Memberi dukungan kepada pembaca atau orang banyak dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang sedang terjadi melalui hasil penelitian.
  • Memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, sehingga bisa memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat.

Contoh Metodologi Penelitian

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodolog penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif bertujuan agar dapat mengungkapkan fakta-fakta sosial dalam bentuk deskripsi. Menurut Ratna (2007:47) metode kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah, data dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaannya. Cara-cara ilmiah yang mendorong metodologi penelitian kualitatif dianggap sebagai multi metode sebab penelitian pada gilirannya melibatkan sejumlah besar gejala sosial yang relevan.

Dalam penelitian karya sastra akan melibatkan pengarang, lingkungan sosial di mana pengarang berada, termasuk unsur-unsur kebudayaan pada umumnya. Dengan kata lain, metodologi penelitian kualitatif dalam ilmu sosial dan ilmu sastra mempunyai dua sumber yang berbeda. Seperti yang diungkapkan Ratna (2007:47) dalam ilmu sosial sumber datanya adalah masyarakat, data penelitiannya adalah tindakan-tindakan, sedangkan dalam ilmu sastra sumber datanya adalah karya naskah, data penelitiannya, sebagai data formal adalah karya, kata, kalimat, dan wacana.

Penelitian ini lebih memberikan perhatian pada isi pesan yang terkandung di dalam sebuah karya sastra. Oleh karena itu, penulis menekankan bagaimana memberikan makna isi komunikasi, memaknakan isi interaksi simbolik yang terjadi dalam peristiwa komunikasi di dalam karya sastra. Analisis isi merupakan sebuah metodologi yang untuk menganalisis isi terutama yang berhubungan dengan komunikasi. Isi dalam metodologi analisis isi terdiri dari atas dua macam, yaitu isi laten dan isi komunikasi. Isi laten adalah isi sebagaimana dimaksudkan penulis, sedangkan isi komunikasi adalah isi sebagaimana terwujud dalam hubungan naskah dengan konsumen (Ratna, 2007:48).

Dengan adanya metodologi penelitian, maka suatu penelitian bisa lebih mudah diselesaikan dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Bahkan, dengan metodologi penelitian, peneliti bisa menghasilkan penelitian yang bisa memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca atau peneliti itu sendiri, sehingga bisa penelitian tersebut bisa berperan dalam memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

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Home » Research Methodology – Types, Examples and writing Guide

Research Methodology – Types, Examples and writing Guide

Table of Contents

Research Methodology

Research Methodology


Research Methodology refers to the systematic and scientific approach used to conduct research, investigate problems, and gather data and information for a specific purpose. It involves the techniques and procedures used to identify, collect , analyze , and interpret data to answer research questions or solve research problems . Moreover, They are philosophical and theoretical frameworks that guide the research process.

Structure of Research Methodology

Research methodology formats can vary depending on the specific requirements of the research project, but the following is a basic example of a structure for a research methodology section:

I. Introduction

  • Provide an overview of the research problem and the need for a research methodology section
  • Outline the main research questions and objectives

II. Research Design

  • Explain the research design chosen and why it is appropriate for the research question(s) and objectives
  • Discuss any alternative research designs considered and why they were not chosen
  • Describe the research setting and participants (if applicable)

III. Data Collection Methods

  • Describe the methods used to collect data (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations)
  • Explain how the data collection methods were chosen and why they are appropriate for the research question(s) and objectives
  • Detail any procedures or instruments used for data collection

IV. Data Analysis Methods

  • Describe the methods used to analyze the data (e.g., statistical analysis, content analysis )
  • Explain how the data analysis methods were chosen and why they are appropriate for the research question(s) and objectives
  • Detail any procedures or software used for data analysis

V. Ethical Considerations

  • Discuss any ethical issues that may arise from the research and how they were addressed
  • Explain how informed consent was obtained (if applicable)
  • Detail any measures taken to ensure confidentiality and anonymity

VI. Limitations

  • Identify any potential limitations of the research methodology and how they may impact the results and conclusions

VII. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key aspects of the research methodology section
  • Explain how the research methodology addresses the research question(s) and objectives

Research Methodology Types

Types of Research Methodology are as follows:

Quantitative Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the collection and analysis of numerical data using statistical methods. This type of research is often used to study cause-and-effect relationships and to make predictions.

Qualitative Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the collection and analysis of non-numerical data such as words, images, and observations. This type of research is often used to explore complex phenomena, to gain an in-depth understanding of a particular topic, and to generate hypotheses.

Mixed-Methods Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that combines elements of both quantitative and qualitative research. This approach can be particularly useful for studies that aim to explore complex phenomena and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular topic.

Case Study Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves in-depth examination of a single case or a small number of cases. Case studies are often used in psychology, sociology, and anthropology to gain a detailed understanding of a particular individual or group.

Action Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves a collaborative process between researchers and practitioners to identify and solve real-world problems. Action research is often used in education, healthcare, and social work.

Experimental Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the manipulation of one or more independent variables to observe their effects on a dependent variable. Experimental research is often used to study cause-and-effect relationships and to make predictions.

Survey Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the collection of data from a sample of individuals using questionnaires or interviews. Survey research is often used to study attitudes, opinions, and behaviors.

Grounded Theory Research Methodology

This is a research methodology that involves the development of theories based on the data collected during the research process. Grounded theory is often used in sociology and anthropology to generate theories about social phenomena.

Research Methodology Example

An Example of Research Methodology could be the following:

Research Methodology for Investigating the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Depression in Adults


The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in reducing symptoms of depression in adults. To achieve this objective, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted using a mixed-methods approach.

Research Design:

The study will follow a pre-test and post-test design with two groups: an experimental group receiving CBT and a control group receiving no intervention. The study will also include a qualitative component, in which semi-structured interviews will be conducted with a subset of participants to explore their experiences of receiving CBT.


Participants will be recruited from community mental health clinics in the local area. The sample will consist of 100 adults aged 18-65 years old who meet the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. Participants will be randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group.

Intervention :

The experimental group will receive 12 weekly sessions of CBT, each lasting 60 minutes. The intervention will be delivered by licensed mental health professionals who have been trained in CBT. The control group will receive no intervention during the study period.

Data Collection:

Quantitative data will be collected through the use of standardized measures such as the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7). Data will be collected at baseline, immediately after the intervention, and at a 3-month follow-up. Qualitative data will be collected through semi-structured interviews with a subset of participants from the experimental group. The interviews will be conducted at the end of the intervention period, and will explore participants’ experiences of receiving CBT.

Data Analysis:

Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVA) to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. Qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns in participants’ experiences of receiving CBT.

Ethical Considerations:

This study will comply with ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects. Participants will provide informed consent before participating in the study, and their privacy and confidentiality will be protected throughout the study. Any adverse events or reactions will be reported and managed appropriately.

Data Management:

All data collected will be kept confidential and stored securely using password-protected databases. Identifying information will be removed from qualitative data transcripts to ensure participants’ anonymity.


One potential limitation of this study is that it only focuses on one type of psychotherapy, CBT, and may not generalize to other types of therapy or interventions. Another limitation is that the study will only include participants from community mental health clinics, which may not be representative of the general population.


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of CBT in reducing symptoms of depression in adults. By using a randomized controlled trial and a mixed-methods approach, the study will provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between CBT and depression. The results of this study will have important implications for the development of effective treatments for depression in clinical settings.

How to Write Research Methodology

Writing a research methodology involves explaining the methods and techniques you used to conduct research, collect data, and analyze results. It’s an essential section of any research paper or thesis, as it helps readers understand the validity and reliability of your findings. Here are the steps to write a research methodology:

  • Start by explaining your research question: Begin the methodology section by restating your research question and explaining why it’s important. This helps readers understand the purpose of your research and the rationale behind your methods.
  • Describe your research design: Explain the overall approach you used to conduct research. This could be a qualitative or quantitative research design, experimental or non-experimental, case study or survey, etc. Discuss the advantages and limitations of the chosen design.
  • Discuss your sample: Describe the participants or subjects you included in your study. Include details such as their demographics, sampling method, sample size, and any exclusion criteria used.
  • Describe your data collection methods : Explain how you collected data from your participants. This could include surveys, interviews, observations, questionnaires, or experiments. Include details on how you obtained informed consent, how you administered the tools, and how you minimized the risk of bias.
  • Explain your data analysis techniques: Describe the methods you used to analyze the data you collected. This could include statistical analysis, content analysis, thematic analysis, or discourse analysis. Explain how you dealt with missing data, outliers, and any other issues that arose during the analysis.
  • Discuss the validity and reliability of your research : Explain how you ensured the validity and reliability of your study. This could include measures such as triangulation, member checking, peer review, or inter-coder reliability.
  • Acknowledge any limitations of your research: Discuss any limitations of your study, including any potential threats to validity or generalizability. This helps readers understand the scope of your findings and how they might apply to other contexts.
  • Provide a summary: End the methodology section by summarizing the methods and techniques you used to conduct your research. This provides a clear overview of your research methodology and helps readers understand the process you followed to arrive at your findings.

When to Write Research Methodology

Research methodology is typically written after the research proposal has been approved and before the actual research is conducted. It should be written prior to data collection and analysis, as it provides a clear roadmap for the research project.

The research methodology is an important section of any research paper or thesis, as it describes the methods and procedures that will be used to conduct the research. It should include details about the research design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and any ethical considerations.

The methodology should be written in a clear and concise manner, and it should be based on established research practices and standards. It is important to provide enough detail so that the reader can understand how the research was conducted and evaluate the validity of the results.

Applications of Research Methodology

Here are some of the applications of research methodology:

  • To identify the research problem: Research methodology is used to identify the research problem, which is the first step in conducting any research.
  • To design the research: Research methodology helps in designing the research by selecting the appropriate research method, research design, and sampling technique.
  • To collect data: Research methodology provides a systematic approach to collect data from primary and secondary sources.
  • To analyze data: Research methodology helps in analyzing the collected data using various statistical and non-statistical techniques.
  • To test hypotheses: Research methodology provides a framework for testing hypotheses and drawing conclusions based on the analysis of data.
  • To generalize findings: Research methodology helps in generalizing the findings of the research to the target population.
  • To develop theories : Research methodology is used to develop new theories and modify existing theories based on the findings of the research.
  • To evaluate programs and policies : Research methodology is used to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and policies by collecting data and analyzing it.
  • To improve decision-making: Research methodology helps in making informed decisions by providing reliable and valid data.

Purpose of Research Methodology

Research methodology serves several important purposes, including:

  • To guide the research process: Research methodology provides a systematic framework for conducting research. It helps researchers to plan their research, define their research questions, and select appropriate methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing data.
  • To ensure research quality: Research methodology helps researchers to ensure that their research is rigorous, reliable, and valid. It provides guidelines for minimizing bias and error in data collection and analysis, and for ensuring that research findings are accurate and trustworthy.
  • To replicate research: Research methodology provides a clear and detailed account of the research process, making it possible for other researchers to replicate the study and verify its findings.
  • To advance knowledge: Research methodology enables researchers to generate new knowledge and to contribute to the body of knowledge in their field. It provides a means for testing hypotheses, exploring new ideas, and discovering new insights.
  • To inform decision-making: Research methodology provides evidence-based information that can inform policy and decision-making in a variety of fields, including medicine, public health, education, and business.

Advantages of Research Methodology

Research methodology has several advantages that make it a valuable tool for conducting research in various fields. Here are some of the key advantages of research methodology:

  • Systematic and structured approach : Research methodology provides a systematic and structured approach to conducting research, which ensures that the research is conducted in a rigorous and comprehensive manner.
  • Objectivity : Research methodology aims to ensure objectivity in the research process, which means that the research findings are based on evidence and not influenced by personal bias or subjective opinions.
  • Replicability : Research methodology ensures that research can be replicated by other researchers, which is essential for validating research findings and ensuring their accuracy.
  • Reliability : Research methodology aims to ensure that the research findings are reliable, which means that they are consistent and can be depended upon.
  • Validity : Research methodology ensures that the research findings are valid, which means that they accurately reflect the research question or hypothesis being tested.
  • Efficiency : Research methodology provides a structured and efficient way of conducting research, which helps to save time and resources.
  • Flexibility : Research methodology allows researchers to choose the most appropriate research methods and techniques based on the research question, data availability, and other relevant factors.
  • Scope for innovation: Research methodology provides scope for innovation and creativity in designing research studies and developing new research techniques.

Research Methodology Vs Research Methods

About the author.

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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What Is Research Methodology? A Plain-Language Explanation & Definition (With Examples)

By Derek Jansen (MBA)  and Kerryn Warren (PhD) | June 2020 (Last updated April 2023)

If you’re new to formal academic research, it’s quite likely that you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by all the technical lingo that gets thrown around. And who could blame you – “research methodology”, “research methods”, “sampling strategies”… it all seems never-ending!

In this post, we’ll demystify the landscape with plain-language explanations and loads of examples (including easy-to-follow videos), so that you can approach your dissertation, thesis or research project with confidence. Let’s get started.

Research Methodology 101

  • What exactly research methodology means
  • What qualitative , quantitative and mixed methods are
  • What sampling strategy is
  • What data collection methods are
  • What data analysis methods are
  • How to choose your research methodology
  • Example of a research methodology

Free Webinar: Research Methodology 101

What is research methodology?

Research methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of a research study. More specifically, it’s about how  a researcher  systematically designs a study  to ensure valid and reliable results that address the research aims, objectives and research questions . Specifically, how the researcher went about deciding:

  • What type of data to collect (e.g., qualitative or quantitative data )
  • Who  to collect it from (i.e., the sampling strategy )
  • How to  collect  it (i.e., the data collection method )
  • How to  analyse  it (i.e., the data analysis methods )

Within any formal piece of academic research (be it a dissertation, thesis or journal article), you’ll find a research methodology chapter or section which covers the aspects mentioned above. Importantly, a good methodology chapter explains not just   what methodological choices were made, but also explains  why they were made. In other words, the methodology chapter should justify  the design choices, by showing that the chosen methods and techniques are the best fit for the research aims, objectives and research questions. 

So, it’s the same as research design?

Not quite. As we mentioned, research methodology refers to the collection of practical decisions regarding what data you’ll collect, from who, how you’ll collect it and how you’ll analyse it. Research design, on the other hand, is more about the overall strategy you’ll adopt in your study. For example, whether you’ll use an experimental design in which you manipulate one variable while controlling others. You can learn more about research design and the various design types here .

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apa itu research methodology

What are qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods?

Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods are different types of methodological approaches, distinguished by their focus on words , numbers or both . This is a bit of an oversimplification, but its a good starting point for understanding.

Let’s take a closer look.

Qualitative research refers to research which focuses on collecting and analysing words (written or spoken) and textual or visual data, whereas quantitative research focuses on measurement and testing using numerical data . Qualitative analysis can also focus on other “softer” data points, such as body language or visual elements.

It’s quite common for a qualitative methodology to be used when the research aims and research questions are exploratory  in nature. For example, a qualitative methodology might be used to understand peoples’ perceptions about an event that took place, or a political candidate running for president. 

Contrasted to this, a quantitative methodology is typically used when the research aims and research questions are confirmatory  in nature. For example, a quantitative methodology might be used to measure the relationship between two variables (e.g. personality type and likelihood to commit a crime) or to test a set of hypotheses .

As you’ve probably guessed, the mixed-method methodology attempts to combine the best of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to integrate perspectives and create a rich picture. If you’d like to learn more about these three methodological approaches, be sure to watch our explainer video below.

What is sampling strategy?

Simply put, sampling is about deciding who (or where) you’re going to collect your data from . Why does this matter? Well, generally it’s not possible to collect data from every single person in your group of interest (this is called the “population”), so you’ll need to engage a smaller portion of that group that’s accessible and manageable (this is called the “sample”).

How you go about selecting the sample (i.e., your sampling strategy) will have a major impact on your study.  There are many different sampling methods  you can choose from, but the two overarching categories are probability   sampling and  non-probability   sampling .

Probability sampling  involves using a completely random sample from the group of people you’re interested in. This is comparable to throwing the names all potential participants into a hat, shaking it up, and picking out the “winners”. By using a completely random sample, you’ll minimise the risk of selection bias and the results of your study will be more generalisable  to the entire population. 

Non-probability sampling , on the other hand,  doesn’t use a random sample . For example, it might involve using a convenience sample, which means you’d only interview or survey people that you have access to (perhaps your friends, family or work colleagues), rather than a truly random sample. With non-probability sampling, the results are typically not generalisable .

To learn more about sampling methods, be sure to check out the video below.

What are data collection methods?

As the name suggests, data collection methods simply refers to the way in which you go about collecting the data for your study. Some of the most common data collection methods include:

  • Interviews (which can be unstructured, semi-structured or structured)
  • Focus groups and group interviews
  • Surveys (online or physical surveys)
  • Observations (watching and recording activities)
  • Biophysical measurements (e.g., blood pressure, heart rate, etc.)
  • Documents and records (e.g., financial reports, court records, etc.)

The choice of which data collection method to use depends on your overall research aims and research questions , as well as practicalities and resource constraints. For example, if your research is exploratory in nature, qualitative methods such as interviews and focus groups would likely be a good fit. Conversely, if your research aims to measure specific variables or test hypotheses, large-scale surveys that produce large volumes of numerical data would likely be a better fit.

What are data analysis methods?

Data analysis methods refer to the methods and techniques that you’ll use to make sense of your data. These can be grouped according to whether the research is qualitative  (words-based) or quantitative (numbers-based).

Popular data analysis methods in qualitative research include:

  • Qualitative content analysis
  • Thematic analysis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Narrative analysis
  • Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)
  • Visual analysis (of photographs, videos, art, etc.)

Qualitative data analysis all begins with data coding , after which an analysis method is applied. In some cases, more than one analysis method is used, depending on the research aims and research questions . In the video below, we explore some  common qualitative analysis methods, along with practical examples.  

Moving on to the quantitative side of things, popular data analysis methods in this type of research include:

  • Descriptive statistics (e.g. means, medians, modes )
  • Inferential statistics (e.g. correlation, regression, structural equation modelling)

Again, the choice of which data collection method to use depends on your overall research aims and objectives , as well as practicalities and resource constraints. In the video below, we explain some core concepts central to quantitative analysis.

How do I choose a research methodology?

As you’ve probably picked up by now, your research aims and objectives have a major influence on the research methodology . So, the starting point for developing your research methodology is to take a step back and look at the big picture of your research, before you make methodology decisions. The first question you need to ask yourself is whether your research is exploratory or confirmatory in nature.

If your research aims and objectives are primarily exploratory in nature, your research will likely be qualitative and therefore you might consider qualitative data collection methods (e.g. interviews) and analysis methods (e.g. qualitative content analysis). 

Conversely, if your research aims and objective are looking to measure or test something (i.e. they’re confirmatory), then your research will quite likely be quantitative in nature, and you might consider quantitative data collection methods (e.g. surveys) and analyses (e.g. statistical analysis).

Designing your research and working out your methodology is a large topic, which we cover extensively on the blog . For now, however, the key takeaway is that you should always start with your research aims, objectives and research questions (the golden thread). Every methodological choice you make needs align with those three components. 

Example of a research methodology chapter

In the video below, we provide a detailed walkthrough of a research methodology from an actual dissertation, as well as an overview of our free methodology template .

apa itu research methodology

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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Leo Balanlay

Thank you for this simple yet comprehensive and easy to digest presentation. God Bless!

Derek Jansen

You’re most welcome, Leo. Best of luck with your research!


I found it very useful. many thanks

Solomon F. Joel

This is really directional. A make-easy research knowledge.

Upendo Mmbaga

Thank you for this, I think will help my research proposal


Thanks for good interpretation,well understood.

Alhaji Alie Kanu

Good morning sorry I want to the search topic

Baraka Gombela

Thank u more


Thank you, your explanation is simple and very helpful.

Suleiman Abubakar

Very educative a.nd exciting platform. A bigger thank you and I’ll like to always be with you

Daniel Mondela

That’s the best analysis


So simple yet so insightful. Thank you.

Wendy Lushaba

This really easy to read as it is self-explanatory. Very much appreciated…


Thanks for this. It’s so helpful and explicit. For those elements highlighted in orange, they were good sources of referrals for concepts I didn’t understand. A million thanks for this.

Tabe Solomon Matebesi

Good morning, I have been reading your research lessons through out a period of times. They are important, impressive and clear. Want to subscribe and be and be active with you.

Hafiz Tahir

Thankyou So much Sir Derek…

Good morning thanks so much for the on line lectures am a student of university of Makeni.select a research topic and deliberate on it so that we’ll continue to understand more.sorry that’s a suggestion.

James Olukoya

Beautiful presentation. I love it.


please provide a research mehodology example for zoology

Ogar , Praise

It’s very educative and well explained

Joseph Chan

Thanks for the concise and informative data.

Goja Terhemba John

This is really good for students to be safe and well understand that research is all about

Prakash thapa

Thank you so much Derek sir🖤🙏🤗


Very simple and reliable

Chizor Adisa

This is really helpful. Thanks alot. God bless you.


very useful, Thank you very much..

nakato justine

thanks a lot its really useful


in a nutshell..thank you!


Thanks for updating my understanding on this aspect of my Thesis writing.


thank you so much my through this video am competently going to do a good job my thesis


Thanks a lot. Very simple to understand. I appreciate 🙏


Very simple but yet insightful Thank you

Adegboyega ADaeBAYO

This has been an eye opening experience. Thank you grad coach team.


Very useful message for research scholars


Really very helpful thank you


yes you are right and i’m left


Research methodology with a simplest way i have never seen before this article.

wogayehu tuji

wow thank u so much

Good morning thanks so much for the on line lectures am a student of university of Makeni.select a research topic and deliberate on is so that we will continue to understand more.sorry that’s a suggestion.


Very precise and informative.

Javangwe Nyeketa

Thanks for simplifying these terms for us, really appreciate it.

Mary Benard Mwanganya

Thanks this has really helped me. It is very easy to understand.


I found the notes and the presentation assisting and opening my understanding on research methodology

Godfrey Martin Assenga

Good presentation

Nhubu Tawanda

Im so glad you clarified my misconceptions. Im now ready to fry my onions. Thank you so much. God bless


Thank you a lot.


thanks for the easy way of learning and desirable presentation.

Ajala Tajudeen

Thanks a lot. I am inspired

Visor Likali

Well written

Pondris Patrick

I am writing a APA Format paper . I using questionnaire with 120 STDs teacher for my participant. Can you write me mthology for this research. Send it through email sent. Just need a sample as an example please. My topic is ” impacts of overcrowding on students learning

Thanks for your comment.

We can’t write your methodology for you. If you’re looking for samples, you should be able to find some sample methodologies on Google. Alternatively, you can download some previous dissertations from a dissertation directory and have a look at the methodology chapters therein.

All the best with your research.


Thank you so much for this!! God Bless


Thank you. Explicit explanation


Thank you, Derek and Kerryn, for making this simple to understand. I’m currently at the inception stage of my research.


Thnks a lot , this was very usefull on my assignment

Beulah Emmanuel

excellent explanation

Gino Raz

I’m currently working on my master’s thesis, thanks for this! I’m certain that I will use Qualitative methodology.


Thanks a lot for this concise piece, it was quite relieving and helpful. God bless you BIG…

Yonas Tesheme

I am currently doing my dissertation proposal and I am sure that I will do quantitative research. Thank you very much it was extremely helpful.

zahid t ahmad

Very interesting and informative yet I would like to know about examples of Research Questions as well, if possible.

Maisnam loyalakla

I’m about to submit a research presentation, I have come to understand from your simplification on understanding research methodology. My research will be mixed methodology, qualitative as well as quantitative. So aim and objective of mixed method would be both exploratory and confirmatory. Thanks you very much for your guidance.

Mila Milano

OMG thanks for that, you’re a life saver. You covered all the points I needed. Thank you so much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Thank you immensely for this simple, easy to comprehend explanation of data collection methods. I have been stuck here for months 😩. Glad I found your piece. Super insightful.


I’m going to write synopsis which will be quantitative research method and I don’t know how to frame my topic, can I kindly get some ideas..


Thanks for this, I was really struggling.

This was really informative I was struggling but this helped me.

Modie Maria Neswiswi

Thanks a lot for this information, simple and straightforward. I’m a last year student from the University of South Africa UNISA South Africa.

Mursel Amin

its very much informative and understandable. I have enlightened.

Mustapha Abubakar

An interesting nice exploration of a topic.


Thank you. Accurate and simple🥰

Sikandar Ali Shah

This article was really helpful, it helped me understanding the basic concepts of the topic Research Methodology. The examples were very clear, and easy to understand. I would like to visit this website again. Thank you so much for such a great explanation of the subject.


Thanks dude


Thank you Doctor Derek for this wonderful piece, please help to provide your details for reference purpose. God bless.


Many compliments to you


Great work , thank you very much for the simple explanation


Thank you. I had to give a presentation on this topic. I have looked everywhere on the internet but this is the best and simple explanation.

omodara beatrice

thank you, its very informative.


Well explained. Now I know my research methodology will be qualitative and exploratory. Thank you so much, keep up the good work


Well explained, thank you very much.

Ainembabazi Rose

This is good explanation, I have understood the different methods of research. Thanks a lot.

Kamran Saeed

Great work…very well explanation

Hyacinth Chebe Ukwuani

Thanks Derek. Kerryn was just fantastic!

Great to hear that, Hyacinth. Best of luck with your research!

Matobela Joel Marabi

Its a good templates very attractive and important to PhD students and lectuter

Thanks for the feedback, Matobela. Good luck with your research methodology.


Thank you. This is really helpful.

You’re very welcome, Elie. Good luck with your research methodology.

Sakina Dalal

Well explained thanks


This is a very helpful site especially for young researchers at college. It provides sufficient information to guide students and equip them with the necessary foundation to ask any other questions aimed at deepening their understanding.

Thanks for the kind words, Edward. Good luck with your research!

Ngwisa Marie-claire NJOTU

Thank you. I have learned a lot.

Great to hear that, Ngwisa. Good luck with your research methodology!


Thank you for keeping your presentation simples and short and covering key information for research methodology. My key takeaway: Start with defining your research objective the other will depend on the aims of your research question.


My name is Zanele I would like to be assisted with my research , and the topic is shortage of nursing staff globally want are the causes , effects on health, patients and community and also globally

Oluwafemi Taiwo

Thanks for making it simple and clear. It greatly helped in understanding research methodology. Regards.


This is well simplified and straight to the point

Gabriel mugangavari

Thank you Dr

Dina Haj Ibrahim

I was given an assignment to research 2 publications and describe their research methodology? I don’t know how to start this task can someone help me?

Sure. You’re welcome to book an initial consultation with one of our Research Coaches to discuss how we can assist – https://gradcoach.com/book/new/ .


Thanks a lot I am relieved of a heavy burden.keep up with the good work

Ngaka Mokoena

I’m very much grateful Dr Derek. I’m planning to pursue one of the careers that really needs one to be very much eager to know. There’s a lot of research to do and everything, but since I’ve gotten this information I will use it to the best of my potential.

Pritam Pal

Thank you so much, words are not enough to explain how helpful this session has been for me!


Thanks this has thought me alot.

kenechukwu ambrose

Very concise and helpful. Thanks a lot

Eunice Shatila Sinyemu 32070

Thank Derek. This is very helpful. Your step by step explanation has made it easier for me to understand different concepts. Now i can get on with my research.


I wish i had come across this sooner. So simple but yet insightful

yugine the

really nice explanation thank you so much


I’m so grateful finding this site, it’s really helpful…….every term well explained and provide accurate understanding especially to student going into an in-depth research for the very first time, even though my lecturer already explained this topic to the class, I think I got the clear and efficient explanation here, much thanks to the author.


It is very helpful material

Lubabalo Ntshebe

I would like to be assisted with my research topic : Literature Review and research methodologies. My topic is : what is the relationship between unemployment and economic growth?


Its really nice and good for us.

Ekokobe Aloysius



Short but sweet.Thank you

Shishir Pokharel

Informative article. Thanks for your detailed information.

Badr Alharbi

I’m currently working on my Ph.D. thesis. Thanks a lot, Derek and Kerryn, Well-organized sequences, facilitate the readers’ following.


great article for someone who does not have any background can even understand

Hasan Chowdhury

I am a bit confused about research design and methodology. Are they the same? If not, what are the differences and how are they related?

Thanks in advance.

Ndileka Myoli

concise and informative.

Sureka Batagoda

Thank you very much

More Smith

How can we site this article is Harvard style?


Very well written piece that afforded better understanding of the concept. Thank you!

Denis Eken Lomoro

Am a new researcher trying to learn how best to write a research proposal. I find your article spot on and want to download the free template but finding difficulties. Can u kindly send it to my email, the free download entitled, “Free Download: Research Proposal Template (with Examples)”.

fatima sani

Thank too much


Thank you very much for your comprehensive explanation about research methodology so I like to thank you again for giving us such great things.

Aqsa Iftijhar

Good very well explained.Thanks for sharing it.

Krishna Dhakal

Thank u sir, it is really a good guideline.


so helpful thank you very much.

Joelma M Monteiro

Thanks for the video it was very explanatory and detailed, easy to comprehend and follow up. please, keep it up the good work


It was very helpful, a well-written document with precise information.

orebotswe morokane

how do i reference this?


MLA Jansen, Derek, and Kerryn Warren. “What (Exactly) Is Research Methodology?” Grad Coach, June 2021, gradcoach.com/what-is-research-methodology/.

APA Jansen, D., & Warren, K. (2021, June). What (Exactly) Is Research Methodology? Grad Coach. https://gradcoach.com/what-is-research-methodology/


Your explanation is easily understood. Thank you

Dr Christie

Very help article. Now I can go my methodology chapter in my thesis with ease

Alice W. Mbuthia

I feel guided ,Thank you

Joseph B. Smith

This simplification is very helpful. It is simple but very educative, thanks ever so much

Dr. Ukpai Ukpai Eni

The write up is informative and educative. It is an academic intellectual representation that every good researcher can find useful. Thanks

chimbini Joseph

Wow, this is wonderful long live.


Nice initiative


thank you the video was helpful to me.


Thank you very much for your simple and clear explanations I’m really satisfied by the way you did it By now, I think I can realize a very good article by following your fastidious indications May God bless you


Thanks very much, it was very concise and informational for a beginner like me to gain an insight into what i am about to undertake. I really appreciate.

Adv Asad Ali

very informative sir, it is amazing to understand the meaning of question hidden behind that, and simple language is used other than legislature to understand easily. stay happy.

Jonas Tan

This one is really amazing. All content in your youtube channel is a very helpful guide for doing research. Thanks, GradCoach.

mahmoud ali

research methodologies

Lucas Sinyangwe

Please send me more information concerning dissertation research.

Amamten Jr.

Nice piece of knowledge shared….. #Thump_UP

Hajara Salihu

This is amazing, it has said it all. Thanks to Gradcoach

Gerald Andrew Babu

This is wonderful,very elaborate and clear.I hope to reach out for your assistance in my research very soon.


This is the answer I am searching about…

realy thanks a lot

Ahmed Saeed

Thank you very much for this awesome, to the point and inclusive article.

Soraya Kolli

Thank you very much I need validity and reliability explanation I have exams


Thank you for a well explained piece. This will help me going forward.

Emmanuel Chukwuma

Very simple and well detailed Many thanks

Zeeshan Ali Khan

This is so very simple yet so very effective and comprehensive. An Excellent piece of work.

Molly Wasonga

I wish I saw this earlier on! Great insights for a beginner(researcher) like me. Thanks a mil!

Blessings Chigodo

Thank you very much, for such a simplified, clear and practical step by step both for academic students and general research work. Holistic, effective to use and easy to read step by step. One can easily apply the steps in practical terms and produce a quality document/up-to standard

Thanks for simplifying these terms for us, really appreciated.

Joseph Kyereme

Thanks for a great work. well understood .


This was very helpful. It was simple but profound and very easy to understand. Thank you so much!


Great and amazing research guidelines. Best site for learning research

ankita bhatt

hello sir/ma’am, i didn’t find yet that what type of research methodology i am using. because i am writing my report on CSR and collect all my data from websites and articles so which type of methodology i should write in dissertation report. please help me. i am from India.


how does this really work?

princelow presley

perfect content, thanks a lot

George Nangpaak Duut

As a researcher, I commend you for the detailed and simplified information on the topic in question. I would like to remain in touch for the sharing of research ideas on other topics. Thank you


Impressive. Thank you, Grad Coach 😍

Thank you Grad Coach for this piece of information. I have at least learned about the different types of research methodologies.

Varinder singh Rana

Very useful content with easy way

Mbangu Jones Kashweeka

Thank you very much for the presentation. I am an MPH student with the Adventist University of Africa. I have successfully completed my theory and starting on my research this July. My topic is “Factors associated with Dental Caries in (one District) in Botswana. I need help on how to go about this quantitative research

Carolyn Russell

I am so grateful to run across something that was sooo helpful. I have been on my doctorate journey for quite some time. Your breakdown on methodology helped me to refresh my intent. Thank you.

Indabawa Musbahu

thanks so much for this good lecture. student from university of science and technology, Wudil. Kano Nigeria.

Limpho Mphutlane

It’s profound easy to understand I appreciate

Mustafa Salimi

Thanks a lot for sharing superb information in a detailed but concise manner. It was really helpful and helped a lot in getting into my own research methodology.

Rabilu yau

Comment * thanks very much

Ari M. Hussein

This was sooo helpful for me thank you so much i didn’t even know what i had to write thank you!

You’re most welcome 🙂

Varsha Patnaik

Simple and good. Very much helpful. Thank you so much.


This is very good work. I have benefited.

Dr Md Asraul Hoque

Thank you so much for sharing

Nkasa lizwi

This is powerful thank you so much guys

I am nkasa lizwi doing my research proposal on honors with the university of Walter Sisulu Komani I m on part 3 now can you assist me.my topic is: transitional challenges faced by educators in intermediate phase in the Alfred Nzo District.

Atonisah Jonathan

Appreciate the presentation. Very useful step-by-step guidelines to follow.

Bello Suleiman

I appreciate sir


wow! This is super insightful for me. Thank you!

Emerita Guzman

Indeed this material is very helpful! Kudos writers/authors.


I want to say thank you very much, I got a lot of info and knowledge. Be blessed.

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Need assistance

Clement Lokwar

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The information shared is informative, crisp and clear. Kudos Team! And thanks a lot!

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What is research methodology?

apa itu research methodology

The basics of research methodology

Why do you need a research methodology, what needs to be included, why do you need to document your research method, what are the different types of research instruments, qualitative / quantitative / mixed research methodologies, how do you choose the best research methodology for you, frequently asked questions about research methodology, related articles.

When you’re working on your first piece of academic research, there are many different things to focus on, and it can be overwhelming to stay on top of everything. This is especially true of budding or inexperienced researchers.

If you’ve never put together a research proposal before or find yourself in a position where you need to explain your research methodology decisions, there are a few things you need to be aware of.

Once you understand the ins and outs, handling academic research in the future will be less intimidating. We break down the basics below:

A research methodology encompasses the way in which you intend to carry out your research. This includes how you plan to tackle things like collection methods, statistical analysis, participant observations, and more.

You can think of your research methodology as being a formula. One part will be how you plan on putting your research into practice, and another will be why you feel this is the best way to approach it. Your research methodology is ultimately a methodological and systematic plan to resolve your research problem.

In short, you are explaining how you will take your idea and turn it into a study, which in turn will produce valid and reliable results that are in accordance with the aims and objectives of your research. This is true whether your paper plans to make use of qualitative methods or quantitative methods.

The purpose of a research methodology is to explain the reasoning behind your approach to your research - you'll need to support your collection methods, methods of analysis, and other key points of your work.

Think of it like writing a plan or an outline for you what you intend to do.

When carrying out research, it can be easy to go off-track or depart from your standard methodology.

Tip: Having a methodology keeps you accountable and on track with your original aims and objectives, and gives you a suitable and sound plan to keep your project manageable, smooth, and effective.

With all that said, how do you write out your standard approach to a research methodology?

As a general plan, your methodology should include the following information:

  • Your research method.  You need to state whether you plan to use quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, or mixed-method research methods. This will often be determined by what you hope to achieve with your research.
  • Explain your reasoning. Why are you taking this methodological approach? Why is this particular methodology the best way to answer your research problem and achieve your objectives?
  • Explain your instruments.  This will mainly be about your collection methods. There are varying instruments to use such as interviews, physical surveys, questionnaires, for example. Your methodology will need to detail your reasoning in choosing a particular instrument for your research.
  • What will you do with your results?  How are you going to analyze the data once you have gathered it?
  • Advise your reader.  If there is anything in your research methodology that your reader might be unfamiliar with, you should explain it in more detail. For example, you should give any background information to your methods that might be relevant or provide your reasoning if you are conducting your research in a non-standard way.
  • How will your sampling process go?  What will your sampling procedure be and why? For example, if you will collect data by carrying out semi-structured or unstructured interviews, how will you choose your interviewees and how will you conduct the interviews themselves?
  • Any practical limitations?  You should discuss any limitations you foresee being an issue when you’re carrying out your research.

In any dissertation, thesis, or academic journal, you will always find a chapter dedicated to explaining the research methodology of the person who carried out the study, also referred to as the methodology section of the work.

A good research methodology will explain what you are going to do and why, while a poor methodology will lead to a messy or disorganized approach.

You should also be able to justify in this section your reasoning for why you intend to carry out your research in a particular way, especially if it might be a particularly unique method.

Having a sound methodology in place can also help you with the following:

  • When another researcher at a later date wishes to try and replicate your research, they will need your explanations and guidelines.
  • In the event that you receive any criticism or questioning on the research you carried out at a later point, you will be able to refer back to it and succinctly explain the how and why of your approach.
  • It provides you with a plan to follow throughout your research. When you are drafting your methodology approach, you need to be sure that the method you are using is the right one for your goal. This will help you with both explaining and understanding your method.
  • It affords you the opportunity to document from the outset what you intend to achieve with your research, from start to finish.

A research instrument is a tool you will use to help you collect, measure and analyze the data you use as part of your research.

The choice of research instrument will usually be yours to make as the researcher and will be whichever best suits your methodology.

There are many different research instruments you can use in collecting data for your research.

Generally, they can be grouped as follows:

  • Interviews (either as a group or one-on-one). You can carry out interviews in many different ways. For example, your interview can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. The difference between them is how formal the set of questions is that is asked of the interviewee. In a group interview, you may choose to ask the interviewees to give you their opinions or perceptions on certain topics.
  • Surveys (online or in-person). In survey research, you are posing questions in which you ask for a response from the person taking the survey. You may wish to have either free-answer questions such as essay-style questions, or you may wish to use closed questions such as multiple choice. You may even wish to make the survey a mixture of both.
  • Focus Groups.  Similar to the group interview above, you may wish to ask a focus group to discuss a particular topic or opinion while you make a note of the answers given.
  • Observations.  This is a good research instrument to use if you are looking into human behaviors. Different ways of researching this include studying the spontaneous behavior of participants in their everyday life, or something more structured. A structured observation is research conducted at a set time and place where researchers observe behavior as planned and agreed upon with participants.

These are the most common ways of carrying out research, but it is really dependent on your needs as a researcher and what approach you think is best to take.

It is also possible to combine a number of research instruments if this is necessary and appropriate in answering your research problem.

There are three different types of methodologies, and they are distinguished by whether they focus on words, numbers, or both.

➡️ Want to learn more about the differences between qualitative and quantitative research, and how to use both methods? Check out our guide for that!

If you've done your due diligence, you'll have an idea of which methodology approach is best suited to your research.

It’s likely that you will have carried out considerable reading and homework before you reach this point and you may have taken inspiration from other similar studies that have yielded good results.

Still, it is important to consider different options before setting your research in stone. Exploring different options available will help you to explain why the choice you ultimately make is preferable to other methods.

If proving your research problem requires you to gather large volumes of numerical data to test hypotheses, a quantitative research method is likely to provide you with the most usable results.

If instead you’re looking to try and learn more about people, and their perception of events, your methodology is more exploratory in nature and would therefore probably be better served using a qualitative research methodology.

It helps to always bring things back to the question: what do I want to achieve with my research?

Once you have conducted your research, you need to analyze it. Here are some helpful guides for qualitative data analysis:

➡️  How to do a content analysis

➡️  How to do a thematic analysis

➡️  How to do a rhetorical analysis

Research methodology refers to the techniques used to find and analyze information for a study, ensuring that the results are valid, reliable and that they address the research objective.

Data can typically be organized into four different categories or methods: observational, experimental, simulation, and derived.

Writing a methodology section is a process of introducing your methods and instruments, discussing your analysis, providing more background information, addressing your research limitations, and more.

Your research methodology section will need a clear research question and proposed research approach. You'll need to add a background, introduce your research question, write your methodology and add the works you cited during your data collecting phase.

The research methodology section of your study will indicate how valid your findings are and how well-informed your paper is. It also assists future researchers planning to use the same methodology, who want to cite your study or replicate it.

Rhetorical analysis illustration

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What is Research Methodology? Definition, Types, and Examples

apa itu research methodology

Research methodology 1,2 is a structured and scientific approach used to collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative or qualitative data to answer research questions or test hypotheses. A research methodology is like a plan for carrying out research and helps keep researchers on track by limiting the scope of the research. Several aspects must be considered before selecting an appropriate research methodology, such as research limitations and ethical concerns that may affect your research.

The research methodology section in a scientific paper describes the different methodological choices made, such as the data collection and analysis methods, and why these choices were selected. The reasons should explain why the methods chosen are the most appropriate to answer the research question. A good research methodology also helps ensure the reliability and validity of the research findings. There are three types of research methodology—quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method, which can be chosen based on the research objectives.

What is research methodology ?

A research methodology describes the techniques and procedures used to identify and analyze information regarding a specific research topic. It is a process by which researchers design their study so that they can achieve their objectives using the selected research instruments. It includes all the important aspects of research, including research design, data collection methods, data analysis methods, and the overall framework within which the research is conducted. While these points can help you understand what is research methodology, you also need to know why it is important to pick the right methodology.

Why is research methodology important?

Having a good research methodology in place has the following advantages: 3

  • Helps other researchers who may want to replicate your research; the explanations will be of benefit to them.
  • You can easily answer any questions about your research if they arise at a later stage.
  • A research methodology provides a framework and guidelines for researchers to clearly define research questions, hypotheses, and objectives.
  • It helps researchers identify the most appropriate research design, sampling technique, and data collection and analysis methods.
  • A sound research methodology helps researchers ensure that their findings are valid and reliable and free from biases and errors.
  • It also helps ensure that ethical guidelines are followed while conducting research.
  • A good research methodology helps researchers in planning their research efficiently, by ensuring optimum usage of their time and resources.

Writing the methods section of a research paper? Let Paperpal help you achieve perfection

Types of research methodology.

There are three types of research methodology based on the type of research and the data required. 1

  • Quantitative research methodology focuses on measuring and testing numerical data. This approach is good for reaching a large number of people in a short amount of time. This type of research helps in testing the causal relationships between variables, making predictions, and generalizing results to wider populations.
  • Qualitative research methodology examines the opinions, behaviors, and experiences of people. It collects and analyzes words and textual data. This research methodology requires fewer participants but is still more time consuming because the time spent per participant is quite large. This method is used in exploratory research where the research problem being investigated is not clearly defined.
  • Mixed-method research methodology uses the characteristics of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in the same study. This method allows researchers to validate their findings, verify if the results observed using both methods are complementary, and explain any unexpected results obtained from one method by using the other method.

What are the types of sampling designs in research methodology?

Sampling 4 is an important part of a research methodology and involves selecting a representative sample of the population to conduct the study, making statistical inferences about them, and estimating the characteristics of the whole population based on these inferences. There are two types of sampling designs in research methodology—probability and nonprobability.

  • Probability sampling

In this type of sampling design, a sample is chosen from a larger population using some form of random selection, that is, every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. The different types of probability sampling are:

  • Systematic —sample members are chosen at regular intervals. It requires selecting a starting point for the sample and sample size determination that can be repeated at regular intervals. This type of sampling method has a predefined range; hence, it is the least time consuming.
  • Stratified —researchers divide the population into smaller groups that don’t overlap but represent the entire population. While sampling, these groups can be organized, and then a sample can be drawn from each group separately.
  • Cluster —the population is divided into clusters based on demographic parameters like age, sex, location, etc.
  • Convenience —selects participants who are most easily accessible to researchers due to geographical proximity, availability at a particular time, etc.
  • Purposive —participants are selected at the researcher’s discretion. Researchers consider the purpose of the study and the understanding of the target audience.
  • Snowball —already selected participants use their social networks to refer the researcher to other potential participants.
  • Quota —while designing the study, the researchers decide how many people with which characteristics to include as participants. The characteristics help in choosing people most likely to provide insights into the subject.

What are data collection methods?

During research, data are collected using various methods depending on the research methodology being followed and the research methods being undertaken. Both qualitative and quantitative research have different data collection methods, as listed below.

Qualitative research 5

  • One-on-one interviews: Helps the interviewers understand a respondent’s subjective opinion and experience pertaining to a specific topic or event
  • Document study/literature review/record keeping: Researchers’ review of already existing written materials such as archives, annual reports, research articles, guidelines, policy documents, etc.
  • Focus groups: Constructive discussions that usually include a small sample of about 6-10 people and a moderator, to understand the participants’ opinion on a given topic.
  • Qualitative observation : Researchers collect data using their five senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing).

Quantitative research 6

  • Sampling: The most common type is probability sampling.
  • Interviews: Commonly telephonic or done in-person.
  • Observations: Structured observations are most commonly used in quantitative research. In this method, researchers make observations about specific behaviors of individuals in a structured setting.
  • Document review: Reviewing existing research or documents to collect evidence for supporting the research.
  • Surveys and questionnaires. Surveys can be administered both online and offline depending on the requirement and sample size.

Let Paperpal help you write the perfect research methods section. Start now!

What are data analysis methods.

The data collected using the various methods for qualitative and quantitative research need to be analyzed to generate meaningful conclusions. These data analysis methods 7 also differ between quantitative and qualitative research.

Quantitative research involves a deductive method for data analysis where hypotheses are developed at the beginning of the research and precise measurement is required. The methods include statistical analysis applications to analyze numerical data and are grouped into two categories—descriptive and inferential.

Descriptive analysis is used to describe the basic features of different types of data to present it in a way that ensures the patterns become meaningful. The different types of descriptive analysis methods are:

  • Measures of frequency (count, percent, frequency)
  • Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)
  • Measures of dispersion or variation (range, variance, standard deviation)
  • Measure of position (percentile ranks, quartile ranks)

Inferential analysis is used to make predictions about a larger population based on the analysis of the data collected from a smaller population. This analysis is used to study the relationships between different variables. Some commonly used inferential data analysis methods are:

  • Correlation: To understand the relationship between two or more variables.
  • Cross-tabulation: Analyze the relationship between multiple variables.
  • Regression analysis: Study the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable.
  • Frequency tables: To understand the frequency of data.
  • Analysis of variance: To test the degree to which two or more variables differ in an experiment.

Qualitative research involves an inductive method for data analysis where hypotheses are developed after data collection. The methods include:

  • Content analysis: For analyzing documented information from text and images by determining the presence of certain words or concepts in texts.
  • Narrative analysis: For analyzing content obtained from sources such as interviews, field observations, and surveys. The stories and opinions shared by people are used to answer research questions.
  • Discourse analysis: For analyzing interactions with people considering the social context, that is, the lifestyle and environment, under which the interaction occurs.
  • Grounded theory: Involves hypothesis creation by data collection and analysis to explain why a phenomenon occurred.
  • Thematic analysis: To identify important themes or patterns in data and use these to address an issue.

How to choose a research methodology?

Here are some important factors to consider when choosing a research methodology: 8

  • Research objectives, aims, and questions —these would help structure the research design.
  • Review existing literature to identify any gaps in knowledge.
  • Check the statistical requirements —if data-driven or statistical results are needed then quantitative research is the best. If the research questions can be answered based on people’s opinions and perceptions, then qualitative research is most suitable.
  • Sample size —sample size can often determine the feasibility of a research methodology. For a large sample, less effort- and time-intensive methods are appropriate.
  • Constraints —constraints of time, geography, and resources can help define the appropriate methodology.

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How to write a research methodology .

A research methodology should include the following components: 3,9

  • Research design —should be selected based on the research question and the data required. Common research designs include experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, descriptive, and exploratory.
  • Research method —this can be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method.
  • Reason for selecting a specific methodology —explain why this methodology is the most suitable to answer your research problem.
  • Research instruments —explain the research instruments you plan to use, mainly referring to the data collection methods such as interviews, surveys, etc. Here as well, a reason should be mentioned for selecting the particular instrument.
  • Sampling —this involves selecting a representative subset of the population being studied.
  • Data collection —involves gathering data using several data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, etc.
  • Data analysis —describe the data analysis methods you will use once you’ve collected the data.
  • Research limitations —mention any limitations you foresee while conducting your research.
  • Validity and reliability —validity helps identify the accuracy and truthfulness of the findings; reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the results over time and across different conditions.
  • Ethical considerations —research should be conducted ethically. The considerations include obtaining consent from participants, maintaining confidentiality, and addressing conflicts of interest.

Streamline Your Research Paper Writing Process with Paperpal

The methods section is a critical part of the research papers, allowing researchers to use this to understand your findings and replicate your work when pursuing their own research. However, it is usually also the most difficult section to write. This is where Paperpal can help you overcome the writer’s block and create the first draft in minutes with Paperpal Copilot, its secure generative AI feature suite.  

With Paperpal you can get research advice, write and refine your work, rephrase and verify the writing, and ensure submission readiness, all in one place. Here’s how you can use Paperpal to develop the first draft of your methods section.  

  • Generate an outline: Input some details about your research to instantly generate an outline for your methods section 
  • Develop the section: Use the outline and suggested sentence templates to expand your ideas and develop the first draft.  
  • P araph ras e and trim : Get clear, concise academic text with paraphrasing that conveys your work effectively and word reduction to fix redundancies. 
  • Choose the right words: Enhance text by choosing contextual synonyms based on how the words have been used in previously published work.  
  • Check and verify text : Make sure the generated text showcases your methods correctly, has all the right citations, and is original and authentic. .   

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the key components of research methodology?

A1. A good research methodology has the following key components:

  • Research design
  • Data collection procedures
  • Data analysis methods
  • Ethical considerations

Q2. Why is ethical consideration important in research methodology?

A2. Ethical consideration is important in research methodology to ensure the readers of the reliability and validity of the study. Researchers must clearly mention the ethical norms and standards followed during the conduct of the research and also mention if the research has been cleared by any institutional board. The following 10 points are the important principles related to ethical considerations: 10

  • Participants should not be subjected to harm.
  • Respect for the dignity of participants should be prioritized.
  • Full consent should be obtained from participants before the study.
  • Participants’ privacy should be ensured.
  • Confidentiality of the research data should be ensured.
  • Anonymity of individuals and organizations participating in the research should be maintained.
  • The aims and objectives of the research should not be exaggerated.
  • Affiliations, sources of funding, and any possible conflicts of interest should be declared.
  • Communication in relation to the research should be honest and transparent.
  • Misleading information and biased representation of primary data findings should be avoided.

Q3. What is the difference between methodology and method?

A3. Research methodology is different from a research method, although both terms are often confused. Research methods are the tools used to gather data, while the research methodology provides a framework for how research is planned, conducted, and analyzed. The latter guides researchers in making decisions about the most appropriate methods for their research. Research methods refer to the specific techniques, procedures, and tools used by researchers to collect, analyze, and interpret data, for instance surveys, questionnaires, interviews, etc.

Research methodology is, thus, an integral part of a research study. It helps ensure that you stay on track to meet your research objectives and answer your research questions using the most appropriate data collection and analysis tools based on your research design.

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  • Research methodologies. Pfeiffer Library website. Accessed August 15, 2023. https://library.tiffin.edu/researchmethodologies/whatareresearchmethodologies
  • Types of research methodology. Eduvoice website. Accessed August 16, 2023. https://eduvoice.in/types-research-methodology/
  • The basics of research methodology: A key to quality research. Voxco. Accessed August 16, 2023. https://www.voxco.com/blog/what-is-research-methodology/
  • Sampling methods: Types with examples. QuestionPro website. Accessed August 16, 2023. https://www.questionpro.com/blog/types-of-sampling-for-social-research/
  • What is qualitative research? Methods, types, approaches, examples. Researcher.Life blog. Accessed August 15, 2023. https://researcher.life/blog/article/what-is-qualitative-research-methods-types-examples/
  • What is quantitative research? Definition, methods, types, and examples. Researcher.Life blog. Accessed August 15, 2023. https://researcher.life/blog/article/what-is-quantitative-research-types-and-examples/
  • Data analysis in research: Types & methods. QuestionPro website. Accessed August 16, 2023. https://www.questionpro.com/blog/data-analysis-in-research/#Data_analysis_in_qualitative_research
  • Factors to consider while choosing the right research methodology. PhD Monster website. Accessed August 17, 2023. https://www.phdmonster.com/factors-to-consider-while-choosing-the-right-research-methodology/
  • What is research methodology? Research and writing guides. Accessed August 14, 2023. https://paperpile.com/g/what-is-research-methodology/
  • Ethical considerations. Business research methodology website. Accessed August 17, 2023. https://research-methodology.net/research-methodology/ethical-considerations/

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Empirical Research: Definition, Methods, Types and Examples

What is Empirical Research

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Empirical research: Definition

Empirical research: origin, quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, steps for conducting empirical research, empirical research methodology cycle, advantages of empirical research, disadvantages of empirical research, why is there a need for empirical research.

Empirical research is defined as any research where conclusions of the study is strictly drawn from concretely empirical evidence, and therefore “verifiable” evidence.

This empirical evidence can be gathered using quantitative market research and  qualitative market research  methods.

For example: A research is being conducted to find out if listening to happy music in the workplace while working may promote creativity? An experiment is conducted by using a music website survey on a set of audience who are exposed to happy music and another set who are not listening to music at all, and the subjects are then observed. The results derived from such a research will give empirical evidence if it does promote creativity or not.

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You must have heard the quote” I will not believe it unless I see it”. This came from the ancient empiricists, a fundamental understanding that powered the emergence of medieval science during the renaissance period and laid the foundation of modern science, as we know it today. The word itself has its roots in greek. It is derived from the greek word empeirikos which means “experienced”.

In today’s world, the word empirical refers to collection of data using evidence that is collected through observation or experience or by using calibrated scientific instruments. All of the above origins have one thing in common which is dependence of observation and experiments to collect data and test them to come up with conclusions.

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Types and methodologies of empirical research

Empirical research can be conducted and analysed using qualitative or quantitative methods.

  • Quantitative research : Quantitative research methods are used to gather information through numerical data. It is used to quantify opinions, behaviors or other defined variables . These are predetermined and are in a more structured format. Some of the commonly used methods are survey, longitudinal studies, polls, etc
  • Qualitative research:   Qualitative research methods are used to gather non numerical data.  It is used to find meanings, opinions, or the underlying reasons from its subjects. These methods are unstructured or semi structured. The sample size for such a research is usually small and it is a conversational type of method to provide more insight or in-depth information about the problem Some of the most popular forms of methods are focus groups, experiments, interviews, etc.

Data collected from these will need to be analysed. Empirical evidence can also be analysed either quantitatively and qualitatively. Using this, the researcher can answer empirical questions which have to be clearly defined and answerable with the findings he has got. The type of research design used will vary depending on the field in which it is going to be used. Many of them might choose to do a collective research involving quantitative and qualitative method to better answer questions which cannot be studied in a laboratory setting.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Research Questions and Questionnaires

Quantitative research methods aid in analyzing the empirical evidence gathered. By using these a researcher can find out if his hypothesis is supported or not.

  • Survey research: Survey research generally involves a large audience to collect a large amount of data. This is a quantitative method having a predetermined set of closed questions which are pretty easy to answer. Because of the simplicity of such a method, high responses are achieved. It is one of the most commonly used methods for all kinds of research in today’s world.

Previously, surveys were taken face to face only with maybe a recorder. However, with advancement in technology and for ease, new mediums such as emails , or social media have emerged.

For example: Depletion of energy resources is a growing concern and hence there is a need for awareness about renewable energy. According to recent studies, fossil fuels still account for around 80% of energy consumption in the United States. Even though there is a rise in the use of green energy every year, there are certain parameters because of which the general population is still not opting for green energy. In order to understand why, a survey can be conducted to gather opinions of the general population about green energy and the factors that influence their choice of switching to renewable energy. Such a survey can help institutions or governing bodies to promote appropriate awareness and incentive schemes to push the use of greener energy.

Learn more: Renewable Energy Survey Template Descriptive Research vs Correlational Research

  • Experimental research: In experimental research , an experiment is set up and a hypothesis is tested by creating a situation in which one of the variable is manipulated. This is also used to check cause and effect. It is tested to see what happens to the independent variable if the other one is removed or altered. The process for such a method is usually proposing a hypothesis, experimenting on it, analyzing the findings and reporting the findings to understand if it supports the theory or not.

For example: A particular product company is trying to find what is the reason for them to not be able to capture the market. So the organisation makes changes in each one of the processes like manufacturing, marketing, sales and operations. Through the experiment they understand that sales training directly impacts the market coverage for their product. If the person is trained well, then the product will have better coverage.

  • Correlational research: Correlational research is used to find relation between two set of variables . Regression analysis is generally used to predict outcomes of such a method. It can be positive, negative or neutral correlation.

LEARN ABOUT: Level of Analysis

For example: Higher educated individuals will get higher paying jobs. This means higher education enables the individual to high paying job and less education will lead to lower paying jobs.

  • Longitudinal study: Longitudinal study is used to understand the traits or behavior of a subject under observation after repeatedly testing the subject over a period of time. Data collected from such a method can be qualitative or quantitative in nature.

For example: A research to find out benefits of exercise. The target is asked to exercise everyday for a particular period of time and the results show higher endurance, stamina, and muscle growth. This supports the fact that exercise benefits an individual body.

  • Cross sectional: Cross sectional study is an observational type of method, in which a set of audience is observed at a given point in time. In this type, the set of people are chosen in a fashion which depicts similarity in all the variables except the one which is being researched. This type does not enable the researcher to establish a cause and effect relationship as it is not observed for a continuous time period. It is majorly used by healthcare sector or the retail industry.

For example: A medical study to find the prevalence of under-nutrition disorders in kids of a given population. This will involve looking at a wide range of parameters like age, ethnicity, location, incomes  and social backgrounds. If a significant number of kids coming from poor families show under-nutrition disorders, the researcher can further investigate into it. Usually a cross sectional study is followed by a longitudinal study to find out the exact reason.

  • Causal-Comparative research : This method is based on comparison. It is mainly used to find out cause-effect relationship between two variables or even multiple variables.

For example: A researcher measured the productivity of employees in a company which gave breaks to the employees during work and compared that to the employees of the company which did not give breaks at all.

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Some research questions need to be analysed qualitatively, as quantitative methods are not applicable there. In many cases, in-depth information is needed or a researcher may need to observe a target audience behavior, hence the results needed are in a descriptive analysis form. Qualitative research results will be descriptive rather than predictive. It enables the researcher to build or support theories for future potential quantitative research. In such a situation qualitative research methods are used to derive a conclusion to support the theory or hypothesis being studied.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Interview

  • Case study: Case study method is used to find more information through carefully analyzing existing cases. It is very often used for business research or to gather empirical evidence for investigation purpose. It is a method to investigate a problem within its real life context through existing cases. The researcher has to carefully analyse making sure the parameter and variables in the existing case are the same as to the case that is being investigated. Using the findings from the case study, conclusions can be drawn regarding the topic that is being studied.

For example: A report mentioning the solution provided by a company to its client. The challenges they faced during initiation and deployment, the findings of the case and solutions they offered for the problems. Such case studies are used by most companies as it forms an empirical evidence for the company to promote in order to get more business.

  • Observational method:   Observational method is a process to observe and gather data from its target. Since it is a qualitative method it is time consuming and very personal. It can be said that observational research method is a part of ethnographic research which is also used to gather empirical evidence. This is usually a qualitative form of research, however in some cases it can be quantitative as well depending on what is being studied.

For example: setting up a research to observe a particular animal in the rain-forests of amazon. Such a research usually take a lot of time as observation has to be done for a set amount of time to study patterns or behavior of the subject. Another example used widely nowadays is to observe people shopping in a mall to figure out buying behavior of consumers.

  • One-on-one interview: Such a method is purely qualitative and one of the most widely used. The reason being it enables a researcher get precise meaningful data if the right questions are asked. It is a conversational method where in-depth data can be gathered depending on where the conversation leads.

For example: A one-on-one interview with the finance minister to gather data on financial policies of the country and its implications on the public.

  • Focus groups: Focus groups are used when a researcher wants to find answers to why, what and how questions. A small group is generally chosen for such a method and it is not necessary to interact with the group in person. A moderator is generally needed in case the group is being addressed in person. This is widely used by product companies to collect data about their brands and the product.

For example: A mobile phone manufacturer wanting to have a feedback on the dimensions of one of their models which is yet to be launched. Such studies help the company meet the demand of the customer and position their model appropriately in the market.

  • Text analysis: Text analysis method is a little new compared to the other types. Such a method is used to analyse social life by going through images or words used by the individual. In today’s world, with social media playing a major part of everyone’s life, such a method enables the research to follow the pattern that relates to his study.

For example: A lot of companies ask for feedback from the customer in detail mentioning how satisfied are they with their customer support team. Such data enables the researcher to take appropriate decisions to make their support team better.

Sometimes a combination of the methods is also needed for some questions that cannot be answered using only one type of method especially when a researcher needs to gain a complete understanding of complex subject matter.

We recently published a blog that talks about examples of qualitative data in education ; why don’t you check it out for more ideas?

Since empirical research is based on observation and capturing experiences, it is important to plan the steps to conduct the experiment and how to analyse it. This will enable the researcher to resolve problems or obstacles which can occur during the experiment.

Step #1: Define the purpose of the research

This is the step where the researcher has to answer questions like what exactly do I want to find out? What is the problem statement? Are there any issues in terms of the availability of knowledge, data, time or resources. Will this research be more beneficial than what it will cost.

Before going ahead, a researcher has to clearly define his purpose for the research and set up a plan to carry out further tasks.

Step #2 : Supporting theories and relevant literature

The researcher needs to find out if there are theories which can be linked to his research problem . He has to figure out if any theory can help him support his findings. All kind of relevant literature will help the researcher to find if there are others who have researched this before, or what are the problems faced during this research. The researcher will also have to set up assumptions and also find out if there is any history regarding his research problem

Step #3: Creation of Hypothesis and measurement

Before beginning the actual research he needs to provide himself a working hypothesis or guess what will be the probable result. Researcher has to set up variables, decide the environment for the research and find out how can he relate between the variables.

Researcher will also need to define the units of measurements, tolerable degree for errors, and find out if the measurement chosen will be acceptable by others.

Step #4: Methodology, research design and data collection

In this step, the researcher has to define a strategy for conducting his research. He has to set up experiments to collect data which will enable him to propose the hypothesis. The researcher will decide whether he will need experimental or non experimental method for conducting the research. The type of research design will vary depending on the field in which the research is being conducted. Last but not the least, the researcher will have to find out parameters that will affect the validity of the research design. Data collection will need to be done by choosing appropriate samples depending on the research question. To carry out the research, he can use one of the many sampling techniques. Once data collection is complete, researcher will have empirical data which needs to be analysed.

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Step #5: Data Analysis and result

Data analysis can be done in two ways, qualitatively and quantitatively. Researcher will need to find out what qualitative method or quantitative method will be needed or will he need a combination of both. Depending on the unit of analysis of his data, he will know if his hypothesis is supported or rejected. Analyzing this data is the most important part to support his hypothesis.

Step #6: Conclusion

A report will need to be made with the findings of the research. The researcher can give the theories and literature that support his research. He can make suggestions or recommendations for further research on his topic.

Empirical research methodology cycle

A.D. de Groot, a famous dutch psychologist and a chess expert conducted some of the most notable experiments using chess in the 1940’s. During his study, he came up with a cycle which is consistent and now widely used to conduct empirical research. It consists of 5 phases with each phase being as important as the next one. The empirical cycle captures the process of coming up with hypothesis about how certain subjects work or behave and then testing these hypothesis against empirical data in a systematic and rigorous approach. It can be said that it characterizes the deductive approach to science. Following is the empirical cycle.

  • Observation: At this phase an idea is sparked for proposing a hypothesis. During this phase empirical data is gathered using observation. For example: a particular species of flower bloom in a different color only during a specific season.
  • Induction: Inductive reasoning is then carried out to form a general conclusion from the data gathered through observation. For example: As stated above it is observed that the species of flower blooms in a different color during a specific season. A researcher may ask a question “does the temperature in the season cause the color change in the flower?” He can assume that is the case, however it is a mere conjecture and hence an experiment needs to be set up to support this hypothesis. So he tags a few set of flowers kept at a different temperature and observes if they still change the color?
  • Deduction: This phase helps the researcher to deduce a conclusion out of his experiment. This has to be based on logic and rationality to come up with specific unbiased results.For example: In the experiment, if the tagged flowers in a different temperature environment do not change the color then it can be concluded that temperature plays a role in changing the color of the bloom.
  • Testing: This phase involves the researcher to return to empirical methods to put his hypothesis to the test. The researcher now needs to make sense of his data and hence needs to use statistical analysis plans to determine the temperature and bloom color relationship. If the researcher finds out that most flowers bloom a different color when exposed to the certain temperature and the others do not when the temperature is different, he has found support to his hypothesis. Please note this not proof but just a support to his hypothesis.
  • Evaluation: This phase is generally forgotten by most but is an important one to keep gaining knowledge. During this phase the researcher puts forth the data he has collected, the support argument and his conclusion. The researcher also states the limitations for the experiment and his hypothesis and suggests tips for others to pick it up and continue a more in-depth research for others in the future. LEARN MORE: Population vs Sample

LEARN MORE: Population vs Sample

There is a reason why empirical research is one of the most widely used method. There are a few advantages associated with it. Following are a few of them.

  • It is used to authenticate traditional research through various experiments and observations.
  • This research methodology makes the research being conducted more competent and authentic.
  • It enables a researcher understand the dynamic changes that can happen and change his strategy accordingly.
  • The level of control in such a research is high so the researcher can control multiple variables.
  • It plays a vital role in increasing internal validity .

Even though empirical research makes the research more competent and authentic, it does have a few disadvantages. Following are a few of them.

  • Such a research needs patience as it can be very time consuming. The researcher has to collect data from multiple sources and the parameters involved are quite a few, which will lead to a time consuming research.
  • Most of the time, a researcher will need to conduct research at different locations or in different environments, this can lead to an expensive affair.
  • There are a few rules in which experiments can be performed and hence permissions are needed. Many a times, it is very difficult to get certain permissions to carry out different methods of this research.
  • Collection of data can be a problem sometimes, as it has to be collected from a variety of sources through different methods.

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Empirical research is important in today’s world because most people believe in something only that they can see, hear or experience. It is used to validate multiple hypothesis and increase human knowledge and continue doing it to keep advancing in various fields.

For example: Pharmaceutical companies use empirical research to try out a specific drug on controlled groups or random groups to study the effect and cause. This way, they prove certain theories they had proposed for the specific drug. Such research is very important as sometimes it can lead to finding a cure for a disease that has existed for many years. It is useful in science and many other fields like history, social sciences, business, etc.

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With the advancement in today’s world, empirical research has become critical and a norm in many fields to support their hypothesis and gain more knowledge. The methods mentioned above are very useful for carrying out such research. However, a number of new methods will keep coming up as the nature of new investigative questions keeps getting unique or changing.

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Research Approach

In the field of science different researchers may assign different meanings for the team research approach. In some publications you may see that research approach may imply methods of data collection and data analysis in general and differences between qualitative and quantitative methods in particular.

However, in our view research approach is best seen as a general plan and procedure for conducting the study. Accordingly, approach for the research can be divided into three categories:

  • Deductive approach
  • Inductive approach
  • Abductive approach

The relevance of hypotheses to the study is the main distinctive point between deductive and inductive approaches. Deductive approach tests the validity of assumptions (or theories/hypotheses) in hand, whereas inductive approach contributes to the emergence of new theories and generalizations. Abductive research, on the other hand, starts with ‘surprising facts’ or ‘puzzles’ and the research process is devoted their explanation. [1]

The following table illustrates the major differences between deductive, inductive and abductive research approaches in terms of logic, generaliability, use of data and theory. [2]

Differences between deductive, inductive and abductive approaches

Discussion of research approach is a vital part of any scientific study regardless of the research area. Within the methodology chapter of your dissertation, you need to explain the main differences between inductive, deductive and abductive approaches. Also, you need to specify the approach you have adopted for your research by breaking down your arguments into several points.

Let me explain the research approach for a following study:

Effects of labour migration within the EU on the formation of multicultural teams in Dutch private sector organizations

Deductive Approach  

If you have formulated a set of hypotheses for your dissertation that need to be confirmed or rejected during the research process you would be following a deductive approach. In deductive approach, the effects of labour migration within the EU are assessed by developing hypotheses that are tested during the research process.

Dissertations with deductive approach follow the following path:

Research approach

Deductive process in research approach

The following hypotheses can be developed in order to assess the effects of labour migration within the EU on the formation of multicultural teams in Dutch private sector organizations using a deductive approach:

Hypothesis:  Labour migration within the EU contributes to the formation of multicultural teams in Dutch private sector organizations

The whole research process will be devoted to testing this hypothesis. The hypothesis will be proved right or wrong by the end of the research process.

  Inductive Approach

Alternatively, inductive approach does not involve formulation of hypotheses. It starts with research questions and aims and objectives that need to be achieved during the research process.

Inductive studies follow the route below:

Research approach

Inductive process in research approach

Referring to the example above, the effects of labour migration within the EU on the formation of multicultural teams in Dutch private sector organizations can be assessed through finding answers to the following research questions:

Research question: How does labour migration within the EU effect the formation of multicultural teams in Dutch private sector organizations ?

The research process will focus on finding answer to this research question. Answer to the research question to be found by the end of the research process will imply generating a new theory related to the research problem.

Abductive Approach

In abductive approach, the research process is devoted to explanation of ‘incomplete observations’, ‘surprising facts’ or ‘puzzles’ specified at the beginning of the study. Referring to the same research topic, you may observe that labour migration within the EU was actually decreasing the extent of cross-cultural differences within teams in Dutch private sector organizations.

In this case your study can be devoted to the explanation of this phenomenon by using qualitative and/or quantitative methods of data collection and data analysis in an integrated manner.

My e-book,  The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: a step by step assistance  contains discussions of theory and application of research approaches. The e-book also explains all stages of the  research process  starting from the  selection of the research area  to writing personal reflection. Important elements of dissertations such as  research philosophy ,  research design ,  methods of data collection ,  data analysis  and  sampling  are explained in this e-book in simple words.

John Dudovskiy

research approach

[1] Bryman A. & Bell, E. (2015) “Business Research Methods” 4 th  edition, Oxford University Press, p.27

[2] Source: Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2012) “Research Methods for Business Students” 6 th  edition, Pearson Education Limited


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    Apa itu Penelitian? Research basically is a scientific *) investigation, inquiries, or organized activities in order to ... RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MODULE 1 : Introduction 2 By : Ir. Togar Alam Napitupulu, MS., MSc., PhD| Bina Nusantara University metode perancangan sistem dan pengalaman programmer terhadap produktifitas ...

  10. A Comprehensive Guide to Methodology in Research

    Research methodology refers to the system of procedures, techniques, and tools used to carry out a research study. It encompasses the overall approach, including the research design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and the interpretation of findings. Research methodology plays a crucial role in the field of research, as it ...

  11. What is Research Methodology? Definition, Types, and Examples

    0 comment 25. Research methodology 1,2 is a structured and scientific approach used to collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative or qualitative data to answer research questions or test hypotheses. A research methodology is like a plan for carrying out research and helps keep researchers on track by limiting the scope of the research.

  12. APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology

    Part II. Working Across Epistemologies, Methodologies, and Methods. Chapter 12. Mixed Methods Research in Psychology Timothy C. Guetterman and Analay Perez; Chapter 13. The "Cases Within Trials" (CWT) Method: An Example of a Mixed-Methods Research Design Daniel B. Fishman; Chapter 14.

  13. Exploratory Research

    Exploratory research is a methodology approach that investigates research questions that have not previously been studied in depth. Exploratory research is often qualitative and primary in nature. However, a study with a large sample conducted in an exploratory manner can be quantitative as well. It is also often referred to as interpretive ...

  14. PDF APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology

    Dr. Cooper s research interests follow two paths: The rst concerns research synthesis and research methodology. His book, Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis: A Step-by-Step Approach (2010) is in its fourth edition. He is the coeditor of the Handbook of Research Synthe - sis and Meta-Analysis (2nd ed., 2009).

  15. PDF Methodology: What It Is and Why It Is So Important

    components of methodology one could add. For example, the historical roots of science and science and social policy are legitimate topics that could be covered as well. Yet, in developing an appreciation for methodology and the skills involved in many of the key facets of actually conducting research, the five will suffice.

  16. Empirical Research: Definition, Methods, Types and Examples

    Types and methodologies of empirical research. Empirical research can be conducted and analysed using qualitative or quantitative methods. Quantitative research: Quantitative research methods are used to gather information through numerical data. It is used to quantify opinions, behaviors or other defined variables.

  17. Metodologi

    Metodologi tidak ditetapkan untuk memberikan penyelesaian-oleh itu, tidak sama dengan kaedah. Sebaliknya, metodologi menawarkan asas teori untuk memahami kaedah, set kaedah, atau amalan terbaik yang boleh digunakan untuk kes tertentu, contohnya, untuk mengira hasil tertentu. Ia telah ditakrifkan juga seperti berikut: "kajian atau perihalan kaedah".

  18. Research

    Correlation Research Method . Non-empirical research. Non-empirical (theoretical) research is an approach that involves the development of theory as opposed to using observation and experimentation. As such, non-empirical research seeks solutions to problems using existing knowledge as its source. This, however, does not mean that new ideas and ...

  19. PDF APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology

    APA Handbook of the Psychology of Women two volumes Cheryl B. Travis and Jacquelyn W. White, Editors-in-Chief APA Handbook of Psychopathology two volumes James N. Butcher, Editor-in-Chief APA Handbook of Psychopharmacology one volume Suzette M. Evans, Editor-in-Chief APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Second Edition three volumes

  20. Research Approach

    Accordingly, approach for the research can be divided into three categories: Deductive approach. Inductive approach. Abductive approach. The relevance of hypotheses to the study is the main distinctive point between deductive and inductive approaches. Deductive approach tests the validity of assumptions (or theories/hypotheses) in hand, whereas ...

  21. (PDF) RESEARCH METHOD (Indonesia)

    This research method is about methods that used to identify problems until developing the idea. It starts with observation, literature review and in-depth interview to identify the problems. For ...

  22. Research Objectives

    Example: Research objectives. To assess the relationship between sedentary habits and muscle atrophy among the participants. To determine the impact of dietary factors, particularly protein consumption, on the muscular health of the participants. To determine the effect of physical activity on the participants' muscular health.

  23. (PDF) Research Methodology

    A research approach is a plan of action that gives direction to conduct research. systematically and efficientl y. There are three main research approaches as (Creswell 2009): i) quantitative ...