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Textbroker is the proven content writing service provider to outsource your written content quickly and easily. Always get the exact content you need.



Let Textbroker take care of it! As the pioneer among content writing services, we offer flexible solutions for content creation.

Whether you need captivating blog posts, straightforward product descriptions or snappy advertising copy – our online writing platform has thousands of reliable, verified US authors who write articles that are optimized for search engines.


Which Textbroker service suits your project and budget?

Step 1: What kind of content do you need?


Topics with almost no need of explanation and little required research.


Topics that need explanation and a high level of research.


A native writer in the language of your choosing will write or translate your content.

  • Product descriptions (e.g. men’s blue button-up sweater, Monopoly)
  • Category descriptions (e.g. fashion, Children’s Board Games)
  • Social-media-posts (e.g. event-announcement)
  • News (e.g. sports, current events)
  • Blogs on everyday topics (e.g. travel, home decor)
  • Articles/Whitepapers (e.g. law or finance)
  • eBooks (e.g. digital marketing)
  • Case studies (e.g. website programming)
  • Press releases (e.g. company update)
  • Blogs on specialized topics (e.g. cloud computing)

A native writer in the language of your choice will write or translate your content.

  • Unique content writing in 36 languages
  • Translations available in all languages
  • Localization of your content

Step 2: What are your expectations regarding spelling, language style and price?

I accept mistakes in spelling, grammar and expression in favor of a lower price.

I need content with good expression, spelling and grammar at a reasonable price.


I require publish-ready content, and understand the pricing will reflect this.

Textbroker regularly evaluates the writing skills of every author and assigns them a quality level between 3 and 5 stars . The quality rating applied to every piece of content is based on factors including spelling, grammar and style . We do not evaluate authors‘ professional expertise.

If you prefer to order content at a lower rate, you must take into account the possible errors in spelling, grammar and style.

From a 3-star author , you can expect an article comparable to the one below.


  • Quality level:

BoDaS: The Practical and Elegant Men’s Sock

No longer are men confined to the run-of-the-mill socks in either dark shades or white. Socks have come into their own as clothing accessories that speak to different styles and personalities. Socks are trendy and now worn for both their comfort and their statement value. Women who want their men to be fashionably coordinated in their total look are giving their favorite guys our BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks . Our customers appreciate the high quality of BoDaS socks and know they are that personalized, special beginning piece that every man’s wardrobe requires.

Unless you are at the beach or in a pool where bare feet are expected, socks are worn for comfort and to keep your feet dry and protected from potential blisters caused by bare ankles and toes rubbing against the backs and insides of your shoes. We wanted our socks to be the ultimate in comfort, to be breathable, to hold their shape and to be fashionable for both contemporary and trendy personalities. We also wanted our socks to give men a full spectrum of choices.

We did our research, and the best results were incorporated into our collection of BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks that will meet and exceed the footwear expectations of men everywhere. BoDaS stands for Bold, Daring and Strong, and we’re committed to providing this in both quality and style.

What Makes BoDaS Socks So Special?

BoDaS socks are available in a wide assortment of styles to accommodate everyday and special needs.

  • Athletic Socks: Our comfortable performance socks have moisture-repelling properties, and they are breathable, non-slip and available in a variety of materials and thickness to keep feet warm in cold temperatures and cool in warmer climates. The selections are low-cut ankle socks, crew-length socks, soft cotton tube socks and skiing socks.
  • Mid-Calf Socks: Whether worn as casual wear or when getting a bit more dressed up, this sock length is the mainstay of every man’s ensemble. Our high-quality mid-calf socks can be worn with just about every shoe style. They come in a full range of basic and bold colors, patterns, designs, materials and thickness and are designed to match your personality, mood or occasion. They are non-slip, breathable, sweat-repellent and very comfortable.
  • Over-the-Calf Socks: These full-length knee socks are designed to keep your socks from dropping down and to prevent your skin from showing when the pant legs rise up. Our over-the-calf socks are made to last and to provide a compression quality to help support leg circulation.


Are you a fan of bright, bold and daring colors that let your personality shine? BoDaS has what you are looking for, in a rainbow of colors and patterns. Do you need to be more traditional for high-power occasions? We have the socks for those moments too. Do you want that unique pair of socks that will both gain attention and become a conversation starter? Look no further than BoDaS for your novelty socks that will fit seamlessly into your whole outfit.


BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks are created with an array of materials with the goal of providing comfort and performance.

  • Cotton and Cotton Blends: Our cozy cotton socks are feet-friendly. They are lightweight, non-slip, durable, absorbent, breathable and cool.
  • Wool and Wool Blends: BoDaS wool socks are non-slip, breathable and moisture-repelling. They will also keep your feet warm in cold weather and cool in warm climates.
  • Silk and Silk Blends: Our silk socks are excellent for formal occasions and black-tie events. They are non-slip and give your feet a feeling of walking in luxury. The silk and wool blend adds warmth for colder weather while the silk and synthetic blends provide strength and durability.
  • Synthetic Blends: BoDaS lightweight socks combine synthetic and natural materials for comfortable, non-slip and lasting socks that you’ll be proud to wear.

Do you prefer content that has a balanced ratio of style and grammar for a good price?

You can expect an article comparable to the one below from our 4-star authors .


Stay Healthy Through Autumn and Winter: Home Remedies Against Colds

The common cold is just that: common. Around the world, adults and children alike can expect to struggle with a cold at least once each year. While no one is immune to all colds, there are a number of ways to protect yourself against colds, boost your immune system, and fight off colds quickly.

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season

At times, it might feel as if you are doing everything right, yet you still come down with a cold or the flu. There are certainly some risk factors , such as working with children, that will increase the likelihood of catching a cold. However, there are also a number of lifestyle and behavior changes that can decrease your chance of having a cold this season.

Keep Your Hands Clean: By some estimates, adults touch their faces up to 3,000 times per day! Touching your eyes, mouth, or nose means you are increasing your risk of spreading germs. To ensure that your hands are clean, make it a habit to wash your hands at every possible opportunity. For those times when it might not be convenient to wash your hands with soap and hot water, carry hand sanitizer instead.

Avoid Those Who are Already Sick: When someone you care about is under the weather, it is normal to want to reach out and help them. However, be wary of spending a lot of time with those who are already sick. Encourage friends and colleagues to stay at home if they are feeling unwell. Instead of spending time with a friend who has a cold, drop off some soup at the door and pick up the phone for a quick chat instead.

Ditch Your Cloth Bag: Many people carry around a bag or a purse with them on a regular basis, but not everyone takes time to clean that bag. Since cloth bags can collect germs and encourage the spread of viruses, a better option is to invest in a vinyl or leather bag. These materials can be wiped down with ease and kept clean, reducing your exposure to unwanted germs during cold and flu season.

Steer Clear of Communal Foods: Sharing is caring, but not when it comes to food and drink during cold season. Skip the communal tapas platter or the shared appetizers at your next dinner party and stick to your own plate. While you can control your own hygiene habits, you can’t always tell who else might be coming down with a cold or who simply didn’t wash their hands before sitting down to dinner.

Boost Your Immune System to Fight Off Viruses

In some cases, there is no way to avoid coming in contact with someone who has a cold or the flu. Fortunately, there are ways to strengthen your immune system so that you can avoid viruses. Many different lifestyle factors can impact a person’s immune system, and each of the following tips can play a role in improving your immune health.

Stay Active: It is no surprise that exercise offers several health benefits. While extreme endurance sports may have a negative impact on immunity, regular, everyday exercise can go a long way in boosting your resistance to illness. Whether you enjoy walking in the morning or hitting the gym after work, regular activity could be a key to your health throughout the cold and flu season.

Eat a Healthy Diet: To operate at the highest level, your immune system needs to be fueled properly. Although vitamins and supplements can certainly help, the best foundation is a healthy, nutritious and varied diet. Ideally, you should enjoy foods that contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If you have a deficiency in certain micronutrients, such as zinc or Vitamin C, you may be more susceptible to colds. Therefore, eating a nutritious diet can go a long way in boosting your immune system and protecting you from any colds going around.

Stop Smoking: There is a direct link between smoking cigarettes and being able to fight off infectious diseases. Smokers are more likely to be susceptible to colds, and they may also experience cold symptoms for longer. To greatly improve your immune system’s strength, reducing or minimizing the consumption of cigarettes is key. In addition, those who do not smoke may want to take care to avoid secondhand smoke, which can pose some of the same problems for the immune system.

Minimize Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol can have a tremendous and negative impact on the strength of the immune system. The microbes in your gut are part of the body’s defense against bacteria, but the consumption of alcohol can damage the lining of the intestines and make it easier for bacteria to enter the digestive system. While regular alcohol consumption can be a problem, binge drinking may be even worse. During cold and flu season, reducing your alcohol consumption can be one way to avoid risk and stay healthy.

Get Enough Sleep: Routinely skipping out on sleep could have a disastrous impact on your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds. When you sleep, your body produces cytokines, a type of protein that can be used to fight back against inflammation or infection. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body is not able to manufacture enough of those cytokines to keep your immune system working. Catching up on sleep and sticking to a regular sleep schedule may be the easiest way to reduce your chance of catching a cold this season.

Aim to Reduce Lifestyle Stress: The immune system is a complicated system of the body, and it can react to many different sources of stress. Even if you eat well, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, and even get plenty of sleep, you can still decrease the strength of your immune system if you experience high levels of stress. Activities like meditation, reading, or any other form of stress relief could boost your immune system and help you resist everything from the common cold all the way up to more severe illnesses.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Colds in Less Time

Even if you enact all of the suggestions listed above, there is still the possibility that you might come down with a cold. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that could help to treat an infection and get rid of a cold in less time.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of a cold. At the same time, it can be challenging to drink enough fluids when you are feeling unwell. Staying hydrated is vital, so it needs to be a priority. While plain water is a great place to start, it may also be necessary to ingest calories or salt to boost hydration and increase energy levels. A glass of orange juice can provide some much-needed energy along with some Vitamin C, while a cup of broth can deliver salt as well as hydration. Warm fluids can do double duty as a way to stay hydrated and a way to loosen congestion and make it easier to breathe despite a stuffy nose.

Get Plenty of Rest: Above all else, it is important to rest when you have a cold. Although you might be tempted to get to work or keep up with your regular routine, doing everyday activities when you are under the weather will only prolong recovery. Allow your body to use its energy for healing and take time to rest. This is a great opportunity to take a nap or watch a movie. If you must get tasks done, stick to those jobs that are critical and delegate or postpone everything else.

Try Gargling:</b Having a cold can also mean a scratchy or sore throat. This might lead to discomfort, and it might prevent you from drinking fluids and staying hydrated. Gargling with a mixture of warm salt water can temporarily relieve a sore throat. Gargling warm salt water can be done safely up to six times per day.

Increase Humidity in Your Environment: Dry air can worsen the symptoms of your cold, and it can also decrease your comfort throughout your recovery. To increase comfort and make it easier to breathe through blocked nasal passages, use a humidifier to quickly add moisture to the air. Another way to increase humidity is to run a hot shower and make the most of the steam created as a result.

Use an Extra Pillow: Since you’ll be getting plenty of extra rest when you’re struggling through a cold, make sure to add an extra pillow to your bed at night. That little extra bit of elevation can relieve uncomfortably blocked nasal passages, allowing you to breath better and sleep through the night. The right position will drain your sinuses and improve your sleep, helping your body to recover faster at the same time.

Each of these home remedies can play a part in keeping you healthy. Even during the cold and flu season, those who are able to boost their immune system have a fighting chance at avoiding illness.

Do you prefer an article that is publish-ready and written with the ideal style and tone? Is quality more important than price?

If so, you can expect an article comparable to the one below from our 4-star or 5-star authors .


Quality level: to

Cryptocurrencies: Are they the investment of the future?

The rise of cryptocurrencies over the past decade promises to transform the payments landscape. Since the release of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin , in 2009, more than 6,000 alternatives have been created . Unlike other mediums of exchange, cryptocurrencies rely on decentralized controls using distributed ledger technology . Trusted third parties are not involved in the transaction processes. Cryptocurrencies are borderless digital forms of currency that are not controlled by governments . These digital currencies can be valuable investments, but investors should be aware that they are highly volatile.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that is used as a medium of exchange . Unlike fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies do not have centralized controls. Instead, they are decentralized, with each user of an exchange having control over his or her wallet. Cryptocurrencies have seven key characteristics , including the following:

  • Digital forms of payment
  • Use of a decentralized network
  • Peer-to-peer transactions only
  • No involvement of trusted third parties
  • No personal information has to be given
  • Cryptography with each user having his or her private code to access his or her wallets

Unlike fiat currencies, which are the individual, physical currencies used in different countries, cryptocurrencies are entirely digital and only exist online . They use a decentralized network comprised of all of the individual users of an exchange. These currencies use distributed ledger technology to remove the need for the involvement of trusted third parties . The most widely used distributed ledger technology is blockchain technology , which is a database that contains the history of all of the transactions that have ever occurred with a cryptocurrency. The data on the blockchain cannot be altered and can be seen by everyone on the exchange.

Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to secure their exchanges and the transactions that occur. The users do not have to provide personal information , and they use private codes to access their wallets . Because of the pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrencies, it is crucial for investors who own Bitcoin or an alternative coin to closely guard their private codes. The only way that they can access their holdings is to use their codes, and it is impossible to prove that they own cryptocurrencies without their codes .

When a user wishes to make a transaction, the request to send bitcoin or altcoin is submitted to the decentralized network or announced. Individual nodes called miners take the transaction information and encrypt it in a process called hashing while adding additional transaction information and hashing that as well until enough information exists to form a block . The miners then work to solve cryptography puzzles to elucidate the encrypted code of the block. The first miner who can figure out the code will be able to add the block to the cryptocurrency’s blockchain, and he or she will receive a reward.

Once a new block is added to the blockchain, the other nodes on the network will verify it. The entire blockchain for the cryptocurrency will be checked to ensure that the information matches. Once the block is verified through a process called consensus , it will be validated and confirmed so that the miner will be allowed to add the block to the blockchain. The transaction will then be completed, and the recipient will receive the cryptocurrency that was sent by the sender.

A person cannot physically hold a cryptocurrency. Instead, it exists on the blockchain. People have public keys that they can give to others to send them cryptocurrency. They also have private keys that they can use to access the cryptocurrencies that they own. The private and public keys are stored in wallets, which can either exist as digital wallets online or offline on paper or a hard drive. The person who has the private and public keys owns the cryptocurrency, making it crucial for people to take steps to protect this information.

What are the advantages of cryptocurrencies as a payment system?

Cryptocurrencies offer several advantages as a payment system over fiat currencies. Moving a fiat currency across the world is more difficult because of the various exchange rates and governmental and banking regulations. Since cryptocurrencies are global , they are simple to send and receive across borders without requiring approval from external authorities or sources. The peer-to-peer focus of cryptocurrency exchanges removes the need for trusted third parties to verify and approve transactions.

Cryptocurrency transactions are much more discrete than other types of transactions. Since they are pseudonymous, a user’s transactions with cryptocurrency are not readily associated with his or her identity. While cryptocurrency transactions are not truly untraceable, they are much more difficult to link to an individual than traditional types of transactions are .

A major benefit of cryptocurrencies is the greater autonomy that they afford to people. Users have a much greater level of control over their money and how they spend it since there is no intermediary authority such as a government or bank in control of cryptocurrency exchanges.

Cryptocurrencies are also not subject to many of the types of banking fees that are inherent with fiat currencies and traditional banking systems. While there may be occasional fees for sending or receiving cryptocurrency, there are no minimum account balances, account maintenance fees, overdraft charges, or returned deposit fees associated with cryptocurrencies. International payments using cryptocurrencies are much cheaper than sending money by wire. Since the transactions occur quickly , there also are no lengthy weights for bank authorizations on international transfers of cryptocurrencies.

One great promise of cryptocurrencies as a payment system is its ability to provide access to money to people wherever the internet is available . People who live in areas without access to traditional banking systems may participate in cryptocurrency exchanges. Women in countries that don’t allow them to open bank accounts can have greater control over their money with cryptocurrency exchanges.

Overview of common cryptocurrencies

After Bitcoin’s creation and subsequent success, many other cryptocurrencies have been created and released. While there are thousands of these altcoins , a few have emerged that are more common than others.

Bitcoin (BTC) was the first cryptocurrency and was released in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto , an unknown person or group of people. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Bitcoin had a market cap of $177.5 billion and was trading at $9,753.11 for one Bitcoin.

Ethereum (ETH) is an altcoin that offers a software platform from which developers can build and run decentralized applications and smart contracts without concerns about fraud, control, or downtime. Ether is the token offered by Ethereum. This cryptocurrency was launched in 2015 and is now the second-largest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin . As of Feb.6, 2020, it had a market cap of $23.3 billion and was trading at $213.05.

Litecoin (LTC) was launched in 2011 by Charlie Lee , a graduate of MIT. It is similar to Bitcoin but offers a faster confirmation process because of its quicker rate of block generation. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Litecoin had a market cap of $4.7 billion and was trading at $73.22.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created in 2017 as a hard fork from the original Bitcoin . A hard fork occurs when a disagreement arises between the coders and miners. In the case of Bitcoin Cash, its creation arose out of an argument about the size of the blocks allowed by Bitcoin. The proponents of Bitcoin Cash wanted to make the blocks larger to make the transaction process faster. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Bitcoin Cash had a market cap of $8.0 billion and was trading at $439.08.

Libra (LIBRA) is the much-hyped digital currency that Facebook has yet to launch as of Feb. 2020 . On June 18, 2019, Facebook released a whitepaper on Libra. This digital currency is planned for launch later in 2020. With Facebook’s massive global reach, Libra will likely garner substantial attention because of the potential for large exchanges on its platform.

In addition to these common cryptocurrencies, there are thousands of others. Investors should conduct due diligence and thoroughly investigate any cryptocurrencies before investing money because of their high degree of volatility .

Criticism of cryptocurrencies

Governments and taxing authorities around the world have had some strong criticisms of cryptocurrencies. Since they are relatively anonymous, governments worry that they could be used for money laundering and illicit trade .

A few countries ban cryptocurrencies , while most have some type of regulatory scheme to address and tax profits made from cryptocurrencies. In the U.S., cryptocurrency profits are taxed at the capital gains tax rate, which starts at 15%.

As an investment, cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility . Investors who fail to conduct due diligence before investing in cryptocurrencies could sustain substantial losses. Like other high-risk investments, investing in cryptocurrencies should not be viewed as a get-rich-quick scheme. Individuals should take the time necessary to learn about cryptocurrency and to thoroughly research any altcoin that they might be considering before getting into the digital currency market.

A big problem with cryptocurrencies can occur when someone dies. If the person has cryptocurrency holdings, those holdings may be lost if no one else has access to his or her private and public keys. Some cryptocurrency owners are wary of giving these numbers to anyone. However, if they have not made arrangements for the keys to be passed on to their intended beneficiaries, their holdings will vanish when they die. A solution to this issue is to draft a will. Some people are concerned about providing their lawyers with their keys, but including cryptocurrencies in estate planning is important for ensuring that their loved ones will have access to them after they pass away.

Outlook on cryptocurrencies: Where is the journey headed?

While cryptocurrencies occupy a small space in the financial marketplace, they are unlikely to go away. Following a meteoric rise in 2017 and a large crash in 2018, cryptocurrencies had a relatively quiet year in 2019. Various cryptocurrencies have been unstable assets. However, many tech and financial industry experts believe that cryptocurrencies are disruptive and transformative , making it likely for them to change the banking and payments landscape in the future .

Bitcoin and altcoins have experienced tremendous volatility as investment assets, however, they could become more stable with greater acceptance . Many transactions are increasingly occurring online, including banking and payment functions. The availability of cryptocurrencies as a safe, decentralized option for payments could help to move them more into the mainstream. The key to whether to invest in cryptocurrencies depends on an investor’s understanding and acceptance of blockchain technology and his or her willingness to conduct the necessary research before getting into the market. As with any other type of investment, people should make certain that they are diversified to protect themselves when they invest in cryptocurrencies.

Step 3: How many articles do you need?


article writing services

Top rankings on Google typically have larger word counts!

Determine the number of articles you need.

How many words should each of your articles have?

article writing services

Determine the number of words per article.

The number of words for your content should depend on the genre, content type and topic. The relevance for the user should always be focused. The aim should be to inform the reader comprehensively. The word count can influence search engine rankings, and the current trend is towards longer, more in-depth articles.

Some recommendations on the word count for your article:

  • Blog article starting at 2,000 words
  • Product description starting at 500 words
  • Category description starting at 500 words
  • Press release starting at 800 words
  • In-depth article starting at 2,000 words
  • Buying guide starting at 1,300 words
  • Advertising text starting at 500 words
  • Landing page content starting at 800 words

Our recommendations and costs for your content order:



  • Starting at:
  • Total price starting at:


  • AI-powered translations polished by certified language professionals

We’ll handle your entire project for you.


  • Request a custom quote starting at an order value of $ 2,500.

We write unique content in any language.

  • Request a custom quote. Minimum order of $1,000.

In Self-Service, you manage your orders yourself and process them via our user-friendly platform.

With DirectOrders , you place an order directly with the author of your choice . You can choose an author based on his or her special expertise or linguistic talent.

You negotiate the delivery date and price for your article individually with the author.

The minimum price for a DirectOrder is 3.4 cents per word , which we’ve used to calculated the shown pricing. However, authors set their own price per word, which is viewable on their profile, so the final price may be higher .

In OpenOrders , an author of your chosen quality level writes your order.

You have no influence over which author writes your order. However, by choosing the quality level you ensure that the author meets the respective Textbroker quality standard for spelling and grammar. In addition, your content is written at the fixed price per word of the respective quality level .

Our OpenOrder prices are based on the quality level of the author. You can find an overview of our pricing HERE .

With TeamOrders, you select several authors exclusively for your own team. You can select the authors based on their expertise or linguistic talent and combine them into a group. You then make your orders exclusively available to this selected group of authors.

TeamOrders are recommended if you have many orders on a specific topic , and if you want to ensure that your articles are written quickly.

You determine the conditions and the pricing of your team. The minimum price for TeamOrders is 3.5 cents per word , which we’ve used to calculate the shown pricing.

Our recommendation: Higher word prices increase the interest of the authors and encourages them to complete your orders quickly.

In Self-Service, you manage your translation orders yourself and process them via our user-friendly platform.

With TranslationOrder, you can have us translate your desired article into any of the available languages at a great price. You can order Western languages for just 6.5 cents per word and Asian / Nordic languages for only 8.5 cents per word.

Simply select our TranslationOrder to receive an AI-powered translation that has been checked and fine-tuned by a certified translator.

In our calculator, 6.5 cents/word was used as the basis for calculating the final price.

With our Managed-Service, we handle the entire content creation process up to the delivery of the finished, publish-ready content in the desired format.

We guarantee fixed delivery dates for your final content so you know your orders will be completed on time.

In addition, you will have a dedicated Account Manager to work with on an ongoing basis. This allows you to be hands-off and worry-free.

A minimum order of $ 2,500 is required for Managed-Services. We calculate the final price for your Managed-Service project based on your requirements and provide you with a custom, no-obligation quote .

With our Translation Service , your content can be translated by qualified authors in any language of your choosing.

Alternatively, native speakers can create unique content in 36 languages . Localization of your existing content is also possible.

A minimum order of $ 1,000 is required for a project with our Translation Service. We calculate the final price for your project based on your requirements and provide you with a custom, no-obligation quote .

Once you have placed your order, we handle the rest of the process and deliver the completed content in the language of your choice to you.


Get content quickly.

There is always a suitable writer for hire among the many creative members on our platform. Cumbersome author searches and missed deadlines for your content projects are things of the past. Our content writing service saves you time and allows you to concentrate fully on your most important tasks.


Our authors have expertise in a wide variety of fields. Whether it’s travel, health or cryptocurrencies, Textbroker can provide any type of written content. Among our authors, there is definitely someone with experience in your subject.


Control all costs of your written content order.

There is no monthly fee at Textbroker. You determine the quality and length of written articles and only pay for what you order. Take a look at our pricing page .


Your entire content order is processed via our easy-to-use platform – from your author briefing to the export into your content management system. You don’t have to write an invoice for every single author anymore! We take care of the billing.


Easily add your target keywords to our order dashboard. You can also rely on our plagiarism check. Tools like these will provide you with unique and optimized copy that search engines reward with better rankings.



We are your go-to content writing service. let us prove it..

Over 80,000 clients worldwide have already processed more than 10 million content orders via our content writing platform. Check out our case studies and list of clients to learn about how we support our clients all over the world with custom content.

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article writing services

The 7 Best Article Writing Services

article writing services

  • By Madeline Hogan
  • January 21, 2022 January 12, 2024
  • Recent Posts

Madeline Hogan

  • Copy AI vs. Jasper [2024] - March 14, 2023
  • 11 Best AI Marketing Tools [2024] - January 30, 2023
  • Jasper vs. Rytr [2024 Showdown] - December 21, 2022

For many business professionals, writing articles that will rank on Google can be tedious. The hours spent researching, writing, and editing can make the entire process feel sort of like a chore.

But the alternative is spending a bunch of money on PPC ads or acquiring no customers at all!

Neither of those is a good option.

As such, article writing services have emerged to help businesses harness the power of content at scale — without the headache.

Try GrowthBar’s free AI writing tool .

What is a blog writing service?

A blog or article writing service is a service that helps you expedite your article writing output to support your SEO goals. 

Producing content from scratch can be an expensive and time-consuming process. From coming up with an idea or the right keywords to producing thousands of words, it can take hours—even days!—depending on the level of research and editing required, not to mention publishing time.

Article writing services are organizations that provide for-hire writing, editing, and content generation . Basically, you let them know what type of content you want–from social media posts to long-form content –what you want it to be about, and any other details they request or you require. That company then writes articles to your specifications and brand guidelines.

Once you review and accept the content (or request revisions if you have them) you can publish the post right on your site. You’ll most likely have to spend some time editing to create a consistent voice in your posts, but the more exact your content briefs are–and the better the article writing service is–the less time this will take, and the more time (and stress) you can save.

Also read : How to Create A+ Content Briefs

What to look for in an article writing service

What are the important things to look out for when outsourcing content creation to a writing service?

  • Quality is most important. Even the cheapest blog writing service isn’t worth it if what you get isn’t publishable and takes a lot of time and work to rewrite.
  • You need to think about pricing too. Is the service within your marketing budget? 
  • Speed: how quickly can you get the content you need? Do you need one quick blog post or consistent pieces for your blog?
  • Ease of use . How do you select a writer? Is it straightforward to submit content briefs? Tracking your current and past orders?
  • Expertise: Do writers follow SEO best practices? Are they experts in finance, marine biology, or whatever service you provide? The primary goal of Google (and other search engines) is to accurately answer the question you’re searching for. This has led to an increasing priority placed on E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) as a ranking factor. Therefore, to rank a site or article well on Google , you need content that is relevant to what individuals are searching for and authority and expertise in the subject area. This means you’ll want writers that know the intricacies of the niche you work in.
  • Additional options : Do you want a content creation platform with WordPress plugins? One that does all content creation, from strategy to keyword research, to publishing? Is a content generator a better path for you?

Blog writing and content creation platforms vary in what they offer, and some features may be more important to you than others. This is why we’re covering the best article-writing service options today.

Dominate Your Niche With GrowthBar

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Table of Contents

Top 7 Article Writing Services

1. growth marketing pro agency.

article writing services

Growth Marketing Pro Agency or, GMP Agency is the leader in high-quality SEO-optimized blog content. Their team has years of experience and several of their editors and writers boast Ivy League degrees. As such, hundreds of businesses have outsourced their content operation to GMP, including startups like Cube, Minted, Spekit, and public companies.

How it Works : Each business GMP works with gets a full SEO audit to start, then a prescribed content and link-building strategy that GMP executes over 6+ months. GMP Agency handles everything from content strategy to writing, editing, and posting on your blog or site. Plus, they provide ongoing analytics support to optimize your content for conversions for your business.

Cost : GMP Agency costs between $5,000 and $8,000/month for between 6 and 12 blog posts plus linkbuilding for SEO. Contact them for pricing and a free strategy call.

article writing services

Draft (formerly ContentFly) is an online content creation platform for SEO blog posts, social posts, email copy, and more. Blog posts are SEO-optimized and cover a wide range of industries and topic niches.

How it Works : You submit a request for content and then Draft sources the writers and creates the piece. Then you receive it via email with sourced, royalty-free images and original research. This is probably the best option for companies who have an SEO strategy but just need some help executing it.

Cost: Pricing ranges between 2,000 words at $400/month and 32,000 words at $6,400/month — there are discounts with volume. Plus, all pricing tiers have annual discounts. If you need to go over the word amounts, it’s an extra 12 cents a word.

3. TextBroker

article writing services

Textbroker’s online content creation platform has thousands of US authors who write articles specifically optimized for search engines and keywords of your choice.

How it Works: You choose an open order, direct order, or team order. Open orders mean your order is completed by any available writer after choosing quality and price. With direct orders, you commission an author of choice to write your content, and with team orders, you choose a team of writers on the platform to do all of your content writing.

Cost: You sign up for free to use the Textbroker platform, and then pay for content. For Open Orders, the price ranges from 1.5 cents a word to 7.2 cents a word depending on the quality of work, with a $0.40 processing fee per order. All Direct Orders and Team Orders start at 2.7 cents a word. 

For example, if you want 100 words for 1-star quality, you can get that for $1.90, plus the processing fee. But if you want 12,000 words at 5-star quality, that will get you up to $860.40.

Upwork is an online platform that connects professionals to work on projects from app development to SEO, social media marketing, content writing, graphic design, admin help and thousands of others.

How it Works : You create a free account, and then post a blog writing job with your requirements. You’ll then receive proposals from potential writers and determine the best match using their AI service, reviews, portfolios, and the prices they bid.

You then collaborate and provide feedback directly on the UpWork platform, and your payment goes through once the article is approved. If you don’t want to search for the writers yourself, you can use their “talent scout” services, who will do that for you.

Cost : Pricing depends on the writer and what they bid. It can be an hourly or fixed price. On hourly contracts, they count keystrokes and take screenshots of the freelancer’s screen for time stamps. On fixed price contracts, you agree on milestones and only pay up when those milestones are hit.

5. Scripted

scripted logo

Scripted is a freelance writer marketplace that’s on the higher end of the price range that provides writers that can create a variety of content, from blog posts to social media posts to product descriptions and content tune-ups.

How it Works : You decide what content you need, provide your content brief, and then either select your writer or allow Scripted to select one for you. You can request revisions before paying for the work, and edit the piece right on the platform.

Cost: Pricier than most blog writing services, Scripted memberships range from $124 per month , up to $999 for the “ Cruise Control ” package. 

6. Writer Access

article writing services

At Writer Access , you pay a membership fee to access the platform’s freelancers and different tiers of features and tools.  You can then use their advanced search and AI Matcher that uses text analysis of any sample you provide to choose a writer.

Depending on your plan, they also offer SEO integrations, design integration, image libraries (for an extra cost), and various marketplaces for writers, designers, and additional content creator needs. 

How it Works: After choosing a subscription, you find writers through Writer Access’ advanced search, order your project, and manage the workflow all on their platform. Revisions are unlimited.

Cost: You pay a monthly fee to access the platform, and then pay content fees when you place orders for freelance writers priced by project or by word. Basic costs $39/month, Pro $59/month, and Premium $99/month.

article writing services

Verblio is a subscription blog writing service that writes posts for content marketing and SEO. The platform handles the logistics of working with the freelancers, and you provide edits and feedback. 

How it Works: When you make an account, you explain your audience, voice, and provide writing samples. Then for each content piece needed, you include a title, description, CTAs, keywords and details, and set a priority or assign a deadline.

Verblio chooses a writer and sends you the piece to review, which you accept, decline, or request edits as needed. Plus, if you’re not pleased with the work, you can get free content from a new writer. WordPress and Hubspot integrations are also available.

Cost: You pay a subscription for site access, and then pay for content. You can choose a monthly plan from 300 to 2,000 words/piece, at $35 a piece and $360 a piece respectively, as well as how many pieces you need each month.

So, if you want one 1,000 blog posts per week every month, you’d end up at $480/month.  You can also choose extra plans, such as images, search engine optimizations, and account management. 

Benefits of using content writing services

What are the advantages of hiring blog writing services? 

Growing your SEO-driven blog with proper, quality, fast content creation is one of the best ways to build your business and see a profit. If you blog two times a week for three months (about 20 posts) about a topic you know very well, you can create a blog audience large enough to engage users, build a community, sell products, and make a profit.

If you can master SEO and make articles rank on Google at will, you’re going to be able to build a repeatable and profitable business. And a huge piece of this puzzle is accelerating your writing and publishing output.

Sure, you’ll still need to read, edit, and add your own voice and style to the content. But the primary benefit of using blog writing services is the time they save. 

Beat Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is a real issue that can slow content production. Though with article writing services you still need to provide content ideas, no more staring at a blank page trying to get started! 

Reduce Costs

To build a business from your blog, great, consistent content is necessary. But, it may not be your strong suit, or it’s better for you to focus on other aspects of your business.

In that case, investing in content can be cost-effective because your time can be spent elsewhere, and you’ll get quality content from experts who enjoy the researching and writing process (speaking from experience).

Plus, full-service firms like GrowthBar will help you with your content strategy as well — meaning you’ll spend less time on content that doesn’t convert.

How to Get the Most Out of Article Writing Services

  • Write amazing content briefs . Before you choose a blog writing service, spend time on your SEO requirements, so the service knows which keywords you want to rank for, and the best practices you expect. And though most blog writing services write specifically for search engine optimization, understanding the ins & outs of writing a search-engine optimized blog post yourself is invaluable when growing a blog. Need help creating your content briefs? Check out our how-to guide here. 
  • Make sure it fits your budget. If it’s going to have that cost-effective benefit, you need to choose a blog writing service that fits your budget. Creating content is important to any business plan, but it’s supposed to boost profits, not hurt them.
  • Find writers you love . Content creation services can pair you with writers with all different backgrounds, experiences, and education. Once you work with a couple of writers you love, you can request these writers in the future, even though it might cost a bit more. The more experience they have writing for your business, the better their writing will get, and you’ll receive exponentially great content. 
  • Know your business . This sounds obvious but it’s an important step, especially if your blog or business is relatively new. Though you can edit and revise as needed, planning your content topics (like with SEO content clusters ), having outlines ready, and knowing the “voice” of your blog is very helpful. This goes back to “EAT”ing: If you’re writing about medical or financial topics, you’re in a special category of search Google calls YMYL (your money, your life). This means that Google scrutinizes this sort of content to the highest degree. Make sure to enlist writers who have experience in this type of content. +1 if you can find field experts like doctors or financiers.


Using a content creation company like any of the blog writing services listed here will help you accelerate your writing output and see your blog and website visitors grow. Just make sure to outline your articles with your SEO requirements, and your content best practices, and then choose a blog writing service that is the right cost for your company.

Still debating? Try GrowthBar for free for 5 days for access to our writer’s marketplace–and to use our content generator, keyword research, competitor research, and lots more. 

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11 Best Content Writing Services in 2024 (Reviews & Pricing)

Engineering Team

December 7, 2023

Content is king. From email marketing campaigns to landing pages, content writing services have the potential to make a big difference to your bottom line.

Professional writers possess the skills and expertise to draft content that will speak to your audience, drive organic traffic, and get results. ✅ ✍

The trick is finding content writing services you can count on. That’s where we come in!

We’ve rounded up the 11 best content writing services (with an emphasis on SEO) so you can execute a content plan that gets the job done.

  • What Should You Look For in Content Writing Services?

1. Writing Studio

2., 3. contentwriters, 4. wordagents, 6. contentgrow, 7. express writers, 8. scripted, 10. crowd content, 10. my content pal.

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What Should You Look For in Content Writing Services ?

With countless content writing companies to choose from, how do you find the right one? Here’s what we suggest looking for in high-quality content writing services:

  • SEO expertise: Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-changing skillset that makes your web content visible, so look for a service with expert writers who specialize in SEO 📈
  • Unique content : Opt for custom content that speaks to your unique target audience and engages them 
  • Strict vetting : Look for content writing services that vet their freelance writers to avoid plagiarism and ensure you’re working with trusted professionals 
  • Fast turnaround times : Find a content writing service that can produce the turnaround times you need to keep your project plan on schedule
  • Free revisions : You deserve content you’re happy with, so look for a service that includes revisions in the cost of the content

The 11 Best Content Writing Services to Spruce Up Your Copy

Whether you need social media posts, blog writing, or white papers, we’ve highlighted content-writing services that can make it happen. Let’s dive into 11 content creation apps and websites you can count on. 🙌

Content writing services: How It Works page in Writing Studio

Writing Studio is a professional content writing service that can help you create ebooks, ecommerce product descriptions, SEO-optimized blog posts, white papers, press releases, and more. 📃

You’ll receive fully managed content writing services, including SEO keyword research, proofreading, fact-checking, CMS formatting, and more.

Writing Studio best features

  • Strict content quality monitoring to ensure you’re receiving top-notch online content
  • Several content types, ranging from ebooks to newsletters
  • Clear communication to work out your requirements before writers start the project
  • Professional services like SEO optimization, CMS formatting, and fact-checking included in every project

Writing Studio limitations

  • Limited customer feedback on popular review platforms
  • Some users say the project launch surveys are too long and time-consuming

Writing Studio pricing

  • 1-10k Words: $0.20/word
  • 10-100k Words: $0.16/word
  • 100k+ words: $0.15/word

Writing Studio ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (5+ reviews)
  • Capterra: N/A

Content writing services: project list in is a content and article-writing service specializing in SEO and blog writing services. The company’s team is made up of entrepreneurs and content marketing experts who can execute cohesive content projects and produce blog articles that rank high for competitive search terms. âŹ†ïž best features

  • Comprehensive SEO plans can target short- and long-tail keywords for tangible increases in traffic
  • Free written content sample before you commit to a paid plan
  • An account management team guarantees instant access to thoroughly vetted writers with experience in a range of specific industries
  • No long-term contracts, just web content writing that can fit your budget 💰 limitations

  • Some users say you can’t request a favorite web content writer to handle your entire content plan
  • Reviewers report that it may take some time to hone in on the exact brand voice you want in your blog articles pricing

  • Content Writing Services : $700+/month ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (10+ reviews)

Content writing services: rating and commenting on a drafted blog post in ContentWriters

ContentWriters is a website content copywriting platform that connects you with specialized writers to bring your growth strategy to life. đŸŒ±

Connect with freelancers who can meet your content needs on time while writing to your target audience and demonstrating an understanding of your subject matter.

ContentWriters best features

  • SEO services allow you to target keywords and terms that will increase visibility and help your site rank higher on search engine results pages
  • 100% content satisfaction guarantee with revisions included in every piece of content
  • Secure platform that allows you to connect with hand-selected professionals
  • Account management and custom content calendars make it easier to execute your SEO strategy

ContentWriters limitations

  • Advanced content management features are not available on the Self Service plan; interested users must upgrade to the Managed Services plan
  • User reviews mention the need for a 12-month contract on the Managed Services plan with no shorter contracts available

ContentWriters pricing

  • Self Service: $99+/piece
  • Managed Services: Contact for pricing

ContentWriters ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (80+ reviews)

Content writing services: orders page in WordAgents

WordAgents is a content writing agency run by a team of SEO pros who specialize in improving search rankings.

Connect with writers who can turn briefs into SEO-friendly content. They’ll help you improve brand awareness and lead generation without having to worry about keyword stuffing or plagiarism.

WordAgents best features

  • Connect with SEO writers, editors, and strategists who can help you rank and build authority in any industry
  • Rely on AI and SEO article writing tools to create web pages and blog posts that drive conversions
  • Preview writing samples before you pay anything to ensure you know what you’re signing up for

WordAgents limitations

  • SEO Lite plan does not provide human-written content; users get access to AI-generated content that has been edited by humans
  • Full marketing services are restricted to the SEO Supreme plan

WordAgents pricing

  • SEO Lite: $290/month
  • SEO Supreme: $890/month

WordAgents ratings and reviews

Content writing services: content queue in Verblio

Verblio is an SEO content writing service that boasts low per-word fees and content designed to drive conversions. Get access to a network of more than 3,000 vetted SEO content writers capable of producing effective, satisfaction-guaranteed copy for businesses in any industry.

Verblio best features

  • User-friendly interface is easy to navigate
  • Content writing services specialized for startups, marketing agencies, ecommerce brands, service providers, and digital publishing companies
  • Content writing services include homepage writing, blog articles, social media posts, marketing emails, white papers, press releases, and more
  • Network of U.S.-based writers and editors who speak English as their first language

Verblio limitations

  • Most content is not written by people; customers receive AI-created content with human editing
  • Reviews mention that preferred writers often reject articles, which may delay content strategies until another suitable writer is found

Verblio pricing

  • Self-Serve: $49.50/month plus $0.06/word
  • Enterprise : Contact for pricing

Verblio ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (40+ reviews)

ContentGrow's home page

ContentGrow is a platform designed to match freelance writing talent with clients using a straightforward workflow app. Each writer is carefully vetted through a multi-step process. Build your team of preferred freelance writers who can accept content orders on a first-come, first-serve basis. ✹

ContentGrow best features

  • Get access to a shortlist of project-appropriate writers to make it easier to connect with the talent you need
  • Request article pitches from a wide range of writers and only pay for content when you receive a story idea you like
  • Chat with the ContentGrow team if you have questions about how to create briefs, request pitches, or connect with freelancers
  • Receive quick response times and satisfaction-guaranteed work

ContentGrow limitations

  • No flat pricing plan; writers may give preference to clients who are willing to pay higher per-word prices
  • The hiring process relies on commissioning pitches from writers before an article is written, which may result in slower content-writing services

ContentGrow pricing

ContentGrow does not provide pricing information. However, users state clients can set preferred per-word rates that writers must accept before taking on a project.

ContentGrow ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (2+ reviews)

Steps on how to order custom content in Express Writers

Express Writers is an SEO content writing service that provides high-quality copy and access to seasoned industry professionals. Let the writers do the heavy lifting and creative content production , whether you need infographics, ebooks, blog posts, or all of the above. đŸ‹ïž

Express Writers best features

  • Content Shop lets you browse different types of content and average service costs before choosing a writer
  • Pay per word to ensure your content calendar fits your budget
  • Writers do in-depth research and fact-checking for all copy to ensure you’re getting high-quality content
  • Revisions and proofreading are included in the per-word prices so you get publish-ready content every time

Express Writers limitations

  • Users report that content sometimes encounters unexpected delays, making it hard to stay on schedule
  • Some users say they struggle to get quality consistency between writers even when requesting expert-level service providers

Express Writers pricing

  • Self-Service: Flexible per-word pricing

Express Writers ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (10+ reviews)

Giving feedback in Scripted

Scripted is a content writing service that combines AI-powered copywriting with human expertise so you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Take advantage of flexible pricing options to suit any budget, place orders with ease, and communicate with writers in real time.

Scripted best features

  • Free access to AI writing tools so you can draft content for your in-house teams to edit and improve
  • Access to thousands of freelance writers who specialize in various industries so you get the expertise you need
  • Members on paid plans can work with the Scripted team to create a winning content strategy (not available for Free plan users)
  • Connect with writers through the Scripted team so you can enjoy consistent communication

Scripted limitations

  • Free plan only provides access to AI-generated content; most plans emphasize AI-generated content with human editing
  • Some users report that finding the right writers for their needs is time-consuming

Scripted pricing

  • Starter: Free
  • Pro: $199/month
  • Team: $499/month
  • Enterprise + Agency: Contact for pricing

Scripted ratings and reviews

  • G2: 3.1/5 (50+ reviews)

Search tool in Upwork

Upwork is a freelance marketplace with professionals from a wide range of industries, including a massive network of content-writing specialists. 

Find talent, manage contracts, improve collaboration in the workplace , review work, and pay freelancers, all from one secure platform. đŸ”đŸ„‡

Upwork best features

  • Check freelancer profiles, see projects they’ve completed, read reviews from their past clients, and sort writers by rating
  • Secure payment platform keeps you and the freelancer protected; you can add tips for a job well done, break projects into milestones, or pay by the hour
  • Create job postings for writers of specific skill levels, locations, time zones, and other qualifications
  • Build long-lasting relationships with writers, editors, and other freelance professionals

Upwork limitations

  • Users report the quality of content and communication varies between freelancers
  • The rating system can result in low star ratings on your client account, discouraging top talent from accepting work

Upwork pricing

  • Basic: $49.99+/month plus cost of content
  • Enterprise : $849/month plus cost of content

Upwork ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (1,800+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (100+ reviews)

CrowdContent's dashboard

Crowd Content is an enterprise content writing service with a network of more than 6,000 freelance copywriters. Use the platform to connect with writers of your chosen skill level and area of expertise to help scale your business with targeted content. 🎯

Crowd Content best features

  • Projects that require fast turnaround times are often completed within 24-48 hours
  • Flexible pricing allows you to adjust the per-word rate to match your project’s budget
  • User-friendly platform makes it easy to place orders, pay freelancers, and review content
  • Multiple content types, ranging from landing pages and blog articles to social media posts and marketing emails 

Crowd Content limitations

  • Reviews mention difficulty finding freelancers who consistently produce high-quality work
  • Users say the internal scoring system for writers and written content can be confusing

Crowd Content pricing

  • Marketplace: $0.035+/word

Crowd Content ratings and reviews

  • G2: 3.9/5 (10+ reviews)

article writing services

My Content Pal provides you with stress-free, well-researched content. They have a strict no AI policy, guaranteeing 100% human-crafted, SEO-optimized content that will resonate with your brand’s unique voice and your audience. 

My Content Pal is one of the only agencies that allow you to work directly with the writer. They provide your brand with a dedicated writer who’ll work on your campaigns and interact directly with your team.

My Content Pal best features

  • Strict no AI policy: Each piece of content is crafted by skilled human writers, ensuring brand alignment and authenticity. 
  • SEO Success Manager: You’ll benefit from expert SEO insights from a dedicated SEO Success Manager.
  • Build a relationship with your writer: You can engage directly with your dedicated writer.
  • Loyalty program: Long-term customers will receive credits to use on the editing service or graphic design services.
  • Affordable excellence: You can get premium content for as little as $0.08 per word.
  • Customizable plans: Purchase words based on your requirements, from just 10,000 words to 200,000 words.

My Content Pal limitations

  • You don’t get to pick your writer, but they’ll happily replace the writer if it’s not a good fit
  • Reviewers report that it may take some time to get started. My Content Pal has a lengthy but thorough onboarding process.
  • Content turnaround time of 72 hours for Dedicated Writer clients

My Content Pal pricing

  • My Content Pal offers pricing from $0.08 per word with no hidden fees. Their packages are scalable to accommodate unique content needs. They offer a full refund if you’re unhappy with the content.

My Content Pal ratings and reviews

  • Trustpilot : 4.8/5 with 54 reviews

Other Content Writing Tools

Not ready to hire a copywriter or commit to a content writing platform? Want to provide your in-house writers with the tools they need to succeed? We’ve got you covered with everything from content writing templates to industry-leading AI content generation.

ClickUp is the leading project management software on the market. While the platform doesn’t offer content writing services, it has several tools to help with press releases, product descriptions, and more.

Need to produce great content in a snap? ClickUp AI can generate emails, blog content, digital marketing copy, project briefs, meeting agendas, and status reports with simple prompts. It can also summarize meeting notes and generate action items, saving your team time and money. đŸ€©

Ready to connect your content to your workflows? Use ClickUp AI to create quality content in ClickUp Docs to enable seamless collaboration.

Want to give your content marketing strategy a facelift? Use ClickUp’s Content Management template to dial in your project plan. ✅

ClickUp can do it all. Seriously. Take a look at what you get:

  • Content writing templates and communication plan templates for every purpose
  • Hundreds of AI writing tools purpose-built for project management
  • Content calendar templates to keep your projects on track
  • Tools and features designed to improve workplace collaboration

ClickUp Teams Marketing makes it easy to brainstorm, plan, and execute content marketing campaigns across all platforms. Use it alongside ClickUp AI to generate campaign ideas, content briefs, case studies, and more without ever leaving the platform.

ClickUp best features

  • Content calendar software to keep your marketing and SEO plans on point
  • Hundreds of AI tools to help you produce high-quality content
  • Library of over 1,000 ready-made templates to fast-track every project
  • Content marketing software to boost your search engine rankings and drive traffic to your site

ClickUp limitations

  • Some users report a learning curve when familiarizing themselves with ClickUp’s tools (solved with free video tutorials and FAQs)
  • ClickUp AI is only available on paid plans

ClickUp pricing

  • Free Forever
  • Unlimited: $7/month per user
  • Business: $12/month per user
  • ClickUp AI is available on all paid plans for $5 per Workspace member per month

ClickUp ratings and reviews 

  • G2: 4.7/5 (9,200+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (3,900+ reviews)

Words That Win

This curated list of the 11 best content writing services reflects evolving industry standards in industries across the board. Whether you’re in the market for SEO content writing services for your ecommerce site or need a freelancer to craft social media posts or white papers, you want vetted professionals who can deliver high-quality, original, and engaging content. 

Explore what other content writing tools can do for you. Get started for free today and sign up for ClickUp ! 🌞

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Top 10 Article Writing Services

Top 10 Article Writing Services

Content marketing has been all the craze in recent years — and for a good reason. Brands can better connect with their audience without seeming overly salesy by offering authentic, transparent content. However, what worked last year may not work this year — here's why.

A 2022 Content Preferences Survey Report revealed a lot about what buyers say is currently working in content marketing:

Content that tells a strong story that resonates (49%)

Content packed with shareable stats and quick-hitting insights (41%)

Content tailored to specific needs (32%)

There's no denying that digital marketing generates has a history of generating more leads at a lesser cost than traditional outbound marketing. As such, it's no surprise article writing services are key areas of interest. However, not all platforms and writing services are created equal. There's a wide range of content marketing platforms available, you're sure to find one that meets your unique needs.

Be sure to do your research before you commit to the first available option, especially if you're working with a tight budget.

10 Article Writing Services You Need to Know About

If you're currently looking for fresh, well-written content, you have a wide range of options right at your fingertips. The problem is finding the perfect fit. This guide outlines the top ten best article writing services based on value, price, reviews, quality, and professionalism.

1. Scripted


We're well aware that we placed ourselves at the top of this list — which was intentional. Based on what we offer and our client's feedback, it seemed like a no-brainer. Here at , we provide a simple interface and access to expert writers, making us an optimal choice regarding quality content and convenience. Not to toot our own horn, but many clients come to us because we deliver unmatched humanity, whether you need blog posts, website content, product descriptions, social media, ebooks, whitepapers, and other types of content for your business .

Our clients often develop reliable, long-term relationships with the carefully vetted freelancers on our platform. We're a freelance writer marketplace, offering you an opportunity to really drive your content marketing strategies based on a range of tools and services. Simply put, when you're in the market to hire article writers, Scripted offers a flexible, cost-effective solution every step of the way — here's how it works:

Content Strategy & Ideation

Content Creation & Workflow

Publishing & Promotion

Performance & Optimization

Although our SEO content, copywriting, and rewriting services tend to cost slightly more than some of the other commonly used platforms online, our clients get what they pay for. Still affordable enough for growing a small and medium-sized business, yet capable of handling the needs of large corporations, there are options for every budget. Memberships range from $199-$499 per month (including content credits) for the  Self Serve basic and premium packages up to $2,500-5,000+ per month for the Dedicated  agencies and enterprises packages — which are still affordable in regards to clients' resulting ROI. Whether you strive to increase your conversion rate or simply grow your site's traffic, Scripted can help you easily reach each milestone.

Scripted Testimonials

What clients are saying :

"Scripted has been a wonderful resource for original content across many topics. They're effective at pitching new ideas or taking raw thoughts and building them into well-crafted masterpieces of content."

"Scripted gives me the resources I need to be successful. I can count on my projects with Scripted to be on time, on budget and the quality we demand. Their writers really are an extension of my team."

"We liked the Scripted process, which allowed us to put our general ideas out to a group of writers and get thoughts and ideas back. It helps to have more brain power and creative thinking on a topic rather than just a single in-house writer."

Pros of Scripted

You'll gain access to high-quality writers based on Scripted's selective screening process. In addition, content comes with a 100 percent quality guarantee. With a 98 percent acceptance rate across the platform, this is based on the platform's high-quality talent pool.

Scripted's interface is easy to use, making it easy to navigate — yet extensive enough that clients can enjoy a wide range of unique features. We even give you 30 days free to try it out!

If you don't have time to search for subject matter writers, the platform's SmartMatch technology will help you find the perfect writer based on your specifications. You'll also be able to receive free pitches and blog ideas to better drive creative and analytical processes, all while saving your most precious resource of all — your time.

Cons of Scripted

As discussed, in comparison to other  content writing  services, Scripted does come with a slightly higher price tag. However, writers are able to set their own rates, offering a competitive marketplace.

Bottom line: Scripted is ideal for all businesses — big and small. Offering high-quality content and professional article writers at flexible membership fees, we're committed to your content marketing needs. The platform itself is intuitive and reliable, powering your marketing strategies with ease.

2. ClearVoice


ClearVoice's website states: " Better content.   It's what we do." In comparison to some of the other suggestions on this list, is a much more extensive marketing platform. Being an assignment-driven system, ClearVoice can help you tackle each campaign with ease. Although they offer content writing services, they also specialize in project management.  

ClearVoice has been referred to as the "Swiss Army knife" for content marketing. However, for some, the platform is too extensive for their current needs. If you simply require reliable, quality content, you might spend money on unnecessary all of the bells and whistles that come with ClearVoice.

Related reading: ClearVoice: Reviews, Features, Prices, and Alternatives .

The platform offers built-to-order pricing . So, depending on your membership, you could end up paying between $250 to $7000+ a month.   In contrast, if your marketing needs are rapidly increasing and warrant better control of various campaigns, all while receiving consistent content, ClearVoice can help you tackle your growth strategies.

ClearVoice Testimonials

Here's what ClearVoice's clients are saying :    

  • "I love the service. Long learning curve."  
  • "ClearVoice helps take your blog PM software to new heights."  
  • "Powerful content creation management platform."  

Pros of ClearVoice

  • Provides excellent customer service, providing greater peace of mind.
  • It offers a simple and efficient way to better manage your entire team's content.

Cons of ClearVoice

  • Initially, use involves a steep learning curve.
  • Tough for users to find writers well-versed in industry-specific topics.  

Bottom line : If you're looking for a more comprehensive contenting marketing solution and have a clear strategy in mind, ClearVoice may be an ideal choice. Whether you require greater control over your workflow or more collaborative tools, ClearVoice offers a more holistic marketing solution. At its core, this all-in-one platform is somewhat of a niche product best suited for those who plan on generating a large volume of blogs monthly. 

3. Textbroker


As they say at Textbroker: "Get custom content that is fast, affordable, and scalable." This platform's goal is to bring its writers and clients together in a quick and efficient manner.

Their talent pool is immense, with more than 100,000 US-verified writers. This allows the platform to offer greater flexibility in its pricing.

Related reading :   Textbroker — Reviews, Features, Prices, and Alternative  

What makes this platform unique is that Textbroker operates on a 3- to 5-star rating system. For example, a 3-star author would cost 2.3 cents/word, whereas a 5-star author would cost 9.0 cents/word. Textbroker also offers various pricing options based on your desired service level (view Textbroker's pricing model here .)   This level of flexibility allows clients to budget accordingly. However, some indicated it took them a bit of time to find their go-to writers; once they did, they were incredibly happy with the service.

Textbroker Testimonials

Here's what a few of Textbroker's clients had to say on :    

  • "One of my favorite things about the TB system is you can choose the quality of the writers. 5 stars usually mean very little editing (if any). I've been able to put together a team of quality writers who understand the different markets I serve and are available to do the work in a timely manner."  
  • "I use TextBroker to quickly get content for our website and in less than a few hours, we typically have the article being worked on. Then a day or less later, it's done. Love it!"  
  • "We have been using Textbroker off and on for a few years. When we find the perfect writers, it's a love affair, but it's a matter of finding the right one. The service is great, turnaround is awesome."  

Pros of Textbroker

Perhaps the most beneficial feature associated with Textbroker is its simplicity and ease of use. This allows clients to receive content fast and efficiently.  

Cons of Textbroker

  • Some clients have had issues with the platform's customer service. In particular, this seems to be the case when it comes to revisions and turnaround times (especially when investing in the lowest pricing tier).  
  • The majority of poor reviews are written by those who worked for the platform.  

Bottom line : If you're looking for content today, TextBroker offers a simple, fast solution. Depending on your needs, patience may be required to find the right content writers for your brand voice and overall vision. For SEO-optimized content developed by professional writers, consider using Scripted's professional article writing services .

4. Contently


If your current goal is to build your brand through quality content and effective marketing strategies, Contently can help you meet your growing needs. Acting as more of an end-to-end marketing platform, this platform enables you to view key insights each step of the way.

Much like ClearVoice, Contently is known for its hybrid, holistic approach. This is why the majority of clients who use this service are larger companies (1000+ employees) that require higher levels of organization across numerous campaigns.

Related reading: Contently: Reviews, Features, Prices, and Alternative

There's no denying that Contently is an excellent platform. However, it also comes with a more hefty price tag. Although costs vary immensely, clients tend to spend between $50,000 and $200,000 per quarter . Since Contently uses a series of specialized algorithms, they'll help you determine the best place to publish your content to reach your unique goals. When investing in this platform, companies are guaranteed engagement.

Contently Testimonials

Contently has achieved an overall rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 on G2 Crowd. Learn more about what their clients have to say here .  

Pros of Contently

  • The ability to consolidate all marketing tasks and campaigns in one place, increasing efficiency and overall productivity
  • Wide range of supportive tools to help you reach your unique goals
  • Access to talented writers, journalists, photographers, illustrators, designers, and videographers who can help take your brand to new heights

Cons of Contently

  • Very costly, making it a poor choice for growing businesses that don't yet have access to an immense marketing budget
  • Concerns surrounding the editing software and the analytics component of the platform based on the unique need of highly-established businesses

Bottom line: If you're a larger corporation with a high marketing budget, this service will help you maximize your ROI. Offering clients an opportunity to revolutionize their brand online, Contently has proven growth strategies. Just remember, this isn't an affordable option for most small and medium-sized businesses.  

5. WriterAccess


If you're strictly looking for content that is ready to publish on your site or elsewhere, you may find WriterAccess useful, especially if you're looking for budget-friendly options.

It's worth noting that although WriterAccess is affordable, it may interfere with the overall quality of work you receive. Because this service lacks on-staff editors, it's possible your content will contain errors (though you can pay more for higher-quality writers). In that sense, if you're confident in your ability to make minor edits and are more interested in consistent, affordable content, WriterAccess is a great choice.

Related reading: WriterAccess: Reviews, Features & Alternative

With the ability to set your price and job specifications, you'll ensure your weekly content goals are met. The majority of clients agree that WriterAccess helps them scale their marketing efforts as they continue to focus on their growing business. However, many agree that the quality of the content they receive isn't always the greatest. In fact, WriterAccess received 3.5 stars out of 5 on G2 Crowd.

Read more about what clients had to say about their experiences here .  

Pros of WriterAccess

Access to a large pool of writers, ranging from 2-star to 6-star ratings. This rating system provides greater flexibility in terms of your current budget.  

WriterAccess prides itself on excellent customer service — regardless of what membership level you choose.  

Cons of WriterAccess

Although affordable, many clients are not happy with the quality of writing. If you're not comfortable investing in subpar content, this may not be the best platform for you.  

The platform and interface aren't as flexible as some would expect.  

Bottom line : If you're looking for a platform that provides basic, simplistic writing jobs, you'll be able to access a lot of writers and enjoy quick turnaround times. However, if you invest in writers that are rated 3 stars or below, you're better off investing your money elsewhere.  

6. NewsCred


NewsCred, a content marketing management platform that does it all, has since been acquired by Optimizely . The new platform allows you to manage every one of your assets, content, and media in one place.

Well-received among active clients, Newscred used to cost more than most content creation services (most basic plan costs around $2,950 per month, up to $10,500 per month for their pro subscription model). The new Optimizely platform appears to offer more affordable options and flexibility. Limited access to the content marketing platform is free for up to 5 users). For more content management features, the plan starts at $79 per user on a monthly basis, with the option to sign up for a free trial. If you're looking for a more comprehensive solution, you must request customized pricing.

When compared to other services within the content marketing category, Optimizely ranked highest for version control and lowest for SEO. Although the platform has a 4.2 out of 5.0 rating, the most recent users are happy with the content services and support they receive.  

Pros of Optimizely

Offers a wide range of tools and features, particularly regarding your ability to better manage and organize key processes and workflows.  

Offers a comprehensive analytics solution, including artificial intelligence.  

Cons of Optimizely

Some clients have been disappointed in the lack of dashboard capabilities such as reporting.

Users have complained that the previous platform was better, but since the updates appear to be more satisfied.  

Bottom line : Optimizely is a high-quality, credible platform. However, it's likely that it's still extremely costly. Unless you have thousands to spend on your marketing efforts each month, it's best to consider other options.


Skyword's pricing model is available upon request. However, they tend to work more with medium and large businesses. As stated on G2 Crowd , Skyword ranks in the 50th percentile for cost. Therefore, if you're a smaller business that's just starting out, this may not be the best option for you.  

Pros  of Skyword

Skyword is easy to use and is fairly straightforward in terms of its interface, It's also updated often to improve efficiency.  

Helps companies scale quality content production.  

Cons of Skyword

The text editor can be a touch buggy, causing formatting issues. There have also been a number of bugs reported, as well as problems with a lag in the system.  

Bottom line : Skyword works with some fairly large enterprises that can afford the services they offer. If you're simply in the market for quality content without the need for additional services, there are more simplistic, affordable options available.  


Another commonly used marketplace,  iWriter , has been around for quite some time. Known to be one of the fastest writing services in terms of turnaround times, this has also sparked concerns regarding quality. This is because although their writer pool is massive, this makes quality control much harder to manage.

In terms of pricing, the content marketing platform offers three tiers — premium, elite, and elite plus. To give you an example, a "premium" 1000-word article would cost you $20 in comparison to $80 when investing in the "elite plus" packaging. Learn more here .  

Pros of iWriter

iWriter offers the cheapest option for their "top tier" — meaning, the highest quality writers on iWriter cost less than other agencies.  

Known for its speed, if you'd like a lot of content quickly (and don't mind editing), iWriter may be a good option. Overall, the process of ordering content is very simple, allowing for a speedy turnaround.  

Cons of iWriter

You'll likely experience a massive difference in quality. Although you can obtain higher quality content when investing in the top tier, if you're going to spend that money, your budget may be better spent elsewhere.  

This platform is known for "spammy" practices. Also, writers can't hyperlink throughout, which is often a major pain point.  

Bottom line : iWriter is a great place to get super cheap content. However, "cheap" and "high-quality" don't mix. If you'd like content fast and don't mind editing, this is an ideal option. When speed matters (i.e., in outreach), iWriter is an option. However, most wouldn' t recommend this service as their go-to. After all, their reviews  are quite poor.   You can also try  Zerys (#9 on our list)  or  CopyPress (#10 on our list) , both of which have mixed reviews ( 3.4 out of 5 stars  and  2.9 out of 5 stars ,  respectively).  


Regardless of the writing service you choose to connect with freelancers, make sure they align with your company's core goals and objectives. When you find the right fit, you'll know. Whether your goal is to boost traffic or strengthen your brand's authority online, why not sign up for Scripted's 30 Day free trial ? Start getting more from your content today!  

Sign Up For Your 30 Day Free Trial Today!

The 6 Best Article Writing Services to Try in 2024

Are you looking for the most affordable article writing services?

Here are our top 3 picks;

  • People Per Hour

Article writing services are platforms that provide services such as content writing, editing, and proofreading. These writing services can be used by anyone, including;

  • Those who are running businesses
  • Individuals such as bloggers, SEOs, etc
  • Organizations such as marketing agencies, companies, etc 

Article writing services are often used to create high-quality content for their websites, social media channels, landing pages, etc.

So if you’re on the hunt for the best platforms to outsource content writing, this guide is for you where you’ll discover;

  • A handpicked list of SIX professional article writing services
  • Pros and cons of each one of them
  • How much does it cost to use these platforms, and more

Are you ready? Let’s jump into the details. 

Table of Contents ☰

6 Affordable Article Writing Services With Pros & Cons

2. text broker, 3. people per hour, 4. writeraccess, 5. clearvoice, 3 tips for using article writing services like a pro, faqs | article & blog writing services, final thoughts on article writing companies.

article writing services

If you’re looking for talented writers around the world for content creation, Upwork is the BEST platform.

Did you know there are over 5 million clients on Upwork as of 2024? Whether you’re looking for blog writing services, essay writing, copywriting or any other content creation services – you can find a freelancer.

The #1 reason millions of businesses use Upwork to outsource their projects is cost-effectiveness. Freelancers usually charge less than full-time employees, so hiring professional freelancers can save a lot of money.

  • Access to global writers, as Upwork has freelancers from all over the world. Whether you’re looking for affordable writers or expert writers in your industry, Upwork has someone that suits your needs.
  • It is affordable. Article writers on Upwork typically charge between $15 and $50 per hour. That means you can find someone who fits your budget.
  • One of the biggest benefits of Upwork is the flexibility. You can hire people per project or hourly, so you can only pay for the work you need.
  • You can chat with freelancers, post jobs, and choose people according to your budget.
  • Being able to invite up to 30 freelancers to your job
  • You’ll only pay a fee when you make payments (there are no monthly subscription charges)
  • Upwork protects businesses and freelancers from payment fraud.
  • All your funds are automatically released to your account 14 days from submission if your client does not approve the work
  • Upwork charges a 5% fee on all payments you make to freelancers. That means if you’re paying $100 to a freelancer on Upwork, you’ll have to spend $105 (5% fee).
  • Sometimes, there’ll be issues with freelancers NOT finishing projects on time or the quality of work you get.

Upwork Pricing: Unlike most other platforms, there is no monthly cost for clients to use Upwork. That means if you’re hiring a freelancer, you only pay fees when you hire and make a payment.

Here are the fees for clients who want to hire someone on Upwork:

  • Client Marketplace Fee: This is a 5% fee on all payments you make to freelancers for fixed-price and hourly jobs, etc.
  • Contract Initiation Fee: This is a one-time fee of up to $4.95 for each new Marketplace and Project Catalog contract.

Quick note: Upwork also offers a discounted “Client Marketplace fee” of 3% for eligible clients in the U.S. who pay with a checking account.


Textbroker is a content writing service that connects you with freelance writers. 

As a client or business, you can post writing projects on their website, and writers can place bids on the projects. The writer with the highest bid and rating is usually given the project.

You can outsource all kinds of writing services, including blog posts, essays, guest posts, video scripts, email newsletters, and more.

Also, you can choose prolific writers if you want. How? Writers on Textbroker are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars based on the quality of their writing. 

So, if you want the HIGHEST quality content, go for writers with 5-star ratings. Keep in mind that the higher a writer’s rating, the more you’ll have to pay per word. 

  • Textbroker’s rates are extremely affordable compared to most other article writing providers. So it’s a great choice, especially for those on a budget. In fact, you can get freelancers starting at only 2.3 cents/word
  • It gives you access to a wide range of writers to choose from, so you can find someone who’s an expert on your topic. 
  • Textbroker is known for delivering content quickly, so you don’t have to wait long to publish content.
  • Pay per word or per project. You can choose the level of quality you need based on the star ratings of the writers.
  • It offers payment protection, so you’ll be guaranteed to be paid for ALL your orders, even if the writer does not deliver the work.
  • It offers two kinds of freelance content writing services for clients. One is self-service (which is affordable), and the other is managed-service (its pricing starts at $2500)
  • Above all, their platform is extremely easy to use, even for beginners.
  • You should be careful about the plagiarized or low-quality work writers give, especially if you’re hiring freelancers with low star ratings.

Pricing of Textbroker:

Here is a quick overview of Textbroker’s pricing:

  • Standard quality: Starting at 2.3 cents/word
  • Premium quality: Starting at 3.4 cents/word
  • Elite quality: Starting at 4.5 cents/word
  • Ambassador quality: Starting at 5.5 cents/word

There’s an additional $0.50 processing fee per order.

people per hour

If you’re looking for professional article writing services, People Per Hour is an excellent choice. It is one of the popular platforms used by over 1 million businesses worldwide.

The platform has over 3 million registered freelancers and offers many services, including content writing, web design, SEO, and more.

The best part? It takes just 10 minutes to task a freelancer, and the platform has a success rate of 90% of projects completed in 7 days.

Here’s how it works for buyers who want freelance content services.

  • You can create a job post requirement mentioning your content needs
  • Their platform gives you a list of all the suitable freelancers that suit your budget and content needs
  • You can then review proposals, pick your freelancer, and pay a deposit to start the project. 
  • Once your project is done, you pay the freelancer.
  • There is a wide selection of freelancers to choose from for your content requirements
  • Easy-to-use platform
  • It offers competitive prices for all kinds of businesses
  • It also offers excellent customer support that’s available for you 24/7
  • Access to expert freelancers in minutes
  • Money back guarantee and anti-fraud protection
  • The ability to refine your search by skill, location, or hourly rate. 
  • You can have both a buyer and a seller account.
  • The platform offers a mobile app that makes it more convenient to use.
  • Posting a job is free for buyers.
  • Sometimes, it becomes challenging to find the RIGHT freelancers who are suitable for  your content needs

Pricing: It is 100% free to post a job as a buyer, as there are no upfront payments and no hidden fees.

writer access

WriteAccess is another excellent content creation platform that provides access to professional freelance writers, editors, and designers.

It offers a satisfaction guarantee system that allows you to request a refund if you’re unsatisfied with the work. Also, it provides a plagiarism guarantee that ensures that all content you get from their freelancers is 100% original.

  • It has a clean interface that allows you to filter freelancers by skills, experience, and price
  • A portfolio system that allows clients to view samples of freelancers’ work
  • A messaging system that allows clients to communicate with freelancers directly
  • Offers a review system that allows clients to rate and review freelancer
  • Quality assurance guarantee
  • It can be expensive when compared to other platforms like Upwork

Pricing: WriterAccess has the following four pricing packages for buyers.

  • Starter plan costs $39 per month (if billed annually), and you’ll get up to 5 days of approval time and the order processing fee is $2.75
  • Growth plan costs $99 per month (if billed annually), and you’ll get up to 7 days of approval time and the order processing fee is $2.50
  • Pro plan costs $299 per month (if billed annually), and you’ll get up to 10 days of approval time and the order processing fee is $2.25
  • Enterprise plan costs $499 per month (if billed annually), and you’ll get up to 14 days of approval time and the order processing fee is $2


ClearVoice is one of the high quality article writing services that gives access to everything from finding the right writers to managing content creation.

So, if you’re looking for an end-to-end article writing platform that manages ALL your content needs, from idea to ready-to-publish content, try ClearVoice.

Here are some of the article writing services you’ll get from ClearVoice;

  • High-quality articles 
  • Create eBooks and white papers  
  • Email newsletters
  • Landing Infographics
  • Product Descriptions
  • Video Scripts
  • Social Media Copy
  • Case Studies
  • Unlike traditional content creation agencies, ClearVoice offers end-to-end content writing services so that you can save a lot of time
  • You can get high-quality content created by experts
  • You’ll get access to a dedicated ClearVoice support team
  • You can order an unlimited number of words as they provide unlimited scalability
  • Offers flexible pricing, as ClearVoice offers a variety of pricing plans to fit the needs according to your budget 
  • ClearVoice’s content writing services can be expensive (compared to other platforms listed here) because of the entire content creation process, from ideation to final delivery. You’ve to spend more, especially if you need a lot of content.

Pricing: Their pricing is NOT mentioned anywhere on the website. You need to contact their customer support team to discuss the pricing. 

Also, remember that the pricing is tailored to the client’s needs so that you can consult their support team for a budget estimate.


Skyword is a content marketing platform for businesses that need help creating high-quality content.

Skyword has also received a number of awards, including The Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice award. If you’re looking for professional blog writing services, Skyword is an excellent platform.

Pros of Skyword:

  • Skyword has a HUGE network of over 100,000 content writers, so you can hire many talented freelance writers for ALL your content needs.
  • Skyword gives you access to highly qualified writers, so you can expect well-written and informative content.
  • Create content at scale
  • You can outsource many content formats, including blog posts, articles, white papers, essays, checklists, and social media posts.
  • It also offers 24/7 customer support to answer your questions 

Cons of Skyword:

  • Pricing may be a little higher than the competition

Pricing: Unfortunately, Skyword does not disclose their pricing or fees upfront. You can request a demo by visiting their website.

You must learn a few things if you’re new to outsourcing your content (or articles).

Otherwise, you’ll waste your time and money hiring mediocre freelancers on sites like Upwork.

Here are a few solid tips to get more out of article writing platforms.

1. Plan your project in advance

If you want to use ANY platform, including Upwork, as a client, plan your project in advance. Here are a few questions that can help you plan accordingly. 

What kind of writing work do you need? It could include anything from creating copy for a landing page to writing a blog post. Be as specific as possible when describing your writing needs.

What are your goals? Are you looking to increase your website traffic, generate more leads, or improve sales for a product?  

How much are you willing to spend? This will help you outline how much you will pay the freelancer and when.

2. Create a clear work description

You need to write a detailed gig description to get more out of sites like Upwork as a client.

Why? Your work description helps freelancers understand what you need and submit gigs that are a good fit.

Make sure to include all the necessary information, such as;

  • Your content requirements and the project scope
  • Deadlines for the project
  • Budget and more

Also, be specific about your desired experience level. Do you need a writer with 3+ years of experience? Mention all those details. This will save you a lot of time as you don’t have to review proposals from freelancers who’re not qualified for the job.

3. Set up your project

Make sure to filter freelancers carefully.

Read their profiles, reviews, and portfolios no matter what content marketing platform you choose. Ask questions to make sure they are a good fit for your project.

Once you find someone, communicate clearly and talk about the budget. Try to provide feedback to get the best output.

Once the project is done, review the work, make payments, and leave feedback.

Above all, be patient. Finding the RIGHT freelancer for your writing projects takes time. Don’t be afraid to leave a freelancer if he’s unsuitable for your needs.

Also, platforms like Upwork, People Per Hour, etc. offer plenty of tools and resources to help you find the best freelancers and track payments. So, make sure to learn more about a platform before using it.

Here are some questions most people ask about article writing companies.

Article writing services are paid services offered by freelancers where you can outsource all kinds of content such as blog posts, case studies, product reviews, eBooks, etc.

Some of the best content writing platforms are; – WriterAccess – People Per Hour – Skyword

Upwork usually charges a 5% fee for all the payments you make for freelancers.

Yes, People Per Hour lets you post your jobs as a buyer free of cost.

Many platforms give you access to cheap article writers, including; – Upwork – Fiverr – People Per Hour

Related Posts:

  • 11 Websites for Freelance Content Writers to Make More Money
  • 7 SEO Content Writing Techniques to Rank High In Google
  • SEO Copywriting for Beginners
  • 5 Best AI Writing Software Tools that Generate Human-Like Text
  • Top 5 Best AI Copywriting Tools

Before trying any platform, it is important to consider your budget, the type of content you need, and the turnaround time.

Once you have clarity, you can easily find suitable freelancers for your projects. Once the work is provided, check for quality and originality. 

So what are your thoughts on the article writing companies listed here? Have any questions? Let us know in the comments. 

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Article writing services: Everything you need to know

article writing services

What if Charles Dickens had opened “The Tale of Two Cities” with “London in the 1800s was full of contradictory circumstances”? It certainly lacks the pith and drama of “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

Content marketing is like that.

Marketing managers are the authority on brand messaging. They know what needs to be said but don’t always know the best way to say it. Not to mention, they sometimes lack the writing chops, the time or the SEO knowledge to create high-quality content that engages the right audience and performs well in search.

So what do they do? If they’re smart, they commission content marketers who specialize in article writing services to do the heavy lifting for them.

article writing services

Are article writing services luxury or necessity?

From a content marketing standpoint, they’re a necessity – assuming you don’t already have the in-house knowledge, expertise and resources needed to create and execute an effective web marketing strategy. Business that do not have the wherewithal to manage content creation internally will turn to article writing services to fill in the gaps.

These services improve:

  • SEO: Most clicks happen on the first page of search results.

article writing services

A long and growing list of search engine algorithms are involved in predicting what content (and what types of content – video, imagery, written, etc.) searchers are looking for. Content’s purpose in SEO is to make it easier for users to find your web pages before the competition’s. This requires ongoing keyword research, a steady posting cadence to make sure you continue indexing well on search and well-crafted copy. Google’s algorithms can spot keyword-stuffing and other black-hat SEO methods from a mile away.

  • Audience engagement: Company blog posts, contributor articles, how-to articles, infographics and other forms of content are great ways to address specific pain points that potential customers experience in your industry. This content is necessary to broaden the conversation that your brand is having with prospects. It helps keep your brand fresh, relevant and memorable in the face of ever-changing industry circumstances and top-of-mind for prospects. Also, engagement isn’t just about the content that lives on your website and/or blog. It requires persona-driven promotional content over social media and email that helps lure users to your branded blog posts, articles, newsletters, etc.
  • Industry credibility: “Thought leadership” is an overused term, but we wouldn’t call it a meaningless buzzword . It’s important to have a platform to share your brand’s ideas and hopefully to earn some media attention from industry commentators, customers and general users. If you can use content to lead conversations in your industry and establish yourself as a source of useful information and tips, you begin to earn credibility. This requires strategy, time, concerted effort and really, really good content – all worth it to become an industry thought leader.

Eighty-nine percent of companies now use content marketing, and of those, 75 percent have been “moderately” to “extremely” successful. The majority of that content is written.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, social media posts ( 94 percent ) and case studies (73 percent) are the top-used types of content in content marketing.

Because, while Google and other search engines have certainly gotten better at analyzing unstructured data including images and videos, carefully chosen language and keywords are still the most effective tools for aligning searcher intent with your content.

Case in point: Are you using some method other than spoken or written word to perform your search queries?

Good luck miming to Google.

Also, Google still uses language as its predominant crawling method, and as long as that’s the case, third-party writing services will represent an invaluable component of establishing a strong presence on the web.

So what makes one writing service better than another?

You’ll find a variety of price ranges when you start looking at any type of writing service, and the same conventional wisdom and common sense that applies to other marketing services is relevant here:

  • Be wary of “too good to be true” pricing. A lot of article writing services will farm out their content creation efforts to non-reputable freelancers to bring down their internal costs but at the expense of quality. Try to find a service that creates most, if not all, of its content in house.
  • Look for someone who can create multiple types of written content: blog posts, contributed articles to the media, case studies, eBooks, infographics, white papers, press releases, landing pages and so on. If they can provide formatting for your collateral, that’s a bonus (one less vendor to have to manage).
  • Ask for samples. Good work often speaks for itself.

Other key benchmarks to consider in an article writing service include:

  • Content mapping: This is the process of performing keyword research and topic analysis for every single article that is written. It’s crucial from an SEO standpoint.
  • Persona development: Every article should be written with a specific audience in mind. Your article writing services vendor should be involved enough with your big-picture marketing goals to be able to address specific personas, and when necessary, help to shape and refine those personas based on additional research.
  • Editing: Make sure that your vendor provides at least one round of free edits to each article they produce for you to make sure the messaging is always on point.
  • Imagery: Ask if they have an image library they can pull from to provide visual content with the articles they produce. What will it cost you, if anything?
  • Simple workflows: Is there a project management structure to simplify communications, topic approvals and content delivery? Getting what you want from your content marketing or article writing vendor shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth.

These processes will help facilitate consistently strong content; that is, content that’s well-researched and backed up by accurate, interesting and relevant information.

There are ‘writers’ and there are ‘professional writers’

Just because you have good rapport with your project manager or account manager doesn’t mean the content will meet your expectations. Execution is the domain of writers, and it’s every bit as important as strategy.

Look for writers who:

  • Demonstrate capacity to understand the subject matter.
  • Have experience writing professionally (don’t be afraid to do some LinkedIn creeping).
  • Sympathize with your business goals (they aren’t automatons that only do what project managers tell them to; they’re business partners who can help you achieve your goals).
  • Communicate confidently, both in person and on paper (if you want to meet your writer in person, your article writing services provider should give you that option; a vendor that keeps its writers under lock and key is a sign of a vendor who isn’t proud of them or confident in their professional acumen).

Professional writers are not expendable commodities. They’re blood and bone to a content marketing agency.

Best practices for creating quality content

At long last, we arrive at the ever-important question: What makes a good article for the web?  The answer(s):

  • Conformance to a dedicated style guide (e.g., AP Style) to maintain a consistent, professional and polished presence on your website and/or blog.
  • Headlines should be pithy enough to grab someone’s attention on social media. Cutting through the noise is half the battle on the web.
  • Copy should be broken up with subheads , bulleted lists, imagery, pull quotes, embedded tweets, videos and other forms of content that make the article more scannable and more friendly on the eye.
  • Content should reflect subject-matter research , and sources should be credible and relatively recent.
  • Tone should be precise and deliberate. “Voicy” writing has its place, and so does dryer information-based content. A good writer knows when to you use which.
  • Wordiness: Get rid of it.

It’s worth reiterating that every article should have a clear objective. Why was it written? What data supports the chosen keywords? (This is why content mapping is so crucial.)

Pay attention to these types of details. They’ll help you draw a line between the best of article writing services, and the worst of article writing services.

Dominick Sorrentino

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The work of our project managers is one of the reasons that we have been able to maintain a client satisfaction rate of 98% year after year.

They ensure that your project deliverables meet your quality requirements and deadlines.

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Article review writing service

100% original article reviews from top writers

Make the most of your time with professional academic writing support.

Trusted by 1,5M+ happy customers

Article review writing service

Match with top article review writers

Hire a trusted writer to receive instant help with your academic project and ensure the quality of your work.

Neat W.

Why use our article review writing services

Discover the top 4 benefits of EssayPro services that will transform your academic journey.

All-inclusive services

Pay less and get more in return. Experience high-quality academic writing with many added features at no extra cost.

Top authors

Our qualified writers are passionate about their work and bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to each project they undertake.

Individual approach

Every one of our articles is custom-written by real people to ensure that we produce top-quality content that meets the unique needs of our customers.

Up-to-the-minute delivery

Whether you are in need of urgent assistance or have a scheduled project, we will deliver your work within the specified timeframe.

You're only 3 steps away from a quality review

Step 1. describe your order.

Provide details on the type of paper, topic, academic style, word count, and due date.

Step 2. Select an expert

Find the ideal article review writer among the extensive roster of EssayPro's qualified authors.

Step 3. Receive a review

Receive your completed task and ask for revisions. Make a payment and leave your feedback.

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What customers say about us

Read real comments and reviews about EssayPro writing solutions left by our customers

Frequently asked questions

Can you write my article review for cheap, what payment options does your service offer, do you have a refund and review policy, how much time do you need to create an article review, can i specify the format of my article review, how does your article review writing service ensure quality, who can benefit from our article review services.

If you have stumbled upon the EssayPro service, you are in luck! Our services are designed to help students and professionals alike. Whether you are a busy student who needs assistance with an assignment or a researcher who wants a second opinion on your work, our team of experienced writers can provide the help you are searching for. We cater to a wide range of customers in need of a professional service.

  • Students are sure to use our article review support for academic purposes. For example, to analyze the content or structure of a scientific article they need to review for a class or for another assignment.
  • Researchers can take advantage of EssayPro by evaluating the significance and quality of research in their field of study. Plus, they can gain perspective on their own work if necessary.
  • Industry experts can keep up with the newest studies, technology, and trends in the field they work in. In addition, they can use the article review support to compare different approaches or methodologies used by experts in their industry.
  • Large companies and SMEs can stay up-to-date on technological advancements that might affect their market position, product offerings, or business strategy.
  • Publishers and journalists can utilize article review support to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the information they publish. All to maintain their reputation as reliable sources of information.

Discover the power of our writing process

Despite the high-quality article reviews we deliver, we keep our writing process simple and straightforward. Once we receive your article and detailed format instructions, we'll pair you with a skilled writer of your choice. You can bounce ideas off each other to ensure that your vision is fully understood. After that, our writer will start working on your article to provide you with an all-encompassing article review. It will include:

  • ‍ Captivating introduction. The introductions we compose are sure to grab the reader's attention and set the right tone for the rest of the review.
  • ‍ Comprehensive analysis of the article's main points. Our pro writer will delve deep into the article's main arguments and provide a thorough evaluation of their validity.
  • ‍ Critical examination of the author's arguments and supporting evidence. With EssayPro’s article review services, you are bound to receive a work that lists all flaws or inconsistencies of the research while offering a balanced perspective on its argumentation.
  • ‍ Clear conclusion. To sum up all your findings and analysis, our pro writer will provide a clear and concise conclusion that highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the article. In addition, we will evaluate the overall quality and relevance of the research.

Reasons to order an article review from EssayPro

Students often attempt to write their own reviews based on an examples they found online. Nonetheless, our service will save you time and ensure that everything is done to the highest standard. EssayPro is a go-to choice when it comes to quality and cheap academic writing support.

  • ‍ Smooth-running ordering process. We’ve made our website user-friendly and our ordering process hassle-free, so anyone can hire a professional writer fast and with confidence.
  • ‍ Time-tested writers. All of our talented wordsmiths have been writing high-quality academic papers for years. They combine the expertise and knowledge necessary to deliver outstanding results.
  • ‍ Easy on your wallet. Forget overpaying for essential academic assistance. With our review article writing service, you can save money without sacrificing quality.
  • ‍ Content-specific article reviews. Our pro writers possess the necessary skills to expertly analyze the content of any type of academic work— be it a research paper, scientific article, or literature review.
  • ‍ Advanced anti-plagiarism checks. We’re confident that every piece of work we deliver is free from any form of plagiarism. To ensure that, we double-check every assignment using advanced anti-plagiarism software.
  • ‍ Wow effect from every review. Impress your readers and get A’s for your work with our first-rate writing support. We’ll do an excellent job, regardless of the article review type.

EssayPro's article review guarantees

Unlike many others, our article review writing service offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every single one of our article reviews. To make this happen, EssayPro keeps a few policies in place.

  • ‍ Originality guarantee. We do not tolerate any form of plagiarism. Therefore, all our reviews are written from scratch, ensuring that we deliver personalized and unique work to our customers. We also run a few checks using advanced software to be 100% confident that no plagiarized content is included in our reviews. Request a free originality report to see for yourself.
  • ‍ Revision policy. Request as many edits as you need a month after you receive a final draft of your review at no additional cost. Implement your professor's feedback, make changes according to your preferences, and ensure that the final version meets all your requirements.
  • ‍ Money-back guarantee. If after all the changes you are not satisfied with the final result, we can recover your payment using our money-back guarantee. Each of our customers is entitled to a full refund within 30 days of receiving the final draft.

Get Published! AJE is the Preferred Editing Service of Nature Journals

We know how much effort goes into publishing a paper. Our team of advanced degree-holding experts provides English language editing, academic translation, and other manuscript preparation services, all backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Already a customer? Log in .

An AJE academic English editing expert in front of a Springer nature logo

Trusted by the most respected names in scientific publishing

Reputation is important in the research community. World-class publishers like Springer Nature trust AJE to deliver high-quality English editing and manuscript preparation services to their authors.

Introducing Curie

Your expert companion in academic writing. Speed up and enhance your work with specialized AI that is optimized for science and built for researchers like you.

Streamline your editing process

Curie quickly identifies areas in your manuscript that require revision or refinement, saving you time.

Elevate the quality of your academic writing

Curie suggests improvements to clarity, precision, and style, so that you communicate your findings more effectively.

Make a stronger impression

Curie refines your language and structure, helping you make a stronger case for your scientific findings. With improved writing, your work will stand out and make a lasting impact.

curie logo

journals and societies recommend AJE

field-specific topics in 400+ areas of study

authors served in 192 countries

AJE Success Stories

See where authors like you have been published after using aje editing services..

An Efficient Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Uncapacitated Continuous Location-Allocation Problem

a stack of academic journals

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

Impact Factor: 286.13

Game theory-based model for maximizing SSP utility in cognitive radio networks

New England Journal of Medicine

Impact factor: 176.079

The impact of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to improve physical health outcomes in people with schizophrenia: a meta-review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials

World Psychiatry

Impact factor: 79.683

Enterobacter spp.: Update on Taxonomy, Clinical Aspects, and Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance

Clinical Microbiology Reviews

Impact factor: 50.129

The de Winter Electrocardiogram Pattern Evolving From Hyperacute T Waves

JAMA Internal Medicine

Impact factor: 44.409

Adrenocortical carcinoma - towards genomics guided clinical care

a stack of academic magazines

Nature Reviews Endocrinology

Impact factor: 47.564

The highest quality English editing and translation

An AJE English editing expert editing a scientific manuscript

English Language Editing

Get a publication-quality version of your manuscript, abstract, thesis, grant, or academic book. In-house native English-speaking editors will correct errors in spelling, grammar, word choice, scientific terminology, and phrasing.

Starting at $38

article writing services

Nature Research Scientific Editing

We’re partnering with Nature Research to offer our most in-depth and accurate evaluation and edits for your manuscript or grant. Scientific Editing includes a rigorous language edit, a developmental edit, a quality assurance edit, and a summary report.

Starting at $1500

article writing services

Translation with English Language Editing

We combine state-of-the-art AI technology with our in-house language experts to help speed up the process of getting reviewed and accepted in high-impact journals.

Starting at $149


Bruno Ricardo Barreto Pires


"I am very pleased with AJE's English editing service. I have used this service in all my publications, and I am excited to use it again. I can say that AJE's work is critical because the review identifies errors that are not obvious to those who have English as a second language. The team is accessible throughout the review process, has a high level of technicality and professionalism, so I acknowledge AJE's merit for significantly improving the quality of my manuscripts. I highly recommend their services"

Gangxiong Wu


"When I used to submit papers to SCI top journals (although I repeatedly modified them many times) I still worried about my English professional proficiency. I searched the Internet for a common English-language retouching service. After comparison, I found that AJE is the best. On the one hand, they are real native English speakers; in addition, they are fair and reasonable. They are also very professional and efficient. The editor carefully revised and changed my grammar and spelling mistakes in detail, and modified some of my expressions to make it more professional. After the revision, the paper was much smoother to read, and I learned a lot about writing in English. Sure enough, my paper was successfully accepted by top journal the first time I submitted with the help of AJE. I am especially grateful to the AJE team members for their help."

Meet the team of people invested in your success

Our highly-trained, in-house editors are experts in 447 areas of study and over 2000 field-specific topics. You can trust that the person working on your paper is not only an expert in English but also fluent in the language and conventions in your field. AJE editors bring years of experience to every order, and our commitment to quality is unparalleled. Select an area of study below to see more about how AJE can help with your specific field.

Clinical Medicine

Since 2004, we have supported authors like you on over 160,000 papers in the medical sciences and related subjects.

Life Sciences

Since 2004, we have supported authors like you on over 190,000 papers in the life sciences.

Physical Sciences

We have supported authors like you on over 90,000 papers in the physical sciences.

Business and Law

With experts in over 400 academic fields, AJE has helped authors publish papers about finance, entrepreneurship, criminal law, and tax law in high-impact journals.

Humanities and Social

AJE has helped authors publish papers about communications, public policy, education, and political science in high-impact journals.

Engineering and Materials

AJE has helped authors publish papers about robotics, biomaterials, metallurgy, and civil engineering in high-impact journals.

Mathematics and Computers

AJE has helped authors publish papers about logic, statistics, algebra, and topology in high-impact journals.

Supporting you in every phase of publishing

article writing services

Manuscript Formatting

Meet the formatting guidelines of your target journal: our team will modify your manuscript’s layout, headings, title, image placement, and citations/references to comply with your journal’s requirements.

Starting at $75

article writing services

Grant Services

Achieve success with your grant applications with clear communication that meets funder guidelines. We can polish your language and add customizable elements such as video, figures, and infographics to help grant reviewers see the potential in your grant proposal.

article writing services

Journal Recommendation

Get a detailed report and our top recommendations on where to submit your article, based on your topic, scope, impact, and publishing goals.

Starting at $150

Further assistance for researchers

Visit our AJE Scholar Author Resource Center for articles on preparing your manuscript, thesis, or grant.

Sign up for the newsletter

Get early access to aje scholar articles, discounts on aje services, and more., editing and translation services providing publication ready manuscripts.

research paper with ribbon on it

Enhanced manuscript quality

From draft to polished gem: Elevate your manuscript to its full potential. Improve clarity, coherence, and impact with AJE expert insights.

a researcher checking feedback on manuscript

Increased publication opportunities

Open doors to publishing success. Boost your submission confidence and attract editors' attention with a professional edge.

a researcher saving time on their manuscript by using AJE editing services

Time and energy savings

Reclaim your time and focus. Let us handle the editing, so you can create more. Free up your valuable time and energy to do what you love, while we polish your manuscript.

Draft to debut: your road to high-impact publishing success

Struggling to meet the high English language standards of academic journals, especially if English is not your first language?

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of the journal submission process?

Dreading the gauntlet of peer review and the daunting prospect of desk rejection?

Submitting a paper to a journal with higher impact factor?

AJE editors working on a clinical studies manuscript

Choose from four levels of English Editing

Your research deserves to be heard. Don't let publication roadblocks silence your voice. We offer solutions to overcome these challenges and get your work published in prestigious journals. Let us guide you through the process and amplify your research impact.

Additional services


A researcher using an AJE editor's suggestions from Presubmission Review

Presubmission Review

Our in-line commentary will help you improve the structure of your paper and ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly and accurately.

An AJE English editor after using the Grammar Check Tool

Grammar Check

Use our fast, free language assessment tool to check whether your communication is ready for submission.

AI software checking a researchers manuscript for plagiarism

Plagiarism Check

Our AI tool thoroughly checks your manuscript to ensure that no citations are missing, helping you avoid potential issues related to incomplete or inaccurate referencing.

We get it - securing publication can be hard

There are plenty of manuscript preparation services to choose from. but at aje, our editors, proficient not only in english but also in the language and conventions of your field, bring years of expertise to elevate the quality of your paper. trust in our unparalleled commitment to ensuring your work reaches its utmost potential with our academic editing..

After my first experience with AJE, my manuscript was accepted by a journal in Science Citation Expanded. I wholeheartedly recommend AJE.


M. Sirvanci

AJE's services are absolutely perfect for my needs - excellent American/English editing and the best grammatical constructions. My paper was revised in less than 48 hours, which is literally a DREAM for the fast moving brain of a scientist!

A. Proverbio

I'm from Inner Mongolia University, China and not very skilled at English. AJE's editors helped improve my grammar and sentence patterns. My article has been accepted for publication in the Letters in Applied Microbiology.

AJE's English Editing service is highly recommended for all high-quality research in biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, and virological drug research. Full compatibility with chemistry-containing articles in virology is certainly guaranteed with AJE.

A simple 3-step journey to publication success

an AJE editor editing a manuscript

1. Submit your manuscript

Share your groundbreaking work with us! It will be carefully matched with an AJE expert editor (link?) who specializes in your specific field. They'll understand the nuances of your research and the expectations of your target journals.

2 scientific editors editing a clinical studies manuscript

2. Get your edited manuscript

Dive deep into expert feedback delivered through a detailed report. Your AJE editor will meticulously polish your manuscript, addressing language clarity, sentence structure, flow, and academic conventions. This ensures your research shines its brightest.

An AJE editor going through the changes made to a researcher manuscript

3. Get published

Armed with confidence and a polished manuscript, submit your work to your dream journal with increased chances of success. Your research deserves to be heard, and we'll empower you to make it happen.

The AJE Guarantee

At AJE, we understand the challenges researchers face when striving for academic excellence. The intricacies of language editing and adherence to field-specific norms can create stress and hinder your progress. That's why we've developed comprehensive editing services tailored to your academic needs.

With AJE, you can leave the hassle of refining your manuscripts to us, allowing you to stay focused on your research and academic pursuits. Our expert editors, fluent not only in English but also in the language and conventions of your field, bring years of experience to ensure your papers meet the highest standards for publication.

Trust AJE to handle the intricacies of your academic writing, so you can concentrate on what you do best – advancing knowledge and making a significant impact in your field.

the AJE guarantee

Unlock your publishing potential with our free e-book: AJE Tips for Publication Success

Dreaming of seeing your research in top journals? Our comprehensive e-book empowers you to overcome common roadblocks and navigate the publishing process with confidence.

A walkthrough of each section of the manuscript with thorough highlights and tips.

Tips for navigating the publishing process from writing your cover letter, formatting your manuscript, and choosing a journal.

Advice for editing and translating your manuscript.

AJE Tips for Publication Success

Article writing services

Hire article writers without the hassle...

  • Article writing services from $3.40 / 100 words
  • 100% Original articles custom written for you
  • Hire writers with experience in your industry

Meet our awesome article writing services

Purebred seo pedigree.

We’ve got deep roots in the SEO world. We initially created The Content Panel to write articles for our sister company (an SEO agency), and still rank with our own articles to this day.

A.I Writer Matching

It’s obvious when a writer doesn’t know what they’re writing about. Let our A.I match you with a professional article writer who has real-world experience in your industry.

Original Content

We don’t take chances when it comes to copied content. We guarantee you that every article you order from us will be 100% original, free from plagiarism, and written exclusively for you.

Quality Guarantee

Don’t like the article your writer has written for you? We’ve got it covered. Let us know and we will get a new article writer to create an entirely new article for you, free of charge.

Tested And Trained Writers

We have teams of people recruiting and hiring article writers for our talent pool. We vet, test, and train them to ensure that they consistently write awesome articles delivered on time, every time.

Priced To Sell

We’re a lean, mean, article writing machine, which allows us to offer top quality content, at rock bottom prices. Our articles start from $3.40 / 100 words, with no hidden extra costs.

Buying our articles is as easy as 1,2,3.

Here’s how it works

It’s a match made in heaven

We’ve created what we believe to be the only artificial intelligence in the world that plays matchmaker between article writers and businesses. We’ve named him Panel Brain, and we’re very proud parents

With your first order from us, Panel Brain will try and match you with someone who has experience in the same industry as the subject matter of the article. He will also try to find writers who have the same tone, style, and flow that you’ve indicated you’re looking for in our super simple order form.

Your first writers will be awesome, but Panel Brain gets smarter over time. He’ll learn from your feedback about previous writers to make better, and more accurate matches in the future. Over time, behind the scenes he custom creates you a team of professional article writers with experience in your industry (and a style of writing that you love).

It’s kind of like having an on-demand in-house article writing department.

(Just without the overheads)

Articles, without the annoying bits

When Panel Brain has done his job and found your perfect match, it’s time for us to get to work.

We’re a managed article writing service, which means you will be assigned a content manager when you join us. You’ll probably never know they exist (unless you have a question). But they’re working hard for you behind the scenes. 

The content will first go through our automated plagiarism checks (we use several) to ensure that every single sentence was written just for you. If any matches are found your content manager will assess them for false positives, and take action where required.

Once we’ve established the content isn’t copied we’ll then start our quality checks. We’ll manually verify some of your orders to ensure your content has been properly proofread, that it has great grammar, and that it matches your brief too. All of this work happens invisibly, behind the scenes, without you having to lift a finger.

Collect your content

When your article has passed all of our checks, we’ll let you know via email. You can then login to your dashboard and review the content. If you’d like a few tweaks or changes (large or small) you can let your writer know with our inline commenting system. You can request an unlimited number of edits, an unlimited number of times, free of charge.

If the writer has completely missed the mark (which rarely happens) you can let us know and we’ll get a new writer to write a new article for you, free of charge. Your content manager will oversee the rewrite behind the scenes to ensure it gets actioned as a priority.

That being said, in the overwhelming majority of cases, our article writers hit the nail on the head the first time around and their content needs no amendments or rewrites whatsoever. When you’re happy with your content, Panel Brain will ask for your feedback, which he will then use to improve his writer suggestions for your future jobs.

Awesome articles that are almost on autopilot, what more could you want?

Pick an article, any article.

Here’s what we do.

There’s no getting around the fact that if you want a huge amount of organic traffic from Google, then you’re going to need a huge amount of content to go with it.

We’ve got over a decade’s worth of experience writing SEO articles. Our content has survived and thrived through every quality update Google has thrown at us over the years, and we fully expect our rankings to stay rock-solid in the future.

Now, we’re not claiming that we’re going to send your site skyrocketing in the SERPs from just your article’s content alone. But we are confident when we say that we write some of the longest-lasting, highest-ranking content out there.

We heavily focus on quality, we pay close attention to EAT principles, and our writers study the search intent behind your keywords to create content that ranks.

At the end of the day all Google wants is to give its users the information they want – so that’s what our writers want to do too.

The days of being able to get to the top of Google with a 500-word article are long behind us. Sites are investing in long-form pillar content with massive word counts for one simple reason – they work.

That being said, Google’s #1 priority is content quality, and if you’re going to be writing an article that’s thousands of words in length, you need to be at least somewhat familiar with the subject.

It’s very easy to tell when an article writer is just Googling the subject and has no real knowledge or insight to add. Their content is thin, it states the obvious, and it’s full of “ifs and buts”. It’s embarrassing to publish, and it’s a chore for your readers to read.

But it doesn’t have to be this way

By leveraging our talent pool of over 3,000 writers (and our A.I) we’re able to match you with a professional article writer who has experience writing articles in your industry. From plumbers to programmers and everything in-between – we’ve got someone who can write engagingly about your topic.

One man’s blog post is another man’s article.

We’re experts at writing blog articles (or blog posts, whatever you want to call them). Business blogging is our bread and butter, and we manage hundreds of blogs in all kinds of industries.

Our subscription-based blog management services are the Rolls Royce of the content marketing world. For a surprisingly low price, each month we’ll provide you with topic suggestions, images, content, and we’ll even upload posts on your blog for you.

In a nutshell, we handle all of the bureaucracy of blogging, while you focus on the creative, fun parts. Trust us. It’s as good as it sounds.

That being said, if you’re looking for a more flexible way of buying content for your blog (i.e without subscriptions) then you can order blog posts on a case by case basis too. 

We’re all about customization, baby. Learn more about our blog writing services.

We understand the subtle but important differences between writing articles for digital mediums and writing them for newspapers and magazines. We’re tough on fluff, and we will meet the exact word count you provide (give or take a few words) to ensure there are no issues with layout when formatting for print.

Our content managers will make sure our article writers meet their deadlines, so you can meet yours. Our streamlined amendment request process means your editors can highlight sections of the content and leave feedback for your writer in an efficient, and effective manner.

We’ll adhere to all of your publication’s sourcing and citing requirements – regardless of how strict they are, and we’ll ensure we match your writing style and tone seamlessly too.

Our articles have been published in printed national newspapers, and several magazines over the years. Our clients (and their editors) always come back for more.

And the best part? We’re a ghostwriting service. Which means you can take all the credit for our writers’ hard work (we don’t mind)!

Your website’s main pages are arguably some of the most important content you’ll ever publish. They’re your “official” and “formal” content that is a direct line from your visitors to your brand. 

We understand that it takes a huge amount of trust to put that kind of messaging (with that kind of importance) in the hands of someone outside your organization – and we respect that.

We’ll create articles for your website that convey your brand’s vision, beliefs, and goals in a clear, concise, and approachable manner. Give us a few examples of your other messaging, and our professional article writers will match your current tone of voice and writing style seamlessly.

It’ll feel like you’ve hired an in-house copywriter who’s been a part of your team for years – minus the hassle (and the expense).

Once you experience the convenience of having your messaging typed up beautifully by our article writers – you’ll never go back.

Learn more about our website content writing services.

E-books are one of the most effective digital marketing tools the world has ever known. There’s a reason that every website serious about their content marketing strategy offers ebooks to their visitors – it’s because they work.

Packaging up super long, detailed articles into e-book format allows you to take a deep dive into a topic in a way that is almost impossible to do via pages on a website

With over 3,000 writers in our talent pool we’re certain that we’ve got someone with the talent, knowledge, and real-world experience required to write an ebook article about your industry authoritatively and engagingly.

They’ll make connections and references that other writers who don’t know the subject (and are just Googling the answers) wouldn’t be able to make. They’ll delve deep into specifics, while keeping your content clear, concise, and to the point.

We’ll write a real page-turner, without the pages.

article writing services

Articles that work as hard as you do.

Professional article writing services,,  from professional article writers, meet the gang.

Our writers are the backbone of our article writing services. 

Without them, we’d be nothing.

We have a team of people searching every corner of the internet trying to hire article writers and recruit them into our talent pool.

To join us they need to pass our infamously tough vetting, and training process where we perform over 9 different tests to determine their abilities, style, and experience level. We’re looking to see what areas of expertise they have, what their portfolios look like, and what kind of articles they like to write.

If the writer passes these tests (most don’t), they’re then put on probation, where we monitor and review every single article they write for us. If anything isn’t right, we rectify it before our clients have a chance to see the issue.

After they’ve written several consistently high-quality articles for us and we’ve built up a mutual trust, they’re a fully-fledged member of the team, and can reap all of the benefits that writing for us provides them.

They’re the best of the best. Try us out and see for yourself.

Trust us, we know SEO.

Check out our purebred SEO pedigree

The kings of keywords

Every article writing service in the world is going to talk about their mastery of keywords and SEO, but we’re willing to bet that few of them know SEO like we do – because we used to be an SEO agency.

We created The Content Panel initially to manage the network of freelancers we used for our SEO clients. When we understood the power of what we had created, we pivoted to leaving the SEO world and focusing on this full time.

Google is smarter than ever today, and keywords aren’t the be all and end all of SEO anymore. Keyword stuffing is super obvious to readers, and severely punished by Google.

That’s why we do things differently. We’ll scatter your articles seamlessly with traditional, LSI, and longtail keywords that flow naturally within the content without it feeling forced. We’ll use NLP techniques to aid semantic processing (holy buzzwords Batman!), and we’ll optimize titles, and meta descriptions on request too.

Understanding user intent

User intent is arguably one of the most important factors in on page SEO today.

Google is using engagement metrics more than ever before to determine if an article serves the user with the information they searched for. If you don’t give the user what they want, Google’s not going to give you what you want.

Unless you give us a detailed outline of what the article should look like, our writers will formulate their article based around the user intent of any keywords you have provided. They’ll ensure that anyone who lands on your page is delivered a well-rounded, satisfying answer to their search query.

Your users win, Google wins, and you win too.

Again, it’s not rocket science, but it works.

Fighting for featured snippets

Featured snippets are awesome ways to get huge amounts of additional traffic from Google – the only problem is, it’s not that easy to be featured in them.

There’s a specific way of formatting your article to try and land a featured snippet spot. Large pieces of the puzzle are on page SEO factors (and how you structure your content). However, a significant contributing element is the content of the article itself. 

When you work with us you can tell your writers if there are any featured snippets you’re targeting. We’ll make sure that our writers carefully craft structured answers to the snippet’s questions in a way Google will be able to digest, understand, and hopefully use.

We can’t guarantee that you’ll land a spot in a snippet, but we’ll give you a darn good chance

Conquer with content clusters

Content clusters are one of the most interesting developments in modern-day SEO. They’ve turned the traditional idea of “sites must be siloed” upside down.

Our dashboard allows you to segment your orders into individual projects – which are perfect for your content clusters. Simply create a new project, send a bulk order, and watch your content cluster be created in real time. 

We’ll ensure the writers are aware of the other articles that you’re ordering to allow them to make consistent references for interlinking within the cluster. 

We’ll also give all your orders to the same writer (or at least a writer with a similar style) for a feeling of continuity. This allows us to ensure that there’s no repetition of topics throughout different pages of the cluster.

Want to see what we can do?

Frequently asked questions.

Ask us anything.

Why should I outsource article writing?

Because it’s often the most effective way for your business to meet its content demands.

Having an existing team member write your articles is inefficient, takes away from their other duties, and may result in subpar content if the person hasn’t got a natural affinity for writing. On the other hand, hiring a writer in house is an expensive commitment that requires a large amount of content to be created consistently in order to be financially viable.

How long will it take to write my article?

Turnaround times depend on two factors – how long it takes an article writer to claim your job, and how long the article is in terms of word count. Your first few orders can take up to 24 hours to find a writer as our A.I doesn’t know much about you (and is very cautious).

However, after your first few orders, this usually takes a few hours.

In terms of deadlines, writers are given 24 hours (after they claim the job) for content that’s around 1000 words or less, and around 4 days for anything longer. Deadlines can be viewed in realtime from your dashboard at any time.

Will people be able to tell you wrote my articles?

No, we’re a ghostwriting service which means nobody except you and us will know who wrote your content. You can attribute the articles we write to any of your team members, and you can take all of the credit for our hard work. Don’t worry, we don’t mind!

Should I use a cheap article writing service?

We have 3 quality levels of article writers for hire, and our cheapest writers start at $3.40 / 100 words. This already makes us one of the cheapest article writing services out there.

We’re a lean business with very low overheads, which allows us to offer native speakers at this kind of price point. If you want cheaper article writing services, they do exist, but you’re almost certainly going to get very low quality content written by someone with a marginal grasp of the English language.

Writing takes time, and $3.40 / 100 words already represents quite a low hourly wage for someone living in a western country. Any cheaper than this and your content is probably being written by non native speakers in other parts of the world (and it’s very, very obvious when this is the case). You can have usable content, or you can have super cheap content, but you can’t have both.

How do I tell your article writers what I want?

We’ve created a dynamic order form that will ensure we get all of the essential information we need to write you a great article. A general rule of thumb is the more advice and direction you give your writer in the brief – the better the article will be.

What if i want changes to my article?

The vast majority of the time our articles are accepted on the first draft. However, we have embraced the reality of revisions with open arms, and as such, we include an unlimited number of edit requests with every order as standard.

We have developed an inline commenting tool to facilitate the amendment process. You can leave feedback on the general tone of the article as a whole, or you can highlight sections and add comments to specific parts of your article.

It doesn’t sound revolutionary, and in all honesty, it isn’t. But once you’ve tried actioning amendments to your articles in this way, you’ll never go back.

How can I track the progress of my articles?

Traditionally, hiring freelance article writers is a hassle. Keeping track of briefs, deadlines, revisions, and versions is usually done by utilizing a combination of spreadsheets, email chains, and slack channels – which is less than ideal.

With our article writing services, you can see the status of every job from your dashboard in real-time. We’ll let you know which projects require your attention, which projects are ticking along smoothly, and which projects are ready for publication.

What happens if a writer misses a deadline?

Usually, our writers are extremely reliable. However, once in a blue moon someone will miss a deadline, when that happens, we’ve got you covered.

Panel Brain will automatically send your job back out to the writers as a priority to get someone else to write your article as quickly as possible to minimize disruption.

Your content manager will keep you updated via your dashboard every step of the way.

What is your policy on fluff?

There’s nothing worse than an article that’s filled with fluff. It’s a pain for readers to read, it’s an embarrassment for publishers to publish, and it’s boring for writers to write.

We let our writers know that we have a very low tolerance when it comes to fluff, and we expect every sentence in their articles to have substance and meaning behind it.

We initially expected our war on fluff to be hard to win when we first started The Content Panel, but it wasn’t.

It turns out that if you match writers with jobs that they are actually excited to write about (on topics that they are knowledgeable in), and you combine that with paying them a decent rate – fluff “magically” disappears.

What if I am unhappy with my article?

All of our professional article writers are awesome, they wouldn’t be writing for us if they weren’t. However, we understand that from time to time, there’s just not a good fit.

This very rarely happens, but if you feel you’ve received an article that’s missed the mark, and cannot be amended to your satisfaction, you can request a new writer.

Simply click a big red button on your dashboard, and we’ll ask Panel Brain to match you with another article writer who will write an entirely new version for you (as a priority) free of charge.

This rewrite policy is one of the reasons our articles are consistently high quality. Writers know that anything except their best runs the risk of being rejected by a client, so they put 110% into their work.

It’s just another little difference that we think makes us one of the best article writing services out there.

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Dan Poulter when he was a health minister, in 2013.

I am resigning from the Tory party and crossing the floor. Only Labour wants to restore our NHS

As an MP and psychiatrist, I see the burden that a service near breaking point takes on patients, their families and healthcare colleagues

Read more: Tory former health minister Dan Poulter defects to Labour in fury at NHS crisis

A longside serving my ­constituents as their MP, during the junior doctors’ strike I have spent more than 20 night shifts over the past year or so ­working as a mental health doctor in a busy hospital A&E department. It has been a truly life-changing experience.

Working on the frontline of a health service under great strain left me at times, as an MP, struggling to look my NHS colleagues, my patients and my constituents in the eye. Throughout the small hours, my clinical colleagues and I cared for many patients suffering from serious psychosis who would routinely be waiting several days, rather than hours, in a windowless room in A&E for a mental health bed.

When beds finally became available, they would often be with a private healthcare provider hundreds of miles from their homes and the vital on-hand support from their friends and families. I saw countless people at potential risk of suicide and others in crisis with a dual diagnosis of alcohol or drug dependence, together with severe mental illness.

The chaos of today’s fragmented patchwork of community addiction services – making A&E the default location for people to get treatment and help – has added pressure to an already overstretched service. The mental toll of a service stretched close to breaking point is not confined to patients and their families. It also weighs heavily on my NHS colleagues who are unable to deliver the right care in a system that simply no longer works for our patients.

Dr Dan Poulter signing his Labour party membership form with MP Ellie Reeves, Labour’s deputy national campaign co-ordinator, on Saturday.

It is this which has led me today to have resigned from the Conservative party to focus on my work as a doctor and to support Keir Starmer, Labour’s shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, and the Labour party both before and after the general election on NHS policy .

I shall continue to serve my constituents to the best of my ability until the next election – which I believe Rishi Sunak should call as soon as possible. After 14 years as an MP, including a period as health minister, I shall not be standing for parliament again.

I can well remember when I first qualified as a doctor and began working in the NHS in 2006. At the time, patient care had been radically improved and transformed by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s Labour governments, following many years of Conservative neglect and under-investment.

I am proud to still work as an NHS doctor alongside energetically serving as the MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich. However, just as was the case in the 1990s, what my healthcare colleagues and I see on the frontline of the NHS today is a health service desperately struggling to deliver the care our patients deserve.

I have come to the conclusion that, once again, the only cure is a Labour government.

The NHS currently has record long waiting lists. More than 7.5 million people are waiting for treatment and more than 250,000 people are waiting over a year for their operations. More than one in three cancer patients wait more than two months to start treatment after an urgent referral, and the UK has some of the worst cancer survival rates in the developed world . In a major A&E department, 44% of patients wait more than four hours for their care, and 235,835 people a year wait more than a month for mental health treatment.

I want much better than this for patients. As a consultant psychiatrist, I am deeply concerned about the failure of the government to implement vital reforms to mental health law and to the 1983 Mental Health Act, many of which were contained in Sir Simon Wessely’s independent review of the act in 2017.

In particular, I am dismayed by the failure to address racial disparities in the use of mental health laws and to reform aspects of mental health law relating to the care of people with learning disability and autism. Community services have been hollowed out, leaving the system poorly equipped to prevent crisis admissions and deliver the transformative care in the community that mental health patients need.

Over the past two years, the government has too often put the politics of public sector pay ahead of ending strikes with healthcare workers. Political ideology has been put before pragmatism and meeting the needs of patients – who are the real losers from the strikes. There has been a failure to address the longstanding pay concerns of NHS staff, and my nursing colleagues in particular , at a time of a cost of living crisis and increasing staff recruitment and retention challenges.

I also believe that, thanks to Keir Starmer , Labour has changed fundamentally. The Labour party of 2019 – roundly rejected by the British people – has been consigned to history. With Starmer’s leadership, the party understands that strong public services – and particularly a strong NHS – must be built on the bedrock of a strong economy. The Labour party is now a serious party of government, and it’s one in which I and the British public can put our trust.

I believe it is now incumbent on me as a medical practitioner passionately committed to our NHS to throw my weight behind the Labour party in its determination to ensure we again have a health service of which we can be proud, and which best meets the needs of every patient.

It is abundantly clear to me that the Labour party alone has the will and the trust to restore and reform the NHS. That’s why we need a Labour government, and why I believe Keir Starmer must lead that government as our next prime minister.

  • Conservatives
  • Mental health
  • General elections

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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  • Universities

Elektrostal Branch Moscow Psychological and Social University

Looking for a university with high-quality education and affordable prices? Learn more about Elektrostal Branch Moscow Psychological and Social University.

Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

About Elektrostal Branch Moscow Psychological and Social University

Elektrostal Branch Moscow Psychological and Social University — university. It is located in Kurovskoye, Russia.

Elektrostal Branch Moscow Psychological and Social University works in several scientific areas and is waiting for new students. The university campus is located within Kurovskoye.

Elektrostal Branch Moscow Psychological and Social University tuition fees

On the official website of the university, you can find all the up-to-date information on tuition fees and available scholarships.

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to be aware of additional costs: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals and personal expenses.

What to do after graduation

There are several options to stay in the country after graduation. One of them is to get an offer from an employer and apply for a work visa. Read more about this on the embassy website. Look for more immigration options in our article .

Want to study at a foreign university but don't know where to start? We can help!

Our specialists will find a university, arrange your documents, fill out the applications, and stay in touch until you receive an offer.

article writing services

Universities in Russia

Items  1-5 of  1 752

Moscow State University

Saint petersburg state university, novosibirsk state university, bauman moscow state technical university, moscow state institute of international relations.


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    Post you'll like: Writing The Second Half Of The Second Act. ⭐ 3. The Freelance Beat. Chicago-based freelance journalist Tatiana Walk-Morris has written for notorious magazines like The New York Times, Vice Magazine, Harvard University's Nieman Reports and more — that, alone, tells you she's an expert to learn from.

  20. Moscow

    Moscow, city, capital of Russia, located in the far western part of the country.Since it was first mentioned in the chronicles of 1147, Moscow has played a vital role in Russian history. It became the capital of Muscovy (the Grand Principality of Moscow) in the late 13th century; hence, the people of Moscow are known as Muscovites.Today Moscow is not only the political centre of Russia but ...

  21. I am resigning from the Tory party and crossing the floor. Only Labour

    Community services have been hollowed out, leaving the system poorly equipped to prevent crisis admissions and deliver the transformative care in the community that mental health patients need.

  22. The Latest Plan to Exacerbate California's Housing Crisis

    Oakland, Calif. Against the backdrop of a national shortage of affordable housing, due in large part to government policies, California lawmakers want to restrict corporate investment in single ...

  23. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  24. Elektrostal Branch Moscow Psychological and Social University

    Language and currency. Currency. Find currency:

  25. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.