Analytical Essay

Definition of analytical essay.

Analytical implies the breaking down of something into parts, or the discussion of something in a way that it becomes a dissection of the whole. An analytical type of essay differs from other types of essays in that its primary goal is to explain something bit by bit to enhance understanding. Most of the times, an analytical essay is written about the analysis of a text, or a process, or an idea. In literature, however, it is a critical analysis of some literary text which is done to enhance its understanding.

Difference Between an Analytical Essay and a Critical Essay

An analytical essay is just an analysis of a literary text. By contrast , a critical essay involves, not only an analysis of the text in question, but also dissection of the literary terms and devices used by the author to make his meanings clear. The critical essay also explains the functions of the literary terms used, and evaluates their usage, and whether they have achieved the intended purposes or not.

Types of Analytical Essay

  • Cause and Effect : One way of analyzing something is to discuss the cause of something, and its effect on other things.
  • Comparison and Contrast : Another way of analyzing something is to compare and contrast things among themselves.
  • Classification : Classification is yet another method of analyzing things, to learn of their nature.
  • Process : Process is also a type of analysis writing.
  • Definition : Defining things is also a way of analyzing the nature of things.

Examples of Analytical Essay in Literature

Example #1: liposuction: the key to energy independence (by barbara ehrenreich).

“I say to my fellow humans: It’s time to stop feeding off the dead and grow up! I don’t know about food, but I have a plan for achieving fuel self-sufficiency in less time than it takes to say ‘Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.’ The idea came to me from reports of the growing crime of French fry oil theft: Certain desperate individuals are stealing restaurants’ discarded cooking oil, which can then be used to fuel cars. So the idea is: why not skip the French fry phase and harvest high-energy hydrocarbons right from ourselves?”

This is an excerpt from the essay of Barbara Ehrenreich, in which she has made comparison and contrast between human beings and animals , regarding food choices . This is a good analysis of the food we use.

Example #2: Freedom (by Joyce M. Jarett)

“On the first day of school, I was escorted by hordes of national guardsmen. Like a funeral procession, the steady stream of official-looking cars followed me to the campus. Some patrolmen were parked near campus gates, while others, with guns strapped to their sides, stood near building entrances. Though many of my escorts had given me smiles of support, still I was not prepared for what I encountered upon entering my new school.”

This is a paragraph from a process analysis. The author, Joyce M. Jaret, has beautifully described her experience of the security in this paragraph, and how it is deployed when an important figure faces security issues in his life. This is an analysis of the process of security deployment.

Example #3: The Ways of Meeting Oppression (by Martin Luther King, Jr.)

“The third way open to oppressed people in their quest for freedom is the way of nonviolent resistance. Like the synthesis in Hegelian philosophy, the principle of nonviolent resistance seeks to reconcile the truths of two opposites—the acquiescence and violence—while avoiding the extremes and immoralities of both. The nonviolent resister agrees with the person who acquiesces that one should not be physically aggressive toward his opponent; but he balances the equation by agreeing with the person of violence that evil must be resisted. He avoids the nonresistance of the former and the violent resistance of the latter. With nonviolent resistance, no individual or group need submit to any wrong, nor need anyone resort to violence in order to right a wrong.”

This is the analysis by classification that Marth Luther King, a famous human rights activist, has done regarding oppression against African Americans.

Function of Analytical Essay

An analytical essay dissects something such as a concept, an idea, a thing, or even a character . Its major aim is to enhance the understanding of readers. An analysis could be done through a process, definition, classification and division, or comparison and contrast. The thing or idea is broken into several parts, through classification and division, and then analyzed. A process is broken into several steps for analysis. Not only do analytical essays enhance understanding, but they also make readers aware of minute details of things.

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Guide to writing an analytical essay, carla johnson.

  • June 13, 2023
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , How to Guides

An analytical essay is a type of academic writing in which a complicated topic or idea is broken down into smaller parts, analyzed and looked at, and a well-structured argument or evaluation is given. The main purpose of an analytical essay is to show that the writer has a deep understanding of the topic and can also think critically about it. Analytical essays are important in many fields, such as literature, history, science, and sociology. They require a deep knowledge of the topic and the ability to think critically and objectively about the information given. Analytical essays include things like a literary analysis, a research paper , or an analysis of a piece of rhetoric. Writing an analytical essay is useful because it helps the writer improve their analytical and critical thinking skills. In analytical essays, students must look at and evaluate different sources, find patterns and relationships, and come to meaningful conclusions. When students write analytical essays, they also improve their research skills because they have to find relevant information from multiple sources and put it all together in a logical argument.

Also, analytical essays are important in academic writing because they help students understand ideas, theories, and concepts that are hard to understand. By breaking a topic down into smaller parts, students can better understand it and figure out what the main ideas and themes are. Analytical essays help students get better at writing by making them present their arguments in a way that is clear, concise, and well-organized. Writing an analytical essay is a skill that students need to learn if they want to do well in school and in their careers. For analytical essays, you need to be able to think critically , do research, and write well, all of which are important for success in many fields. By getting better at these skills, students can become better writers and thinkers, which will help them reach their academic and career goals.

What You'll Learn

Understanding the Basics of Analytical Essays

There are a few main things that set an analytical essay apart from other types of essays. One of the most important things about it is that it requires a thorough look at the subject. An analytical essay isn’t just a description of a topic or a point of view. Instead, it calls for a thorough look at the subject, breaking it down into its different parts and evaluating each one carefully.

Argumentative essays try to convince the reader to agree with a certain point of view. Descriptive essays, on the other hand, try to give a detailed description of a topic. Analytical essays, on the other hand, require the writer to look at the topic objectively and judge it, as well as use evidence from different sources to back up their claims. In an analytical essay, you can’t say enough about how important analysis is. Analysis is the process of breaking down big ideas or thoughts into smaller, more manageable pieces. By analyzing the topic, the writer can find the main ideas, patterns, and connections, which can then be used to back up their arguments.

Also, analysis lets the author draw conclusions that make sense based on the evidence given. If there wasn’t any analysis in an analytical essay, it would just be a list of facts and opinions. Analysis is what gives depth and substance to an analytical essay and lets the writer make a well-reasoned, evidence-based argument.

Analytical essays are different from other types of essays because they focus on analysis and evaluation. They require a thorough look at a subject, breaking it down into its different parts and judging each one objectively. Students can get the skills they need to do well in school and in the workplace by learning what makes an analytical essay unique and what role analysis plays in this type of writing.

Choosing a Topic for Your Analytical Essay

It can be hard to decide what to write about in an analytical essay, but there are several ways to come up with ideas. One way to do this is to make a list of possible topics based on your interests, your schoolwork, or what’s going on in the world right now. You can also find possible topics by reading articles, books, or other materials in your field of study. When choosing a topic for your analytical essay, you should think about a few things. First and foremost, the topic must fit with the needs of the course or assignment. It should also be narrow enough to allow for a detailed analysis while still having enough information for research . Also, the topic should be something you’re interested in as a writer. This will make the writing process more interesting and fun.

To help you get started, here are some examples of potential analytical essay topics:

1. The impact of social media on mental health

2. Analyzing the themes of race and identity in Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”

3. The role of technology in modern education

4. An analysis of the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act

5. Examining the causes and consequences of income inequality in the United States

6. The portrayal of gender roles in Shakespeare’s plays

7. Analyzing the impact of climate change on global food production

8. A critical analysis of the role of the media in shaping public opinion

9. A comparison of different political ideologies and their impact on society

10. An analysis of the ethical implications of gene editing technology.

A topic for an analytical essay must be chosen with care, taking into account several factors such as relevance, scope, and personal interest. By brainstorming ideas, researching different sources, and applying these criteria, you can choose a topic that is both interesting and informative, allowing you to write a well-researched and well-argued analytical essay.

Conducting Research for Your Analytical Essay

In order to write an analytical essay, you need to do research. It lets the writer gather relevant information, find patterns and relationships, and come to conclusions that make sense. If you didn’t do research for your analytical essay, it wouldn’t have much substance or credibility, and the arguments you made would be weak and not backed up. You can gather information for your analytical essay from a number of different places. There are many examples, such as books, academic journals, online databases, government reports, and reputable news sources. When choosing sources, think about how relevant, reliable, and trustworthy they are. Academic sources like peer-reviewed journals and scholarly books are more reliable and credible than popular sources like blogs and social media posts.

To conduct effective research for your analytical essay, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to conduct research, as it can be a time-consuming process.

2. Use multiple sources: Gather information from a variety of sources to ensure you have a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

3. Take notes: Keep detailed notes on the information you gather, including the source and page number, to make it easier to cite your sources later.

4. Evaluate your sources: Assess the reliability and credibility of your sources, looking for biases or conflicts of interest that may affect the information presented.

5. Organize your research: Create a system for organizing your research, such as using annotated bibliographies or note-taking apps, to keep track of your sources and ideas.

You can conduct effective research for your analytical essay by following these tips, gathering reliable and credible information that supports your arguments and improves the overall quality of your writing.

Developing a Thesis Statement for Your Analytical Essay

A thesis statement is a short sentence that sums up the main argument or point of an essay. It gives the reader a clear idea of where the author stands on the subject and acts as a road map. In an analytical essay, the thesis statement is very important because it sets the tone for the whole essay and shows the writer how to analyze and evaluate the subject . In an analytical essay, you can’t say enough about how important a strong thesis statement is. A well-written thesis statement states the writer’s main point in a clear and concise way, making it easier for the reader to follow the writer’s thought process and understand the purpose of the essay. A strong thesis statement also helps the writer focus their analysis and evaluation, making sure that each paragraph supports the main point and builds on it.

To develop a strong thesis statement for your analytical essay, here are some tips to consider:

1. Start with a question: Ask yourself a question related to your topic and use the answer to develop your thesis statement.

2. Be specific: Your thesis statement should be specific and focused on the main argument of your essay .

3. Use evidence: Support your thesis statement with evidence from your research, such as quotes or statistics, to give it more credibility and strength.

4. Be original: Your thesis statement should be unique and original, providing a fresh perspective on the topic.

5. Revise as needed: As you write your essay , revisit your thesis statement and revise it if necessary to ensure it remains relevant and accurate.

By following these tips, you can develop a strong thesis statement for your analytical essay, providing a clear and concise statement of your main argument and guiding the reader through your analysis and evaluation of the topic.

Analytical Essay Structure

An analytical essay is made up of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, just like a regular essay. The purpose of the introduction is to give background on the topic, introduce the thesis statement, and get the reader interested. Through analysis and evaluation of the topic, the body paragraphs should support the thesis statement with evidence and examples . The conclusion should sum up the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in a new way that makes sense.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the structure of an analytical essay:

1. Introduction: The introduction should set the tone for the essay by providing background information on the subject as well as a clear thesis statement. It should also engage the reader and convey the writer’s point of view on the subject.

2. Body paragraphs: The body of the essay should be divided into several paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect of the topic. Each paragraph should start with a clear topic sentence that supports the thesis statement and then proceed to an analysis and evaluation of the subject matter, using evidence and examples to support the writer’s argument.

3. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the essay’s main points and restate the thesis statement in a new and meaningful way. It should also provide the reader with a sense of closure, leaving them with a clear understanding of the writer’s point of view on the subject.

To organize your ideas in an analytical essay, here are some tips to consider:

1. Create an outline: Before you start writing your essay , create an outline that organizes your ideas and supports your thesis statement. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that each paragraph supports the main argument.

2. Use topic sentences: Each paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that supports the thesis statement and provides a roadmap for the reader.

3. Use evidence: Use evidence and examples to support each point you make in your essay , ensuring that each paragraph reinforces the main argument.

4. Use transitions: Use transitional phrases and sentences to connect your ideas and ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one paragraph to the next.

By following these tips, you can organize your ideas effectively in an analytical essay, producing a well-structured and well-supported piece of writing.

Writing the Introduction Paragraph

An analytical essay’s introduction paragraph serves as a road map for the reader, providing background information on the topic, introducing the thesis statement, and engaging the reader. The introduction’s purpose is to set the tone for the essay , grab the reader’s attention, and provide a clear understanding of the writer’s viewpoint on the topic.

To write an engaging introduction paragraph for your analytical essay, here are some tips to consider:

1. Start with a hook: Begin your introduction with a hook that captures the reader’s attention and makes them want to keep reading. This could be a surprising statistic, a provocative question, or a striking image.

2. Provide background information: Provide some context for the topic by providing background information and explaining why it is important.

3. Introduce the thesis statement: Clearly state your thesis statement in the introduction, providing a roadmap for the reader and guiding the rest of your essay.

4. Be concise: Keep your introduction concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary information or tangents.

5. Revise as needed: As you write your essay, revisit your introduction and revise it as needed to ensure that it remains relevant and engaging.

Here are some examples of effective introduction paragraphs for an analytical essay:

1. “Throughout history, the concept of justice has been a subject of debate and controversy. From the ancient Greeks to modern-day philosophers, the definition and application of justice have been explored in depth. In this essay, I will examine the concept of justice in the context of criminal justice reform and argue that a more restorative approach is needed to address the root causes of crime and reduce recidivism.

2. The rise of social media has had a profound impact on our society, transforming the way we communicate, share information, and interact with the world around us. However, this transformation has not been without its challenges. In this essay, I will explore the impact of social media on mental health and argue that we need to take a more proactive approach to addressing the negative effects of social media on our well-being.

3. “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, affecting everything from the environment to the economy. Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, there are still those who deny the reality of climate change or refuse to take action. In this essay, I will analyze the reasons for this denial and argue that we need to take urgent action to address the threat of climate change before it’s too late.”

Writing the Body Paragraphs

An analytical essay’s body paragraphs are where the writer presents their analysis and evaluation of the topic. The purpose of the body paragraphs is to provide evidence and examples to support the thesis statement, while using clear and concise language to make the argument as persuasive as possible.

To write clear and concise body paragraphs for your analytical essay, here are some tips to consider:

1. Use topic sentences: Each body paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that supports the thesis statement and provides a roadmap for the reader.

2. Provide evidence: Use evidence and examples to support each point you make in your essay , ensuring that each paragraph reinforces the main argument. The evidence should be relevant, reliable, and credible.

3. Use analysis and evaluation: Analyze and evaluate the evidence you present to demonstrate how it supports your argument. This shows the reader that you have thought deeply about the topic and considered multiple perspectives.

4. Be clear and concise: Use clear and concise language to make your argument as persuasive as possible. Avoid using jargon, complex sentences, or overly technical language that may confuse the reader.

5. Use transitions: Use transitional phrases and sentences to connect your ideas smoothly and ensure that your essay flows from one paragraph to the next.

Here are some examples of effective body paragraphs for an analytical essay:

1. The first reason why a restorative approach to criminal justice reform is necessary is that it addresses the root causes of crime. Rather than simply punishing offenders, restorative justice encourages dialogue between the offender and the victim, allowing both parties to understand the harm that has been caused and work together to find a solution. This approach has been shown to reduce recidivism rates and promote healing within communities.”

2. One of the most significant negative effects of social media on mental health is the increase in anxiety and depression. Studies have shown that social media use is associated with feelings of isolation, comparison, and low self-esteem, all of which contribute to poor mental health . In order to address this issue, we need to take a more proactive approach to promoting mental health and well-being, such as limiting social media use, encouraging face-to-face interactions, and providing mental health resources for those in need.

3. One of the main reasons why climate change denial persists is due to the influence of special interest groups and political ideology . These groups use their resources to spread misinformation and discredit the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change. In order to combat this, we need to prioritize education and awareness, promote scientific literacy, and hold those who spread misinformation accountable for their actions.”

Writing the Conclusion Paragraph

The conclusion paragraph of an analytical essay summarizes the author’s main points and emphasizes the significance of the thesis statement. The conclusion’s goal is to leave a lasting impression on the reader by bringing the essay to a close and reinforcing the main argument .

To write a strong conclusion for your analytical essay, here are some tips to consider:

1. Restate the thesis statement: The conclusion should restate the thesis statement in a new and meaningful way, emphasizing its importance and relevance to the topic.

2. Summarize the main points: Summarize the main points of the essay, highlighting the evidence and examples that support the thesis statement .

3. Provide a final thought: End the essay with a final thought or reflection on the topic, leaving the reader with something to think about or consider.

4. Be concise: Keep the conclusion concise and to the point, avoiding any new information or arguments.

5. Make it memorable: Use language and phrasing that is memorable and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Here are some examples of effective conclusion paragraphs for an analytical essay:

1. “In conclusion, a restorative approach to criminal justice reform is not only necessary but essential. By addressing the root causes of crime, promoting dialogue and understanding, and fostering healing within communities, we can create a more just and equitable society for all.”

2. In order to address the negative effects of social media on mental health , we need to take a more proactive approach to promoting well-being. By limiting social media use, encouraging face-to-face interactions, and providing mental health resources, we can create a healthier and more connected society.

3. “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and we must take urgent action to address it. By promoting education and awareness, prioritizing scientific literacy, and holding those who spread misinformation accountable, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come.”

Editing and Proofreading Your Analytical Essay

The editing and proofreading stages of the essay writing process are critical. It ensures that the essay is clear, concise, and error-free, improving overall writing quality and the credibility of the arguments presented.

To edit and proofread your analytical essay, here are some tips to consider:

1. Take a break: After completing your essay, take a break before editing and proofreading it. This will allow you to approach the essay with fresh eyes and a clear mind.

2. Read it out loud: Reading the essay out loud can help you to identify awkward phrasing, grammatical errors, and other issues.

3. Be consistent: Ensure that you are consistent in your use of language, formatting, and citation styles throughout the essay.

4. Use a checklist: Use a checklist to ensure that you have addressed all the necessary components of the essay, such as the thesis statement, evidence, and analysis.

5. Get feedback: Ask a friend or colleague to read your essay and provide feedback on areas that need improvement.

Common mistakes to avoid in analytical essays include:

1. Using overly complicated language or jargon that may confuse the reader.

2. Failing to provide evidence or examples to support the thesis statement.

3. Neglecting to address counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic.

4. Making unsupported claims or presenting opinions as facts.

5. Failing to proofread and edit the essay thoroughly, leading to grammatical errors and typos.

By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can edit and proofread your analytical essay effectively, producing a well-written and error-free piece of writing.

Analytical Essay Examples

Here are some examples of successful analytical essays:

1. “The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald: This essay analyzes the symbolism of the green light in the novel, arguing that it represents Gatsby’s hopes and dreams and his ultimate failure to achieve them.

2. “The Rhetoric of Malcolm X” by Malcolm X: In this essay, Malcolm X analyzes his own rhetorical strategies, explaining how he uses language and persuasion to achieve his goals.

3. “The Role of Women in Shakespeare’s Macbeth” by William Shakespeare: This essay analyzes the role of women in the play, arguing that they are often marginalized and oppressed by the male characters.

Each of these essays follows a clear and well-structured format, with a strong thesis statement, supporting evidence, and a clear conclusion. The writers use analysis and evaluation to present their arguments, using evidence and examples to support their claims.

When using analytical essay examples to improve your writing, here are some tips to consider:

1. Choose examples that are relevant to your topic or subject matter.

2. Read the example essays carefully, paying attention to the structure, language, and evidence used.

3. Identify the thesis statement and main arguments of the essay.

4. Analyze the evidence used to support the arguments, evaluating its relevance and credibility.

5. Consider how the writer uses language and rhetoric to persuade the reader.

6. Use The examples as a guide for structuring your own essay, but be sure to use your own unique ideas and perspective.

7. Practice writing your own analytical essays and seek feedback from others to improve your writing skills.

8. Avoid copying or plagiarizing the example essays, as this can lead to serious academic consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is an analytical essay.

An analytical essay is a type of academic writing that requires the writer to analyze and evaluate a specific topic or subject matter. The writer presents an argument or thesis statement and supports it with evidence and examples, using analysis and evaluation to persuade the reader.

2. What are the main characteristics of an analytical essay?

The main characteristics of an analytical essay include:

– A clear and concise thesis statement that presents the writer’s argument

– Use of evidence and examples to support the argument

– Analysis and evaluation of the evidence presented

– Clear and logical structure, with well-developed paragraphs and transitions between them

– Use of formal and academic language

– Objective and impartial tone

3. What are some tips for writing an analytical essay?

Here are some tips for writing an analytical essay:

– Choose a topic that interests you and that you can analyze in depth

– Develop a clear and concise thesis statement that presents your argument

– Use evidence and examples to support your argument, ensuring that they are relevant, reliable, and credible

– Analyze and evaluate the evidence presented, demonstrating your critical thinking skills

– Use a clear and logical structure, with well-developed paragraphs and transitions between them

– Use formal and academic language, avoiding slang and colloquialisms

– Edit and proofread your essay thoroughly, ensuring that it is error-free and well-written.

To summarize, writing an effective analytical essay necessitates a thorough understanding of the subject matter, a well-developed thesis statement, strong evidence and analysis, and a clear and logical structure. To summarize the main points covered in this guide:

– The writer of an analytical essay must analyze and evaluate a specific topic or subject matter.

– A clear thesis statement, evidence and examples to support the argument, analysis and evaluation of the evidence, a clear and logical structure, formal and academic language, and an objective tone are the main characteristics of an analytical essay.

– Choosing a relevant topic, developing a clear thesis statement, using credible evidence and examples, analyzing and evaluating the evidence, using a clear and logical structure, using formal and academic language, and thoroughly editing and proofreading the essay are all tips for writing a successful analytical essay.

An effective analytical essay demonstrates critical thinking skills as well as the ability to analyze and evaluate complex issues. It is an important skill for both academic and professional success.

Finally, practicing writing on a regular basis, seeking feedback from others, and reading and analyzing examples of successful analytical essays can all help you improve your own writing skills.

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definition essay analytical

Analytical Essay: Tips, Structure, Examples

definition essay analytical

Analytical essays could be perfect for you if you enjoy immersing yourself in tasks and excel at thinking creatively. By conducting thorough analysis and employing innovative writing techniques, you can discover new viewpoints and enhance your understanding of the subject.

In this article, our research paper writer will explain what it entails, learn how to structure your paper for top marks, snag some snazzy topic ideas, and glean practical examples. This guide has got all the essentials you need for writing success!

What Is an Analytical Essay

To write an effective analytical essay, it is important to understand its purpose and method. In basic terms, it requires using textual evidence to logically support the author's arguments rather than relying on emotions or personal anecdotes. ‍ Compared to persuasive essays that advocate for one specific viewpoint, a quality analytical essay example should delve into all aspects of the subject. This involves examining different perspectives, dissecting arguments, and assessing evidence thoughtfully. ‍ Ultimately, you will have to express your viewpoint after conducting your analysis. This requires combining your research and determining if you agree with the conclusions made or have a different interpretation.

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How to Structure an Analytical Essay

Now it's time to ace the process of crafting an excellent paper. To make writing easier, organize your thoughts and structure your arguments clearly. An analytical essay needs the introduction, body, and conclusion of an outline, which acts as a guide from start to finish. Here's the simple breakdown of an analytical essay outline:

How to Structure an Analytical Essay


  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

Body paragraph 1‍

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting evidence
  • Transition to the body paragraph to‍

Body paragraph 2‍

  • Transition to body paragraph 3

Body paragraph 3

  • Transition to conclusion
  • Summary of major points
  • Restate the thesis
  • Key takeaways

Introduction: To begin your essay successfully (see our analytical essay example), captivate the reader's interest from the very start and clearly outline the topic. A good beginning should give some background information, outline the essay's purpose, and suggest the main arguments that will be made. Grab the reader's attention with an engaging and pertinent opening sentence, such as a surprising fact, a funny story, or a challenging question. After that, introduce your thesis statement, which summarizes your main point in the essay.

Body Paragraphs: In an analysis essay, each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that helps guide the reader. The paragraph then provides evidence to support the thesis, concentrating on a single issue. By summarizing the main point at the end of each paragraph, the essay flows smoothly from one idea to the next, maintaining clarity and coherence in the argument.

Conclusion: The final paragraph of an analytical essay usually adheres to a specific structure:

  • Reiterating the main argument
  • Outlining the main ideas discussed in the essay
  • Providing thoughts on the overall significance of the analysis

It is crucial to include your perspective on the topic's relevance and how your analysis adds to the understanding of it. This approach can strongly impact the reader's perception of the essay.

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How to Write an Analytical Essay

Once you understand the structure, there are some steps you can take to make writing an analytical essay easier. Preparing beforehand can simplify the process and improve the overall flow and structure of your essay. Here are some tips from our experts. Meanwhile, you can also request from our experts - write my essay for me . And we'll take care of it right away.

How to Write an Analytical Essay

  • Think Ahead : Before writing, a good analytical essay writer should spend some time thinking about the topic. Make a list of ideas or themes related to it. This helps you find interesting angles for your essay.
  • Create a Thesis Statement : Develop a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument of your essay. This will guide you in how to write an analytical essay introduction and keep your writing focused.
  • Visualize Information : Use graphs or charts to organize your thoughts visually. This makes your research easier to understand. For example, you can compare ideas with a chart.
  • Consider Different Views : Address opposing viewpoints in your essay. This shows you've thought about different perspectives and strengthens your argument.
  • Use Original Sources : Include interviews, presentations, or original documents in your research. They give a unique insight into your topic. For instance, old letters can offer personal views on historical events.
  • Analyze Cause and Effect : Explore the cause-and-effect relationships within your topic. Analyze how different factors contribute to certain outcomes or phenomena.

Analytical Essay Topics

Choosing the right one among lots of analytical essay topic ideas is crucial when tackling your essay. Here's a guide to help you pick wisely:

  • Find a topic that piques your interest. It's easier to dive into analysis when you're passionate about the subject.
  • Look for topics that catch the reader's eye. Think about what would make someone stop and want to read more.
  • Avoid topics that are too broad. Focus on something specific that you can thoroughly analyze within the scope of your essay.
  • Ensure there's enough quality research available to support your analysis. You'll need evidence to back up your points.
  • Your topic should raise questions worth exploring. Aim for something that sparks curiosity and has significance.

Now, here's a mix of engaging topics from our dissertation services to consider:

  • Analyzing the Impact of Blue Light from Screens on Sleep Quality
  • Exploring the Environmental Effects of Microplastics in Ocean Ecosystems
  • Understanding the Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Relief
  • Analyzing the Influence of Instagram Filters on Body Image Perception
  • Exploring the Health Risks of Artificial Sweeteners in Diet Soda
  • Understanding the Psychological Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Analyzing the Environmental Impact of Fast Food Packaging Waste
  • Exploring the Effects of Social Media Validation on Self-Esteem
  • Understanding the Benefits of Indoor Plants for Air Quality Improvement
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Sugar Consumption and Dental Health
  • Exploring the Psychological Effects of Online Shopping Addiction
  • Understanding the Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion Textile Dyes
  • Analyzing the Effects of Smartphone Notifications on Focus and Productivity
  • Exploring the Benefits of Outdoor Exercise for Vitamin D Production
  • Understanding the Relationship Between Noise Pollution and Cardiovascular Health
  • Analyzing the Psychological Effects of Colorful Food Presentation on Appetite
  • Exploring the Impact of Petting Therapy Dogs on Stress Reduction
  • Understanding the Benefits of Classical Music for Concentration While Studying
  • Analyzing the Effects of Lavender Aromatherapy on Sleep Quality
  • Exploring the Health Risks of Prolonged Sitting and Sedentary Lifestyles

Analytical Essay Examples

Here is our analytical writing sample to see theory in action. Notice how analytical thinking applies to real-world situations, improving your understanding of concepts. By studying these examples, you'll learn to analyze complex issues, build strong arguments, and sharpen your critical thinking skills.

Final Thoughts

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How to Write an Analytical Essay

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There are many types of academic papers, and each has to be written according to very specific rules. To succeed in academic writing and get high marks for writing assignments, a student should be aware of these rules and be able to follow them strictly. 

An analytical essay is one of the most common essay types; every student gets to write it more than once throughout his or her school and college years. It is also one of the most complex types of essays, as it requires strong analytical and research skills and a good knowledge of analytical essay structure. In the following article, you’ll find everything you need to know about writing an analytical essay that will impress any demanding reader.

What Is an Analytical Essay?

In order to write an impressive paper, one should know the analytical essay definition and how this essay type differs from the rest. An analytical essay is a form of academic writing that focuses on details and methods rather than on the overall contents of the subject. Figuratively, it deals with the elements of the puzzle which is a complete work of art to show how the picture is made.

Considering the latter, keep in mind that analysis is an essential part of an analytical essay. A simple summary of the plot or description of an event will not make a good essay of this type. Trying to insist on your personal point of view or focusing on your own impressions from the subject will also get you to fail the assignment. An essay should be based on facts and evidence that you have proof of.

Now that we have the definition, we can move on to the next question.

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What Is the Analysis In Writing?

Analysis in general means dividing something into smaller elements in order to examine them (usually by asking critical questions such as “how” and “why”) and draw your own conclusions based on the results of such examination.

In your academic analytical essays, you will most probably be focusing on literary analysis. That will require you to look at how the author uses various techniques to produce certain effects, as well as how the issues are addressed. Sometimes such analysis will also require evaluating a literary work from the point of logic and proper handling of the issues of controversy.

What Is an Analytical Argument?

An analytical argument is basically the body of your essay. It is built upon a thesis statement (which we will discuss later in this article) and should focus on discussing one idea with supporting evidence.

It is important to distinguish between an argument and an opinion. An argument is always backed up by sufficient evidence. Whereas an opinion is a personal point of view that is based upon an individual experience or is downright intuitive.

Let’s see how it works. 

For example, “Employees who are working from home are less productive than those who work at the office. I know that from my own family’s example – me and my husband always get interrupted and can never concentrate,” this is an opinion because it is based on individual experience.
On the contrary, “A 2019 study by Airtasker conducted among 1004 full-time employees from different parts of the U.S. found that working from home increases productivity and leads to healthier lifestyles, so remote work can be a better alternative for both companies and workers,” is an argument, as it draws conclusions based on evidence.

Having explained all these terms, we can finally discuss an analytical essay outline and structure.

Analytical Essay Outline and Structure 

An analytical paper is a complex work that involves extensive research, using many sources for citations and reference, and putting together a lot of facts and thoughts on the subject. So, thorough knowledge of an analytical essay structure is essential, as is creating an outline.

An outline is a good way to encompass all the preparatory work that you do for your essay. It starts by taking down notes about possible topic ideas, arguments, and any useful resources on the subject of your paper. When you do any research, don’t forget to archive the sources and highlight the citations you might need to use in your work so that you could access them easily during your writing process. Having all this information will help you write a strong thesis, formulate persuasive arguments, and fill in the gaps in your outline step-by-step.

You can organize your outline any way you like, but the easiest and most efficient way to do it is to create a simple bulleted list. This is how it may look like.  ‍

Introduction: ‍

  • Hook statement;
  • A short summary of background information;    
  • Thesis statement. It usually has a complex form of a number of correlating factors and should be controversial.

Body paragraphs (there are 3 of them usually) :

  • Topic sentence. This is where you introduce your main point;
  • Analysis. Here, you should analyze the provided evidence and determine its meaning;
  • Evidence. Every paragraph should have evidential support in the form of a source or an actual quote;
  • Concluding sentence. Here, you can restate and emphasize the main point.


  • Restatement of your thesis statement; 
  • Short summary of the essay’s key points; 
  • Proof of why the text is important.

Now that you know how to work with an outline, let’s start filling in the gaps. 

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How to Start an Analytical Essay: Introduction Paragraph

An analytical essay introduction is crucial to catching your reader’s attention. Therefore, it should be relevant and concise, and provoke interest for how you’re going to develop your topic. There are three main components that an analytical essay introduction should contain:

  • Thesis statement;
  • A short explanation of how you’re going to prove your thesis in the following paragraphs.

A hook is immensely important for the overall impression that your essay will produce on the reader. So, it must contain something interesting, engaging, or surprising. It should instantly grab your audience’s attention and make them wonder what you have to say next. You only have one chance to win your readers at this point, so put a lot of effort into formulating a good hook. Start with finding out who your readers are, and then choose from the most effective methods of attracting their attention. You can do it with a quote, statistic figures, a rhetorical question, or a provocative statement.

Then, move on straight to your thesis statement. In this essential part of your essay, you should explain to your readers what your paper’s subject is and why it matters. You might give your own opinion about the topic, and state why it is important to read your analytical work. Read on to learn how to write a strong thesis statement – we will discuss it in the next paragraph.

How to Create a Strong Analytical Thesis Statement?

But what is a thesis statement for an analytical essay, exactly? Before we move on, let’s define the term. So, a thesis statement is basically your answer to the question posed in the topic. A thesis is usually placed at the end of the introductory paragraph and consists of one to three sentences that encompass the gist of your paper, concentrating your viewpoint on the subject and giving the reader an idea of how you’re going to develop the topic.

The claim you make in your thesis statement should be debatable so that you could have something to work with in the next sections of your essay. A strong thesis statement helps to get a clear idea of a paper from the start and serves to organize and develop the arguments in the body paragraphs. 

A good thesis includes the following:

  • The main idea;
  • Key points of your topic; 
  • Your position towards the subject of the discussion; 
  • Conclusion.

In order to create a powerful thesis statement, follow this step-by-step guideline:

  • Brainstorm an interesting topic.
  • Make the topic more specific.
  • Formulate the question for further research.
  • Extract the main idea and make a statement.
  • Decide on your position on the topic.
  • Mention an opposing position.
  • Support your point of view using arguments, evidence, and reasoning.
  • Draw a conclusion.

There are also some things you should avoid when writing a thesis statement:

  • Using common knowledge, bare facts, or quotes (all these make a poor thesis).
  • Be careful not to choose topics that are too broad, and avoid language that’s vague or ambiguous.
  • Exclude all information that is irrelevant to the topic and phrases like “I think”, “I believe”, etc.

To get a better understanding of what a strong thesis statement should and should not be like, compare the examples below.

  • According to various studies, more than a half of first-year college students experience strong anxiety, which puts their health at a great risk. In order to protect it, psychologists should work with every freshman on campus. (Strong).
  • Academic anxiety is a big problem for all students. (Weak).

Body Paragraphs of an Analytical Paper

A body paragraph is where you make an argument and bring evidence to support your claims. An analytical essay format usually implies having three of four body paragraphs. Each of them should start with a sentence that defines the main point of discussion for the paragraph – sort of a mini-thesis. Then, you should analyze this point, looking at it from different angles and bringing sufficient evidence to support your assertions. The more evidence you provide, the more persuasive your arguments will be. After you’ve run out of strong points for the arguments, move to the next paragraph. You can also add a transition sentence to make you text smoother; some professors require it, and some don’t.

So, each body paragraph should include:

  • An introductory sentence;
  • Evidence (actual quotes from the text, statistic figures, facts from trusted sources);
  • Transition sentence to the next paragraph (mandatory).

If you still wonder about how to write a good analysis, look at the following sample body paragraph to see how it should work in an actual paper.

For example, our topic is the perception of happiness in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”. The first body paragraph might be as follows:

“The world in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” is a place where hardly anyone thinks about what happiness really is. Safety and stability are what matters for them the most, not happiness. But the majority of the society depicted by Huxley really considers themselves happy: they have everything they need to satisfy their basic needs, and these are all the needs they seem to have. People in the brave new world don’t have to struggle for anything, they have everything. So, in an episode where Bernard asks Lenina if she wants to be happy in her own way, she seems to not understand what he’s talking about. And what was he?.”

In the second paragraph, we can discuss Bernard’s own perception of freedom, and in the third – move on to John the Savage, who is the impersonator of freedom in the novel.

After you’ve dealt with several body paragraphs in this manner, proceed with the conclusion.

How to Conclude Your Analytical Essay?

An analytical essay conclusion is where you rephrase and emphasize your thesis statement, summarize the key points of your analysis and give some concluding afterthoughts. There’s no need to present any new ideas in the final paragraph, but it’s important to give the reader a clear idea of what your essay was about. When rephrasing anything you said earlier in your essay, be careful to keep the same meaning and avoid any ambiguity.

Here is what your essay conclusion should consist of: 

  • Restatement of your thesis statement in other words;
  • Summary of the main points of the body paragraphs;
  • Concluding afterthoughts.

That’s basically all you need to know about how to write an analytical essay. Now you can go an extra mile – examine our sample topics.

Analytical Essay Topics to Inspire

Below you’ll find an analytical essay topics list on literature, art, society, and nature. Use them for inspiration to create powerful topics of your own.


  • What are Achilles' biggest flaws? Explain the modern use of the phrase “Achilles’ heel” using the Greek hero’s motivations, character, and deeds. 
  • Irony in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”: where does it occur? Provide examples of verbal and situational irony and explain where exactly the irony in them is and why. 
  • Which of the characters in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” relates the most to “the lost generation” and why?
  • What is so frightening about Aldous Huxley’s fantasy of the “Brave New World” and why has it become one of the most famous dystopias ever?
  • John Updike’s Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom as an “average American man”. What makes the character so believable?
  • Impressionism in art. What makes it so special?
  • Modern art: is it art at all, after all? Analyze several works of modern art to explain what features they have that enable them to be considered art.
  • When and how did photography become art?
  • The therapeutic effect of art: does it really exist?
  • Multicultural families. Is it possible to maintain an ideal cultural balance within such families?
  • Feminism: do we still need it and why?
  • The transformation of gender roles throughout the XX century. Was it ever avoidable?
  • The Internet and its effect on the educational system. Advantages and disadvantages of its use in a study process.
  • Climate change as a major threat to the stability of ecosystems worldwide.
  • Can we do anything now to prevent rising numbers of natural disasters in the future?
  • Is testing and experimenting on animals a necessary evil?
  • Why is it essential to protect the Arctic?
  • Biodiversity on Earth. Why is it so important?

When it comes to writing a good analytical essay, it's important to have a clear understanding of the analytical essay definition and structure. This type of essay requires in-depth research, critical thinking, and the ability to draw conclusions based on evidence.

To write a successful analytical essay, it's recommended to create a bulleted outline before starting to write. This can help organize your thoughts and ensure that you include all the key elements such as a hook, thesis statement, and analysis. Additionally, seeking help from online resources such as Studyfy college homework help, proofreading, tutoring, and essay editing services can also be beneficial in producing a high-quality essay.

If you are struggling to come up with a topic, putting in the effort to develop your own can greatly enhance your writing experience. However, if you need someone to write an essay for you, there are various services available such as dissertation writing services , research paper service , and admission essay writer s who can assist in creating a well-written essay.

In conclusion, writing an analytical essay can be a challenging task, but with the right resources and understanding of the essay's structure, you can produce a high-quality paper. Remember to utilize online resources such as Studyfy and take the time to develop a strong topic. Good luck in your writing endeavors!

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Analytical Essay Guide

Analytical Essay Writing

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

How to Write an Analytical Essay - Step-by-Step Guide

By: Dorothy M.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Nov 12, 2019

Analytical Essay

An analytical essay is a common assignment that high school and college students often need to do. It is the most difficult type of essay that requires a thorough investigation of a topic and its substantial analysis.

Are you having difficulty writing a good analytical essay?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write an analytical essay.

This blog will help you understand the core basics of an analytical essay. Once you are done reading it, you will be ready to write your essay easily.

Analytical Essay

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What is an Analytical Essay?

According to an analytical essay definition, ‘it is a piece of writing in which the writer analyzes, interprets and critiques a work of art, situation, issue, or a particular event.’ Such essays aim to break down a topic into several subparts and dissect and analyze them in detail and find out the main points.

Analytical essay writing significantly differs from other types of essays. High school students often confuse this type of essay with argumentative essays. However, there is a sharp contrast between them.

The main goal of an analytical essay is to analyze the main topic and convince the reader about your viewpoint. On the contrary, an argumentative essay aims to present a claim about the topic and prove it written with evidence.

How to Start an Analytical Essay?

To write a good analytical essay, you must first spend your time planning for it. Let’s take a look at what the prewriting stage looks like.

  • Find the Focus

Students can write an analysis essay on a literary work, a film or a play, or even an issue or problem faced by society.

So the first step is figuring out the core focus of your essay and presenting relevant facts. The evidence can be collected from a novel or film, or it could be the findings of your research that back up your point of view.

  • Choose Your Topic

You can only start writing your essay once you have a topic in mind. Most professors like to assign a topic themselves; however, if you are allowed to pick the topic yourself, you have an edge.

You can go with the idea that you are passionate about and find interesting. It will make researching and writing the essay itself a fun and simple process for you.

  • Form a Thesis Statement

Once you have chosen the topic for your essay, the next step is crafting the analytical essay thesis statement. A thesis statement is the basis of your overall essay.

The purpose of a thesis statement is to inform the readers about the purpose of your essay and the rhetorical question discussed throughout the paper.

  • Find Supporting Evidence

The next step is finding evidence that supports your argument. You can opt for primary or secondary sources, depending on the requirements of your assignment. Look for evidence that is authentic yet persuasive and directly related to the thesis to support your claim. Use transition words to create proper linkage in the provided information.

  • Add Contextual Evidence

Besides adding facts and evidence from credible and relevant sources, you should add quotes and paraphrased passages from the text. In an analytical essay example on a book, it is necessary to add phrases and quotes from the text as the main evidence. Reading the text from books or credible sources will help you collect relevant examples.

Adding textual examples build credibility as the reader would know that you know your work inside out. It will also help you support your thesis statement and the main claim of the essay.

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How to Write an Analytical Essay?

Analytical writing can prove to be a difficult task for students but certainly not impossible. To learn how to write an analytical essay step-by-step, follow the guidelines given below.

The goal of analytical essay topics and essays is to explain a topic in detail. It aims to increase the reader’s understanding.

Create an Analytical Essay Outline Worksheet

The first step to write a compelling and strong analytical essay is to craft a detailed outline worksheet for your essay. Preparing a good and detailed outline will help you in focusing on the main topic.

The outline includes the following key sections:

  • Introduction

1. Write an Impressive Analytical Essay Introduction

The essay introduction aims to provide the reader with basic background information on the issue. An introduction section starts with a hook, an interesting and engaging fact or statement. Consider it first and probably the last chance to impress your readers.

The introduction should be exciting and leave the reader wanting to know more. However, be specific and keep everything brief. Do not overwhelm your readers with tons of information, and keep the details for the latter part of the essay.

2. Write a Concise Thesis Statement

The thesis statement comes after the introduction, and it is usually a one or two-liner. It is the core essence of the entire essay, and this is why it should be brief and to the point. It is usually written at the end of the introduction and is a small section.

To make it impressive, mention the main theme of the essay briefly.

3. Write Analytical Essay Body Paragraphs

The body of any essay is the main part that consists of the flesh of the essay. Writing an analytical essay, the number of body paragraphs varies, depending upon the complexity of the topic.

Generally, each paragraph comprises a topic sentence, analysis of the original text, and evidence from the text that proves your opinion. Use this opportunity to compare and contrast different views about the topic and then present your perspective.

Please remember that each paragraph must present a single idea or topic. Do not try to add multiple ideas into a single paragraph.

4. Write Analytical Essay Conclusion

Want to know how to conclude an analysis paper strongly?

Writing a conclusion has the same importance as the introductory paragraph. Use the conclusion to prove how and why your point of view was correct. Summarize all the main points, bring the discussion closer, and restate the thesis in a global context.

However, don’t introduce new ideas at this stage. It will only confuse your reader further. Explain the importance of the issue and your stance on it to the reader.

How to Perfect Your Analytical Essay?

Once you have finished the writing process, the next step is to perfect your draft. To do so, you must practice the following techniques.

  • Make it Error-Free

If your essay tackles an important issue and presents a solid argument, but at the same time, if it has grammatical or spelling errors, then it won’t come across as a well-written piece of writing.

Before the final submission, make sure that your essay is completely error-free. Check for spelling and grammar and make sure that everything is in line with your analytical essay structure.

Make it your habit to get rid of any mistakes before handing in your paper. You can do this easily by using spelling and grammar check software.

  • Read the Essay Out Loud

It may sound weird, but reading the paper aloud will help you identify your paper’s shortcomings. When writing, you may not be able to identify any complex or vague words and phrases. Reading it out loud will help you in picking such words and rectifying them before submission.

Reading it this way will also help you notice the readability of your text. In case something is not falling in place, you can change it at this stage.

  • Make Sure that You Have Added All the Necessary Details

Every assignment has specific guidelines and requirements, and as a student, you need to follow all of them. Some details include the analytical essay format, the required number of references, the required number of pages and words, etc. Other details include the correct mentioning of the characters’ names and location, as mentioned in the novel, or your chosen subject.

  • Ask a Friend or Sibling to Read it For You

Sometimes we miss minor mistakes and errors, and it is natural. This is why having someone else read it for you will help you in rectifying those mistakes. Ask your friend or a sibling to read it for you and point out structural or any other types of errors.

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Analytical Essay Examples

To help you further, we have added some interesting analytical essay examples and essay samples here. You can download them and use them as a guide for your essay writing process.



Analytical Essay Topics

The range of analytical essay topics is almost limitless. You can write an analytical essay on topics as wide-ranging as the arts, political movements, social phenomena, scientific methods of discoveries, and current events.

To help you choose a topic for your essay, we have presented some topic ideas below:

  • How does fashion influence the lives of teenagers?
  • Do you think that footballers are overrated in terms of pay? If yes, then why?
  • Can you imagine a world without technology? Prove your arguments with strong evidence.
  • Express your views on having school uniforms mandatory. Provide strong arguments and proof.
  • The voting age in the US should be revised. Agreed?
  • Analyze ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and the theme of fate.
  • Explain and analyze different literary terms.
  • Discuss and analyze the theme of Ambition in the play ‘Macbeth.’
  • Analyze the role of different female characters in ‘Hamlet.’
  • Analyze Twain’s ‘Huckleberry Finn’ and discuss the themes of white supremacy and black slavery in the book
  • Analyze the concept of ‘Power Corrupts’ in Marlowe’s ‘Doctor Faustus.’
  • Identify and analyze different symbols in Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot.’
  • How does the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ discuss the era of the Great Depression?
  • Discuss the elements of fantasy and reality in the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire.’
  • Analyze the various symbols in the play ‘The Glass Menagerie.’
  • Is higher education directly related to a higher quality of life?
  • Are high school and college exams necessary?
  • Is peer pressure affecting students today?
  • Analyze the latest presidential speech.
  • Analyze the differences between identical twins.

If you don’t consider yourself a good writer or you simply don’t have time to complete your assignments, then we have the solution for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of an analytical essay.

An analytical essay is a type of writing where the author explains an idea, describes a process or analyzes the text. It differs from summary in that it focuses on critical analysis instead of just retelling what happened without explanation.

What is the difference between an essay and an analysis?

The sole difference is in the definition and the way both of these are conducted. An analysis could be both verbal and written while an essay could be in written form only.

What is an analytical paragraph?

An analytical paragraph writes down and explains a topic by breaking down the information given in charts, clues, outlines, and other material.

Is academic writing analytical?

Not always but most of the time, academic writing is analytical. It breaks down and analyzes a subject and explains it in detail.

What is analysis in simple terms?

An analysis is the breaking down of a theme, a topic, or an idea to understand it in a better manner.

Dorothy M.

Economics, Marketing

Dorothy M. is an experienced freelance writer with over five years of experience in the field. She has a wide client base, and her customers keep returning to her because of her great personalized writing. Dorothy takes care to understand her clients' needs and writes content that engages them and impresses their instructors or readers.

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Do you need to write an analytical essay for school? What sets this kind of essay apart from other types, and what must you include when you write your own analytical essay? In this guide, we break down the process of writing an analytical essay by explaining the key factors your essay needs to have, providing you with an outline to help you structure your essay, and analyzing a complete analytical essay example so you can see what a finished essay looks like.

What Is an Analytical Essay?

Before you begin writing an analytical essay, you must know what this type of essay is and what it includes. Analytical essays analyze something, often (but not always) a piece of writing or a film.

An analytical essay is more than just a synopsis of the issue though; in this type of essay you need to go beyond surface-level analysis and look at what the key arguments/points of this issue are and why. If you’re writing an analytical essay about a piece of writing, you’ll look into how the text was written and why the author chose to write it that way. Instead of summarizing, an analytical essay typically takes a narrower focus and looks at areas such as major themes in the work, how the author constructed and supported their argument, how the essay used literary devices to enhance its messages, etc.

While you certainly want people to agree with what you’ve written, unlike with persuasive and argumentative essays, your main purpose when writing an analytical essay isn’t to try to convert readers to your side of the issue. Therefore, you won’t be using strong persuasive language like you would in those essay types. Rather, your goal is to have enough analysis and examples that the strength of your argument is clear to readers.

Besides typical essay components like an introduction and conclusion, a good analytical essay will include:

  • A thesis that states your main argument
  • Analysis that relates back to your thesis and supports it
  • Examples to support your analysis and allow a more in-depth look at the issue

In the rest of this article, we’ll explain how to include each of these in your analytical essay.

How to Structure Your Analytical Essay

Analytical essays are structured similarly to many other essays you’ve written, with an introduction (including a thesis), several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Below is an outline you can follow when structuring your essay, and in the next section we go into more detail on how to write an analytical essay.


Your introduction will begin with some sort of attention-grabbing sentence to get your audience interested, then you’ll give a few sentences setting up the topic so that readers have some context, and you’ll end with your thesis statement. Your introduction will include:

  • Brief background information explaining the issue/text
  • Your thesis

Body Paragraphs

Your analytical essay will typically have three or four body paragraphs, each covering a different point of analysis. Begin each body paragraph with a sentence that sets up the main point you’ll be discussing. Then you’ll give some analysis on that point, backing it up with evidence to support your claim. Continue analyzing and giving evidence for your analysis until you’re out of strong points for the topic. At the end of each body paragraph, you may choose to have a transition sentence that sets up what the next paragraph will be about, but this isn’t required. Body paragraphs will include:

  • Introductory sentence explaining what you’ll cover in the paragraph (sort of like a mini-thesis)
  • Analysis point
  • Evidence (either passages from the text or data/facts) that supports the analysis
  • (Repeat analysis and evidence until you run out of examples)

You won’t be making any new points in your conclusion; at this point you’re just reiterating key points you’ve already made and wrapping things up. Begin by rephrasing your thesis and summarizing the main points you made in the essay. Someone who reads just your conclusion should be able to come away with a basic idea of what your essay was about and how it was structured. After this, you may choose to make some final concluding thoughts, potentially by connecting your essay topic to larger issues to show why it’s important. A conclusion will include:

  • Paraphrase of thesis
  • Summary of key points of analysis
  • Final concluding thought(s)


5 Steps for Writing an Analytical Essay

Follow these five tips to break down writing an analytical essay into manageable steps. By the end, you’ll have a fully-crafted analytical essay with both in-depth analysis and enough evidence to support your argument. All of these steps use the completed analytical essay in the next section as an example.

#1: Pick a Topic

You may have already had a topic assigned to you, and if that’s the case, you can skip this step. However, if you haven’t, or if the topic you’ve been assigned is broad enough that you still need to narrow it down, then you’ll need to decide on a topic for yourself. Choosing the right topic can mean the difference between an analytical essay that’s easy to research (and gets you a good grade) and one that takes hours just to find a few decent points to analyze

Before you decide on an analytical essay topic, do a bit of research to make sure you have enough examples to support your analysis. If you choose a topic that’s too narrow, you’ll struggle to find enough to write about.

For example, say your teacher assigns you to write an analytical essay about the theme in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath of exposing injustices against migrants. For it to be an analytical essay, you can’t just recount the injustices characters in the book faced; that’s only a summary and doesn’t include analysis. You need to choose a topic that allows you to analyze the theme. One of the best ways to explore a theme is to analyze how the author made his/her argument. One example here is that Steinbeck used literary devices in the intercalary chapters (short chapters that didn’t relate to the plot or contain the main characters of the book) to show what life was like for migrants as a whole during the Dust Bowl.

You could write about how Steinbeck used literary devices throughout the whole book, but, in the essay below, I chose to just focus on the intercalary chapters since they gave me enough examples. Having a narrower focus will nearly always result in a tighter and more convincing essay (and can make compiling examples less overwhelming).

#2: Write a Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the most important sentence of your essay; a reader should be able to read just your thesis and understand what the entire essay is about and what you’ll be analyzing. When you begin writing, remember that each sentence in your analytical essay should relate back to your thesis

In the analytical essay example below, the thesis is the final sentence of the first paragraph (the traditional spot for it). The thesis is: “In The Grapes of Wrath’s intercalary chapters, John Steinbeck employs a variety of literary devices and stylistic choices to better expose the injustices committed against migrants in the 1930s.” So what will this essay analyze? How Steinbeck used literary devices in the intercalary chapters to show how rough migrants could have it. Crystal clear.

#3: Do Research to Find Your Main Points

This is where you determine the bulk of your analysis--the information that makes your essay an analytical essay. My preferred method is to list every idea that I can think of, then research each of those and use the three or four strongest ones for your essay. Weaker points may be those that don’t relate back to the thesis, that you don’t have much analysis to discuss, or that you can’t find good examples for. A good rule of thumb is to have one body paragraph per main point

This essay has four main points, each of which analyzes a different literary device Steinbeck uses to better illustrate how difficult life was for migrants during the Dust Bowl. The four literary devices and their impact on the book are:

  • Lack of individual names in intercalary chapters to illustrate the scope of the problem
  • Parallels to the Bible to induce sympathy for the migrants
  • Non-showy, often grammatically-incorrect language so the migrants are more realistic and relatable to readers
  • Nature-related metaphors to affect the mood of the writing and reflect the plight of the migrants

#4: Find Excerpts or Evidence to Support Your Analysis

Now that you have your main points, you need to back them up. If you’re writing a paper about a text or film, use passages/clips from it as your main source of evidence. If you’re writing about something else, your evidence can come from a variety of sources, such as surveys, experiments, quotes from knowledgeable sources etc. Any evidence that would work for a regular research paper works here.

In this example, I quoted multiple passages from The Grapes of Wrath  in each paragraph to support my argument. You should be able to back up every claim you make with evidence in order to have a strong essay.

#5: Put It All Together

Now it's time to begin writing your essay, if you haven’t already. Create an introductory paragraph that ends with the thesis, make a body paragraph for each of your main points, including both analysis and evidence to back up your claims, and wrap it all up with a conclusion that recaps your thesis and main points and potentially explains the big picture importance of the topic.


Analytical Essay Example + Analysis

So that you can see for yourself what a completed analytical essay looks like, here’s an essay I wrote back in my high school days. It’s followed by analysis of how I structured my essay, what its strengths are, and how it could be improved.

One way Steinbeck illustrates the connections all migrant people possessed and the struggles they faced is by refraining from using specific titles and names in his intercalary chapters. While The Grapes of Wrath focuses on the Joad family, the intercalary chapters show that all migrants share the same struggles and triumphs as the Joads. No individual names are used in these chapters; instead the people are referred to as part of a group. Steinbeck writes, “Frantic men pounded on the doors of the doctors; and the doctors were busy.  And sad men left word at country stores for the coroner to send a car,” (555). By using generic terms, Steinbeck shows how the migrants are all linked because they have gone through the same experiences. The grievances committed against one family were committed against thousands of other families; the abuse extends far beyond what the Joads experienced. The Grapes of Wrath frequently refers to the importance of coming together; how, when people connect with others their power and influence multiplies immensely. Throughout the novel, the goal of the migrants, the key to their triumph, has been to unite. While their plans are repeatedly frustrated by the government and police, Steinbeck’s intercalary chapters provide a way for the migrants to relate to one another because they have encountered the same experiences. Hundreds of thousands of migrants fled to the promised land of California, but Steinbeck was aware that numbers alone were impersonal and lacked the passion he desired to spread. Steinbeck created the intercalary chapters to show the massive numbers of people suffering, and he created the Joad family to evoke compassion from readers.  Because readers come to sympathize with the Joads, they become more sensitive to the struggles of migrants in general. However, John Steinbeck frequently made clear that the Joads were not an isolated incident; they were not unique. Their struggles and triumphs were part of something greater. Refraining from specific names in his intercalary chapters allows Steinbeck to show the vastness of the atrocities committed against migrants.

Steinbeck also creates significant parallels to the Bible in his intercalary chapters in order to enhance his writing and characters. By using simple sentences and stylized writing, Steinbeck evokes Biblical passages. The migrants despair, “No work till spring. No work,” (556).  Short, direct sentences help to better convey the desperateness of the migrants’ situation. Throughout his novel, John Steinbeck makes connections to the Bible through his characters and storyline. Jim Casy’s allusions to Christ and the cycle of drought and flooding are clear biblical references.  By choosing to relate The Grapes of Wrath to the Bible, Steinbeck’s characters become greater than themselves. Starving migrants become more than destitute vagrants; they are now the chosen people escaping to the promised land. When a forgotten man dies alone and unnoticed, it becomes a tragedy. Steinbeck writes, “If [the migrants] were shot at, they did not run, but splashed sullenly away; and if they were hit, they sank tiredly in the mud,” (556). Injustices committed against the migrants become greater because they are seen as children of God through Steinbeck’s choice of language. Referencing the Bible strengthens Steinbeck’s novel and purpose: to create understanding for the dispossessed.  It is easy for people to feel disdain for shabby vagabonds, but connecting them to such a fundamental aspect of Christianity induces sympathy from readers who might have otherwise disregarded the migrants as so many other people did.

The simple, uneducated dialogue Steinbeck employs also helps to create a more honest and meaningful representation of the migrants, and it makes the migrants more relatable to readers. Steinbeck chooses to accurately represent the language of the migrants in order to more clearly illustrate their lives and make them seem more like real paper than just characters in a book. The migrants lament, “They ain’t gonna be no kinda work for three months,” (555). There are multiple grammatical errors in that single sentence, but it vividly conveys the despair the migrants felt better than a technically perfect sentence would. The Grapes of Wrath is intended to show the severe difficulties facing the migrants so Steinbeck employs a clear, pragmatic style of writing.  Steinbeck shows the harsh, truthful realities of the migrants’ lives and he would be hypocritical if he chose to give the migrants a more refined voice and not portray them with all their shortcomings. The depiction of the migrants as imperfect through their language also makes them easier to relate to. Steinbeck’s primary audience was the middle class, the less affluent of society. Repeatedly in The Grapes of Wrath , the wealthy make it obvious that they scorn the plight of the migrants. The wealthy, not bad luck or natural disasters, were the prominent cause of the suffering of migrant families such as the Joads. Thus, Steinbeck turns to the less prosperous for support in his novel. When referring to the superior living conditions barnyard animals have, the migrants remark, “Them’s horses-we’re men,” (556).  The perfect simplicity of this quote expresses the absurdness of the migrants’ situation better than any flowery expression could.

In The Grapes of Wrath , John Steinbeck uses metaphors, particularly about nature, in order to illustrate the mood and the overall plight of migrants. Throughout most of the book, the land is described as dusty, barren, and dead. Towards the end, however; floods come and the landscape begins to change. At the end of chapter twenty-nine, Steinbeck describes a hill after the floods saying, “Tiny points of grass came through the earth, and in a few days the hills were pale green with the beginning year,” (556). This description offers a stark contrast from the earlier passages which were filled with despair and destruction. Steinbeck’s tone from the beginning of the chapter changes drastically. Early in the chapter, Steinbeck had used heavy imagery in order to convey the destruction caused by the rain, “The streams and the little rivers edged up to the bank sides and worked at willows and tree roots, bent the willows deep in the current, cut out the roots of cottonwoods and brought down the trees,” (553). However, at the end of the chapter the rain has caused new life to grow in California. The new grass becomes a metaphor representing hope. When the migrants are at a loss over how they will survive the winter, the grass offers reassurance. The story of the migrants in the intercalary chapters parallels that of the Joads. At the end of the novel, the family is breaking apart and has been forced to flee their home. However, both the book and final intercalary chapter end on a hopeful note after so much suffering has occurred. The grass metaphor strengthens Steinbeck’s message because it offers a tangible example of hope. Through his language Steinbeck’s themes become apparent at the end of the novel. Steinbeck affirms that persistence, even when problems appear insurmountable, leads to success. These metaphors help to strengthen Steinbeck’s themes in The Grapes of Wrath because they provide a more memorable way to recall important messages.

John Steinbeck’s language choices help to intensify his writing in his intercalary chapters and allow him to more clearly show how difficult life for migrants could be. Refraining from using specific names and terms allows Steinbeck to show that many thousands of migrants suffered through the same wrongs. Imitating the style of the Bible strengthens Steinbeck’s characters and connects them to the Bible, perhaps the most famous book in history. When Steinbeck writes in the imperfect dialogue of the migrants, he creates a more accurate portrayal and makes the migrants easier to relate to for a less affluent audience. Metaphors, particularly relating to nature, strengthen the themes in The Grapes of Wrath by enhancing the mood Steinbeck wants readers to feel at different points in the book. Overall, the intercalary chapters that Steinbeck includes improve his novel by making it more memorable and reinforcing the themes Steinbeck embraces throughout the novel. Exemplary stylistic devices further persuade readers of John Steinbeck’s personal beliefs. Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath to bring to light cruelties against migrants, and by using literary devices effectively, he continuously reminds readers of his purpose. Steinbeck’s impressive language choices in his intercalary chapters advance the entire novel and help to create a classic work of literature that people still are able to relate to today. 

This essay sticks pretty closely to the standard analytical essay outline. It starts with an introduction, where I chose to use a quote to start off the essay. (This became my favorite way to start essays in high school because, if I wasn’t sure what to say, I could outsource the work and find a quote that related to what I’d be writing about.) The quote in this essay doesn’t relate to the themes I’m discussing quite as much as it could, but it’s still a slightly different way to start an essay and can intrigue readers. I then give a bit of background on The Grapes of Wrath and its themes before ending the intro paragraph with my thesis: that Steinbeck used literary devices in intercalary chapters to show how rough migrants had it.

Each of my four body paragraphs is formatted in roughly the same way: an intro sentence that explains what I’ll be discussing, analysis of that main point, and at least two quotes from the book as evidence.

My conclusion restates my thesis, summarizes each of four points I discussed in my body paragraphs, and ends the essay by briefly discussing how Steinbeck’s writing helped introduce a world of readers to the injustices migrants experienced during the dust bowl.

What does this analytical essay example do well? For starters, it contains everything that a strong analytical essay should, and it makes that easy to find. The thesis clearly lays out what the essay will be about, the first sentence of each of the body paragraph introduces the topic it’ll cover, and the conclusion neatly recaps all the main points. Within each of the body paragraphs, there’s analysis along with multiple excerpts from the book in order to add legitimacy to my points.

Additionally, the essay does a good job of taking an in-depth look at the issue introduced in the thesis. Four ways Steinbeck used literary devices are discussed, and for each of the examples are given and analysis is provided so readers can understand why Steinbeck included those devices and how they helped shaped how readers viewed migrants and their plight.

Where could this essay be improved? I believe the weakest body paragraph is the third one, the one that discusses how Steinbeck used plain, grammatically incorrect language to both accurately depict the migrants and make them more relatable to readers. The paragraph tries to touch on both of those reasons and ends up being somewhat unfocused as a result. It would have been better for it to focus on just one of those reasons (likely how it made the migrants more relatable) in order to be clearer and more effective. It’s a good example of how adding more ideas to an essay often doesn’t make it better if they don’t work with the rest of what you’re writing. This essay also could explain the excerpts that are included more and how they relate to the points being made. Sometimes they’re just dropped in the essay with the expectation that the readers will make the connection between the example and the analysis. This is perhaps especially true in the second body paragraph, the one that discusses similarities to Biblical passages. Additional analysis of the quotes would have strengthened it.


Summary: How to Write an Analytical Essay

What is an analytical essay? A critical analytical essay analyzes a topic, often a text or film. The analysis paper uses evidence to support the argument, such as excerpts from the piece of writing. All analytical papers include a thesis, analysis of the topic, and evidence to support that analysis.

When developing an analytical essay outline and writing your essay, follow these five steps:

Reading analytical essay examples can also give you a better sense of how to structure your essay and what to include in it.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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The Ultimate Guide to Analytical Essay Writing: How to Craft an A-Grade Paper?

25 January, 2021

17 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

An analytical essay is often considered the most challenging piece of writing. However, those who have dealt with it at least once are a step closer to calling themselves masters of essay writing. This type of paper requires plenty of analytical skills to carry out an in-depth analysis of the assigned topic. Yet, the main goal of an analytical essay is not only to demonstrate your ability to learn the basics of the theme.

Analytical Essay

You also need to think critically, analyze facts, express your standpoint, and clearly show a deep understanding of key concepts. In short, your main task as an author is to prove the validity of your views by coming up with strong arguments that do not beg any questions.

how to write an analytical essay

The given guide provides a full analytical essay definition, as well as specifies its features and structural aspects. The following information will help you properly start your paper, choose a relevant topic, and come up with compelling conclusions. 

What is an Analytical Essay?

An analytical essay is a piece of writing aimed to provide a thorough analysis of a definite phenomenon using persuasive arguments and supporting assertions. Analysis in the analytical essay writing process stands for a method of research that allows one to study specific features of an object. Analytical papers also have to do with analysis of a specific problem; that is consideration of the problem itself and identification of its key patterns. The subject matter of analysis can be a well-known or little-studied scientific phenomenon, artistic work, historical event, social problem, etc.

The content of an analytical essay will totally depend on the object that has been chosen for analysis. Thus, when shedding light on any kind of scientific work, an analytical essay can be devoted to the analysis of research credibility, its relevance, or the adequacy of conclusions. When considering a work of art, an essay writer can focus on the analysis of the author’s artistic techniques or issues raised in the book. For this reason, it is essential to accurately determine the topic and subject matter of your future analytical essay.

Steps to Take Before Writing

The preparational stage of analytical essay writing cannot be omitted. It lays the basis for the A-grade paper and should be carefully completed. If you don’t know how to start an analytical essay, read a few handy tips that will ensure a solid foundation for your paper.  

Define a subject matter

You first need to clearly understand the issue you will base your essay on. Since analytical essays imply an in-depth analysis of a specific problem, you need to define its core. Try to split the analysis into several components and provide arguments taken either from a book, a research, a scientific work, or a movie (depending on the subject matter of your analysis), and support your views comprehensively.

Decide on the content of your analytical essay

If you are a student who was given an analytical essay topic, read the task several times before you are 100% sure that you clearly understand the requirements as to the analytical essay format. In case you were lucky to choose the topic of the analytical paper by yourself, make sure the theme you will be dealing with is familiar or at least seems interesting to you. 

Remember that different subject matters require a different approach to their analysis. If you examine some literature work, you can prove your opinion based on the deeds of a certain or several characters. But if you have been assigned the task to elaborate on some historic events, analyze their main causes, driving forces that have affected their course, and their global consequences.  

Take care of the proper start

Don’t forget to start your analytical essay with a thesis statement. It is a sentence or a couple of sentences that aim to summarize the key statements of your paper. A thesis statement should provide readers with a preliminary idea of what your essay is all about.  

Find extra reasoning

Make sure your thesis is supported by compelling arguments. To find enough evidence, you should carry out a thorough analysis of the assigned topic. List the crucial points of your research and ponder over the ways they can be used to prove your final opinion. 

Elaborate the outline

A sound outline elaborated at the preparation stage will help you ensure a proper analytical essay structure and make the overall writing process easier. As a rule, an analytical essay consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your outline plan should include the key arguments you want to discuss in each paragraph. 

Analytical Essay Thesis

A thesis statement represents the central idea of your paper and must serve as strong proof of your standpoint. While elaborating your thesis statement, it is crucial to include it at the end of the first paragraph and thus set a direction for the overall paper. 

Analytical Essay Outline

An outline is not a required element of analytical essays writing and should not be included in the text, but it can greatly facilitate the whole process of paper writing.

The analytical essay structure looks as follows:


In the introduction of an analytical essay, you will need to identify your paper’s subject matter. Mention the purpose of your work and specify its scope of research. Don’t forget to include a thesis to let readers know what your work is about.

Body Section

As has already been mentioned, the body section covers three or more main paragraphs, each being supported with arguments and details. Besides, you need to provide a small conclusion to each statement to make your essay sound professional and persuasive. 

At this stage, you need to summarize the points elucidated in your paper and make sure there is a smooth and logical transition from the body section to the concluding part of the text. If you don’t know how to conclude an analytical essay, try to restate the thesis statement without copying it word for word.  

Analytical Essay Examples

Writing an analytical essay may seem to be a thorny way. If you are still not sure how to properly craft one, try to find some examples that will help you go in the right direction. Below, there are some great examples of analytical essays. Take a look at their structure and try to write something similar based on your views and ideas:


30 Analytical Essay Topics

If you were allowed to choose the theme for your paper by yourself, check on the following analytical essay topics. Each of them can bring you the highest score:

General topics

  • The influence of social networks on the life of teens
  • Are salaries of football players too high?
  • Wearing uniforms in schools should be banned
  • A person in society: the problems of loneliness and privacy
  • Sociology of corporate relationships
  • Does the observation of space need more investments?
  • Should the voting age in the UK be decreased?
  • Reasons why capital punishment should be brought back in the UK
  • A world with no rules: a new human era or a road to the global collapse?
  • Life without technologies: will modern people survive?
  • Should scientists test drugs on animals to fight cancer?
  • The problem of keeping the balance between career and family life
  • The importance of listening to your body 
  • Problems caused by the lack of communication
  • Food addiction and the problems it causes
  • Problems of vaccination in the XXI century
  • Does evil really rule the world?
  • How does body size affect life quality?
  • Pros and cons of video games 
  • The role of a family model in the life and career of a person

Analytical Essay Topics on Literature

  • “Robinson Crusoe”: fantasy vs reality
  • Observation of the artistic uniqueness in the comedy by W. Shakespeare “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” 
  • Observe the social problems in the novel by John Steinbeck “The Grapes of Wrath”
  • Convulsions and death of the “little man” in the networks of impersonal, alienated forces in the novel “The Metamorphosis”
  • Observation of the problems of a man on a plagued land in the novel “The Plague”
  • Revolt of the protagonist in the novel by J. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”
  • Observation of friendship and love in the fate of humanity in the XX century
  • The triumph of immorality in the novel by F. Sagan “Hello Sadness”
  • Observation of the personality of an American student in the novel by J. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”
  • Eternal tragedies of humanity in the tragedy by W. Shakespeare “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

How to Write a Well-Structured Analytical Essay With a Solid Argument

Writing an analytical essay with a clear structure might be challenging unless you are thoroughly prepared. We decided to help you out and create a detailed guide listing the main things to consider when creating an analytical essay outline. You need to explain your main idea in a concise way to bring your point across. As analytical writing has high requirements, it pays off to find an analytical essay example and analyze how this text was written. It will allow you to understand the analytical essay format better and learn how to provide substantive analysis on various topics. Read on to learn how to write a top-level analytical paper and submit it on time.

Main Tips for Writing an Analytical Essay

An analytical essay should provide a comprehensive analysis of a chosen topic. What makes an analysis essay different from other assignments is that it includes a personal opinion of an author. This is why analytical writing should be persuasive.

Below, we have rounded up the key tips you need to follow when producing an analytical essay outline and the main body of your text. Read on to learn more about the analytical essay format and create a text that will fully meet the requirements.

Select an Analytical Essay Topic

Before creating an analytical essay outline, make sure to pick a topic that you are interested in. It should be provocative enough to engage your readers. A widely-debated topic will help you write an analytical essay that grabs the attention of a wide audience.

Consider your goals and conduct thorough research to see if you have enough sources to support the main thesis of your analysis essay.

Come Up With a Strong Analytical Thesis Statement

When writing an analytical essay, start by formulating a thesis statement that includes the topic and the main goal of your text. It will help you create an analytical essay outline and show your readers what you will discuss in your analysis essay.

Add it to the last paragraph of your analytical essay introduction. Due to this, your analytical essay outline will look better structured. Look at any analytical essay example to see how you can introduce your subject. In most cases, one sentence will suffice to state your analysis essay’s goal. However, a complex analytical essay outline might require you to use two sentences for a thesis statement.

Write an Analytical Essay Body with a Clear Structure

Your analytical essay outline should include 3-4 paragraphs. However, a literary analysis essay usually consists of 5 paragraphs. When it comes to analytical writing, it is important to cover a different point in each section of the main body of an analysis paper.

After writing an analytical essay, check whether each paragraph contains an introduction and the main point. Besides, it should contain evidence. An expertly written analytical essay outline will help you reach out to your target audience more effectively.

Conduct Research Before Writing an Analytical Essay Outline

While this step is preparatory, it is a must for those who want to write a well-grounded analytical paper.

  • First, select the best ideas for your essay
  • Then, emphasize the problems with works written by other researchers
  • Finally, write your analytical essay outline to demonstrate what approach you want to take

Examine the context and find examples to illustrate the scope of the issue. You may draw parallels to emphasize your point and make your topic more relatable.

Analyze the Implications of the Evidence

After listing your pieces of evidence and demonstrating how it is related to your thesis, show why it is important. You need to explore it deeply and use it to support your argument. It will make your analytical essay outline well-grounded facts.

Write an Analytical Essay Conclusion

Whether you write a literary analysis essay or other types of assignments, there is no need to add any new data at the end of your analysis paper. Instead, summarize the arguments you mentioned in your analytical essay outline. The conclusion of your analysis essay should be short and clear. Here, you need to demonstrate that you have achieved your goals.

Analytical Essay Writing Tips

If you want to get the highest grade for your analytical essay, you need to know a little bit more than just the basics of paper writing. Read these handy tips to write a perfect essay you will be proud of:

  • Double-check your paper for spelling and grammar mistakes. In case your essay contains too many errors, neither an in-depth analysis nor the elaborate writing style will make it look any better. Situations when essays of great value in terms of research and a message they convey are poorly assessed because of the abundance of mistakes are not rare. Make sure you have enough time to proofread your paper before submission. Also, you may consider asking somebody to take a fresh look at your essay and check it for you.
  • Reading your analytical essay out loud helps you discover all types of errors or weak phrases. This method might seem a bit uncomfortable, but it has proved to be very effective for many students. Note that silent reading of your paper isn’t even half as helpful as reading it aloud. 
  • Another great idea to check on the rhythm and flow of your paper is to ask someone to read it for you. While listening to the text, you could perceive it from another perspective and discover even more inconsistencies and mistakes.  
  • Double-check the facts you use in your analytical essay. The names of people, books, research, publications, as well as dates of historical events are too important to be misspelled. Things like these show your professionalism and the way you treat your readers.

Write an Analytical Essay with HandmadeWriting

Writing an analytical essay requires time, strong writing skills, great attention to detail, and a huge interest in the assigned topic. However, life can be unpredictable sometimes, and students might find themselves at risk of failing their creative assignments. Stress, family issues, poor health, and even unwillingness to work on a certain topic may become significant obstacles on their way to the A-grade work.

If you have similar problems, there is no need to compromise your reputation and grades. You can always refer to HandmadeWriting professionals who are ready to help you with a paper of any type and complexity. They will understand your individual style and totally devote themselv

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An analytical essay  is a type of essay that requires the writer to analyze and interpret a piece of literature or a particular topic. The purpose of an analytical essay is to present a detailed analysis and evaluation of a particular subject or idea.

If you wish to learn how to write an analytical essay, you are at the right place! Before beginning any academic assignment, one needs an understanding of what it is all about. Knowing a task's purpose is the first step that helps build a specific strategy to follow. We will help understand what an analytical essay assignment implies and explain how to write it and get a high grade. Get ready that your professor will be stunned by your results. Brace yourselves as we are about to begin!

What Is an Analytical Essay?

Talking about analytical essay definition, it is not as sophisticated as it might seem at first glance. An analytical essay is a paper that expects students to  pose a claim after analyzing a particular source . It can be a book, an article, a specific situation, or a film. Writing an analytical essay does not entail a simple summary of one chosen issue. The scope is somewhat broader. One's goal is to go deeper into selected source and  see the author's ideas . Another point is to discover the reason why these arguments were presented. Once you do this, start analyzing  how the content was created and why its author favored such an approach .  

Analytical Essay vs. Argumentative Essay

For sure, there is a distinctness between analytical essays and  argumentative essay examples . You won't be using complicated persuasive techniques like in the latter. Instead, take your focus on making arguments evident and understandable for your readers. Show them that you can see the author's way of using various literary elements. Understand how they structure their ideas in logical order. The principle here is to scrutinize information you've analyzed and bring it on a plate to your reader.  

How to Write an Analytical Essay?

If you don't know how to write an analytical essay, completing one can be an issue. Successful analysis essay writing will require your comprehension of the basics and other steps that will make your paper flawless. But don't worry, we will help avoid headaches and sleepless nights. Our guide will describe the essentials and main elements of this type of work. Keep reading and find them out. Ultimately, you will ace your writing assignment and get a fantastic outcome!

What to Do Before You Start Writing an Analytical Essay?

Below we will outline some simple pre-writing steps that will help students meet the assignment's requirements. Completing the preparatory process is half the job done. If you succeed at doing all these steps right, writing the paper itself won't be your nightmare anymore.

Understand the Objectives

Your first task is to check an analytical essay rubric. Usually, teachers give it along with the instructions. Make sure it's clear what you are expected to do and which approach you should take. Writing an analytical essay doesn't require summarizing the source of analysis only. If you want to write the best paper, remember that you need:  

  • Personal opinion regarding the matter of analysis
  • Well-organized main idea
  • Awareness of conflicting arguments
  • Trustworthy and reliable sources.

Once you grasp the task's concept and choose the right direction, it will make your start towards a strong paper much more manageable. If academic writing isn't your thing, rely on our essay service for outstanding and efficient outcome.

Brainstorm for Ideas

Usually, teachers assign topics and give the requirements if this is a task received in class. But what if you don't have any clue on what to write about? Don't panic. You will handle it either way. Think of something simple and what you have enough expertise about. Search for a list of analytical essay topics online or use our topic generator . All these options can help find one rather convenient theme of choice. Suppose you have already found a good topic for an analytical paper. If you feel that it's too broad, you can always narrow it down.  Keep in mind that the more information about a specific topic is available, the more investigation you will need to carry out.  And it is one of many reasons that can increase your writing time. Now we are ready for brainstorming. Think of some theses about the chosen topic that come to mind and just write them down. This way, you won't keep all ideas in your head. Search for materials to back up your arguments with corresponding clues. Collect everything you can find and divide it into categories of primary and secondary sources. And you are good to go.  

Develop an Analytical Thesis Statement

The analytical essay thesis is a central reference point of an entire piece. Once your readers see the thesis statement, they should recognize what your paper will be about. It should also determine what exactly you will be analyzing. Also, make sure that the claim you make can be arguable. You shouldn't provide bare facts that everyone is aware of. Instead,  take a stand and make an argument . Use facts and evidence retrieved from chosen sources and prove it. The thesis statement for analytical essay must be precise and connected with the entire paper. Since it sets a direction for your reader from beginning, make sure that they will not lose your main point after the introduction.  

Create an Analytical Essay Outline

Now, as you have crafted a thesis statement, start creating an analytical paper outline. It is a great idea that will ease the tracking of information to include in your paper. A good plan will ensure your expression of thoughts clearly and logically. Of course, outlining the work is not always obligatory. But it is an excellent option that helps during your writing process. This way, you won't keep all data in your head and not forget about including something important later. It's a real blessing for both students and professional writers. There are different ways to create an outline for analytical essay. But most of the time, students can follow a standard five paragraph essay outline . This one includes an introduction, main body (with 3 paragraphs), and a conclusion. You may see an analytical essay outline example on this picture below:  

Analytical Essay Structure

Let's talk about structure of an analytical essay in more detail. Keep in mind that your thesis statement should have a bond with each paragraph. Therefore carefully plan about things to incorporate in each section.

Analytical Essay Introduction

If you are wondering how to start an analytical essay, let's say that its opening paragraph has three common elements. Those are:

  • Hook for essay
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

Begin writing an introduction with a hook. It's a catchy statement that can be in the form of an amazing fact, statistics, or an anecdote. You may also use a question or a quote by a famous person. However, these techniques are often overused. So it's better to avoid using those unless there is no other option. Next, provide some  background information  about your topic. It can be some general data that will help draw a broader picture of your subject. Let it be like a trampoline for your argument. As a final touch, introduce your  thesis statement . Ensure that it represents your main argument, is clear, and directly relates to the topic of choice. It shouldn't sound general. On the contrary, narrow it down based on the chosen area of concern.  

Body Paragraphs in Analytical Paper

While writing an analytical paper, it's best to  start body paragraphs with good topic sentences . This way, you let your readers know what information they should expect further in the text. Ensure that your thesis traces back to each section you write. After you set up the central idea of a paragraph:  

  • Provide its reasoning by making an assertion.
  • Use previously collected materials to justify your issue and show why it matters.
  • Close a body paragraph with concluding your findings and making a transition to the next part.

If you decide to make your main body more than 3 paragraphs long, repeat the same procedure as above until you are out of ideas.

Analytical Essay Conclusion

Once you finish the introduction and paper body parts, a question appears: "How to conclude an analytical essay?". The answer is simple. Avoid introducing any new points in the end. Try to remind your audience about how you backed up your arguments. Rephrase the thesis statement and provide a summary of your central ideas. The conclusion alone should let your reader know what they could find out after going through the essay. The best way to end a closing paragraph is to leave your audience thinking. Make a connection of your topic to broader issues along with a couple of deducing thoughts. For more inspiration, take any  diagnostic essay example . It will help you with creativity and show your strong writing skills.

Bottom Line

We hope that this open guide has cleared things up and provided detailed instructions on how to write an analytical essay. As you see, there is nothing complicated if you know the basic rules. And the more different assignments you complete, the easier it will be to get acquainted with other academic tasks. Analysis paper is also helpful in terms of newly acquired skills. It allows students to see their strengths and weaknesses in analytical thinking which is requred to complete different assignments, including character analysis or DBQ essay . Keep in mind that there is always room for improvement.


If you believe that you cannot meet the assignment's deadline due to other important activities, consider asking our writing service for help. Our professional writers will be glad to assist you with writing an analysis essay and other academic tasks. Premium quality and on-time delivery are guaranteed!  


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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How to write a critical analysis essay

Analytical Essay: Dissection of Student’s Feared Topic

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Analytical essay is not just a nightmare for college students, it also gives them a headache when they are making one. Every student finds these essays cumbersome and excessively demanding due to the nature of complexities involved in them. That’s the prime reason these students fail in their term papers, coursework projects, etc.

We almost had you! Right? In the presence of our esteemed professional writers, there’s nothing to worry about! We will make your day by offering you all the information you need to become successful in your academic career. If you’re struggling to get to grips with such assignments, this blog post is for you. Today, we will discuss everything from writing an analytical essay to outlining its various parts.

Additionally, we will provide you with an ideal essay example that’ll do more than just providing you knowledge. So, take out your notepads / tablets / computers and start scribbling right away. Let’s get ready because we are deep diving into this topic right now!

Table of Contents

How to Write an Analytical Essay?

Writing an analytical essay is not as difficult as doing a thorough analysis yourself. Since a critical analysis essay is all about analyzing a topic / subject/ personality/ character / book / or any literary write-up or idea, we have to do two types of analysis in it. The first one is looking at it through a microscopic view and secondly is by the author’s point of view or eyes.

Analytic essay is your golden opportunity to demonstrate your skills to provide a critical point of view about a topic and enlighten your audience. Let’s just start learning how to write one when you’re clueless and need immediate help.

how to write analytical essay

Read the Prompt Thoroughly

The first thing a student must do is thoroughly study the essay prompt if given by your professor. Typically, an analytic essay is given by your professor or college board to evaluate a candidate’s abilities of examining a phenomena. On the other hand, if you have been given a free choice of picking any topic of your liking then you must do so, as you’re told.

Your essay prompt provides you directions and rest is on you to figure out the purpose of the assignment. The first thing a student must do is to read the prompt a minimum of three times. Read it and understand what are the requirements you must follow and in case you need further guidelines or space in exploring the topic further.

It’s alright if you feel confused at first or even at second attempt, because college assignments are not meant to be a piece of cake. For the same reason, it’s recommended to read three times and understand the context from your teacher’s point of view. After you do it a couple of times, you’ll know what to do and how to do it.

Pick a Topic

The second and one of the essential steps of writing an analytic essay is choosing a topic. Your topic is the direction you will choose to achieve your objectives. For example, if you’re a psychology student then you can choose a subject such as what is an  existential crisis  and how to overcome it. For students of applied and clinical psychology this topic is relevant and allows them to present their analysis.

Similarly, medical science students can choose a topic for a cause and effect essay and enlighten their audience on the extent of a disease, etc. When choosing a topic do remember to avoid certain steps that will cause nothing but trouble:

  • Choosing a topic out of discipline / scope /
  • Topic that requires resources other than your institution provided you
  • Subject that requires prior authorization or approval
  • A topic that’s based on opinions rather than facts
  • Challenging previous studies without proof / evidence(s)
  • Going beyond the depths of your skills and abilities
  • Easy topic that lacks your audience’s interest or surface-level information

When a subject for your analytic essay, it’s important to avoid aforementioned mistakes that are common in academic writing.

Start Researching on it

After going through the topic’s selection process, it’s time to start researching about it. In today’s digital age, you can speed up the process by finding relevant information on the internet as well. There are two types of research involved in this process: one deals with empirical or statistical data, and the other is non-empirical.

To start a statistical or quantitative research method, you first need to gather evidence that demonstrates results in numbers. Most of the science, medical, psychology, economics and marketing subjects require quantitative methods to follow in the assignment making process.

On the contrary, literature, sociology, history and anthropy requires only the use of qualitative research techniques. Regardless of the requirement of the research method, your evidence must be solid and should stand firm with time. To have a credible research readily available at your side, here are the things that you should follow:

  • Start your research from prominent scholarly journals, books, newspapers, etc
  • After collecting the evidence from them, use secondary sources such as books, articles written on the primary sources of research and experiments, etc
  • The last step is gathering the evidence on the opinions from the readers who get to read the book and understand the context as well.

By doing the steps above mentioned, you’ll be able to gather three types of research and it will help you create your narrative on the topic.

Formulate an Outline Deduce from the Research

The next essential component of writing an analytic essay is making an outline from the arguments you deduce from your research. Making an outline is a technical part and one must consider how many arguments they should add in the body section that respond to queries appropriately. A general outline of analytical essay consist of three sections or parts known as:

  • Introduction (starting paragraph)
  • Body paragraph (middle section)
  • A conclusion part (last paragraph)

Irrespective of the word count or requirements of the essay, it must consist of these parts. These parts of outline help your readers navigate to the exact section they want to read. For example, if your audience wants to read about the facts or evidence you’ve collected they can easily move to body paragraphs.

The last part of an outline is a conclusion. It circles around restating your thesis statement and provides a closure or end for your audience. An author provides a summary of all the main findings in this section, and gives their concluding remarks. Upon making an exclusive and wonderful conclusion, you can leave a lingering impression on your audience.

Write your First Draft

Here comes the composing part where you must write all the worlds and thoughts you gathered on the topic. As we discussed before you need to compartmentalize all of your arguments into an outline and then add them in the relevant sections. Your first draft must have these following details in the essay such as:


An introduction is the first paragraph of the essay. It consists of three parts such as a hook sentence, background information and a thesis statement. All of these parts collectively form the outer shell of the intro section. Let’s discuss the role of each part in detail here.

A hook statement is the first line of the essay that serves as the eye grabbing or attention grabber sentence. It can be a famous quote, a historical fact or an eye opening result. You can write it in one or maximum two lines with word count ranging from 8 to 20.

The second part is background information that informs the audience about the origins of the topic or subject in question. This way you provide your audience with information that plays a pivotal role in their understanding and evokes an emotional response in them.

And finally, we have the life line of the essay and yes that’s a “Thesis Statement”. It’s the crux of the entire effort and educates the audience why they should accept the author’s opinion. Typically, you can formulate the thesis sentence after you gather all the evidence and read all the books and supporting evidence.

Body Paragraph(s)

A body paragraph section is the middle part of the essay and is by far the lengthiest one. It consists of the author’s opinion, corroborating evidence and adding anti-thesis and its answers in the rebuttal.

The body paragraph must start with a topic sentence that provides a short summary of the entire paragraph’s discussion. After that, you must add your arguments on the topic and let the conversation flow logically. A golden rule of thumb says you must add one argument and then its supporting evidence. This way, each of your arguments is backed by evidence and informs the audience appropriately.

Lastly, you can add transition words to crossover from one topic or point of discussion to the next one. It helps connect two different or opposing ideas and makes a bridge between them.

This is where you end your discussion and assure your readers that there’s nothing more that should be added in the context and they have to accept the author’s take on the topic. When you write this section, divide your attention into three sections.

When you start writing a conclusion, start from presenting the summary of the entire discussion you’ve started and is about to end. Secondly, reiterate the thesis sentence to provide emphasis on your research and its crux.

Thirdly, you must present your final remarks that closes the door for further discussion on the topic for now. Your conclusion remarks must be strong and persuasive enough to demonstrate your command on the topic.

Finally, the conclusion must show its significance to future generations and usefulness in the field of your studies.

Revise the Essay

After writing all the parts of the essay such as introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, it’s time to revise your write-up. A revision is the best way where structural issues can be diagnosed and rectified timely.

Revision is a technique that not only helps you in seeing the issues but it also educates students on common slip-ups in their writing.

Proofread and Edit the Analytical Essay

The last part of writing an essay is doing a thorough proofreading for rectifying typos. Any grammatical issues can be solved at this stage. Students can use many tools for such work and improve their vocabulary and grammar issues. Lastly, in the light of the highlighted changes, edit your draft and make appropriate changes. Read the essay again and seek professional help if you think of having less skills and time required for this task. Submit the essay to your professor after completing it.

By following these guidelines students can compose breathtaking analytical essays for their college assignments. Our expert’s guide provides a step by step process that helps in understanding the actions students must take without deviating from the requirements.

Defining What is an Analytical Essay?

An analytic essay is a college assignment typically assigned to higher education students who are seeking master’s or PhD level degrees. By its definition an analytical essay allows students to choose a topic and discuss it with critical analysis under a microscope.

For instance, students can choose a topic such as dictatorship and then they must do thorough research on this subject. On the other hand, students also need to educate their audience about what are the benefits and disadvantages of this ideology, etc. Origins, current state and future iterations also needed to be mentioned in this write-up.

In short, the further you dig, the better it will get for your audience. Additionally, your analysis must be objective, adding a subjective tone may cost you top grades. Although, a small space is given for a subjective opinion but exaggeration is strictly prohibited for doing so.

This definition will help students get to grips with this academic writing style that focuses on the examination of an idea or topic with a critical eye.

Creating an Analytical Essay Outline Template

It becomes a handful for students to create an outline for an analytical essay and make it work. Don’t worry, here we will be discussing all about it and make you a pro in no time. Let’s look at the following parts of the analytical essay outline.

Start Making a Good Introduction

The initial step for a student is to craft an engaging introduction for their essay, a crucial component of an analytical essay’s structure. As it’s the first element that your reader or professor encounters, adhering to the guidelines we’ve outlined here is critical.

Begin with a captivating hook sentence that will pique your audience’s interest. Ensure your hook is compelling enough to entice your readers to peruse the entire essay. Following this, provide some background information on the topic to enlighten your readers. Finally, incorporate a thesis statement to exhibit your mastery of the subject.

This way, you will quickly complete the first part of the structure, which will inspire your peers as well. Here is an example of introduction template for better understanding of the practical work:

“Religious fascism is today’s biggest dilemma and causes mass influx of cruelty and terror in the world. Since the inception of religion and its cult following, people who are followers of any theology interjected and forcefully stomp their superiority on others. Supposedly the pious leadership of the catholic church and other organized religion took control of the state and held captive basic civil rights and freedom of speech. Salem trials of 1692 is a best example of injustice in persecution of women harassed, tortured and killed under the name of religion.

Step by step abolition of churches and religious authority over the state results in greater peace, one that was never predicted has been achieved. For longer peace and prosperity, it’s essential for state institutions to completely suppress religion and make them limited to the compounds of the church, temple etc should be the top priority of any country or a free state.”

Students we have presented you with the best version of an introduction part of an critical analysis essay. You can take an example from it and make one for your college assignment.

Make Body Paragraphs

The main body of an essay’s blueprint is the most pivotal component. It encompasses the writer’s investigation, contrasting viewpoints, and corroborating proof. Learners should initiate their main body sections with a concise introductory sentence that encapsulates the paragraph’s content.

The subsequent step involves presenting your arguments on the subject, supplemented by substantiating evidence that aligns with your position. If the subject’s investigation is extensive and the proof exceeds a couple of points, you may consider incorporating a second and third paragraph.

Following the enumeration of corroborating evidence, it’s advisable to introduce counter arguments or dissenting opinions. These opposing views originate from individuals who disagree with your position. Their inclusion offers a balanced outlook that underscores your reliability and objectivity regarding the topic.

The final task is to incorporate transitional phrases to facilitate movement from one paragraph to another. These transitions also maintain coherence when shifting from one section to another or transitioning to an entirely different subject.

Let’s have a look at body paragraph’s template:

“Just like crimes, organized religion spreads its tentacles into the society and makes it hollow with fake preaching and surface-level understanding. All the elected popes run secretive societies where they allow for persecution,torture and brainwashing techniques to their followers and non-followers. 

Dan Brown’s book Da Vinci Code clearly provides historic evidence of catholic church’s involvement in Salem Witch Trial and killings of Protestant and Eastern Orthodox church followers. Knights Templars were the biggest army at the church’s disposal and they killed thousands on the behest of the Pope of Rome. Religious extremism exists in many forms today and 9/11 attacks on twin towers is an example of one where islamic terrorists killed more than 3000 people in New Work City according to the US Department of Defense website. So we can safely establish that religious extremism in any form should be disbanded by all possible means.

End the Debate in Conclusion Paragraph

The concluding section of the analytical essay blueprint is the finale. The initial step you should undertake is to reaffirm your thesis statement, underscoring its significance and applicability. Following this, encapsulate the primary points of the essay along with a final remark. The closing comments bring the discussion to a halt, leaving no room for further debates or disagreements. Lastly, highlight the value of your work and its potential contribution to future scholarly research.

The conclusion you provide must be good and composed keeping in view the future challenges. This way you will be able to forecast five to ten years in future and provide your perspective to your readers. Let’s look at a conclusion example:

“We have established that organized religion and its extremist wing have created havoc in our society. There are no instances where religion played a good role in society. From creation of killing squads like Knights Templar to public prosecution of Salem Witches, history has witnessed brutality all over the world. It’s essential for political parties to part ways from such criminal actions and arrest supporters as well.

For creating greater harmony and love between different cultures and societies, it’s essential to devoid these actions or steps from religion and promote non-religious discussions and trade of ideas than selling beliefs and hatred”

Students we have presented a completed outline template for your understanding. You can take inspiration or follow it and compose marvelous essays for your assignments.

Analytical Essay Introduction

The opening paragraph of an analytical essay introduction serves as the initial segment of the task. Its main objective is to convey information to the readers utilizing a variety of methods. The first line you pen down will serve as your captivating sentence, designed to elicit an emotional reaction from the readers.

A writer possesses the liberty to sway their reader’s perception by employing a captivating sentence that personally engages them. This strategy allows you to persuade them to pursue your scholarly paper from beginning to end.

The subsequent section involves incorporating background data into the context. This portion underscores the significance of the issue addressed in the final paper. It also acquaints the audience with the historical background of the topic and underscores the urgency of its resolution.

Analytical Essay Thesis Statement

The third stage commences with the creation of a succinct analytical essay thesis statement that encapsulates the research question and topic. Once you’ve amassed your research materials and evidence, crafting your thesis sentence becomes a straightforward task. However, without comprehensive and relevant information, the formulation of this critical statement is unattainable. For a college term paper research statement, it’s imperative to keep it brief yet packed with insightful details.

A hypothesis statement, positioned at the conclusion of the introductory paragraph, enlightens readers about your method of arriving at the results. It serves as the cornerstone of your entire discussion and the arguments put forth in support or opposition of the subject.

To articulate your central idea of analytical essay thesis statement, adhere to the steps outlined below:

  • Ensure it’s incisive and compelling
  • It should be pertinent to the overall topic and its context
  • Strive for utmost precision
  • It should encapsulate the topic, research question, and research answer in a single sentence.
  • Once you’ve drafted your thesis sentence, polish it further before proceeding to the outline section.

Analytical Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of an analytical essay serve as the core of the outline, where students are required to incorporate their comprehensive research. This section includes a review of literature, discussion, methodologies, and more. It’s a critical juncture for students where they need to demonstrate their proficiency and abilities to convince their readers.

Initiate the body paragraph with a sentence that encapsulates the topic, providing your audience with a glimpse of what’s to be discussed in this section. Following this, you can delve into the key points and substantiate your arguments with solid evidence.

In the body section, you can also explore the literature review and pinpoint the gaps in the existing material. This approach allows you to swiftly identify areas requiring enhancement and propose solutions to address them.

Incorporating counterarguments in your research paper is also advisable. This step enables you to present your responses or counterarguments, showcasing your impartiality and competence as a writer, which can help persuade your readers. After embedding all the persuasive elements and proofs in the body paragraph, you can then transition to crafting a conclusion.

Steps for How to Write an Analytical Essay

The steps to process analysis essays are given below that will surely help students from all disciplines and knowledge. Let’s look at them one by one:

Step 1: Choose Topic for Process Analysis Essays

Even if you’re a skilled writer with aspirations of turning professional, there are still many steps to take. One of the first steps in writing an analytical essay is choosing a topic. Your topic serves as a compass, guiding your research and ensuring you stay on track.

There are several strategies students can use to choose a topic effectively. If you’re unsure about what to choose, consider reviewing previously published work for inspiration. This can be a quick way to find a solution.

Alternatively, you could seek guidance from your professor or student counselor. They are well-equipped to provide valuable advice that can greatly benefit your essay.

Lastly, you could choose a topic based on your personal interest and its breadth. This allows you to stay engaged and delve deeper into the subject and its various subtopics.

Step 2: Conduct Research

The second phase involves conducting an exhaustive investigation on the subject matter. The depth of your research will directly influence the novelty of the information you present to your readers. A robust research foundation is crucial for ensuring your essay unfolds as intended.

During the research and evidence collection process, students should steer clear of common pitfalls that could compromise their work and its credibility. These errors are not confined to any particular field and include:

  • Conducting inadequate research or providing insufficient justification for research points
  • Relying on sources with questionable credibility
  • Using outdated or invalidated analyses that have been superseded by newer methodologies
  • Including content that is not relevant to the specific scenario discussed in the topic
  • Citing research sources without obtaining the author’s consent.

Step 3. Create Ideas in your Mind

Upon conducting thorough research, begin by creating a mind map of your arguments. Consider various strategies that could effectively convince your audience to favor your viewpoint over existing ones. Incorporate ideas that align with the evidence you’ve gathered. Once your mind map is fully developed, you’re prepared to move on to the subsequent step.

Step 4. Start with Intro Section

Begin the drafting process by crafting an engaging opening paragraph. Draw in your audience with a compelling first sentence, often referred to as a hook. This should be concise and designed to pique their curiosity about the topic. Follow this with some contextual information about the subject to give your readers a solid foundation. At this point, your readers should have a good understanding of the topic. Conclude with a thesis statement that offers your unique viewpoint on the subject.

Step 5. Add Research to the Body Paragraph

Now, incorporate the research or evidence you’ve gathered and refined for your audience. The best practice is to follow each of your statements with its corresponding evidence. This approach allows for a swift presentation of your narrative and its supporting evidence, preventing any confusion for the audience.

After you’ve presented your evidence, which could be a quote, an interview, or a journal reference, introduce contrasting viewpoints to demonstrate your neutrality on the subject. Include a counter-argument that addresses these opposing views. At this point, you’ve reached the crucial phase of your essay writing process.

Step 6. Write a Conclusion

The conclusion serves as the juncture where the key points of the assignment are recapped. It weaves together various thoughts and offers a final viewpoint on the subject matter. The conclusion underscores the thesis statement and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Step 7. Reference or Bibliography

It’s imperative to recognize the resources utilized in your work. The section for references or bibliography enumerates all the books, articles, websites, or other materials you consulted during your research. This part not only enhances the trustworthiness of your assignment but also safeguards against any plagiarism allegations. By grasping these elements of coursework structure, you can efficiently arrange your assignments and articulate your thoughts in a logical manner. Therefore, when you undertake such tasks next time, ensure to include these vital aspects and observe your grades escalate.

These steps will help you write process analysis essays with comfort and compliance. 

Analytical Essay Topics

Analytical essay topics pertain to a specific category of essays that necessitate comprehensive scrutiny. The author meticulously inspects the topic, deconstructs it into its fundamental elements, and delivers a critique or evaluation. These topics can span a wide array of fields such as literature, films, art pieces, societal matters, scientific phenomena, and more.

For example, in the realm of literature, an analytical essay topic could be “Examine the motif of deceit in Shakespeare’s Hamlet”. In this scenario, the author would dissect the play, furnish evidence of deceit, and interpret its influence on the storyline and characters.

When it comes to societal matters, a topic like “Examine the origins and repercussions of income disparity in metropolitan regions” would necessitate an in-depth exploration of socio-economic elements contributing to income inequality and its aftermath.

In the field of science, a topic could be “Examine the repercussions of climate change on polar ice caps”. This would entail an exhaustive analysis of climate data and interpretation of its impact on polar regions.

Bear in mind that the objective is not merely to recapitulate the topic but to delve into it, comprehend its subtleties, and deliver an educated evaluation. It’s about probing beneath the surface to understand the intricacies of the subject matter.

Click to see more “ Analytical Essay Topics “

Analytical Essay Examples

Many students wonder how to find the analytical essay examples but today their luck is about to change for good! We will share the types and examples of analytical essays here to end the confusion for students. These examples are mentioned below:

Poetry Analysis Essay

Poetry analysis essays allow a writer or a student to examine or present their critical analysis on a piece of poem, book’s paragraph or stanzas, etc. Typically, these assignments are common for English literature students. They are difficult and make students dig more into the historical value of the poem and its effects on the readers.

Process Analysis Essay

Process analysis essays explain how a process in a system works such as “how the car engine works”, etc. Students need to explain everything in a step by step approach and educate their audience how a process is completed.

Character Analysis Essay

A character analysis essay allows writers to explain or provide an analysis about a character. This character can be a historical figure, such as a politician, actor, philosopher, writer, etc. Students must choose a character that played a significant role in history or in the present and explain the intimate details about them.

click to see more “ Analytical Essay Examples “

Analytical Essay Conclusion

“The final part of your analytical essay is the conclusion, where you summarize your narration and connect it to your main point. To write a good conclusion, you should follow these steps:

  • Show how the thesis and the story are related.
  • Remind the reader of the key events that shaped the story.
  • Explain the main message that your narration conveys.
  • Emphasize the importance of the climax and its effects on the story.
  • End with a statement or a question that makes the reader think.
  • Do not introduce new information.
  • Reinforce a takeaway message.

Understanding the nuances of an analytical essay necessitates a tactical plan. The steps outlined in this guide are organized and straightforward, ensuring that you can craft an exceptional illustrative essay by adhering to them.

If you encounter difficulties while composing an analytical essay, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Expert assignment writing services are available to provide guidance and support.

With the right assistance, you can create compelling work that includes powerful arguments and reliable evidence.

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How to Write an Analytical Essay: A Complete Guide & Examples [UPD 2024]

Analytical Essay aim.

Have an analytical essay to write? Not an easy assignment. We are ready to provide you with several insights on how to write a successful paper. If you have a school or a college assignment, this article is just for you. Continue reading it, and you’ll find out:

  • What is an analytical essay?
  • Secrets of a perfect analytical essay.
  • What is a literary essay?
  • A piece of practice: A Literary analysis essay example and an analytical essay example.
  • 📝 Analytical Essay: Definition
  • 🖊️ How to Write an Analysis?

🔢 Analytical Essay Topics

  • 💡 Analytical Essay Example
  • 📚 Literary Analysis Essay
  • 📓 5 General Tips

📝 What Is an Analytical Essay?

You can write an analytical essay on any topic. It could be politics, art, economics, music, etc. The goal of analytical writing is to analyze the issue. Before writing such an essay, writers review the topic. They study the question from different points of view. Then, they express their opinion in the paper.

Components of an Analytical Essay

🖊️ how to write an analysis 3 key steps, 1. pick a good analysis essay topic.

Choosing an excellent analytical essay topic isn’t an easy task. We are here to offer you several working strategies:

  • Study your subject. Before analyzing any topic, it is helpful to study it. You need to become a real expert on the subject. Then you will realize that analysis is easy.
  • Try to find examples of similar essay topics. It would be great to find sample essays on similar topics. Use websites of different schools and libraries. They can help you to understand the structure of your work better. They can give you inspiration about the ideas you might discuss in your work.
  • Don’t keep silent. If you need any help – ask for it. Teachers are happy to answer the questions of interested students. You could discuss problematic points with your classmates. They might have similar problems, and group thinking could be a big deal of help.

2. Develop an Analytical Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the main idea of your work. You can express it in one sentence and support it with arguments.

An analytical essay statement’s goal is to answer two key questions:

  • How does something do what it does?
  • Why is it as it is?

A working thesis statement helps the readers with the structure of your paper. It provides them with the central point of your work. They also get to know the main arguments supporting the idea. It declares a position about the subject that needs discussing and proving.

Sometimes you generalize your thesis statement. Try to use more specific words and ideas. To answer a how or why question, use such words as “by” or “because.”

3. Create an Analysis Essay Outline

Any written assignment needs thorough planning. Analytical essays are no exception. Before starting your writing, make a well-structured outline of your work. The outline should include every paragraph’s essential points.

An analysis essay consists of three parts. They are an introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Let’s look into these parts in more detail.

The picture contains a list of an outline's elements.

Analysis Essay Introduction

The goal of the introduction is to catch the readers’ attention. To bring this focus to your subject, you need to start with a hook. The hook can be in the form of a rhetorical or provocative question. It can look like a quotation or a bold statement. A good introduction includes the question you will discuss. Apart from that, it states the position you are taking. Background information on the topic is in the intro too.

Analysis Essay Main Body

The main body is an essential part of an essay. Its goal is to provide the reader with the central idea’s development. In this section, you need to support your thesis with evidence. Usually, this part consists of at least three paragraphs. The number of paragraphs depends on how broad the thesis statement is. Writers take the evidence from different textual resources. It may be a summary, a direct quotation, or even a paraphrase.

Don’t forget about topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph! It should contain the main idea of the paragraph. It is essential to express its connection to your work’s central position.

It is vital to support everything you claim in the thesis statement. That is why you need to have a narrow thesis statement. The broader your thesis is – the more paragraphs the main body will contain.

Analysis Essay Conclusion

The concluding paragraph aims to give your paper a sense of completeness. Its purpose is to mark the end of your work. It is vital to stick to your point in the conclusion. Do not introduce any new topics or ideas. The goal here is to restate the thesis. You need to summarize the central issues you have discussed. An ideal conclusion reminds the reader of how you proved your argument. It leaves some space for an open discussion.

In this section, you’ll find 40 analytical essay topics for various study levels and fields. Each link leads to a page with an essay sample that you can use for inspiration.

  • 2010 midterm Senate elections analysis
  • Post traumatic stress disorder analysis
  • Alibaba Company’s external analysis
  • Folklore genres and analysis
  • Allied Cooperative Insurance Group: financial analysis
  • Amazon INC.’s strategic analysis report
  • Analysis of a sample of spoken and written discourse
  • “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost: critical analysis
  • Analysis of factors impact on organizational management
  • Analysis of finance, internal competitive resources, and strategy
  • Business and corporate law: analysis of three cases
  • “Should a Woman Work Outside the Home?” analysis
  • Porter’s Five Forces: strategy analysis in airline industry
  • Analysis of Enterprise Web Services security model
  • Analysis of inaugural speeches
  • Hamlet: character analysis
  • Electoral College system analysis
  • Analysis of Kate Chopin’s “The Story Of An Hour”
  • Analysis of Penfold Company
  • Analysis of “The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman
  • The Dodd-Frank Act: federal policy analysis
  • Analysis of the Riordan Manufacturing System
  • Benihana Tokyo: the company analysis
  • Marxist anthropology: analysis and critique
  • Internet financial reporting analysis
  • Novels Renaissance analysis
  • Child poverty in Canada problem analysis
  • Childhood obesity issue analysis
  • Analysis of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
  • Chronic disease: diabetes analysis
  • The analysis of Wallada’s poetry
  • Coca-Cola: company analysis
  • Theory of planned behavior analysis
  • Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost
  • Cultural assessment models analysis
  • Canonization of the Bible analysis
  • “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin analysis
  • Health system reform analysis in Canada
  • Nintendo – strategic analysis
  • “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald: plot analysis

💡 Writing an Analytical Essay: A Wonderful Example

📚 literary analysis essay: example & guide, what is a literary analysis essay.

When writing a literary essay, we analyze literature. Sometimes you need to analyze only a particular character. Or you will talk about one aspect of the work. When you study literary work elements, you’ll understand the piece of literature better.

Literary Analysis Essay Components

Literary analysis essay: how does it look like.

A literary analysis is not a summary of writing. On the contrary, it is a debate about the work. It conveys a writer’s analysis of the work. It should include analysis and assessment of the piece of writing. To accomplish this goal, writers use different literary devices. The idea of literary analysis is to discuss writers’ thoughts.

Literary Analysis Essay Example

📓 5 general tips to get your analytical writing done, don’t neglect the outline before you start writing.

You need to organize your thoughts and ideas. It will help you remember the order of the essay components. Also, it will prompt the main ideas that the author has to mention.

Check Your Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the stem of your paper. You need to discuss it further and support it with evidence. Before writing the main body, make sure that your statement is clear. It is essential to make your thesis statement assertive. In this case, the readers will understand your perspective. They will also believe what you are saying.

Review the Paper’s Structure

When you have done the first rough draft, revise the structure of your literary analysis. First, you need to check your thesis statement’s position. Don’t forget to check the arguments. Secondly, review the use of sentence structures, try to use a variety of different constructions. It is vital that you use the third-person perspective in the essay. Remember to include reliable sources.

Don’t Forget about Transitions

Literary analysis essays consist of several paragraphs. Different paragraphs discuss different ideas. So it is crucial to make the transitions between the sections smooth. Try not to jump from one fact to another. Use logical connectors instead. The essay should be coherent, with one idea following the previous one.

Use Academic Language

When discussing a work of literature, it is essential to remember your work’s style. Try to avoid informal style, slang, and jargon words. Use your dictionary or online resources if you need help with word choice. Remember that you are writing an academic paper. Academic papers require appropriate vocabulary.

Now you know all the excellent tips for writing an analytical essay. Why wait? Start writing your own paper! We wish you good luck!

🔗 References

  • Elements of Analysis – Purdue University
  • Guide to Writing an Analytical Essay – Stetson University
  • How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay –
  • Writing an Analytical Essay –
  • Organizing Your Analysis – Purdue University
  • Analysis versus Description – Monash University
  • Analytical Thesis Statements – University of Arizona
  • Literary Analysis Sample Paper – Germanna Community College
  • Styles of Writing – University of Reading
  • Example Essays – University of Sussex
  • Using Evidence: Analysis – Walden University
  • Structuring the Essay – Monash University
  • How Can I Create Stronger Analysis? – University of Michigan
  • Thesis Statements – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Definition Essay

Barbara P

Definition Essay - Writing Guide, Examples and Tips

14 min read

Published on: Oct 9, 2020

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

definition essay writing

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Interesting Definition Essay Topics for Students

Definition Essay Outline - Format & Guide

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Many students struggle with writing definition essays due to a lack of clarity and precision in their explanations.

This obstructs them from effectively conveying the essence of the terms or concepts they are tasked with defining. Consequently, the essays may lack coherence, leaving readers confused and preventing them from grasping the intended meaning.

But don’t worry!

In this guide, we will delve into effective techniques and step-by-step approaches to help students craft an engaging definition essay.

Continue reading to learn the correct formation of a definition essay. 

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What is a Definition Essay?

Just as the name suggests, a definition essay defines and explains a term or a concept. Unlike a narrative essay, the purpose of writing this essay is only to inform the readers.

Writing this essay type can be deceivingly tricky. Some terms, concepts, and objects have concrete definitions when explained. In contrast others are solely based on the writer’s understanding and point of view.

A definition essay requires a writer to use different approaches when discussing a term. These approaches are the following:

  • Denotation - It is when you provide a literal or academic definition of the term.
  • Connotation - It is when the writer provides an implied meaning or definition of the term.
  • Enumeration - For this approach, a list is employed to define a term or a concept.
  • Analogy - It is a technique in which something is defined by implementing a comparison.
  • Negation - It is when you define a term by stating what it is not.

A single or combination of approaches can be used in the essay. 

Definition Essay Types

There are several types of definition essays that you may be asked to write, depending on the purpose and scope of the assignment. 

In this section, we will discuss some of the most common types of definition essays.

Descriptive Definition Essay 

This type of essay provides a detailed description of a term or concept, emphasizing its key features and characteristics. 

The goal of a descriptive definition essay is to help readers understand the term or concept in a more profound way.

Stipulative Definition Essay 

In a stipulative definition essay, the writer provides a unique definition of a term or concept. This type of essay is often used in academic settings to define a term in a particular field of study. 

The goal of a stipulative definition essay is to provide a precise and clear definition that is specific to the context of the essay.

Analytical Definition Essay 

This compare and contrast essay type involves analyzing a term or concept in-depth. Breaking it down into its component parts, and examining how they relate to each other. 

The goal of an analytical definition essay is to provide a more nuanced and detailed understanding of the term or concept being discussed.

Persuasive Definition Essay 

A persuasive definition essay is an argumentative essay that aims to persuade readers to accept a particular definition of a term or concept.

The writer presents their argument for the definition and uses evidence and examples to support their position.

Explanatory Definition Essay 

An explanatory definition essay is a type of expository essay . It aims to explain a complex term or concept in a way that is easy to understand for the reader. 

The writer breaks down the term or concept into simpler parts and provides examples and analogies to help readers understand it better.

Extended Definition Essay 

An extended definition essay goes beyond the definition of a word or concept and provides a more in-depth analysis and explanation. 

The goal of an extended definition essay is to provide a comprehensive understanding of a term, concept, or idea. This includes its history, origins, and cultural significance. 

How to Write a Definition Essay?

Writing a definition essay is simple if you know the correct procedure. This essay, like all the other formal pieces of documents, requires substantial planning and effective execution.

The following are the steps involved in writing a definition essay effectively:

Instead of choosing a term that has a concrete definition available, choose a word that is complicated . Complex expressions have abstract concepts that require a writer to explore deeper. Moreover, make sure that different people perceive the term selected differently. 

Once you have a word to draft your definition essay for, read the dictionary. These academic definitions are important as you can use them to compare your understanding with the official concept.

Drafting a definition essay is about stating the dictionary meaning and your explanation of the concept. So the writer needs to have some information about the term.

In addition to this, when exploring the term, make sure to check the term’s origin. The history of the word can make you discuss it in a better way.

Coming up with an exciting title for your essay is important. The essay topic will be the first thing that your readers will witness, so it should be catchy.

Creatively draft an essay topic that reflects meaning. In addition to this, the usage of the term in the title should be correctly done. The readers should get an idea of what the essay is about and what to expect from the document.

Now that you have a topic in hand, it is time to gather some relevant information. A definition essay is more than a mere explanation of the term. It represents the writer’s perception of the chosen term and the topic.

So having only personal opinions will not be enough to defend your point. Deeply research and gather information by consulting credible sources.

The gathered information needs to be organized to be understandable. The raw data needs to be arranged to give a structure to the content.

Here's a generic outline for a definition essay:

Are you searching for an in-depth guide on crafting a well-structured definition essay?Check out this definition essay outline blog!

6. Write the First Draft

Drafting each section correctly is a daunting task. Understanding what or what not to include in these sections requires a writer to choose wisely.

The start of your essay matters a lot. If it is on point and attractive, the readers will want to read the text. As the first part of the essay is the introduction , it is considered the first impression of your essay.

To write your definition essay introduction effectively, include the following information:

  • Start your essay with a catchy hook statement that is related to the topic and the term chosen.
  • State the generally known definition of the term. If the word chosen has multiple interpretations, select the most common one.
  • Provide background information precisely. Determine the origin of the term and other relevant information.
  • Shed light on the other unconventional concepts and definitions related to the term.
  • Decide on the side or stance you want to pick in your essay and develop a thesis statement .

After briefly introducing the topic, fully explain the concept in the body section . Provide all the details and evidence that will support the thesis statement. To draft this section professionally, add the following information:

  • A detailed explanation of the history of the term.
  • Analysis of the dictionary meaning and usage of the term.
  • A comparison and reflection of personal understanding and the researched data on the concept.

Once all the details are shared, give closure to your discussion. The last paragraph of the definition essay is the conclusion . The writer provides insight into the topic as a conclusion.

The concluding paragraphs include the following material:

  • Summary of the important points.
  • Restated thesis statement.
  • A final verdict on the topic.

7. Proofread and Edit

Although the writing process ends with the concluding paragraph, there is an additional step. It is important to proofread the essay once you are done writing. Proofread and revise your document a couple of times to make sure everything is perfect.

Before submitting your assignment, make edits, and fix all mistakes and errors.

If you want to learn more about how to write a definition essay, here is a video guide for you!

Definition Essay Structure 

The structure of a definition essay is similar to that of any other academic essay. It should consist of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

However, the focus of a definition essay is on defining and explaining a particular term or concept. 

In this section, we will discuss the structure of a definition essay in detail.


Get the idea of writing an introduction for a definition essay with this example:

Body Paragraphs

Here is an example of how to craft your definition essay body paragraph:

Types of the Term/Concept 

If applicable, the writer may want to include a section that discusses the different types or categories of the term or concept being defined. 

This section should explain the similarities and differences between the types, using examples and anecdotes to illustrate the points.

Examples of the Term/Concept in Action 

The writer should also include real-life examples of the term or concept being defined in action. 

This will help the reader better understand the term or concept in context and how it is used in everyday life.


This example will help you writing a conclusion fo you essay:

Definition Essay Examples

It is important to go through some examples and samples before writing an essay. This is to understand the writing process and structure of the assigned task well.

Following are some examples of definition essays to give our students a better idea of the concept. 

Understanding the Definition Essay

Definition Essay Example

Definition Essay About Friendship

Definition Essay About Love

Family Definition Essay

Success Definition Essay

Beauty Definition Essay

Definition Essay Topics

Selecting the right topic is challenging for other essay types. However, picking a suitable theme for a definition essay is equally tricky yet important. Pick an interesting subject to ensure maximum readership.

If you are facing writer’s block, here is a list of some great definition essay topics for your help. Choose from the list below and draft a compelling essay.

  • Authenticity
  • Sustainability
  • Mindfulness

Here are some more extended definition essay topics:

  • Social media addiction
  • Ethical implications of gene editing
  • Personalized learning in the digital age
  • Ecosystem services
  • Cultural assimilation versus cultural preservation
  • Sustainable fashion
  • Gender equality in the workplace
  • Financial literacy and its impact on personal finance
  • Ethical considerations in artificial intelligence
  • Welfare state and social safety nets

Need more topics? Check out this definition essay topics blog!

Definition Essay Writing Tips

Knowing the correct writing procedure is not enough if you are not aware of the essay’s small technicalities. To help students write a definition essay effortlessly, expert writers of have gathered some simple tips.

These easy tips will make your assignment writing phase easy.

  • Choose an exciting yet informative topic for your essay.
  • When selecting the word, concept, or term for your essay, make sure you have the knowledge.
  • When consulting a dictionary for the definition, provide proper referencing as there are many choices available.
  • To make the essay informative and credible, always provide the origin and history of the term.
  • Highlight different meanings and interpretations of the term.
  • Discuss the transitions and evolution in the meaning of the term in any.
  • Provide your perspective and point of view on the chosen term.

Following these tips will guarantee you better grades in your academics.

By following the step-by-step approach explained in this guide, you will acquire the skills to craft an outstanding essay. 

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Our dedicated definition essay writing service is here to craft the perfect essay that meets your academic needs.

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Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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13.3: Structure of an Analytical or Expository Essay

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  • Chris Manning, Sally Pierce, & Melissa Lucken
  • Lansing Community College

The structure of an expository piece consists of first an introduction that contains the most crucial element—the thesis—the main point you wish to convey. After the introduction is the body, in which you clarify the different aspects of the thesis in great detail. The final piece, the conclusion, restates and rephrases (using different words) the thesis and ties up any “loose ends”.

Thesis Statements

A thesis statement is one of the most important elements of any successful expository essay. A thesis statement controls the subject matter of the essay and states something significant to the reader. It is the one statement that summarizes the main point of the essay and states why the essay is important and worth reading. An essay that lacks a strong thesis will have broad scope and lack focus.

The following are qualities of a well-crafted thesis statement:

  • A thesis statement should identify a specific purpose for the essay.
  • A thesis statement should assert something about the essay, and it should be something with which others can reasonably disagree.
  • A thesis statement should be clear and easily identifiable by a reader.
  • A thesis statement generally comes toward the end of the introduction and is usually the final sentence.
  • A well-focused thesis statement, key to organizing an essay, contains two elements: a clear subject and a clear perspective on the topic.
  • o Vague – Ecological disasters are a major concern today.
  • o Precise – Pollution of underground water supplies threatens cities on the American West Coast.

A thesis should have the following characteristics:

  • *It should be simple or complex, BUT never compound.
  • *It should be stated positively.
  • *It should be restricted, precise, and unified.
  • *It should not contain figurative language.

Analytical Essay

Definition of analytical essay.

Analytical implies the breaking down of something into parts, or the discussion of something in a way that it becomes a dissection of the whole. An analytical type of essay differs from other types of essays in that its primary goal is to explain something bit by bit to enhance understanding. Most of the times, an analytical essay is written about the analysis of a text, or a process, or an idea. In literature, however, it is a critical analysis of some literary text which is done to enhance its understanding.

Difference Between an Analytical Essay and a Critical Essay

An analytical essay is just an analysis of a literary text. By contrast , a critical essay involves, not only an analysis of the text in question, but also dissection of the literary terms and devices used by the author to make his meanings clear. The critical essay also explains the functions of the literary terms used, and evaluates their usage, and whether they have achieved the intended purposes or not.

Types of Analytical Essay

  • Cause and Effect : One way of analyzing something is to discuss the cause of something, and its effect on other things.
  • Comparison and Contrast : Another way of analyzing something is to compare and contrast things among themselves.
  • Classification : Classification is yet another method of analyzing things, to learn of their nature.
  • Process : Process is also a type of analysis writing.
  • Definition : Defining things is also a way of analyzing the nature of things.

Examples of Analytical Essay in Literature

Example #1: liposuction: the key to energy independence (by barbara ehrenreich).

“I say to my fellow humans: It’s time to stop feeding off the dead and grow up! I don’t know about food, but I have a plan for achieving fuel self-sufficiency in less time than it takes to say ‘Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.’ The idea came to me from reports of the growing crime of French fry oil theft: Certain desperate individuals are stealing restaurants’ discarded cooking oil, which can then be used to fuel cars. So the idea is: why not skip the French fry phase and harvest high-energy hydrocarbons right from ourselves?”

This is an excerpt from the essay of Barbara Ehrenreich, in which she has made comparison and contrast between human beings and animals, regarding food choices. This is a good analysis of the food we use.

Example #2: Freedom (by Joyce M. Jarett)

“On the first day of school, I was escorted by hordes of national guardsmen. Like a funeral procession, the steady stream of official-looking cars followed me to the campus. Some patrolmen were parked near campus gates, while others, with guns strapped to their sides, stood near building entrances. Though many of my escorts had given me smiles of support, still I was not prepared for what I encountered upon entering my new school.”

This is a paragraph from a process analysis. The author, Joyce M. Jaret, has beautifully described her experience of the security in this paragraph, and how it is deployed when an important figure faces security issues in his life. This is an analysis of the process of security deployment.

Example #3: The Ways of Meeting Oppression (by Martin Luther King, Jr.)

“The third way open to oppressed people in their quest for freedom is the way of nonviolent resistance. Like the synthesis in Hegelian philosophy, the principle of nonviolent resistance seeks to reconcile the truths of two opposites—the acquiescence and violence—while avoiding the extremes and immoralities of both. The nonviolent resister agrees with the person who acquiesces that one should not be physically aggressive toward his opponent; but he balances the equation by agreeing with the person of violence that evil must be resisted. He avoids the nonresistance of the former and the violent resistance of the latter. With nonviolent resistance, no individual or group need submit to any wrong, nor need anyone resort to violence in order to right a wrong.”

This is the analysis by classification that Marth Luther King, a famous human rights activist, has done regarding oppression against African Americans.

Function of Analytical Essay

An analytical essay dissects something such as a concept, an idea, a thing, or even a character . Its major aim is to enhance the understanding of readers. An analysis could be done through a process, definition, classification and division, or comparison and contrast . The thing or idea is broken into several parts, through classification and division, and then analyzed. A process is broken into several steps for analysis. Not only do analytical essays enhance understanding, but they also make readers aware of minute details of things.

What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

definition essay analytical

It almost time! Millions of Americans across the country Monday are preparing to witness the once-in-a-lifetime total solar eclipse as it passes over portions of Mexico, the United States and Canada.

It's a sight to behold and people have now long been eagerly awaiting what will be their only chance until 2044 to witness totality, whereby the moon will completely block the sun's disc, ushering in uncharacteristic darkness.

That being said, many are curious on what makes the solar eclipse special and how is it different from a lunar eclipse.

The total solar eclipse is today: Get the latest forecast and everything you need to know

What is an eclipse?

An eclipse occurs when any celestial object like a moon or a planet passes between two other bodies, obscuring the view of objects like the sun, according to NASA .

What is a solar eclipse?

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes in between the Earth and the sun, blocking its light from reaching our planet, leading to a period of darkness lasting several minutes. The resulting "totality," whereby observers can see the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere, known as the corona, presents a spectacular sight for viewers and confuses animals – causing nocturnal creatures to stir and bird and insects to fall silent.

Partial eclipses, when some part of the sun remains visible, are the most common, making total eclipses a rare sight.

What is a lunar eclipse?

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon and the sun are on exact opposite sides of Earth. When this happens, Earth blocks the sunlight that normally reaches the moon. Instead of that sunlight hitting the moon’s surface, Earth's shadow falls on it.

Lunar eclipses are often also referred to the "blood moon" because when the Earth's shadow covers the moon, it often produces a red color. The coloration happens because a bit of reddish sunlight still reaches the moon's surface, even though it's in Earth's shadow.

Difference between lunar eclipse and solar eclipse

The major difference between the two eclipses is in the positioning of the sun, the moon and the Earth and the longevity of the phenomenon, according to NASA.

A lunar eclipse can last for a few hours, while a solar eclipse lasts only a few minutes. Solar eclipses also rarely occur, while lunar eclipses are comparatively more frequent. While at least two partial lunar eclipses happen every year, total lunar eclipses are still rare, says NASA.

Another major difference between the two is that for lunar eclipses, no special glasses or gizmos are needed to view the spectacle and one can directly stare at the moon. However, for solar eclipses, it is pertinent to wear proper viewing glasses and take the necessary safety precautions because the powerful rays of the sun can burn and damage your retinas.

Contributing: Eric Lagatta, Doyle Rice, USA TODAY

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Guest Essay

The New Movie ‘Civil War’ Matters for Reasons Different Than You Think

A family holding hands, facing a fire engulfing the White House.

By Stephen Marche

Mr. Marche is the author of “The Next Civil War.”

“Not one man in America wanted the Civil War, or expected or intended it,” Henry Adams, grandson of John Quincy Adams, declared at the beginning of the 20th century. What may seem inevitable to us in hindsight — the horrifying consequences of a country in political turmoil, given to violence and rived by slavery — came as a shock to many of the people living through it. Even those who anticipated it hardly seemed prepared for its violent magnitude. In this respect at least, the current division that afflicts the United States seems different from the Civil War. If there ever is a second civil war, it won’t be for lack of imagining it.

The most prominent example arrives this week in the form of an action blockbuster titled “Civil War.” The film, written and directed by Alex Garland, presents a scenario in which the government is at war with breakaway states and the president has been, in the eyes of part of the country, delegitimized. Some critics have denounced the project, arguing that releasing the film in this particular election year is downright dangerous. They assume that even just talking about a future national conflict could make it a reality, and that the film risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is wrong.

Not only does this criticism vastly overrate the power of the written word or the moving image, but it looks past the real forces sending the United States toward ever-deeper division: inequality; a hyperpartisan duopoly; and an antiquated and increasingly dysfunctional Constitution. Mere stories are not powerful enough to change those realities. But these stories can wake us up to the threats we are facing. The greatest political danger in America isn’t fascism, and it isn’t wokeness. It’s inertia. America needs a warning.

The reason for a surge in anxiety over a civil war is obvious. The Republican National Committee, now under the control of the presumptive nominee, has asked job candidates if they believe the 2020 election was stolen — an obvious litmus test. Extremism has migrated into mainstream politics, and certain fanciful fictions have migrated with it. In 1997, a group of Texas separatists were largely considered terrorist thugs and their movement, if it deserved that title, fizzled out after a weeklong standoff with the police. Just a few months ago, Texas took the federal government to court over control of the border. Armed militias have camped out along the border. That’s not a movie trailer. That’s happening.

But politicians, pundits and many voters seem not to be taking the risk of violence seriously enough. There is an ingrained assumption, resulting from the country’s recent history of global dominance coupled with a kind of organic national optimism, that in the United States everything ultimately works out. While right-wing journalists and fiction writers have been predicting a violent end to the Republic for generations — one of the foundational documents of neo-Nazism and white supremacy is “The Turner Diaries” from 1978, a novel that imagines an American revolution that leads to a race war — their writings seem more like wish fulfillment than like warnings.

When I attended prepper conventions as research for my book, I found their visions of a collapsed American Republic suspiciously attractive: It’s a world where everybody grows his own food, gathers with family by candlelight, defends his property against various unpredictable threats and relies on his wits. Their preferred scenario resembled, more than anything, a sort of postapocalyptic “Little House on the Prairie.”

We’ve seen more recent attempts to grapple with the possibility of domestic conflict in the form of sober-minded political analysis. Now the vision of a civil war has come to movie screens. We’re no longer just contemplating a political collapse, we’re seeing its consequences unfold in IMAX.

“Civil War” doesn’t dwell on the causes of the schism. Its central characters are journalists and the plot dramatizes the reality of the conflict they’re covering: the fear, violence and instability that a civil war would inflict on the lives of everyday Americans.

That’s a good thing. Early on when I was promoting my book, I remember an interviewer asking me whether a civil war wouldn’t be that terrible an option; whether it would help clear the air. The naïveté was shocking and, to me, sickening. America lost roughly 2 percent of its population in the Civil War. Contemplating the horrors of a civil war — whether as a thought experiment or in a theatrical blockbuster — helps counteract a reflexive sense of American exceptionalism. It can happen here. In fact, it already has.

One of the first people to predict the collapse of the Republic was none other than George Washington. “I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations,” he warned in his Farewell Address. “This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature.” This founder of the country devoted much of one of his most important addresses, at the apex of his popularity, to warning about the exact situation the United States today finds itself in: a hyper-partisanship that puts party over country and risks political collapse. Washington knew what civil war looked like.

For those Americans of the 1850s who couldn’t imagine a protracted, bloody civil war, the reason is simple enough: They couldn’t bear to. They refused to see the future they were part of building. The future came anyway.

The Americans of 2024 can easily imagine a civil war. The populace faces a different question and a different crisis: Can we forestall the future we have foreseen? No matter the likelihood of that future, the first step in its prevention is imagining how it might come to pass, and agreeing that it would be a catastrophe.

Stephen Marche is the author of “The Next Civil War.”

Source photographs by Yasuhide Fumoto, Richard Nowitz and stilllifephotographer, via Getty Images.

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