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30 Inspirational Movies That Every Student Must Watch


Traditional classroom teaching alone cannot motivate every student. Given that children love entertainment, inspirational movies are an effective and easy medium to motivate them.

If you are a teacher or a parent, you might understand this very well. It is essential for students to feel affection towards learning.

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It is not difficult to screen a movie today. We have smart classrooms with projectors and screens. Here are some good inspirational, educational Hollywood & Bollywood movies that can motivate students from schools and colleges alike. These teach students the value of hard work and proper education.

Here is our list of best inspirational movies of all time for students:

1. Good Will Hunting (1997)

IMDb rating – 8.3/10

Cast & Crew: Good Will Hunting boasts an illustrious cast including Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Stellan Skarsgard. This American film was written by Affleck and Matt Damon while it was helmed by Gus Van Sant.

Story: Matt Damon played the title role of a 20-year old young man. The hero is gifted with high potential in mathematics and chemistry but doesn’t realize what his potential can offer.

The film will inspire students to discover hidden talents they have.

2. The Great Debaters

IMDb rating – 7.6/10

Cast & Crew: Starring Denzel Washington, “The Great Debaters” is an inspirational American movie movie released in 2007. It was directed by Denzel Washington himself and its producer was Oprah Winfrey.

Story: It is based on an article written about the Wiley College debate team.

Thinking of teaching or training others? This movie is the dramatic retelling of the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, a professor who inspired his students to challenge Harvard at the debating championships.

This is a heart-warming tale to lift the study spirits of the students, especially if they have been inspired at some point by a wonderful teacher who saw their potential.

3. Lean on Me (1989)

IMDb rating – 7.4/10

Cast & Crew: Written by Michael Schiffer and stars Morgan Freeman, directed by John G. Avildsen.

Story: Do you need a second chance at study or your career?

Based on a true story, Lean on Me is a dramatized biographical film An unorthodox teacher returns to the idyllic high school from which he had been fired as the principal, only to find it devoid of the success it used to be.

best movie review for students

This movie will help build you up and get you through that pile of study! There is nothing like a true story to really lift your spirits.

4. The Paper Chase (1973)

IMDb rating – 7.2/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by James Bridges, The Paper Chase is an inspirational Hollywood movie starring Timothy Bottoms, Lindsay Wagner, and John Houseman.

Story: Sometimes study does not come easily – often we need to learn to “set the mode”.

The Paper Chase focuses on the hardworking and studious James T. Hart who faces many challenges during his first year at Harvard. The movie is perfect for anyone struggling and finding it difficult to keep the motivation alive.

5. 21 (2008)

IMDb rating – 6.8/10

Cast & Crew: 21 is a 2008 American movie directed by Robert Luketic starring Jim Sturgess and Kevin Spacey.

Story: The film is inspired by the true story of the MIT Blackjack Team as told in Bringing Down the House, the best-selling book by Ben Mezrich.

There is a typical situation: a talented student entered Harvard University, but he has to demonstrate his unique experience no other students have in order to get a scholarship.

Taking into account the fact that last year this scholarship was won by a student from Korea who had no leg, this task appears to be not easy at all. But the student is lucky to meet a math teacher who has noticed his talent to count and offered an unusual deal to him… If you don’t know what to write in your motivation letter for all professors to notice you, this movie is a real must-watch for you then.

6. Forrest Gump (1994)

IMDb rating – 8.8/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Robert Zemeckis, starring Tom Hanks

Story: This Tom Hanks movie tells the inspiring story of a man with low IQ who achieves many incredible feats. He wins the Medal of Honor for bravery, becomes an expert Ping Pong player, inspires the famous dance of Elvis Presley, and makes money by selling shrimps.

It is a truly inspirational story that every student should watch. The movie conveys that nothing is impossible if you are willing enough. There is a famous in the movie – “ Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get” from the movie remains popular to this day.

7. Theory of Everything (2014)

IMDb rating – 7.7/10

Cast & Crew: James Marsh directed this movie starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones

Story: This Movie depicts the story of Stephen Hawking, the greatest cosmologist and physicist of our time. As a brilliant student of Astrophysics, he shockingly learns that he is suffering from motor neurone disease. Doctors predict just 2 more years for him to live.

But, he remarkably defied medical calculations and went on to live up to 76 years of age. During this period he became the famous man he is today with his eminent contributions to the world of Cosmology and Physics. This movie is inspirational for all students, especially ones with special needs. There simply isn’t a boundary for what you can achieve with what you have.

8. 42 (2013)

IMDb rating – 7.5/10

Cast & Crew: This Brian Helgeland helmed movie featured Chadwick Aaron Boseman in the lead role also starring Harrison Ford.

Story: This inspirational sports drama portrays the real life story of America’s baseball icon Jackie Robinson. He was the first Black player to feature in the Major League in the Modern Era.

The movie can teach students a lot about racism that was in practise in the USA. It can help students understand how difficult it can be to overcome challenges and why they should persevere.

9. The Social Network (2010)

Cast & Crew: “The Social Network” is an American drama movie written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher in 2010. Jesse Eisenberg depicted facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg while Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield played supporting roles

Story: This Inspirational Hollywood movie shows the journey of Mark Zuckerberg from a Harvard student to a multi-millionaire is really an inspiring one for everyone; it might inspire you to become an awesome genius like the man himself. The Social Network, tells that every student can turn their dream into reality.

10. The Breakfast Club (1985)

Cast & Crew: It’s an American comedy drama directed, written and produced by John Hugges in 1985.

Story: This movie is about how 5 students from different backgrounds end up together for a detention and open up to each other.


The Breakfast Club shows that students can find friendship in the most unexpected ways. Regarded as an evergreen teen cult movie, it is a must watch for every student.

11. Freedom Writers(2007)

Cast & Crew: This movie was directed by Richard LaGravenese and featured Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey

Story: “Freedom Writers” is an inspirational movie based on a young teacher who inspires her troublesome class to pursue studies even after high school. She has to contend with at-risk students who are divided among themselves, opposing teachers, struggling marriage and money shortage.

Students who watch this movie are bound to see their teachers in a new light.

12. Life of Pi (2012)

Cast and Crew: Released in the year 2012, this movie directed by Ang Lee features both Indian and foreign actors. The film stars Suraj Sharma as Pi, Irfan Khan, Tabu, Rafe Spall, and Gerard Depardieu. The film won many awards at premiere film festivals around the world. It won the Golden Globe awards for the Best Director and Best Picture – Drama.

The Story: The plot of the movie revolves around the life of Pi Patel, a 16-year-old born a Hindu but follows all three religions for the love of God. The film talks of the boy’s life story as rendered to a novelist about how he survived a shipwreck and marooned in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger for companionship on a lifeboat.

The film will teach students how to realize hidden strengths when pushed to a corner.

13. Stand and Deliver(1988)

IMDb rating – 7.9/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Ramón Menéndez, starring Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips, Will Gotay and Vanessa Marquez

Story: This movie is based on the real story of a high school mathematics teacher named Jaime Escalante.

It shows how an idealistic maths teacher supports his “no-hoper” students to study by adopting unusual teaching methods. “Stand and Deliver” is really an inspirational movie for those who think they are hopeless in their studies.

14. Rush (2013)

IMDb Rating : 8.1/10

Cast and Crew : Written by Peter Morgan and directed by Ron Howard, the movie stars Chris Helmsworth and Daniel Bruhl. Produced on a budget of 38 million USD, the film is a racy one which won the BAFTA Award for Best Editing.

The Story:  The plot of the movie is centred around two F1 racers of the 1970s – James Hunt and NikiLauda who are intense rivals and how they stretch to their very limits to prove their supremacy on the tracks. The movie is for the driving buff with exhilarating race sequences on the screen.

Students can get a feel of the gruelling conditions during an F1 race and how the rivalry spurred the other to fine-tune their skills.

15. Boyhood (2014)

IMDb Rating : 7.9/10

Cast and Crew: Written and directed by Richard Linklater, who is famous for his ‘Before’ trilogy, the movie stars Patricia Arquette, Ellar Coltrane, Ethan Hawke, and Lorelei Linklater. The film was lauded for its extraordinary undertaking of being shot for over 12 years. The stars showed up and the film every year when their schedules allowed them to do so.

The Story : The unique point of this movie was that it was shot over a course of 12 years and renders the story of a boy’s life over 12 years’ time. Incidents that occur in MJ’s life when living with his mother after his parents’ divorce form the main part of the film. The film traces in all emotional depth the life of the boy during his teens. The film shows the poignant moments of fatherhood and motherhood as well.

The film provides a great chance for children to understand the happenings in their parents’ lives in the context of modern times.

16. The Blind Side(2009)

Cast & Crew: The Blind Side is an American biographical sports drama film written & directed by John Lee Hancock in 2009. Sandra Bullock starred in the leading role.

Story: It is based on the real story of Michael Oher, who was adopted by a loving, supportive family – the Tuohys. Leigh Anne Tuohy and her husband Sean offer him shelter for a day and extend their welcome indefinitely.

best movie review for students

Leigh Anne discovers Michael’s strengths and helps him understand his strengths better. This, in turn, has a positive effect on his football skills. Finally, he becomes a successful football player, with strong support from the Tuohy family despite going through some rough patches.

Also Read: T op 12 Inspirational Animated Movies For Students

17. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

Cast & Crew: Helmed by Gabriele Muccino, this biopic featured Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith as Chris Gardner and his son respectively.

Story: The Pursuit of Happyness is an American biographical drama film based on the life of entrepreneur Chris Gardner directed by Gabriele Muccino in 2006.

In this movie, Will Smith plays the role of Gardner who goes from being a homeless salesman to the owner of a brokerage house with his sheer determination and will power.

18. Warrior (2011)

IMDb Rating: 8.2/10

Cast and Crew: Directed by Gavin O’Connor, the movie stars Joel Edgerton, Nick Nolte, and Tom Hardy. Nick Nolte was nominated for the Academy Award for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role.

The Story: The film tells the story of two MMA champions who meet for a fight without knowing the fact that they are estranged brothers. The two brothers fight tournaments for different reasons and end up fighting one another. The brothers reconcile their differences in the end and the movie closes with the smiling shot of the father.

The film presents some great shots on MMA fighting with the major theme being reconciliation and redemption of the human spirit. The power of forgiveness and family bonds are well explored in the movie.

19. Half Nelson (2006)

Cast & Crew: Half Nelson, is an American drama film directed by Ryan Fleck in 2006 and written by Anna Boden & Fleck. Ryan Gosling, Shareeka Epps and Anthony Mackie played the lead roles.

Story: This movie focuses on an inner city middle-school teacher who becomes friends with one of his students after she finds out that he has a drug habit. As compared to other movies based on good teachers, Half Nelson tells the story of ordinary people facing genuine problems but still maintains hope.

20. The Internship(2013)

Cast & Crew: It’s an American comedy movie, directed by Shawn Levy in 2013, written by Vince Vaughn & Jared Stern and it was produced by Vaughn and Levy.

Story: The Internship is about Billy and Nick, two middle-aged salesmen, played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, who lost their jobs due to the arrival of digital age and how they manage to get a chance to do internship with Google and prove their worth.

21. Everest (2015)

IMDb Rating: 7.1/10

Cast and Crew: This biographical adventure film was both produced and directed by BaltasarKormakur. The film was scripted by Simon Beaufoy and William Nicholson. The movie stars Jason Clarke, John Hawkes, Emily Watson, and Keira Knightley among others.

The Story: The story set in Everest and recounts the disaster that took place in the year 1996 in the mountain. Two expedition groups fight to survive as they are faced with difficulties during the climbing as well as the descent. The film portrays intense peril and the thrill of being able to view climbing up Everest.

The film shows, how in reality, things can go wrong, not in the way that one hopes and what is usually shown in happy-ending movies.

22. Dead Poets Society (1989)

Story: This classic movie follows a group of students and their free-spirited English teacher – John Keatings, who uses poetry to encourage his students to express themselves.

The teacher, with his unique ways, teaches them to be true to themselves and make the most of life. It is a timeless story that teaches us to think for ourselves and to follow our dreams.

23. October Sky (1999)

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal played Homer Hickam – the author of the book the movie is based on. Chris Cooper, Laura Dern, Chris Owen and William Lee Scott were some of the other actors who starred in the movie.

The Story: The movie follows the journey of Homer Hickam from being a coal miner’s son who took up rocketry inspired by the launch of Sputnik 1 much against his father’s wishes and went on to become a NASA Engineer. It is an inspiring story of courage and determination and teaches us to never stop reaching for our goals.

24. The Imitation Game (2014)

Also Read: 25 Motivational Movies For Students in Hindi

25. I am Kalam (2010)

IMDb rating – 7.9 /10Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth, 2007)

Cast and Crew: The Hindi-language film, I am Kalam was written by Sanjay Chauhan and directed by Nila Madhab Panda. The movie stars actors Gulshan Grover, Harsh Mayar, Pitobash, Hussan Saad and Beatrice Ordeix.

The Story: I am Kalam tells the story of Chotu – a child labourer who dreams of becoming someone like Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who was an Indian aerospace scientist as well as the country’s 11th president. The movie inspires you to be optimistic in life and to face all your problems with a smile.

26. The Man Who Knew Infinity (2019)

The Story: Based on the 1991 book titled The Man Who Knew Infinity written by Robert Kanigel, the movie explores both personal and professional life of the self-taught Indian Mathematician – Srinivasa Ramanujan. As much as it inspires you to keep fighting to achieve your dreams, the movie also makes you realize that talent and hard work are not the only factors that define success. Being resourceful and grabbing the right opportunities are as important.

27. Whiplash (2014)

Cast and Crew: This British biopic on the life and academic career of legendary Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan was written and directed by Matt Brown. Actor Dev Patel dons the role of the Indian Mathematician, while Jeremy Irons, Malcolm Sinclair, Raghuvir Joshi, Dhritiman Chatterjee and many more actors play other important roles.

The Story: The movie tells the story of 19-year-old Andrew Niemann, who dreams of becoming one of the greatest jazz drummers in the world. It tells you how behind every success, there is a story of giving blood, sweat and tears and breaking out of the limits.

28. Zootopia (2016)

Cast and Crew: This Oscar-winning animated film was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore based on the screenplay by Jared Bush and Phil Johnston. Ginnifer Goodwin voices the role of Judy Hopps – the main character of the movie. Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Jenny Slate and more have also lend their voices for the movie.

The Story: The movie follows the life of Judy Hopps – a rabbit who realizes her dream of becoming a police officer in the city of Zootopia, in a fictional world populated by anthropomorphic mammals. But things take a turn when she is pushed aside despite being a high performer at the academy and has to face many obstacles to prove herself. The movie inspires you to never quit and to face your problems with your head held high.

29. Queen of Katwe (2016)

Cast and Crew: Queen of Katwe is a biographical sports movie written by William Wheeler and directed by Mira Nair. It is based on the life of Phiona Mutesi – a Ugandan chess player. Madina Nalwanga plays the role of Mutesi in the movie.

The Story: The movie is about how the life of a Ugandan girl changes drastically after she is introduced into the world of chess. The movie inspires you to dream big despite the circumstances you come from.

30. Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth, 2007)

IMDb rating – 8.3 /10

Cast and Crew: Taare Zameen Par is a Hindi-language movie written by Amol Gupte and directed by Aamir Khan. Indian actors Darsheel Safary and Aamir Khan play the main roles in the film.

The Story: The movie tells the story of Ishaan Awasthi – an eight-year-old boy labelled as lazy and trouble maker, when in fact he has learning difficulties that people around him fail to recognize, until he is transferred to a boarding school where he meets an art teacher – Ram Shankar Nikumbh who identifies Ishaan’s learning difficulty as dyslexia and also recognizes the boy’s talent in art and helps the young boy overcome his problems.

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15 Motivational Movies For Students That You Can't Miss Out!

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motivational movies for students

Some soul searching to do!

Feeling stuck in a school rut? Has the syllabus bogged you down? We all hit those moments when our inner fire needs a little rekindling. Since movies are one of the best things that ever happened to humankind, you can always resort to inspirational flicks and light your scholarly spark. Yes, motivational movies for students are always there, especially when you need a little more faith in yourself. Trust us, these movies will help you discover exactly what you need to hear! Without further ado, let's get to the best motivational movies for students, their cast, famous dialogues, and a few fun facts, too! 

15 Best Motivational Movies for Students

The best inspirational movies for students don’t always need to be boring, with long monologues full of heavy words. Rather, the movies listed below will take you on a journey you will never want to return from. Let’s board the ride to the world of the best encouraging movies for students, shall we? 

1. Dead Poets Society

IMDB Rating: 8.1/10 ‍

Year of Release: 1989 ‍

Cast: John Keating, Robin Williams, Ethan Hawke ‍

Genre: Comedy, Melodrama, Tragicomedy

Fun Fact: Robin Williams wrote Carpe Diem! on the blackboard during filming, adding an unscripted layer of passion to the iconic scene. 

John Keatings, a professor, inspires young students to break the shackles of tradition. Dead Poets Society is still relevant and one of the top-grossing motivational movies for students: the issues addressed in this 1980s movie are what we still face today! Even if it continues to make us cry, Dead Poets Society is a must-see. This inspirational movie for high school students teaches a valuable lesson — you must question the norms instead of blindly accepting everything.

" No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. "

2. Forrest Gump

IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 ‍

Year of Release: 1994 ‍

Cast: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise ‍

Genre: Comedy, Romance, Action ‍

Fun Fact: Despite facing initial rejection for the role of Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks delivered a performance that earned him his second consecutive Best Actor Oscar. 

Want to take on the soul-searching bus? Forrest Gump is a motivational movie for students that shows it is not always easy to find happy endings! Forest, a young boy filled with rejection and demotivation, finds his calling and sets his heart free. The way Forest’s unexpected life journey of becoming a man takes shape, the movie is still one of the most relevant and encouraging movies for students as it was in the 1990s.  

" Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. "

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3. The Pursuit of Happyness

Cast: Will Smith, Jaiden Smith, Thandiwe Newton ‍

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Melodrama

Fun Fact: The real Chris Gardner was homeless with his son and eventually turned his life around by becoming a successful stockbroker. 

The Pursuit of Happyness is, without a doubt, among the most inspirational movies for students. The story recounts a true story of a single father, deep in debt and homeless, who has to take care of his young boy. The father-son duo finds their happiness through various pursuits they undertake. This motivational movie for students touches on happiness, something you can't put a number on but can definitely feel. As it’s also one of the best life lessons movies,  you will also learn how to find happiness and share your joy with those you care about, even in extreme circumstances. 

"It's okay to fail; it's not okay to quit. "

4. Good Will Hunting

IMDB Rating: 7.7/10 ‍

Cast: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Robin Williams ‍

Genre: Psychological thriller, Crime Fiction, Horror

Fun Fact : Matt Damon originally wrote the story as a playwriting assignment, which won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. 

Should we prefer knowledge or experience? It has always been a popular question, and this inspirational movie for students slightly gives you food for thought. A genius boy lives a mediocre life and often avoids dealing with his fears. He comes across someone who helps him conquer his fears. This film, one of the most motivational movies for students, addresses issues like educational stereotypes and shows how to win in life; the need to banish your fears is vital. Motivation is key for these filsm as well as for you, the student. Check out 8 motivational quotes to inspire students !

" You'll have bad times, but that'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to. "

5. The Theory of Everything

Year of Release: 2014 ‍

Cast: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Johns, Charlie Cox ‍

Genre: Documentary, Historical drama, Drama

Fun Fact: Eddie Redmayne practised in a wheelchair to portray Stephen Hawking’s physical limitations. 

If you want to study at one of the best acting schools in the world , this movie will show Eddie Redmayne’s resilience to study ALS, meet ALS patients, and deliver a powerful performance. The Theory of Everything is based on the life of Stephen Hawking and his endeavours leading to his unmatched success & efforts for a better world. This motivational movie for students explains the journey of Stephen Hawking's accomplishments despite his sickness: how he survived, prospered, and achieved success individually and for humanity's benefit. 

" Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. "

6. The Social Network

IMDB Rating: 7.8/10 ‍

Year of Release: 2010 ‍

Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake ‍

Genre: Documentary, Drama, Historical Drama

Fun Fact: Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin turned to a mountain of legal documents to showcase Facebook’s early days. 

The Social Network is the story of Mark Zuckerberg & the various situations he tackled to make Facebook what it is today. It is among the best movies for students; that follows the story of a Harvard freshman and computer genius who begins working on a new notion that will eventually become Facebook, the global social network. Six years later, he is one of the world's youngest millionaires! Also, this inspirational movie for students focuses on Zuckerberg’s relentless work ethic and his unwavering dedication. 

" If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you'd have invented Facebook. "

7. Inside Out

Year of Release: 2015 ‍

Cast: Amy Poehler, Jacob Hopkins, Mindy Kaling ‍

Genre: Animation, Comedy, Fantasy

Fun Fact: The filmmakers consulted with a team of psychologists and neuroscientists to ensure an accurate portrayal of emotions in the brain. 

Inside Out debunks the idea of perennial happiness. The movie helps you understand that all your emotions are valid. Not only does happiness, but sadness, anger, disgust, and fear also play a role in your life experiences. It is one of the top inspirational movies for students, as they can learn how to navigate challenges and learn the value of collaboration. Its most significant triumph has inspired young and old viewers to peek inside their heads, making it one of the best motivational movies for students.

" Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems. "

8. Freedom Writers

IMDB Rating: 7.6/10 ‍

Year of Release: 1999 ‍

Cast: Hilary Swank, April Lee ‍

Genre: Comedy, Teen, Romance

Fun Fact: The real-life Erin Gruwell, the teacher the movie is based on, played a small role as a substitute teacher. 

Freedom Writers is hands down one of the best motivational movies for students. The movie revolves around the ideals of life, where Erin devises a unique teaching strategy to help her underachieving yet promising kids make the most of situations, no matter how good or bad they can get. She is dedicated and focused on her work, which yields good results. The message is meaningful; it says that life can be difficult in many ways, but it is what you make of it. 

" Don't be afraid to be what you are, cause all you can be is you. "

9. The Breakfast Club

Year of Release: 1985 ‍

Cast: Jude Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy ‍

Genre: Teen, Comedy, Drama

Fun Fact: Director John Hughes even encouraged them to improvise some scenes, like the iconic fist pump at the end. 

Are you struggling with how to make friends in college ? Then, The Breakfast Club will become your pick-me-up soon! The motivational movie for students revolves around five students whom a principal is punishing. They discover the reality of differences and the beauty of shared experiences. The motivational movie for students encourages the breaking down of preconceptions and social boundaries as a means of identification and greater communication. It's humorous and illustrates how to make friends even in the most unlikely settings, making it one of the best inspirational movies for students. 

" You see us as you want to see us. "

10. The Internship

IMDB Rating: 6.3/10 ‍

Year of Release: 2013 ‍

Cast: Vince Vaughan, Owen Wilson, Dylon O'Brien, April Lee ‍

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Friendship

Fun Fact: Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson stepped outside their comfort zones and reportedly took improv classes to learn how to code. 

Are you wondering how to get an internship ? The Internship, one of the best motivational movies for students, might have some answers to it! The movie will show how you should embrace the ideals of life and embark on a new journey. A major theme in the film is Vaughn and Wilson's struggle to understand modern technology compared to the younger interns. However, their soft skills eventually enabled the team to win their assignment. From this inspirational movie for students, you can understand how to succeed if you approach every circumstance with a smile. 

" No, we can't talk about it later. The future doesn't know later. "

11. Life of Pi

IMDB Rating: 7.9/10 ‍

Year of Release: 2012 ‍

Cast: Suraj Sharma, Tabu, Rafe, Gerard Depardieu and Irfan Khan ‍

Genre: Adventure, Survival, Suspense

Fun Fact: Suraj Sharma, despite no prior acting experience, learned how to sail, swim with limited visibility, and even perform basic animal care tasks. 

Life of Pi is considered one of the best inspirational movies for students of all time. It talks about life and its realities and teaches us how to overcome the challenges we face in life. The movie is about Pi Patel surviving on a lifeboat lost in the sea while living with a tiger. One major lesson from the movie is that we must not lose hope – it is one of the main themes of this highly acclaimed and inspirational movie for students.

" Life on a lifeboat isn't much of a life. It is like an endgame in chess, a game with few pieces. The elements couldn't be more simple, nor the stakes higher."

12. It's A Wonderful Life

IMDB Rating: 8.6/10 ‍

Year of Release: 1946 ‍

Cast: John Stewart, Frank Capra, Donna Reed ‍

Genre: Children’s film, Melodrama, Fantasy

Fun Fact: Despite its heartwarming message, the movie was filmed during a scorching summer heatwave in California with fake snow. 

It's A Wonderful Life, a classic and one of the best motivational movies for students, tells the story of George Bailey, who is unaware of the good he does for everyone around him. He saves them from becoming as mean and ungrateful as Potterville. This movie indirectly teaches us how unintentional good can pay off at the right time. It is one of the most motivational movies for students if they want to discover some answers about good and bad. 

" When a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. "

13. The Great Debaters

IMDB Rating: 7.5/10 ‍

Year of Release: 2007 ‍

Cast: Denzel Washington, Denzel Whitaker, Forest Whitaker ‍

Genre: Action, Animation, Thriller 

Fun Fact: Director Denzel Washington encouraged the young actors to find their voices and connect with the historical figures they were portraying.

The Great Debaters is the story of the most life-changing journeys for Professor Melvin B. Tolson’s students. It tells the tale of how a professor from Wiley College motivated students through debates and built the most phenomenal debating teams in history. The Great Debaters has become one of the most inspiring movies for students because it focuses on education as a tool for empowerment. 

" Speak the truth even if your voice shakes. "

14. Lean On Me

IMDB Rating: 7.4/10 ‍

Cast: Morgan Freeman, Beverly Todd, Karen Malina White ‍

Genre: Action, Melodrama, Teen

Fun Fact: Morgan Freeman reportedly mentored real students from Eastside High School, helping some get scholarships to colleges and universities.

Lean On Me is about the second chance in life. This motivational movie for students is based on the true story of a teacher who returns to high school. He finds it heart-wrenching to see the degradation in the system and how he encourages students to achieve their dreams. This is one of the best inspirational films for students, which can change your perspectives. Lean On Me is a fan-favourite movie and one of the best English movies for students to watch.

" Self-respect permeates every aspect of your existence. If you don't have respect for yourself, you're not gonna get it from anyone else. "

15. The Paper Chase

IMDB Rating: 7.2/10 ‍

Year of Release: 1973 ‍

Cast: Timothy Bottoms, Lindsay Wagner, John Houseman ‍

Genre: Comedy, Romance, Drama

Fun Fact: John Houseman wasn't originally the first choice for the role, but he impressed the director with his audition and landed the part.

The Paper Chase showcases the struggle of a student in the learning phase. The young student navigates his way through college and the various struggles that are the byproduct of it. This is one of the most inspiring movies for students. Moreover, the movie is not about grand gestures or overcoming odds. This motivational movie for students offers a more grounded kind of inspiration! 

"You come here with a skull full of mush, you leave thinking like a lawyer."

So, next time you feel burnt out, grab some popcorn and catch one of these motivational movies for students. The films are not only entertaining but also some of the best movies on students, life, and perseverance. These inspiring movies for students will help them understand the stories of triumph and find their voice. While staying ahead with the best movies for students, you cannot ignore the best horror movies . So, sit back and let the action begin!

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20 Great Movies That Students Should Watch

20 Great Movies For College Students To Watch: Everybody needs a dose of motivation, hope, and positivity from time to time, and in the words of John Keating, one of the most famous characters played by the great late Robin Williams, “Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” The profound impact a piece of art can have on us humans is beyond explanation. Sometimes watching a film can feel you with a plethora of emotions that can’t even be explained logically, or looking at a painting transports us to a different time period. Juggling between school, assignments, exams, and life; art can be both a symbol of comfort and hope for the ones searching for them.

Here we have compiled a list of 20 movies that college students must watch to get that little dose of motivation, hope, and above all, much-needed relaxation from their stressful and hectic lifestyle.

1. Dead Poets Society (1989)

movies for students 01 Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society is the most cliched film to appear on a list like this, but it is a cliche for a reason. It is a holy grail for teachers and students alike. In one of his most iconic characters, Robin Williams plays the role of John Keating, a progressive English teacher at the strict all-boys Welton Academy. He is not an ordinary teacher, and he makes it very clear right from his first interaction with his class. Not only does he understand his students, but he also encourages them to transcend the boundaries of normalcy decided by society.

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He inspires them to be free thinkers and to choose their own paths in life, regardless of what society wants for them. The liberation of his students from the orthodox way of learning and leading lives is truly heartwarming to watch. Mr. Keating uses poetry as a medium to teach his students to seize the day, celebrate their youth, and live their lives to the fullest.

Also Read: 10 Movies To Watch If You Love Dead Poets Society

2. whisper of the heart (1995).

movies for students 02 Whisper of the heart

Ghibli studio films are known to take a deep dive into the realms of mysticism and magical realism, but this 1995 masterpiece is a coming-of-age film that tries to make sense of growing up, understanding one’s aspirations and dreams while also going through the teenage phase of having crushes and falling in love with someone. Feelings of love and affection are universal for anyone, but what the film does brilliantly is that it never forces the protagonist, Shizuku, or Seiji, the boy she likes to lose their identity.

Their love for each other transcends any negative feelings that may exist between two people and strives to be something that pushes both of them to achieve excellence in their respective fields of interest. Teenage romances often suffer from a sense of personal identity and overbearing emotional weight, but this film showcases how two young people can be in love and work towards their goals, something missing from numerous coming-of-age romance films.

Also Read: All Studio Ghibli Movies Ranked

3. the social network (2010).

movies for students 03 the social network

David Fincher’s fast-paced drama might be an odd choice for the list, but it makes perfect sense to be included here. Based on the founder of ‘Facebook’ Mark Zuckerberg, and how he created a multi-million dollar organization from his dorm room; the company has grown to become one of the biggest technology conglomerates active in the market.

The sheer determination to create something unique and necessary fueled Zuckerberg to work on ‘Facebook’, and that is just one of the things that college students can gain from this Fincher-fueled movie which feels like psychological warfare at times. Zuckerberg is a true genius, and he offers so much hope and belief that turning your dreams into reality isn’t as difficult as many people make it out to be. If a student has the power to imagine and dream, they have the power to turn it into reality.

Also Read: All David Fincher Movies Ranked

4. lakshya (2004).

Hritik Roshan in Lakshya (2004)

Farhan Akhtar’s sophomore effort Lakshya wasn’t exactly a game changer in Indian cinema when compared to his debut Dil Chahta Hai, but the manner in which it explored the lackadaisical youngsters of a generation who are indecisive and struggle to find their goals is a worthy watch. Karan Shergill’s (Hrithik Roshan) journey from a lost young man to a confident army officer is one of the best coming-of-age films made in Indian cinema that reaffirms the fact that the journey of self-discovery is an arduous yet important one.

It is a film that surely encourages one to find their target ‘Lakshya’ in life and work towards achieving those. Another fact that should not go unnoticed is that despite being a war film, it always tries to focus on the emotional relationships and personal growth of an individual instead of chest-thumping jingoism while constantly reaffirming its anti-war ideology.

5. Where is the Friend’s House? (1987)

movies for students 05 Where is the friends house

Abbas Kiarostami’s first installment of the Koker trilogy gives us a glimpse into the psyche of a child. It raises questions about one’s inherent kindness, irrespective of the environment they are brought up in. This simple film focuses on Ahmed, who is determined to find his friend Nematzadeh’s house and return his notebook to ensure he isn’t expelled from school.

Ahmed’s literal and symbolic journey is reminiscent of the innocence of a child, a rollercoaster of emotions and compassion one feels towards others while on this journey of life. This might be an odd choice for the list, but at times it becomes important to empathize with others and learn necessary lessons about human emotions and life in general. A student might not gain much motivation from this film to achieve their goals or realize their dreams, however, a lesson in humanity and friendship is equally important in life.

6. Good Will Hunting (1997)

movies for students 06 Good Will Hunting

This Gus Van Sant drama is a poignant and tender story about mental health, building relationships, and realizing one’s endless potential. The film focuses on Will Hunting, a janitor working at MIT who has a genius-level IQ but is misguided and troubled by his past and emotions. Good Will Hunting is less about a student realizing his potential and more about a young boy understanding his own self, learning to fight his inner demons, and standing up for what he wants in life. Robin Williams as Sean Maguire is the driving force for the film and also a mentor that every student could dream of getting. The love, charm, and warmth he exudes in each and every scene can comfort you, and his laugh can reassure you that all is not lost during testing times. Another film that just doesn’t focus on the teacher-student classroom relationship but inspires us to be much more and succeed.

Good Will Hunting is featured in our list of the 10 Best Inspirational Movies .

7. a brighter summer day (1991).

movies for students 07 A Brighter Summer Day 1991

Edward Yang’s 237-minute long coming-of-age film explores so much about the life of teenagers and the plethora of emotions they go through at a tender age. Even though the film takes place in a different time and place, its universality is seeded in the way it looks at the pressure of dealing with familial expectations, bullying, and loss of identity. Teenage angst is one of the most important topics that is rarely covered with conviction, but A Brighter Summer Day delves deep into the search for one’s identity and the existence of angst while growing up amid external troubles.

Students and teenagers are the ones who struggle with understanding themselves and making sense of their actions and emotions, but the way Yang showcases the journey of Xiao Si’r’s loss of innocence in search of a false sense of identity makes it a must-watch for students and teenagers. The film never tries too hard to force what the character feels but slowly brings about the emotions through his journey from being a studious and ambitious young boy to one plagued with insecurity and jealousy amid a struggle to come to terms with one’s emotions.

8. Udaan (2010)

movies for students 08 Udaan

Student life is often associated with dreaming big and aspiring to change the world and make a name in some way. Some might succeed at achieving their dreams, while others never get a chance to even try to do something they want. Udaan is the story of Rohan; expelled from boarding school, and aspires to be a writer but his stern and abusive father has other plans for him. Vikramaditya Motwane’s film gives a voice to each teenager who faces trauma and abuse at home and never gets a chance to fulfill their dreams. Rohan is every teenager who wants to break the shackles, fly high and realize their aspirations. The film celebrates being rebellious, to be a maverick, but not for the sake of it. Everyone might not be able to relate to the abusive and controlling nature of the relationship, but those who do know how much strength is required to take that first flight.

Also Read: 25 Finest Hindi Movies of the 2010s Decade

9. the breakfast club (1985).

movies for students 09 breakfast club

The Breakfast Club is a perfect coming-of-age film, whose clarity in its themes is quite impressive. Five students are given detention, each of whom represents a common high school stereotype- a criminal, a popular princess, a weirdo, a nerd, and a jock. What starts with hostile comments towards each other turns into a heartfelt confrontation, where the students see each other as more than the restrictive labels they’re boxed into. It portrays teenage angst in a way many movies fail to achieve and focuses on the troubled minds of the kids. Each character is prey to their own insecurity, which is largely subjected to either their own family or society. And the best part about the film is the way all of these themes are depicted; full of iconic lines, iconic scenes, and the iconic dance sequence, in the end, the film is a treat to watch.

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10. Inside Out (2015)

movies for students 10 Inside Out

Inside Out is one of the most beautifully honest Pixar films that cater to both young and old minds alike and encourage them to introspect their feelings. The film is about the feelings of a young girl Riley (quite literally), whose life is in a transition after her family moves to another city. Her emotions- Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness are trying their best to handle this situation. No matter how much Joy tries to make Riley happy, it was sadness that played a role in her true happiness. Both positive and negative emotions are crucial for our mental well-being. Even when Joy tries to bind sadness within a circle, she can’t achieve what she wants. Emotional suppression can never be the answer to a healthy mind. Instead, mindful embracing of all your emotions leads to true catharsis and a happy mind, which was just what happened with Riley.

11. Dazed & Confused (1993)

movies for students 11 dazed and confused

Alright! Alright! Alright! This list was never going to be complete without this Richard Linklater masterpiece who finds so much beauty in the simplicity of life and the mundane of everyday life. His 70’s high school coming-of-age film never tries too hard to force an issue or a conflict but instead puts forth a visceral experience whose honesty and feelings linger with you long after the film is over. A nostalgic piece of cinema for those who have lived through high school to revisit in order to feel young, free, and wild. Student life is often filled with pressures from parents, teachers, peers, and even oneself. So blowing off some steam and enjoying the experiences that life has to offer becomes much more important and relevant. A film that shows human connections and friendships before we started to spend more time with our cell phones than we spent with our own thoughts. The film is not about being irresponsible but about living life with spontaneity and zeal.

Also Read: 10 Films To Watch If You Like The Cinema of Richard Linklater

12. wake up sid (2009).

best movie review for students

Ayan Mukherjee’s eloquent debut, Wake Up Sid, was a game changer in the type of coming-of-age film where Mumbai feels like a character in itself. The relatable duo of the laid-back and irresponsible Sid, along with the responsible and mature Ayesha, acted as the perfect foil to tell the story about learning the importance of responsibilities and independence. Student life is a phase in everybody’s life that we might hate or love but never fully understand. When teachers speak of the protective bubble that one experiences as a student, this is the perfect film to understand what they meant as life suddenly hits you in the face with bills and responsibilities even before you might be ready. But the beauty in Wake Up Sid lies in the way it reassures that it’s never late to start working hard and finding your true calling on the path of self-discovery.

13. Lady Bird (2017)

best movie review for students

One of the most popular coming-of-age dramas in recent times, Lady Bird beautifully captures the essence of growing up . Through fights, fears, insecurities, betrayals, and misunderstandings, Greta Gerwig beautifully sums up the meaning of average high school life. Yet she doesn’t shy away from showing the hardships of the parents, something which is not often portrayed in coming-of-age dramas. Christine (Lady Bird) is at a cross with her strong-willed mother and has plans to escape her small-town life by going off to study in New York, which her mother disapproves of.

There are too many things that teenagers, young adults, and even adults will relate to in this film, the foremost being differences with their parents. Lady Bird beautifully depicts how both children and parents fail to understand each other and end up regretting their rash choices. The rebellious spirit of Saoirse Ronan is unmatched, and the energy she brings into this savage role is truly worth watching.

14. Whiplash (2014)

best movie review for students

There are no two words in the English language more harmful than “good job.” Damien Chazelle’s breakout film about a promising drummer who enrolls in a cut-throat conservatory under a mentor who would go to any lengths to realize the potential of a student is a scary and mind-boggling tale. As a student, you come across teachers who want to help you more than anything to nurture and support you, but what J.K Simmons’ Fletcher does in Whiplash is something that is unforgettable and unforgivable. Whiplash leaves a lot to be figured out about the ending and whether Neiman achieved the greatness he was after, but what was clear as day was the fact that as a student achieving greatness should never come at the cost of physical, emotional, or mental damage. Because what will the greatness be for if you can’t even be there to witness it unfold in front of you?

15. Brooklyn (2015)

best movie review for students

Brooklyn is an unusual pick for the list, but it’s relevant here nonetheless. Brooklyn isn’t just about romance, it is about homesickness, the courage to enter the unfamiliar, and sticking to the difficult choices you make. Eilis Lacey (Saoirse Ronan) decides to leave her Ireland and move to Brooklyn in search of better job opportunities and quality of life, but her journey is not easy. Plagued by the longing for her hometown and her family, she discovers her new self and builds new relations on the way.

The gut-wrenching feeling of considering yourself insignificant in a new world yet trying your best to enshroud those feelings is what Brooklyn portrays in the most beautiful way possible. Eilis’s family sacrificed a lot for her to move to New York, and that guilt creates a lot of pressure for her to not only survive in the new city but also succeed. In every student’s life, there comes a time when they have to leave their home behind or make a tough decision for better opportunities. This film makes your heart ache but makes you feel hopeful at the same time.

16. The Blue Umbrella (2005)

best movie review for students

Ruskin Bond is a writer whose stories we all must have read during our childhood or school days, filled with simplicity, moral values, and above all, profound beauty that explores the magic of growing up. The Blue Umbrella is also one such story that looks at the morality of adults and the purity in the heart of children. The story revolves around a young Biniya who comes across a Blue umbrella which somehow becomes the symbol of respect, admiration, and power amongst the villagers as we see adults plotting to steal it.

Nandu, the local shopkeeper, goes one step ahead and actually steals the umbrella and poses it as his own. This was a film that I saw on one of my school trips but could never understand till I saw it again years later and grasp what the film actually tries to critique and tell. Success or respect can never be bought but can only be earned through one’s actions and hard work, which is true in every walk of life.

17. The Breadwinner (2017)

best movie review for students

This brilliant animated film is about a strong-willed girl Parvana, who, despite the atrocities towards her gender, manages to do what she sets her mind to. Parvana’s father is ambitious for his bright daughter and instills the importance of stories in her mind, both as a way to distract her from the horrors of their worlds and to prepare her to bring about a change. When the Taliban arrest Parvana’s father, she shoulders the household by pretending to be a boy and kick-starts her mission to find her father. Despite catering to such a serious topic, the film avoids a rasping approach and instead embraces an inventive one- full of visually splendid images and fable storytelling. There are two things that the film manages to put forth, the perseverance of a daughter and the courage of a girl under the oppression of the Taliban. It is necessary watch for everyone, especially students, to be aware of the kind of hardships faced by their peers in countries like Afghanistan.

18. Apollo 10 1⁄2: A Space Age Childhood (2022)

best movie review for students

Experiencing someone else’s nostalgia does not fall in the same category as learning from someone else’s experience, but it’s still rewarding. One of the best Netflix originals , Apollo 10 1⁄2, takes place around the time of the Apollo 11 mission, and that is something which we might not be familiar with, but the manner in which the film talks about dreams and imagination makes it one that can be appreciated universally. It focuses on the concept of being close to your roots and how one’s experiences shape their outlook on life and how one perceives the outside world. The way in which the film also encapsulates the fun of growing up without worrying too much about trivial things makes it a ride that you can enjoy throughout without feeling out of place at any point. Richard Linklater knows how to talk about the most simple and mundane things and find something extraordinary and interesting in them, and it’s on full display in this nostalgia-driven film from the maestro.

19. Bend It Like Beckham (2002)

best movie review for students

One of the most loved diaspora films by Gurinder Chaddha, Bend it Like Beckham, centers around Jess, an aspiring footballer who has a hard time following her passion because of her orthodox Indian family. With a family who believes playing football is just a means of “showing off bare legs”, Jess fuels her dream of playing for the national team of England. It is a feel-good coming-of-age film that has sports, romance, weddings, drama, and everything in between. However stereotypical it might feel, it is an honest portrayal of an Indian immigrant family for whom being able to cook Aloo Gobi is much more prestigious than being an athlete. But the spirit Jess shows in order to accomplish her goals is truly inspiring. Making mistakes along the way, Jess shows the spirit of a dreamer who will overcome anything to Bend it like Beckham.

Also Read: 25 Best Sports Movies of All Time

20. coda (2021).

best movie review for students

The 2022 Oscar winner isn’t just your simple coming-of-age story, it’s about empowerment and giving a platform to the marginalized. The simple yet beautiful story focuses on Ruby, CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), who aspires to be a singer. Singing is something her parents and brother can never experience or fully appreciate, yet her will to fulfill her dreams and take care of the family business and help her parents through thick and thin stands out.

A strong determination to work towards one’s passion is something that can be hard to muster, yet the way in which Ruby balances her life and passion is what one can learn from. Follow your passion; give your best, and don’t lose hope or put too much stress on attaining a result because if you give your everything, you are bound to reap the rewards for all you have put in.

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25 Great Movies Every Film Student Should See

Aspiring filmmakers attend film school where they become proficient with their craft. It is also important for students in these schools to study the history of cinema so that one can understand their horizon of the possibilities of the art and through this, become one of the greats.

1. A Trip to the Moon (Dir. Georges Méliès, 1902)

At the dawn of cinema, filmmakers didn’t know what the medium was fully capable of. As such, they experimented in cinema based on their skills within other art forms. One such experimenter was magician Georges Méliès who saw cinema as an illusion and dream. In 1902, after making around 100 films, Méliès created cinema’s first masterpiece: A Trip to the Moon.

Inspired by the works of Jules Verne, A Trip to the Moon tells the story of a group of astronomers who voyage to the moon and discover the strange inhabitants of it. After being placed in danger the astronomers escape and land in an ocean on Earth and are treated as heroes.

A Trip to the Moon is a time capsule for the mystery and wonderment that surrounded space. But more importantly, it is an early pioneer in visual effects and an early example of the dreamlike possibilities cinema has by presenting a fantasy that lived in the heart and mind of its director.

2. The General (Dir. Buster Keaton and Clyde Bruckman, 1926)

By the 1920s, cinema had become a commercial art that had gone beyond its vaudevillian roots and discovered itself as a visual storytelling medium. In becoming commercial, the star system was slowly becoming apparent, with actors such as Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, and Buster Keaton becoming big selling points in regards to the film.

Perhaps the most innovative of the three aforementioned individuals was Buster Keaton, whose acting roles were defined by the stunt coordination and slapstick humor, and therefore made him cinema’s first action star.

The General is Buster Keaton at his finest and perhaps his most influential and most iconic film. It tells the story of a train conductor fighting for the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. The General remains one of the funniest films ever made, showing slapstick and general physical humor at its finest. Looking at it from a technical perspective, it is also one of the most visually inventive films of all time because of Keaton’s use of framing.

It is an essential viewing for those interested in cinema for reasons of witnessing some of the finest stunt coordination and, more importantly, to understand a popular style of filmmaking during the silent era.

3. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (Dir. F.W. Murnau, 1927)

F.W. Murnau is one of the most visual directors of all time. Which is why, perhaps, he loathed using title cards in his movies, all of which were silent films. He was also a leader of German Expressionism, an artistic movement that occurred as a response to World War I and was defined by its obsession with urban life, use of Chiaroscuro lighting, and symbolically distorted art design.

With his 1927 film, Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, F.W. Murnau became one of the first mainstream filmmakers to experiment with the sound-on-film system, which refers to capturing sound physically on celluloid and continues to be used to this day on some films. For Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, Murnau used the system as a means to create minor sound effects, but more importantly to have a definitive score attached to the film.

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans is one of the finest examples of visual storytelling. For this reason, it is important for all film students to see this film. But it is also a great movie that is still as enjoyable as it was when it was first released nearly 90 years ago.

4. The Passion of Jeanne d’Arc (Dir. Carl Th. Dreyer, 1928)

Like with all artistic mediums, cinema has been influenced greatly by mythos, religion, and history. One of the most popular of these types to be told in cinema is the story of Jeanne d’Arc, the teenage girl sent by God to lead the French to victory in the Hundred Years’ War.

This story has been told in cinema from as early as 1900 when Georges Méliès depicted her execution in his film, Jeanne d’Arc. In 1928, Danish filmmaker, Carl Th. Dreyer created the definitive cinematic version of the story in The Passion of Jeanne d’Arc.

The Passion of Jeanne d’Arc is the cinema at its very best; Carl Th. Dreyer’s film examines Jeanne d’Arc during her trial after being sold out by her people to the British. As with F.W. Murnau’s Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, The Passion of Jeanne d’Arc is a great example of visual story telling.

Dreyer famously utilized only close-ups and medium shots for his film, creating a cinematic language that exists primarily in facial expressions of his actors, and thus giving the audience an intimate relationship with each of the characters in the film. With his camera, Dreyer studies each of his characters and shows the pain that lies beneath all of them. The use of close-ups also gives a claustrophobic atmosphere, which compliments the subject of the film- preparing for a death.

Watching a film like The Passion of Jeanne d’Arc makes one wish that more films were as intimate and up close and personal as this one. For this reason, film schools everywhere should be showing this film. It is truly a masterpiece of a movie!

5. Man With a Movie Camera (Dir. Dziga Vertov, 1929)

Dziga Vertov begins Man With a Movie Camera by informing his audience that there are neither actors nor story in his film. Instead what is seen is 68 minute long dictionary of cinematic techniques with everything from parallel to continuity editing being utilized in post and every type of shot imaginable being used during production.

Beyond being a dictionary for cinematic techniques, Man With a Movie Camera should also be studied as a propaganda film, as it is one of the earliest examples of this genre. Dziga Vertov was a Russian filmmaker alive during the rise of Communism and he, along with his fellow Russian filmmakers Sergei Eisenstein and Aleksandr Medvedkin, used cinema as a means to promote their political ideology.

Throughout Man With a Movie Camera, Dziga Vertov emphasizes rapid-fire editing while showing different machines working together to quickly create an effective and long lasting product and the potential to propel technology together, by working as a machine. This visual imagery acts as a metaphor for the potential that a communist state could have for Russia, a country that had long been behind the modern nations.

One thing that Dziga Vertov definitely pushed into the forefront of cinema through Man with a Movie Camera was the use of montage. Prior to this film, montage was not an apparent technique within the cinematic community. After this films release, it became a common technique for filmmakers to use and retains its status to this day.

6. Un Chien Andalou (Dir. Luis Bunuel, 1929)

Surrealism was a movement that began in the 1920s as a follow up to Dada. The goal in Surrealism was to “resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality.” Its leaders were poet André Breton and painter Salvador Dalí. In 1929, Dalí teamed up with filmmaker, Luis Bunuel to create the very first Surrealist film.

The result was Un Chien Andalou, a film devoid of plot or meaning whose sole goal was to create a dream for the viewer to experience. Unlike Georges Méliès, who saw dreams as fantasies with a logical story attached, Bunuel saw them as fragmented observations of the subconscious, showing the dark, inner desires that we as humans want.

The film is a landmark in free form storytelling and avant-garde art. It is also a great example of the possibilities that filmmaking has in terms of mood and atmosphere. It remains one of the most influential films to this day and is a must watch for anyone interested in an alternative style of filmmaking, over the traditional story based one.

7. L’Atalante (Dir. Jean Vigo, 1934)

Jean Vigo made four films before he tragically died from tuberculosis at the age of 29 in 1934. While all four films are worth seeking out, the one that all film students need to watch is his final film: L’Atalante.

L’Atalante is a beautiful example of the human condition being portrayed through cinema. Each character is treated as fleshed out human beings, who are not purely good or bad, making it easy to sympathize with each one of them. The situations are presented in un-objective manner, so that audience members can look at it from a pure third perspective and therefore make the characters that much more real and honest.

It’s a shame that Jean Vigo died as young as he did. But what he left was a legacy of influential and important movies that continue to be studied to this day.

8. Citizen Kane (Dir. Orson Welles, 1941)

Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane is evidence that it is possible to deserve a cliché. Unlike other films on this list, Welles’ film does not need not much description, as it has a legacy of being notoriously voted as the greatest film of all time- which that too it is deserving of.

Not only is it a great story complimented by some of the finest usage of deep focus photography (that is, in it of itself, innovative and continuously influential), an incredible noir like use of shadows, and features one of the greatest ensembles ever committed to celluloid, it is the film that single handedly changed visual storytelling.

Prior to this film’s release, films were largely shot using either static medium close up or static wide shots and actions and character were presented largely through dialogue. But this film changed that forever. After it’s release, filmmakers started to use tracking shots in the way that Welles did here. They also started using more low and high angle shots to define character and allowed moments of silence to speak for themselves, much like the rest of this film.

If cinema’s dictionary is Man With a Movie Camera, then Citizen Kane is its Hamlet and Orson Welles its Shakespeare.

40 Replies to “25 Great Movies Every Film Student Should See”

' src=

interesting on the final choice. I haven’t watched it yet, but I for sure will.

' src=

This writer keeps using then word “then” when the word “than” is needed. Did the writer do a Replace All?

' src=

I wonder if the author realizes that the directors name is Akira Kurosawa, NOT Kurosawa Akira (which he incorrectly uses two times in the article)

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Actually, his name is Kurosawa Akira. In Japan people are referred by their family name and then their own name, nonetheless, some of them switch the order of them according to western standards when they start producing contents for western audiences as well. Same happens with Yasujiro Ozu/Ozu Yasujiro.

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You’re right about that, but his name is actually Akira, and his last name Kurosawa. Hence his children have the Kurosawa last name.

Wow I’m so busted. Lol What a know it all I am! Oops sorry. Just learned something.

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Can we have The Godfather series at least on the first page?

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The movies are arranged chronologically. The first page is from 1902 to 1941. The first Godfather movie came out in 1972..

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I think Bicycle Thieves should have been there in the list.

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Yeah at number 1 actually .

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Can’t agree with some of these choices. Surely L’Aventura, Stagecoach, Treasure of Sierra Madre, Les Quatre Cent Coups, The Third Man, Sunset Boulevard, A Place in the Sun

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I am thankful for this article my father who was born in 1914 used to go to the movies to see all this films and he told me all about it! Great article!

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Chinatown criminally not on the list

Leaving out “Battleship Potemkin” makes this list irrelevant. Not only because of the legendary much copied “Odessa steps” scene, but because the montage editing techniques that remain influential to this day. That alone should make it obligatory for film students.

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Man With a Movie Camera is a good choice in replacement

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nooooo, Vertov and Eisenstein had two really opposit way of thinking the editing. You can’t replace Eisenstein with Vertov, but you can compare.

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wheres THE ROOM?

and i would add something from jean cocteau, brilliant filmmaker.

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Very interesting list

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it’s a thought subject but I’m surprise you made great list in my opinion, nice to see some of the greatest filmmakers ever in your list. Always some movies are left, if I can add my taste I will chose some Renoir, Fritz Lang maybe some Tarkovsky and Chris Marker and some recent filmmakers as Pedro Costa and Carlos Reygadas.

This is a great list, except…… for the last choice, i mean i like RLM, but putting here with all this classics… a internet review? sorry for being a snob but gimme a break!

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Great list except for the lack of Mizoguchi. Ugetsu, Sansho the Bailiff, Life of Oharu, etc.

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All my respect by including The Phantom Menace Review (Dir. Mike Stoklasa, 2009)Genius

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Gotta love all the criminally, unforgivingly left out films all these commenters are suggesting. Yes, let’s make a 20 page article, why not? “100 objectively best movies ever made, according to Internet comments”.

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Was it De Palma with that riveting ONE TAKE scene? Also mentioned should have been William Friedkin, for how to really, really film a carchase (in the French Connection). And yes, Sam Peckinpah, how it really was to die in the Old West. (the fountains of blood in the Wild Bunch, which inspired John Woo and countless others.)

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I guess I could say Citizen Kane is a great example for being creative with a camera and lighting, but the film itself was incredibly boring. I’ve heard so many people praise it as one of the world’s best, but aside from ingenuity, I don’t see it.

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because you are in 2016, and don’t understand Citizen Kane is among the most influential works of art in the history of the cinema. A lot of things we took for granted today, Welles did it for the first time on that movie.

Oh, I do. It was drilled into us at film school. I can see why it was influential. I can understand why it is regarded the way it is and for what it did to modern film. But that doesn’t change the fact that the story was boring as crap. Welles lit a spark in modern filmmaking, but he had a not so well lit script.

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Le Samurai, The 400 blows, La Dolce Vita, Living in Oblivion, La Jetée, The Front Page/His Girl Friday, The Last Picture Show, Badlands, M, Metropolis, Rocco and His Brothers, Koyaanisqatsi, Punch Drunk Love, 500 Days of Summer, Blue Ruin, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, La Haine, The Room.

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Of course, and please lets not forget any movie with Adam Sandler, Transformers, Dumb and Dumber. This is a shocking omission.

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Clockwork Orange can replace Citizen Kane..its time..

A Clockwork Orange is a masterpiece but it can’t replace Citizen Kane in any way.

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Every list is incomplete, and this is a mathematics theory proved by Gödel. (God, I hope I do not misinterpret it.) To me, Jean D’Arc should be in a higher place.

It’s hard to judge a list like this, but I’d still have La Regle du Jeu in it!

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I would add some Steven Seagal film in here…Not just the so called “Arty”

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Top movies a business student must watch thanks 🙂

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The Japanese director Akira Kurosawa said, “Not to have seen the cinema of Ray means existing in the world without seeing the sun or the moon.”

Any explanations of why any movie of Ray is not of significance to the up and coming film makers and film making students?

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How to Write a Movie Review: 10 Essential Tips

As long as there have been films, there have been film critics. Starting with the early days of cinema, where reviews appeared in newspapers and magazines as brief, descriptive pieces, as filmmaking evolved as an art form, so did the role of the critic. James Agee, André Bazin, and Pauline Kael shaped the discourse around cinema, and today, famous film critics like the iconic Roger Ebert , The New York Times’s A.O. Scott , and The New York Times’s Manohla Dargis continue to leave an indelible mark on the world of cinema.

With the rise of the internet, film criticism now encompasses a wide range of voices and perspectives from around the globe. Sites like Letterboxd make it possible for anyone to write short-form reviews on film. Even stars like The Bear’s Ayo Edebiri have accounts and share opinions on the latest box-office hits.

How to Write a Movie Review

Today, contemporary YouTube and TikTok critics such as Red Letter Media , deepfocuslens , and DoMo Draper don’t just write film reviews, they shoot videos and skits. Through their creative formats, they offer refreshing and unique perspectives while building communities of diehard film and television enthusiasts. Whether you choose to write reviews for your own blog, other websites, or social media channels, by learning how to write a movie review, any aspiring filmmaker can start to watch films intentionally. 

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TikTok film critic “DoMo Draper” provides commentary on new and old films, often calling out racism, social injustice, misogyny, and prejudice.

While there’s no perfect approach to writing a review, there are best practices that every aspiring reviewer should consider.

Here are ten tips on writing a compelling piece.

1. Watch the film at least once.

For new reviewers, it’s impossible to capture everything after one viewing. Watching the film first, then watching to take notes, is an easy way to improve the quality of your final review. This will also make it easy to recall in-the-moment thoughts and reactions.

how to write a movie review

Take a review by Christian Blauvelt of Charlie Chaplin’s silent film The Circus , for example. Since the film does not have sound, properly critiquing the film requires close attention. Viewers have to pay attention to the various nuances in Chaplin’s performance, follow the story, and take in the cinematography. Regarding The Circus , Blauvelt writes, “The film lacks a conventional plot, but is rather a pearl necklace of strung-together episodes. ” The statement isn’t a criticism, but a keen observation likely gleaned from more than one viewing. 

So while every film reviewer has their own approach, many choose to watch a film more than once to deliver the best possible review. Image The Criterion Collection.

2. Express your opinions and support your criticism.

Professional reviewers do not shy away from sharing whether they thought a movie was good, bad, or indifferent. In a review for the film Mother!, reviewer Candice Frederick describes the film as “uncomfortable,” and “controversial,” helping viewers understand the tone of the movie. While Frederick seemed to enjoy the film, her honesty about how it would make audiences feel was vital in writing the review.

Be sure to back up these thoughts with specifics–a disappointing performance, beautiful cinematography, difficult material that leaves you thinking, and so on. Professional reviewers should express why and how they came to their criticism.

3. Consider your audience.

Are you writing for a fan site or a news outlet? Who will read your pieces, and what are their interests? Knowing who your readers are and where the review will be published can help you decide what elements of the movie to highlight. For example, take these two very different reviews for the film ‘Synecdoche, New York’.  

how to write a movie review

The first review was written by Alonso Duralde for The Today Show , and clocks in at around 500 words. The film focuses on the bullet points: characters, plot, and a concise review. The second review is over 3,000 words and published on the Critical Critics blog . This review goes into massive depth (and yes, includes spoilers) about the film, providing an incredible amount of analysis. The first review is tailored for the casual filmgoer, while the second is for cinephiles. Each review serves a different purpose.

It’s also a good idea to adjust your writing style to fit the target audience. For example, Alonso Duralde is a talented film reviewer and likely wrote the review to fit the tone of The Today Show site. Image via Director’s Library.

4. Talk about the acting.

When reviewing a film, it’s important to take space to discuss the performances. Does the film feature a seasoned actor in a new kind of role or a brilliant performance from a rising star? How was the acting? In a review by Brett Milam for the award-winning film Whiplash , he goes into rich detail about performances by both breakthrough actor Miles Teller and seasoned professional JK Simmons.

Regarding Teller, Milam writes, “This is a performance. This is art,” and about Simmons, “I found him fascinating to just look at.” Those are just small examples of the analysis he provides regarding their acting. As the film mostly focuses on the relationship between their two characters, Miles as the protagonist and JK as the antagonist, the review of the performances lends well to the plot of the film: student and teacher going head to head in an intense and determined showdown. 

Feedback about how well the actors handled the script, the dynamics in an ensemble, and so much more can help describe how the actors did in any given film.

5. Call out directors, cinematographers, and special effects.

Reviews that include highlights or missteps of directors, cinematographers, and costume designers can help provide support to your critiques. By providing specific examples of what worked, what surprised you, and what fell short of expectations, reviewers can write a well-thought-out review that goes beyond whether or not you liked it.

how to write a movie review

In a review for A Wrinkle in Time , Monique Jones artfully crafts a piece that diplomatically cites the missteps of the film. From analyzing the quality of the CGI to the camera techniques to inconsistencies in the rules of the fantasy universe, Jones fairly offers a critique that guides the filmmakers and crew on future endeavors. To write this type of review, it helps to have some knowledge of the filmmaking process so you can properly assess the screenwriting, cinematography, special effects, acting, and more. Image via Disney.

6. No spoilers!

The point of writing a movie review is to get people interested in seeing a movie. That’s why it’s absolutely best practice to not reveal spoilers in a film review. Film reviewer Robert Daniels approaches this creatively. In his review of Annihilation , he provides commentary on what would be considered spoilers. However, he places that part of the review at the bottom of the article under a bold header/image that warns the reader he’s about to spoil the film. For reviewers who want to dissect the entire film, this is a good way to both tease the film for anyone who hasn’t seen it and cater to people who want to know what the ending is.

Remember: the goal of any film review is to discuss the plot without revealing any twists or the ending of the film. 

7. Study the professionals.

As with all writing endeavors, the more you read, the better. However, with the modern landscape of film reviewing, which can go beyond writing and extend to content creation for social media platforms, there are a ton of reviewers to take notes from. First, determine what kind of reviewer you want to be, and what kind of medium you plan to deliver your reviews on. If you plan to post to Medium, for example, studying the reviewers already established on the site can be a great starting point.

Then, read film reviews for some of your favorite films. Determine which style of review you like and don’t like. Question why, and use your critical eye to consider why one reviewer has a hundred thousand followers and another only has two. If you’re looking to be featured on a website or a magazine, read the publications where you’d like your writing to appear as a template for your reviews, and don’t forget to read the submission guidelines. A few examples of film review professionals include Rotten Tomatoes , Roger Ebert , and Film Comment. 

8. Reread, rewrite, and edit.

While writing film critique is based on opinion, and follows the style of the reviewer, it’s still important to edit work. Writers should check for spelling, grammar, and readability. No matter how good a writer’s opinions are, they will not be taken seriously if the director’s name isn’t spelled correctly. Tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway Editor can be great for correcting and finding areas that need improvement. 

9. Find your voice.

The best reviewers have a distinct personality that comes across in their writing. Los Angeles Times film reviewer Carlos Aguilar wrote an impassioned piece about the film Beatriz at Dinner , going into a lot of detail about his experiences working in the film industry and his Mexican heritage. By sharing anecdotes about casual racism he’s experienced and connecting it to the film’s protagonist, and what she goes through, the review feels personal and relatable.

how to write a movie review

“If at a film festival – to which I’ve gotten access to because I’m a published writer – in a progressive city like Los Angeles, I must keep my guard up when people question my right to be there, then how are the voiceless supposed to feel safe, respected, or hopeful?” Aguilar writes. 

For new reviewers, developing this type of unique voice does not happen overnight, so take every opportunity to write as an opportunity to develop your style. Image via BBC.

10. Know your taste.

As a film reviewer, it can be helpful to identify your taste in film. By knowing specific preferences, strengths, and biases, reviewers can offer nuanced critiques that resonate with audiences and provide valuable guidance on which films they might enjoy. Additionally, it helps to maintain credibility and integrity as a reviewer by ensuring that assessments are authentic and reflective of personal cinematic sensibilities.

Try to explore various genres, directors, and themes to understand what resonates emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically. Pay attention to the types of stories that engage you, which can help define your preferences.

Learn More About Filmmaking at NYFA

Film students with writing experience actually make great reviewers, as many of them are required to study a range of topics relating to film that can include cinematography, screenwriting, producing, and much more. Ready to build even more skills in filmmaking? Request more information about New York Film Academy’s filmmaking programs and workshops today!

best movie review for students

13 Movies About Students That Will Actually Motivate You

Are you looking for movies about life on campus or movies about teachers and students that give a realistic representation about the student life? Here are 13 best movies about students you’ll love!

Movies about students

Life as a student is full of new experiences, study burdens, and most of all, endless possibilities. The following 13 movies are not just about the common, everyday student life, instead they delve deep into unique, inspiring, and motivational stories surrounding students. 

A sneak peak into the characters’ lives in these movies can propel you to chase your dreams, find your true calling, overcome your fears and gather strength to face your reality. Discover how these representations of student lives and teacher student relationships, on the big screen, can leave a profound impact!


1. lady bird (2018).

best movie review for students

Lady Bird is a coming-of-age film that encapsulates the trials and tribulations of high school life. It follows Christina «Lady Bird» McPherson, a high school senior from the «wrong side of the tracks». 

She longs for much more than what her home can offer. Her journey explores relationships, social standing, and above all, the struggle of finding one’s identity amidst the chaotic era of adolescence. This brilliantly executed movie will move the students and motivate them to confront their own fears and anxieties.

2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)

Movies on student relationship

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a poignant film that delves into the life of Charlie, an introverted high school freshman. The story unfolds through a series of letters he writes to an anonymous friend, revealing his struggles with mental health, friendship, and self-discovery.

The movie addresses themes of acceptance, the power of friendship, and the importance of embracing one’s true self. It’s a compelling narrative that can inspire students to navigate the complexities of adolescence with resilience and authenticity.

3. The Graduate (1967)

best movie review for students

The Graduate is a classic released in the ’60s that remains relevant even to this day. It portrays Benjamin Braddock as he grapples with uncertainty after his college graduation, and gets entangled in a complex relationship with an older woman leading to an array of conflicting emotions.

His confusion and aimlessness embody a very real aspect of the transition that all graduates have to face. It limits the disdain towards societal expectations and pressures, pushing students not to get succumbed into the conformist trap.

4. The Social Network (2010)

Movies for students

Thinking of starting a business while you are at college? The Social Network is bound to give you some serious motivation. It is a biographical drama film about Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, portraying his journey to realizing his ultimate creation while facing numerous legal entanglements in the process.

This movie is all about student relationship and encapsulates the struggles, excitement, risks and rewards associated with entrepreneurship, showing us the power of unwavering commitment, innovation and resilience even against the harshest oppositions and criticisms.

Read: 20 College Movies You Should Watch Before Your Freshman Year

5. Booksmart (2019)

best movie review for students

Booksmart is an excellent movie, especially for students who should focus on their social lives! It navigates the journey of two overachieving high school students, Amy and Molly, who realize on the eve of their graduation that they’ve missed out on special moments of their teenage life due to their intense focus on academics and their obsession with becoming the student of the year.

This revelation pushes them to make up for lost time with one chaotic night of adventure. Besides its humor and fun elements, Booksmart powerfully conveys the message that a balanced life involving academics and social experiences is key for a well-rounded student experience.

6. Election (1999)

Movies about genius students

Is it election time at your school? Election is just the perfect film to watch! It’s a comedy-drama that revolves around a high school election and focuses on the intense competition and unexpected twists and turns leading up to it. The stern and ambitious student, Tracy Flick, goes head-to-head with the beloved jock, Paul Metzler.

It sheds light on the cutthroat nature of school politics in an extremely hilarious and entertaining manner, making students realize that there’s more to leadership than popular votes. It represents the essence of power dynamics and examines it in a narrative, though exaggerated, that many students can identify with.

7. Whiplash (2914)

best movie review for students

Whiplash is a gripping drama about a young music student and his tyrannical mentor. It follows Andrew Neiman, a promising drummer at a cutthroat music conservatory, who is driven to the breaking point by his demanding teacher, Terence Fletcher.

The film explores the dichotomy of mentorship and abuse, and digs deep into what it means to truly strive for ‘perfection’. It presents a gripping narrative on ambition and obsession, challenging you to question the extremes you would go to for the sake of your passion.

8. Legally Blonde (2001)

Movies about school

Elle Woods is one of the most iconic characters in movies about students, partly because of her unique outfits, and also because she’s brilliant at what she does!

A major source of inspiration for many law majors, Legally Blonde is a lighthearted, yet empowering movie that follows the journey of Elle Woods, a stylish sorority girl who enrolls at Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend.

However, as the story unfolds, Elle breaks stereotypes, proves her worth, and shows ambitious determination. This movie motivates students to challenge societal expectations, strive for their goals, and realize that they are capable of more than they think.

Read: What To Bring To College: 10 Essentials You Must Have

9. Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

best movie review for students

For all the female students out there, forging your way through the patriarchal surroundings, Mona Lisa Smile is a tearful watch. Set in 1953, this film follows the story of Katherine Watson, an unmarried art history professor at the conservative all-women Wellesley College. She faces various challenges due to her progressive teaching methods and defiance of traditional societal norms.

Her course encourages students to cherish their individuality and ultimately teaches them that they can defy societal expectations and pursue careers. Throughout the storyline, you come to value the significance of having a visionary mentor like Katherine and the teacher student relationships she creates.

10. Good Will Hunting (1997)

best movie review for students

Good Will Hunting is a brilliantly crafted psychological drama film that explores the life of Will Hunting, a self-taught genius who works as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hunting’s profound understanding of complex mathematical theories bewilders university professors, but traumatic past experiences have hindered his ability to see his true potential.

The film delves deeply into interpersonal relationships and vulnerability; it’s an emotionally gripping narrative that shows the power of empathy, forgiveness, and self-understanding for personal growth. It’s a passionate demonstration of how important it is to wrestle with inner demons to manifest one’s full potential.

11. Strike! AKA. All I Wanna Do (1998)

Movies student of the year

Ever wondered what life as a student would be at boarding school? All I Wanna Do offers a brilliant viewpoint. Set in 1963, it’s a comedy-drama that highlights the lives of students at an all-girls boarding school, preserving the charm and essence of the era perfectly.

Interestingly, when the students discover that their school is expected to merge with a nearby boy’s school, they hatch a plan to save their school from this perceived calamity. The film subtly emphasizes the importance of friendship, teamwork, and standing up for conviction in a hearty, nostalgic narrative sparking numerous smiles and laughter.

12. 21 (2008)

best movie review for students

For all those into gambling or movies about students that excel, 21 is an interesting watch! It is an exciting, fast-paced movie based on a true story that revolves around six MIT students who are trained to become card counting experts with the objective of swindling Vegas casinos for millions of dollars.

Their professor, played by Kevin Spacey, mentors them but greedy intentions drive them towards risky directions. This thrilling narrative underscores several moral lessons about greed, teamwork, trust, and the risks and consequences associated with undertaking unethical actions.

13. The Breakfast Club (1985)

Movies about teachers and students

An all time classic, The Breakfast Club delves into the lives of five high school students from different socio-economic backgrounds who get stuck in Saturday detention together. Each character represents a different stereotype: the jock, the rebel, the brain, the princess, and the oddball.

Despite their differing personalities and social status, they get to know each other’s worlds beyond their clichéd facades. The film masterfully explores themes such as peer pressure, class division, identity, and acceptance, turning it into an invaluable comment on the high school experience.

This was all about the best movies about students!

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Film Review: Structure and Format for Students

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  • Writing Articles & Reviews
  • October 5, 2023

best movie review for students

I. Introduction II. What is a Film Review? III. Importance of writing a Film Review IV. Structure and Format of a Film Review A. Introduction B. Summary and Synopsis C. Analysis and Evaluation D. Conclusion V. Tips for writing an Effective Film Review A. Watch the Film Multiple Times B. Take Notes and Analyze the Film C. Consider the Target Audience D. Use Proper Film Terminology E. Ensure a Balanced Review VI. Common Mistakes to Avoid A. Spoiling the Plot B. Biased Opinions C. Lack of Supporting Evidence D. Grammatical and Spelling Errors VII. Conclusion VIII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I. Introduction

writing a film review can be both an enjoyable and educational experience, allowing students to analyze and critically evaluate a movie. This guide aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the structure and format of a film review. By following the suggested guidelines and tips in this article, students will be equipped to write well-structured and informative film reviews.

II. What is a Film Review?

A film review is a written analysis and evaluation of a movie. IT serves as a critical assessment of various elements, including the plot, characters, cinematography, directing, sound design, and overall impact of the film. Film reviews offer readers insights into the quality, themes, and messages conveyed by the movie, helping them decide whether IT is worth watching.

III. Importance of writing a Film Review

writing a film review goes beyond simply expressing personal opinions about a movie. IT enables students to develop their analytical and critical thinking skills by evaluating different aspects of the film. Additionally, film reviews play a crucial role in helping others make informed decisions about whether or not to watch a particular film. As a student, writing film reviews can also contribute to building your portfolio or improve your chances of pursuing a career in film criticism or journalism.

IV. Structure and Format of a Film Review

A well-structured film review ensures clarity and coherence in conveying your thoughts and opinions. The following sections provide a recommended framework for writing an effective film review:

A. Introduction

The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide essential information about the film. Start by mentioning the film’s title, director, main actors, and release year. Include a concise summary that sets the context for the review while avoiding spoilers.

B. Summary and Synopsis

In this section, provide a brief overview of the plot without giving away crucial details. Focus on the main themes, conflicts, and events that shape the narrative. Make sure to maintain an objective tone and avoid personal bias.

C. Analysis and Evaluation

The analysis and evaluation section is the heart of the film review. Here, you will delve deeper into the film’s various aspects, such as cinematography, acting, screenplay, and sound design. Analyze the effectiveness of these elements in conveying the film’s intended message or engaging the audience emotionally. Support your opinions with specific examples or scenes from the film.

D. Conclusion

The conclusion serves as a summary of your overall assessment of the film. Reiterate the key points discussed in the analysis and evaluation section, highlighting the film’s strengths and weaknesses. Offer your final verdict or recommendation, based on whether you believe the film is worth watching.

V. Tips for writing an Effective Film Review

To enhance your film review writing skills, consider the following tips:

A. Watch the Film Multiple Times

Deep understanding of a film requires multiple viewings. Pay attention to details you might have missed initially and analyze the film from different perspectives.

B. Take Notes and Analyze the Film

While watching the film, take notes on significant scenes, character development, and any thoughts or emotions IT evokes. Use these notes to guide your analysis and evaluation later.

C. Consider the Target Audience

Identify the target audience of the film and consider if IT effectively appeals to them. Explore whether the film successfully fulfills its genre conventions or intended purpose.

D. Use Proper Film Terminology

Utilize film-specific terminology such as mise-en-scène, cinematography, or narrative structure to showcase your understanding of film analysis. However, make sure to define and explain these terms concisely for readers who may not have a film background.

E. Ensure a Balanced Review

While IT is essential to express your personal opinions, maintain a balanced perspective by incorporating objective analysis. Be fair and back up your claims with evidence from the film.

VI. Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing a film review, be mindful of the following common mistakes:

A. Spoiling the Plot

Avoid revealing essential plot points or twists that may spoil the viewing experience for potential readers. Focus on providing a general overview without disclosing critical surprises.

B. Biased Opinions

While personal opinions hold value in a film review, ensure that IT does not overshadow the objective analysis of the film’s various elements. Give fair consideration to both positive and negative aspects.

C. Lack of Supporting Evidence

When critiquing the film, always support your opinions with evidence. Refer to specific scenes, dialogue, or techniques to justify your evaluation.

D. Grammatical and Spelling Errors

Proofread your review for grammatical and spelling errors. These errors can negatively impact the credibility of your analysis and distract readers’ attention from your main points.

VII. Conclusion

writing a film review provides an opportunity for students to develop critical thinking skills while expressing their thoughts and opinions. By adhering to the suggested structure and format, and following the tips mentioned, students can effectively craft well-rounded film reviews that help inform others’ film choices.

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How long should a film review be? A1. Film reviews can vary in length, but aim for a word count between 400-800 words, depending on the requirements set by your instructor or publication.

Q2. Can I include spoilers in a film review? A2. IT is advisable to avoid spoilers in film reviews to maintain the viewers’ enjoyment and surprise factor. Focus on providing a general overview without revealing key plot points.

Q3. Are film reviews subjective? A3. While film reviews often include subjective opinions, they should also incorporate objective analysis of various elements like acting, cinematography, and storytelling.

Q4. Can a negative film review be beneficial? A4. Yes, negative film reviews convey honest assessments and constructive criticism. However, ensure that your critique is fair and backed by proper analysis and evidence.

Q5. Is IT necessary to watch the film multiple times? A5. Watching the film multiple times allows for a more comprehensive analysis, as IT helps identify subtle details, thematic cues, and character development that may have been missed initially.

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TAGGED AS: best , kids , movies


(Photo by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection. Thumbnail image: 20th Century Fox Film Corp. All rights reserved. Courtesy: Everett Collection.; Warner Brothers/courtesy Everett Collection; MGM.)

50 Essential Movies For Kids

Looking to enrich your kid’s viewing habits? Or if you’re under 13 yourself, love movies, and you want to watch some of the best ever made, take it from us when we list 50 Essential Movies For Kids!

These are not just great children’s movies, but movies that play well for the curious and growing mind. While all these movies are classics and can be seen at any age, some have stronger themes than others that would play better during upper years. So, we separated the movies in suggested age categories:

Ages 1-5: Kids may not actively recall everything from this age, but a good baseline is fundamental in developing a healthy appetite for movies. Here we feature colorful classics ( The Wizard of Oz ), fun adventures ( Chicken Run ), and tales as old as time ( Beauty and the Beast ).

Ages 6-9: As more time is devoted to school and outside life, movies become more of an escape, and their power to transport starts to become apparent. Don’t miss out on epic quests ( Star Wars ), wish fulfillment ( Home Alone ), and dazzling fantasies ( Spirited Away ).

Ages 10-12: The magic window, the time in life when movies can move and change tweens, and stick for the rest of time. A good era for the classic portrayals of youth ( The 400 Blows ), face-melting action ( Raiders of the Lost Ark ), and romance ( Romeo & Juliet ).

Whether you’re a parent looking for a moral, entertaining movie night with your kids, or you’re a young student of movies making the leap on your own, check out these 50 Essential Movies For Kids! — Alex Vo

' sborder=

Beauty and the Beast (1991) 93%

' sborder=

Chicken Run (2000) 97%

' sborder=

Frozen (2013) 90%

' sborder=

Kiki's Delivery Service (1989) 98%

' sborder=

A Little Princess (1995) 97%

' sborder=

The Muppet Movie (1979) 88%

' sborder=

My Neighbor Totoro (1988) 93%

' sborder=

The Red Balloon (1956) 96%

' sborder=

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 97%

' sborder=

Toy Story (1995) 100%

' sborder=

WALL-E (2008) 95%

' sborder=

The Wizard of Oz (1939) 98%

' sborder=

Babe (1995) 97%

' sborder=

Back to the Future (1985) 93%

' sborder=

Coco (2017) 97%

' sborder=

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 99%

' sborder=

Elf (2003) 86%

' sborder=

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) 93%

' sborder=

The Goonies (1985) 77%

' sborder=

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) 81%

' sborder=

Home Alone (1990) 66%

' sborder=

How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 99%

' sborder=

Inside Out (2015) 98%

' sborder=

The Karate Kid (1984) 89%

' sborder=

The Iron Giant (1999) 96%

' sborder=

The LEGO Movie (2014) 96%

' sborder=

Little Manhattan (2005) 77%

' sborder=

Matilda (1996) 92%

' sborder=

The Neverending Story (1984) 83%

' sborder=

Paddington 2 (2017) 99%

' sborder=

The Princess Bride (1987) 96%

' sborder=

The Sandlot (1993) 65%

' sborder=

Spirited Away (2001) 96%

' sborder=

Spy Kids (2001) 93%

' sborder=

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) 93%

' sborder=

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) 92%

' sborder=

The 400 Blows (1959) 99%

' sborder=

Akeelah and the Bee (2006) 86%

' sborder=

Au Revoir, les enfants (1987) 97%

' sborder=

Hugo (2011) 93%

' sborder=

Napoleon Dynamite (2004) 72%

' sborder=

Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985) 88%

' sborder=

Queen of Katwe (2016) 94%

' sborder=

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 93%

' sborder=

Romeo and Juliet (1968) 95%

' sborder=

Rudy (1993) 77%

' sborder=

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) 97%

' sborder=

Time Bandits (1981) 91%

' sborder=

West Side Story (1961) 92%

' sborder=

The Witches (1990) 94%

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Best Movies for Students: 10 Educational Films Students Should Watch

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: December 2, 2021
  • Post category: Fashion Updates and Trends / Scholarly Articles

Top 10 Best Movies for Students: Must Watch: A film, also called a movie, is a work of visual art used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images. These images are generally accompanied by sound, and more rarely, other sensory stimulations.

I trust the above definition is of little or no effect to you because everyone reading this understands what a Movie or must have seen one Irrespective of whether you are a movie lover or not, and you can also agree with me that a Movie has a great way of impacting the life of the individual who watches it. The person tends to adopt certain lifestyles, mannerisms, ways of thinking and how to act in situations from the movies they watch. That’s why it is important to watch this right movies.

This Article therefore examines ten right movies which will benefit students in one way or the other.

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10. The Divergent Series: Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant

This particular one is spun out of my love for science-fiction movies especially the dystopian ones. This movie takes us to a world which is very much unlike the one we live in. It is set in a not so distant future in a city in which the citizens live in factions organized by “ the founders” of the city.

Best Movies for high school and college Students

The five factions (Candor, Erudite, Abnegation, Dauntless and Amity) has members each with structured DNAs and each faction having its own responsibility towards the growth of the city, they were set up because it was believed to be the most suitable form of living by the founders.

This arrangement although favourable at the start, turns sour as greed, distrust, and ambitiousness became the order of the day. This arrangement is further disrupted by the emergence of the “ divergent “; a small group of people whose DNAs aren’t as structured as their counterparts. This brings about lust for power resulting in mayhem and the intense need to eliminate these group of outcast known as the “ divergents “.

The series with its numerous cliffhangers is that which keeps you on your toes. You’ll find yourself eager to know what happens next. It comes with a lot of action but not without a touch of romance, science and the law altogether. It’s the kind that teaches you life lessons such as; the power of friendship, the consequences of lust and abuse of power, the importance of friendship and teamwork. It also goes to tell us that nothing is actually quite as it seems as there is always a reason and double meaning for everything.

9. Like Stars on Earth: Musical/ Drama

This is a heart touching Indian movie that tells the story of a boy named Ishaan Awasthi. He is an 8-year-old boy with dyslexia and this greatly affects his performance in school work. With an older brother like Yohan Awasthi, who is an examplary student with great athletic talent, Ishaan lives in his shadow and is often belittled for his poor performance in school work.

Best Movies for high school and college Students

Ishaan has an amazing talent for art and painting but this is often disregarded by his father, Ndankishore Awasthi, who expects nothing short of excellence from his children. Fed up with his failure, Ishaan’s father sends him to a boarding school. Alone there, he rapidly sinks into a state of fear, anxiety, and depression. Coupled with the abusiveness of his new teachers, Ishaan contemplates suicide but is saved by his only friend, Rajan who is a disabled but top student.

Ishaan’s salvation comes in form of a new art teacher, Ram Nikumbh. He takes special interest in Ishaan and is quick to discover that Ishaan’s poor academic performance is borne out of dyslexia. Nikumbh flies to Mumbai to visit Ishaan’s parents, where he is surprised to discover Ishaan’s hidden interest in art. He takes it upon himself to train the boy and improve on his strength.

Like Stars on Earth is one of those movies that can drive you to tears. Backed up with beautiful musicals, it has a way of keeping you glued to your screen. This is very much unlike the typical Indian love story we are used to seeing as it brings serious issues to light such as the case of “ dyslexia “. Most children in our society suffer from this and are not even properly treated for a long while.

This affects them academically leaving them mocked and mistreated by their peers, parents and teachers alike. Not only will this movie teach you family and friendship lessons, it will educate you on important and often neglected issues.

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8. A Week Away: Christian/ Musical

Top movies every film student should watch

If you’re a fan of Christian drama -even if you aren’t- then this is the movie for you. This movie tells a story of a troubled teenager, whose life’s pledge is to get into trouble with the law. Will is an orphan who has given up on everything good in life.

A talented young man with the gift of playing the guitar which he doesn’t put into any good use. Will is constantly in one problem or the other. A turning point comes for will in the form of a Christian camp. It is an option given to him after a run in with the police as opposed to juvie. He reluctantly accepts this and heads to camp.

A chance encounter with Avery, a sudden bond with George and motherly love he finds in Kristen, show Will that there’s more to life and especially if you have God in your corner. The question is if Will is ready to open his heart to the goodness that comes with having God and people who love you.

A Week Away brings people back to one point in life they always run away from; the question of faith. It gives answers to questions people ask about life and also reminds them of the value of having family and people who love them. It speaks directly to teenagers and young adults who seem to believe that they have lost their way in this world.

7. King of Boys 2 (The Return of the King): Drama/ Political thriller

top movies every film student should watch

If you haven’t already seen the first movie in this series, you should take two steps back so you don’t get lost in this political jungle. This movie is the type that has you sitting at the edge of your seat from start to finish. King of Boys 2  takes us to the underworld of a truly dirty game called “politics”.

With fast paced action, a stellar cast led by the force Soba Solawale who plays Eniola Salami, the twists and turns you’ll encounter in this movie, will leave you bewildered long after you’ve finished the last episode in the series. This 7 episode miniseries, portrays the underbelly of Nigerian politics, the importance of loyalty and shows us the extent to which people are ready to go to attain and maintain political power.

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6. The Social Network: Drama/ History

As engrossed as most of us are with social media, this movie takes us in a ride back to the very beginning of it. It tells us the story of young Mark Zuckerberg who is an undergraduate at Harvard and also a computer genius. He begins to work on a concept which expands into a globally recognized social network called Facebook. This leads Mark into financial freedom as he becomes one of the youngest billionaires existing.

One thing this movie teaches is the actualization of dreams and utilization of talents. Usually students become so consumed with school work which while being good, prevents them from discovering other parts of themselves which could prove to be vital to their success in the long run. The saying “ Doing what you love and earning from it ” finds value in this particular movie.

5. The Smart Money Woman: Drama/ Romance

The Smart Money Woman welcomes us to a financial space. I personally began my savings journey after seeing this miniseries. Based off a book by Author Arese Ugwu, this 7 episode series tells us the story of 5 young female friends; Zuri, Adesuwa, Ladun, Lara and Tami, each one of them in different financial positions in their lives. Zuri, the lead character, is a working class lady who is at the brink of financial meltdown, Adesuwa, the successful lawyer, wife and mother, practically manages her household and her husband singlehandedly.

Ladun is one who you’d call a “ rich housewife “, being married into one of the richest families in Lagos, she doesn’t want for anything and practically lives lavi da Loca. In her own words, “ Let it never be heard that Ladun wore the same dress twice “. The question though is for how long will the boat of this lavish lifestyle sail? Lara is the big successful daughter and big sister. Being born without a silver spoon and suffering during her early ages, she swore to make life comfortable for her mother and siblings, a task she has handles expertly but is often taken advantage of for.

Tami, who happens to be one character I love a lot, is the typical spoilt rich daddy’s girl. She handles a fashion line but is the type who has trust fund and daddy’s money to fall back to so she doesn’t have to take any major risks, make any investments or savings in her life but as we know, life isn’t always a bed of roses.

This series is entertaining and also manages to splash a bit of comedy and romance here and there but most especially, teaches us how to handle our finances better as young women and people generally. It infuses lessons at the beginning, middle and end of each episode so that you don’t get carried away and miss the whole essence. A lot of discovery is to be made and financial lessons learnt from this short series.

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4. Grownish: Comedy/ Drama

In this list filled with real life situations and grown up people, this particular series takes us back to college -or should I say university?- lifestyle. Grownish through four amazing seasons, teaches us how to navigate the university through the eyes of “ Just turned adult “, Zoey Johnson. Zoey is a talented fashion designer and stylist who seems to have the world all planned out for her.

She becomes fast friends with Aaron, Sky, Jazlyn, Nomi, Ana, Vivek and Luca her fellow students in an evening class she attends in school. These people help Zoey navigate the many walls of Cal U where they study.

Grownish, is one series students particularly stand to learn a lot from as each episode, narrated by Zoey, has a lesson or dishes out to its audience. Financially, academically, relationship wise, friendship wise, business wise and career wise, lessons are learnt from Grownish. It specifically teaches how to achieve academic success amdist every other essential things that make up a normal stay in a university.

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3. How to Get Away With murder: Thriller/ Legal Drama

This series is for both potential Legal Practicioners and their counterparts in other fields. It centers on Annalise Keating, a brilliant criminal defense attorney and professor alongside her five students known as “ the Keating 5″ who are ambitious law students, the brightest and the best. They get involved in a murder plot which is so twisted that it changes and affects their lives in very many ways.

HTGAWM as it’s populary known us a 6 season series and for those of us who don’t particularly like extended series, this one will have you switching that mindset in a heartbeat. It is suspenseful filled and has the power to completely consume the watcher till they find themselves binge watching.

Anyone who goes through with this series right from the first three episodes, stands to learn a lot from it legally and otherwise. It’s one series that doesn’t leave the mind easily which makes it entirely worthwhile and educative.

2. Citation: Social Issues/ Drama

educational videos for students

This movie brings to light an issue that has long been ignored by students, lecturers and parents alike. The matter of sexual exploitation of female and in recent times male students by lecturers who are supposed to serve as mentors to them is addressed in this movie. It tells the story of Moremi who is a post graduate student of International Relations in a prestigious Nigerian University.

Moremi is a smart student who performs excellently well in her academics this makes her catch the attention of a new lecturer, Professor N’dyare who takes special interest in Moremi. As the story unfolds, the professor doesn’t only take interest in Moremi academically but sexually as well.

A turn down by Moremi to his offer only puts her in a vulnerable position where she is almost raped by the said professor. This leads to a series of board meetings with the disciplinary committee as Moremi decides to make an official report and seeks justice.

This movie lends a voice to students who are constantly victims of these situations. Most students here find it difficult to speak up when they are being harassed sexually by their lecturers as they are of the opinion that they won’t be believed by the society and the university board especially.

Citation brings to the awareness that students can seek justice for these acts committed against them by their supposed “ protectors “. It also teaches us how best to tackle situations like this.

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1. Squid Game: Thriller/ Action Fiction

Best Movies for Students

Personally, I think there is no better way to top this list than with this brilliant Korean series. When I started this particular series, I was just so psyched to go through with what everyone else was watching but by the second episode, I was drawn to the issues being addressed by it. Squid Game tells the story of 456 money desperate individuals who partake in a series of life threatening remake of childhood games in order to win a huge cash prize at the end. This seemingly normal affair is far from the usual as lives are lost in the process with players who are desperate to do anything to win.

A close examination of the 9 episodes of this series will teach you how to reason and respond to certain situations, it will reach you the importance of teamwork, financial responsibility, how your relationships with people actually affect how far and how best you’ll go in life and most especially, shows you a different outlook on the world and life in general.

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A good time spent going through these 10 movies and series will bring you our refreshed, with a clearer and more open mind. From political viewpoints to financial, to psychological to legal points, you’ll definitely go through various aspects and learn a thing or two from these different spaces.

While you might not want to particularly learn about these things on a normal day, these movies will provide you with premium entertainment for relaxation while dropping lessons here and there in the process.  Hence, I advise any student reading this Article to add these movies to their Movie list.

best movie review for students

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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Racial Discriminations in all parts of the world has become part of our society, and very little is being done to realize that racial difference is indeed a strength rather than a weakness for any country. The United States has long struggled with issues of race, and several unions have developed to fight for individual racial rights. The paper shall analyze the argument of race based on the White Student Union documentary.

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The Big List of Summer Movies

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Amy Winehouse

Did you know

  • Trivia Marisa Abela had done most of the singing in this film herself. She trained extensively to mimic Amy Winehouse 's vocals.

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 2 minutes

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Marisa Abela in Back to Black (2024)

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