Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Cara Menulisnya

Devi lianovanda.

January 30, 2024 • 8 minutes read

cara menulis body email lamaran kerja

Ketika melamar kerja lewat email, jangan biarkan body email lamaran kerjamu kosong ya. Berikut merupakan contoh dan cara menulisnya. Yuk, simak! –

Saat ini, banyak perusahaan yang melakukan proses rekrutmen secara online . Jadi, kamu hanya perlu mengirimkan berkas lamaran kerja secara online tanpa perlu mencetak dan mengirimnya lewat ekspedisi. Kamu bisa melamar kerja melalui job portal , LinkedIn, website perusahaan, dan email perusahaan. Meskipun melamar kerja secara online bukan sesuatu yang baru, masih banyak yang bingung harus menulis apa di body email lamaran kerja sehingga banyak yang mengirimkan berkas lamaran tanpa body email .

Body email bisa kamu manfaatkan untuk menyapa perekrut, memperkenalkan, dan mempromosikan diri kamu secara singkat kepada perekrut. Hal ini juga memberikan kesan baik kepada perekrut. Bagi kamu yang masih sering mengosongkan dan bingung menulis body email lamaran kerja, yuk, simak contoh dan cara menulisnya berikut ini!

Apa saja isi body email lamaran kerja?

Body email lamaran kerja dapat berfungsi untuk memberitahu HRD tentang alasan kamu menulis email tersebut, kualifikasi, dan gambaran singkat tentang dirimu. Body email mirip dengan cover letter atau surat lamaran kerja, tapi versi lebih singkat. Beberapa hal yang perlu ada di dalamnya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • alasan menulis atau mengirimkan lamaran pekerjaan;
  • perkenalan singkat dan posisi yang kamu lamar/minati;
  • pengalaman dan kualifikasi atau keterampilan yang kamu punya sesuai dengan posisi yang dilamar;
  • nama lengkap dan kontak yang dapat dihubungi;
  • kontribusi apa yang bisa kamu berikan kepada perusahaan; dan
  • salam penutup atau penutup badan email dengan sopan.

Baca juga: Cara Melamar Kerja Lewat Email yang Benar, Jobseeker Harus Tahu!

Struktur body email lamaran kerja

Berikut merupakan struktur yang harus ada dalam menulis body email lamaran kerja:

1. Salam pembuka

Saat menuliskan body email , awali dengan memberikan salam pembuka untuk perekrut. Apabila kamu mengetahui nama HRD atau perekrutnya, kamu dapat memberi salam dengan menuliskan namanya. Tapi, kalau kamu tidak tahu juga tidak apa-apa, tuliskan saja salam pembuka untuk perekrut atau HRD manager dari perusahaan tersebut.

  • Yth. Bapak Kenzie
  • Yth Manager HRD [nama perusahaan]
  • Dear, Ms Putri
  • Dear hiring manager
  • Dear HRD of [nama perusahaan]

2. Paragraf pertama

Setelah salam pembuka, selanjutnya masuk ke paragraf pertama. Pada paragraf pertama, kamu dapat menuliskan perkenalan singkat nama, sumber informasi lowongan tersebut, dan posisi yang kamu lamar.

“Perkenalkan, saya Devi Lianovanda. Saya melihat informasi lowongan pekerjaan ini di situs karir resmi Skill Academy untuk posisi Social Media Specialist. Melalui email ini, saya berniat untuk melamar posisi tersebut seperti yang tertera di situs karier Skill Academy.” 

3. Paragraf kedua

Pada bagian ini, kamu dapat menjelaskan tentang ketertarikanmu terhadap posisi yang kamu lamar dan mengapa kamu merupakan kandidat yang sesuai untuk posisi tersebut. Jelaskan secara singkat mengenai pengalaman dan keterampilan yang relevan dengan posisi yang kamu lamar . Jika kamu seorang fresh graduate , jelaskan pengalaman organisasi atau magang yang kamu miliki.

“Saya memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai Jurnalis di PT Media Angkasa lebih dari 3 tahun. Dalam pengalaman tersebut, saya telah melakukan liputan berbagai berita mulai dari hard news seperti politik, bencana alam, kriminal, dan ekonomi. Selain itu, saya juga sering melakukan liputan berita soft news seperti hiburan dan gaya hidup. Saya juga menguasai aplikasi video editing Adobe Premiere dan pembuatan naskah berita. Saya sering mengisi voice over untuk berbagai berita. Dengan pengalaman dan kualifikasi tersebut, saya yakin dapat memberikan kontribusi yang baik bagi PT Cipta Media.”

4. Paragraf ketiga

Di paragraf terakhir ini, kamu bisa menjelaskan bahwa kamu telah melampirkan CV atau berkas lamaran yang diminta perusahaan. Jangan lupa untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada perekrut atas waktu dan mempertimbangan email lamaran kerja kamu.

Kamu juga bisa mengungkapkan rasa antusias untuk berdiskusi atau mendengar kabar baik selanjutnya dari perekrut.

“Bersama email ini, saya lampirkan CV, cover letter, dan portofolio karya saya sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak/Ibu.

Terima kasih atas waktu dan perhatiannya. Besar harapan saya untuk dapat bergabung di tim Bapak/Ibu.”

Pada bagian penutup email, kamu dapat menggunakan kata “Hormat saya” , “Regards” atau “Sincerely” ’ yang diikuti dengan nama lengkap kamu di bagian bawahnya.

Geraldi Rahardian

Hormat saya, 

6. Signature

Jangan lupa menambahkan signature atau informasi kontak yang dapat dihubungi oleh HRD. Pastikan bahwa kamu menulisnya dengan benar dan tidak typo agar memudahkan HRD ketika akan menghubungi kamu. Kamu bisa mencantumkan nama lengkap, nomor HP atau nomor telepon, alamat email, atau akun LinkedIn.


[email protected] 

Baca juga: Contoh dan Cara Membuat Surat Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Benar!

Tips menulis body email lamaran kerja

Berikut merupakan beberapa tips dalam menulis body email lamaran kerja:

1. Tulis dengan jelas dan tidak bertele-tele

Email lamaran kerja yang diterima dan perlu diperiksa oleh HRD tidak sedikit. Hal ini membuat HRD membaca lamaran kerja dengan sangat cepat. Maka dari itu, buatlah body email dengan jelas dan ringkas. Gunakan kalimat yang efektif dan tidak berulang. Jadi, tulis poin penting yang ingin disampaikan dengan jelas, ya!

— Bagi kamu yang sedang mencari kerja, kamu bisa mengikuti kelas berikut untuk mendapatkan tips lengkap Sukses Melamar Kerja dari Kak Iman Usman. Materinya lengkap  banget mulai dari bedah CV, tips interview kerja, hingga follow up hasil interview. Tunggu apa lagi? Klik banner ini untuk lihat detail kelasnya!—

[IDN] CTA Blog - Kelas Sukses Melamar Kerja - Skill Academy

2. Gunakan bahasa yang baku dan sopan

Lamaran kerja merupakan situasi yang formal. Oleh karena itu, gunakan bahasa yang baku dan sopan, ya! Hindari menggunakan singkatan atau bahasa yang tidak sopan. Penulisan email menggunakan bahasa baku juga bisa menunjukkan sisi profesional kamu.

3. Review dan baca kembali

Sebelum mengirim email lamaran kerja, kamu harus membaca kembali body email -nya dan tidak menemukan typo atau kesalahan menulis. Menulis body email seperti ini bisa meningkatkan kesan bahwa kamu merupakan orang yang teliti dan juga profesional.

4. Kirimkan email lamaran di waktu yang tepat

Setelah semuanya sudah ditulis dengan baik, jangan lupa untuk melampirkan dokumen yang diperlukan. Pasalnya, mengirim email, tapi lampirannya ketinggalan, sepertinya sering terjadi dan dialami banyak orang. Waktu pengiriman email juga perlu diperhatikan. Pastikan mengirim pada hari dan jam kerja. Kamu bisa menggunakan fitur schedule time di Gmail agar pesan dapat otomatis terkirim sesuai waktu yang telah diatur.

Contoh body email lamaran kerja

Berikut adalah contoh body email lamaran kerja untuk fresh graduate dan body email dalam bahasa Inggris:

1. Contoh body email lamaran kerja untuk fresh graduate

Kepada HRD PT Bisa Jaya

Perkenalkan, nama saya Devi Lianovanda. Saya melihat informasi lowongan kerja sebagai Copywriter dari situs karir PT Bisa Jaya. Oleh karena itu, saya mengirim email ini dengan maksud mendaftarkan diri pada posisi tersebut.

Saya merupakan lulusan dari Universitas ABC jurusan Marketing Communication. Saya memiliki pengalaman sebagai magang di PT XYZ sebagai Copywriter selama 6 bulan. Dalam pengalaman tersebut, saya bertugas membuat copy untuk konten media sosial, jingle, dan beberapa tagline. Selain itu, saya juga aktif mengikuti organisasi dan lomba yang berkaitan dengan bidang yang saya lamar. Dengan bekal pengalaman tersebut, saya yakin dapat memberikan kontribusi yang baik di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak/Ibu, berikut saya lampirkan CV, cover letter, dan portofolio karya saya. Terima kasih atas waktu dan pertimbangannya. Saya menunggu kabar baik selanjutnya dari Bapak/Ibu.

Hormat saya,

[email protected]

contoh body email lamaran kerja

2. Contoh body email lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris

Dear, PT ABC123 Recruiters

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Devi Lianovanda, I am a fresh graduate majoring in Telecommunication Engineering from TOP University. I saw job vacancies as Network Engineer for PT ABC123 on LinkedIn. Therefore, I am writing this email to apply for the position.

During my studies, I had experience as a Telecommunication Network laboratory assistant for two years. In that experience, I taught material about routing, switching, and cabling. In addition, I also have internship experience at PT Lancar Telekomunikasi with the scope of work to integrate between routers and configure routers.

I have attached the latest Curriculum Vitae, Cisco CCNA certificate, and cover letter for your consideration.

I hope to be able to join your company. Thank you for your time and attention.

[email protected]

Nah, itulah pembahasan tentang contoh body email lamaran kerja yang baik dan benar serta cara menulisnya. Semoga membantu kamu agar tidak bingung lagi. Setelah membaca ini, semoga body email lamaran kerja kamu tidak dibiarkan kosong lagi ya. Oh iya, saat melamar kerja melalui email, jangan lupa menuliskan subjek email ( subject email ) yang jelas ya.

Sambil mencari kerja, kamu bisa meningkatkan skill yang relevan dan dibutuhkan pekerjaan yang kamu lamar. Skill Academy punya ratusan kelas bersertifikat yang siap bantu kamu belajar skill baru atau meningkatkan skill terbaikmu. Jutaan orang sudah upskilling dan reskilling bersama Skill Academy, sekarang giliran kamu. Klik banner berikut untuk kepoin kelas dan promo menariknya ya, jangan sampai kehabisan!


Indeed Editorial Team. 2020. ‘Job Application Email Tips, Template, and Examples’ [daring]. Tautan: (Diakses 13 Juli 2022).

Alyson, Doyle. 2022. ‘Job Application Email Examples and Writing Tips’ [daring]. Tautan: (Diakses 13 Juli 2022)

Glassdoor Team. 2021. ‘How to Write a Job Application Email’ [daring]. Tautan: (Diakses: 13 Juli 2022)

cover letter di body email

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  • Cover Letter

Email Cover Letter: 5 Samples & Writing Guide + Expert Tips

How do you write an email cover letter? Should you format it differently? Should you attach it? See 5 examples for different jobs to write a cover letter email that gets results.

Tom Gerencer, CPRW

Should you attach a cover letter to your email? Or should you write a cover letter in the body of your email?  It’s a real dilemma. But email covering letters are the new norm. Learn how to make it right.

In this guide:

  • How to write a cover letter email that gets noticed.
  • Why cover letters in emails should be short and snappy.
  • Five great email cover letter templates for different jobs.
  • Tips and examples to help you write the best letter in the stack.

Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 18+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now.

Create your cover letter now

cover letter email example

What users say about ResumeLab:

I had an interview yesterday and the first thing they said on the phone was: “Wow! I love your cover letter.” Patrick I love the variety of templates. Good job guys, keep up the good work! Dylan  My previous cover letter was really weak and I used to spend hours adjusting it in Word. Now, I can introduce any changes within minutes. Absolutely wonderful! George

This guide focuses on actionable examples . Need more detailed step-by-step instructions for sending a job application email? See our guide: Emailing a Resume to Get a Job: Resume Email Samples

Need all the steps to write your cover letter fast? Check our step-by-step guide on  how to write a cover letter .

How to Write an Email Cover Letter

You’re 40x more likely to get hired, if you apply directly to the hiring manager. But only 0.14% do it! The rest go through job boards and career sites. That’s from a study of 55 million applications !

Applying for a job via email will only work if you get your message across fast . Don’t make the manager open two attachments, one with a resume and another with a traditional cover letter. Write your cover letter in the email body so she can see your value right away.

Email cover letter format:

  • Put your name in the subject line. Otherwise how will they find you later?
  • Add the job title to the subject line and first line of your email.
  • Use the 3-paragraph cover letter format , but keep it short and snappy.
  • Find resume keywords in the job ad.
  • Include one big achievement relevant to the job.

Expert Hint: Don’t forget to attach your resume to the cover letter in your email! Forgetting to attach your resume is a massive rookie mistake!

Need examples? This email cover letter sample is for a job that wants skills in raising revenue and cutting costs:

Sample Email Cover Letter for Professionals

Subject line: Project Manager PMP Stacy Anne Fetter Seeks position with Upwird IT (Job ID #77781)

Dear Mr. Holt,

I’ve attached my resume for the Project Manager position at Upwird.

I’m a Project Manager and PMP with 6+ years of experience. I cut costs 27% and raised revenue $450,000 in 7 months at Doherty-Welman Inc. I’m excited about the great Project Manager opening you’re offering. I know you’re looking for a candidate who can handle Lean training, project scheduling, and standardized work.

I’d love to share my achievements in those areas, including cutting costs $1.2 million with work standardization. Can we schedule a call to discuss?

Best Regards,

Stacy Anne Fetter

Project Manager PMP

[email protected]


Why does that work?  Because it’s quick and easy to read. Plus, it teases the exact qualities Mr. Holt wants.

This next cover letter email sample is for a job that wants a software engineer. He or she must have a track record of excellent video game design:

Sample Cover Letter Email for Computer Science

Subject line: Software Engineer Carl Espinar Seeks position with BlockBinners (Job ID #72234)

Dear Ms. Gallardo,

I’ve attached my resume for the software engineer position at BlockBinners.

I’ve been a huge fan of your podcast for 5 years. I’ve studied your approach to game development religiously. I credit your ideas with my success at GameSezzl, where I was an integral part of the team that made 2nd runner up for a Game Developers Choice Award.

With 5+ years of experience in game design, C++, and Java, I think I’d make a great addition to your team. Could we set aside some time to talk next week?

Carl Espinar

Software Engineer

[email protected]


See the value?  You proved your skills so fast the manager got vertigo.  Even if she skims. 

Our next email cover letter example targets a job that wants a graphic designer. The perfect candidate has done great work for high-end clients.

Sample Email Cover Letter for Creatives

Subject line: Graphic Designer Sheryl Hood Seeks position with Ash-Litski (Job ID #72643)

Dear Mr. Cho,

I’ve attached my resume for the graphic designer position at Ash-Litski.

I’m an energetic graphic designer with 6+ years of experience. I’ve delivered logos and designs for web, print, and TV spots for clients like Arby’s, HP, Microsoft, Apple, and Walmart. In the past 5 years I’ve created 1,000+ high-impact designs—one of which received an AIDA award.

I’m so enthusiastic about working for Ash-Litski. Your client list and philosophy of hiring smart people and following their lead is refreshing. Can we set up a call?

Sheryl Hood

Graphic Designer

[email protected]


Can’t miss.  They want skill and high end clients. You just demonstrated both. This cover letter email sample aims for a job that needs a sales executive. (Must have a background of improving ROI.)

Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter generator and make your application documents pop out.


create your cover letter now

Want to try a different look? There's 21 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here .

Sample Cover Letter Email for Executives

Subject line: Sales executive Tim Lukacs Seeks position with Dalton-Oort Global (Job ID #87723)

Dear Ms. Smith,

I’ve attached my resume for the sales executive position at Dalton-Oort Global.

Selling a great product is the first rule of sales. Dalton-Oort’s medical solutions solve massive, real problems. I believe your KardioSpy wearable ECG will revolutionize the medical industry. Even though I raised ROI 30% at Karma Microsystems through a program of training and outreach, I believe I could do so much more if motivated by products like yours.

I’ll be in New York next week. Could we set aside some time to meet and discuss your sales goals for the next ten years?

Kind Regards,

[email protected]


First rate.  That letter sells exactly what they need. And does it quick.

This next email cover letter example is for a marketing intern. She must know how to run podcasts and assist with digital marketing campaigns.

Sample Email Cover Letter for Internships

Subject line: Marketing BS Heidi Parker seeks internship with Maunterz Inc. (Job ID #09912)

Dear Mr. Zimmer,

I’ve attached my resume for the marketing internship at Maunterz Inc.

I’m a marketing specialist and recent graduate of New Mexico State University, with a BS in Marketing. At school, I built and managed the student business podcast and created a digital marketing campaign that raised $14,000 for cancer research.

I’ve been following Maunterz Inc’s work for the past few months and I think your internship has a great mix of responsibility and training. Could we set up a call?

Heidi Parker

Marketing Specialist

[email protected]


Pow.  Quick, zappy, and personal. Plus, that “$14,000” grabs the eye.

Expert Tip: You don’t need copious address info at the top and bottom of an email cover letter. Just add your phone and email. Add LinkedIn and a portfolio site if you have them.

With ResumeLab’s resume builder you’ll write your resume in a flash. Get specific content to boost your chances of getting the job. Add job descriptions, bullet points, and skills. Improve your resume in our resume builder now .


create your resume now

Nail it all with a splash of color, choose a clean font, highlight your skills in just a few clicks. You’re the perfect candidate and we’ll prove it. Just pick one of 21 resume templates and get started now .

For an email cover letter that makes your phone ring:

  • Make your cover letter email much shorter than a traditional letter.
  • Get to the point right away: why you love the job and your best selling point.
  • Use one big achievement in your letter to make them want to read your resume.
  • Don’t attach a PDF cover letter when you send a cover letter in an email.
  • Sending a cover letter as an email can boost your hiring chances 40x.

Need more cover letter resources? See:

  • Free MS Word Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Header Templates and Examples
  • General Cover Letter That’s Not Generic
  • Free Google Docs Cover Letter Templates
  • What to Include in a Cover Letter
  • What to Write in an Email when Sending a Resume .

Got questions on how to write a great email cover letter? Want more great email cover letter samples? Leave a comment. We’re happy to reply.

About ResumeLab’s Editorial Process

At ResumeLab, quality is at the crux of our values, supporting our commitment to delivering top-notch career resources. The editorial team of career experts carefully reviews every article in accordance with editorial guidelines , ensuring the high quality and reliability of our content. We actively conduct original research, shedding light on the job market's intricacies and earning recognition from numerous influential news outlets . Our dedication to delivering expert career advice attracts millions of readers to our blog each year.

Tom Gerencer, CPRW

Having published over 200 career-advice articles, Tom Gerencer is a career expert who covers the whole array of job-seeking topics for people at all career stages, from interns to C-suite members. His insights, commentary, and articles reach over a million readers every month. With inside knowledge of key industry players and in-depth research, Tom helps job seekers with advice across all professions and career stages. Tom holds a degree in English from Colby College.

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  • Cover Letter
  • How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Samples & Tips)

How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Samples & Tips)

Michael Tomaszewski, CPRW

Our customers have been hired by:

If you’re applying for a job via email instead of using job boards, you’ve got a golden opportunity to get remembered by the hiring manager. But to make it happen, you need the best email cover letter out there. And you  are  going to have one.

Read on, and I’ll show you:

  • An email cover letter sample that will help you land that interview.
  • A tried-and-true email cover letter format that showcases your most valuable strengths.
  • How to write an email cover letter to get any job you want.
  • Little known hacks for sending your cover letter email for greatest impact.

First, have a look at this universal, simple email cover letter sample. What do you think makes it so special?

Email Cover Letter Sample

Create your cover letter now

cover letter email format with an attachment

I’ll tell you one thing, Jacob can expect the callback anytime!

An email cover letter is a short message explaining why you're submitting your resume and how your expertise makes you the right candidate. It adds a personal touch to your application. A cover letter email is shorter than a standard letter and sent in the body of an email itself.

As you can see above, you should format your email cover letter just as any other semi-formal email. Use a standard, elegant font and double spacing between paragraphs. At the bottom, include your contact information, just as you’d do in the footer of any professional email you send.

Writing a regular cover letter to attach to your resume email? Learn how to make the most of it from our complete cover letter writing guide: How to Write a Cover Letter for Any Job Application . For more tips on formatting your cover letter, see: Cover Letter Formatting Guide

One last thing before we go on:

Email Cover Letter—Body or Attachment?

Either. But not both. My suggestion is—if you’re applying by email, you’re risking that your message will reach the hiring manager in a hurry, so don’t make them open TWO attachments. Write your cover letter in your email body and enclose only your resume.

Email Cover Letter Example

Luna Campbell

Public Relations Specialist

345 Bay Street

Boston, MA, 02118


[email protected]

Boston, MA, 15th April 2022

Joseph Hill

Hiring Manager

789 Industry Blvd

Boston, MA, 02120

Dear Mr. Hill,

I am writing to express my interest in the public relations position at Brite Inc. that was advertised recently. With my successful track record in managing public relations at Flux Labs, my passion for the PR industry, and my ability to create and execute successful PR campaigns, I am an excellent candidate for this position.

During my tenure at Flux Labs, I spearheaded a campaign that increased our media coverage by 50% within six months. This accomplishment directly resulted from my strategic planning skills and ability to work collaboratively with various departments and external partners.

My motivation for joining Brite Inc. is driven by your company's innovative public relations approach and reputation for valuing employee growth. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skill set to Brite Inc., including my in-depth understanding of media relations, ability to create compelling press releases, and strong communication skills. These skills will significantly benefit your company.

I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you and further discuss the unique contributions I can make to Brite Inc. My goals align with your needs and can help drive Brite Inc. toward its future successes.

Best Regards,

Open Your Email Cover Letter with a Strong Subject Line

It won’t matter if your achievements are breathtakingly impressive or your skills fit all requirements of the job you’re trying to land…

If no one opens your job application email cover letter. And guess what? That depends only on the subject line.

Make the most of it. In the subject line for an email cover letter, include:

  • Who you are,
  • That you’re applying for a job,
  • The position,
  • The company name,
  • Job ID (if applicable).

Like the candidate from our sample, Jacob did:

Sample Email Cover Letter Subject Line

Senior Software Engineer [1]  Seeks [2]  Software Development Team Lead [3]  Position with XYZ [4]  (ID: 123436284) [5] .

Pro Tip: The only instance when all of the above is of no consequence? When the employer demands all applicants to use the same subject line, for example, “Application for Position XYZ - [Your Name].” If so—you have to play by their rules.

How Long Should Your Cover Letter Email Subject Be?

As long as it needs to be in order to include all of the above info and as short as possible. Need an exact figure? Number of email subject characters displayed varies across devices and operating systems :

  • For desktop email applications it’s within the range of 46 (Yahoo Mail) to 70 (Gmail).
  • Mobile email clients? From 30 characters (Android; portrait) to 64 characters (iPhone; landscape).

To stay on the safe side, begin your subject line with the name of your position. It’s sure to stay within the narrowest, 30-character range, and the hiring manager will immediately know what vacancy the message is about.

Need more detailed information on how to apply for a job via email? Don’t know how to find your hiring manager’s email address? Here’s a guide that will show you tons of useful tips and tricks:  Job Application Email: How, When, Who to Send Your Resume To  

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a  professional resume template here for free .

A view from the Zety resume builder outlining the process of filling the work experience section, along with a selection of pre-written resume descriptions suggested for the specific position.

When you’re done, our online resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

Use a Proper Greeting to Show Your Professionalism in an Email Cover Letter

The best way to start your cover letter email is with “Dear” + the hiring manager’s name. Personalization will make the hiring manager feel like they’re reading something made specifically for them.

Don’t know the name of your hiring manager?  Do some research!  Tailored email cover letters are noticed better.

  • Double check the job ad.
  • Check LinkedIn. Job offers on LinkedIn often identify the one who did the posting.
  • Check the company website. Try to find the head of the department on the company's staff page.
  • Ask friends. You can use LinkedIn to check if you've got contacts at the company. A Facebook shout-out may work too.
  • Call. If all else fails, call the receptionist and ask who the contact person is.

Pro Tip: Tried all of the above to no avail? Go with “Dear [Team Name] Hiring Manager,” or “Dear [Team Name] Hiring Team,” for instance: “Dear Customer Service Hiring Manager” or “Dear Project Management Hiring Team.” The two greetings you have to avoid are: “To Whom It May Concern,” and “Dear Sir or Madam.”

For more details on how to address your email cover letter, see this handy guide: How to Address a Cover Letter to the Right Person

Write a Short and Catchy First Sentence of the Cover Letter Email

Sending your cover letter in an email instead of using job boards is an excellent strategy for escaping the resume black hole . But there’s one downside. While hiring managers book specific time slots for reviewing resumes and cover letters they got through their online recruitment systems, your email, as I said before, might reach them in a rush. For instance, heading out to a meeting or dealing with an urgent problem.

In an email cover letter, don’t make the hiring manager read between the lines of some fancy storytelling. Be as straightforward as possible.

Now, see how the first sentence of an example email cover letter should look:

Email Cover Letter Example: First Sentence

Attached you will find my resume with detailed work experience for the position of [XYZ].

And that’ll do.

For more tips on writing a short and snappy cover letter, see this guide: Short Cover Letter Examples for a Speedy Job Application

Make the Main Paragraph of Your Cover Letter Email Relevant

You’re not applying for a job. You’re applying for this job. For the hiring manager, it doesn’t matter how great your career has been so far. What matters is how you can help the company with their upcoming tasks and challenges.

Show that in your email cover letter body:

  • Read the job description carefully, identify what your responsibilities will be.
  • Then, research the company online, try to find out what projects they’re running or plan to launch in the future.
  • Outline your professional achievements that can translate into success in your prospective role.
  • Highlight what you have to offer.

Remember Jacob, the candidate from our sample?

The company he’s applying to, XYZ Corp., is looking for a Software Development Team Lead to supervise the development of new mobile apps.

That’s what his tailored, brief email cover letter reads:

Sample Email Cover Letter Body

As a senior software engineer at ABC Inc., with a proven record of developing and optimizing the most strategic mobile apps and online software, increasing annual mean NPS to over 60.0 (32% rise) and cutting Customer Effort Scores in half [your achievements most relevant to the job you’re trying to land] , I am sure I can help XYZ achieve similar results [an offer to leverage your experience to the benefit of your future employer]  with your upcoming project of developing mobile apps for personal finance and easy online trading [knowledge of your employer’s plans and your responsibilities] .

Pro Tip: I can’t stress this enough—an email cover letter has to be shorter than one you would include as an attachment. How short exactly? Your go-to word count should be 150, tops .

In need of some extra tips for your cover letter? Check out: 35+ Easy Cover Letter Tips You Can Use Today

Use a Call to Action to End Your Cover Letter Email

So the hiring manager knows you’re a great candidate. Job done?

Not quite. Take an extra step. Reiterate your value in the call to action:

  • Ask the hiring manager to reach out to you and meet in person.
  • Once again, focus on what you have to offer .

Again, let’s have a look at the call to action from our cover letter email sample:

Sample Email Cover Letter—Call to Action

Can we schedule a meeting [asking them to reach out to you] to discuss my insights and ideas on making XYZ’s software development quicker and more effective, while boosting all major KPI s [restating your offer] ?

Pro Tip: The two worst things you can do in your email cover letter closing are coming off as needy ( I’m sure I’d make a great employee, just give me a shot!) or generic ( Thank you for your time and consideration ).

For more ideas on strong and compelling ways to finish your cover letter, go here:  How to End a Cover Letter the Right Way

Include a Formal Sign-Off

Once you’ve written your email cover letter for a resume, you just need to put a formal greeting at the very end. Write “sincerely” and follow it with your full name.

If you’re not a fan of the well-worn, “sincerely,” feel free to use any of the following synonyms:

Sample email cover letter sign-offs:

  • Best regards,
  • Kind regards,
  • With best regards.

Pro Tip: Under your sign-off, put the necessary contact information, such as your LinkedIn profile, email address, and telephone number. To save yourself the effort of adding them every time you send an email covering letter, you can include them automatically in the footer of your email. You can also include a digital copy of your handwritten signature. It will add a nice, professional touch.

Remember About Attachments

So you’ve just written your perfect email cover letter. Now you’re basically guaranteed to land that interview, right?

Wrong. Let me just quote what one recruiter wrote in her LinkedIn article:

Don’t think I need to explain further, do I?

Pro Tip : If you have forgotten to attach a resume to your email cover letter, don’t resend the whole message, just shoot a quick follow-up email with your resume attached. Would rather avoid this nightmare scenario? Attach all the necessary documents before you start writing a cover letter email.

And it  is  fine to say " Please find attached my resume " (though there are alternatives).

It makes all the more sense to write that because Gmail will see the word attached/attachment, check if you have in fact attached anything, and prompt you if you haven't!

One last thing to keep in mind... Choose a professional resume file name :

“[Your first and last names]-resume-[the company name],” for example: John-Smith-resume-Intel NOT My-resume-124 .

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.  Here's what it may look like:

A set of job application materials that correspond, consisting of a resume and cover letter, crafted with the Zety resume builder featuring the Modern resume template, which has a dual-column structure and decorative rectangles in the top and bottom parts.

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaway

To write a perfect cover letter email for a job application, follow these steps:

  • Use our email cover letter template.
  • Apply a clear, strong subject line.
  • Open with a proper greeting—address the hiring manager by their name.
  • In the first sentence, explain why you’re writing and what position you’re targeting.
  • Write a brief main paragraph that outlines your most relevant experience and achievements.
  • Close with a call to action—ask to schedule a meeting and reiterate your offer.
  • Sign-off with a “sincerely” synonym and your full name.
  • Put your contact details in the footer.
  • Don’t forget to attach a resume to your cover letter email!

And, for the final piece of advice:

Keep it short.

Got any additional questions about writing and sending a cover letter email? Want to share your experience with applying by a direct email message? Give me a shout in the comments. I can’t wait to hear out your thoughts. Let’s chat!

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.

Michael Tomaszewski, CPRW

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Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja Singkat yang Baik & Benar

Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja Singkat yang Baik & Benar

Di era digital, proses rekrutmen biasanya dilakukan secara daring melalui berbagai platform penyedia lowongan kerja. Sementara syarat lamaran biasanya dikirim melalui email kepada bagian personalia perusahaan. Sayangnya, banyak pelamar yang membiarkan body email lamaran kerjanya kosong. Sehingga hanya mengandalkan Curiculum Vitae (CV) saja.

Padahal selain harus menyiapkan  CV yang menarik, pelamar juga harus melengkapi body email saat mengirim CV. Secara sederhana, body email lamaran kerja sama saja dengan surat lamaran kerja atau istilah profesionalnya adalah cover letter .

Hal ini sangat penting karena isinya penjelasan tentang pelamar yang nggak bisa termuat dalam CV. Sebelum membuat cover letter , coba perhatikan contoh body email lamaran kerja berikut supaya tahu apa saja yang harus kamu tulis di sana. Yuk simak!

1. Hal-hal yang harus dimuat dalam body email lamaran kerja

isi body email lamaran kerja

Contoh body email lamaran kerja | Credit by Hipwee

Melansir dari Glints , isi body email pada lamaran kerja merupakan sapaan atau pengenalan diri pelamar kepada perusahaan sebelum mereka membaca CV. Sehingga kamu harus berusaha mempromosikan diri kamu sebaik mungkin supaya CV kamu bisa dipertimbangkan. Maka dari itu, selain lengkap dan rinci, isinya pun harus menarik.

Apa saja isi body email lamaran kerja? Berikut formatnya:

  • Isi subject email dengan nama dan posisi yang kamu lamar. Jangan dibiarkan kosong!
  • Pembuka, yakni informasi tentang kepada siapa lamaranmu ditujukan. Misalnya kepada HRD perusahaan.
  • Pengenalan diri, posisi yang dilamar, kemudian di mana kamu menemukan info lowongan kerja tersebut.
  • Paragraf isi, di sini kamu bisa menjelaskan alasan mengapa kamu cocok dengan posisi yang kamu lamar. Kaitkan juga dengan ketertarikanmu pada posisi tersebut, jelaskan pengalaman yang berkaitan dan hal apa saja yang bisa kamu berikan pada perusahaan jika kamu menjadi bagian dari mereka.
  • Paragraf akhir untuk mengucapkan terima kasih pada pembaca email dan sampaikan harapanmu supaya aplikasimu bisa dipertimbangkan. Sampaikan juga bahwa kamu turut melampirkan CV dan persyaratan lain yang diminta pada email tersebut.
  • Penutup, di isi dengan “ best regards ” atau “hormat saya” yang diikuti nama lengkapmu di bawahnya.
  • Tambah dengan signature berisi kontak untuk menghubungimu, misalnya email dan nomor telepon.

Berikut contoh body email lamaran kerja yang bisa kamu terapkan!

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2. Contoh body email lamaran kerja bagi yang sudah memiliki pengalaman kerja sebelumnya

Contoh body email lamaran kerja

Menulis email | Credit by Andrea Piacquadio on pexels

Bagi kamu yang memiliki pengalaman kerja, jangan lupa untuk menceritakan pengalamanmu yang berkaitan dengan posisi yang dilamar. Berikut contoh body email lamaran kerja barista yang sudah berpengalaman:

Yth. HRD Kopi enak Perkenalkan saya Budi Fasola. Saya mendapat informasi lowongan kerja dari akun LinkedIn Kopi Enak pada tanggal 2 Juli 2012. Dengan ini saya tertarik untuk melamar posisi barista di Kopi Enak karena sesuai dengan pengalaman dan pendidikan saya. Sebelumnya saya pernah bekerja sebagai barista di Kopi Mantap selama 2 tahun. Selain itu, saya juga pernah mengikuti berbagai pelatihan barista yang mampu menambah ilmu dan pengalaman saya. Oleh karena itu, saya yakin bisa memenuhi kriteria barista di Kopi Enak dan bisa ikut berkembang bersama Kopi Enak melalui posisi barista yang ingin saya lamar. Sebab, selama saya bekerja sebelumnya, saya mampu beradaptasi dengan baik dengan lingkungan kerja dan bertanggung jawab pada pekerjaan sendiri. Bersama email ini, saya juga melampirkan CV dan persyaratan lain yang dibutuhkan. Besar harapan saya untuk bisa menjadi bagian dari Kopi Enak. Atas perhatian Anda, saya mengucapkan terima kasih. Hormat saya Budi Fasola

3. Contoh body email lamaran kerja yang simple dan menarik untuk yang memiliki pengalaman kerja tapi tidak sesuai dengan posisi yang akan dilamar

Contoh body email lamaran kerja yang baik

Munis email | Credit by Burst on pexels

Jika posisi yang kamu lamar nggak sesuai dengan pengalaman kerja atau latar belakang pendidikan, kamu  bisa jelaskan bahwa kamu memiliki skill dan ketertarikan yang tinggi pada posisi yang kamu lamar. Ingat, kemampuan bisa mengalahkan latar belakang! Berikut contoh body email lamaran kerja yang baik dan bisa kamu terapkan:

Yth. HRD Konten Bagus Jaya Perkenalkan saya Ani Tralala. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya menemukan informasi lowongan pekerjaan di dari Konten Bagus Jaya yang sedang membutuhkan content writer. Dengan ini saya menyampaikan ketertarikan saya untuk mengisi posisi tersebut. Semasa kuliah di Universitas Anak Bangsa saya pernah menjadi anggota BEM bagian publikasi dan beberapa kali menerbitkan karya tulisan di media cetak. Selain itu saya memiliki ketertarikan dengan dunia menulis dan proses kreatif di dalamnya. Maka dari itu, saya sangat tertarik dengan posisi content writer di Konten Bagus Jaya. Sebelumnya saya juga pernah bekerja di PT Maju Terus sebagai admin. Meski kurang berkaitan dengan dunia content writer, tapi saya belajar banyak tentang kedisiplinan dan tanggung jawab selama bekerja di sana. Saya yakin saya bisa berkembang bersama Konten Bagus Jaya melalui tulisan-tulisan saya jika bisa menjadi content writer. Bersama ini saya lampirkan CV dan portofolio karya saya yang bisa dijadikan pertimbangan untuk tahap seleksi selanjutnya. Saya sangat terbuka apabila ada hal yang ingin Anda tanyakan terkait lamaran ini. Atas perhatian dan kesempatan yang diberikan, saya mengucapkan terima kasih. Hormat saya Ani Tralala

4. Contoh body email lamaran kerja Bahasa Inggris

Contoh body email lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

| Credit by Vlada Karpovich on pexels

Dear Human Resource Manager of PT Cerdas Banget Thank you for setting aside your time to read this email. My name is Rudi Dungjes, Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Management from Anak Bangsa University. I saw the vacancy at Linkedin and I am interested to apply for a Marketing Communication position at your company. I have several experiences as Marketing Communication in various industries such as textiles, food, and automotive. My previous experience was at PT Teknologi Canggih Indonesia. I was responsible for collaborating with various sectors as well as running promotional events at various automotive exhibitions in Indonesia. With this experience, I am sure that I can give my best contribution to PT Cerdas Banget. There is more depth of me on my CV that I have attached to this email. Thank you. Have a great day. Best regards, Indah Kartika Dewi

5. Cara menyiasati pengalaman kerja yang dimuat di body email baik bagi fresh graduate sarjana maupun SMK

Contoh body email lamaran kerja fresh graduate

Contoh body emaiallamaran kerja fresh graduate | Credit by Vlada Karpovich on pexels

Pengalaman kerja sebenarnya sangat penting untuk menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi perekrut. Jika kamu fresh graduate dan belum pernah bekerja, kamu bisa menggunakan pengalaman magang atau organisasi yang pernah kamu ikuti semasa sekolah.

Kamu juga bisa menjelaskan skill kamu dari prestasi yang pernah kamu raih, atau proses belajar yang kamu lakukan sendiri. Pastikan semua yang kamu sampaikan berkaitan atau relevan dengan posisi yang kamu lamar, ya! Contoh body email lamaran kerja fresh graduate hampir sama dengan contoh body email lamaran kerja ke-2.

Nah, itulah beberapa contoh body email lamaran kerja yang singkat bisa kamu terapkan dan sesuaikan sendiri dengan latar belakang juga kebutuhanmu. Selamat mencoba!

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  • Career Blog

Email Cover Letter: 10 Examples & Writing Tips for 2024

cover letter di body email

Email has become a ubiquitous form of communication that is widely used in most industries. While email is mostly used to communicate with colleagues and clients, it has become an essential tool for job seekers looking to send their resumes to potential employers.

Since the introduction of email, the traditional cover letter has undergone significant changes. Today, job seekers are expected to attach an email cover letter to their resume. Unlike the traditional cover letter that is printed on paper and sent in an envelope, an email cover letter is sent as an email attachment along with the resume.

Employers receive hundreds of resumes for every job posting they advertise. To stand out from the rest of the applicants, job seekers need to create a compelling email cover letter that highlights their skills and experience.

Importance of Email Cover Letter

An email cover letter is a powerful tool that can help job seekers stand out from the competition. The email cover letter provides job seekers with an opportunity to introduce themselves to potential employers, showcase their skills, and explain why they are the best candidates for the job.

When submitting a resume, attaching an email cover letter demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail. Employers appreciate job seekers who take the time to craft a customized email cover letter for each job application. It shows that the job seeker is serious about the job and has put in the effort to present themselves in the best possible light.

Advantages of Email Cover Letter

There are several advantages to using an email cover letter when applying for a job. Here are some of the most important:

cover letter di body email

Convenience:  Email cover letters are easy to create and send. They are also easy to customize for each job application.

Faster response:  Email cover letters can help job seekers get a faster response from potential employers. Employers can quickly review the email cover letter and resume and respond to the job seeker.

Cost-effective:  Email cover letters are cost-effective. They eliminate the need to print and mail traditional cover letters, saving job seekers time and money.

Customizable:  Email cover letters are customizable. Job seekers can tailor the email cover letter to the specific job posting and showcase their skills and experience.

An email cover letter is an effective way for job seekers to stand out from the competition and increase their chances of getting hired. In the following sections, we will share 10 examples and writing tips for creating an effective email cover letter that will impress potential employers.

Elements of an Effective Email Cover Letter

When it comes to crafting an effective email cover letter, there are a few key elements that can make all the difference.


First and foremost, personalization is key. This means tailoring your email cover letter to the specific company and job you’re applying for, rather than using a generic template. Start by addressing the recipient by name, and mention any specific details about the company or position that caught your attention. This shows that you’ve done your research and have a genuine interest in the job.

Clear and Concise Language

In addition to personalization, it’s important to use clear and concise language in your email cover letter. Avoid using overly complicated words or industry jargon that the recipient may not understand. Instead, focus on expressing your qualifications and experience in a straightforward manner. Be sure to proofread carefully for any typos or grammatical errors, as these can detract from the overall professionalism of your email.

Professional Tone

Maintaining a professional tone throughout your email cover letter is also crucial. Avoid using overly casual language or emoticons, and instead aim for a tone that is friendly yet formal. Make sure to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job, while still maintaining a sense of decorum.

Proper Formatting

Finally, proper formatting is key when it comes to crafting an effective email cover letter. Be sure to keep the body of your email organized and easy to read, with plenty of white space and clear headings to separate different sections. Use a professional-looking font, and keep your email signature simple and straightforward.

By following these key elements of an effective email cover letter, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a compelling message that can help you land your dream job.

Writing Tips for Email Cover Letter

When it comes to writing an email cover letter, there are certain elements that need to be addressed properly in order to make a great impression on the recipient. Here are some writing tips to keep in mind:

cover letter di body email

Addressing the recipient

It’s important to address the recipient by their name rather than using a generic greeting. If you don’t know their name, do some research on the company website or LinkedIn to find out who the hiring manager is for the position you’re applying for.

Subject line

Your subject line should be clear and concise, highlighting why you’re reaching out. Avoid using vague or generic subject lines that won’t catch the recipient’s attention.

Start your email with a professional salutation, such as “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name].” Avoid using informal greetings like “Hey” or “Hi there.”

Opening paragraph

Your opening paragraph should be brief and engaging. Start by introducing yourself and explaining why you’re interested in the position you’re applying for. Highlight any relevant skills or experience that make you a strong candidate for the job.

Body of the email

The body of your email should expand on the information included in your resume and cover letter. Keep it concise and focused on the most important aspects of your experience and qualifications. Use bullet points to break up the text and make it easy to skim.

Closing paragraph

End your email with a strong closing paragraph that summarizes your interest in the job and your qualifications. Provide a call to action, such as requesting an interview or follow-up conversation.

Finish your email with a professional signature that includes your name, phone number, and email address. You may also want to include a link to your LinkedIn profile or personal website.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to write an effective email cover letter that will capture the attention of the hiring manager and showcase your qualifications for the job.

Sample Email Cover Letters

Are you struggling to write a perfect email cover letter? Do you want to know the best approach to make your email stand out to potential employers? Look no further than these four sample email cover letters.

Sample 1: Response to Job Posting

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to submit my application for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I came across your job posting on [Job Board] and was immediately drawn to the opportunity to work with such a reputable company.

As a highly skilled [Skill/Experience], I believe my proficiency and expertise can significantly contribute to the success of your team. In my previous roles at [Previous Company], I was responsible for achieving [Achievement], which resulted in [Positive Outcome].

I am a proactive and detail-oriented individual with excellent communication skills. I am confident that I possess the necessary leadership and problem-solving skills required for this position.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to discussing how I can add value to your organization.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Sample 2: Networking Email

Hello [Contact Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I have been following your work in [Industry/Field]. I am impressed by your achievements and would love to connect with you.

I am interested in learning more about [Specific Topic/Interest], and I believe your expertise can help me gain some valuable insights. I would appreciate it if you could spare some time to have a quick chat or an email exchange.

Please let me know if this would be possible, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sample 3: Cold Email

My name is [Your Name], and I specialize in [Skill/Service]. I came across your company on [Source], and I am impressed by the work you are doing in [Industry/Field].

I believe my skills and experience can be of great value to your organization. I have worked with [Type of Clients] and have a track record of achieving [Positive Outcome]. I am confident that I can contribute to your team’s success.

Please let me know if you are interested in discussing how I can help your company.

Sample 4: Follow-Up Email

Dear [Contact Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up regarding my application for [Job Title] position.

I remain highly interested in the opportunity to work with [Company Name] and believe my skills and experience align well with the job requirements. I would be grateful for an update on the status of my application and if there are any further steps I need to take.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Email Cover Letter

When crafting your email cover letter, there are several common mistakes to avoid. These mistakes can negatively impact your chances of getting the job you want.

Spelling and grammatical errors

One major mistake to avoid is spelling and grammatical errors. These mistakes can make you appear unprofessional and careless, and can turn off potential employers.

Using informal language

Another mistake to avoid is using informal language. Your email cover letter should maintain a professional tone that reflects your respect for the employer and the company. Avoid using overly colloquial language or slang.

Long emails

Your email cover letter should be concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or including unnecessary details. Long emails can overwhelm potential employers and may cause them to lose interest.

Not attaching the resume or other necessary documents

Don’t forget to attach your resume and any other necessary documents. Failing to do so can make you appear unprepared and may cause the employer to question your attention to detail.

Overusing flattery

While it’s important to show interest and enthusiasm for the position, overusing flattery can come across as insincere or desperate. Keep your language measured and avoid going overboard with compliments.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your email cover letter presents you in the best possible light and increases your chances of landing your dream job.

Email Cover Letter for Different Purposes

In today’s job market, email has become one of the most popular ways of communication for job seekers. While emails are not formal, they still require a professional and well-written cover letter. In this section, we will cover email cover letters for various purposes such as internship application, job application, networking, cold email, and follow-up.

Internship Application:

When it comes to internships, it is important to show your enthusiasm, ambition, and willingness to learn. Begin your email by introducing yourself and explaining why you are interested in the specific internship position. Be enthusiastic and genuine, and explain what knowledge or skills you hope to gain from the opportunity. Close your email by thanking the employer for considering your application and express your willingness to discuss the opportunity further.

Job Application:

When sending an email cover letter for a job application, make sure to address the hiring manager by name and introduce yourself. Mention the position you are applying for and how you found out about the job posting. In the body of your email, highlight why you are the ideal candidate for the job. Make sure to include your relevant experience, skills, and achievements. Finally, close your email cordially, thanking the hiring manager for their time and expressing your enthusiasm to learn more about the position.


Networking emails are sent to people in your professional network that you are looking to connect or re-connect with. The tone here is less formal, so begin your email by asking how the recipient has been and sharing any updates relevant to the relationship, such as a job change or a new venture. After re-connecting, explain the purpose of the email, and why you are reaching out. Make sure to indicate the value you might bring to the relationship and how you might be able to help one another in the future. Close by thanking them for their time and consideration.

Cold Email:

Cold emails are unsolicited emails you send to people/companies you don’t have any connection with in order to secure a job or request assistance. Generally, these emails should be concise, to the point, and engaging. Start by explaining who you are and your motivation behind the email. Make sure to introduce your skills and explain why you might be a valuable asset to their team/industry. Be clear and direct with your ask, and close your email by thanking the recipient for their time and considering.

When following up on a job interview or application, keep your message brief and specific. Begin by thanking the interviewer/hiring manager for their time and reiterating your interest and enthusiasm for the job. Follow up with a short and concise question or specific request for further consideration, such as asking for feedback or explaining why you are the best fit for the position. Close your email politely and graciously, thanking them once again for considering your application or taking the time to speak with you.

Email Cover Letter for Different Career Levels

When it comes to applying for a job, the cover letter is just as important as the resume. And with the prevalence of email correspondence in the hiring process, email cover letters have become increasingly common. But what works for one career level may not work for another. Here are some tips for crafting email cover letters at different career levels:

Entry-Level Email Cover Letter

As an entry-level candidate, your focus should be on highlighting relevant coursework, internships, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your potential as a hire. Since you likely don’t have a lot of professional experience, it’s important to convey your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. Here are some tips for your email cover letter:

  • Address the recipient by name.
  • Keep your introduction brief and to-the-point.
  • Explain why you’re interested in the company and the role.
  • Highlight any relevant experience, coursework, or extracurricular activities.
  • Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and willingness to learn.

Mid-Level Email Cover Letter

As a mid-level candidate, you should focus on your relevant experience and how it has prepared you for the role you’re applying for. You should also showcase your leadership abilities and problem-solving skills. Here are some tips for your email cover letter:

  • Start with a strong opening that highlights your relevant experience.
  • Highlight your leadership abilities and problem-solving skills.
  • Provide specific examples of how you’ve excelled in your previous roles.
  • Convey your enthusiasm for the opportunity and how you can add value to the company.

Senior-Level Email Cover Letter

As a senior-level candidate, you should focus on your industry expertise and the value you can add to the organization. Your email cover letter should showcase your leadership experience and strategic thinking skills. Here are some tips for your email cover letter:

  • Start with a strong opening that showcases your industry expertise.
  • Highlight your leadership experience and strategic thinking skills.
  • Provide specific examples of how you’ve delivered results in previous roles.

No matter what career level you’re at, your email cover letter should be well-written and free of errors. Use these tips as a starting point and tailor your email cover letter to the specific role and company you’re applying to. And don’t forget to follow up after sending your email to show your continued interest in the opportunity.

Email Cover Letter for Different Industries

When it comes to email cover letters, different industries may require a different approach. Here are some tips on how to craft an effective email cover letter for the following industries: marketing, sales, creative, and tech.

When applying for a marketing position, it’s important to showcase your creativity and communication skills. Start with a compelling subject line that clearly states your intention. In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself and your relevant experience. Make sure to mention any successful campaigns you have worked on.

In the second paragraph, highlight your creativity by sharing your thought process behind a successful campaign you have worked on. This demonstrates your ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas.

In the third paragraph, emphasize your communication skills by explaining how you collaborated with team members, clients, and stakeholders to ensure the success of a campaign. End the email with a strong call to action, such as requesting an interview.

When applying for a sales position, it’s important to focus on your sales achievements and abilities. Start with a subject line that mentions your sales track record. Begin the email by introducing yourself and your relevant experience, including your sales experience.

In the second paragraph, highlight your sales achievements by mentioning your sales numbers and any awards you have received. Make sure to include specific examples of successful deals you have closed.

In the third paragraph, explain how you have built strong relationships with clients and demonstrate your ability to identify their needs and present solutions. End the email by asking for an interview and explaining why you would be a strong fit for the position.

When applying for a creative position, it’s important to showcase your creativity and artistic abilities. Start with a subject line that showcases your creativity. In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself and your relevant experience.

In the second paragraph, highlight your creative abilities by sharing examples of your work, such as design portfolios or writing samples. Make sure to explain the thought process behind each piece of work and how it showcases your skills and creativity.

In the third paragraph, explain how you collaborate with team members and clients to bring creative projects to life. End the email by requesting an interview and expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity to work with the company.

When applying for a tech position, it’s important to showcase your technical abilities and problem-solving skills. Start with a subject line that showcases your technical skills. In the opening paragraph, briefly introduce yourself and your relevant experience.

In the second paragraph, highlight your technical abilities by sharing examples of successful projects you have worked on. Make sure to explain the technical details and explain how your problem-solving skills were crucial in your success.

In the third paragraph, explain how you work with team members to ensure the success of technical projects. End the email by asking for an interview and expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity to bring your technical skills to the company.

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  • Seputar Kerja

Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Benar

November 20, 2023

cover letter di body email

Di era digital, proses melamar kerja menjadi lebih mudah. Tanpa perlu mencetak dan mengirimkan langsung ke perusahaan, kini dokumen lamaran bisa dikirim hanya melalui email. Namun, masih banyak yang bingung bagaimana cara menulis body email lamaran kerja yang baik.

Bahkan ada beberapa yang malah membiarkan bagian body email kosong. Nah, agar peluang kamu dipanggil interview semakin tinggi, yuk pelajari apa saja etika yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengirim email lamaran kerja.

Setelah itu, KitaLulus akan memberikan contoh body email lamaran kerja yang bisa menarik perhatian HRD. Langsung saja simak, ya!

Isi Body Email Lamaran Kerja

Isi Body Email Lamaran Kerja

Sebuah body email lamaran kerja sebenarnya bisa menjadi pengantar bagi pelamar untuk sedikit menjelaskan tentang dirinya. Jika kamu ingin melamar kerja, ada beberapa poin yang sebaiknya kamu masukkan ke dalam body email, di antaranya:

  • Alasan mengirim lamaran
  • Perkenalan singkat
  • Posisi yang dilamar
  • Kualifikasi yang sesuai dengan posisi yang dilamar
  • Kontribusi yang bisa diberi untuk perusahaan
  • Kontak yang bisa dihubungi untuk menindaklanjuti lamaran
  • Salam penutup

Intinya, isi body email lamaran kerja adalah versi singkat dari sebuah cover letter. 

Baca juga: Cover Letter Adalah: Arti, Fungsi, Cara Membuat dan Contohnya

cover letter di body email

Struktur Body Email Lamaran Kerja

Setelah mengetahui apa saja yang harus ada dalam sebuah body email lamaran kerja, kamu dapat menuliskannya dengan struktur yang runut. Berikut ini struktur yang bisa kamu ikuti saat hendak mengirim email lamaran kerja.

Bagian pembuka berisi penerima email lamaran kerja, biasanya merupakan manajer perekrutan ataupun bagian HRD. Kamu bisa menggunakan salah satu dari contoh berikut ini:

  • Yth. Manager HRD <nama perusahaan>
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Yth. Kepala Bagian SDM <nama perusahaan>
  • Yth. HRD <nama perusahaan>

Jika kamu sudah mengetahui nama orang yang dituju, kamu bisa juga untuk menyebutkan namanya.

2. Paragraf Pertama

Pada paragraf pertama dalam body email, kamu bisa mulai dengan memperkenalkan diri dan menuliskan alasan melamar. Selain itu kamu juga bisa menginformasikan posisi yang dilamar dan sumber informasi lowongan kerja.

Perkenalkan saya <nama lengkap>, saya adalah <identitas singkat>. Melalui <sumber informasi>, saya menemukan lowongan untuk posisi <posisi yang dilamar> di perusahaan Anda. Melalui email ini saya berniat untuk melamar posisi tersebut.

3. Paragraf Kedua

Pada paragraf selanjutnya, kamu dapat mulai menuliskan kualifikasimu yang cocok dengan kebutuhan dalam lowongan. Untuk lebih meyakinkan rekruter, kamu hendaknya menambahkan kontribusi apa yang bisa kamu tawarkan untuk perusahaan kelak.

Pada paragraf ini kamu juga dapat mempromosikan diri dengan menuliskan pencapaian yang relevan. Jika kamu seorang fresh graduate , kamu bisa mencantumkan pengalaman berorganisasi yang relevan dengan lowongan.

Sebaiknya kamu tidak menuliskan bagian ini persis seperti yang sudah ditulis pada CV. Tulislah yang tidak terdapat dalam CV.

Saya memiliki pengalaman bekerja di perusahaan<nama perusahaan> sebagai <posisi> selama <durasi bekerja>. Dalam pengalaman tersebut, saya telah berhasil <pencapaian>. Dengan pengalaman tersebut saya yakin bahwa saya dapat memberi kontribusi yang baik saat mengisi posisi <posisi yang dilamar> di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu.

Baca juga: Pengalaman Organisasi di CV, Perlukah Ditulis? Ini Tipsnya

4. Paragraf Terakhir

Sebelum menutup body email , kamu bisa memberi tahu perekrut bahwa kamu telah melampirkan dokumen-dokumen pendukung seperti CV atau resume.

Jangan lupa sertakan apresiasimu kepada perekrut yang telah membaca dan mempertimbangkan lamaranmu.

Bersama email ini saya telah melampirkan <dokumen yang dilampirkan> sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk Bapak/Ibu.

Terima kasih atas waktu dan perhatiannya. Besar harapan saya untuk dapat bergabung di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu.

Pada penutup email, kamu dapat menggunakan beberapa contoh kalimat, seperti “Hormat saya” atau “ Sincerely ” jika menuliskan body email menggunakan bahasa Inggris . Jangan lupa tuliskan nama lengkapmu di akhir.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh sapaan penutup yang bisa kamu gunakan:

  • Salam hangat
  • Yours sincerely
  • Best regards

6. Signature

Di akhir email, bubuhkanlah signature dan informasi kontak yang bisa dihubungi oleh rekruter. Pastikan kamu menuliskan informasi kontak tanpa kesalahan dan typo . Dalam informasi ini kamu bisa menuliskan nomor ponsel, alamat email, atau URL LinkedIn.

Tips dan Cara Menulis Body Email Lamaran Kerja

Setelah mengetahui apa saja yang harus ada di dalam sebuah email lamaran kerja dan menyusunnya dalam struktur yang benar, selanjutnya kamu perlu tahu tips dan cara menulisnya.

Berikut 7 tips yang perlu kamu ketahui saat menulis body email untuk melamar pekerjaan.

1. Subject Email

Subject email merupakan hal pertama yang akan dilihat oleh rekruter saat menerima lamaranmu. Oleh sebab itu, kamu tidak boleh menyepelekannya. Butuh strategi jitu agar rekruter tertarik membaca lamaranmu.

Jika terdapat syarat penulisan subject email pada iklan lowongan kerja, maka pastikan untuk mengikuti aturan tersebut. Namun jika tidak, kamu bisa menggunakan format “Nama Lengkap-Posisi yang Dilamar”.

2. Alamat Email

Selain subject, alamat email juga penting untuk diperhatikan. Dalam mengirim email lamaran kerja kamu harus memperhatikan profesionalitas. Salah satu bentuknya adalah email yang kamu pakai. Jangan sampai HRD tidak melirikmu karena melihat alamat email mu yang tidak profesional.

3. Jangan Membiarkan Body Email Kosong

Seorang HRD biasanya menerima banyak lamaran kerja saat sedang membuka lowongan. Oleh karena itu buatlah dirimu berbeda dengan menuliskan body email daripada membiarkannya kosong. Body email ini bisa menjadi wadah bagi kamu untuk menjelaskan siapa dirimu sebelum rekruter membaca lamaranmu lebih lanjut.

4. Paparkan Secara Jelas dan Langsung ke Inti

Menjadikan body email sebagai media untuk mengenalkan diri tidak berarti kamu harus menceritakannya dengan panjang lebar namun tanpa nilai yang relevan, apalagi jika sampai bertele-tele. Justru, pastikan tulisan kamu ringkas dan menggunakan kalimat efektif. Tulis poin-poin penting dengan jelas.

5. Gunakan Bahasa Baku dan Sopan

Seperti halnya sebuah surat, email lamaran kerja harus memiliki kesan formal. Penggunaan bahasa baku dalam email lamaran kerja akan membuatmu mempunyai kesan profesional. Jika menuliskan dengan bahasa Indonesia, kamu bisa mengecek ketepatan penulisan pada KBBI dan PUEBI.

6. Periksa Ulang Sebelum Mengirim

Keinginan yang tinggi untuk segera bekerja tidak berarti kamu harus terburu-buru dalam mengirim email lamaran kerja. Sebelum mengirim, pastikan untuk mengeceknya. Perhatikan seluruh bagian mulai dari subjek email hingga informasi setelah signature . Pastikan tidak ada typo maupun informasi yang keliru.

7. Kirimkan Lamaran di Waktu yang Tepat

Pastikan kamu mengirim email di waktu yang tepat. Perhatikan etika saat mengirim lamaran kerja. Hindari mengirimkannya di luar waktu kerja apalagi di tengah malam. Kirimkanlah email pada jam kerja kantor. Untuk hal ini, kamu bisa memanfaatkan fitur schedule email .

Baca juga: 10 Cara Melamar Kerja Lewat Email yang Baik Agar Diterima

Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Baik

Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Baik

Nah, agar kamu makin paham, simak contoh body email lamaran kerja yang baik dan benar di bawah ini.

1. Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja Fresh Graduate

Berikut ini contoh body email lamaran kerja yang baik untuk kamu yang masih fresh graduate.

Yth. Manager HRD PT Seleksi Indonesia,

Perkenalkan, saya Anita Suwandi, Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi dari Universitas Merdeka. Saya menemukan informasi lowongan kerja sebagai Content Writer di job portal dan tertarik untuk dapat bergabung secepatnya.

Selama saya berkuliah di Universitas Merdeka, saya merupakan anggota dari majalah kampus. Saya terbiasa untuk menulis artikel untuk dimuat di majalah kampus maupun sosial media. Saya memiliki ketertarikan di dunia menulis dan proses kreatif saat menuliskannya. Oleh karena itu saya tertarik pada posisi Content Writer di PT Seleksi Indonesia.

Selain itu, saya pernah mengikuti beberapa kompetisi menulis sehingga beberapa karya saya dimuat di situs-situs online ternama. Dengan pengalaman dan pencapaian tersebut, saya yakin dapat berkontribusi dengan baik sebagai Content Writer di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu. 

Bersama email ini saya melampirkan CV dan portofolio pekerjaan saya yang bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk ke tahap selanjutnya. Saya sangat terbuka untuk berdiskusi mengenai posisi yang saya lamar ini. Terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

Anita Suwandi


2. Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja Operator Produksi

Yth. Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan HRD

PT Maju Bersama

Dengan Hormat,

Berdasarkan informasi dari grup lowongan kerja di sosial media, bahwa PT Nama Perusahaan sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Operator Produksi. Maka saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Aep Purnama

Tempat/Tgl lahir : Ciamis, 11 Januari 1986

Jenis Kelamin : Pria

Pendidikan : SMK

No Telepon : 0812-3456-7890

Dengan ini bermaksud mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan sebagai Operator Produksi di PT Maju Bersama.

Sebagai persyaratan lamaran pekerjaan, berikut ini saya lampirkan dokumen dalam bentu file yang dapat diunduh berupa:

  • Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  • Pas Foto Terbaru
  • Scan Ijazah Terakhir
  • Scan SKCK Terbaru
  • Scan Sertifikat Pelatihan

Besar harapan saya untuk dapat menjadi bagian dari PT Maju Bersama. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan terimakasih.

Hormat saya

Aep Purnama

Baca juga: 7 Contoh Surat Rekomendasi Kerja dan Cara Memintanya

Itulah tadi penjelasan mengenai isi, struktur, cara membuat, dan contoh body email lamaran kerja. Jika sudah tahu caranya, maka saatnya untuk mencari lowongan kerja di aplikasi KitaLulus.

Di aplikasi KitaLulus, tersedia ribuan lowongan yang sudah dicek keasliannya menggunakan teknologi canggih. Selain itu, KitaLulus juga memberimu fitur filterisasi yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mencari pekerjaan yang kamu dambakan dengan lebih mudah dan simpel.

Saat ini aplikasi KitaLulus sudah tersedia di Play Store maupun App Store. Jadi, ayo temukan pekerjaan impianmu sekarang!

Lihat ribuan lowongan kerja dan berkomunikas secara langsung dengan HRD atau pemilik usaha

Download Aplikasi KitaLulus sekarang!

‍#MulaiSekarang demi masa depan yang lebih baik!

cover letter di body email

  • Cover Letter

Email Cover Letter: Examples & How to Write (+Template)

LiveCareer Editorial Team

Our customers were hired by:

There’s no denying that cover letters are a bit of a throwback to bygone times. Even at arm’s length, they don’t exactly look like they belong in the 21st Century. And yet here they are, and here we are. A cover letter is a must, with the only exception being if you’ve been explicitly told not to include one.

Trying to format an email to look like a business letter even feels like a bad idea. So how do you prepare an email cover letter? Is it best to include it as an attachment or should you write your cover letter in the email itself? Best practices can change quickly and often, leaving some guides behind the times.

This article is here to show you how to write an email cover letter and how to write a cover letter email. Whether attached or in-text, you’ll know how to format your cover letter and what to include in it. The email cover letter example below is better than nine out of ten out there and so can your cover letter.

Save time and have a cover letter ready in no time. Pick a cover letter template , use pre-written suggestions, and have your cover letter ready in minutes.

Create your cover letter now

email cover letter example

Writing a cover letter from scratch? Make use of these guides:

  • Best Cover Letter Layout & Detailed Guidelines
  • Best Cover Letter Format & How to Prepare One
  • How to Craft a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024
  • Motivation Letter Definition & Examples
  • Short Cover Letter Samples & Expert Tips
  • Structuring a Cover Letter: Guidelines & Tips
  • What is an Application Letter & Do You Need One
  • What to Include in a Cover Letter in 2024

Email cover letter example

Anthony Lawrence

30 Sea Road

070 2222 2222

[email protected]

23rd February 2021

Leah Harrison

Hedgerow Cobblestone

54 Shire Oak Road

Scarth Hill

I could hardly believe my luck when my friend and former colleague and current Hedgerow Cobblestone Regional Manager Doug Ramsey mentioned that HC was looking for a new addition to its management team. I believe that my current work as a manager for Kidney Pie Squared has set me up nicely for a plug-and-play transition. Just recently, I designed and implemented a strategic business plan that expanded the company’s customer base by 26%.

Indeed, my current work with KPS has allowed me to grow as a mentor as I coached and trained 30+ members of staff, focusing on their personal development and our succession planning through talent management. I managed to improve customer experience and customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores within the Operations team by 17.5% by working to understand causal factors, failure points, trends and issues within the interactions and the provision of the service. I also attended over 70 Customer Experience meetings in order to acquire first-hand information and guidance from the build team, which allowed me to identify underlying issues in performance and manage actions through to resolution stage, exceeding KPIs by 10% on average.

As you can see, my time with KPS has been well-spent in acquiring a breadth of managerial experience with a strong focus on mentorship and data-driven decision making. These are strengths that I believe closely match Hedgerow Cobblestone’s ethos.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to discussing further what I could do for HC during the course of an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Now that’s a perfect cover letter . See how to write yours:

1. Include a proper header

Treat your attached email cover letter like a real letter by aligning to the right your full name, postal address, email, and phone number. Skip a line, type the date of writing, and skip another line. Finally, align to the left the recruiter’s full name, their job title, company name, and company postal address.

If you’re writing a cover letter email (that is, including your cover letter in the body of an email), then simply remove this header. You can then type out your phone number and email address at the very bottom of your email, like an email signature. You could also include a link to your LinkedIn profile there.

Email cover letter example header

You can adjust every cover letter created in the builder to meet the job requirements. Choose the name of your profession and the company to which you’re applying, and the builder will automatically adapt the content for you. Create a cover letter faster than you ever thought possible and apply for the job in record time.

cover letter builder

2. Address your email cover letter to the right person and in the right way

It’s become customary to begin emails—including business emails—with ‘Hi’ in most English-speaking countries. You certainly wouldn’t start a formal business letter this way, though. An email cover letter, even if exclusively typed out as an email, is decidedly more formal than even a regular business email.

Start your email cover letter the same way, whether you attach it or not. Use ‘Dear + first name’ if you feel comfortable starting off on a first-name basis. This kind of greeting communicates professionalism, friendliness, and formality and this is all exactly what you want in an email cover letter.

If the recruiter is considerably more senior than you, go with ‘Dear + title + surname’. Always use ‘Ms’ for women, and be doubly sure of the recruiter’s sex before using a gendered title like ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’. It’s not unheard of for a name to leaving you guessing, and it’s important not to make careless assumptions.

Use ‘Dear + first name + surname’ if you can’t, despite your best efforts, determine the recruiter’s sex but don’t feel comfortable using just their first name. All of this assumes that you have a name to go with the recruiter’s role in the first place, but what if you don’t know who to address your letter to?

Do everything you can to find out. It’s almost never impossible, you just have to be a little resourceful. Double-check the job advert for clues. Search through the company’s website, especially any staff or ‘our people’ pages. Do some sleuthing on LinkedIn. All else fails, call the company and ask.

In the extremely unlikely that you can’t find a name for the recruiter, try to at least figure out their job title and address your email cover letter that way—for example, ‘Dear Accounting Department Head’. Failing that, use their function, like ‘Dear Accounting Department Recruitment Lead’.

Whatever you do, don’t use ‘To Whom It May Concern’, ‘Dear Sir / Madame’ or anything similarly impersonal and outdated. Your goal should be to address your reader in as personal a way as possible . Recruiters look through many cover letters, make sure yours connects with them from the outset.

Email cover letter example salutation

3. open your email cover letter strong.

Think of all the emails that flow through recruiters’ inboxes on a daily basis. Your email cover letter has to grab the recruiter’s attention and it has to do so quickly. This means that the opening paragraph has to be short and to the point as it effectively makes a case for why you’re the best choice for the job.

An effective cover letter opening paragraph will get your enthusiasm for both the job and the company across loud and clear. It’ll also give recruiters a good idea of what it is exactly that you can bring to the table while describing how it is that you make a great fit for the company in terms of culture and goals.

Assuming you have some relevant work experience under your belt, start your opening paragraph with a relevant, on-the-job achievement from your current or previous job. An achievement in this case refers to nothing more than an action you took at work and the benefits your employer gleaned as a result.

You can use something like the APR (Action- Problem-Result) method to structure your achievement, but the basics are very simple. Start with a strong verb like ‘organised’, ‘implemented’ or ‘negotiated’ and quantify everything you can, the benefits your actions brought to your employer first and foremost. Estimate these benefits if need be.

Finally, describe how your goals line up with the company’s goals. This might sound difficult, but there’s a simple trick to it: simply take a sentence to answer the question ‘what is it that you hope to be able to achieve for the company in this role?’. Lean on your background research to know what the company needs. 

You can still grab recruiters’ attention with a strong email cover letter opening paragraph even if you don’t have any relevant experience from which to draw achievements. Start with your passion for the work and enthusiasm for the company. The research you’ve done on the company will be invaluable here.

Include a relevant achievement from your studies or any volunteer, internship or placement work you’ve done. Benefits in these contexts can include time saved, processes improved, and awards won. Put numbers to everything you can, even if it’s only the scale at which you did something, e.g. how many times.

Whether experienced or not, were you recommended to the job for which you’re applying? Some people shy away from mentioning the fact that they were referred to the position, but doing so has nothing but upsides – the employer will appreciate the fact that someone within their company thinks you’re a good fit.

The opening paragraph of your email cover letter is the perfect place to drop names and reveal why you’re applying for the job. Keep it simple and direct, short and sweet. Include the full name and job title of the person who recommended that you apply and leave it at that – there’s no need to repeat yourself.

There’s a lot happening in this one small paragraph and there’s no denying that a lot rides on the recruiter sitting up and paying attention. The best approach to take here is to keep it as short and simple as possible. Three short sentences will do it, no more than five. Stick to a maximum of 40–80 words .

Email cover letter example opening paragraph

You don’t have to create any content yourself. The LiveCareer cover letter maker will automatically suggest the best content for your cover letter with ready-made examples and expert tips.

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4. Use your email cover letter to show what you bring to the table

We all sometimes receive emails that contain huge, monolithic blocks of text. These are not emails that scream ‘read me’. Even with the best possible intentions, it’s easy to find yourself skimming through such writing, scanning for key points. Imagine being a recruiter and having dozens of such emails.

Keep your email cover letter lean and mean by ensuring the focus remains firmly on your achievements. String 2–3 relevant, on-the-job achievements together with minimal explanation. Each achievement should, as much as possible, stand on its own merits and be clearly linked to the job to which you’re applying.

Keep this part of your email cover letter short: 120–200 words , no more. You can break this section down into two paragraphs if you feel that one would make for too large a single chunk. You can even break this section down further through the use of bullet points. Remember to quantify each achievement.

Email cover letter example main body paragraph

5. neatly wrap up your email cover letter and end on a cta.

You’ve just bombarded your the recruiter with a dazzling collection of your achievements. Bring the focus back to what you can do for their company and why you’re the best person for the job by quickly summarising your previous paragraphs. Do only as much as is necessary and don’t repeat yourself.

End with a confident call to action (CTA) in which you make it abundantly clear that you’re eager to continue on to the next stages of the recruitment process. Remember to thank the recruiter for their consideration of your application, too. This can have many benefits besides just being good manners.

Keep this wrap-up of your cover letter particularly short: 40–60 words is more than enough, don’t go over this range.

Email cover letter example closing paragraphs with CTA

6. sign off from your email cover letter properly.

Signing off is easy but that’s not to say you can’t get it wrong, or that people won’t notice if you do. Use ‘Yours sincerely’ if you addressed your cover letter using the recruiter’s name (e.g. ‘Dear Jane’) and ‘Yours faithfully’ if you used their job title or function instead (e.g. ‘Dear Hiring Manager’).

Email cover letter example sign-off

Some things to keep in mind, especially if you’re attaching your email cover letter.

Some elements of getting your cover letter ready to send don’t change whether you’re going to be attaching it as a separate document or writing a cover letter email. First and foremost, your cover letter should speak to your attention to detail and work ethic, and this means no spelling or grammar mistakes anywhere.

Proofread and scan through both your CV and email cover letter, checking and double-checking for spelling and grammar mistakes and typographical errors. 

Make your cover letter short . Following the best practices laid out in this article, you’ll end up with a total of about 250–400 words —less if you’re sending your cove letter in an email. For a cover letter email, leave the font and justification at the default settings. Simply separate sections and paragraphs by leaving a line blank.

If you’re going to be attaching your email cover letter, then choose a font that doesn’t draw undue attention to itself. Noto, Garamond, Liberation, Arial, and even Calibri are all perfectly acceptable cover letter and CV fonts . Keep the size at an easily readable 11–12 points and the margins at the default 2.5 cm .

If you’re sending your cover letter as an attachment, use a simple template. Visual templates are not always ATS-compliant. Also make sure the overall look of your email cover letter and CV match: in terms of font, layout, and colour choices (if any). Use plenty of white space to direct your reader’s gaze and clearly break your cover letter structure down into sections. 

One last piece of advice: save or export your work in PDF unless asked from something else.

A cover letter alone simply won’t be enough—you need an impactful CV, too. Create your CV in minutes. Choose a professional CV template and quickly fill in every CV section using ready-made content and expert advice.

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I hope this article helps you email your cover letter out in style and with a minimum of fuss. Please drop any questions, comments or job-hunting anecdotes you have to share down in the comments section below, we’d love to hear from you and will be sure to reply.

How we review the content at LiveCareer

Our editorial team has reviewed this article for compliance with Livecareer’s editorial guidelines . It’s to ensure that our expert advice and recommendations are consistent across all our career guides and align with current CV and cover letter writing standards and trends. We’re trusted by over 10 million job seekers, supporting them on their way to finding their dream job. Each article is preceded by research and scrutiny to ensure our content responds to current market trends and demand.

About the author

Since 2005, the LiveCareer Team has been helping job seekers advance their careers. In our in-depth guides, we share insider tips and the most effective CV and cover letter writing techniques so that you can beat recruiters in the hiring game and land your next job fast. Also, make sure to check out our state-of-the-art CV and cover letter builder—professional, intuitive, and fully in line with modern HR standards. Trusted by 10 million users worldwide.

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Tips for Sending Email Cover Letters With Samples

How to Send an Email Cover Letter and Resume

cover letter di body email

  • Send a Cover Letter Attachment
  • Send an Email Cover Letter
  • Contact Person, Subject, and Signature
  • Check Spelling and Grammar

Send a Test Message to Yourself

Review a sample email cover letter.

  • More Sample Cover Letter Emails

Marc Romanell / Photolibrary / Getty Images

What should you include in an email to apply for a job, and how should you send it? An email cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your expertise. It is written to provide information on why you are qualified for the job you are applying for and to explain the reasons for your interest in the company.

When you're sending an email cover letter, it's important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume.

The job posting may specify the type of file you need to send, and how you should send it. If not, you can follow the instructions below to easily get your documents to the hiring manager.

It's also important to make sure that your email cover letters are written as well as any other correspondence you send. Even though it's quick and easy to send an email, it doesn't mean that you should write anything less than a detailed cover letter focused on why you are a good match for the job you are applying for. Here are some tips for sending email cover letters.

Sending Email Cover Letters and Resumes as Attachments

  • If the job posting says to include your cover letter and resume as an attachment, you can easily attach PDF files to your email message. 
  • If your cover letter and resume are Word documents, click “File, Save As, PDF (.pdf)” to save your documents as PDF files.
  • For Google Docs files, click “File, Download, PDF (.pdf)” document. 
  • PDFs are more professional, they retain the format, and they cannot be edited by someone else after you’ve shared them. 
  • Save the files with your name, so they don't get mixed up with other applicants' materials, e.g., yournamecover.pdf.

Need more help? Here's a step-by-step guide to sending your resume and cover letter as an attachment .

Sending Email Cover Letters Without Attachments

  • Some employers do not accept attachments. In these cases, paste your cover letter into your email message.
  • Use a simple font and remove any fancy formatting. 
  • The best way to do this is to copy the content from your original resume and cover letter, and then “Paste Special, Unformatted Text” into the email message.
  • You can “Paste Special” by left-clicking inside the body of the email and selecting "Paste Special" from the dropdown menu.
  • You don’t know what email provider the employer is using, so simple is best. The employer may not see a  formatted message  the same way you do. So if it’s plain text, you can be sure it will render correctly.

Contact Person, Subject Line, and Signature

  • How to Address an Email Cover Letter : Here's how to address a cover letter sent in an email message, including what to use when you have details of a contact person, and how to address it if you don't.
  • The Subject Line of Your Message : Make sure you list the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email, so that the employer is clear as to what job you are applying for. For example, Subject: Jane Doe, Social Media Manager Position.
  • Include Your Signature: Include an email signature with your contact information, comprising name, address, email address, and telephone number, so it's easy for the hiring manager to get in touch with you.

Double-Check Your Letter for Spelling and Grammar

Make sure you spellcheck and check your grammar and capitalization. They are just as important in an email cover letter as in paper cover letters.

Send the message to yourself first to test that the formatting and attachments work. If everything looks good, resend to the employer.

Here's an example of an email cover letter. Also see below for more samples.

Sample Email Cover Letter

Subject: Administrative Assistant/Receptionist Job – Roger Smith

Dear Ms. Cole,

I was excited to see your listing for the position of administrative assistant/receptionist at ABC Market Corp. I believe that my five years' experience in office administration and my passion for your products make me an ideal candidate for this role.

You specify that you’re looking for an administrative assistant with experience scheduling appointments, maintaining records, ordering supplies, and greeting customers. I’m currently employed as an administrative assistant at XYZ company, where I have spent the past five years honing these skills.

I’m adept at using all the usual administrative and collaboration software packages, from Microsoft Office and SharePoint to Google Docs and Drive. I’m a fast learner, and flexible, while always maintaining the good cheer that you’d want from the first person visitors see when they interact with the company.

I have attached my resume and will call within the next week to see if we might arrange a time to speak.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Roger Smith Phone Email LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)

More Sample Email Cover Letters

Review more sample email cover letters and templates for a variety of role types.

  • Email Cover Letter Template : Template to use when creating an email cover letter.
  • Sample Email Cover Letter Message : Sample cover letter email message to use to apply for a job.
  • Sample Email Cover Letter With Attached Resume : Sample email cover letter to use when you are sending your resume as an attachment.
  • Email Cover Letter - Part-Time Job : Email cover letter sample for applying for a part-time job.
  • Email Cover Letter - Summer Job : Email cover letter sample for applying for a summer job.
  • Professional Email Message : Sample professional email to use for job search or for asking for professional assistance.
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Example of Body Email in a Good and Correct Job Application

In today's digital era, looking for jobs online via email has become commonplace. If you choose to send an application email, you cannot skip the application email or the body of the email. 

Firdilla Kurnia - 11 March 2023

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Body Email on Job Application/©Pixabay

Currently, many companies carry out the recruitment process online. You only need to send application documents online without having to print them and send them via courier. You can apply for jobs through job portals, LinkedIn, company websites, and company emails.

While searching for jobs online is nothing new, many are still confused about what to include in the body of a job application email. So many send application files without email bodies. Body email allows you to greet the recruiter, introduce yourself, and briefly promote yourself to the recruiter. It also makes a good impression.

For those of you who often leave spaces and are confused when writing an application body, let's take a look at some of the examples below and how to write them!

Things to Include in the Body of the Email

The contents of the email body are the applicant's greeting or self-introduction to the company before reading the CV. So you have to try to present yourself as well as possible so that your CV is noticed. Therefore, the content must be comprehensive and detailed, as well as interesting.

What is the body of a job application email? Here's the format:

• Include your name and the position you are applying for in the email subject line. Don't leave it blank!

• Opener, which is information about who is addressed by your application. For example for HRD companies.

• Self-introduction, required position, where you can find information about the vacancy.

• Fill in, here you can justify why you are suitable for the position you are applying for. Also relate to your interest in the job, tell about the experience involved and what you can bring to the company by being a part of it.

• The final paragraph is to thank the reader of the email and express your hope that your application will be considered. Also let them know that you will also include your resume and other requirements in the email.

• Finally, complete with "best regard" or "best regards" and your full name below.

• Add a signature that includes contact information that can be used to contact you, eg email address and telephone number.

Tips for Writing a Job Application Body Email

Here are some tips for writing a job application email body:

Send Emails at the Right Time

Avoid sending emails at midnight, weekends or public holidays because HRD is usually not working at this time, so there is a possibility that HRD will not read your email.

Avoid Writing Emails that are too Long

The text of a good and correct application email is short and informative. Recruiters only have a short time to read your email before seeing your attached resume. Writing the body of a job applicant's email that is too long can also tire recruiters.

Check Back How to Write Words

If you finish writing your job application email text correctly, it would be a shame if there was a typo in it. You can copy and paste the contents of your job application email into Microsoft Word or Google Docs to automatically check for misspelled words.

Compose Emails in Standard Language

Most people assume that the writing style of an email should not be too formal. However, remember that the message you send reflects your professionalism. Avoid inappropriate slang, slang and abbreviations.

Example of Job Application Body Email for Fresh Graduate

If you are a fresh graduate with no work experience, organizational experience is important in this section.

If your experience and educational background do not match the position you are applying for, you can share your skills and interests which will help make an impact on the company. Here's an example.

Email subject: Fenny Astuti - SEO Content Writer Part Time

Dear HRD Heritage Sandalwood Education

Introduce my name is Fenny Astuti. I received job vacancy information from Pusaka Cendana Edukasi's website on March 11, 2023. I am interested in applying for the position of content writer at Pusaka Cendana Edukasi because it is in accordance with my experience and education.

I graduated in 2019 from Berlin University majoring in Economics and Business. During college I actively participated in competitions in junior marketing and won 3 championships. In addition, I also actively participate in various organizational activities. With the experience and educational background that I have, I'm sure I can make the best contribution in the field of SEO Content Writer.

Together with this email, I also enclose my CV and portfolio of my work and experience for consideration.

More Coverage:

Thank you very much for your time and consideration for this position. I would love to go into more detail about this opportunity and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Fenny Astuti


[email protected]

Example of a Job Application Letter in English for an HRD Position

That's how to write an application email body along with tips and examples. Once you understand how to write it, you can start building your resume and find your dream job.

cover letter di body email


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How To Write A Cover Letter Body (With Examples)

  • How To Sign A Cover Letter
  • Salary Requirements In Cover Letter
  • Referral In Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter Body
  • Use Dear Sir Or Madam?
  • Use Mrs. Or Ms.?

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You’ve got the basic formatting and structural elements figured out, but now it’s time to focus on writing the body of your cover letter .

This is the area where most job seekers begin looking for some help, because the body (also called the argument) is the most important part of the document.

It will also vary greatly depending on the specific job market you intend to enter.

You want to make sure that every part of your cover letter is formatted correctly from top to bottom. That means your body paragraphs need to be laid out properly between your heading and signature . Having a concise cover letter makes it easier for the reader to scan and pick up the important details of your qualifications. That is why understanding the importance of formatting is the first step in writing a great cover letter.

Key Takeaways:

The body of the a cover letter is broken down into 4 paragraphs, an introduction, proven qualifications, what you offer, and a conclusion.

A body of a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words.

Use the STAR method to help frame your qualifications.

Projects, awards, and notable accomplishments are great examples to explore in-depth in your cover letter.

How To Write A Cover Letter Body (With Examples)

What is the Body of a Cover Letter?

What to include in a cover letter body, how to demonstrate your qualifications and fit, sales cover letter body example, design cover letter body example, hr cover letter body example.

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The body of a cover letter is where you give a hiring manager a closer look into your stand-out accomplishments and what makes you the perfect fit for the position. This section is where you sell yourself and explain your most relevant skills and experiences.

The body is taking all of this information and breaking it down into easily digestible sections. Typically, the body of your cover letter will be four paragraphs that each have a defined focus:

Introduction. The first paragraph is a straightforward introduction that hooks the reader into learning more about you.

Proven qualifications. The second paragraph demonstrates your skills with proven experience.

What you offer. The third paragraph highlights what you have to offer your potential employer.

Conclusion. The fourth paragraph concludes your argument for yourself and provides a call to action.

Each paragraph will be explored further below. Also note that a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words, with the majority of these words used in the body paragraphs.

First Paragraph: Introduction

The best way to start your cover letter is with a strong introductory paragraph. Let the recruiter know what experience has led you to applying for this particular position and show enthusiasm. At the same time, this experience should also begin to show the recruiter your potential as a good candidate for the specific role.

Second Paragraph: Proven Qualifications

The second paragraph is where you go into detail on why you are qualified for the position and what makes you perfect the role. Here is where you can show how you are different from other candidates with your work history, skills, and accomplishments. You want to relate all of these qualifications to the duties of the job you are applying for .

One of the best cover letter tips we can give is to scan the original job description for keywords. This is a fool-proof way to make sure you include the most relevant skills that the hiring manager is looking for. Of course, stay honest. Many people writing an entry-level cover letter might be lacking in certain areas, but this is where transferable skills and speaking to your character can come into play.

It is crucial to show your qualifications by providing a quantifiable achievement by telling a story. Pick one or two responsibilities you performed and provide a specific example on what you did and what you accomplished. Consider using the STAR method to structure your example by providing a situation, a task, an action, and a result.

Third Paragraph: What You Offer

The third paragraph of your cover letter should cater to the employer, showcasing why you are a good match for the company. Spend time doing research on the organization , learning the core principles it was built around and what its main mission is. Look into the overall company culture and what type of people work there. All of this information can be found within the job posting, the company website, and professional sites like LinkedIn .

Once you’ve done your research, write a paragraph describing how you fit in and what value you could bring to the company. How can you help with the mission? What have you done to prove that your values align? Here, sell the recruiter on what you can bring to the team.

Fourth Paragraph. Conclusion

The end of your cover letter is just as important as the opening. You need to give the hiring manager a final thought on why you would be perfect for the role, without regurgitating the points already presented.

A strong way to close your cover letter is by simply showing your passion for the role, expressing gratitude, and then adding a call-to-action (CTA). The CTA will prompt the recruiter to take action on your application packet, ultimately scheduling you for the next step in the interview process.

One of the biggest cover letter mistakes is to have too much information that is not relevant to the position. When writing your argument, you should keep in mind that your goal is show the recruiter why you would be an asset to the organization and essentially show evidence through past results.

If you let these two questions guide what you include, it will help to ensure that your letter is focused.

So, how do you actually show that you are a good fit for a company and have the necessary skills ? This comes by simply stating what you believe your skills and credentials are.

Ask yourself questions such as:

Are you a team-player ?

Are you results-driven?

Are you empathetic?

Are you persistent?

Mention skills that match the job description . Include previous job titles you held while acquiring these skills and be specific.

Then you need to demonstrate your value.

This involves backing up what you say in terms of your qualifications. You should also use this an opportunity to show how your experiences are unique , giving the recruiter a better sense of who you are. Some ways you can do this are by discussing:

Projects. Discuss specific projects that you were a lead on or played an integral role to overall success.

Awards. Mention any special awards of recognition you received.

Notable Accomplishments. Explain any goals or objectives that you were able to exceed. This could be helping to develop a process or improving overall productivity.

Dear Ms. Lee, After being a sales professional in the public sector for nearly a decade, I felt compelled to apply for your Sales Consultant position with SalesTech. I have been looking to get into the private sector after being a results-driver in my previous roles. I have the necessary skills of organization and prioritization that I feel would also drive my success with your company. In my previous role as a Sales Consultant at Avid Corp., I proved to be an effective problem solver. I was able to provide custom solutions to some of our biggest clients, earning me Sales Lead of the Year. I also am a team-player that welcomes collaborative input, with my talents contributing to over $150,000 in sales Q1 for my department. Similarly to SalesTech, I believe that technology is a key driver to success. Just as the company invests in using the most cutting-edge technology to improve overall efficiency, I continuously invest in myself via certifications. As a licensed CPA, I bring a deeper understanding of finances and numbers than most candidates. I also believe that continuous education leads to success, and I would take full advantage of the professional development programs offered at SalesTech. I know that I would be an ideal fit for the Sales Consultant position, and I am excited to learn more about the opportunity. With my valuable insights and proven history of results, I can be an asset to the team. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in more detail during the interview process. Best regards, Khalid Jones
Dear Mr. Thomas, As the constant creative, I was pleased to find the Web Designer job posting on your company’s website. Recently freelancing for a sports marketing company, I believe Sports One would be the ideal company for me to start focusing my talents on my true passion. While I have designed websites for diverse industries, my vast knowledge of sports and the clientele involved would make me an ideal member of the Sports One team. In my former Web Designer role, I focused on website creation and mobile app design. I created more than 20 apps in a two-year time period, proving that I can deliver a high volume of projects. Several of my apps received special recognition, including multiple App Innovator awards. I also am highly motivated when it comes to meeting deadlines, delivering completed designs to clients well ahead of schedule. I regularly use the latest software to create search engine optimized graphics, further driving positive results for clients. Sports One is also known for their initiatives in the industry, including the Women in Sports Design program for young women. I also believe in developing future talent, which is why I have offered free workshops for high school students. Our core values of youth development and ushering in fresh perspectives are similarly aligned. I have the creativity, drive, and passion for sports that would make me excel at the web designer position. I would love the opportunity to further detail my work experience and qualifications. Please reach out at your earliest convenience to discuss what an asset I would be to the Sports One team. Best Regards, April Smith
Dear Ms. Washington , Having been an enthusiastic and motivated HR professional for nearly seven years, your posting for the Human Resources Manager position appears to be an excellent fit. I have been searching for an opportunity that would allow me to broaden my horizons, and First Choice is the innovative company that I have been looking for. My experience in human resources and dedication to employee relations make me an ideal candidate. In my previous Human Resources Liaison role at Avid Corp. I managed a team of four people. I trained them on all aspects of company benefits, compensation, and payroll. I also created many of the company’s materials for HR and safety regulations. To further showcase my collaborative efforts, I served as a liaison to hourly employees and mid and senior management. I was such an effective communicator that I led various all-employee meetings and was promoted to Lead Liaison within one year with the company. One of the main reasons that I would be an excellent team member at First Choice is because the company truly cares about its employees. The organization has been on the “Top 5 Companies To Work For” list three years in a row, and I believe this is an environment I would thrive in. My go-getter attitude and positive outlook would also be well received. I welcome the chance to further illustrate how my vast human resources experience would make me a great employee at First Choice. Reach out at your earliest convenience and I can detail my work experience, while also learning more about the role at the company. Thank you for taking the time to review my resume and cover letter. I appreciate your consideration. Best Regards, Lane Johnston

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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    cover letter di body email

  6. Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja Yang Baik

    cover letter di body email


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  6. كتابة خطاب العمل Cover Letter


  1. Contoh Cover Letter pada Body Email yang Tepat

    Berikut ini kami sajikan beberapa contoh cover letter pada body email lamaran kerja. Contoh Cover Letter 1. Kepada HRD, Perkenalkan nama saya Ani, Sarjana Akuntansi Universitas Perbankan. Saya menemukan posisi pekerjaan yang sangat menarik pada situs portal perusahaan Anda. Saya tertarik untuk melamar posisi sebagai akuntan.

  2. 10 Contoh dan Format Body Email Lamaran Kerja

    Sederhananya, body email adalah pengantar dalam surat lamaran kerja. Bisa dibilang, body email dalam melamar pekerjaan disebut juga cover letter singkat. Apalagi, jika kamu sudah melihat contoh isi email lamaran kerja. Dalam body email, kamu bisa menjelaskan secara singkat profil pribadi sebagai bentuk perkenalan. Manfaatkan bagian ini untuk ...

  3. Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Cara Menulisnya

    Struktur body email lamaran kerja. Berikut merupakan struktur yang harus ada dalam menulis body email lamaran kerja: 1. Salam pembuka. Saat menuliskan body email, awali dengan memberikan salam pembuka untuk perekrut. Apabila kamu mengetahui nama HRD atau perekrutnya, kamu dapat memberi salam dengan menuliskan namanya.

  4. Email Cover Letter Examples and Formats

    It's essential to follow the employer's instructions so that you don't wind up bounced from contention because of a technicality. You might be asked to send your cover letter in the body of the email or as an attachment, or to add a specific subject line, or to send it as a specific file type, e.g., a Word document or PDF.

  5. How To Send an Email Cover Letter (With Steps, Tips and Example)

    1. Follow company instructions. Email cover letters can generally be sent in one of two ways: as an email attachment or as the body of your email. Before sending your cover letter, check the company's job application guidelines. Some companies prefer attachments, while others prefer them to be in the body of your email message.

  6. Email Cover Letter: 5 Samples & Writing Guide + Expert Tips

    Add the job title to the subject line and first line of your email. Use the 3-paragraph cover letter format, but keep it short and snappy. Find resume keywords in the job ad. Include one big achievement relevant to the job. Expert Hint: Don't forget to attach your resume to the cover letter in your email!

  7. Contoh Isi Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Benar ...

    Kamu bisa menulis versi yang lebih singkat di body email lamaran kerja seperti contoh di atas. Sementara, untuk cover letter yang dilampirkan sebagai dokumen bisa memuat informasi lebih detail. 4. Buat format PDF. Kalau tidak ada instruksi khusus, sebaiknya kamu mencantumkan berbagai dokumen pendukung dalam bentuk PDF.

  8. How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Samples & Tips)

    To write a perfect cover letter email for a job application, follow these steps: Use our email cover letter template. Apply a clear, strong subject line. Open with a proper greeting—address the hiring manager by their name. In the first sentence, explain why you're writing and what position you're targeting.

  9. How To Write An Email Cover Letter: Samples + 5 Writing Tips

    You'll also need to ensure that you have a clear introduction, main body, and closing paragraph so that hiring managers can skim for and find the information they're looking for. 2. Be direct and to the point. When writing an email cover letter, the trick is to make it informative but short.

  10. How to Write an Email Cover Letter

    1. Use a professional email address. Providing the right email address is important when sending a cover letter, so use a clear, professional email address that combines your first and last name (such as [email protected]). You can also use other variations if you can't use your first and last name, such as:

  11. 5 Poin Penting Saat Menulis Cover Letter pada Email

    3. Isi cover letter yang mengalir. Saat menulis cover letter pada email, sebaiknya kamu menceritakannya secara mengalir mulai dari pembukaan, isi, dan penutup. Tidak perlu terlalu kaku saat membuat cover letter, sehingga kamu bisa membuatnya tetap mengalir seperti saat sedang bercerita.

  12. Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja Singkat yang Baik & Benar

    Sebelum membuat cover letter, coba perhatikan contoh body email lamaran kerja berikut supaya tahu apa saja yang harus kamu tulis di sana. Yuk simak! 1. Hal-hal yang harus dimuat dalam body email lamaran kerja. Contoh body email lamaran kerja | Credit by Hipwee.

  13. Email Cover Letter: 10 Examples & Writing Tips for 2024

    Email has become a ubiquitous form of communication that is widely used in most industries. While email is mostly used to communicate with colleagues and clients, it has become an essential tool for job seekers looking to send their resumes to potential employers. Since the introduction of email, the traditional cover letter has undergone significant changes. Today, job seekers are expected to ...

  14. Emailing a Cover Letter: How To Guide With Example

    2. Send via a professional email address. It is important to use a professional email address when emailing your cover letter. A professional email address will comprise your first and last name. For example, it could be [email protected], [email protected] or another combination of your names.

  15. Tips for Writing an Email Cover Letter

    Email Cover Letter Samples. By. Alison Doyle. Updated on October 30, 2020. In This Article. View All. Tips for Writing an Email Cover Letter. Attaching the Letter to an Email. Pasting the Letter Into the Email.

  16. Contoh Isi Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Benar dan Cara ...

    Sehingga kata-kata dan kalimat yang ditulis di body email lamaran kerja harus ditulis secara benar dan jelas. Berikut struktur isi body email lamaran kerja: 1. Subjek Email. Perekrut menerima banyak sekali email setiap hari, jadi pastikan bagian subjek email diisi dengan informatif dan langsung ke intinya.

  17. Contoh Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Benar

    Struktur Body Email Lamaran Kerja. Setelah mengetahui apa saja yang harus ada dalam sebuah body email lamaran kerja, kamu dapat menuliskannya dengan struktur yang runut.Berikut ini struktur yang bisa kamu ikuti saat hendak mengirim email lamaran kerja.. 1. Pembuka. Bagian pembuka berisi penerima email lamaran kerja, biasanya merupakan manajer perekrutan ataupun bagian HRD.

  18. Email Cover Letter: Examples & How to Write (+Template)

    Anthony Lawrence. Now that's a perfect cover letter. See how to write yours: 1. Include a proper header. Treat your attached email cover letter like a real letter by aligning to the right your full name, postal address, email, and phone number. Skip a line, type the date of writing, and skip another line.

  19. Tips for Sending Email Cover Letters With Samples

    Send an Email Cover Letter. Contact Person, Subject, and Signature. Check Spelling and Grammar. Send a Test Message to Yourself. Review a Sample Email Cover Letter. More Sample Cover Letter Emails. Photo: Marc Romanell / Photolibrary / Getty Images. Tips for writing an email cover letter, with samples, including what to write in your message ...

  20. Example of Body Email in a Good and Correct Job Application

    If your experience and educational background do not match the position you are applying for, you can share your skills and interests which will help make an impact on the company. Here's an example. Email subject: Fenny Astuti - SEO Content Writer Part Time. Dear HRD Heritage Sandalwood Education.

  21. How To Write A Cover Letter Body (With Examples)

    The body of the a cover letter is broken down into 4 paragraphs, an introduction, proven qualifications, what you offer, and a conclusion. A body of a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words. Use the STAR method to help frame your qualifications. Projects, awards, and notable accomplishments are great examples to explore in-depth in ...

  22. 11 Steps To Email a Cover Letter

    Furthermore, when sending a cover letter as an email, there's no need to include addresses. Lastly, proofread the email to ensure there are no spelling or formatting errors before sending it. 9. Add your email signature. Your email signature is the last part of your cover letter, and it's quite important.

  23. Baltimore bridge collapse: What happened and what is the death toll?

    April 5 (Reuters) - Work is underway to begin clearing the wreckage of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge more than a week after a faltering cargo ship crashed into it, sending the span ...