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The 2022 FIFA World Cup

Introduction, 2022 fifa world cup: issues of human rights, 2022 fifa world cup: political aspects, 2022 fifa world cup: environmental issues.

In 2010, Qatar won the right to host 2022 World Cup. It became a significant achievement because no Asian country has been hosting this international sporting event since 2002 when the tournament was organized by South Korea and Japan. Such events as FIFA World Cup provide many opportunities for the hosting country. First of all, they attract tourists and thus make a powerful tourism resource.

Also, World Cup contributes to the promotion of foreign relations, national branding, and increase in investment (Henderson, 2016). At the same time, international attention arises many challenges for the country and turns local peculiarities into global concerns. In the context of 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, such key concepts as human rights, social and political aspects, and environmental issues, are of particular interest. Consequently, corresponding global connections are reviewed in the media and discussed in society.

The issue of human rights in general and discrimination in particular is significant for the FIFA. During the preparation to Qatar hosting the World Cup, there are at least two important human rights problems. First of all, the community is worried by the conditions of work for migrants who are involved in the construction of the World Cup objects. Working in unfavorable weather conditions of high temperature and humidity, the health of workers is exposed to risk (Lewis, 2017). Thus, the International Labor Organization is worried by the work-related deaths in Qatar and makes attempts to interfere, but the local authorities do not support the initiative (Lewis, 2017).

Another problem that appeared in the context of 2022 World Cup in Qatar, is connected with attitudes to sexual minorities. Arab countries in general and Qatar in particular are known for intolerance to homosexual relations and homophobic policies that can become a problem for a big international event (Ali, 2014). There are discussions dedicated to the issue of LGBTQ equality in non-Western countries, but no active actions have been taken.

Political issues are the integral components of any big international event including sports. It is particularly true about the countries with specific political views or those involved in international conflicts. In case of Qatar hosting World Cup 2022, the political problem is caused by its relations, or rather no relations with Israel. In fact, Qatar does not recognize Israel as a state. Thus, Israel initiated a campaign against Qatar as the location for World Cup as a part of its interventions to isolate the activity of Hamas (Dorsey, n.d.).

The major slogans included anti-terrorist ideas and were followed by fans and Israel supporters around the world. The idea is to prevent funding terrorism claiming that Qatar plays a significant role in financing terrorist organizations and awarding 2022 FIFA World Cup to this country would mean the support of terrorism (Dorsey, n.d.). Still, despite this problem and some other aspects related to not following the FIFA code of ethics by Qatar, the preparation for the World Cup is going on (Westall, 2017).

Being one of the leading exporters of oil and natural gas in the world due to the developed energy industry, Qatar suffers from high carbon dioxide emissions. Thus, environmental issues should be a priority in general and in conditions of a big international sporting event in particular. Environmental aspects are significant for big sporting events due to the necessity of hosting many tourists as well as tournament participants.

Moreover, excessive building to meet the FIFA demands can also have negative impact on the environment. Still, the later problem is likely to be successfully addressed in Qatar. At present, the country is launching stadium designs for World Cup 2022 that do not only place thousands of spectators, but are “capable of being reassembled on another site or turned into multiple smaller venues” (FIFA, 2017). This project follows a unique innovative design and uses modular blocks in its construction. The fact that the construction is demountable is a solution of the problem of uselessness of dig arenas after the event is over. Its location also contributes to the sustainability of the project because of efficient transportation.

On the whole, the global connections identified for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, are not new. They have been existing for decades and came into light due to the coming tournament. On the one hand, these issues are challenging. The problem of human rights and support of terrorism can negatively influence the image of Qatar on the international arena while their experience of interventions aimed at sustainability can be followed.

At the same time, intensive attention of international community to the mentioned problems that are related to the global concerns provides an opportunity for the solution of these issues. Thus, there is possibility to cease the conflict with Israel, improve labor policies, review homophobic laws, and continue the sustainable development of the country. Generally speaking, a country involved into such big activities should be ready to face challenges and make use of the opportunities.

Ali, L. (2014). LGBTQ criticism about the 2022 World Cup are not about protecting gays in Qatar. Muftah . Web.

Dorsey, J. (n.d.). Israel mobilizes to deprive Qatar of the World Cup . Huffington Post. 

FIFA. (2017). SC launches first ever fully demountable FIFA World Cup™ stadium . 

Henderson, J.C. (2016). Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup: Opportunities and challenges for Qatar . Journal of Sport & Tourism, 3-4, 281-298. 

Lewis, A. (2017). Migrant workers subjected to heat and humidity being put at risk, says Human Rights Watch . CNN Sport +.

Westall, S. (2017). FIFA says Qatar ‘may not have’ met World Cup bid standards, but it’s still hosting it . Global News. 

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Essay on Fifa World Cup

Students are often asked to write an essay on Fifa World Cup in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Fifa World Cup

The fifa world cup.

The FIFA World Cup is a global football competition. It’s organized by FIFA, the International Federation of Association Football. The tournament takes place every four years.

The first World Cup was held in 1930 in Uruguay. Since then, it has grown in popularity and prestige.

Competition Format

The tournament involves 32 teams from around the world. They compete in a month-long series of matches to win the title.


The World Cup unites people worldwide. It showcases the best of football, promoting sportsmanship and unity.

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250 Words Essay on Fifa World Cup

Origins and evolution of the fifa world cup.

The FIFA World Cup, a quadrennial football tournament, was first proposed by FIFA president Jules Rimet in 1928. The inaugural event took place in Uruguay in 1930, with 13 teams participating. Over the years, the tournament has grown exponentially, with the number of participating teams increasing to 32 in 1998.

Significance of the World Cup

The World Cup’s significance extends beyond the realm of sports. It serves as a platform for nations to unite and showcase their cultural, social, and political identities. The tournament’s global reach also provides an opportunity for countries to enhance their international reputation and stimulate economic growth.

Controversies and Challenges

Despite its popularity, the World Cup has not been devoid of controversies. Issues such as corruption within FIFA, concerns over the treatment of workers in host countries, and the environmental impact of such a large-scale event have sparked debates. These challenges highlight the need for FIFA to prioritize ethical practices and sustainability in its operations.

The Future of the World Cup

Looking ahead, the World Cup is set to evolve further. The 2026 tournament will see an expansion to 48 teams, reflecting the growing global interest in football. Furthermore, FIFA is exploring ways to enhance the tournament’s inclusivity and sustainability, thus ensuring that the World Cup continues to inspire and unite people worldwide.

In conclusion, the FIFA World Cup is much more than a football tournament. It’s a global event that brings nations together, promotes cultural exchange, and creates significant socio-economic impacts. However, it’s essential for FIFA to address the challenges and controversies associated with the tournament to ensure its long-term success and positive influence.

500 Words Essay on Fifa World Cup

Introduction, historical overview.

The first World Cup was hosted by Uruguay in 1930, with the host nation emerging as champions. The tournament was initially dominated by South American teams, with Uruguay and Brazil achieving early success. However, the post-war era saw a shift in power, with European nations such as England, Germany, and Italy establishing themselves as major forces. The tournament has grown in scope and scale over the decades, expanding from an initial 13 teams to the current 32, with a further expansion to 48 teams planned for 2026.

Significance and Impact

The World Cup is more than just a football tournament. It has socio-economic implications and can influence national identities. Hosting the World Cup can boost a country’s economy by attracting tourism, creating jobs, and prompting infrastructural development. However, it can also highlight social issues, as seen with Brazil in 2014, where public discontent over government spending on the tournament led to widespread protests.


Despite its popularity, the World Cup has not been without controversy. Allegations of corruption within FIFA have often overshadowed the tournament. The decision to award the 2022 World Cup to Qatar raised questions about FIFA’s bidding process, worker’s rights, and the feasibility of hosting a summer tournament in extreme heat.

Notable Moments

The World Cup has provided many memorable moments. Diego Maradona’s infamous “Hand of God” goal in 1986, Brazil’s dominance in the early 2000s, and Germany’s 7-1 demolition of Brazil in 2014 are just a few examples. These moments have contributed to the World Cup’s status as a global spectacle.

The FIFA World Cup, with its blend of sport, culture, and politics, is a unique event. Despite its controversies, the tournament’s ability to unite people from diverse backgrounds around a shared love of football is unparalleled. As the World Cup continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly remain a significant fixture in the global sporting calendar.

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Qatar FIFA World Cup, Essay Example

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The only sporting event that rivals the Olympics is FIFA World Cup, held every four years. Thus, it is no surprise that countries bid aggressively against each other to host FIFA World Cup because hosting the event allows them to demonstrate their economic and cultural prowess and also increases their profile and stature on the global stage. When Qatar was awarded the rights to host the 2022 World Cup, it was perceived as a historic moment because it is the first time a country in the Middle East will be home to such a high profile sports event. Hosting FIFA World Cup is a great honor for any country and it comes with certain obligations and high expectations. The recent news of hundreds of deaths among construction workers highlights the fact that Qatar has failed to fulfill the responsibilities that come with hosting a global event like FIFA World Cup, thus, the country should be stripped of the right to host the World Cup.

Mega sports events like FIFA World Cup also represent the collective progress mankind has made on social and cultural issues, thus, it is not a surprise that the deaths of construction workers has sparked a global outrage. If this had happened few hundred years ago, no soul would have been bothered by the news because different socioeconomic groups had different rights. But we have come a long way in terms of basic human rights. If organizations like FIFA choose to ignore ethical aspects in pursuit of economic interests, it sets a wrong precedent for other commercial organizations of all types. Today, organizations of all types are expected to fulfill their ethical obligations because the definition of stakeholders is much broader now.

If Qatar is allowed to keep the hosting right, it would set a wrong precedent for future hosts. By allowing Qatar to keep its right, FIFA will send the message that hosting countries can afford to ignore their ethical obligations as long as they are not exposed. And even if they are exposed, the damage could be contained with little or no consequences. FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s recent remark that there is plenty of time to deal with the issue (Gibson) only hurt’s FIFA’s ethical credentials. Stripping Qatar of hosting rights will send a strong message to future hosts that they cannot afford to ignore their social and ethical responsibilities because hosting right is not inalienable and if the situation warrants, FIFA will not hesitate from considering even the most extreme steps.

Qatar has been given the right to host World Cup in 2022 which still leaves us with nine years. Thus, FIFA cannot even hide behind the excuse of lack of time because many countries who bid against Qatar have the economical and technological prowess to complete preparations even if they are given the hosting right today. FIFA holds tremendous influence as a governing body of the most popular sport on the planet and it should display the courage to stand up to its obligations. Sports are meant to unite people and the current global sentiments against Qatar hosting the World Cup will only promote negative goodwill towards the event.

FIFA had responsibility to monitor preparations for the World Cup in Qatar and it failed so early. If the media didn’t highlight the issue, FIFA might never have taken notice. Thus, the right thing for FIFA is to make up for its failure because there is much more at stake than its economic interests or its ties with the Qatari Government. It’s still not late and FIFA may even enhance its reputation if it strips Qatar of the hosting right.

Gibson, Owen. World Cup 2022: football cannot ignore Qatar worker deaths, says Sepp Blatter. 4 October 2013. 7 October 2013 <http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/oct/04/world-cup-2022-fifa-sepp-blatter-qatar-worker-deaths?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487>.

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2022 World Cup: Safety Report Essay

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Risk analysis, delivery mechanisms, recommendations, reference list.

Prominent events, especially those that are related to sports tournaments, always attract large crowds of people to a particular location for a short amount of time. Such a rapid change in a place’s population density can lead to many hazards, both social and environmental. In the winter months of 2022, Qatar will welcome huge numbers of visitors to watch the World Cup football tournament (Brannagan & Giulianotti 2014).

Thus, the country’s duty will be to make sure that all arriving guests, tourists, players, and locals are safe during this time. Qatar may need to accommodate more than 1.5 million people in an extremely short period of time, which will put high pressure on the hospitality industry, the police, volunteers, and medical organisations.

The main aim of this report is to analyse the risks that may arise at the various events’ locations, as well as in the neighbourhoods where visitors will be staying. A key objective is to identify various dangers and their probability in order to direct the attention of officials to the most prominent issues. The second objective is to investigate these hazards in more detail, providing greater insight based on previous tournaments and similar events. This report will also attempt to develop strategies to effectively prevent, minimise, or resolve problems before and during the tournament. Finally, this examination will be complemented with suggestions for delivering safety-related information to visiting supporters.

In order to present the scope of possible risks, one has to analyse the nature of the tournament, as well as understand the location, the state of Qatar. The event, the FIFA World Cup, takes place in multiple locations (usually major cities) in a country for the duration of approximately one month. It is hosted by a nation of choice, and FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) is responsible for helping with the organisation as well.

Prior to the announcement of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, all past events have been held during summer months, in June and July. However, as Qatar is a state with high temperatures and a subtropical, desert climate, the organisation decided to move the dates of the 2022 tournament to November and December (Brannagan & Giulianotti 2014). This is the first change that may lead to a variety of problems, including fire risks, potential conflicts with players and team representatives, and visitors’ health during the travelling period.

Other issues may arise due to the concentration of people from different regions into one area. For instance, the rate of infections, especially conditions related to the digestive system, may increase as some visitors will consume unfamiliar or contaminated food. In Brazil, the 2014 World Cup had a similar problem, with visitors arriving with no vaccinations or being unaware of potential adverse food choices (Ritter & Tondo 2014; Shoaf, De Castro & Miranda 2014).

Acclimatisation of guests is another possible health concern, which may affect persons from countries with a colder climate in particular. A high concentration of people in stadiums can lead to physical trauma caused by the crowd’s movements.

Thus, analysing the risks of previously held World Cup events, as well as the unique traits of the Qatar region, one may identify a number of possible issues. First of all, a major hazard is fire – fire safety is crucial to such big events, especially if they are held in dry, hot climates. Other potential problems include the dissemination of infectious diseases, social issues which are exacerbated by the inflow of visitors, including transportation and accommodation, as well as enforcement and regulation of the alcohol ban (Rowe 2016). Finally, one must consider people’s concerns with regard to the multicultural nature of the event.

Risk Matrix for Discussed Hazards.

Included Hazards:

  • H1 – Fires.
  • H2 – Infectious Diseases.
  • H3 – Insufficient Accommodations.
  • H4 – Alcohol Ban.
  • H5 – Language Barrier.

The first hazard (H1) that one should talk about is fire. This is a danger that can result in substantial damage to people, property, and the environment. As such, fire can be considered a moderate to significant threat level, which also has a high degree of probability. It is possible that the choice to hold the World Cup during the colder months is a decision that will lower the risk of fires. Nonetheless, the temperatures in Qatar will most likely still surpass 20°C, which may have some impact on the structures that will be utilized during the tournament. Fires can appear for a variety of reasons – materials or equipment can overheat under the sun or due to malfunctions of cooling equipment, wiring and insulation. An additional hazard is that the starting location of some fires can be concealed from the public and responsible safety personnel.

In terms of fire safety, multiple issues may arise in places with a high concentration of visitors. For instance, hotels can encounter increased numbers of tourists whose accommodation will lead to additional strain on appliances. Moreover, hotels with outdated or unchecked devices for fire detection and prevention can cause danger. The lack of proper exit strategies, information, and untrained personnel constitute another risk and increase the potential impact of fires. Another point to consider is people’s awareness and behaviour in fire prevention and management. Visitors can contribute to the issue themselves, increasing the atmosphere of panic and disrupting the actions of responsible officers.

The second hazard to be discussed (H2) is the spread of infectious and other diseases. These may include both low-impact diseases, such as the common cold, and more serious conditions, including foodborne illnesses. This threat is highly possible, with an insignificant to moderate risk rating. For example, Ritter and Tondo (2014) discuss gastrointestinal disorders that can lead to hospitalisation and even death.

These problems may occur if people consume unwashed, undercooked, or incorrectly prepared products or liquids. Something as simple as drinking unclean water can result in large groups of people becoming affected by bacteria. Here, the source of infections can come from restaurants and other venues that serve food to visiting supporters. Similar to the previous hazard, cities involved in the tournament are primary targets for this problem, in particular the hotels, stadiums and the surrounding cafés. The outcome of multiple infection cases can include a major outbreak and high rates of hospitalisation, resulting in healthcare workers having to care for an increased number of patients.

The third possible threat (H3) is the inability of a city’s infrastructure to accommodate an increase in population. This issue includes multiple concerns such as an overloaded transportation system and lack of available living space for visitors. People will arrive in multiple cities at the same time, putting additional strain on airports, public transportation, as well as car-sharing and renting services. As a result, the host cities will have to navigate ways to make sure that all visitors have transportation to reach their hotel, stadium or other desired locations. At the same time, hotels will have to accommodate more tourists for a short period of time. Apart from the hazards mentioned above, this increase can also result in conflicts with staff, guests’ interpersonal issues, and tensions between different groups of people, in particular fans of different teams.

Another unique concern that will affect the 2022 World Cup is Qatar’s decision to maintain its ban on the public consumption of alcohol (H4). According to Rowe (2016), the government’s choice to ban alcohol from the streets and public spaces in Qatar is non-negotiable, and visitors should follow the established rules in order to navigate the country safely. This hazard, while not endangering arriving supporters directly, could result in conflicts and legal action if visitors fail to conform to the law in Qatar.

Here, the threats may be insignificant or small, especially if the visitors restrict their consumption of alcohol to the approved territories. Nonetheless, the risk of alcohol being found in public spaces should be recognised by authorities.

The final major concern that is related to the tournament deals with the multiculturalism and multilingualism of the guests. It is clear that not all visitors will possess a high level of English, and even fewer people will know Arabic. Therefore, all information has to be presented in a variety of languages. Failure to accommodate the needs of all visitors will lead to the final hazard (H5) – arriving supporters not having sufficient access to the necessary knowledge about events, transport, and general travel information.

Those arriving may speak as many as 30 different languages, and their cultural heritage may differ as well. Here, the outcomes of the risk range from an insignificant impact on visitors’ quality of stay to significant issues such as becoming lost or separated from a group. Therefore, the potential danger should be addressed in detail, predicting the consequences and preventing them.

The best approaches to the mentioned above risks should consider actions that would prevent risks and not just respond to them. Therefore, preparatory activities have to predict potentially dangerous scenarios and find ways of detecting the signs. First of all, the danger of fires can be lowered through staff education, equipment control and updating, and the development of comprehensive emergency plans (SPFE 2019). All personnel present in places of high visitors concentration should undergo training with fire drills and be provided with knowledge about flammable materials, risks, and exacerbating factors.

City officials should also ensure that all volunteers have an adequate understanding of fire escape routes for each building used in the tournament. All premises must have an updated emergency plan and equipment for fire elimination. Risk assessment officials should complete checks regularly to detect any changes. Moreover, cities officials should recruit additional squads of firemen to respond to arising issues. The major costs associated with addressing these risks are primarily connected to hiring of additional personnel, training, and equipment checks.

A similar strategy of education, regulation, and recruitment should be considered for healthcare and social problems. Hotel staff should be taught how to deal with conflict escalation and what to do in such emergencies as fire, a natural hazard, outbreak of disease, or violence. Hospitals should organise special units to receive visitors with complaints (Boyle 2015). All food services that might be engaged with the events and public spaces have to go through a quality and hygiene compliance inspection. Visitors should be advised to get vaccinations before arrival; they should also receive information about food-related precautions.

Information about the alcohol ban has to be disseminated prior to the guests’ arrival in the country with the help of social media, online publications, and other popular ways of data dissemination; this will be explained in additional detail later. Before the tournament, additional security should be hired to check event visitors for alcohol possession – this may include checks at stadium entrances. Finally, it is essential to remember that all information should be available to guests in a variety of languages. While it is impossible to train staff to communicate in all languages, officials should make sure that an adequate number of interpreters are hired to be present in emergency departments of stadiums. Major transport signs should have vital information presented in multiple popular languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese.

To notify the public about these hazards and reach a wider audience, officials can use multiple channels. In order to inform visitors about fire safety, signs and posters can be hung in halls and entrances to event-related buildings. Press releases should cover data that can help guests to prepare for the tournament. One may also consider the example of a pamphlet issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the previous event, the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. In this pamphlet, the issues of health and personal safety were listed in an easy to understand form. For the tournament in Qatar, the pamphlet can address:

  • High temperatures (advise regular hydration and light fabric for clothes);
  • The alcohol ban (consumption and possession are permitted only in special spaces such as hotels);
  • Infection risks (advise getting vaccinations and medical insurance before arrival);
  • Food safety (advise consuming properly washed and prepared food) (WHO 2018).

It is vital to note that these instructions should be disseminated in advance, one to two months before the events start. Furthermore, these guidelines have to be translated into major languages to ensure that every participating country is aware of the rules that will be enforced in the public areas. Also, the interpreters present at major events should be trained to answer questions about the rules and actions available to visitors.

The combination of information being delivered in both written and oral form should create a system of awareness among the public. One should remember that people’s behaviour is a major factor in preventing and mitigating most hazards such as fires and violence (SPFE 2019). Volunteers and security officers can also contribute to the public’s calm behaviour during emergencies and conflicts.

Events such as the 2022 World Cup require the government of the hosting country to consider a wide range of cultural, environmental and political issues of the world and their own state. In the case of Qatar, the usual hazards of popular events are joined by the country’s dry climate and strong alcohol-related rules, which may be unusual for some arriving guests. The changed date – winter instead of summer – is also an outcome of the country’s subtropical location. While during winter months Qatar’s weather is not as hot as it is in July, visitors are still exposed to the significant hazard of fire. At the same time, medical emergencies, such as food contamination, are also impacted by the climate. The usual drinking behaviour of fans during the tournament is challenged by the upcoming event’s rules as well.

The officials responsible for safety during the 2022 World Cup should address and prevent multiple hazards from occurring as far as possible. These include fires, social conflicts, insufficient transport and living arrangements, language barriers and medical emergencies. In Qatar, the alcohol ban is a unique risk for visitors – the enforcement of specific rules requires additional effort from the authorities and event managers.

The key central strategy of mitigating any of these risks is the education of staff and guests with the help of pamphlets, posters and volunteer support. The language barrier should be eliminated with the assistance of interpreters and multi-language signs. Finally, the major threat of fire has to be prevented with regular equipment checks, increased numbers of firefighters, and clear emergency plans for each building involved. Overall, the hazards range from insignificant (level 1) to significant (level 4) but their potential largely depends on the preparation of workers and the reaction of visitors.

ItemEntity ResponsibleDateApproximate Cost (Qatari Riyal)
Recruitment of additional firefightersMOI HRJanuary 2021 – June 202115 million
Staff educationMOI HRJuly-October 20222 million
Equipment checksControl and Inspection DepartmentRegular
Latest – October 2022
5 million
Translation of signs (including reprinting and installation)January-October 20227 million
Recruitment and training of interpretersMOI HRJuly-October 20228 million
Recruitment and training of traffic police officersMOI HRJanuary 2021 – June 202118 million
Pamphlets for visitorsMOI PRAugust-September 2022Online dissemination – from 50.000 to 100.000 depending on the publication
Preparation of hospitalsMedical Services DepartmentJanuary 2022 – June 2022

Boyle, T. 2015, Health and safety: risk management , Routledge, New York, NY.

Brannagan, PM & Giulianotti, R 2014, ‘Qatar, global sport and the 2022 FIFA World Cup’, in J Grix (ed), Leveraging legacies from sports mega-events: concepts and cases , Palgrave Pivot, London, pp. 154-165.

Ritter, AC & Tondo, EC 2014, ‘Foodborne illnesses in Brazil: control measures for 2014 FIFA World Cup travellers’, The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries , vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 254-257.

Rowe, D 2016, ‘ Alcohol will be banned in public spaces during the 2022 Qatar World Cup ’, Time . Web.

Shoaf, K, De Castro, CGO & Miranda, ES 2014, ‘Hospital preparedness in advance of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil’, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine , vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 409-412.

Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SPFE) 2019, Engineering guide: guide to human behaviour in fire , 2nd edn, Springer, New York, NY.

WHO 2018, Health advice for travellers to the 2018 FIFA World Cup in the Russian Federation . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, July 20). 2022 World Cup: Safety Report. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup-safety-report/

"2022 World Cup: Safety Report." IvyPanda , 20 July 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup-safety-report/.

IvyPanda . (2021) '2022 World Cup: Safety Report'. 20 July.

IvyPanda . 2021. "2022 World Cup: Safety Report." July 20, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup-safety-report/.

1. IvyPanda . "2022 World Cup: Safety Report." July 20, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup-safety-report/.


IvyPanda . "2022 World Cup: Safety Report." July 20, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup-safety-report/.

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FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Celebrating social impact and creating legacy

From the volunteers to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Legacy Fund, the 22nd edition of the greatest show on Earth touched the lives of millions – and will continue to do so.

As the tournament drew to a close, FIFA President Gianni Infantino took to the stage at Al Bidda Park to thank those people without whom none of the events of the month-long festival of football would have been possible – the volunteers.

In his address at the volunteer celebration event, President Infantino described the 20,000-strong army of volunteers as the “heart and soul” of the tournament.

“You are the best volunteers ever for the best World Cup ever, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, from all of those who love football, to all of you. You are fantastic,” he told the thousands who had gathered at the FIFA Fan Festival™ for the celebration.

Pointing out that only 20,000 had been selected from the over 400,000 people who had initially applied to become FIFA World Cup volunteers, President Infantino also made it clear that those who had made it were the best of the best.

“ You are the best volunteers ever for the best World Cup ever, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. ”

“Congratulations,” he said. “You are the heart and soul of the World Cup and, most importantly, you are the face and the smile of the World Cup. You are the first person that people see when they come to this fantastic World Cup, and the last person they see when they leave. Your smile is making this World Cup what it is, which is the best ever.”

Volunteers were at the heart of the tournament’s operations, providing support across a wide variety of sites such as stadiums, training sites, airports, fan zones, hotels and metro stations. They are always regarded as essential to the joyful atmosphere of any FIFA World Cup.

International Volunteers Day

Alongside the event at Al Bidda Park, and to celebrate International Volunteer Day on 5 December 2022, tournament organisers paid tribute to the volunteers during the Japan v. Croatia and Brazil v. Korea Republic matches at Al Janoub Stadium and Stadium 974 respectively.

In addition, volunteers were able to pose with the FIFA World Cup 2022 Winner’s Trophy at the volunteer hub located in the Doha Exhibition Centre for a once-in-a-lifetime photo opportunity. Workforce and Administration Director for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 LLC Rasha Al Qarni said, “We are so proud of all our volunteers. Their generous spirit can be felt in the positive atmosphere around the city and I’m certain their impact will create a lasting legacy for the culture of volunteering in the region.”

A Day in the Life of a volunteer

To truly understand the volunteer experience first-hand, French 1998 FIFA World Cup™ winner Marcel Desailly, former Manchester City and Ivorian superstar Yaya Touré and Qatari world and Olympic high-jump champion Mutaz Barshim went the extra mile and agreed to become volunteers for the day at the busy uniform distribution centre in Doha.

The three ambassadors were given official volunteer uniforms and briefed in their duties to help distribute uniforms to FIFA World Cup workforce staff and volunteers.

Asked how he enjoyed spending a day in the life of a volunteer, Desailly replied, “It was a great experience to understand the dedication, the passion and the commitment of the volunteers. Now we know, and we want each of the 20,000 volunteers to know, that all their amazing hard work is fully recognised and appreciated. The tournament could not be delivered without them.”

Workforce uniform volunteer Wan Nizam said, “Having these amazing sportspeople volunteering with us was a fantastic experience that I will cherish for life. It was an honour and pleasure to explain our role and guide them.”

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Legacy Fund

On the eve of the opening game, FIFA President Gianni Infantino announced that the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Legacy Fund would take a more global approach by focusing on educational projects and supporting the creation of a labour excellence hub.

“The legacy of the FIFA World Cup will take a different direction following the tournament in Qatar by having an international dimension that helps people most in need all across the world,” said President Infantino in his address to the Goal 2022 and Generation Amazing Youth Festival in Doha.

“Previous FIFA World Cup legacy funds have focused on developing football in the host country of that final tournament, but given Qatar’s capabilities, for this edition FIFA will take a more global direction. I would like to thank our colleagues in Qatar for accepting our proposal, which will help support many people in many countries.”

As part of this legacy plan, FIFA will allocate funding to support the education of children, particularly girls and women, located in developing countries so that they are provided with more opportunities to succeed. These projects will help to give children a chance to develop their skills and progress in their own lives, equipping them with the tools they need to create a better future for themselves.

“ The legacy of the FIFA World Cup will take a different direction following the tournament in Qatar by having an international dimension that helps people most in need all across the world. ”

In addition, FIFA will set aside funds dedicated to establishing a labour excellence hub in partnership with the International Labour Organization. The role of the programmes will be to share best practices in labour matters and support adherence to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights when hosting FIFA tournaments.

Although the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Legacy Fund is financed by a percentage of the commercial revenue generated through the competition, FIFA also invited external contributors to provide support after the tournament ended, in keeping with previous editions.

Giving the workers an experience of a lifetime

Delivering the infrastructure required to host the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was a construction project like no other. In addition to the training sites, seven brand-new stadiums – and one fully refurbished one – were delivered. This was an enormous undertaking involving thousands of construction workers.

In the final week of the tournament, some of those who had worked on these projects were handed the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play with and against some of the world’s most famous ex-footballers – at a stadium many of them had helped build.

In front of more than 5,400 friends and colleagues, 24 workers who had helped deliver key FIFA World Cup projects overseen by the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) took to the field alongside some of most iconic names in global football at Al Thumama Stadium in Doha.

The workers had been part of projects related to the eight state-of-the-art stadiums and 42 training sites and were selected based on their passion for football, their involvement in their community football programmes and their past participation in the Workers Cup – an annual tournament organised by the SC and the Qatar Football Association for migrant workers in the country.

“ It’s a great idea from FIFA to give back to some of the workers who have put so much hard work into the fantastic stadiums. ”

The FIFA Legends, who included FIFA World Cup winners Marco Materazzi, Roberto Carlos, Cafu, Youri Djorkaeff and Alessandro Del Piero, played two 30-minute halves.

Former England captain John Terry, who played in two FIFA World Cups, was also among the legends, and praised the initiative.

“It’s a great idea from FIFA to give back to some of the workers who have put so much hard work into the fantastic stadiums,” he said after the game. “To open the stadium up to other fans to come and see [it] free of charge, as well. It’s fantastic. It’s just great for them to come and play with us, but also for us to meet them personally, and experience the pitch. As ex-players, it’s always nice.”

“ I really enjoyed everything. It was like a dream come true to see some of these guys. They are legends. The emotions were amazing, I enjoyed every bit of it. ”

Meanwhile, one of the participants lining up against the FIFA Legends, Justice Boye Odoi from Ghana, said it was an experience he would never forget. “It was incredible,” he said after the game. “I really enjoyed everything. It was like a dream come true to see some of these guys.They are legends. The emotions were amazing, I enjoyed every bit of it. I was excited to see [Alessandro] Del Piero, especially, and Clarence Seedorf. They are amazing players.”

Introducing the sensory rooms: another FIFA World Cup™ first

Working with local stakeholders, the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy, FIFA and the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 LLC set up sensory rooms for fans with access requirements at three Qatar 2022™ stadiums: Al Bayt, Lusail and Education City.

The spaces allowed fans to watch matches in a quieter place equipped with assistive technology and expert staff on hand. The offering also included the largest deployment of sensory rooms at a mega sporting event in history.

A number of mobile sensory rooms were also set up across Qatar to give fans the opportunity to step away from large crowds or loud music. Locations included the Corniche, where the SC organised a vast number of cultural activations, and the FIFA Fan Festival at Al Bidda Park.

“ As a child with autism, his senses can be overloaded, but these sensory rooms make the experience very manageable. ”

For Adel Al Awad, bringing his 13-year-old brother, Ibrahim, to a FIFA World Cup match was an important experience. “I am delighted to see Ibrahim being given the opportunity to attend football matches. He loves the game, and is always excited when we go to the stadium. Although he loves the sights and sounds of being in the stands, they can sometimes be a bit too much for him. As a child with autism, his senses can be overloaded, but these sensory rooms make the experience very manageable,” he said.

Federico Addiechi, FIFA’s Head of Sustainability & Environment, added: “For each edition of the FIFA World Cup, we step up our commitment to sustainability. Qatar 2022 is becoming a standard bearer for other major sporting events when it comes to accessibility, going beyond basic infrastructure. This is about ensuring that every fan feels welcome and a part of this event, and we are proud of what we have achieved.”

The 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup also featured a number of firsts for disabled fans, including the availability of audio-descriptive commentary in Arabic at all matches. In addition, the tournament was hailed as the most accessible edition of the FIFA World Cup in history – with all eight stadiums being outfitted with facilities for disabled fans.

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Infantino: FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ preparations are ‘best ever’

FIFA President speaking in Doha as part of the Education Speaker Series

Discussion explored social, cultural and economic legacy of the tournament

President Infantino was joined by Supreme Committee Secretary General Hassan Al Thawadi and Machaille Hassan Al-Naimi, President of Community Development, Qatar Foundation

Qatar is more ready to host a FIFA World Cup™ than any nation in history and will deliver the “best World Cup ever”, FIFA President Gianni Infantino has told Qatar Foundation’s Education City Speaker Series as the build-up to the global sporting showpiece enters its final year. A virtual event held to mark the one-year countdown to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ – which kicks off on 21 November 2022 – heard how the tournament will create a cultural, social, and economic legacy for Qatar and the region, including through cruise ships that will act as ‘floating hotels’ for fans going on to play a post-World Cup role in boosting Qatar’s tourism and industry. During the discussion, titled FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™: The Countdown to History, Qatar Foundation (QF) and the FIFA Foundation announced a new partnership focused on inclusivity and engaging young people of different abilities through sport, including a Football for Schools app that will go global in 2022.

“I have never seen a country so ready to host a World Cup as Qatar,” President Infantino told the Education City Speaker Series. “In terms of infrastructure, everything is ready, which means that for the next year we can focus on making sure every fan coming to Qatar will have an incredible experience in a welcoming part of the world, in a great country and in a great region. It will not only be the best World Cup ever, but also a truly unique one.” Speaking about how the first FIFA World Cup™ in the Middle East and the Arab world will support FIFA’s efforts to grow the global game, the President said: “Our vision at FIFA is really to make football truly global. We often say it is a global sport, but (when) you scratch beneath the surface, you realize that top professional football is still very concentrated between a few teams in Europe. We need to give more opportunities and more access to the world through football, and the Arab world, in this respect, is crucial in this. “There is a population of 450 million people, and there is a great passion for football among the Arab world. I think it is absolutely fitting to have the World Cup here for the first time in history. I believe that World Cup, being such an amazing event, really has the power to inspire young generations and develop football at all different levels.”

He continued: “We, at FIFA, in Qatar, and everyone that is part of the team organizing the FIFA World Cup, want to really embrace sustainability, because we want to make football, and the impact that football has in the world, better from one World Cup to the next. The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ will really be a highlight, because we have the commitment from Qatar and that is something unique, that will be seen from now until the World Cup (finals), but much more importantly, after the World Cup as well.” His Excellency Hassan Al Thawadi, Secretary General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy was also on the panel and described the tournament as “a great opportunity to showcase the culture, heritage, and hospitality of this part of the world”. He added: “The World Cup is a gateway for piquing the interest of people from all walks of life to come to Qatar, the Middle East, and the Arab world, and for us to showcase ourselves to the world. Machaille Hassan Al-Naimi, President of Community Development, Qatar Foundation added: “At QF, we are a living, breathing city within a city, and we are playing a very unique role in supporting the World Cup from the perspective of sustainability, research, and community development, all of which are core mission areas for us. “We want to ensure tournament volunteers learn about our Arabic language, history, and culture, so the legacy of the volunteer program extends beyond the World Cup.”

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FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament. (2020, May 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay

"FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament." StudyMoose , 2 May 2020, https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay

StudyMoose. (2020). FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay [Accessed: 6 Sep. 2024]

"FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament." StudyMoose, May 02, 2020. Accessed September 6, 2024. https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay

"FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament," StudyMoose , 02-May-2020. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay. [Accessed: 6-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2020). FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay [Accessed: 6-Sep-2024]

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FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

  • 19 Dec 2022
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Why in News?

Recently, Argentina won the FIFA (Fédération internationale de Football Association) World Cup 2022 held in Qatar by defeating France.

What is the FIFA World Cup?

  • The most prestigious tournament in the world - taking place quadrennially.
  • Held in Uruguay in 1930, Won by Uruguay.
  • The trophy cup awarded from 1930 to 1970 was the Jules Rimet Trophy , named for the Frenchman who proposed the tournament.
  • A new trophy called the FIFA World Cup was put up for competition in 1970.
  • Golden Boot (Most number of Goals) - Kylian Mbappe (France)
  • Golden Glove - Emiliano Martinez (Argentina)
  • Golden Ball (Performer of the Tournament) - Lionel Messi (Argentina)
  • Young Player - Enzo Fernandez (Argentina)
  • FIFA Fair Play Award - England
  • Al Rihla is the first World Cup ball to be made exclusively with water-based inks and glues.
  • At the time of First FIFA WC (1930), there was no official ball and both the finalists - Uruguay (T Model ball) and Argentina (Tiento) - brought their own balls.
  • Pakistan produces more than 2/3 rd of the world's footballs, with Sialkot being the hub of manufacturing.
  • ‘La’eeb’ in Arabic translates to ‘super-skilled player’.

UPSC Civil Services Examination, Previous Year Questions (PYQs)

Q1. Consider the following statements in respect of the Laureus World Sports Award which was instituted in the year 2000: (2021)

  • American golfer Tiger Woods was the first winner of this award.
  • The award was received mostly by ‘Formula One’ players so far.
  • Roger Federer received this award the maximum number of times compared to others.

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d)  1, 2 and 3

Q2. Consider the following statements in respect of the 32nd Summer Olympics: (2021)

  • The official motto for this Olympics is ‘A New World’.
  • Sport Climbing, Surfing, Skateboarding, Karate and Baseball are included in this Olympics.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q3. Consider the following statements in respect of the ICC World Test Championship: (2021)

  • The finalists were decided by the number of matches they won.
  • New Zealand was ranked ahead of England because it won more matches than England.

Source: FIFA

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Student Opinion

Will You Be Watching the 2022 World Cup?

The decision to host the World Cup in Qatar has led to concerns about corruption and human rights. Should we still watch?

Credit... Illustration by Cristiana Couceiro; Photographs by EPA, via Shutterstock (ball), Reuters (euro), Associated Press (dollar), Getty Images (desert, skyline)

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Jeremy Engle

By Jeremy Engle

  • Nov. 22, 2022

Please note: Our Student Opinion questions specifically invite the voices of young people. We ask that adults respect the intent of this forum and refrain from posting here.

Are you a soccer fan? Is the World Cup a big deal for you or for people where you live?

The 2022 World Cup began in Qatar this weekend, with the best national soccer teams competing for the title of world champion. The games, which normally start in late spring or summer, were pushed to accommodate the desert country’s climate — one of many reasons this is a weird and contentious event this year. Around a billion people are expected to watch the final on Dec. 18.

You can learn more about the World Cup in Qatar by reading The Times’s F.A.Q. or following live updates here .

To get the big picture, however, start with “ A Contentious World Cup ,” a conversation between Lauren Jackson, a writer for the newsletter The Morning, and Tariq Panja, a sports reporter for The Times. Here are some excerpts:

Lauren: I grew up in Arkansas, where we watched a different kind of football. Can you give me a sense of how big the World Cup is globally? Tariq: There’s nothing bigger than this, not even the Olympics. The World Cup is the most watched event in the world. It happens every four years, and it’s a highlight of many people’s lives. These 32 teams capture the imagination of supporters even outside their borders, particularly in Asia, where most countries historically do not qualify for the World Cup. People may adopt a team and support them with a fervent passion. This is the fourth World Cup you’ve covered. What is different about this one? This is the first time that the games are being played in November and December. Because of the desert heat in Qatar, the schedule had to be changed, upending the entire global soccer calendar. European soccer, for the first time, has been paused halfway through the season . Players now have less time to train with their national teams. These games have normally been held in different cities across huge countries, like Russia, Brazil or South Africa. This is the smallest location ever to host this tournament. In 2009, Qatar put forward the most extravagant bid in history to host the World Cup. Why did it want to host so badly? Qatar is a tiny speck in the Gulf desert wanting the world to know it’s here. It’s the first Arab and first Muslim nation to host a sporting event of this size. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are looking on enviously, giving Qatar clout. In 2009, Qatar spent tens of millions of dollars to try to host the World Cup. They paid famous athletes like Zinedine Zidane, one of the best players in history, to support their bid. Still, Qatar’s bid seemed like a joke. It was so outlandish as a concept. They were getting questions about the heat, about how they could fit the games in a country smaller than Connecticut and whether they would allow alcohol. When FIFA’s president at the time opened the envelope and Qatar’s name came out, immediately everyone zeroed in on corruption. The investigations that followed forced FIFA to change the way it designated a host, and revealed how a country was able to bend the world to its will through force of cash.

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    Qatar World Cup in 2022 Essay. FIFA World Cup 2022 is the second tournament of the World Cup football and be hosted by the State of Qatar. On December 2010 FIFA announced that Qatar host World Cup 2022. FIFA president joseph Blatter said the outcome of vote let Qatar be the first Arab country host World Cup 2022 in the Middle East, and Qatar ...

  7. Qatar FIFA World Cup, Essay Example

    Qatar has been given the right to host World Cup in 2022 which still leaves us with nine years. Thus, FIFA cannot even hide behind the excuse of lack of time because many countries who bid against Qatar have the economical and technological prowess to complete preparations even if they are given the hosting right today.

  8. 2022 FIFA World Cup

    Simple English; Slovenčina; ... The 2022 FIFA World Cup was the 22nd FIFA World Cup, the world championship for national football teams organized by FIFA. It took place in Qatar from 20 November to 18 December 2022, after the country was awarded the hosting rights in 2010. [2]

  9. The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar Research Paper

    For the first time, FIFA World Cup will be held in winter. The list could be prolonged as there are many other unusual facts and scandals associated with this event. That is why the 2022 Qatar World Cup has been subject to huge amounts of scrutiny since its announcement of hosting the Cup. Get a custom research paper on The 2022 FIFA World Cup ...

  10. FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ in numbers

    Audience figures. Around five billion people engaged with the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, following tournament content across an array of platforms and devices across the media universe. On social media, according to Nielsen, there were 93.6 million posts across all platforms, with a 262 billion cumulative reach and 5.95 billion engagements.

  11. 2022 World Cup: Safety Report

    Prior to the announcement of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, all past events have been held during summer months, in June and July. However, as Qatar is a state with high temperatures and a subtropical, desert climate, the organisation decided to move the dates of the 2022 tournament to November and December (Brannagan & Giulianotti 2014).

  12. 2022 FIFA World Cup final

    The 2022 FIFA World Cup final was the final match of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the 22nd edition of FIFA's competition for men's national football teams.The match was played at Lusail Stadium in Lusail, Qatar, on 18 December 2022, the Qatari National Day, and was contested by Argentina and defending champions France.With a record 1.5 billion people watching on television, the final became one of ...

  13. Social impact of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 ...

    Tournaments & Events. Celebrating social impact and creating legacy. From the volunteers to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Legacy Fund, the 22nd edition of the greatest show on Earth touched the lives of millions - and will continue to do so. As the tournament drew to a close, FIFA President Gianni Infantino took to the stage at Al Bidda ...

  14. Infantino: FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ preparations are 'best ever'

    A virtual event held to mark the one-year countdown to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ - which kicks off on 21 November 2022 - heard how the tournament will create a cultural, social, and economic legacy for Qatar and the region, including through cruise ships that will act as 'floating hotels' for fans going on to play a post-World ...

  15. FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament

    The World Cup is truly the biggest sporting event in the world, not only by the fact that it has the most viewers, but also by the amount of money put towards hosting the match stadiums, ticket purchases, and merchandise purchases. FIFA World Cup 2022 is the second tournament of the World Cup football and be hosted by the State of Qatar.

  16. FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

    The trophy cup awarded from 1930 to 1970 was the Jules Rimet Trophy, named for the Frenchman who proposed the tournament. A new trophy called the FIFA World Cup was put up for competition in 1970. Key Highlights of FIFA WC 2022: Awards: FIFA announced a number of awards to recognize the great performance of players throughout the WC including

  17. The Perceived Impacts of Staging the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

    This paper aimed to examine residents' attitudes and perceptions of the social and cultural impacts of the 2022 FIFA World Cup and to understand the legacy dimensions of this sport event in Qatar. Drawing on social exchange theory, this paper reports results from survey data comprising 1018 nationals and 1014 expatriates who participated in ...

  18. Will You Be Watching the 2022 World Cup?

    Around a billion people are expected to watch the final on Dec. 18. You can learn more about the World Cup in Qatar by reading The Times's F.A.Q. or following live updates here. To get the big ...

  19. Qatar World Cup

    The international football event is scheduled to take place in Qatar in 2022. The FIFA World Cup of 2022 will be the 22nd FIFA World Cup. The football tournament will be based on 32 national teams. The national team of the host country will also be a part of this tournament, on the basis of the assumption that the current schedule and format of ...

  20. Search

    Come on referee, you weren't supposed to see this! Come on referee, you weren't supposed to see this!

  21. 2026 FIFA World Cup

    The 2026 FIFA World Cup, marketed as FIFA World Cup 26, [2] will be the 23rd FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international men's soccer championship contested by the national teams of the member associations of FIFA.The tournament will take place from June 11 to July 19, 2026. It will be jointly hosted by 16 cities in three North American countries: Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

  22. Qatar: Rights Abuses Stain FIFA World Cup

    The FIFA World Cup from November 20 to December 18, 2022, will be played following years of serious migrant labor and human rights abuses in Qatar, Human Rights Watch said today, publishing a ...

  23. Football latest news & gossip

    Follow all the latest news and gossip from the world of football.