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100 creative 6th Grade Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts |

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100 Creative 6 th Grade Writing Prompts

Sixth grade is the right time to introduce students to activities that promote self-expression and improves their overall writing skills. In this post, we have come up with a list of 100 writing prompts — from storytelling and expository to research and creative writing prompts — to help students tap into their creativity and hone their writing skills.

In this post, we have for you:

  • Storytelling writing prompts
  • Research writing prompts
  • Reflective writing prompts
  • Narrative writing prompts
  • Expository writing prompts
  • Procedural writing prompts
  • Creative writing prompts

So, let’s put this show on the road.

creative writing activities for 6th grade

Storytelling writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • When we found that the grandpa’s closet opens up to a deep forest, we decided to…
  • As I was walking around the local park, a dog came up to me and said, “You have got to listen to my story.” And then he began speaking…
  • The most surprising thing we have found in our school was…
  • As I was cleaning the attic in my grandparent’s house, I found the genie’s lamp. I decided to…
  • My brother and I were in the first fight ever. It all began when…
  • Our dream family vacation to… got canceled my younger brother woke up with…
  • As the world’s first 12-year scientist, I need to share my invention…
  • My first road trip with my dad didn’t go as per the plan. First…
  • When Lucy opened her lunch box, she couldn’t help exclaiming “Ugh” because the food looked as gross as…
  • I got the biggest surprise of my life when my dog…
  • I had never laid eyes on a dragon until that morning when our school took us to the nearby jungle as part of a trekking tour.
  • I woke up one morning only to find I have been turned into a big bug. While I was still coming to terms with this, my mother shouted, “Hurry up or you’ll be late for the school.” So I did what I had to do, which was…

Research writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • How much time do students spend on the internet?
  • How much screen time students have per day?
  • Does social media makes peer pressure worse?
  • How long can human beings survive without water?
  • How long can human beings survive without food?
  • How long can fish survive out of water?
  • Research your dream career? Mention all the things you must do to achieve it.
  • Research the childhood of your favorite writer?
  • When, why, and how was your country founded?
  • How long camels can go without drinking water? Can they survive long? If yes, how do they manage that?
  • How smoking affects your lungs?
  • Which has been the most important discovery in the last 50 years?
  • What steps can we take to minimize global warming?
  • What are civil rights? Who fought for them?
  • How do penguins survive in extreme cold?
  • Are polar bears good swimmers? If yes, how are they able to swim efficiently in spite of their weight?
  • How much food does an elephant needs in a day?
  • How shark uses senses to hunt?

creative writing activities for 6th grade

Reflective writing prompts for 6 th grade

  • Write about a time when you were not able to keep a promise. What had happened? How did you feel?
  • What’s the best thing about being in the 6 th grade?
  • What’s the worst thing about being in the 6 th grade?
  • What has been your biggest learning in the last six months?
  • What are the qualities that a good friend must have?
  • Write about three qualities you admire in your dad?
  • Which sport you like the best and why?
  • List your favorite extracurricular activities. What have you learned from them?
  • Track the weather for five days? Which was the most comfortable day?
  • How students can reduce their screen time?
  • Is reading a more satisfying activity than watching television?
  • What are the negative effects of social media?

Narrative writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • Do you think you can go three months without the internet?
  • Write a letter to your emotional self?
  • Is it important for kids to have responsibilities and chores at home?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is being bullied at the school?
  • Which animal in your opinion represents your personality the most and why?
  • Do you like making new friends? Why or why not?
  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
  • Write a poem or essay about your parents?
  • Describe your favorite family vacation?
  • Think about the best day in your life so far. What made the day so memorable?
  • Think about the worst day in your life so far. What made the day so miserable?
  • Which is your favorite book? How has it impacted you?
  • Which your favorite movie? Why do you like it so much?
  • Think about your future self. Write about a day in your life, five years from today.
  • Tell a family story from the perspective of your mom.
  • Who is the fittest person you know? Would you like to become as fit as this person? Why or why not?
  • Write about how it feels to spend a night at home alone?
  • What are three great things about your school?
  • Describe your life if you lived during the Middle Ages?
  • What is the biggest problem the world is facing today? How would you solve it?
  • How did computers affect our lives?
  • Imagine you were asked to pick a new holiday. Describe what you’ll be celebrating and how.
  • Could you live without a cell phone for a year? How would you communicate with your friends?
  • How hearing and listening are two different things?
  • If you could go back in time, which year would you choose?
  • You meet a wise man who knows answers to all questions, but you can ask him only one question. What would you ask?
  • Who is the oldest person you know?
  • Think about a time you were not able to keep a New Year’s resolution? What had happened? Why did you fail?

creative writing activities for 6th grade

Expository prompts for 6 th grade

  • Describe your favorite short story in your own words.
  • Find an interesting story in the newspaper or a local magazine and write it in your own words.
  • Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences between you and your sibling or your best friend.
  • In what ways Barrack Obama and Abraham Lincoln are similar? In what ways they are different?
  • Is life as a sixth grader today different than it was when your parents were studying in the sixth grade? If yes, how it is different.
  • Compare and contrast your two close friends.
  • How has been your school year so far? What are the main highlights? 
  • What was the cause of the recent argument you had with your mom or dad? How did it go?
  • Compare and contrast two of your most favorite books?
  • How is empathy different from sympathy? Explain the concept of empathy?
  • How important is to have a hobby? Explain the benefits of having a hobby.
  • Explain a problem in your school? How would you solve it?
  • How has cell phone changed our lives?
  • Is there really something as cell phone addiction? If yes, what it is?
  • Gaming addiction is on the rise among kids? How do you think we can tackle this problem effectively?

Procedural writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • Your friend wants to learn how to play your favorite board game. Explain the steps to him or her.
  • Explain a grandparent how to use Facebook.
  • Explain a reader how to play your favorite computer game.
  • Write step-by-step instructions to tie shoelaces.
  • Explain a reader how to play your favorite card game.
  • Write step-by-step instructions to create a post on Instagram.
  • Explain how to complete all the levels of a video game.
  • Describe how you get home from school.

Creative writing prompts for 6 th Grade

  • If you could spend a week in any holiday destination in the world, where would you go?
  • If you had the power to communicate with pets, what conversations would you have?
  • Write a poem that describes your family.
  • If you could meet one media personality, who would you choose and why?
  • If you could change one thing about your country, what would you choose and why?
  • You wake up one morning to find that you can fly. What adventures will you have?
  •  You wake up one morning to find that you have grown taller and your clothes and shoes don’t fit you anymore. What would you do?

We hope these writing prompts will help get your pen or pencil moving. Some of these writing prompts need research, some are intellectually challenging, and some others are fun and creative. If you would like more writing prompts, have a look at this post , which offers tons of additional writing prompts you can use to unleash your writing talent. Good luck!

  • Get other writing prompts for kids here :
  • 3rd-grade writing prompts
  • 4th-grade writing prompts
  • 5th-grade writing prompts
  • Middle School Writing Prompts

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10 Creative Writing Activities That Help Students Tell Their Stories

Lower the stakes and help them get started.

Share your story message written on three post it notes

“I don’t have a story. There’s nothing interesting about my life!” Sound familiar? I don’t know a teacher who hasn’t heard students say this. When we ask our students to write about themselves, they get stuck. We know how important it is for them to tell their own stories. It’s how we explore our identities and keep our histories and cultures alive. It can even be dangerous when we don’t tell our stories (check out this Ted Talk given by novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and share it with your students for more on that). Storytelling is essential for every subject, not just English Language Arts; students dive deeper and engage when they practice thinking about how their own stories intersect with historical events, civic engagement, and the real-world implications of STEM. These 10 creative writing activities can work in every subject you teach:

Here are 10 of our favorite story telling activities that inspire students:

1. write an “i am from” poem.

A students I Am From creative writing activities

Students read the poem “I am From” by George Ella Lyon. Then, they draft a poem about their own identity in the same format Lyon used. Finally, students create a video to publish their poems. We love this one because the mentor text gives a clear structure and example that students can follow. But the end result is truly unique, just like their story.

2. Design a social media post to share an important memory

collage of historical images creative writing activities

How can you use your unique perspective to tell a story? We want our students to learn that they are truly unique and have stories that only they can tell that other people want to hear or could relate to or learn from. In this activity, students watch two Pixar-in-a-Box videos on Khan Academy to learn about storytelling and perspective. Then, they identify an interesting or poignant memory and design a social media post.

3. Create an image using a line to chart an emotional journey

creative writing activities for 6th grade

How do you show emotion using a single line? In this activity, students watch a Pixar in a Box video on Khan Academy to learn about how lines communicate character, emotion, and tension. Then they experiment with these aspects as they write their story. We love using this for pre-writing and to help students explore their story arc. Also, for students who love to draw or learn visually, this can help them get started telling their story and show them that there are many different ways to tell a story.

4. Tell the story behind your name

creative writing activities for 6th grade

Sharing the story behind our name is a way to tell a story about ourselves, our culture, and our family history. And if there isn’t a story behind it, we can talk about how we feel about it and describe what it sounds like. In this activity, students use video to introduce themselves to their classmates by discussing the origin of their name. This project asks students to connect their names (and identities) to their personal and familial histories and to larger historical forces. If you’re looking for a mentor text that pairs well with this one, try “My Name” by Sandra Cisneros .

5. Develop a visual character sketch

Give students the time to create a character sketch of themselves. This will help them see how they fit into their story. In this lesson, students create a visual character sketch. They’ll treat themselves like a character and learn to see themselves objectively.

6. Create a webpage to outline the story of your movie

creative writing activities for 6th grade

Building a story spine is a great way to show students how to put the parts of their story in an order that makes sense. It’s an exercise in making choices about structure. We like this activity because it gives students a chance to see different examples of structure in storytelling. Then, they consider the question: how can you use structure to set your story up for success? Finally, they design and illustrate an outline for their story.

7. Respond to a variety of writing prompts

Sometimes our students get stuck because they aren’t inspired or need a different entry point into telling their story. Give them a lot of writing prompts that they can choose from. Pass out paper and pencils. Set a timer for fifteen minutes. Then, write 3-4 writing prompts on the board. Encourage students to free-write and not worry about whether their ideas are good or right. Some of our favorite prompts to encourage students to tell their story are:

  • I don’t know why I remember…
  • What’s your favorite place and why?
  • What objects tell the story of your life?
  • What might surprise someone to learn about you?

8. Create a self-portrait exploring identity and self-expression

creative writing activities for 6th grade

Part of what makes writing your own story so difficult for students is that they are just building their identity. In this activity, students explore how they and others define their identity. What role does identity play in determining how they are perceived and treated by others? What remains hidden and what is shown publicly?

9. Film a video to share an important story from your life

creative writing activities for 6th grade

Encourage students to think about how to tell the story of a day they faced their fears. Students consider the question: How can you use different shot types to tell your story? They watch a video from Pixar in a Box on Khan Academy to learn about different camera shots and their use in storytelling. Then, they use Adobe Spark Post or Photoshop and choose three moments from their story to make into shots. We love using this to help students think about pace and perspective. Sometimes what we leave out of our story is just as important as what we include.

10. Try wild writing

Laurie Powers created a process where you read a poem and then select two lines from it. Students start their own writing with one of those lines. Anytime that they get stuck, they repeat their jump-off line again. This is a standalone activity or a daily writing warm-up, and it works with any poem. We love how it lowers the stakes. Can’t think of anything to write? Repeat the jump-off line and start again. Here are some of our favorite jump-off lines:

  • The truth is…
  • Some people say…
  • Here’s what I forgot to tell you…
  • Some questions have no answers…
  • Here’s what I’m afraid to write about…

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Explore printable Writing worksheets for 6th Grade

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