power point presentation topic images

A Guide to Using Images and Photos For Powerpoint

power point presentation topic images

No matter what industry you’re in, you’ll likely be tasked with creating PowerPoint presentations to use in meetings, for marketing, or as a standalone piece of sales collateral to hand off to a client. Whatever the context, a PowerPoint presentation allows you to share information in an easily digestible, visual format that informs the reader and brings your story to life. Presenting images alongside your text is a surefire way to make your slides more eye-catching, but it takes some finesse to give your audience information without the overload.

Creating an aesthetically pleasing PowerPoint can be a make-or-break deal, and the photos you use – along with the the right combination of colors, fonts and other graphic elements – can either convey professional credibility and inspiration, or be a jumbled mess that your audience won’t know how to decipher. In this guide, we’ll go over the best practices for using images in PowerPoint (or the slide deck program of your choice).

Tips for Presenting Images

Text, colors, and icons can’t always do the heavy lifting of a presentation on their own — using photos in PowerPoint will make your ideas feel more immediate, human, and relatable. Think about your key messages and your brand identity before adding images to your presentation. What story are you trying to tell? What audience are you trying to speak to?

A blank text-only Powerpoint slide vs. a slide with a background photo to illustrate that presenting images in Powerpoint is a more clear and impactful way to engage your audiences and help them more quickly internalize your findings.

Visuals are essential to creating an engaging presentation. Audiences will tune out if they see nothing but text.

Generally, you should focus on adding photos to your PowerPoint that support and emphasize your key statements, rather than overshadow or distract from them. Selecting more muted background images for presentation slides can also maintain the look, feel, and texture you desire without attracting too much focus.

Here, we’ve compiled a handy guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint presentation design and selecting the right images:

1. Use High Quality Photos

Nothing can tarnish your professional credibility quicker than seeing a blurry, pixelated image in your presentation. This is why adding high-resolution stock photography to your presentation is a must, and drawing from the wealth of professional photos available on a site like Noun Project will lend your slides an immediate air of professionalism.

Go to NounProject.com/photos and search for keywords related to your main idea. You can view specific collections like Diversity in Tech , Empowered Women , Students , and Hiking , and explore additional images by photographer as well.

When you’ve found a stock photo you like, be sure to download it in the resolution you want. Noun Project offers many photos for free in a lower resolution, but depending on how large your final presentation will be, you’ll want the highest resolution that can be expanded to fit your screen without pixelation. Always double check to make sure that the picture still looks crisp at full screen size.

The do’s and don’ts of Powerpoint: insert images into your Powerpoint at the highest possible resolution so that they don’t appear blurry and pixelated. Be sure that the stock photos you download and insert have at least the same dimensions as the presentation slide itself.

Tip: Standard screen resolutions are 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high (and most default PowerPoint templates have these dimensions). Be sure your photo is at least the same dimension if you’re doing a full screen size to avoid pixelation.

2. Practice Consistency

Chances are, your entire presentation focuses on a single overarching idea and the photos you use should reflect that. In addition to finding the right subjects, pay attention to the other aesthetic qualities of the photos you bring in. Are they in a similar, complementary color scheme? Are they shot in similar environments for a consistent tone (e.g., sleek and corporate, rugged and outdoorsy, urban and gritty, or light and playful)?

Two examples of how using images in Powerpoint sets the tone for the whole presentation, and the stock photos you insert should work in tandem with other text and color choices to accentuate your theme.

Use images in PowerPoint that support and accentuate your theme and overall tone. The images you use throughout should complement each other without repeating or looking too dissimilar.

The most fail-proof way to ensure consistency is to draw from an individual photographer or a particular photo shoot. Stock photographers will often shoot several different angles, poses and variations from a single scene, so you can find just the right shot for each slide and remind your audience that this is all part of one cohesive message.

Noun Project organizes stock photos in collections from individual shoots, so almost any image you click on will have similar ones from the series available. Bear in mind, though, that you don’t want to use too many similar images — the more you can change scenes without shifting the tone, the better.

Find stock photos for Powerpoint that are all by the same photographer or are part of the same collection — this will help maintain the visual consistency of your presentation.

Adding photos to a presentation from the same photographer is the easiest way to keep it visually consistent. If you insert photos from the same shoot, just make sure you add enough variety so it doesn’t become repetitive. Pictured: Fitness photo collection by Jacob Lund.

Once you have your desired photos downloaded (and ideally put in the same folder in your hard drive), here’s how to add pictures to PowerPoint:

  • Simply click and drag the picture file (as .JPG or .PNG) from your file finder window into the PowerPoint pane. You may see the “Design Ideas” toolbar pop up on the side of your pane, with different options you can try out to arrange visual elements.
  • Alternatively, go to Insert > Pictures > Picture from file , and select the photo you want from your finder.


3. Avoid Photo Clutter

The photos you add to your PowerPoint should be presented one at a time, or minimally enough to maintain focus — too many photos can cause clutter and become distracting. You don’t want the photo to be the sole star of the show — you want it to support your statements and add emotional resonance to your messages.

When presenting images, you only need to add one or two stock photos to your Powerpoint slide to get your point across. If you want to insert multiple photos into your presentation, try to align them within an overarching grid system so that the slide doesn’t become visually cluttered.

There may, however, be occasions when you want to use multiple images that support a unifying topic: for example, steps in a process or different ways that customers can purchase your product.

If you ever want to add one or more smaller photos, rather than a large background image, here are a few rules of thumb:

  • Crop the photos to the same size or shape: Having mixed dimensions makes the overall composition feel unbalanced. Whether you choose a square, rectangle, or circle shape for your photos, making them all the same size and shape will boost the scannability of your page.
  • Group and align: Again, scannability is key. When you group the elements of your page together in an even and consistent way, people will visually register the pattern and can digest the content more quickly. For example, you may have three groupings that consist of an image, headline, and descriptive body text. Make sure that these elements are (1) clustered together so they form one unified thought, (2) grouped to match each other so they form a visual “rhythm” across the page with equal text sizes, line weights, and image dimensions, and (3) aligned and justified along the X or Y axis for legibility (in PowerPoint, select multiple objects and go to Arrange > Align to line them up along the same axis).
  • If using different sized photos, fit them together into a cohesive shape . A binding element like a grid with solid lines will help the photos appear on the page like neatly fitted puzzle pieces. Again, keep overall alignment in mind — the more your content stays organized in tidy rows and columns, the more scannable it will be.

Using multiple stock photos on a single Powerpoint slide can quickly become visually messy — the Design Ideas column on the right will automatically generate tidier grid formats to fit your images into.

If you must use multiple photos, PowerPoint’s Design Ideas toolbar will give you options to array them in a neatly aligned grid. Focus on creating a tidy overarching shape to avoid the cluttered “collage” effect.

4. Choose Photos Over Clipart

Clipart has been nearly synonymous with PowerPoint and other programs since the ’90s, but unfortunately hasn’t evolved much with the times. While a piece of clipart from the web may encapsulate or accentuate your key themes, keep in mind these aesthetic considerations:

  • Professional credibility is lost when your design looks “dated” or “cartoonish,” but gained when your presentation is sleek and modern.
  • While aiming for visual consistency, also bear in mind that more muted and subtle visuals — from the photos you choose to the icons that illustrate your key points — help keep the focus on your words and ideas, rather than your visual aids
  • If you want to add a more sleek, modernized look, browse Noun Project’s collection of over 3 million icons to find a corresponding set to include.

Steer away from outdated Clip Art and instead use a combination of tasteful stock photos and polished, sleek, and matching icon sets to create a slide that appears more modern and on-brand.

For a more polished and modern look, go for minimalist and visually consistent icons to accentuate key messages, rather than clipart.

Tip: The PowerPoint Add-In for Noun Project lets you search and pull in icons right there in the software without having to leave your workflow. Go to Insert > Add-Ins > Get Add-Ins and search for Noun Project. Once you open the Noun Project Add-In window and log in to your account, choose icons from the same collection to ensure that they’re visually consistent.

The Noun Project Powerpoint Add-In lets you search from our robust library of over 3 million icons and insert them directly into your Powerpoint slides without having to leave your workflow.

Find the Noun Project PowerPoint Add-In on NounProject.com or, from PowerPoint, go to Insert > Add-Ins > Get Add-Ins to search for Noun Project icons.

5. Don’t Use Watermarked Images

Even if it is small, a watermark can be distracting and, once spotted, can negatively impact your credibility. Be sure to use free photos and credit the photographer, or pay for the photos you use in your presentations to avoid the loss of credibility and trust that can occur when you use watermarked images.

Not sure what usage rights you have with an image? Let’s cover the basics of how to cite images in a presentation: Questions about fees, licenses, and usage rights are common, and citing images in a presentation is the standard expectation for free photos so that the photographer gets credit. Fortunately, Noun Project Photos provides a transparent model for photo usage and licensing — any free photo download is licensed under Creative Commons, which allows you to use the photo for noncommercial purposes, without creating derivatives, as long as you provide attribution to the photographer.

The “Basic Download” option will not only give you a free, CC-licensed image, but tell you exactly what attribution information you should include when you cite it. Once you click “Get This Photo,” you’ll see the image title and photographer name listed in a text box — simply copy the text and include it on your slide to properly cite the image.

How to cite photos in Powerpoint: take a look at the licensing and attribution info provided when you download a stock image from Noun Project Photos. Noun Project Photos provides many free stock photos for presentations, but copying attribution text to include in your Powerpoint slides is necessary to credit the original photographers.

Noun Project Photos provides a transparent licensing model in which photos are free to use with attribution under Creative Commons.

Your presentation may have a footer for notes, where such a citation could easily fit. If not, many presentations will have all the attributions listed on a final page. Under Creative Commons, both methods are acceptable.

6. Maintain Diversity in Photos

The truth is incontrovertible: representation matters. Stock photography — like much of the broader media and marketing landscape — has faced a chronic issue with only representing a particular sub-sect of the population, and more and more consumers have started to notice. At Noun Project, we’re dedicated to ensuring that the visual resources we share are inclusive, free from outdated stereotypes, and more accurately reflect the world we live in . Through initiatives like our Diversity in Tech and Empowered Women photo collections, we’re championing more equal and accurate representation in the world of stock photography.

Double-check the photos you’ve added to your presentation and ask yourself: Does this speak to the widest possible audience, or does it leave certain groups out of the picture?

Noun Project Photos is the best website to find diverse, inclusive, and free images for Powerpoint presentations. Our stock photo library is curated to better reflect the world we live in.

Noun Project offers diverse, inclusive photos, so you can finally leave the stuffy corporate photo shoot in the past. Audiences want to see natural, non-posed, high-quality photos that better resemble day-to-day life.

7. Keep it Simple.

Finally, slides should be readable. The visual elements you choose should bolster the core message of each slide, rather than overshadowing it. Key things to watch out for are:

  • Less text, more talk . Unless you’re handing off a comprehensive sales deck, you as the presenter should be doing the talking — not the words on the page. Focus on using short bullet points to extract main ideas and keywords, rather than numerous full sentences.
  • Check your text size. Bigger is better (and with less text on the page, it should have more room to breathe). But don’t forget about hierarchy: there should be a clear distinction between headlines and supporting text.
  • Check legibility . Are you using simple, legible text for body copy? Does the text appear clearly against the background? Up the contrast or find a more suitable background that doesn’t strain the eye.

Search for “Copy Space” photos to add to your presentation. The best background photos to add are those that have plenty of white space for you to add your own content. While bold, busy photographs might be the most visually striking, bear in mind that your text needs room to breathe. A quick Noun Project search for “Copy Space” will lead you to more minimal photographs that include this built-in space for text.

When you use stock photos for Powerpoint, be sure that there is enough copy space or solid-color white space so that you can add text without it interfering with the background.

Search for photos with copy space to give your text legibility. Tip: If you need to set text against a more visually busy background, add a semi-transparent color block. Add a rectangle (Insert > Shapes > Rectangle) underneath your text, give it a black fill, but adjust the transparency until the text becomes clearer while leaving the photo visible.

Explore More Stock Photos for PowerPoint at Noun Project

Noun Project Photos features professionally-selected, inclusive, beautiful and affordable images created by a global community of photographers. We’ve curated our collection to put visual clichés and tired, outdated stereotypes to rest — so you can find stunning images for any project. With worry-free licenses, you’ll support photographers and have peace of mind with clear image usage rights, including model and property releases.

Explore the collection at thenounproject.com/photos/ and follow our blog for more tutorials about visual communication.

power point presentation topic images

Marketing Communications Manager at Noun Project, Designer and Illustrator.

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Blog > Best Sources of free Images to use in PowerPoint Presentations

Best Sources of free Images to use in PowerPoint Presentations

01.01.20   •  #powerpointtips.

Finding license free photos on the internet can be difficult. Many good pictures are not free or not usable for commercial purposes – looking for good ones that are free to use can get exhausting. Therefore, we decided to show you our 5 favourite websites for free images that you can use for PowerPoint presentations (or for anything else).

1. Unsplash

Unsplash is an amazing resource for high-quality images, which can be used for private or commercial purposes and can even be modified. Pictures are distributed by photographers all around the world. Even though crediting isn’t required, it is very much appreciated and a way for the artist to gain more prominence.


power point presentation topic images

The Pexels-License is simple – you can edit photos as you like and use them for all purposes. Crediting is not required. We adore this resource for its huge variety of categories and professionally shot images.


power point presentation topic images

3. Freerange

Freerange images are distributed by their “in-house”-photographers or by the community. Just like the previously mentioned ones, it is free for non-commercial as well as commercial use – attribution not necessary. You can find all kinds of content in the photos, and the amount grows every day.


power point presentation topic images

4. Creative Commons

CC is a giant network that was built to provide content that is free to use. They provide public licenses and a feature for searching pictures – where you can choose if you want something for commercial purposes, something that can be modified, or both.


power point presentation topic images

Pixabay provides tons of pictures (photographs and also great illustrations!) and even videos. They’re being shared by a community. To use Pixabay’s content you do not need permission, and it is free to use for all purposes. Pictures and Videos can be changed and adapted as you would like.


power point presentation topic images


PikWizard holds a large library of free and paid stock images and videos. The are images for which you need to pay for are labeled with "Premium". For the free images no attribution is required. What's cool is that you can directly edit the images on the site without the need to download.


power point presentation topic images

With SlideLizard CREATOR , you can quickly update images, logos and colours automatically. You can save your slides in a central library and changes are automatically updated on all presentations. To find your slides as quickly as possible, you can also organise them with tags and folders.

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About the author.

power point presentation topic images

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Vertical communication.

Vertical communication means that information is passed from one person to the next according to a linear system based on their titles. This type of communication is used when a company follows a hierarchical structure or for important, sensitive information.

Classroom Communication System (CCS)

A Classroom Communication System allows students and teachers to communicate efficently online. It improves students' engagement as they are animated to ask questions, give feedback and take notes. There are various companies that offer CCS solutions.

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous Learning means that the learning is time-shifted. The communication between student and teacher are time-delayed.

Effect Options

In the effect options in PowerPoint, further details can be specified for the selected effect.

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81 Impressive Free Presentation Backgrounds for Outstanding Presentations

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By Lyudmil Enchev

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4 years ago

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free presentation backgrounds

Update: May 19, 2022

A collection of free presentation backgrounds for any topic.

Nowadays, presentations need to look modern and eye-catchy in order to keep the audience’s attention from beginning to end. Believe it or not, the visual factor plays a huge role in engaging your viewers. In this collection of free presentation backgrounds , we’ve gathered high-quality graphics – ready to import into your PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote presentations and resize according to your needs.

In this article you will find: Free Business Presentation Backgrounds Free Minimalist & Geometric Presentation Backgrounds Colorful Gradients & Artistic Free Presentation Backgrounds Free Technology Presentation Backgrounds Free Liquid Presentation Backgrounds Free Cute Presentation Backgrounds Free Vintage Presentation Backgrounds Free Paper Presentation Backgrounds Free Holiday Presentation Backgrounds Bonus Backgrounds

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Free Business Presentation Backgrounds

Business presentation backgrounds are slightly different than other types of backgrounds. Unlike more casual presentations, business presentations usually consist of a business-related stock photo – office space, formally dressed people, whiteboards, etc. Take a look at the backgrounds we’ve collected for your company presentation:

Blurred Office Interior Background

1. Blurred Office Interior Background

Blurred light photographs are great for business presentations where they can fit in any slide.

Light Corporate Interior Background

2. Light Corporate Interior Background

This blurred hallway interior image can ideally match a professional presentation.

Person Writing on Laptop Background

3. Person Writing on Laptop Background

Workstation backgrounds complete your idea if they don’t distract. In this case, the person working on a laptop is positioned in the corner of the frame.

Free Modern Business Building Background

4. Modern Business Building Background

This background might be an amazing first slide. But even if used somewhere else, it will still do a great job, unless used in all slides.

Free Business Handshake Network Creation Background

5. Business Handshake Network Creation Background

An amazing background for corporate presentations that is perfect for teamwork, business communication, partners, or proposals slides.

Businessman in Office Modern Skyscraper Landscape Background

6. Businessman in Office Modern Skyscraper Landscape Background

This background, although made as a photograph, can actually help you achieve the formal vibe you are looking for.

Free Minimalist & Geometric Presentation Backgrounds

Suitable for literally any kind of presentation, these minimalist presentation background designs come with attractive geometric shapes and pleasant color combinations. The graphics are highly modern right now, so your presentation will certainly impress with good taste and professionalism. The resources are also available in fully editable and resizable vector file formats.

geometric free presentation background

7. Modern Geometric Background

Shapes are very pleasant for the eye. This background uses very “soft” colors, making it quite feminine and good-looking.

modern abstract triangle lines composition free presentation background

8. Black and White Geometry Background

Playing with black and white backgrounds is the best way to proceed if you want to accent the text. This one looks stylish and modern, and it will add a premium feel to your slides.

modern abstract background with red lines

9. Simple Dark Geometry Background

Using two dominant colors in one background is a great combination. It shows great power and even a bit of provocation.

Squares and Circles Free Full HD Background

10. Fresh Squares and Circles Background

Utilizing different shapes and a few variants of blue is a good mix. A non-intrusive design for presentations.

abstract blue lines composition free presentation background

11. Abstract Blue Lines Background

This abstract blue lines background fits the standard business practices of non-aggressive design.

Colorful Memphis Style Free Full HD Background

12. Colorful Memphis Style Background

This Memphis-style background shines with its combination of minimalistic design combined with shapes all around the place.

elegant modern abstract soft colors free presentation background

13. Cool Modern Colors Background

If you had to pick one image to explain the term “technology”, that would probably be it.

Free Trendy Outline Shapes Background

14. Trendy Outline Shapes Background

A casual style background with simple shapes with playful colors plus trendy black strokes.

geometric 80s style free presentation background

15. Neon Modern Shapes Background

Abstract geometry definitely has its place under the sun and is becoming a hot trend – your younger audience will love it!

abstract colourful gradient shapes free presentation background

16. Colorful Geometry Shapes Background

This colorful background is an amazing option for presentation design that aims to get more creative.

blue gradient geometric shapes free presentation background

17. Modern Lines and Dots Background

This background with blue/purple colors and linear shapes is perfect for more creative presentations.

Minimalist Shapes Free Full HD Background

18. Minimalist Shapes Background with Pastel Gradients

The minimalist signature is easily recognizable and the use of pastel gradients “softens” the shapes.

Simplistic Free Full HD Background

19. Simplistic White-Grey Background

Light, neutral background with dots and lines that can be used in any presentation.

free psd blurred backgrounds

20. 4 Simple Style Backgrounds

Four simple backgrounds can be used for any purpose. You will find an orange, purple, red, and cyan background for your presentations.

15 Free seamless patterns

21. Seamless Patterns Mega Bundle with 15 Free Geometric Pattern Backgrounds

A huge pattern designs bundle with over 1000 premium. Still, you have 15 free seamless patterns that you can use as backgrounds to lit up your presentations.

Colorful Gradients & Artistic Free Presentation Backgrounds

The delicate play with colors is very important when it comes to presentation background – it should be easy on the eyes and feel… right. This collection is everything you need if you are looking for a vibrant, colorful background for your presentation. Free gradient presentation backgrounds, watercolor backgrounds, and more artistic suggestions for your colorful slides.

blue transition free presentation background

22. Blue Tone Gradient Background

Gradient backgrounds make flat colors look more vibrant. The blue tones are quite relaxing and trustworthy.

watercolor set of free presentation backgrounds

23. 4 Artistic Texture Backgrounds

Textures can be attention-grabbing. Picking such background can create a more professional feeling.

modern gradient free presentation background

24. Nice Warm Colors Gradient Background

Warm colors are typically better for cheerful presentations, as they “uplift” the mood.

light texture free presentation background

25. Cool Cold Colors Gradient Background

If you have to come up with a presentation related to a marine topic, that’s your perfect choice.

seamless gradient free presentation background

26. Modern Blue Gradient Background

Blue and purple are two solid colors. Using this background gradient is perfect for business presentations.

orange gradient free presentation background

27. Energetic Orange Gradient Background

A clean background with a vivid orange color gradient. Perfect for different energetic presentations.

colorful free presentation background

28. Colorful Rainbow Gradient Background

Using a rainbow gradient is an amazing option for presentations dedicated to kids, or teenage audience.

blury bokeh free presentation background

29. Elegant Blury Bokeh Background

Stolen from photographers, the “bokeh” effect background makes presentations stand out.

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Free Technology Presentation Backgrounds

Presentation background designs suitable for technology and business presentations. These backgrounds look high-tech and modern but still won’t steal away the attention of the viewer. Available in vector file formats which makes them fully editable and resizeable depending on your presentation style and dimensions.

free abstract blue geometric shapes background

30. Modern Technology Background

This high-tech background design is perfect for innovation and digital presentations.

free abstract presentation background

31. Abstract Modern Tech Background

Abstract design with modern simple squares – an amazing option for high-tech presentations.

Abstract Futuristic Free HD Background with Honeycomb

32. Abstract Futuristic Background with Honeycomb

This abstract and futuristic dark background is perfectly suitable for technical presentations.

free white presentation background with blue tech hexagon

33. Futuristic Technology Interface Background

Great technology background with minimalist, clean design that will fit any high-tech presentation.

Free Liquid Presentation Backgrounds

A selection of free presentation backgrounds with liquids and bubbles. Flat or 3D, these backgrounds are super immersive and certainly impressive. They will be the perfect addition to a wide array of presentation topics. You can get them completely for free as fully editable and resizable vector file formats .

liquid color futuristic free presentation background

34. Blue Liquid Background

The combination of dark blue and light blue is an amazing option for a presentation. An amazing option, especially for financial services.

yellow orange monochrome realistic liquid free presentation background

35. Yellow Liquid Background

These cheeky shapes and colors are an amazing way to present something that can be qualified as everything but boring. Great for uprising sales, or summer theme for example.

purple violet monochrome realistic liquid free presentation background

36. Purple Liquid Background

Purple is a royal color and combined with a liquid design background it becomes even better for a modern-day classy presentation.

Monochrome Free Liquid Background

37. Monochrome Liquid Background

A perfect blend between using 3D forms and gradient colors. The blur effect and reflections are also attributed to the exquisite look of this background.

modern liquid abstract futuristic free presentation background

38. Modern Blue-Green Liquid Background

It’s an interesting, yet impressive background design. You can definitely stand out with this modern, blue-green liquid background.

colourful watercolor effect abstract free presentation background

39. Watercolor Background with White Blue and Purple

This background, in particular, doesn’t have a practical use in business presentations but it fits perfectly in artistic ones.

living coral realistic liquid effect free presentation background

40. Liquid Shapes Monochrome Background

You’ll rarely come across a better realistic 3D background for medical presentations.

dynamic modern fluid style free presentation background

41. Modern Dark Liquid Background

Compared to a couple of the previous backgrounds, this dark liquid background is pretty standard and it can fit multiple presentation themes.

Free Cute Presentation Backgrounds

Cute backgrounds are often used for educational projects  – especially when presenting in front of kids. Smile-bringing designs will always win you emotional points, and it’s always a good idea to have a themed background or two just in case.

Cute Free Animal Vector Background

42. Cute Animal Background

In this background, you can find cute 2D animals all around the frame. At the same time, the central part is filled with white space, so you can add text there.

Colorful Pastel Color Pattern Background

43. Colorful Pastel Color Pattern Background

These beautiful rounded shapes add the feeling of watercolor art and we can definitely catch the pattern design.

Space Rocket Free Child Background

44. Space Rocket Child Background

If you’re about to teach a science class – that might be perfect. Well, unless you have university students.

Blue Pastel Free Sky and Clouds Background

45. Blue Pastel Sky and Clouds Background

It’s a simple blue background with white clouds. It can be used as a theme for a whole educational presentation.

Cute Free Doodle Frame Background

46. Cute Doodle Frame Background

This beautiful cute doodles frame is also matched with a rainbow border vector and free text space in the center.

Green Park Illustration Landscape Background

47. Green Park Illustration Landscape Background

There is nothing more suitable for educational presentation than a simple landscape illustration with trees, clouds and sun.

Free Vintage Presentation Backgrounds

Retro and vintage looks are quite modern right now, so no wonder people are choosing vintage looks for their presentations, as well. In this selection of free presentation backgrounds, you will find ornamental backgrounds, grudge backgrounds, worn-out materials, old paper effects, antique looks, damasks, etc. All are free to download in vector file formats – fully editable and scalable.

ornamental vintage floral free presentation background

48. Ornamental Vintage Floral Background

Vintage backgrounds, especially floral are a very strong point if you’re coming with flower-related topics.

vector grunge vintage frame free presentation background

49. Vintage Frame Background

Frames are typically used in photography, so go for it if you have lots of pictures in your presentations.

damask pattern free presentation background

50. Damask Pattern Vintage Background

Damask pattern is a specific vintage style which will not only look good, but also grab attention by being unique.

grunge free presentation background

51. Grunge Texture Background

This grunge background focuses on the main picture, so it’s great for quizzes or presentations where there is one central topic.

vintage old used paper texture free presentation background

52. Retro Grunge Texture Background

If you have a presentation related to Ancient times (especially Egypt), that’s your background.

pretty peacock pattern vector free presentation background

53. Vintage Shapes Pattern Background

These vintage shapes are quite peculiar but you can use them for boring topics to give “life”.

grunge hearts free presentation background

54. Grunge Hearts Background

Another cool background design is the grunge hearts. It can be used for many presentations.

old page paper vintage antique free presentation background

55. Old Paper Antique Texture Background

Old Paper can perfectly fit any slide related to the Middle centuries.

blue vector grunge free presentation background

56. Blue Grunge Background

Another amazing grunge background that can be the greatest companion of any history-related presentation.

vintage paper retro antique free presentation background

57. Vintage Paper Retro Background

Vintage paper can be an amazing background for any presentation for hand-made products.

Free Paper Presentation Backgrounds

Paper and cardboard textures give presentations a homey and hand-made feel. In this selection of free presentation backgrounds, you will see different paper textures. Adaptable for any presentation theme, these designs can be downloaded in vector file formats and edited in vector-based software.

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58. White Paper Texture Background

Paper texture can be great for teachers who want a neutral background.

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59. Package Paper Background

Package paper is great for presentations related to delivery services.

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60. Simple White Paper Background

A simple white paper background that can fit any need.

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61. Brown Paper Background

Another great background for delivery services presentations.

Paper Note Memphis Style Background

62. Paper Note Memphis Style Background

The combination of blank space and surrounding in Memphis Style makes this colorful background perfect to give a modern look to your presentation.

Free Holiday Presentation Backgrounds

Holiday backgrounds should not be used every day but they can be powerful triggers. Holiday presentations spark emotions which can be a good way to convey your message during festive periods. Let’s see some of the best free holiday backgrounds you can use for the occasion.

Free Christmas Decoration Photo Background

63. Christmas Decoration Photo Background

A marvelous Christmas concept background where you can add text on the left part of the slide and the Christmas elements are on the right.

White Free Simple Christmas Background

64. White Simple Christmas Background

If you’re into texture and white backgrounds, this free Christmas photo is for you.

Cartoon Snowy Christmas Free Vector Background

65. Cartoon Snowy Christmas Vector Background

This free vector background gives you the chance to edit details or add some more Christmas decorations.

Cute Christmas Background with Illustrations

66. Cute Christmas Background with Illustrations

The Christmas decorations are placed at the top and bottom of the background, so you have free space right in the middle.

Free Halloween Spider Web Background

67. Halloween Spider Web Background

A great combination of orange (the color associated with Hallowen) and spider web makes this vector background very straight to the point.

Flat Free Hallowen Vector Background With House

68. Flat Hallowen Vector Background With House

A flat illustration background with Halloween’s color palette and some standard “scary” motives.

Free Easter Egg Photo Frame Background

69. Easter Egg Photo Frame Background

You can easily “catch” the Easter topic with the dyed eggs and the basket. The M&Ms are also an original idea to add flat shapes.

Watercolor Light Easter Vector Background

70. Watercolor Light Easter Vector Background

Watercolor Easter backgrounds look natural and beautiful. They can be a great addition to any Easter-related presentation.

Beautiful Landscape Thanksgiving Autumn Illustration Background

71. Beautiful Landscape Thanksgiving Autumn Illustration Background

This illustration has the color palette of autumn which is also associated with Thanksgiving day.

Hand Drawn Free Thanksgiving Illustration Vector Background

72. Hand Drawn Thanksgiving Illustration Background

In the hand drawn thanksgiving illustration we can find the typical colors of autumn, plus the pumpkin and, of course, the Thanksgiving turkey.

Watercolor Thanksgiving Free Background

73. Watercolor Thanksgiving Background

Watercolor art is very distinctive and for the “Thanksgiving” topic, it can create some beautiful results.

Thanksgiving Free Full HD Photo Background

74. Thanksgiving Decoration Photo Background

The combination of a white background with green and brown leaves, plus pines and pumpkins enriches the image and adds contrast.

Bonus Presentation Backgrounds

A collection of high-resolution photos that impress with super high quality. These images show attention to detail but are still humble enough to keep the audience focused on your content. Attribution for using these images is not required, although it’s appreciated.

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75. Clean Package Boxes Background

It’s a lovely background that is good for Christmas topics or any gift-related presentations.

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76. Elegant Decoration Background Image

If you’re looking for a background for your wedding agency, you’re in the right place.

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77. Pencils and Office Items Background

The elements in the background suggest you it is a perfect match for teachers and lecturers.

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78. Simple Clean Background with a Book

Books are symbol of liberty and education. The background is great for science presentations.

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79. Bridge Landscape Photography Background

Golden Gate bridge stands tall. So is the background which can be used for all kinds of presentations.

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80. Sunset Background Image

Sunsets are proven to be stress-relieving, making this background suitable for meditation business presentations.

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81. Monochrome Landscape Background

Skyscrapers, shady pinks, and overall – the perfect cosmetics presentation.

That’s it!

We hope this collection of free presentation backgrounds was useful to you. We hope it helps you make your next presentation super impressive and successful. If you’d like to see even more freebies, go ahead and have a look at these awesome suggestions:

  • 39 Free Google Slides Templates For Your Next Presentation
  • The Best Free PowerPoint Templates to Download in 2022
  • How to Start and End a Presentation: 10 Practical Tips to Grab Attention

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Lyudmil Enchev

Lyudmil is an avid movie fan which influences his passion for video editing. You will often see him making animations and video tutorials for GraphicMama. Lyudmil is also passionate for photography, video making, and writing scripts.

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: January 17, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

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10 Free PowerPoint Templates

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It‘s impossible for me to tell you the specific design ideas you should go after in your next PowerPoint, because, well, I don’t know what the goal of your presentation is.

Luckily, new versions of PowerPoint actually suggest ideas for you based on the content you're presenting. This can help you keep up with the latest trends in presentation design .

PowerPoint is filled with interesting boilerplate designs you can start with. To find these suggestions, open PowerPoint and click the “Design” tab in your top navigation bar. Then, on the far right side, you'll see the following choices:

power point presentation topic images

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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140 Creative PowerPoint Presentation Topics for College Students

power point presentation topic images

November 3, 2021


When it comes to creating a good PowerPoint presentation, choosing an interesting topic can define your success. Both teachers and students get bored with dull presentation topics. To avoid losing your audience and getting a lower grade, you should start with mulling over a few cool presentation ideas to pick a perfect topic.

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Since there are so many different subjects, it might be rather difficult for you to find suitable topics for presentation assignments. Prior to getting started, go through this checklist and settle on one topic:

  • Do a Research Go online and look for interesting presentation topics. There is no guarantee that you will find a good subject to explore, but you can draw inspiration to come up with your own idea.
  • Talk to Your Teacher Your professors can provide you with some unique presentation ideas if you seek their help at once. Don’t wait until another student gets a cool topic; be the first to ask.
  • Consider Your Interests The easiest way to make an effective presentation is to tell about something you are interested in or know well. The best presentation topics ideas come from a person’s expertise or experience. So think carefully about what makes you engaged in a particular subject and use it to construct a topic.

If you are still uncertain about your presentation, read on to find a wide range of engaging presentation topics.

A List of Interesting Presentation Topics for College

To help you make your college presentations exciting, we have composed the list of universally interesting topics in various subjects. The areas of study are arranged in alphabetical order.

Agriculture Presentation Topics

  • Environmental impact of agriculture
  • Development and utilization of bio-based fuels
  • How world population growth affects global demand for commodities
  • Americans waste their food
  • Trump’s return to conventional agriculture
  • How GMO labeling works
  • Anti-pollution efforts anyone can put in
  • How is your beef treated before it ends up on your plate
  • How is permaculture different from organic gardening
  • Is there a future for sustainable agriculture?

Art Presentation Topics

  • Popular misconceptions about oil paintings
  • Is graffiti an artwork?
  • The art of digital photography
  • World weirdest museums
  • Greatest painters of all time
  • Peculiarities of Orientalism in art
  • Religious aspects of art
  • Impressions from Impressionism
  • Posters and collages: modern art
  • The art of murals

Architecture Presentation Topics

  • Modern garden architecture
  • Examples of post-modernist architecture
  • Environmentally friendly architecture
  • Architectural design
  • World’s most impressive pieces of architecture
  • Religious architecture
  • Greatest architects of all time
  • Industrial architecture
  • Best examples of landscape architecture
  • Architectural engineering

Business Presentation Topics

  • Pros and cons of family-owned business
  • Business ethics as a key factor in corporate success
  • Evolution of entrepreneurship
  • How does a franchise work
  • Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing
  • Is freelancing a career?
  • Effective management techniques
  • How to create a healthy workplace environment
  • Importance of the workplace diversity
  • Perks of e-commerce

Criminal Justice Presentation Topics

  • Hate crimes in different age groups
  • What you should know about human trafficking
  • How to deal with domestic violence
  • Danger of cybercrime
  • How to prevent crime
  • How prison system works
  • Consequences of wrongful conviction
  • Capital punishment
  • Elder/child abuse
  • Types of juvenile delinquency

Environment Presentation Topics

  • How urban ecology works
  • Notion of environmental racism
  • Size and impact of industrial pollution
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Consequences of deforestation
  • What is ecofeminism?
  • Contamination of groundwater
  • Exposure to nuclear waste
  • How bad is air pollution?
  • Management of water resources

History Presentation Topics

  • Role of the USA in Vietnam War
  • Constitutional history of the US
  • Rise and fall of the Roman Empire
  • A typical day of an ancient Egyptian
  • Interesting facts from Cleopatra’s biography
  • Ancient Greece and the origins of democracy
  • Historical aspects of Sumerian mythology
  • Famous women in world history
  • Unknown facts about Geronimo
  • Legacy of African-American folklore

Lifestyle Presentation Topics

  • Difference between consumption and consumerism
  • Role of social media in our personal life
  • Why are people obsessed with celebrities?
  • Which family values still matter?
  • Drug and alcohol substitutes
  • Social issues of dating violence
  • How efficient is online dating?
  • Spending quality time with your friends
  • Growing up in the same-gender family
  • Does sport equal health?

Literature Presentation Topics

  • Haiku: Japanese poetry at its best
  • Stendahl and his two colors of French novel
  • Literary genre of mystery and detective fiction
  • George Orwell and dystopian literature
  • Evolution of the short story genre
  • Kabuki, a traditional Japanese theater
  • Gods in Scandinavian mythology
  • Catharsis and Greek tragedy
  • Peculiarties of medieval drama
  • Origins of science fiction literature

Psychology Presentation

  • Archetypal attraction to horror movies
  • Difference between stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice
  • False memory disorder
  • Gender roles in modern society
  • What is social identity?
  • Cognitive models of decision making
  • Individual differences in reasoning
  • Nature of cognitive dissonance
  • Experimental social psychology
  • Basics of self-reflection

Science Presentation Topics

  • What determines body mass index?
  • How harmful is tobacco smoke?
  • Germ theory of disease
  • Sleep deprivation, patterns, and habits
  • Cosmology versus cosmogony
  • Marijuana use, dependence, and abuse
  • What do we know about genes and DNA?
  • Role of biotechnics
  • Greatest women in science
  • Origins of modern calculus

Sports Presentation Topics

  • Popular sports superstitions
  • Where do the fastest cars race?
  • Greatest athletes of all times
  • Little known facts about the Olympics
  • Equine therapy for autistic kids
  • History of basketball
  • Famous animal athletes
  • Origins of martial arts
  • Which sports cause most injuries?
  • Traditional sports you never heard of

Technology Presentation Topics

  • Evolution of artificial intelligence
  • Ethical hacker: Can hacking be legal?
  • Possibilities of solar energy
  • How a lie detector works
  • Prospects of green technology
  • Ethics of genetic engineering
  • Eco-friendly means of transportation
  • Networked culture of social media
  • Risks of nanotechnology development
  • SpaceX’s interplanetary spaceship

5 Minute Presentation Topics

  • Greatest discoveries of the last decade
  • Industrial impact of autonomous cars
  • Governmental control of the Internet
  • iOS versus Android
  • Gender difference in IQ
  • Reasons to stop watching horror movies
  • Busting fast food myths
  • Can an atheist have virtues?
  • Blogging as self-employment
  • Why care about politics?

help me make my powerpoint presentation

60 Extra New PowerPoint Presentation Topics

Topics on politics.

  • The global view of politics by students.
  • Is tolerance a current approach to developing new political virtues?
  • Reasons to justify liberal democracy.
  • The difference between parliamentary and presidential elections and forms of democracy.
  • Should politicians go extra mile to ensure that the community is prosperous?
  • Do you agree that coronavirus situation in the New York City can be used as a means of promoting nationalization?
  • Do you agree that the situation with the anti-coronavirus masks shortage is connected with the government mess done on purpose?
  • The situation with corruption among politicians on a global scale.
  • Compare and contrast the UK and the USA foreign policies.
  • What is the function of congressional communities?

Topics on Mass Media

  • Should social media operate according to specific rules?
  • What are the main criteria for certain YouTube videos to spread viral?
  • What was the main reason why social media platforms have become so trendy?
  • Should some celebrities be ashamed of the content they expose in the social media? Or is it a way of gaining population?
  • Is it possible to maintain safety and confidentiality on social media platforms?
  • What do you think of the popularity rates when it comes to people who still prefer watching TV to surfing the net?
  • Why are so many people interested in watching dangerous and life-threatening pranks?
  • Your opinion on Netflix series: are they changing the world of movies?
  • Recall some stories of child actors who succeeded in their future adult careers.
  • What impact do politicians have on the Academy Awards?

Topics on Medicine

  • Pros and cons of in-vitro fertilization.
  • Dangers and mysteries behind pharmaceutical companies.
  • The underlying principles of anatomy that everyone should know.
  • The fundamental criteria used in diagnosing diseases.
  • Mysteries behind the life of microbes.
  • What do you know about the latest medical breakthroughs?
  • Historical accounts about the world’s biggest pandemics.
  • Should people be alert when it comes to the threat of brain sucking amoeba?
  • What is the function of each part of the human brain?
  • Nervous system and its influence on the other bodily systems.

Topics on Education and Academic Matters

  • Benefits and drawbacks of online education.
  • Should schools put forward some severe and drastic disciplinary measures?
  • To what extent should parents be involved in their children’s education?
  • The main features and differences of the educational process in the Asian countries.
  • How convenient are gadgets for students’ learning process?
  • How to balance part-time work and college education?
  • Should education be controlled by the government?
  • How to succeed in finding a job right after college education?
  • Should college degrees be necessary for the opening position?
  • How to survive when students have to live on a shoestring because of tuition fees?

Topics on Finance

  • Advantages and disadvantages of private banking.
  • How to cut down on the business expenses and get a bigger profit of your business?
  • Neither a lender nor a borrower be: to what extent do you agree?
  • Pros and cons of saving money and spending less vs. taking loans.
  • Fundamental knowledge needed to be a financial analyst.
  • Why are so many people reluctant to share their spending to the public?
  • Pros and cons of passive income.
  • How to minimize the credit loans on your credit card?
  • How to manage your personal budget?
  • How to travel the world even if you do not have much money?

Topics on IT

  • The main features of operational systems working on Android.
  • The role of tablets in the world of computers.
  • The main principles of genetic engineering.
  • The development process of touch screen gadgets.
  • Ethicality of human cloning.
  • Role of apps in learning and work.
  • 5G technology: pros and cons.
  • Danger of cyber crimes and what can be done about it?
  • Dangers and threats of nuclear technology.
  • BOYD principles.

You can choose any of the suggested topics to make an interesting college presentation. You can also try exploring curious and controversial aspects of a subject. In such a way, you will be able to find an engaging topic for your slide show.

You should not forget to make your PowerPoint presentation effective and memorable. For this, use images of good quality and appropriate size. Remember that a successful presentation is a combination of interesting information and helpful visual aids. That is why it is crucial that you provide both for your audience.

Some Advice On How to Make an Appealing Presentation

If you want to deliver a good presentation, keep in mind that it is not merely a successful topic that is decisive for making it a winning one. Actually, one may struggle with the presentation due to the lack of experience of public speaking. If you do not feel confident when delivering a topic in front of the audience, the presentation may easily be turned into a failure. If you want to prepare an effective presentation, be sure that there are specific tips to take into account if you want to make a presentation effective and appealing to the reader. So, check out the main aspects:

Aspects for Writing Great Presentation

  • Work on the presentation design and pay attention to the visuals and info graphics. If you have slides that have only words on the big screen, be sure that such presentation will not be appealing to you audience. So, express creativity and add some uniqueness – add pictures that are relevant to what you are speaking about and also make sure that they can catch attention of your listeners. Set your inner artist free in order to make your presentation stand out of the crowd. However, strike a balance when it comes to the colors and fonts – they should distract attention of your audience from the main idea.
  • Do not use overly sophisticated words but at the same time be eloquent. Proper vocabulary choice will also attract the attention of your audience. When it comes to vocabulary choice, also please consider that you should speak in words you know what they mean and how they are pronounced. Of course, some sophistication may impress your audience but it will not be a positive impression when you are ignorant of the meanings of the words or rules of spelling or pronunciation.
  • When planning your presentation, manage your time wisely and set aside some time for answering questions from your audience. Normally, the audience is interested in some aspects and is eager to know something more about the area of research you are talking about. Therefore, express your politeness here and provide your listeners with the possibility to engage in a conversation.

Custom Presentation Services from Experts for College Students

If you are in hurry and do not have time for creating PowerPoint Presentation by your own, you may use our top-notch assistance. Place your first order and get a 15% off discount!


Calculate the price

With our help, the presentation process should be easy for you as we provide expert assistance in the preparatory and writing stages. We do realize how overwhelming work in college can be, so we are here to assist you. Contact us immediately should you need any help.

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

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  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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AI presentation maker

When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you’re worried about, it’s a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you’ll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs . And it’s totally free!

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Generate presentations in minutes

We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI presentation maker to give you a hand. The possibilities are endless : you choose the topic, the tone and the style, and the AI will do the rest. Now we’re talking!

Customize your AI-generated presentation online

Alright, your robotic pal has generated a presentation for you. But, for the time being, AIs can’t read minds, so it’s likely that you’ll want to modify the slides. Please do! We didn’t forget about those time constraints you’re facing, so thanks to the editing tools provided by one of our sister projects —shoutouts to Wepik — you can make changes on the fly without resorting to other programs or software. Add text, choose your own colors, rearrange elements, it’s up to you! Oh, and since we are a big family, you’ll be able to access many resources from big names, that is, Freepik and Flaticon . That means having a lot of images and icons at your disposal!

power point presentation topic images

How does it work?

Think of your topic.

First things first, you’ll be talking about something in particular, right? A business meeting, a new medical breakthrough, the weather, your favorite songs, a basketball game, a pink elephant you saw last Sunday—you name it. Just type it out and let the AI know what the topic is.

Choose your preferred style and tone

They say that variety is the spice of life. That’s why we let you choose between different design styles, including doodle, simple, abstract, geometric, and elegant . What about the tone? Several of them: fun, creative, casual, professional, and formal. Each one will give you something unique, so which way of impressing your audience will it be this time? Mix and match!

Make any desired changes

You’ve got freshly generated slides. Oh, you wish they were in a different color? That text box would look better if it were placed on the right side? Run the online editor and use the tools to have the slides exactly your way.

Download the final result for free

Yes, just as envisioned those slides deserve to be on your storage device at once! You can export the presentation in .pdf format and download it for free . Can’t wait to show it to your best friend because you think they will love it? Generate a shareable link!

What is an AI-generated presentation?

It’s exactly “what it says on the cover”. AIs, or artificial intelligences, are in constant evolution, and they are now able to generate presentations in a short time, based on inputs from the user. This technology allows you to get a satisfactory presentation much faster by doing a big chunk of the work.

Can I customize the presentation generated by the AI?

Of course! That’s the point! Slidesgo is all for customization since day one, so you’ll be able to make any changes to presentations generated by the AI. We humans are irreplaceable, after all! Thanks to the online editor, you can do whatever modifications you may need, without having to install any software. Colors, text, images, icons, placement, the final decision concerning all of the elements is up to you.

Can I add my own images?

Absolutely. That’s a basic function, and we made sure to have it available. Would it make sense to have a portfolio template generated by an AI without a single picture of your own work? In any case, we also offer the possibility of asking the AI to generate images for you via prompts. Additionally, you can also check out the integrated gallery of images from Freepik and use them. If making an impression is your goal, you’ll have an easy time!

Is this new functionality free? As in “free of charge”? Do you mean it?

Yes, it is, and we mean it. We even asked our buddies at Wepik, who are the ones hosting this AI presentation maker, and they told us “yup, it’s on the house”.

Are there more presentation designs available?

From time to time, we’ll be adding more designs. The cool thing is that you’ll have at your disposal a lot of content from Freepik and Flaticon when using the AI presentation maker. Oh, and just as a reminder, if you feel like you want to do things yourself and don’t want to rely on an AI, you’re on Slidesgo, the leading website when it comes to presentation templates. We have thousands of them, and counting!.

How can I download my presentation?

The easiest way is to click on “Download” to get your presentation in .pdf format. But there are other options! You can click on “Present” to enter the presenter view and start presenting right away! There’s also the “Share” option, which gives you a shareable link. This way, any friend, relative, colleague—anyone, really—will be able to access your presentation in a moment.

Discover more content

This is just the beginning! Slidesgo has thousands of customizable templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Our designers have created them with much care and love, and the variety of topics, themes and styles is, how to put it, immense! We also have a blog, in which we post articles for those who want to find inspiration or need to learn a bit more about Google Slides or PowerPoint. Do you have kids? We’ve got a section dedicated to printable coloring pages! Have a look around and make the most of our site!

Online, TechConnect: *Online: Microsoft Powerpoint for Beginners

This event is online only. Must register with a full name and valid email address.

Learn how to create a slideshow presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Topics include creating and editing slides, inserting images and clipart, and running your slideshow.  

You will receive an email 2 hours prior to the start of the class with the link to join the virtual class. 

*Please note that some people using older or less common email addresses have experienced issues with receiving emails from TechConnect. Using a Gmail account will prevent this in most instances.

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  1. A Guide to Using Images and Photos For Powerpoint

    Alternatively, go to Insert > Pictures > Picture from file, and select the photo you want from your finder. 3. Avoid Photo Clutter. The photos you add to your PowerPoint should be presented one at a time, or minimally enough to maintain focus — too many photos can cause clutter and become distracting.

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    At the minimum, a well-structured presentation usually starts with an introduction of the topic, followed by the main points, and a conclusion or a call-to-action. ... Unlock the Potential of Stock Images for Your PowerPoint Presentations. Say goodbye to dry PowerPoints and slides that won't keep your audience on the edge of their seats ...

  3. Free Images for PowerPoint Presentations (2022)

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    Download the "National Insights in Marketing" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your audience with a...

  5. How to Work With Images in PowerPoint (Complete PPT Picture Guide)

    Copy an image to your clipboard, then paste it into PPT by right-clicking and choosing Picture from the Paste Options group. (Image in sidebar source: Envato Elements.) Then, navigate to the PowerPoint slide where you want to paste your photo. Then, right-click and choose Picture from the Paste Options section.

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    But even if used somewhere else, it will still do a great job, unless used in all slides. FREE DOWNLOAD. 5. Business Handshake Network Creation Background. An amazing background for corporate presentations that is perfect for teamwork, business communication, partners, or proposals slides. FREE DOWNLOAD. 6.

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  10. 120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

    Step 3: Be novel. Make sure you either select a new topic or bring an entirely new and unique perspective to an already covered issue. For instance, don't make a presentation on the "best lead generation strategies.". Your audience has probably heard those dozens of times already. Corny.

  11. Background PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    With this impressive suite of background presentation templates, you'd be hard pressed to find a layout that doesn't suit your needs. Kick things off by choosing an eye-popping color scheme and font combination. Make your background stand out with the right combination of elements and graphics. Upload photos, images, illustrations, or logos.

  12. 180+ Presentation Topic Ideas for Students [Plus Templates]

    We've organized these presentation topics for students by subject so you can easily browse through and find what you're looking for. Each section also comes with a bonus presentation template! We've also included some tips on designing a presentation once you've chosen a topic. For example, a flowchart data widget can help with a historic ...

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  15. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

  16. 140 Interesting Powerpoint Presentation Topics for Students

    History Presentation Topics. Role of the USA in Vietnam War. Constitutional history of the US. Rise and fall of the Roman Empire. A typical day of an ancient Egyptian. Interesting facts from Cleopatra's biography. Ancient Greece and the origins of democracy. Historical aspects of Sumerian mythology.

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  18. 25 PowerPoint Presentation Tips For Good PPT Slides in 2022

    Get your main point into the presentation as early as possible (this avoids any risk of audience fatigue or attention span waning), then substantiate your point with facts, figures etc and then reiterate your point at the end in a 'Summary'. 2. Practice Makes Perfect. Also, don't forget to practice your presentation.

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    When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences. As an ...

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  24. Free AI presentation maker

    AI presentation maker. When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you're worried about, it's a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you'll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs. And it's totally free!

  25. *Online: Microsoft Powerpoint for Beginners

    Event Details. This event is online only. Must register with a full name and valid email address. Learn how to create a slideshow presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Topics include creating and editing slides, inserting images and clipart, and running your slideshow. You will receive an email 2 hours prior to the start of the class with ...