Permission Letters

Permission Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

A permission request letter is one where an individual, organization, or group is requesting permission to perform an act or obtain information. A Permission request letter for data collection for research is one where someone, such as a college student, is requesting data to complete research work. For instance, if someone is attending university and looking to collect research data, they’d address the letter to the registrar, requesting to have access to the data. Requesting data not only happens at the university level but concerns any situation where data collection requires a written letter requesting permission for said data.

When you are requesting permission for data from a university or other establishment, it’s good form to contact the institution itself to see what their protocol involves. For instance, some may require you to fill out a form, along with the letter. Once that’s established, it’s time to get down to writing the letter.

Elements to Include

Some of you may be thinking, “why write a letter? Why not just ask for the data?” Well, first of all, the organization you are requesting from might have certain protocols in place. Secondly, when one makes a verbal request, there is no record. By composing a letter requesting data for research, your request is in writing and signed by you. Thus, no one can ever accuse you of breaching protocols, as some data might be listed as classified or sensitive. That being said, here are some basic elements you may wish to include in your letter, if applicable to your situation:

  • Your full name
  • The full name of the person responsible for handling the request for data
  • Date requested
  • Type of information requested
  • Any relevant names
  • The reason for the data
  • How you will use the data
  • Names of any institutions or individuals who will share the data
  • Attach any documents, if applicable

How to Format a Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

First of all, know that a letter requesting permission for data usage is considered a formal document. As such, you’ll be using a professional tone, while keeping it brief and on target. It will be formatted using block-style, business letter formatting, with all sections starting at the left margin, each section single-spaced, with double spacing in between the sections. All margins should be set at one inch. Finally, use an easy to read font–nothing fancy. A font like Arial or Times New Roman with a size of 11 or 12, should suffice.

Sender’s information. Sender’s information refers to your mailing address and contact information. So, include your full name, mailing address and phone and/or email or website address. Make sure there are no typos, as you want to be available for questions should they need to contact you.

Date . The date you complete the letter, is the date which is used here.

Recipient’s Contact Information. First and foremost, always use the correct recipient here. The letter must be addressed to the person responsible for obtaining the data for you. Next, make sure there are no spelling errors, so it arrives at the point of contact.

Subject Line. It might seem a small and insignificant thing, but did you know that some people will toss a letter or email away if it doesn’t have a subject? To avoid this, state the subject, which is data collection for research.

Body Text. This type of letter has no predetermined length, as some requests may require more information than others. However, in general three sections can be used.

Section One. This is where you introduce yourself and your request. Here, you get the opportunity to show your good manners as you nicely make your request

Section Two. If you are required to add a reason for the data, then this is the section for that. Also, mention who else will have access to the data, what the data will be used for. For instance, if you’re planning on entering it in a medical journal, mention the name of the journal here. Also mention any attached documents here.

Section Three. In this section, you are to express your gratitude for their kind attention to your request. Include your contact information, stating that they can contact you whenever they need to make an inquiry or clarify the request.

Closing. Your closing seals the letter. Keep the closing formal and professional. If you use a two-word phrase, then just capitalize on the letter of the first word. Good closings are:

Best regards

  • Yours truly
  • Sincerely yours

Sample Permission Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

(Senders full name

Mailing address

Phone number/email)

(Date Letter Signed)

(Recipient’s Full Name

Mailing Address

Phone Number/Email)

Subject: (Reason for Needing Data)

Dear Dr./Ms./Mr. (Name of Recipient and Title if Applicable)

This letter is in regards to (Reason for Requesting Data). I am (Name of Person Requesting Data), and currently work in the (Name of Business or Department). I am in charge of research and development, and am formerly requesting permission to access (Type of Data). We are currently collecting data for (Reason for Data), and were given your name from a former colleague of yours (Name of Colleague).

We intend to use the data collected, to assist in creating a (Reason for Data), and will be sharing it with (Name of person or organization), in accordance with your organizations protocols. We are also attaching a letter from (Name of sender) who recommended that I contact you for the data.

On behalf of myself and my research team, we heartily express our gratitude in examining our request for data. We assure you that all protocols will be followed, and privacy regulations adhered to. If you have any questions or concerns, my contact information is (Contact information).

(Signed name)

(Printed name)

request letter for research data collection

In summary, crafting the perfect request letter for data for research projects can be a complex affair. If it helps, always consider the option of jotting down notes of essential elements before you sit down to write. Making sure that all names, dates, locations are spelled properly and are correct. Remember to use block business style formatting, keep it brief, and use a professional tone. Complete the letter with a statement of gratitude and include your contact information. Cap off the entire process by carefully proofreading and editing the letter. Finally, take advantage of the sample letter as presented here, and let it guide you in composing a winning permission request letter.

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Letter Of Permission To Conduct Research

Letter Of Permission To Conduct Research

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By Mubashir

July 3, 2024

A Letter of Permission to Conduct Research is a formal request to an individual or organization seeking permission to conduct research. It outlines the purpose, methodology, and ethical considerations of the research project.

In this article, we will provide you with templates, examples, and samples of Letters of Permission to Conduct Research. These samples will guide you in drafting a well-written letter that effectively communicates your research intentions and secures the necessary approvals.

Letter of Permission to Conduct Research

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to request permission to conduct research at your organization. I am a researcher at [Your Institution] and I am currently working on a project that investigates [Research Topic].

I am interested in collecting data from [Data Source] at your organization. I believe that this data will be valuable in helping me to understand [Research Question].

I understand that you may have concerns about the confidentiality of your data. I assure you that I will take all necessary precautions to protect the privacy of your participants. I will only collect data that is necessary for my research and I will not share it with any third parties.

I would be grateful if you would consider my request. I am available to meet with you at your convenience to discuss my research project in more detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Letter Of Permission To Conduct Research

How to Write a Letter of Permission to Conduct Research

When you are conducting research, it is important to obtain permission from the individuals or organizations that you will be studying. This is especially important if your research involves collecting data from human subjects or if you will be using copyrighted materials.

1. Identify the appropriate person or organization to contact

The first step is to identify the appropriate person or organization to contact for permission. This may be the individual who is the subject of your research, the head of an organization, or a copyright holder.

2. Write a clear and concise letter

Your letter should be clear and concise, and it should state the purpose of your research and the specific data or materials that you would like to use. You should also include a brief description of your research methods and how you will protect the privacy of your subjects.

3. Be respectful and professional

It is important to be respectful and professional in your letter. You should address the person or organization by their proper title and use formal language. You should also be clear about your intentions and avoid making any promises that you cannot keep.

4. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope

If you are requesting a written response, be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope. This will make it easier for the person or organization to respond to your request.

5. Follow up

If you do not receive a response within a few weeks, you may want to follow up with a phone call or email. Be polite and persistent, but do not be pushy.

6. Be prepared to negotiate

In some cases, the person or organization that you are contacting may be willing to grant you permission, but they may have certain conditions. Be prepared to negotiate and compromise in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable to both parties.

7. Get everything in writing

Once you have reached an agreement, be sure to get everything in writing. This will protect both you and the person or organization that you are studying.

FAQs about Letter Of Permission To Conduct Research

What is a letter of permission to conduct research.

A letter of permission to conduct research is a formal document that grants permission to a researcher to conduct research on a specific topic or within a specific setting. It typically outlines the scope of the research, the methods to be used, and the expected duration of the study.

Who needs a letter of permission to conduct research?

Researchers who plan to conduct research involving human participants, sensitive data, or access to restricted areas or populations may need to obtain a letter of permission. This is especially important when the research involves vulnerable populations or involves the collection of personal information.

What are the key elements of a letter of permission to conduct research?

A letter of permission to conduct research should typically include the following elements:

  • The name and affiliation of the researcher
  • The purpose and objectives of the research
  • The methods to be used
  • The expected duration of the study
  • A statement of confidentiality and ethical considerations
  • The signature of the authorized individual granting permission

How do I obtain a letter of permission to conduct research?

The process for obtaining a letter of permission to conduct research can vary depending on the institution or organization involved. In general, researchers should contact the appropriate authority (e.g., an institutional review board, research ethics committee, or gatekeeper) to inquire about the requirements and procedures for obtaining permission.

What are the consequences of not obtaining a letter of permission to conduct research?

Failing to obtain a letter of permission to conduct research can have several consequences, including:

  • Denial of access to research participants or data
  • Delay or suspension of the research project
  • Ethical concerns and potential harm to research participants

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3 Must-Have Templates for Research Permission Letters

Crafting a permission letter to conduct research is a formal process that involves requesting approval from an individual or organization to gather data or information for academic or professional study. Below are three detailed templates for such letters, each catering to different scenarios or approaches.

Template 1: Requesting Permission from an Organization

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Your Institution/Company Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position/Title] [Organization’s Name] [Organization’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to you as [Your Position/Title] of [Your Institution/Company Name], currently engaged in a study titled “[Title of Your Research]”. Our research aims to [briefly describe the purpose and objectives of your research].

To ensure the success and credibility of our study, we are seeking your organization’s permission to [describe the specific activities you wish to conduct, e.g., conduct surveys, interviews, observe operations]. 

We believe that [Organization’s Name] provides the critical context and data essential for our research, specifically in the area of [mention the specific area of interest].

We are committed to ensuring that all information gathered will be used solely for academic/research purposes and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. [Optionally, you can mention any ethical standards, institutional review board approvals, or data protection measures you will adhere to].

We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this request further and are willing to provide any additional information or documentation required. Should this request be approved, we are flexible regarding the timing and manner in which we conduct our research to minimize any inconvenience to your organization.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to the possibility of collaborating with [Organization’s Name] to mutually enrich our knowledge and contribute valuable insights to the field of [mention the field of study].

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Your Institution/Company Name] [Contact Information]

Template 2: Requesting Permission from an Academic Institution

[Your Name] [Your Academic Position/Title] [Your Department] [Your University/College Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Academic Position/Title] [Department/School] [University/College Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear Dr./Prof. [Recipient’s Name],

I am [Your Name], a [Your Academic Position] in the [Your Department] at [Your University/College Name]. I am reaching out to seek your permission to conduct research within your esteemed [Department/School] at [University/College Name], specifically targeting [describe the target group, e.g., students, faculty, courses].

The research, titled “[Research Title]”, aims to [briefly describe the objective]. This study is crucial for [explain the importance of the research and how it contributes to the academic field or institution].

We intend to implement [describe the methods, e.g., surveys, focus groups, observations] while ensuring minimal disruption to the normal activities of the participants and the institution. [Mention any ethical considerations, confidentiality measures, and how consent will be obtained].

Your approval is vital for us to proceed, and we are hopeful for the opportunity to enhance our understanding of [mention the specific focus of the study]. We are more than willing to discuss this proposal in detail and adjust our methodology to meet your institution’s requirements.

Thank you very much for considering our request. We eagerly await your positive response and are ready to provide further information or clarification as needed.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Academic Position/Title] [Your University/College Name] [Contact Information]

Template 3: Requesting Permission from a Community Leader

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Your Institution/Organization Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Community Leader’s Name] [Title/Position] [Community or Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Community Leader’s Name],

I am [Your Name], a [Your Position/Title] from [Your Institution/Organization Name], embarking on a research project titled “[Research Title]”. Our project seeks to explore [briefly state the research goal and its relevance to the community].

Understanding the pivotal role of [Community or Organization Name] in our area of study, we are keen to engage with members of your community to [describe the activities, e.g., gather insights and experiences, conduct interviews].

We assure you that all data collected will be for research purposes only, maintaining strict confidentiality and adherence to ethical guidelines. [Mention how participants’ consent will be sought and any benefits to the community].

We are hopeful for your support and permission to proceed with this research. We believe that the outcomes will not only contribute valuable knowledge to the field of [field of study] but also offer [mention any potential benefits for the community].

I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss this further at your convenience and provide any additional information required.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to the possibility of working together for the betterment of the community and the advancement of our research.

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Your Institution/Organization Name] [Contact Information]

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Permission Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

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A permission request letter is one where an individual, organization, or group is requesting permission to perform an act or obtain information. A Permission request letter for data collection for research is one where someone, such as a college student, is requesting data to complete research work. For instance, if someone is attending university and looking to collect research data, they’d address the letter to the registrar, requesting to have access to the data. Requesting data not only happens at the university level but concerns any situation where data collection requires a written letter requesting permission for said data.

When you are requesting permission for data from a university or other establishment, it’s good form to contact the institution itself to see what their protocol involves. For instance, some may require you to fill out a form, along with the letter. Once that’s established, it’s time to get down to writing the letter.

Some of you may be thinking, “why write a letter? Why not just ask for the data?” Well, first of all, the organization you are requesting from might have certain protocols in place. Secondly, when one makes a verbal request, there is no record. By composing a letter requesting data for research, your request is in writing and signed by you. Thus, no one can ever accuse you of breaching protocols, as some data might be listed as classified or sensitive. That being said, here are some basic elements you may wish to include in your letter, if applicable to your situation:

  • Your full name
  • The full name of the person responsible for handling the request for data
  • Date requested
  • Type of information requested
  • Any relevant names
  • The reason for the data
  • How you will use the data
  • Names of any institutions or individuals who will share the data
  • Attach any documents, if applicable

How to Format a Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

First of all, know that a letter requesting permission for data usage is considered a formal document. As such, you’ll be using a professional tone, while keeping it brief and on target. It will be formatted using block-style, business letter formatting, with all sections starting at the left margin, each section single-spaced, with double spacing in between the sections. All margins should be set at one inch. Finally, use an easy to read font–nothing fancy. A font like Arial or Times New Roman with a size of 11 or 12, should suffice.

Sender’s information. Sender’s information refers to your mailing address and contact information. So, include your full name, mailing address and phone and/or email or website address. Make sure there are no typos, as you want to be available for questions should they need to contact you.

Date . The date you complete the letter, is the date which is used here.

Recipient’s Contact Information. First and foremost, always use the correct recipient here. The letter must be addressed to the person responsible for obtaining the data for you. Next, make sure there are no spelling errors, so it arrives at the point of contact.

Subject Line. It might seem a small and insignificant thing, but did you know that some people will toss a letter or email away if it doesn’t have a subject? To avoid this, state the subject, which is data collection for research.

Body Text. This type of letter has no predetermined length, as some requests may require more information than others. However, in general three sections can be used.

Section One. This is where you introduce yourself and your request. Here, you get the opportunity to show your good manners as you nicely make your request

Section Two. If you are required to add a reason for the data, then this is the section for that. Also, mention who else will have access to the data, what the data will be used for. For instance, if you’re planning on entering it in a medical journal, mention the name of the journal here. Also mention any attached documents here.

Section Three. In this section, you are to express your gratitude for their kind attention to your request. Include your contact information, stating that they can contact you whenever they need to make an inquiry or clarify the request.

Closing. Your closing seals the letter. Keep the closing formal and professional. If you use a two-word phrase, then just capitalize on the letter of the first word. Good closings are:

Best regards

  • Yours truly
  • Sincerely yours

Sample Permission Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

Here we have a sample permission request letter involving the collection of data for research purposes. Sample letters such as these serve as a good starting point for writing your letter, especially if you’ve very little experience in writing such letters.

(Senders full name

Mailing address

Phone number/email)

(Date Letter Signed)

(Recipient’s Full Name

Mailing Address

Phone Number/Email)

Subject: (Reason for Needing Data)

Dear Dr./Ms./Mr. (Name of Recipient and Title if Applicable)

This letter is in regards to (Reason for Requesting Data). I am (Name of Person Requesting Data), and currently work in the (Name of Business or Department). I am in charge of research and development, and am formerly requesting permission to access (Type of Data). We are currently collecting data for (Reason for Data), and were given your name from a former colleague of yours (Name of Colleague).

We intend to use the data collected, to assist in creating a (Reason for Data), and will be sharing it with (Name of person or organization), in accordance with your organizations protocols. We are also attaching a letter from (Name of sender) who recommended that I contact you for the data.

On behalf of myself and my research team, we heartily express our gratitude in examining our request for data. We assure you that all protocols will be followed, and privacy regulations adhered to. If you have any questions or concerns, my contact information is (Contact information).

(Signed name)

(Printed name)

request letter for research data collection

In summary, crafting the perfect request letter for data for research projects can be a complex affair. If it helps, always consider the option of jotting down notes of essential elements before you sit down to write. Making sure that all names, dates, locations are spelled properly and are correct. Remember to use block business style formatting, keep it brief, and use a professional tone. Complete the letter with a statement of gratitude and include your contact information. Cap off the entire process by carefully proofreading and editing the letter. Finally, take advantage of the sample letter as presented here, and let it guide you in composing a winning permission request letter.

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Research Permission Request Letter

Research Permission Request Letter in Word, Google Docs

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Permission Request Letter To Manager

Data Collection Permission Letter: 4 Templates

A collection of information letter is a written or electronic record that requests authorization for employing information of the receiver.

Data gathering letters are often needed at college or university, yet they are additionally frequent in additional information-collecting-related occupations that include science, engineering, and healthcare sectors, and business analysis. 📊

In this post, we outline gathering information letters, discuss everything that ought to be in them, and provide examples to assist you create one of your own. 💥

What to Write in a Data Collection Letter

A data-collecting letter is necessary since it establishes an archive of a contract. The note that you transmit, like the one you get in return, is an authorized notarized document. Having these records on file, you have verification that you possess permission for employing the information, making them especially valuable for sensitive or private information. ℹ️ 

Here are some important points that you should mention while writing a data collection permission letter. 👇

  • If you’re composing on the basis of a company or group, use the postal address provided by the appropriate university or division. In a comparable manner, your username for email ought to be the one you employ for work. 📇
  • A headline is recommended for both letters and emails because it offers the person receiving it a quick impression of the subject matter the paper is concerned about. 
  • The initial sentence in the written document is the salutation. It normally starts with “Dear,” following the person’s title and name, and concludes with a space after it. 
  • You can also use merely the sender’s title and identity, followed by a colon. 
  • The receiver’s methodology might call for you to clarify why you’re seeking their details, in which instance you may provide the details in a couple of sentences. 
  • Specify whatever you want to accomplish with the undertaking (for example, noting how you are interested in publishing an essay with the beneficiary’s data), the others who might have access to the information, and any connected papers. 🤙

How to Write a Data Collection Letter (Tips)

Here are some pointers to keep in mind while drafting a data collection letter. ⤵️

Be professional

The receiver is most likely someone you know in your discipline or a recognized authority about an issue. Employ the correct names and references. This will make the recipient believe that you are serious about your work and research. 🧑‍💼

Keep it short

Establish the letter’s intent right away, and include all the pertinent details in just three concise sections. Remember that the recipient is busy and does not have the time to engage in unnecessary merry-making. 🤏

Maintain the standard business format

Draw margins or set margins of 1 inch. Maintain single spacing and set the paragraphs to block styling. This will make the letter look clean and professional. 👔

Maintain a standard font

It is preferable you use the Times New Roman font in black and set the size to 12. This is the standard maintained globally. This will also help to impress the recipient. 🆎

Template: 1

Data Collection Permission Letter

[Name of the sender]

[Designation of the respective person]

[Name of addressee]

Subject: Letter of Permission for Data Collection

Respected sir/madam,

This letter is in regards to Requesting Data collection. I am [mention your name] and currently work in the [mention the designation] at [mention the name of the company or the organization]. I am in charge of research and development and am formally requesting permission to access the data from the [mention type].

We are currently collecting data for different respects and were given your name by a colleague of yours.

We intend to use the data collected to assist in creating our data and share it with [mention name of the company or organization], by your organization’s protocols. We are also attaching a letter from (mention the name of the person who has recommended) who recommended I contact you for the data collection.

On behalf of my whole research team, we heartily express our gratitude for collecting our request for data. We assure you that all protocols and rules, and regulations will be followed, and privacy regulations adhered to.

We would be happy if you accept our request and granted us permission for the data collection.

If you have any further queries, you can reach us at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address].


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Template: 2

[Insert the Sender’s Address]

[Designation of the sender]

[Name of the company]

[Contact details of the sender]

[Insert the Date of sending the letter]

[Insert the Receiver’s Name]

[Insert the Receiver’s Address]

Sub: Letter of Permission for Data Collection

Dear Mr. /Mrs. / Ms. [Insert the name of whomsoever it is concerned to]

Respected Sir/ Madam,

We are writing this letter to inform you about the data collection process regarding (Mention the details). As the (Mention the designation) from (mention the time) of the company (mention the name and details of the company), I am in charge of this process and result related to data collection.

For this reason, I am requesting you to permit me to access the information from your (mention the details) regarding (Mention details). 

The intention of our work is to use those data to create a large database in order to help the (Mention the details), to help the procedure of (mention the details). Therefore, I have received the information that will be very helpful for us regarding this matter.

On behalf of our company and staff, we will be very grateful to you for your help. We can assure you that your privacy will not be affected.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you need any information (mention contact details).

Hope you will consider our request and oblige us.

Thanking you,

With regards,

(Mention the name of the sender)

Template: 3

This letter is about the purpose of collecting data (mention the details). I am currently working as the (Mention the designation) of the company (Mention the name of the company) for quite some time.

I am in charge of the department of (Mention details), and for this, I need to access the data regarding (mention the details). For this reason, I want to receive your permission to access the data of your (Mention details). We have received your name from another company.

We request you to give us the power to use the collected data in assisting the procedure of (Mention the details) and share the data with (Mention details) for the completion of this process.

On behalf of our research team and company, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your help in our work. We assure you that we will strictly adhere to all the policies and privacy.

If you have any concerns or queries, you can contact me at any time through (Mention contact details). I will be very happy to help you.

Hope you will consider our request and help us.

With best regards,

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  • Data Collection Application Letter Request From University

"I am writing to request access to data and resources from [University Name] for various academic and research purposes. As a dedicated student in [Your Department/Major] at [Your University], I am committed to the responsible and ethical use of the data I am seeking access to. Whether it is for a research project, academic study, or historical research, my objective is to leverage the valuable resources available at [University Name] to enhance the quality and depth of my work. I understand and respect the importance of data security, confidentiality, and compliance with university policies, and I am prepared to adhere to all necessary agreements and requirements. Your support in facilitating my access to these resources will be invaluable to the success of my academic and research endeavors."

Template Research Data Collection Request

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[University Name] [Office or Department Name] [University Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name or Department],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request permission to collect data from [University Name] for my research project titled "[Your Research Project Title]." As a [Your Department/Major] student at [Your University], I am interested in conducting this research to [Briefly Explain Your Research Objectives and Purpose].

I understand that [University Name] holds valuable data that can significantly contribute to the success of my research. I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality, data protection, and research ethics. I will strictly adhere to all university policies and guidelines regarding data collection and usage.

I kindly request access to the following data sources:

[Specify Data Source 1] [Specify Data Source 2] [Specify Data Source 3] I assure you that the data collected will be used solely for academic research purposes, and I will provide the university with a copy of my research findings upon completion.

I am willing to sign any necessary confidentiality agreements and adhere to any additional requirements set by [University Name] to ensure the responsible and ethical use of the data. If approved, I will be grateful for your assistance in facilitating my access to the requested data.

Thank you for considering my request. I would be happy to meet in person to discuss this further or provide any additional information needed. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

[Your Name]

Template Data Access Request for Academic Project

I am writing to request access to specific data from [University Name] for my academic project in the field of [Your Academic Field]. My project, titled "[Your Academic Project Title]," requires access to relevant data to enhance its depth and quality.

I am a dedicated student at [Your University] and have been guided by my professors to explore [University Name]'s resources. The data I am seeking access to will be used solely for academic purposes and will be handled with the utmost care and responsibility.

The data I require for my project includes:

[Specify Data Source 1] [Specify Data Source 2] [Specify Data Source 3] I am fully aware of the university's policies regarding data access and confidentiality and am committed to adhering to them. I am open to signing any necessary agreements or fulfilling any additional requirements as needed.

I kindly request your assistance in granting me access to the specified data sources. Your support will greatly contribute to the success of my academic project.

If you require any additional information or have questions, please feel free to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Template Request for University Survey Data

I am writing to formally request access to survey data collected by [University Name] for my academic research project. I am a [Your Department/Major] student at [Your University], and my project, titled "[Your Research Project Title]," aims to [Briefly Explain Your Research Objectives and Purpose].

I believe that the survey data collected by [University Name] can provide valuable insights for my research. I assure you that I will handle this data with the utmost care, ensuring that it is used exclusively for academic research purposes and in compliance with all relevant university policies and ethical guidelines.

I kindly request access to the following survey data:

[Specify Survey 1] [Specify Survey 2] [Specify Survey 3] I am willing to sign any required agreements and adhere to additional guidelines or requirements stipulated by [University Name] to ensure responsible data usage.

Your support in granting me access to this data will significantly contribute to the success of my research. I am available for any meetings or discussions you may require, and I can be reached at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

Template Request for Historical University Data

[University Name] [University Archives or Data Department] [University Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

I am writing to request access to historical data and archives maintained by [University Name]. As an aspiring historian and student of [Your Major/Department] at [Your University], I am embarking on a research project focusing on the history of [Your Research Focus].

I believe that [University Name] holds a wealth of historical records, documents, and archives that can significantly contribute to my research. I assure you that I will handle this historical data with the utmost care, respecting its historical value and ensuring its responsible use.

I kindly request access to the following historical data:

[Specify Historical Data Source 1] [Specify Historical Data Source 2] [Specify Historical Data Source 3] I am willing to comply with any necessary agreements, terms, and conditions specified by [University Name] for accessing and using historical data.

Your support in granting me access to these historical resources will greatly enhance the quality and depth of my research. I am open to any discussions or meetings you deem necessary, and I can be reached at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge. Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Download a PDF of this FAQ  

Download the template permission letter, instrument permissions faq, permissions to use and reproduce instruments in a thesis/dissertation frequently asked questions, why might i need permission to use an instrument in my thesis/dissertation.

  • Determine whether you need permission
  • Identify the copyright holder
  • Ask for permission
  • Keep a record
  • What if I can't locate the copyright holder?

If you want to use surveys, questionnaires, interview questions, tests, measures, or other instruments created by other people, you are required to locate and follow usage permissions. The instrument may be protected by copyright and/or licensing restrictions.

Copyright Protection

Copyright provides authors of original creative work with limited control over the reproduction and distribution of that work. Under United States law, all original expressions that are “fixed in a tangible medium” are automatically protected by copyright at the time of their creation. In other words, it is not necessary to formally state a declaration of copyright, to use the © symbol, or to register with the United States Copyright Office.

Therefore, you must assume that any material you find is copyrighted, unless you have evidence otherwise. This is the case whether you find the instrument openly on the web, in a library database, or reproduced in a journal article. It is your legal and ethical responsibility to obtain permission to use, modify, and/or reproduce the instrument.

If you use and/or reproduce material in your thesis/dissertation beyond the limits outlined by the “fair use” doctrine, which allows for limited use of a work, without first gaining the copyright holder’s permission, you may be infringing copyright.

Licensing/Terms of Use

Some instruments are explicitly distributed under a license agreement or terms of use. Unlike copyright, which applies automatically, users must agree to these terms in order to use the instrument. In exchange for abiding by the terms, the copyright holder grants the licensee specific and limited rights, such as the right to use the instrument in scholarly research, or to reproduce the instrument in a publication.

When you ask a copyright holder for permission to use or reproduce an instrument, you are in effect asking for a license to do those things.

How do I know if I need permission to use instruments in my thesis/dissertation research? (Adapted from Hathcock & Crews )

Follow the four-step process below:

1. Determine whether you need permission

There are different levels of permissions for using an instrument:

a)  No permission required

i. The copyright holder has explicitly licensed the use of instrument for any purpose, without requiring you to obtain permission.

ii. If you are only using a limited portion of the instrument, your use may be covered under the Fair Use Doctrine. See more here: .

iii. If the instrument was developed by the federal government or under a government grant it may be in the public domain, and permission is therefore not required.

iv. If the document was created before 1977, it may be in the public domain, and permission is therefore not required. See the Stanford Public Domain Flowchart at .

b)  Non-commercial/educational use: The copyright holder has licensed the instrument only for non-commercial research or educational purposes, without requiring you to obtain the permission of the copyright holder. Any other usage requires permission.

Sample Permission for Educational Use:

Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction or distribution of test content is not authorized without written permission from the author and publisher. Always include a credit line that contains the source citation and copyright owner when writing about or using any test.

Source: Marta Soto, “How Permissions Work in PsycTests,” APA Databases & Electronic Resources Blog. American Psychological Association. .

Even if you are not required to obtain permission to use the instrument, consider contacting the author for ideas on how to administer and analyze the test. Authors often welcome further use of their work, and may request you send them a copy of your final work.

c)  Permission required:  Instruments that require you to obtain the permission of the copyright holder, regardless of whether the use is for educational or commercial purposes. This may be because the copyright holder

  • has important directions for how the test must be administered and analyzed
  • wants to make sure the most current version is being used
  • charges users a fee in order to administer the test

If you cannot locate the permissions, you are required to identify the copyright holder and contact them to ask about permission to use the instrument.

2. Identify the copyright holder  (Adapted from Crews )

The next step is to identify who owns the copyright. The copyright holder is usually the creator of the work. If the copyright owner is an individual, you will need to do the usual Internet and telephone searches to find the person. Be ready to introduce yourself and to explain carefully what you are seeking.

Some authors transfer copyright to another entity, such as a journal publisher or an organization. In these cases, you must obtain permission from that entity to use or reproduce the instrument. You can often identify the owner by locating a © copyright notice, but as mentioned above, not all copyrighted works have a notice.

Check the following sources to locate instruments, their copyright holders, and their permission statements:

  • Mental Measurements Yearbook:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=mmt
  • PsycTESTS:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=pst
  • Neumann Library Tests & Measures help:
  • Library assistance e-mail: [email protected]

​You may need to contact the author or publisher directly to find out who owns the copyright. Publishers often have websites that prescribe a method for contacting the copyright owner, so search the publisher website for a permissions department or contact person. Be sure to confirm the exact name and address of the addressee, and call/e-mail the person or publishing house to confirm the copyright ownership.

  • The copyright owner may prefer or require that permission requests be made using a certain medium (i.e. fax, mail, web form, etc.). If you do not follow instructions, you may not get a reply.
  • Telephone calls may be the quickest method for getting a response from the owner, but they should be followed up with a letter or e-mail in order to document the exact scope of the permission. E-mail permissions are legally acceptable in most cases, but getting a genuine signature is usually best.
  • The request should be sent to the individual copyright holder (when applicable) or permissions department of the publisher in question. Be sure to include your return address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and the date at the top of your letter or message. If you send the permission request by mail, include a self-addressed, stamped return envelope.
  • Make the process easy for the copyright owner. The less effort the owner has to put forth, the more likely you will get the permission you need. If you are using conventional mail, include a second copy of your request for the owner’s records.
  • State clearly who you are, your institutional affiliation (e.g., University of Houston-Clear Lake), and the general nature of your thesis/dissertation research.

Do not send permissions letters to all possible rightsholders simultaneously. Taking the time to find the person who most likely holds the copyright will better yield success. If you do not have much information about who actually owns the copyright, be honest with your contacts, and they may be able to help you find the right person.

3. Ask for permission  (Adapted from  Crews )

Once you have identified the copyright holder, you must determine the scope of your permission request. Some copyright owners furnish their own permission form that you may download from their website.

If the copyright owner does not provide a permission agreement form, you may write your own letter ( click here to download a template ). Requests should be made in writing; e-mail is fine for this purpose. A most effective letter will include detailed information concerning your request for permission to use the work. Include the following information:

  • Who: Introduce yourself. Tell who you are, your degree program, and a brief overview of your research.
  • Why: Tell why you are contacting that person or entity for permission.
  • What: Be as specific as possible when you cite and describe the instrument you wish to use. Include whether you plan to use the entire instrument, or if you plan on modifying or adapting any of the questions.
  • How: Tell how you plan to use the instrument. Specify the parameters of your research study, and include any important information about the way you will administer the instrument and/or analyze the results.
  • When: Expected length of the project and time to complete the thesis/dissertation.

Important : Obtaining permission to use an instrument is not the same as obtaining permission to reproduce the instrument in your appendix. If you intend on providing a copy of the instrument in an appendix, ask for separate permissions to do that.

Click here to download a template letter . Feel free to modify and adapt this template for your purposes.

4. Keep a record

After securing permission to use and/or reproduce the instrument, save a copy of the correspondence and the agreement. Documentation allows you to demonstrate to others that you have the legal right to use the owner's work. In the unlikely event that your use of the work is ever challenged, you will need to demonstrate your good faith efforts. That challenge could arise far in the future, so keep a permanent file of the records. Moreover, you might need to contact that same copyright owner again for a later use of the work, and your notes from the past will make the task easier.

Upload a copy of your permission letter in Vireo with your thesis/dissertation, or include it as an appendix in the document itself.

What if I can't locate the copyright holder?  (Adapted from Hathcock  & Crews & Pantalony )

In some cases, you may never get a response from the copyright holder or you may never even be able to identify who they are or how to contact them. It can be difficult to know how to proceed when you reach a dead end. Unfortunately, no matter how diligently you have tried to get permission, these efforts cannot completely eliminate the risk of infringement should you proceed to use the work.

Assuming you have diligently investigated your alternatives, do not want to change your project, and remain in need of the elusive copyright permission, the remaining alternative is to explore a risk-benefit analysis. You need to balance the benefits of using that particular material in your given project against the risks that a copyright owner may see your project, identify the materials, and assert the owner’s legal claims against you. Numerous factual circumstances may be important in this evaluation. The “benefit” may depend upon the importance of your project and the importance of using that particular material. The “risks” may depend upon whether your project will be published or available on the Internet for widespread access—as theses and dissertations will. You ought to investigate whether the work is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office and weigh the thoroughness of your search for the copyright owner and your quest for appropriate permission.

Undertaking this analysis can be sensitive and must be advanced with caution and with careful documentation. You may be acting to reduce the risk of liability, but you have not eliminated liability. A copyright owner may still hold rights to the material. Members of the University of Houston-Clear Lake community should consult with their chair or the Neumann Library to discuss their options.

Portions of this FAQ are used and adapted from:

Crews, Kenneth and Rina Elster Pantalony. “Special Cases.” Columbia University Copyright Advisory Services. . Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Crews, Kenneth. “Asking for Permission.” Columbia University Advisory Services. . Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Hathcock, April. “Getting Permission.” NYU Libraries Copyright Library Guide, . Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).

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Sample Research Work Data Collection Letter for Study purpose

Sample Research Work Data Collection Letter for Study purpose

[It is a Sample Research Work Data Collection Letter for Study purpose. This sample request letter can be used for data collection by university students for research projects of the medical field or University Registrar for the students to collect data from a social work organization. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Dr./Prefessor name…

Job designation, e.g., Director/Project Manager,

Institute/Association name…


Subject: Dental Research Studies Data Collection Request Letter

Dear Dr./Professor,

I am (Your name), working as (job designation, e.g., senior registrar) in the (Department name, e.g., dental section) of (Medical institute name). I and my mentor (Dr./Professor name) who is the (dean/job designation) of research in (Medical institute name) were given the reference to your institute by (another Dr./Professor name) from the community medicine department who recently conducted a survey in your premises. (Describe in your own words).

We are interested to conduct a study involving children (Study type) with special needs with regards to their dental status and oral hygiene (Explain your survey status). We wish to visit your school and examine the students to collect data about caries or any teeth that are missing. (Describe your total plan regarding survey policy). The data collected will help us and others plan better strategies for future prevention of caries and other dental problems for the special children. (Explain on requirements)

Please let me know. I can visit your campus on (date and time) afternoon to discuss the details.

With best regards,

Your name…

Job Designation…

Institute name…

Contact information…

Answer in the Email to the data collection request letter:

Dear (Dr. Name)

Thank you very much for your email dated (DD/MM/YY). Somehow, I received your email today. I am sorry the institute is closed for summer/winter vacationsw.e.f. 1.6.XXXX. However, the institute will re-open for Summer Internship Program from (date). Majority of our students will be present. We may plan your activity during this period after the proper program agreed.

With kind regards,

Institute name…

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Data Collection Application Letter Request from University

Sample request letter for data collection by university students for research projects of medical field. This request letter for data collection is issued by the University Registrar for the students to collection data from a social work organization.

Research Work Data Collection Letter

Dr. Manzoor Director Association Mumbai, India

Subject: Dental Research Studies Data Collection Request Letter

Dear Dr. Manzoor,

I am Dr. Urooj Sami, working as senior registrar in the dental section of FM College of Medicine, and dentistry. Me, and my mentor Dr. Mehreen Akhtar who is the dean of research in FMH were given the reference to your institute by Dr. Sumbal Arif from the community medicine department who recently conducted a survey in your premises.

We are interested to conduct a study involving children with special needs with regards to their dental status, and oral hygiene. We wish to visit your school, and examine the students to collect data about caries, or any teeth that are missing. The data collected will help us, and others plan better strategies for future prevention of caries, and other dental problems for the special children.

Please let me know. I can visit your campus on Wednesday afternoon to discuss the details.

With best regards,

Answer in email to the data collection request letter:

Email from the university for data collection, final email for meeting time, and data collection.

Dear Dr. Rosey Manzoor,

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Home » Letters » Approval Letters » Approval Letter for Data Collection – Sample Letter Requesting Approval for Data Collection in Office

Approval Letter for Data Collection – Sample Letter Requesting Approval for Data Collection in Office

request letter for research data collection

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The HR Manager, ____________ (Name of the company) ____________ (Address of the company)

Date: __/__/_____ (date)

Subject: Approval for data collection (mention subject)

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to most humbly state that, my name is ____________ (name) working as a _________ (designation) in _____________ (name of the department) department.

I write this letter to seek your approval for the data collection regarding the __________________ (mention reason – project/policies/research/development/other). As discussed in the meeting dated __/__/____ (date), we have to work on ___________ (project) so we need to conduct a survey for the data collection to analyze future growth.

Therefore, kindly consider this request for the approval for data collection and approve the same as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience regarding the same.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Yours faithfully, _____________ (Signature) _____________ (Name) _____________ (Designation)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • When seeking approval for data collection, it's important to clearly state the purpose, such as for a project, policies, research, or development.
  • Mentioning details from previous meetings provides context and supports the request for approval.
  • It's advisable to address the HR manager respectfully using "Respected Sir/Madam."
  • Prompt approval is necessary to avoid delays in project timelines and ensure timely data collection.
  • The tone of the letter should be polite and professional, expressing gratitude for the recipient's support and cooperation.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • Sample approval letter to conduct research
  • Data collection approval letter
  • Approval letter

By Rahul Sharma

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  2. Authorization Letter to Collect Documents-01

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  3. Letter To Conduct Research / Request Letter for Data Format

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  4. Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

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  5. (DOC) Letter of Request For Research.docx

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  6. Sample Letter For Requesting Data

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  1. Permission Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

    A Permission request letter for data collection for research is one where someone, such as a college student, is requesting data to complete research work. For instance, if someone is attending university and looking to collect research data, they'd address the letter to the registrar, requesting to have access to the data.

  2. Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

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  3. Sample Permission Letter for Data Collection: Free & Customizable

    I respectfully request your permission to proceed with the data collection. If you agree, please [provide instructions for granting permission, e.g., sign the attached form, reply to this email, etc.]. Thank you for considering this request. Your participation is invaluable to the success of [mention the project or research].

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  6. Request Letter to College Principal for Data Collection for Research

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  8. Letter Of Permission To Conduct Research (5 Samples)

    A Letter of Permission to Conduct Research is a formal request to an individual or organization seeking permission to conduct research. It outlines the purpose, methodology, and ethical considerations of the research project.

  9. 3 Must-Have Templates for Research Permission Letters

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  10. Permission Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

    A permission request letter is one where an individual, organization, or group is requesting permission to perform an act or obtain information. A Permission request letter for data collection for research is one where someone, such as a college student, is requesting data to complete research work.

  11. Research Permission Request Letter

    The editable Research Permission Request Letter is a versatile document template designed to streamline the process of seeking authorization for research activities. Available in MS Word, Google Docs, and Apple Pages formats, this template offers seamless editing and customization options. It caters to both A4 and US letter sizes, ensuring ...

  12. Data Collection Permission Letter: 4 Templates

    Learn how to write a data collection permission letter with four templates. Find out what to include and how to request authorization for using information.

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  14. Data Collection Application Letter Request From University

    "I am writing to request access to data and resources from [University Name] for various academic and research purposes. As a dedicated student in [Your …

  15. Research Guides: Dissertation Format and Submission: Getting Survey

    The request should be sent to the individual copyright holder (when applicable) or permissions department of the publisher in question. Be sure to include your return address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and the date at the top of your letter or message.

  16. Sample Research Work Data Collection Letter for Study purpose

    This sample request letter can be used for data collection by university students for research projects of the medical field or University Registrar for the students to collect data from a social work organization. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.] Date…. Dr./Prefessor name…. Job designation, e.g., Director/Project ...

  17. Data Collection Application Letter Request from University

    Sample request letter for data collection by university students for research projects of medical field. This request letter for data collection is issued by the University Registrar for the students to collection data from a social work organization.

  18. Request Letter for Data Collection for Research

    In this video, you will find a sample request letter to The Principal For Data Collection Research.

  19. Request Letter for Data Collection

    Request Letter for Data Collection - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Request data collection for research proposal

  20. Sample Letter To Requesting Data Collection

    The letter is a request from 4th year computer engineering students at Don Honorio Ventura State University conducting a research study on designing an automated pili nut sorter and sheller using image processing technology. They are requesting consent from Embile's Raw Pili Nuts to obtain information for their study. The students assure the company that all privacy regulations will be followed.

  21. Letter for Data Collection for Research

    Request Letter for Data Collection for Research - Sample Application For Data Collection For Research. In this video, you will find sample request letter for collection of data for the research.

  22. Approval Letter for Data Collection

    When drafting a letter seeking approval for data collection, clarity and politeness are essential. Begin by addressing the HR manager respectfully and state your name, designation, and department. Clearly mention the reason for data collection, such as for a project, research, or development purposes. Provide any relevant details discussed in previous meetings to support your request. Politely ...

  23. Authorization Letter For Data Collection

    Authorization Letter for Data Collection - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document contains three requests from a lecturer, Salma Akther, to organizations on behalf of students who need data and information for term reports. The first request is to the Dhaka Stock Exchange on behalf of two students from Jagannath University. The ...

  24. SPRINT Call for Proposals 2/2024

    5.4. The grant can only be used for the exchange of researchers, visits for research planning, participation in workshops, and initial data collection activities to maintain research collaboration and its consolidation. 5.5. Requests for budget alterations will not be analysed due to available resources destined for the Call, 5.5.1.